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James Merrill and Derek Walcott they wrote on subjects as varied as lesbian passion and nuclear threats some poems and some critical reviews enraged our readers and drove them to drop their subscription Speaking of which it s 10 o clock and you re tuned to either k n y o l p Fort Bragg or k m e c l p Ukiah or you re listening in some other way but but there s the id never continues Grace Shulman did we apologize for a poem we published we saw it as part of our job to provoke our readers a mission we took especially seriously in serving the magazine s absolute devotion to a free press we followed a path blazed by Henry James who in 1965 wrote a damning review of Walt Whitman s drum taps calling the great poem errant prose mistaken yes but it was James view at the time and it was never retracted apparently the magazine has abandoned this story tradition last month the magazine published a poem by Anders Carlson we the poet is white his poem how to draws on black vernacular following a vicious backlash against the poem on social media the poetry editor Stephanie Burton Carmen human is Smith apologized for publishing it in the 1st place quote We made a serious mistake by choosing to publish the poem how to we re sorry for the pain we have caused to the many communities affected by this poem they wrote in an apology longer than the actual poem The poet apologized to saying I am so sorry for the pain I caused. I was deeply disturbed by this episode which touches on a value that is precious to me and to a free society the freedom to write and to publish views that may be offensive to some readers in my years at The Nation I was inspired by the practical workings of a free press we lived by Thomas Jefferson s assertion that error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it and no one was a greater defender of press freedom and of writers right to be wrong than Victor in a font ski sorry Victor in the Waskesiu who succeeded Blair Clarke as editor in chief in 1978 when defense in the late 1980 s. Risked losing discovery slash the nation. An annual contest in which the poets who won the prize read their work at the 92nd Street y. In Manhattan and simultaneously had it published in the magazine The why is board which sponsored the contest that s the letter y. By the way suggested dropping the nation s participation after it published an article by Gore of it all that some people deemed anti semitic I remember Mr vittles peace I detested it and his views but I d learned by then the crucial importance of a free press to a democracy I asked for Mr De Vos his help in saving the contest and no he would never have rebuked the old friends of article and apologised Instead he wrote a letter to the board of the y. Explaining the nation s way he said in effect that when we invite a writer to contribute to the magazine Our aim is to help that person articulate his or her view as clearly as possible as I recall the copy editors went to town on factual and grammatical errors but left what Jefferson calls errors of opinion. Mr De Vos his defense of Mr vittles Peace Did Not at all reflect indifference to the poetry contest on the contrary he cared for it speedily it sent over the magazines that contained the winners poems and often came to the readings but his position on free speech was uncompromising how far we have come from those idealistic courageous days as Katha Pollitt a columnist for The Nation put it the magazine s apology for Mr Carlson We work was craven and looks like a letter from reeducation camp she also rightly suggested that the proper thing to do would have been to publish a page of responses that would have been in keeping with the expectations of a free press the broader issue here though is the backward and increasingly prevalent idea that the artist is somehow morally responsible for his character s behavior or voice writers have always presented characters with an wholesome views f. Scott Fitzgerald Charles Dickens and Shakespeare come immediately to mind one wonders if editors would have the courage to publish Robert Lowell s words for heart cream or as repentance sustain a out of Fort today it would not be proper for me to comment on the aesthetic merits of Mr Carlson we his piece but that s the job of the magazine s current poetry editors but going forward I would recommend they follow Henry James example just as he never apologized for his negative review of Whitman they had 0 reason to regret their decision and the writer of that article Grace Shulman was poetry editor at The Nation from 171 through 2006 she is the author of 7 books of poetry and the recipient of the frost medal for distinguished lifetime achievement in American Poetry her memoir strange paradise comes out this month and that article was about a poem called How to Theo fending poem and here is that. By again. You d think I d remember it but I you know I don t Anders Carlson we it s a weird kind of a name there s a hyphen there we have never seen a name like that but there it is how to by Anders Carlson we if you got HIV say aids if you a girl say you re pregnant nobody going to lower themselves to listen for the kick people passing fast splay your legs cock in the funny it s the littlest shames they re like likely to comprehend don t say homeless they know us what they don t know is what opens a wallet what stops them from counting what they drop if you re young say younger old say older if you re crippled don t flaunt it let them think they re good enough Christians to notice don t say you pray say you sin it s about who they believe they is you hardly even there and with that in mind here is something I read in daily coasts this is by old redneck could we just call it what it is old redneck right so how about all of us stop using weasel words and stop trying to put lipstick on this pig let s call it what it is Russia did not meddle meddle in our 2016 election they are not meddling in the 28000 mid-term nor will they meddle in the 2020 Alexion this is not meddling it s an attack on the fundamental structure of our nation by an enemy nation intent on destroying us this is a war the Trump campaign. And now the Trump crowd did not quote collude with Russia you know what the Trump campaign did and what Trump and his people continue to do is conspiracy they are conspiring with an enemy nation to destroy the fundamental strength of the USA aiding and abetting they are assisting an enemy nation in their war on us and no trump is not quote rallying his base what he is doing is obstruction of justice jury tampering and fomenting violence call it what it is and Michael Harry o h a r I o t wrote in The Root an article titled Louisiana cops strangled black man to death for asking to see arrest warrant there s a video that goes along with this which I am I didn t watch but Michael Harry o. Wrote once for a writing prompt I was asked to describe how it felt to be white he s black by the way. I imagine that it feels like freedom like a flying feels to a hawk even the literal sky is not the limit when one is granted the privilege of being born with wings a hawk is not an evil thing a hawk is just a bird it is a predator and sometimes at its whim a hawk will swoop down out of the sky and pluck an insignificant little thing from the Earth and eat it alive. I looked over $22017.00 out of nowhere a beast plunged from the sky landed on 44 year old Armando Frank and devoured him whole the advocate as of today and police body camera footage of the death of her Mondo Frank in the footage of all yellows Parish sheriff s deputies confronted Frank while he is atop a tractor near the mark s Villa easy on a Wal-Mart and they inform him that they have a warrant for his arrest the warrant according to the sheriff s office was for simple trespassing and attempted unauthorized entry into a dwelling that charges stemmed from a dispute with his neighbors according to the advocate in the footage Frank does not attack the officers he does not make any sudden moves he simply refuses to dismount from the tractor and demands that the deputies identified as Brandon Stillman and Alexander Daniel show him a copy of the arrest warrant the officers tell him that they do not have the warrant in their possession but that he will see it at the sheriff s office step off the tractor when Deputy demands to which Frank replies show me the warrant deputy Stillman then climbs on the tractor grabs Frank from behind and places him in a chokehold Daniel tries to use a taser to shock Frank after he manages to free himself from the choke hold but shock still meant instead you can see Frank gagging hear him gasping for air after a short struggle they managed to handcuff Frank when he becomes still one officer comments he s dead waiting that s a term used by officers for one suspects intentionally make their bodies go stiff and another responds where the head goes the body must follow as they drag his limp body to the police vehicle. Another one of the officers who arrives at the same says Is he breathing Oh he was not Armando Frank was dead his level of resistance starts out as passive it doesn t go to active and aggressive until he s physically assaulted by these deputies as Gregory Gilbertson director of the criminal justice program it s in trail you a college in Centralia Washington he s not attempting to flee he s not assaulting anybody he s sitting on a tractor and he s asking reasonable questions and they are refusing to answer explains Gilbertson one of 2 experts on use of force who reviewed the footage for The Advocate Gilbertson also explained that the lateral vascular neck restraint the name for the choke hold he used to restrain Frank is typically a last resort because of its potential to restrict airflow Gilbertson said it is typically used when deadly force is the only option Philip Stinson another expert from Bowling Green University said officers are entitled to use as much force is necessary to make an arrest which according to Stinson s explanation neg ates part of an obscure little document called the Constitution of the United States of America his 14th Amendment reads in part nor shall any state deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law a grand jury declined to indict the officers for negligent homicide in March and the family of Armando has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the officers involved a forensic pathologist ired by. Parish cites manual strangulation as the primary cause of death and ruled it a homicide the report notes that officers restricted Frank s breathing for more than 6 minutes and never made any attempt to resuscitate him adding that Frank said let me up 3 times each one more strange than the last it was his last verbal communication the report says. So if someone were to ask what it feels like being black I would mention Armando Frank I would probably write something about walking around every day knowing you could be plucked from the earth that you could be defiled or that being black is a constant exercise in x. Or sizing that inescapable fact from your mind it s being strong and fragile at once it s the refusal to comply well knowing that it may cost your life it s knowing that complying may still cost your life it is the unrelenting constant decision of choosing between the 2 to be black is to be strangled to gasp for air to be handcuffed when you are limp to be dragged lifeless and unmoving to be deprived of life and liberty statistically speaking it s unlikely that you or I will die like Armando Frank died but I have known what it is to be black to know the predator Hawks will always fly away to beg them let me up let me up let me up in the Onion Dateline Milwaukee Wisconsin expressing his deep and heartfelt regrets regarding how the incident has played out in the media Milwaukee police officer in Phoenix said Monday that he would never have killed an unarmed black man during a routine traffic stop if he had known that everyone would make such a big fuss about the incident quote When I reviewed the unfortunate events of the night of July 11th I m forced to admit that conducting myself differently and reacting with less violence would have avoided this whole said Feeney who referred to the negative media exposure he had received in recent weeks on top of the sheer amount of paperwork he had been made to file as quote a heartbreaking tragedy. Quote living with the consequences of my actions with the sheer weight of public opinion concerning my police work has been a life altering inconvenience I can t wait until this whole chapter ends with an innocent verdict in my favor after receiving word that he d be placed on paid leave and exasperated Feeney complained Oh this is the reward I get for being a good guy and not planting guns and drugs on the victim s body See that s funny that s a funny website where stories are made up that are just like real stories but exaggerated in some tiny way not even exaggerated in this case as true as the true thing and you know with that in mind here s another piece from The Onion wealthy teenager nearly experiences consequence. Dateline Somerset New Jersey in what local authorities are calling a near tragedy Charles Wentworth a 17 year old Rutgers preparatory senior and member of the affluent Wentworth family came perilously close to suffering a consequence resulting from his own wrongdoing Saturday Wentworth made his senior photo shoot even after coming within inches of an actual repercussion from the accident Wentworth reportedly ignoring the protest of his classmates got behind the wheel of his turbo charged Super a 2000 g.t. After consuming half the contents of a bottle of goldfish lager at a friend s party while driving westbound on Route $27.00 a disoriented Wentworth drifted across 2 lanes of traffic and collided with a minivan carrying a family of 4 bringing the teen face to face with a potentially life altering lesson. Wentworth escaped unscathed and unpunished However when his airbags deployed and a team of high powered attorneys rushed to the scene and rescued him from the brink of personal responsibility amazingly Mr Wentworth did not experience a single repercussion for consuming alcohol under age or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and is furthermore completely unaware that he did anything wrong local police chief Marvin Taylor said he s a very lucky boy if he had been driving just 5 mph faster or if his parents hadn t had the influence to keep the matter out of court and the endless financial resources to lease a car of the exact same make and model to prevent him from having to face even the relatively trivial humiliation of being taunted by his peers for driving a slightly less expensive vehicle my God who knows what could have happened Taylor added he could have died or worse been held accountable for his actions. According to police reports that have since been shredded and stricken from Wentworth s permanent record when briefly taken into custody the privileged teenager began swearing vomiting and kicking at the windows of the squad car in which he was momentarily placed following the collision Wentworth later said the only thing that got him through that dark time was thinking of his rich well connected loved ones with them in mind he repeatedly shouted Don t you know who I am and summon the strength to refuse a field sobriety test now a lot of kids in Charles situation would have confessed and accepted punishment for their mistake but my son is strong said Wentworth s father aluminum magnate Herman Wentworth who after arriving at the crash site told his son that everything s taken care of and well Charles sat in his father s b.m.w. Texting his friends loudly threaten to call the police commissioner if any charges were pressed Charles would never allow himself to give up and gain valuable insight into the way things work in the real world without a fight district judge and close friend of the Wentworth family Donald lamb agreed . Charles is very lucky to be alive and well off Lamb told reporters the fact that he was able to walk away from this crash with no injuries 0 remorse and his skewed priorities in one piece is a miracle despite returning to the safety of his $2300000.00 home when it s harrowing brush with consequence was not over a week after the new year ordeal Wentworth was again put in jeopardy of learning a lesson when he was nearly sentenced to 50 hours of community service tragedy was averted However when his mother paid a consultant to testify before the judge that Wentworth had suffered emotional trauma further during this time Wentworth was forced to put his video game on pause for several seconds in order to sign an affidavit stating that the breathalyzer was administered improperly. To think that I was that close to seeing that there is an entire society with its own laws and standards outside my protected sphere of wealth and privilege it s frightening Wentworth said it almost makes you consider your actions and their impact on others almost I m just grateful I can finally get back to my life as a self-centered prick who believes the entire world revolves around him Wentworth added After all I was just admitted to Columbia despite almost failing out of high school because I rarely attended class and it would have been a shame to have had to defer for a semester just because of some legal unpleasantry at press time what worth is resting comfortably on a 6 figure inheritance in a chaise lounge by his backyard pool the other 4 victims of the crash remain in intensive care at St Peters University Hospital suffering from conditions ranging from poor to lower class. Harpers dot org is the website of Harper s Magazine that s the oldest longest continuously published magazine on the North American continent they started in 1950 and they re still going and all of that material is somehow available via Harpers dot org a j r p e r s dot org Also available there and for free is some Harper s Weekly Review subscription which it comes in an e-mail in your inbox every week and for a while it you know it was Tuesday every Tuesday this one came on Wednesday so maybe they re slipping a little bit we ll see