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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161028 04:00:00

it s very last minute. it appears to be them jumping back in in a very big way. it s interesting, we ve got details on that ahead. we ve also got tremendously good names tonight concerning the obama family. it s news that is slightly more personal than it is political, but that s ahead tonight as well. so there s lots lots coming up, including for once some news that is more good than bad, which is always nice. but we re going to start tonight with some new tape that has never been heard publicly before. it s never been broadcast before. we re going to break this here live tonight with you. and i have to tell you, you ll be surprised to hear this, but this new tape that has never been broadcast before, it is tape from the greatest baseball player in new york. i was the best baseball player in new york when i was young. do you recognize that voice? that s a remarkable thing to have learned today from this brand new tape that s never been broadcast before. it s donald trump speaking. he says when i was young, so
we re thinking we re talking about maybe he was 17 or 16 years old, when he was 16 years old, that was 1962. that s when the yankees went to the world series, they won the world series. it was like mickey mantle, roger maris. even if you don t know anything about baseball, you know mickey mantle. but it turns out none of them were the best baseball player in new york that year. no, it was this other guy. i was the best baseball player in new york when i was young. this is the best tape we ve gotten our hands on in a very long time. this is incredible. all right. this is from 2014. there is a pulitzer prize-winning reporter named michael dantonio. in preparing the book he did hours and hours of interviews with donald trump, just raw footage of them talking. some of those tapes have been obtained by the new york times. the the new york times has
been doing a little bit of reporting on them recently but they have not published this audio we are about to play. i don t totally want to spoil it here, but arm chair psychologists, start your engines. this is incredible. i went to military academy, new york military academy for five years, from the year before freshman. so eighth grade on? yes. whose idea was this? well, i was very rebellious and my parents thought it would be a good idea. i was very rebellious. i loved to fight. i always love to fight. physical fights. all kinds of fights. physical. arguments? all types of fights. any kind of fight i loved it, including physical. and i was always the best athlete, something that nobody knew about me. but one guy you should speak to before it s too late, because he s a pretty old guy now, is major dobias. so when dobias was a drill sergeant in the army, and these guys were rough.
this guy was so rough. in those days, they d smack the hell out of you. it s not like today where you smack somebody and you end up going to jail for the rest of your life. so i went up there, i ll never forget. eighth grade? and i m standing there at military academy. this guy comes up and he s like a bulldog too, rough guy. he was a drill sergeant. now they call him major dobias. but when i first knew him he was sergeant dobisa right right army. he was physically rough and mentally rough. he was also my baseball coach. and he said things like stand up, and i went give me a [ bleep ] break. and this guy came at me. you would never believe it. it was really fantastic. did he rough you up? oh, yeah, absolutely. grabbed you by the shirt? well, it doesn t matter, but it was not like what happens today. and you had to learn to survive. it was tough. it wasn t today.
those were rougher times. that was before vietnam and these were guys that didn t take [ bleep ]. you must call him, before it s too late. ask him about how was trump as an athlete? because he said he coached for many, many it was like 35 years. he said donald trump was the best athlete i ve ever coached. donald trump was the best baseball player i ve ever coached. you know, just something to when did you know that you were good? i always knew i was good. i was always a good athlete. i was always the best athlete. like in first grade if the kids the a game from before the first grade. i was the best baseball player in new york when i was young. now, in those days, you know, you couldn t play baseball because there was no real you know, it wasn t a thing. plus my father was in the real estate business, which i didn t want to go into. i wanted to go into theater. i wanted to go into sports.
but i also know that was very limited because in those days you couldn t even make any money being a great baseball player. didn t the dodgers train at west point a couple times, in the spring? everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. right. but i was a good at other things too. i was good at wrestling. i was really good at football. i was a good i was always good at sports. i was always like the best at sports. always the best. at all sports. my favorite part of that, i love the explanation for why, you know, nobody knows even now that he was the greatest baseball player in new york. he says when i was young, i was the best baseball player in new york when i was young. now he says but, you know, in those days, baseball wasn t really a thing. i was the best baseball player in new york when i was young. now in those days you couldn t play baseball because there was no real, you know, it wasn t a thing. he says in those days you couldn t even make any money being a baseball player.
again, the time he s talking about here is when he was in high school, like 1962, 1963. yankees going to the world series. some of the best remembered games of all time. baseball, unequivocally the national pastime. mickey mantle a national hero. but donald trump didn t want to bother showing up all of those lesser baseball players because baseball wasn t really a thing then. we didn t really have leather covered balls, we just had rocks that we hid into the cave art. baseball wasn t a thing then? that s why you weren t? everybody wanted him to play but there wasn t really a baseball organization. donald trump believes, not hyperbolically, not jokingly, but apparently in all seriousness that he was the greatest baseball player in new york when he was a young man. he was the best at that. he was the best at all of sports. and why, mr. trump, were you the best? i think you have a natural ability at things.
i m a big believer in nature. no, not nature. i m a big believer in natural ability. i believe in being prepared and all that stuff. but in many respects, the most important thing is an innate ability. and you knew this as a kid? no, i never thought of it as a kid. do you think you had it even then? always. when you look back at yourself i had it. i always had it. i always had it. i never had to work. other people have to prepare and do stuff, but i just came down from heaven, for example, as the greatest baseball player in new york. were you a good hitter? the best. i was the best hitter. it gives you some insight, right? i mean if that is how this presidential candidate thinks of himself and has always thought of himself going back to first grade no, no, no, before first grade, i mean if you
understand that that is how he thinks of himself, then it is not a surprise when he, like, for example, today on the campaign trail tells a crowd of supporters in ohio that basically he is sick of this election. he is sick of all this working to earn this presidency thing. he s sick of it. just give it to me already. what a difference. you know, what a difference this is. and just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? why are we having it for? just give it to trump. what are we having it for? what are you having this election for? i know. if you think of yourself as a person who has never actually had to work for anything because you were born innately great, you were bornin ately as the great is athlete, if you were excellent at everything you ever tried because you were born basically perfect, then why should you have to compete for something.
i deserve it by virtue of me being me. so it offers an insight. this tape from the trump biographer which provided it to the new york times, i think this is newsworthy tape, and i think it is helpful to understanding how donald trump is running for president now, because he on tape here talks in this very unguarded way about how he sees himself and that is a rare thing we don t ever get from any candidate, let alone from him. but there is another piece of this tape that has never been heard publicly before, which we have got for you in just a second. and this other piece of tape, i think this is just like a dart into the heart of today s news. and it s on a subject that has only come up a little bit in the campaign so far. it came up for an instant earlier in this campaign when donald trump named mike pence to be his running mate. one of the controversial things in mike pence s record is that he is on record being against women in the military.
from the very beginning of him running for congress, mike pence was against not just women in combat, but even women being in combat support units. he was even against women being allowed to do basic training for the military. mike pence wrote this creepy column in 1999 about young nubile 18-year-old women in basic training. the column ends with this line, i kid you not. women in the military, bad idea. that s the bottom line of his column on women in the military. so that s on record already from mike pence, donald trump s running mate, when pence was a talk radio host. that was the time he lost running for congress. that run most remembered for mike pence using campaign contributions to pay for his mortgage, his grocery bills, his car payment and his golfing fees. he let his donors pay for all that stuff. if mike pence were running in any normal republican, i think he would have been a scandal as a running mate.
things in his record would have been a scandal and a problem to his running mate. it is testament to donald trump that he is so controversial that picking mike pence with mike pence s record, it hasn t given donald trump a single day of heartburn in the entire campaign. i mean if in this campaign anybody could pay attention to mike pence for more than ten seconds without passing out for lack of oxygen, this thing from him about women in the military, bad idea, that would be a scandal, right? that would be a problem for a campaign. maybe it will be still some day. for a long time i felt like this issue has been a lurking liability for trump and pence, just sort of waiting at some point to cause them trouble. well, now that trouble may finally be coming to pass, because now with this new tape that we are about to broadcast for the first time ever, this has never been heard publicly any time before, this is the first time anywhere, here is donald trump not 16 years ago or 18 years ago when mike pence was talking about this stuff, here s
donald trump two years ago in 2014, unprompted, answering a totally unrelated question. just deciding to bring up voluntarily his donald trump opinion on women in the military. when you were young, what did you think of the 60s counterculture, the hippies, the music? you didn t do any of that stuff. no, i wasn t into it. it wasn t that i wasn t into it. what did you think? well, i went i went to a military academy, which was from a different planet. we didn t have that. and we didn t have women in the academy at that time. today you have women, which is a whole other story, you know, women in the army, and you see what s going on. it s like bedlam. it is bedlam. it s something that people aren t talking about, but what s going on is bedlam, bringing women in the army.
bringing women in the army, women in the military, it s bedlam. and his running mate says women in the military, bad idea. ask military families how they feel about that in a potential commander in chief. ask women in the military how they feel about that in a potential commander in chief. ask women in general how they feel about that. bringing women into the army, bedlam. it s something people aren t talking about, but what s going on is bedlam. bringing women in the army, it s bedlam. women in the military, bad idea. the two of them are in line on that question. it is, therefore, a reasonable question to ask if trump and pence do get elected, will they kick all women out of the military? they re both on record saying it is a terrible thing that women are in the military. it s a terrible thing, it s even a disgusting thing. we ought to go back to only men serving in the military.
is that what we should do? this one has been lurking just under the surface for them for quite a while, but now we ve got it on tape. i would love to hear an answer for this.
okay. live here next we ll have the latest on what just happened at new york s laguardia airport where indiana governor mike pence s plane has skidded off the runway and the airport has been shut down. thankfully nobody was hurt in this incident, but we are getting in some crazy images of the actual runway. can you guys see those images there? look at the tarmac. this is what this hard landing, this skidding off the runway, look what it did to the actual tarmac, to the actual concrete. again, this was a hard landing tonight, last hour involving the republican nominee for vice president and his campaign jet. we ll talk with someone who was on that flight when it went off the runway. somebody who says interestingly this is not the first time mike pence s plane has had a really bad landing, which is an interesting thing. why s that? that s next.
members of the press were on that plane. we also think we saw a congressman from texas. we heard that a 737 usually comes in for a landing at 155 miles an hour and when it s a wet, slick night like tonight, this kind of thing can happen. but the faa and maybe the ntsb will be looking into this incident to determine exactly what caused it here. i ll show you again, this is what the plane did to the tarmac at laguardia as it slid off the runway. i didn t know that that happened when you slid off a runway. all the air traffic at laguardia was suspended for over an hour in the wake of this incident. we are told as soon as the plane came to a rest following its rough landing and its slide into the grass with mud flying up and hitting the windows, governor pence immediately came to the back of the plane to check that everybody was okay. god bless him, that s the right thing to do. as you can see he s fine. he also stopped with photos with
first responders in the rain. he had been scheduled to attend a fund-raiser in new york city tonight but his spokesman said instead he is headed to his hotel for the night, absolutely totally understandable. about an hour after the incident the governor tweeted so thankful everyone on our plane is safe. grateful for our first responders and the concern and prayers of so many. back on the trail tomorrow. again, the most important thing here is no injuries as far as we know. but certainly some jangled nerves and some rushes of adrenaline and none of us need any of that at this time. joining us now is a man onboard that plane, vaughn hillyard. he was on the plane when it slid off the runway. vaughn, let me shake your hand. i m glad you re okay. were you scared? no. the crazy part is this wasn t the first time first time we ve gone off the runway, but we ve had a lot of shaky incidents in the past. hard impact, tough landings. we actually pulled out the phone this time and i snapped originally about ten seconds of
video, which i m trying to get into the system here eventually for everybody, but the crazy part was originally we had the hard impact and then we went two or three seconds and that s with we started to swerve off to the right. and then all of a sudden we come to just a hard crashing stop. and that s when you looked out the window and you can see that the road was oddly close to where the plane was at. the road with cars on it. the road with cars. the circle k across the street. that s when it became real. so when you say you were trying to get tape, you were filming as you were landing. is that because you were expecting a hard landing because you ve had so many? it s a joke. it s a joke how long are we going to last. that s the part the fact that i m on with you tonight is sort of the interesting end of this. this camera, we ve captured a lot of crazy things in this campaign, but to get to the point where this is the news of the night was wait a second. you re saying it s become a joke how long are we going to last. you re saying that the hard landings on the pence campaign plane specifically are so frequent and so notable that it s a point of discussion among the press corps?
yes. and i ll be honest that i ve never pursued that. we haven t pursued asking questions further about that because usually we don t fly on private, i guess, charter flights on campaign. this is my first campaign covering so we just took it for granted. have you only had bad landings in heavy weather? no. we landed in ft. dodge, iowa, earlier and we had another rough landing where we hit. it felt like we went back into the air. you could see the blue sky again. of course we didn t go off the runway at that point. i m just going to put this to you. i ve got a i went back and looked at my earlier coverage about something involving the mike pence campaign. i am sure this is just coincidental, but this is not the first time that we on this show have talked about issues involving mike pence s campaign plane. and i ve never been on that campaign plane so it s not like i was reporting a personal experience. it was late last month we learned that the pilot, who is
entrusted with the trump campaign with flying the pence campaign and his press corps and his family around the country, he made news because he was fired for an unusual reason. the guardian was first to report that the pilot for the pence plane until one month ago was a retired police officer in addition to being pence s pilot. he was the chairman of donald trump s florida law enforcement coalition. and the guardian reported that he was actively facing criminal charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. in 2015 he had allegedly driven over a co-worker with his car three times on purpose, causing the co-worker severe physical injuries. his name is vincent caldera. he pled not guilty to those charges but it turned out those weren t the only charges against him. he was accused of a similar incident in 2014. in that case he was accused of driving into a woman with his motorcycle on purpose and seriously injuring her. the guardian reported last
month he hadn t actually been formally charged in relation to that episode because they hadn t been able to locate him to serve him with legal papers. meanwhile he s flying the vice presidential candidate around the country. so that s the pilot who got fired from the pence campaign plane last month. do you know who they replaced him with? i do not know who the gentleman is. they switch people out. so it s rotating? so it s a rotating basis, yeah. how old are you? 25. have you done a lot of flying in your reporting job and in your personal life? yes. is the pence campaign plane the only campaign plane on which you have had hard landings like this? that s accurate. that s really weird. john hillyard. i don t know what the relationship is between these two halves of this story, but knowing that this runway thing happened tonight after a series of hard landings that was a topic of discussion by you guys, it weirds me out and we will try to get to the bottom of it. and i m glad that you re okay. thanks. appreciate it.
