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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150130 11:00:00

who responded. we appreciate as always we hope you have a great weekend. see you monday morning at 5 a.m. fox & friends starts now. bye. good morning. it is friday january 30. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. one of the five gitmo prisoners swapped for bowe bergdahl just busted in talks with the taliban. the white house doubles down that the taliban aren t terrorists and says they re not worried about it. i can tell you we re very comfortable that we can mitigate that threat. this morning three americans are dead and the taliban is claiming responsibility. great. and don t mess with john mccain. get out of here you low-life scum. whoa! well said. low-life scum who s he talking about? we re going to tell you straight ahead. brian kilmeade live from arizona. thanks steve. when you hear the story you ll hear from john mccain. the seahawks player who needs to decide play in the super bowl or watch the birth of his first son. think about that for a second. let me reemphasize mornings are better with friends and i m live from the super bowl, the site of super bowl 49 in phoenix, arizona. watch this. that is the university of arizona marching bands. they got up early just for us and not to miss class. they are the pep band 55 strong. you saw the pom team. they not only play instruments but like a younger steve doocy, they also sing. it s going to be a fun show and we re going to see a lot of numbers for the next three hours. it s going to be straight. we do this every year brian goes out to the super bowl, tells his wife he s needed there, he s got to be there he s got to go to all these party. music show last night. duty. duty with hootie. a little bit later, you were probably in grade school but our former substitute cohost darius rucker did a concert last night. he brought us behind the scenes and we felt like we were going to find out what it s like to be a rock star for the first time in our adult lives. it s going to be great. i cannot wait to see the final results. breaking news the five who were released into qatar from gitmo in exchange for bowe bergdahl, one might be back to the terror game, guys. you re right about that. one of the five was actually intercepted apparently making telephone calls to the taliban. we profiled these five high-risk individuals the other day, these five terrorists. is it the one who had close ties with osama bin laden or the one who had access to senior commanders and leaders of the haqqani network? or would it be the one who on his record had this: detainee would likely rejoin the taliban? or others? that s a good choice. you mean on record? on record. we don t know which of the five. it was revealed in a top secret briefing on capitol hill, one of the five, we intercepted the call. although an earlier report was that one had returned to militant activity. whatever they re doing, john kirby, god bless him the spokesperson for the defense department at the pentagon, he said essentially whatever this person is doing on the phone with the taliban the pentagon s okay with it. listen. i mean, first of all, we take all allegations of reengagement very, very seriously. there s different ways of considering reengagement. it doesn t necessarily mean return to the battle field. doesn t matter. we take it all seriously. we have a good security partnership with the government of qatar. they have provided assurances. i can tell you that we are comfortable at the defense department that we can mitigate any threat that could be posed by any one of these individuals in terms of terrorist activity. again, i can t talk about the details. i can tell you we re very comfortable, though, that we can mitigate that threat. i think that means we re tracking him. and if they try something stupid, we ll grab them just before they blow somebody up. let s just think about this. this has to be the least surprising thing if this is proven to be true. what do we expect them to do? they don t have an alternate vocation. they re still connected. we know when they leave gitmo they are held as heroes. they are rock stars. what are they going to do? go back and finish the fight? the news is america is leaving with a job undone and they know exactly how to get back into power. and they re look at as generals. these guys are generals in the taliban armed forces and we exchange them for one defecting sergeant. in the meantime, people are looking at the taliban and saying they are not a terror group. really, they are not a terror group? is that the same group that had somebody on the inside yesterday in the kabul airport pretending to be an afghan soldier and killed three american contractors yesterday? could that be the nonterror group that it s okay to do deals with? the people you re referring to are those in the white house a spokesperson as of wednesday, we sat here brian, when he stumbled trying to describe how this wasn t a terrorist. meanwhile the taliban claimed responsibility for an attack at the kabul airport in which three american contractors were killed. the identified taliban fighter was actually wearing afghan police uniform at the time. three american contractors dead, one afghan man. should we try this one more time with the administration? not to mention if you go back in december when 132 children were slaughtered at the hands of the taliban. do you think we can call them terrorists now? let s ask josh earnest. does the administration consider the talibanathathathatht 8ì .= ¥w &awe)ejm the white house saying the taliban is not a terrorist group, they are armed insurgents. if they are simply armed insurgents that s their word. they did admit though, brian brian they did admit that the treasury department lists them specifically designating global terrorists dating back to 2002. apparently here if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, apparently it s a squirrel. i just want to emphasize if you want to go the legal end, the legal end says they re a terror group. also they should not be treated like prisoners of war. they re a terrorist organization. they are not afforded that geneva convention. that s the fact and i m not sure what josh earnest or his substitute said yesterday. meanwhile i know heather childers has been assembling in the ten minutes in between shows more headlines for you. is that correct? how did he know that? all the way from arizona. we have been following other stories for you. we begin with a wild one. a plane coming in for a landing without the pilot. the captain of a delta flight apparently somehow got locked out of the cockpit when the door jammed. it happened halfway through a flight from minneapolis to las vegas. the captain told the passengers the first officer would make the landing. the pilot got locked out. we re going to land with the first officer. the pilot is in the back of the plane. that s what they did. the plane landed safely. because the first officer was accustomed to the controls in the right seat, he stayed there for the landing. that meant he didn t have any taxiing controls. so the plane had to be towed to the gate. another outrageous story for you. passengers smashed the windows of a subway train to escape a car filling up with smoke. oh my god! oh my god! this happened at the quincy station in boston. the smoke came from a failure in the propeller system. when the doors of one car didn t open, they broke the windows to escape. no one was injured. you have seen him here on fox & friends, but milwaukee county sherrif david clarke was on capitol hill yesterday to call out eric holder for what he calls is a quote, anticop attitude. this all unfolded at the confirmation hearing for the attorney general nominee loretta lynch. the incendiary rhetoric used by eric holder created a pathway for a false narrative that then became the rallying cry for cop haters across america. the confirmation vote for lynch is next month. john mccain not mincing words. the senator unleashing on a group of code pink protesters who attacked the former secretary of state henry kissinger during a senate hearing calling for his arrest. arrest henry kissinger! arrest henry kissinger [inaudible] you re going to have to shut up or i m going to have you arrested. get out of here you low-life scum. mccain saying he has never seen anything like it. at one point the protesters physically threatened the 91-year-old, henry kissinger, dangling a set of handcuffs over his head. kissinger was testifying before the armed services committee. those are a look at your headlines. don t mess with mccain would be the lesson there. he got red with code pink. thank you very much. thank you heather. a lot of people are going to be watching the game on sunday, and somebody has to make a decision in the next day or two whether or not to actually go to the game. that s right. richard sherman of the seattle seahawks might have a new play book because he has a baby on the way. the baby is expected 10 to 12 days out but mother nature may take its course and make him a father. his girlfriend is due. the big question is will he go to the game or go to the birth. what are you hearing? he s indicating he s going to go to the birth if his wife is going to give birthright at game time. but she s here. there s different things you can do not as a woman, i can t talk as an expert that way although i do know women. there s different things you can do in terms of waiting right before game time. you can have a police escort to get you to the game. for him to miss the game it s got to be exactly at 6:14. joe flacco in 2013 he missed a play in week 2. richard sherman may be the most valuable player of the seahawks, to miss this game in the birth of a child, in the big picture it is great to be there but let s be honest, if you watch the sold sitcoms men weren t even allowed in that room. they were just told it was a boy or girl. if you watch dick vandyke or the odd couple. then again they didn t sleep in the same bed either. are they boiling water? everybody is boiling water. i didn t know until i got here why everyone is boiling water. they re all preparing. everyone is talking to each other going do you think she s dilating. i think that s totally inappropriate. here s what i m saying, big decision, men and women can debate it and there s no right answer. what would do you? if you were playing in the super bowl and your spouse was going to have your girlfriend was going to have a baby, would you play the big game or go be with her? e-mail us at fox & friends. you can also tweet us. there is a bill to help fix the v.a. what is really? it? major pete hegseth joins us live to break it down. she was once dead broke and that s the line hillary clinton sells. but what we learned about her could destroy all of that. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you re like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal. until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it rushes through the scratches in the floorboards. dances up the height marks on the door. it wraps around your favorite family photos. it helps this place tell a story all your own. it s what s there in the air when you ve made your house a home. air wick home is in the air i m louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i told myself for so long that i needed to quit smoking. i would quit then i d go right back to it. chantix absolutely helped me quit smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i m not worried about smoking my next cigarette. to me that feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. yesterday on this program we told you about one obstacle blocking the v.a. reform bill. unions don t want crooked employees held accountable if they do something wrong. and within seconds your e-mails started pouring in. this e-mail caught our attention. quote, the v.a. is losing good people due to this reform bill. it is indirectly punitive and takes away the pensions of supervisors if problems arise even far below them. well, that s interesting. so is the reform bill really to blame for so many of the problems at the v.a.? let s talk to the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, major pete hegseth. yesterday on this program we were talking about how the big unions said, look, this new bill, you know, it s a morale buster. people don t like it. what do you think? i could not disagree more. what are the unions going to say? of course they re going to not like a bill that gives more latitude to leadership to fire poor employees. this bill shakes up the status quo. then the status quo reacts. the bureaucracy, the lobbyists, everybody in washington says you shouldn t be able to fire anybody. they need all the protections they already had. there could always be a hypothetical case where a bad employee could be fired for the wrong reasons, but in realty nobody has been fired using this new reform law at all. you guys covered this more than anybody else. veterans are waiting on secret lists. they have been waiting months and months. it hasn t cheand and no one changed and no one has been held accountable. snell we talk about probing workers, why don t we hold a few people accountable first. absolutely. i think part of the it is the fact that in august a bill to fix the v.a. passed and we heard about this card you would get to take into the v.a. and get a choice where if the v.a. isn t close you can go to a nearby doctor out of network. that sounded great. but it s not working. it sounds great. we support it, concerned veterans for americans supported the bill. the problem is the v.a. is strangling it. they re trying to prevent veterans from getting that choice because that means they go outside the system and no one has been fired yet. right now you have to call a 1-800 number with your choice card and ask if you can see a private provider and they tell you if you live too far or waiting too long which usually means sorry, you better stay inside the v.a. it s not real choice and bureaucracy is battling at every point. what is your message to the unions blocking this new bill? if you want my message to unions blocking this bill is this is about veterans, not the bureaucracy, not the workers at the v.a. it s about serving veterans better. there s so many wonderful employees at the v.a., you should welcome accountability, welcome the ability to be rewarded for good behavior and fired for bad behavior. that is what the private sector has been doing for decades and that s what veterans deserve is quality health care and quality customer support. it shouldn t be about unions or nonunions. it should be all about the vets. what do you folks think? e-mail us. you can facebook us or tweet us as well. the unions stand in the way of accountability at the v.a. coming up, how does this sound? live updates on your baby and how they re sleeping sent straight to your smart phone. dr. segal coming up next. welcome to the most social car we ve ever designed. the all-new nissan murano. nissan. innovation that excites. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth. .it s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue .and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum, tum tum tum. smoothies! only from tums. we ve got quick headlines and then you ll hear from some children, small ones in our studio. in a couple of hours president obama is going to announce a new $215 health initiative. the hope is to find cures for cancer and diabetes. that would be great. the white house has no has a plan to stop illegals from entering our country. it want to give countries in central america $1 billion. vice president joe biden has a new york times op-ed today that says the money will end poverty and keep children from seeking opportunities in the united states. she says she s not out of touch but hillary clinton flying high on your dime. newly released documents show clinton spent over $225,000 taxpayer money on more than 200 privately chartered flights during her eight years as a new york senator. she s got some explaining to do. elisabeth, over to you. we re hanging out with adorable babies here. there are high-tech helpers out there to take some of the guesswork out of parenting. we know that s the worst thing when it comes to doing the job. here to look at the top baby gadgets is fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel. and baby emma here. look at her, how responsive she is. the doctor is here and he s going to help us out because there s great tech gadgets. we re going to start with hers. what is she wearing? she has a nemo onesie. she s lying in a crib. she should be lying on her back. no bumpers. on her back. if she s immunized, i want her to have all her vaccinations because that cuts down on the incidents of sudden infant death syndrome by 50%. keep those bumpers out because they get in your way. you need the nemo onesie to see if your breathing is irregular and a parent can pick it up on your smart phone and know they re not breeging correctly. great news. there is something called viva length thermometer patch. travis has this on. this is great because taking a baby s temperature can be tricky but this takes guesswork out and makes it simple. this has a sweet little bear on it and can beam a smart temperature to another room. you shouldn t be in another room parents. stay in the room with your baby especially if your baby is not feeling well or is sick. if you have to go out of the room for awhile, this will tell you what the temperature is. we use behavior to tell us if a baby is sick or stop responding, stop eating. on top of that we always want to know their temperature. she loves you by the way. look at those pigtails. baby alert s chiel miernd system. that s something we use in a car. in the car seat, i m horrified to think of parents leaving a hot car with a baby in a car seat. it does happen. i mean, you shouldn t need an alarm but this is a last-ditch effort to tell you your baby is still in that car seat. if you go more than ten feet away from this baby it s going to alarm. what a great thing to know, to keep you safe in there. are you travis and are you nine and a half months? hi, look at you. you re doing a good job and i like your socks. the iceland band, this is a terrific idea. i love this one. when i was nine months old my father dove into deep water to save my life because i got into the deep water of the pool and i will never forget that. in addition it would have been nice if i had one of these things. what does this do? it will tell if you you re under water for more than a few seconds. where does the alarm get sent to? to a smart phone. first of all, don t let your baby swim in deep water. watch them every second in the pool. the key here is that parents should always be on top of what their children are doing. on top of that, these are a little extra things. don t do the work for you but with every adult having a smart phone and always having it on them these alarms may save a kid s life. we ll take all the help we can get. i want to know when kids are sick. i want to have all that measurement, how they re breathing, what s their temperature. giovani and emma, we thank you for helping us out and we re happy you re nice and safe thanks to these devices. thanks to amazon. this next video is insane, and apparently so is this guy. a man armed with a gun storms into a television station and wait until you see what happens next. take a close look at this picture. there is a lot of talk this morning about what s in the jockey s hand. we re going to explain this entire controversy to you but first we want to wish happy birthday to former vice president dick cheney. nexium 24hr. it s the purple pill. the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand. available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protectiontm. comfort keepers can provide a variety of custom in-home services for your aging loved ones, including medication reminders and transportation to the doctor. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? you got to know when to hold em. know when to fold em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money, when you re sitting at the ta. what? you get it? i get the gist yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the average price of a 30 second commercial during the super bowl is a record $4.5 million which is a lot of money to sell pizza to people whose faces are already stuffed with pizza, you know. it s about buying the next pizza. welcome to our show. we are live from one of the coldest places in america and one of the hottest places in america. brian s at the super bowl. in arizona. hey there brian. time for super bowl xlix. for giants fans, the last time the super bowl was here the giants were here and beat the new england patriots. behind me is the university of arizona pom line and they are kind of enough to get up, travel two hours with us. the big story is richard big daddy. every year he joins us, the sounds and sights of the super bowl. your focus this year, rich? a lot of eating. all the super bowl food that you can possibly get and enjoy, we did it. really? let s take a look at where rich ate. good morning. it s big daddy. i m here in phoenix starting my food tour of the famous restaurants in town and i had to get a big breakfast. i m here at matt s. come on in and join me. what s up? what s going on? big daddy how are you doing? let s start with something light. we ve got a waffle here. chop and chip. rib chop marinated home fries. spoib big daddy sandwich. we re going to rename it the big daddy sandwich. at the culinary dropout there was chef andrew. chef andrew is going to show us how to make a world famous french onion dip. we ve got a little bit of mayonnaise here and sour cream. there are types of onions. a little bit of sugar. last thing we ve got sliced onions. the key is eight hours. we re going to grap a chip and go for it. perfect. super bowl sunday a nice cold beer and some chips and dip; right? deli in the desert. i m not buying it. what have we got here? 35, 36 years ago a family moved here from new york and they couldn t get goodellly, new york deli in the desert. we opened up our own deli here. as a new yorker i enjoy that. let s give this thing a taste. how do we stack up to your new yorker? listen, i have no problem doing the rest of this. i couldn t leave without seeing the rock n roll hall of famer legend alice cooper. good to see you, man. big daddy, meet the big union. i m ready to take it on. why don t we do a little cheese a little sauerkraut. i m going to go with the chili. we built the big unit and now i think it s time to [bell rings] here we go. there you go. the sights and sounds and food and smells of super bowl xlix. that s the big hurt. what are these? these are the big units and this is, of course, the perfect breakfast food. when you want a hot dog, when you think breakfast i think relish and onions. alice cooper, that thing is a knockout, man. alice cooper was raving about his appearance on fox & friends. everything he s done in music for the past 40 years, that was the highlight, getting up in the morning. rich, thanks so much. you re going to be doing features for us each and every night? we ll be back. we re hitting a bunch of parties and seeing some celebrities. and you re doing it for the company. eat up, ladies. fantastic. ron rivera, he played the patriots in the preseason and he lost you have a nickname for him. you can slow me down any time. also he got eliminated by the seahawks. back to you guys in the stewed yes. thanks for giving us a taste and tour. i feel like i m with you. brian and big daddy, that s the way to start the day. i don t think i saw big daddy paying for any of that. did you? let s roll the tape. we re going to say hello to heather childers. we have serious news to start with. caught on camera, the moment a powerful gas explosion ripped through a mexico city maternity hospital. do something! really terrifying. a nurse and two babies are dead. at least 70 more injured including seven newborns in serious condition. the blast so powerful it knocked down about three-fourths of the building. police say the explosion was caused by a hose bursting on a tanker truck that was delivering propane gas to the hospital s kitchen. this happened on dutch tv. do you see him this man? he s armed with a gun. he stormed into the studio and took a security guard hostage. police swat teams quickly took him down. [screaming] that man claiming to be part of the hacking group. he said that that group would detonate bombs if the station did not put him on tv. by the way that gun was a fake. a jockey is facing felony charges this morning after this picture surfaced. it allegedly shows him holding a device to shock the horse. the racing commissioner suspending the 43-year-old claiming he used the device to go from fifth place to winning a race in houston. but he claims that the picture was photo shopped. what do you think? and he says someone is trying to frame him. not the first time that chappa has been in hot water. he was slapped with a fine in 1994 for using a nail to make a horse go faster. those are a look at your headlines. scary to look at that. poor horse. we ll get to the bottom of that. the president says he wants to secure our borders so why are border agents secretly being asked to roll out the welcome mat? what s it like seconds before a country music superstar takes the stage? kind of a cerebral approach. there s 5,000 people there waiting to hear you sing. going to be fun. that s what we do it for. it is going to be a good time. it is going to be a good time because brian takes us back stage with darius rucker. i love him! snowe before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season . and before he quit his friend s leaf-raking business for not offering a 401k. larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that s why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that s the power of streamlined connections. that s merrill edge and bank of america. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn t it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie s list now it is. we ve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at a a a back in the month of november, president obama said his first priority on immigration was to remove genuine threats to our security. remember? we re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. felons. not families. criminals. not children. gang members. not a mom who s working hard to provide for her kids. we ll prioritize just like law enforcement does every day. new training documents given to immigration officials tell a much different story. agents are now being asked to actively search for illegals who might qualify for amnesty. doesn t this make it harder for them to secure our border? we re going to ask a former senior attorney for immigration and customs enforcement. thanks for being with us john. can you do both at the same time efficiently? can you check for eligibility and maintain proper security? good morning, guys. thanks for having me back. this new directive from d.h.s. has the potential to have a negative and detrimental effect on our border security and foreign national security. it looks like an utter waste of time. agents at the border are first line of defense against terrorists, drug traffickers and weapons smugglers. every weapon they spend screening someone for deferred action eligibility is another minute they can t spend doing their jobs protecting our border and keeping it safe. essentially the agents who are protecting us are suddenly becoming clerks. i just apprehended you now i m going to ask you 20 questions to see if we can avoid deporting you. this would be akin to the i.r.s., they ve got your return on their table and they re going you know what? i think you should try to qualify for this deduction which is kind of crazy. that s not the job. why? why? steve that s a very good point. the biggest thing is that the president even under this new executive action, he said that people who have recently and illegally entered our country they re on the top of the list as far as priorities for deportation. so to add border patrol officers who have just caught someone who has illegally entered the united states and has committed one or more federal felonies to ask them to screen this person for eligibility is unreasonable. because so few of these people who have just entered the united states illegally can possibly be eligible for this sort of benefit and this sort of deferred action that it s unreasonable and it s a waste of resources and a waste of time. to see what they have to do here first they ask if the illegal, if they qualify for amnesty. then suspend caizs for people who enter the united states illegally. the government tells them to i.d. security is supposed to be our number one priority but this seems to down play that no? elisabeth, it makes sense for i.c.e. to identify people who are in detention facilities who might have eligibility for benefits. ultimately they re going to be able to stay here then let s not waste resources detaining them unless they are a danger to the security. but at the border where we have to have boots on the ground, we have to have agents who risk their lives every day keeping us safe they cannot waste their time screening people for benefits when 99.9% of them are not going to be eligible. it puts our border security and national security at risk. it looks like they re looking for every reason possible not to deport people who probably should be. john, thank you. thank you. it is 13 minutes before the top of the hour on this friday. next up on the rundown remember this? he s a long way from hosting fox & friends. brian and darius rucker take 2. next. so you re looking for a loan? how s your credit? i know i have an 810 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that s not really in our wheelhouse. you don t put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. what s that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don t you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit look at that. we ve gotten into the way back machine. there is tearious rucker. he s come a long way from hosting for me. brian just caught up with him ahead of the super bowl out in phoenix last night. brian, a lot of people are realizing they re dishing to the in addition to the many parties and big game and commercials, there is a lot of first rate entertainment out there. yeah. you re big fans of darius rucker, up until today, now that he s gone country last night he was tabbed to pack the house and headline the major concert of the night in phoenix, arizona, at the bird s nest, at the phoenix open sponsored by coor s lite. before the concert he opened up his bus to find out what it s like in front of 5,000 people and reveals his super bowl moment. watch. welcome to the bird s nest concert. the rock star, hootie and the blowfish turn country star. before he goes on stage in front of thousands, he invited us inside. not bad. really nice. nice living room. you got some flat screens here. nice to see you. good to see you. i always wanted very few people get to severance the pregame leading up to a big concert for an established star like yourself. this is your pregame? are you always this relaxed? we try 7yñjjf)xpy porp? j go out on your own, that s huge. but to go out and do country, talk about that transition. i was surprised at how big a deal it was. coming from the pop world and coming over to country, there was a lot of nay sayers a lot of people asking my label, i can t believe you signed this. but it was one of those things where my label let me do what i want to do and let me be who i wanted to be. i just happened to write some country songs that clicked with the public. one thing you re wearing a navy seals shirt and you re a very patriotic guy. where did that come from? a lot of my uncles and cuffs were in the military. i was in the rotc at one time. i believe we have such a great country is those guys are so willing to give their lives for our country. when you look at your career and when you accomplished and then think back to the highlight that really happened around 2000, 1999, i was co-hosting fox & friends. everything else is gravy. it s like you won your championship. absolutely right. i already have my super bowl. that was fun. that was one of those things i never got to do before. thanks so much. can we take that walk over to you? absolutely. are you ready to go? you know there is 5,000 people there waiting to hear you sing. it will be fun. that s what we do is to play for people of the it will be a good time. wow. what fun. brian, thanks for that behind the scenes i m not sure there is a better guy out there than darius rucker. what a nice sit-down. you know what s in his trailer? kurt warner ball. he wants to remember where he came from. he likes sports and doing concerts. he ll be busy all week. by the way he s got an album coming out called southern style. comes out march 31. he believes it will be his best yet. he wanted us to mention that. so get ready for it. guys, i can t wait for the next two hours cause we ll have a lot of great things planned including a sit-down with the governor of arizona. his first one with fox since his big election. what s his name? governor doug doocy and he grew up with steve, same family. cousin doocy? that s funny. he s coming up. and brian live at super bown xlix. stand by. you just saw this. deputy white house press secretary yesterday trying to defend the narrative that the taliban, not terrorists. eric schultz was gone. what really happened? former press secretary dana perino with the scoop, top of the hour. first, more from the university of arizona pet band with take on me. hit it. $añ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ kind s p .with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow. here at fidelity we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade and e-trade. i m monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today. good morning. today is friday, january 30. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. one of the five gitmo prisoners swapped for beau bergdahl busted in talks with the taliban. but the administration isn t worried. in fact, it s doubling down. i can tell you we re very comfortable that we can mitigate that threat. will they stick to that story with news this morning that the taliban has struck again? and a commercial pilot gets locked out of the cockpit while they re 35,000 feet. okay. so who is running the plane and how did they land? we ve got a happy ending. wow. i[r!b we arájut at super bown xlix in phoenix where one seahawks player facing the decision of a lifetime. play in this sunday s game or stay behind for the birth of his first son. what would you do? think about that while imam size that mornings are better with friends. this is darius rucker and you re watching fox & friends . wow. university of arizona band. they made the long trek here, been up since 12 driving down have not slept. that is katy perry. she s going to be playing half time. something else that s significant. i did not know this and i don t think you knew this, elisabeth. super bowl 1 where i don t know if your father-in-law was actually playing then, but super bowl 1 was featured the university of arizona at half time they made these trips to los angeles at the rose bowl to do it. they re the first band to do this. to make shapes on the field. they would make a liberty bell eventually and then send a crack up the side. that s why they said enough of ucla. not usc. forget about university of santa barbara, we re going to go with the university of arizona. all these men and women, they do this just for recreation. they don t get scholarships. they don t get financial aid. they do it because they love it and they got that tradition that dates all the way back and an opportunity to say i went to the same school as geraldo rivera who is coming up at 8:00 o clock. he sure is. an exciting weekend as the patriots and seahawks are set to face off there on the green. we can not wait to hear more from you. and i m sure that you heard all this happened overnight before you you might want to take notes. one of the gitmo prisoners is in touch with the taliban. but don t worry about it. the defense department is vqlz 21bcly j-8s=/1[ j-;a[ comfortable about it for some reason. watch rear admiral john kirby from the pentagon. from a couple of directions we take all allegations of reengagement very, very seriously. there is different ways of considering reengagement. it doesn t necessarily mean return to the battlefield. doesn t matter. we take it all seriously. we have a good security partnership with the government of qatar. they have provided assurances and i can tell you that we are comfortable as a defense department, that we can mitigate any threat that could be posed by any one of these individuals in terms of terrorist activity. again, i can t talk about the details. i can tell you we re very comfortable that we can mitigate that threat. okay. so we re monitoring them and that s how we picked up the confidential cell phone. we don t know if it was one of the bad guys or one of the bad guys called another bad guy and we picked it up. it was revealed on capitol hill during a top secret meeting and somebody blabbed. we knew going in that what the president did, swapping the one for five was a violation of federal law. but critics said from the get-go this is a bad deal. their stock and trade is terror. they will go back to it. here is general tom mcinerny. the fact is we got a buck sergeant for five four star generals. they have a lot of knowledge that they were continuing to generate at gitmo and they re now going back on the battlefield. it s like during world war ii at the battle of the bulge we decide to ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ release five general officers that we captured. it doesn t make sense. if doesn t pass the sniff test. the white house doesn t want to call them terrorists, because we would be negotiating with terrorist. these were high risk to the united states officials generals, in fact, there being held in gitmo that has been released and now neighbor they ll call them terrorists. they infiltrated to kill three americans. what do you think? what they did, the way the reports go, they pretended to be and wore the uniform of an afghan army officer and they went in there, got into the base, got inside the wire and they killed three of our guys doing this as private contractors. also in afghanistan yesterday 22 were killed, including children when they were massacred because they weren t members of the taliban. that s the group in 2002 president bush labeled a terrorist group that should not be afforded any of the geneva convention rights, including article 3. this is already on the books. here is the thing that we should keep in mind, we could split hairs and work with language. the bottom line is what does our enemy think? our enemy thinks they re terrorists. they think that we are bad. they are seeing that we exchange prisoner for prisoner. there is a motivation now to grab more people from the west, more americans and the more significant they gain, the more significant of prisoners we could give up. that is what the beau bergdahl decision has shown because last april it happened. and look how many swaps have taken place yet. that we know of. when you think about the five in uruguar, the four in oman, five in afghanistan, all out of gitmo for no reason, you wonder how many times we re going to be opening up the show talking about them going back to the world of terror. sadly, way too much. the administration wants to get out of afghanistan. they couldn t leave a guy behind, i get that. they want to close gitmo. now it s blown up in their face. one of the bad guys back in the bad business. bike brian, stick around. in the meantime, heather childers. amazing story. this was not a movie. this happened. wild story. the plane coming in for a landing without the pilot? the captain of a delta flight got locked out of the cockpit when the doorjambed. the captain told the passengers that the first officer would make the landing. our pilot just got locked out. we re going to land. that plane did land safely but it had to be towed to the gate. another outrageous story for you. passengers smashed the windows of a subway train to escape a car that was filling up with smoke. oh, my god! oh my god! it happened at the quincy station in boston. the smoke apparently came from a fail your in the propeller system. when the doors of the one car didn t open they broke the windows to escape. no one was injured. thankfully. what is wrong with politics today? possibly this, a man elected to a county board is actually dead. officials in pennsylvania are trying to figure out how larry mark wood, who died back in 2012 was reappointed. commissioners say that he just, quote, slipped through the cracks. but check it out, he s actually still listed on the county s web site. and those are a look at your headlines. those are your headlines. this is the headline in the daily news. super bowl sunday. that s right. the seattle star is having a son by this woman right here. richard sherman. he s supposed to play the game. but if she has the baby he s got to decide, am i with her or am i with the team? that s right. he said richard sherman, he s gog do his father a favor first and stay in there another week or two. but nature may take its course. what should he do? we asked you. should he stay or go? the e-mail from diane says my husband was in the military and overseas when our first son was born. look how many soldiers missed their birth to do theirlliá +hyi%ev:lfkhx8á sm= the field. jerjñ was born when my dad was in germany and he didn t see me until i was 18 months old. it s more important to be around after birth. alex tweeted, i would miss the game. nothing like the joy of god creating life. brian, what else? we got more feedback. men are useless during birth. if i was his girlfriend, i would say go play and bring home the money, honey. i got this. that is so right. you re not just talking about a good player. you re talking about one of the top five players on the field. that will change the line. that could actually in a game this big and this large, it could change the outcome of this contest. and after all, in the big picture, especially if it s a c section, you might as well be watching from the stands. in the big picture you really don t do any good and there is things called videotapes cameras. you could almost relive that moment of. so you re weighing in. you say he should play the game? play the game. i would say you have other players like flacco played the game. and al michaels who is a broadcaster, missed the birth of his daughter to call a game. sherman is doing the right thing by saying it s a tough decision, but it s not. let s take a look at the decision at the hasselbeck house. tim hasselbeck was in a similar situation. he was just moved to the cardinals ten days before taylor was born. and he witnessed he came into the birth, but then i think he was in his pads and cleats and then took off for practice right after. i told him to go. but he was there! he was there. he was there. it ended up timing up. but i think it s really in the hands of the mom because if the woman is going to use it against the dad for the rest of time, then that might have to play into the decision making. i was fine with him going to practice. i would have been fine with him going to the super bowl. the baby will be there when he gets back. hopefully with a ring. keep the comments coming. e-mail facebook and tweeting. we love hearing from you. you saw this, deputy white house press secretary struggling to defend the narrative that the taliban aren t terrorists. yesterday eric schultz was gone. so what really happened there? former white house press secretary dana perino on her way to the curvy couch with the inside scoop. you better have some scoop. you can t escape the long arm of the law no matter who you are. john kerry scratching his head because he woke up today with a ticket. lack of snow diplomacy. a fox news alert. eight months after we traded five gitmo prisoners for beau bergdahl, it s confirmed one of the men has already reestablished contact with the taliban. the evidence from intercepted phone calls where those detainees are currently living in qatar. but the pentagon says it has the situation under control. we have a good security partnership with the government of qatar. they have freewayed assurances and i can tell you that we are comfortable as a defense department, that we can mitigate any threat that could be posed by any one of these individuals in terms of terrorist activity. again, i can t talk about the details. i can tell you we re very comfortable that we can mitigate that threat. i m joined by former white house press secretary and co-host of the five, dana perino. i want to dig into all the insight that you might have on this. first of all, i think a lot of people are having a hard time understanding how the pentagon can feel comfortable with these five detainees released first and foremost. but one, that now in contact again apparently with the taliban. and not to the surprise of any these are high risk officials. okay? terror officials that have a record that said likely to reestablish contact with terror. i think what the rear admiral was trying to do was reassure american we got this. the pentagon will worry about it. you don t need to. the problem is i think it sounded overconfident and a little bit arrogant and rather than just saying yes, we knew it was a risk, we are managing the risk. we are on top of it. we can assure you that we are on top of it. but they can t guarantee that nothing is going to happen. i think if a militant is released from our prison in a swap and they end up on the battlefield eight months later, and even if it is just a phone call how do you think terrorists organize? they communicate with one another. it s good. i think that the good news is that we are able to track that. in that regard, we can feel more secure that the pentagon is on top of something. we re creating the situation where they re able to reestablish contact by releasing them in a trade. i felt maybe he was trying to do was suggest maybe we want them to establish some contacts because that gives us some insight to some possible intel for track examining hopefully preventing additional attacks in the future. i m being kind. now they re out there to help us get information. this is so interesting to me. i think you better than anyone know the task of being able to communicate a dozpy j/ objective in times of war. when you heard eric schultz yesterday say and really stumble on the fact that they can t call the taliban terrorists what was your reaction and analysis of the language and purpose of what he said? and then i want your reaction. take a look. the taliban is an armed insurgency. ice system a terrorist group. so we don t make concessions to terrorists groups. does the administration consider them a terrorist organization or not? they do carry out tactics that are akin to terrorism. they do pursue terrorist attacks. so we saw josh earnest then stepping back into the game. your analysis? first of all, i would think that the deputy press secretary who only gets to fill in once in a while, and i don t think that he was not on the next day because of any other reason that maybe josh earnest s schedule allowed him to be back at the podium. as deputy, you fill had when you are needed. tough message to deliver. i do know eric schultz anticipated that they would be getting that question that day. so he had gone to the national security council or the white house, his bosses, to say what am i supposed to say about this question? so he was using a talking point that was given to him by the white house superiors, which, to me, you can t blame the press office for this. the press office is just a delivery device for the message that the white house and the president wants to communicate. it s actually on the president does not think the taliban are terrorists. it s not the press office s fault. as inartful as it was and maybe he was kind of embarrassed by looking at that tape it s actually not his fault. the problem lies much deeper and higher than the press office. which is in the enforcement or narrative that they like to carry out. so what do you diagnose as the main problem at the heart of the message that the white house is trying to give? there is two things. one, the white house is looking at the long game. they want to be able to say in january of 2017 when he s on his farewell tour, that he ended two wars and that he changed the course of american foreign policy. the problem is the taliban aren t cooperating with his narrative that he wants to say in two years from now. and also just the right thing to do would be to not pull out troops immediately. until very recently, the president had said don t attack the taliban. they told our military to stand down until they started realizing the taliban is still coordinating with al-qaeda and there is evidence that they re coordinating with isis. so their narrative is running into problems. the second thing that is a problem is the white house even though they might think they get tough coverage, they really don t. so they don t prepare for the toughest questions. wow. the tough questions are coming and you know the taliban game of taboo is getting old with the american people. and i think as it pertains to our security, we re this trouble. he just said theyfsuldú)0y/ñ7 w x>+=hgpwtpíçkc0e9alla?c attack. ayr á jtj(qr g here. podium insight. the pc police laying down the law at one university. professors can t call students mister or mrs. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don t avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. it s resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens but now it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and try resolve for amazing stain removal the first time. what s that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don t you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit 24 minutes past the top of the hour. a look at the headlines. the white house has a plan to stop illegals from entering our country. give countries in central america a billion dollars. vice president joe biden announcing the plan today that says the money will end poverty and keep children from seeking opportunities here. and first she admitted to illegally marrying an immigrant to get a green card. now the governor in hot water. admitted to accepting more than $100,000 from a clean energy group while advising the governor on clean energy. what do you think about that? i m sure it s just a coincidence. thank you very much. the city university of new york graduate center telling faculty members to stop addressing their students with courtesy titles like mister or miss. the interim provost claim that policy is part of an ongoing effort to insure a respectful welcoming and gender inclusive work environment. that political correctness going too far? joining us right now is a campus correspondent for campus good morning to you. good morning. okay. so what do you think about what they re doing? this sends a terrible message to students. it tells them that it s better to address the future employer by their first name and realistically, that s not going to serve students well in the real world where most employers do expect to be called mister and mrs. but there is a real pc push across the country for genderless pronouns. i was in an event last night where i was speaking to a school counselor and they said there is kind of a push, don t say he or she. use another word like they or some other things that they went down. but that s just how we re progressing right now in this country. right. and the university tried to play this off and say they re trying to comply with title 9. nowhere in title 9 does it require that universities use gender neutral titles. so this is like you said, another higher education institution bow to go political correctness. and it s the proverbial slippery slope. before we know it, we re going to university professors point at students and say hey you, because calling on a student with a biblical name could be discriminatory against secular students. you re absolutely right. i hadn t thought about it, butc#:1édó;eñótovqe v0ó v8i[x1mç &c @&c@ it s just a matter of time. we got the title 9 legal principles up. the number one thing is prohibit all kinds of discrimination, including gender. and if they get government funding, you got to abide by this. do you think that s just an excuse they re using? well, we have to do it because of title 9. we re a state university. we need the money and so we got to follow the law. it seems to be the case. but they have attorneys who work on title 9 specifically coming out and saying that there is no reason that the university needs to do this. and this points to a much larger trend at universities that the leadership institutes campus has been following. that is this intense effort by universities to protect transgender students and faculty member. we saw at texas university that they spent over $100,000 to implement gender neutral bathrooms on campus and they re in the midst of a budget crisis right now. it s really unfortunate to see this is the direction that higher education is headed in our country. let s see if other schools do the same. we thank you very much for joining us live today from washington. thank you for having me. what do you think about that? e-mail us please. coming up, this guy was just added to the list of the most wanted terrorists in the world. so who is he and where is he? here is a hint. he may have driven to you work recently. that s a good tease. and you can t escape the long arm of the law no matter who you are. what was john kerry scratching his head over this morning? that ticket he just got. are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. so you re looking for a loan? how s your credit? i know i have an 810 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that s not really in our wheelhouse. you don t put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. well, it s your shot of the morning. a brother and sister take center ice at a hockey game for a challenge at intermission. instead, it got a surprise they never saw coming. with a little help from the goal and the crowd three two, one, ladies and gentlemen, can i have you guys turn around real quick. your dad is home from the air force! he s been serving overseas! he is home master sergeant aaron mckeon! he has been serving 20 years in the united states air force! one incredible moment. the tampa bay lightning helped this 20 year veteran surprise his wife after he returned from south korea. look at that hug. i m just glad they didn t fall down. they were running on ice. gosh. dad s home. heartwarming. i love those stories. what a great image. we re going to go back down to the super bowl out in arizona in a minute. but first the headlines. some news we ve been following overnight. updates for you. this guy was just added to the list of the most wanted terrorists. so who is he and where is he? he may have driven you to work recently. the f.b.i. says he drove taxis in our nation s capitol. he traveled to africa in 2012 to fight with the terror group al-shabab. investigators fear that he will come back and combine that terror training with his knowledge of the dc area. there is a $50,000 reward for his arrest. so take a good look. terrifying scene caught on camera at a dutch tv station. a man armed with a gun stormed into the studio took a security guard hostage of the police swat teams quickly took him down. may be wondering why? that man claimed to be part of a hacking group. he said that that group would detonate bombs if the station didn t put him on tv. his gun was a fake. and even the secretary of state doesn t get a pass. john kerry fined $50,000 for failing that would be quite a lot for shoveling snow. so $50, that was it from the sidewalk in front of his boston home. the city s mayor vowing to crack down on anyone who left sidewalks buried from this week s blizzard. the state department spokesperson says kerry was overseas at the time. the sidewalk high school since been cleared. that would be outrageous. speaking outrageous, ever call out to work with an excuse like this? sounds like a good dentist. oh, yeah. what s his name? krentiss. his name is krentiss. you are not the only one. a new survey from career builder reveals some of the most outrageous excuses people have actually used. like this one i drunk and forgot which waffle house i parked my car next to. yep. somebody used that. and here is this one, i m not late. i was thinking about work on the way in. and i went out to my car to drive to work and the trunk had been stolen out of it. and guess what? that employee actually had a photo to prove it. but it doesn t prove if he actually took his trunk out himself and took that picture to get away with it. heather, you could be right. i think i might be. my excuse, i m sorry i m late. i was shoveling my driveway to avoid xnpbsrm]1j> 6t> that is hysterical. thank you. now we head to extreme weather. more storms moving in time just for the big weekend. this after parts of the northeast were crippled by three feet of snow. she s not wearing a hat and doesn t have an umbrella so how bad could it be, maria molina? well, we re just looking at a clipper swinging through parts of northeast. for places like new york city or areas south and west of us, you re looking at snow showers early this morning. it could be a little slick in some spots especially along higher elevations of the appalachians. snow is coming down a little bit heavier across parts of new england. that s going to be the area that could be looking at significant snowfall parts of maine could be picking up more than a foot of snow. we have winter storm warnings that have been issued there. the wind will be picking up throughout the day today and it s going to be a cold one across the northeast as we head into tomorrow. then comes our next storm. it s across parts of the rockies today, heads towards the midwest as we head into sunday and could produce several inches of snowfall. the big question is, what does this storm do sunday night into monday? it s going to be another very tough forecast. some computer models already hinting to heavy snow across parts of the northeast. keep a close watch on that storm system. otherwise the other big story this weekend whether conditions in arizona will be beautiful for the super bowl. 2003 have a dome so we could close it if conditions were bad. but temperatures out there should be in the 60s. very light winds, 5 to 10 miles an hour. let s head back inside. all right. so in the town that s going to have 66 degrees on sunday, we find brian kilmeade. hello, brian. we re here at the nfl experience, appropriately in front of the special locker room and his coach. we re talking about ron rivera head coach of the carolina panthers who played the seahawks twice this year and he s the reigning 2013 coach of the year who won super bowl 20 with the chicago bears. thanks so much for your time. thank you. first, when you look at this game and then we got an important message cause what you went through personally and your military background when you look at this game and the seahawks a sloppy game the first time you played them. 13-9, they win. then eliminate you in the playoffs. is seattle right now better than the team that won the super bowl last year? it may be. i think they re trending up. you go back and look at the way they played us earlier in the season and the way they played us in the playoff game, they re phenomenal. i think russell wilson was about as sharp as he could have been. no turnovers. they had two against us. they played a very solid football game. without the 12th man, you had to play them on the road in that deafening stadium. are they neutralized to a degree? are they not nearly as tough on the road? i think as far as the pass rush is determined. their defense relies on that noise that the 12th man makes. they travel very well as far as their fans are concerned. who knows? they may take over this stadium. you re the coach ofñ+&c girlfriend is going to have a baby. i think i m going to miss the game. what would you tell him? they can video it. are you going to the game? absolutely. i would have gone to the game, gone to the hospital as soon as i could. you mentioned the distraction of deflate gate and whether you think it was big or not, it is big. you re coach bill belichick. does that take them down a notch? what do you think? i don t know. coaches really is a sharp man. he ll probably use it to get his team to focus together. we have to come together. the football team. that s kind of the approach i believe he s going to take. so you as a young man grew up in a military family. your dad was in the army, representing puerto rico. you went five six different places growing up and you got usa insurance. usaa insurance. january 5 when your house burns and you lose 30% of your stuff, that insurance came in handy. yes, it did. i ve been a usa member since 1986. my father passed it on to me as a legacy. it s a very dynamic insurance company cause they service primarily military. because of my dad s service, i inherited it. i ve had it ever since. this is really the biggest claim i ve ever had to file. they ve been there every step of the way for us. what s it like knowing, smelling smoke and getting up and realizing your house is on fire? it speaks very well to having smoke detectors in your house. we also had a home security system that kicked in. when you have that, it insures you have a chance to get out. it s scary. right. and you have the fourth annual usa awards correct? yes. salutes the service. it s very big deal here as far as the nfl is concerned because so many players contribute their time and efforts to supporting the military. usaa salutes the services, big award. this year is jarrett allen. it will be interesting to see who wins. coach, you re two steps away from getting back here. you guys are on the right track. teams are on the verge, they usually get ready. no doubt, one time i think i ll be talking to you as the coach of the team in the super bowl. that s the plan, brian. we ve done really good things. we got hot at the right time of the year as well. thanks. nice to see you. back to you guys in the studio and in a little while, another special guest. thank you. another rivera. geraldo rivera. two riveras and two doocys as well. what s going on around? are there two hasselbecks around? actually there are. one of the five gitmo prisoner swapped for beau bergdahl just busted for talking on the phone with the taliban. the white house isn t worried, though. are you? we re going to include some of your e-mail next. that s right. and your kids no them from the wizards of we vely place. playing a young ronald reagan actor joining us live. .and the wolf was huffing and puffing. kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. welcome back. a look at some quick medical headlines. talk about a buzz kill drinking just one large glass of wine a day could increase your risk of a stroke by a third. a study says drinking may be worse for people in their 50s and 60s than high blood pressure and diabetes. wow. and no vaccination, no service. some doctors are firing patients who refuse to vaccinate against the measles. this after an outbreak that has left dozens sick. doctors posting notices at their office and on social media saying unvaccinated people will not be seen because they are a danger to other patients. strong stance there. indeed. we ve got a fox news alert. we re here in new york city brian is out in arizona. brian, the big news is and we warned people about this because our military analyst said this would happen. if you trade five top taliban guys for one deserter, one of those five guys is going to go back into the terror business and the news is that the flash yesterday was that one of these five, we don t know which one returned to militant activities and then later we found out that apparently they were simply trying to make contact with the taliban again and apparently they ve been successful. so you look at this and you wonder what is the message? the pentagon says the message is whether you desert or not, we re not going to leave you behind. my question is, did he even want to be saved? he left on his own, according to his men. so let s listen to admiral kirby explain the whole thing. admiral kirby came out and said i think the message is good for the military. to a larger point of your question p the trade with sergeant bergdahl, we still stand by this decision as being the right decision. it s a powerful message to our troops and our families that we re not going to leave you behind. it doesn t matter how you came to be missing. we ll deal with that later and right now general millie is dealing with that. we re going to make sure we can get you home. and we got him home before we pulled out of afghanistan. that was the plan. there is a narrative there and top military analysts are not agreeing there. they re worried and they re sounding off. watch. there is a big gap between not leaving anyone behind and trading a deserter for five terrorists which are now not terrorists because somebody decided they re armed insurgents, which is crap. something that really really ticks me off. i wore a buck sergeant stripes on my collar before i went to the dark side and became an officer. he s no sergeant unless you get stripes for serving the taliban. that s what our military analysts feel about it. brian, tell us about some of the viewer responses. yeah. we re gotting facebook andéiqa tweets. alan says, whether democrats admit it or not, we re at war. you don t release captured prisoners of war until the war ended and someone has surrendered. it s about the president emptying gitmo. that s my feeling. another says what about the lives lost capturing these five gitmo terrorists? shouldn t somebody be held responsible? and phyllis says instead of worrying about the gitmo five that are released, a done dole, we should be worried about the remaining inmates that obama wants to release. it s scary to think. we can t say islamic terrorism. there is a big list out there that s not in line with the narrative. and it s early. so far only one of the five. do you think more will? i bet there is a good chance. coming up on this super bowl friday. next up, your kids know him from the wizards of warierly place. the actor tapped to play a young ronald reagan joining us live. first, more from the marching band at university of arizona. he grew up before our eyes as one of the stars of disney channel s wizards of waverly place. now david henry is taking on a new challenge, playing get this, ronald reagan in the first biography based on the 40th president s life. yep. he s going to play a young ronald reagan. david, are you ready for that challenge? thank you for joining us this morning. thank you for having me. absolutely ready. very excited. so you re 25. what do you know about reagan? you didn t get a chance to see him running the country. no. i had grown up, my family definitely admires him. he s an iconic president. my nana was the first one to call me when she up to out i got the role. she goes, my baby, ronald reagan is so beautiful. she s italian. going to be amazing. one time his wife came to italy and she brought her furniture to italy. very italian mentality. but they love reagan in your house. you made sure it s something you felt good about? script is awesome. i m teen reagan in his lifeguard years to early actor years. so i have to wear like a almost like a wrestlerf+ zmh@tm má 3 look at you. i can t even tell the difference. there is david and that s the real reagan to the left. i could see you doing this. yeah. it hugs a little awkward, but it s going to be fantastic. i m going to be excited to do it. here is the other thing didn t he have like 100 saves? little notches on trees? yeah. almost like a folklore between the whole thing of how many people he saved. apparently he dragged 12 people out. there is a scene where a woman is having a panic attack in the water. i flap around a little bit get her out rescue her. take her out. it could be a future voter. don t hit her too hard. yeah. your career is off to a heck of a start. now you re promoting two other movies little boy and another. one is more serious than the other. yeah. one a very big comedy. very funny. little boy is a world war ii drama that deals with a family whose loved one goes off to war and i m left to take care of the family and deal with the shame of not being able to go off to war myself. it s very dramatic very inspirational film, one for the family. definitely deals with a philosophy that s relevant. which is what do you put your faith in? yourself or something bigger than you? something that i can relate to and i think millions of americans will be able to as well. and your show on my house constantly. you have all this fame at disney. we ve seen some of the kids not stick with maybe staying on the straight and a narrow. was that important to you to be a 25-year-old seasoned actor and not somebody that doesn t know how to handle the fame at 21? no. i m very lucky to have a good family around me. i m very lucky to have good friends and people who keep me grounded and coming out of disney, i wanted to do it right. i wanted to respect my audience and i wanted them to be able to grow with me. so i m very blessed to get good movies that all my fans can go to. lastly, 2004, reagan passed away. i think that s when people realized how much he meant to the country. do you feel a lot of responsibility on your shoulders to do it right? absolutely. he said so many great things. one of my favorite quotes was that change starts at the dinner table. and i think that s absolutely right. i think with especially in the family unit, i think it s something that s very important and i hope to do it justice. i m not looking forward to wearing that tight speedo. he s a good guy. best of luck and good luck with all three of your movies coming out. thank you. guys, back to you. all right. thank you very much. coming up in our final hour fox & friends, the pentagon denying reports that beau bergdahl will be charged with desertion. but geraldo rivera is calling their bluff. what he knows as he comes in to studio e. it s a bumpy ride. and victoria secret ladies are revealing all for the super bowl. one of the angels joining us live. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don t get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you. with the help of comfort keepers, i m keeping my mom healthy! i m keeping dad on schedule. i m keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. it is friday, january 30. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. back to the terror battlefield. one of the prisoners swapped for beau bergdahl just busted in talks with the taliban. the administration still won t call the taliban terrorists even though they just took credit for killing three americans. geraldo rivera has been face-to-face with the taliban and is standing by with his thoughts for you. and breaking overnight, an entire wedding party ride not guilty a hot air balloon crash lands in the middle of the street. what the heck went wrong and how is everybody? we ve got a status update. meanwhile live from the super bowl brian? as you know, we re live at super bown xlix in phoenix, first time since the giants beat the new england patriots. one player facing a decision of a lifetime. play in sunday s game or watch your son be born. what would you do? we ll ask the sea gals who have never been happier because they re on fox & friends and they know mornings are better with friends. right, ladies? right. this is tony dungee and you re watching fox & friends . very nice. the guys and gals from the university of arizona marching band live. just what you want to do when you re a college kid get in the bus at midnight and ride over to be on a morning show. but that s what they re doing. with great spirit and humor today. worth it for the big weekend. especially because they heard geraldo rivera is going to be on fox & friends on friday. they hopped into the bus and next thing you know without any sleep, because they wanted to greet their most famous alumni semi in person about the 2500 miles away. flashback. what a treat for you. i got a chill. i did. arizona boy. all right. for the next ten minutes we got a lot to talk about. let s start with this, i m sure you re not surprised, we all saw it coming when the trade was made beau bergdahl who apparently deserted for the five senior members of the taliban think tank that we released from gitmo, we knew they were going to go back into the terror businessó+fd6 %çyç is a report, at least one of of them has already. there is a report that one of the five released to qatar in the middle east is now in communication with his former colleagues in afghanistan. but he is still in qatar. so there is no evidence that he s actually joined with his former colleagues to perpetrate terrorism, although there is the report from senator lindsey graham that he has been in communication. but i must say we are keeping pretty good tabs on them. if i were those five, i would be looking over my shoulder. i think we can not underestimate how significant and profound and muscular our surveillance of these five is. what are we going to do? what are we supposed to do to reiterate brian s question there it said they will likely rejoin terrorist groups. we re not even naming the taliban as a terrorist group. do you have an issue with that? when i got to afghanistan in november of 2001, eight western journalists were killed in november 2001 by the taliban. two of the eight were women. four of the eight were shot up so badly, we thought they had been skinned. it was so horrifying. since the taliban has done a suicide bombings and booby traps and blue on green, green on blue killing as the three american contractors at the airport yesterday. having said all that, there is a big difference between the taliban essentially and indigenous afghan pakistan tribal phenomenon. remember, the taliban was the government in afghanistan til we overthrew them in 2001. and al-qaeda, we went after the taliban because they hosted al-qaeda. al-qaeda was not an afghan pakistan group. it was an arab group. it was sunni muslim extremists. bin laden and so forth from chechnya. you re making a distinction. but but they re called terrorists. brian has a question. we know in 2002 they were labeled they were not going to be subject to do the geneva convention because they were labeled as a terrorist organization. i think we agree in the big picture, we know, these five guys are not going to start tutoring on the weekends. we know they re going back. you think? they re going to communicate. they re going to use shuttles. they re going to use different informers to keep them up to date. we released five four-star taliban generals for one american that is dubious in the way he was let go and by everybody that served with him was a deserter. when you look at the 4-0 the five these are all ticking time bombs. it s like we re pushing the lever to give the other team another chance. don t you;wi2j(hrdigñ? sort of brian. but let me just say they have been held since 2002. 13 years. how long do you hold them without charging them? you know how i feel about guantanamo bay. i think it s a shyster s ploy to evade the united states constitution. i don t like it. you can t keep them forever, i don t believe. what you do from here we never heard of life in prison? bergdahl, he may be flawed and he may be a deserter. he may be everything else but isn t it better that he s in the united states than on a video with his head being cut off by some extremist in the middle east? i just think that bergdahl home is better than bergdahl there and i do believe that bergdahl will be charged. it is my information right now that he will be charged not with treason, but with some kind of shirking of duty some kind of desertion, which is sentenced to five years in the stockade. he was a prisoner for five years. nbc and others are reporting that the five years he was a prisoner of the taliban in afghanistan will be credited. in essence, he ll get time served. he ll be charged with this lesser charge of desertion, shirking duty. it s as if he walked off his guard post and went to a bar. not that he went over to the enemy. so the five years he ll be sentenced will be credited with the five years he was kept in captivity. that may be a good way to end this. should they add on the years of lives taken from those who went out and sought his recovery, sought his return and in fact, died, lost their lives? i have no come back to that. that s absolutely the most painful aspect of this. it is. i don t know. you have to link it up and i m certain that some have and i ve heard his platoon mates and their opinions of him. so i can t in any way object to what they are saying. the think that makes it muddy is yes, we brought someone home, but it was betrayed. it was the idea of trading. now saying we don t negotiate with terrorists and then it seems to be that they re not labeling the taliban as terrorists so that they can avoid the implication have negotiated in fact with terrorists. having made the distinction between the taliban and al-qaeda or isis or those type of groups, there is a distinction. i also say, however noxious the taliban is, they were the government in afghanistan prior to november 2001 and we will never get out of afghanistan unless we negotiate with the taliban. i think that the government of afghanistan is not as powerful as the taliban. if they continue to be financed and trained in pakistan that is a problem. geraldo, i want to bring you to another topic. benjamin, netanyahu, do you side with the administration who says i m outraged that you accept the speaker s invitation to come speak to congress or do you side with netanyahu? i got an invitation, i have an important message about iran and i m going to take that opportunity? where do you stand? i stand with israel. i want israel to be above the petty, domestic politics of the united states. it has always been the principle that israel s relationship with the united states is more important than republicans who are democrats. it doesn t matter who the occupantant of the white house is. that wall was broken in 2012 when benefit benjamin netanyahu endorsed mitt romney. it was unprecedented. they were friends. they went to college together. but it s great that they went to college together steve. but you can t deny that netanyahu gave his blessing to romney in a way that was very glaringly politics. he felt romney was more pro-israel than the president. i m not questioning his reasoning for doing it. i m saying it was unprecedented that he did. he may be justified in his own mind, but it was unprecedented. this move by speaker boehner to invite bb netanyahu to speak in congress at the same time the united states government is negotiating with iran over the nuclear issue was a terrible terrible breach of decorum. it violates who is in charge of foreign policy in the country. it is the executive branch. not the legislative branch. i think it was a mistake and i bet bb netanyahu wishes he had not accepted that invitation. really? i also think that i wish the president would show the same anger towards our enemies as he does that s a fine point. like elisabeth s point that s a valid point. but it doesn t obscure the issue that speaker boehner is exercising foreign policy okay. stay right there. in just a moment, i have a special governor. governor doocy will make his first appearance as governor of arizona right here. he is in the building. he is on the turf. he has adjusted his footwear. he ll be here shortly. another doocy. doocy on the loosey. now it s time for news. heather. a story that was breaking overnight. listen to this one, a wedding party in for a wild ride after their hot air balloon crash lands in the middle of the street. what a way to start things off. the bride, groom, six friends enjoying the view over san diego when the winds let up. the pilot firing his burners to go higher in the sky apparently that s what you re supposed to do. but he hit a tree to slow the balloon down. finally landing in the street. amazingly, no one was injured. in fact, the father of the bride all smiles. also breaking overnight music mogul sug knight arrested and charged with murder. investigators say he was behind the wheel when he mowed down his friend and another man and then took off. his friendfrgu=qu d k 3ih@)=ñj knightmb u+q) calling it an accident. he s being held on $2 million bail. and this is a wild story as well. the captain of a delta airlines flight gets locked out of the cockpit so he can t land the plane. it happened halfway between minneapolis and las vegas. the captain trying to calm his passengers, telling them the first officer would family the landing himself. well, the first officer did succeed, landing the plane safely. the only problem, he couldn t taxi. so the plane had to be towed to the gate, which isn t the worst thing that could happen in that situation. usually you re wondering if there is a doctor on the flight. have a pilot in the flight? just not in the cockpit. thanks. someone just learned this lesson the hard way. don t mess with senator jon stewart mccain. you know, you re going to have to shut up or i m gog have you arrested. get out of here, you low life scum. john sydney mccain. who was that low life scum? you re going to find out next you only know in a fire to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and that s where the red cross came in. . we ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. at that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important. . .you know it just makes you feel like a person again. every 8 minutes the american red cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. you can help. please donate now. all right. president obama s latest strategy for handling illegal immigrants. ask them to stay? new training documents reveal that the administration is ordering immigration agents to ask illegals if they qualify for amnesty to avoid deportation. what is this? is this going to help secure our borrowedder and country? here with reaction is the brand-new governor of arizona doug doocy. his very first interview with fox since becoming governor. thanks so much. thanks. first things first, when the president is speaking he s speaking almost directly to you and the governors of texas and the border patrol. what is the situation? how do you feel about the president and the interaction we re getting now with these illegals coming across? i really wish president would do his job and focus on securing the border. there is a lot of rhetoric. there is these executive actions. but it s not doing much to truly secure the border. that s really where the issue is. i know you ve open been on the job a few weeks. have you noticed more people coming? have you noticed a different tone with immigration agents and cops in your state? we just got through the campaign, so part of the process is you spend a lot of time in the southern part of the state. so i was able to see this firsthand beyond the ranches with the people that have been there for decades. we ve got a situation down there in the federal government needs to deal with it. they have not been doing that. they ve been ignoring itful they ve been playing offense. we ve got thousands of border security guards in the state but they re not in the border counties. what do you need to secure your border? what can the states do? i know you re getting fed up with washington. let s take the 4,000 border agents that we have right now and let s put them on the border and then let s coordinate with our county sheriffs and prosecutors, our local law enforcement and let s use the technology that we re all so familiar with to send a message and to secure the border. of course the congress is going to be suing the president, saying this is illegal and the new attorney general says i defend the president s shielding and sheltering millions of illegals with his executive action. so not much hope coming from washington. it s really disappointing when the president has said over a dozen times that his executive action was unconstitutional. so from the state level we re going to push back. we re going to do everything we can. arizona is a safe place and we re hosting the super bowl this week. and we re excited about it. but we do have this issue on the border and it s something that needs to be dealt with. and we are talking about the super bowl. but it s more than that. last time i was at a concert with darius rucker, and i m name dropping, and that was for the phoenix open of the you got golf, the pro bowl, the super bowl this weekend. you ve added a million people since the last time we had the super bowl. what s it going to mean for the state of arizona? this is great for economic development and for exposure. arizona is a great place to live work, play, recreate, retire visit and get an education. we want people to see that we re open for business. people think of sometimes retiring here. we want them to just relocate here. it s going to be 70 degrees when we kick off on sunday. for those that are out on the east coast or the polar vortex come to arizona. the weather is warm. it was raining last night. we were cleaning up i m not really sure. it cost you about $30 million to get it ready. and you could bring as much as $200 million. and you even have a stadium that gives you the option, we ll close it if it s bad weather and open it if it s nice weather. will you ultimately make that decision? no, i will not make that decision. the nfl makes that decision. i think we ll have a beautiful day and i think that s a pretty good return on investment. don t go anywhere because we have a special doocy doocy quiz when we return. here are the paddles that will decide how i know what doocy is a doocy. over to you guys. tell me what else is coming up. that quiz right there. we ll be right back. x t8q!1-rñ;x # qspww .d:4ml hh=jeeóoçwm.a8s?ç epic music] introducing aleve pm. the pm pain reliever. that dares to work all the way until. [birds chirping] the am. new aleve pm. it s the first to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last all the way until morning. new aleve pm, for a better am. we have quick headlines for you. the caught on camera edition. first, panicked passengers smash windows of a subway train as a car quickly fills up with smoke. watch. oh, my god! oh my god! it happened at the quincy station in boston. the smoke came from a failure in the propeller system. thankfully, no one was hurt. and overseas an armed man storms into a dutch tv studio and takes a security guard hostage. police swat teams quickly take him down. scary. that man claiming to be part of a hack group that would detoppate bombs if the station didn t put him on television. his gun apparently was a fake. steve? all right. let s travel back to arizona. we re joined, brian is live at the nfl experience along with the brand-new governor of arizona, doug doocy. brian, what we re going to do is have a quiz to see how well you know your doocys. we ve got four questions. you got to figure out whether they pertain to steve or doug doocy, the brand-new governor and the guy who used to run cold stone creamery. all right? this is very exciting because i went to school on the governor s background and i work with you. you ready? governor starts. the first question is, this doocy graduated from college minoring in politics. minoring in politics.úñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? i would say this is my choice. here you go. you are guessing doug doocy and that would be wrong! i did it. you minored in politics? i didn t know that. what did you minor in? finance. i majored in finance. see, you re never going to amount to anything governor. second question steve. go. which doocy is it? this doocy s first job was as a busboy at bob evans restaurant which by the way, has delicious sausage. you can not give clues. but i m going to say the man who was ceo of cold stone was in the service industry. am i right? that s correct. doug doocy! i m 1-1. this is exciting. go ahead. the next question is which doocy s favorite band is the rolling stones? this is trouble because i know steve loves the monkeys and he bought the brady bunch album. i m going to go with this guy. i m going doug doocy for rolling stones. correct. brian, so far you ve gotten two right. one wrong. final question: which doocy worked in the fast-paced frozen world of ice cream? well, that is a lay-up, ladies and gentlemen. the man left the world of ice cream to get into the less than tasty world of politics. the man from cold stone. no no. what? doug doocy and steve doocy both were in ice cream. he ran cold stone and i worked with the tasty freeze in russell, kansas. hello? don t you know anything about the guy you sat next to for 20 years? wait a second whoa, whoa, i have a protest. is hasselbeck. decide that. you didn t tell me you could have an all of the above. how can i make a decision? which doocy? it was both doocys. governor, thank you very much. thanks for having me. congratulations governor. thanks. tell me what s coming up next. you got two right. coming up on this friday, one of the five gitmo prisoners swapped for beau bergdahl just busted for talking to the taliban on his cell phone. the host of fox news sunday chris wallace, joins us live coming up next to talk about that. and one seahawks player facing the decision of a lifetime. play in the super bowl or stay behind for the birth of his very first son. what would you do? 