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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140502 23:00:00

white house cover up revealed. you can see it tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, saturday 10:00 p.m. eastern and sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. that is it for this special report. fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now. this is all on the record. stone walled. memory loss at the white house. this was like two years ago. dude, really? on the record searches for answers in benghazi. plus union thugs intimidating care takers of the disabled. one woman taking her fight to the supreme court. i don t want to be forced to join a union. and you can t miss this. ivanka trump on the record tonight. that first big development in benghazi. speaker of the house john boehner announcing the house will form a select committee to investigate the benghazi atta s attacks. also the oversight committee announcing it will subpoena secretary of state john kerry.
good evening, sir. good evening, how are you? good. what do you think about this select committee? i m glad the speaker did it. i had called for it several months ago despite the pact that i m on one of the committees of jurisdiction. i think 20 months is too long to get answers to questions and i think with the ben rhodes memo that was the straw that broke the camel s back with respect to the speaker. not only are we trying to get questions with respect to benghazi we re also investigating what appears to be a white house cover up and one of the worst explaza magss for why they din turn the document over is i think the speaker just finally lost his patience. i m glad he did what he did. what difference does this make? how does this make a big difference in the investigation? well, instead of having the department of defense with armed services i mean, we were so pigeon holed or fragmented. foreign affairs has jurisdiction
over the state department. armed services over the department of defense. oversi oversight fills in the gaps. if you want to have them all sitting at the same table, you need a committee that has the power to do that and a select committee would have the power. it crosses all jurisdictional boundaries. you have subpoena power and you can work in a really coordinated effort and, you know, i think our chairmen have done the best job they can do but you have a tendency to stick within your own and we need somebody to cross the lines. we need the lines to disappear frankly. secretary of state john kerry has been subpoenaed by house oversight. why? well, greta, if you go back and read some of the old quotes and i know administration officials hate it when we go back and read what they said a year ago but a year ago he said with respect to benghazi if you re having any trouble getting information let me know.
well, mr. secretary, we re going to let you know. we re not getting the information. this e-mail we should have gotten is it bureaucracy or hiding it? well, i have evidence that not only are they hiding it but there s an intent to hide it. i can t disclose that evidence yet but i have evidence that there was a systematic intention mall decision to with hold certain documents from congress and we re just sick of it. so we re going to get him to come explain why we re getting documents 20 months late. all right. are you going to be on this select committee? the speaker is going to make that decision. do you want to be? here s what i can tell you if he thinks i m one of the best questioners in congress. what i told him today is you need to put the best questioners. the best investigators in congress on that select committee. i think jimmy jordan is great. the speaker can decide whether he thinks an old washed up
prosecutor from south carolina is good or not but i m going to help the committee regardless of what position if any i have. i will volunteer to be a summer intern because i want the family members of those four victims, each of whom i promised i will get you the truth, i want to be able to keep that promise. all right. congressman, i want to play a sound bite for you. this is president obama today answering a question about the crisis in ukraine and listen carefully, sir. the notion that this is some spontaneous uprising in eastern ukraine is by all the evidence of well organized trained, armed militias with the capacity to shoot down helicopters, generally local protestors don t possess that capacity of surface to air missiles or whatever weapons were used to shoot down helicopters. do you think he wants a do over on that or not? you know what, if you didn t
know better you would think that he was a republican member of the house describing what happened in benghazi. the only thing he left out is the protestors were using densive moves, military moves that have to be trained. i am stunned that he said that about the ukraine when the evidence is just as good if not better with respect to the attack in benghazi. i m sure he would like to rephrase that answer to the question. do you think his staff gasped? it is a description of benghazi that so many people said that the fire power on the ground in benghazi was significant power. it wasn t just a bunch of fire crackers or something. i think his staff has been gasping a lot lately. when you have someone that s supposed to be a professional communications person sounded like that using the word dude and when you have them trying to say a memo was not benghazi when
you produced it in response to a subpoena about benghazi. they have been gasping a lot this week. congressman, thank you, sir. if you hear any news about this select committee, do let us know. yes, ma am. but you do the same. if you hear something you let me know, okay? i will, indeed. yes, ma am. now the one the congressman just mentioned is from last night s special report. to say former white house spokesman down played the benghazi talking points controversy is a giant understatement. did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points. maybe. i don t really remember. you don t remember. dude, this was like two years ago. dude, it s what everybody is talking about. so think about this one, in 2004, he was driving an obama campaign bus for the press. in 2012 as they were losing their lives being murdered he was in the situation room and
the president was not. joining us our political panel, john, i wouldn t make that remark about he s not in the situation room, maybe he could be in the oval office. but the fact is that they haven t told us where he was. so even so it s a good question. so that s part of the big question. what exactly was the president doing the night of the attack? did we do everything we could to save these people. the other scandal on the other hand is did the administration mislead or high about a terrorist attack in order to further political or ideological narrative that suited their needs. i think the way he responded last night with the dude, it was so juvenile it almost seems as if he didn t understand the seriousness of the question. we had four people murdered and he s worried about dude, it was two years ago and the e-mail, if it was directed the rhodes e-mail was more
worried about policy than dead people but that s what i thought. he didn t help the cause. the most interesting part of the interview was when he played the cia s testimony of saying we didn t blame this on the video and they said where did it come from? he said newspapers. someone decided to take what happened in a newspaper over our own intelligence. or the chief on the ground for the cia. dude. yes i only go by dude now. but it s a classic, again, if you re about doing communications strategy which is you re in a defensive position which is where tommy was the answer is to make it seem like not such a big deal. you guys are blowing this out of proportion. you guys are spending that much time on it. we aren t spending that much time on it. it s hard to win that battle when there s four dead people. if there s four people killed that day in downtown washington it would still be front page
news in the washington post if it was unsolved. would it be. yeah. would be. but there s the sense at a this has been the white house contention on so many issues. it s not just dealing on this issue but everything else which is the media is going to turn something into this big side show. we re not going to get sucked into it. we don t want to be part of that narrative. we re just going to make it look like you guys are the problem. is it benghazi select committee any big deal? well, the democrats don t want it to be portrayed that way. harry reid said this is nothing but rekindling a bedunked right wing conspiracy theory. they want to portray it that way. who can it hurt the most? president obama isn t running again but hilary clinton might and she was secretary of state. what was she doing at the time? the sper view last night first
came to my mind the 2008 campaign by hilary clinton. the 3:00 a.m. phone call. who is going to be ready to take that 3:00 a.m. call? the president wasn t even in the situation room during a major emergency. the 23-year-old aid who doesn t believe this is important at all. and there are four dead americans including the first ambassador killed since 1979. he said well it s just old news. i don t know why it happens in politics it s okay to give up the investigation and i think essentially that s where we re at. but let me ask you another question. i want to add tommy veitor and the interview is picking up steam online. i tweeted this, is bret baier changing his twitter name to dude and he said i think i ll leave it. next time carny uses bush as an excuse respond, dude, that was 5
years ago. and tommy himself chiming in. no doubt that bret baier is a good dude. thanks for having me on. should he be the news dude from now on? i think the whole thing was what happened on social media. first the dude comment and then the throw back thursday. he made a comment that going on and talking about benghazi is part of the throw back thursday agenda and that is inappropriately making light of such a serious situation. this can only backfire. going to john s point too about well, both of yours about the select committee and what are they going to find? the bigger problem right now for the administration even though the president is not up, his party, and his approval ratings impact those on the ballot this year. when you look at and this is an old poll now and the last time the washington post asked the
question do you think that republicans are raising a legitimate concern or is this just political posturing, americans were split. but when you asked do you think the obama administration is honestly disclosing what it knows or covering something up? 55% said covering up. that s the bigger issue right now which is the e-mail itself, the content of it is almost not as important as the fact that it looks like there were other e-mails there and that s what we re going to get into and that becomes a bigger problem for the administration. and i think what was really striking was how the interview last night really displayed how much hilary clinton was at the center. as the attack was on going she issued a statement citing the video. the weekend before susan rice went on the sunday shows she gave a speech as the four bodies were laying there and talks about this video. we know from the e-mails that the reason they massaged the talking points is there were concerns about policy and messaging from the state department leadership. who is that? hilary clinton and those closest
to her. in the state of confusion and terrorism is a state of confusion, everyone is uncertain is once the dust settled is you still have president obama going on david letterman and going on the view and not explaining to joy when she asked about the video, they r talking video. go figure. thank you. cheryl atkinson has been all over the story from the beginning. there s still a story to be told. do they want to talk? where are they? who is talking to them? why have we heard from them? we re trying to reach them and get them to come forward. i hear some are about to or want to and i do think there s still stories to be told from military officials. i have spoken to some of them who have some firsthand knowledge of events that took place that night and it s just a lot of pressure not to come forward. fear of doing so. fear of careers. fear of a will the of things.
this is always to the point, the whole idea with the video and sort of dragging their feet providing information was that a political calculus because this was two months before the was up for re-election or was this just a giant blunder in a government? it s hard to say without documentation but if i were working the obama campaign 8 weeks before the election and i saw what looked to be north africa and this region blowing up at embassies in the middle east and north africa i would be concerned at how this was going to be portrayed or exploited by the opposition coming into the campaign and i would be working on developing strategies to mitigate that. i m sure we can assume that happened. how about the families of the four killed. one mother is outspoken and terribly distressed. i m sure the others were like wise but haven t been so vocal. are they still are they complaining or are they speaking out or are they grieving and
dealing with their loss? i haven t spoken to any of them lately but two families in particular are desperately unhappy and feel like the promises to get to the bottom of it and chemothem informed haven t been full filled. ambassador steven s mother wants all of it to be put to rest and doesn t want it to be points higher lit si politizis ed. they don t want his death used as political football. she has written something and says to her it s about the white house using the intelligence community for its own political purposes and lying to the american public in order to win elections. it s about abuse of power and that s the big deal. rather them do it now as opposed to using it as an effort to maintain an election and the intelligence community. we do know another unanswered question is that the deputy cia director was working with the white house on revising the talking points in a way that he
said would not embarrass the state department. he said the cia was trying to do in making some of its own disclosures. why would morell making changes to the talking point that differ with his then boss, why isn t the head of the cia doing this? why is the deputy director able to overrule him? why is the white house working with him on this effort to massively overhaul those talking points? i think there are a lot of unexplained things that we still need to know answers to. we both live in washington. if there are four unsolved murders in georgetown right now from september 11th, 2012 it would still be front page news at the washington post and other places. yeah, i think. this is not front page news. i would say regardless of the spin from the opinion blogs that get picked up and they re trying to counter this story because their surrogates are representing those they feel are being accused, despite that spin, a neutral look at this story will look at it as a very
important story in history. when it s looked back upon and the journalist those of us that didn t cover it as aggressively as i think we should have won t be viewed kindly in a neutral view of history down the road. does the administration know who did it and where they are? they do know who did it and they do know where they are. why are efforts being made to get them? to pick them up or do something? they are it s my information they re waiting and they re waiting. there s sensitivities with, they feel, moving into another sovereign nation and taking actions that they feel could either put troops in danger or stir up even more trouble by doing so. i think they re trying to be very careful. their feeling is from what i understand, they think time is on their side. they will eventually get the people that were responsible. they don t have to rush it and they don t have to create a political crisis or put people in too much danger. shayrl, thank you very much.
thank you. a mother that takes care of a disabled son taking on the union. why she s taking them to the supreme court, next. and next up, advice to president obama. he may not want to listen but he should. my advice off the record, of course. coming up. [ male announcer ] staples has everything you need to get your client s attention. from brochures to business cards to banners. everything. except your client s attention. thousands of products added every day to, even bullhorns. how much? [ male announcer ] staples. make more happen. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? a mouth breather! [ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that?
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lesl lelesrelentle relentlessly. thank you for having me. your son is 27 years old and how disabled is he? he has a significant disability. he is 25 years old and has a rare genetic disorder which effects his cognition, his physical abilities as well as his emotional abilities. all right. so now you get some financial assistance from medicaid so that makes you a state employee and then once that happens suddenly there were unions at your door. is that correct? when governor quinn signed the executive order in june of 2009 he tried to declare us moms and dads state employees solely for the purpose of unionization without giving any state
employees benefits or protection. and then he gave our names and our home addresses them and when asked for them, he gave them the list as well. this was how we learned of the executive order when they came knocking at our door. all right. now, why don t you want to be a member of that union? well, first of all, i firmly believe that not one cent of the medicaid funding intended to provide support for adults with developmental disabilities should be given to the union. i don t want it to be a union work place. i don t want a union contract between my son and i. you have taken this all the way to the supreme court and you re waiting for the supreme court to rule whether or not you have to be a member of the union. is that right? exactly. we have asked the supreme court to determine if governor quinn
was wrong in trying to declare us state employees solely for the purpose of unionization. well, i hate to say i know how tough it is to take care of a sick family member and i regret that anybody has any added controversy. i hate to see you have to go through this as well pamela. we ll wait to see. the supreme court will make the decision by the end of june. we ll see what they ll do. that s right. thank you. thank you, pamela. up next, ivanka trump. you ll have to hear what this successful business woman has to say about the latest job news. on the record next. also i ll take you off the record. i have advice for president obama just in time for tomorrow night s white house correspondent s dinner. that advice will be off the record. coming up. taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i m feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief!
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well, you all know her. we know her. ivanka trump. she is an extremely successful
business woman. unemployment rate dropping to 6.8%. but now the important question what kind of jobs are being created. according to the national employment law project there s more lower wage jobs han the prerecession higher paid ones. nice to see you. boy, that s grim news for people that lost their jobs and are having to go out and get jobs and they re lower paying. what do you think? i think it s a problem and it s evidenced by the numbers we re seeing in terms of even the 6.3%. i m not sure that anyone is really smart enough to understand what that number means and how that number is being calculated and i have a feeling it s a whole lot higher than the 6.3%. but there s a big issue. there s a big issue that s happening where a lot of our talent is being deported out of the country. people who are getting educations, many young people i know, you know, it s not 20 years ago when people graduated from college they would have never thought to pick up and move to asia to work. now, you know, the next
generation of americans are thinking about their opportunities around the globe in a very global context and there s a lot of people leaving and very talented people that are leaving because of the uncertainty of this country and because of the tax regimes that we re subject too and many of the other challenges facing young entrepreneurs as they re contemplating starting business. a more optimistic note. you do a lot of big projects and employ a lot of people. what are the projects you re working on. a lot. we have a hotel company that s the fastest growing hotel company in the world. we ll have hotels by 2020. two of which are very exciting projects of ours that we have under construction now. the famous old post office building on pennsylvania avenue in washington d.c. which we are converting to a super luxury hotel with gorgeous ballrooms and banquet facilities that will be open in summer of 2016. we also are finishing off a
renovation, $250 million renovation at the iconic resort in miami florida. so 800 acres right in the heart of miami. we have rebranded it. we have our hands full and tons of projects around the globe from rio to vancouver to china. you do a lot in the development part of the trump enterprise. what do you like most about your job? one of the things that s amazing about real estate development is that there are so many different skill sets you can bring.interesting. there s the finance element of putting together a transaction. there s the acquisition component. the creative element of having a vision and bringing that vision to fruition and then i think for people that love development there s the tangible nature of it. this isn t trading stocks and bonds that you never actually touch and feel. this is building something that exists long after you. so one of the amazing things as we build hotels, we build golf
courses, obviously very high end condominiums is you watch people using them and enjoying them after the fact and it s amazing. all right. go ahead. no, i was just going to ask you instagramed a picture of you having fun with your two children. they re not smiling. you re having fun with the picture. what happened. my daughter, i have to instruct her not to smile mord to get her to smile for a photo. with her everything is a negotiation and she s only two. joseph is a happy little baby these days. but we have fun. i love instagram but sometimes i forget that everyone actually sees it. i know, that s funny. let me ask you a question i always ask your father. is he going to run for president or do you want him to run for president? well, as an american, i would love for him to run for president. he is incredibly smart. incredibly knowledgeable. he has had tremendous
experiences which would prepare him for the challenge. as a daughter, it s more complicated. obviously it s a very tough life and the political one is a challenge. but i think he would be a phenomenal president and one of the things that i think is key is he has strong viewpoints but he always listens. so i think that s something we don t see enough of in politics. he s always asking questions. he s always listening and always interested in what other people have to say. ivanka thank you. i hope you ll come back. you re a little hard to catch up with. thank you. any time for you greta. thank you. thank you. now it s time to show you what we are watching. we put together the most amazing pictures and videos out there tonight. take a look. a squirrel caught on camera going nuts. literally. it all started with a 17-year-old tourist visiting a park in florida. he started to take a selfie next
to the squirrel but then the camera flashed and the squirrel got spooked and climbed on to the teen s shirt and hung on to his back. mow that s a selfie. and a time-out at a softball game. running on the field and stealing two players gloves. that s something you don t see every day. and he goes and gets gloves. now he s stolen the left fielder s glove. that s really something you don t see every day. he s wreaking havoc on this game. the dog giving back the gloves and running back to his owner. that s what we re watching tonight. if you want to see more of the videos we just showed you, i know you go, go online. but these photos creepy. but a clever photographer is sneaking into a deserted shopping mall for a reason. what story is he trying to tell about america s cities?
he s here to tell you next. plus i m going to talk to you off the record. i have advice for president obama. he may want to listen to it before the white house correspondent s dinner. i ll tell you what it is off the record of course. coming up. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn t fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams
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parts of the country. and i started sharing them across my social media site like instagram and facebook and i got quite a response from it. what do you do? sneak into abandoned shopping centers and start shooting away? i shifted my first project was autopsy of america. i went all over to different buildings and structures, hospitals, homes. i wanted to focus on something that they would connect with more. i started to come across abandoned shopping malls and i thought that would be a real powerful symbol so i started doing that late in 2013 until just up until 3 or 4 weeks ago. is it hard to find subjects or is this every place you turn around with your camera there s another abandoned building that was decayed? it would almost seem that way sometimes. i go to some of the worst areas of the country and my city has been hit pretty hard, cleveland, as far as population loss, loss of manufacturing jobs over the
last several years and even up in 2013 we re the only major metropolitan city that lost jobs in 2013. so it s been a challenge for us i think. what s hit you the hardest? when you go through these buildings and these houses? what s hit you the hardest? it s emotional for me. my father is a long time auto worker in the area. and to see the devastation, when you go to like gary indiana or even cleveland, detroit, it s emotional. i remember growing up at these malls and these structures where it was filled with people and a once thriving and vibrant economy just kind of shattered literally. so it s, you know, it s emotional for me. breaking down sometimes. it s hard to see. seth, these photos are just indescribable. they re unbelievable and tell such an incredible story. thank you for joining us. thanks greta, appreciate it. first white house press secretary getting flippant with the media about benghazi and now
nancy pelosi and while she s at it, leader pelosi slamming the gop. benghazi, benghazi, you can sit around and talk about benghazi but the fact is that s what they don t want to talk about, jobs, growth, immigration reform, voting rights, you name it. is benghazi no big deal? look, i think if it s about the talking points, most of america has decided that they want to get to other things. but i also think the administration because of the way it drags this stuff out instead of just pushing all of these e-mails and stuff out like last year and getting them all out there has sort of let this happen this way. you know, the way the white house has handled this is sort of the flippant. especially the guy last night saying it s been two years. four people were murdered. it s like, let s not forget that and investigations are supposed
to be aggressive until they get solved. it s like instead they re in defense mode. yeah and they re treating this like the partisan attack they see it to be. but the problem is the opposite of that given there are four americans that lost their lives and there s unanswered questions about why they weren t defended. i don t think they view it s still an open question about and i don t really view the talking points as a big issue. nine or ten or 15 days or a month later, whatever day it was, the president said benghazi was an act of terror. they were wrong. do you know, it was bizarre. and i think that s what stick with people. what was the point. there are four dead bodies. it s terrorism and they were all singing this other tune about some video and it s just bizarre. i agree with that. what i m saying is the real issue here is why did an
ambassador have little or no real security in a place like lybia or septembn september 11t that goes back to the august 16th classified cable that catherine harris reported on. that s all i m trying to say. for me, i really wish that that was where the focus is. the focus on the e-mail from rhodes where he got an e-mail from the cia deputy director a few hours earlier. it s all like i don t know who did those talking points or why, but i really think it s kind of a it really is kind of an issue that s really not as important as some of the other things that we should be we should be getting to the bottom of. it makes me suspicious when people start hiding things. but who knows. maybe we ll find out. we ll fine out or whatever but joe, thank you. thank you. this is absolutely horrible.
more than 300 teen girls kidnapped from their dorm taken by armed islamic militants. nobody knows if they have been murdered or sold into slavery or marriage. so what is being done to find them? the latest is next. let s see what you got? rv covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. ahoy, mateys. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. van with airbrushed fire-breathing dragons. ah! check. thank you. the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that s progressive.

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kidnapped. armed islamic militants draggling them away from their school in nigeria. 276 are still missing. heather, this story is practically unglues me it s so awful. everyone in the capitol is distraught. what s the latest. do they even know where these girls are? whether they re alive? is this ransom for real? i don t know about the ransom. we have gotten reports from the field about ransom requests and also the militants actually trying to sell the girls for wives for as little as $12. but all of those report unconfirmable. the latest is now the number of girls is growing. originally we were told it was 129 girls kidnapped. now they re saying it was almost 300 and most of them are still missing.
how were they kidnapped? out of a dormitory in the middle of the night? no, apparently these girls were all in school. and the militants came to them dressed in uniform and told them there was going to be an attack. and this area is very volatile. it would be very easy for them to believe there would be a with the exception of two who were reportedly killed by snake bites, but there s no photographs or details or actual confirmation of this either. are the ones who kidnapped them? is it islamic militants proven
or suspected? that s suspected. there s no other group in nigeria who would be suspected, and this group has in the past kidnapped women to use as their wives, as cooks, stuff like that. heather, thank you very much. i think there s a profoundly important story that everyone needs to pay attention to because this is absolutely cruel and awful. thank you. thank you so much. okay, let s go off the record. i have some advice for president obama. i know, he probably says he doesn t need it, but he might want to listen to this. tonight is the white house correspondents dinner. he s the guest of honor. he will be the roast of the media. that s what all the guests are supposed to do, roast the media, and yes, be funny. we ve had funny moments. laura bush stole the show in 2005. i said to him the other day,
george, if you really want to end tyranny in the world, you re going to have to stay up later. and president clinton was always funny. for $10,000, you can have a private meeting with vice president gore to discuss reinventing government. and for $20,000, you don t have to go. and president reagan. i remember the story of the fellow here a while ago running for congress as a republican. he stopped by a farm to do campaigning, when the farmer heard he was a republic nl, his job dropped and he said wait right here while i get ma. she s never seen a republican before. and president obama. i wasn t sure i should actually come tonight. biden talked me into it. he leaned over and he said, mr. president, this is no
ordinary dinner. this is a big [ bleep ] meal. and president bush 43. ladies and gentlemen, here i am. here i am at another one of these dang press dinners. i m absolutely delighted to be here. as is laura. she s hot. muy caliente. but the speechwriters went way too far at the correspondents dinner one year, making fun of not finding weapons of mass destruction in iraq.
those weapons of mass destruction got to be somewhere. nope, no weapons over there. okay, some laughed, but it really wasn t funny, at all. so here s my advice to president obama. no benghazi jokes. there s absolutely nothing funny about benghazi. not even a smidgen of humor. that s my advice, and that s my off the record comment tonight. if you have an important story, issue you think i should take off the wire, tell us about it. and panic and fear under the streets of a major u.s. city. a crowded subway derails. the latest is next. capitato make it happen? that makes it real?