what happens. Harper s Weekly Review for the week leading up to and including Wednesday August 8 2018 in this case compiled by Violet Luka That s a nice name a year after Saudi king Salmen Eban Abdul Aziz Al Saud opened the gold global center for combat in extremist ideology by placing his hands alongside those of Egyptian president. Sisi and u.s. President Donald Trump on a glowing or a bit you might have seen the picture of that the Associated Press reported that the u.s. Backed Saudi led alliance in Yemen had brokered secret deals with al-Qaeda recruited hundreds of the terrorist organizations members to fight Iran backed the rebels and bribed the group with weapons and cash to abandon certain cities after Canada s Foreign Ministry tweeted that the Saudi government should release recently imprisoned women s rights activists such as some are about away whose brother had been sentenced to a 1000 blows with a cane for running a critical web log in 2013. Riyadh announced that it had suspended all new trade and investment transactions with Canada scholarships to Canadian schools and direct flights on the state run airline to Toronto gave the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country and threaten to interfere with Canadian affairs a voluntary nonprofit project run by Saudi use tweeted a photo shopped picture of a passenger plane flying straight at Toronto s c n tower with a quote he who interferes with what doesn t concern him finds what doesn t please him and then following widespread criticism because of the perceived evolutions to the 911 terror attacks explained that the plane was meant to represent only the expelled ambassadors return flight on Friday Mohamed Why did the official spokesman of the Human Rights Commission in Saudi Arabia announce that the kingdom had fulfilled all its human rights obligations so stop asking Pope Francis changed the Catholic Church s official position on the death penalty calling it an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person and the u.s. Government which has induced regime change in Guatemala Brazil Europe way but Livia Chile Argentina El Salvador and Panama and has sought to assassinate leaders in 4 of these countries and repeatedly attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro of Cuba including by hiding poison pills in his lover s cold cream and infecting his scuba suit with fungus denied that it had anything to do with an alleged drone attack on Nicolas Maduro the president of Venezuela. A federal judge in rural Yuma Brazil temporarily closed Brazil s border to Venezuelan refugees until really cation process were improved but another federal judge reopened it before any changes to facilities were made and the number of people caught illegally crossing the Canadian border with the us has increased 142 percent since last year. His 70 Valley and its surrounding areas have been indefinitely closed to the public because of smoke from ongoing wildfires and an Oregon man was arrested in Glacier National Park for taunting a bison in Yosemite National Park marking his 4th run in with law enforcement that week in New Jersey a school superintendent accused of def a catering multiple times in secret on the home to high school track and football field resigns I remember reading you an article about that when they they caught him and he said of course that had nothing to do with him and why were they bugging him and then they showed him the security video and he said Well that doesn t mean anything that could be anybody in my clothes and $11500.00 reward dollar reward is being offered to determine who shot and killed a pregnant dolphin that washed ashore in Mississippi pregnant woman in Lethbridge Alberta a woman rather pregnant woman in Lethbridge Alberta was served a cup of milk residue cleaning solution instead of a McDonald s latte doesn t say what happened after that but probably nothing good into our Derren the prime minister of New Zealand or New Zealand Ok so probably just into not see into he returned to work after 6 weeks of maternity leave and Australia s population hit 25000000. Facial recognition technology will be used for Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics venue security and to allow West Virginia service members overseas to vote in the midterms in November of its smartphone app Brian France the c.e.o. Of Nascar is taking an indefinite leave of absence after being arrested for driving his 2017 Lexus while heavily intoxicated in Sag Harbor Long Island and Samoan prime minister. Tweed I cited a they Molly and I guy. I think I said that right called Car racing. A stupid hobby Police in North Carolina hope to track a teenager who stole $17.00 from a 9 year old selling lemonade with d.n.a. Evidence which can be tested for between $250.00 and $500.00 so that s a that s not a bargain there the Fields Medal mathematics highest honor for young mathematicians was stolen from cow sure because our Along with his cell phone and wallet moments after it was awarded to him in Rio de Janeiro and in Sweden 2 thieves stole 2 royal crowns and an orbit dating to the 17th century worth millions and millions of dollars stole it from strong cathedral at midday in plain sight and escaped in a motor boat and got completely away with it so that s. Probably there s going to be a movie about that and in other news not in the review. Here s just the 1st paragraph of an article in The New Yorker by Alan Rosner titled It s time to admit that iceberg is a superior lettuce and here here it s I love iceberg lettuce I like the other kinds you know every once in a while get a sandwich you start with crisp fresh loosely loosely grown and not not tightly packed that tight with the kind that s like a softball I hate that kind of edge the loose you know it s very light began to light and you shake it a little bit in your hand before you decide to take it off the shelf and put it in your basket iceberg lettuce that s the foundation. Of any fine salad anyway from the New Yorker Helen Rosner wrote There are many categories of salad snob the ingredient minimalists the chop Evangelists the dressing goes in the bowl 1st Brigade but perhaps that s not true by the way that s bad to put the dressing on afterward so it you know it sinks down from the top but perhaps the most vocal and the most misguided are those dedicated to the denigration of iceberg lettuce to its detractors iceberg is the avatar of commodity gets drawn to me the polyester of lettuces is a popular jibe the influential Times food editor Greg Claiborne famously loathed it it is omnipresent Alice Waters goddess of the Farmer s Market sniffed in a 2001 interview it doesn t have a season and she said it doesn t have a sense of place the only thing iceberg really has going for it is derivative of this line of thinking goes it s lettuce for growers shippers warehouses and sellers not all that is for eaters but like it s glacial namesake that would be a literal iceberg. Iceberg lettuce has a lot more going on beneath the surface for starters it s far from flavor less focus your palate as you take a bite and notice a clean sweetness blooming beneath the watery crunch deepening in the pale ruffle of the inner leaves and stems to a toasty bitterness with whispers of caraway and Korea and her seeds I don t know what they re talking about there it s just a taste like water to me crunchy water it s a carrier for all the things you put on it that have a flavor and it makes it so it s good to eat from the top of the salad to the bottom and iceberg lettuce forever that s when I say I love it in Raw Story Stephen Lamar Foster who s running as a Democrat hoping to unseat Republican Tom Graves for Georgia s 14th Congressional District seat was arrested on September 23. That would be last year after he failed to turn on his headlights Byatt s breathalyzer test revealed his blood alcohol level was at point 103 at the time of the stop above the legal limit of 0.08 video shown at his trial which led to his conviction on Monday that would be this Monday that we just had showed a frustrated and angry Foster ranting at police officers will challenging them to fight him additionally he told the arresting cops that he prayed that God would curse Whitfield County quote 11 years I served this county Foster told the police I hate this county I prayed to God that he would curse it and guess what he did it man I saw I had it and cursed and I saw people laid off right and left white people I hate this county Foster at times speaks to the officers in Spanish blames Gulf War syndrome on the use of uranium in weapons in the 1st Gulf War What you but yeah Ok that s that s not not in doubt and tells the story of putting his Central American man s head on a spike. Alcohol is there anything it can t do and integrate Ross s weblogs utility closets This is from the public s fascination with prodigious youth an article in the magazine gifted child today which is a Real Life magazine. The March 2010 issue pages 61365 if you need to know Jennifer l. Jolly and Justin Bruno who wrote Christian Heinrich Heineken the infant scholar of Lubec was so supernaturally gifted that it s hard even to believe the stories that are told about him boat born in $1721.00 to a pair of German artists as a baby he could recite several biblical stories from memory as a baby and he read the Old and New Testament in Latin before the age of 2 after he was 14 months of age the child began the history of the world and could answer any question asked in his 4th year he could read printed and written matter although he never learned to write the multiplication table was learned and recited in order or skipping about he could relate whole stories in French and new 1400 sentences from good Latin authors in Geography he knew all the important places on the map during a storm at sea quoted John Trapp. Just have to deal with the phone. Mark that So that s there and bring this up here by the microphone and press this button and say Hi you re on k n y o o p Fort Bragg and k m e c e o p a going to help you lose out how expose worth I m happy to hear from you have you been. I ve been pretty good I m sorry in this last week s show but I have a good excuse or I d like to hear your excuse Well last week was my birthday in fact Friday was my birthday so you re 53 now that s right very good thank you. And so to celebrate my my birthday my girlfriend from San Diego Cheryl flew to. From San Diego to Towson and then rented a car drove 2 hours who told the bill to visit me for my birthday Wow And so I was engaged so to speak on my birthday although we are not engaged yet anyway but I mean this is Greater love has no woman than to drive through Oklahoma to be with her man and so especially in the height of summer Yes exactly I mean I know you re her man that I am her man and she is my woman that s very biblical sounding Well she s you know she s our Western Yes Well she s she ll be 39 in October I m 53 and so we re trying to girlfriend even though it s acceptable I don t you know people well have have 53 and you get you get 2526 and a half and then add 7 years and that s that s 33 and a half so she s younger than that so it s not right I m certainly old enough to be your father as they say but but you re not and that s the point. That will have to be good enough for them not to anyway so it doesn t know real them I mean we re not finding anybody you know I think our parents were a little wary of me when they met me in October I was about to have a complete mental breakdown and I did just a couple of weeks after I went there to meet her parents in Oceanside which is the northern part of at San Diego County it s right at the edge of the northern part of said. If anything up and so. We drove up there on Russia shot and that s when I met her because she is Jewish Yeah and she she came what we did was interesting we drove just within miles of my Dad s place to a place called Easy a can which isn t a great place for good Jewish food it s not all Jewish but it s like a giant galley restaurant and I ve heard good things and bad things about the Jews . Ok. I ve heard the good things that are you know every possible Yeah well I didn t there s no need to the group of 4 people that I didn t understand this we don t need to make a big deal out of it Yeah exactly so anyway so we stop by DCA can still get you know the things that you need to get to write your sonic like an apple cake that s kind of a good dessert for Russian and they want to see what happens in Russia or China just tell me other son is new year it s Jewish New Year and then write a joke that her niece thought was hilarious I don t know the exact date but it s something like 5371 you know and I said hey you know our and said Hey everybody I here s to. Here s to 5372 are you like me are you still reading 537100 checks and they had all heard that s an old just an old joke like you know when the new year comes and you but her niece had to have explained what she heard it and he says but 8 fell apart laughing I thought it was very very well that s good for some bang for your buck there yeah and then I read a story to her and you know she liked me and that was apparently you know it s kind of funny there are every family has kind of rites of passage that you have to kind of pass by now here s where I failed here s where I feel they know I m a recovering alcoholic right because Cheryl s total And so that s fine and they have any special wine they serve wine at dinner and it s very small glass of wine I mean it was not enough to you know and I I toasted because I thought Ok I you know I don t drink anymore but this little taste of wine is not going to hurt me and this is Russia China I ve got you know what there s no real there s nothing important about it there s really nothing for it that you have to drink and I drank and then later policy so you re recovering alcoholic we had a glass of wine to look at we got it wasn t that much and you owe him an interesting thing is you know a good idea is as long as you. And I think neither one of them. You know has has had any kind of alcohol problem I think so that I think their whole thing was well isn t it you know for almost from the outsider s point of view saying well isn t it true that one is you know one isn t you know one is too many in a 1000 isn t enough and I was like That s true that s true I should not drop touch a drop of alcohol I felt like I should and he was on. And I said oh man very well I don t know I don t know and you know I m currently unemployed I ve got the support of those this problem and hoping to get laser surgery but I think. You know I am older than her so I don t know I think I mean she once referred to me as a hard sell to her parents and you could you could really use that 1500000 dollars that was offered to me and not in an e-mail by not a king of Nigeria I don t have the paper in front of me now I don t know where the hell I went to somewhere on the floor there all that stuff here but a $1500000.00 and all you have to do is send them all your hero your kind of dummy you know the kind of dummy that would you know give money to a Nigerian prince but now you don t have to give money to any of this guy in a high jury and and see if he runs a company in China and he wants to he just wants to give the money away because of all the help that you gave him in the past that you don t remember about that did he he knows that you didn t like how they write it has broken English to. You know they write in broken English because they know there are people who go well obviously this is real I mean a real guy wouldn t speak English but if he was from Nigeria or someplace would not speak English that well this is so they just intentionally write these things in broken English you go and remember in Flight Of The Conchords when Murray Yes and sent some money to a Nigerian prince and actually paid the money to fly him over and let him use his computer and his banking information I like that episode you get to actually meet. The guy the same. Guy I mean there s one guy who does all that Santa Claus you know is great use of his when you die on me putting out e-mails and you know he was smart enough to jump on board but you know in the in the announce list serv the m.c.n. Announced list serv which I think you d be a cool thing if you got on because I think you d get a kick out of it and the discussion lists are all I would send you the information necessary to take it you can t have too many people involved there you know with a brain in their head because you know you ve got to do it otherwise you know I m out numbered so there we are and somebody wrote as as a result of getting the Digest version which and replied to something someone wrote without any mark on what he was replying to except that it was the Digest version in the subject line and he wrote simply I did in you know an exclamation mark at the end of that. Right and I wrote I wrote you that s Congratulations. What did you do and then that reminded me of that part in Flight Of The Conchords remember when Marie and and Brett and Dave are in the alley because that s the alley that Brett fled abandoning Jimmy into his fate you know when the knife mongers were after them and they were talking about him being dead except there was a confusion because Marie and Brett are from New Zealand and Dave is from New York and when Marie said said he maybe did and Dave said he maybe did what and then there was a a long kind of who s on 1st What s on 2nd thing that ended up with ended up with are you fuckin with me or you guys fucking with me Dave says because he maybe did you know I know he maybe did but what if he maybe do and then he finally finally figures out that the guy he may be dead and he says oh oh oh oh. Well that accent is almost Afrikaans I mean it s so odd he has such an odd accent it doesn t sound like using our scrutiny it sounds like someone from Afrikaans there s a there s a line in the 2nd Lethal Weapon movie where. The guy s full on Danny Glover you know the actor Danny Glover the black actor partnered up with. Gibson in this film they did a string and it was a cop movie but a cop movie and you know there s they ve done everybody comp