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ron writing us, the boy will be so proud of his dad all his life for having played in the super bowl. he ll be rooting for him from afar. go dad. mom can handle this. robbie says my son would always come first. a ball game is just that, a ball game. and karen saying, how about a birth at the stadium? that would be a first. thanks to everyone who responded. talk about a receiving blanket, that would be a good name for a stadium birthing blanket. so now we have expanded the show. not only are we live from the big town of new york city but also arizona as you can see right there. we dialed in somebody else chris wallace joins us from our nation s capitol. chris, who do you like in the big game and should the star cornerback be with his wife or with the team if that s nature decides it s time to have the baby? let me ask a question because elisabeth, you could have been in this situation. i guess most folks know that your husband tim was a pro football quarterback. what would you have said if he was starting in the super bowl and you were about to give birth? he had practiced the day i did give birth in arizona, oddly enough. i told him to get to practice. he came to the hospital. wasn t there for the birth. it just timed up. but if he needed to be on the field, i would say go do your job. there you go. i have to say and i asked my wife lorraine, this question today. and i don t know if it s politically correct, but i think i d say, you take care of your business. i ll take care of my business. and the little boy or girl is born, will always have pictures of what dad was doing. the wife will reserve the right to use it against the husband at all times, even if we are okay with it at the moment. i ll be honest. she ll definitely get pay back on it. no question. a little bit there. i would say this, this is what i would add, there is two things that can happen. say son, would you like to see your birth or would you like to see what daddy did when you were being born? and they would say cue up the super bowl dad, that sounds a lot better than me trying to break out of my uterus. great point there brian. thanks for that brian. let s include some of the news of the day because that s what you re going to be talking about on fox news sunday which is also super bowl sunday. chris, what do you make of this? the news this morning is apparently beau bergdahl, who as everybody knows was traded for the five taliban guys who got out of gitmo, apparently they have now gotten back into the terror business with at least one of them. we don t know which one trying to make contact with the taliban again. chris, it seems like everybody predicted this was going to happen and now it s happened. yeah. i was going to say, i don t know why anybody was surprised. you got five terrorist who were in gitmo. you release them. what do you think they re going to do? become insurance salesmen? that s what they do. i m not so sure that i have a problem with the trading. it certainly makes it more complicated, the fact that beau bergdahl was not taken in action, that he appears almost certainly to have deserted his post. i think of the israelis and lord knows they re not tough on terror and the white house distinguishing and saying the taliban isn t a terrorist group is just nonsense. tell that to the people who have been blown up in their bombs. most of them afghans. but the israelis have been known to trade 1,000 palestinian terrorists for a single soldier. there is a tradition that you don t leave anybody behind on the battlefield. i don t think that we should be holier than thou. if we did it we shouldn t criticize the jordanians who try to get their pilot back. the israelis do it. but don t be surprised if they go back to their murderous ways. i think the american people want everybody to shoot straight with them. you saw the exchange as to why we re not calling them terrorists when, in fact, they are. watch. so you re saying the taliban engages in quote, tactics akin to terrorism, but you don t actually consider them a terrorist group. they have a different classification. they have a classification that does allow us to pursue financial sanctions against them that have succeeded in limiting their capability, that have been effective. and that is different than an organization like al-qaeda that has much broader global aspiration to carry out acts of violence and acts of terror against americans and american interests all around the globe. okay. so chris, those are some of the crazy sound bites of the past week. i m sure you re going to be talking about it. who are your guests? well, we re going to be talking first about the middle east. it s not only that, you ve also got isis. they re holding people. you ve got this whole question of the netanyahu invitation to talk to the house about iran. you ve got the collapse of yemen. you ve got iran on the march. we re going to be talking, among other people, to general jack keane, a retired general. he was the army deputy chief of staff. going to talk to dennis ross a big middle east negotiator, congressional leaders, trying to get to the bottom of this. we re also going to talk about common core, which has become a real hot button issue. is it a sensible education standards or is it the beginning of a federal takeover of local education? of course, it is the super bowl. we re going to be talking to john riggans that s when the redskins used to play in this game. john riggans, the great runningback, rigo he won super bowl 17, almost single handedly. you asked me for my pick. i m going to give it to you. i know america has been waiting for it. the patriots. deflate> f v÷ hóç$> a lot of people forget he used to do play by play on cbs for many, many years. chris wallace fantastic job today. pat summerall and me. good-bye guys. thanks, chris. on this friday, we got some headlines. here is heather. we begin with this, you have seen him right here on fox & friends. but milwaukee county sheriff david clark was on capitol hill yesterday, had some staunch words for eric holder about what he calls an anti-cop attitude. all this unfolding at the confirmation hearing for loretta lynch. the incendiary rhetoric used by eric holder created a pathway for false narrative that then became the rallying cry for cop haters across america. the confirmation vote for lynch next month. not only can you not keep your doctor, but you can t keep your coverage either. a computer glitch in colorado s health exchange web site accidentally canceled thousands of policies. the problem started when they went online to reenroll for this year or search for other options. 3600 people lost health insurance without notification. not only that, officials have known about the glitch since november. they just switched everything up, but didn t tell me. they said oh, i m sorry there is a glitch in the system. it would have been a complete disaster. officials trying to restore coverage for everyone affected. john mccain not mincing words. the senator unleashing on a group of code pink protesters who attacked the former secretary of state, henry kissinger, during a senate hearing, calling for his arrest. arrest henry kissinger! arrest henry kissinger for war crimes! you re gog have to shut up or i m gog have you arrested. get out of here, you low life scum. mccain is saying that he has never seen anything like it. at one point the protesters physically threatened the 91-year-old, dangling a set of handcuffs over his head. kissinger was testifying before the armed services committee. and those are a look at your headlines. back to you. what a quote. yep. strong indeed. thanks. this coming up. pop star taylor swift shaking off any chance of people stealing her lyrics. shef ss?ujçkfodiz yá ,y butrujz stossel said another way of stifling creativity. shake it off. it rushes through the scratches in the floorboards. dances up the height marks on the door. it wraps around your favorite family photos. it helps this place tell a story all your own. it s what s there in the air when you ve made your house a home. air wick home is in the air the latest album sold 4 million copies. now taylor swift shaking off any chance that her lyrics from the album 1989 might be stolen by filing trademarks for the phrases, party like it s 1989 this sick beast, and nice to meet you, where you been. she wants to trademark those so every time we say them, she gets money. john stossel said some of these laws can stifle innovation and joins with us that explanation. how is it crushing creativity? that s a good example. or the movie selma. they couldn t use the words from martin luther king because the family holds the copyright and charges a fortune for it. so this restricts the flow of information. on the other hand, if you have an idea, an idea can be a book a movie, a new drug, take you ten years and $100 billion to get the new drug you need extended copyright. even if you re someone who has a great idea and want to protect it. it s a valid action right, to take to protect something you worked hard to invent? you wouldn t deny that? absolutely. but the government as always colludes with the established lawyers and they go too far. copyright the my book, i own the copyrights til 70 years after my death. how does that protect my creativity? disney got the copyright for snow white, ex end tended for 99 years. you were talk being how the king family owns the copyright for the iconic i have a dream speech. and so when they wanted to make the movie selma, they wanted to include that but somebody else already owned it. i would have thought that because it was in the public domain, you could just use it. because it s history. you can use a few words, but in a movie, to use long sections, that probably would violate the copyright law and cost them a lot of money. and give them a copyright for ten years, but not for so long. that s where you are differentiate. because it is an entirely good you re saying it s too long? right. it s really entirely good or entirely bad. 70 years after you re dead who is going to get the money on your book? n my ancestors. my charities that are in my will. whoever it is. unless someone gets in there and extends it. that s right. i don t think we ll have a lawyer up on that one. you never know. check him out. he s on fridays now. i ve seen the commercial on fox business. if you like to know where in your area go to fox.. com/channelfinder. this coming up, if you re not awake yet, you willj&ñ7{0jmt7 :÷$póapkm6l7ur; >áñ next, brian s getting a visit from victoria secret s angels. we know you re going to stick around for that. first, we re going to check in with bill heller for what s coming up at the top of the hour. patriots or seahawks? have you weighed in yet? seahawks. patriots. hasselbeck? i think i really want patriots, but i m holding out for the decision on deflate gate. all right. i m still on the board. i think these are really, really cl good morning to you. there is breaking news of mitt romney. is today the day we find out if he s running? details on what we think we know at this hour. deep and serious questions about a member of the taliban five now reengaging with the enemy. general jack keane on that very significant story today. who screwed up the libyan invasion? there are new audio recordings that have harsh words for hillary clinton. we ll hear part of that. and joe theisman, super bowl winning quarterback, will tell us who he says will win. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour here on america s newsroom y for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you re not you you re a whole airline. and it s not a ticket you re upgrading it s your entire operations, from domestic to international. which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. what s that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don t you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don t be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit (cñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ i m going to lose time in the segment. victoria secret watch this model. wow. there you go. one of those angels joins us now this morning live in our studio here at the nfl experience. thank you for joining us. i appreciate it. thank you for having me. how much fun was that? you tilely put the eye black on, put on the uniform? it was so much fun. i love football. and i ve always wanted to be part of a super bowl commercial. so doing that and being all dressed up in football gear was amazing. it s about 170 million people that will watch you on sunday in that ad. there is also an online version where you play against other female football players. you say you had a really good time. but you re the only american among the victoria secrets models. i m the only american. so i m super stoked about the super bowl and all the stuff. the others don t really watch american football. so i m the one that is like, send me to the super bowl. on a different generation everyone know the playboy models. there was a handful of super models. you guys stick around. is there a bond among you ladies when you see each other and do things? we honestly, like for real are best friends. i talk to candice almost every day and allesandra. we are so close. and we and another are hosting a party tonight. we ll have a fun girls night out. when you host a party like that, is your responsibility to make sure everyone has a good time? are you walking around filling up drinks? yes. some dance. i ll hook you up, no. we re just going to have fun. i thought it was very interesting, looking at your background. people see you and say, wow. unbelievable shape. you just you have a two-year-old at home. yeah. so you re a mom, a wife. how is that for you becoming a mom and then going back to doing what you re doing? it s amazing. being a mom is obviously the greatest joy in my life and i have my daughter. i love working and getting back in shape was like a priority because i had to, because i was working. so it was nice, you know. i understand, too that one of the people watching today guarantees is your mother-in-law. your mother-in-law is a fan of fox & friends ? yes, she loves fox & friends. she ll be watching. she ll be so excited. your husband, caleb? yes, he s watching, too. the whole family is. you got him up early for a rock star to be up early that says how much they like you. you re a down-to-earth person and live in nashville and new york. yes. your neighbor is? n my neighbor is taylor swift. and you guys talk about everyday things? we do. she s a normal, sweet, awesome girl. congratulations on everything. thank you. thanks so much for getting up with us, on the commercial and the big party tonight. more from fox & friends in just a moment. thanks so much. thank you. [ male announcer ] when john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he didn t just vow to beat it. i vowed to eradicate it from the earth. so he founded huntsman cancer institute. everything about it would be different. it would feel different. look different. and fight cancer in new and different ways. with the largest genetic database on earth that combines 300 years of family histories with health records to treat, predict and in many cases, prevent, cancer. [ huntsman ] we made it welcoming and warm with a focus on beauty serenity and getting on with life. [ male announcer ] huntsman cancer institute is the only cancer hospital in the world designed by a patient, with the vital understanding that cancer moves fast. and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don t get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you. all right. kevin mccarthy, if we want to see one good movie before the game, what should we see? this is a slower weekend. i d see american sniper. make sure you see it in imax. i know elisabeth saw it. absolutely incredible. brilliant, brilliant film. bradley cooper deserves the academy award and best picture. we ve got all sorts of movies he s going to be reviewing on the weekend as well. i ll be doing this guy. this guy. we re going to be on the fox & friends this weekend. super bowl coverage. live with brian. we got the head coach of the baltimoreko0á will join us and our fabulous brian kilmeade is live from the super bowl. super bowl weekend everyone. that s great. by the way special thanks to the sea gals for doing here being here. that s great. see you tomorrow. super bowl sunday is on its way. who are you picking? i m going out on a limb seattle. i m going seahawks too. i like russell wilson i think they ll win. i want to see what happens with deflate gate. it was the weather. it was the cold weather. only the patriots balls were deflated. didn t katy perry says nothing will be deflated about her half time show. that s right. on fox & friends weekend, we ll get a bunch of footballs at the 6:00 a.m. and see if they deflate by 10 a.m. take them in the bathroom. brian v a great time. lily, thank you very much. have a great weekend. bill: a taliban leader freed from gitmo is looking to get back into the game of terror. one of the five prisoners released in exchange for bowe bergdahl is trying to get back in the game. the pentagon said it intercepted one of those messages. martha: this news is not sitting well with critics on capitol hill. they say it s a sign the white house should stop releasing prisoners from gitmo.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160409 10:00:00

good morning. it s saturday, april 9th, 2016. we begin with a fox news alert. captured u the accused killer who escaped a washington psychiatric facility found nearly 300 miles away after spending two days on the run. the breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. what a creep. meanwhile in new york the battle for the big apple. donald trump is gearing up to take on ted cruz in mr. trump s home state. he is taking a few days off the campaign trail. can he hold on to his lead after a rough week? we have the latest. the pope giving marriage advice for folks to no
longer find each other physically appealing? fox & friends starts right now. [bagpipes] well, if you weren t awake before, you are now. the gather of the clans here in midtown, manhattan. vikings marking the annual new york city tartan day parade. we will talk to them later. those are your people. those are the scotts and scandinavian. burn the boats. burn your village. the vikings.
good morning, sandra smith. niles to see you. good morning, guys. good to be here. it is cold outside by the play. supposed to be a big snow storm coming. i think janice dean said we are going to get 14 feet of snow. [screams] we will find out in just a minute. now to your head lines this morning on this saturday morning. a fox news alert. a second oversea boys secretary of state john kerry in as many days. kerry is visiting afghanistan to show support for the afghan government. it comes less than a kay after kerry made the surprise visit to iraq. to discuss how further to fight isis forces in the region. and a washington state manhunt for a second psych patient is over. accused killer 28-year-old anthony garver is now in custody. he was captured near his parents home in spokane after a two day search. he was found 300 miles from where he and mark alexander escaped the psych facility
on wednesday night. alex annual der here on the right was captured on thursday. authorities say garver had his sights set on morocco and went to his parent s house to grab his passport. when he showed up, his family called the police. it s not the first time garver has escaped. it s my hope that this time the department of corrections and the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does not escape again. all right. well garver is accused of stabbing a woman to death during his 2013 escape. one more patient is still on the run. spacex launches into the history books. the falcon 9 rocket successfully landing on a drone ship in the middle of the atlantic ocean. this exciting new video showing the rocket perspective as it battles high winds to land on the ship. the mission taking the craft all the way up to the international space station and back. the company were saying he
plans all of his future deep space missions will land on the aquatic ship and hopes crashes like this one early landing test from january will be a thing of the past. we all remember that. and those are your head lines. janice dean is standing by with the bad news. what is going on, janice? it s april and it snows sometimes although we are done, right? i think we are pretty done. i feel the same way. we have a storm system moving in today. i think it s going to be a little bit too warm for snow in new york city. south of us we could get some snow. another one behind it i feel really bad. i apologize on on behalf of all of the weather people out there we are sorry across the northeast. cooler than average. remain that way for weekend. snow in the forecast for many of the pig cities. take a look at the last 24 hours. this low passing over the ohio river valley. some cases we got close to 10 inches of snow across portions of michigan.
that s going to continue to move offshore and then become our coastal storm that s going to bring more, perhaps, snow and wind and cold temperatures this weekend. so your current temps, again, oh, it s in the teens across portions of michigan. the 20 s and the 30 s. and we actually have a wind chill where it feels much colder than that because of the wind. across the ohio valley, the great lakes, the northeast much colder than average this weekend. don t put your winter duds away just yet. there is your future radar. can you see that storm system exiting. then on sunday we have another one moving in. this one will be a little bit warmer but it will be chilly rain in the forecast. let s look at the forecast precipitation. appalachians, that s where you are also going to get snow. along the coast we think mainly a rain event. not going to be fun. make sure you bring your umbrellas and mainly going to see the cooler than average temperatures that dip as far south as florida. again, i just don t know what to say except i am
sorry. you bear the responsibility. i will take advantage of the good weather and hopefully you will give me an award for that when it s summertime. next week. fourth of july. thank you, janice. the race for the white house is at least letting up ahead of the big apple battle. senator ted cruz and donald trump narrowing the campaign focus as the fight for delegates continues. kristen fisher is live in d.c. with the convoluted latest. good morning, kristen. that s right. today it s colorado s turn. colorado is an unusual state. republican voters there have been weighing in for several days now it all culminates at the state convention today. and ted cruz could easily win all of the states 37 delegates. he has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poise to do pick up even more today. cruz s dominance in colorado is yet another reminder of how strong cruz s ground game and organization has been especially in states that don t assign delegates through traditional primaries and caucuses. states like north dakota and
now colorado. cruz s campaign spent months in colorado replacing delegates and securing pledges while trump only hired a colorado state director this week. now, trump s campaign says, hey, we never expected to do well in a state like colorado which is why they invested so little time and resources in that state. instead, they are focused on new york s primary which is now less than two weeks away. trump has been taking time off the campaign trail. he said yesterday he is in new york catching up on business matters. is he not taking a break from twitter. no surprise there. in fact, just a few hours ago he tweeted, quote, isn t it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many millions more votes than anyone else, me, still must fight. so, trump appeared very focused on the overall numbers in the big states while cruz is still fixated on squeezing out support from every single delegate that he can in the smaller states. it s a strategy that seems to be serving him well in colorado and he will be the only republican candidate to speak at the states convention later today a
sign of just how confident he is that this will be victory for him, tanner, tucker and clayton? senior staff for ted cruz is calling on donald trump to drop out. why? because he is not doing well enough in new york. i think we have the polls here as of this morning trump is at 56 in the state. cruz at 22. maybe this is their thinking. it s hilarious. drum up excitement about this. i guess perhaps their thinking he is up by 22 points right now roughly. he was up by 30, so he has dropped about 8 points over the last month or so in polls. he has gone on a bit of radio silence. he has not gone on twitter silence donald trump. is he not doing any public campaign events up until the new york primary. here is what he said if he doesn t get over 50% he should probably consider dropping out like everyone
else has when they don t win state in dramatic fashion. how did ted cruz do over his state of texas he got over 50%, didn t he? no. and trump, to be fair, trump has said recently that john kasich should be force to do get out of the race. this is like a new people meme in presidential politics. i am making up rules and if you don t live up to them you are required to get out. that s pretty funniy. we have been watching the democratic race going from naughty to nice. bernie sanders looking to keep the ball rolling today in wyoming. he backs off hitting hillary and reverses course on calling herhj(w unqualified. woe remember this exchange and said whoa, bernie sanders, finally going after hillary clinton. not so fast. seems hike stlings changed on that front. now they are playing nice and sort of someone must have gotten to them, watch. you may have heard
senator sanders say i m unqualified to be president. [crowd booing] seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. this morning he finally acknowledged that, of course, he doesn t really believe that. does she have the experience? obviously she does. she was secretary of state, a u.s. senator. i thought an outstanding first lady in many respects, breaking the mold. i would take bernie sanders over ted cruz and donald trump any time. on her worse day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. so,. sounds like an apology. but if you read into his introduce over the introduce over the
last day. she votes with the populist feelings of the day. there is a huge difference between experience and qualifications. so, yes, she is experienced. she has been around forever. she hasn t driven a car since 1980. she has been famous for an awfully long time. driving force behind the destruction of the government libel i can t which is home base for isis. when given power she wielded it disastrously. she is totally unqualified. i wish he had the brass to say that outloud. say that outloud. is he not a+ i m sorry i said that. soft exchange between bill and hillary. did someone get to bill too? bill clinton apologized to black lives matter protesters one day after getting into that heated exchange we all saw. did he realize it could mean trouble politically? let s watch the exchange r÷
i don t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out on the streets to murder other african-american children. maybe you thought they were good citizens. she didn t. she didn t. [cheers] you are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. tell the truth. i just said yesterday in philadelphia i almost want to apologize for it but i want to use it of the example threatening our country. i rather vigorously defended my wife as i want to do. i realized finally i was talking past her the way she was talking past me. we have got to stop that in this country. we have got to listen to each other again. he wasn t defending his wife. he was defending himself and undermining his wife who i think on some level he does not want to win.
the point of what he said was totally true. he has to walk it back because he gets scolded by the hillary campaign. flashback to the 90 s when he was praise to do talking that way to the african-american community. we had a terrible crime problem in the 90 s. i covered crime in the 90 s that was real. it was not made up. i know the children voting for bernie sanders today today have no memory. saying the same thing in the 1990s. past. he makes a point talking past each other. walk in with a point and you don t want to hear what the other point has to say. you shouldn t defend gang members who murder people. why is that a controversial point? good question. will hillary clinton ease up of her husband on the use on the campaign trail. he is so passive-aggressive it s unbelievable: attacking donald trump on the campaign trail do. they know why they are attacking him. what has he done that
makes him a racist. listen how he talks. he wants to deport people who are not like him. see who is really in the crowd. he joins us live next with his report. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow.
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. i m protesting trump, sir. honestly i don t want a racist in office. he doesn t like the mercury like. why are you supporting donald trump? come on, set man. why would you want america to get worse meanwhile you can actually get it better with donald trump. radio talk show host david webb went to a trump rally the other day and confronted demonstrators on both sides it took place on long island in week. mr. webb joins us now with a live report. david, it s great to see you recommendation great to see. you what did you learn? nothing. [ laughter ] nothing? nothing. i went to wisconsin, appleton, and green bay the week before. learned nothing. they couldn t give me answers. went to long island. they had about 150 or so
protesters about a quarter to half a mile away from the event in bethpage. more radical, worst dressed. i asked questions. tell me about policy. when what did he say? when did he do it? i couldn t get answers. i actually have a clip of you. there is one woman i asked her. the look on her face is precious. let s see this one. you can tell me what donald trump has done that makes him a fascist? i just think that his message. what s he done that makes him a fascist? what s he done? i think everything he wants to do seems to me. i like the exhale. she put up instead of a pregnant pause, she gave birth, the baby was raised and she still didn t have an answer. the problem with this though seems to me if you disagree with somebody, disagree with trump, that s obviously totally legitimate. but once you call someone a
fascist. there is no room for accommodate at all you must destroy the person. this was followed by the guy who started of telling me about fascism in germany. he> was an interesting interview. the anarchist wanna be. he decides he doesn t want to talk on camera. you have all these types out there. at one point the entire crowd started chanting for bernie. another time while they were calling trump a nazi and chanting it, a group of jews for trump walked by on heir way to the rally. that was an uncomfortable moment. they say he has a problem with women. well, i also went and asked, fair and balanced. i went and asked women, there is a trump protest. counter protesters. let s see the one where i talked to him about women for trump. why are you protesting donald trump? because i don t think he should be telling me what to do with my body. you are supporting a person who is hates women? is he for women. i mean. you are a woman for trump. you better believe it we love him. let s go trump absolutely
no problem with women. what did the women who say they were there because they. they had nothing to say. when we go through these crowds i hit as many as possible, i pepper them. give me a chance to answer. they don t have an answer. i m like you, first amendment. you have a right to protest. right to your opinion. i support that right. i want you to know why you have that opinion. and i haven t run into it yet. to be fair, i have run into a couple people that have at least been able to sayp something, frame an idea. but most of them, it seems like they are repeating talking points. very similar to what i got at occupy wall street. very similar to what i get at the national action network marches. you know, the person i went up to said foxes are a bunch of racist and they don t hire black people. i work for fox. hilarious. this is what you run into. it s sad, actually. the great david webb on the seat. thanks for joining us. nice to see you, tucker.ç
senator bernie sanders in a dust-up with the pope. this week we introduce to you a 13-year-old boy who saved his baseball coach s life with cpr. should all kids learn how to do it? we will show you how coming up. urgent, urgent how do you stay on top of your health?
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welcome back. it s saturday morning, everyone. quick headlines for you. a massive terrorist sweep taking down five suspects link to do last months bombings in belgium, brussels. takedown. some say this is the brussels suspect known as the man in white seen on surveillance video. did bernie sanders invite himself to vatican city? a vatican official says the 2016 democratic contender
sought sat at the conference calling sanders a self-invite courtesy. it s four days before the new york state primary. thank you, san draft well, a baseball practice took a terrible turn when the coach suddenly collapsed. but this quick reacting 13-year-old player dialed 911. i think he is not i don t think he is breathing anymore. okay, listen, listen. is he on his back? listen, is he on his back. yes. okay. i m going to need you to do cpr. i m going to walk you through it, okay?ei is somebody doing that. i m doing it right now. the player s quick action saved his coach s life. the two share their story on fox & friends this week. i wouldn t be here today if it weren t for him. i mean, just the fact that a kid that s 13 that even vaguely remembers cpr can go out there and get it done.
i was staying focus and i have got to do this if he wants to stay alive. should all kids learn simple cpr. american heart association instructor carmen rich along with jade and samantha this morning. good morning, guys. hi, how are you. thanks for joining us. what age should we start to learn this? 13-year-old you can obviously have the chest compressions, have the force. should would he be teaching this across the country. we are starting to see that kids retain this information as early as seventh grade. if we can start it early. talk about it with the family. know what an aed is and start chest compressions. first we want to make sure we call 911 first. jade and samantha how old are you guys. i m 10. 9. i m good age for memory retention. first call 911 to make sure we get help on the way. take our hands and lock them together and push hard and fast on the chest there you
go. all right, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. i know they changed these rules over the years. so what has changed growing up there seemed like we were doing all sorts of different things now moving the head back. sometimes they revamp the recommendations pace based on what the statistics show is working. right now we want to promote the blood flow to brain and heart. done chest compressions. things in the past we have done things differently with the breathing. in 46 states now to train children before you leave high school, you have a time to review this information and learn how to use the aed and do some good chest compressions. so calling 911. how many chest compressions? continual. continual chest compressions unless you have been trained further to do compression. is inned before the segment we were talking about a clicking on these dumbies to make sure how hard. little mechanisms you want to push. you want to push hard and push fast. on these things you will hear a click. can you do it. interlace hands.
interlace hands push hard and fast. go. i hear it. you hear it, good job. we want to help people. are they doing it right? keep going. it hurts. it does hurt a little bit. when the adrenaline first chest compressions are the most effective. if we help each other by switching off a little bit be effective. as far as breathing should we do anything as far as breathing. if you haven t been trained stick to chest compressions if you have the time to take an authorized course where you can get certified we will talk more about the anatomy and the breathing. anything with the neck? i know lift the head back. when i was a life guard that was one of the first things we had to do. right now we want to focus on giving chest compressions. hopefully we drilled it in to people s heads at home just the chest compressions. if you have 30 seconds watch a video and anyone can learn cpr. thank you, carmen.
thank you ladies, good job. thank you. a woman berates florida governor rick scott at a florida starbucks. you are [bleep] you don t care about working people. i m not talking to you. you don t care about working people. you should be ashamed to show your face around here. but that woman now known as the latte5t liberal just got served. the brutal response from the video from the governor himself. that s next. and the pope dolling out marriage advice to couples if they want to avoid a nasty divorce. first, we are waking up manhattan this morning. i think we woke um all the midtown celebrating the tartan parade on our plaza with bagpipes this morning. go vikings. [bagpipes]
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middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. and it starts the day you sign up. so whether it s your car or home, let allstate help protect your rates. talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. call 888-429-5722 now. [bagpipes] get out the vikings, it s the tartan day parade. bagpipers. what is that a gyp gear bread house? this group is from the he
haddenberg academy. there is nothing like the sound of a bagpipe. it really will get you going in the morning. it s 6:33 eastern time. if you are just waking up, good morning. good morning. and the parade starts at 2:00 this afternoon. starting right we have the pleasure of getting the first sounds of the pipes. janice is going to be outside to interview them in just a moment. first, we have got some marriage advice this morning. from whom? the pope tends to weigh in on big issues, controversial issues. but now he is talking about love and marriage. the pope says he wants to create everlasting love in marriages and not have it fade out. he has actually put together pope tips. these are not made up. this is the pope providing spousal advice. the first one is love your spouse even when it s difficult. quoting now. loving another person involves the joy of contemplating and appreciating their inner beauty and sacredness even when they are not physicallyvl
appealing but intrusive and annoying. he goes on to say never go to bed angry. mid a voice is never to let the day end without making peace in the family. i agree with that that s absolutely right. it seems into your dreams and then you end up tossing and turning all night. and then you start off the next day bad. here is the deepest advice of all and every man listening should hear this. often the other spouse, almost always the wife, does not need a solution to his or her problems but simply to be heard. right. if you talk to people about misunderstandings in marriage, this accounts for like 80%. you know who must have some sound marriage advice? who? tucker carlson. have you been married a long time. just 25 years. the one thing i have learned men have instinctive response to problems which is to solve them, x, y, and z. why don t you try. this i find like a hot times that doesn t work. just tell me about the problem. tell me and listen. like a psychotherapist. because they just want you to hear of the problem. a little empathy is
better than the solution sometimes. my wife started out this these conversations by saying i don t need you fix it, i just want you to hear. it s good. it s like training a dog. a little bit of a grudge holder, tucker. you are? is that the chicago in you. chicago, a little irish. if you guys are fighting at night. he says i m sorry repeatedly. does that work or do you still work up the next day angry. my best advice is outside ohio state ohio state hobbies whether it s fly fishing with you, tucker. extracurricular act difficulties. what s your advice for a long and happy marriage. we want to hear it. send us emails. we will read them on the air. homeless run away brutal murder. policeu charged 17-year-old mikhail crinner yesterday.
belong shoes and notebooks believed to belong to 18-year-old. he had a troubled past and bouncing around from family to foster care. in a 2014 interview with a student newspaper, he said life was like being in prison. he also said he wanted people to remember his name. he is being held on a 1-million-dollar bond. a deadly pileup caught on camera involving a dump truck and 10 other cars in miami. security footage shows the truck plowing at full speed into the back of a parked taxicab. stopped at a red light. the passenger of the cab an elderly woman died at the scene, seven other people hospitalized four of which are in serious condition. the driver of the city dump truck is under investigation. appear woman known the latte liberal is now the one being called out by florida governor rick scott s committee. after she verbally attacked him at starbucks. you are [bleep].
you don t care about working people. i m not talking to you. you don t care about working people. should be ashamed to show your face around here. governor scott s let get to work committee now blasting the woman. fact-checking her in its own video. the woman clearly has a problem. it turns out that she is a former government official who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and calls herself an anarchist. the woman, cara jennings was upset about anti-abortion laws signed by the governor last week. another celebrity just got on the trump train. emmy winning actress and comedian kirstie alli she made the announcement on twitter while also showing her support for fk
make another post later that night tweeting wahoo, now it s getting all wild around here. kerry on and crawl back to your mom s basement. your dinner is ready ouch. woo. those are your headlines. hello. don t tweet and drink. janice dean has the very latest from outside. janice, where are you? i am outside. of course we have got all these wonderful bagpipers here today for the tartan day parade in new york city. we are going to do the weather. but i want to spruce you to someone. what your name my friend. james. where are you from. scotland. is this your first trip to new york city? it is. what do you think so far. it s been really exciting and i m definitely coming back. have you ever done weather before. i have nod. not. would you like to try. i glld what s it like in new york city today. cloudy and cold. look at the temperatures right there. can you see? yep. give me a few. it s 38.
in new york city? yeah. in kansas city 35? in kansas city it s 35. denver 47. in denver it s 4 12k3w4r-7 do you know what the wind chill is, what the real feel temperatures feels like? it feels like 12 in chicago. 12 in chicago. we might have a little bit of rain and mix of snow for the parade today. is that all right? it s not good. i will see what can i do. oh, thank you, james. nicely done, right? all right. thank you, james. now, come on over this way. we are going to do an interview with some of our fine friends over here for the tartan day parade. hello there, this is lesliefh mcclinton den jerry. she is president of the tartan day and call don tian club. that is quite a title. tell us about the parade today. well, it s a celebration of scotts and scotts americans contribution to building the united states. amazing. and what year is this for the parade? it s the 18th parade. oh my gosh. what do you do to prepare?
most of these young fellows are not from here and young ladies. yes. hello. no. people come from around the world. for instance the he hadden he hadden he had continue burrow academy. edinboro academy. first time in new york city? i have been here once before. is there anybody you want to say hi to at home. my mom and dad love to say hello to them. wish they were here. have a great time. you are going to do great today and play for us all morning long, right? thank you for visiting fox & friends. thank you. i m sorry about the snow and rain today. okay? all right. back inside. they are going to play for us. and they are amazing. amazing? thanks, janice. they are certainly used to bad weather, being scotts. coming up next, a man faces
jail time for flying donald trump sign on private property. could that be against the law in america? a fair and balanced debate coming up. what does sir charles and the boss have in common? standing up against one state. but, first, play us out bagpipers. [bagpipes]
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and clean and real and inside jokes and school night. good, clean food pairs well with anything. try the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. north carolina still facing a backlash over new bathroom law. critics say it discriminates against transgender people. bruce springsteen is jumping on bandwagon. he has cancelled upcoming
concert in greensboro this weekend. some things are more important rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry is one of them. liberal governors banning travel to the tarheel state and businesses. basketball players and rock stars boycotting. which side really is intolerant one? joining us now is michael wolf, owner of a north carolina corporate consultant firm. is he also one of hundreds of state business owners that support the new law. so, what do you make then were michael of everything that s happening and the cancellation of a rock concert of all things now. thank you so much for having me and i appreciate the opportunity. i think the rhetoric here has gotten completely out of hand. i would challenge both sides to begin talking and operating from a place of love and compassion on each side. but this is something we need to remember. this is a side that operates political process. the question become what is
are we going to institutionalize within our culture and society. america has always operated from a position where the institution of separation has been upheld and honored in the most private places that exist is toiletry and showering. what we are doing is endangering young girls and women of all ages in those most private places. it s just a little weird, michael. considering all the problems that beset america. massive unemployment rate. debt crisis looming on the horizon. the world collapsing. why is the left taking a final stand on denying science and pretending that there is no biological difference between the sexes? why this issue? it just seems weird to me. i agree with that unless you look at it in a position another step in a larger plan. this is not a new strategy. it is not a new playbook.
it s an old strategy where we take certain rights and scorched earth policy to change those rights, badger and belittle company owners and others into submission. and once that is achieved, it will be used to open further doors for deeper changes and along the way at each step freedom of speech loses at every turn. of course. michael there is always a tipping point as a business owner, you know where that is. could there be eventually so much backlash or could there be such a big response to this that it would cause to you change your views even slightly on this? not at all. i look at the history books and filled with people who face challenges for taking stands. martin luther king jr., gandhi, certainly all of our war-time veterans, combat veterans. jesus christ and the disciples.
everyoneay faced challenges when they stood up for what they believed to be right. i think i m in pretty good company when it comes to that. big businesses against you. conservatives think of big business as being on their side, of course they are not. they have zero interest i weighing in on this. do you feel abandoned by people how thought might be on your side here? course, thera sense of abandonment in it. all of that is driven by politics and bottom line funding profits. all of that is driven by that we had papal has made a big splash here because they recently announced they are not coming to charlotte to do business with us because of the loy that it is about bigotry and that is just not true. yet there, franklin graham said this week they could get the award for being hypocrite of the year. they do business in over 20 countries where homosexuality itself is against the law. people are imprisoned for it papal doesn t have a problem doing business in those
countries. of course they don t. stand up and throw rocks at us. because they are making more money in dubai and saudi arabia than they are in north carolina most probably. michael wolff thanks for joining us. good to have you, sir. thank you. thank you. it s been a pretty i didn t know tense week for hillary clinton and bernie sanders. recall seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years but are unqualified is not one of them. are the democrats making nice and if so why? a man faces jail time for flying his donald trump flag on private property. is that really against the law? a fair and balanced debate next.
