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Transcripts For DW Business 20190715 14:45:00

cooling. demand at home and abroad continues to falter the latest quarterly results are in line with expectations they show state support is finally kicking in but that more stimulus will be needed as china s trade conflict with the united states rages on. in the past 3 decades the chinese economy has undergone an extraordinary transformation developing from an inward looking agrarian based society to a major industrial powerhouse growth has been rapid for years double digits were the norm now the pace of expansion is slowing down in the last quarter g.d.p. rose by 6.2 percent solid by many standards but for china the worst performance since the early 1990 s. the government s been keen to offer reassurance but doesn t deny there are problems with some. from bunyan generally speaking economic performance in the 1st half of
the year was within a reasonable range and has sustained momentum and overall stability. however we should also be aware that the economic conditions are still severe both at home and abroad global economic growth is slowing down the external instability and uncertainty are increasing the unbalanced and in adequate development as home is still accused the economy is under a new downward pressure. much of that downward pressure is a result of the country s ongoing trade dispute with the united states which has seen the introduction of hundreds of billions of dollars in punishing tariffs. but there are home grown problems to for years chinese companies have taken advantage of largely on regulation lending leading to warnings of an impending debt crisis. add to that we can in global demand don t you have a cocktail for a further slowdown in the future a source of concern far beyond beijing the sheer size of the country s economy now
means what happens to china happens to the world. or institute the china study. first of all in. is the data in your view good or bad i think it s line with expectations most analysts have predicted something like 6.2 growth which is what we ve got 6.3 for the whole quarter and this is in line with a longer term slowdown in china has been experiencing within the state growth targets of 6 to 6.5 percent how much can you blame those results on a trade war that well exports has fallen a little bit potentially because of the trade war but at the same time imports have been falling at a faster pace than exports and because of the way g.d.p. is calculated does actually means that the net export computer component of g.d.p. has been holding up quite well actually what s knocking off the most percentage point from growth is actually final consumption expenditure how much well can china take that if this trade war goes on and if this trade war escalates well i think
china can has still has some reserves they have a large. a very large portfolio of foreign reserves the central banks in the country have a reserve requirements of around 10 percent which means that there is room to lower more inflation is that a very low it s at a reasonably low level so the central bank still has a mission to push money into the market if needed so i think they can hold on for quite a bit longer if you reckon that this slowdown in the economy is going to continue right i would say so and it s china s been undergoing a trending slowdown for a very long time and of course as china becomes more advanced country its growth is going to become closer to other advanced countries so this is something that is hard to stop but what foots the question is how these near term events are going to affect the the trending growth is going to go up a little bit down a little bit but what you don t think we could see a rebound later in the year as far as trying to dot it goes if if the trade war
doesn t escalate well any rebound will be in the decimal points so it s a china s long term trajectory is definitely downwards but you could see a 0 point one percent or put 2 and rebound and as i said they do have their are. the government is trying to launch stimulus packages and so on they want to get the growth up to the growth targets and i think i fully expect us to see china reached a growth target this year do you reckon china has a much better case though all of improving its economic outlook if it starts opening up to the world more and more yes that s many people say that but the question is if this could cause instability which is something the government s always worried about so china has taken several steps to open capital markets and so on but most of these efforts are made in such a way that more money flows into the country than out and something they re particularly worried about is large scale outflow which could happen if china became a more open country became us back to you in a 2nd we have craig elam now on the line from london who s
a market analyst there craig what do you think lies ahead for the chinese economy we re just talking about whether or not to expect a rebound later in the year whether or not this trade war is going to flare up how do you think things are going to play out based on today s economic data. well i think in many ways that s going to depend on what kind of monetary and fiscal stimulus that we see as a result of the why the economy s performed in the 1st half of the year i think it s important to note that yes while we are seeing the slowest level of growth in 27 years in china this is being part of a decline that s been happening for some time and actually the extent to which we ve seen it drop from around 6 and a half to $6.00 isn t that extreme actually growth of the whole is around $6.00 so we could actually see with a little bit of stimulus towards in the 2nd half of the year we could actually see the perform a little bit better again and all of a sudden the trajectory of the decline isn t too extortionate and again it also
depends on how much more this trade war those escalates if we continue to see targets being imposed naturally it is going to have significant implications but again it s then down to the point of the policymakers to decide what type of response that needs and how necessary it is i think what was interesting in the data today was there was a couple of course points the retail sales figure was strong and we know how much more the chinese economy is going to be dependent on the consumer so we can look at that and say that s a positive and production exceeded expectations as well the more than we have to be wary about though is not to read too much into single data points because in fact if you look at the trend these are what actually bit of an outlier from the last few months of if we can start to see it build momentum on top of that and that s a sign of things to call that says that gives us a cause for optimism for the 2nd half of the year but if it turns out to be a blip then maybe policymakers will need to be more active so you both agree that the trend is down woods but craig let me just ask you briefly does china s mix of
