(Archived document, may contain errors) May31,1990 A $l30 BWON NGTAX PREscRIpllON FORTRE BUDGET DEZTU'I George Bush and congressional leader s are engaged in negotiations to deal with the federal budget deficit, which is descriied by many policy mak ers as a "crisis" that threatens the health of the national economy. Many members of Congress are urging the Resident to "show leadership" by rais ing taxes. And Bush has announced that he might be willing to forsake his most solemn political pledge, to abandon his "no new taxes promise."
social security. it is interesting that you bring up the whole balance between spending and revenue. the spending bill arrived in the senate offices includes 6,400 pork barrel items comes to about $8 billion. here is what senators thune and cornyn said. we could have passed appropriation bills in july and september. the idea of dropping this bill on december 14 and trying to jam it through again is reminisce sent of the health care bill. harry reid was worried about getting home for his re-election. didn t want to take up anything with a hint of controversy. this is a terrible way to run a government. karen, aren t senators given what the american people were saying about their concern over the nation s budget, wouldn t they be a little embarrassed to tuck in these earmarks for these special groups back in their districts? well, sure, of course.