and if you think about it one of the 1st buddy com films even that was very dramatic and one of the 1st ones was it s always the white guy you know regular white you know Anglo-Saxon white guy and they came up with some not that that s 90 percent of them and some of them have done done it with take somebody who was a white male. And team up with really one of the 1st films was I think it was American forces or Dirty Harry was one of the times they team up with a woman trying daily and that was the odd couple that was together you know what oh my gosh Dirty Harry teamed up with a woman can to bring great of course you know he s you know why don t we give it away but can she try to slap him with this workers he live in a fog a place and she tried to stab him in the back with a scissors she had no sound of his bloody. You know she ends up getting killed in the resolution of him getting revenge for me Misty for Me That s what I m thinking there s a white confident black cop there s a white cop and I had a dog called Canine there s a white cop in a rush and that s Jim Belushi and Arnold Schwarzenegger in things that this sort of thing was wired into our brains and just you know needing of any common outlet Yeah good it s a good thing in there always working for a guy their boss didn t One guy have a have a monkey for. Sure positive and well last week on the screen last week on the show I played a nobody I remember that the one about the. There was a last minute but it happened they were he was a he was like a progression there s a thing that click click called Go to click hole and look up Rhino crime solving because there were there s a there s an essay there s a an essay that I played the audio from about it was an interview thing with with a bunch of people who had been rhino horn poachers who had you know the miracle occurred that just it happened that that a rhino that they might in their earlier life have killed and you know cut his horn office face with a chainsaw and taken away left the rhino there you know dead had ended up he didn t kill it and it ended up saving saving an investigation and helping himself a crime. And a lot of this happens a lot apparently there did you ever see it but he got one that you were really good for undercover work you received but he got them that you might. I remember the one where. Axel Foley who was the actor the it was a funny guy was a comedian very funny very funny. Eddie Murphy Annie Murphy and he was what was written 1st of us are still believe it is. Kind of hard to do this scene where the scene where they come to get him and he s he s facing the wall and he s got headphones on and he s singing along in much broken fashion with Roxanne which is weird because I just played just a half an hour ago I played a tango version of Roxanne you just mentioned never happened but I ll tell you what it is in the movie 48 hours which is also a buddy cop a cop and a con he goes to pick up Eddie Murphy and when you 1st hear the river is this is where he s like Introduction to fame is in 48 hours which is the same year almost as it was just before the reals come but he wanted to get the guy out of a cell anything listening to Roxanne and singing. Bakley and stopping and starting That s a pretty good gets made different movies and you can image them together Yeah but see I don t care about that I don t have any I m not a journalist I m something else something worse Ok You know I listen I do like a buddy cop and I can recommend it to you haven t seen it and maybe you ve seen it it s called alienation a little hey yeah yeah it s a it s a it s not a t.v. Series but it is a buddy Compton because it is it s a cop in England was it a t.v. Series 1st or was it a movie 1st time was a movie 1st I didn t care much for the series but I thought the movie was banned I thought that I give the series it was watchable but the movie that it s based on I give it a it was James Caan playing the regular cop you know they don t stray far from it hard drinking give worst you know that whole thing and he s teamed with an alien now at this point it s a little bit like what s the movie you know. The aliens and they re in South Africa . And they re District 9 yeah it s a little like District 9 in the aliens have come here and many of them are living in slums many of them have become addicted to and they look just like us except their heads are a little bigger than ours and they have been a leper the spots on their stretch again are kind of spotted in many taken place the alien partner and it s No really I ve got to see that just one movie alienation I think but a good grade but it was funny was it was kind of a takeoff on the buddy cop film but it is being actually a good buddy cop because it s also true of a buddy cop film you know the 9 times out of 10. The white guy is a hard drinker while the original buddy cop story is Sherlock Holmes in a way that s right I just I just I got the 60 year of. Of elementary and I just started watching it and it s it just gets better and better I really like those 2 actors and I like the one with Benedict Cumberbatch is very good and that s all you know it s it is kind of hard to ruin Sherlock Holmes it is nobody s really there was a really good movie years ago. Back in the seventy s with the charity Scott and Joe and Woodward and it was d called They Might Be Giants and I don t know if the band got their name from this but. Is a term they might be giants is a reference to you know Quixote which is a well it s a it s a reference to old time talent shows and they were they would say they might be stars They Might Be Giants you know they know I didn t know that yet so this movie called They Might Be Giants is about a man who thinks that he s sure Locke. And he s his doctor is actually named Watson played by Joe and Woodward and of course they end up going on a you know a detective story and a mystery Did you ever see a film about about a man who is in a mental institution and a man who loves the book that the madman wrote the children s book he grew up with as millions of people did in the fictional universe of the movie with he did that mans children s book about a magical world I mean it might have been Narnia or someplace like that yeah this was that popular in the story and then of the man is the man is insane and he s played by Sir Ian McKellen and he believes that that world exists and he s hiding from the bad people or creatures who are you know chasing him down in this movie do you remember the I don t remember but I m sure all good imo it s either in Macallan or that other one that you mistake for Ian McKellen every once in a while. Patrick Stewart or you know another only because of the Voice know another another actor who looks a lot like him like an apple doll. Yeah old guy. Think of it is the British as well. And we ve got it like been kind of a British accent I think it s like I think invent think we both have some photographing fairies says Ben Kingsley that was that was a monster of a wonderful movie that probably 6 people ever saw but I would recommend that to anybody I saw a movie with him and I I don t know maybe a dozen people then came to like it or to see call turtle diary and it was by the printer to help it you re right there e slow he wrote The servant he wrote he writes very slow talky things were done and I remember just being me and 3 other people who don t got together because we re like Harold Pinter fans of. A lonely group and they were enjoying this wonderful film but I don t think that the San Diego branch of the Harold Pinter club you know his heavy Go is is not a cultural town I grew up there and I found I was part of the I d like to think anyway I was part of the only cultural scene that was there I knew because they invited me to do this thing called the oh gosh what s it called the Fringe Festival and it s an artistic thing to they have those in the hall big cities because I think I associate that with Ireland but comes around all cities and when it hit send me a go they would ask me that s how I felt that I was part of the cultural thing to play some part in like literally they go do you want to do something and then say yeah and you know I was kind of a well known of my book was a was up of the San Diego book or things like that and I was I was well known a it was up for the or didn t win any awards because I didn t know about that. No it didn t when I got was nominated again something where it was just I knew from the 2nd I thought what it was neat and this guy was a former CIA guy he was in the CIA and he wrote these incredible stories about his adventures in the CIA and then it was up against my book which was just the filthy goofy stories and I wouldn t have picked my poking at the talking raccoon I knew I was going away also when the woman that announced clearly had never heard of my book and thought it had a ridiculous that there this other man wrote the analysis of the analysis of crime or something like this and wrote this great title and she goes and the other day I m These Oh Chip Chip chalk tales of the insane you know just the way it s just like that like what that was. And I was like and she was on the panel you know she was a 6 people that were definitely not I mean she was president of the voted and she had never heard of it so I read it I don t think she read I don t maybe not only something unfair was going on you know some kind of hydrogen between that guy and her didn t have a great shock of white hair and mutton chop sideburns and and a you know hidden bulge you know for a gun inside his inside the side of his pants there and all that he didn t look like any and that he looked like some guy that was a retired accountant or something like that but I mean you know because they can sneak in and do the job and get out and he would never do those raging really was I mean you know he may have had his actual parents maybe the perfect cover. Or it might have been the result of surgery surgery or we could save his life it might not be even his real name he might have had an entirely other name and you know what people do it Harry Houdini grave they go there and right. Before you know it says it is Harry Houdini this you know born this year parodied this year and people keep adding years to the book but to get the idea was the escape but a book they kept shouldn t be too hard to find out you know yeah yeah I think and then you had to dig you up anymore they can they can shoot these these low energy x. Rays into the ground and combine it with sonar and they can find out at least whether somebody is there an op ed then of course you need to dig them up and find out if it s the right person because it could be anybody else they shoved in at the last instant I had a knife I had a nice experience a couple of weeks ago this is what I was saying about cynical I would find where it s like people s There was a I think the thing was gold is where you find it in other words really famous night in San Diego. Who famous died in San Diego Oh I can tell you and I ll think of his name in a moment but I ll tell you this he was in La Jolla he was at the law someone and reforms play something possibly the lawyer playing us and he was oh gosh he was a funny guy I liked him and he died on stage is that who you re talking about he was in La Hoya and he was on stage any died on stage and people for a moment or 2 thought it was part of the act that he Richard shot Dick Sean Dick Shawn he was an actor he was in It s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World he was very funny in that. And he got on stage I know that there was a famous binge with any called the farmers and that country get Montana was their lead singer and he died on the country Dick Montana that s Ok he s not the Great if you may have heard his one hit song made you will you be seeing just a tiny bit of it Ok it was called happy voice and it was very alternative songs the only alternative stations you could you could find and play it on your show I know I ll find out I just I never heard of it and he goes well I just found up to the sun is gay hubba hubba hubba All right look and all them go get a bale of a hubba hubba hubba but I had a boy have I ever bought so he s dead now I happened by and and I know I saw last week at the fair morning and I went to the Sonoma County Fair and paid you some incredible amount of money to just park the car and then had to pay to get in our gate after we parked the car and once we were in a side I had like going to any of those I don t know yeah I was there was a lot you know it s for Jesus but it was you know it s a thing that we do we go to the Sonoma County Fair a few years ago I threw up on a ride there and we re trying to recreate the experience because it meant so much to us they had a they had a booth for that a booth for Trump supporters there and they had an across the aisle you know and around the corner they had a booth for. You know the Democratic Party and they were equally grim I mean they were just. I think though I don t want to be repaired anything yeah but they re just waiting you know and I walked by I thought I was going to say something to the Democrats but there was the guy was looking at me like well I had that funny hat on because I couldn t find my real hat and I was freezing to death so I went back to the car and got this sort of Nordic sort of hat that has flaps and in little braids of yarn coming off of it I don t care you know if I m cold or uncomfortable I don t care what I look like to feel better but they did they were looking at me like I was some kind of a bug so I didn t want to go over and offer them any kind of encouragement. It s so funny you know there was you know an incentive and point oh sourdough slim sorry it s sourdough sourdough slim yodeling accordion playing cowboy and that he wouldn t stop that was who I saw there and he was a he was like he was like a. Botched w.c. Fields like character he had a leader in his voice and everything he said was a double entendre that was unsuitable for the 3 year old child God He was great he was wonderful he d been doing it all his life and he sounded he sounded and looked great he had the Cowboy uniform and the cowboy boots and he had a guitar there and he kept looking over at it like he was going to go and play a bit but he did he never went over he never took the accordion off and he never played the guitar because he he didn t know how to play the guitar he just always brought it and said it over there so he could look at it every once in a while and think maybe this time I ll do it well it s funny it s for his famous and he just gets on. The Heaven s Gate people were in San Diego County North All right you know a guy there and Brenda Spencer shot. People and I heard the gunshot just over the hill from where I lived I mean literally I used to go to that school to purvey spoke to tell about Brenda Spencer entry. And that s Brenda Spencer you know her she was depressed and her dad knew that you re depressed her mom was left and so he gave her a high powered rifle why did he give it to or. Why did he give her the rifle she was depressed. Human furniture for a president to be cheer her up hunting there s no hunting in San Diego the most good hunters rabbits and skate by rifle do not think there s really nothing it just explodes and there s no meat left after you hit a mostly no no I mean you know and they scream by the way when you shoot them I shot one with a I hate that when my that sound they don t listen let me tell you something I did this once I was 2223 and my brother and I were kind of smashed we went over to. Kind of a baseball park near the lake alcohol is there anything you can do I know exactly where it is and we were just. Just smash and he said Come on come on you know kind of put me into it you know don t be a pussy and all that and I did and believe me I don t I think there s still had time I let anybody you know put see me into not a good reason to go. On your mark sort of thing so I went and did it and I shot when I hit a rabbit and I went and jumped up into the ground. I just threw the weapon down and walked away I said Yeah everybody has a laugh and that song is about a mile away that I walked her of I was like I don t want to ever do that and Ok I ve done it I know what is like terrific never need to experience that again so no Brenda Spencer and then she went out now a woman that I dated on and off for years her younger sister was one of the kids not. My friend Linda filmic her sister Monica was shot and was kind of a chubby little girl and I went right through and never her and went right through like her side and didn t touch any you know just went through just nothing important in there it just went right through and didn t shout but she was in shock and fell down all the kids hit the ground heroically she was still shooting at the end these kids were right across the street she was shooting at them just from the front lawn very calmly relaxed and shooting at them not under by the way under no. No alcohol no drugs nothing just bored went out there and was shooting at these kids and with a gun her father gave her because she had been deterred protective to try to protect them. This principle on the channel or. What they did was they they did it and now I forget exactly was the Pedro like put a dumpster used to like a forklift and try to put a dumpster between the kids and you know so they were cover and they were both shot in the effort to protect the child and killed. She never killed any of the children but she killed the principal in the. Janitor Well that s something anyway bigger targets that s all there was to it she had not I don t think she fired a gun for this and well it doesn t take much you know all you got to do is point and we saw Officer when they were trying to get her and finally the huge very calmly you know they got the weapon got off the weapon and somebody asked her why did she do it and you remember what her response was I did I had forgotten entirely about her if I ever knew just tell me what it is that I don t like Mondays and you can play that song because that became a hit song Hey what it was I don t like by the Boomtown Rats.