nbc news embed vaughn hillyard. he s great. important step forward. the time is long overdue. pharmaceutical industry. passes - the ballot.
his democratic opponent, congressman patrick murphy, is somewhere between two points down and tied with rubio in recent polls. murphy, the democrat, has the endorsement of all four of florida s largest newspapers, including the big ones that endorsed marco rubio before this election. and perhaps most importantly, hillary clinton is doing great in florida. and the democrats have a huge ground operation in florida. this is a senate race that the democrats could win. why are they pulling out? on monday s show, i put this mystery to steve shale, a veteran democratic operative in florida. and he couldn t explain it either. he told us here, quote, i think the momentum has definitely headed murphy s way and i don t understand the democrats decision. well, tonight the democratic party has apparently decided that they also do not understand their decision. at least some democrats have decided that. a spokesman for the biggest super pac supporting senate
democrats this year, one of the super pacs that previously pulled millions of dollars in florida ad buys earlier this month, that super pac says tonight that they have changed their minds about marco rubio versus patrick murphy. they have changed their minds about pulling out. they have now decided that they re going to make a, quote, seven-figure transfer into that florida senate race to try to help out patrick murphy in his effort to oust marco rubio from his senate seat. of course it s very late, right? a lot of people in florida have already voted. more than two million people have already voted in florida. but if i were patrick murphy s campaign manager and i had a choice between getting outside help late or getting outside help never, i d pick late. i d pick late.
seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? and maybe, maybe it s especially meaningful to me because i do know something about first lady of the united states. today first lady hillary clinton former first lady hillary clinton and current first lady michelle obama shared the stage at a campaign event in north carolina. this was their first appearance together. an important one for hillary clinton because north carolina s really, really important this year. and michelle obama is one of the most beloved figures in all of american politics. but there was one piece of business basically that transacted between hillary clinton and michelle obama today at this event. i think it got largely overlooked among all the badly needed good vibes at this event. but what happened between them
today, an announcement made by them today that was a surprise announcement is something that i think is important and fascinating and we ve got it coming up straight ahead right at the end of the show tonight. it s good news and we ve pegged it right at the end of the show. stay tuned for that.
coordination and the extent of that coordination is something that is now materially important to the breaking news that we reported here last night after the democratic party last night filed papers in federal court in new jersey asking that court to hold the republican party in violation of an ancient consent decree that dates back to the 1980s. it dates back to an election in which the national republican party sent basically vigilante poll watchers into minority precincts in 1981. many of them wore guns, they wore these ballot security task force arm bands and they patrolled voting sites in dozens of precincts that had mostly minority voters. and the republicans did very, very, very narrowly win that governor s race in new jersey that year. but the democratic party sued over this ballot security task force thing. and the democrats won that case. and the republicans signed on to a consent decree because of it.
and now, 35 years later, the republican party is still trying to get out from under the legal restrictions that were put on them because of that case. and in the midst of that, here s what donald trump has been saying out on the campaign trail. we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting a lot of law enforcement. we have some great people here, some great leaders here of the republican party, and they re very concerned about that. and that s the way we could lose the state. so important that you watch other communities, because we don t want this election stolen from us. when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about. you know what i m talking about. we re going to have law enforcement doing this. we don t want this election stolen from us. we have some great leaders of the republican party. donald trump is not under a
consent decree that dates back to the 1980s on this subject. the rnc is under a consent decree that dates back to the 1980s on this subject. i mean technically donald trump himself can go out and talk about all of this stuff, but the rnc under this consent decree, they can t take part in any of it. it has to be crystal clear that there s no working together here between the trump campaign and the rnc on issues of ballot integrity and poll watching on election day, particularly when those efforts target minority districts. if there is coordination, that may be a problem. the democratic party now argues that would be a violation of that consent decree. i finally pulled aside kellyanne conway and said what is the campaign going to do. is this the central strategy to contest the election. she said she s actively working with the republican national committee, the official party and campaign lawyers to monitor precincts around the country. so this isn t just an outside
campaign and outside candidate. he s tying himself to the republican party with him. it s a tremendous question and i will tell you that the trump campaign and the republican national committee are working very, very closely with state governments and secretary of state of states all over the country to ensure ballot integrity. working very, very, very, closely. i should say you just saw robert costa reporting what he had heard from kellyanne conway saying that the trump campaign is actively working with the rnc to monitor precincts around the country. after kellyanne conway told robert costa that and he reported it here on msnbc, kellyanne conway walked that statement back and the rnc is aggressively denying this coordination. but how about mike pence saying, right, that this ballot integrity is a tremendous question this year and the rnc, the republican national committee, is working very, very closely with the trump campaign to ensure ballot integrity. how about that?
he didn t walk that back. part of the dnc filing from last night alleges that the republican party and the trump campaign are sharing staff, they re sharing resources, they re coordinating these things. there s so much coordination that there are no lines delineating where one starts and another ends. the rnc, according to this complaint, quote, commingled its staff and resources with the trump campaign and so it is impossible to separate the two. that s what the democratic party is alleging. arguably, that s what they re asking the court to determine. that s the crux of this whole thing. when the trump campaign promises it s going to do this in these cities, as trump says, inner cities in swing states, is he talking about doing that alone or is the rnc involved? let me leave you with one more thing that seems relevant here. this is the head of the rnc, reince priebus, speaking on sunday. i don t mean his response to the debate, just in general when he goes out and says the election is rigged, he said it last night. i think he s trying to also tell his folks to watch out for this fraud that might occur.
he s trying to tell his folks to watch out for this fraud that might occur, says the head of the rnc. on one hand reince priebus is decoding donald trump there on cbs this weekend. on the other hand, i want to know about the rnc and this threat to rig the election and this fraud that might occur and whether the rnc is working on this. tell me more, mr. head of the republican party. oh, you re not here. let s instead ask ben ginsburg, former general counsel and an msnbc analyst. i am not asking you to be reince priebus or to defend reince priebus. i appreciate that. but i do want you to give me your view on what s going on right now with this complaint. you re the man who said that you could basically guarantee that the democrats were going to make this court filing once you saw what the trump campaign was talking about on the campaign trail. yeah, and what i added to
that and what i sort of said directly later in the evening was that in fact that activity was not taking place because well, i don t want the rnc, but i do know that the rnc takes the consent decree very seriously. what you have is some bad rhetoric, but not the actions. so the whole consent decree itself and the sort of muscling up in polling places has been a black mark on the republican party. that has harmed it not only reputationally, which is why the democrats or pursuing this consent decree, but also really politically. and so all in all, this is a moment that the republican national committee wants to get beyond so that it can engage with its state parties in the permissible looking at the elections. an important component of being sure that the voters understand that the election is fair and is not rigged and the practices in
the polling places are being conducted correctly. that s part of this that i ve been trying to get a handle on. i m glad to hear you explain it that way, because on the one hand what the republican party got nailed for in the 80s was comic book egregious, but i haven t really understood what i m assuming the republican party doesn t want to do the arm bands and off-duty guns, i m assuming, although we could no, we won t make that argument. let s assume that the republican party doesn t. what does the republican party want to do that s not racist, that s not egregious, that s not suppressive, that they re prohibited from doing by this consent decree? why do they feel so constrained? every state, every state allows representatives of the political parties or campaigns or a combination of the two to observe what goes on in the polling place. that is a matter of being able to ensure the fairness of elections. as a national party committee,
it would be helpful for the republican national committee to participate in those permissible, lawful activities just as the democratic national committee does now. and the dnc can do that now and the rnc because of that consent decree, they can t. correct. so when you say that the rnc is not doing anything that might violate that consent decree, they re not doing any of this poll watching stuff, they re not working on it, they can t be they can give advice to the so what about mike pence saying we re working very closely with the rnc on ballot integrity issues and making sure this isn t stolen. i can t speak for him. i do know he made that statement in august and we re now in october and none of those activities of the republican national committee personnel working in the polling place,
activities has taken place as far as i know or as far as the democrats could say. what about the rnc staff working basically in-house at the trump campaign now. you know, rnc like sean spicer has been working basically in-house with the trump campaign. if one of the things the trump campaign is doing is getting people to sign up to go be poll watchers, does that mean that the rnc with having their staff inside the trump campaign, that they re in effect participating in it? no, because i think the way they re working it is that you ve got a sort of a unit, the field people, trying to get people in place to be able to observe as they re allowed to under state laws. i think the rnc personnel have at least been given instructions to not participate in those activities.
gives this so much heat and energy, we have already heard that they ve asked, the judge has asked for this to move really fast. they ve asked for the parties to be in court on wednesday morning. there s a long tradition of being in the federal district court nowhere close to the elections. thank you. stay with us. we ll be right back.
[cheers and applause] and maybe, maybe it s especially meaningful to me, because i do know something about being first lady of the united states. she has been first lady of arkansas, first lady of the united states, secretary of state. she has [ crowd chanting hillary ] yeah. that s right. hillary doesn t play. hillary doesn t play. that was hillary clinton and michelle obama today in winston-salem, north carolina.
this is the first time they have done a joint campaign appearance. and, as that was kind of, we played that bit there to give you a sense of the vibe there. i think basically taking turns heaping praise on one another, and this event was one of hillary clinton s biggest events of the entire campaign. there were apparently 14,000 people there at this north carolina rally today. and this was a good one to choose to be a big one, because michelle obama was there. one of the most beloved figures in politics right now. one of the most popular figures in politics, certainly among democrats, particularly among african-american democrats, and a absolutely key constituency. this may have been one of hillary clinton s most important appearances today. and it was warm. and hillary clinton was at her best, and it was probably one of the most effective things she has done. but.
what might be most important here is we got an answer to a question that has been floating around the obama family s pending departure from the white house. now this has not been covered widely today. maybe everybody else doesn t see this as the biggest deal of the world. i realize that the fate of the free world does not rely on this question. but, you know, it s a stressful time. in this most stressful of elections, we here at the show and we in my family have been chewing on our fingernails a little bit, wondering with a little bit of actual stress what s going to happen to the white house vegetable garden. what is going to happen to it? the kitchen garden planted by first lady michelle obama. this has been a passion of her time in the white house, for almost the entire time she s been there, she s been building it up, maintaining it and showing it off. recently, expanding it. and different presidents and
their families do different things to the white house, there are no guarantees that the next occupants will keep anything that the last occupants of the white house did to the grounds. the new president would be absolutely free to plow the vegetable garden under, if they like, right? jimmy carter, you want to put solar panels on the white house, ronald reagan wants to take them down. really expect melania trump or bill clinton to be out there tending to the turnips and harvesting the okra? really? are they going to keep it? as her time grows short, michelle obama has hardened the garden s defenses. she unveiled an expanded garden now twice its original size and it s got hard parts. stone walkways and planters made from concrete and steel and picnic tables and stuff. first lady michelle obama announced a multi-million dollar grant for maintaining it. so it won t be an excuse if they wanted to get rid of the garden for that reason.
not incidentally, michelle obama planted a couple of crops that are in the ground now that won t be ready for harvest until the spring, when there s a new president. what are you going to do? waste that food? so it s been a discussion. will the next president keep the garden or put up a parking lot? today we got an answer. at least if hillary clinton wins. now she also planted an amazing vegetable garden at the white house. [cheers and applause] and i can promise you, if i win, i will take good care of it, michelle. [cheers and applause] if hillary clinton wins the election, the garden lives! look how happy that makes michelle obama. i don t really totally understand why i m so attached to this vegetable garden, beyond the obvious reasons that i am a card-carrying member of the

Michelle-obama , News , Names , Tape , Bad , Lots , Baseball-player , New-york , It-hasnt-given-donald-trump , Thing , Speaking , Brand-new

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20161030 19:00:00

donald trump just wrapped up his rally in vegas. sunlen serfaty is there. joining me now, donald trump did seize on the investigation but what else? reporter: that s right. he did, fred. it seems as if donald trump is campaigning with a new spring in his step and capitalizing on the e-mail server scandal. he s been relentless and today is no exception. he almost joked to this crowd, i never thought we d be thanking anthony weiner nine days out. here s what he had to say. her cell action was willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful. hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of
shielding her criminal conduct from public disclosure and exposure. she set up this illegal server knowing full well that her actions put our national security at risk and put the safety and security of your children at risk. now, trump campaign officials feel this is an opening that they ve been given in this final nine days. also, something else from donald trump, going after obamacare premiums, raising potentially going up next week, that s something he s been talking about on the campaign trail and will continue to stay on the offensive according to trump campaign officials. they are looking at battleground polls that are tightening and midweek they may see a tick-up in the polls. they certainly have that anticipation and that hope, fred. sunlen serfaty, thank you so much.
so as the clinton campaign continues to demand more information from the fbi about their review of the e-mails, they are also acknowledging that this scandal would have never happened had clinton not used her private e-mail server. cnn s jake tapper spoke with clinton campaign manager john podesta on state of the union . do you accept the premise that the reason we re here that hillary clinton and her inner circle, not including you, made a horrible decision to set up her private e-mail server and everything that s happened since then is her fault? look, i think she s apologized for setting up a private e-mail server, said it was a mistake and she wouldn t do it over again. it s very clear that this has been an issue through the course of this campaign. i think she obviously would like to take that decision back. but she s learned from it. and i think what s important about this campaign at this stage, with nine days to go, is
who is fit to be president, who has the experience and the question of whether donald trump is too dangerous, too tempermently unfit to be president of the united states. so that s what we re going to close off and we re going to talk about the future she wants to build in building an economy that works for everyone, not just people at the top. i always hear the clinton team say that she s learned from it. what has she learned? as she s said many times, she wouldn t do it over again. it s the kind of decision that i think needed more thought, more review and i think she regrets that and i think it s regrettable and you learn and move on. again, i think in contrast to her opponent who never seems to
learn from his mistakes and keeps repeating them and doubling down on them. one of the things that s interesting and one of the things that democrats in washington, d.c., are debating is whether or not hillary clinton has actually learned from this experience when it comes to people in her circle. i m not necessarily including you in that group but people who are more of a new guard even if you have a long-standing relationship with the clintons, were stunned when word of the private e-mail server was first reported in march of 2015, according to the stolen e-mails published by wikileaks and i know you say this is the russians and it s not me saying it. it s a lot of people saying it, including the government. okay. intelligence professionals say that. be that as it may you wrote, did you have any idea of the depth of this story?
a clinton ally co-chairing your transition why didn t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago so crazy. you responded unbelievable. i guess i know the answer they wanted to get away with it. july 25th, do we know who told hillary she could use a private e-mail and has that person been drawn and quartered? you re acting like the server was a simple mistake but you knew this was going to be a big problem. it s easy with 20/20 hindsight. if someone had taken the steps and looked at it, if one would have definitely made a difference decision but it happened. i think it was at the beginning it was just done for convenience, but at the end of the day, it was a major problem i think as i told you, i think she s learned from it. i ve worked with her closely in this campaign. she takes hard advice, she respects people who will get up in her face and i think that the reason that i ve kind of survived through the whole campaign is because that s the
kind of person i am. you certainly are. has anyone in the government provided you with the status report, john, on the investigation into your hacked and stolen e-mails? no. i ve talked to the fbi at the beginning of this, and my attorney has been in touch with them. it s part of the investigation of the russian hacks, but the scope of it, who knew what when, the fact that the trump campaign seems to have been in contact with julian assange from wikileaks quite early at least as early as august, i don t know what their investigation is finding. you re referring to roger stone saying trump confidant, let me correct myself. okay.
a trump confidant roger stone, who, you know, bragged about being in touch with julian assange and talked about the fact that they were going to come after me was, he did that back in august. so what the government has learned about the interactions between assange and the russians, it seems clear that the russians were the ones who did the initial hack, how they got to wikileaks, what the relationship was with roger stone, i don t know. i assume the government is looking at that but i don t know anything more. maybe jim comey, if he thinks it s important, will let us know and come out in the next nine days. all right. john podesta this morning. we ll talk with our panel about this right after a quick break. when i started designing a bronx tale: the musical, i came up. .with this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. .essentially. i ll build a little model in photoshop and add these. .details in with a pen. i could never do that with a mac. i feel like my job is. .to put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences.
