This second part into the fire has just been published. This second part into the Fire Hasjust been published. The report now runs to 1,700 pages. We arejust about report now runs to 1,700 pages. We are just about to hear from the chair. Let us listen in. My the chair. Let us listen in. My report on that series of events was published on the 30th of october 2019. In the second phase of the inquiry, the panel has been investigating the underlining causes of the fire, with a view to identifying when mistakes were and our terms of reference, and partly because, as our investigation has progressed, we uncovered many more matters of concern than we had originally expected. As we discovered, it is not possible properly to understand the causes of the fire without understanding the way in which knowledge of the materials and methods of construction employed in the Refurbishment Development over the course of time. But the government and others learned about them, and how the regulations and g
Make No ApologIes for that. Put sImply, If make No ApologIes for that. Put sImply, If you work In the ConstructIon Industry and you do not ConstructIon Industry and you do not appear to do weIght of responsIbIlIty you have for keepIng people safe, you are In the wrong keepIng people safe, you are In the wrong job. You do not feel the wrong job. You do not feel the the wrong job. You do not feel the weIght. The change we need feel the weIght. The change we heed to feel the weIght. The change we need to brIng about Is partly about need to brIng about Is partly about structures and regulatIons and Cert MartIn has saId about the key poInts In what saId about the key poInts In what we saId about the key poInts In what we have proposed and our report what we have proposed and our report lays out our recommendatIons In detaIl but the necessary change Is also one the necessary change Is also ohe of the necessary change Is also one of cultures and behavIours. Change one of cultures and behavIou
Media and politics these days and leads to real world violence and murder. Ill talk about it an author. Good evening. Im mehdi hassan. Since this show launched in october ive been warning about the crisis of democracy that has been engulfing this nation. And im sorry to have to report this to you. But the past week has brought even more confirmation that the crisis continues to get worse. In texas despite the slight reprieve republicans remain determined to pass a bill that would enact new and horrific restricts on voting. Governor greg abbot says the bill will be back in november. Its one of nine bills to restrict voting now in the lone star state. Texas republicans were fully prepared to sign the measure into law at the end of may had House Democrats not successfully staged an 11th hour walkout to block the measure. Republicans are being shamed to make the bill better. A provision to take away early voting on sunday to hinder church goers, absolutely not. One of the bills architects
Media and politics these days and leads to real world violence and murder. Ill talk about it an author. Good evening. Im mehdi hassan. Since this show launched in october ive been warning about the crisis of democracy that has been engulfing this nation. And im sorry to have to report this to you. But the past week has brought even more confirmation that the crisis continues to get worse. In texas despite the slight reprieve republicans remain determined to pass a bill that would enact new and horrific restricts on voting. Governor greg abbot says the bill will be back in november. Its one of nine bills to restrict voting now in the lone star state. Texas republicans were fully prepared to sign the measure into law at the end of may had House Democrats not successfully staged an 11th hour walkout to block the measure. Republicans are being shamed to make the bill better. A provision to take away early voting on sunday to hinder church goers, absolutely not. One of the bills architects
Media and politics these days and leads to real world violence and murder. Ill talk about it an author. Good evening. Im mehdi hassan. Since this show launched in october ive been warning about the crisis of democracy that has been engulfing this nation. And im sorry to have to report this to you. But the past week has brought even more confirmation that the crisis continues to get worse. In texas despite the slight reprieve republicans remain determined to pass a bill that would enact new and horrific restricts on voting. Governor greg abbot says the bill will be back in november. Its one of nine bills to restrict voting now in the lone star state. Texas republicans were fully prepared to sign the measure into law at the end of may had House Democrats not successfully staged an 11th hour walkout to block the measure. Republicans are being shamed to make the bill better. A provision to take away early voting on sunday to hinder church goers, absolutely not. One of the bills architects