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a fight for the flag but not the flag you would think i m talking about. a new jersey homeowner could be facing jail-time for refusing to take down a trump flag flying above his own home. the town says is he violating an order anybody s. can he really do jail time for this david brunog and lisa, trial attorney. they are poet here. i promised a fair debate but i have to hear you out first. where do you fall on this first, lisa, i fall certainly constitutional. you can t limit political speech and can t have a bias between flags. they will can t say what you can put on a flag unless they are banning all flags. it is violating this person s freedom of expression. because, david, we are
assuming that this case is being taken up because it s a trump flag. i mean, are they going to go after the guy because he has got a trump bumper sticker on his car parked in his own driveway. it s not necessarily because it s a trump flag. it s a political flag. and the ordinance says that you can not have political signs or flags prior to 30 days before the election. it s a town ordinance. and that s why he is being prosecuted. i disagree, actually. lisa is shaking her head. i hate to put it this way but constitutional law is going to trump the town ordinance because in this case we are talking about freedom of speech. freedom of expression. if they were putting in laws that were limiting this size of what they can hang, the size of a flag, or if they were saying anything other than you can t support your candidate and limit what you are saying on the flag. there is a controlling law. it s state vs. miller. it s a new jersey case. and in this case they said there can be no blanket
no blanket bar. do you support jail time for this man flying the flag. when we talk about jail time. it s the potential of jail time. so, up to 90 days. if is he convicted. if it s constitutional. if he is convicted, the judge has a tremendous amount of discretion. he won t be convicted because they have already challenged it in franklin lakes, new jersey. they have challenged challengedn hawthorne, new jersey. they have thrown out these similar ordinances. you cannot ban flying a flag. you can support your political candidate any time of the year. you can t limit it. restrictions. he is not giving in and says is he willing to go to jail over. this he is willing to go to jail. we will see. good talk. thank you, guys. coming up, ted cruz is heading out west to campaign in colorado. donald trump is staying put in his home state of new york and staying off the campaign trail. is that a mistake? we will talk to his new york campaign chair next hour.
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good morning, everybody. it is saturday, april 9th. 2016. we begin with a fox news alert. captured, an accused killer who escaped a washington psychiatric facility fund nearly 300 miles away after )99 he got out and where he planned to go next. meanwhile, it has been a very tense week for hillary clinton and senator bernie sanders. seriously, i have been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified yet, that s exactly what sanders called her. now he has decided to make up the democratic rivals suddenly friends. we will bring you the latest. and the boss, bruce springsteen calling off his latest concert. baby we were born to run.
canceling a show in north carolina over the transgender bill. fox & friends hour two starts right now. there it is. jungle boogie by the brass band. you may be wondering what you are looking at why anna kooiman is in a parade in north carolina this morning. we re live from wilmington at the site of the azalia glefl guess who the azalia queen this year? it is our very own anna kooiman, yea. she has been crowned the queen of the azalia festival. there is photos of her. marching band. that is the highest honor the state of north carolina bestows upon its citizens.
not even being governor. . no azalia queen. the azalia queen herself will be joining us live coming up. the pride of north carolina anna b. kooiman but, first, sandra smith joins us today. good to see you. thank you for having me. it s wonderful to start off my weekend. were you ever the queen of anything in chicago growing up. i have though about that. the queen of the track down at lsu. will there is a lot of magnolias. that s good stuff. to your headlines now and fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry today is visiting afghanistan to show support for the afghan government. it comes less than a day after kerry made this surprise visit to iraq to discuss how further to fight isis forces in the region. and a washington state manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is over. 22-year-old anthony garver is in custody. he was captured near his parent s home in spokane after aj two-day search.
he was found 300 miles from where he and mark alexander escaped the psych facility wednesday night. alexander was captured on thursday. he went to his parent s house to grab his passport. when his family showed up, he called the police. it s not the first time garver has escaped. it s my hope this time the department of corrections in the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does not escape again. garver is accused of stabbing a woman to death during his 2013 escape. one more patient is still on the run. spacex launching into the history books. 3, 2, 1, engine ignition, liftoff of the falcon 9 rocket. science for today. well, the falcon 9 rocket finally making a successful
landing on a drone victim in the middle of the atlantic ocean. this exciting new video showing the rocket s perspective as it battles high winds to land on the ship. the mission taking the craft all the way up to the international space station and back. company head says he plans all of his future deep space missions will land on the aquatic ship and hopes crashes like this one during an early landing test back in january will be a thing of the past. and a piece of chain is using one of its celebrity endorsements in a new way to attract customers by using trickery. sending lebron james out with no disguise except for one thing a new name. what is that on your chest? is that a golf ball. that s a@j basketball. basketball, man. keep telling him he has got to try basketball. i don t know. that is that when the referee holds up the goal
post. yeah, king james was an original investor in blaze pizza in 2012. he ditched an mcdonald s endorsement diesel to commit to become a bigger part of blaze s marketing campaign. effective, don t you think, clayton. i like those undercover stuff. this guy doesn t know anything about basketball. give me my pizza and you find out later on television wait a second i had a cans to talk to lebron james? he put the peperoni on. janice dean live with the very latest from the natural glorld she always puts a peperoni on. i always put a peperoni on? yes. you always butter my business cuts. i don t know what that means. i don t know how to respond to that. i m speechless. i m not weighing in but it s wonderful to see you this morning, janice. hard to get tucker to be quiet. let s take a look at the maps. we do have snow in the forecast. that four-letter word that starts with s that s moving across the ohio valley. i heard in some places we got 10 inches of snow across
portions of michigan and we could see several inches of snow across the northeast, interior northeast and mid-atlantic, across the mountains as next system moves through. sometimes it does snow in april. just don t blame the weather person. let s take a look at it forecast temperatures and radar around 3:00 p.m. it locks like we will see snow for rhode island, maybe new york city as well. definitely new jersey, philadelphia as well. you could see a mixture of snow and rain. this storm exits and then we see another one dive across midwest and the great lakes. so we will be monitoring that and it s cooler than average, obviously, in some cases 10 degrees colder than normal. one day we will be complaining that it s too hot outside. so at least there is that right? you will not hear that from me. i will enjoy every he would will keep theq videotape and play it back if i ever hear you complain. thank you, janice. race for the white house is heating up ahead of the new york primary in a little over a week. senator ted cruz and donald trump narrowing their campaign s focus as the fight tore delegates
continues. kristen fisher is live in d.c. with the latest. good morning, kristen? good morning. so ted cruz, he has already secured a majority of colorado s delegates ahead of today s convention. and, yet, a win there, will barely make a dent in donald trump s delegate lead. something he made sure to point out on twitter. isn t it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many million more votes than inanyone else me, still must fight. his campaign hardly put up any fight in colorado. instead, they are focused on trump s home state, the new york primaow just 10 days away. the latest monmouth university polls that trump ahead by 27 points in that state. a week after that five more states in the northeast including pennsylvania where trump is also poised to do very well. formal presidential candidate mike huckabee said last night that cruz may be in trouble after all those east croes primaries. ted cruz is kind of in a
conundrum because cruz has been saying that there is no mathematical possibility therefore kasich has to get out. if that in fact becomes the case for ted cruz after april 27th. then the question that every reporter is going to legitimately ask him does that mean you have to get out? but for now, at least, cruz is the one with the momentum. he won wisconsin. and now he could easily win all of colorado s 37 delegates. he has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poised it pick up even more at the state s convention later today. tucker, clayton, and san dra? oh, the gu kristen fisher. thanks, kristen. what s going on in the presidential race, clayton? they were playing mean, hillary clinton and bernie sanders. snapping each other over the past week it got pretty heated there, right? bernie sanders saying she is unqualified to be president. she is not fit to be the commander and chief. someone must have had a talk taking with him over the past few days, sitdown saying this is not good. the republicans are the ones that are fighting each other. guys need to get on the
loving path. so on friday this happened. a love fest. watch. you may have heard senator sanders say i m unqualified to be president, well, seriously [crowd boos] seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. this morning he finally acknowledged that of course, he doesn t really believe that. does she have the experience? obviously she does. she was secretary of state, a u.s. senator. i thought an outstanding first lady in many respects, breaking the mold. i will take bernie sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. i respect hillary clinton. we were colleagues in the senate. and on her worst day she will be she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. so what happened here? i will tell you what happened. in washington the definition of a gaffe is when someone subsequently tells the truth it s such a rare thing there. she sun qualified. there is a massive difference between experience and
qualifications. bernie madoff had you know, decades of experience managing money. is he qualified to manage your money? no. she did a very poor job as secretary of state managing america s affairs abroad. she pushed us into the debacle that is libya. she is not qualified. you bring out bernie madoff and that is part of where he really ripped into her. her dependence on super pacs and attachment to wall street. big wall street money. did he walk it back. but then he went on to say look, i was just questioning her judgment. which actually may be more judgment on the arrack war. on any number of big time trade votes, all of those things he says she is not fit to be president. he is totally right. what makes it so sad though is all these cringing liberals. these guilt-filled self-hating liberals are all the same. they can never stand behind yeah, she unqualified. how do you like that? but instead every turn is he like i m not a sexist. i don t want to seem mean. you are not mean. he apologizes for the one true thing he said this
week. meanwhile the next business test for the big test for democrats in wyoming sanders has one son of the last 8 and is he hoping to win 8 of the last 9. that will be the next big one for the democrats. things are getting heated in north carolina. we are going to check in with anna kooiman at the azalia festival. bruce springsteen has cancelled a concert down in greensboro, north carolina. he was set to play there. but issuing a statement saying as a result of the house bill 2 that was just passed, which is that here s the legislation. he says. this some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice which happens as i write is one of them. strongest means i have for raising my voice in opposition for those who continue to push us backwards instead of forwards. those planning on attending that concert are saying why are we being punished? they are going to be refunded their ticket prices. the bill specifically
would on your birth certificate, how however you are born, male or female that s the bathroom that you would have to use thunder house bill 2. supporters of this bill in the legislature say that this thing actually would protect it would avoid the loopholes where criminals would sneak into women s bathrooms. the whole thing is insane. we are just totally relate bigotry and prejudice. votm weighed in and said we don t want men in the ladies room. okay. can you argue about it you know what i mean i m not particularly passionate on the subject myself. that s not bigotry. maybe you just don t want dudes in the lady s room. i don t know. that s a fair position. mark walker republican from the state says brouse is using the bully tactic saying, quote, bruce is known to be on the radical left and he has got every right to be so. but, i consider this a bully tactic. it s like when a kid gets upset and says is he going to take his ball and go home. it s just weird. we have heard from we
did the story a few months ago. look, guys it s not black and white. if you have a son and daughter who is born and doesn t have fully developed sex organs their whole life they don t know if they are a boy or girl. if you are forced to be choosing to go into one place or the other. that s like nine people. and what about everybody else. america is in a lot of trouble. if you are making a last stand on this question, your priorities are totally upside down. we report. you decide. let us know your thoughts. go to facebook page and weigh in on or about the bruce springsteen. donald trump major campaign shakeup boost chances in the state of new york and weeks to come. can he bounce back from the couple of bad weeks he has had? should the shakeup have come sooner. a live update on his campaign. are you planning on a netflix binge this weekend? get ready to pay more for it the surprise waiting on your next bill. straight aahead.
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donald trump is new yorker new york primary 34 point lead over nearest rival senator ted cruz. this week trump announced a major shakeup to his campaign to boost his chances in weeks to come. will it be enough to back in other states. chris collins joins thus morning. nice to see you this morning. food to see you, tucker. nice to be with you. the trump campaign that has run outside every normal
expectation of a presidential campaign. most decisions made by mr. trump himself has brought on long time veteran of washington politics to fight the delegate fight do you think this is a turning point for the campaign. tucker, every campaign will go through changes, especially now that we have already passed threw so many states bottom. have got some critical ones ahead of us. the delegate fight as we know is a real i had big fight. i think it s quite important that mr. trump get to the 1237 numbers. we tonight end up in a contested convention. we believe we will get there this is adding staff pretty norm magical. hitting crunch time great state in new york on to new jersey, pennsylvania. the delegate fight at a convention can be pretty tricky. donald trump hasn t turned down many interviews in the past year. he has talked to anybody all the time more than any
person i have seen for president. he seems to be slowing down the pace of his interactions with the press is that by design and is that wise do you think? well, you know, i can t strategy there. but, you know, let s face it, everyone in america knows who donald trump is. he has run a brilliant campaign. everyone knows what he stands for, securing the border. he is getting the jobs back from mexico and china. standing up to our enemies, russia, iran, north korea and isis. he has positioned himself in america s voters minds as the one lowered that can take america forward and make america great again. i think it s a normal transition now. he doesn t need much earned media, if you will. to now it s a little bit of this inside baseball on the delegate making sure that there is no shenanigans going on behind the scenes. i think this is a normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today.
and actually, getting ready to take the fight to hillary clinton because even though bernie sanders is winning one primary after another, they really stacked the deck hillary clinton. you are seeing a pretty normal shifting of a campaign as it has matured. as it has matured. congressman collins, great to see thrng. did police just capture the so-called man in white who was seen at the brussels terror bombing. and kate hudson says she doesn t really like hanging out with her kids at all. she likes to get away from them as often as possible. does that make her a bad mom or just human? we ll debate that coming up.ay don t forget to throw in a little forgiven and loving on the way knowing, showing a little
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find myself doing strange things that don t have any corners in my house and i realize i m literally and deliberately hiding from my children. joining us this morning is the founder of diva moms liz stoner weigh in on this. here is the problem i havehat te not unfamiliar thoughts. expressing them outloud to a reporter where they are going to live on forever on
google and her kids will read them seems really selfish to me. i think it s the world we are living. in i think she was just being honest about how she feels. i think there are a lot of moms out there that cover everything up that make motherhood perfect and great and everything is roses and she is just being real and honest. i think that she is entitled to that. listen, i think that i m against real and honest. to tucker s point she has gotten slammed for those comments. i think every mom feels this way. you all need space. one of the best gifts you can give a new mom is a break, right? my first book is if you give a mom 10 minutes to yourself. mommy time-out. 10 minutes a day. i m not saying you need to take off an hour and run away. take 10 little simple minutes to yourself time-out. i m a fairly new mother. i have two children, two and a half and under. i read those comments and my first thought was oh wow, they are going to crucify her for this. at the same time i thought wow, she is actually saying something we all feel.
to be fair, she went on in her statement to say when she does finally get away from her children, there is this aching pain that is always with her. and i think a lot of moms really could sympathize with that, especially working moms who are away from their children every day. so much guilt too we have as working parents and parents in general. i just think that everybody is out there. we should just stop judging each other. i really think we are all doing the best we can moms and dads. we are juggling 100 balls at once trying to not let one drop. i hear what she is saying. again, she was just being honest about how she feels. by the way, she has been a mom for most of her adult life. she had her first son at 23 years old. what roll can alcohol play in this? as far as what? as far as taking a block. give a mom a martini. it s not about drinking, actually. but we do know that mom sometimes do need a glass of wine once in a while. there is nothing wrong with that. there is nothing wrong to w. going to meet a friend for a cup of blends.
going to the gym or whatever. again, it s very important, i always say, happy mother makes happy kids, happy family, happy dad. right? if you are not happy, your kids are not going to be happy. no one cares about the happiness of the dad, come on. come on. double standard here. when parents see a dad at the playground. is he a hero. i don t think today. i don t see that anymore. i see moms my husband is so involved with my children. is he a working dad. you are not a hero. no more double standards. i think that today s parents are doing it all. trying to. and being parenting together which i think is really important. dad said, this no one would even pay attention. you need a break from your kid, of course you do. when a mom says that she is vilified. lis nice to see you this morning. good to have. you coming up on the show you may have seen this video. a woman berating florida governor rick scott at a florida starbucks you re a [bleep]. you don t care about working people. i m not talking to you. you don t care about working
people. you should be ashamed to show your face around here. but that woman now known as the latte liberal just got served. the brutal response video from the governor. that s next. if you are wondering where ms. anna kooiman is this morning. she is busy being named queen of the azalea festival in north carolina where she joins us live. anna, you lock beautiful. thank you. do you like my crown, sandra? good morning to everybody at home. i m at the 69th annual azalea festival here in wilmington, north carolina. this is where i went to school, to college. this is where i got my start as a cub reporter wway. big names, bop hope, michael jordan, many celebrities have taken part in this festival over the years. we have the sights and sounds of what we have seen so far at the 69th azalea festival coming up. let s hit it woo!
let s go wildcats! woo schoom let s go wildcats tired of working for peanuts?
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do you work about working people. million jobs. who cares about jobs when you are finishing school you really feel like you have a job coming up. you were strip women of access to public healthcare. shame on you rick scott. we depend on those services. wow. who was filming the whole thing. another morning at starbucks in the state of florida. that was the governor of florida, rick scott trying to get a cup of blends and a woman mad about abortion restrictions went completely postal on the guy as you can-ó see. well, rick scott super pac has decided to fire back. they annualized who this woman was and someone was filming it, right? so we have her on camera. they dug in and this is what they come up with, watch. you may have seen this video of a terribly rude woman at a blends scott screaming at governor scott. she former government official who refused to sight the pledge of allegiance and anarchist.
look who around here has a job? i m glad you asked. she was at starbucks in gainsville. let s take a look at who around her has a job. since scott became governor 903,000 jobs have been added in all in this area. a million jobs, great. who here has a great job? well, almost everybody except those who are sitting around blends shops demanding public assistance, surfing the internet and cursing at customers who come in. she is getting their free wi-fi. that is hilarious. i need a super pac. any time i m attacked. demanding public assistance and screaming at customers. we have a few of those here in new york city i have noticed. it s amazing. she is there as a customer. when i first heard the story i thought she was working there. q> no. i think it s totally fair to disagree with rick scott s policies, obviously. here is what i am not into is the shouting obscenities at people which has become a theme on the left recently. i have noticed. this i don t agree with you. therefore i m going to
scream at you. and prevent you from expressing your views. i m going to block the road. i m going to. grab the microphone from bernie sanders. the left has gone nuts because we are so focused on donald trump. we have missed one of the great stories of our moment tqitte democratic party hassí wackoes. has anybody else noticed this? if you have noticed this go to our facebook page as well. now to head lynns this morning a homeless run #ay now charged in the brutal murder of university of texas austin freshman. police charged 17-year-old meek mikhail criterion meek kale criner. authorities say criterion had a troubled past bouncing around between family and foster homes. and a 2014 interview with a student newspaper he said life was like being in prison. he also said he wanted people to remember his name74jf
police say there is a good possibility they re is the brussels airport suspect. remember the one known as the man in white seen on surveillance video? police say he may be 37-year-old mohamed abrini. abrini is also the last known suspect in the paris massacre. his d.n.a. was found in a rental car used in those attacks and an apartment yours to do make bombs in the brussels attacks. another man osama kay was also arrested. he is believed to be the second subway suspect. the fight goes on. the fbi now wants apple to unlock a new york drug suspect s iphone. newly unsealed documents show apple refused to unlock out of boston. this new battle comes after a high stakes showdown where
the fbi independently unlocked alleged san bernardino shooters syed farook s iphone without apple s help. who could forget this 2009 email exchange between hillary clinton and a member of her staff trying to get her fax machine to work? a staff tells her to hang up and try again. she tries and fails repeatedly. that email along with this embarrassing moment earlier this week when she got stuck in the subway turnstile, coming back to haunt the former secretary of state on social media. this happens all the time in new york city subways. well, she made it look like she has been there before after those surfaced showing clinton brain surgery tech uniques at a college in buffalo. clinton added how to treat an aneurism for list of accomplishments. i m going to defend her on the fax machine. it s terrible. i couldn t operate a fax machine if my life depended on it i also couldn t do
brain surgery. i m concerned about her qualifications. i don t want to sound like don t think she is qualified to perform. people run right into you. i walk like the man of the people. i m not some haifa lieutenant guy who is going to pay for a subway ride. i have legs, man. you sleep in bags of money you do not take the subway. like scrooge mcduck. where is anna kooiman this morning she is in wilmington, north carolina for the north carolina azalea festival. turns out anna was crowned ajail i can t festival queen on wednesday. robby collins says this is the reason why. news and when i found out that anna kooiman had so many ties to the community of wilmington and north carolina, about a year and a half ago, i reached out to her. when she said she was
interested, there was no competition. when we found out anna kooiman might come down here and represent the festival and the southern charm and the arts of wilmington, there was no question about who we want to do have. she is the best queen we have had in 69 years hands down. that is saying a lot because she has got some great company as queen. past azalea queen 2013 malory megan. joan van arc. cosby show phylicia rashad. anna ripa. anna kooiman puts them all to shame. she joins us now our crowned queen from wilmington anna kooiman, ladies and gentlemen. clayton and tucker i miss you guys. what do you think of my crown? i móh the 69th queen to wear this crown. it feels amazing. this is my old stomping ground. this is where i went to college at uncw. and i was a reporter at wway abc when i got my very first start in tv. so, this place means so much to me.
i m so honored to be their queen. i want you to take a look at some of my old video from about 10 years ago when i first got going here in the port city. and if we can i m hearing something going on in my ear. i m not sure what that is. i think it s bounce back or something. i just wanted to let you guys know. anyway uncw is really near and dear to my heart as well. i went on a big run with a track team because i ran track here, varsity track and got to see my old coaches and all that. the big thing was at the coronation on wednesday right when i got here. the governor pat mccrory put the crown on my head which meant a lot to me because clayton, tucker and sandra he was actually my mayor. that meant a lot to me doing that we had a big old time. we met snoop dogg last night. i think we have a picture we can show you of that as well. my mom and my dad and brother and sister-in-law. everybody is here. and it just means the world to me. we have got the parade going on a little bit later today. so i will be waving on the
float. and seeing a lot of people that i have missed for so many years. we have been showing pictures of you and all the things you have been doing while have you been down there this week. tell us about it you visited some hospitals? the schools there? yeah. we visited ogden elementary school. it meant a lot to me to do that too and to hear them. they had a whole program for us. dancing and singing. they sang the national anthem. and what else? the pledge of allegiance was getting me all choked up because, you know, we talk a lot about that one nation under god. they were saying it. it s just amazing. i m so happy to be here. i can t even tell you. the hospital visit we sang frozen with the little girl who was really been struggling. it s been nice to really brighten her day, too. congratulations to you. i love seeing that old video footage. you said i think i m hearing something in my ear it was your own voice from some old are a cifl footage we had to dust off from the archives.
it was echoing in my ear. and what i love from this footage you can clearly tell camera because this is local news and had youc6uz set up your own camera and walk towards the camera. we re so proud. exactly. one man banding. queen anna, joining us live from wilmington, north carolina. bye, everybody. we will see you in a bit. enjoy. thanks. congratulations. thanks. pope francis calling on catholics to be more welcoming to people who are divorced or remarried. did that statement change church to come trip? a fair and balanced debate on that question coming up.