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all right. you just heard john podesta respond to the fbi investigation. let s talk about this with our panel, historian and professor, julian and david who is a cnn political commentator. also with the washington post. good to see you. david, let me begin with you. podesta paints this as nuance. he thinks huma abedin truly did believe she had handed over everything. so even in your newspaper today it s reported that beabedin did not use her husband s computer very much. so how is it that clinton e-mails may be in that device? i think what we know now is what director comey said. he issued this vague letter on friday which does have the clinton camp up in arms and you can certainly sympathize with hillary clinton and her surrogates saying that this was vague and, you know, overblew
the investigation but at the same time, fredricka, you know, fbi director comey did say he would update congress on any new developments in the investigation and this might be a very small development but it s a development nonetheless. julian, previously the clinton campaign largely avoided talking about the e-mail scandal in rallies and in press conferences today. clinton didn t address it directly when she was in florida but the camp did release this explainer video. so is it enough? well, she s going to have to be out there talking about what is going on. they are talking about her and podesta until that interview on raising questions about comey and about the entire process. but you can t let that consume everything she does. it s important that hillary clinton also keeps talking about
her agenda and, frankly, her attacks on donald trump. otherwise, if she s just talking about the e-mail story, it will be all anybody hears about. so david, you re alluding to this, that it s a promise that comey made that he wanted to keep everyone abreast. he didn t want to be in the middle of this necessary but through his transparency, he is. so could he or should he have anticipated that this would result just a few days before election day? yeah, i think it was foreseeable when he sent that letter to control that it would throw the election into a little bit of a scurry in these last nine days. in the last two weeks, fredricka, donald trump has been closing on clinton in the polls prior to this information coming to light. our own washington post poll this weekend shows it s a two-point race nationally and it s tight in several of the key swing states.
what it s doing is not necessarily changing the entire dynamic of the race. again, we don t know what is in these e-mails or what was on this laptop or device that was recovered from huma abedin or anthony weiner. we know it s making it difficult for hillary clinton to make her closing argument in the last week of this race, which is what she was starting to settle in and do. she came out of the debates sort of the winner of those three debates, certainly the debates were trying to knock down a narrow polling lead and now she s got to defend this and it s frustrating her aides, including john podesta. the relationship between huma abedin and hillary clinton, very, very tight. huma has been working for hillary clinton since she was an intern in 1996. so now you ve got this scandal potentially and the relationship with anthony weiner and that investigation. so might this mean a prelude to a split between a clinton and
huma abedin in the midst of all of this? it sure could. and even if this doesn t have a detrimental effect on the election for her, i think both with this particular situation but all of her advisers, it raises a question we ve heard about hillary clinton. if she always surrounds herself with the best advice and surrounds herself with the best people and so i think this is clearly going to be a case where there s serious consideration, you would imagine, to severing this relationship after this is done. all right. so much more ahead, david, julian. stick around. we have a lot more to tackle. the fbi is under pressure to give more details about its review of this e-mail involving a clinton top aide, huma abedin. so coming up, you ll hear from a republican lawmaker who has spoken to director james comey about the inquest. so find out what comey and lawmakers actually know about huma abedin s e-mails. that i .
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are coming, and california will suffer budget deficits all over again. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive. all right. the pressure is on. fbi director james comey to release more details about the bureau s review of e-mails possibly linked to hillary clinton. definitely related to huma
abedin. the e-mails were discovered on a computer that anthony weiner shared with his wife. robert goodlay told abc s this week that he encouraged comey to give the american people as much information as possible about the discovered e-mails before the election. you mentioned classified information. how do you or mr. comey know that there s classified information involved here if you haven t seen the e-mails? well, we don t know. and we don t know what the basis was for mr. comey making the decision to further pursue the case. we don t know whether that s informants, whether they ve had access to looking some of this information, we don t know what the basis was. we do know they know something is there. cnn investigations correspondent chris frates joining me live now from washington. chris, tell us more about what goodlay had to say. so far, it seems that comey is not telling lawmakers much
more than what he s saying publicly. look, at this point, it s nothing. here s how he described his conversation with fbi director comey. did mr. comey tell you he would be coming forward with more information? he did not. his answer was with regard to a number of questions i asked him that he was not going to answer those questions at this point, meaning the conversation i had with him and mr. conyers. but with regard to mr. comey making a mistake, i think that he is very conscious of the controversy that s existed in the fbi. so despite the call by both democrats and republicans for comey to release more information, the fbi director is really not budging here. that s largely because he doesn t even know yet what s in those e-mails. and so chris, how odd is that, that director comey would not know what was in the e-mails but would construct a letter to
the hill ? there s a reason for that. the fbi doesn t have permission to go through those e-mails yet. they are trying to get their approval. the government needs a new warrant because it only covers the investigation into abedin s estranged husband, anthony weiner. they need to get a new warrant for these newly discovered e-mails. right now, they only have a warrant to investigate anthony weiner. it s unlikely we ll have any answers to the big question here, which is, what is actually in these e-mails, until after the election, fred. chris frates, thanks so much in washington. and we ll be right back. mornin . hey, do you know when the game starts? 11 hours. oh. well, i m heading back to my room. oh, wi-fi password? super bowl, underscore houston underscore 51, underscore super bowl, backslash 51, backslash houston.
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clinton s close aide huma abedin. cnn is being told that the discovery of those thousands of e-mails was weeks ago. cnn s justice correspondent evan perez is on the phone with me. this was not a discovery made this week when the letter went out but instead weeks ago? that s right. we got the impression that the fbi made this disclosure to members of the congress and in that letter jim comey, the fbi director said that he had been briefed on thursday. what that letter doesn t say is is when the fbi first learned of this and we re told by law enforcement officials that we ve been talking to that they had this in their possession for weeks. we first reported cnn first reported back on september 22nd, just over a month ago, that the fbi that the u.s. attorney in manhattan and the fbi were seeking possession of anthony
weiner s communication as part of this sexting investigation. we re told that soon after that, they were able to get these noon indications and they were able to look at the e-mails and that s when the team in the fbi new york office discovered there may be huma abedin e-mails that related to the hillary clinton investigation. they stopped doing their work immediately and brought in the team that had been handling the e-mail investigation and they started looking at that. so by early october, it certainly was clear that there was something here, that it was pertinent to the clinton investigation. so what we are trying to get clarification from the fbi on is why it took so long for any of this to be known. perhaps if they had disclosed this back then, the reaction from the clinton camp would not be so severe. they feel it was revealed so
closely to the election that it could have an affect on the election and certainly now it will have to be looked at much more closely simply because now we know the fbi was in possession of this information for weeks and only now disclosed it. so evan, might it still be the case that while the fbi investigators knew about these e-mails weeks ago that perhaps they only informed director comey on this past thursday as comey has stated? well, we know that there were several officials at the fbi who had knowledge about this because there was some deliberation inside the fbi about what to do, about how to proceed. obviously everybody knows inside knows about the rules about not disclosing information that is politically sensitive close to an election. it s a policy drilled into
everybody there and they all know that this is something that is very sensitive. and so that might have been part of the deliberation. we don t know exactly what was the hang-up, what was the reason why they kept this under wraps for weeks and weeks and only disclosed it on friday. part of the accusations was because of concern that this would leak out anyway and they were concerned that if it did, it would appear that the fbi was covering up for the clinton campaign. they did not want it to appear that way. that s why they decided to disclose this to members of congress in a letter on friday. the question is, if they knew this so much earlier and they thought it was important enough to disclose to congress, why wouldn t they do it earlier this month? and the damage and the reputation to the fbi and all of the questions that jim comey is
now getting might have been softened a little bit. it s not clear whether that might have made a difference, but certainly that s the question that everybody is asking right now. and then why would not a search warrant have been applied for weeks ago upon the discovery as opposed to now we re hearing discussions of a search warrant are happening? that s right. exactly. that s another question we re asking, which is, if you had dealt with this back in early october when you certainly had a clear picture that this was related to the ongoing to the clinton investigation, then why didn t you start taking those steps then? again, the clock was ticking simply because there is a poll tea at the justice department and the fbi that you don t take certain investigative steps within 60 days of a an election. that s the policy. even if they had done this in october, it still would have raised the same problem. i think the question that the
clinton campaign now certainly has and it s a legitimate one, is perhaps if you had done this earlier, it would have given time to reveal this and for the voters to have all of this information, certainly not ten days or 11 days out to only learn this. fred? evan perez, thank you so much for your reporting. we ll check back with you. thank you so much. also, straight ahead, the trump campaign reacting to this new inquiry and the rising obamacare costs. what we ve got is not working and i m very glad that obamacare continues to form the core of his message even in light of the new fbi investigation. i m my team s #1 fan. yay. sports.
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.here s the challenges you re going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at welcome back. i m fredricka whitfield. donald trump has zeroed in on one of his primary target issues, blasting obamacare, which he did again today at a rally in las vegas. trump called for health care to be repealed and replaced. earlier today on state of the union, jake tapper questioned the campaign manager about the presidential candidate s knowledge of the health care law. let me ask you a question about health care. there are real questions about whether donald trump understands how obamacare works. take a listen to what mr. trump had to say in florida.
all of my employees are having a tremendous problem with obamacare. this is another group, is that a correct statement? you look at what they re going through with their health care is horrible, because of obamacare. after he gave that statement the general manager of trump s property attempted to correct the record and said 99% of trump s employees are insured through the hotel meaning they have private insurance. how can mr. trump be the one to replace obamacare if he doesn t seem to understand how it works? he does understand. his employees are the lucky ones, jake. they don t have to suffer under obamacare he s talking about the rest of the country, so many who have. he s the right person to repeal and replace it because obamacare is an unmitigated disaster, reminds us how intrusive, invasive and expensive the federal government can come in our lives under the guise of helping people. he was in arizona yesterday and told them that their premiums are expected to rise by 116%. will cnn or anybody else ask mrs. clinton today when she s visiting arizona?
we see these other premium mailboxes and clicking onto their computers and getting notice their premiums are about to explode. it is reprehensible and deplorable to coin a phrase that americans are choosing between paying the rent, feeding their families and keeping of their health care. president obama lied 26 or 27 times telling people if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor. no, you can t. people see a lack of quality, a lack of access, a lack of control and increase in price something under the guise of the affordable care act. the question for hillary clinton is what would you do about it? is obamacare 3.0 in the offing or the bernie sanders supporters who want to us move to single payer system? either way, she should own obamacare, she should be asked what she d do about it. donald trump says he d let you compete across state lines to buy your health insurance much the way you buy your auto insurance and other services. he would immediately remove the obamacare penalty which is
hurting many people, and he of course would allow a more patient-centric health care system which would give us all health savings accounts so only you can control your own health care spending, what we ve got is not working, and i m very glad that obamacare continues to form the core of his message, even in light of the new fbi investigation. we ve had a great week in large part because mr. trump is talking about obamacare. all right. let s bring back our political panel now to discuss all of this. back with me is cnn political commentator david swirdlick and julian zeli sdplchzer. before we dive into the rising premiums, let s revisit this breaking news through which our evan perez reported, he s learning that the fbi knew of these new e-mails when it seized or received this anthony weiner computer back in september 22nd.
so they ve known of these new e mays f e-mails for weeks now contrary to what director comey said learning about it this past thursday. we don t know if that was withheld from him for that period of time. so julian, how much bigger of a mess has this now been made? well, it becomes a bigger mess with every hour and the more questions raised about why the fbi did this and the process through which the decision was made obviously plays into the concerns that have been raised by the clinton supporters about the entire process through which this is being conducted but it s a reminder, especially without any evidence at this point of any kind of smoking done data that there s a danger of handling these kinds of stories so close to an election without knowing what the facts are. and so david, how do you see it? how much more, you know, potentially complicated does it come? right.
well, if director comey has the timeline wrong, that s a problem and he ll be scrutinized for it. if, in fact, the fbi knew about these e-mails or whatever it is that s on this device in september, that should have been disclosed, at least what we know and based on evan perez s reporting sooner in the process, not 11 days, which was friday, before the election. that being said, you know, the complaints come from the side that i think is having to struggle with them in a political politic political context. this is throwing a wrench into the clinton s closing argument. back in july when director comey was coming out and making what was also not really a typical fbi protocol statement and speech explaining why he was not recommending criminal charges to the justice department against secretary clinton, it was republicans complaining. and i think that goes to the fact that both sides in this are sort of, you know, pleading
their own case and understandably so but director comey really is in a very difficult position here. all right. let s shift gears to this affordable health care and rising premiums in certain jirks decisions. donald trump seizing on that saying he s going to and has committed to repealing and replacing you heard from kellyanne conway being challenged and whether donald trump has a clear understanding about the affordable care act. julian, you know, this is in step with what the gop has been saying for a very long time, it wants to replace and repeal. how does this assist donald trump? yeah, look, this has been an argument we ve heard from republicans for many years now. it actually faded in this campaign as other issues took up air time but it s come back because of the rising premiums. many would argue it s part of the story overall.
we have far fewer people uninsured but symbolically, the news that premiums have risen on some people will rise is very potent, especially post e-mail story. i think donald trump has the opportunity to use that as another rallying point for the republicans. david, is this advantageous? at least in the short term, yes. julian is right, broad-sweeping policy issues it s been more about the character of the two candidates and them trying to knock each other down rather than to put forward a broad, comprehensive policy agenda. i also think that you played the clip of kellyanne conway talking about the dire state of obamacare. i think that was exaggerated. you can t blame the trump campaign to seize on this and
make their argument that they are the change candidate, that people should rally to them because the obama administration and clinton administration have not delivered. whether that s true, it s a fair argument for them to make. does donald trump have to elaborate any further, give any detail about what kind of replacement he would envision? he s still behind even though the polls have tightened and even though he s doing a lot better in national polls, she is still in the lead and she still has an advantage in the electoral college and he comes with many liabilities as well. i don t think voters have forgotten that. he has a lot of pressure to get out there and show that he can actually handle some of these policy discussions in ways he has not demonstrated. so he shouldn t think that he can coast in this final week because he should also remember that he s coming from behind at this point. all right. julian, david, thank you so
much, gentlemen. appreciate it. we ll be right back. s to make t. first, all customers who have been impacted will be fully refunded. second, we ll proactively send you a confirmation for any new checking, savings, or credit card account you open. third, we ve eliminated product sales goals for our retail bankers. to ensure your interests are put first. we re taking action. we re renewing our commitment to you.