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the rest evacuated through an emergency exit. and fox news announcing donald sterling is fighting prostate cancer. meantime, the nba is moving forward with its effort to get sterling to sell the clippers. the nba has banned him if life from for his racist rant. no, it s not the beatles. it s the royals. princes william and harry arriving in nashville. cameras catching them as they walked into a tennessee restaurant for a prewedding dinner. now to the u.k., british police launching a hunt, looking for five monkeys stolen from a zoo. some of the monkeys are endangered species and police warn the thieves may try to sell them. thanks. we ll see you monday night. right now, speaker newt gingrich
and i have a joint poll question. go and vote on our joint poll question. up next, the o reilly factor. good night from washington, d.c. the o reilly factor is on. tonight diversion subterfuge. benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. whyerant we talking about something else? benghazi is a corpse. they tried to rouse it today, and it fell right back down. so the democratic excuse making begins, as evidence pointed to a white house benghazi cover-up mounts, will the main stream media help the left downplay the story? we ll tell you. i hope jeb runs. i think he would be a great president. does likely presidential contender jeb bush have what it takes to topple democratic darling hillary

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140508 23:00:00

edition of politics nation growing hope, live from the sweet auburn festival in downtown atlanta. we ll look at ways we can all give back to our communities and improve the lives of people around us. we hope to see you there. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton, hardball starts right now. a tail of dark sposs. let s play hardball. good evening. let s start with the right wing efforts to scare off people with benghazi and scare off minorities who might vote democrat without outright voter suppression.
this is aimed at the elections this november, obviously. one, drive up the suspicious right, including the second amendment people by saying the ghovt is lying to them about the death of u.s. diplomats, about the irs, about fast and furious to catch cross border drug dealers. two, change and restrict voter laws to discourage and confuse democratic voters. bottom line, a big republican victory this november. a veritable thumping of the democrats, set setting the stage of two years of administration frustration and obama hatred that seeds right up until the 2016 election. let s start with the conspiracy mongering here in washington to betray those serving the country overseas. who in the words of john baldwin, leaving americans to die at the hands of terrorists. to cheat conservative groups out of their tax dollars, and in some underhanded way, be in
cahoots of the international drug trade. the goal, ramrod the republican base to the polls. michael steele was chairman of the republican party. joan walsh is editor at large of salon. house speaker john baner who green lighted the benghazi select committee laid out the gop strategy yesterday. it s about stoking conspiracies to get the truth. when is the administration going to tell the american people the truth? they have not told them the truth about benghazi. they not told the truth about the irs. they have not told the truth about fast and furious. now, only one would have to guess if they re not willing to tell the american truth, it must not be very pretty. democrats are criticizing the republican effort to score political points by stoking these conspiracy theorys. let s listen to congressman elijah cummings on the house vote to hold former irs official
lois lerner in contempt of congress. this is unprecedented even in the mccarthy era. even in that era, it failed. i wonder where we re going here. let s hear hillary clinton on the house selection committee of benghazi. benghazi, the new investigation. are you satisfied with the answers? and are you content with what you know what happened? absolutely. i mean, of course there are a lot of reasons why despite all of the hearings, all of the information that s been provided some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward, that s their choice. and i do not believe there is any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the congress. let me go to michael steele, former republican national chairman. it seems to me the message here
just to get it straight is a broad conspiracy that all the democrats do on all the issues that seem to matter is to hide stuff. it s all about hiding stuff. hiding ben gas zi, hiding irs, hiding on this fast and furious campaign with a particular goal of going to the hardest right, the gun people. it seems to me to be playing to the fringe. this is people who will vote prawn if they do vote. this is to get them out to vote and angry. you re driving your base. just as we ve seen democrats do in the past. and event to meant the left to drive home that base on a
particular issue. i don t see the hyper sensitive to what republicans are doing in that instance. it all plays itself out ultimately in the end. you ve got to get through a primary process an you got to figure out how once you lay down these markers you either deliver the goods or you re going to get the rath of the voters who reject your political play. it s a political risk, but that s where the politics are. i think it s completely risky but i think you do, too. ultimately. what do you think of this whole strategy of basically alerting, igniting, turning on, exciting, scaring up, whatever, the right wing, the far right who are very suspicious of government, period, no matter who s running it, who are willing to believe the irs is evil.
they re concerned about louing their guns to anybody. john bald sin is saying we killed out in the field. it s vicious stuff and i think boehner is being coached in how to sell it. he obviously is. for john boehner to be bringing up fast and furious at this point really smacks of desperation at this point. the whole conspiracy has eric holder in ka hoots with the gun control people to set this up to eventually have a big takeaway of guns. that s at the bottom of what they re upset about fast and furious. holy concocted on the fringe of the right and nurtured by fox news. john boehner shouldn t be talking about fast and furious. he shouldn t be talking about any of this, but that in particular. i just have to say one thing to my friend michael. yes, we want to get out our base. but when harry reid talks about the koch brothers they are oligarcs pouring millions of
dollars into our political process in large measure to line their own pockets. they re not lining deeply right-wing agenda. that s not a lie. the rest of this is based on lies. are we now calling robert gates a lion? leon pi n leon panetta a liar? the benghazi stuff is really, really dirty. the koch brother is doing what everybody is doing on the left. and they re doing it through their wallets, through political action commit feeps they re doing it in very legal ways. you can buy it or not buy it. that s your prerogative. the same in terms of what the parties are talking about more broadly. i get on one level there may be concerned about how we do some of the stuff or do we push that envelope as far as we should. but there are 12i8 still substantive questions on all the issues that should be discussed. what are they? you have the floor, michael. i want to ask you this. do you believe leon panetta, a
credible moderate democrat, do you think he went out there to kill chris stevens? me let him lie in the field? of course not. do you believe that loi lois lerner who is a bureaucrat was sitting there talking to the obama people about how to screw the right wing? do you believe she s in cahoots with the that we re still investigating, chris. we don t know. she hasn t told us. she is a federal employee probably for life and you re y saying she s can i just say something about don t use that word with me. that says something that you re not a stoner. don t start talking like one. go ahead, joan. here s theling about loi lois lerner. she exercised her fifth amendment right, we all have them. eli january cummings talked about this. her lawyer made a proffer to darrell issa s committee and the committee that congressman cummings sits on. he was willing to give a vague outline of what she knows to talk about some kind of
possible, you know, protection from prosecution. they wouldn t even go there with her. they were much more interested in a witch hunt and a trial. you don t get to say to the congress of the united states on something like this, oh, we ll just tell you vaguely what we were doing. not vaguely. you just used that determine. the cavalry has arrived on the democratic side which it rarely does. we ve caught him. the american people have caught the republicans making money on this. and this is something that s not up for debate, right? the national republican campaign committee is out there raising money on the house select committee hear on benghazi with an e-mail that reads, quote, stand with congressman trey gowdy, the benghazi select committee as we fight for the truth about what happened with the benghazi attack. help fight liberals by donating today. using benghazi, including one from super hog john bolton.
here s how politico describes it. a john bolten e-mail accused obama, clinton and leon panetta ofrefusing to admit leaving americans to die at the house of terrorists. and elijah cummings called on speaker boehner to end republican fundraising off the benghazi probe. they have been using the deaths of these four americans for political campaign fundraising. i call the speaker of the house to end that process right now. with all due respect, if the republicans want to fix the problems with their partisan investigation, they need more than just a new chairman.
i have tremendous respect for mr. gowdy, and i m glad that he said the fundraising should not be done on the deaths of these four people. and i hope that the republican conference will finally agree with that. we are better than that! here s the question, are they or aren t they? house speaker boehner was questioned rather well by luke russert of nbc about whether it was appropriate to raise money over the deaths of americans overseas. by the way, one of these fundraisers asked for $500 for the four dead americans. it was ruthless. here s luke res sert going after boehner asking if he thinks it s appropriate. speaker boehner, should the nrcc fundraise off your earths with the select committee? our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. period. is. but should the nrcc, they re fundraising off of it right now? is that the right thing to do? our focus is getting the
truth of these four families of the american people. o. the campaign committee, which you are very involved in is fundraising off of this. why is that happening? our focus is getting the truth for the american people and four families. no controlling legal authority. why didn t he answer the question? let s put it out here. he should back up his chairman of the select committee, congressman gowdy is absolutely right. there should be no fundraising on this issue. it is disrespectful to the deceased. it is disrespectful to their families. and it is disrespectful to the process that the republican leadership wants to pursue. so if you re serious about the impact of benghazi, then show it by pulling back off fundraising. you re going to raise your money. you don t have to the chairman of the republican national committee says it s wrong to raise money off of benghazi. yes.
i support chairman gowdy 100% on this. he s absolutely right. and the leadership need to back him up. this is a stunning abdication of leadership by john boehner, seriously. but it goes back to when he once said it wasn t his business to tell the american people or the members what to think whether the president was born in this country. for him not to back up trey gowdy to say of course we re not going to fundraise on this and i want to stop, it s stunning he wouldn t do that. you re one of these reporters who keeps your file cabinet in your head the whole time. you remember, you re so good at remembering it, you re right. and by the way, i m sure chairman reince preibus wi everything you say on this. it s horrible, it s ridiculous. morm morally, it s absurd.
michael, you caught them on it better than i could. new republican restrictions were going to make it harder for people to vote. in north carolina, we talked about scaring up votes. they re scaring it away. wee got signs now as of the primaries this week in north carolina, a state i ve come to love, they re screwing people out of voting and it s already working. plus, a school assignment, believe this or not in 2014, asking eighth graders out in california to write whether the holocaust was real. was it just an ignorant assignment or evidence that holocaust denyability is gaining ground in schools? finally, let me finish to night with how nasty campaigns can come back to bite you.
it comes two days after establishment republicans fend off tea party challengers. but the story behind the headline is not good for progressives. despite its cent setback, the tea party has pushed the republican party so far to the right that the party s establishment candidates are in turn becoming more palatable to its hard right. so the right is getting together. we ll be right back. here at lifk doing our thing: protecting you in ways your credit card company alone can t. get lifelock protection and live life free.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. we know you do so much more. and yet, there s someone around the office who hasn t had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i m looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. the republicans have launched a nationwide assault to
suppress the votes of blacks and other groups likely to vote democrats. there s a frightening new look at the early fruits of those efforts. the state s new laws which the new york times has called the country s most sweeping restrictions on voting in the country were in effect for the first time this tuesday and the results were not pretty. while most of the severe parts of the law don t kick in for a couple of years, not until 2016, election watchdogs on the ground in north carolina are already noticing some disturbing trends. new realities. i according to a summary of monitoring work, quote, the law s disqualifications of votes cast in the wrong precinct caused major confusion. the state s campaign to inform voters about the upcoming id requirement was carried out in a wildly inconsistent manner. when the law kicks into full gear, this is me talking, it will likely only get worse. of course that s the point. republicans in the state have passed the law last year. eliminates same-day voter
registrati registration, kills a popular programs to preregister high school students and slashes early voting. a and there are voter id laws. if republicans have the way, what s happening in north carolina will be coming to a city near you. eugene robinson is a political analyst and pulitzer prize winning columnist with the washington post. and brian pearlmudder is with the voter defender project. brian, i want to start with you on the ground. what was your reaction? how do you assess the results of the voter laws as they re affecting the finds of voters and minds of voters and the good people trying to vote? we had over 300 people on the ground in 36 counties in north carolina. what we noticed was that people were confused when they came to vote, especially in places like boone and in halifax county.
voters who were showing up to vote at precincts and the state, you know, in specific counties have been changing and moving precinct locations. that the out of precinct voting regulations that wuld not allow people who are voting out of precinct for their votes to count. folks showing up at the wrong precinct were shuffled around and very confused about where they needed to vote. used to be if you showed up at the wrong precinct, because you went to what you thought was the closest place, they would still count your vote. now what happens? yeah. now your vote doesn t count. you have to be at the right precinct. and so where i was in boone, north carolina, there were students who were showing up on the campus, it s split into two. so students who were showing up with their roommate to go vote at a polling location would be inevitably at the wrong they would pick the wrong precinct and have to walk a little over a mile to get to the other precinct.
just regulations like this make it harder for students to vote, republicans to vote. and this is all purposeful. look at this. a republican in north carolina actually went on the record during an interview with the lady sh daily show to gloat about how this would hurt democrats. it s going to kick the democrats in the butt. if it hurts lazy blacks, so be it. and it just so happens a lot of those people vote democrat? gee. well, you know, it s amazing when you have the eye of the tiger here. anyway, yellen was forced to resign. you re not supposed to say it out loud. what you re supposed to say out loud is this is to protect the integrity of the voting process. we can t have voter fraud. this is all ostensibly to solve a problem that doesn t exist.
no, they have a problem, though. it s a different problem. democrats are voting democrats. it solves a different problem. aren t you amazed? you grew up in south carolina. you saw it all. were you surprised this guy was willing to come out and say this is to keep blacks from voting. i was surprised, actually. even back then they would keep up a pretext. they would say they were looking for truly literate voters. they wouldn t say lazy blacks. he talks like mr. poll tax, mr. literacy law. he doesn t seem to have any problem saying that. when you go around there, are you surprised that people are so openly or are they so openly flagrant about the goal to keep blacks from voting? yeah, i think that there is this intense reactionary wave of people in north carolina, but there s also a group of folks, you know, in this grassroots
earth that is mobilizing people in north carolina to fight back nens against these immoral laws. people are tired in north carolina and they want, you know, the voting process to be meaningful. so we ve been mobilizing people on the ground and all over the place to really fight back against this legislation. by november, is there going to be a fair vote in north carolina or is it going to be tilted? the table tilted against kay hagan from getting reelectriced. the laws, the way people are being reinforced, is this going to tilt the table against kay hagan? i think what we re seeing right now, and hopefully, everyone is able to vote in north carolina. but what we saw in the primary, and this is a primary election, where there s a very small turnout. people were already confused about what was happening with this law. when it was being implemented, if they needed an id. some people were asking folks and telling them they needed an id for 2016.
other precincts, they wouldn t ask and tell people about these regulations. it s creating this confusion and this hysteria in north carolina. and when you have millions and millions of dollars coming into the state, the last thing we need is more confusion and more la i i layers on top of that. we re going to be on the ground making sure everyone can get to the polls. it is definitely a concern that we have. so you have boehner in the white shirt doing the white shirt job. his job is to get out the crazy right wingers, scaring them about benghazi and irs and fast and furious. even though these are words he would normally not speak. at the same time, you scare up the vote on the right, you have to scare up the liberal vote. it s pretty much two-pronged. tilts the playing field. why are they doing this when they re already ahead? this is what nixon did and ruined his career. this is what he did in 72 when they were going to kill mcgovern. but they had to go break into offices and cover it up.
why are they going so crazy here. they re going to win anyway. they may not be sure they re that far ahead. you look at the polls. north carolina is a state that s been changing. they got a huge hispanic vote now. you know, it s a changing state. it s changing week by week. it s not as secure as you think. when you roll up the score in any game, you pay later for it. i think they re trying to roll it up in a nasty way. thank you, gene robinson. they re skeptical, but i think they would be in good shape now if they weren t so dir about it. up next, a new washington project michelle bachmann was for before she was against this project. this is hardball a place for politics. you probably know xerox
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back to hardball it s no secret that senator ted cruz professes his admiration for winston churchill every chance he gets, but he didn t have much to say about the british columbia british prime minister when he met a pig that happened to share the name of a pig with the name of his hero. first time ted cruz had his picture with churchill. yes, senator cruz with a photo op with a pig named churchi churchill. the house voted overwhelmingly to consider allowing a privately funded national women s museum or women s history museum to be built in washington there on the mall. it s just an initial step for plans to show case the contributions of women to the
american culture. it turns out the most vocal opponent of the bill is u.s. congresswoman michelle bachmann. she says the museum dedicated to american women would only serve to embolden what she calls the radical feminist movement. listen to this point of view here. i rise today in opposition to this bill because i believe ultimately this museum that will be built on the national mall on federal land will enshrine the radical feminist movement that stands against the pro life movement, the pro family movement, and the pro traditional marriage movement. . this was the same michele bachmann who expressed gratitude when she was posted in one of their exhibits. the posted this on mother s day. quote, the national women s history mu sooe y um is
featuring a special online exhibit dedicated to moms. i m humbled to be included in this exhibit as a foster mom of 23. but all moms have a special role in their children s lives on this mother s day weekend, special thanks to all moms for their courage, sas fies and love. talk about being for it before you were against it. take a look at a clip from the new ad and see if you notice anything familiar. growing up, my taught taught me the value of hard work. his wisdom inspired me to work my way through school while helping my mom and little brother. in the senate, i ll keep working hard. i m john f. kennedy, and i ask for your vote. that s right. his name is john f. kennedy. but it s for flander, not fitzgerald. nevertheless, he s taken to using his middle initial his campaign ads and website. not only that, but his logo
bears a striking resemblance to the campaign butt dons you might have seen 50 years ago. look at it a kennedy for president button, don. similar, don t you think? ld. that s why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna. (agent) i ll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that s good to know.
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. i m page hopkins here s what s happening. the house has voted to investigate benghazi. speaker john boehner insists the focus of the pabl will be finding the truth about the panel that left four americans dead. nigeria helps in the zsearch fo more than 200 schoolgirls. and there s at least two tornadoes confirmed in minnesota. now we re going to take you back to hardball.
steven noted survivors of other unimaginable crimes. every day that you have lived, every child and grandchild that your families have brought into this world has served as the ultimate rebuke to evil and the ultimate expression of love and hope and you are an inspiration to every single one of us. on behalf of all of us, thank you for the example of your lives and sharing your stories with us in the world. welcome back to hardball. that was president obama last night speaking at steven spielbe spielberg s shoa foundation, which documents the stories of holocaust survivors. there s a reminder as to why it s so important that survivors share their stories with the world. because believe it or not. there are teachers in america who are actually encouraging debate about whether the
holocaust ever took place. the rialto unified school district gave its eighth grade students perhaps the most disturbing, ignorant essay assignment imaginable this spring. when tragic events occur in history, there s a debate about their actual existence. for example, some people claim the holocaust is not an actual historical event but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political purpose and monetary gain. based upon your research in this issue, write an argumentative essay in which you can explain whether or not you believe the holocaust was an actual event in history or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth. after the district was criticized for that assignment, school board fishes who first defended that assignment, but the board later apologized. the associate dean recently
spoke at a rialto school board meeting. and with me is a special guest tonight, martin goldsmith, a journey of remembrance. he traces the root members of his own family took as they tried to flee the holocaust and were subsequently taken to au auschwi auschwitz. his grandfather and uncle beth perrished there at that death camp. i want to start with the bad news then a get to this excellent book by martin goldsmith. rabbi, tell me about this what was your reaction when you heard about the fact that school kids were given an open question arnt parentally, was there a holocaust. well, actually, chris, first offal all, amen to what the president said last night about survivors and the unique role they play with young people in terms of giving hope and guidance for the future. the actual reality was a lot worse. it wasn t just one teacher. there were five teachers who collaborated on this project.
there was someone within the district curriculum who reviewed it. we still don t know if this was just the ultimate stupidity or something worse. but 2,200 eighth graders in rialto were given 18 pages to look at, told to quote reliable documentation, which was quote, unquote, provided. anne frank was a hoax. stuff down loaded from hate sites. maybe it was supposed to be designed for critical thinking, but what it did was elevated hate with historic fact. and maybe one of the good news i reported to you, there was another call that was down there last night. thankfully, we still have a few holocaust survivors and they ll be there to give a human face,
the human touch to these unbelievable statistics. to humanize what happened after the holocaust is important. this will allow a person to come to their own conclusion, current events are part of the basis for measuring iq. the middle east, israel, palestine and the holocaust are on newscasts discussing current events, teaching how to come to your own conclusion based on the facts to test your position, be able to articulate that position then depend your belief with a lucid argument is essential to good citizenship. martin, i ve watched for years when people who are jewish go on c-span even and you get this reaction from crazy people. anybody who reads these follow-up comments online. the anti-semitism is out there. but here teachers saying that s one point of view.
exactly. it s astounding. and my grandfather and uncle were two of the 6 million, two of the 1.1 to 1.5 million people murdered 234 auschwitz. i was outraged when i heard about this. you went back and just for your own human need went back and retraced how people who were in your family on the st. louis that was sent back from america, sent back from cuba, ending up in three-quarters of the cases going to the death camp. exactly right. my grandfather alex goldschmidt, helmut goldschmidt, more than 200 refugees turned away first from cuba then the united states, then canada. the ship sailed back to europe. my grandfather and uncle got off the boat in france, spent the next three years in various french concentration camps before being shipped to their deaths in auschwitz in 1942. three years ago, my wife and i retraced their steps beginning
in the small lore saxony village where my grandfather was born in 1879, going to all the places in france they were held and hitting in the polish city where auschwitz is. that s important to go back, tell the human story of a guy like this who i ve been listening to on radio, classical music. somebody you know says look, my family, i went back and traced it. it happened in human terms. we know they have all the names in israel of people who were killed. but these people keep from 5.5 million visitors to the museum of tolerance. young people want to know the truth. they will identify with the message. sometimes they have more common sense than the adults in the room. but when you have teemp, five of them, and an assignment on core things of teaching about critical thinking down loading hate material, you know, what s next? we monitor websites that say
harken back to the great old days of slavery and say blacks were better off then or the martin luther king website that s put up by white supremists that denigrate. we should be using the hate materials to teach critical thinking, not legitimatizing the hate message to young minds. it really was a disastrous dpigs on the ground. and we ll take care of the young people that went through this, but i sure hope the rialto school district will take a hard look in the mirror. something is very broken there.
some holocaust deniers say give me a chance i ll finish the job. and then tler other biogots who say i don t want to deal with what happened. those people are in some way more dangerous. the great irony is i think the government of germany has, as a country, i was just over in berlin with my wife, you see the way they ve recognized it with berlin with that encredible memorial to the horror. and at least they re doing that over there now. anyway, thank you. rabbi and my new friend albert goldschmi goldschmidt. it s a great human story. it really is a great story about going back and it s a road picture, if you will, of a man tracing a tragedy. it s a great book to read. hey there can i help you?
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it s meow mix mealtime. with wholesome ingredients and irresistible taste, it s the only one cats ask for by name. if you just stayed with these sim boards, you wouldn t have those are problems with those highfalutin computers. get it right. weigh know who the democratic nominee is going to be and no one is going to dispute it, keith. sometimes in campaigns the candidate is the last to recognize the best timing. i remember that when he counted the ballots, he counted the delegates in 2008 and it looked like barack obama was winning and he named the fact that he was winning and had won the nomination fight. next month will mark six years since the death of my friend. he drew answers that in some cases changed political history. his son, luke russert, of course, has written of course he is his son but has written
the preface of the tenth anniversary paper back edition of tim s book about his dad, big russ & me. i know why i loved my dad. he was my best friend. but now years after his death, i often wonder why the guy who threw around games, made me laugh and recite vocabulary cards. my dad could relate to anyone. luke russert is nbc s congressional correspondent and joins me right now. luke, it s great. thanks for having me. first of all the book was great. if luke russert tim russert had not been a star of our immediate wrum, of news gathering and news analysis this book still would have been great. what s great about it, you have come far because you ve done all of this in your youth. but your dad came from a regular family, working-class family. his father was a garbage man. and what i love in fact, we were talking how we re careful with our garbage now.
we always make sure the senior producer and i agree, we make sure personally because of this book never to leave sharp objects in the hefty bags because they cut the hands are or the guys. the garbage guys. the moment that got to me in this book you have to read this book is the emotional moment when tim is riding around in a garbage truck with his dad. and even though that s not the most celebrated job in the world, the pride he had in being with his dad. it s something that resonate ed so vividly with him. and i remember my father often talking about how he was able to interview popes and presidents. but some of his proudest memories were, in fact, on that garbage truck with my grandfather. and one of the things he documents in the book he learned the val you you of hard work on the back of that garbage truck, and that he knew for a fact after he did it for a summer there s no way he could have lasted the dozens and dozens of years my grandfather did it. one he especially poignant mome my father decides he s going to
go on to college and graduate school and succeed, it s the last day in the garbage truck he takes off his uniform and throws in the back and the guy riding says you ll be back soon enough. he says, no, i m not coming back. i have to get out of here. my grandfather is very supportive of that but wanted him to know the meaning of hard work, the meaning of what would happen if you flunked out. it was remarkable. when i complain about a writing assignment late at night, i think how hard my dad worked. i can do it. your dad was driven, driven to get the answers. he was like an irish cop if in the interrogation room. finding out the answer. i watched him on meet the press. he would come in with that m manila folder. he would keep it aside. during the interview he d open up with the real question, david duke, why did you hate america so much that you joined the nazi party? and there was no answer. or you say the three biggest job producers are the issue and he had no idea who they were. what his method was, he
learned in law school. he was prosecutorial. his idea was nobody was going to outresearch him. he would read constantly. he would read at work. he would read at home. he would have mounds and mounds and mounds of research. tons of legal briefings, if you will. and he would read it all, and he would anticipate ten steps ahead from whatever answer his guest would give. oftentimes you see now, you come forward as a host and i ve been guilty of doing it as well and i m sure you are. you have three or four thoughtout questions and you don t listen clearly enough to the response his guest was giving. he was an aggressive listener and would sometimes throw away his preprepared questions. excuse me, what you said is spin. the reason i know i read all these documents. this follow-up is key. of all the time, the best question comes out of the last answer, which is true. i could do it all day. i m here to sell the book. i think it s a great personal story about america. this is. it s a story of growing up.
and it s about fathers and sons. i m going to read your preface. you re very kind. thank you for having me. we ll be right back after this. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america.