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ground breaking document out of the vatican as pope francis releases new paper on family titled the joy of love. re3éxamining centuries old catholic beliefs on marriage. is the church ready for this? joining me now to weigh in
is steve co-jack. publisher and executive director of one peter five and monday senior kerry harrington communication diocese for brooklyn. i want to jump into the joy of love here. steve, i will start with you first. how is this going to change the church? the pope is in a document is calling for priests to welcome irregular unions. well, irregular unions is sort of a code word for any kind of relationship that would have been considered adulteress or sinful in the past. we are seeing a lot of sort of creative language and looking for legal loopholes. you know, people talk about whether the doctrine of the church has been changed. the doctrine of the church doesn t change but the w practical application of the doctrine can. and it s sort of like if you had a 35 mile-per-hour speed limit in a town and everybody goes 60 miles per hour through there and nobody enforces that, well, yeah, the law is still on the books. if people aren t follow the law, then that s the problem. so i think what we re seeing in this document is an
attempt to change behavior through pastoral application saying to people you know what? the things we used to say are sinful and a problem. maybe we can find some justifications for those things. monday senior, how does o.iu)quange things in your this as firmly breaking tradition in the catholic church and welcoming those that have been divorced or have these irregular unions. others see this as opening the doors it those who have been scared away from attending the catholic church. absolutely not. the starting point here is a personal of jesus christ. that s what the pope is saying. is he saying that essentially you have an experience of god s mercy, an experience of the love of christ. and when you have the experience of the love of christ, that then brings about a conversion and so the starting point does not necessarily the moral conversion as steve is suggesting. the starting point is the experience of the love of crois that then brings about a moral conversion in one s life. you may hear something different, steve, when it comes to conservative catholics when they view
some of these changes happening, they are questioning the future of the catholic religion and the church. absolutely. you know, this is the thing. we can debate all day whether or not, you know, mercy is what s really being applied here. the problem is that mercy presupposes repentance. in order to be forgiven for something. that s not true. you have to be sorry. that s not true. i will give you a chance to response that. mercy is a free gift not merited. something god gives us freely. no argument this is notk( a conservative orthodox pope. the person who rolls out the statement is cardinal showburn. catechism of the catholic church. i m sure you don t think that s a liberal document. starting point is a relationship with the person of jesus christ. the starting point is not law. the law comes afterwards. the relationship with christ is what s formaive. monday senior, what is the reaction that you are seeing in general from the religious community from the catholic community, other
priest and monday seniors that you speak with? are they sharing thoughts with you? here s the thing i grew up in the 70 s and 80 s where the church was going bananas. 6zwáñ predisposition is for clarity. that s what pope benedict stressed. clarity. what pope francis is saying we have to try a new direction to allow ourselves to go into muddied waters. the muddied circumstances of people s lives in orr for them to have an experience of christ that could bring about a change in their life. i think that s what most of us are thinking is going to happen here. things definitely change in the catholic church. thank you to both of you, steve and monday senior for joining us. great to get your perspective. thank you. all right. well, coming up, bill clinton trying to make amends with black lives matter after this outburst on the campaign trail. you are defendingua the people who kill the lives you say matter. tell the truth. but governor mike huckabee says his apology is just making things worse.
the governor joins us live next hour. and they promise to do contain all the energy you need for the day in a compact and tasty bar. the truth behind what many call a health hoax next. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it s an app. you understand that? you just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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i will eat that protein bar or i have that energy bar. when, really they would rather a plane old chocolateo bar and use it asen excuse thinking they are doing something better. often many of these bars have just as much sugar if not more sugar. and, remember, four grams of sugar teaspoon of sugar has four grams. four grams of sugar equal a teaspoon of sugar. loaded with way more grams of sugar. 15, 16, 17. imagine yourself pouring sugar into your mouth. which is better a mounds bar or an energy bar? exactly. by the way it s kind of a toss-up for some of them. some of them are also absolutely loaded with all different types of but, here s the reason we are doing. this people go to the gym and they want something quick or driving and they just need a snack so you have alternatives here maybe that would. exactly. by the way though there are some okay options when it comes to energy bars. make sure you are log for whole real food ingredients in the ingredient list i
them. is this good? main ingredient is obviously nuts which we can see right there. i don t want to bash all of them. be careful reading ingredient list. going for real food snacks is always going to be the best ops. so what we have right here is just an example of a trail mix. after you have worked out u you want to have a combination of protein, right? you want to have some protein and you want to have some carbohydrates to help your muscles recover and to help supposed to do it right away like first 20, 30 minutes. exactly to. remen issue in your stores. fruits? right. so so here we have apple and peanut butter carbohydrates and fiber fill us up and almond butter that has protein in it great for repairing. i think tucker already reached is that beef jerky. those are jerkies there are healthy jerkies out there that have protein in them which, again, help your body repair all protein. i love this to just smear some avocado on a piece of
bread. ready to go containers right there. bring some crackers with you. easy, on the go. you will get the healthy fat there. carrie, you are a star and nutritionist. thank you for breakfast. you arejx so welcome. let s dive in. at people would rather do than deal with retirement. pressure-washing the. roses. aerating the lawn! (vo) but with nationwide it s no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. nationwide is on your side
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captured accused killer who escaped a psychiatric facility found 300 miles away after spenting two days on the run. breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. and it s been a pretty tense week for hillary clinton and bernie sanders in the state of new york. seriously. i have been called a lot of things over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. and, yet, that s exactly what bernie sanders just called her. but is he apologizing? does he feel guilty for his
meanness? latest. some of yours you have written into us. read them. fox & friends hour three starts right now. kx [bap types] [bag. [bagpipes] the vikings are taking over the plaza this morning. taking over the 18th annual tartan day parade. clans have gathered in midtown straight from the northern portion of the british isles. and the bringing tartan day parade willá9 be this nidal malik hasan new york city and it starts right about here. plus, this is really cool. we re going to show you some of the coolest cars of our past commanders in chief. take a look at these things. we have got to keep our crew away from them this morning because they would have been driving around new york city in these things.
amazing. the delorean belonged to jimmy carter. not to tell that you early. beautiful. beautiful. new car guy, tucker? i m not a car guy. i m an uber guy. [ laughter ] i love the uber. i take a handsome cab to work. both sides gearing up for a huge day on the campaigntodayg to keep his streak going in wyoming. meanwhile, donald trump and senator ted cruz get ready for a big apple battle here in new york. kristen fisher is live for us this morning in d.c. with the very latest. good morning, kristen. good morning, so today we have gotr, two western states in play. you have got colorado for the republicans and wyoming for the democrats. bernie sanders is expected to continue his winning streak. he won six of the last seven contests and a win today in wyoming is pretty much violates if he has any hopes to catching up to clinton in terms of delegates. this week the two candidates have been trading unusually sharp jabs for the democratic race. sanders took a lot of heat for saying that he thought hillary clinton was unqualified to be president. but now, with the big new
york primary just 10 days away. both candidates seem to be dialing back the rhetoric a bit. saying anyr democratic candidate would be better than republican in the white house. i have been called a lot of things. [ laughter ] over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. this morning he finally acknowledged that, of course, he doesn t really believe that. does she have the experience? obviously she does. she was secretary of state, a u.s. senator. i will take bernie sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. and on her worse day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. now today ted cruz is also expected to extend his winning streak. first he won wisconsin and now he could easily win all of colorado s 37 delegates. he has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poise to do pick up even more at the state s convention today. but trump s campaign is saying, hey. no big deal. we expected that we are prepared for that they are now focused on the new york
primary. five more on the coast. the primary calendar shifts east and that gives trump the advantage. yes, it does. kristen fisher summing it all up for us. tucker, i m an uber girl too by the way. good for you. i take uber everywhere. i took it to work here today. it is you meet all kinds of interesting people. you stay in touch with the country. she is lying i saw her on rickshaw coming to work. it s a goober car. i have been there. where is donald trump by the way? he has gone kind of radio silent. he has been on twitter though. maybe it s to the radio silent. he hasn t been doing the campaign stops that we have seen him do all through the fall and winter season. well, it looks like is he preparing for new york state putting big chips down on this state s primary in a little over a week. that s right. donald trump has given more
interviews, i believe in this campaign than any presidential candidate ever in the history of candidates, i mean, he literallyq!m talked to everybody name it abc, cnn, al jazeera. on this show has been on pretty regularly for the past few years. he seems to be pulling back a little bit in his media strategy. we talked to congressman chris collins from new york the honorary co-chairman of donald trump s campaign is. everyone knows who donald trump is. he has won run a brilliant campaign. everyone knows what he is standing for. you are seeing shifting of a campaign as it has occurred. he doesn t need much earned media. for now it s inside baseball on the delegates making sure that there is northerly shenanigans going on behind the scenes. i think this is a normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today. and, actually, getting ready
to take the fight to hillary clinton. it s an interesting shift. does the campaign think that there is an oversaturation, perhaps? i think it s a matter of emphasis. i mean, lock, the democrats are talkingú$about global warming and transgender bathrooms. whatever you think of those issues, they have no effect on the average american who is struggling economically. trump has a real message. i don t think he has been delivering it recently, but if he gets back to talking about voters rather than himself or protestor says because who cares, i think he could do well. trump has been totally in beginning, taking on more people to run that campaign. does that change his message at all? that s a great question. his chief advisor appears to be, and i think she does a good job. his oldest daughter. it s beenul% about trump. he has made every key far. it is, you know, a different phase. and it probably is worth having people who have experience running campaigns. he has two slated dates of public speeches in the next week or so. he is on twitter but is he
not doing the four or five that he has been doing. tune in tonight for fox news reporting donald trump the disrupter is a fox news special. inside access to trump s campaign. speak to family, friends and candidate himself. bret baier hosts that special tonight 8:00 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. we start with a fox news alert. a washington state manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is now over. accused killer anthony garver is now in custody. he was captured near his parents home in spokane after a two day search. he was found 300 miles from where he and mark alexander e]áp(ed the psych facility on wednesday night. alex annual der here on the right was captured on thursday. garber had garver had his sights set on morocco and went to his family s house to get his part ports. when he showed up his parents called the police. by the way it s not the first time garver has escaped. it s my hope this time the department of correction and the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does
not escape again. garver is accused of stabbing a woman it death during 2013 escape. one more patient is still on the run. another edition of friday night data dump. state department releasing 1100 documents to the benghazi committee. 17 months after congress originally requested them. they include communications from then secretary of state hillary clinton s staff and unite united nations officials. four people including u.s. ambassador chris stevens were killed during the terror attacks at the u.s. consulate in libya. spacex landing in the history books. of the falcon nine rocket finally making a successful return to earth, touching middle of the atlantic ocean. that is amazing. it is amazing the footage alone is amazing. we have been watching this video this morning. the rockets point of view afr coming back from the international space station. the company head elan musk
saying all the future deep space mission also land on the aquatic ship. he hopes crashes like this one during an early landingmw landing january. you new warning you probably weren t aware of but probably can t live without. the largest human mattress dominoes. 3, 2, 1 go. ladies and gentlemen,. our floor direct said that s bedlam. that is funny. see, this is why i love america. appliance and electronics store gathered 1200 participants in maryland to pull off this incredible feat. 34 rows of mattresses and 13 minutes later they nabbed
the new guinness book of world records in one try they got the record. i mean, clayton,u how did they not get the phone call to participate? they are not doing that in france. they are not doing that in fiji. that s not happening in syria this morning. ladies and gentlemen, that s america. japanese factory line. well, con lat legs to them we don t want to to at least say that. the popenning pope dolling out marriage advice. tricky part where maybe attractiveness starts to fade from the love and from the marriage. what do you do once the physical attributes start to fall away? he has some advice. he does. he has got opinions on everything. here is his position on marriage long term quoting now. loving another person involves the joy of contemplating and appreciate their innate beauty and sacredness even though they are no longer physically appealing but intrusive and annoying.
the pope says never go to bed angry. my advice is never to let the day end without making peace in the family. start off your whole day the next day poor mood. here he says sometimes just listen. that s great advice, especially for men. often he says the other spouse does not need a solution to his or her problems. but simply to be heard. i think that s wise advice, actually, i think that s really smart. i think that s great he is weighing in on an issue what couples and marriages talk about every single day. politics or global warming. i like that. i appreciate that. i think that s good advice. lori writes on facebook this morning. ask for your thoughts on making a marriage last. she says make every moment count. just don t love each other but be in love with eacher. dave posted your wife is always right. dave, i love you. he says go with the flow. that s sound advice. that s great ó advice. both guys good advice.
submit a little bit. or at least verbally do so. talk it out. i love that advice. the woman is always right. fantastic. here. how long first of all, what s your names? damar clag. jeff. how long have you been married for. 23 years. 23 years. that s amazing. old. we re old. what s your advice for a long lasting marriage? put the lord first and patience. ditto? yeah. and the wife is always right? that works, too. all right. anybody else? what s your name, sir? clint elvin. what s your wife right now. my wife is having hot cocoa in bed watching me here in new york. what is the secret to a happy marriage? keep them smiling and laughing. so she is at home drinking hot cocoa and laughing? of course. anybody else? andrew from lancaster, pennsylvania. happy wife, happy life. very nice, happy wife,
happy life. well done, everybody. thanks for coming to fox & friends. our pleasure. yea. all right. i am sorry a little bit about the weather it is cold and it doesn t feel like springtime and we re going to get a little bit of rain and snow later on today. nicely done, everybody. back inside. happy wife, happy life. so true. better than the weather. thanks, janice. coming up, bill clinton says he is sorry for shouting down black lives protesters earlier this week? you are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. tell the truth. whoa. a moment of truth from former president bill; clinton governor mike huckabee is coming up. best story you will see all day. a tiny patriot in training just two years old. thanking america s heroes the adorable story ahead. lift up your hands if you
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i don t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids. that s bill clinton at a rally for his wife. facing off against black lives matter. is he now under fire for that exchange that took place on thursday. the next day he was force to do apologize sort of. clinton facing a backlash after he slammed president obama on, quote, his awful legacy. is the former president doing more harm than good to his wive s campaign. governor mike huck we who knows the clintons well because he is, of course, also from arkansas. governor, it s great to see
you this morning. bill clinton seemed like he inadvertently told the truth for a moment and now he is embarrassed about it we did have terrible crime in the 90 s. horrible people who did deserve to be in prison.hbhshp @ now is he backing off from that statement? he shouldn t back off. i mean, it was a true statement. it s one of the most freshing things that have happened in hillary s campaign. up until now, tucker, has been an odorless,zdqz tasteless and colorless gas. maybe two out of three. like carbon monoxide. there has been a little odor to the whole thing. it has been delightfully horrible campaign. she is so scripted and robotic. bill clinton comes out and in a moment of spontaneity that we have not seen in her campaign actually tells the truth. i think most of the americans would listen to what he said and say he is exactly right. but because of political correctness that is running the democratic party and specifically hillary clinton, he backs off on it.
and i think really ends up undoing all the good that he was probably doing her by showing a little life in the campaign, which she hasn t shown. that s such an interesting point. he got his banner up when the one thing that he really cares about is challenge which of course is his own legacy. he was in effect defending himself. do you think that his presence helps her or hurts her in the context of a democratic primary? it s hard to say because the democratic party has beenfy completely hijacked by the far left. and bill clinton, whatever you want to say about him, he is not a real far leftist. he was pragmatic governor and pragmatic president. i think that s why even in all the personal scandals he ended up with a relatively popular legacy because people recognize that at the end of the day for khalil clinton it was about bill
clinton it was about americans. we want to tax 90%. raise the minimum wage and kill all those jobs that would have been there. it s an irrational kind of political approach. it makes the yippees and hippies of the 60 s look like posers. that s totally right. just based on i mean, and as a result of that hillary is trying to be who she really is, which is an ideological leftist but still has a little common sense and understands how to govern. and, yet, she is trying to do it in the context of a party is off the rails. she is trying to out bull chevic bernie sanders. 0 must see democratic party go up in smoke because it s the party he presided over. it s not the party he bree sided over. the democratic party is not your grandfather s democratic party. it s certainly is not it s not even your older procedure s democratic party. i mean, it really has
changed that radically that quickly. and that s why, when all these people are wringing their hands about the republican possibilities in november, i think they are just they need to chill because. i totally agree. unfortunately governor we are out of time. i want to thank you for joining us. great to see. okay. good to talk to you, tucker. we ll be back in just one minute.
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it s a conversation many people are having at home when it comes to cutting off your children financially when is the right time? a personal finance expert pete dunn says it better be before adulthood. recent opinion piece he writes, quote: the financial support you are offering your adult children is toxic. your support of them isn t about the sacrifice of your
money, it s much the opposite. this is about sacrificing your feelings and letting failure be the teacher. he joins us now with advice on how to stop the mooching. i took your advice my little 3-year-old girl i said you are done, we are cutting you off. smart move? yeah. that s a great move. my 7-year-old last night went and got a job. undoubtedly, guys, this is uncomfortable conversation. my email inbox has told me such over the last two weeks. good. it s starting a conversation about at what point, you know, how much money you should give your kids for allowance, all of those other things. we have viewer questions this morning that we want to get to. let s put them up. here is one of our email questions. let s put it up on the screen. there is nothing wrong with helping a person who works hard and doesn t make enough to cover their overwhelming college debt. what do you think about that? we have to start with the obvious. they chose the debt. the debt didn t choose them. we aren t assigned college debt. we sign up.
guys, here is the terrible part. we ask 18-year-olds with no income, no jobs, no assets, no, you know, plotted future to take out tens of thousands of dollars of student loans. that s a big problem. second issue really is here it s okay to live a lower lifestyle until you get on your feet. what we re seeing now is that people want to continue the lifestyle of their parents into their early 20 s which is financially student loans. i would argue in that situation that the goal is to teach independence, not to support a lifestyle that isn t realistic. yeah. i can say as the youngest of six kids my dad made it very clear early on, i m here for your survival a roof over your head roof over food in your mouth. seemed to struggle financially and we struggle to know when enough is enough. concerned whether we are helping them or creating dependents. this is possibly a worry that some parents have on a
daily basis, pete, your advice? yeah. i was speaking in chicago l.s.u. year. and a lady came up to me afterwards and said, you know, i had this problem and then i asked my son if i could see his bank statement. because i wanted to know what i m investing in. and, you know, this actually makes a lot of sense. if you are supporting them with youryñ resources, don t we want to know how resourceful they are because if they re not resourceful. more resources turn into negative ammunition which just enables poor decisions. so, for this particular emailer, i would say, number one, it s appropriate to say well, what are you spending your money on and number two, set a financial separation date. august 5th, september 10th. no no one cares, just set a time frame to say this is when we are going to separate. let s talk about the kids here in this and how we should address them. because they have=n just been on this sort of family dole for so long they don t know there that there is a spigot that could be turned off or perhaps they should turn it off themselves. you actually encourage them to take the initiative here?
i m parent. you re a parent. when you become a parent. guess what happens. you get kind of dumb. because you love your kids so much. i do the dumbest things in the world for my kids. and so parents struggling to separate. i think the childer is the younger person needs to come through and say look, my gift to you for raising me is to become independent so i don t ruin your retirement. i met a 75-year-old cancer patient two weeks ago working two jobs so that his 30-something son can live in chicago with a liberal arts education because he just doesn t like the job he has. and that s when i wrote the columns, frankly. that is unbelievable. that sounds like inspiration. living in chicago is cheap. unbelievable. all right, pete, thank you. thanks, pete. good advice. my pleasure. love to hear your thoughts on this. weigho÷ none facebook page. we put in pete s opinion piece there go back and forth and duke it out. read your responses. it was the legislation that catapulted wisconsin governor scott walker to political stardom.
now it s just been overturned. what the landmark decision means for organized labor coming up. and check thought commander and chief s car. it s supposed to do that now that is really cool. wow. we re going to show you more of these presidential cars. there it is. right here on our plaza this morning. wow. a hover craft car. a boat car. janice. i love it. make me want to roll my windows down and cruise.
i think we should ve taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don t you want to just ask somebody? if you re a couple, you fight over directions. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it s what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?
[bagpipes] [bagpipes] i love what just said look how young they are great for the future ofma bagpiping. hasmaybe not the most cheerful music but resonate. just like the tarp. tartan day is the day.
18th annual tartan city day parade the vikings. they are here on our plaza. 2:00 p.m. west 55th on sixth avenue. if you are here go and enjoy them. 55 degrees though play the bagpipes this that weather is astounding. it s impressive. headlines on this saturday morning. brutal murder of university texas austin, texas. police charged 17-year-old meechaiel criterion criner with murder8 yesterday: 18-year-old victim haruka wise wise. he had a troubled past bouncing around parents and foster care. life was like being in prison. he also wanted people to remember his name. is he being held on $1 million bond. another battle. striking down wisconsin s
right-to-work law represent workers who don t pay dues. finding it unconstitutional. governor walker signed it one year ago despite massive union protests in madison. wisconsin s attorney general plans to appeal the ruling. governor walker tweeted: we are confident wisconsin s freedom to work law is constitutional and will ultimately be upheld. a.a.a. is renewing its plea to install seat belts on school buses. this comes after several bus crashes this week like this one in maryland where several students were injured on wednesday. that same day in massachusetts, there was another crash where 11 students ended up in the hospital. a.a.a. says only six states around the country require seat belts on buses. this could possibly be the best story of the day. a patriot in training. this;g 2-year-old was caught waddling away from his parents to say hello to a line of military servicemen. the adorable child greeted
almost every single one of them for some adorablably tiny little handshakes. this before quickly returning back to his family. and those are your headlines. go out to janice dean. hi, yes, it may be cold outside but i m in a hot,u red car sandra. this is an car. lbj had a car like this. this means this can be a boat, too. it can be a car and a boat, correct? car and a boat. but you have to close the valves or else they sink. we are going to talk about hot cars owned by presidents while tucker and i snuggle up. let s do some weather. all right. put bilge plug in. 20 degrees below average as you see on the weather map. that s going to continue into sunday. we also have, unfortunately, snow in our forecast across the great lakes and the northeast. so you can see new york 40.
27 in detroit. there is a wind chill with the winds coming off the water and look at oh my gosh, i know, please don t adjust your set. that is snow across the northeast. we could get some here in new york city and philadelphia up towards boston. that is going to exit we are going to see another storm system move into the great lakes. we have winter storm advisories. incredible and potential for 3 to 6 inches of snow across the great lakes there. again, some day we are going to be complaining about how hot it is. for now let s talk about hot cars, tucker. this is unbelievable, janice. clayton. this is the thing, you always have to put bilge plug in. jfk s thunder bird. the road to the white house begins in many different places drive there. readers on the coolest cars owned by past presidents. here with three of the top cars from this survey from
classic is east coast editor andy reid. andy, nice to see you this morning. thank you very much. this is one of the top cars. jfk actually drove it? not this exact car but one like it. this is a 62. jfk drove a 61. this car is really, really interesting. when jfk got, this he had a 61 and 63. he obviously liked the t bird. this isr bullet bird design which shows the nose is pointed. jetson s era thing he dug this car to the point during his inauguration he had 50 in the inauguration parade. he insisted on the convertible which sadly would have been his undoing a few years later with the convertible that was hepposed to be shielded. shield. and the thing is, it was hard to get these cars. this is a brand new car, was very popular. ford couldn t supply these to people. as a result, what happened was they hadqa made bob mcnamara a former ford
executive they put him in the presidential cabinet. as a result, probably bob called somebody and said, hey, et cetera etsel can we get some of these for the inauguration. are tell us about this car over here. you got it. sandra, how do you like that one? [inaudible] tell me all about this because, first off, what makes this car so special is that it was a gift to george w. from his parents for his graduation. correct. it s a 1961 tr 4. 61 was a really cool year for thej+ tr 4. it was the first year where british cars had these roadsters. had these windows that rolled up. before then you didn t have roll-up windows. this car was a big deal and whole idea for british sports cars at the time. hot, small, british sports car of its era. this is just beautiful. it s been updated. it s got a cd player in
here. exactly. it s a beautiful car. and did he use this much or was this more of we don t know. the car now is in canada and been restored to spec to the colors and everything else. i have done some digging this week. i really couldn t find out io guess he used it a bit but woe couldn t get information about how much he used it and what he did with it. tell me what i m sitting in. 1961 triumph tr 4. you have got to go over to tucker carlson now because he is in his fancy ride. tucker. this is an antcie car. 75 original miles on it? i talked to the owner this morning that s what it had. this is lgj s. no, it s just like. lgj s car list atyv the lbj ranch which is a monument. one of many. and that s where it lives there. lbj really loved thing. he had a really interesting
sense of humor shall we say. he had this lake on his ranch. and above the lake there was like this hill. and he would go up to the crest of the hill with people and he would go at the top of the hill you go oh no, the brakes are out. the brakes are out. they didn t know it was an amphi car. he would roll into the water and car would float. and people were screaming. put it in boat drive and boat away. and freak all the people out. did anyone ever jump out of the car. he did it all the time. this was like his favorite gag to do to people. he was really terrible about. it he was a cruel about funny man. does this thing actually go in the water and not sink. without question. as long as it s restored. i talked to the owner this morning. this is a really wonderfully restored car. these things are prone to rust. [ laughter ] these are prone to rust. if they rust, you really need the life vest in the back. they will sink. tucker, can you drive this down to the east river? he could. it s not my car. it would really go in it.
put as many miles on he said he would put as many miles in the water as he has on the road. unbelievable. andy reid, you are a fountain of information spewing forth interesting facts. good to see you. good to see you, thanks so much. coming up this week we introduce to you a 13-year-old boy who saved his baseball coach s life by administering cpr. is there any age that is too young. could save a life, maybe yours. boycott the state of north carolina over the transgender bathroom law. we will bring you the latest and tell how is being intolerant here. closer look coming up. born in the u.s.a. born in the u.s.a. come backw) home , mostly prep?
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it s cold outside. it is cold outside. bruce springsteen has cancelled a planned concert in the state of north carolina. he is doing it as an act of conscience, he says. is he mad about the law there that prevents men from going into ladies rooms and visa versa. it is derided by his critics as intolerant attack on the lgbt community and he says he is on the side of people who feel that way. he cancelled the concert in greensboro, and he issued a statement on this. here is the statement. he said, look, some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry which happens as i write is one of%o them. strongest means i have for raising my voice in opposition to those who continue to push us pack wards instead of forwards. wow, it s a big decision there and the congressman, mark walker, republican from north carolina is reacting to this saying that bruce is using a bully tactic. he says bruce is known to be on the radical left and he has got every right to be so, but i consider this a
bully tactic. it s like when a kid gets upset and says he is going to take his ball and go home. he went on to say though look, we have some other big shows who are coming to town who have not cancelled their concerts, justin bieber and def leppard coming to town. we will open welcome them with open arms. bruce springsteen gets to join the list of people who get to feel like jump up and down.m! trans gender bathroom big issues for affluent liberals? do they do anything to make the average person s life any better? how out of touch is this party? speaking of which, you wonder what the impact on the state will be from all of this. we spoke to michael wolff north carolina business owner, casey solution group earlier in the show and he basically is reacting to all of this. listen. always operated from a position where the institution of gender separation has been upheld and honored in the most private places that we could
exist. and that s iny toiletry and shower situations. what we re doing with this type of policy is endangering all of our young girls and women of all ages in those most private places. i look at the history books and i see that the history books are filled with people who face challenges for taking stands. martin luther king jr., grande, certainly all of our war-time veterans, combat veterans. jesus christ and the disciples. everyone faced challenges when they faced up for what they believed to be right. i think i m in pretty good company when it comes to that. but don t voters have a right to determine how they run their bathrooms? i don t know, but i just think if you believe that transgendered bathrooms are the biggest issue facing america, you are out of touch. are you not? it s requesting to cost the city quite a bit of money. they are going to issue refunds to the people who it s going to cost them
$10,000, the coliseum there in lost money. but the take away, bruce springsteen is a really good person. that s the whole point of this? supporters are they are praising him this morning on the left. of course, of course. you are standing up for our rights. making the powerful feel morally superior. that s the whole point of liberalism. all right. back to the 2016. bringing me back now to things that matter. there is a race goingih on. donald trump is taking a break from it for a short period anyway is that a good strategy or bad one. live report from d.c. coming up. this week we introduced you to a 13-year-old boy who saved his baseball coach s life with cpr. i think he is i don t think is he breathing anymore. okay, listen, listen, listen. is he on his back? what a brave little boy. should all kids be learning cpr? what you and your family need to know that could save a life. everybody s shaking staying alive staying alive
staying alive
a regular baseball practice took a terrible turn when the coach suddenly collapsed. thinking fast this 13-year-old player tile e eer dialed 911. i think he s not i don t think he s breathing anymore. okay, listen, listen, listen, is he on his back? listen! is he on his back? yes, he s on his back. okay, i m going to need you to do cpr. i m going to walk you through it. here we go. is somebody doing? i m doing it right now. okay, good. the player s quick action saved his coach s life. the two shared their story on fox & friends this week.
i wouldn t be here today if it weren t for him. i mean just the fact that you know, a kid that s 13 that even vaguely remembers cpr can just go out there and get it done. i was just staying focused, i got to do this if he wants to stay alive. should all kids be exposed to cpr skills in here with important information, pediatric nurse and certified american heart association instructor carmen rich and you have three children on the set this morning who are educated. voila. first i have to ask you guys, do you think could you actually do that if the emergency faced you? i think carmen, that s a question a lot of people have, if faced with this emergency could i do this? you have to remember, too, once someone s heart stops beating you have a 10% decrease per minute of them losing that chance, so you have to get started right away. we have to call 911, right? then we have to start pushing on the chest hard and fast. as far as the train something concerned there s currently 26
states that have laws or curriculum that require hands-on cpr training for high school graduation. you re a big believer in that absolutely. i think we ll get everyone on board very soon but ultimately we have to start with the young and when they re young and their level of understanding is able to do that, start teaching them and be prepared for emergency. what is the first thing you need to know about actually doing cpr. what did we learn today? first we have to call 911. got to get help there on the way, right? then push hard and push fast. want to do this? let s do it. show us how it s done. i ll watch the experts. hands locked, push hard and push fast. there you go. awesome job. wow, that s great. how do you know when you look at somebody who is a candidate for cpr what are you looking for, in this particular case the baseball coach passed out. you want to make sure they have a good level of understanding what they re doing and also they have the physical
ability to do it. about seventh grade you can start teaching them that. whenever you feel like your child is able to understand it and able to could it, start talking about it. how often should you retrain yourself on cpr tactics? great question. for both my babies i trained myself. as a health care provider we do it every year so a parent should do it every year, children should do it in the schools. you get one chance before you leave high school to get this training but a class to get certification takes a little longer. . 30 seconds anybody can learn cpr, go to and anybody can learn fair to say this saves lives every day. absolutely. carmen rich, thank you and thank you all three of you. a scam just in time for tax day. reminder it s coming. could your return be funding international criminals? what you need to know to protect yourself, next hour. and kate hudson under fire after ope admitting she likes spending time away from her
kids. does that make her a bad mom or just human?
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that s right. i m talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don t think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. good morning, everybody. it is saturday, april 9th, 2016, and we begin with a fox news alert. captured, an accused killer who escaped a washington psychiatric facility, found nearly 300 miles away after spending two days on the run. the breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. and if you think that s shocking look at the presidential race. it s been a very tough week for hillary clinton and bernie sanders. seriously i ve been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. and yet that s exactly what bernie sanders just called her. now he s apologizing, sort of. we ll bring you up to speed on a
very dramatic democratic primary. actress kate hudson says there are some days she finds herself hiding from her kids in the house, even gets excited for her book tour so she can get some time to herself away from the kids, so is she a bad mom or just human? fox & friends hour four starts right now. it s a beautiful morning, i think i ll go outside for a while the 58th annual running of the azalea. it s the azalea festival in wilmington, north carolina. ana kooiman has been crowned the queen of the festival. lovely honors. you heard that right. like aretha franklin, ana
kooiman is the queen. she just started that race. she grew up there, those are her people. i don t want to brag about our co-host but she could win that race in high heels. oh, yeah. will other people be dropping like flies? i m winded just watching. sandra is here, nice to see you. thank you for having me and boy do we have a lot to talk about. both sides gearing up for a huge day on the campaign trail and senator bernie sanders is looking to keep his streak going in wyoming. meanwhile donald trump and senator ted cruz get ready for the battle in the big apple. so what is going on here? one person who knows, kristen fisher is live in washington. good morning, kristen. good morning, guys. so today bernie sanders is expected to continue his winning streak by winning wyoming. he s won six of the last seven contests so sanders may have momentum but clinton has the delegate map on her side. this week the two candidates
have been trading unusual sharp attacks in the democratic race. sanders went so far as to say clinton is unqualified for president but he seems to be walking back a bit after the white house defended clinton s qualifications. i ve been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. this morning he finally acknowledged that of course, he doesn t really believe that. does she have the experience? obviously she does, she was secretary of state, a u.s. senator. i will take bernie sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. and on her worst day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. today republican voters will be weighing in, in another western state, colorado. cruz secured a majority of colorado s delegates ahead of today s convention. win there will barely make a dent in trump s overall delegate lead, one reason trump is taking
time off from the campaign trail. everyone in america knows who donald trump is. i think this say normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today and actually getting ready to take the fight to hillary clinton. but first he ll have to get past ted cruz and cruz s dominance in colorado is a testament to his campaign s organization, something that would be critical at a contested convention. tucker, clayton and sandra, back to you. oh, the great kristin fisher, thank you. bill clinton says he almost wants to apologize, not quite wanting to give a full apology for that big clash that he had the other day with black lives matters protesters at one of his rallies. watch this, and now he wants to apologize. watch. i don t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out onto the street to murder other
african-american children, maybe you thought they were good citizens, she didn t. she didn t. you are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. tell the truth. wow! black lives matter is mad because back during the 90s when america had a significant crime problem clinton was the anti-crime president and his wife at one point during that decade referred to criminals some of them anyway as super predators. that phrase is now being attacked as racist and bill clinton you saw responded to it saying things that by the way were factually true. he was praised at the time you recall. the way that he spoke to the black community in the early 90s was praised and applauded, standing ovations from black audiences talking about this issue. looking at some of the response that bill clinton is getting from all this, some of the headlines that we re seeing, slate magazine saying fire bill clinton. vanity fair s headline, has
bill clinton lost his political mojo? big questions as to i don t know whether or not the campaign will continue using him in the matter they are. he woke up in a different country. what he s seeing and the reason he s so angry, seeing his own legacy under attack. the democratic party is no longer the party of the clintons. it s no longer a center left party it s a far left party. recognizing that, former president bill clinton apologized. i did something yesterday in philadelphia i almost want to apologize for it but i want to use it as an example of the danger threatening our country. i rather vigorously defended my wife, as i m want to do, and i realized finally, i was talking past her the way she was talking past me. we got to stop that in this country. we got to listen to each other again. i think that s right but i want to go back to something you said. i think it was a smart point the idea that this is a different country than when bill clinton was president, this idea of putting more police on the street, this idea now the left
criticizing more police on the street, this idea that we re expanding our prison systems, the left want reduction of prison systems. it s a different time. we did incarcerate too many people and some things we sent people to prison for shouldn t be crimes, on the other hand the crime rate went way down in the 90s because this country had a massive crime problem and it responded to it. crime is now on the way up so ten years from now, when it s unsafe to walk through central park again, i hope it doesn t happen but looks like it s going to, i think you ll see public views on this change. earlier on the show we had governor mike huckabee and former presidential candidate on fox & friends and he was basically saying bill shouldn t have backed down like he did. he shouldn t back off. i mean it was a true statement. it was kind of one of the most refreshing things that s happened in all of hillary s campaign. it has been a delightfully horrible campaign, boring and lifeless, because she s so
scripted and robotic. bill clinton and in a moment of spontaneity we have not seen in other campaign actually tells the truth. i think most of americans would will be to what he said saying he s exactly right but because of political correctness that is running the democratic party and specifically hillary clinton, he backs off on it and i think really ends up undoing all the good that he was probably doing her by showing a little life in the campaign, which she hasn t shown. his wife refuses to say in public all lives matter. it is now a controversial statement. right. is clinton doing this on purpose, bill clinton, trying subconsciously to undermine his wife s campaign? he drew headlines and hurt her in south carolina in 08. at that time after south carolina the debacle there, there was a pullback in not having him out on the campaign trail as much. free bill clinton. i think s a hilarious. al gore got in trouble for not using him enough until the
last moment in tennessee. we begin with a fox news alert a washington state manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is over. accused giller 28-year-old anthony garver in custody. he was found 300 miles from where he and mark alexander escaped from the psych facility wednesday evening. the state department releasing 1,100 documents to the benghazi committee and a major friday night news dump, 17 months after congress made the original request they include communications from then secretary of state hillary clinton s staff, and united nations officials. spacex landing in the history books, the falcon 9 rocket finally making a successful return to earth, touching down vertically on a drone ship in the middle of the atlantic ocean. this exciting new video that we re showing you, showing the rocket s point of view after coming back from the international space station.