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husband, anthonyweiner. the e-mails were discovered during an investigation of weiner, accused of sexting an en underage girl. brynn gingras joins me from new york with more. we know that anthony weiner started in congress in 1999 and then two years later, hillary clinton would become a part of the senate. they became even more entwined when weiner started dating huma aberde huma abedin, who clin described as her second daughter. anthony wee weiner remaking quiet. he s made no comment and hasn t been seen leaving his manhattan home this weekend, as questions remain what e-mails were discovered that launched the
justice department to reopen the case into hillary clinton s use of a private e-mail server. weiner once stood in harmony with clinton, serving on capitol hill at the same time. weiner was a charismatic, political rising star, who had his eye on clinton s confidant, huma abedin. opposites attracted. the two marries in 2010. bill clinton officiated the ceremony. however, marital bliss soon faced a bomb shell. i m announcing my resignation from congress. reporter: weiner surrendered his political post after texting a picture of his crotch, as the couple were expecting a child. huma gave him a second chance and he asked the voters of new york too, as well. but more crude conversations with women surfaced. the final straw for huma abedin
came with allegations that weiner sexted with an underage girl. huma abedin announced she was separating from her husband, and now this jolting the election before voters head to the polls. weiner is cooperating. no comment in regards to the recent developments. thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, we ll hear from donald trump and hillary clinton supporters. what they think about this growing fbi investigation. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around?
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i m proud of the fbi for stepping forward and saying, hey, there s nobody in this country that is above the law. we re all the same. seems like everybody is focusing on all of her untrustworthiness and not questioning donald trump. you know, not questioning all the things against him. now i m starting to sound like kellyanne conway, so i ll keep it on hillary. it makes it more imperative that we come out and support her. because there are people just screaming against her all the time. oh, she s unreliable. you can t believe what she says. they ve spent millions of dollars and hundreds of hours investigating she and bill clinton for what, 20 years? they found nothing so far. all right. we have so much more straight ahead in the newsroom. it all starts right now. hello again, everyone, and thank you so much for joining

Donald-trump , Hillary-clinton-investigation , Sunlen-serfaty , Vegas , Rally , Reporter , Step , Fred , Campaigning , Thats-right , Spring , Anthony-weiner

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20161215 09:00:00

tonight, and he is coming off a summit with some of the people who were his strongest detractors during the campaign. senior national correspondent john roberts is outside trump tower again tonight. good evening, john. bret, good evening to you. it was the highest profile summit yet at trump tower, which is directly behind this bus behind me, and also the highest dollars. donald trump played host to high-tech billionaires, most of whom actively campaigned against him in the election. well, i just want to thank everybody. reporter: it was a crowd that just weeks ago had been openly hostile to donald trump. amazon founder jeff bezos who during the campaign claimed trump was eroding the democratic process. apple ceo tim cook who raised millions for hillary clinton. facebook coo sheryl sandberg also backed hillary clinton, as did tesla and spacex founder, elon musk. today trump urged them all to put political differences aside and focus on growing the economy, point out tech stocks have been doing pretty well
to say no. also in the running is south dakota republican congresswoman christey noe. while she said she d prefer to stay in congress, she might have a kdifficult time declining. trump has promised to revamp the structure and culture of the va. that will require a unique candidate. despite the delay, trump remains well ahead of most of his recent predecessors in naming his cabinet. on the latest stop in his thank you tour in wisconsin last night, donald trump publicly buried the hatchet with house speaker paul ryan. the two finally appearing on stage together. and when trump supporters booed ryan. the president-elect leapt to his defense, albeit with a caveat. you know, honestly, he s like a fine wine. every day goes by, i get to appreciate his genius more and more. now, if he ever goes against me, i m not going to say that, okay.
all have ties to oil producing states. scott pruitt has even questioned climate change itself. i think the president s view is that policy making should be guided by science and that the policy makers should be listening to scientists, both inside the government and outside the government. reporter: adding to the white house s concerns, reports pie the president-elect s team for the names of the energy department staff and contractors who worked on the obama administration s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, a survey since disavowed by the trump transition team. there should be real apprehension across the country that clean energy revolution, our efficiency revolution, our fight for clean airan water are going to be under assault from the minute he takes the oath of office. reporter: by the way, bret, the person that sent out that survey has since been properly counselled. it s also important to point out that they re expected to take a very fresh look at a number of obama administration policies as far as the energy environment is
federal funds rate is appropriate in light of the solid progress we have seen toward our goals of maximum employment and 2% inflation. we continue to expect that the evolution of the economy will warrant only gradual increases in the federal funds rate over time. stocks declined on the news that the fed may make three more rate hikes next year. the dow dropped 119, the s&p 500 was off 18, the nasdaq fell 27. now joining us from our sister network, fox business network s melissa francis. so why did the rate hike or the talk of more rate hikes spook the market today? yeah, it was really about that idea of janet yellen saying that we might be raising rates three more times in the year. investors had expected the federal reserve to say that maybe it would be two more times, but, you know, i would caution investors out there, they promised a number of rate hikes within a year in the past and they haven t followed
deposit or spend currency that is about to become worthless. embattled president nicholas maduro said he was taking the most commonly used bill out of circulation. venezuela is in a long economic crisis. we ve reported on it before. struggling with the world s highest inflation. people have been lining up outside banks since tuesday morning. we ll continue to follow the situation there. there is considerable confusion tonight about whether the on again, off again truce in aleppo, syria, is on again. late this afternoon syrian rebels said it was, but cease-fires like this have come and gone before without much success. tonight correspondent rich edison is at the white house looking at where we are right now in the war in syria. a warning here, though, some of the images in this report may be disturbing. reporter: this is what cease-fire agreements look like this aleppo, syria.
translator: look how they killed my child. why, my brother, why. reporter: these buses were to evacuate civilians and rebels. instead they re empty. they had agreed to allow them to evacuate aleppo, returning control of the city to ba shaush bashar al assad. syrian forces have returned bombing aleppo as they capture more of the city. symbolically it means a study they have struggled to besiege and encircle and take for years is finally theirs. reporter: the united nations says pro-government forces have killed dozens of civilians. there are dozens of suicides. in more than five years of fighting, hundreds of thousands of syrians are dead, killed as several nations, rebel groups and terrorist organizations converged on this country. in 2011, it began with hope. syria joined the arab spring. citizens mobilizing to overthrow
their oppressive governments. assad responded with a violent crackdown. the country fell into civil war with terrorist groups joining the fight to secure syrian territory of its own. that summer the obama administration declared assad must step aside. a year later, this threat. a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. reporter: another year later, assad s forces killed 1400 using sarin gas. obama decided to walk back from his threat and pursue diplomacy with assad s ally, russia. that diplomacy has turned to disgust. the idea that you would target a playground and bomb kids, hoping that you would then convince people to give up because you had killed their kids? what kind of a sick mind comes up with a strategy like that? and what kind of civilized country is going to support those tactics? but that s what russia has done. reporter: and now questions of whether the administration should have engaged further in
syria, beyond air strikes against isis. there has never been a recognition that civilian population protection is at the heart, at the heart of avoiding and fighting extremism. our failure to protect the syrian population is i think the biggest policy failure we did. reporter: syria will be a question for the trump administration, as it will now decide whether and how to engage russia and continued u.s. involvement in syria. rich, thank you. the marine corps is grounding its fleet of mv-22 osprey aircraft in japan following a crash off the coast of japan earlier this week. it happened while the tilt rotor plane was conducting a nighttime midair refueling operation. the five crew members aboard the plane were all rescued. it is the eighth crash incident involving marine aircraft this year. a new theory tonight on how russian hackers allegedly got into the hillary clinton campaign e-mail system.
the daily mail reports a typo in an e-mail from one of clinton s top aides may have been responsible for opening a digital door. meantime the house intelligence committee abruptly circled thursday s briefing on the alleged russian election hacks. fox news is told that the intel agencies, the cia, fbi, nsa, odni all refused to provide briefers, which is unusual given that this is the most senior committee with jurisdiction. the russian scandal has put the spotlight on our country s aging i.t. infrastructure and not just the equipment. you might be shocked to learn just how many of the men and women charged with keeping our government s computers safe and effective are among the country s oldest workers. peter doocy tells us more tonight. reporter: during the presidential campaign season, there was a lot of talk about who should have his or her finger on the button that controls the nation s nuclear arsenal. it turns out that nuclear arsenal is partly coordinated
using an 8-inch floppy disk. where do you buy a floppy disk? i can t imagine what the price is now. and so that s the big threat is this slow, grinding, lower quality, higher cost set of services. reporter: the cost of caring for such ancient equipment is now so high the feds don t have much money left over for anything else. among the biggest spenders on i.t., hhs at $13 billion a year, dhs at more than $6 billion a year and the va at nearly $4.5 billion a year. the federal government spends almost $90 billion a year on information technology and almost 80% of that is spent on operations and maintenance, servicing systems that may be over 50 years old. reporter: the workforce is aging too. there are more federal i.t. employees over 60 than there are under 30. at hud, 23% of i.t. workers are
over 60. at the national science foundation 18%, and at labor, 17%, which could become a problem whenever they decide to leave. there are a lot of folks that are retirement eligible that will be leaving in the near term. the real question is are we going to be able to attract the best talent to come in to fill those places and bluntly to do things differently than we ve been doing in the past. cost isn t the only concern as the government tries to get top talent to work for them. the nation s cyber infrastructure remains exposed to hackers. we need about 30,000 to thwart the worst kind of attack on this country. we ve only got about a thousand. reporter: experts are waiting to see how the next president addresses the aging i.t. infrastructure, but private sector companies don t have to wait for anything, like ibm action whose ceo says the company is trying to adjust to changes in tech by hiring thousands of what she calls new collar workers who don t necessarily even need college degrees.
peter, thank you. up next, why some people are worried a president donald trump has interesting communication plans. first, here s what some of our fox news affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox carolina in greenville as lawyers for the man accused of killing nine black parishioners at a south carolina church rest their case without calling any witnesses. earlier a judge ruled they could not present evidence about dylann roof s mental health. closing arguments are planned for tomorrow. fox 8 in high point, north carolina, with the firing of a wake forest university football announcer accused of giving sensitive information to the team s opponents. tommy el rod is a former player for the school and was also a coach for 11 seasons. he was not retained when the current coach took over. this is a live look from our affiliate in san francisco, fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, uber puts some of their self-driving cars into service there. it s an expansion of the pilot
program that started in pittsburgh in september. an uber employee is still behind the wheel to take over in case there s a problem here. customers can opt out if they prefer a human driver. would you? that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. generosity is its own form of power.
i m in all the way. is that understood? i don t know what she s up to, but it s not good. can t the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don t start a war you know you re going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. tonight we continue our series on the first 100 days of the donald trump presidency. with one of his signature campaign rallying points. early and often the republican nominee took aim at president obama s legacy nuclear deal with iran. but trump also hinted he would not just tear up that deal, so now the question is what will the new president do about the nuclear deal and is there room for a detente with iran beyond
the deal? chief washington correspondent james rosen reports. reporter: born in iran, an accomplished lecturer and the author of three books in he sees some prospects under the next president for improved relations between washington and his ancestral persian homeland. if nothing else, mr. trump, he does represent american pragmatism. he will cut deals. he will sit down with friend and foe and try to come up with the best deals. reporter: in the years since the iranian regime the united states along with five other nations implemented a deal, including huge infusions of cash. at the same time iran s military has harassed the u.s. military.