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let me finish tonight with this insidious plan to scare up right-wing voteders and scare off the votes the of those who tend to vote democratic. this is just the kind of campaign mentality that leads to trouble on the part of those who pursue it. everyone knows the republicans
are heading for a good election night this november. they are poised to win the senate. poised, at least, and to pick up five to ten seats in the house of representatives. you know it. they know it. believe me, smart democrats know it. so why this plan to roll up the score are to bring out the crazies on the right and drown out 0 the progressives including many minorities who will be intimidated by the new republican pushed voter laws. i ve watched how exactly this kind of stuff blows up in your face. it did with richard nixon in 1950 when he called his senator opponent pink right down to her underwear and when he took a sure win for re-election and turned it into watergate. the trouble with nasty politics like the kind we re getting from the house leadership is it makes you look nasty. it makes it look like you re moneygrubbing on the debts of those four american depp mats, like you re ready to kill a little more faith in government to get a few more votes. it s a rotten deal, and the people who play it will pay for it. maybe not this year but in the years to come.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140514 10:00:00

we look forward to seeing that kick off. that s going to do it for a wednesday edition of way too early. morning joe starts right now. the top democrat in the u.s. senate majority leader harry reid has now mentioned the bill nra koch brothers this year more than 140 times. er in in it to make the money. an attempt to buy our democracy. it s dishonest, deceptive, farce and unfair. it is wrong. incorrect. [ laughter ] erroneous. [ laughter ] even the keystone debate, mr. president, they re one of the main owners of all that stuff up there. that ugly tar stuff in canada. they are, if not the largest, second largest owner of that stuff up there. [ laughter ] good morning.
hey will. good morning, it s wednesday, may the 14th, on set, along with me, we ve got joe here that s here. that s all. msnbc. it s a good show, right? yes. you can t always predict who is going to be here. it s exciting. it s interesting, it remains the name of the show. mike barnicle is here. former communications director for george w. bush, nicolle wallace. jon stewart went in last night. and landed another blow right here. this guy spent millions fighting online gambling. tens of millions fighting organized labor. in the 2012 presidential election he gave $90 million to republican candidates. perhaps because he thought he would help him take on quote,
radical islam and unions. yeah, that s right. laugh harry reid is going to crush this guy. so don t pick on him. wait? sorry, what did you say there? don t pick on the billionaire that puts money in politics. he s not in this for money. he s in it because he has certain ideological views. [ laughter ] what the [ bleep ] difference does that make? [ laughter ] what are his ideological objections to online that the largest gambling casino has? i can t tell overt internet who is under age. i can t tell whose got financial difficulties. i can t tell who is not gaming responsibly. but if you come to my casino [ laughter ] you don t enter without answering a very detailed
financial solvency questionnaire. if you lost john stevens, you lu lost everything. he didn t make a distinction between the koches and the adelsons. and also speaking of daily show skits, let s continue with news about karl rove. karl rove is dullinging down that hillary clinton should be prepared for scrutiny about her health if she decides to run in 2016. the republican strategist pushed back who claimed he openly claimed the former first lady had brain damage. he said, of course, she doesn t have brain damage. still, it s pretty clear where he s trying to aim voters attention. my point was, if hillary clinton were going to run for president, but she would not be
human if this didn t enter into consideration. this will be a topic in the 2016. they will be 69. she will be 77 if she serves two terms and this ends up being an issue. clinton s spokesperson blasted rove s remarks saying hillary clinton has recovered 100% from the blood clot from 2012. a republican and the white house getting involved as well. this was not clever. this wasn t an insinuation. this was karl rove running head first into a brick wall. nothing drives people away from a decent office than this kind of attack. they say why would i put my family through this. it weakens in both parties, it weakens the fabric of both. here s what i say about cognitive capacity, that dr. rove might have been the last person on election night to recognize and acknowledge that
the president won re-election in the state of ohio. we ll leave it at that. go back to the newt gingrich comment it weakens the fabric. that s tough talk coming from newt. we go fresh off the thrilla in manila. we ll let you be the one around the table to defend karl rove this moraning. he didn t say brain damage he said she was wearing a kind of glasses that were associated with severe brain trauma or something like that. which i find this fascinating because she wore coke bottle glasses in college. you have ever seen those pictures of hillary in the late 60s and early 70s? what s karl thinking? i think she couldn t wear her
sunglasses, she they gave her a pair of glasses. she was wearing the same style four years ago and her traumatic brain injury didn t get in the way of being the most successful secretary of state in history. let me try to explain karl. what karl let me try to explain karl. hey, i feel different. karl didn t just stumble into this line of questioning about hillary clinton s health, okay? he s one of the most prepared and deliberate speakers. and when he gave speeches at the white house, people were always doing you know, reading research. so this karl s nature, is that things are talked through. he plans these types of thing. so are you telling me that he thought through this before saying this? well, i think he thought
through and is probably, you know, maybe not in front of what s his strategy? well, i think injecting questions about her health crisis from a few years ago is something that karl thinks is fair game. and i think that the fact that we re having a three-day conversation about hillary s age and health, he is in this objective. it s not about hillary s age and health. it s about whether karl rove suffered brain damage. well, to some. but some of the people that may be thinking about 2016 have definitely given some thought to she is giving it all she has. that s all i ve got. karl rove you know what can we go back to jon stewart, is there anything else? you gave us an ending. i mean listen, katrina was easy compared to this.
well, when you rebecome president, you release the results of your colonoscopy. you know what karl was trying to do. if she becomes president, there will be countless discussions, over the years she will release her this comes directly from the stupid part of it you re talking about. ronald reagan got inaugurated at 69. when he starts at 69 and leads at 77, i think about ronald reagan. that s not a bad thing. there anything that they can device to try and diminish hillary clinton, they re going to use brain damage, benghazi, boko haram now. that s what this is. that s all this is. jim peters go ahead. i was going to follow up on what nicole was saying, she s exactly right, this is not
accidental. hillary s health is something that democratic strategist have been whippering about for about a year now, when they talk about what can ruin her candidacy, it s always a question of her health. here s a case of the most public visible case really spilling out into the open. now, one thing i think this is not, and you ve heard some of this chatter over the last couple of days, i don t think this is sexist. i think you would have had these questions come up about biden. it s ageist. nicholl, remember i told you, they released that ad, how many houses did john mccain have? well, he can t quite remember. that was an attack against his family wealth and his age. and his age, right. these questions were going to come out, anyway. i think the question is whether or not karl rove has temporarily taken it off the table by being
so crass about it. but the other thing that shouldn t get lost, it is interesting, look at how the clintons respond. their first response is pretty funny. she s 100%. but they escalated throughout the day to near hysteria through the end of the day, whoever gave the initial response should be given the job of rapid response and whoever gave the second or two should be the understudy. for people that don t sit around sets like this or don t talk to journalists, there have been questions off camera, speculation. i only say this because jerry was talking about republicans. it wasn t just republican a lot of reporters were worried about her health. of course, they had absolutely no evidence whatsoever. they were worried. they were worried with justification after that fall. with some justification, it took her a while to come back
but it was speculation. and karl rove didn t help himself and he didn t help the republican party by speculating like he did. when we get the results of all of these personal data, colonoscopies and everything else, i think we ll find out she s healthy as a horse. there you have it. marco is clarifying remarks? yeah, going back to the climate change remarks. senator rubio found himself the target of unwanted headlines after he recently entered the climate change debate talking at the national press club. the potential 2016 presidential contender tried to clarify remarks he made on sunday. here are the original remarks and what he had to say about them yesterday. i don t agree with the notion that some are putting out there including scientists that somehow that are actions that have is an impact on our climate. let me get this straight, you do not think that the human activity, the production of co2
is caution changes? i do not believe that human activity is causing changes the way the scientists are portraying. i do not propose the laws they pass will do anything about it. headlines notwithstanding, of course, the climate is changing because climate is always changing, that s a measurable you can see. there is climate change. i ve never conceded that the climate is not changing. that s not the question before me as a policymaker. the question before me as a policymaker, is that if we ban all coal in the u.s., if we ban all carbon emission information the united states, will it change the dramatic changes in climate and the dramatic weather impacts that we re now reading about? and anyone that says that we will, it not being truthful. but for you to go out and say if you pass this bill that i am proposing this will somehow lead to us have less tornadoes and hurricanes, that s not an accurate statement. seems rational to me. listen, i may be out of step with my party on this.
i don t know where you have to live to think that the climate isn t changing dramatically. and miami is one of those places where they haven t seen dramatic change. it s not the same thing as acknowledging that climate change is real. i guess what s interesting about this, i m not exactly sure who marco s audience is. he says he believes in climate change. i do believe, like he said, that we re not going to pass legislation they re going to stop tornados and hurricanes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. and the left is but that s a defensible position. that is a more defensible position. but i m just saying all the republicans i ve talked to. and i ve been talking to a lot of them for a very long time over the past four or five years, they believe in climate change, they believe that humans are responsible for climate change. the only thing they don t believe that the federal government could combat and
impose massive cut jacks because it makes extremist and trillion they res. without getting china and other parts of the world that are doing more. they re doing more, actually. right. so in a time in the world, everybody is saying, steve, we ll go to you, we re going to be in competition with china for the next 100 years and china is going to outcompete us. at that time, we re supposed to usually disarm and let the chinese continue to damage the atmosphere more than us? and we re supposed to be worried about what tom steyer and other people say? i don t believe that. and even if we do what we do in that direction, without putting millions of americans out of work. i agree. first, the same people, the middle people, do want to have
some kind of coordinated change to climate change. they re so effective? the reason, nicole, they are not effective, if you re a country on your way up, and you don t have all the resources and you say, wait a minute, you guys have polluted the air for 200 years, don t i get a chance to pollute the air for a while while i m economically developed. china, they don t have any clean energy. they have coal. and imported oil and really expensive natural gas and that s it. and they don t have any nuclear yet. so it s going to be very hard for them to do what they have to do, but he have to do it. and it thirdly, joe, there are policies, nonetheless, there are policies out there that we could put in place that would destroy millions of jobs that would put us on a path for a more responsive behavior. for example, we ve not increased
the gas tax since 1983. the highway trust fund is going broke. we could raise the gas tax, rebate that to americans so it didn t cost jobs and get more balanced. jeremy peters on the hill, you look at polls, and i don t think climate change is at the top when it comes to intensity. i would suspect because of that we re not going to see another pass or do anything on the climate for quite some time. democrat stride in 2009. even the president was reluctant to get involved but they dragged him into that battle at the last minute. any legislation on the hill that marco rubio would have to be concerned about voting on before the election and the rest of the candidates? there was a bill that fell apart this week in the senate, an energy bill that was actually quite modest, the fact that it fell apart in a filibuster just shows how difficult it is to get even the smallest things through on climate. what well, you have your moderate democrats that like the
landrieus and others who do not support this legislation? no, it fell over keystone. there was a land mass that landrieu and bagich wanted to approve. the white house has not decided what it s going to do. and if it ultimately decides it s not going after this, they are going to wait until after the legislation to do that because they don t want it to hurt senators like begich and landreau. i thought it was fascinating having the canadian ambassador here last week. he kept doing the talking points that i thought came from the
koch brothers, i asked him where he got it, he said, oh, the state department study. our state department? our state department. this is one of the most widely overpoliticized decisions. a lot of very rich liberals don t want barack obama to pass this legislation. and what do they have to worry about? because they got millions and millions of dollars. it s just the 50,000 people that aren t going to have jobs because of it. i hope that makes you feel better. go to your yacht, polish it you won t polish it, you ll have somebody else polish it. that would be a really good paying job that makes you feel bad about yourself. have them buff your fingernails, too. coming up on morning joe, we re going to be talking to senators rob portman and john tester about some of the most pressing issues in washington including the keystone pipeline and the controversy surrounding
the v.a. that s atrocious. and former yankee great willie randolph is going to be on set. and larry kudlow and joy reid. and miles nadal. former secretary time geithner is standing by. first, though, not fun, bill karins. across the country, just a crazy weather pattern. record highs on the coast. it s been snowing a couple days in colorado. how about this yesterday, it was 52 in boston. that was it. in d.c., it was 92. 40-degree swing in the northeast alone. this morning, we are tracking showers and a few storms up there around the capital district, albany, schenectady and troy. and albany you ve got showers, pittsburgh, a shower or two. later this afternoon, cooler today in d.c. and baltimore than yesterday. this is where we should be this
time of year in the 70s. chance of storms from pittsburgh to buffalo. and how about out west. the drought is bad enough. now we re getting one heat wave an another. areas that don t see a lot. san francisco, san diego, 90s to 100 today. how about this for l.a., 101 today. 100 tomorrow. we finally cool it off by the weekend but the fire danger is really high. and in the middle of the country, i mean, it s cold. it s a chilly, cold morning. a lot of extremes out there. if we re going to get any tornadoes 0 are severe weather, we ll watch out for you from nashville to louisville, back up to the ohio valley. more morning joe when we continue. we ll be right back. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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former u.s. treasury secretary timothy geithner. i m sure they pull put u.s. treasury secretary. it could have been canada, luxembourg. but, no, this guy was former u.s. treasury secretary. he s out with a new book stress test: reflections on financial crisis. wait wait to read this. i m glad you finally got more people in the treasury department. let s start there. you had a couple of dogs wandering the hallways the first year. it was actually hard. that was a challenge. you could hear the echoes of footsteps. you had. but that first year, it was so shocking to us that you were going through the financial crisis of our lifetime and you couldn t get staffed. you. we had great people, we really did. i know you had great people. it took you a while, though.
what was the challenge? don t say you had great people again. you didn t just win the nfl okay, the super bowl. talk about the tough start. well, the world was burning still. remember, in january 09, the country was falling off the cliff, complete was shrinking at the rate of 9%. we had already put trillions of dollars in the financial system, but things were still frozen or falling apart. right. we had to find a way how to right the ship, how to land a plane safely. yeah, we had challenges. off the top, steve ratnor. ratnorwas fabulous. obviously, this book has ignited talk about what happened. different points of view, left, right, all that stuff. looking back, i think the central concern people have is
did we do too much for the banks? did we give them too much money, too cheaply, not fire enough ceos, more pain from the share 408der, more pain from the executives who got bonuses. how do you feel about that? was there stuff that could have been done differently, i know you had legal constraints but wasn t there something that could can be done differently? i think the huge damage done by the crisis and all the bad people that caused the crisis, they say, really, seriously, you couldn t bring a tougher measure of justice more quickly for people. but that was a classic panic. we were risking the great depression. and the first challenge was to land the plane safely. once we landed the plane, we moved quickly to try to clean up the system and bring a much better response. it s true, you could look back and say, was it tough enough on
them? but the first obligation, the most important obligation was to protect the risk of massive unemployment, a great depression. we did that, it wasn t messy, but we did that effectively. better than any government has in the last 100 years in a financial crisis. you write about being handed talking points by a white house official it was actually my treasury colleague. i m not trying script you but suggesting messages that you had a pretty visser ral negative reaction to. i certainly have been in the position that they may have been in of wanting a cabinet secretary to echo a message. seeing it from your perspective i know you worked with some of my former colleague in the bush administration. you can talk about how political your job got and how difficult that was? i think one of the most important tests of government in a crisis is the ability to put policy above politics. it s impossible, isn t it? no, it s not.
in fact, i think that was a great moment for the united states. if you look at that moment, you know, the transition between a republican and a democratic president, you know, the world at the edge of a great depression. you had two presidents with bipartisan support, mostly from democrats at that point. basically put politics aside. and do what s necessary to help pull the country back from the abyss. it was a pretty big moment. with the t.a.r.p. and all of that? with the first to break the back of the panel. then the stimulus to put money back in the hands directly of the american people. and then the range of the financial system. i got a pretty good test of government at a terrible time. and we passed that test much better than other governments who sat there, were paralyzed by their politics. or played politics with the crisis. a pretty good moment for the bank. you mentioned in january 2009, we were on the brink. that was a term we heard a lot.
the country s about to go over the cliff in the fall of 2008. what does that mean explicitly and specifically? i mean, what would have happened if we hadn t taken that step back? take a look at the great depression, there s no memory of it. you know, people didn t live through it. but in the great depression, unemployment went to 25%. and gdp fell by 25%. and it took a decade to try to get back to some measure of security for people. and that s because we allow it as a country, a financial panic torsion escalate and bring the system to collapse. and why does that happen, it s like the lights going out. it s like the power not functioning. if the company can t get oxygen, people can t borrow and businesses fire people on a brutal scale and people are trying to protect themselves. that produces a certain set of conditions, panic leads to crash. that s why it s so damaging. and then, of course, they have massive innocent victims in that
content. so how close were we? right at the edge. paulson wrote he thought we were three days away from the atms not working. people were talking about burying gold in their backyards. you could hear panic and fear in the voice of the leaders of the world and largest corporations at that time. mika does that. unrelated to the economy. jeremy peters is in washington, the new york times has got a question for the secretary, mr. secretary. mr. geithner, one of the prime takeaways of this book is just how complicated your relationship with larry summers is. he promoted you to various senior positions. he was your mentor. and as you know, the president was strongly considering him for chairman. federal reserve, twice, actually. do you think that president obama made a mistake by not picking him? no, i think that janet yellen
is going to be excellent. i watched her make judgments at a very complicated time. and i think she s going to be an excellent chairman. i have just huge respect for larry summers, i think month more talented person in the country. henry kissinger said about larry summers, you should give him a permanent office in the oval office to vent any idea. he s a great person to work for. he s a pretty challenging, demanding guy. i used to say, what matters is the ratio between the thrill and the torture. and with larry, the thrill was higher? much greater than the torture. a couple issues before we wrap it up, one, what you had to say about elizabeth warren s hearing. she said she were made for youtube hearings, sort of show trial, explain. well, that was sort of a
gentle way to put it. like they were witchhunt, talk about that? i ve got a lot of respect for her. it doesn t sound like it. i do. she did a great job in standing up with the agency and protecting from a form of abuse. she was excellent. there s a lot of oversight process. what made them show trials? well, you know, people didn t like what we were doing. it was unpopular stuff. it was essential, necessary stuff, very effective stuff but it was deeply offensive to people. it looked like we were giving money to the arsonists. the core paradox of what it takes to break a financial panic to keep the lights on. and there are going to be collateral beneficiaries of that. and that s deeply offensive. she gave a lost voice to that concern and she was very eloquent in making that case. speaking of arsonists, a
handful of banks still control 50%. too big has gotten even big. you re right, you always worry about too big to fail. and this is something we should always worry about. it s like a federal war. you should be on it. the big bank s concern, still approaching 50%? well that s not the way to think about it. that risk for the country is say much lesser risk today because of reforms we put in place. i ll give you examples. we mate capital requirements the limits on risk much, much more conservative than they were before the crisis. why? we had much better tools to put banks on the line when they screw up. let s say they re not going to because they ve strengthened. let s say citi has a crisis, we re bailing them out or do we let citi fail? we re in a much better
position to let them fail that doesn t do too much damage. was it a mistake not to save lehman brothers? it s not like financial security. we don t give presidents a set of tools to react. we don t do that because of other concerns. we don t want to leave the market with expectation. if you could do it all over again, would you? if we had the authority with the authority, would you save lehman brothers? you don t want to save everybody in a financial crisis. it s a mistake to do that. you have to make sure you do we didn t have this authority until after the panic. we want to make sure we can protect the rest from the failure of the rest. you want to make them fail to use a different metaphor, you want to draw a fire brig around
the couordinates. should they have been saved? in retrospect, with full knowledge at that time, what we should have done, we would have escalated much more quickly to prevent the panic from spreading. of course, now, we ultimately did that, but it took a lot more work because the fire was burning too hot at that point. all right, tim geithner, thank you so much for coming in. thank you, nice to see you guys. the book is stress test: reflections on the financial crisis. you can read exempts on our website mojo/ first, americans are hitting the bottle harder than ever before, we ll explain why in your morning papers and morning joe sports next.
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all right. let s take a look at some of the morning papers. the wall street journal crews, are racing to save hundreds of miners after a deadly accident in turkey. at least 201 people are dead with more than 200 others still trapped deep underground. almost a mile under there.
the coal mine is located in the town. soma, about 150 miles from istanbul. nearly 800 people were in the mine when a fire triggered an explosion. the fire is under investigation. two children are recovering from serious injuries after a gust of wind swept away one of those bouncy houses. my son loves those. oh, my gosh. this is that bouncy house that parents like myself. and me. and you. have been putting in your yards for your young kids birthday parties. three children were playing inside one of these bouncy houses when it was ripped from its stakes and sent it flying high in the air. a witness took this photo that we were showing. you one child escaped with only minor injuries. look at that. look how high those three little children are up inside that bouncy house. one escaped with no injuries.
another boy has some broken bones after falling 15 to 20 feet in a parking lot. while the third has a serious is head injuries after landinging on a car. this is horrifying. terrifying. horrific. they re usually staked down when you see them in the yard. but maybe that s not strong enough when the wind picks up. from the parade of papers the san francisco chronicle, google wrote the global web of dominance got more difficult. the right to be forgotten. meaning google can be forced to erase links to content about individual people on its search engines. that includes documents. the quote, other documents, very important for mike barnicle. if there s ever going to be a senior staffer for elizabeth warren, he will not pass through the background check. that s correct. because of the quote, other
documents. other documents that are in mike barnicle s computer main frame. your confirmation are going to be interesting. legal experts say this decision will only impact operations in europe and citizens of the e.u. and from the l.a. times, army sergeant kyle white is the latest recipient of the congressional medal of money for this heroism in afghanistan in 2007. white was honored for his actions for his ambush where he helped other soldiers and maintained radio contact all while injured. some were present at the ceremony. he s the seventh living recipient for a medal of honor for actions in iraq and afghanistan. sergeant white is going to be joining us in the studio on monday. can t wait to meet him. the telegraph, the united states has become the world s biggest consumer of wine, all right, passing france for the first time in history. that s something to be proud of, right. a new study said wine
drinking continues to climb at a record pace, meanwhile, the popularity of wine is fading in france. u.s. consumers bought 2.9 billion liters of wine. still, the average frenchman drinks six times more wine than the american. so per capita was trailing behind. we got to get to work on that. willie, nba playoff action. a wild one between the clippers and thunder. let s go to the fourth quarter. okc had been down about 13 points with four minutes left. kevin pierce. and durant on the break lays it in. a two-point game. clippers quick inbound to chris paul. he turns it over. no foul called. the ball ends up out of bounds. this one is reviewed. and in a controversial call, the thunder get the ball back. so 11 seconds to play. another controversial call.
russell westbrook of oklahoma city is fouled shooting a three. he hits all three foul shots. the thunder take a 105-104 lead. with six seconds on the clock, chris paul is stripped. he loses the ball again. the thunder come back for a 105-104 win. and a 3-2 series lead. clipsers head coach doc rivers was steaming after the game. that s our ball. we win the game, and we got robbed because of that ball. it s clear, everybody in the arena saw it everybody was shocked when they said oklahoma city. that was our ball. we got two more games to play. but that could be a series-defining call. and that s not right. wow, that s pretty strong. the series goes back to l.a. society clippers get a chance to even the series back there. the wizards blew out the pacers. they were on the brink of
elimination. 102-79. it s coming back to d.c. tonight, the nets fight for their lives in miami. miami can close that out, and the spurs can do the same against the blazers. what about the rangers, down 3-1. 3-1 in the series come all the way back against the mighty pens. a couple of good one in the stanley cup playoffs. blackhawks and wild in game six. and the rangers and penguins in a huge game seven. and he scores! patrick kane, one hand, and chicago is headed to the western conference final. carried back off the wing and worked on by mcdonough. swatted on the cross. score! and the rangers are going to the conference final. rangers come all the way back down, 3-1 in the series to win game seven. they ll face the winner of tonight s other game seven
between the canadiens and the bruins. the blackhawks will face the winner of the ducks/kings. that series is tonight. can the bruins do it, mike? yes, they can. well, those are two evenly matched teams. it s go to be a great game. there will be fights tonight. if you can get boston and new york in the conference finals. still ahead from morning joe from the men who brought you freakonomics. and at 7:00, magic strikes back. he s heard enough from donald sterling. his reaction. he says enough is enough. we ll be right back on morning joe. [ brian ] in a race,
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she s faxed them from the south of france. the wall street journal did she bury her gold in the south of france or westchester county, what do you think? put it evenly. you never know when the people are going to rise up. i mean if marie antonette had buried her gold in two different places she might still be with us. the wall street journal editorial board writes this. harry reid has essentially shut down the senate as a place to debate and vote down policy. he s refused to vote on on all but nine amendments since july. mr. reid is worried some of those amendments might pass with support from democrats, thus embarrassing a white house that opposes them. not too long ago it was understood that any senator could get a floor vote if he wants it. the minority party, often democrats, used this right of amendment to sponsor votes that would sometimes put the majority on the spot.
it s called politics. rightly understood, this meant the senate debated national priorities and worked its bipartisan will. jeremy peters, i ve been about cushion harry reid for a couple years, what s with this wall street journal editorial? i think often when you re talking outrage along these lines, it s often a little bit stronger when you are the person who is on the brunt of the perceived injustices. right. and in this case, i think that s what s happening with the wall street journal. i doubt that they would be crying so loudly if this were republicans and not a democrat. but, jeremy, we heard a thousand stories about those terrible republicans that won t pass democratic leases of legislation through the house. the question is can republicans fairly make and i m not leading you here, i m curious, can we not fairly make the aim argument about harry reid not
allowing the amendment in the senate? because he thinks it s going to pass? absolutely. this is where republicans have clearly said that harry reid has obstructed business in the senate just as republicans have obstructed it through filibuster. now, which is worse? i m not going to make that call. but you do have to understand, i think, to get a real firm grasp on this debate, you have to understand where this is coming from. and the reason why harry reid does block amendments on these bills is that republicans routinely filibuster everything. all right, very good. willie, what s next? coming up next, we re going to explain the story behind this photograph. ooh. hmm. i hate snakes. oh, i hate snakes, especially that kind. stay with us. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95.
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a lot going on in congress yesterday. there was a hearing. i mean, there s so much going on, boom, boom, boom. real quick, there s a snake in the bathroom at texas a&m. a 12-foot rock python. came in through the back door. a little control and a bucket to get rid of it. it was an aggressive one. it was somebody s pet who got loose. it happens. it happens. willie, you were talking about it yesterday on the judiciary committee hearing. were you watching that? i actually was. very clean people. i was on the judiciary committee. very clean people.
hungry people, but a clean people. but those hearings are long. you get hungry. thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank you and member connors for your willingness to work to make progress on this issue, and in making sure that other surveillance cannot be used in a similar way. i m pleased this be addressed in the amendment. take a look, willie, on the right, a lot of ear wax, this happens. check it out. oh, my god. wax smeared on the teeth. seconds, anyone? oh! oh. oh, oh ear wax. that s disgusting. who eats it? it s awful. enjoy your breakfast. oh! that s awful. republican or democrat, joe
garcia. democrat. thank you god. okay. they at least have one of them. thank god. the pride of the 26. coming up at the top of the hour, magic johnson reacts to donald sterling in that so-called apology. i cannot believe, he brought up aids? yes, he did. plus, senator rob portman and senator jon tester showing patience for the v.a. scandal. by the way, jon tester very clean ears. chuck todd joins our conversation coming up in a couple minutes. stay with us. what are you doing? uh, well we are fine tuning these small cells that improve coverage, capacity and quality of the network. it means you ll be able t post from the breakroom.