communism and capitalism actually have a future. well i think i guess we re going to be judging that in the years to come it s hard to say right now because forewarned we don t always know just how reliable the chinese economic data is we ve been saying it for songs on what we ve been saying for some time that people have been raising significant questions based on all the in the cases as to just how reliable particular the growth figures are but also the import export numbers in many cases as well so i think in the years there will be looking back on the chinese model and seeing if it is a sustainable model and if it s actually just sowing the seeds of effectively for a future crisis we have to remember that in the past whenever we ve seen the kind of credit growth that we ve seen in china over the past couple of decades it does tend to work and in about why so the question is going to be not necessarily is credit growth bad but it can t be money following a sustained expansion in such a way that it doesn t and then catastrophe or not that s really going to be the final judgment on just how how important and how positive such
a strong government hand will have in the economy max do you agree just pretty much with the he out he highlights credit growth as a very serious moment i completely agree and we ve seen some signs of shakiness it has been it was a very serious something that really stands out was the default of the bank which the government then took over does sends a signal i think to the whole market. credit the quality of credits might not be at the level that people previously expected and i think dece financial problems this is going to be something that will definitely weigh heavy on the economy coming up must mean can t thank you very much for the mogador institute for china studies and pray go in there at a wonder for us in london thank you. well south koreans are calling for a boycott of japanese goods dozens of small business owners have rallied in seoul thousands have signed online petitions they want recently tightened controls on
high tech imports lifted south korea s president says they threaten to shatter relations and could damage japan more than south korea don t wear japanese brands and don t buy japanese beer or cards that s what dozens of south korean small business owners are urging their fellow country men to do until tokyo withdraws its trade curbs earlier this month japan imposed restrictions on exporting goods that south korean high tech companies like samsung need to produce t.v. and smartphone display ads as well as semiconductors. we will continue our consumption and distribution boycott of japanese products until the japanese government and ave administration make an apology and withdraw the export restrictions. japan s trade curbs are seen here as retaliation for recent south korean court rulings ordering japanese companies to compensate aging korean victims
of forced labor during world war 2 japan whoever believes it settle the issue of compensation decades ago in an agreement that normalized relations between the countries the korean trade ministry said then make the trade curbs an issue at the upcoming w t o s summit on july 23rd south korea s president moon called on japan to return to the negotiating table and he has a warning. recoup that on our companies will free themselves from reliance on japanese materials components and equipment by diversifying imports they ll also try to produce the technologies at home it ll be the japanese economy that suffers most. observers say it won t be easy resolving this conflict between the 2 countries because it revives memories of past injustices. and just briefly before we go the european space agency says its galileo satellite network is offline the system is designed to be an alternative to the united states
g.p.s. navigation network galileo has been down since friday officials blame the outage on a technical incident and its ground based equipment but they haven t given any more details on what caused the breakdown and there is also no word of when the service will be back on line. by saying business with you.
luck. of. the female. comic oz. their music
gives them strength and a glimmer of. the only symphony orchestra in central africa. hardly any of the musicians of professional training. their one being the symphonic family in which musicians from kinshasa and found a home. level 3030 minutes. closely. listen carefully. will soon be nice to do good. old fashioned.
play discover a home. play. subscribe to documentary to. the burglar global tourist guide. trouble i love berlin the scope of the multicultural metropolis in the work your attack series the battle of the sunlight stars. i love you even once showed what a certain looks like swiss like me described as the 15 nations of the 50 story. and 50 very personal tips on berlin s very best purpose of. the current. t.w. .

Cooling , China , Pace , Performance , Gdp , Expansion , Standards , 6-2 , Problems , Some , Reassurance , Doesn-t

Transcripts For DW Business 20190716 13:45:00

i m going 1st of all and let s do business who s in charge when it comes to drilling in the world s largest enclosed see the mediterranean ever since trillions of cubic meters of natural gas were found off cyprus a dispute over ownership has been bubbling away between cyprus turkey and greece they all claim drilling rights the spat is worth billions of euros geologists say the deposit could hold as much as 3 and a half trillion cubic meters of fossil fuels a windfall for energy industries here in europe the area off the south west coast is especially contentious the european union says only cyprus has the right to drill there but turkey is also state the claim sending several ships to hunt for gas the e.u. has responded with sanctions which calls worthless. a warm welcome for turkey s top diplomat he s in north macedonia on a state visit. but the e.u. s recent decision to slap turkey was sanctions over on