ramped up ballistic missile testing, intervened to prop up the assad regime in syria, continued funding hamas and hezbollah and reaffirmed undying hostility to the nation it calls the great satan. most analysts believe in his first 100 days in office the next president will make swift demonstration to his changing the relationship. the nuclear chord at the heart, never having been ratified by congress, is at once the easiest thing to change and the most far reaching. as a candidate, donald trump criticized it bitterly. this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history. the deal with iran will lead to nuclear problems. all they have to do is sit back ten years and they don t have to do much and they re going to get nuclear. reporter: but he has also signalled he doesn t intend to walk away from the deal. to ri deal. i ve taken over some bad contracts. i would police that contract so
tough that they don t have a chance, as bad as the contract is, i will be so tough on that contract. reporter: the secretary of state who negotiated the iran deal hinting ehintinged to repo brussels that president obama in attempting to persuade his successor not to scrap the deal thought there was some headway. there were aspects of it that were constructive and positive and worthwhile and maybe should be held onto. reporter: iranes president has warned tehran will not allow mr. trump to weaken or abandon the deal. the state department acknowledged iran has no such power. they cannot prevent any party from walking away. the counter argument is why would anyone walk away because it s effective. reporter: outside of the nuclear deal, it is the raging civil war and humanitarian catastrophe in syria that may offer the new president
coordination with iran. the president-elect has vowed to work with the kremlin to resolve that conflict. alan parsa for one says mr. trump may recognize a bit of himself in his adversaries in iran. iranians have shown themselves to be rather pragmatic in many, many areaare and as mr. trump has said they re good deal makers too. reporter: even if he intends to quiet things down between the u.s. and iran, mr. trump will soon find his hand forced by events. members of congress have proposed close to three dozen sanctions bills and the new president will have to issue new waivers for the nuclear deal to continue, if of course mr. trump is of a mind to keep it. james, thank you. our 15-part series looking ahead to the first 100 days of the trump presidency continues tomorrow with the president-elect s plans for tax cuts and simplification of the tax code. if you miss any of the reports,
you can check them all out on president trump s critics have something new to worry about tonight. it involves the decades-old effort to spread democracy to other nations through the media. howard kurtz is here tonight with some big changes for agency lgs su agencies such as the voice of america. reporter: politico says that trump will take over an office that could turn into an unfetterred propaganda arm, a kind of trump tv that could only peddle trump approved content. trump could name the editor of breitbart news or another alt-right propagandaist to control how the u.s. is represented to the rest of the world. we re talking about naming a single chief executive to oversee the voa, radio-free europe on the other agencies that are currently battling such forces as isis propaganda and
russian cyber hacking. haven t they been around for decades? yes, but a new law is eliminating the broadcasting board of governors, it s been widely criticized add ineffective and replace it with a single ceo. that change was supported by president obama s administration, president s chairman at the board of governors, the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee among others. the senate, by the way, could approve or reject that anybody trump nominated. i spoke to the committee chairman, ed royce, and i asked him about the furor. i think that s hysteria. as a matter of fact, there s very clear laws in place here in this legislation that put in a firewall in terms of journalistic independence. so in fact what s driving this is opposition from the bureaucracy itself. meanwhile, bret, hillary clinton herself as secretary of state testified that the broadcasting board of governors was practically defunct in terms
of being able to sell a message to the world. congressman royce introduced this legislation last year, virtually no news coverage. only since trump s election have news organizations seized on it, suggesting, possibly, a double standard. howie, thank you. the election of donald trump has many in the united nations worried about big changes in the u.s. attitude toward that organization. president-elect trump has made no secret of his disdain for the u.n. and the global group has just sworn in a new secretary general who is promising what he calls management reform. senior correspondent eric shawn looks at that situation tonight. the united nations is not a friend of democracy. it s not a friend to freedom. it s not a friend even to the united states of america. reporter: donald trump clearly no fan of the united nations. the president-elect s views are at odds with the world body on a variety of pressing issues, from its support of the iran nuclear
deal, climate change initiatives and resettling refugees. the overwhelming feeling among most members was that barack obama was their kind of u.s. president, so i think it will be a different reception. but i think the whole point of the idea of making america great again is to reassert ourselves, especially in bodies like the united nations. reporter: former u.n. ambassador john bolden who has talked to mr. trump about joining the administration predicts the president-elect will take a hard stance at the u.n. he says the almost $3 billion american taxpayers paid this year alone, the most of any nation, could be cut. i think a good, hard look at the u.n. budget is long overdue. i wouldn t be at all surprised if a president trump once in office does pay particular attention to it. it s total insanity. reporter: that was the undiplomatic opinion of mr. trump a decade ago when we sat down to discuss the multi
billion dollar renovation. he testified about it to congress and accused the u.n. of overspending. it is either the most corrupt thing going on in the world, which is saying something, or it s one of the most incompetent things i ve ever seen. reporter: mr. trump has tapped republican south carolina governor nikki haley as his choice for juu.n. ambassador. i think there s a lot of day-to-day issues that she doesn t know about. the problem that nikki haley is going to face is that many of the other countries delegates are people that have been there for a very long time, like her counterpart from russia has been there for ten years. reporter: a possible preview of what governor haley could face came in a september speech by the u.n. commissioner for human rights. he compared the rhetoric from mr. trump and others that he called populist, demagogues and clever cheats to the propaganda of isis. some breaking news now. the house intelligence committee chairman is not happy at all that the intelligence agencies
have refused to provide anybody for that committee hearing on alleged russian hacking. devon nunez replacing a statement. it is unacceptable that the intelligence community directors would not fulfill the house intelligence committee s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. the legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch s agencies which are obligated to comply with our requests. the committee is deeply concerned that intrance jents in sharing intelligence with congress can enable the manipulation for political purposes. we will talk about more of this with the panel in just a moment. many of you are hopeful and optimistic, some of you are scared. we will talk about all of the fox news polls as well, since donald trump won the election, and that breaking news about the intelligence agencies giving the stiff arm to the house intelligence committee when the panel joins me after a break.
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did we have our hair on fire that hacking took place? no. i mean that s what happens. if he can discredit the integrity of what we do here in the voting process and electing folks, he is winning. we have the president-elect of the united states publicly condemning the intelligence services on which he will have to rely as president. if i m running that covert action, i m putting it in the win column. it s quite possible that the republican party has been exploited and donald trump himself might have been exploited over the years by russian intelligence. so a lot of talk about the alleged hacking and what it meant for the election, as the breaking news we just brought to you, that the intel agencies are not providing any briefers to the house intelligence committee and the chairman, devon nunez,
being very upset about that. this is new fox news polls coming out on this issue. russia s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election helped donald trump and there you see all voters 32%, hillary clinton 1%, no effect 59%. of course clinton voters a much different take on all of that. donald trump s dealings with china and russia. here you see the breakdown in the fox poll. too accommodating to russia, 50%. too confrontational with china, 43%. interesting findings there. finally overall, the opinion of donald trump as it stands now, according to our latest polls, favorable, unfavorable, 47-51. you can see a big jump as far as where it stood at the beginning of november at election time. let s bring in our panel. steve hayes, senior writer for the weekly had is it. maura elison of national public radio and guy benson, political editor at, charles
hurt, political columnist for the washington times. steve, first of all, congratulations. you have a new title. i do have a new title. and said title is? editor in chief of the weekly standard. thank you very much, we will put that up. congratulations. the thoughts about the nunez development and the fact that the intel agencies are not providing briefings to what he wanted a hearing on this russian hacking. pretty extraordinary that they would deny briefings. from what i understand it was a denial of the requested briefings rather than just not being responsive. they have said no, they re not going to provide the briefing. you know, the statement that you read from devon nunez, he s not someone who is prone to anger. that was steaming anger coming from him, especially the suggestion that this could be the politiciization of intelligence. i think the context that you ve seen in the minds of many republicans, including on the oversight committees.
over the years, particularly at the cia throughout the obama administration. if you look back at the kind of intelligence products that the cia was providing to the president, it was consistent with what the president wanted to be true, particularly with respect to al qaeda, isis, the war on terror. so they were providing intelligence product that was fit to match what the president s ideological conclusions. the concern is that that s what s taking place again here. i think if the cia or people at the cia are going to be leaking these kinds of accusations, they have an obligation to go before the congressional oversight committees and explain themselves. now, having said all of that, these are very serious claims. i think there are some people who are defending the trump administration or conservatives who aren t being serious enough about the potential russian intervention in the u.s. election. okay, maura, so here you have this story, the washington post does it first, that the cia believes that the russians
hacked in order to help donald trump. you have clearly some intel agencies that are not on the same page when it comes to this. right. now, nunez is trying to figure this out and he calls this committee hearing and gets the heisman award from the intel agencies, we re not going. now, how are the electors who are asking for intel briefings to feel confident about that to me is inexplicable. put aside the dissention about the motive. there is one thing that is almost unanimous, which is that russia accounted hacked. russia wanted to sow doubts among americans about their own electoral process. that s a real cyber attack and it s really serious. that s something that donald trump, so far the only prominent american that we know of, who has completely rejected that finding that russia hacked. as a matter of fact, he said it could have been a 400-pound guy
sitting somewhere. lindsey graham said it might have been a 400-pound guy but it was a 400-pound russian guy. i don t know why they didn t brief. there are going to be hearings on this. they briefed them in october. they briefed congress in october. they briefed november 17th. here is the director of national intelligence, clapper. as far as the wikileaks connection, the evidence there is not as strong and we don t have good insight into the sequencing of the releases or when the data may have been provided. is he off script there, guy? what s going on? who knows. anyone s guess is as good as mine. i think that there has to be an answer here from the intelligence community. when you re brought forward and congress asks to hear from you and the relevant oversight committee wants to hear, there s a lot of noise out there, there s a lot of allegations flying back and forth, the
motives are unclear, differences in opinion among various agencies, when congress asks you to show up and explain yourself on some level and you say no, the american people have to ask the question, i don t care if you re a republican or democrat, why on earth can they say that. not just why are they saying it, why can they say that. at some point they need to show up and answer questions. meanwhile the white house, josh earnest from the podium is getting a little more aggressive when it comes to this topic. a whole lot more. i think that s a very important thing to remember. obviously the accusations are very serious. if russia attempted or succeeded in any way to sort of interfere with our american elections, that s a very serious issue and we need to get to the bottom of it without fear of favor of any politician. but on the other hand, you do have a sitting president right now who should be overseeing all of this and he s not doing much to help add clarity to all of it. i can t help but get the feeling
that he himself has contributed to the politicization of intelligence. how will history judge donald trump s presidency. you see the breakdown, one of the greatest, 11%, above average, one of the worst 31%. describe the election outcome feelings. 59% say hopeful, 50% said relieved. i think a lot of people covering the election. maura, what do you finding striking about these poll numbers? i m not sure what i make about the outcome, maybe it just means that it s over. that s subject to interpretation. but what i find striking is just the basic favorable/unfavorable. donald trump s favorable is now about his ballot. it should be higher. when you compare him to past presidents at this time, usually you get a bounce after you win. you usually don t have as much negative coverage either.
that s true, but usually you don t win in such a stunning way. this was a real upset. and you d think that he d get a bounce from that. but he didn t. so that s one thing that i think is really interesting. but it has been trending up, so we ll see if that trend continues. i think he did bounce. the only thing is he bounced those people are above their ballots. there was never going to be a big honeymoon period for the next president, regardless of who won, because these were unpopular people. the number bret, you mentioned, 59% of americans saying they re hopeful moving forward after the election. to me that s an opportunity for donald trump. this has been a very nasty cycle with a lot of strong feelings on all sides, acrimony, bitterness, and yet hopeful is the number one answer from the american people. if he can capture some of that and move forward, he can maybe gain some more political capital, to your point. and the other one, 68% of americans believe donald trump will repeal obamacare, that has to be a priority. jobs, jobs, jobs, he said in
the speech in wisconsin, steve, and today he met at trump tower with the tech community, a summit in which he said we ll do anything that you need, give me a call or give somebody in my administration a call if you have any issues. yeah, he said there wasn t a strict chain of command. call in and we ll take care of you. look, he s made very clear that he wants jobs to be a priority. one of the things that we ve seen him do early in his pre-presidential period is the pr of jobs. and whether you re talking about carrier, whether you re talking about meetings like this, this is showing america, americans are going to go home and see it on their news, watch shows like this and say donald trump is doing something about jobs. you know, part of the reason he won was because of the things that he said about the economy. showing that he s making progress, that he s actually checked in, tuned in to what people s priorities and concerns are, as guy says he could take advantage of that hopefulness. next up, the obama
administration takes one final shot at global warming skeptics.
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science. we have seen a lot of the science absolutely start running amuck. the interior secretary for the obama administration sally jewel. did you all know who the interior secretary was? be honest. that s why when you talk about all these choices in months from now we will all be asking those questions about the trump administration. she was asking a final push to imploring scientists to confront so-called climate change deniers. this after the trump transition team asked the energy department s e.p.a. staff to see who was working on the efforts to reduce carbon emissions. we re back with our panel. charlie, about this push. it s not a shocking argument to say that a lot of this climate change stuff has become something of a religion on the left. and it s a religion within the e.p.a. and the energy department. and i think that, you know, obviously, the cabinet are
doing their best to kind of frighten voters about this request for the names and the work of some of these people. but, you know, when trump said i think this is a scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime china is eating our lunch. he said that before the election. and he won the election. and people knew exactly where he stood on this people should give the donald trump some room to make good on his promises. in the environment community though, mara, the trump nomination so far, the scott pruitt for e.p.a. administrator and rick perry for energy secretary they frankly scare people. they do. the environmental community takes him at his word. he doesn t believe co 2 emissions have anything to do with global warning emissions at all.
and scott pruitt seems to aagree with him. i don t know about rick perry on that particular question it sounds like if that s the case, even though donald trump has also sent conflicting signals he says he has an open mind. i think at some point you have to either decide to accept the 99% consensus of scientists that man contributes to it or not and the paris climate accord and what he wants to do. i think you can still be for all the above energy policy and also want to do something about global warming. is there a nuances position in between that you want to do something but you don t want it to kill american businesses? yeah. and that s a policy disagreement. i think everyone should be in favor of political noninterference when it comes to science. but the problem that i have is that this often is attacked as a phenomenon that only occurs in one direction. it s those right wing denialist who are minting thingmintmanipulating things. when the left does it do it
pretty frequently when it fits their agenda whether on pipelines or things like that. i would commend to our viewers a really good wall street journal op-ed earlier this month by a scientist by the university of colorado it was entitled my unhappy life as a climate haiherheretic. he believes in the carbon tax and supports that remedy for the problem that he sees. his one heresy was he doesn t believe that climate change contributes to an increase in severe weather events. and for that sin, that thought crime based on evidence that he saw, he has been shunned and shamed and, in fact, called out by the obama white house. so this does happen on both ends. and let s not pretend otherwise. right. let s be clear, steve, that the left for all the talk about being open and transparent and free-thinking and lots of thoughts out there, this is strict. if you are not this way
100 percent, you are out in the cold, pardon the pun. that s exactly right. what it does is have the effect of foreclosing debate. if it s the case that the science is so clear and that anybody who denied or even raises questions would be immediately exposed as an idiot, they should welcome the debate. too often what they do is they use these names, the denialist to foreclose the debate. that s exactly the wrong thing to do. you see it from the left quite a bit. that said, the trump administration, i think, shouldn t have sent this questionnaire. they were smart to disavow it because it looks there like they are trying to foreclose debate. his talk about this. the president-elect has evolved from candidate to president-elect. take a listen. i think it s a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime, china is eating our lunch because they don t partake in all of the rules and regulations that we do. where are you on the environment? i m still open-minded.
nobody really knows. so people jumped on him after he said the open-minded thing. but then he turned around and invited al gore and leo decaprio into trump tower to talk to him and everything and then picked rick perry. that doesn t mean he isn t pt pruitt. bill gates has people pulling their hair out that he said. this. in the same way that president kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, i think that whether it s education or stopping epidemics, there can be a very upbeat message that his administration is going to organize things, get rid of regular go tore barriers and have american leadership through innovation. reference jfk there. he has a big fund on this. he is starting big, big investments into energy innovation. that is it for the panel.