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jews, when they get successful, they will help their people. and some of the african-americans, maybe i ll get in trouble again, they don t want to help anybody. [ laughter ] maybe? maybe you ll get in trouble again? [ laughter ] jews help blacks eww unless what he s doing is workshoping new material for
donald sterling literally comedy jam. jeremy peters with us. and with us from washington, nbc news correspondent and host of the daily rundown chuck todd. winning columnist and associate editor of the washington post and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. we re going to talk in two seconds about the sterling controversy. but, chuck todd, we had a lot of elections last night. a lot of races. a couple have stood out. what are your thoughts? well look, it s a generational change in nebraska. this is a couple of young guys taking over the nebraska republican party. pete ricketts tried to run for the senate a few years back now is a heavy favorite to be governor. and ben sass. i think what s unique about sass, a lot of groups are saying, hey, we want a race, we want a race. but the establishment is split in this race. now, sass went after mitch
mcconnell a way back. he did. this is about mcconnell. but paul join was for sass. i had sass on my show yesterday. he said he d vote for mcconnell as leader. she d try to put an end to that. i think he s going to be a little moron johnson than he s going to be ted cruz. a lot of people are trying to figure out where is this guy going to fit on the senate. i d put him more on the johnson side. he s now a big favorite to win state wide, right? slightly. absolutely. and shelly is a heavy favorite in west virginia. be west virginia s first republican senator in over half a century. but she is, dare i call this person a pro-government republican. they do exist, and that s about what you have to be ideologically in place like west virginia which actually likes federal dollars coming into the
state because she s going to be somebody like a murkowski, collins, the republicans that do a lot of bipartisan deals. sound goods. let s go straight now, the latest from sterling, some quotes that i can t believe. the earthquake of the sterling interview, the ripple effect continues because we re one day after donald sterling attacked magic johnson. the former laker star is fighting back. magic was dragged into when v. stevian know post evidence this image on instagram. it s a photo made public by tmz sports. and sterling told her not to bring magic johnson or any other african-americans to clippers games to that original racist rant that was made public. it was days ago that sterling went after magic again, this time for having hiv. what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he
done? he s a business person. whose got aids. did they do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a. i think it s hiv, it didn t focus on aids. what kind of a guy that has sex with every girl and then he catches hiv. is that something that we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. what does he do for the black people? he doesn t do anything. here s a man who we would think would be educated. and a man who would is smart enough to build this type of wealth. he s reaching, he s trying to find on to something that s going to save his team. am i upset?
of course. but at the same time, i m a god fearing man. i m going to pray for him and hope that things work out for him. the problem is, he s living in the stone ages. he can t make those comments about african-americans and latinos. he just can t do it. gene, i don t know where to begin with the ignorant statements. let s leave hiv out of it and instead talk about the fact that for a very long time, magic johnson has focused on going into inner cities and creating economic development and bringing hope to the hopeless in a lot of african-american communities for some time. in fact, that s what i ve associated him with over the past 10, 20 years. yeah, so many ignorant statements, so long time. it just shows how out of it and how divorced from reality donald sterling is. and i think sometimes invested certainly tens of millions of
dollars, i don t know if it s hundreds of millions of dollars into low-income communities across the country, created economic opportunity. he has walked the walk, in addition to talking the talk. and is the last person in the world that you would say such an ignorant and prejudice thing about. but there you go. that s donald sterling. that s the donald sterling we ve come to know. and not exactly love. mike barnicle, how can this guy remain associated in the nba? i can t see any judge thinking that there s any way that he would have any standing, to have any part of any team? well, he can take them to court, certainly, but there s no way he s going to end up with the l.a. clippers at the end of this, with whatever litigation proceeds. i choose to go back to what is soon to be ex-wife reference last week when she said she
thought certainly that donald sterling was in the early stages of dementia. he s got to be. who would do that? it s possible, the racism goes back a bunch of years, guys. yeah. so it s not like this stuff wasn t buried down in there. maybe even his sensor is turned off. no doubt. there s no guard rail now, so he s going right off the cliff. it s insanity. and it s just i don t know i don t know how this guy, and we ve asked this question before, thomas, how is this guy been allowed to be an owner since 1981, the nba had to know, had to know. well, they did know that he had racist tendencies. yeah, they had the largest judgment go against him for discrimination and a payout that he and his wife had to make based on discriminatory practices. so the nba does know what s
there. if they have something to leverage him out and he agreed, mike, as you point out, he knows what s in the laws of nba ownership. if they have majority of those owners saying he s got to go, he s got to go. that s something that he agreed to on the front end. and according to his work philosophy, if magic johnson made such a mistake and should fall into the background and never be heard from again, what s his problem? he s made such a horrendous mistake that he should drop off the face of the earth. obviously, he has nobody around him that can counsel him. and he s stumbling from one crisis to another. it s unbelievable. speaking of surprising, it s not quite along those lines. but karl rove is actually doubling down on the suggestion that hillary clinton should be prepared for serious scrutiny about her health should she decide to run for president in 2016. we ve got the republican strategist that is pushing back
against the new york post head line. he questioned whether the former first lady may have brain damage. it s pretty clear where he s trying to aim the voters attention. my point was, that hillary clinton wants to run for president, but she would not be human if this didn t enter into consideration. and my other point is this will be an issue in the 2016 race. whether she likes it or not. she ll be 69 by the 2016 election. and she ll be 79 if he ends up erving two terms. clinton s camp blasted back saying she s recovered 100% from a blot clot in 2012. it wasn t just clinton pushing back, a well-known republican and white house jumped into it as well. this wasn t clever, ant it wasn t insinuation. this was karl rove running into a brick wall. nothing drives decent people running away from public office
more than this type attack. it weakens the fabric of democracy. here s what i would say about cognitive capacity which is that dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president had won re-election, including the state of ohio, so we ll leave it at that. chuck todd, what s going on? i mean, i just don t understand why would karl rove bend over backwards to make hillary clinton look like a more sympathetic figure? i am curious. it s amazing the conspiracy those are i heard yesterday. rove did this, he s doing the old lbj here. make them deny that they have brain damage. throw it out there and then say, oh, i didn t say brain damage, brain damage, brain damage, you know, but i m trying to get it into the ether. and then i ve talked to other folks who say that rove truly
was sort of shell-shocked that that got out there. that wasn t what he meant. well, he didn t exactly spin it very well yesterday. and he didn t spin is very well, no. look, the fact is she s the same age, she s going to be the same age as reagan was. if you re going to go down this road and claim she s going to have health issues, and things of that nature, then you may have to be throwing your own guy, ronald reagan under the bus a little bit. so i think this is a dangerous, tricky road to go down. and as we saw, with rove, you go down this road, and you stumble down this road, i mean, i agree, at any point, any presidential candidate has deputy release their health records. i don t care if they re 45 or 70. at the end of the day, i think it s important, the american public wants to know, they want to make their judgment about who the running mate is, things like that. so that is fair game. but to sit there and say it only really applies to her.
and you go down that road, it s going to look a little sexist if you re not careful. and it s going to backfire. you obviously have known hillary for a very long time. and you re absolutely confident. while you said legitimate there are a lot of people legitimately concerned after her fall that she s doing fine. look, i think she s doing fine. you watch her during her time as secretary of state, all the travlgs all the wear and tear and meetings she did. yeah, she had a little health problem, but probably would the rest of us after what she went through. regardless of what rove was doing, it s clear what what he was doing. if somebody like joe biden decides he wants to be in the mix two or three years older than hillary, it s going to apply to him. senator marco rubio found himself the target after recently entering into a climate change debate. speak at the national press
club, the potential 2016 contender looked to clarify remarks he made sunday. here are the original markings and what he said yesterday. i don t agree with the notion that some are putting out there including scientists that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on our climate. let me get this straight you do not think that human activity, production of co2 has causing change? i do not believe human activity is causing changes to our climate. i do not believe the laws that they will pass will do anything about it. headlines notwithstanding i of course, the climate is incorporate challenging because the climate is always changing, that s a measurable you can see. i ve never disputed that climate is changing. i pointed out that climate is always changing. it s never static. that s not the question before me ace policymaker. the question before me as a policymaker, if we ban all coal,
all carbon emission information the united states will it change the dramatic weather impacts that we re now reading jab and anyone who says that we will is not being truthful. but for me to go out and say if you pass this bill that i m proposing this will somehow lead us to have less tornadoes or hurricanes, that s just not an accurate statement. there we have him cleaning up his language but former president gore speaking about the calculus around climate change. he s said it s not complicated and why candidates are carving out their positions now. they will face primary opponents financed by the koch brothers and others who are part of their group, if they even breathe the slightest breath of sympathy for the truth. sympathy for the truth. jeremy peters, let s talk to you about the whiplash effect that we re seeing from senator marco rubio. obviously what he had to say to jonathan karl did not go over
well at the national press club and he s giving a different answer on climate change. i think this is what happens when you re thinking about running in a republican primary at the same time trying to become a viable national figure. you have to say one thing that on the one hand doesn t alienate the base. in this case, the republican base doesn t want to hear that global warming is man-made or a serious problem. but on the other hand, the majority of americans feel this is a real issue and that it needs to be dealt with at a federal level. so you ve also seen this pattern from other contenders. possible contenders for the republican nomination. remember what happened with rand paul when he came out and said that republicans need to stop talking about voter fraud. and voter i.d. he got slammed on the right, even though what he said, this is offensive, republicans need to be careful about the way they re talking about this. it s offending african-americans. yesterday, he walked those statements back, saying, well, i
didn t say i didn t say that these laws are a bad idea. all i was saying is that we need to not talk about them as much. a lot of times these guys are trying to have it both ways. chuck, off of what jeremy just said, potential candidates trying to have it both ways, not offending the base. karl rove s comments about hillary clinton. the base, not only the republican, but specifically, the republican base, where does this potential field of candidates go in appeasing the base, while perhaps alienate oeg they have a demographic problem anyway in this country. can they shoot the middle here? is there a middle for them? i don t know, they have a we talk about a demographic problem. i go back to the term and color phrase of 2013, this is a period of time where it s not exactly where the democratic party was in a great place in virginia. and he used climate change, he
used some of these issues. but climate change was one of them, to define his opponent as out of the mainstream. you won t believe what he said about this in suburban in a suburban part of the state. this is there is a sort of a suburban wing that used to exist of the republican party that s sort of pro-business. the old eisenhower, rockefeller republicans. the children of them are starting to vote democrat. not because they re enthusiastist perhaps about the democratic party but they re just they ve gone all brian sullivan to reference that. but they go, wait a minute, what s going on over here? and they feel as if you can t have rational discussions about certain policy issues. and so that s the voter that they ve also turned off in suburban america. and 2016, the clintons are very good at wooing suburban america. and climate change that can turn
off potential with right-leaning republicans. gene robinson, a fascinating story in the front page of the washington post, your newspaper. you read the article, he has conservative challenge from the right in his district. there was this weekend, where cantor was booed by republican act that visits. quite a turn of events for a guy who was seen as the conservative alternative to john boehner just a year ago. what s going on? well he s in trouble. and it s hard to figure why or how. because he s gone so far out of his way to try to define himself as the more tea party-friendly member of the leadership. of the leadership duo. and the one who will, unlike john boehner was really with the tea party. now, he faces this challenge that seems to be getting serious. i mean, i don t know that i don t know that you can call him
in grave peril at this point. you know, look, the majority leader in the house in a safe district, isn t supposed to be in trouble at all. at this point of the cycle. and i think it shows something that s happening in general about the republican party through these primaries. even though the so-called establishment candidates are winning a lot of races. they didn t win last night in nebraska, particularly. but they re winning a lot of races. but the tea party is bringing the staekt farther to the right in some cases. cantore will probably be brought yet further to the right. this, i think, could present problems for the republican party in the general election. we shall see. all right. thank you so much, chuck todd, thanks. we re going to be watching the daily rundown at 9:00 a.m. eastern.
you guys go after it, right? the irrational middle, that s what america needs. angry middle. the angry middle. they saw it yesterday. gene, stay with us if you can. former yankee second baseman willie randolph is here to explain why the yankee way it s the way it is. and senator jon tester is here later this hour. up next, his energy bill was derailed by the controversial keystone pipeline. we re going to get senator rob portman s thoughts on that and much more. you re watching morning joe. be right back. 0
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unfortunately, many americans live on the outskirts of hope. some because of their poverty. and some because of their color.
and all too many because of both. our task is to help replace their despair with opportunity. and this administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in america. that s lyndon johnson 50 years ago, declaring a war on poverty. now with the republican senator from ohio, rob portman who has revealed his ideas for a conservative plan to take on poverty. thank you so much, rob, for being with us. you you bet. we thought it was an either/or. you have to be republican or you have to fight against poverty. what are your plans? paul ryan s been talking about a focus on poverty, too? what are we willing to do to help in this area? well, first, just the opposite you know, from
either/or. lyndon johnson just talked about opportunity, rather than despair. i mean, lieu technical economy today, joe, we re clearly at a point of despair, in the sense that poverty is up the rate of poverty is up. 47 million below the poverty line. we also have a weak economy coming out of a recession. the recovery is not adding hope and opportunity to the middle class, as well as people on the poverty line. so the question is, what do we do about it? i think there s two major things. one is, we need to grow an agenda. and you and i have talked about that, that includes transforming all of the economy, from the health care system to tax code regulations and so on. that s what jfk talked years before this. a rising tide lifts all votes. and second, even with a rising tide, people are going to fall through the cracks and end up on the shoals. we talked about prevention and
treatment and recovery. some of the models there, two decades ago, you and i worked on this issue of drug abuse from a republican perspective, but also a bipartisan perspective. i ve done this with regard to prison re-entry with second chance. my point is there are ways to get at this with constructive conservatism because we know it would. if we re talking about this, i m just pressing you a little bit here, if you came out and said i ve got a plan to take on poverty and tax cuts, et cetera, et cetera, a lot of people are going to roll their eyes and say, well, that s the republican party we ve been hearing about for 50 years. there has to be a spending component to it if you re going to get people s attention. are you and other republicans willing to invest in some of these programs to make a difference? yeah. i think we do. we invest in what works. i talked about yesterday, joe, of the fact that we should use federal funds to leverage local
and nonprofit private funds. this has happened with regard to the drug issue. the example i used was this legislation that was passed two decades ago that i offered that talks about how to get community coalition, started. it turns out there s like 5,000 coalitions that have been sparring for the act. it has to be funded at the local level. it involves the whole community coming together. the idea is it s not going to be solved from washington. also evidence-based approaches, i talked about the second chance and the fact that it requires that we use the best practices and the federal government has a big role to play there because some of the best research is done at the federal level. you can bring together best practices. you can go online and see the website it s called what works. gene robinson with the washington post. senator portman, good to talk with you. thank you. does the republican party have any plans to address poor
people? to try to communicate with poor people on these issues and to try to sell a program that, frankly, does sound like what republicans have been say for a long time. and what a lot of team think has not worked. yeah, look, i don t think republicans have talked about this for a long time, john kennedy s admonition that a rising tide lifts boats. in a growing economy, some people will be left behind. i think we saw that in 1980, for instance. we saw that in the economy. and yet, ronald reagan actually talked about how do you deal with people who have drug addiction problems and therefore there are broken families and therefore there are problems. we need to get back to that. i specifically talked yesterday that you re not able to deal with some of the broken communities until you deal with drug addiction and the impacts, particularly, the impact that s
disproportionate on communities with the current war on drug which is i don t think is working. and secondly, the record number of people in prison and not dealing with them when they get out. 95% of them are going to get out. that s a conservative approach otherwise taxpayers are picking up the tab for two-thirds of those people getting back in the system. there are ways to deal with those things. i don t want to cut you off. we ve got a lost people that want to get at you, rob. here s steve rattner. you had a couple references to kennedy s quote a rising tide lifts all boats. but it was a lot more than nap it was after his famous visit in 1960 when he in fact launched the war on poverty. launched what became head start. and your party was in the process of trying to cut all of those things. you of course voted against raising the minimum wage. i know you think costs jobs but
would raise 4 million or 5 million people out of poverty simply by getting them to $10.10 an hour. so what is wrong with those programs? steve, first of all, regarding the minimum wage, since you talked about that i strongly support programs that create jobs. i don t support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour because it s going to create fewer jobs. the issue with regard to poverty isn t the minimum wage, with all due respect as much as it is about jobs. as you look at it, as you know fewer there been 0.3 of 1% of people are under minimum wage and under the poverty line. why? because most people under the poverty line need a job. it s not about the minimum wage, it s about a job. the problem about raising the minimum wage too fast and too high, you re going to eliminate jobs. the budget office has joined and said if you do what the president is proposing it will result in jobs being lost not gained. why not do things like making
the earned income tax credit work better. things that could affect work. i do support that in ohio. that would. i think states should be able to do that. i think we re getting off track on some of these political discussions. i know it s very popular, the minimum wage issue. again, ohio s got a higher minimum wage index. mike barnicle. senator, these are admiral goals but how do you attack poverty in this country when many members of your party have voted to cut food stamps. they ve voted to repeal health care, you talk about a rising tide lifts all boats. how do you talk about a rising tide that lifts boats still filled with the hungry and rising ill-health? i do believe that the rising tide theory is important. in fact, i think it s necessary. you got to have a stronger economy. you ve got to have growth. there are five or six things that we should do immediately to
get the economy moving again. dealing with health care costs. and the competitive global economy. we ve got to do a much better job really reforming all of our institutions of our country as other countries have done when we have not. my point is that s not enough. it s not sufficient. the question is how do you come up with ways that are practical, i call it constructive, to actually look at what s worked. and deal with the issues. i don t believe it s going to happen from washington alone. by the way, lyndon johnson said that later in that same speech which is this is not going to happen in washington, it s going to happen in the field. it s going to happen in private homes in public lawsuits from the courthouse on up. he even acknowledged this is not something that s going to happen in washington. but washington has an important role to ply. that s what i tried to lay out in my speech yesterday. rob, thank you for being with us. senator rob portman. tomorrow morning on the show, glenn greenwald is going to join us on his new memoir on braying
the edward snowden story. coming up this hour, the bouncy house that went from a good time to a really scary scene. what led to these photos. oh, my god. and what happened to the kids inside. we ll be right back. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and e-trade. i m monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today.
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all right, gang, so two children in upstate new york are
recovering from serious injuries after a gust of wind swept away a bouncy house. you can see the image there. three kids were actually playing inside. hey, you can guys take down the lower third. and go back to that other shot. i want to put a perspective how high this thing went. yeah, go back to the next shot. just right there. wow. look how oh, my god. how high three little children are inside that bouncy house that we ve all had, if we have kids. nicolle, you can t even look at it. my 3-year-old loves that. three little kids. we ve all had these at birthday parties, right our kids have all done them at birthday parties. and apparently, it was staked down. it had been staked down, joe, you re right. this gust of wind came along and blew it up 50 feet in the air. this gives perspective of where the ground is and cars parked
nearby. one child escaped with only minor injuries but another boy has broken bones after falling 15 to 20 feet in the parking lot nearby. while the third has a serious head injury after landing on a car. heartbreaking for the parents. it s just a simple toy that a lot of parents book for birthday parties for their kids. my kids aren t going in one of those. yeah. if parents that don t want them anymore, there s there s a good reason. i m done with the tent. unless the stakes go down 40 feet to to aquifer. oh, my gosh, that s horrible. thomas, what s coming up in the 8:00 hour? all right. a big hour coming up how to think like a freak. that s what i m talkin about. that s what i m talking about. the men behind the book
freakonomics are back with tips how to train your brain. and what secretary eric shinseki needs to say in his senate testimony needs to keep his job. how about i quit. jon tester is standing by to join us live. straight ahead. we re back after this. cars are driven by people. they re why we innovate. they re who we protect. they re why we make life less complicated.
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back from iraq and the injuries to the vets are pretty intense, especially the ones we can t see. i think the v.a. is doing a pretty good darn job. that being said, if one veteran dies because somebody screwed up on a wait-list, that s far too many. first of all, i ve got to say, there are a lot of veterans that would take exception to you saying, quote, the v.a. is doing a pretty good job. if you think the v.a. s doing a pretty good job. i think you may be one of people in washington, d.c. that think that v.a. is doing a good job, but maybe one of the few people in america who believe that. i couldn t disi agree with you more. i ve been around the state of montana. i ve talked to veterans for the last eight years. and i m not a veteran. i ve talked to veterans. and i can tell you almost truly without exception they truly appreciate the v.a. is it perfect? absolutely not. does it need to be improved? absolutely. we need to work on it, especially when it comes to
mental health issues. but overall, i will tell you that the v.a., and i d know it s in vogue right now to politicize everything that s going on with the v.a. but the bottom line is, we need to get to the bottom of this, we need to find out if there s wrog doing and hold people responsible. it s not in vogue with all due respect, senator, there s been a waiting list that s been extraordinarily long. an you ve got parts of the v.a. that are actually cooking the books. and possibly killing veterans. we need to get to the bottom of that. but i will tell you, the waiting list, we knew was coming. it was coming. and i can tell you that this secretary has reduced it by 45%. that being said, it s being increased by 45%, too. because we re having veterans come home from iraq and afghanistan as we wind these wars down. and i think it s good we re winding these wars down but we ve got to be realistic. the fact is, the waiting list is too long. secretary shinseki has made it a priority. and he s worked hard at it. and he needs success.
in the meantime, what has congress done? well, we ve had sequestration and shutdowns and anything but certainty to the v.a. so when we see politicians badmouthing the v.a., they re pointing a finger at the v.a. and three back at themselves. that s bad mouthing the v.a. paul reichoff is bad mouthing the v.a. he s not a politics. and there are are millions of other veterans for some reason don t share your rosy scenario of the v.a. let me tell you, the v.a. has plenty of room to improve. but they do plenty of things right, too. i think if we want to focus on the negative and we don t want to focus on ways to improve the v.a., then we ll be right where we are right now. asking for resignations when we don t have all the facts. we need to get all the facts and then we need to act appropriately. well senator, instead of
focusing on the negative, you come from a big state. let s talk about accessibility from ptsd treatment. you get in the car and drive for hours some veterans before they get properly treated. what can you do about that? what should the v.a. be doing about it now? well, what we need to do, we need to get both in the v.a. and the private sector more mental health care professionals throughout. this could be the biggest issue fatesing this country over the next 20 or 30 years. what the v.a. is doing about it, they re trying to hire as many folks as they can to serve areas both urban and rural. they re working on telehealth which is critically important. with success, by the way, even better than eye-to-eye work that they ve done with the folks that have ptsd and tbi. look, it is a business issue. i don t know that we ve got one psychologist east of montana. and there s a big area east of billings. there needs to be work done there, no doubt about it.
all hands on deck to get it fixed. senator jon tester, thank you for being with us. greatly appreciate it. thank you. i don t get it. i don t it s an outrage. well, you talk about i don t get that, i talk to veterans all the time. we have them on the show. i talk to veterans all the time that wonder why shinseki should still be there. they are killing vets in phoenix. they are cooking the books. i don t know if he if he s lobbying for another facility. in his state. i don t understand that. well, and you talked about i m sorry, that is that s political in itself. that is one of most remarkable disconnects, political disconnects from a guy i ve always respected. i don t get that. he s a good guy. he s heart s in the right place. but the reality is the v.a. is an incredible mess. at outrage more senators going
the house of representatives, the american flag, we have to take care of our veterans. and even came on saying shinseki who he has covered a long time and he doesn t get it, he doesn t get it, giant should be gone. i m shocked that you ve got a united states senator saying this is about politician? it s about vets. coming up next, yankee great willie randolph joins us. wow. [bell rings]
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now former second baseman, now coach for the yankees, willie randolph. we re just talking about what you re doing now. you managed the mets for how many seasons? three and a half years. you had a great run as a coach and player with the new york yankees. what s next? i hope i get the shot to manage. i got the opportunity and lived the dream. i grew up in brooklyn, new york.
i rooted for the mets as a youngster. i got a chance to manage the team. my life has been really charmed and really blessed. and then also captain of the yankees. living both worlds and just understanding the game has been good to me, i love the game but i d like another shot and see if i can get better at it. you ought to get another shot. your career with the yankees spans almost 30 years. you put it all together and you saw some things. yes. you were there for reggie jackson, you were there in the 80s with don mattingly, you saw jeter come up from the minors and watch him grow under that great yankee run with joe torre. can you put into words what the experience was for you? it was a great experience for you, a 21-year-old kid to be a part of a world series championship. the yankee way means a winning tradition, a legacy that s rich in championships.
everyone can t win, it s not easy to win championships. i was fortunate to get traded by the pirates to the yankees and it just took off for me, again, storybook. the yankees for me are about family, tradition. the steinbrenners gave us an opportunity to win. i was fortunate to play with great players, hall of famers. how would you like to be joe girardi trying to handle jeter s farewell tour? how hard is it to know when it s time? the players don t know it s time. your hear feels i can do that. i went through that a little bit with mike piazza. he did a great job of saying you got to give me a day off, i m okay with this.
derek is a different thing. it s got to be a tough thing for a father and son to go to the game and jeter has the day off. it s a tough, tough pill to swallow. when you talk about the hear, though, do you have a conflicted heart when it comes to new york and mets and yankees? i know the book is called the yankee way but you grew up a mets fan. do you have a conflicted heart over where your allegiance really lies? i m conflicted but the best of both worlds. when you manage a team, it s like a father/son. as a player, you leave it on the field. i enjoyed playing more than managing. but when you think about me, i m a yankee. you know, i got the world championship rings, i was captain of the team. the ring says it all.
distracting. we re all surprised you didn t say the mets way. and i was the honor of being one of eight yankee captains. that was special. i probably have some pin stripe blood in my veins but the love the mets. that ring, though, look at that bling. this was actually, 2000 world series. imagine living in this town? this was the most nerve racking. the true subway series. they re going on right now but had is the real subway series. there a lot of great stories, including the one where you went to yankee stadium as a fan and heckled derek jeter. you got to read the book. still ahead, magic johnson s reaction to donald sterling s
so-called apology. that was an apology? i don t think so. you re watching morning joe. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today s xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you re ready for real business. scotts wraps each seed in a brilliant water smart plus coating, that feeds, protects, and holds in moisture
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and relentlessly protecting your identity. get lifelock protection and live life free. [ alert rings ] suffered brain damage. karl rove better be careful of what he s talking about because karl rove saying somebody else has brain damage, yeah, take a look at this and then we ll talk about it.