korea s ongoing gas conflict with cyprus cast a long shadow over the meeting and the turkish foreign minister said his government would respond. that we have 3 ships there god willing we will send a 4th ship to the eastern mediterranean as soon as possible. the presence of the turkish ships and what cyprus considers its exclusive waters 1st prompted the cypriot government to raise the alarm with the e.u. last week. on monday e.u. foreign ministers meeting in brussels agreed to cut 145800000 euros in aid to turkey next year. and it s very clear that we stand behind cyprus this makes sense since we never recognize the turkish occupation of northern cyprus is normal for cyprus to want to define its own natural resources or to do conducive to. the e.u. also suspended negotiations over an aviation deal and canceled several. senior
political meetings experts estimate the seabed off cyprus holds more than 200000000000 cubic meters of natural gas deposits turkey insist its exploration of the area is legal. is the next dispute is also highly political japan coping exports to south korea that have bottle for making chips and semiconductors the likes of samsung now scrambling to find new supplies is could seriously disrupt global supply chains both leaders of japan and south korea a busy playing to their own supporters it s images like these that form the backdrop to the trade dispute between the 2 asian powerhouses hundreds of thousands of koreans were forced to work for japanese companies when japan ruled the korean peninsula more than 70 years ago. last year says korean courts order to a number of japanese companies to compensate the aging victims but firms like nippon steel and mitsubishi said the matter was settled under a bilateral treaty in 1965 back then japan paid the equivalent of $300000000.00 in
compensation that s the equivalent of $2400000000.00 in today s money. japan s government says the export restrictions on materials vital to south korea and high tech companies like samsung have nothing to do with the dispute. going on you know sure we have made it clear that our move to carry out export controls appropriately is for national security purposes also it s not a counter measure for these court rulings therefore what south korean president moon said yesterday does not apply to what we are doing at the. do. japan says it has restricted exports of hydrogen fluoride and other materials because south korea does not only use them to produce smartphones but also ships them to north korea where the chemical could be used to make weapons and
accusations south korea denies. you know it is a grave challenge against our government which has followed the un security council resolutions and devoted all efforts to bring peace to the korean peninsula within the limits of sanctions. and south korea hasn t ruled out retaliating a poll shows 67 percent of south koreans are willing to boycott japanese products like beer and cars. china s latest growth figures have investors waiting to see how they ll affect global growth quarterly results show the world s 2nd largest economy expanded by 6.2 percent the worst performance in decades it s trade dispute with the u.s. is hurting industries are also fear is a history of unregulated lending could trigger a debt crisis so when chinese growth is also a source of concern for german companies especially the carmakers generates a 3rd of its profits there the chinese market accounts for 12 percent of diamonds
sales 14 percent of b.m.w. and 10 percent of the industrial conglomerate siemens for the slowdown could really put on the brakes globally let s go over to frank for our financial correspondent daniel cope who s standing by daniel i ve spoken to many analysts who said way just going to have to get used to even lower numbers and that that s the trajectory what do you reckon. obana g.d.p. growth off a 6.2 percent that s what traders are telling me here is actually still strong in many countries here in europe they would like to have growth numbers like that but we have to remember china is still considered as an emerging market and these markets need a very fast growing economy well we ll have to get toward when we talk about 2 scenarios 1st if china runs out of liquidity and is not able to get more loans we have to remember that china has an enormous amount of debt and 2nd if the chinese
government decides to stop their stimulus program with tax cuts for example in order to give the economy a boost in this scenario experts believe that china g.d.p. would be only at the level of about 3 percent ok so quite a lot of caution and a wait and see approach i guess to that stimulus but in the meantime the germans sound even gloomier about the outlook. yeah exactly what i wouldn t even say that investors here at the market are seeing all of this is that negative they don t care if the g.d.p. figures in china are 6.2 or i don t know 6.9 percent because they believe that these numbers are mostly political motivate us and they re always released extremely fast but of course for certain industries this current situation is not easy at all you are talking about carmakers here from germany let me share for example with you what appears a is going through from france right now their sales numbers dropped in china or in the in the last month by 60 percent so they are even more worried than some real
numbers that we re really worried about then of course with the analysis from frankfurt thank you very much. a new space race is on and this time he more players are involved not just more nations trying to go into outer space land on the moon or colonize mars but also a private company its investors are throwing about a lot of cash and a traditional german competitor in the sector is raking in the profits. this is a retro reflector especially ground lens made of glass. is so pure that you could see through 100 meter thick block as if it were a window. prisms like this are found in an instrument that the apollo astronauts took to the moon 50 years ago. even today it allows us to measure the precise distance between the earth and the moon. and.
with so much media coverage the moon landing was a pristine project for anyone who had anything to do with it with our company became known for its involvement we received requests especially on the follow up missions because we ve been there and provided material that really lasts that long . been produced here for more than 100 years the family owned company is profession didn t various manufacturing processes even develop in patented to give the specific properties among other things for use in space. the 1st robot to land on a comet had quartz glass from the german company. so too does the european space observatory that s mapping the milky way.