Radio-program , English-language-writers , British-voice-actors , Shakespearean-actors , American-voice-actors , Actors-awarded-british-knighthoods , Jewish-actors , Law-enforcement-terminology , Human-rights , Abuse , Criminal-law , Law

Transcripts for KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] KFKA 1310 AM [Newstalk 1310 KFKA] 20180627 010000

Trees could be extended that s a final word that s a pretty put down do I want to go in with a different one and maybe a different variety I don t think there s any reason it s a very strong victory very similar to the American Civil Liberties Union says the ruling will go down as one of the Supreme Court s greatest failures while speaking at a law enforcement conference in Los Angeles attorney general Jeff Sessions pushed back on critics who call the trumpet ministrations 0 tolerance immigration policy cruel as the president often says by country without borders is not a country I don t know why that s so hard for some people to understand both the House and Senate are poised to vote on immigration reform bills this week officials in central Texas say one person is dead and 12 others injured following an explosion at Corio Memorial Hospital they say all of those hurt were construction workers during an expansion project this is a.b.c. News. Why we call it small business. 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The forecast lows tonight with a mostly clear sky to the upper fifty s for Wednesday Sunny the morning hot to do with upper ninety s in a few very low 120 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms over on Thursday into the 101021058 bit cooler 95. Day is brought to you by North range behavior is it worth range dot org. This is a primary election 28 I m. With the polls haven t closed within the past few minutes we re looking towards our 1st updates of the evening in the primary balloting the 1st in Colorado to include undeclared voters getting a chance to cast a vote statewide turnout averaged better than 30 percent according to the secretary of state s office at 38 percent of the Democrats registered 36 percent of the Republicans registered and just 19 percent of the other affiliated voters in the state. Of course the turnouts for both Republicans and Democrats is helped by each party having contested races for governor as John Hickenlooper is term limited locally to Weld County Commissioner races on the Republican ticket are being closely watched by commission chairman at large. And the elder Scott James in Mike Vin were on the ballot to replace Julie as the district to Commissioner also Carly seeks the nomination for clerk and recorder later this fall. Was allowed as a write in candidate after failing to meet the threshold to have her name on the ballot on the Democratic ballot in a primary for the nomination for the State House District 50 seat pitch against. The county commission just pick one nomination on the Republican ballot another update coming up at 730. For $1310.00 k. F. K. What s so great about the nerd store comic books that school board games that s a really cool collectible cool pretty graphic novel you bet your bottom dollar the nerd store has graphic novels talking Money Magic the Gathering how magical weekly tournaments. Use video games the nerd store buys and sells used video games they sure do Facebook dot com slash the nerd store to find out more. Really Hey that s my line. Well I Robot a doctor on Caskey jump in here just for a real quick special announcement about the probably the hottest index annuity I ve seen in a decade and you need to call and get the rest of the information allow me to sit down and show it to you but it has a 10 percent guaranteed roll up that s an income roll of sorts and a guaranteed 10 percent for the 1st 10 years plus a 10 percent bonus on the premium and the 2nd 10 years has a 5 percent guaranteed roll up also have one with an 8 percent guaranteed and 2 times the end decks in addition to that and I ve got one here that you can add to for 7 years so you need to call and get the information on that here s my toll free number 877-218-1972 I don t know how long this will be around so don t put it off Call Me Now Jackie chick in movie it s Ok drop me these magical or we. Will fly us to safety before the head with yourself down with minor details. We have to get out of here before that giant flattens the whole city. Will our heroes make it back to safety to the end of the adventures of Jackie chicken in psychic drumstick for now is it any regional when Jack location for great weans any time go to win check ways don t jump through menu location specials and more when splitting check. Hi This is Leslie host of fork it over Radio 11310 k. At k. We re always dishing out the latest news for your help and on July 7th we re bringing you the hottest interview of the year celebrating Trisha NIST and fitness Hall of Famer j.j. Virgin will be with us live talking about her newest book were your mom 7 secrets to the bold brave resilience stop on by fork it over radios Saturdays at 9 am only on 1310. Mental health and addiction issues affect one in 4 people most of us have faced a behavioral health challenge or love someone who has Northridge behavioral health treatment programs work people really can recover and become stronger they offer programs to help you and your family no matter your age in many Weld County locations including crisis support services a counseling center in West Greeley and additional offices in Greeley Frederick and Fort Lupton for information call 970-347-2120 or in Southern Wild County 303-857-2720 extension 30. From Comics and Games to movies and t.v. This is the nerd show from 1310 and J.F.K. s. From the c.r. Paid for by 4 studio years travel as a dream there and one guy talking dirty to me like you it was. Ok honestly actually kind of weird at this point really I feel straight I feel like I m the only person in my age group that isn t still obsessed with Gary Potter there s a 30 year old to 3 way or other reason Claus during the series I . Was all over your letters not coming I got let me call center. I feel like that was a dig at us yes it was yeah I don t know about their ages like you stupid day I know you re not in my thirties and I was a very good chance I will get my letter and I will be sorted and awful pub so screw you I found that on me. Never really got a thing I ll try to find it right but in a very funny Well welcome to the nerd show. Oh yeah it s the things that happen here yeah if I feel like if people only saw what happened like before the show starts at the commercial break they would probably be a little shocked but we were talking religion today last week it was politics which went really well for us because we all agree entirely all 3 of us are entirely under same page Well not us I agree with you on that yeah the religious religious talk with much easier yeah we were talking more hypothetical none of us like were like oh I m attached to this religion and yes is why you re wrong whereas we all seem to be attached to the idea that everybody else is wrong in our politics that. Because everyone else is wrong. Let s talk videogames Let s do that let s let s not go there. All right so a story that might get pulled up from screen rants by Robin Burke s talks about that video games will be 100 percent digital by 2022 let s let s discuss that number before we get anywhere into this 100 percent I mean it s not a dollar not a dime not a penny will be spent on physical games in any capacity in 4 years from now for used games of course well but and that makes no sense because I feel like wouldn t like say the music industry already be there because think about them oh yeah by their music through online and through digital download but they still have C.D. s like you can still go to Target or Wal-Mart and buy it buy a cd wait can you Best Buy just drop their C.D. s who really Best Buy dropped their C.D. s about 3 months ago but you can Ok so here s where it is the reason I was looking at that are is that specially music stores are starting to pop up because Wal-Mart and Target and Best Buy don t have those anymore and that infrastructure raids this there are going to always be people and it may be a smaller group and it may not be a financially huge sure yeah yeah but there s always good people people that want to buy their their games physical sure and I m that person but I but I d like the physical copy and we re seeing that with a lot of industries bookstores the new wave is is all of these little mom and pop bookstores that are succeeding and thriving where Barnes and Noble felt because these you know as these things become less broad it requires navigating things you can t just throw everything on the shelf and expected to sell it s kind of like the books or or the comic book store the reason I do well is because I could do what Barnes and Noble and Target and Walmart can t do it s entirely inefficient for them to try. And so no matter how digital everything else goes all of us little stores get to exist what you re I think you re going to see is all of these little video games source that exist are going to be the primary distribution point for physical games Game Stop and game force than liking Wally game for seeing became of our 2nd or store you know and lots of little source like that will be able to handle video games because we know how to navigate and the industry will have to adjust to focus on us sure and we re starting to see that with games right there with toys right now the toy industry just watched one of its 3 biggest mortars I too as are us buy toys arrest Barnes and Noble s looking at downsizing possibly a lot of categories I don t know if games that are toys on their games is but what happens is all the sudden I m getting calls from from distributors they re like hate We re not carrying games and the margin has just gotten better this is now accessible to small business I got a new distributor today they call the they re like hey we re taking that backwards way that toys have been delivered to small stores for years and years and we re just seeing that we re consolidating that you re not going to deal with 85 reps you get 85 different games and so we re seeing that shift and I think that what you re going to see is digital games go the same route and some point they go you know what this this business model doesn t work for the small company to carry new games in the big guys out. Let s adjust this our cost is the r. And d. Our cost is covered by the digital Let s make that extra money by printing this on a cd it costs an extra buck to print it what s printed on cd and send it out and make some money that way too well then with that said what do you think will become a game stop because I know I said I recently read an article saying that they re looking for a buyer because they are headed straight for the ground and they ve already they bought out think yes and they started bringing in pops and action figures and they re doing it poorly Yes I think that Game Stop is going to do Windell until it becomes a manageable size company I think that there s room for a a chain but not something on that scale sure and I think the smartest thing they could do would be split it up and have regional chains have like Game Stop West that includes 5 or 6 states and is one manager running you know a couple dozen stores and that s that s that bite size that fits because as a nationwide chain there s 2 minutes variance and you have to start worrying about those variances as your as your. Potential target audience grow smaller and smaller Sure well and I guess one of the things that we have to watch as we have 3 game stops in the city of Greeley Yeah so we ll see if that big change happens which one of them survived I d imagine the one in the mall would be wiped out. I mean right now it s still I mean the mall no matter how good what Greeley Mall is is still a muggle friendly place is still the place where you know. You re me like who I heard of Zelda Maybe I ll try like a better school like your hardcore gamers are going to start buying online more and more I actually think the malls probably least in threat to lose what customer base it has left and just for a little bit more context let me read a little bit of this as of May play or. $9100000000.00 on digital game downloads this year and comparison they only spent $7300000000.00 on the previous year free to play games such as fortnight taking around $200000000.00 per year downloadable mobile games also continue to increase in sales every year by around 36 percent. Well and we are we re seeing we re seeing business models that are just you know even looking at movies movies took a step further because blockbuster kind of held all of the little guys at bay I m going to long last I haven t heard that. In a minute. But I think that you re going to see the same thing you can still pipe D.V.D. s and you know I think even more than music if anything was going to go away it would have been the D.V.D. s already I think that what you re going to start seeing is you re going to see media stores you re going to see a place where you could buy a couple cool D.V.D. s Blu rays music and video games because that they all kind of coexist sure and if you re if you re. Nimble enough to navigate them all because you re only trying to order for 2 or 3 stores and you can account for your personal customer s tastes you could do really well in that chair well I guess we ll see I tend to agree with you both I don t think that this is something realistic by 2022 like it does and the article says that all of the revenues will come from digital sales and that doesn t make sense to me so now you know you could put this so in such a way like C.D. s still exist but how much of the money is from a cd sell anymore that s true so you could look at this is as as all as long as you re defining all this less than 100 percent it s probably like 90 percent of your revenue for and that mission comes from either their touring stuff or from their digital downloads you know it becomes that significant but again the cost was to record the song putting on a cd cost them the next rip up yeah why not make some money off that. Sure I guess we ll see things that we have what for years the at this figured out for years are I m taking bets with Robin Burke s main screen. And the next story is Lucas Film reportedly puts All Star Wars story spinoffs on hold now obviously so low wasn t there quite the return that they thought they would see but as you have some said multiple times that is kind of their own fault Yeah terms of marketing but evidently they are putting some of them on hold including the Boba Fett spin off so this isn t exactly the fallout that I said but like 3 months ago Mike looked at solo films going to tank units they were everything else Star Wars I expected to reduce returns on Episode 9 which we still haven t gotten there I still wouldn t be surprised to see that. This movie film did damage and this is this is the 1st of that blowback from that and again it wasn t the movie it was the marketing sure. And the fact that they ve fired 4 directors last 4 teams of directors in the last few years there there s a confidence problem too yeah and I think we talked about that I think we had an article a couple weeks ago that was talking about that but it is no it was my friend wrote a blog he wrote a blog about solo and he was talking about how much it was about the perception and he went into that movie not expecting anything because of the fire directors because of the Bri she 70 percent film was risotto according to yes because of all of these things that were coming out he expected this thing to be bad and the perception was what drove the sells because it s like we watched it was fun my son loved it I enjoyed it like it was my favorite Star Wars film ever but it was me it was good it was worth watching and that the numbers were all he talked about were results of all of the behind the scenes stuff because that was the image and it was it was a blog article about how it is all about your image and not about what you actually produce and he talks about how many businesses fall into that how much of the expectation is you know. What you expect coming in versus what you actually get when you get there share this same friend actually talked to me about that when I 1st opened my store by the time we opened that opening day by the time we close we had a 1000 likes on Facebook which was huge it s massive for a new store and we had these 5 stars coming in and he said you know what you ve done is you said expectation no nobody is liking your store because of what they received that they got these likes before you even opened they liked it because from what you set up those 5 star reviews are because of the hope they are buying into your hope and your dreams are not into your store yes reality may may hurt a little and fortunately it wasn t too bad I think we lived up to more of the expectation then he thought oh yeah yeah no reception is definitely a key part of marketing people bought into the store long before we had a store to buy into Sure and everything about our opening was was good and we see this with other things as well I ve got a friend who s got a store that they sold and the new owners the way they re handling their marketing people aren t buying into it and it s it s become this whole huge problem and it s not because the new stores bad or even that different it s because the way they ve presented it has changed so much that the community is buying into it differently. Well that that is a very good way of putting what exactly happened to Selo perception of things can definitely determine the ultimate value so I am going way to business no I can just manage this isn t this is the business report on the nerds so you know right we definitely want to buy right but I mean and I guess another one that I should mention is that they were there was a long rumored that they were going to be making Obi Wan Kenobi movie movie but that has been folded as has the Boba Fett movie yeah and. What was that there was one of them like Oh that looks like it s really sad. Death with that one it was it was a spin off directly out of solo I felt like maybe it was the Boba Fett one and that was just sad sad to lose those ones. I m trying to remember what I said Lando one action. Well that kind of sucks because he was a really good Lando that s that s what Yeah that was the one that was May have been the best part of the movie I honestly think that he was like his character was definitely the most enjoyable to watch I thought that he played the part very well so that kind of that has to suck for you to do so well in this movie but for the movie to do so poorly that your movies are no longer in the works but he s not really hurting though he s right now one of the rules yeah if you were people sure sure as an actor and as a musician but still like imagine though you had your own Star Wars movie like that s that s out of the picture. Now well I m going to go see a star is born in October and that s like you re about the ceiling if you are but. Well I m trying I m trying to think there s got to be some good movies coming out this year and means coming out whether that s good or I mean I don t read but not that much I mean like you re going out how I want that one has potential Man Yeah with