tell me you never saw this man move, doing the dance, the karl rove dance sickening, isn t it? welcome back to morning joe. mike barnicle is with us, steve rattner, mark halpern and joy reid. thinking on the whole brain damage thing. we picked through that a couple of years ago. he didn t say brain damage but said was wearing glasses that suggested he had a traumatic brain injury when of course these are the same type of glasses that you wore in college. those milk bottle glasses. from the yale days. you remember that. i think this will go down in
history as a miscalibration by carl because of of the way he let it come out. i m not 100% certain he wanted this in the blood stream. this was a private event. people can say, as nicole did yesterday, people had no know this was going to come up. he had to know this was going to come up. but the clean-up was not handled well either. what she said in private obviously is in private. obviously she didn t have brain damage. i just disagree with her on issue. the republican party is in crisis right now. doesn t look like jeb bush wants to run, people are worried about chris christie, there s another other establish candidate. the big gun, the big brains at the presidential level is what can we do to intimidate hillary clinton from running or try to make the conversation about her
about the past and negative. i think that s part of the package that carl s part of now but i don t think he planned this. well, joy, this sure isn t a way to intimidate her. if i had my opponent throwing a wild charge like that at me or let s say a member of my family i d go, okay, well, so they re going to just hand me this election then, aren t they? it was a stupid thing to say and it was stupid to not back down from it. yeah, i mean, the source of it obviously he s now backing off saying he didn t really say that but it comes across, if true, as a schoolyard taunt, needlessly petty and small, a stupid insult. as somebody who grew up wearing glasses, it comes across like a schoolyard, foolish taunt. it doesn t in any way get to hillary clinton as secretary of state. like what you re supposed to go after if you re being serious about running against her is the actual content of the work she s done as a public figure, the content of what she did as
secretary of state. this petty stuff and speculating about her having brain damage, it isn t even serious politics. and talking about her being old, when karl rove says she ll be 69 if she wins, 77 when she gets out, you know what i think? think of ronald reagan, who was 69 when he was inaugurated, 77 when he was out. i would take eight more years of ronald reagan. i know a lot of people would. but republicans, who are listening to karl rove, i don t even think republicans get it. can t you just see hillary clinton saying to rand paul i m not going to use the youth and inexperience of my opponent against him? exactly. you re reminding people she has a lot of experience in public life. people who know her and know politics understand she s a serious person. the republican party is in
existential crisis right now. their kind of republicans now are trying to disqualify her. it s the strategy president obama used to disqualify mitt romney. they re saying our only hope of winning now until we have a candidate that can match up with her until we have a candidate in the electoral college, is to disqualify her. that s where the energy is now. is karl rove more wary of hillary clinton or more leery of the existing republican field? he would like a horse to get on. until they have a horse, there s a one-word job description for the party right now, who can beat her?
they don t have anybody gung-ho who can beat her, to try to start enough noise who can beat or damage her. the tea party got a much-needed primary victory last night, some are saying. the nebraska former bush official, ben sasse captured more than half of the votes. he s scored endorsements from sarah palin and ted cruz and outside groups including club for growth. they spent millions on sasse. when he called out senator minority leader mitch mcconnell to show some, quote, actual leadership on obamacare but yesterday he down played that rift and told chuck todd he would absolutely support mitch mcconnell as leader. and pete rickets, businessman who won the primary in nebraska
had the backing of ted cruz, who campaigned out there for him. so ricketts has to be the favorite for that state. a lot of tea party got behind him and establishment got behind him as well. he was a unifying candidate, wasn t he? but he is an outsider. mcconnell is someone who will come to washington like senator johnson of wisconsin or mike lee from utah, he s not going to come and play nice. i don t think he ll be as far outside the mainstream of the party in terms of attitude as ted cruz. he ll be a senator and peter ricketts will be senator most
likely. and magic johnson was first dragged into this controversy after sterling confronted his then mistress over a photograph. stiviano posted the image of magic johnson on it instagram. sterling told her not to bring magic or any other african-american to clippers game during that original racist rant and then sterling went after magic johnson again, this time, believe it or not, for having hiv. what has he done? can you tell me, big magic johnson. what has he done? well, he s a business person, he he s got aids. did he do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a. i think he has hiv, he doesn t actually have full-blown aids. what kind of guy goes to every city, has sex with every girl and then he catches hiv. is that somebody we want to
respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself, he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people? he doesn t do anything. here s a man who we would think would be educated and a man who would is smart enough to build this type of wealth and own a team, to have an incredible platform to change the world but he s doing it in a negative way. he s reaching. he s reaching. he s trying to find something he can grab on to to help him save his team and it s not going to happen. am i upset? of course. but at the same time i m a god fearing man, i m going to pray for him and hope that things work out for him. the problem is he s living in the stone ages. he can t make those comments about african-americans or latinos. he just can t do it. joy reid, why don t you tell us what donald sterling is thinking when he goes on tv and
says that? the only thing i can think of between that and what he said to v. stiviano on the phone, here s a man who has a desenep sense o inadequacy, just his girl friend being a picture in magic johnson what kind of fool would say that? he has to know, does he not? we all know what magic johnson has done in communities and cities over the past 20 years. the investment, the financial investments, the risk he has taken to help the disadvantaged, he s done so much. forget the ignorance about aids or hiv, the more ignorant statement has to do with the fact that magic has been doing exactly what he said blacks should do. it s insanity. he s a deeply ignorant man who obviously knows very little
about magic johnson other than the way he makes him feel. this is magic johnson in the 1980s the idea of hiv/aids terrified people. magic johnson probably more than any other single person has humanized the issue of hiv, has made people understand it in the real sense. it is considered heroic in the african-americ african-american community both for the way he has contributed to the community and why doesn t magic johnson age? magic looks like he did 25 years ago. he s magic. that s right. he s magic for a reason. you have lebron coming out and saying he will not play basketball next year if this creep is still running the clippers or has anything to do
with the clippers. i m not that familiar with the nba board of governor rules and apparently if the majority of owners is against sterling returner so he will be done. the larger issue, joy alluded to it, do you remember the day the news broke that magic johnson and hiv? of course i do. at that stage of the hiv crisis, he provided it s impossible for people too young to remember but there was such a panic. i remember americans going to restaurants and feverishly wiping down their silverware when they got to restaurants because they were afraid they were going to get, posed to the hiv virus. magic put a loving face on the epidemic.
we all thought, oh, my god, in two, three years magic is going to be dead? that s right. no, that was a turning point in that battle that we owe an awful lot to magic for as you were saying, joy. arthur ashe and magic johnson are the two people who did more to end the panic for hiv/aids than anyone else. the federal government refused to use the word aids, people fighting for basic drug care. people thought he would die almost immediately. his survival in and of itself but also his really just incredibly dignified champion of just living with hiv, besides the fact that he was just an ignorant fool who should be out of the nba, that is stupid. magic of 91, that s the on thing people would be thinking
about now. now that s way down on the list. people don t even think about it. talking about living with hiv and making a big difference in american society, the guy did it. joy, thank you for being with us. do you know what your show is going snto be? we re going to be talking about this and we re going to be talking about the nigerian girls. this is a very personal issue to me and we re going to stay on that story until we see a resolution. that s great. can t wait to watch that. are you following my advice? my staff can hear this, by the way. i told her to stay at home, relax. i ve done it a couple of times. pixar has swimming pools and volleyball courts. you got to be in the right mindset. do not come in here for your meeting. i m talking to the staff. don t watch this, just this
part. it s not about you, it s about joy. coming up, our reaction to the interview of time geithner with larry kudlow. and calm down brian sullivan, boy, he s fired up. coming up next, speaking of freaks, the authors behind freakonomics are coming up. they want to teach you how to think like a freak. bill karins, what do you have for us? you can t say freak and lead into the weathercast, joe. we re into some freaky weather. it was only 66 degrees in san antonio, it was 92 in washington, d.c. and out west, an incredible heat wave on top of this historic drought. let s add in the santa ana winds and it s one of those days of
firefighters are going to be gearing up and be ready. it s a very dangerous day. winds could gust in the mountains up to 80 miles per hour. 80 miles per hour and 100 degrees. that s like having a hair dryer blower. record heat expect, 100 on thursday. they don t cool off in southern california until friday and especially the weekend. heavy rain and possibility of a few severe storms, maybe isolated tornado or two, it goes through pittsburgh, columbus, louisville, tupelo. if you have any problems at the airport, it will most likely be with the thunderstorms. how about los angeles, 101 today. early in the season for that. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. and you re younger than you
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it s posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set.
when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. your ticket to a better night s sleep . hey, with us now, it s the wildly popular freakonomics series, authors steven levitt and steven dubner. they re out with their latest installment. i like the first one, think like a child. we don t want to make our way through the world like 8-year-olds exactly because there are a lot of things kids
need to do that they can t do. but what they can do is be relentlessly curious, and their brains are physiologically sharper. we re start to deteriorate at about 22 years old. we suggest people channel the inner child as best as they can. especially when you re trying to come up with good yquestions an creative solutions. give us an example how you can do that at work. think like a child? yes. kids don t know anything about the world and they have a lot of solutions. a lot of answers people come up with people think you re nuts but and also learn to say i don t
know. and as adults we tend to present a theory or possibility as a certain tear. put away your moral compass. we don t mean to say people shouldn t be moral. nobody wants to live in a world where people don t have a strong moral compass. but if you re trying to solve a problem and you walk in thinking you know what s the right thing to do and what s wrong, you will exclude a whole set of possibilities. put your moralali itit itit iti aside and you can come back to it later. also in the book i still think you can be an astronaut. i d like to if we still had nasa. you re limiting yourself. he already looks like an astronaut. thank you very much.
could have been. you talk about don t be afraid to quit. a lot of people, once we get on a certain path, we don t want to trigger any type of failure in our lives because we get comfortable with being on a path. why do you try to get people to not think of that as a bad thing. quitting and failure are two different things. the worst failure is looking back at our life and doing the same thing and wondering why you do that. the people who quit are happier than the ones who don t. from freak to frank. you tell great stories. tell bus the hot dog eating contest and what lessons he teaches ees us. i love this story and this guy.
kobiachi, he wanted to solve the problem and he approached it totally differently. instead of doing what everybody else did, fasting, starving themselves, instead of thinking how can i eat more hot dogs, he thought how can i eat one faster? he broke the process down and the first time out doubled the world record. from like 25 to 50? it would be like usain bolt running the world record in like 4.5 seconds, somewhere between a taxi and a cheetah. we ve heard about creative destruction, that does lie at the heart of it. like you said, you don t drive the car off the cliff. sometimes well, all of this is about getting out of your comfort zone and not doing what everybody expects you to do. absolutely. it s about thinking. it s about not just sleep walking through life but thinking about what you want to
do and taking control and doing it. so who is your favorite freak that you studied that put the big light bulb over your head? barry marshall was an australian medical young doctor who figured out what causes ulcers, okay? it doesn t sound like a big game he also figured out what causes stomach cancer. at the time ulcers were thought to be from stress and stomach issues. he went and found out it was about bacteria and solved stomach cancer by looking at a problem, asking questions, hey, what are those bacteria being here, was ostracized by the
medical community and finally was recognized and won the nobel peace prize. i know hough to eat a hot dog faster now. and you can go out for thai food to celebrate. let your freak flag fly high. you can read an excerpt on moj coming up, your favorite internet stock is most likely collapsing. i told up not to invest in, you didn t listen to me. we re going to dig into it when we come back.
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you mentioned that in january of 2009 we re on the brink and that was a term we heard a lot, the country was about to go over the cliff in the fall of 2008. what does that mean explicitly and specifically? what would have happened if we hadn t taken that step back? think of the great depression. there s no memory of it. people didn t live through it but in the great depression, unemployment went to 25 and gdp
fell by 25% and it took a decade to get back to some measure of security for people. that s because we allowed as a country a financial panic to escalate and bring the system to collapse. and why does that happen? it s because the light s going out. it s like the power grid not functioning. if the economy can t get oxygen, just to mix some more metaphors, companies can borrow, then businesses fire people on a brutal scale and that produces those set of conditions. panic leads to crash. that s why those things are so damaging. and they have massive innocent victims in that context. how close were we? we were right at the edge. paulsen wrote he thought we were three days away from the atms not working. people were talking about burying gold in their back ya s yards. they cut out the part where
they explain that s exactly what mika is still doing, burying gold in her back yard, west chester, south of france, all over the place. that of course was tim geithner earlier. mike barnicle did not have a lot of nice things to say about elizabeth warren. i don t think he likes elizabeth warren. i don t know that he doesn t like her. but i think he clearly felt abused by her in the settle of setting her up for questioning, youtube moments rather than oh, i think he doesn t like her. okay. we re going to talk about that and much more. we re going to ask why too big to fail has got i don t know even bigger. brian sullivan is trying to recover from yesterday. larry kudlow, miles neddal, a cast of thousands will be with us when we return on morning joe.
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can we just stop saying the republican party. as someone who grew up in a conservative household, i don t recognize the republican party of even my youth. i don t like what i see. i don t like the far right, i don t like the extremism. they ve pushed me away. as somebody who is pretty much not religious, right, pro same-sex marriage, pro legalization of marijuana for the most part, okay, what party is this? what party am i supposed to be in when i m a fiscal conservative who believes that small government can often be better. there are times for larger government. so we keep saying the republican party and i love you guys and i love the show and i come on all the time but i don t know who the republican party is anymore. i don t know in the republican party knows it s not a party i can get on board with because
i don t like the small minded attitude, a lot of the right-wing stuff that comes out. well, come on down, come on down. give this guy a cup of decaf. a ticket to new hampshire. that was brian sullivan on our show yesterday. brian is back today. lexapro is doing a remarkable thing in his life for the past 24 hours, along with larry kudlow and miles nadal. brian sullivan, i hear not just republicans but a lot of conservative republicans that oppose obamacare, that oppose higher taxes, that oppose more regulations, that are larry kudlow and joe scarborough conservatives who say you know what, just keep the crazy at home, we want to actually win elections and change america for the better. so i don t know that you re i mean, i m hearing this from the
most conservative, ideological people out there, which is just stop winning election. by the way, i want to thank everybody for the support. that was obviously unexpected and a little bit out of character. i appreciate everybody writing in. you didn t just win the academy award. it s like baseball. if the pirates bat .320 as a team but every team bats better and they keep losing, does l thr batting average really matter? the republicans have lost five out of six of the last popular elections? we ve last five out of six elections. larry kudlow, people are doing some really, really stupid things. harry reid should be going to boxing matches in nevada in his
pajama and flip-flops. he should have been beaten. keep your eyes open. he s on the ropes. i think this is a year where the big tent philosophy is going to work pretty nicely. it worked last night in nebraska. tea party support. the republicans are going to have the upper hand on economic growth and obamacare. tease are very important issues. with all respect to brian, i am not in favor of legalizing pot, i never will be in favor, i don t think the republican party should be in favor of legalizing pot, but if a state wants to do it, let the state do, it don t get in the way. i would say the same thing regarding certain key social issues. if certain states want gay marriage, that s up to the state. but the national party, let s focus on getting america back to work, right? and you re going to see that,
is going to be the big theme. this is the worst economic recovery since world war ii, the job situation still remains very difficult and, frankly, obamacare is not only bad for the economy, it s going to be bad for health care and health care costs. my advice to the gop, big tent is number one and, two, keep your eye on the balls that really matter. steve rattner, every time on the house floor we started getting to social issues, the republican party would split, work, jobs, taxes, regulation, getting people back to work, we d be united. this economy, a lot of unrest in the economy. unemployment numbers are going down. last quarter that we flatlined, maybe because of weather. but you have a great chart here talking about how we ve got two americas. we ve got the america on wall street that s setting records every day and we ve got the america on main street that s been losing real wages since
1973. it s true. the stock market has been hitting new highs pretty much every day. it s up 32% last year, 3% this year. is there a bubble? is there a bubble? i m sure people on this panel have an opinion about it. looking at the price-to-earnings ratio, how expensive is the stock market in this goes back to 1910 and uses a measure developed by robert shiller, an economist. and it s not as high as it was in 1929 and it s not as high as it was in 2000 and not quite as high as it was in 2007 but other than that, it is higher than it s been. does it mean the stock market can keep going up some more because of these irrational bits of exuberance? sure, it can. but your chart doesn t end
we re in a bubble now? it suggests stocks are on the expensive end but not in the bubble we ve had before. explain what happened to internet stocks. look what s happened. twitter down 47%, groupon down 46%. some of that are questions that have questionable business models. i don t think many think groupon is the greatest business in the world, twitter when it went public, the valuation was crazy. the whole market is sort of rotating at the moment away from internet stocks. can i make one point? steve is right as far as this chart goes. this is a ten-year average of price-to-earnings multiples. now, bob shiller is a smart guy. i m not here to put him down, this is not necessarily the best way to measure it. look at last year or this year
or a year ahead,or really around 15 times earnings and that s not bad. my advice, sometimes kudlow is right, sometimes kudlow is wrong, i wouldn t jump out of the market right now. housing and consumer spending. housing is stable temperature it stable. larry said trade at about 16 times earnings currently. and on that basis the s&p 500 could be 1950, 1975 next year. s&p earnings are supposed to be 117 this year, gross 6%. if you believe what lee cooperman says, which is stocks are the best house in a good neighborhood currently, they re fair live priced. they re not cheap in relation to what they ve been historically
and they re not over live expensive. so why is main street still suffering and why is wall street doing so well? when you look at the unemployment rate that has declin declined, it s mostly because people have left the workforce. there s only about 150,000 job being created monthly. the answer is simple. why has main street suffered and wall street done so well? because wages have not increased, and what hasn t gone into wages has gone into corporate profits. workers are simply not sharing in this prosperity. the wage point is exactly right. it s exactly right. and i think that s because of the slow growth in the economy and i think that s because of poor economic policies. but i want to make a point, wall street versus main street. no, won t buy it. 50% of the households in this country own stocks. when you talk about main street, union people, cops, fire,
teachers are all in pension funds and the pension funds are doing very well because the stock market has done very well. in queens your cop is making $120,000 a year, your school teach ser making $120,000 a year, they re putting some money into pension funds and that money is being matched and then some. those pension funds have gone up a lot since the bottom in 2009. teachers make $120,000 a year? how much? did you say they make $120,000 a year? in this city? absolutely. look at the recent de blasio settlement, it s going to be more than that. how much is the market in unrest in ukraine and overseas? they don t seem worried at all. the bond yield has gone down. but to steven s point, the stock market continues to go up. perhaps we are the cleanest dirty shirt in a bag of laundry. do i want to push back a little on what steven said, incomes
have not gone up, that is well founded, well known, accurate. but let s not forget corporations have paid out this huge gain in money to health care over the last 20 years. any corporation will say we have given our employees a raise, it just hasn t been in their paycheck, it s been in benefits. if the president s health care plan works and does as advertised, if we can bend that down, corporations will then transfer some of those savings to workers actual paychecks. that s a fair point. but the balance of the evidence is workers have not had much pay increase. to larry s point, sure. has some direct interest in the stock but the vast preponderance of the gains in this stock rally have gone to the famous 1%. i just don t think the evidence supports that. i m not making this stuff up. half of the households in this
country either directly or indirectly through pension funds or 401(k)s and what have you own shares. the most important issue is about job creation. if the republican party focusses on that single issue about job creation throughout the entire economy, especially in small business, that is the critical issue. way to stimulate the economy and benefit main street is through job creation. and that s the gop message inside the big tent. if they stick to their knitting on that, they re going to do very well. all they need is a policy now. we ll find it. at least we have focus. that s what we need. thinking like a child, thinking like a freak. larry kudlow, good to have you all here. and harry reid on the koch brothers when we come back.
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this guy spent millions fighting to outlaw online g gambli gambling, fighting organized labor. he gave $90 million to republican candidates. perhaps he thought they d help him take on radical islam and
unions. . harry reid is going to crush this guy. don t pick on him. did you say don t pick on the billionaire who puts millions in politics, why? he s in this because he has certain ideological views. what the [ bleep ] difference does that make? well, what are his ideological objections to online gambling that the largest owner of in-house gam blebling has? i can t tell over the internet who is underage, i can t tell who has financial difficultie
difficultie difficulties, i can t but if you come to my iy cas, you don t enter without filling out a comprehensive financial questionnaire. this weekend, visit gayle king will be there delivers the key note address. mika is going to be there. and get this, she s going to give away money, mark halpern. money, money, money. she s going to have women there all over the state, pitching about their value. $10,000 bonus. donny deutsch and i of course are going to be helping. it s going to be good. is it a beauty contest? no, it is not. it s amazing, these women who want to go in business are pitching their value, asking for a raise and why they deserve a raise. coming up next, what, if anything, did we learn today? master of diversification.
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where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours time to talk about what we learned today. thomas, what have you learned. that we can have our freak flag and let it fly high. we ll have more the freakonomics guy coming up more after mojoe. what did you learn? the clippers were robbed and need a new owner zip learned if i want to be an adult, i have to
think like a child. the veterans have to take a two-hour drive to find a psychiatrist in los angeles. and i learned the v.a. is doing a good job. i don t understand that. if it s way too early, it s morning joe. but stick around, here s chuck todd with the daily rundown. if it s wednesday, it s victory lap day. will it be a tea party pulse in nebraska, a democratic deferral in west virginia and did book are feel a backlash in new jersey? also this morning, terrible tragedy overseas as hundreds are dead in a turkey coal mine collapse. we ll have an update on the rescue team still trying to save some trapped workers. and back here at home, the s didn t stand for station but some senators want to put harry truman s name on

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20140524 23:30:00

ne® plus. on this saturday night, shooting rampage, a terrifying night as a gunman kills six people on and around a college campus. his motive in a chilling video promising a day of retribution. firefight. the battle to contain a massive wildfire by making it even bigger, as tourists and businesses find themselves smoked out on this holiday weekend. abortion battleground. the newest state to impose tough requirements on doctors who perform the procedure. protecting women or denying them access? and all in the family. a most unlikely living arrangement and remarkably, it works. lifelong friends and inseperable.
from nbc news headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news kwtsz with lester holt. police didn t have to wonder what caused a gunman to kill six people and injure seven others near a california college campus last night. the answer was a click away on youtube in a chilling manifesto. the victims were gunned down by a drive-by killer on the streets of isla vista near the university of california santa barbara. the spree of terror stretched for blocks and finally ended with the gunman himself dead. tonight the family confirms the shooter is elliott roger, who made a lengthy youtube posting hours before the rampage and calmly laid out his plan for what he vowed would be a day of retribution. revenge, he said, against the women who rejected him. already questions are being asked about whether authorities could have headed off this horrible tragedy. we have two reports, beginning
with mike taibbi on the jean for us. mike? reporter: hello, lester. the family of the suspect said they warned police about the youtube video before the shootings. what did happen ten minutes of carnage that left seven dead including the shooter and a college community in shock. by late this afternoon, nine separate crime scenes were on the way to being cleared, locations where just before 9:30 friday night, the usual busy scenes in and around the santa barbara campus had been pierced by gunshots. it was someone shooting from a car, a black late-model bmw here firing away in this busy intersection in the enclave known as isla vista. the car had pulled up in front of the deli mart. i heard between 12 and 20 shots into a group of people eating in front of it. hours before the shooting started, a chilling video had been posted on youtube.
elliott roger here. well, this is my last video. it all has to come to this. tomorrow is the day of retribution. a day in which i will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. reporter: roger, the 22-year-old son of associate film director peter roger of hunger games fame had been a student at a local community college, not ucsb. the family attorney confirmed he was the alleged gunman, a child of divorce the attorney said had been struggling with personal problems. we are experiencing the most inconceivable pain, and our hearts go out to everyone involved. reporter: roger had a life of privilege, comfortable with world travel and private country clubs. but in a 7-minute manifesto said his hatred and rage were fueled by constant rejection. by the girls he pursued and by the men who looked down at him, so he allegedly took a
semiautomatic handgun and a supply of ammunition. a drive-by shooter spraying bullets at random targets in the night. this atrocity was a premeditated mass murder. reporter: the suspect fired at people outside a deli, a sorority house, a pizza place, a 7-eleven. leaving six dead and seven others injured. one victim staggering into the home of friend dillon carr. he pulled his hand down and there was blood all over it. reporter: six minutes after the first 911 calls, police encountered the alleged shooter s car and there was an exchange of gunfire. the suspect crashing into another car and a bicyclist before dying of a gunshot to the head, perhaps self-inflicted. there were witnesses who heard those final moments. i heard about six gunshots, what sounded like shots, and we weren t sure if it was fireworks. reporter: and others who saw how it all ended. we saw this black car crash into a parked car like half on the sidewalk and a guy laying in the street and the cops tending to someone in the driver s seat.
reporter: there had been other hints of roger s manifesto troubles before the video. he had taken to twitter. why do girls hate me? on his blog he wrote, a beautiful environment could be the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone, leading to this. i ll take to the streets of isla vista and slay every single person i see there. reporter: the father of one of the victims who died, 20-year-old christopher ross martinez was overwrought. chris was a really great kid. ask anyone who knew him. his death has left our family lost and broken. reporter: we will learn more about this terrible tragedy at a press conference at the sheriff s department scheduled for later today. lester? all right, mike, thank you. now to why. his youtube posting plainly revealed a tortured young man but who really was roger elliott and what led him to snap?