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this violates all protocols and it s almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinfo campaign against the president of the united states. the president doesn t need a hearing, it is already blaming donald trump. the muslim teen says she was attacked by trump supporters who tried to snatch her hijab lied about the whole thing. 1 billion yahoo accounts attacked. the information at risk and what you need to do to stay safe. fox & friends first starts right now. it s 5:00.

People , Campaign , Some , Trump-tower , John-roberts , Summit , Bret-baier , Detractors , Senior-national-correspondent , Donald-trump , Election , Most

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20161015 12:00:00

come on man get real. he repatted my words back to me. get real. as he began thrusting his genitals. reporter: she said the sexual advance eventually stopped. she had dinner him and then threat hotel. she said she was offered a job at trump s golf course near l.a. but turned it down when the salary was half of what she expected. she hasn t talked to trump since but reach out in april of this year to give him a chance to explain his behavior. she never heard back. with a flood of allegations she felt compelled to speak out. you don t have the right to treat women as sexual objects just because you re a star. reporter: in a statement today trump says to be clear i never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. he continued that s not who i am as a person and it is not how i ve conducted my life. wbr-id= wbr3530 /> kristen anderson telling the washington post she too was groped by trump at a nightclub in new york in the early 1990s.
the person on my right who unbeknownst to me at the time was donald trump put their hands up my skirt. he did touch my [ bleep ] through my underwear. pushed the hand away, got up and i turn around and see these eyebrows, very distinct eyebrows of donald trump. and i got up and i moved and i continued to talk with my friends. and they said oh, that s donald trump. i was like ew, he s gross, he just put his hand up my skirt. cnn has not verified eritrea of these claims. the trump campaign responding to kristen anderson s allegations with this. this is a total fabrication, it did not happen. it is illegal logical and nonsensical to think donald trump was iaaf lone in a nightclub in manhattan and that the alleged incident and recognition of mr. trump went unnoticed by both the woman involved and anyone else in this crowded venue.
both women claim they told their friends in the minutes and hours after these alleged assault. as for zevos she told her parents. i reached her father. he said he can t talk about this. zervos is republican and is speaking out so she can sleep at night. the trump campaign released this statement reportedly from summer zervos cousin. i am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin. ever since summer was on the apprentice she s had nothing but glowing things to say about mr. trump that was until summer invited mr. trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. i think summer wishes she can still be on reality tv and in toward get that back she s saying all these negative things about mr. trump. these are things said by mr. barry. cnn reach out no gloria allred. this is their response.
jon barry is a huge trump supporter. he was employed at summer s family restaurant until several months ago when his employment ended. let s bring in chris. what else is the trump campaign saying? reporter: more bad news for trump. these two women came forward yesterday alleging trump groped them. that brings number of women who publicly accused trump of sexual harassment or sexual assault to seven. now hillary clinton for her part has mostly steered clear of the allegations against trump largely for fear of pulling the spotlight away from a campaign that s pretty troubled right now but she did weigh in last night at a fundraiser in seattle. the whole world has heard how donald trump brags about mistreating women. and the disturbing stories keep coming. this is who donald trump really
is. we know that. now we have to demonstrate who we are. [ applause ] america is better than this. reporter: now kristen anderson told the washington post in a story published yesterday that trump slid his hand up her mini skirt and touched her priechts at a new york city nightclub back in the 90s. and former apprentice star zerch rvos said trump grabbed her breast and kissed her over dinner. trump is dismissing all these allegations as lies. in fact he seemed to mock two of his other accusers as too unattractive to draw his attention and painted himself as a victim of an notorious smear campaign. these allegations are 100% false. as everybody, i think you know. these claims, by reason truth logic common sense are made without supporting witnesses.
reporter: now the allegations have knocked trump off track, off message since this news broke last week. but trump says he plans to address the nation in a much more personal way. he wants to talk about his vision for the country. obviously wanting to move past all these allegations, victor. thanks so much. our cnn politics senior reporter joins us now. steven, we heard what the plan is that he wants to talk more policy. how much more of that might we hear as we re now four days away from the final debate? reporter: well everything we know about donald trump is he may say he wants to talk about policy but once he s attacked he hits back twice as hard and that s what eve seen in the last few days in donald trump s rallies. he s responded to these allegations. the question is, is that the most sort of advisable political strategy. trump said yesterday that during one of his rallies that his advisors told him look don t
talk about this, talk about your message, talk about trade, talk about being a change agent because those are the issues that will shape the election but donald trump said, you know, when i m punched i punch back twice as hard. so the question is going into the debate later this week is donald trump is going try to address this in a formal speech, perhaps, sit down interview with somebody to try to get it off the table so he doesn t have to address this directly during the debate or is he going into this debate and as we saw in the last debate on sunday when he vehemently addressed the access hollywood video, you know, made the debate all about donald trump and that s the question a lot of people have. it doesn t seem to be the best political strategy. steven, who behind-the-scenes in his camp might he might be taking some directives from as they shift him back on the policy talk? reporter: it s a good question. at this point donald trump is following his own instincts.
people like kellyanne conway his campaign manager who came aboard a few months ago got donald trump back on track. got him to talk about policy. in recent days donald trump has decided look i ll do this my way. it almost seems like an admission if i lose i ll go down with my most loyal supporters. i was with donald trump this week at a few of his rallies. there s no way any of donald trump s loyal base of supporters are going to desert him over this. the question is what happens to other more moderate republicans. we ve seen fluctuations in his polls in recent weeks because more moderate republicans are getting on and off the trump train wondering whether they can support him. that doesn t take into account the people he really needs if he s going win this election, moderate voters, suburban educated women, white voters in places like philadelphia, colorado, florida. so, you know, donald trump is facing a huge task here. no modern candidate has faced
this kind of avalanche of allegations so close to the election. his route to the white house was already closing before this but now it s closing even more. real quickly let s point out there are a lot of people who absolutely refuse to vote for hillary clinton as well and she s dealing with her own challenges with all the wikileaks and hacked emails. in fact her campaign spokesman said we re still not confirming whether or not any of the wikileaks documents are authentic and are therefore not commenting on their content. the thing is, steven, surely they would know by now what is authentic and what is now. does their silence hurt them on this? reporter: it suits them not to address that question or give the impression this is all a russian plot. one of the down sides for donald trump in his strategy to address the allegation about him it s drowned out this daily drip, drip release of wikileaks documents which could have hurt hillary clinton and put the focus back on the fact that many people see her as dishonest and
not transparent. the clinton campaign is happy to step back, let donald trump take the stage because it s taking the spotlight away from things that can damage her in the run up to the last debate and in the last three weeks of the election. at least until wednesday night final debate when the spotlight is on both of them. appreciate seeing you this morning. thank you. so with less than a month, 24 days, you know we know how many days are left here. what should we expect from the trump campaign next? our political panel will weigh in. as focus remains on accusations against donald trump we want to take a look what hillary clinton is doing behind-the-scenes and the wikileaks challenge she has. hi, i m jamie foxx for sprint. and i m jamie foxx for t-mobile. (both) and we re just as good. really? only verizon was ranked number one nationally in data, reliability, text and call and speed. yeah! and you re gonna fist bump to that? get out of my sight. don t get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data
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of sexual assault. it is a phoney deal. i have no idea who these women are. i have no idea. when you look at that horrible woman last night you think i don t think so. believe me she would not be my first choice that i can tell you. now suddenly after many, many years phoney accusers come out less than a month before in one of the most important elections in the history of our country. what came out recently were, i was sitting alone in some club. i really don t sit alone that much. all right let s bring in donald trump campaign surrogate, robert zimmermanman democratic strategist and hillary clinton support engineer. good morning. matt let me start with you what we saw last night, that was during the afternoon but another rally last night in which donald trump put the teleprompter to the side said i like it better without the teleprompter although his advisors say focus
on your plan for the economy, for jobs, for national security. is this what we saw in that video what we ll see in the next couple of weeks from donald trump? i don t know. i do know this i think if you look what voters are worried about, i think their biggest concern and 70% think this country is on the wrong track is that our economy does not off terrify type of job opportunities nor salary increases over the last 15 years, the take home pay let me just finish. this problem of islamic terrorism and fact that washington is broken. so i agree with you, i think if he focus on those issues i think he connects to these voters who think the country is on the wrong track and i think that s where that s his chance to win the race. but, matt, i want to get to robert in just a second but i think it s important to discuss where some of the trump supporters and clinton supporters were before we heard from these accusers of donald trump. let me take you back to
december. december 30th, the first time that donald trump started talking in this race during the primary about the clintons marriage. this is what you said about that then. you know, she loves her husband but clearly her husband has done some things that are just horrible. i mean, you know, we re going hear all about it. let me tell you one thing. donald trump has proven in politics that we ll go places and talk about things in a very clear manner that other politicians tend to shy away. the rules of politics telling you avoid certain areas because you could get stuck. donald trump goes there, and he s going to go there with bill clinton. he seems to get away with it because people appreciate his candor. when you start talking about bill clinton and his moral decisions in his life there is a lot of material. so now you re recommending that donald trump focus on the issues that we re dealing with these accusers but back then you said if you go there with bill clinton there s a lot of
material there. there is. reconcile that for me. it s not inconsistent with what i m saying. i m saying in order to win this race you have to connect on these key issues if you re donald trump. if you re hillary clinton you have to make it about something else. she s not seen as a candidate of change she s seen as a candidate of the status quo. as far as these questions as far as treatment of women and moral questions as a republican, as a trump supporter i can t believe that hillary clinton has the l gall to go out on stage and judge us. their moral judgment is repugnant when you consider the fact that bill clinton has been accused of you re characterizing what was found in those emails. is don t do that. look there s put the e-mail up. matt i don t have the graphic but we ll put it up. put it up because i was
called backward and it s offensive. is that a fair thing for me to bring up. i hear you re offended. i wanted our viewers to hear what you said in december talking about marriages and what you re saying today. robert to you. i didn t say anything that s excuse me. i stand by everything i said before. that s the problem, matt you do stand by it. let s be very clear, matt. in fact the issue is not whether you re deplorable the issue is the positions you re advocating are deplorable. the idea you can rationalize donald trump s conduct, the fact that he brags about acpredator, brags on howard stern show walk in on 18 and 19-year-old girls who are contestants on the miss universe show. that is in fact deplore scrabble. the idea that he defends himself by saying he wouldn t assault these women because they are not attractive. that s why 60% to 70% in most polls show the american people have decided he doesn t that
have character, done have the temperament or leadership to be a president. ultimately every election about the character and qualifications of an individual. that s why donald trump can t talk about issues. when he tries to talk about issues he doesn t have the credibility to address them. hold on, robert let me ask you what many republicans are saying that clinton supporters now are so outraged by the way donald trump is treating his accusers they weren t this outraged when hillary clinton responded to bill clinton s accusers. put up on the screen the graphic from what robert said september of this year the 29th when asked about how you feel about clintons treatment of women in the 90s. hillary stood up for her husband. she stood up for her marriage and very frankly whenever republicans have tried to attack her for that, they have absolutely gone down in flames. you said she was supporting her husband. now you re outraged what donald
trump is doing. exactly. in fact cnn own tom foreman and jeffrey toobin pointed out that the claim that hillary clinton attacked these individuals who were accusing bill clinton is, in fact, very thin and mostly false. yeah she mostly. i like that mostly false. she stood up for her husband and outraged by many of the false attacks against him and against her family. here s the point, matt. while she stood up for her husband and her family nothing excuses the way donald trump is, in fact, there s no equivalency between that and the way donald trump brags about being a predator. the worst thing is the way the republicans try to rationalize it. stay with us. we got to get in a break. clinton versus trump the final show un, final time face to face before the election. coverage starts here wednesday at 4:00 p.m. right here on cnn. more to discuss regarding
accusations against donald trump and we re taking a look what hillary clinton is doing this weekend. fallout from more hacked emails. stay close. isn t isn t isn t isn t stant stant test staubstantiate stangubstann
advisors preparing for her final debate with donald trump. that comes next wednesday in las vegas. but she s hitting the books, doing the same types of preparation she was doing for the previous debates. but before leaving seattle, washington on friday, she also dropped by a campaign field office and talked to volunteers. she talked about how she s taking no satisfaction from this athletic at all and worries about these deep divisions. this election is incredibly painful. i take absolutely no satisfaction in what is happening on the other side with my opponent. i am not at all happy about that because it hurts our country. it hurts our democracy. it sends terrible messages to so many people here at home and around the world. the damage that is being done that we ll have to repair.
divisions are being deepened that we ll have to try to heal. so our job doesn t end after this election. reporter: by saying her job does not end after the election signifies she s looking ahead. when you talking to her advisors they tell me that she is, in fact forks concussion on simply winning 270 electoral votes but the reality here is they are preparing for a transition. they are looking forward. they know something different is happening in this race. but that only happens if she has a successful debate next week and she beats donald trump on november 8th. all right. thank you very much. hillary clinton preparing for the next debate but there are also more hacked emails coming to light as a result of the wikileaks release. we ll talk about those in just a moment. dad, one second i was driving and then the next. they just didn t stop and then. i m really sorry. i wrecked the subaru.