Jason Momoa Yeah. Now I know in my case I m a mole and I m not into that sorry as a straight man that is absolutely no. Other Man at all I am into that no I just saw his for what movie was he in very briefly recently though he was they they showed honestly yeah briefly didn t they Yeah he was in Justice League not into it sorry I ll wait for stars I don t think it was well. That s what I hear a lot of the problem was but I also heard that they scrapped a lot of what they actually filmed of him I think we re hearing a lot about that I yeah we re hearing there s a Zack Snyder. Maybe there is and we re hearing a lot of Zack Snyder got fired I think can they change their head of yeah there s a lot of changes over the d.c. Cinematic Universe and I think they re going about it wrong they took their most talented person author moved him back to the comics and then into his own independent film series a new year just like Ok That wasn t how you do this but yeah I ll take it Geoff Johns is spreading comics again and he s good at it so. Well there is that I m taking the music as it s time for us to take a commercial break but when we come back we will talk about more nerd news and I really like the comic of the week so we re going to talk about that. Stay tuned later in the evil overlord Travers Terry will be back with our future 13 and you. Can decide where to go for happy hour and make it easy for you right coast pizza happy or right coast is daily from $3.00 to $6.00 with Jack beers $2.00 of passes of wine and $5.00 off the bottle get your fill of their specialty Pete says while sipping a craft beer on the patio see up to date with Rikers pizza by visiting right to die . An 8th Street in downtown Greeley. Are you happy with your auto service or repair shop good stick with them as we know how hard it can be to find someone reliable and efficient for those of you who haven t found that dependable shop Here s a suggestion auto tailor they take the time to learn about the customer and their specific wishes for their vehicle they want to zoom you want x. Done when all you really need is why if the customer isn t happy auto Taylor is not happy either given an a plus rating from the Better Business Bureau auto Taylor is the smart reliable choice for your vehicle call 353341 or visit them online at auto tailor dot com I minded this so called Worst day of the week I get it a great weekend and then I show up and ruin every day but not anymore thanks to Kenny s day cows northern Colorado s best burger come see for yourself it can be steak house mega burger Mondays build your own delicious burger and grab a $2.00 draft beer while you re at it to see all of Kenny super daily specials like Mega burger Mondays blog on it Kenny steakhouse dot com. Really a great experience 1st time every time previously on the road. Medicare is projected to go broke in 2026 or even sooner right now for the 1st time ever Medicare is drawing down on the reserves this year rather than paying benefits from their take to the interest on their reserves listen to the retirement. You ve been working so hard for so long you re always giving in giving it s time to let someone else take care of you when it s time for your next building project there s only one company to call buildings by designs entire crew takes pride in their commitment to deliver you the highest level of service on a wide array of construction projects buildings by design at 9708 Ford. 25837. It s time that someone else takes care of you. Concerts or the crowd that s what he really stampede superstar s concerts or include a very. Good look. At the roots of 2 or 3 getting Kershaw call in or is airing it. With Miller to be announced Jack it is on sale February 21st starting at $80.00 but it really can t be done or pretty. In northern Colorado sports isn t just something we do it s a way of life especially when it comes to our area school teams and even if we re rooting for the other team we can all agree that while on the field diamond or court our teams gotta look good thanks to mainstream promotion and really your team will have only the best looking uniforms gear and fan where your team can even have a free custom online store for fan gear ordered and shipped on an individual basis Cassady at Main Street promotions for more information check them out online at Main Street promos dot com That s. Street promos dot com. It s a way of life. Ok This song is a digital. A physical music flashback since the 1st cd I bought k. And this particular song uses the f. Word I had no idea they could swear in you sick and I was so flabbergasted I just sat there and played it on my gram I was staying at my grandmother s house at the time she was not amused. She ll that my parents to yell at me with this your Mormon upbringing Oh yeah this I was like a kid too like I m like oh my gosh I don t even hear that word in there but you re already. Well. Yeah that was literally what was happening me. Well he got over it. Ready Micah. Or it s time for this week moves directors for Swamp Thing pilot announced d.c. Is moving forward with their plans to adapt the comic book character of Swamp Thing into a t.v. Series for their streaming service d.c. Universe Aqua Man director James Wan will take on the project along with Iran Sarah Sarah fee and I m really excited to not see the word c.w. In that are earning that report anywhere sure. Like one c.w. Superhero show is fine they all feel the same and I m tired of them all yeah I want something other than goofy We can t move on past the plots I feel like there are those shows are always like are produced by teenagers I don t know why I get that via a very much feel like it yeah right like that s totally the vibe that I get but the Swamp Thing it sounds familiar but I don t think I know one thing is a batman. I don t want to say villain he is he s a he s in the Batman universe in the d.c. Universe he is half man half forced womp he got fused in it in an accident and so he can control the plants and their earth around him and he s very much he is Captain Planet like on steroids he is like protect the earth at all costs you have you seen the John Cheadle Captain Planet. Oh my God I mean I ve heard Captain Planet from way back when Ok so he s more like John Cheadle bird. Captain Planet like but now you re a tree and you re a tree like he s not a he s a villain because he s willing to kill people to save the planet but he s not a villain because he s not really self-serving So would you consider him an anti-hero not even that yeah he s he s just an antagonist I like that I feel like that s something I could relate to yeah I think I think maybe that is one thing I will watch so Swamp Thing will be out soon. Patrick Stewart close to deal with c.b.s. To play Picard again according to mirror 77 year old Patrick Stewart is close to securing a deal with c.b.s. To return as Captain Picard in a reboot of Star Trek The Next Generation series co-creator Alex Kurtzman is under a 5 year contract and has discussed Stewart s with the actor Stuart admitted to recently visiting stage 8 which has been their primary home for Star Trek t.v. Shows at Paramount Studios. This is actually a pretty big nerd that is a kind of is a pretty big Yeah 25 years later. Captain Kirk is coming back. Hard hard and there s the same guy right. There yeah For Yeah Ok I thought so. What s I find so surprising is Ok so this is like 20 something years ago has Patrick Stewart liked change at all. He looks a little bit older especially when he lets the his hair grow out because then you can see that it s like an inch and a half in the back and that s it the bald spot has grown down past his ears but I mean like he still seems like young in like lively and like willing to work so that s a good thing yeah he I like him he s you know that sort of who doesn t like what do you think about it I m a little worried because I m one of those leave well enough alone guys but I m excited to get it. Yeah I mean we ll just wait till Captain Kirk comes back to reprise his role next year oh no. That is the reason why you kind of wonder Trek. I would imagine so. Just saying all right next door a Jeremy Irons joins Watchmen t.v. Series Damon Lindelof Watchmen t.v. Series has added another actor Jeremy Irons has been cast in a lead role for the upcoming h.b.o. Series no details on which character irons will play have been released I love Jeremy Irons and he is one of my favorite actors of all time when does this series come out is this this year because this is something I m looking forward to. Watch men. Should not be a movie it needs to be 0 yeah no Like the time to explore these characters as long as it s a limited series as long as they re not like oh yeah this is just to go on until I die Yeah because then they re going to make it and then they re going to make it bad and then they re going to make it for 2 more seasons and then it will end if they that s how every t.v. Show that should be a short series and dad we re looking at you. Yeah I love Jeremy Irons so I m super excited for there s only a couple of people that he could be too old to play a lot of the characters he could be were Shaq and then he could be could be one of the earlier generation. Watchmen because the watchman book follows the 2nd generation of Watchman and and it s a lot of that is there they re coming of age and they re coming into their their own I don t know that you would call him a lead if he is one of the earlier generation ones. Possibly comedian I still think comedians like I don t know c n Arnold Schwarzenegger is in a comedian more I see yeah actually still them would be better at it than sports nearby to actually really rather not see either of them and they re both really old with Jeremy Irons just doesn t have that muscular build but he kind of has the demeanor he could pull that one off I would say he out of those 3 needs he is the superior actor also I m not sure that you would consider the comedian a lead role. Comedian spoiler alert this story is. Who killed comedian I see so he s not a very long well congratulations Jeremy Irons right next story garden Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3 is finished according to James Gunn the mind behind Guardians Of The Galaxy volumes one and 2 he has finished writing the 3rd volume he made the announcement via Twitter I saw this actually this tweet actually he was like so happy. I have a no no. Ok so I know it s happening and I hate it the only way Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 even exists is if they undo. What we are you know that s what s going to happen I know but I hate it quit telling me about I live in the world. Infinity wars and it just ended there I would be fine. I mean anybody. Bizarro world where they re all evil. And I hope I m. Left. Well know who did. I think rock and group and I mean. I think you. Already know with. A universe where you come back whenever you want next story crowded comic book being adapted by Rebel Wilson Australian actress known for her comedic work has announced that she will be starring and producing the adaptation of the comic book crowded the comic series will not hit 15 but. A consulting producer crowded published by Image Comics. Broken record time this is this is where we re going comic books become an extension of the movie. Industry where we re marketing we you get the best stories 1st at my store Yeah and if they re worthwhile you get to go watch them later Sure and you know it s a good model I mean why not use the creative I like the model church so I Love of Rebel Wilson too I think she s very funny I m not sure what this comic book is about but I imagine that it s going to have some incredible looks it looks like it s got some heavy comedy yeah I did I did read that s not. Very cool all right and the last story of the day Tom Holland accidentally leaks Spider-Man homecoming sequels official name while making an instagram update for his fans Spider-Man actor Tom Holland accidently gave away a spoiler the actor held up a tablet for a brief moment which showed the title of the sequel which is Spider v.m. Far from home. The same no the same No as I just gave to Guardians Of The Galaxy No I think the same way I think we re all we all feel the same way those who died should stay dead. Everything else everything that comes after this is just that doesn t count anymore yeah no you re right is not canon Yeah they all died they all died they re staying dead Ok so what are you to yeah maybe they could maybe they could all make a little musical. That are canon Well kind of wait wait wait what if instead of dying what if they were all set to an alternate universe what if they were sent to Earth 616. And on Earth 616 we get to follow their adventures and Spiderman far from home could totally work for that Guardians 3 would have everybody but rocket and they re all living in an alternate universe because they died yeah and on top of that they weren t they weren t killed though Mike just because their noses thought he was killing them. He was actually just saying them so an alternate universe and in this alternate universe the X.-Men co-exist with all of these because Disney has already bought Fox Oh God it could be it is your musical There it is that it s a musical produced by just made and. Now we have to have. When we come back to the presented by. We will talk about the coming of the week which is the last city x. I have some insider information on this and I m going to claim credit. For. Something is over until we decided it. Was Wednesday otherwise hot weather remains. The forecast tonight with. The upper fifty s. To do with a few very low 120 percent. On Thursday into the 10100 to 100. A bit cooler 95. North. Is it worth range dot org. Primary election. From. Democratic primary for State House District 50. With an early $459.00 vote. In the race. For the state treasurer race he leads that race 69. 31 percent. With 50. 2 thirds. Nearly 13. Point. To 29 percent. On the u.s. . Looks to be. Leading 70 to 30 over. Time again. Concert tickets. 3. Days that make us want to say. Easter transportation is a family owned business. With the ability to hold anything with. Need since 2001 if we can truck it good options for coverage still exist and my health connections continues to enroll people in health insurance throughout the year customers may call 970-301-4426 extension 2 schedule an appointment schedule online or come see as a walk in at the sunrise I don t want a clinic people can apply for health 1st Colorado and ship plus year round if they had a life changing event in the last 60 days such as losing coverage birth of a baby or becoming a citizen that can open up a special in Roman period where they may choose to shop in the marketplace and see if they qualify for financial assistance don t miss your window of opportunity confused don t let the uncertainty get the best of you and your insurance options my health connections is here to help us with your questions at 970-301-4426 again 970-301-4426 schedule your appointment today helping you understand all of your insurance options my health connections in Greeley concerts . That s what he really stampede superstar s concert series here. At the weekend 2 or 3 get your call in or is there any. More to be in that stack it is on sale February 21st starting at Eve $1.53 we have the gun or pretty. Can t decide where to go for happy hour and make it easy for you right coast pizza at p.r.i. Co says daily from $3.00 to $6.00 with Jack beers $2.00 a fasces of wine and $5.00 off the bottle get your fill of their specialty Pete says while sipping a craft beer on the patio see it today with Rikers pizza by visiting right because Pete that dot com Right has pizza on 8th Street in downtown Greeley. By telling Greeley reminds us that June is Bike Month in Colorado a month focused on celebrating bicycling for transportation fun and health and while there are many excellent events around the state and in Greeley this June the highlight of the month is Bike to Work Day on June 27th one please leave cars at home and enjoy cycling to work so make sure you get those bikes ready for June in the summer ahead bipedal in Greeley go to Pipetta or dot business for updates deals and bike events in northern Colorado. As they come or go but this is a kissing to read the nerd story. For the nerd show and 13 year for a. Welcome back all right so our comment this week is Lost City explorers but real quickly this is by aftershock comics yes and before the show you were you were talking yes. I really enjoy everything that they put out like from the asset mix to the stories that they tell in their comics what was the graphic novel that you talk shock they just they re winners for me everything that they put out just they it speaks to me I enjoy the diversity of the characters and the stories that they tell I mean to give it to them because I mean we read d.c. We read you know different brands I think aftershock has to be my favorite I I agree they make amazing stuff Mike and you are going to know we get we did the whole shock look yes that was incredible Yes We I believe it was nerd you know approved it was really one of the best things I ve ever read and guys listeners if you haven t read it yet if you haven t picked it up you ve got yes is a must read a must own and aftershock came last year to the nerd store the President Joe pro who you. Speer writer on X.