joe fryer has that part of our story. reporter: by now many students have watched the haunting youtube video posted just hours before the shootings. you denied me a happy life. and in turn, i will deny all of you life. reporter: he discussed attacking a sorority house. members believe roger may have knocked on the door to the house during the rampage. danny thompson said some of those young women sought shelter at his fraternity. a girl came to the door, came in and three people just got shot. reporter: the alleged gunman was a student at nearby santa barbara city college, the son of a hollywood assistant director, he was photographed at a red carpet event for the hunger games. roger s family says he had asperger s, a mild form of autism. the 22-year-old s video and other postings tell the story of a young man angered by rejection. in one post roger writes i wish
girls were attracted to me. i don t know why they aren t. former fbi profiler clint van zandt says roger s grievance echos that of the shooter responsible for the 2007 virginia tech massacre. i think we re seeing this shooter do the same thing. he blamed others for his inability to have personal relationships. he felt other people had committed acts against him. reporter: another young man tells nbc news he reached out to roger on facebook, leaving an encouraging post. roger responded on may 1st, i had to take some videos down because someone reported them to my school. i may reupload them in the future. tonight seven victims are recovering from the rampage, including the young man who is on this mangled bike. both of his legs were broken. he said don t worry, i m okay. you can come visit me in the hospital today. he seems all right. reporter: now a 140-page written manifesto has been
circulating online. it says it is written by roger, but at this point we do not yet know if it s authentic. lester. joe fryer, thank you. a thousand firefighters are now battling a huge wildfire in arizona tonight. the so-called slide fire is burning in rugged terrain but as it grows, it continues to threaten hundreds of homes and businesses near sedona. our report tonight from nbc s miguel almaguer. reporter: for five days, arizona s slide fire has swept across mountain ranges. flames racing up canyon walls. with 300 homes and structures threatened, the blaze is multiplying in size, now well over 10,000 acres. even with 1,000 firefighters on the ground, the inferno is difficult to reach. there s some very steep, rugged terrain in the middle, in the center of the fire, and we re having a hard time getting firefighters in there. reporter: with containment at just 5%, in certain areas crews
are letting this fire go. the blaze has everything it needs. oxygen and dry brush. with so much fuel in its path, this fire will likely burn for weeks, if not months. firefighters even loaded these ping pong balls full of napalm to be shot onto hillsides with crews can ignite a slow and controlled burn. helicopters navigate smoky skies making drops on hot spots. it s really crucial especially in steep, rugged terrain like we re facing here. reporter: with ash and smoke visible for miles, the fire is impacting businesses in the nearby resort town of sedona. on this holiday weekend, hotels and tours of the red rock country should be sold out. we re not yet sure what things are going to bring tomorrow, but, you know, 10% to 20% today, maybe 30% tomorrow, less than what we ve been expecting. reporter: tonight the slide
fire is taking its toll on communities in and out of the burn zone. a blaze that could still triple in size before it s under control. miguel almaguer, nbc news, flagstaff, arizona. authorities in georgia are searching for the cause of a massive fire at a chemical warehouse that burned for hours last night. it happened in marietta just north of atlanta in a building owned by a company that makes cleaning products. several explosions caused the flames to shoot hundreds of feet high. i-75 and several roads were closed off. no reports of injuries. overseas police in belgium are investigating a deadly attack. it happened in brussels. two women and a man were shot and killed at the jewish museum there. another person was seriously injured. authorities believe the shooter drove up to the museum, went inside and fired shots. they re investigating whether an anti-semitic motive was behind the attack. tomorrow is a potential turning point in ukraine where they will hold a presidential
election that could determine whether the country finds a pathway to unity or grows even more divided. nbc s ayman mohyeldin is in the capital of kiev for us tonight. reporter: good evening, lester. ukrainians will go to the polls to elect a new president months after they rose up and ousted their pro-russian president viktor yanukovych but there are serious questions about whether the country will be able to hold a legitimate election. pro-russian separatists who have been rising up against the central government say they will block the vote from happening and have been seen smashing ballot boxes in the eastern part of the country. meanwhile here in kiev, though preparations have been finalized, observers and international officials are on hand to observe the voting process tomorrow, but not everyone is happy about the political landscape that has emerged in ukraine after the revolution. in fact some of the most notable revolutionaries that have demonstrated here in kiev have actually complained that the candidates running in tomorrow s election don t represent the change that they want and in
fact represent the past corrupt system. meanwhile, russia s president, vladimir putin, made a surprise announcement today saying his country, russia, would respect and deal with the winner of tomorrow s election. lester. ayman mohyeldin for us, thank you. pope francis began his first visit to the holy land today with a strong message of peace for a troubled land. his first stop was jordan. nbc s anne thompson is there for us tonight. hello, anne. reporter: good evening, lester. pope francis brings a message of peace and compassion to a region where religion has often divided with deadly consequences. he told the people it is not something that can be bought, it is a gift every person can work towards, through their actions, big and small. christians are a tiny minority in jordan. but today in the soccer stadium, they gave pope francis a welcome worthy of st. peter s square. what does pope francis mean to you? peace, love.
reporter: university student captured it all on her new phone. this is the pope because it is really windy here. reporter: the pope lost his cap but won the crowd, stopping to bless or kiss every child handed to him. for 1400 lucky children, this was more than a papal mass. can you believe your daughter is going to receive her first communion at a papal mass? it is really amazing. it s a very nice feeling. i never imagined my daughter would have this honor. reporter: 9-year-old nadine s focus wasn t on francis. i feel happy. it s like my first time and i don t want to mess it up. reporter: 20,000 people joined her in the first highlight of what the pope insists is a religious trip, but he did not ignore the region s major conflicts, meeting with king abdullah.
the pope praised jordan for welcoming refugees and called for an urgent end to the civil war in syria and a just solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict. driven by the king himself, the pope s day ended at the jordan river, praying at the spot where christ was baptized by john the baptist. then meeting with the disabled and refugees. francis once again turned to his theme of peace, asking god to convert those who seek war and those who make and sell weapons. now, despite the historic sites here, christians are a shrinking minority in the holy land. tomorrow the pope travels to bethlehem, which was 85% christian in 1947. today just 18%. lester. anne thompson in jordan tonight, thank you. when nbc nightly news continues on this saturday night, the battle over abortion and a controversial new law about to take effect. and later, friends like these. the remarkable story of a lion,
a tiger and a bear. tiger and t i m the protector of my patio killing weeds where they grow a barrier forms so weeds can t appear serious weed prevention up to a year new roundup max control 365 so i m fighting weeds on opening day and preventing weeds while i get away weeds stay dead as we carve this beast and they still aren t back when i cook this feast new roundup max control 365 one more time let me make it clear with no more weeds, it s your year one more time let me make it clear smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking. .because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it s a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away.
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ink from chase. so you can. we re back with a new we re back with a new chapter in the battle abortion. the louisiana state legislature passed a bill that would place new restrictions on doctors who perform abortions and could force some of the state s clinics who perform abortions to close. it s similar to a law that took effect in texas last year and caused more than a dozen clinics to close there. we get more on this tonight from
nbc s kristin welker. we re taking steps back as opposed to progressing. reporter: five years ago this woman had a legal abortion at a louisiana clinic. she wants to remain anonymous but is speaking ouagainst the law passed this week by the state legislature. how dare you take or make that decision for me. reporter: the legislation requires doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles of where the procedure takes place. that change could force three of the state s five abortion clinics to close. this legislation is about the health and safety of women. reporter: christina jackson co-authored the legislation, which passed by bipartisan support and governor bobby jindal has purported to sign. we re seeing a lot of laws pass that are thinly disguised attempts to limit access.
reporter: elly shiling argues that the hospital is required to admit that patient regardless of her doctor s admitting status. its intent is simply to close clinics and to restrict if not eliminate a constitutional right to access. reporter: is this really about the safety of women or is it about rolling back roe v. wade? it s about the safety of women. women who experience complications from abortion procedures, physicians are able to see them. similar laws already passed in texas and alabama. they write women in a vast stretch of this country are limited to access to abortion safely. it forces women back in a pre-roe versus wade state where they will be forced to seek
illegal unsafe methods. i would rather see a female drive five hours to shreveport to have the care and treatment that she deserves. opponents of the law say they re planning legal challenges which could mean a hearing here at the fifth kiir sut court of appeals and eventually the u.s. supreme court. eventually the u.s. supreme court. kristin welker, new body language can tell you all sorts of things. like someone is having a stroke. know the sudden signs. learn f.a.s.t. face drooping arm weakness speech difficulty time to call 911 and get them to a hospital immediately. learn the body language and spot a stroke f.a.s.t. honestly, the off-season isn t i ve got a lot to do. that s why i got my surface. it s great for watching game film
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it might not have been as spectacular as some had hoped, but last night s meteor shower provided some memorable moments in parts of the u.s. and canada. some forecasts had predicted a storm of up to 200 meteors an hour. it turned out to be more like five or ten, but as you can see, that was enough for photographers to get a chance to capture some pretty great images last night. this was the shot of the night in new york has lightning struck one world trade center. it happened during a powerful thunderstorm. several bolts of lightning hit the new skyscraper. also here in new york today, our own katie terr came across what might be the picture of the day. a couple from sweden had just gotten married in central park and were noticed by a musician playing an impromptu concert and it led to their first dance in front of strangers, producing a memory of a lifetime. coming up next, lifelong friends you won t want to miss. when you sat down to dinner with anticipation, not hesitation.
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about experiencing cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. finally tonight, there are a lot of people in this finally tonight, there are a lot of people in this world, even some countries, that might take a cue from the kind of harmonious living arrangement you re about to see. it s on display at an animal sanctuary in georgia, and as we found, it epitomizes peaceful coexistence. reporter: at the noah s ark sanctuary in georgia, next to the monkeys, the goats and the buffalo are we hungry? do you want some? reporter: you ll find one
of the rarest sights in the animal kingdom. lions and tigers and bears, oh my. reporter: belew the bear, e leah the lion and sheer kaan, the tiger, known collectively as the blt. it s amazing the blt interact like they do. reporter: amazing because in the wild, they never would have met, the bear native to north america, the lion to africa, the tiger to asia. how did they end up here? they were found 13 years ago all together in the basement of an atlanta drug dealer. exotic animals apparently a twisted status symbol. they were in bad shape but shared a special bond. they ve never been separated from each other and we ve never told them that they re different species. they actually seek each other out for affection. they nuzzle each other, they play together.
reporter: now these predators are wowing visitors and teaching humans a lesson. they teach us how to get along and teach that it s okay. they re definitely not the same color, not the same species, they re not even from the same country. and they love each other. they re brothers. and they teach you how to love. reporter: enemies by nature, brothers by circumstance. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, locust grove, georgia. that s nbc nightly news for this saturday. a reminder to tune in next week for brian williams exclusive interview with edward snowden on wednesday night at 10:00, 9:00 central time. i m leslie holt reporting from new york. i ll see you back here tomorrow evening. good night.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140723 10:00:00

students ment we asked is this fair or foul? james says what is going to happen when these kids grow up and meets a team who grew up without restrictions. why don t we wrap them up in bubble wrap and let them play? foul. goom. it good morning. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. it is july 23. a major victory in the georgia senate race. david perdue tops a longtime congressman. a big scare for obamacare and even liberals are concerned. the landmark ruling that could delete the president s greatest achievement. super bowl winning coach tony did you know dungee
being ridiculed for saying michael sam would be a distraction to his team. what is wrong with speaking your mind these days? think about that as we roll animation because mornings are better with friends. it s fox & friends. live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan on this 23rd day of july. welcome aboard, folks. heather nauert is here with headlines. a lot happening through the night. we ve got news coming out of israel affecting travelers there. moments ago secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv, israel, despite the f.a.a. s new ban on u.s. airlines from flying into that airport. this after a rocket landed in a neighborhood about a mile from that airport. the 24-hour ban expires at noon today but the f.a.a. is reevaluating and will announce later this morning if it will extend that ban
or not. certainly other countries have also suspended flights to israel. more on that. moments ago the downed malaysian plane s black boxes have arrived in england. experts now downloading data from the recorders following a request by authorities in the netherlands who are now leading that investigation. also earlier this morning the first plane carrying the remains of some of the 298 victims left the airport in ukraine for the nght lands. it is trd it is considered a national day of mourning in the netherlands. in the meantime the united states said it found no link of direct russian involvement. but says vladimir putin base some responsibility for the attack. they provided the training and support for the rebels who most likely shot down the plane. here at home it could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire
nation. in georgia, david perdue defeating jack kingston in the republican run-off. it will be key to the republicans gaining six more seats to win control of the senate in november. more debt, higher taxes, a disaster that s called imoam, this is the agenda that michelle nun and her party support. would he can t allow that to stand. david perdue will join us live on fox & friends. the piano man is set to receive one of music s greatest honors. the library of congress is awarding billy joel the ber gershwin prize for
popular song, the second major award for joel in two years. it comes on the heels of the kennedy center honors back in december. congratulations billy joel. those are your headlines. why did you chows to play uptown girl ? she is an uptown girl. hello. it s all about her. it is a tribute to christie brinkley and they aren t married anymore. a big scare for obamacare. yesterday the d.c. court of appeals, the second highest court in the land, said the subsidies are illegal in 36 states. the law as written said that credits, these subsidies can only flow through, quote, an exchange established by the state. a bunch of states didn t establish them, so the federal government came in.
and in 2012 the i.r.s. pumped out a rule giving subsidies to everybody, and that s what prompted this lawsuit. simultaneously the white house felt a little lucky because the fourth circuit in virginia said they re legal. now it could be headed to the supreme court. in the meantime the white house said it is going to continue handing out billions of taxpayer dollars in the subsidies until this gets figured out and works its way up the court system. could be years. three judges decided this. it seems to be a major blow when it comes to obamacare and the money that s being handed out, in this case determined here in these three courts. they said it is illegal. a constitutional scholar said this is a bloody mess. it will be a bloody mess. the problem is the president, it was found by the d.c. circuit, to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the
separation of powers. but m this case that violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past, future years. and that is a serious problem. i don t see how the a.c.a. can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. the panel found the president spent billions in taxpayer dollars he had no authority to spend, subjected millions of employers and individuals to mandates he had no authority to impose. game on at the highest level. here we go again. and all indications are they knew all along how much in jeopardy this ruling would be. it s not so much the law that passed. it s the one that kept changing. if it goes back to the original form, can anyone afford obamacare without the subsidies? that will be one of the keys.
the other thing we ve got to think about too is when everyone signed up, the 5.4 million people who signed up for obamacare, did they do it the right way? was anyone verified the information they were giving. the g.a.o. wondered that and set up a sting operation. the government accountability office made up fake applications, 12 on phone or on-line, 6 in person, all completely false. nothing true: income, counterfeit documentation false. 11 out of 12 of them, of these fake applications got through. they actually got government subsidized health insurance. they got through the verification process and their bogus beneficiaries are still covered. that s the extraordinary thing. it begs the question, so this was just a controlled situation where 11 of the 12 failed and the one had a
failed, the one that failed, the one they noted simply because that person did not cough up a social security number. how many people have applied for obamacare and gotten subsidies even though they completely perhaps misrepresented their income or lied about their situation? right now we don t know because right now nobody is looking into it. the president doesn t have time because he s flying back and forth raising cash for democrats. it s exhausting. exactly. but there is a critique that he is not paying enough attention to what s going on in the world, he s not doing the right thing. he s forcing his attention on fund-raising, causing the taxpayers $3 million for a recent trip alone. josh earnest at the white house, press secretary, said he can focus on a couple of things at the same time. the president, like most professionals, has the capability to deal with more than one priority at a time, particularly somebody who has the trappings of
the presidency alongside him. he has his own airplane, dedicated phone lines, senior advisors who will be accompanying him every step of the way. then he brought up out of the five work days he s spending three of them on funding. he s got the phone and the pen. he was in seattle last night and they were talking about cynicism, and the president said i don t really watch much of the news because i generally already know what they re talking about. wait a minute, i don t really watch much of the news because i know what they re already talking about? how many times have we heard the president say i learned about this situation by watching the news. a lot of people are going which way is it, mr. president? you can t have it both ways. if he didn t watch the news, he probably doesn t know that tony dungee, although he s not coaching anymore, he s a spofts
sportscaster got himself into controversy when he answered the question, would you have taken michael sam, the defensive player who came out and say, by the way, i am quote, he said, quote, tony dungee did, i wouldn t have taken him not because i don t think michael sam shouldn t have a chance to play. i don t want to deal with all that. he s saying when you have somebody in a locker room that s different it becomes a major story. if you want to look at an example look at tim tebow. tim tebow was bigger than the sport for awhile. is there x factor going to take away from what s going on on the field. keep in mind, tony dungee didn t say i wouldn t sign him because he s gay. he said he would be a distraction. there are many players like tim tebow who in the mind
of many coaches thought this guy is going to take away from the team aspect here. listen to this. if you are in a professional sports locker room and you happen to be gay, there are people in an nfl locker room or any kind of locker room for a professional sports team, there are people who are going to have a problem with it. if somebody is sitting there in a locker room and they re minding their own business but it is just not something they agree with, they shouldn t be excoriated either. you have the right to feel what you feel so long as you re not trying to inflict any kind of harm figuratively or literally upon another human being. it s that simple. so tony dungee, whether it is from a religious perspective or whether it is just taking his quote verbatim, he happens to be right. but he is getting
slammed. he s getting abused in the media. it is a fact that this story is a big deal in the media. michael sam, did he make it a big deal? who knows? did tony dungee make it a big deal? it is a big deal because the media latched on to this earlier on. the twitter verse is aflame and they re calling tony dungee every imaginable word and name, but here s the thepg. he has the right to express his opinion. in his have been a distraction? to tony dungee, yes. to other people? maybe not. but they weren t asked. on twitter they re saying he s a hypocrite. michael vick, he completely repackaged himself. tonydunjihad tony
dunjihad the chance to say no. there is no right or wrong answer. we respect your opinion unlike the rest of the media. we ll put your opinion up there. hopefully you ll get on facebook and twitter and we ll read them. coming up straight ahead, a plan to fix the border crisis. instead of giving aid to the illegals home countries, cut them off. a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going how in the world did that happen? we re going to hear from that vet straight ahead. woooo.
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welcome back. this week president obama will mote with leaders from central america to address the border crisis. even though u.s. taxpayers are footing the bill for children fleeing those countries, their leaders are still asking for more
money. our next guest says the solution to this crisis is to cut off those countries bit by bit. maryland congressman michael burgess joins us now. good morning, sir. thank you for being with us this morning. thanks for having me on. i wouldn t say it s cutting them off. it is billing them for the services we re providing for their citizens. i estimated, i saw a report in the papers, it was $500 per child per day. each child is staying about 34 days in a facility. the round number comes out to about $15,000, and that seemed like a reasonable amount to bill back to the presidents of those countries for taking care of their children. congressman, there you are in texas, and the reaction by many upon hearing this will say that s harsh, that s heartless. you want to know harsh? harsh is putting an 8-year-old on top of a freight train and sending him across mexico. that s harsh. harsh is taking children to the middle of the rio
grande, leaving them and calling it a high-water rescue which is what a constable told me he had seen there when i was there earlier this month. that s harsh. this is a problem that the president created, in my opinion, two years ago when the president created this special program of adjudication. that lit the fuse. the president may say that wasn t what i really said or wasn t my intention but it is how it was interpreted, how it was marketed by child traffickers on the border. they are using the deferred adjudication of childhood arrivals as a means to tell people if we can get you there, you get a free pass. that is what has created the pressure on the border. the numbers have doubled each year for the past two years. when you go down and ask people on the border when did this change? when did it become different? they will tell you november, december of last year. the administration saw this coming. they knew it was coming. in no way is this an emergency appropriation. in fact, you send more money, you re probably
going to get more problem. congressman, why hasn t the president been there? who is secure with the border the way it is? no one. our men and women who work for customs patrol, the social workers who work at h.h.s., the people who work for fema who are doing all the jobs we task them for, they re working their hearts out but the fact of the matter is they re being overwhelmed. the process has to include stopping the flow. the president could do that by going to the border and making that statement. congressman burgess, thank you for joining us from the lone star state of texas this morning. thank you. coming up, it s happening all over the country. our next guest thought she had a decent deem under obamacare until she discovered no doctor would take it. this cat may only have eight lives now. how he miraculously survived the massive wildfire in washington state. strong kitty there.
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quick headlines. a deadly standoff in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while trying to serve a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley. the 29-year-old suspect was killed in a gun fight. jury deliberations resume in a separate story in jesse ventura s defamation
suit. ventura says chris kyle lied in his 2012 bestseller called american sniper about punching ventura in a bar, in 2006 remarks he made insulting navy seals. in a videotape before his death last year kyle says the story is true. he has passed away. it is a major blow to obamacare. the d.c. circuit court of appeals concluded yesterday the i.r.s. went too far in extending subsidies to those buying insurance through the federal run exchanges at you can only do them through state exchanges. the fate of obamacare may be in jeopardy but personal troubles with the exchange are still piling up across the country. our next guest says she was forced to get a policy under obamacare. but now what problems is she facing? charlene lake joins us live. good morning to you, charlene. good morning. how are you? okay. you thought you got a pretty good deal through
the affordable care act, an h.m.o. that included a family doctor, not too many miles from your home. then when it was time to actually see a doctor, you started getting paper work. what happened to you? basically what happened, steve, is i found a wonderful doctor. i did go in to see him for a medical situation in may. i was thrilled. i thought this is great. this is working. and he was a mile and a half from my home. i received then a letter in early july july 3 stating that they were now removing me from that p.c.p. and will be reassigning me it a new provider. needless to say, i was very upset because i was happy with this doctor. i felt i was established with him. i went in, i filed all the paper work. you reveal a lot of personal information about yourself. i confirmed with humana. they first told me they thought it was an error.
they claimed it was because of patient overload they were no longer accepting any more patients. but you weren t a new patient. no, i was not a new patient. he said confirm with your doctor. i did and immediately they knew whiefs what i was talking about. she double checked and said you ve been removed from the system. here s a quote from your cancellation letter. we sent you an i.d. card with a primary care physician. however the doctor who was assigned to you is unavailable to accept additional patients. you explained that. that s the deal. now you ve got this policy, and who s your doctor? my doctor is questionable. i called to ask who i was being reassigned to. i spoke with a series of humana agents. i was on the phone literally for hours. i called j.s.a. medical group, the medical group who basically has a
monopoly in many areas of florida. they are the main provider for p.c.p. s with humana, the plan i signed up for. i didn t know when i saw this doctor by name that he was part of a corporation and i risked being dropped. they refused to reinstate me. they were very unsympathetic. the agent was actually very cold and wouldn t let me speak to anybody else. i asked can i speak to a supervisor? he said no, i m it. as far as you get. i called humana back and they called j.s.a. medical group, and she got a different agent. he went on to say i thought this was very interesting that i could keep my physician if i selected a different health care plan, a more expensive one. she said yes, it would be more expensive. if it s a patient overload, how come i can keep my doctor? i also asked my doctor can i continue to see you if i pay out of pocket? they said yes. we didn t select to lose
you as a patient. but you shouldn t have to do that. that is not what you signed up for. what are you going to do? no. i have gotten my new humana card. i ve been assigned to a clinic. this clinic is basically the equivalent of a low-income free clinic, and i m sure they can offer some good service, but that s not what i signed up for. i want to keep my physician. and i wouldn t this premium is over $400 a month through a silver plan. i didn t think i would end up going to a clinic. it s heartbreaking because that s not what you signed up for. you thought you had that doctor down the street and you wound up with the free clinic which is not part of the deal. charlene, thank you very much for telling your story and we hope this all works out for you. thank you for having me. i appreciate it. too bad. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a.
clinic. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. how does that happen? you re going to hear from that vet straight ahead. then white flags replace the american flag at the brooklyn bridge in the middle of the night, and still nobody knows who did this or why. how in the world does this massive security breach happen in new york city? but first, happy birthday to guitarist flash originally from guns and roses. roses. he is 49 today. celebrate your love of crab with gthis year s largest variety!.
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a judge in virginia wrote an opinion today in favor, in favor of obamacare, saying getting health care from the state or federal government is the same as ordering from pizza versus dominoes. i m not sure if i agree. their websites always work. it s so true. private businesses, when they go in business to sell stuff on-line, why do they always work? the big comparison was how big even shoe sales companies like zappos went through. one thing about michael bloomberg, when he wanted to get stuff done, it actually worked a lot of times in new york city and certainly at bloomberg tv. he is actually the head of your news today because he hopped on a flight. that s right. he got on a flight to go to tel aviv to prove that it s safe to fly there despite a new f.a.a. ban. he is ignoring that f.a.a.
ban, landing in tel aviv just moments ago. bloomberg flying on israel s el al airline which doesn t have to follow the ban. bloomberg says that ban simply gives hamas a victory. he urged the f.a.a. to lift the 24-hour ban that ends at noon today and that resulted in part from a rocket that landed about a mile away from that airport. new developments. in the case of a missing marine s pregnant wife in california. newly released court papers reveal that aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago and the baby might have been his. that neighbor, christopher lee, was reportedly worried that his wife would find out that he got corwin pregnant and would divorce him. the desert sun reporting cops believe corwin was shot. the two were on a hunting trip. lee was recently discharged as a marine. he was arrested on suspicion of possession of
a destructive device but was released on bail on july 6. cops will not say if the case is connected to the search but say he was brought in regarding an ongoing investigation. that is a story we ll continue to watch. this next story will leave you shaking your head. listen to the 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. 911. what is your emergency? hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. nice, huh? that is the voice of jeffrey dock. he said he went to his doctor for a prescription refill but ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside that building. fortunately he had his phone on him. he whipped out that phone, recorded video walking around the lobby. here i am around the
v.a. and everybody has gone home. can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. dock says he s not angry. he s just disappointed. keep that straight, how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it s just an indication that there s still a lot more for them to do. the v.a. says it s working to make changes. a cat proving she really does have nine lives. this feline was found in washington state badly burned by the devastating wildfires we have been telling you about. the cat is now on the road to recovery. definitely burned. all of her pads are going to must have. the eyelids were crisp. the owners can t take care of her so she is now
going home with the woman who ended up rescuing her. such terrible wildfires taking place there. wildfire funding was proposed yesterday in the senate. how about the story of the guy left at the v.a.? how many times have you been waiting, you ve been waiting for a doctor and you say to yourself, i think they forgot me? they forgot about me. he s right there. we didn t forget about maria molina. she s at 48th and 6th avenue with a preview of today s weather. good morning. here in the northeast we have a risk for some severe storms, especially across parts of northeastern pennsylvania up into portions of new england, including the state of maine. pretty widespread area across our region for the possibility of damaging winds from some of these storms. they are forecast to fire up late in the day. late afternoon, evening hours. here in new york city, we don t think storms are going to be rolling through
until late tonight. again, severe weather possible. temperature-wise, ahead of that storm system, 90 degrees for your high in new york city. you could reach the middle the 0 s 90 s in washington, d.c. across the plains, triple digits forecast for many areas across oklahoma and texas. factor in the humidity and it will feel even hotter not only across the plains, but take a look at new york city. what it s going to feel like when you head out the door, 93 degrees and upper the 90 s possible, maybe even 1 00 degrees in d.c. brian, over to you. thanks, maria. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. here s what s happening in sports. two lawsuits just enough for the disgraced los angeles clippers owner donald sterling. he is now filing a fraud
lawsuit against the nba and his he is stranged wife. he is suing the wife over the sale of the former team to steve balmer and the nba over the antitrust laws. doc rivers says he will quit if sterling remains with the clippers. that franchise could fall apart again all because of donald sterling. the seattle seahawks top a new poll as the team to beat because they re young, good and strong. they round out the rest of the top five. the 49ers are up there, broncos remain there, the patriots are there. the new orleans saints. the raiders came in dead last. lebron james return to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. hundreds packed the streets around his hometown of akron and his mansion. lebron sent them all a personal apology with
cupcakes. he says he s sorry for the chaos and hopes they enjoy the cherry cola flavored treats. that should make it better. cherry cola makes a cupcake? that changes everything. you ever seen that? way overdue. sounds delicious. meanwhile, 19 minutes before the top of the hour. then white flags replace american flags at the brooklyn bridge and nobody knows why or who did it. how in the world does this massive security breach happen? we are live at the bridge next. looks like a bleached american flag. one democrat says being in a union should be a civil right. really? do you agree with that? that debate coming up.