it s rock n roll immortality. saturday here in the park, i think it was the fourth of july chicago inducted into the 2016 rock and roll hall of fame along with cheap trick, deep purple, nwa and steve miller. miller, though ripping the hall after he received just two tickets for his wife and himself, nothing for the rest of his band? hmm. and those are your headlines. he shyou have thought of that when he named his band the steve miller band. that s right, could be steve miller and friends, steve miller and miss band. you guys are tough. janice dean is outside with a look at the weather forecast this morning. i m getting a lot of photos on twitter of the snow and one of my twitter fans said april snow showers bring plenty of snowplow snowplowers. that s not necessarily a food
thing. @janicedean if you want to accepted me some of your winter-like photos. i appreciate that and apologize on behalf of all of the weather people forecasting snow today. we have cold temperatures, ladies and gentlemen, how cold? well, in some cases 20 to 30 degrees below average and we even have a windchill, so teens across the upper midwest and great lakes is what it feels like. the eastern half of the country quite cold and then you can see that snow on the map, not fun, moving in to the i-95 corridor, parts of new jersey, new york city, long island, up towards new england, could see, well, at least flurries this afternoon and measurable snow across the great lakes and another storm system moves in, this one will be a little bit warmer but you can see cool air and very cold temperatures below average in a lot of those big cities. i wish i had better news. i think i ll put off my flower planting this weekend at the very least. i know, cover up those sensitive plants.
that s what we have to say in the weather business. sensitive plants. i m a delicate snowflake janice. cover you up right now. you re like a daffodil. i m coming inside. yes, come in. coming up, front-runners from both parties looking to sweep their home state of new york. who needs the win more? donald trump or hillary clinton snt debate is on next. the pontiff s tips on marriage, and some of yours at should i stay or should i go now i d like to make a dep vo: it happens so often, you almost get used to it. we got this. vo: which is why being put first takes some getting used to. nationwide is on your side
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a. donald trump and hillary clinton doing all they can to win the new york primary in a week. trump is from here, new york is one of hillary s many fake home states. both are recovering from a worst week ever. which one of these candidates needs to win new york the most? join for a fair and balanced beat, a long time hillary clinton supporter and dave wahl, trump supporter and attorney. mr. mayor, trump has won about 60% of the delegates necessary to become the republican nominee. hillary clinton if you factor out the totally non-democratic super delegates only 54% of the delegates so far. she really needs to put bernie sanders away in new york, doesn t she? i think obviously she wants to win new york, she s going to win new york. we know that bernie sanders, even though strong new england accent, the fact of the matter is he is from new york, this is his home state as well.
it will be a spirited primary in new york, very confident secretary clinton will win new york but once again secretary clinton every single state, everybody is important for her and she s going to fight to win every american vote. hmm. mr. wahl, you heard ted cruz for president campaign yesterday, his campaign managers say donald trump needs to win over 50% of the vote here in new york, or he should just get out of the race, it s over for him. do you think he will do that, if he doesn t, do you think he should get out? trump get out? absolutely not. it was a rhetorical question, sorry. 34 to 40% in new york alone? he can win up to 95 delegates and he s focusing intensely on this state because there are 27 congressional districts, each having a small number of delegates. if he gets them all or close to them all, he gets 95, he s up in maryland big, up in california big, pennsylvania by nine. he s going to steamroll if he wins new york because the momentum boost he ll get out of
there is enormous. combine that with ted cruz s statement of the new york values things, which is his horrible statement, it was like the howard dean in the tank or howard dean in the yee-haw moment, mike dukakis and the tank moment, that is going to be a huge problem for him in two weeks or ten days when the primary takes place. it will be bad, bad, bad. mayor levine, the question is who is the stronger front-runner? donald trump has had a bad couple weeks but still pretty far ahead of ted cruz, who is a serious candidate. hillary clinton is unable to put away an elderly social whois honeymooned in the soviet union. what does that say about the strength of her campaign? that s not impressive. tucker, the democratic side you have a spirited debate, all about solutions, helping the american people. senator sanders has made secretary clinton that much more competitive, that much better of a candidate. senator sanders has brought a lot to the table and what s going to happen we believe secretary clinton is going to get the nomination and senator
sanders will support her. you may be right. let me interrupt and agree with you of course she s likely to get the nomination but she has to define the terms of the debate. ted cruz has not on the republican side. on the republican side 82% of hispanics have a disapproval with donald trump. 72% of women have disapproval. african-americans we hear a high number. like we say in miami i think donald trump has some splaining to do. hillary clinton is being investigated by nearly 150 fbi agents. just a man from romania extradited who they believe tapped into sid blumenthal s e-mail account and may have flipped states evidence to go against hillary so if you think in the next seven months but david donald trump is under federal irs investigation right now. you re wrong. he s going to need your services. no question about it. leyte me close this up. hold on let me interject and close up the question to you,
david wohl. do you think it s likely that donald trump will get a higher percentage of his vote in new york than hillary clinton, the former senator from new york, will get in this state? absolutely i do. there s no question about it. his firstage of votes could approach 60%. hillary clinton is a carpetbagger. bernie sanders is the real new yorker and i got to tell you something, forget about the delegates for a minute, tucker. as far as momentum goes hillary clinton is in a death spiral. she s lost six of her last seven primaries. i ve noticed. that s an important point. i ve been watching with great fascination. thank you for coming on the program. thank you, tucker. a man derates the governor of florida at a starbucks. you re [ bleep ]. you don t care about working people. i m not talking to you. you don t care about working people. you should be ashamed to show your face around here. it sounds like just screeching but there were actually words being uttered from the latte liberal.
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until the day it became something much more. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren t just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. welcome back to fox & friends. fox news alert a sixth suspect linked to last month s bombing in brussels has been arrested. nearly 50 officers raiding an apartment complex in a brussels suburb. brand new video possibly shows the man in white being taken down in a separate raid in brussels. breaking overnight the air force sending a b-52 long range bombers to qatar in order to hit isis at its core in iraq and syria. this is the first time the planes will be based there since the gulf war. no word on how many planes were sent. sandra? it s becoming an all too
common theme, tax time, cyber hackers using phishing scams to steal your personal information, your identity, and your tax return. last year there was a 270% increase in tax fraud and the irs is already reporting an uptick this year. what do you do if you think your information has been compromised? let s ask kirk the cyber guy knutson. he joins us now. kirk, good morning. sandra, good morning to you. what s your advice on this? because we are in that sweet spot, it is tax time right now. what should we look for? let me just say this. an uptick or to describe this sam going on with the irs tax scams happening from every direction in our lives, whether it s your mailbox, e-mail, social media, text messages galore, fake websites, an uptick is an understatement. we re talking about a massive, massive now giant scam going on
with such volume that the latest one what exactly let me tell you the latest. i ll tell you it s amazing, the tricks that are going on in terms of scammers that are trying to get people to fall for this are actually working. you re getting an e-mail for example from a ceo of why you are company that says hey sandra, we need to you fill out the w2 information. need your compliance on this, click here. it clicks to a fake website that looks like it s your own company s website and now you re filling in personal information because hey, look, you want to make the boss happy. you don t want to be noncompliant at work but in terms of business e-mail compromise scam we re talking about criminals constantly surfing the web, building the fake company profiles, sending e-mails internally to companies and then you have the ceo just like a couple days later looking at us going wait a minute, that s not from me wow. now that s going into payroll. they re targeting also your tax guy, your cpa, they re targeting
tax software companies, and make it seem like you re getting e-mail from that. bottom line, be more vigilant than you ever have so far. if you get a letter in the mailbox, get an e-mail, do not click the link, do not reply. if you get a phone call from someone saying hey, look, we re missing some of your tax information and the moment the dander should go up the moment you hear somebody ask for personal information or financial information. enh! don t give it out. instead, you can now forward anything to the irs to see if it s legitimate by going to, and cyber guy, go to be on alert this tax season it is up. make sure you initiate every e-mail if you re sending w-2 information don t are he ply to the e-mail because you can t
tell the difference. great advice, thank you so much. coming up, kate hudson under fire after openly admitting she can t wait to spend time away from her children. does that make her a bad mom or is she just human? we re reading her e-mails. lots of responses coming in. if you wonder from anna kooiman is this morning, she s busy being named queen of the azalea festival in north carolina where she joins us live. good morning! hey, sandra, good morning to you. thanks for filling in for me in the curvy couch. this is the 69th annual azalea festival. the pinnacle is the parade, about to start. we have the mounted horsemen here and marine corps band, high school band, and that s the float right down there that i m about to get on. clark beckham from american idol is warming up. don t go anywhere. you re watching fox & friends weekend.
he released a document called the joy of love and talks about creating everlasting love. here is some of the pope s advice, even when things get off he says you ve got to love your spouse even when it s difficult. he elaborated said when looks start to go away, physical attraction starts to dissipate. the person within, looknnoying, beyond the outer covering and understand and love that person. this one i could probably take some advice here, he says never go to bed angry. i think i told you earlier on the show about my grudge problem. your grudge problem! i could work on that, the silent treatment is big. it ruins your whole next day and you toss and turn all night. wrap it up. how else do i make a point? life s so short and he also says sometimes just listen. men tend to want to fix everything. you come to us with a problem. practical people. oh, please. all right, moving on, viewers commented it s true.
just teasing you guys. vrng on facebook says the key is to keep trying and never give up. demi writes love one another like tomorrow is your last day. scott writes he s been happily married for 32 years. give to your spouse 110% and ask for nothing in return. you win at ward, married how long tucker? 25 years. if you know you re going to be married for the rest of your life you try more and also marry the right person. have good luck. it s totally true. every happily married person i know says i don t know, i just like this person. it just worked. right, and they said this is your best friend. i m going to leave here with a warm fuzzy feeling this morning, thanks, tucker. now your headlines this morning. homeless runaway charged in the brutal murder of a university of texas at austin freshman, police charged 17-year-old mieechaiel
criner in the murder of haruka weis weiser. a woman verbally attacks the governor at a starbucks. you don t care about working people. i m not talking to you. you don t care about working people. you should be ashamed to show your face around here. i got you a job. a million jobs? really, who here has a great job? you don t care about working people, she was screaming. governor scott let s get to work committee now returning with a blast of the woman, fact checking her in its own video, watch. that woman clearly has a problem, and it turns out that she s a former government official who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and calls herself an anarchist. the woman her name kara jennings was upset over
anti-abortion law signed by the governor last week. hillary clinton who once struggled to operate a fax machine, a television remote control and earlier this week got stuck in a subway turnstile is now practicing her brain surgery techniques at a medical college in buffalo. clinton added how to treat an aneurysm to her list of accomplishments. hmm. a popular actress is opening up about her struggles to be a good mother. kate hudson admits she hides from her children saying she enjoys going on her book tour because it gives her time away from them. hudson adds she d rather watch the bachelor than working with them on their math homework. lots of people are having thoughts on this. we want to know what you think about it. e-mail us. sherry has already e mailed us saying i think every parent needs a breather. it s healthy take a moment and regroup. i did not have the concept of alone time from children but i do need some alone time from my husband we hope he s not
watching this morning. and children learn from parents how to have a balanced life so they don t become spoiled brats. i think everybody understands what she s talking about. the question is, should you say that out loud to a reporter? then your kids read it when they re older, i don t know. all of us have feelings maybe we don t want to express. the beauty of an unexpressed thought is underappreciated in modern america. you know who loves to spend lots of time with her children, janice dean. same here we re working moms so we love the time we spend with our kids. you know what else i love? i love our nurses! i have got a group of nurses here! yeah! what s your name? joanne mcclave, from wayne community college, north carolina. you re visiting new york city. what do you think so far? it s very busy, very busy. i apologize for the weather. so you re from north carolina. yes. okay, so how are you going to
keep warm today? the best we can, with the coat and tobaggans and coats. what is your favorite cable news channel? fox news. we have cold temperature, it s 38 here in new york city, snuggle up, my friends! past 24 hours you can see the snow moving across the great lakes in the northeast. you re going to get a taste of it here in new york. you re going to wish you were in north carolina, because we are expecting flurry this is afternoon in new york, new jersey, philadelphia, winter storm advisories are posted here and then we re going to see a little bit of snow and a little bit of rain mixed in. you know what? you all warm our hearts. thank you for coming. thank you to our nurses. we love our nurses. yeah! you don t want to insult nurses. tomorrow a segment on what does janice dean have for breakfast? she has so much energy it s unbelievable. i love being with you guys. that s my energy. thank you, janice. and thank you to the nurses.
we bet you re wondering where is anna kooiman this morning? turns out she jumped ship and ran down to wilmington, north carolina, for a very special reason. the north carolina azalea festival turns out an in a was crowned azalea festival queen, the high honors happened on wednesday and festival president robby collins says this is the reason why. oh we don t have the sound there but this is because she s the greatest possible candidate for this. she went to college in wilmington, she is the proud daughter of the state of north carolina, and she is now the queen. past queens include kelly ripa and lots of other famous and impressive people, but none more impressive than our anna kooiman who joins us live from wilmington. tucker, thank you and clayton and sandra thanks for filling in for me on the curvy couch. hundreds are lining the streets and watching live at home.
this is so important to me, near and dear to my heart because i went to college here at unc wilmington, i was a seahawk, i ran on the track team. the event started wednesday with a cor nation governor pat mccrory put this nice and shiny crown on my head, that was special because i grew up in charlotte, north carolina, and he was my mayor before becoming governor. then i went for a big run with uncw s track team, and i think we have some video we can show you of that. also it wasn t just running track and being in a sorority here at unc will mipgton. i also got my start at wway tv 3 here in wilmington. i covered hurricanes and crime and the azalea festival, of all things. i started researching a little bit more about it because i got to be the queen this year, which is such an honor, and ronald reagan, the ronald reagan, back in 1959 emceed this event and enjoyed it so much he said man, i go the to come back, so he would come back year after year,
because he loved this so much, and the food is great down here. i ve been eating collard greens and black-eyed peas and drinking bloody marys and having just a big old time at the garden parties and we had a big ceremony on the coast guard cutter and we have something coming up on the battleship today. this has been an experience of the lifetime. the beautiful azalea belles over here waving to everybody in the parade. hey crowd, do you like fox news? woo! we have so many fox news fans down here. i think this is fox news country, big fans of fox & friends and i ve been hearing great things about the three of you as well. they know that we re broadcasting live and they are tickled azalea pink. back to you guys. you look great out there anna. thanks a million, anna, the queen, like aretha franklin i love it. she has to do tours all over the world now. yes, that s all right.
coming up, a national guardsman on the line waiting for a kidney. both heroes join us alive with an amazing story ahead. the washington rumor mill swirling this morning. is speaker paul ryan mounting a secret run for the white house? can you see he even have a shot? frank luntz is here with some poll numbers, next. my school reunion s coming fast.
wondering is it actually a presidential campaign video in disgui disguise? ryan s staff said that s absurd. the timing raises questions as we inch closer to a convention in july which looks like it will be contested. joining us is frank luntz. nice to see you. is this ad really going to happen? let s hit the context, this is something that republicans should be proud of because the democrats have all these super delegates and they determine who the next nominee is going to be. bernie sanders would have a legitimate shot at hillary clinton but not because of super delegates. on the republican side they don t have them. about 200 delegates that aren t committed compared to the hundreds on the democratic side. the reason why people have been talking about paul ryan is that donald trump hasn t done his job. you read the art of the deal. you know that details matter. he know this is. he had plenty of votes. he should be even further ahead now in terms of delegates but he s not because he hasn t followed the details. ted cruz has been picking up a delegate here, two or three
delegates there. right. he s been pushing it, so the assumption now is that neither candidate, neither cruz or trump, i don t think it s a real assumption, can get to the 237 that they need, and that opens up a space for somebody like paul ryan. make no mistake, ryan is popular. he is credible. people do believe he has the experience, and they like what he says, but i don t see there s room here because there are too many delegates committed to either trump or cruz and even on a second or third ballot i don t see this wait a minute, shouldn t the party at least pretend that elections matter to voters? they do. they re not. you re seeing party officials including the head of the rnc last week say candidates who don t have any popular support could be the nominee. you believe that rule will be followed, correct, you believe laws are there for a reason. if donald trump doesn t go out and get those delegates, you have to file. you actually have to submit names. i m not flagging for trump.
also ted cruz they receive millions of votes. the idea you place someone who hasn t run into the primary into a fiat that s not democratic. that s what they re saying, a lot of people were saying that out loud. but they re speculating to try to get on to this couch and try to be able to score some news. it s not accurate and it s not going to happen. interesting. let s talk about the likability factor. new ap poll shows people don t like ted cruz, hillary clinton or donald trump. right. so we re asking you the question, who has the best chance at changing america s minds on how they feel about these candidates? the amazing thing is the most likeable candidate of all is actually the angriest and that s bernie sanders. the angriest and oldest. the guy that i would be afraid to go on halloween he s the house that i would not go to. i would pass by it. he d give you like granola, too. open the door and a doberman would come running out. wow. and yet he is by far the most likeable and the challenge for both cruz and trump is that
likability still matters, and it s not who you have a beer with. it s who do you think understandses you? who looks you straight in the eye, says what they mean and means what they say and who won t say anything to get elected which defines hillary clinton. the challenge is to prove that you listen, that you care, that you re empathetic, and you re going to bring about change and right now they look at all these candidates and they have a problem with every one of them. wow. unbelievable. frank luntz, thank you. great to have you here. i m pleased and the next halloween, don t make me go to bernie sanders house. i know i m old but still. you give these big packs of twiz twizzlers that are so big. i give out tvs. a national guardsman in desperate need of a new kidney. one day later a marine veteran was waiting to save his brother in arms. both heroes join us live with their incredible story next. honey, did you call the insurance company?
not yet, i m. folding the laundry! can you? no. cleaning the windows! well, the living room s a disaster! you should see the bathroom! (vo) most insurance companies give you every reason to avoid them. i m looking for my keys! plants need planting! well the leaves aren t going to rake themselves! (vo) nationwide is different. hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim? (vo) we put members first. actually, they called me. nationwide is on your side
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pretty much that at that point it was little they they could try their best to you know, fix it and reverse it, but i would be pumped up with steroids and just wouldn t be water it, so it was pretty much on to dialysis and waiting to a transplant. your family did something on facebook. what did they do? we got on facebook and we actually it was a lady outside of my family, her name was kristy calloway and she has a facebook page called our daddy needs a kidney and put it up for us and we had an overwhelming response thanks to her. unbelievable so this post goes up and less than a day later, temple, you were on facebook. what happened? yes. i saw the post that evening. the post was pretty coherent, told me where i needed to go next to help out and suggest that my next step was to call emry hospital in atlanta. i called them that evening, they
were busy. called them the next morning and asked for their guidance, they walked me through a quick screening process, when they found out that i could be a donor, not necessarily a match but just a donor, they went ahead and sent out a kit, if you will to take blood samples, urine samples and we went from there. and temple, to be clear, you guys never met each other. had you ever met dustin before? no. you never heard of him? nope. and so you just felt compelled by the service to your country and fellow brethren in arms to just run right down and be screened for this? yes. because, excuse me, as vets if we don t take care of each other, there s not a whole lot of other folks that are going to do it. i think it s important for to us take care of each other. dustin, we hear transplants sometimes the idea of waiting for one could take months, years, sometimes it could never come through. what did you think you heard an immediate response from temple and that he was a match?
i was elated. the fact that even like we had an outpouring of people who wanted to match and the fact that i got a match on the first shot is elation. it s very exciting. so how are you doing today? feel good. i got a little little pain but i feel really good, two weeks out, i think i m doing better than i should temple, how are you doing? great. no complaints at all. you go from not knowing each other to i imagine this connection, this lifelong friendship i would imagine. do you guys get to call each other now? are you friends on facebook and more, i m sure? yeah, we chat. we keep in communication, even while we were in the hospital, we got to he would come by, check up. he even came when i was in the hospital and he was out, still came by and visited. wow, that is amazing. temple and dustin thank you for your service and what an unbelievable story. thank you for joining us this morning. thank you all.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160415 23:00:00

not a lot of banter. focused on the competition. watch monday s episode. time to say sayonara. coming up, hardball with chris matthews. bernie s roman holiday. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington, just four days of the new york primary, bernie sanders has taken his message overseas to the vatican. speaking today at a conference, hosted by the pontiffcal associates. using familiar themes, he slammed wall street, big bangs and citizens united, but reframed his message to restore the soul of this country. but as both pope john paul,
ii and pope francis have warned us and the world, the con questions have been more dire than the disastrous effects and falling living standards of working class families. our very soul, our very soul as a nation has suffered. as the public has lost faith in political and social institutions. as pope francis has stated, and i quote, profoundly stated, man is not in charge today. money is in charge. money rules. well, but as of late friday, vatican time, as far as we know, no meeting has occurred between pope francis and bernie sanders. the pope is scheduled by the way to leave for greece early in the morning. it s unlikely they ll get together. joining me now is ann thompson. thanks for joining me over there. it s late at night.
why did did he get invited by the pope? no. he got invited by the bishop that runs this. this is not an invitation from pope francis. it s not even necessarily approved by pope francis. the pontiffcal academy is a think tank that operate here at the vatican. the first one was founded back in the 1500s. this was was 1594. a group of people from all over the world, some are catholic, many are not. they come together to discuss big ideas, if you will. what they were discussing today is the 25th anniversary that saint john paul, ii wrote about the world s economy after the fall of communism. what has happened in the world socially, economically and politically in the last 25 years, and then secondly, what
his catholic teaching done about the issues and what can it do in the future. so this is like an italian or catholic renaissance weekend. exactly. that s a good way to think of it. okay. great having you on the show. but what is interesting okay. what is interesting is that pope francis sent a handwritten message to the conference today, apologizing for not going. now, all week long, we ve been told by papal spokes people that the conference was not on the pope s schedule. he in this handwritten note said he had hoped to stop by earlier this evening, but because he has got an early flight to lesbos, greece, he just could not fit it in. and i think it s unusual for two reasons. one, a handwritten note. and two, we didn t think he was at least we were told by his official spokes people he wasn t going at all.
note, also, this letter was addressed to all the participants of the conference, and not just one individual. thank you so much, ann thompson, reporting from rome. any way, the brawl in new york, of course if you ve watched it, the nastiest to date. last night s debate was nasty. in a new tv ad hammers wbr id wbr2742 home his attacks. let s look. wall street banks shower with speaking fees. what do they get? a rigged economy. a corrupt finance system. while washington officials are paid over $200,000 for a speech, they oppose raising the wage to $15 an hour. /b
clinton has widened her lead over sanders, now up by wbr-id wbr3042 17 points, 57% to 40%. i m joined by barbara boxer who supports hillary clinton. you think somebody would tell the ad writers that u.s. senators are not allowed to take speaking fees for any reason. it s against the rules for decades now. they act like this is the norm that s responsible to what they call a rigged economy. well, absolutely. when hillary clinton took fees, it was legal. she was not part of the government. the whole thing is outrageous. and all i could say about my friend, bernie, and boy, i ve worked with him forever, and i ve worked with hillary forever. here is a guy who promised to never run a negative ad. i just went through my notes. he promised it. all his people. bernie, he talks about himself in the third person. bernie sanders has never run a negative ad. here it comes. there is one thing worst than a
negative ad, and that s when somebody does it when they promised they wouldn t do it. i hope he comes back from rome happier. he was so grumpy. i ve never seen him this way. the minute hillary was prepared to speak, call on me, call on me. i have never seen anything quite like it. i know. it was, to me, the defining moment as to why, you know, let s come together, let s get behind hillary. and i think just judging from some of his outrageous attacks on her, both personally on television, his brand is being damaged, and i think the new yorkers are going to choose hillary very strongly. let me ask you. i hope so. the poll support what you said, she is up well above double digits. i read everything today, like you read everything. it looked to me like people think hillary was damaged, even though he was a bit tough on her, to put it lightly, very
tough. and this is his last chance. he does need to do well in new york. he is damaging her down the road. do you believe that? he is putting permanent wounds on her the republicans, like trump or cruz will exploit? of course they re going to exploit it. but hillary will stand tough and stand tall. she has gotten worst. the bottom line is everybody is attacking her. every republican candidate. and bernie sanders said he would not. it is stunning to see this happening to my friend, bernie. as i say, i hope he comes back, having been in the holy land, very in the vatican, i hope he comes back with a different attitude, with a more centered attitude. with a more reasonable attitude. she really held her ground. and i was just very proud of her. and you know, i can t get over the fact that he said she was unqualified. i have to say rhetorically, does anyone think he would have said joe biden was unqualified if joe biden was running. joe biden supported the war.
joe biden, you know, lived by the campaign finance system. so it was just a terrible thing to say about her. and that kind of kept got the ball rolling downhill. we need to come together. we all want the same things. a better life for our people. we don t have to attack people by income groups or whatever. let s just work together. because when we do, you know, that s what makes america great, to quote is someone else. the great senator from the state of california. it s always great to have you on. thanks for coming on tonight. thanks so much. by the way, hillary clinton in a positive tv ad. we ll see who is winning nationally. touting her endorsements from new york newspapers, like the daily news. here is what she does. you get endorsed, you sell it on tv. here it is. on tuesday, we ve got wbr id wbr5395 a big /b
decision to make. the new york daily news and the new york times already made theirs. both endorse hillary clinton for president. clinton is supremely knowledgeliable and results driven. new york s choice for president, hillary clinton. i m joined by the former president of the naacp, and vis visiting professor at princeton. let me ask you about these ads. do you think they re fair? going after hillary saying she is bought? jeff weaver is out there saying she wbr-id wbr5705 has a pact with the devil, the other bad guy saying she is a bought woman. i mean, how personal can you get in a campaign, except somebody has been bought, on the take? she needs to release the transcripts. okay. what do you mean she needs to. when is bernie going to release his tax returns? that should be done by the way, the argument my wife is rg working on.
fair enough, it s fair for 2015. i know all about this. the day you re supposed to bring in your tax returns. is jane sanders still working on 2012, 2013. she is pulling together the fires. it has been an extraordinary year. you re buying that they couldn t just xerox their old tax returns. they re the most normal couple that has run for president. what is complicated about showing your old tax returns? what? getting back through the files. let s talk about the issues, the big issue here. 225 bucks. i don t think you believe it. $225,000, and they bring you back three times. i know there is a who pays you for a sfeech and brings you back again and again, unless they re investing in say. she sold her soul? it s not sold her soul, it s very, very curious that she
won t won t release it. i say it on the air whenever i think of it. if it s better than it looks, they ll show you. if it is worst when it looks, they won t. if a politician is keeping something from the public, whether it s tax returns, auto speaking transcripts, they know putting it out will be worst than keeping it private. they know the hit they take, the assumption that it s worst. that s why they keep it. it is worst. let me ask you about this. are you a democratic? of course. you are not a socialist? i am a its as a big word this year. what s the difference between a socialist and democratic? a lot of people are voting and you re hearing these words, not in a cold war sense, but what does socialist mean to you? in this race what does it mean to you? bernie is not a socialist. he is a democratic social list. we re new deal democrats. no, no, bernie was asked last night, are you a democratic, he hedged it and said i m running as a democratic. he is a democratic.
he still says he says i m running as a democratic. bernie is a democratic. he has never run as a democratic. he has he has never run as a democratic. jesse jackson in 1988, which primary which primary? he ran the democratic, who delivered vermont for him? bernie sanders. why did he stray from the democratic party, because of the establishment, conservative democrats in vermont did not like what this young turk, who was for jesse jackson was about. you know, gets into real early fights. that s when he realized he was a socialist, when he was reject rejected by the party. he was an independent, and this comes up for you re talking about i m raising this issue. if someone cares about the future of the democratic party, no matter who wins, they want unity come the fall, right. sure. i m not sure, listening to
radio and watching this, people are saying things from the bernie side of things, well, a lot of our young people are not really democrats, we don t flow if they re going to back hillary if she wins the nomination. what do you think? activists, you can t lead them but you can t control them. what is your hunch about the people you re working with? do you think there will be a problem? folks who i m working with, you know, i think intend to support the democratic come this fall. but when i talk to a lot of young activists, they re talking about jill steen in the green party. the reality is that we cannot command and control young activists. we need to respect them. that s why hillary and bill disrespecting them when. in philly, black lives matter. that guy was coming at him, too. i m not defending his words. then ashley, the former,
black lives matter, down in she was so dismissive of. you can t do that. i know. also an older person/younger person thing going on. you can t put somebody down just because they re younger than you. any way, thank you, ben. thank you. you have case to make. democracy, a better fight. donald trump makes his case against ted cruz and the delegate process, come july in cleveland. can they nominate someone other than trump i.e., still on top with votes and delegates, how do you fight the word democracy? also on the show, the bill clinton factor, one of america s most popular politicians, awful quiet in this campaign. he doesn t want to make news. somebody said don t make news. but he is out there. let s take a look right there at the role of the former and possibly future occupant of the white house. you know, the first spouse gets
to live there too. on this friday night, the empire state primary will tell me something i don t know, which is always great. i always learn something. this is hardball, the place for politics. i ve been blind since birth. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24
by calling 844-844-2424. or visit ted cruz made an appearance with jimmy fallon, and among the topics discussed were cruz s debating skills. and this. one of your skills i would say is that you re fantastic at debates. you re good at that. now, and which is all great, but my question to you i ll tell you, in college, that really attracted the women. it really did. it was you know, if you want to argue about nato policy in a bar, i mean, it s a great pickup line. yeah, look at this, guys. you re not going to believe this. this is in your year book. they wrote this about you or you wrote it? sadly that was me. you wrote this. i mean, really, this is fascinating. ted hopes to attend princeton
university, law school, harvard. check. achieve a successful law practice. check. pursue his real goal, a career in politics. check. run for and win president of the united states. [ applause ] that s unbelievable. that s unbelievable. that is totally utterly believable, jimmy. that s what i thought of the guy the day i saw him. we ll be right back.
we have a rigged system. the republican system is rigged. okay, it s a rigged system. and you look at colorado, where they re having a big march later or something is happening. but the people are angry. i would have done great in colorado. the people didn t know in colorado that their vote was being taken away from them, and let me tell you, you have some angry people in colorado right
now. if you want to know the truth, it s a beautiful thing to watch, because they are 100% right. welcome back, donald trump has come back with a rallying cry he thinks is a winner, democracy. on stage, on television, and op ed, front-runner rallying against the corrupt and rigged delegate process of the republican party. he said we re not seeing a proper use of the rules. they re supposed to reflect the decision of the voters. it is being rigged by party operatives by delegates who reject the decision of voters, political insiders have had their way for a long time. let 2016 let the american people finally got theirs. while trump s opponents say the rules are the rules. i understand that sometimes people may not like the process, but the facts are the process was very open and transparent for all to see and all to follow. now if a campaign doesn t stay
up on that, then that s on them. not on us. i understand that when you don t get the outcome that you want in any scenario, circumstance, whether a sporting event or political contest, immediately cry foul and blame the process. when the process has benefited them, they don t seem to complain too much. well, jim richards, the editor in chief endorsed governor john kasich for president, or for the nomination at least. colleen mccain nelson is for the wall street journal. i want you to all deal with this political question, which trump is raising. he is arguing the word democracy out there. i sort of go along with him, which is it is very hard to tell the american people after years and years who decides the nomination, even though it is technically decided by the delegates at the convention. after years and years of learning that, we tell the american people, well, it s done by the delegates it he convention, unless you have requisite number, majority of
delegat delegates, you don t win, even though you could be ahead. re-educate the american people and how it s easier to be trump. that s what i think. what do you think? i think for once, donald trump might have a bit of a point. and i think the same point extends over to the other side of the ticket, you know, with the super delegate debate that s been going on over the past few weeks there as well. the problem with it is, it s difficult to address what seemed to be flaws in the system, you know, six or seven months out before the general election is about ready to take place. so again, there might be some legitimacy there, but the time to have that conversation and the time to think about overhauling or tweaking the system is problem not now. ed, your view as chairman, you re not taking sides, but you re going to deal with the fights as they approach the convention. i ll tell you, look, donald trump learned a lot from this. he needs to have a deeper
organization going forward if he is going to not only win the nomination, but you nate the convention and particularly, to win the general election. well, suppose you were in reince priebus shoes, they re probably too small for you, and you had to announce sometime in cleveland, a week before, yes, donald trump has 1,100, blah, blah, blah number of votes, and he is close to getting the majority, but we re going to have a vote. if he doesn t have the 1,237, all bets are off. all bets are not off. the last time it happened, tom dewey, he was close, got closer on the second and won on the third. that could happen with donald trump as well. if you want a really good precedent ed, you re great at this. you re pro at this, but you re the first person who has ever said that to me. i consider myself a bit of a historian. you re going back to 48, you weren t born yet.