-Men. His Also an extra walking cat he was a zombie. But he was he was talking to me and I said you know what comic I d really love you guys to make I d love you to make something that feels a little bit like stranger things and is geared towards an older teen I said I know all of your stuff right now is mature but I d really like to see it branched out that way for that particular book this when they announced this they said it s for older teens and it s it s got a. Stranger things feel so this is literally them listening to me and again I said I was going to take credit for and I m going to glow this was them saying Ok Travis if that s what you think it s going to sell We re going to we re going to put some effort into that and and they did and they created something and I liked it and I m really really excited but I think I think I just want to say thank you to aftershock because you know you listen to us as well as making great stuff so sure the actual book here yes the last city explorers the premise of the story is that Atlantis is actually was on Manhattan Island and they got lost underneath the city and so we just kind of introduce the characters and whatnot the main characters father gets sucked into Atlantis everybody assumes he s dead except the kids and his partner. And so that s that s the premise that we ve set up I enjoyed this I think I really enjoyed it to like i always a enjoyed like the modern touches and you kind of have one of the female characters taking a selfie during a funeral which I was like that is so it was so cringe worthy that I got the main character is just going to beat her and she should have that s so tacky don t do that people but I just think that this story that they re trying to tell is just not something that I ve read before because I mean who would think of Atlanta s under Manhattan like that s just not you know any like anywhere else in the world. Story has been told but under Manhattan it s just different and I so I definitely really really enjoyed this one I m I really want to see them actually get down to Atlantis I want to see them go spelunking I want to see what their interpretation of this world is. Zack Kaplan is a great writer he s kind of up and coming doesn t have as large of portfolio but he did a good job on this Michael what s your thoughts I thought it was great I didn t think I would like it because I am about 20 years older than the people that it targeted towards and I usually I m not into that every book should be about 35 year old like . I think you d like the Broncos star trek and dark wink Do I sound like that everywhere Yeah. This was really good I didn t joy it all right so so here s the next question is this something you re going to pick up week to week or are you waiting for a graphic novel we tend to wait for a graphic novel and a lot of these I ve I don t know I kind of like the idea of a graphic novel in this type of story but I m just that Personally I m not I m not the type of person who s like consistent enough to go week after week for something like this or I don t think that maybe even their target audience is going to be that kind of you know person that goes week by week but if they do a graphic novel I ll buy it I think the story was great oh they will they will just be about 6 months from now sure so think of this is the advance trailer Micah is this something you re thinking in picking up every month when it comes out in single issues or you think the graphic novels well it would probably be graphic Ok And what s our rating I m not going to go like super high because it wasn t the best comic book I ve ever read but I m going to give it like an 8.9 because it definitely was a great story great aesthetics I enjoyed this comic. I m going to give it an 8.5 with really good Travis it s up to you know I m just going through in the middle 887 I like to say and I think this has potential to grow higher It also has potential to what was the m. Night Shyamalan one about science yeah has a real science potential that I worry that we re going to actually see Atlantis and be like. So I move a little bit hesitant here but as long as we don t pull an m. Night Shyamalan I m going probably increase that as time goes on by minute 87 right now. But one thing about the music was incredible. Well aftershock does it again I mean to me they just can t do any wrong every single comic of theirs that you ve put in front of me to read I absolutely love so all right well the back of this had a preview to. Another comic one that is actually I mean we have really number one or number 0 on Free Comic Book Day So this is going to be the next follow up so read that tell me what you think see if that should be our comic of the week when that one comes out but. Yeah nurture approved boom. So all right when we come back we ll talk about what s happening July 4th who. Will be right back. How do you make it. Even better you dress it up with limited time topics like the new strawberry cheesecake setting or hot fudge sundae made with Oreo not just our Sunday best. At your local am w this summer with a delicious sundae loaded with your favorite toppings at. Eton and check out our Facebook page for upcoming events and deals right off Highway $85.00 anything after 2 skating restaurants prices Maybury tax extra this summer c.r.p. For about for sure to have the excess report in their emporium of our ports to make your family s vehicle even better for window tinting to bug shields in truck toppers they have everything to help you and your family beat the heat and make the most of summer activities they re huge Sure room is packed with add on parts and accessories and they even install sirup before going for is the perfect place to find quality parts for you and your family they know family because they are family so trust them with yours it is here before but for for your vehicles needs today the temperature is rising outside which means the same will be happening inside your home shop or office if you are not prepared ready to combat the rising temperatures with a quality installation of train and other nationwide products at a competitive price you may be eligible for a $250.00 discount on a qualified high efficiency system solution is to learn more 970356772 or online at Greeley h. Back repair dot com Lucian s make your life a little more comfortable concerts for the 20 teams really stampedes. Starts concert series here. At the root of 2 or 3 get the current call it really is a really. Good lawyer to be in that stack it is on sale February 21st starting at $8.53 we can t be done more pretty. It s the place there s no place like home it s the circle of chairs around your fire for all the t.v. Remembers get passed around like balls of ice cream it s bacon and eggs and the skeleton crackling along with the laughter and shelter insurance we don t just insure your home we insure all the memories that live inside it ask your agent for details shelter insurance where your shield where your shelter shelter insurance agent holdover Barger about shelters competitive auto insurance rates mental health and addiction issues affect one in 4 people most of us have faced a behavioral health challenge or love someone who has Northridge behavioral health treatment programs work people really can recover and become stronger they offer programs to help you and your family no matter your age in many Weld County locations including crisis support services a counseling center in West Greeley and additional offices Greeley Frederick and Fort Lupton for information call 970-347-2120 or in Southern Wild County 303-857-2723 Don t get angry at God. The. Brackets are being urged 1310 k. After a. Welcome back everybody but you ll notice the nerd story July 4th is a massive New Comic Book Day Batman s getting married Captain America has a new book coming out and normally we can t sell comic books until 10 am that s like the rule we actually don t tell Levon So you know we re fine. But we could sell books at midnight if we wanted we re doing a midnight release party for Batman s wedding we have cakes coming from better better up cakes. And it s going to be a party we re going to open 1130 on July 3rd and we re so we ll will close down will count our will have our employee meeting that will open back up we re going to have a party for half an hour and then all of that week s comics are going to be able bailable at midnight including Batman s wedding Batman number 50 which I am massively excited for I have heard that this story arc is amazing and that this is just going to be an incredible story so I m really excited for that one as well as kept America s new title there s there s 4 or 5 big comics coming out and we re going to let you get at them early with a party Well if any of our listeners want to come and say hello I think that I will I m going to be there that awesome Yeah so I will be there we I get Wednesday off so I will show up it won t be a big deal if I am super late I m going to participate in the July 4th parade so I ll get maybe 6 hours of sleep but that is fine I m going to be there so I m super excited I want to eat some cake and enjoy Batman s wedding and I m Celine and stress is amazing. And it s just it s so silly you but you take all these artists who get nothing but big muscles so work with and you give them this delicate lace dress and they have all been coming out with amazing artwork for it you should look up some of these custom covers Fortunately we won t have access to all of them but her dress looks absolutely gorgeous. Yeah well all. This black it s a real reading of this and oh yeah yeah it s awesome unlike last week s wedding between Katie and Colossus I liked it I read it but kid in class is to get married after all of that. Today miss on thing yeah if you see. He read it then you told me she left him at the altar. And broking gambit were like well I guess the wedding is paid for so we ll get married instead. Batman s weightings going to go better than this so I sure as hell I mean I just like the 1st couple of pages because mikey gave it to me and I was like only. And if Robin and that girl get married do you know you will just torch the place to the ground yeah that would be the right thing to do. All right hopefully we re not torching this store down on July 4th but you re listening to the nerds tour and we will see you next week on 1310 can t. Go beyond. All higher voted Dr on care ski jump in here again for just 60 seconds to remind everybody about my next live dinner presentation that s coming up at ne barbecue on Thursday night June the 28th Thursday night June the 28th sonorities barbecue Loveland Colorado Your We started 6 pm I talk while you eat in and out of there an hour and 30 minutes max and I m going to be doing a brand new live dinner presentation and concentrating on 3 things one is my 10 percent guaranteed income roll up you ve we ve heard about that before my personalized pension plan and the nuts and bolts. Of that but also a product that I have sold for years they just increased the premium bonus it was last time I talked about those 15 percent that just went to 22 percent you need to come to northeast barbecue sign up do it now. Bringing new sports and tar to Northern Colorado this is 1310 j.f.k. Here really love and George Carlin s and. I m Michelle Franzen returns are expected soon from the states holding primary elections in Maryland the outcome of races might be delayed because of an issue with voter registration that election officials say could effect as many as 80000 voters Attorney General Jeff Sessions praising the Supreme Court for upholding President Trump s travel ban today we are very out 1 plays with the outcome today and hope that this goes some way toward ending the practice of a broad nationwide injunction in her dissent Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

Radio-program , English-stage-actors , Business-terms , Marvel-comics-titles , Community , Health , Fictional-orphans , Legal-professions , Shakespearean-actors , Comics-publications , Entertainment , American-culture

Transcripts for BBC Radio Stoke BBC Radio Stoke 20180326 210000

B.B.C. News at 10 I m more Alderson the US Canada and countries across Europe have expelled more than $100.00 Russian diplomats in a coordinated response to the songs bring nerve agent attack Moscow has vowed to retaliate the foreign secretary Boris Johnson says the scale of the global response is unprecedented what I hope is that this really is a watershed this is a turning point I think for many people many other governments what happened in Salzburg sort of crystallized their own frustrations their own disappointment with the way Russia the Russian state I should say has been behaving and what you re seeing in this huge diplomatic expulsion is a desire to correct that and to say right Russia enough is enough there have been rival protests in Westminster for and against Germany Corbin s handling of alleged anti semitism in the Labor Party he s apologized twice in the last 24 hours to Jewish leaders the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews Jonathan are Cush says concrete action is needed after silence for 2 years I get 2 letters it one day so he s clearly trying to make up some ground but in the end it s about actions are not words we ve had lots of words from Jeremy Corbyn before he always to close himself to be an enemy of racism The trouble is he still hasn t confronted or taken effective action to expel and to see it in his part of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has announced plans to go to Telford in the next few months to hear evidence from victims and survivors in the area the announcement comes after reports vulnerable teenagers have been targeted in the town since the 1980 S. Southern Health N.H.S. Trust has been fined 2000000 pounds for failings that led to the deaths of 2 vulnerable patients 18 year old Connor spiral Hawke drowned in a by. Suffering an epileptic seizure at a unit in all that 45 year old to raise a cold and killed herself at a hospital in Hampshire Tim Galloway from the Health and Safety Executive spoke outside Oxford Crown Court like for pay my health bill the family call that free that. Actually. These cases mark the culmination of a long complex sensitive investigation. Both for. One thing. Fail an 11 year old boy with autism has received $42000.00 pounds in compensation after his parents sued the Scout Association for discrimination by parents were told he couldn t go to camps or take part in athletics without supervision the weather another largely County day ahead for most of the country on Tuesday some rain lingering in northern East and northern and eastern areas possibly turning dry and brighter in the southwest a top temperature of 12 degrees B.B.C. News It s 3 minutes past 10. And from sure the A 5111 the council Gates ensures brain is closed as South bone from the A 5 to 8 for roadworks and Calvin Tre the A 46 is closed as southbound between a 45 and the A 429 heading away from the city itself because of works and in water sure heading into rugby on the A 4 to 8 eastbound that s been closed between Addison Road and all of our street for works that s the latest I m calling Mason. Graham tell him to Hello again here we are together then for a Monday night s have it s been Smuggle in the memory goes on the taser cloud stories music blogs it s light Nygren talking to him. If you re late with me last night in the program you ll know that I lost my voice over the weekend and back. Nearly came back last night and it s almost packed tonight so I m hoping it s going to stay with us why the West will I. Told. Her that. I. Am. I run. My branch trying to Malaysia shortly before she died Will s mom gave him her diaries in them she read. For she used to get upset when Will s dad was away a war she often used code words and wrote in such detail about her day to day life that they are remarkable snapshots of a time gone by I want to turn them into a book he s my after 11 guest tonight Do not miss not a little later on William songs on the show this evening all these Coming up I had one this cane. Also on the way Sonny and Cher. In Roxanne. So just a little Tyson of some of the songs on the way before 1 o clock and as we get to 12 of course going it s Choose day morning and it ll be the 1st round the sweet. Of the midnight love songs at home is that a little later on tonight will you Firstly though tonight how good are you at avoiding people that you don t want to talk to or being serious on this I really AM What tricks do you have to get out of or What tricks do you have to do to get out of seeing talking to certain people you know thanks to technology and social media it s much easier to get hold of someone these days but it s also much harder to hide from someone that you don t want to see or speak to. This is ringing true to you let me give you a little example I used to live somewhere long time ago not recently a long time ago where I kind of like the neighbors but they were all right but I didn t want to be with them 247 bicycling right you know the kind of neighbors that you know you say a lot. But you don t know my person friends of them anyway they live next door and they love having a barbecue they absolutely love having a barbecue which is fair enough but every weekend I m talking about here and every weekend they would knock on my front door and they would say Oh we re having a barbecue again this weekend Graeme would you like to come. And I still make excuses every weekend not to get their barbecue because to be honest they were my neighbors they were close friends I didn t particularly want to be spending time making small talk with these people so I still make excuses every weekend I mean every weekend for about 3 summers alone and I used to have to creep out before the barbecue started my own house to go out to avoid the neighbors having a barbecue. It was a lot about so I went to great lengths to avoid going to the neighbors but. What about you how far have you gone to avoid someone and why share your story right now you can email me. For a start your message with Night night Graham Torrington. 56 B.B.C. Radio stuff. You. News. Outlets. Such. Luck. That make. Me. Stories music life it s light like rain Charenton turn strength of the sun my name songs in the white very soon I the stylistic Spirit makes coming up in a few moments time and Texas to play as well. How do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to we will. Be honest with alternates are there people that you work with friends. Or might be members of extended family that you would rather stick clear of but you can t so how do you avoid them What excuses do you come up with to get out of speaking to them and why you want to avoid them anyway. Share your story now be honest we don t have to name any 9. Go on tell me how you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to. Text me. Your message with G.T. I can also check out my show page on Facebook which he s like Nygren trying to Brian s post to this on my Facebook page just before we went on Mary said. Remember hiding with my mom behind the settee from the insurance man in the 19th 60 is in with order and they have a way how do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to get involved now you can email me. Your message with. Graham only 3 from 53 debonair for 6 maybe seen radio standing. Yes and I suppose a $10.00 to $1.00 it s like French orange and Texas and say what you want on the way very single similar roles at the Stylistics a play and a year it makes coming up in a few moments time as well so I ll get to you avoiding people that you just do not want to talk to. Were all. Victims of his own way yeah people would want to say people we don t want to talk to but to get written how to get rid of them. Thanks to technology and social media it s much more easier to get hold of someone these days but it s also much harder to hide from someone that you want to say or speak to so share your story now B.B.C. Doco to take a phone to text a 23 story message with G.T. Hologram it s difficult to avoid someone who lives near me but if I meet them I just give them short responses for example know all I don t want to go into that anymore. I don t feel obliged to answer the phone or respond to text I m not on Facebook or Twitter I m like this if I feel people being too pushy or generally disrespectful. You have to talk to everyone. Be friendly but you have to give what information you want to give out. So how good you are avoiding people you don t want to talk to what you have to get out of single talking to certain people get involved now you can. Text. Message with. Europe makes. Stories music it s like a little rolls on the Stylistics. How do you avoid people who don t want to see you too what do you do to avoid them we ve all been there when I don t want to see them talk to them what excuses what little tricks do you use. To text. Message with the cittie thanks to Phil a man setter he says an ex-girlfriend sister was a right back. She always was wanting to tag along with us and would have a tantrum if we said no she wasn t a kid either she was 19 I told my girlfriend that I was allergic to cats because her sister had a kitten it works and every time a sister came near me I d walk off saying sorry. It s brilliant it really is so how do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to get involved