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a mystery surrounding one of the most famous landmarks in the country. who scaled the brooklyn bridge? took down the american flags and put up the white flags you see here instead? robert moses joins us live. good morning. everyone has a lot of questions when it comes to the flag swap here. reporter: elisabeth, good morning to you. a lot of questions and a lot of security concerns as well. the it would american flags are back in their rightful positions atop the towers here on the brooklyn bridge. police say the group responsible for this stunt planned it and may have had climbing experience. new yorkers did a double take yesterday when they saw those bleached flags that had replaced the usual ones. police say they have video showing a dpriewp of people walking a group of people walking across the bridge about 3:10 yesterday morning and then ten minutes later the light
illuminating the flag on the brooklyn flag went out. then the same thing happened to the flag on the manhattan tower. police say the perpetrators used aluminum pan to flash the lights. this morning police are still looking for the suspects. that is the latest live from manhattan tower. robert moses, thank you for that update. brian? 14 minutes before the top of the hour. should unionizing be a basic right? that is what one democrat is proposing in congress. keith ellison is introducing a bill making it easier for workers to sue companies who will not organize. you shouldn t be fired for expressing intent to support union activity.
here to discuss what this means for the worker, republican pete snider. do you believe congressman ellison is on the right track? this is ridiculous. the world is far from tranquil. our southern border is being overrun, and the democrats in congress want to make unionizing a civil right and gut our right it work laws? it s absolutely ridiculous. it will trash our economy. it s already illegal to fire workers if they say they want to unionize. the facts tell a different story. if you look what happened in michigan when they became a right to work state, they went up 21 places in the american economics institute ranging of business friendly areas, also the highest salaries, nonunion workers. that s spot on. study after study shows right to work states like my home state of virginia have lower unemployment, more manufacturing jobs. this is something that the left really would love to do. they would love to make
unionizing mandatory everywhere you go, bake it into our civil liberties instead of protecting the ones that are being trampled on by the obama administration. this all happened at net roots nation where all the progressives get together. they were talking about rand paul s effort to sue the n.s.a. and protect our privacy. they were talking about hoisting federal mandatory laws on us to unionize. you re not also saying if there is a group of people that want to unionize, they should do it and not get fired; right? you agree with that? i do. but i think our economy does better in right to work states, period. the facts so far back you up. about half the states are right to work states now. pete snider, good job. thanks. up next, isis terrorists giving christians an ultimatum. convert to islam. leave or die. father jonathan here live with a message straight from the pope.
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killed. the threat forcing thousands of christians to clear iraq s second largest city.
the numbers are dwindling. in 2003, mosul had 60,000 christians. by june of this year, there were 35,000. now there are reportedly zero. zero christians in that city. so what happens now? here with insider perspective is the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris, fox news religion correspondent. good morning to both of you. good morning. thank you for having us. this deadline over the weekend, horrendous. horrific. following this, the pope reached out to you. what did he say? he just wanted to reassure me that he is praying for us, thinking of us. he really bears our life in his heart and he do whatever he can
to follow the situation and help christians in iraq, mostly in mosul you just mentioned because it s really tragic plight what we are going through. no kidding. father jonathan, over the weekend on fox & friends, you talked about this story. a lot of people hadn t heard about it, that if you re christian in iraq, you either got to pay a fine, get killed, or convert. and where is the outrage? it s incredible what s going on. they re going to the houses and putting an end, standing for nazarene, saying if you re here, you better get out because you re going to be killed. you have all of these christians, catholics and other christians who are leaving with nothing. they re ripping up the deeds of your house, they re taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with
nothing, saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. and the international community right now, it s silent. absolutely. that s why it s such a blessing to have the him here saying he was here in iraq, in the beginning of july and saw it firsthand. yes. i was that weekend of 28, 29, 30 of june when i heard about the exodus of our christians from a town 15 miles southeast of mosul being threatened and told that they will be invaded like mosul was. so they just fled. everyone took what they could and they fled to the neighboring area. is your heart full of fear? out of fear because they
thought that the army that was on the border between them and mosul would be so they will invade their city and will do those atrocities as they did in syria, neighboring syria. father jonathan, our president talks about a lot of stuff. we haven t heard him talk about this. we haven t. he s been silent. there are people who are suffering tremendously. i m going to put on my facebook and twitter people who want to help the christians fleeing with nothing and we re going to give an opportunity for them to help practically as well. if i may so, we have to pray to wake up our master, the lord jesus, who has been sleeping in the back of the boat as with the apostles who were drowning and they woke him up saying master,
don t care about us? that s a nice way to start the day with that message. father, thank you very much. thank you. may god bless you. god bless david purdue from georgia next feet.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don t start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz,
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good morning. today is wednesday, july 23. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a major outsider victory in a georgia senate race. david purdue tops long-time republican congressman jack kingston. what this means for the balance of power in washington. purdue joins us live in just minutes. then michael bloomberg just flew there and this morning, secretary of state john kerry touched down there. i m talking about tel aviv. this after the faa had banned all flights to israel from the u.s. we have a live report from the war zone and what that ban could mean to the israeli economy in moments. and here is some advice, if
you re out kayaking, try not to paddle onto the back of a whale. what were those people thinking? we re going to tell you the back story to that and so much more. we got a busy wednesday, hour two starts right now. it s time for fox & friends a big show coming your way. local politic, big primary win. we re about to talk to that candidate, as well as the latest of what s happening in the ukraine and israel. this morning we have a fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans all flights to israel from the united states. john huddy is live in israel, along the gaza border with the very latest. good morning, john. reporter: good morning. along with the ban on flights, that continues.
there has been a lot of rocket attacks on israel. we saw some of those rocket launches earlier today as we were driving to a location. also coming out of gaza, speaking of rockets, i found this in the open area where we are. this is the back of a rocket that was fired at israel. we found it on the ground here. this is the artillery as the firing continues. this is where all the smoke is that, is east gaza. there has been an intense, fierce fighting over the course of the last six days. really the 16 days we saw this started. but particularly since the ground offensive started. east gaza now artillery fire is being fired. there is a section of east gaza. went in that area a couple days ago. israeli officials say it s been hamas stronghold, and in particular there is a hospital there. saw that hospital. it s getting targeted now. it s been evacuated. but military officials here in israel say that it s been used
as not only for rocket storage and launches, but antitank missiles have been coming out of there. fired at ground troops. by the way, overnight, two more israeli soldiers were killed in the fighting, bringing that total to 29. i want to show you something as well. if you can come back to me live here, there are troops on the ground in the distance. it looks like there is some kind of vehicle searching for tunnels at this point. that s been the primary objective throughout this ground offensive is to find hamas extensive network of tunnels. some of which have stretched well into israel in this area here. so right now troops are on the ground looking for those tunnels. let s talk about diplomatic efforts. u.s. secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in israel. he s meeting with u.n. secretary general and later netanyahu. kerry released a statement saying some progress, quote, unquote, has been made, talking about the cease fire efforts,
though no details and there wasn t any elaboration about what kind of progress they re talking about. so at this point, again, that faa ban remains in effect and in the distance, the fighting in east gaza and gaza continues to rage on. back to you. john huddy live in gaza, thank you very much. it s an faa ban. it does not apply to israel s state airline el al. that is why mayor bloomberg, former of new york city, flew over there to show it s safe. fox news alert now, the runoff election for the republican senate nomination. david per do you narrowly defeating jack kingston. what does that mean for the general election because it could decide the balance of power in the senate. let s talk to him right now. he joins us live from georgia. congratulations, sir. thank you, good morning. how did you do it? well, i think our message resonated around the state that
the debt, the jobs and the economy right now are the critical issues around the state. we talked about alternatives to that. my opponent served this state very well for three decades and now we re going to be shoulder to shoulder to take our policies out to the voters of georgia this fall. the question out there, too, we saw in the last presidential election mitt romney getting hammered for being a successful businessman. do we see your opponent getting ready to use those arguments against your success. how are we going to see that? we ve seen that this spring in the primary. my mom and dad were school teachers. we were raised in middle georgia and we worked on a farm. i ve been blessed in my career. but the people of georgia want to talk about the critical issues of how to get this economy going and break gridlock in washington. so far we understand your opponent on the democratic side, of course, daughter of sam nun has got $9 million in the bank.
last month in a head to head x
that s what we plan to do this fall. republican party needs to take the senate back and take this debate forward to get an alternative on the table to replace and repeal obamacare. we ll see how that goes. senator chambliss did not vote for it. now, when you look at michelle opponent, she ran the points of life foundation for george bush, sam nun is somebody that s been a friend to many republicans. do you feel as though you have to position yourself as if you re running against something that s almost extinct, and that s a conservative democrat?
not at all. people in the state are very clear, this is 2014. we ve got a crisis on our hands. the people of georgia know that and they want something done about it. that s why i m sitting here. i was the outsider in the republican primary. now you re going to have two outside voices in michelle nun and myself. we ll be able to talk about the failed policies of this administration and talk about smaller government, lower taxes, and how to get this economy going again. that s what people of georgia want to talk about and we ll be able to do that this fall. jack kingston did call you last night, did he not? he did. yes. he was very gracious. we ve been tough competitors in this runoff. but we ve agreed to one thing. that is, look, we re going to be shoulder to shoulder to present the republican values of economic opportunity, fiscal responsibility and limited government to the voters of georgia this fall. we re very confident when they see that alternative, they ll respond positively. he beat three sitting congress people to get this
nomination. a very happy man. congratulations and the hard work is straight ahead. thanks so much. thank you guys. next up, first tuesday in november. that s right. our next up is heather nauert is here with some headlines. good morning. i ve got news from overseas.
he s had enough. it flips the father and daughter over in the kayak. those are your headlines. argentina. i guess a lot of people would like to swim with whales.
right. i m not one of them. let me tell you what s happening in sports in real life. super bowl winning coach tony dungee is getting hammered today because he came out and answered a question. the question was by the tampa bay tribune, would you have drafted michael sam, because he s the first openly gay athlete. would you have drafted him on your team? he says no. it would have been a distraction. he says he wouldn t have picked him. so he has gotten backlash because he said this. there is an attack against him for holding that opinion. we asked you what you thought. e-mails are pouring in. facebook, twitter is on fire. this is one person saying the press should give him credit for speak the truth. each player brings assets and liabilities to the team. if the celebrity of one player, regardless of circumstances
distracts from the mission, it s a liability. david tweeted out, i believe the media frenzied reaction confirms that he would have been a distraction. we re going to see how they react in the locker room. keep those opinions coming. he s entitled to his opinion, as are you. coming up, crises across the globe and here at home, so where is america s leadership and are we creating a void for our enemies to grow? captain pete hegseth reporting for duty on that. blowing the whistle on sports in america. is this woosification of america or something that s long overdue? woooo.
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with the chaos around the globe, questions are being raised about president obama s lack of leadership, from the malaysian plane disaster to the violence in gaza where secretary of state kerry is right now, to isis where they ve told the christians get out or be killed. is the white house creating a power void that s allowing our enemies to grow or are we just helpless to the volume of controversy?
pete hegseth is the ceo of concerned veterans for america
maybe in aruba. yes, brian. that tranquility of this global community, it is as if we are not on the field. this president doesn t it seems he doesn t even believe that there is sort of a geopolitical game going on of forces of good and evil, freedom and tyranny in which america has been the lynch pin. he seems disinterested. i want a president who is doing
whatever he can to maintain american advantage and defend our interest and our allies. you got israel under siege. we re playing arbiter. as we try to get money into the military, that would send a big message that we re starting to bulk up instead of scale back. captain hegseth, thanks so much. thank you. next up, food stamps paid for by taxpayers going up in smoke. food stamps being used for weed and it s perfectly legal? meet a sheriff who says orange is the new problem. why he s putting inmates back in stripes. when do we get outfits like everybody? maybe tomorrow.
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time for news by the numbers. first, more than 1,000. that s how many customer accounts on stub hub were hacked. cyber thieves then bought tickets for events all around the world. look at that. next, 300. that s how many jobs maryland governor just drove out of his state. the reason? gun maker baretta is moving its whole operation out of maryland thanks to the democrats new gun control laws. finally, 259. that s how many times ebt and welfare cards have been used to purchase weed in colorado. food stamps buying weed. they spent $25,000 in money that should go to needy families. instead it went to weedy
families. when do we get outfits? maybe tomorrow. shut your mouth. well, all the inmates at one michigan jail are getting new outfits thanks to that show, orange is the new black. the hit show. the sheriff says pop culture made orange jump suits cool and says black and white stripes are here to explain, sheriff william. good morning to you, sheriff. good morning. okay. so what were you noticing that caused you to get rid of the orange jump suits in lieu of those black and white stripes that your prisoners now wear? well, we regularly see citizens in public wearing orange pants and orange shirts that resembles our jump suits. also noticed health care workers, professionals in the hospitals that wear scrubs in different colors and we found a few of them wearing orange as well. predominantly people in the public wearing it, coming by the
courthouse, being out by our work crews and we didn t want there to be any guessing about whether it s an inmate of the saginaw county jail, so we changed the uniforms. what s been the reaction from the inmates? the reaction of the inmates, they don t like it. i had a few inmates tell me it makes them look like criminals. i said well, actually you don t want to label them. that s funny. well, i m not trying to demean them. it s to identify them to provide good safety and security for the citizens. in the big picture, do you worry that prison will begin to look kind of cool? well, sometimes i worry about that. i know that there are individuals in certain cultural crazes go on where people wear the orange as a badge of honor and as you know, life sometimes imitates art and this is an instance that i don t like it and so again, we moved in that direction from a security standpoint. it was also a cost saving standpoint. what s your message to anyone who doesn t want to wear the
stripes? well, if you don t like the clothing i provide, don t come back. it s when they complain about the food or clothes, don t commit crimes and you won t have to wear black and white horizontal stripes. it s an easy thing to do. it s a choice. we re not trying to demean the prisoners, but we must identify them for our citizens. so if you don t want to wear it, don t come in. in other words, don t break the law. don t go to jail. don t break the law. exactly. simple message. all right. sheriff, thank you very much for joining us today. you re welcome. thank you. they feel it makes them look like convicts. boo hoo. all right. coming up straight ahead, one state blowing the whistle on full contact football in high school. is this the woosification of america or the right thing to do? and lights out at brooklyn bridge as american flags are white washed or bleached and authorities have no clue who did it. how in the world does this
massive security breach happen? we re going to discuss that as we roll on live from new york city, the home of that bridge with the white flag.
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[ cat meows ] da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da bum-da, bum-da the animals went in two by two the sheep and the frog and the kangaroo and they all went marching, marching in two by two [ male announcer ] the nissan pathfinder, with intuitive four-wheel drive. an adventure worth sharing. nissan. innovation that excites. walking on not sunshine, but jello. it s your shot of the morning. a woman walking on what looks like floating sod in her yard. lot ofxçm?mxneihn4la&2&kmhe xqñ
. natural symbols of surrender and as you can see it right here, it flew on top of the anotherly 300-foot high towers for hours and hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights went out and the waving american flag disappeared. police found aluminum pans and those were used to cover the bridge lights. at a closer look, the flags were really the american flag but bleached white. the nypd says whoever is responsible for this had training in climbing or construction. they do not believe that it s terror related or any kind of political statement. that s from the nypd.
in washington, the irs commissioner, john koskinen is back on capitol hill facing questions about the disappearance of two years worth of lois lerner s e-mails. it is the first hearing since testimony by irs attorney where he revealed he s not sure back up tapes containing lost e-mails exist or not. now the irs tech experts claim her hard drives were not destroyed and only crashed. the big question for investigators was that the crash, was it accidental or was it deliberate? more on that. a trip to florida turns into a nightmare for one family from indiana. their eight-year-old son, aidan, was playing in the ocean when he felt something on his right knee. it turns out it was a shark. i felt it, my eyes opened and then about a second later i started screaming cause it hurt so much.
i could see the teeth marks. it was pretty big. i heard him scream and i turn around and he was within arm s reach and i pulled him up out of the water. that poor little guy. aidan was rushed to the hospital. doctors say he suffered a six to seven-inch long cut on his leg. it was more than an inch deep. he will fully recover, it will take a couple months. california now limiting full contact practices at middle schools and high school youth football games. the reason? parents say they re worried about concussions. under the new rules, there will be no full contact in the offseason and teams are limited to 90 minute sessions twice a week for the rest of the year. this goes into effect january january 2015. no full contact in the kitchen. yeah. it s stormy in all places. thank you.
you guys feel the tingling? what are you chris matthews? i m just saying there is a tingling on the couch on wednesday because it s trivia day. that s right. it s wednesday. hello, everybody. good morning. it s science trivia day. today s question, by the way, has to do with the urban heat island effect and it s basically the fact that pavement and concrete can keep temperatures a little bit hotter than what the thermometer reads everywhere else. roof, pavement and concrete can raise night temperatures in cities by how much? three degrees, eight degrees, 15 degrees or 22 degrees? how much warmer will the temperature be at night in a city versus somewhere else? i m thinking b. i think it s more than 15. you do? yeah. we ll go with d. you re going to go with d? i ll go with steve.
i think it s around 20 degrees. i heard that once in a science lecture. steve, you are correct. it s 22 degrees. isn t that incredible? that a city can make nighttime temperatures 22 degrees warmer than elsewhere just because of the pavement and the concrete up here. you got a lot of cats on hot tin roofs on this town. it feels that way for sure. thanks, maria. thank you. that was your science trivia for the day. it was good. parents, are you sick of yelling at your kids from the driver s seat. toyota is unveiling a mega phone-like system in their new mini van. it s a reminder to our next guest on why he chose not to have children and why he[s9>(ñoo many laughs even talking about it. joining us is standup comedian and the host of fox tv s new show, [ laughter ] the hecklers toyota has a
solution for the parents. what do you think about it and what would be your tip? my tip is not to have them. kids? yeah. i don t have any kids. people keep saying the same thing to us because we have dogs. so they say, oh, well you re practicing for children. to them i say you re probably a bad parent. dogs are much smarter than kids. we don t let the kids drink out of the toilets at our house. i own a home and i don t own any outlet covers. there has never been a moment when my dog was like, duh, like this never happened. exactly. and he s home right now, right? yeah, and i don t care. child services can knock down my door. you don t have the app to look at him and make sure he s okay? i m sure he s okay. tv is not even on. if you have a kid, you can
brag to him and say, you should be so proud of dad, he has a new tv series and it s about laughs. yeah, but i can post that on social media. my ex-girlfriends will see anyway. making them know what they missed. exactly. i m happy. it all worked out. i love my wife and they re nowhere to be seen. it s august 2 premiere, fox stations. tell us about it. laughs is a highlight reel for standup comedy. it s the best comics in the country. we go around every week, we find the best comics and show the homeruns, the slam dunks, the best part for their act and give information on how people can see more of them. so if they re somebody you like, then you want to go see them live, we tell what you club they re playing, where you can find out more, what their twitter is, and we help people discover some of the best comics in the country. there are a lot of them in this country. tons. many in washington. you re actually looking for comedians to be on the show, right? we re looking all over the
place. we re traveling to eight different cities in the first 13 weeks that we re doing it. we ve already done tapings in louisville, indianapolis, new york, and l.a. and we re looking for more. it s fantastic. do they know you re there, or are you saying hey, if you re good, i m going to put you on the show or you trio sneak in? i hope they know we re there. otherwise we ll have rating issues. yeah. they absolutely know that we re there live. and this is a thing where once we get picked up not if, once once we get picked up, then we re going to have the opportunity to introduce america to 400 new comedians a year, which is absolutely incredible. so if people enjoy comedy at all, they really have the opportunity to see it. people love laughs. good luck to you. we ll see you saturday nights? saturday nights on fox stations and then again on sundays on my net. good job. entrepreneur and very funny guy
giving comedians a great chance. good luck with the dogs. it s making national headlines, a man dies while being arrested in new york city by the police. [ bleep ] a community is outraged, but are we jumping to conclusions too quickly? peter johnson, jr. weighs in on that coming up next. and things get heated up during a live tv show. what sparked this brawl? you have to see the video. you re seeing some of it. it s next.
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making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that s based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book s trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you ll get a great deal. that s just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. a fox news alert. out of ukraine just moments ago, the government revealing two of its military fighter jets were shot down in the eastern part of
the country. this on the heels of the reported shootdown of a malaysian passenger jet last week. the united states hasn t found proof of the wrecked russian government involvement in the attack, but senior intelligence officials blamed moscow for supplying the missiles to rebels. steve? thanks, elisabeth. two new york city police officers are on desk duty after the arrest of eric gardner who died after this altercation with police. he can be heard yelling, quote, i can t breathe, a couple of times while an officer had him in what some are calling a choke hold. the facts of the incident being figured out, although many insist the altercation was racially motivated. bill bratten shot that theory down yesterday. i personally don t think that race was a factor in the incident involving this tragic death. okay. has there been a rush to judgment and what are the very latest developments?
joining us now is life long new yorker and fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. good morning, steve. this is a controversy that s consuming new york and the streets of new york at this time. f.b.i. is involved. the staten island district attorney is involved and even spike lee has gotten involved, noted film maker. he said on a tweet, the gentle giant watched the video, what he did is take a piece his movie do the right thing and confuse it with a video that was at the scene where mr. gardner was arrested and his subsequent unconsciousness and brought them together in an inflammatory way. what do we know happened for sure? that s an image from the cell phone. we know mr. gardner was allegedly selling what s called lucys, cigarettes, untaxed cigarettes at 75 cents apiece. allegedly he had broken up a fight on the street previous to that. police came on the scene. they decided to arrest him.
the video apparently shows that he resisted arrest and one police officer, along with other police officers, uniformed and nonuniformed, came up behind him. i ll show you exactly what he did. we ll talk about what the controversy is. the allegation is that he performed a choke hold with his hand behind him in an attempt to bring him down. you can t have the arm right there. a choke hold is something that will crush the wind wipe and can cause you to die. the issue, is it a choke hold? the second issue, which is illegal under new york police department patrol regulations, did the choke hold cause his death? cause he did die later. he did die. an autopsy is going on now. as i said, the d.a. and staten island is looking at it, the f.b.i. has gotten involved. even al sharpton has gotten involved with the national action network, calling for robust investigations, arrests
and indictment of the police officer who was involved in this incident. so it s caused a fire storm in new york city. we ve had similar incidents in the past involving the use of the choke hold which as i said is prohibited by the nypd. it s all going to come down to the medical examiner s report because they will determine did the choke hold cause the death or was there some inherent instability in mr. garner s medical history? did he have an arrhythmia? did he have a heartbeat that beat too fast? did he have asthma or some other condition? we know he had asthma. there is also an issue with regard to the conduct of the emergency medical technicians and paramedics on the scene who, according to one report, did nothing for six or seven minutes, except feel the carotid artery to see if there was a pulse and he was breathing. a lot of questions. i m sure it will go on for a long, long time in new york city and there will be a lot of controversy of the race card has
already been played on this issue. it has been. although there is no proof at this point of any racial discrimination. i think your advice is good. we wait for the medical examiner, and then we ll see what happened. thank you very much. be well. coming up, a mom uses her iphone to track her teenage daughter s every move. is that normal or is that nuts? dr. keith ablow is in charge of that department. he joins us. first on this date in 1980, it s still rock n roll to me by billy joel was the number one song in america. i think before he wrote uptown girl. !hs. they re irresistabowl. completely unbelievabowl. totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she s been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies,
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here is a quick headline i want to share. tensions high in the ukraine parliament. understandably so. a fight just erupted following a vote that called up more reserves to defend the country against the increasing russian troops on the nation s border. a brawl breaking out during a tv interview after a guest threw a bottle of water at his rival before trying to attack him with a chair. how do they act in the green room? two months ago on this same show, guests started violently shoving the interview desk on the set. that s a cheap desk. until it collapsed. looks frankly familiar. one day junior said, you stole my format. that s what s happening in the who is normal and who is nuts? it s a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now. hey there, doctor. hey there. how are you? so we ve got some e-mails coming in.
first one says, i have a divorced friend who won t go to certain restaurants he frequented with his ex in order to keep his memory tarnished. she has remarried and moved on. is that normal or nuts? sad but normal. here is the thing, complicated grief reaction, yes. but listen, he loved this woman. maybe he still loves her. he s raw. this is more of a love story than it is a story of pathology. does he need some therapy? sure, maybe he does. does he need a new girlfriend? probably. but i m not going to call him out. what if they live in a town where there is only one restaurant? suddenly your choices for takeout is limbed. i hop. that would be a problem, i agree. then there is the next town over and he s likely to meet somebody very kind. number two, whenever i witness someone being injured, either in person or on tv, i often experience a slightly
painful sensation in the center of my chest or tingling up my arm. is this normal or nuts? it s better than normal. that s not nuts. normal. but super normal. it s great. what are you describing here? you re describing human empathy. this person feels for other people. instead of calling it pathological, why not call it a gift, see if you can develop it. maybe you re very connected to people. our final query of you is my sister tracks her 14-year-old daughter and her friends anywhere the teen-agers go with an iphone tracker. normal or nuts? i knew we d get one. nuts! that s crazy. what if she s worried about the safety of her kid? here is the delusion involved. you can t tell whether your daughter is safe by her location. secondly, instill trust in her. don t try to track her. that s no answer. or you could say this, hey, where were you this afternoon?
i was at the supermarket. no you want. you were at the high school. exactly. then you know you can trust that person. there you go. cross-examining is a good way to raise your kid. no, i m kidding. dr. keith ablow, two in a row. if you ve got questions for dr. keith, e-mail them to us. who knows what tomorrow holds. fox news alert. moments ago, two fighter jets were shot down in ukraine. a live report from the ground straight ahead. and a veteran gets trapped inside a v.a. clinic. how in the world does this happen? 911, what s your emergency? hi, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. big meeting.