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8:33 is the time. good to see you this morning. i m christi paul. i m victor blackwell. let s reintroduce our political panel this morning. matt and robert are back. i want to talk about these emails in just a moment. but there s a tweet out from donald trump i want to get your reaction to. it s just a couple of minutes old. hillary clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. instead she s running for president in what looks like a rigged election. reinforcing that what we ve seen from trump over several months now, this suggestion that the voters input doesn t matter here, that this is already decided. a rigged election.
right. sneers the no we ll go to matt first. this is great. look i think that what donald trump is talking about which is objectively true. there are people who have handled classified information how is that look when i answer could i please answer without interrupting because robert goes answer. leapt me answer and then you can ask another question. other people in this country have hand classified information in a reckless manner in which hillary clinton has handled reckless information and they are in the jail. members of the military are in jail. no question there s a double standard for hillary clinton. i served in the presidency of george w. bush. there were dozens and dozens of my colleagues who faced legal troubles because of wrongdoing and in the obama administration what we have seen is when his secretary of state got in trouble his fbi and his doj for whatever reason has not treated her like they treated other citizens in the country for
doing similar things. i think it s a fair statement to make that we should have equal justice under the law even for the clins. get to the last two words of this tweet. we got time. get to the last two words of this. you say this tweet is objectively true. put it back up on the screen. a rigged election. you say this is objectively true. i was speaking to the part about the fact that hillary clinton is not being held accountable. on the rigged election part i think his point is this, victor which sue don t have to agree with it. but for a lot of us republicans we saw bill clinton be accused of wrongdoing from women through a long stretch period of time when it looked like he would win the new hampshire primary. that was the first one. hillary clinton called bimbo eruption. we know the disgusting trail on that. can i finish. if i could just finish it would being a great. when it comes to donald trump you re running the clock. when it comes to donald trump what has happened with literally days to go, a couple of weeks to
go before the election right after the debate, right after the tape release all of a sudden these women come out right afterwards. for a lot of republicans that looks coordinated. it doesn t look spontaneous. you re not getting to the point. yes i am. i got the answer. they think it s rigged by the way the fact this was coordinated with the clinton political machine. robert? let s be clear. this is what you call the seven staefgs political failure. first you blame the media. then you come up with these wild conspiracies about your opponent. then you, in fact, claim the system is fixed against you. then of course as matt just did you accuse the fbi director of treason. in fact oh, stop, robert. that s absurd. i didn t talk over you. the american people see-through this. i didn t lie. this is a failing campaign because now donald trump is ultimately not ending up relying
upon hacked emails from vladimir putin and russia to justify his political existence. let s be clear. the american people have a very fair sense, a very good sense of decency and good sense of fairness. when they see donald trump praise vladimir putin as a leader, endorse vladimir putin s agenda in the middle east and for dismantdling nato and now they see put in turn release all sorts of what could be doctored emails, they are not authenticated, clearly to help the trump campaign. we can t all talk at the same time. can i speak to that, victor. give him a chance to finish. you now see all these emails released, dock toward and hacked emails from vladimir putin that helped donald trump, the american people see-through this. that s why it s not an issue. donald trump s candidacy is failing. i can speak there s no claim from the campaign these were dock toward emails. they have not been authenticated. let s be clear about what has
and has not been kblamd these emails. matt very quickly. i do want to get to wikileaks. hillary clinton was asked a question about these e-mail releases and she specifically answered the question to anderson cooper and compared herself to honest abe lincoln. she never said she questioned the veracity of the leaked emails. that s incorrect. that s not incorrect. that happened on cnn. members of the campaign staff said these emails many don t look recognizable. hillary clinton is the candidate and she answered the question. we got to take a break. we ll do this one at a time after the break. stay with us. we ll talk with you in a moment. thank you. everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don t stick around. use clorox disinfecting products.
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we want to talk about temp mams released from this hacking of john podesta s e-mail account released by wikileaks. you each characterize these emails and their veracity. i want to tried what the clinton spokesman is saying. we re still not confirming whether or not any of the wikileaks documents are authentic and therefore not commenting on their doesn t. so that is from the campaign. i want to first play to you something that we heard from hillary clinton about a really crucial part of the obama coalition that she needs to hold together to win in the 24 days, latino-americans. this is what she said a couple of weeks ago.
watch this. you re not intruders. you re our neighbors. our colleagues. our friends. our families. you make our nation stronger, smarter, more creative. and i want you to know that i see you and i am with you. all right. so then after that there was a part of this hacking, there was an e-mail from john podesta to hillary clinton the subject line, meeting latinos and one easy call listing people that hillary clinton should call. and it included former governor bill richardson former member of her husband s cabinet. it says richardson is still on tv a lot especially on univision and telemundo and he can be and we took the word out it begins with a d, worth getting him in a good place. so, at that event she speaks so highly of latinos her campaign
chairman considers people on this list media latino. reconcile those two for me, robert. first of all, victor, i have to say this quite sincerely the idea that we re even discussing emails that are not authenticated, emails hacked from russia according to our intelligence officials and in fact the idea this is driving the discussion i think is really very wrong and very dangerous. the bottom line is whatever the internal strategy that e-mail discusses about reaching out to certain individuals, i m very proud of hillary clinton, because she s articulated a vision for the country about bringing us together that is a very sharp contrast to donald trump and the racist hateful rhetoric that s defined his campaign. let me get the question out. before you jump to the attack and you talk about the stark contrast, there s a stark contrast between what she said there at the event and what her campaign chairman is saying here about media latinos.
no, it s not. the subject line is not you need to call these people it s media latinos. we don t know if that subject line is legitimate or not. that s an e-mail about calling a certain individual as opposed she s articulating a message that s sharply different. donald trump has been denounced for being racist. it s defining tissues that separate the two individuals. not these games about emails that you and i don t know are legitimate or not. matt, before you answer let me read bill richardson s response statement to the albuquerque journal . he writes this. i do not care about any characterization of me he made in an e-mail. i fully respect john and recognize the difficult job he has. so that s from the former governor. and matt your response.
well first of all, if the standard in this election that we ll only talk about charges that are factual and have been authenticated that ought to work on every topic including the first ten minutes of our conversation here. exactly. in the debate hillary clinton was asked a question by anderson cooper about one of these released wikis. she never said i questioned the authenticity. she answered the question about why she has both public and private positions and she justified it by saying she felt like honest abe lincoln did the same thing. the fact is this. what these emails show was the release of her transcripts from her speeches which she should have released a long time ago and there s many troubling things at all. your trouble at all robert the government of qatar gave bill clinton a million dollars cash so that they could have a five minute meeting with him to talk about redevelopment in haiti? they were proven to be false.
that s not false. robert, this is we have to clue people in what you re talking about. there was an earn mail that was sent that was on the occasion of the former president s birthday, the last million dollars that they wanted to give. the question was and we haven t gotten an answer remember cnn has been looking into this was what money handed over, of it to the foundation, we re still investigating that. fair enough. second of all, she said that we can t properly vet the syrian refugees. she said that when she thought that was in a private conversation giving a speech to a room. i think that s problematic. i don t like the fact she said robert let me finish. you ve been able to talk. i respect you. i m on tv a lot with you. i ll answer and then i ll be quiet. thirdly i think it s offensive these emails demonstrate a breathtaking anti-catholic bias when they call us extremely backwards. when they mock how we baptize our children. when they mock saints of the church. when they try to act
again mischaracterization. if they could have a coup inside the catholic church. amazingly bigoted statement to people of faith from a campaign whose only central theme we re deplorable and irredeemable and now we re severely backwards. she s running on no issues. robert go ahead. first let me just say i much rather have hillary clinton quoting abe lincoln than watching in fact donald trump in fact channel andrew dice claim and his commentary. that s the difference between two individuals. and the kind of fielt we re seeing from the trump campaign. that s not fair. i m not a liar. matt hold on he called me a liar. if we can talk one at a time we ll wrap it up right now. matt please hold on. robert finish up and then we got to go. very simply the idea we re looking to a man who brags about engaging in sexual assault.
who brags about predatory behavior. we got to wrap it there. matt, robert, thank you very much. christie, i ll give it to you. we have to talk about something else. it s been weeks since hurricane matthew hit the east coast and look at what they are still dealing with today. more flooding. areas already that are mostly under water. we ll tell you what they are dealing with and how they will get out of this. also there s a new california start up company. it found a way to deliver healthy find timely manner with the help of an app. this week s start small think big for you now. san francisco start up sprig is delivering healthy meals on demand. we created an app every day you can scroll through a menu, tap twice on your phone and 20 minutes later a hot nutritious meal is delivered to your door step. dhou they deliver the food so fast? they use a math equation to
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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161008 00:00:00

hollywood. they were talking first about a married women trump had tried to seduce but he didn t use that word. and then talking about the co-star they were going to make. much of is the graphic and obscene. the very fact the such a videotape of the presidential candidate needs such a warrant speaks for itself. i moved on her actually. she was down in palm beach. i moved on her. and i failed. i ll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ]. she was married. wbr id= wbr941 /> her name was nancy. i moved on her heavily. in fact i took her out furniture shopping. i told her i ll show you where you can get some nice furniture. i moved on her like a bitch. but i couldn t get there. and she was married. and all of a sudden i see her, she s now got the big phony tits and everything. she s totally changed her looks. /b>
your girl is hot at [ bleep ]. in the purple. whoa. yes. the donald has scored. whoa, my man. wait you got to look okay. you are a maybe it is a different one. no that s her. you got to get this [indiscernible]. you and i will walk out. oh my gosh. maybe it is a different one. no it s her. yeah that s her. with the gold. i got to use some tic tacs just in case i start kissing her. you know i m automatically attracted to beautiful people. it is like a magnet. i start kissing her. when they are a star you can do anything. they let do you do it. grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. all i can see is the legs. oh looks good. come on shorty. ooh nice legs. get out of the way, honey. ooh, that s good legs. just got to make sure you don t fall out of the wbr-id= wbr1784 /> bus. like ford, gerald ford, remember?
hello. how are you, hi. mr. trump, how are you. good good. terrific. good to see you. billy bush. hello. are you ready to be a soap star? we re ready. let s go. make me a soap star. have a little hug for the donald. he just got off the bus - have a little hug for the bushy, i just got off the bus. as soon as a beautiful woman shows up always has. come here. yeah. let the little guy in. hard to walk like this. yeah you get in the middle. that s better. that s better. now if you had to choose honestly between one of us. me or the donald. i don t know. that s tough competition. seriously. you had to take one of us as a date. i d have to take the fifth on that one. really? i ll take both. which way?
make a right. here we go. here we go. i m going to leave you here. my microphone. you re finish sfd. i m going to go to a show. so nearly immediately after this tape was released by the post the trump campaign put out a statement which used the word apologize, though you can judge for yourself whether it was an apology or not. id reads there is locker room banter that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if someone was offended. for hillary clinton s part she put out a tweet. this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president. let s get more reaction to all this which could impact sunday s debate which anderson is moderating. and mike pence was asked about it while on the trail in ohio.
as you heard, no answer from governor mike pence there. however rnc chair reince priebus just weighed in. he said no woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner, ever. joining us cnn s mj lee and dana bash who just received some new information on how the trump campaign is reacting, literally at this moment. and gloria borger. dana, what s going on inside trump tower right now. as you can imagine deaf con five would probably ban understatement. we only at this point have the statement which is a couple of sentence, which was referring to bill clinton and things that he allegedly said to donald trump on the golf course which he said are worse and so forth. we haven t heard from donald trump himself beyond that. and they are huddling right now
the primaries. but he s got to grow. he s got to add people. he s got to add suburban women. married women. women just women. independents. into his voting block. and he s not going to do that with this kind of language. so i think just in terms of the political conversation and the it is just kind of stunning to watch this unfold. dana? john, i just want to add sort of one way to answer that question why is this different now? with the statement that the highest ranking republican member of congress kathleen rogers just put out which is the most telling so far because it is not just about donald trump the words. it is what he suggested do to
no those words. or violence against women. if that is the context in which donald trump is caught on tape saying that that is being interpreted, it is a thousand miles further away than him calling somebody a pig or too fat or anything he said about rosie o donnell. this is in a whole different league. he can touch people how he wants, he can grab people ow he wants because he s a star. we got to take a break but before i want to read a tweet from mitt romney who was the last republican nominee. hitting on married women, condoning assault. such vile things degrade our wives and daughters and the world. just ahead. the reporter who broke this story. and also the latest on hurricane matthew. that s ahead on 360. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself
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get 20 gigs and 4 lines for only $160. with no surprise overages on america s best network. two big breaking stories tonight. we re following hurricane matthew now spinning off northeast florida and still very much a throthreat to millions o shore. and then donald trump caught
bragging to billy bush that as a star he could grab women by their genitals and get away with it because he s a star. he also bragged about trying to sex with a married women. the tape surfaced just 48 hours ahead of the presidential debate in st. louis. a the described reaction when it broke, gasps. we re trying to get our heads around it and there is no way to spin this. this isn t. we spoke to the man who broke the story a while ago. david i know you are not going to disclose your source on this but whoever gave it to you or alerted you to it obviously had something bug on their hands. i really can t say anything about how we got ahold of this. when you heard it what was your reaction? it was shocking. this is the voice of donald trump you have heard now for a
couple of years solid and a voice you have gotten used to hearing in a political context and here he is discussing this in a pretty lewd and outrageous manner. i was pretty surprised. he calls this locker room bantder. the thing is he s 56 years old. and it is not just crass language. it is predatory. when you are a star you can do it. you can do anything. you can grab them by the and then he goes on. and right. it is not just hey look at that woman, isn t she hot? it goes beyond that. what he does. not describing what he d like to do but what he has done apparently to women. how he s a star he can kiss them if he wants to. he can grope them. that just makes this more interesting and shocking. it is not just like look at that women. she s a ten. he s saying this is what i have done to women in the past and will do again. and you can judge the magnitude of this by the fact that the trump campaign
responded very quickly with a statement that included the word apologi apologize. which he s apologizing if anyone was offended. which is a non apology, apology. obviously leaves room for the view that people will listen to this or see this and not be offended by. ive. but certainly is a full step from just apologizing for something you wish you hadn t done. apologizing is different from i m sorry i ever said it. i shouldn t have said it at all. that said he uses the word apology which i m not sure he has used at all this campaign season. so that is a big deal in and of itself from the trump campaign. it is unusual. right though that he s apologizing sort of in a way as i apologize if you take offense. not that i looked at myself and took account of my own moral conduct and decided it was wrong of me to have done this. and in that statement he of
course takes on bill clinton. he says bill clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course. i guess it is not surprising he goes after bill clinton on this because that is what he tends do whenever the subject of woman comes up. but again he s not running against bill clinton is he. and bill clinton wasn t on the bus with him that day. this was donald trump and billy bush. donald trump leading the conversation. so whatever he may have heard from bill clinton, unless he s claiming he didn t know these words until bill clinton taught him, i think it is a little irrelevant to what trump said that day in the video. there was not a clinton on the bush. there was a bush on the bus. billy bush who now works for nbc news, i m sure we ll get a response from him also at some point. what kind of legs do you think this has going forward? it is friday night before the second debate. what questions remain unanswered here? i think this will continue to
be something people talk about. the difference here is this is audio and video. you are hearing trump in his own words saying these things. it is different hearing it secondhand. i ve been wrong about everything else about the election but it may come up in the debate and something trump is asked about later on. and maybe something mike pence, a strong independent christian will be asked about. and trump s evangelical supporters will be asked about. and a kind of thing that goes to trump s moral character and that could last the next week, maybe longer. people who appear with trump, who have endorsed trump. people like paul ryan certainly could and will be asked about this going forward. thank you so much. thank you. late tonight billy bush did in fact put out a statement. it reads obviously i m embarrassed and ashamed. it s no excuse but this happened eleven years ago. i was youngerish less mature and acted foolishly in playing
along. i m very sorry. it is sounds like the kind of thing a lot of college students might be hearing about or warned about on orientations on sexual assault on campuses. lot to discuss here. joining me now. also with us. cnn chief political analyst gloria borjer and cnn political commentators and the political supporters. kayleigh, said no woman should be talked about in this manner ever. exactly right. it was hard to hear those words today s. it is inexcusable. i think the statement was not enough. i think donald trump needs to humble himself and come out to the american people and say i m not the person i was 11 years ago. i m a different person. i m not that person. and i think that he needs to
apologize to the american people. because if we know anything about the american people they are forgiving people. they forgave bill clinton for his transgressions in the oval office. and i think they forgive when you humble yourself. and i think that is what he needs to do. apologize. bottom line. inexcusable. not just if people were offended but apologize period. yes. apologize to the american people directly, all of them. amanda carpenter, when you heard this, you had a somewhat visceral reaction. yeah. this is bigger than trump. this is about the republican party. and if there is any elected republican official who doesn t know what to say, they should call up a rape survivor tonight and ask them what they heard when they heard donald trump say these words? this isn t as reince priebus said talking about something that trump describes women this way. trump is saying this is something that he did. this isn t harassment.