right now you can email me B.B.C. Doco dot U.K. Phone to text me a 23 Start your message with G.T. I am the street police so then we ve been waiting all weekend for this because it s night 10 night 10 Here s the voice Who is it I tell you I work hard. I wanted to go please I wanted to go before Easter so you need to work really hard this week please for me who is it I tell you I work hard if it s driving you mad yes it s driving me mad as well I tell you I work hard so somebody out there knows who it is if you want my silence Mr voices you need to fire me tonight please Who is it I tell you I work hard OK I tell you it s not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael boob Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood Lynn Nielsen Harrison Ford Sid Killian Murphy Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan O Carroll Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum addle handle and Tom Jones Robin Williams No Fitzpatrick Glen Campbell colonel all of the North Kirk Douglas Hugh Jackman Sangi. Kevin Kline Robert Houghton Patrick Bergen David Hasselhoff Robert Deniro Lance Armstrong Jake Canossa angle but Humperdinck Van Morrison Robert Wagner Clark Gable Bruce Campbell Dave Allen Burt Reynolds Burt Lancaster Kevin Spacey are all wrong so who do you think it is I tell you I work hard. Playing out of the newest 11 no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 which means you ve got 28 minutes exactly now to get through the only way except an answer is on the phone do not text do not email but you can call when we only accept the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so tell me please who is this I tell you I work hard. And screen full screen. For the same leasing radios. Branch. Falling in love all the way very sane Whitney Houston some rocks at supply and some loo rolls as well so now officially to party so much time and it was kind of yesterday. Full. But today of course which is a normal working day. He get the real fairly that any light now till the start of Coronation Street is that good I think it s going anywhere and more to come of course and a short working week for many this week of course because we re heading for Good Friday and then the east bank holiday weekend so lots of people will only be working till Thursday then it s the Bank Holiday weekend but I know lots of people will also be working at the bank all the weekend. But lots of people will be taking some time off between now and the end of Easter so if that s you bring it on Yemen and don t forget course and Sunday not only is Easter Sunday it s also a powerful state as well so in order will you OK And tonight so how do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to other people that you work with maybe friends of friends or members of the extended family that you d rather stay clear of but you can t how do you avoid them What excuses do you come up with to get out to speaking with them we ve all done it be honest we ve all done it but what are your little tricks so he s been on the phone like from an anonymous where an older couple Graham who lived in our house for 27 years when we acquired new neighbors who were much younger they were over friendly and patronize ing popping in for chats and being basically a real nuisance one day when they popped over unannounced I said that we were just on our way out allotment we didn t have an allotment but it was the 1st thing I thought of after they popped round for chats about non existant allotments and in the end I had to say that we giving up the allotments they moved 8 years later thank you. That s my beloved. School Graeme only 3453 double murder in the money stakes B.B.C. New radio stuff. How do you avoid people the dumb ones are told to get involved and I can email me G.T.A. B.B.C. Don t cut you if you want to text me H one trouble for a start your message to Cheech very low rolls. Lady love. Lady. Love is be like the green. My way. With love and that s it and baby. You give me all the things that I saw. You in my work with Them down that me. My. God my souls. Have a. Class . On. What to do. Stories musical I should say not talking tonight liberals. Surely people she died Will s mom gave. Got him in the Doris and in them she revealed what she d got up to when will stand was away a war ship unused code words and wrote in such detail about day to day life that they are remarkable snapshot of time gone by what has now turned them into a book and he s my After living guest might do not miss that a little later on this evening I am the street police it s night 10 Who is it I tell you I work hard yes we re all struggling. But who is it I tell you I work hard when someone finally get sick you will know this person is OK you will know who they are but we re on tonight 10 let me just remind you at the beginning of this week that he needs to go before Easter and the. The record is 19 nights so we ve got a way to go yet but I m hoping somebody is going to get it tonight please Who is it I tell you I work hard to tell you it s not the wrong guesses that have come in so far Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael bublé Howard K. Or Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan our poll Simon Clint Eastwood Liam Neeson Harrison Ford Killian Murphy Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan Oh Carol Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum Arthur I ll handle and Tom Jones Robin Williams know all Fitzpatrick Campbell colonel all of a North Kirk Douglas Hugh Jackman Sanjay Basque Kevin Kline Roberts Horton Patrick Bergen David Hasselhoff Robert De Niro Lance Armstrong Jack Engelberg competent Van Morrison Robert Wagner Clark Gable Bruce Campbell Dave Allen Burt Reynolds Burt Lancaster Kevin Spacey they re all wrong so who do you think it is I tell you I were card. Playing after the news that 11th no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 that means you go watch 60 Minutes and 60 minutes to get through we only accept the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so you need to be quick plays because a lot of people of color ready Who do you think it is I tell you I work hard the anyway except announcers on the phone do not text do you know that you can call me Who is it I tell you I work hard. And you screen for 3 double. Play say Lisa radios. I m loving you re almost. A really amp How good are you avoiding people that you don t want to talk to what tricks you ve got to be a slave to get out of seeing or talking to some on that you don t particular want to talk to we ve all done it will be in there. ILISONI story now email me bbc talk how does she cave in to text 803 Start your message with G.T. Linda Northampton s been in touch Hello Linda she said my late mom bless East have a great way of avoiding having to speak to people who annoyed her she just used to say I don t want to talk to you because I don t like you. I used to get really embarrassed but then I realised that the people that she did talk to felt really good about themselves so it was a double edge sword. Just say that someone particular talks or I don t like you. But I tend to read something that works most times just having a quiet time says thank you very much they ve shared all these tonight and said How do you get avoiding people at the end I want to say how do you get around it what are you. Going to take. Your message. This is rocks at. Us. Stories music it s like my brain turnings in Iraq sets me to being alone with the hissing coming up in a few moments time thank you for your honesty tonight how do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to get involved you can email me. A phone to text. Message with cheat. Text this coming this has never had the problem apart from saying good morning except for we live our own lives keep yourself to self but sometimes you see people colleges want to steam in there and push their way in how do you forward that kind of person somebody who s been on the phone like from an anonymous says I got a cousin I really can t stand she thinks she s above everybody else and she will keep button holding me at weddings and funerals so she can boast about this and that I got divorced and was with my new partners a family and this cousin came up and started boasting about her life and her husband and my new partner just said he could have to excuse me but I think I m going to have to be sick. Well to trace because the cousin will tell. You it. Will. You. Let. Me. See you. Again. You. See. You. This. Alex. Was. A I was. A It was. Was going to. Be a. Was was. Was. It was was. Was. It was was. Me and. Adriana a. Me Up. Where do you stand on the how you would like road challenge and I m smarter than I I really am smiling because just the so on a civil suit in which is just a good thing. How do you avoid people that you don t want to see or talk to let me get through the final ones of coming Johnny has been in touch he said I once pretended that I had lost my voice to avoid talking to my wife s brother at a One thing. I don t it s a bit extreme but he so annoying it s a the THAT S or I ll be rude to him he s arrogant and big headed and I m likely to tell him so as well luckily he lives in Spain so would seem that often. Somebody wants remain anonymous as a woman at work is always going on about her granddaughter I mean this skill can do no wrong this girl is the best at everything this girl is the cleverest I am sick of hearing about her I have to speak to this woman I just kind of order so I m listening to your show for tips I m sure you get loads of tips tonight and this one really made me chuckle from somebody like from an anonymous I have a friend who I really love but she can talk the hind legs of a donkey. I m not really good sometimes if you coals whilst I m watching one of my telly programmes I just white until she gets started then I put the receiver on the Titan before I go watch my program popping back in the ad break mumbling something to her. Getting off again she never has. Thank you very much a day for those of my response about how good my G. s mother was his top.

Radio-program , American-aviators , American-actors , Juilliard-school-alumni , Jewish-actors , American-voice-actors , Actors-from-california , Kennedy-center-honorees , American-roman-catholics , American-male-actors , American-military-personnel-of-world-war-ii , American-stage-actors

Transcripts for BBC Radio Stoke BBC Radio Stoke 20180321 230000

Radio still. B.B.C. News that 11 I m more Alderson the pilot of a jet which crashed at the sure Masha in West Sussex in 2015 is to be charged with manslaughter 53 year old Andrew Hill will appear in court next month Simon Ringrose of the Crown Prosecution Service announced the charges following a careful review of the evidence I have found that there is sufficient evidence to charge Andrew Hill with the manslaughter by gross negligence of the 11 men who died I have also authorized a further charge against Mr Hill of endangering an aircraft the founder and chief executive of Facebook has made his 1st public comments about the crisis involving the British firm Cambridge analytics and the alleged misuse of personal data Mark Zuckerberg says his site made mistakes Dave Lee reports he described the situation as a breach of trust between Cogan the man who made the app came as analytic of the company that process that data and Facebook a mug shot by went on to say there s also a breach of trust between Facebook and the people who share their dates with us and expects us to protect it we need to fix that so that s his message to his users Crucially though and I think this is a big point he didn t apologize no apology to the 2000000000 users of Facebook also he didn t address one key complaint here that it s taken this long to acknowledge the problem a majority of health unions say they ll recommend their members back the government s pay offer to more than a 1000000 N.H.S. Staff in England under the deal workers would receive between 6 and a half and 29 percent over 3 years with the lowest paid staff benefiting the most but in the G.M.B. Says they don t think it s enough we welcome the fact that the government is busting the pick up but 53 percent of the total N.H.S. Workforce is only going to see a 6.5 percent pay increase over 3 years put that against what inflation has been a look like over the last 3 years which is around about 9.3 percent we see this is a real term pick up the N.H.S. Workers rushes react. Boris Johnson compared Russia s staging the football World Cup to Hitler hosting the Olympics in Nazi Germany in 1936 a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says the foreign secretaries comments are unacceptable the Archbishop of Canterbury has told an inquiry into child abuse that he s ashamed of the Church of England the Most Reverend Justin Welby says listening to 3 weeks of evidence about abuse in the church has left him horrified the inquiry is looking at abuse that took place in the diocese of Chichester in Sussex television presenter McPartland s being charged with drink driving following his arrest on Sunday in south west London he ll appear in court next month I.T.V. Has confirmed that his presenting partner Declan Donnelly will host the programme Saturday night take away without him. And look at the weather it will be dry for much of England and Wales on Thursday more hazy sunshine and some fire weather coming later in the day top temperatures of between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius B.B.C. News It s 3 minutes past 11. Junction 15 in Northampton junction 14 and. Taken out of the middle lane one through 3 head south air traffic though seems to be coping not too badly I don t the West Midlands trail this evening a trespass incident a church has some delays and cancellations between Redditch and Longbridge this evening that s the latest. Features. A head of. News. Given to the can from. A. These are. The reasons he she. Says before she was. Thinking it s good. To. Know. The facts. She. Was the one. Who Sued. The. Come. Come. Come. You. Can t. Please. Please. Please. Please. Note the was. Supposed. To. Feature Liza steady growth with. A. Sweet sweet. 7 7 love. To stick around for the love song. Songs find. The songs but you can pass. Your message with. I m livin thing B.B.C. Radio. Led. To lead the 11 years ago a area the at. This . Club. Based on a supposed a 10 to one lane a friend trying to lead electric line talk astray and a living thing I am. Only States night hates who is this I tell you I work hard tell you it s not the wrong guesses that have come in so far Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael bublé Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood Liam Neeson Harrison Ford Killian Murphy the as Robert De Niro Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan O Carroll Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum are now Hanlon Tom Jones Robin Williams they re all wrong who do you think it is then I tell you I work hard we play Monday to Thursday around about this time no prizes just for fun need to get your onscreen by 11 The anywhere except announcers on the phone do not text in email but you can call them when you call except only the 1st 10 callers throw with a different name and when you come on air I have to accept the 1st name that you give to me when I go to nights were about to find us a lot of people reckon they know who it is. Starts in Dobie and sure on your in the top Iran hospital is all right. Oh not too good at the moment then. A Comin because it was something stopping me a broken ankle mending probably after about 6 days have been in a got flu all same value suffered in the moment a little bit I ve been in nearly almost busy 2 weeks tomorrow to be 2 weeks but not going to let me go and tomorrow being well nice Alan Yeah you re off home yeah well well done Sure and thanks for taking the time to call me on the right we have not spoken before is that right. Now I listen to your last year when I was in here for 21 weeks Iraq course and nearly ended up dying right. Sadly But anyway well his have another nice anyway that s. New Sure let s now get going in the hospital again when you go out tomorrow will you pay not on the men men that s more likely. Rather than give me a name who s this I tell you I work hard who say I don t think I don t think I m going to be there when I say this to gentlemen of 40 of my right all live in real colonel all real Oliver North Oliver North. Why. Why that was the thing is just for some reason he came back into my memory when I had the full it s OK. You know confident No because you ve said so much in the makes me think it was. What I said. I don t know what I said that he said well everyone is the horse will know I m. Right and you tell a memory test so you think people know all of the northeast that we don t know I don t follow remember him. All right let s see if you re right or wrong Oliver North No I didn t think it was going to be after what you said All right well listen. Yeah Thank you Graham bye bye right and left to Clinton now Mark Heller Mark. How you want them on them and just check out our check in January. So you can better yet to stanch according. I m getting a lot you know I mean to an exercise question. Exercise class you know you take it easy when you know you got a good man take care yeah right thinking Amy is this I tell you I work hard he said Marc policy teacher when you join Good morning to. You still a lot. Less. OK how long you been thinking. About the last meal actually probably got grandchildren you know. Trying to fit in look it s not yet good. Douglas. That look. You take it easy mark right. McKayla McKayla high Graham are you saying when you re very good you ve got a lovely voice of New Right but if you ve been up to today. To say party party party but it s been a very normal when they sort of they said good or bad it s all good really listen it s looking up next week or right because we change the clocks it s getting to Easter weekend next weekend as well so yes hopefully springtime is coming along gradually very very gradually every minute it gets closer deceased I would like but very much. How many people are sick to death the winter now it s gone on forever Well I m one of them that s mates who as well had a holiday last week as well Blimey rather me who says I tell you I work hard who s that Mackellar when I think it s exactly Hugh Jackman. One. Well. Having seen his latest film and it was filming this I realize he s an Australian actor but so I m a little bit that s all but abstract told me to go have some confidence because I just give it again. That s my life right there might have been a dry ball Wednesday barely having a go right easy Hugh Jackman. I. Already can to take care and you were off to over now Marangella engine cardiogram you OK yeah make yourself not too bad when I m feeling really confident oh yeah all right I m going Who s this I tell you I work hard. Sorry I ve got a long day today so this morning I was up and you have to go to Northampton to a funeral and I ve seen a lot. About 6 die Rowley s and it was now it s almost time for bed now that. You know about an hour yeah I m really confident with something on the WHO s it because I m thinking out of the box I think it might be soggy from Goodness Gracious Me and you pass GO Yeah go on. I m going got I m going on Roy I am going to write. Sanjay of Basque