there are more and more satellites facing bigger and bigger challenges ordinary glass will do so people come to our company to find out if we have solutions then develop the products together with our customers. unlike conventional high purity material cannot be recycled. no mistakes can be allowed to happen during production and. the like must be able to spread equally well throughout the glass this is checked here with a microscope. millimeter by millimeter in space the court s glass is exposed to extreme radiation as well as temperature fluctuations of several 100 degrees it has to work reliably repairs are not possible. and that s why so many tests are performed in the space program they give us manufacturers as much information about the materialist possible situations that
were previously impossible to test it our factory has called them. but there s not that much money to be made from space travel instead the knowledge gained here opens up new uses for a court s glass on the earth such as in particle accelerators this block is soon headed for the u.s. there it will be cut up and ground into reflectors for the next generation of g.p.s. satellites. and finally before we go it was meant to spot global shopping spree not transatlantic protests amazon s annual prime day of it 2 days of online discounts stuff instead of taken to the streets here in germany demanding higher wages and warehouse workers have also walked out in the united states they want better working conditions and more job security i was on says it is improving conditions point to a recent pay hike it also says that it is fair unions say the retail giant s discounts to customers come at the expense of its own employees salaries. why do we
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Area , Europe , West-coast , Northern-cyprus , Gas , Ships , European-union , Claim , Turkey , Sanctions , Decision , Diplomat

Transcripts For DW Business 20190828 14:45:00

mucha crazy st japan s t.v. series i ve been physical and let s do business the pound is taking another pounding the deadline for the u.k. leaving the e.u. is looming closer now the british government is moving to suspend parliament investors are on alert there are only weeks left for the brits to strike a deal with brussels and this looks like prime minister burst on to this trying to force through a no deal break that pound fell by more than one percent against the dollar after the news broke no deal fears in the past month bush turning to its lowest level since $27.00 saying. a financial correspondent in frankfurt is tracking developments ashutosh how is the weak pound affecting businesses 1st of all well it s hurting them badly especially the tourism and the aviation sector and also the british importers who are actually having to shell out more money for their ports so that s that s how we found this very nice to talk about tourism
british travelers have been forced to shelve their travel plans specially in the holiday season that s because of. bond and. has actually hurt the airlines industry ran that among them has blamed for its poor results remember a lot of revenue in pounds so that s a definite negative for ryanair in fact one there are. few brits. many destination in cyprus that folded up also citing reasons a link to be. found after those tell me if i m wrong but it sounds like the brits are digging their own grave. well i m not sure about the brits but 3rd certainly the leader is taking a huge political risk he s going with. my or the highway and perhaps he s of there are not aware that this highways anything but smooth. a
few prime ministers in the past have taken on the the pound and they have been left humble and it includes prime ministers who ve been far more companies to them boarders johnson including a certain margaret thatcher. also where are we right now on the disaster spectrum as far as briggs goes. well there is more likelihood now of mock us that certainly seems like at this point of time in fact obviously analysts have now said that there is 44 percent likelihood of hardbacks it and that is going to be walking and that s i think the reasoning behind that is the fact that but had border johnson s thinking that it is too less time now to negotiate a new deal with the with the e.u. countries and perhaps he feels that harding bracks it is better than giving any
sort of 4 advantage to a big city party right wing. monday on the financial markets reaction to break the thank you. japan has officially remove south korea s fast track export status taking effect today and sole has dropped from its list of favored trading nations relations between the 2 countries was last year when south korea s supreme court ordered compensation folk are rience forced into work during the japanese occupation. this is just a taste of the reception japanese products may soon be receiving all over south korea business people and supermarket operators are making it clear they no longer want to sell japanese products south koreans are outraged that japan removed their country from its white list of favored trading nations. i mean when our country from its white list means that japan has declared an economic war against our country so therefore we have
a small and medium sized business owners and the supermarkets will expand our movement to boycott the distribution and purchase of japanese goods even more actively. it s harder for companies who are not on the white list to sell their products in japan now south korean tech companies like l.g. or samsung will have to obtain complicated permits before they can deliver their japan justifies the move by saying south korea s trade relationship with north korea is too lax north korea often openly threatens japan with rocket fire. walking you know let s trade status review was necessary in order to conduct our trade operation appropriately from a security perspective relations between japan and south korea continue to be an extremely serious situation because of south korea s repeated negative and irrational actions including the most critical issue of laborers from the korean peninsula. the laborers referred to here are the young korean men and women
who were forced into labor and prostitution in japan at the start of the last century this trigger the long running dispute. south korean courts recently ordered japanese companies in south korea to pay compensation to the aging victims of the trade dispute doesn t only threaten the economies of japan and south korea it also threatens global supply chains computer chips mobile phones and other tech products are made in both countries. now to some of the other business stories making news that britain british travel group thomas cook has agreed to a 1000000000 dollar rescue if we count up between chinese investor for song and linda s but the bailout is bad for the tour operators shareholders will be effectively wiped out. china plans to install $50005.00 g. base stations by the end of the year. was made at this china rex both transmitters
will be installed in 50 states. and yahoo is ending the sale of ivory on its auction web site in japan the company has been under pressure from environmentalists who had previously denied online sales were contributing to the ivory black market. for. turning street lights into charging points for electric cars mass in a city charging stations powered by the sun and giant battery storage facilities just a few german ideas that a powering the future of electric mobility. pollution. where the battery of alexa teel is electric needs charging she goes to the old gas light outside her company start up uber tricity it has converted it into a charging station it s purpose built smart charger cable includes an electricity meter and a sim it s part of germany s clean air project which supports ideas for a lecture mobility in 90 german towns with the worst emissions. the projects that
were selected were focused on quickly making electrum ability available in cities especially in the suburbs in order to then publish research on the f.x. their activities have had it honestly. climate. that s a subject which is caught the attention of these chinese students from beijing they suffer under appalling smog back home so china is pushing hard to expand electrum ability. and. it s also. thing china. has being placates in china so side take. and such a charge. we also have a. difference between i think china.