it is not locker room talk. he is talking about sexual assault. there is no other way to frame this. and listen, i have a 4 and a half-year-old daughter. last night we had the news on and she pointed at the tv and she said is that man a trump. in a couple of years she s going to watch shows like this and know what s going on. and right now this election is going to be about how the republican party treats women. and right now seeing the statements come out from other republicans trying to dismiss this or go past it? i don t know what that answer is. i want to be in this party. but if they will not respect women and recognize that donald trump is boasting about sexual assault, we women cannot stand by this. scotty. well these were comments that were made 11 years ago. and let me agree with kayleigh and amanda. these were horrible comment. no place whether you are a republican or democrat, there is no place for them in america
today. and i think we need to hold people that are in pop culture and hollywood who are in our rap music and in our reading we need to hold them accountable just as much for donald trump. but this reconfirms he was not running for office back then. he was a part of a different world than he is now. and he always said i would only run for president if there were no one else to solve the problems we have today. and officially he feels like he s the one who can do it and 14 million people in the primary agree with him. and now i think it is wonderful the timing of this video mahas come out. the same day wikileaks comes out. and . because for political reasons. she says she and her husband she can t really relate to middle class people right. now due to the fact she s not one of them anymore because of all the money her and her husband made. so the timing of this video
hang on. it is eleven years ago. yes. but it is not like donald trump was in junior high. he was 59 years old when he said it. so he was a fully formed individual. and gloria borger, again, let s talk about amanda s point right there. the pressure this puts on the republican party now to deal with this. paul ryan is supposed to be on a stage with him tomorrow in wisconsin. what s gonna happen? right. this goes beyond crude talk, to predatory behavior. and i think it is a tipping point right now for the republican party. and i think, you know, my e-mail has kind of been blowing up from republicans who are saying to me. i mean, bush s former campaign manager said to me he s a pig, i m voting for hillary clinton. this is a republican. i think that democrats are going to force republicans to say whether they still support donald trump for president. i think you are going to start hearing calls from republicans
privately and then maybe publicly to say what is our plan b here? i think this has gone beyond, again, a matter of crude talk and crude behavior to insults to women to something that s quite frankly predatory. and i think the party has to grapple with this. you have the chairman saying this is inexcusable and then there is a second thing, okay. then what? now what, reince priebus? and i think people are asking themselves that question tonight and i think these are very sad conversations. i feel for the young people who are working in the donald trump campaign who spoke to mj lee about how they feel about pouring their heart and soul into a campaign, and now this tape comes out. so anna navarro. we re going to take a quick break. but when we come back i m going to ask you this question. is there anything donald trump can say tonight to make this go away?
is there anything that paul ryan or other republicans that are supporting donald trump can say over the next 24 hours that will satisfy you and make this go away at least for the next 32 days until election day. that is to you anna after the break. also a close watch on hurricane matthew now blamed for four deaths in florida and a new update from the hurricane center coming up. 6 only a few. truly move us. with over one million on the road, wbr id= wbr17955 /> lexus hybrids are always charged and always ready. /b>
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just a small snippet of the tape. what donald trump needs to do is humble himself before the american people and apologize for the words he said. admit that they were beyond the line. would that satisfy you? no. look, i think what donald trump needs do is quit. i think he needs to stop being the republican nominee. he s dragging this entire process down the gutter. he s dragging the entire republican party down the gutter. you have to understand he cannot win. he is irredeemable. this is not something you are going to recover from. and the reason is because this is consistent behavior from donald trump. this is not a one-time occurrence. we ve heard him throughout the campaign call rosie o donnell a fat wbr-id= wbr20948 /> big, about miss universe. megyn kelly s menstrual cycle. and giving numbers for scores
for scoring their bodies. how many times does he get away with saying something image i misogynistic or sexist before we call him it. it is time to condemn the man. it is time to ask him to step down. it is time to tell america he does not represent republican values. he is a pig. he is vile. this is consistent behavior by him. the only difference is that now we have it on tape and now we have it on video. but this man is not fit to be president of the united states. he is not fit to be the republican nominee. he is not fit to be called a man. kailg mcenany, to that point is this an aberration, as scotty was saying, 11 years ago? or is this part of who donald trump is?
wbr id= wbr21600 /> because he s said things on the campaign trail this year about women that have raised a lot of eyebrows. he was tweeting about miss universe a week ago. where i disagree, is i don t think any human being is irredeemable. i think the comments is inexcusable. as a christian they don t lay right with me or sit right with me. but also a christian i know when you apologize for something, you are forgiven. and you can wipe away anything you have done in the past because you can be forgiven by the blood of jesus christ. that is what i believe as the christian. i don t think he s irredeemable. i think he s a different person now than he was then and i think if he humbles himself and explains to the american people that i ve learned from people around me and i m a man of honor and i ve learned from that. a father, a grandfather. and everything about this is redeemable. what about mike pence? the trump campaign kicked the pool out. he didn t answer questions on a rope line. how does he respond to this /b>
wbr-id= wbr22200 /> going forward? he really has to examine his heart. i mean, to be sure god does forgive but there are just some things that are just disqualifying for someone who wants to be president of the united states. in that tape he s saying that he believes, and he did, he could do anything to women because he was a star. that means he felt he was entitled to assault women because he had power. he s running if are the most powerful office in america. what does that mean he thinks he would be entitled to do? there is really no bounds. once you say you can grab a woman like that, he can t stop himself from kissing someone? assaulting someone? i don t think there is any limit. so i hope mike pence examines his heart, his soul. and, you know, christians may be able to forgive donald trump for his actions and his words. but that does not mean he gets a pass to become president of the united states is this. scotty, how do you respond to
this? because you have heard kayleigh who was a trump support say this crossed the line. you have heard folks who are not supporters say this makes them question the very party you are a member of. you are a shrewd political observer and you have followed politics a lock time. trump is having a real problem with women voters. a real problem with independents. does this hurt him irreparably. tlurm a number of women supporting donald trump for one reason only. because he s not hillary clinton. her actions have been even worse and going forward the reason we re supporting mr. trump, why i personally is for my family. i want to be able to protect for my family and i want to be able to provide for my family. nothing do with these words from 11 years or any other things he s said in the past. i care he s going secure our border and preserve my constitution and second amendment rights. and other than that let s stay
for the tabloids and talk about the things that matter most for most mother, most women in this world is please, protect my family, provide for my family. something he s put a plan out and we know he will co-and hillary clinton doesn t put emphasis on that. here is the problem. before we even get to discuss agenda. before we even get to discuss policy there is a minimum requirement of morality, of moral compass, of decency, of human empathy, of behaving like an adult. of behaving not like a sexual predator. and if you are incapable of meeting that minimum requirement you can t even talk to me about policy because you are unfit to be on the ballot. and it is time not only donald trump think about what he s doing but republicans who have endorsed him, this is the time to disavow this man. paul ryan, our lonely highs look to you. you are my friend. i though you. you are a decent human being. you are a good husband, a good
father. you cannot stand by this man tomorrow. reince priebus, same goes for you. he will ruin the republicans that are on the ballot with him. we cannot afford this. if we re going to have a party that survives we must disown donald trump tonight. we re going take up that thought. we re also going to take up what s going on inside trump tower right now because i have to believe there are big decisions being made as we speak about when he will address this, how he will address it. seems to me he s got to get to this sometime before he takes that debate stage sunday night. a debate by the way that anderson will be moderating. just 48 hours away now from the second presidential debate. in st. louis. our coverage here all day long on sunday. anderson will be one of the moderators along with abc news martha raddatz. and more on hurricane matthew as it makes up the southeastern coast.
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joining me now from st. augustine florida, michael holmes. a big concern where you are there, the storm surge. all this flooding. what are you seeing? reporter: yeah absolutely. i m standing in storm surge. it is not very deep here. but st. augustine, the city itself, what s known as the oldest city in america, dating back 400 years when a spanish admiral founded it. it is back that way. and this water goes all the way back into the city. and in fact the city is officially closed. emergency services and an officer coming through now. they are the only ones going in and out of the city. it is officially closed. there is in fact a cur fay from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. what happens is when the storm surge came in it was meant to be eight feet of storm surge. the mayor said everyone get out. population of about 13 and a half thousand. half of them said no, we re
going to stay. they are stuck there now. roads and bridges closed until emergency services say it is safe to reopen them. so that is just one example of what s happening up and down the southeast coast when it comes to storm surge. you know, thousands of people being affected by this. and a lot of damage been done. very historic city st. augustine. probably dmoen to a lot of people. that is the concern up and down the coast. st. augustine, michael thank you o much. a new advisor from the hurricane center just out. what s the latest. well as the category two storm but that means absolutely nothing. it s built up strength for so many days now that category, 3, 4 hurricane is going to see all the water under the eye slam northward and they could see even great storm surge than in st. augustine and jacksonville. we re going to see heavier amounts of rain than we ve
already on the coastline. tornado watch is expected from yesterday because of the angle of approach. we dodged a major bullet today with that eye stay 20-25 miles off shore. yesterday talking with anderson we talked about every mile counts. the difference between catastrophic damage and then moderate to severe damage which, occurred. don t get me wrong. it s very bad but it could have been much worse. but now it is going to get worse. the large precipitation shield is all from the eye northward. the greatest effects in the colors of yellow on the northern prieriphery of the i eye will sm with full momentum. georgia south carolina and north carolina. head.e concerned about hilton a big concentration of pine trees. they blow over easily in 45, 50 miles per hour gusts. weak root systems. this model which has been spot on, continues to take it very
close. this is a saturday/sunday event. so far good news, it was low tide at jacksonville at 7:30. it is going to be low tide tomorrow morning in charleston, where it approaches at its closest event. again now category 2 but the angle of approach, john, mooens everything. let s hope it moves out and away. yesterday we were talking about the big curve it is going to take. i wouldn t worry about that so much. it is undergoing shear right now and we re hoping it breaks down further. so not much event coming back around. we re already seeing the surge five, six peat above average in some areas. big areas of concern in georgia, particularly south carolina. thank you so much. just ahead, back to other breaking news. donald trump caught on tape talking crudely about women. a highlight reel in a moment plus the latest on hurricane
matthew, the deadly storm remains dangerous now heading for georgia and south carolina. i have asthma. .one of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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the crisis, a tape surfacing of hill doing what he has a history of doing. here s randi kaye. reporter: donald trump says he loves beautiful women. he also loves to talk about women. and it often lands him in hot water. like during his long-running feud with rosie o donnell. she came to my wedding. she ate like a pig. after his dustup with megyn kelly during the fox news debate, trump said this about her on cnn. she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her, wherever. critics charged he was referring to menstruation. trump insisted it was a big misunderstanding. i was going to say nose and/or ears. because that s a very common statement. blood pouring out of somebody s nose. it s a statement showing anger. kelly wasn t the first female journalist trump sparred with. decades ago after new york times columnist gail collins wrote about rumors of trump s bankruptcy, he sent her a copy
of the article he d written and circled her photo, writing across it, quote, the face of a dog. much of what trump has said about women was during his many appearances on howard stern s radio show. in 2005, he made this remark, talking about a woman in a beauty pageant. first of all, she s unbelievably short. and i m a little bit surprised. i think that the boob job is terrible. you know, they look like two life posts coming out of a body. after he bought a pageant, stern asked trump how he might change it. they said, how are you going to change the pageant? and i said, i m going to get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher. a woman s breasts were always a hot topic for him. i view a person who s flat chested is very hard to be a 10. it has to be extraordinary. you have to have the face of vivienne leigh to be a 10. but she went from an 8 to solid 4. reporter: in another appearance on the show. some incredible, beautiful women, they ll walk up and flip their top.
wow, and they ll flip their panties. i ve been with women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs. isn t it unbelievable? one women, beautiful, had big, beautiful, real boobs, really beautiful. and she wants them reduced. years later on t the howard sten sho show , trump boldly mocked kim kardashian s any seek. does she have a good body, no. does she have a fat [ bleep ], absolutely. and just last week, trump has to defend comments he d made about former miss universe, alicia machado, calling her miss piggy and an eating machine. he doubled down on those comments on fox news. she was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was a real problem. we had a real problem. a candidate struggling to win the support of women come election day, in his own words. randi kaye, cnn, new york.
much more on this in the next hour of 360 on this leaked donald trump tape. reaction from the republican party and we expect, at some point, from the trump campaign itself. we ll also have the latest on hurricane matthew heading for georgia and the carolinas after causing so much damage in florida. stay with us. now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted.
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