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good morning. it s wednesday, july 23. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a major victory in the georgia senate race, outsider david purdue tops long-time congressman. hear from the candidate and his first interview since getting the win. they stumbled across the border illegally. now they need your help. what s your emergency? yes, somebody speak spanish? (speaking spanish). a small texas town forced to answer 911 calls from stranded illegals in spanish. one of those sheriff s deputies joins us live today. most veterans beg to go get inside the v.a. but this one is begging to get out? 911, where is your emergency? n hi. well, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a.
facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. incredible. veteran locked in the waiting room and the staff went home. mornings are better with friends. it s time for fox & friends well, it was six days ago that the rebels shot that jet liner out of the sky and this morning we ve got a fox news alert out of ukraine. moments ago, ukraine s military revealing pro-russian rebels just shot down two of their fighter jets as fighting flared up again in the east. steve harrigan is on the ground with the breaking details from ukraine. all right, tell us the latest. reporter: these two f jets went down a few hours ago. they are soviet made fighter jets, single piloted jets from about 1970s used by the
ukrainian government against the rebels. all this is happening not far from the crash site, 40 miles from where i m standing. it looks like they were shot down with advanced surface to air missiles. that s with it would take to bring down a fighter jet of this nature. so six days after this tragedy when people thought perhaps there would be a pullback, the reverse is happening, going ahead, knocking more jets out of the sky. rebels apparently using similar or the same surface to air missiles to knock down two single piloted government jets not far from this crash site where any hopes of carrying out a careful investigation in a hot war zone is very challenging. steve? all right. steve harrigan live in ukraine with the very latest. what we learned in the last one was we ve got the technology, the satellite technology to figure out where those particular surface to air missiles were shot off, if they re in rebel areas, this should be easy. doesn t look like the rebels learned their lessons. they didn t. they re in a war. we told the russians you better
scale back and called for a cease fire. told them to stop doing this, stop supplying the russians. we re not supplying the ukrainians, those russian separatists who are basically russians. what do they do? shoot down two more planes. so want the threat of an embargo or the sanctions from western europe? i don t even think so. you think vladimir putin is shaking? obviously not or else that wouldn t have taken place. france yesterday not only did not offer sanction, they off the record to continue their sale of warships to the russians. european foreign ministers met yesterday and they re looking to speed up the would be sanctions on russia, whatever they determine them to be. does that sound like a scary statement? in britain were appalled that the project was continuing in terms of construction there. incredible. we were also asking yesterday, does the president s word matter when he says cease fire, when he asks potato ton make things more peaceful? is it being heard? today with this happening, it doesn t seem like it s falling
on ears that are listening. you know, before they shot the jet liner out of the sky, they had already shot a couple of other military planes. we probably wouldn t even have noticed it, unfortunately, had they not killed all those people on that particular jet liner. now they re just back to the same monkey business they were at seven days ago. the new anti-airplane missiles are relatively new. they shot down three cargo planes overall. that shows the russians are giving them more technology instead of telling them to back out. instead, essentially saying we re doubling down. putin s rebels, putin s equipment. you be the judge. five minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has a whole bunch of other news. let s go to gaza. good morning. i ve got another story about airplanes. this morning, secretary of state john kerry touching down in tel aviv as the faa bans u.s. airliners from flying into that airport following a rocket attack in a neighborhood that was about a mile away from the
airport. it is a 24-hour ban and expires at noon today. the faa is reevaluating and will announce this morning if they will extend that ban or not. several other countries have also suspended flights to israel because of the escalating violence there in the past two weeks, more than 2,000 rockets have been fired, killing nearly 700 people. could be one of the most watched senate races in the entire united states. in georgia, this david purdue defeated a long time incumbent in a runoff. he will face michelle nun in the general election. it s to replace retiring senator sax bee chambliss. he said this about his strategy early or on fox & friends. you run against harry reid and barak obama and nancy pelosi and the failed policies of the last six years. people in this state are very upset about the performance in washington right now. that s exactly what we re going to do. this candidate, michelle nun, i have a lot of respect for her, for her work and her family.
but she s going to have to defend the failed policies of the last six years. republicans holding that seat will be key to getting six more seats. they need that in order to control the senate in november. a warning out before you eat breakfast. popular summer fruit is apparently contaminated with listeria. it s now being recalled as a result. merona packaging company sells fruit. they re being pulled from shelves across the country. they ve been sold at stores including costco, trader joe s and wal-mart and kroger. no reports of anyone getting sick so far. this story is unbelievable. it s really going to leave you shaking your head. listen to a 911 call made after a veteran realized that he was all alone and he was locked inside a v.a. clinic in florida. 911, where is your emergency? i apparently got left in a
v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off. jeffrey duck said he went to see his doctor for a prescription refill for his pain medication. he ended up waiting three hours. he then figured out he was the only person inside the building, so he whipped out his cell phone and recorded the video walking around the lobby. look at this. here i am inside the v.a. and everybody has gone home. can you imagine? the v.a. has since issued an apology. duck saying he s not angry. just disappointed. if they can t keep that straight, then how are they going to keep the more important things straight? it s just an indication that there is still a lot more for them to do. the v.a. says it s working to make changes and make sure this does not happen again. he walked in about 1:00 o clock. three hours later, they locked the doors. so 4:00 o clock, nobody is around.
not quite sure why. that guy is going to be on our show tomorrow. we promise not to keep him waiting. we won t lock him in either. and we will not leave him alone. thank you very much. let s talk about the big fox news alert from yesterday. the dc circuit court of appeals, the number court in this land said the obamacare subsidy attention being used in 36 states through the federal exchanges are illegal because the way the law was crafted by democrats and only democrats, it said you can only get the subsidy money through an exchange established by the state. 36 states didn t sign up, so they won t on the federal exchanges, which were invented by the federal government. that court says that s illegal. however, there was another, the 4th circuit, almost simultaneously, they came out and said we don t have a problem with it. that was probably heading for the supreme court. that s exactly what the forecast is looking like, it will travel up there. the government says they re going to continue to pay out
those subsidies until that final ruling comes through. of course. so here is jonathan turley on are we are right now. it will be a bloody mess. the problem is that the president was found by the dc circuit to have exceeded his authority, to have violated again the separation of powers. but in this case, their violation led to the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars in the past and future years and that is a serious problem. i don t see how the aca can survive without this system, at least in the form it was originally designed to have. does that mean it will collapse? it would collapse unless congress would be willing to make massive changes and massive subsidies to back those up. the first ruling says the taxpayer dollars, the president had no authority to spend them. he has no authority to subject millions of employers, individuals to taxes, that he had no authority to impose.
game on, supreme court. so now they re going to take these two cases and come up with an overall ruling. again, we ll have the drama at the supreme court that could have this bill live or die. when you have a constitutional lawyer say what he just said, this could be just the end of it entirely. he had eyebrows raised across the nation. sure, because he has been talk being how this administration has done all this executive overreach. in this case, the democrats in congress passed one thing, but then the administration through the irs, interpreted it another way. now at least one court says not illegal. there s a real good possibility before it gets to the supreme court the administration could actually ask for a review by the entire dc circuit, which this administration has done their best to pack with left-leaning judges. 544 million people, especially listening very
closely to this talking point we re going through cause they ve signed up for obamacare. 87% of them receiving subsidies to have their insurance. so they re going to get paid for in some way, shape or form. the gao thought, i have an idea. let s just make sure this thing is on the up and up. so let s run a sting operation with 18 people. yeah. so 18 people, sole applications were created here. 12 of them applied on line and by telephone. six started looking for in person help. they had all false information, documentation was bogus. guess what? 11 out of the 12 of those false applications for subsidies went through. and their sole beneficiaries are still receiving the subsidies. people that don t exist. people that do not exist on information that was false. 11 out of 12 is what they found in the sting. so that was in the sting. how many people in real life are getting subsidies paid for by all of us through the generosity of the federal government?
how many of those people simply are not entitled to them but are going to take them because is anybody really looking out for our cash? doesn t look like it. 12 minutes after the hour. here is what s straight ahead. they crossed the border illegally. now they need your help. 911, where s your emergency? yes. somebody speak spanish? speaking spanish). wow. one of the sheriff s deputies from the small texas town that s being forced to answer those type calls from people who don t belong there. and you never know what s lurking under your kayak. it could be a whale. take a look at this. bad place to park.
huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what.? jesse don t go!! i m sorry daisy, but i m a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww!
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small town 270 miles south of houston, illegal immigrant are learning the hard way there is a deadly cost to crossing the border. listen. 911, what s your emergency? somebody speak spanish? (speaking spanish).
wow. just one example of the 911 calls bombarding the brooks county police department. not only are they understaffed and lack resources, now they ve got to deal with illegal immigrants who have no business being here. martinez is the county chief deputy. chief deputy of brooks county. we appreciate you joining us, sheriff. first off, when you re hearing that call, how unique are calls like that to you? those calls are they have a crisis. we need to respond to them. those are pretty regular calls on a daily basis. so those calls, you have to respond to, even though for the most part when you get there, you realize they re not even american citizens?
that s correct. but they re on u.s. soil and due process comes into play and that s the way we re taking them as. you have 129 a couple years ago. you re heading this year on average, if it continues, with another 87 who have lost their lives by the time you get to them. they re dead. so far you ve recovered 43 corpses. to date. here is another example of the 911 call that came in to your people. 91 s state your emergency. hello? (speaking spanish) sheriff, they re coming across the borrowedder and haven t had anything to drink in
three days. what do you do? well, basically what you try to do when the call comes in, it s not as easy as one, two, three step procedure. all you do is kind of get an idea to where they might be at. our brush area is vast. it s thick. vegetation is good. it s difficult. we can just maybe get within 500-meters of that particular call. so sheriff, the thing is, a lot of these men and women sneaking across the border illegally coming here are going off the main paths and that s how they re being led by their so-called escorts, coyotes, because they don t want to get caught. there is also no people around to help them, which makes things twice as hard for you when you have to get there quickly. absolutely. this is why we also realize the local border patrol office that we work closely is, as a result of the border not being secure,
developed on our frontan crisis step. deputy, real quick, you chronicle harrows situations where you have hundreds of these tapes. what do you want the message to be to washington and everybody else watching? they need to have a sincere dialogue. forget about the republican or democrat side. sit down and have a sincere dialogue where we can actually resolve this issue. it has to be resolved. as long as they keep stalling it, this is going to continue. it s going to continue to where our funds are going to be depleted. thank you so much. thank you. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. food stamps paid for by taxpayers going up in smoke. welfare being used for pot and it s perfectly legal? we ll examine. atheists aren t giving up the fight to get rid of the steel beam from the world trade
center that were found in the shape of a cross. will the atheists win this one? where the case stands next. really. so our business can be on at&t s network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there s unlimited talk and text. we re working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues. great terms.
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we got quick headlines for you. a deadly stand-off in texas ends in a shootout with police. two officers were wounded while serving a warrant on a murder suspect in the rio grande valley of la joya. 29-year-old suspect was killed in the gun fight. new develops in the case of a marine s missing pregnant wife in california just released
court papers reveal aaron corwin may have been having an affair with her married neighbor when she disappeared three weeks ago. and the baby could have been his. cops believe she was shot while the two were on a hunting trip. that s the news. it was a symbol of hope on america s darkest day. two intersecting steel beams in the shape of a cross found in the rubble of the world trade center. rescue workers use it to pray. but atheists say there is no way this cross should be allowed inside the 9-11 museum. my next guest has promised a fight the latest lawsuit. thanks for being with us this morning. american atheist group had this to say. christianity deserves no special treatment just because it demands it or because the world trade center was made from cross beams. they re looking to get that
cross out of this memorial. do they have a case? not at all. as you mentioned, the cross is not in the museum as a station of worship. it s not there to honor christians. it s will as part of the story of ground zero. it s displayed in a section of the museum dealing with how rescue workers dealt with the tragedy of 9-11. it s a story of how americans turned to god, family, country, community to find hope, to find inspiration and to overcome this horrible tragedy. and just because some people were inspired by god doesn t mean we have to hang up a plaque that says atheists died here, too, which is what they re asking for from the courts. eric, i have a question here. so the american atheists are making strong allegations here that just reading newspaper articles about the display of this cross caused them stress, headaches, and indigestion. some would make the argument that that pales in comparison to all that was suffered and lost that day by 9-11 families and
first responders. why in the world would they have a right to take away a symbol of hope that exists there today? that s right. the constitution is not your mother. it s not there to make sure that every boo boo you experience in the real world gets kissed better. and even your mother sometimes says okay. so you bumped into a cross, into the museum. stop crying, brush yourself off. move on to the next exhibit. this is not a constitutional crisis. and it trivializes the sacrifices that thousands of people made over this issue. should those that have already suffered and lost so much be faced with this challenge here? angst that it s causing to the families of 9-11 perhaps and those first responders would also be a case, no? that s what we are trying to tell the court, thatu:hñp4 loos case never should have been brought in the first place. the museum spent three years fighting this. not every community, not every organization that has some
mention of god or some mention of religion can afford to pay for that kind of a fight. the court should be clearing these kind of cases up. this is a playground fight. we live if a pluralistic society. the court should be saying, look, learn to work this out, respect each other s differences. and really be respectful of those people who died in 9-11 and the many rescue workers and others who paid a great sacrifice in an effort to in the course of the recovery effort in 9-11. sure. many of those, if not all, say it s a symbol of their hope. the atheists filed their brief and we re waiting for the court to respond. thank you for being with us this morning. thank you. coming up, terrorists in iraq giving christians three option. convert, pay up or die. why aren t you hearing about this? we re going to tell you. then white flags replace american flags overt brooklyn bridge and still no one knows why or who did it.
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it s your shot of the morning. kayakers got way too close to two whales in argentina. the boat lingered on top of the whale for a while before the massive mammal says they ve had enough, flipping the father and the daughter over. yeah. i heard about this story. they saw this one whale and then saw a whole bunch of them. if you spot a whale, you would think, well, i ll point to it. i won t go up to it.
i give these people, whoever they are, tremendous credit. they re lucky to be alive. you don t want to get on the wrong side of that blow hole. tell me about it. we ve all been there. we have some headlines. we have breaking news. ukrainian military revealing pro-russian rebels have just shot down two of its fighter jets as fighting has once again flared up in the eastern part of that country. in the meantime, the planes carrying the first bodies of the victims of the malaysia airlines crash are set to arrive in the netherlands at any moment now. this while british investigators are starting to look at a pair of the black boxes to try to retrieve data on the flight s last minutes. we ll watch that story out of there this morning. back here at home, who scaled the brooklyn bridge and replaced the american flag with these flags, these white flags? we all know it s the symbol of
surrender. they flew on top of the nearly 300-foot high tower for hours yesterday. surveillance video shows four to five people crossing the bridge about 3:00 o clock in the morning and then a short time later, the lights go out and the waving american flag disappears. aluminum pans were actually used to cover the light and then at a closer look, the flags were really american flags that were bleached white. the nypd says they believe those behind this have some training in climbing or construction. they don t believe it s terror related and don t believe it s any kind of political statement. in iraq, isis is issuing an evil ultimatum to christians in iraq. convert, pay a tax, leave or be killed. christians in mosul are now fleeing with just the clothes on their backs. it is one of the oldest christian communities in the entire world. it dates back nearly 2,000 years. now that community faces
extinction. earlier today the patriarch of the syrian catholic church and father jonathan morris joined us with an insider perspective. listen to this. it s really tragic plight what we are going through. they re ripping up the deeds of your house, they re taking any family jewels or anything you have on you, leaving you with nothing. saying you have nothing to do in a place where christians have been for 1700 years. recent data showing christians face the highest rate of religious harassment in the middle east and north africa. hundreds of marijuana users are buying weed on your dime. the national review report said welfare recipients in colorado are using their ebt cards as marijuana retailers. the cards have been used more than 250 times in the past six months, total withdrawals of $25,000 in welfare benefits. some are saying it could be buying pot, it could be buying groceries. but those are your headlines.
now colorado starting to restrict it. this is the moment retired army staff sergeant and his military dog were reuniteed. they are battle buddies who put their lives on the line for one another. you know what? this morning they are joining other human k-9 teams and heading to capitol hill. peter doocy is with them in our nation s capitol and joins us live. peter? reporter: we ve got four american heros right here. we ve got jason boss, army veteran who you just saw, and marine corps vet sergeant dino miller and their two dogs, both seven years old. here is sela and that is thor. you saw the video with sela. you were four years as her handlers. you came back with back problems four years ago and retired.
you didn t know if you would see her again. no, i didn t. i was really surprised and thankful i was given the opportunity to get her back. i ve had a lot of help from family friends. this organization has done a really good job of helping us get our dogs back. reporter: sela is so calm here. what does she help you with? she would do active searches. pretty much just trying to keep the soldiers safe there. reporter: tell me about how it was that you got reunited. i was in contact with her previous handleer and they told me when it was time to retire her out, they would contact me and they did. reporter: can you tell me about how thor was the only dog
that was listed to you in the marines. how about now? i got three dogs back home. they all listen perfectly fine. but when we went to the corps, they ran three or four dogs separately and he was one i wrote down. reporter: how were you reunited with him? as soon as i got out, i went through the senator s office and she got me in touch with all the right people and i put in adoption paperwork in 2011 and i finally found out he was available in april of this year. reporter: you said that you used facebook to get in touch with the dogs. a dog? definitely. facebook really helps out when you have people around the world, other soldiers. facebook definitely saved us. reporter: what are these dogs like at home? how are they different than when you re out on a patrol? now she gets to lay on the
couch and eat all kind of goodies and be retired. reporter: what is really amazing about these dogs, the american humane association who will be on capitol hill a little bit later on today says that each dog like these two saved between 150 and 200 servicemen and women when they are deployed. it is an amazing statistic and we re so lucky to have them here with us in washington. back to you in new york. very well behaved. all right. peter doocy with four heros. thank you. thank you all for your service. dogs were behaved and so was peter, as well as the veterans. i love to see those battle buddies reunited. great story. coming up, thousands of apple geniuses staging a revolt. what? find out about that. and they dedicate their lives to fighting for our country and the government s giving them pink slips. the military families and the price they are paying for washington s problems coming up
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fox news alert now. a few hours from now, the faa will reevaluate its ban on flights into tel aviv. the current 24 hour ban expires at noon. secretary of state john kerry is currently in israel pushing for a cease fire. and celebrations resume jesse ventura says chris kyle lied in his book. in testimony videotaped before he was killed last year, kyle says that story was indeed true. apple facing off with 20,000 of its current and former geniuses. they filed a class action lawsuit claiming the company did not offer timely meal breaks, rest breaks, and final paychecks.
steve? all right. the pentagon handing out thousands of pink slips to military officers all across the country and around the world. it s supposed to save money, but at what cost? our next guests have two sons devoting their lives to the u.s. military. as americans, they re proud to be parents, but as parents as well, they re also afraid of the direction our country is heading because of their children. greg hancock and his wife join us now from harrisburg, pennsylvania. good morning to both of you. good morning. vicky, let s start with you. the news came out that over 1,000 u.s. captains in the army are getting pink slips. the same day that news came out, what happened at your house? our son was sworn in to the united states army. that s kind of scary for you as a mother to think about his future then if people who have decided to make the military their career suddenly are looking for jobs.
right. and our son is looking to do that and it s very scary, very. yeah. greg, your older son, keegan, is in the marines. he s been there for a while. what are you worried about regarding him? well, both of our boys are really looking forward to make the military their life, their career. both of them actually forewent college. we have a strong military history in our family. our younger boy, cameron, he s looking to make a career in the mp ranks and like to get into the officer ranks. when you start to see these things happening where officers with ten, 12 years getting their hispanic slips, it s disheartening for him and for me as a father. sure. and as well, greg, just the fact that your son, who is a marine proudly serving his nation, he s looking to the future, but
currently, what is he, at the poverty line now or below the poverty line? well, he, like a lot of them, when you re in the lower ranks of the military, the e.-1 through e.-4 and 5, all those troops are below the poverty line. i don t think a lot of people in this country understand that. yeah. that s a sacrifice. absolutely is. so vicky, as your youngest, cameron, is thinking about the military, he s now pledged to become part of our military, are you thinking in your heart, maybe this isn t such a good idea. maybe he should think about something else? yes, i am. up until this show right now, he didn t know that. we support him 100%, but it s very scary. i mean, you have people getting pink slips that are still in combat and i saw an interview of a military wife worried about where they re going to live because they had planned on
making this their career, their life. here is my son wanting to do that and is like, women. is this how we repay our military? no. we need to take care of them. and our vets, steve. one of the things that really upsets us is what s happening with the vets and the veterans administration. when you see secret lists, lies, mail being shredded and people getting bonuses, bonus pay, gift cards, incentive pay and my son who is 17 joins the united states regular army, you know what he got? he was given a t-shirt and a water bottle. some things in this country are pretty upside down right now. you wonder where our priorities are sometimes. exactly. vicky and greg and greg, a proud u.s. military vet, we thank you very much for joining us today from harrisburg. good luck to cameron, who has got a big baseball project this summer trying to raise money for the wounded warrior project. thank you both.
steve, if i could, if your viewers could check out his web site, charity softball a lot of information on that regarding the wounded warrior project that my son put together. you re a good father, getting a plug in for your boy. i appreciate that. thank you. straight ahead, rent a house and refuse to leave? thanks to government regulations, you might have the right. that s coming up next. right now let s check in with martha mccallum who is joining us today with a show at 9:00 o clock eastern. good morning. turns out lois lerner s hard drive was crashed, but not erased. what is really going on here? the cat and mouse game may be just about over for the irs. a new study says it s fairly easy to get obamacare subsidies, even if you don t exist. we ll tell you about that and new information about the american flags that were mysteriously replaced with plain white ones on the brooklyn
bridge. weird story. bill and i are here with you at the top of the hour when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at!
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thanks to our local and national leaders, we ve got more than 100 million pages of rules and regulations on the books. and it s not always a good thing. time for an example of a case out in california where a guest rented and home and now refuses to leave. they say they have the legal right as squatters. joining us is legal expert and author of the rule of nobody, philip howard. good morning to you. good morning. the rule of nobody, what does that mean? it means is we ve replaced authority with lots of millions and millions of words. so no one has authority to
balance the budget. nobody has the authority to pull pull the teacher doesn t have the authority to run a classroom. how bad is it now? you talk about laws being laws and there is no end to these laws. yes. it s like a progressive disease. over the last 50 years mainly, detailed regulations and lawsuits, piling up like sediment. now people can t do anything, talk to any mayor, any governor, all these mandates prevent them from making sense of their daily chores. they re preventing people from doing their job and enticing people to take advantage of those words and pages of this law, to go after someone for a lot of money. how do we simplify the laws? we see this, doesn t seem like an easy solution. it s actually easy conceptually, but we have to change our public debate from arguing about policy to arguing about putting humans back in charge again and having a big clean-up program. where do you start? do you start up top or small
towns? in counties and states? you can start at any level. school bureaucracy, for example, is a complete nightmare. you can start there. but ultimately federal law which kind of drives the train here. federal law needs to be recodified. you need to go area by area and radically simplify it so people can understand it, number one. and secondly, that it gives people flexibility to actually make sense of daily choices. law is not supposed to replace freedom. it s supposed to be a framework for freedom. let s hope congress is listening because they are responsible for a lot of laws that have gummed up the works and now they have the responsibility, you say, to change it. they do. but they don t have the idea. it s going to require movement, an outside movement. the name of the book is requesting the rule of nobody.
thank you. coming up, according to a new study, kids no longer want to win when they play sports. they just want to try. is that good? i got fifth place, dad! nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection.
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here is some good news for you as we have one for the road for you on this wednesday. you know how often do you hear you got to get eight hours sleep? there is a new study out of arizona state university where they say it s not eight hours. it turns out you should get seven hours is actually best. it helps with cognitive performance and 20 minutes less can impair your memory. if you got between 6 1/2 and 7
1/2 hours sleep each night, you actually lived longer. wow. okay. the media circus surrounding lebron james to cleveland did not do his neighbors any favors. thousands packed around the streets of his mansion. what did lebron do? he send them all a personal apology with cupcakes. he says he s sorry for the chaos and hope they enjoy the cherry cola treat. it s still a good story when you go home. meanwhile, according to a new study published with the journal for activity and health, they asked the question, why are 70% of kids quitting sports before the age of 13? here is what they came up with. it s not about winning or losing. it s about having fun. yep. 81 specific states, some of the reason they played, because of the positions, because they can learn from making mistakes. they can like being around friends. those are the reasons they play sports. it s not to win. so cindy lauper is saying girls just want to have fun.
you re saying kids just want to have fun. i think that s good. cindy lauper is a great philosopher. turns out girls do just like to have fun. thanks very much for joining us today. see you back here tomorrow. breaking news. test test test test that is the same area where nay have been blocked and good morning. i am bill hemmer and welcome back martha. good to be back. i am martha maccallum. there is no word on

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