and this way. you beatrice city is only one of the $150.00 companies at the berlin campus european energy forum also called europe which are involved in electro ability and sustainable energy it includes germany s largest electro charging station it offers over 150 charging points their electricity comes directly from the station solar panel roof and these are used batteries from electric cars already is using them to build a giant storage facility with a 1.9 megawatt capacity you re of same is to boost both the energy transition and electrum ability street sweeping is also being electrified. and it s being done autonomously. electro mobility is not just about cars there are also shuttles commercial vehicles even buses but there s also micro mobility for ride sharing and so on all of these things are being considered here together and that s
a thing that primarily happens at your f. as far as i know that s why we have such a high international profile but these ideas aren t meant to be confined to campuses you tricity is busy converting a 1000 streetlights into charging stations just like they ve already done in the british capital london. if you ve tried much ice cream or cake you ll know what i m talking about a pound of green tea is becoming popular across the u.s. europe africa and asia but japanese t.v. is losing its flavor at home. more and more people around the world are enjoying the refreshing taste of macia t.v. . last year farmers in japan export of 5000 tonnes of green tea especially macia that s 10 times more than 2 decades ago. well much as you demand for much as expanding rapidly particularly in asia and the united
states. but despite the global hype fewer japanese people are drinking it t. even macia t.v. has a huge image problem at home it s regarded as a drink for old people and some blame the nation s more westernized contemporary diet. just enough bread in noodles have gained some ground is a habit that reduces the consumption of rice and tea unlike the past there are fewer japanese people drinking tea all the time instead more and more people are enjoying a variety of food and so the sales of tea are going down. due to its name. could match a flavor gelato and cupcakes be the answer or trendy t. bars to entice young drinkers. that s what you get is trying to accomplish.
there is on the one hand the tradition of the cheese ceremony and on the other hand a mass consumption of bottled chop but few people take the time to taste different flavors and that s why we ve set up this bar where you. follow japan s farmers export their green tea they now face another challenge since macho has become popular around the world it s now grown everywhere not just in japan and since the supply of mucha tea has increased prices have been going down. i stay in business with.
ready bold moves crazy business. no risk no gain some cap projects can out and boost the economy while well considered ones fizzle out or end in tears. at some transformational moment to make history an economic activity. made in germany in 30 minutes double. box by o.t. robotic. deep learning merged realises wait a 2nd we want the whole picture our facts instead of make ideas shift deliver us. from a reality to cryptocurrency to your topics for live in an ever changing digital world
let s start with the devise a sure fire ship. on d w. s so west europe the european union is in crisis. if it s to have a future it will meet champions young champions. sure . you do stand a chance for. safety good idea. but my god i m here to stand up for european values and contribute to something important i m not sure if. you re a 0 or start september 2nd on d w.
player . played. this is g.w. news live from berlin boris johnson s parliamentary shutdown gets the royal seal of approval johnson asked the queen to suspend parliament until a few weeks before britain is set to leave the e.u. she has now given her approval dramatically cutting the time for the opposition to talk a new deal bragg s it. also coming up the clock is ticking to ease its telling is political turmoil for little party as must reach an agreement on forming a new coalition government or the country will face fresh elections and polls say

Mucha-crazy-st-japan , Deal-fears , Level , Bush , Pound , Businesses , Tracking-developments , Correspondent , Saying , Frankfurt , 027-00 , 1

Transcripts For DW Business 20190930 14:45:00

says oil prices could spike to unimaginably high levels if the world doesn t come together to deter iran they ve been attacks on the saudi oil sector the world s largest crude exporter sharply reducing production still haven t been so and says he prefers a political solution to a military one that s helping ease oil prices today but not the saudis worries fitch has downgraded their credit rating citing the rising tensions. saudi arabia s message is clear an armed conflict with iran would have catastrophic implications for the global economy and send markets reeling it s a stark warning and one riyadh hopes will prevent military action by its long time rival a spate of attacks on saudi oil facilities allegedly orchestrated by iran earlier this month led to a huge spike in crude oil prices as saudi output sputtered in a rare interview with u.s. broadcaster c.b.s. the saudi crown prince issued a stern call to action. and that if the world does not take a strong and firm action to deter iran we will see further escalations that will
threaten world interests oil supplies will be disrupted and oil prices will jump to unimaginably high numbers that we haven t seen in our lifetimes. saudi arabia is urging the u.s. to continue talks with the wrong with the hopes of reducing some of the political strain on the strait of hormuz the world s most vital shipping route for oil almost a 5th of the planet s crude passes through it making riyadh s warning all the more urgent. singapore is asia s undisputed oil hub let s go over to our correspondent there andrea hank and just how high are other political risks considering that the oil prices going down today. when fest is. about what s going on in the world today particularly with the u.s. china trade tensions ahead of the washington talks that we re going to be seeing in the next couple of weeks or so and that oil prices to drop some one percent today
now this is all top of the fact that china s economy is still looking very weak even though it was a relatively positive factory activity numbers today now with all this instability is sending a lot of ripples across asia and asia is very dependent on saudi oil some 70 percent of all more of its oil supply comes from the kingdom and any disruption to supply or even the threat to global prices is going to lead asia on shaky ground in fact it already is now weathering any kind of disruption is going to be short lived as well especially if prince mohamed riyadh wanting becomes a reality and just briefly at the same time fitch downgrading the saudi s credit rating. this is a lot to do with the you know the geopolitical tensions and possibly military tensions rising in the gulf obviously between saudi arabia and iran now the saudi
finance ministry has already asked fitch to reconsider its position and insists that the drone attacks have not impacted it s state funds it has not it has not impacted its growth and also cause you know investors are rather singing a different tune saying that this could have a long term effect especially since the saudi kingdom is trying to read diversify its economy and attract foreign capital trading in singapore. well financial markets are more worried about what andrea was talking about there the relations between the u.s. and china reports the administration is considering delisting chinese companies from u.s. exchanges it would be a radical new tactic in winning the trade war with beijing. the us treasury has denied reports it is planning to block chinese companies from listing their stock on u.s. exchanges despite the denial asian markets went down on monday investors still fear that washington will restrict u.s.