you re telling me with casualty, doesn t everybody know this. compare it to the 1968 convention, my first convention, 21-year-old, and i ll tell you, it was almost the same. take out the personality, three parties, one governor recently reelected coming in late, saying i got the polls, i can win. and the middle, someone says i got the silent majority, called it that later, and on the right, you had a solid conservative named ronald reagan back then. now it s senator cruz. very much the same if you take out the personality. results could be the same. first ballots. let s bring in colleen. history is there, but if you have to cite it 40 or 50 years, that s history. oh, that happened before i was thinking about it, therefore, that s history. right. how do you make the case against democracy if he yells democracy. a lot of voters are surprised
to learn that the person who gets the most votes doesn t necessarily win. doesn t necessarily get the most delegates, and so trump is making a compelling argument, saying you know what, i m trying to win with the voters and in the op ed, he wrote that ted cruz is trying to win despite the voters. he is not very likeable. he just isn t. certain parts of the country, evangelicals sort of like him. the three candidates addressed a gayla dinner. trump brought up the attacks on new york values. let s watch. you say what are new york values. number one, honesty and straight talking. it s a work ethic. hard-working people. it s about family. new york, believe it, is about family. so important. it s the energy. to get things done. big energy. if jeb bush came here, i m telling you, he would have much more energy than he has right
now. i m telling you. any way, ted cruz faced a far different reception, one nbc reporter snapped this video of the crowd during cruz s remarks, eating, talking, largely ignoring him. let s watch the scene. we want the team to stand, to stand and unite. let me know. the way we win a general election, right now, you look at the national polls that explains that disconnect if you will. i ve been in situations like that. okay, i ll speak during i want to get home. you have crowd basically not listening. look, the secret service really messed it up. we didn t have the right number of magnetometers go through, it delayed it for an hour and a half, ted cruz ended up speaking at desert and after dessert. a lot of people were inpatient
by that time. he delivered an excellent presentation. let me go to jim rich. it s great to have you on. by the way, you dress very well for a newspaper man. it s unusual in this world. all that credit goes to my wife. i take nothing. well done. good switch there. let me about your news endorsement. the old irish paper, regular people read it. everybody knows, what s the front going to be, i learned the word wood by the way, the great movie, the paper, about a tab. i was thinking about it, you endorsed a guy who is running second in new york state, third nationally. you know, doing it, it was an under dog position to take. tell me why you made a move like that, knowing he is probably he is plausible as the nominee, but not probable. first of all, as you stated earlier with the endorsement of hillary clinton is the editorial board, which there is a distinction. you re the news guy. i had nothing do with it, other than the decision to put it on page one, because it s the
most compelling story of the day. any way, you know, i believe that the editorial board endorsed john kasich because the other two candidates at this point have stood for so many extreme, extreme values and their positions on so many important issues have been so, you know, unpalable that it would be impossible to endorse anyone other than kasich, and you know, i have to say, he was impressive when he came in and spoke to the editorial board. what did you make of his comment the other day about, you know, sexual abuse on campus, basically saying that women should drink less? look, i don t think that any many people of the daily news will agree on many social policy opinions of john kasich, but when it comes to financial policy and when it comes to getting things done, i think he has a decent track record. especially when you juxtapose
it. how he would make young women on campus feel safe from sexual violence and rape. after first talking about initiatives in ohio, kasich added this. i have two 16-year-old daughters, and i don t even like to think about it, you know. it s something i have to worry about, just walking i would also give you one bit of advice. don t go to parties with a lot of alcohol, okay, don t do that. well, those comments were slammed by democrats, of course, planned parenthood and other groups. kasich tweeted, only one person is at fall and that s the assail ant. it obscures people to seek justice. colleen. that never goes well to suggest blaming the victim. the correct answer is one person is at fault. he should have said that from the start i m sure rape is basically, a capital
crime. it s not like, you know, he said she said. it s a capital crime if somebody is guilty of it. he has had a few instances where he has had missteps with women. we had a town hall where he talked about one of his early campaigns where he got the housewives to come out of the kitchen and help him. so he keeps having kind of retro moments. i like john kasich. this is worst. i think part of is that you have to talk all day long. you get fatigue. when you get tired, you re not as sharp. he does a lot of town halls. it s the effort not to sound pc, but sometimes sounding pc is the safest place to go. any way, thank you, great to see you again. i mean that. i do mean it when i say it s good to see you again. i have been seen you in forever. colleen mccain, i m rooting for your boy. two men without a party, donald trump and bernie sanders. they re both running as outsiders in an an see establishment year. does their lack of policy help
or hurt. i m thinking both of these guys are unreliable loyal alliists iy w don t win the nomination. i m wondering. this is hardball, the place for politics. i use what s already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me. with once-weekly trulicity.
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use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief i m milissa rehberger, here is what is happening. presidential candidate bernie sanders has released his federal tax returns for 2014. he and his wife jane reported a total income of $250,000 and gave $8,000 to charity. the topic was brought up again last night in the debate last night. at least three people dead after a magnitude 7 earth quake hit southwestern japan. it came a gay after 6.5 quake, killing 9 people and injuring 800. back to hardball.
automobile yoobviously your the nomination. she has been fundraising for the nomination and the democratic party. do you foresee a time during the campaign that you ll start doing that? we ll see. our focus is on winning the nomination. that was democratic socialist, bernie sanders, a candidate for the democratic nomination, saying he is unsure whether he ll campaign for democrats, running for office in the fall. well, two people are running for president who have no love or loyalty for their party, bernie sanders and donald trump. both outliers in the past who could be outliers again. donald trump said he wasn t sure if he would support the nominee of the party if it wasn t him. do you continue to pledge whoever the republican nominee is? no, i don t. look you don t. we ll see who it is. we ll see who it is. magic number, me. earlier today, sanders supporter and ohio senator nina turner say
bernie backers are loyal to him personally, but maybe not the democratic party. especially with sanders supporters, a great deal of the supporters are not necessarily connected to a party. i think that s different from 2008, when we had the same thing, senator clinton do you think you can bring them over? our recent polling says 30% said they would not get behind hillary clinton. they re connected to senator bernie sanders. i m not so sure. i know a lot of folks are hoping it will happen, but i m not so sure it will. echoed the sentiment few weeks ago, he wasn t sure supporting bernie will even show up to support hillary clinton if she becomes the nominee. they have to come out for hillary clinton, i m not too confident about that, given how many times she has dissed him
recently. we re here with jonathan, a big opinion writer with the washington post. let s talk about bernie. they re pretty open about it. they re nothing but open about it. will the young supporters come to her. this will be a challenge to unify the party. if there is one thing that connects the election, is this something important, is america really drifting towards a system where we have a fracture, to almost closer a european system, multiple parties. i m not sure we re there, but they couldn t be more open about the fact that they are very their voters are connected to him personally, not the party and certainly not to her. that s worst than i thought. if that s the case, michael, if we break up the political parties, you need 270 electorate votes, or nobody gets in. absolute disaster. nondemocratic. totally changed political system. we ll move to a parliamentary
system. one party would govern. as long as we have a presidential system, where the president has to work in concert with a political party, nothing gets done. but back to sanders, i think that he ll play ball in the long run. it will take him a while. he ll have demands, this and that. but i think he will you know who didn t come back, gene mccarthy. sanders has to go back to the senate, chris, if i m not mistaken, he has a chance of chairing the budget committee. i m sure chuck do you think he ll use the money to support other candidates. that s the question on the table. i m surprised he hasn t. let s stick with the question. whether the democrats unite if the guy is not a democratic, i m not knocking him the fact that he isn t, but he isn t. no, he is not a member of the democratic party. to your point about fundfundrai, i wrote a piece a couple of weeks ago, where he says we ll
see, to the question of will you raise money for down ballot races. he is out there slamming hillary clinton for going to georgia and alma s clooney for an event, which will raise a lot of money. not just for her, but for the democratic national committee and state party committees, which will then use that money to help elect house and senate candidates. hollywood celebrity party. he is saying i m not spending my time in the living rooms of billionaires and millionaires raising money. not bad. hand over fist, down ballot his latest ad, he is accusing them of giving speeches for money. did anybody ever tell the copyrighter, they re not allowed to do that? they never asked him to. he has been clear on that. the other point, chris, bernie sanders political revolution that he keeps saying he wants to lead and that will
happen if he becomes president, will not happen if he does not have a democratic house and a democratic senate which you won t have. thank you for thinking like i do. i ve been thinking about this. it drives them crazy. bernie sanders last night, red faced, angry, flailing, vote for me, microphone back. suppose he is in the white house doing that. he has gotten elected. gnawi inaugurated and realizes mitch mcconnell is still there. you got 60 votes, if not, shut up. we re going to go to a restaurant how to destroy your white house. that s what we did before and it worked. i m just telling you. when i said it to him, the trouble with you you re inside the belt way. i m sorry, that s where they pass the tax laws, i tell him. who would want bernie sanders message is great, but who what want him as president if he couldn t do that stuff. he can t find his tax returns, but
excuse me. he said she has been working on it. i understand this is april 15th today. people are late getting them in. i understand. working on deadlines. it s like an exam, working in college. what about 2014, 2013. is jane still working on those? to the xerox machine. jane is on turbo tax. he doesn t want us to see them. just like hillary doesn t want us to see the transcripts of her little missions to goldman sachs. of course she wasn t stuff on goldman sachs in the room with them. he is campaigning, pretendsing as if republicans don t exist, as if mitch mcconnell doesn t exist. he can do that to his audience, but it creates a paradox for clinton, because if she tries to point out you re going to have to work with republican, his people say sell out, sell out. tired. so tired. the round table is sticking with us. the buba factor, bill clinton who wants to be a future first
spouse in the 2016 campaign trail. i think he has been a bit restricted in what he has been able to say. he doesn t make news. that s purposeful. why isn t bill clinton making news on the campaign trail. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. you know.diarrhea? abdominal pain? but we said we d be there. woap, who makes the decisions around here? it s me. don t think i ll make it. stomach again.send! if you re living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or ibs-d - a condition that can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about new viberzi. a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have or may have had pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. if you are taking viberzi,
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welcome back to hardball, while campaigning for his wife in the bronx today, bill clinton sarcastically suggested that bernie sanders supporters shooting a third of the people on wall street as a way of fixing the country s problems. here is bill. one of the few things i haven t enjoyed about this primary. it s fine that all these young students have been so
enthusiastic, and shoot everybody on wall street and everything will be fine. the truth is, there is 25,000, i mean 50,000 fewer today. the todd act is working. we have a clarification from bill clinton, here it is. do you want to clarify the comment about shooting it was a joke. it is a total joke. total joke. was it too dismissive to his supporters? no, no. it s to point out that that s a unilateral explanation for everything that s wrong with america. see, the key today is to be a humorless journalist. ask the kie explain it in way w that isn t funny. it wasn t funny. i don t get what you meant. do it straight. are you talking about bernie is going to kill people. just play it dumb, right? you get a guy like bill clinton, used to old school, cut some
cla slack, he is the former president. there in lines the difference, when bill clinton was the big dog, the most brilliant strategyist we had seen in our lifetime. and how about respect for leaders in that day. in a media universe, there is no respect for anyone. you say anything, by the time we get off this set, our twitter feeds will be yelling at us for what we ve said about fill in the blank person or we didn t say it the way we should have said it. so you know, president clinton can go out there and say something that was probably not exactly how do you get trained, megan, for today s politics. you re so careful, nothing has hey handle on it that can be grabbed. i think he is particularly out of step this cycle. he always wants it to be back
the way it was frankly. this is why he was proven not the most effective surrogate. he has had a couple of gaffs. earlier this week, he has shown he has propensity for putting his foot in his mouth and not getting the cycle of a social media reaction, facebook, everybody immediately. no mulligans. no mulligans. in the old days, you could take a mulligan if your ball went into the tree somewhere. now it s a headline. the problem is hillary clinton is picking the balls out of the trees, and i don t think she wants to do that. i think he can be helpful with white men in the fall. he is not a total disaster. she just hangs around with bill. you re right. so right. we ll talk about that. the round table staying with us. these three will tell me something i don t know. three bits of wisdom. this is hardball, the place for politics. d like to show off their strengths: 13 name brands. all backed by our low price tire guarantee.
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we re back. michael, tell me something i don t know. we all know general electortates tilt a bit female. i went back and looked. 2008, new york, 58% female. pennsylvania 2008, 58% female. california, 55% female. those are some big numbers that might make it a little tougher. talking women on the $10 bill, we know that jack glue why the ten. when you go to the atm, you get 20s. there s been a bit of backtracking that the woman will go on the back of the ten. maybe this isn t being handled correctly by the treasury and
people worried about a real pr disaster on this one. jackson was the indian killer. i think they want to get him off. president obama pushing for criminal justice reform and his my brother s keeper initiative to help young african-american men and boys meeting with recording artists at the white house to talk to them about all these things. these are huge people within the african-american community. okay. i think it should be on roosevelt. or harriet tubman. today, jonathan, i know this is the day that jackie robinson broke the color bar in baseball by joining and being a great
player for the brooklyn dodgers. the roundtable is sticking with us. we ll be right back. direct. direct. thank you, we ll call you. evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. bob. you re a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. milk it. e trade is all about seizing opportunity.
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the latest news is that bernie sanders is within two points of hillary clinton nationally. he may be passing her soon. what would that mean? she s in big trouble. remember a year ago, two years ago, for as long as we can remember, she was the democratic nominee and that s not the case.
huge enthusiasm gap in her campaign. she s got to sure up where she s got it strong in minorities and women. every indication is her campaign is limping into the convention. michael, what do you say if every poll says you re behind the other guy? he s the people s choice. how do you deal with that? it s a tough one to deal with. he s on a winning streak. he s won seven in a row. i think he will pass her. you do? even if she wins new york. i believe bernie has the bubble. not knowing who he is helps him. i think it works both ways. once they get to know me, the less you know. he s a very good platform speaker. i m headed to brooklyn for the new york primary. we ll be right there. the moon struck thing right at the bridge. we ll be right there monday night and tuesday night. join me monday and tuesday night from from the brooklyn bridge.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160420 23:00:00

all you need. until tomorrow, mark and i will be back here. we have one word for you. it s not 4/20. coming up, heaardball. as goes new york. well, let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews. it was a big night for the home teams in new york. donald trump cleaned the clocks of both his republican rivals putting another roadblock in front of the so-called stop trump movement. we begin with the changing dynamics of the democratic fight. hillary clinton took a big step forward in her path to the nomination winning big over bernie sanders this her adopted state. her victory is major set back for senators after returning to vermont late last night took the
day off for the campaign trail to recharge. clinton has won 19 states across the country. look at the map, and up the east coast where she hopes to build upon her success. the race turns to five north eastern states that hold their primaries next week. new polls and two of them show clinton ahead. no surprise there. that s her strength. this pennsylvania poll shows clinton ahead up by 13 points. 52-39. clinton is up by 9 in connecticut where her lead is bolstered by the support of women voters. the clinton campaign is hoping to widen that margin in that state with a new ad on gun control, gun safety as we say it now which features the daughter of the sandy hook elementary school principal who very courageously gave up her life in that 2012 massacre. let s watch the ad.
my mom was the principal of sandy hook school. she was murdered trying to protect the children in her care from the gunman. no one is fighting harder to reform our gun laws than hillary clinton. she s the only candidate that has what it takes to take on the gun lobby. she reminds me of my mother. she isn t scared of anything. she reminds me of my mother. she s not afraid of anything. in that order, starting with car line, if you look at the map and i ve begun to be fascinated with the maps, they shape up as you fill in cross words puzzle. you re seeing where people enlarge on their strength rather than jump around. hillary clinton is strong in the
east. it looks to me like she s in a clean up situation right now. she s in a very good situation. she s feeling good. they are feeling confident. we do have this kind of moment in the campaign you saw that sanders took the day off. he s tired. he s a little cranky. there s some assessment going on about what his future is. hillary clinton is looking beyond sanders even though they won t say that publicly. it feels like this is a moment where he will decide in his heart of hearts he would really like to go do california, keep fighting. keep bringing the money in, but does that make sense more broadly? rick, do you think bernie sanders can run a campaign effectively from june by focusing on philosophy and his differences with hillary clinton on issues where he is to her left and very popular for being that and avoid this hitting her
with a crowbar? can he run that campaign or does it have to be vicious? if you mean something that will get him the nomination? no. if you mean something that will strengthen the democratic party, sure he can do that. he has every right to continue through california and make his issue arguments and what i hope he will take from his day off is stop with the character suggestions that there s something unqualified or corrupt about hillary. well said. i agree with that. we re talking about a campaign that s in his heart. he can t keep talking about his age, but it does matter. this is his chance. it s his time. he s almost 75. this is his last time to do
something like there. if he wants to end on a positive note he can do that. choosing that he also seems to be having to choose i m not going to win this thing. i m not sure he s willing to give it up. i can only imagine this is a decision that senator sanders is going to have to make himself not just here but here in his heart. he has to decide high road, low road. he has to decide if it will be not only beneficial to him but also beneficial to the nominee and to the democratic party and if his chances in november. he has a ton of money. he can raise millions of dollars. there s no reason for him to get out. he has the money to go around the country. there s three races. the money race he s winning. he s winning the polling numbers
but he s losing in the delegate fight. a victory speech last night. hillary clinton offered a message to sand eers supporters who she will need to win in the election. to all the people who supported senator sanders, i believe there s much more that unites us than divides us. well, senator sanders gave no indication he intends to slow down on concede his fight for the nomination. listen to this. quote, this is from jennifer. sanders needs to decide and as he closes out the democratic primary if he will continue on the destructive path he started down in new york or if he is going to end this primary the way he promised, to run the kind of kpacampaign he would that wa
focused on issues. tad divine said his candidate can win the primary and blame clinton for the negative tone of the recent campaign. there s a lot of states ahead that we can win and a lot of delegates we can win. he s energizing the party. we saw yesterday in the exit poll, two-thirds of the democ t democrats said the campaign was energizing the party. a plurality of voters, 46% said the clinton campaign was the campaign that was being, really making a negative case. they should take a step back and restrain the rhetoric we heard from the spokes people last night. let me go back to carolyn. one of the problems that bernie changing his tune to a more positive statement. the right to a health care in your life. these are philosophical
differences. they re not just money issues. he becomes like ted kennedy giving his georgetown speech back in 80. those kind of speeches. i think where you really see this is if on social media the fights that are breaking out between sanders supporters and the clinton supporters. the sanders supporters really feel like this is a movement and this is a sweeping, scathing critique of the democratic establishment in their coziness with wall street and with business. they feel like they ve unleashed something that s much bigger. if you re asking him to sort of give up what they see as this kind of moral critique in this foundation from which they have run, you re sort of taking away the energy, the breath and force of this whole movement. how can he ever endorse hillary clinton who is tied to the establishment? she is the establishment. if you watch that vermont
press conference which he gave which was really interesting, he was pretty grudging even in his congratulations toward hillary clinton. he also started attacking the new york results voting irregularities. it does not feel like a moment where these feelings are going to go away. he does not seem like just constitutionally a uniter and someone who will be comfortable as a surrogate to hillary clinton. rick, i think we re not used to coming across someone who has true philosophy. we re used the people it s always matter of degree. i can move a little right or left. we ll get together. it s calibrated. we can fix it. he may be the rare exception of a guy who has an ideological, he s made a decision to not become of a democratic organization. he wants to have a separate
philosophy. it may be, you tell me. you think he s the kind of guy to join the gang at the end? i think he will. i hope so. i don t see why he shouldn t. being a democratic socialist or social democrat, if you look at the way social democrats behave, they are willing to get together with people to their right and get something done. i don t see why bernie should be any different once he calms down. i truly think that hillary would be well advised not to attack him. the commercial you showed a bit earlier, it wasn t an attack. it was an attack on bernie at all. it was a jab. it was a jab because of the alleged opposition to gun safety greatly exaggerated. it s a point where he had to actually play the political game
to survive in vermont and she s the one who should be calm and loving, you might say. john. i find it kind of hilarious that senator sanders is upset about the commercial you just showed from hillary clinton given the commercial his campaign released before the new york primary about money that folks in washington all crooked. all crooked and he s holier than thou. i think his fit of peak here is, i don t know, what s the right word to not enrage the bernie sanders supporters. it s frustrating and it s annoying. i can understand why jen put out that statement that she put out. i think that ultimately the clinton campaign, clinton ally, clinton supporters need to step away from senator sanders and give him the time to go through the process of grieving and
healing and coming to the point where he becomes a sincere ally of keeping the white house instead of setting up a situation where hillary is the nominee she s so cripple in this environment that could become elected president. you don t want to be where he was after the great run in 68. you don t want to be that guy. thank you. i have a long memory for bad behavior. it hasn t helped ralph nader. now he ll call me. let me just drop that. i won t say anything. i ll drop that. thank you. thanks for coming on tonight. coming up, with a huge win in new york, can donald trump clench the republican nomination before cleveland or can the stop trump movement still force him out at a contested convention?
plus, the growing likelihood that november s general election matchup will be the heavy weight bout we all want to see. trump versus clinton. the hardball round table is here to tell me things, three things i don t know about the 2016 presidential race. you ll want to stick around for that. let me finish with a big problem for politics. we don t build anything because we don t trust the democrats with money and republicans don t want to build anything. this is hardball. the place for politics. at temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. everywhere where there s a phone, you have a bank. now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. the microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten million people in just two years. it s transforming our world.
take on the unexpected. the new 2016 nissan altima. built to stand out. bernie sanders campaign manager jeff weaver has been on the show a lot. he was asked this evening, the program before us whether his candidate sanders would remain in the democratic party if he does not win the nomination. here is what weaver said. will he stay in the democratic party. he said he is a democrat.
leahe s a member of the democratic party for life? yes he is. that s interesting. hardball returns afterthis. understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we re good! this is your first time missing a paymt. and you ve got the discover it card, so we won t hike up your apr for paying late. that s great! it is great! (both simultaneously) thank you. at discover, we treat you like you d treat you.
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not the other way around. one of the reasons i had this incredible victory last night, everybody s talking about it. it s really nice. it s great feeling. our victories are so big like last night when you get more than 61% of the vote with remember this, with two people running. they re not the best people, but they re people. everything you re told by your mother not to do, this guy does, and he won again last night. donald trump spoke to a large rally in indianapolis. it was vintage trump going after crooked hilly and lying ted. paul manafort is trump first and foremost. i love running against
crooking hillary. i love that. in the case of lying ted cruz, lying ted, lies. he lies. you know ted, he brings the bible, holds it high. puts it down. lies. build a wall. we re going to build a wall. believe me. look at all those cameras zooming. they are the most dishonest people in the world. the media. they are the worst. do we like the media? do we hate the media? we need that kind of thinking in this country basis our country is going to hell. believe me. we will get rid of isis so fast that your head will spin, okay. this man sees himself in lincoln s chair. get used to that. trump s two remaining opponents insist the race will come down to delegate fight in cleveland at the convention.
can the party deny the front-runner even if he s within a few dozen delegates of the matching 1237. the chairman of the colorado republican party needs an unbound delegate. i think a lot of people thinks he gets to around 50 to 100, he ll be able to carry it. ron kauffman said quote, if he s close after june 7th, it will be a compelling reason for folks to say he s won the most delegates by a lot. he s won the most voters by a lot. in the end we want to make sure all those millions of people who voted in a republican primary understand the votes were worth while. that s thoughtful. u.s. congressman charlie dent of massachusetts supporter of john cay sin kasich. thanks for joining us. what do you think will happen if we re watching cleveland and all eyes will be on gavel to gavel.
people watching cspan. what will happen with rules and the role call and all that stuff and credentials and all the fights. what will happen if you see trump at 1100 and he s not a give me like in golf. he s not a few inches from the cup but he s close. what happens then? what you re seeing across the d country is people are used to if you re watching the sporting event, the team with the most point wins. i think that s the way most people say trump. i think he will get to 1237. i think we re seeing that on both sides of the aisle. let s take a look at the near future. here is a map of the states that voted so far in the republican race.
look at this number. look at ted cruz has done well. look at that. close in now as you re watching. look at the red and where trump has done well. he s going to close in on that open spot. the gray spot there in the northeast. he s ready to just wrap it up in that part of the country after winning new york. let me go to the guy who doesn t like trump. he s going to win five next week. he s ahead in pennsylvania. i m not going to deny that fact. these delegates are going to have to make a choice in cleveland. i don t believe donald trump will get the number before cleveland. we re going to start talking about electability. who can win in the fall. it s some kind of weird
excitement he creates. what if he says i m going to have a meeting on monday at some arena. he says if we don t get treated right, if i don t get the nomination, we ll all walk together. what happens if he threatens to do that? he may do that. if he s the nominee, the estimate is 30% of republicans will walk away from his cand candidacy. there s going to be hurt feelings no matter ha happens here. if donald trump gets it, there will be hurt feelings. we have to accept that fact. we re in a pretty tough spot. he could walk away. with donald trump everything is negotiatable including his party affiliation. i accept that but i don t know how we get out of this. that s why i keep pushing for john kasich. what happens if donald trump pulls a reagan like he did in pennsylvania years ago and declares two all these things
are possible. suppose he gets up tomorrow morning, he just says i m picking kasich for my running mate. what happens then? i guess i would be stuck. he hasn t been offered it. if you re going to try to pull a ronald reagan, we need a drew louis. today donald trump tweeted, he s still tweeting, ted cruz is mathematically out of winning the race. all he can do is be a spoiler. after weeks of saying he s the only candidate to beat trump at the ballot, cruz has come out with a new message, the race is headed to a contested convention. let s watch cruz. nobody s getting 1237. donald knows that. we re headed to a contested
convention. in a contested convention, the only way you become the republican nominee is earn the support of a majority of delegates elected by the people. in the past cruz argued that john kasich should get out of the race because mathematically kasich can t win. let s watch what he s refusing to do now, get out when you can t win. i don t think any candidate that doesn t have path to winning, that s time when you should suspend your campaign. at this point kasich has been mathematically eliminated. he needs more than 100% of the delegates to be the nominee. that s obviously impossible. it s mathematically impossible for john kasich to become the thom knee. i that s going to be his career move. today, kasich tweeted now that cruz is mathematically eliminated, the only difference is kasich can defeat clinton.
congressman, let me ask you about this. how did you guys find such an unlikable opponent as ted cruz. they re all less popular and less impresive. people will be disappointed because everybody bets on their horse. now trump has a big lead, and i think he will take it to the finish line. it s time for the party to unite. we have to get behind our candidate and focus on the general election. let me ask you about pennsylvania. you know it well. you come from the swing part of the state. we have an executive producer, he knows all about it. we talked about that. i ve watched that part of the state. you should be able to tell us. will trump win or will your guy win.
in lehigh valley? no, in state of pennsylvania next week. will your guy win or will trump win? right now trump is ahead. john kasich is within striking distance. he will do well in the lehigh valley, the capital region and suburban pittsburgh. he will hold his own in a primary and general election. he s beating hillary by 16 points in pennsylvania head to head which is quite different than senator cruz or donald trump. how come that does make headway with your party? i agree with you. i think of all the candidates could give hillary a tussle, it would be john kasich. it frustrates me too. primary voters, let s face it. they are much more concerned about ideological. it s not only about sharing values with a person who is running but you also have to look at electability and in the swing states.
pennsylvania, ohio, withsconsin new hampshire. kasich is beating hillary. you re a reasonable republican. up next, some tricky politics for president obama who is in saudi arabia right now just as members of congress are pushing legislation that would allow americans citizens to sue foreign countries. ie, saudi arabia, for attacks on u.s. soil. you can sue them over what they did or didn t do with regards to 9/11. i m skeptical about what they did. i don t think they did it, but we ll see. zulu-6-9er.