capital flows to china beijing had a warning for the u.s. . exerting maximum pressure and even seeking the force to coupling of china u.s. relations will harm the interests of chinese and american companies and people it will create turmoil in financial markets and then danger global trade and economic growth. would you feel with. beijing said it hoped washington would work to resolve their differences and deepen economic ties some market observers brushed off the rumors saying the news amounted to nothing more than posturing ahead of talks between beijing and washington next week. fox is in court in germany s very 1st class action lawsuit a civil compensation claims relate to the diesel scandal the court will have to consider if vehicle owners suffered damage from the emissions cheating software itself all from subsequent bads imposed on driving all the diesels. this could be
a watershed moment for germany s legal system 4 years after the emission scandal broke hundreds of thousands of diesel drivers now have the chance to hold the carmaker to account. it s the 1st ever class action lawsuit to take place in the country similar auctions in the united states have seen consumers come away with billions of dollars in compensation. for the good of analysis was far more confident about winning them and that the arguments speak for themselves 1st the leaders knew about things from the start and the w. hasn t put forward anything for the stunt that can contradict justice. correspondent lawyers maintain that the carmaker has removed the emissions cheating devices and argue that diesel owners cannot claim for compensation while continuing to drive the offending vehicles in the heart of damage to this day hundreds of
thousands of vehicles are still in use by customers for us this means that there s no damage and therefore no reason for compensation these days hearing comes just a week after german prosecutors charge 3 v.w. executives including current boss happy with market manipulation accusing them of failing to inform shareholders about the financial impact of the emissions scandal . further indication that the costs of germany s biggest post-war industrial scandal are still being counted. could 470000. well the book 2nd customers are asking for full refunds on on the purchase price of their vehicles whether that s going to happen this is a big question and part because this is really the 1st time german courts have had
to address an issue like this so in court today the judge was saying you know you need to prove that that customers lost something and folks are going to saying that customers to them because they were still able to try have their cars so there s a lot of uncertainty over how how the plaintiffs can prove that and whether it s point b. a possible if you do look at some of the other cases that folks like and have settled and in the u.s. it s been much higher but it s a very different legal system there so it s going to be a big question going forward here before this story closely thank you chelsea. well despite all the bad press for v.w. the label made in germany is strong as ever it continues to enjoy the top spot weld wide a cambridge university poll shows haas respondents positively view products manufactured in germany only 6 percent a negative china on the other hand still has a major reputation problem the survey on the quality of consumer goods from a dozen countries puts made in china last in the rankings nearly half of all
respondents reaching a negative verdict on the quality of chinese goods just 15 percent have a favorable view other asian nations fed better own 2 high profile consumer brands like nikon or nico rather with sony japan is in 5th place south korea 9th place with popular brands like l.g. and samsung will german companies tend to be very wary of investing in africa citing a range of hurdles from corruption to infrastructure but one should be an family owned business has found success in uganda cultivating flowers on the shores of lake victoria the company has built a thriving business which is now exploding all over the world. it may be a sea of green now but after a few. months just in time for christmas these stems will be topped with rich red flowers jovian and sukkot works at this farm in uganda preparing cuttings for the long journey to europe she s happy the job is providing her with
a steady income. i want to pay school fees. and then behrendt. this is the work of a guy flower farm a huge area sitting directly on lake victoria here german companies select one is producing plants for export and they re not the only international player here east africa is valued by many as a location for flower production salaries are lower here in the climate is ideal but flower production in africa does have its problems there are accusations that too much pesticide is often used for production manager wilson kater says that s not the case we are the production managers in the field we are trained very much to use as many as possible chemicals and. with the chemicals that we that we we have. kind of chemicals that we are using in this in this company are all there come the chemicals that are been listed and has been approved by the european union
. from uganda to stuttgart the headquarters of selective one the twin brothers nielsen pair clem are the 3rd generation to run the family business in stuttgart the seedlings from uganda planted in the soil to take root the claims are often asked whether we wouldn t be more environmentally friendly to just do all the cultivating here. because you don t have to artificially heat in africa and basically you have an incredibly high growth per area it s actually the case that production there has an ecologically lower c o 2 footprint than if the cuttings were produced here. with wife with a poke in the list etc stickling i saw him and he. stood guard headquarters is mainly used for developing and planning next year and new offices being opened in ethiopia according to the entrepreneurs the cost pressure in the industry is enormous making the lower wages in east africa
a major boom or stuff. we produce in east africa because the unit costs and the wages we pay for them fit well together and we also have enough manpower available it s the only way we can still be successful in the market and it s the only way we can sell our products at all i think that s going to put a marker walked up that something. with sales increasing even in china they claim tweens are proud of a company that s gone from humble beginnings to one that s growing around the world that s doing business with it.
the latest pinball materials research. nickel that can be harvested. nylon made from chicory. and cobalt from the seabed. scientists look for new resources and test out their ideas to come to morrow to do. 30 minutes on w. i m sure that of us are 0. in support of. what s able. to be about.
the small scale inspire the changes in the people making it possible he told africa. fantastic right. as they set out to safety environment. and learn from one another. and work together for the church. comfort. w. . belonging to an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. the album was returned to. to visit friends i don t think i d ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don t know so i m not sure. bearing witness global news that matters . made from minds.

Implications , Oil , Saudi , Attacks , Warning , Markets , Hopes , Iran , Economy , Military-action , Rival , Spate

Transcripts For DW Shift 20191117 14:15:00

city and so this 6 month to demonstrate is barricaded themselves in hong kong polytechnic university while dozens of pro-government supporters trying to clean the area. and got a buyout rajapaksa has been officially declared winner of sri lanka s presidential election rajapaksa took more than half the vote in the south asian island nation which is still recovering from a series of day of deadly bombings last a stuff. up next for a shift living in the digital age more news headlines coming up the top of the hour i m rebecca that isn t done and thank you. susan and now we re going to look at me affectionately ancient but as affectionately as you can. be in your continent in the middle of his election campaign in the year 2000 the documentary was filmed for russian television to turn the camera back on of course the film secretly chronicled the power grab actually
everything was precisely played instruction. featuring a top supporting role. to the freedom of russia. and featuring a lead role like you ve never seen before. the other mirsada marriage to the ends justify the means. to tins witnesses starts december 13th on d. w. . my fingerprint my face the way i move all of these can be turned into a unique biometrics and be used to identify me for example for making online payments but how secure is this technology really today on shift. when i wait a. this by
a system registers my face and that s the bomb and know which customer is next in line i ve never found my face war useful i use my fingerprint to unlock my phone and to get access to this high security area a computer 1st needs to scan my body movements biometrics increasingly replacing typical passwords and access keys for example. systems can recognize a person specific physical attributes their fingerprints facial features iris. technology is already used around the world. army doctors and for authenticating patients for important drugs or for online banking on smartphones. even systems that look under your skin so to speak such as infrared scanners that are used in vein matching oxygen. absorbs more in from around.
can be matched. scientists are currently developing technology that can recognize a person on the basis of their heartbeat. others are working on identifying a person. sounds like biometrics super practical need those endless letter number and character password combinations happy days or is there a catch we talk to professor christoph miner to find out if teachers internet technologies and systems at a part of them based research institute was more secure of as a possible words or biometrics. i think outlook is that we should be using your fingerprint to log in it s obviously more convenient you just put your finger on the reader those are identified and then you re in that s much easier than typing a password the passwords are often we get happy to pass they re
a little out of date of what password protected systems are easy to implement that s probably why they re so common. that. that s a cost to see e-mails and so on the most sense as i can use to scan a fingerprint or face the more accurately i can capture someone s biometric profile for. the security of this technology depends on how well it s implemented or if there are enough senses this is more secure than passwords to follow. solution finger up talk iris recognition fingerprint scans and facial recognition similar in the sense that the old check for a single constant biometric feature or. which the system recognizes me for a password by contrast is something i need to memorize i should write it down anywhere
because otherwise anyone who finds it can pretend to be need. to complete the future is a multi factor authentication or at least 2 factor authentication of code and i think that ultimately the most user friendly systems will be the ones used the most been exchanged. so biometric identification is convenient but is our personal data safe companies using this tech have to ensure that biometric data is securely stored and encrypt it ideally on end user devices and not if some clout just makes it harder for hackers to get to unfortunately that s not always the team of israeli researchers managed to hack into a $23.00 gigabyte database with over $27000000.00 records containing fingerprints
facial profiles and much more but of course password databases have also been compromised beyond large scale attacks there s also a risk of individual systems or devices being cracked and i m a bit worried about how successful hackers have been at outwitting biometrics. password can be stolen someone can watch it enter it somewhere or find where you wrote it down or even just guessing this can t happen with biometric identification tag biometrics are convenient and save users from having to remember passwords. but unlike past. you can t change your biomedical data if it s been hacked. and under lab conditions hackers have managed to outsmart biometric encryption technologies. for instance they do get an i phone fingerprint scanner using