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medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. taki trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. and click to activate your within. here s what s happening. three officials are facing felon charges related to flint, michigan s contaminated water crisis. the governor says the office is cooperating. lindsey graham met with
president obama s supreme court nominee. he said the next president should name nominee to the court. celebrations began for queen elizabeth s birthday. she turns 90 tomorrow. now back to hardball. welcome back. president obama arrived this saudi arabia today to meet with gulf leaders and it comes amid saudi arabia s role in the september 11, 2001 attacks. earlier this month at an in-depth interview with the atlantic, it was reported that president obama has sharply questioned the role that america s sunni arab allies played. also clouding the relationship is an effort by 9/11 families who want to sue the kingdom for restation. new york time reports suspicions have lingered partly because of
the conclusions of a 2002 con gre congressional inquiries that said some saudi officials had a hand in the plot in 9/11. 28 pages have still not been released publicly. we don t know what s in those 28 pages. i want to show you in exchange i had many years ago with ambassador here from saudi arabia. i asked where they turned a blind eye as long as they didn t mess around and cause trouble at home, they didn t care what they did outside. here is how he reacted. the sense in this country is your government has been very smart the buy off the younger generation. no. give them the money to go around the world and do their dirty will and leave them alone. they re paying protection money in a sense.
you know what, this is [ bleep ] to be honest with you. you should not, america is too great and american media is too important to be ignorant. am i ignorant or did i make a point there? i said they don t care how radicalized their young people become. the saudis have a very different world view and very different goals many the world in the united states. even though we have a different strong military partnership, the saw sees are the number one purchaser of u.s. military equipment. there s a republiclationship th that will continue on. to continue to deal with the personality conflicts that
happen when a family back to my question. do you believe there s any argument to be made that saudi arabia had something to do with 9/11. is that a legitimate theory or conspiracy theory? i think there s reason to be concerned given the saudi population. certain elements have supported extremism. really extremist literal int interpretation. to sue. is that going anywhere even if they get the right to do it? what have they got? right now it s clear that they have enough evidence to make it work. it s not evidence yet. i m told sounds more like a police report than something that s got confirmed data in it. you just saw the supreme court
rule in the case of iran from the survivors of the beirut bombing. they could pursue suits. i think president obama s argument as he landed in saudi arabia today was that once you allow that then there are a ton of suit against the united states around the world and you have to think about what happens if you begin to lift the sovereign immunity. i don t think that s the central suit that s bothering the saudi s during this visit. it s president obama s comments to jeff goldburg. they have to learn how to share the middle east iran. those are two great questions. this president, as long as he s president and his legacy will be to try reproachment with iran. he s dedicated to that. that s never going to be pop pr with the saudis.
i think we re seeing now a more honest relationship with the saudis that s going to be based on u.s. counter terrorism needs and less on the oil relationship. are we keeping him alive? do we have a little message to those? they probably feel some sympathy to the guy. i know he s been in police custody for a long time. he s probably keeping him alive. in the case of the saudi s here you said it s a more honest relationship. i think there s something to be said in favor of that. we went through years and years in which the bush administration and the obama administration said in response to our questions no problem here. let s move on. i think the fact that both less oil dependence but more of a sense after the iran deal that the united states can t get involved in the middle of every
sunni divide in the middle east. i think that s a healthy conversation to have here. healthier than ignoring the evidence. they afterevidence of a role. the important thing to note is up until a year or two ago before you had a change in family, the saudis were also calling for these pages to be released. there s an interest on their side. i think you re right. you want to clear the air too. they did have the 14th thugs on the plane. tough. there s the problem there. they did the physical violence. thank you. donald trump is on stage at campaign rally in maryland. he s on attack on hillary right now. when we come back, we ll look forward toward the general
election. what can we expect in that battle between the two of the biggest names in america. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. rything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a stag pool party. (party music) (splashing/destruction) (splashing/destruction) (burke) and we covered it, october twenty-seventh, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
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donald trump and ted cruz are pushing a vision for america that s divisive and frankly, dangerous. returning to trickle down economics, opposing increase in the minimum wage, restricting a woman s right to make her own
health care decision. promising to round up millions of immigrants, threatening to ban all muslims from entering the country. planning to treat american muslims like criminals. these things go against everything america stands for. there you have it. welcome back to hardball. that was hillary clinton in her big victory speech setting her sights in the general direction of the election. it was all about donald trump. secretary clinton has an early advantage in trump in a hypothetical match. according to the latest poll, hillary clinton leads donald trump by 11 points across the country. he s got 50. that s a good number to have in the race against one other guy. he s got 39. as the primary season winds down, baa battle of the sexes a
genders are shaping up. he poopposes donald trump in principle. april is opposed to trump without thinking about it. he s taught about it. let s try to be analytical here. hillary clinton, that s a general election speech. it is. it s smart. she s pretty much wrapped up the nomination. there may be more contests where she s going back and forth but the bottom line is she s done. the republican side of the equation, i m still a big believer that this will go all the way to the convention. if you look at the votes that are out there to be had, new york, everyone assumed he would get 95. he only got 90.
ohh. let s talk about what you re really good at. you re a great brilliant, analyst. i know you have a point of view. describe the profile of the voter for trump. who does show up for him and get excited? they are rooting for this guy. who are those people in your party? first of all the trump voters are open to say who they are for. the problem he s had is he s started off both hillary and trump started off with a 55% unfavorable rating. almost universal. hers is stayed about 55%. there s a few times it inched down. his has grown to 65, 66, 67% and is strongly disapproved is over 50. is that among men and women? it is. doesn t he care about how women are treated or just guys
who don t like his style? married white women is a group we have to win by 16, 17%. he s barely breaking even with them on his favorable, unfavorable at the start of this and has gone south since then. who has joined them are married men. because they can t defend trump at home. voting for who? i think it s something more than that. it tends to be married men with children. they re having a hard time defending trump this front of their children when they are saying this is not the way to act. everything he does is what we re told not to do growing up. don t brag the don, don t talk women, bullying and the dozens. kids are talking among their classmates. my kids are 13 and 8 and saying who would you vote for.
this is a white, affluent school that my kids are attending. i did an unscientific poll of white and black people. the african-americans that are supporting trump like the fact he s shaking things up. he s looking at the issue of the border and immigration. there s a fine line between shaking up and going too far. i don t know. he appeals to the people who, the fringe. the trifringe of this country w feel they are disenfranchised and feel there s not, there s a portion of that. i think there s a lot of people that want this system shaken up. i think that s right. you see that bernie sanders side as well. he wants it changed in particularly direction. i m not sure trump has a direction. he s just shaking it up. he just says he will make it great again without telling us how he will get that done or what the policies are. it seems and maybe ed can speak to this. you have a politician may have
high unfavorables but you have people kind of undecided. they might be persuadable, they might be won over. because he comes out of tv, what works on tv really well. either you watch the apprentice because you love him or if you don t love him, you hate him and you don t watch him. we re always having a fight in this country. it s not over ethnicity and the usual but it s this do you want a strong leader. we want somebody to come in and tell us what to do. somebody to get this thing going. a lot of people voted for mcgovern in 72 because he knew what he was doing. they want to have a sense of direction. trump doesn t give a sense of direction. he gives them an attitude. it s an attitude. you re right. covering the white house for the last 19 years and watching the people elect three presidents that i ve covered and even not
elect those, they re still looking for someone who is smarter than them. they want someone well what kind of smart? they want people who are able to a lot of politics is very cerebral. people want someone who can really? yes. they want someone who can wade through that. what do you mean by smart, high s.a.t. scores? help me out with the smart part. guys like eisenhower always look down on him. funny thing. he always seem to succeed in what he was doing. people say kennedy wasn t an intellectual. people who understand the constitution. people who understand how to make both sides of the government work to unify. people who understand i m not sure that s s.a.t. smart. the trump voters want someone to shake it up. people want someone who will make change for them. politics is personal. that s why we disagree. this country has been
two-thirds said they feel the country is going off the wrong track for well over a decade now. he s touched one segment of voters. we can do this really late at night and do it for a long time. this is the argument. what is happening? what is going on with this trump? why is he getting all this noise? what does he make us laugh even when we don t vote for him? i sit and laugh at him. i go i don t know what i m laughing at. he s a showman. up next, these three people will tell me something i don t know. this is hardball, the place for politics. (vo) on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating
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moments ago donald trump went after hillary clinton at a rally in maryland. let s listen. crooked hillary clinton will not have a chance. she s not bringing jobs back. she doesn t know about the economy. she makes bad decisions. you know what bernie sanders said about her twice, you know that. number one he said she wasn t qualified. that s tough. i mean, that s tough. but he said bad judgment. he said she s got bad judgment and it looks to me like she s being protected, it looks to me like they re going to let her run and frankly in a certain way i m happy about it because we are going to beat her so badly. hardball s back after this. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
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we re back. tell me something i don t know. the trump memo today saying he s going to get 1,400 delegates. he d have to win all the delegates in delaware, maryland, pennsylvania, rhode island, west virginia, washington. so he s not going to do. there s still smoldering anger in the barack communilack. hillary clinton said she ll support president obama s nominee, but the campaign said they re looking at the possibility if she s president she would consider.
people around bernie sanders are starting to think about what his demand should be at the convention for supporting hillary clinton, one of them structural changes in the nominating process and getting rid of super delegates. how about getting rid of caucuses. i thought he was going to say structural changes in the economy. great to have you on. we ll be right back. if you misplace your discover card,
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something i said last night from below the brooklyn bridge. it s about building. this country was building the transcontinental rail road during the midst of the civil war. we are builders but we ve stopped. would we build the golden gate bridge today, we would undertake the new york city subway system? would we put anything today? china and japan put our railway systems to shame. you ride on amtrak here and it s a feet of balance to walk up the aisle. meanwhile the other party

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox Report Sunday 20160508 23:00:00

the official easter egg for the white house historical association. and that s it for today. for all you moms, especially mine, have a wonderful mother s day. and we ll see you next fox news sunday. we begin with a fox urgent. we are in the heart of tornado season. here is the evidence. a busy and dangerous system. this is colorado. with a twister that touched down ripping apart homes and buildings. i m harris faulkner. this is the fox report . we are watching a path of powerful and dangerous storms. the latest batch capable of dropping those monsters from the sky. warnings going into effect right now. so far this weekend, the national weather service says at least four twisters hit colorado last night near the nebraska-kansas border.
one of them dotting the earth for ten miles, damaging rooft rooftops, tossing debris. at least five people injured. in this hour, we re monitoring the latest activity as the sun setting heats things up again. you see the yellow and orange in the middle of your screen. that s been off and on during the day. at the end of the day, we will often see that hallmark red color come back. meteorologist maria molina with us. you brought us some of that eye-popping video. now that we see the classic red boxes there on the map, in the midsection of the united states, what are we looking at? those are tornado matwatcheso it means that thunderstorms that form have the possibility of forming tornados and large hail and cause some dangerous lightning and localized flash flooding and potential damaging wind gusts. so those are concerns for
tornados. this will be continuing into the nighttime hours. that is what makes the storm so dangerous out there as well. across oklahoma, you still have a tornado watch in effect. some of which could be very intent. in southwest oklahoma, we re tracking a storm that s heading towards the lawson, oklahoma, area. there s some rotation with this storm. we could potentially see a tornado come down. nowhere from oklahoma to kansas, northern parts of texas. even through far southern areas of nebraska. you could have that threat for severe weather and tornados, so it s important that everyone stay weather alert.
and tornado warnings. so that s something to know is very important. well, i do know, maria, just from watching today, and i want to preface this by saying you re in a live vehicle obviously driving in all of this so we could lose some of your audio. it s a little spotty, but you re bringing us a lot of the live view. that half mile wide tornado that touched down in colorado. i know a lot of people right now are in shelters. they should be in shelters. particularly if they re under a tornado warning. anywhere from kansas down through oklahoma and northern texas, there s a lot of wind shear. people need to seek shelter when there s a tornado warning. right now, we also have some
yellow boxes. so you also need to seek shelter, whether it s on the side of the road or just stay home. ideally, you are home and not dealing with this rough weather across kansas, oklahoma, and northern texas. all right, maria, stay safe out there. we appreciate it. thank you very much. i mentioned that we re in the heart of the season. actually, historically, it begins around february or so. what we saw so far this year was a very active early season. february was very active with a. and march and april about average. so now we re entering that heart of the season and things will start to heat up literally, and we ll keep on it for you. also, often the clearest visuals we get will happen overnight. when you tune in in the morning for fox & friends, watch for our continuing coverage of the storm systems moving across our nation s midsection.
and now fox news is america s election headquarters. there are two people who are most likely at this point to represent their parties in november, and we are already getting a preview, a taste of how donald trump and hillary clinton will compete. trump accusing hillary clinton of enabling her husband s past infidelities with women. mrs. clinton trying to paint trump as not competent enough to occupy the oval office. even before the presumptive nominees are official, here is a bit of what may lie ahead. she s trigger happy. look at this. i just wrote this down. iraq. libya. she wrote it. iraq. let s go into iraq. i voted against it, except i was a civilian, so nobody cared. i don t see donald trump having any kind of coherent foreign policy or theory of national security. he kind of makes statements that i find concerning. in the history of politics, hillary clinton s husband abused women more than any man that we
know of in the history of politics. i cannot imagine a starker choice on the economy. i mean, honestly, donald trump actually says that wages are too high in america. i have no idea who he s talking to, do you? a super pack supporting hillary clinton reportedly preparing a 90-plus million ad campaign against trump in key battleground states. we re watching what could be an important meeting shaping up between donald trump and house speaker paul ryan set for later on this week on thursday as republicans struggle to unite heading into the general election. ryan had said he s not ready to back trump at the moment, leaving trump to respond that he felt blind sided by that comment, and now former alaska governor sarah palin, a trump supporter, is promising to actively help bump paul ryan out of the u.s. house. how? she says she ll support a candidate who s challenging ryan
in wisconsin primary this summer. rich edson has more from washington. rich? reporter: good evening, harris. presumptive republican nominee donald trump is urging skeptical republicans to rally around him. several high-profile republicans have refused to endorse and are even opposing trump. while senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is promising to support the republican nominee, house speaker paul ryan says he has reservations. ryan has invited trump to meet thursday with congressional leaders in washington. conservatives say they re concerned about trump s positions on a host of issues like trade, taxes, spending, and foreign policy. though trump s convention manager says it is up to republicans to support trump. he s the head of the republican party. he wants the party to get behind him and support him. there s never been a candidate nominee for president of the united states who had every republican supporting him and everybody accepting every single position of the presidential candidate. many in the republican establishment appear to be passing on the 2016 general election.
mitt romney, presidents h.w. and george w. bush and former trump rival jeb bush all say they re skipping the convention in cleveland. all republican candidates signed a pledge this fall promising to support the eventual nominee. while trump negotiates politics in the republican party, he s focusing more on democrats and his likely general election challenger hillary clinton. trump is criticizing clinton for her vote in favor of the iraq war, and defending himself against her attacks he mistreats women by referencing president bill clinton s affairs. harris? and we ll pick it up there. hillary clinton shrugging off that sharp attack from donald trump. she says she will not run an ugly race. that was on a sunday show today. while she has no public campaign events scheduled today, rival bernie sanders is getting a jump on new jersey, holding a rally at rutgers university ahead of the state s delegate-rich primary next month. kristin fisher is live for us in washington. kristin, what did clinton say in
that interview about donald trump becoming the presumptive nominee? this was one of hillary clinton s first big interviews since trump became the presumptive nominee. since then, she claims that she s been hearing from a lot of republicans who now want to help her campaign. so instead of trying to link all republicans to trump, today we saw clinton really reach across the aisle to those republicans who continue to say never trump. when you have former presidents, when you have high-ranking republican officials in congress raising questions about their nominee, i don t think it s personal so much as rooted in their respect for the office and their deep concern about what kind of leader he would be. in that same interview, clinton was also asked about the ongoing fbi investigation into her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. no one has reached out to me yet, but last summer, i think
last august i made it clear i m more than ready to talk to anybody any time. so according to clinton, the fbi has never reached out to her directly, but we did learn that they have already interviewed several of her top aides. real quickly, we mentioned that sanders had this rally in new jersey. any sign of him slowing down and supporting hillary clinton? well, you re laughing. so i m going to guess there s not. we ve been saying this for a while. no signs of that at all today. you know, harris, he s still attracting huge crowds to these rallies. hundreds of people waited in line to hear him speak at rutgers university. he sounded more defiant than ever. from now until the last primary, which will be in washington, d.c. on june 14th, we are going to fight for every single vote. if democrats want to have the strongest candidate against trump, they should look at those polls, because in every single
one of them, we beat trump by a larger margin than does clinton. over the weekend, sanders scooped up about 30 more delegates in washington state. he was also hoping to win yesterday s caucuses in guam, but clinton won that by 20 points. so she s heading into tuesday s primary in west virginia with 94% of the delegates needed to clinch the nomination, which is why she s now focused almost entirely on trump. yeah, you know, no matter how you multiply the numbers and carry the one, it sounds almost impossible for him to get the nomination. has anybody talked about what is it that bernie sanders wants? i m dying to know. kristin, thank you. good to see you. we re live all day long on tuesday. democrats and republicans will go to the polls in west virginia and nebraska, respectively. live coverage here on fox news. right now thousands of people are homeless as a wildfire rages in canada. at first i thought well,
maybe it will be a day or so and we ll be back. but as we re leaving, we see more and more of it, you know, we re going to be out for a while. and this is just not any fire. there are questions now of whether this will affect oil prices here. and a new development in the fight over bathrooms and the transgender community in north carolina. the state s governor responding to a demand and a deadline set by the justice department. plus, the fox news political insiders at the bottom of the hour. and did you call mom? hi, this is ft. lieutenant tricia luba. i wanted to give a shoutout to my mom liz peterson in boman, north dakota. i hope you and dad are enjoying the cruise. this is a first mother s day shoutout from your favorite child. love you and i look forward to seeing you in a couple months.
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wildfire alert. at least two people are dead in traffic accidents trying to escape a massive fire in alberta, canada. entire neighborhoods, gone. officials say it is burning out of control and will likely double in size as it reaches a major oil sand mine. some 88,000 people forced to leave their homes and everything behind, and now are living in shelters. all i thought is, dear lord, if you can get my child here safe, then i don t care. i was on my knees in the truck thinking, am i going to get from north to south? we knew if we stayed there was a bigger chance we wouldn t live. the fear, the uncertainty. will carr is with us. i was up in their part of the nation not too long ago. it is really dry up there coming into this season. that s right, harris. really perfect conditions for
these wildfires. and this one is so big that smoke has settled down the past couple of days in iowa. this area did get some rain this afternoon, but it s really going to take firefighters months to get this fire out. it started and spread in alberta and now it s racing towards saskatchewan. those conditions that we mentioned, bone dry brush all over the place. there are strong winds. it s hot outside. more than 700 square miles have been scorched. 1,600 structures have been damaged or destroyed. more than 500 firefighters are currently on the ground, as one resident described it. it s armageddon in canada. homes have been burned. cars charred. others simply abandoned on the roadways. in ft. mcmurray, the power grid has been damaged. residents have been told not to drink the water. and it looks like the tens of thousands who have been forced to evacuate won t be able to get back to their homes any time soon. even the premier of alberta got emotional this weekend. this is mother s day. i m hoping in all of this crisis
to spend a few minutes today with my own children. that not all of us can do that is definitely an awful tragedy. so, today, mother s day, all of us in alberta are thinking of you who have suffered these losses. there s a slight chance of rain over the next five days in alberta. and boy, harris, do they need it now more than ever. no doubt. you said months to put that out. so you ve given us the human element, which is the most important part. we re also, though, going to feel some aftereffects of this in terms of oil prices. how so? we already did. on thursday oil prices jumped. on friday, they went back down. economists tell us that over the long-term, the united states probably won t feel a major impact from this fire, but it s quite the opposite for canada. there s already estimates that this will be the most expensive natural disaster ever in the
country s history. and they re already believing that the insurance cost here will be in the billions. harris? will, thank you very much. north carolina s governor says he will respond to the justice department s challenge, the choice to either get rid of the state s transgender bathroom law or face legal action. and he says he ll do it by tomorrow s deadline. right now, north carolina s law requires transgender people to use the restroom according to the sex, gender listed on their birth certificate. but the justice department says that violates federal civil rights laws. governor pat mccrory telling fox news sunday he s exploring all legal options. i don t have the authority to change the laws as governor of the united states or as governor of north carolina. that is made by the north carolina legislature. so they ve already made one unrealistic expectation. and second, they ve also sent a letter to our universities and our university by state law has
to go to the board of governors, which cannot meet until tuesday. so this unrealistic deadline by the federal government is quite amazing to the ninth largest state. but i ll make a decision within the next 24 hours. now, there are con flixs about how this could all play out. it is being reported, if it does not remove the law, it could risk losing federal funding. we ll stay on the story and update you as the news happens. an unexpected gift for moms with cancer. that meant heaven to me. that meant all the world. the surprise visit that put smiles on these patients faces. and president george w. bush kicked off this year s invictus games with a promise to our veterans. as former commander in chief, what do you see your role as? i see my role as making sure our vets know that i ll never forget them.
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mothers supporting each other this mother s day weekend. volunteers in kansas city, missouri, cheered up cancer patients who are also moms. they showed up, surprise style, with gifts and positive words. the women had never met before. but after crying and laughing together, we understand they seemed like family. some of them just need to know that someone s here. that someone cares. it s a blessing that there s people out there that care. the patients say this was overwhelming and encouraging for them. the group is called giving hope
and help. this year s invictus games now under way in florida, and they are a paralympic style competition for injured military personnel and veterans around the globe. former president george w. bush is honorary chairman tonight, and hosting a symposium on the invisible wounds of war. dr. mark segel, one of our members of our a-team here at fox news is live for us in orlando. and i know this is the first time that this has happened in the united states. a big deal. why? absolutely. the first time the invictus games have been here in the united states, and the symposium honors the issue of invisible wounds, which are six to seven times more common than visible wounds. i m talk about post traumatic stress and dramatic brain injury. president bush and i talked about the stigma involved. he mentioned the issue that he thinks that attempts to heal these wounds should be
bipartisan. absolutely, there should be no politics involved with helping the vets. these are people who are going to make this country of ours a lot stronger in the future. and to help them transition from the military to private life is a cause worthy of any citizen. mike rogio was in the navy and he fell and broke his neck. in recovering from this, he turned to swimming. you know, he s competing in the invictus games here and he told me that his swimming has gotten so good that he s no longer competing with those with spinal injuries. i feel so much more valuable. i love the fact that i m able to come out here and represent the united states and serve again. i ve repurposed myself. i m an asset to the united states again. and i m just elated. i can t imagine a higher accomplishment. harris, the issue here is getting the courage, like mike
has, and overcoming your disability. looking to see yourself with a new normal. but also fighting the fear and the embarrassment of not being able to sleep at night, not having anxiety, and really, really not being afraid of focusing on the stigma and overcoming it. harris? also, it does something for the rest of us. it gives us a way to tap into where they go next. you heard that man talking about how he s repurposed and how he s an asset again. if employers are out there, people are able to see this as like their next move, their next wave of service. it s a beautiful thing. harris, he made it into the finals. he was hugging those around him. he said he beat somebody from germany. he was so happy. and you re right, it s infectious, and it s going to lead them back to work. harris? dr. siegel, thank you so much. the fox news insiders are next. and the likely general election match-up between hillary clinton and donald trump has already
gotten nasty. but will we see a return to more normal politics as we wind down toward the general outside this unusual primary season? and we mark 71 years since the end of world war ii in europe. a warning about the new fight being brought to europe s doorstep by the islamic state. remember, we love it when you chime in and you tune in at the same time. hit us up on our fox news social pages, twitter and facebook. we re coming right back. here s the plan. you re a financial company that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy.
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it is magic time. john leboutillier. pat caddell joining us via satellite. and doug schoan, a fox news contributor as well. doug, i m going to start with you. we are now with two presumptive nominees rolling our way towards the general election. i want to get your thoughts on how it shapes up. irrespective of the polling and what people say. sure. just experience-wise, what you ve seen. sure. here is what we have. hillary clinton begins with a slight five to ten-point lead. she has a clear advantage based on electoral history. there is, of course, a but. donald trump has the potential to expand and go into wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, ohio to
bring in working class whites, get new registrants, get democrats to cross over. this election will be can trump make this about hillary, can hillary make this about trump. so far, advantage clinton. your head is shaking so hard, john. well, i agree with 98% of what doug said. 2%? the last thing was i slightly disagree. i think hillary s job is so make trump the issue in the campaign. if she does that, trump will lose the campaign. trump s job is not to make hillary the issue. it s a bigger issue. and this is what s beginning to be the key to this thing. can he make this a referendum on this question do you, america, believe that our economical system is rigged? say that s one more time. do you believe that the economic system in this country is rigged? that the powerful people, congress, wall street, even the media, have scratched their backs for each other and screwed everybody else?
if you believe that, and our polling has shown that 89% of people agree with that statement. if trump makes it about that, he can win this election, and he can win it big. all right, so pat, here s what s interesting about that. people say that the economy once again is front and foremost. they had been saying maybe national security. but after the jobs numbers last week, 160,000 created last month. they re refocused on the economy. so then it is who can sell rigged system better than donald trump? well, that s exactly the point. we have a revolt going on in both parties. the american people will pick up, as john said, where we have 89% of the people believe it s rigged. we have the biggest issue tied with the economy. sometimes exceeding it. being corruption, the word that s never talked about. you can see what trump did with the rigging of the republican primaries after the rules, after wisconsin. and how he drove that in the majority in 60% territory.
the country is against so many things. i think we re weak defense-wise. they think the economy, they re being screwed and it s getting worse. everything points to wanting an election of real change that s anti-establishment. hillary clinton is the establishment candidate. and she is the no change candidate. trump s problem is, is he too much change and irresponsible change? and that s where it will be. but i ll guarantee you, if this election ends up being on the basis of what the people believe, hillary clinton better worry. these phony polls like orcs, would show only 5% undecided. some you ve got to stop and say what kind of polling is this? what a fraud. you and i know, if you look at polls and offer people a choice, a quarter of the electorate is either a third party, or is so they won t vote. there s hardly a stable election. to piggy back on pat, she is
the personification of the status quo, the rigged game, the foundation, the money, the speaking fees, all of it. it reeks of insiderism. everything pat said about trump is correct. the donald needs to get off of some of the negative stuff, focus on what i just mentioned, the big picture. this is negative, it s just not about her. we need to get this fair and balanced. look, the republican party is hopelessly divided. you have two former presidents, the speaker of the house can i just point out, though, that the republicans now have got one candidate. how many do you have in your party? you have two. the answer is two. harris, give me a chance here. there may be another republican running. mitt romney was approached but that wouldn t be with the republican party. he would be running as a
republican. he s reportedly getting looked at. i don t know how solid that is. that is it s doug point. how riven the republican party is, that they are seriously looking at running the third candidate just to ruin trump in the general election. i want to ask our producers. do we have time for the trump on clinton sound byte? can we run that real quick? let s watch. she s married to a man who hurt many women. he was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman. and she s going to take ads about little donald trump? i don t know. i don t think so, okay? i don t think so. and hillary was an enabler and she treat these women horribly. and some of these women were destroyed not by him, but by the way that hillary clinton treated them after everything went down.
doug, status quo. rigged games. that s not where this is, but could this work against hillary clinton? you know, i don t think it will. look, i worked for bill clinton during the lewinsky scandal. he left office with the highest level of approval he ever had when that happened. secretary clinton was not an enabler of this. she was somebody who offered an occasional commentary. oh, you don t really believe that. i believe it with all my heart and soul. and donald trump has as high a negative as any presidential candidate has. and all this will do is drive the negative higher. i m going to go back to you, pat. well, i just want to say if anyone doesn t believe that she was an enabler, i would like to sell them a bridge in new york. particularly one going to brooklyn. i mean, she was part of the whole orchestration against katherine willy, against the woman that accused bill of raping her, all of that stuff.
but more importantly, politically, hillary clinton has thrown everything that bill clinton did under the bus. oh, except for the economy. then she wants to claim credit. this election let me finish, john, please. this election, her unfavorables are as high as his, almost as high as trumps, and the other problem she s got is all this other stuff coming and she s got to race with a candidate who has real commitment. and let me just say this. the conventional wisdom was stupid. we were right all along. the conventional wisdom today, which is all these meek people in the media, i m just shocked at how ignorant they are, are saying those the electoral college is not a lot until it s a lot. they re playing your sound track, which means we have to take a break. hi, this is major mcfarland.
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don t dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. ask your doctor about toujeo®. so, as we went to break, a little disagreement among the political insiders. pat caddell saying that the language that donald trump is having right now about bill clinton s past with infidelities and hillary clinton and so on and so forth actually is fair game. and john, you say yeah, but that doesn t matter. i think we need to go big here. the big picture, which is what i spelled out in the previous system, is the system, is the economy. can he do both? no. no. you really can t. you can get to hillary later about she s part of the problem.
but first, we need to spell out the problem. and it fits in every demographic group. hispanic voters. he s got bad numbers with them. if he can convince the country to debate, whether the system is rigged, it s rigged against hispanics. and they re brought into this country, and they re being paid less. you were saying it was down to one four-letter word. jobs. jobs, jobs. trump is a jobs creator at a time when we have wage stagnation you realize you re a democrat, right? i m an objective person analyzing, and candidly, that s how trump can move. yes, there s a lot of anger. pat s right about corruption. the system is rigged. but people want to know what s in it for them and it s jobs. hold on, pat, one sec. the other thing is the bernie sanders vote that is sitting there. they believe the same thing that we re talking about, that the system is rigged. his supporters. as pat often says, sanders and trump are eating from the
same trough. other ends of it. but they re in the same thing. if trump slightly tweaks his message, i think he can get a big share of those votes. sanders says no way. i don t care what he says. those voters will decide what to get and they don t like hillary. he s already getting 10% of them. i want to talk about two things moving forward. i mentioned one of them. hold on, pat. if you had asked like six months ago, even six weeks ago if you thought the republicans would wrap up their side in terms of slimming down to one candidate before the democrats, people would never have believed it. doug, what s your opinion on that? here s the problem. it is going to go all the way to the convention. there will be a fight over the rules and the platform. it is bad for hillary. it s not fatal. but it is absolutely not what anyone expected. it s a huge opportunity for trump to do what we ve been describing. all right, pat? yes. trump got a gift of two months. and no. nobody could have foreseen how he blew this out at the end, which he did. he blew it out. let me make a point.
why he s got people who are breaking their oaths like bush, jeb bush and lindsey graham. the senior senator, who took an oath in south carolina. all of them did. stood on the first debate with fox and raised their hand saying when bret baier asked, they d all support the nominee, because they never thought it s all right for them to break rules and to disobey their oaths. but let me tell you what the real problem here is. every exit poll many this election that i know of showed that a majority or plurality of republicans in every state believe their leaders had betrayed them. we have had a hostile takeover. the first time since 1896 when william jennings brian seized the democratic party with the speech, and it has been that hostile takeover was not engineered by donald trump, but by the voters of the republican party who were voting for carson
and voting for cruz originally. all of these things, they sent this message, and the republican establishment and those people, conservatives, all of them could be put on a boat. the boat sunk at sea. no one would miss them. i m stepping in with our viewers on twitter. they ve got the wrong enemy. the enemy is the people in the republican party and in the democratic party for democrats. i m going to step in with our viewers from twitter. tom tripp and this could be a problem for republicans and really for both parties, because we don t want people to sit at home. tom tripp says i will never vote again for a republican candidate if the party allows or promotes a third party candidate. they caused this. your thoughts? yeah, this could elect hillary. that is, i m very happy as a democrat that the republican establishment is promoting mitt romney promoting discord. all good for the democrats. all good for hillary. and basically, the republican party being as divided as they
are, prevents the consolidation. pat s right. the leaders are hated, but there s at least 30% of the party that they control. all right. real quickly, kevin ferguson says if trump makes the cost of college 100% tax deductible, he ll get the sanders voters. john? i hadn t thought of it, but maybe that s what ought to happen. that s what you do in a campaign. you figure out is that the art of the deal? who should he pick? he ought to pick kasich and win ohio. we ll talk more about that coming back. stay close.
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vp thing. there s two separate list. one is a bunch of politicians, kasich is one, who will not take it with trump. they will not run with trump, harris, because they look upon trump as a loser in november and they don t want to be on the ticket with him and go down the drain with him. the other candidates on the other list that you hear about, newt gingrich. right. chris christie, rick perry, they re all dead enders. they have no political future other than which is why trump should go to the outside, pick ben carson and run as a pure anti-establishment candidate, neutralize the race issue and offer a forward looking ben carson says he doesn t want to do anything. they all say no until they re asked. serendipity terry, says newt gingrich, which is one of the ones you chose. now i want to move onto the idea of where do we go next for the general election. ahead of that, pat, is the meeting thursday within the gop.
should be words between house speaker paul ryan and donald trump this past week. now they re going to have a meeting with leadingship on the hill, then they ll have a breakoff meeting with the two men, ryan, trump, and reince priebus. your thoughts on what we could see? i think everybody s interests, those three of them, is to come out of there with some harmony and some agreement. ryan is giving cover. he has some problems with trump s divisions, but the problem is he is thinking establishment. trump is the anti-establishment. that s where the country and the republican party are. so there s got to be some give here, but trump is the nominee. so i expect they will come out of there. i think the real problem they ve got to address is the what i call the contentions, they re all fable. that the electoral college is a lock. it s always locked until it s unlocked. that s what happened in 92 with
the republican lock. the house and senate will go down the drain. there is no statistical evidence or any polling to suggest that that s true under any circumstance. and by the way, in 1972, 1984 when 49 states were lost by the losing candidate, the democrats lost won two states in both elections in the senate and won. doug, i want to talk to you about what s coming up on tuesday. sure. primaries in nebraska and west virginia. there s some questions i m seeing it on twitter. if donald trump is the presumptive nominee, why do the primaries matter. he hasn t gotten to 1237 yet. he will get there. hillary clinton is likely to lose in west virginia to bernie sanders which further prolongs the race. my big question of the hour. what does bernie sanders really want? he wants influence. he wants more money and he wants to control the platform.
how? is he running for president? yes. or a ce o because i can t tell? bernie sanders who blew it in the first debate secretly is counting on the fbi primary to be the thing that his wife said his wife has become more active as a spokeswoman and very effective, by the way. i think he s thinking, hey, if she gets hit with something, i m the nominee. final thoughts, tweets and facebook postings next. here s the plan. you re a financial company that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy. so you evolve. you simplify. you haven t changed. you still help people live their best lives. and finally your new logo is ready, and you decide the perfect time to show the world is right. now. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i m doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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which could be severe. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. and click to activate your within. final thoughts. this tweet came from pat and peter. ask the insider, should donald trump finally apologize to veterans for his mccain/pow comment. john, what s yours my life is the issue of the pows left behind in have i et namp. i happen to know for a fact that donald trump is very supportive
of that issue. that comment he made was at mccain. a lot of republicans don t like mccain. i don t think donald meant any disparagement of the pows and i think he would clarify it. simply he apologize. it was an outriej gous and inappropriate comment. he should apologize. moving on. this week i mentioned the gop is having their big meeting. do you think that speaker ryan is losing any credibility in this process of going back and forth with donald trump? yes. remember what happened to the other 16 people that went up against donald trump? i think he is a force that is running to the republican party but he s also trying to factor in what the conventional wisdom of republican office holders is. trump is going to get annihilated in november and they don t want to be attached to that. they want to survive it. doug? they have down ballot races for senate and congress and despite what pat says, they are

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