a fingerprint lifted from a glass. and combining a picture of a person s iris with a contact lens got them past a samsung phone iris scan or. packers from germany s chaos computer club have developed a wax hand that fooled a palm vein scanner. and chinese hackers spoofed apple s face id live news detection technology with just a pair of glasses and some tape. we should stress all these hacks were carried out under lab conditions the quality of a system sensors largely determines how safe it is which means smartphones are easier to outwit than elaborate security systems. clearly biometrics aren t as safe as you might think even though it s an area like taking a fake wex hand along to break into a high security area isn t very realistic either still many tech companies keep rolling out biometric security features the latest apple and google s models for
example let you make payments using facial recognition tech pretty convenient but it s not personal data safe with these companies and what if companies or states get too nosy in great britain c.c.t.v. cameras are ubiquitous the average londoner is caught on camera $300.00 times every day but if facial recognition technology were applied to analyze that c.c.t.v. footage. surveillance cameras are widespread in britain and london has been called c.c.t.v. capital. people have even begun using them independently of the a thaw. yes. because you can go on facebook now get people s profile images and easy upload software criminals etc please upload images all over the line you can pick up the. security system and that person crosses your cameras your system picks it up so this is easy now easy perhaps but it s also an invasion of privacy
in britain many are used to c.c.t.v. cameras but since authorities have started combining surveillance cameras with facial recognition tag some say this goes too far people like bridges from cardiff who recently made a shocking discovery the van was parked just around the corner and the by the time i was close enough to see facial recognition technology written on the phone it had already captured my data several times over and i felt like an invasion of my privacy i m a law abiding member of the public i was going about my daily business i wasn t committing any crime i was next threat to anyone and yet the police were there filming me and capturing my data essentially. bridges took the welsh police to court and lost he s currently appealing that ruling but for now police continue to use their tap scanning hundreds of faces per 2nd checking them against wanted list . we are learning we are
developing and there are actually people being taken off the streets who are wanted for offenses or court as direct result of the deployment of this technology. the question remains whether the answer really justify the means. if you ask me we should all be wary of handing out our biometric data i wonder if the convenience outweighs the potential risks researchers are already working on so-called cancelable biometrics here the biometric data is encrypted before it stuart and not show this means that not my actual face is thought. the digitally altered version if anyone has the system i can delete my data and create a new biometric password that sounds pretty good and even more options like behavioral biometrics here smartphones and wearables analyze how we type or the way you walk for example. there s
a software that captures how fast we walk the length of our steps and our head movement and uses this data to create a movement profile by which it authenticates us the smartphone can communicate with a gate for example and unlock it when we approach. it but if your movement doesn t match the profile the door will remain locked simple behavioral sequences such as how you get your smartphone out of your pocket can be enough to identify. everything finding and tying this technology into everyday movements can be very convenient because you wouldn t have to do anything to authenticate yourself if. the software can tap into your smartphones and wearables sensors. then it calculates a trust level based on your behavior. this means it assesses the odds that it s really you using the device and not some stranger.
i did 5. vietnam to just this behavioral system is that the other party does not actually need to save your movement profile by or for you this data is only registered by your smartphone that s where the trusted score is calculated and only this score is shared with the service provider passed out built a service. this means your phone alone registers your movements no sensitive private data is saved on a cloud or shared with a service provider that may. this method particularly secure. put an end to the big problem we currently have leaked deposit files and leaked by metrical data cyber criminals are selling the state or online by using behavioral profiles this problem would disappear overnight behavioral security technology and multi factor
authentication are very secure as a rule of thumb the more elaborate the security method and sensors the better but so far hackers have always managed to crack by a measurable security systems and allow conditions facial recognition fingerprint scanners palm then recognition nothing is 100 percent safe which doesn t mean we should be going back to passwords because these also get stolen plus many people think 2 factor authentication is a hassle and that s that we should think carefully about if we want to use by a measurable password at all and which companies we trust with this sensitive information what do you think are things like using a fingerprint for online banking a great idea or pretty reckless that is now here as well for me by by.
they re the future of zimbabwe students at the prestigious falcon college. here boys and girls of different races learn together. when they finish school they take on the responsibility of fighting to ensure zimbabwe is a tolerant and democratic country the elite according to school. next on g.w. . they are aiming high. for the donors the caricature of. their hope to become nothing tights. their dream a better future for their families. their past a rocky and dangerous one. where giving up is not an option.
to disappointment to let. me take football personally i do it with a little bit wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true fans fall for such a. pick up more than football on line. dawn is breaking in southern as in bob wake and the animals in the bush i just waking up here in the countryside far from any major city ice falcon college. it s just tough to fight in the morning and the dorms are all quiet.

City , Top , Continent , Middle , Election-campaign , Susan , Isn-t , Rebecca , Course , Camera , Power-grab , Film