I know it s not so yeah I run. Quickly how are you tonight I m fine thank you get it what have you been up to today well I m currently standing by the back door because the dogs just decided he wants to go out oh I sometimes think oh it s that time of night is it. OK So you re standing there waiting for the dog to come in. Right well hopefully won t be long that I do hope not thanking him self on a tour of the dog I was a great dog. But. If I think I have a size 2 stuff in business improv anyway right I think you know who s this I tell you I work hard who said Margaret I think it might be Kevin Kline Kevin Kline you know why but because he did that years ago he did the film days when he played the American when he was to do American presidents and he made a speech in it which has an accent like that it s probably totally wrong but it was my 8th of a guess his name. Kids but all you write is you Kevin Kline. But I m glad you had to guess and glad you found me or I m a pseudo back in your yes even I hope you all can you go back upstairs and since you in the walk you do that. By Robert off to tile Hill now and Jeff and Jeff now load time ago and yes I don t even know my cat so never mind the dog. I do know I m fine I think I got that anyway where you been up to today. Not a loss. Not follow. Stablished and then who s this I tell you I work hard who suggest. I think it s Robert Horton the cowboy actor. Because I had his autograph as a child. And you shall we don t now are near Yeah yeah. The. Congress Theater I think any said give me books I m not signing it. Very much I don t like in right so you think Robert Horton I think it s probably gotten similar. From what I can train you you re wrong I m sure I am yes thanks Jeff thank somebody go run ahead Lester now Irene Hello Irene Hello Graham how are you spoke before if we know we haven t know where you ve been hiding and we re just listening oh how how new. Part $23.00 weeks OK So you found us and you like to spend the. Last slice and I will walk along I ve only been here 6 years he s taken a bit of time it was. When we got there in the end rather than listening and now constantly for the last 8 days because this is driving me mad like time when you activate believe me and what if you re relatively new listener you won t know that the record he is right 19 minutes we when one financial night my goodness yes got a long way to go yet you know. Unless you get it right of course right then who says I tell you I work hard who salary right I think it s Patrick Bergen the actress the actress already said again Patrick Patrick Bergen. Confident. On a stick my neck out and say 100 percent oh good he s about bourbon rather no less well that s on my mind I think of another one and also needs more and unless something gets here I ve got 2 to go yes yes but not if not find me tomorrow right I will do that but the runner up to stop for them and a fellow Dave. How are you tonight I m very well saying Sure it s a busy night for you in the taxi business. Medium. Still raining when I came in it was raining and cries about not any rain this way. And I m standing by the back door because I want to go out. And get on with it and who s this I tell you I work hard if that Dave Well I m glad I m not very confident about 40 percent but I think it sounds a bit like David Hasselhoff the half. It might be is only a long shot A.Z. David Hasselhoff No it s not oh sorry Dave you re really stumped on this one keep on going oh you can go outside our US THANK YOU have been crossing no extra here and given it by rough start now Maggie Hello Maggie Hello there how are you oh yeah I m fine thank you hi you good what you been up to today. I d rather a nice day I mean my head on that long oh OK Does that mean going to be sleeping with your head in the anything else sitting up right system let s have a look to dance I better call me I have been going in. Such a great feeling is now you know when you well know weather s been so whimsical I mean the one many deep the sunshine in the next thing it was a howling bill is full of. Spring pumps don t know whether there are some real awful. Sometimes they re in the snow sometimes they re back with a little paddles open so we don t have a climate in this country anymore we have weather. A Not very good weather by the sounds of things on how well it s been a LONG AS and it just it s gone on for ever ever if I hear anybody moaning about the 2 days of heat we possibly can have this summer yeah I m going to be annoyed right thank you name who says I tell you I work hard who s that Maggie I m not very confident because I m never speak only sing right when Campbell Glen Campbell. Yeah you know confident No not at all nice have more. Is a Glen Campbell. They re all there you go change my gait OK but we re going to get see Newcastle and line a mark mark high gram married and not spoken with or believes and we have no no OK Eunice knew you been listening for a while and for a while so what you been up to that today in the north and really you know we re. Just taking life E.C.S. Well you know. Yes well I ll take that as a yes right then who says I tell you I work hard. I ve got an inkling ID If I could become a super vet the superfast. If you got a name for me no. Yeah. You forgot his name the soup of S. You turn the whole thing big. Fitzpatrick. OK that s about. Right. Will people that you see working hard. Working harder but you still have that means to. That means and the wake. If you don t get it. Next week. I need you to work very hard who. Work hard. me Stories music a slight nightmare in charge of my after 11 guess now is John Noble he s a postman and he s been doing the same route and Lester from nearly 40 years he s got snow every one of the 356 families who delivers to on his route and as you will hear he s never failed to get a piece of mail to the right person in 4 decades Wow. I want to delights for him to join me on the program right now John thank you very much indeed for coming on to the program tonight OK thank you very much Grant Now you clearly by your actions not reach me from less just tell me a little bit about your family background and if you can then show well I originally come I was born in Scotland and a place called Open which is on the West Coast a lovely little seaside town and as I say I joined a Royal Mail straight from school and through my running which I did right throughout my my school days Royal Mail had a loss for worked on day I was never ever at work up in openness I was always doing races for Royal Mail to in 1981 they transferred me down to less to because it was easy being in the Midlands to do all the races Well when you were up at home in Oban and there was you with a with the moment dad my brother to your child with a happy to see your formative years in Ogun Yes it was a fantastic as a sea I ve got such a clear mind I can remember it all and when I go up the I now there s House sees in the fields we re just like everything there s redevelopment but I remember the good old days so yes it was fantastic. So you find your way down to Leicester then through 3 running I ll believe you wanted to be a P.T. Just aren t That s right I was going to go to Jordan Hill College ing Glasgow but there was waiting list and this job came up as a postman and I thought Obama will keep me fit and also keep my running going as well because at that time I never knew that Royal Mail had to Mark s porch attached to is. All right so you will this is a good opportunity to get involved in and as you said role model that she apart from doing the job for all mile and she got you to do a lot of running in being where you were in Scotland was possibly not the right part of the U.K. To be in to be taking potshots Shrike Glasgow you see was a 100 miles farther down the city and that was in these days there was only 2 trains so if you went down for a resort or anything like that and it wasn t always Glasgow but if you went for a race it was actually the getting by would probably take you 2 days in these days and of course in the middle and Lefroy is a great sense of fronting isn t it well that s right although on No actually the caliber of the this student is on the run our set last for all is a night deal base so all I wanted in my life just to go from there well did you give up the idea of being a P.T. Teacher Yes I think as I said before seemed to be as if it was more the running on the sport and the outdoor passion so if you could get actual which I m also very a people passionate love to talk to people and different things like that but that was was the main thing so the running was actually I sometimes see that I ve never had a job it s actually I ve been a paid runner I couldn t. All my life really you know I just love my job so much back and switch off and then do my running so you ve got one actually compensates for the other because if you think about it you never ever stiff after a race because the next easy you walk around your delivery and you walk the race off so it keeps you fit I think was a mole in it that for everybody Willie s Yes and you may you wife Helen who s from chest to through the role model as well just tell me about if you can wear what is on offer really down to earth pass and always look after anybody so I was actually helping train new entrants. And the idea is that most people would just maybe send them on the way with a heavy bag but I didn t do that I would actually help the passion train them slowly so they got the better training and then see my future wife she actually went into a different part of the business and then she worked her way out to pasture nail but when I met her a few years after that she says I really didn t like the heavy bags that you gave me so I think she s got a role in back now. And they re all parallels between you and Helen in the sporting field that s right because you ve got remember back in 19676 or 74 when I was running in school and places a lot I was actually running sponsored walks when a penny a mile was a lot of money and I used to say I can run the sponsored walk the 20 mile sponsored walk known Stolpe so people would put down to pee and I actually still have every sponsor was called and signed now the thing is people used to look at me running in shorts because you only played you only had shorts on when you played football and things like that properly so I was a bit of like a freak if you like now the saying is I didn t know what this time Helen was actually living years old was representing Wales swimming and her mum took a job as a cleaner in the chest a bath so that she could train before school and well Helen I didn t know until just a little min ago was when I asked she used to go to school with the stick because she trained so hard that what she taught me because there was no code in her here was actually green so she got kind of not picked on but it was like a bit of a freaky thing and we ve both come together just like not so it just shows us. And children together yes that s right yes Gemma and Rianne they have twins but they actually live in LA but now they ve moved out of the house and it s a little light and definitely no getting back in. And you believe you ve been doing the same route for 37 yesterday actually talk a little bit about how long is your race well my route roughly if you go to every single house is roughly based about just over 9 miles they see that s a proper distance in Walk us never actually measured it myself and how long does it take you on average to deliver on that race normally when there was one delivery it would take about just over about 3 and a half hours maybe to 3 hours 20 again depending on the meal because you don t go to every house every day. And what about counting the backyard upon a sink in the back heaven yes it will make you may have seen many years ago they started to put these boxes on the end of the street and that was an invention from France and what it is it s because when you had Sky Magazine so you had the electric water and rates bills council tax where ever quarterly the banks were really really heavy or some people didn t even bother they like to just carry 2 bags and carry on but what I said to my bosses is I would like a box on every street so I could actually walk down one side and out the other and you re you can keep a good piece going on and it s it s it s preserved you re back from of never had any back problems to this day wise man. How many properties on your route roughly about 356 Niland essayed and you ve been on the same routes said the nearly 40 years how many people DO YOU LIVE IN see that you know and yet you know well I actually knew everybody on my round and the strangest thing is that makes me feel a bit old although if you saw me you wouldn t think I was that age is that the children that the people I delivered to their children are now dropping off their children to the moment of child mind and they are flabbergasted seeing children you haven t changed I. I remember when I was a little girl not fit for a G. You know and they say 57 and the law says I was talking to young postman that s just come in and a police spokesman just joined Royal Mail when I told him I was started work because everybody jokes about to insist as I sit 19th. 20 years before I was born. But I think oh my goodness how much feel like 200. But it s really funny touching me you really don t realize well we re going to put a picture of you on my Facebook page. So my listeners can actually see you almost they can see exactly what you like and and you know explaining what you re explaining to us about yourself as well let s just take a break here for some music but afterwards I d like to talk about the highs and the lows of your career We ll talk about that s a little bit more in a few moments time and let my gram s Arlington. a song it. Here until 1 o clock tonight 8 slain my grandparents and talking to post John Noble who speed delivering to the same house is a molester for nearly 40 years and I have to say normally at this time not some Clinton thinking you would be in bed but I believe you re on holiday this week is all right well I ve actually got the next 4 days off but although I like to go to bed because obviously if you re wrong you re working and then I m training as well I running sleep is a very very important and I never ever bum the candle at both sayings and I go to bed I wouldn t see any but I because I actually read but rest is very important for the job on my lifestyle is very self I would say is discipline but you wouldn t think it is but I always manage to fit my running in with my job and I m never ever tired that s fantastic it really is so you must have had some weird and wonderful experiences over the years are there any that you can tell me about Well certainly as a city and one of the highlights similar start with open doors but in the good old days in 1976 I used to deliver to law farms and you were probably the only passion that they saw because it specially when it was alarming time and things that they say there was no more bio phones there was nothing but they would sort of wanted to know what was happening in the towel and so you would light the local newspaper now you had to go in for breakfast now I didn t want to go in because the thing is I m a runner and very soon but the mine who does it that we cast a me he likes his BR. Exist but the only problem is there s about 4 or 5 different breakfasts and even if you don t have meal you had to go in so this Dr Drew passed this farm and I thought well I m not going in because it s all right I m going to miss it that s all right got to the next farm on the farm road followed me down and he says you ve got combine all your bread this is waiting for you and these were actually farm brick sissies that were the portage was like you did apply to it was crazy and I m thinking I would just like a couple of Krispies of fluff and I don t need this on the top that the sea was like the slates slabs like a door and I m thinking go in need a pix for the do it and as a say don t unless there s some of the funny things that happens is on Valentine s Day especially if it s a weekend you ve got a bag full of these all cheap cards your bank smells a talcum powder your hands are covered in lipstick and of course the thing is with these musical cards as you walk you re setting all these cards off so you re desperate to get them through the door because they re going off all the time say like a sort of 6 o clock in the morning in the good old days used to deliver readily you know like an ice cream van coming down there. So this little lots agree memories and I know that I have to ask you how does the start of things changed over the years I m fond of thinking Christmas cards you know us again a little pleased to sing Christmas called the house that because now to the US Well the big I think the 2 things here is one so many people have cars so it s easier seemed to be visiting people more on the other thing is the young children today the more bio foreign and when I give some talks because I do talks for the W.R.I. I see that every child now this born has a. On its crust ready for a more bio form to be fitted into it because it s so sod and like to see you can send them on whole itty we just noticed that you knew the soundman ache poor Scots they ve they ve finished in November but absolute silence any shutting down Sure shit people can take selfies and send it round the world just like not so yes there is a big decline now in the Christmas cards and everything which is sad and they always see the older you get you back in the good ole days and they where there were tremendous days and that s what s going to keep me going for the future you can t change progress but it s just Seuss not the way well some opposed to slow down but Chas has. Increased will sent me on the practice site intonate nets are still on summer holidays everybody goes in the hole at the end they don t buy anything new they do one now a days they are hitting the button while they re on the beach and this is the good thing with me you re away for 2 weeks holiday I make sure that all your mail is delivered correctly because I ve got this system on my record and that s why I ll never ever leave it because I see to my customers I am only one percent I am bring in the mill if you can give me 99 percent off I can get rid of Saddam a support and it s a piano thank you very much a not so I do and I don t get any sort of like cups of tea or any extras for a rental of by just can do my job and I love it and they love it too no less for you that I have with you know as a say the only regret I heard of is when I was actually. Crude Oil me leave and told me to drive on that date I was only 1718 maybe when a possum a taste busy I jumped in the bun said thank you very much to the Royal Mail instructor because they have their own driving instructors and off I went straight up. When a woman to tell my mom I m a driver now I just wish I had given the mana box a chocolate and to say thank you but of course that s gone but in everything I do I always go the extra mile now and help people and it s much better but that Sunni little Right the house but that s so right one of the things we often hear about us with post is delivering whether adults ever get bitten by a dog right when I train people what I actually taught them was you never ever put your sons through the door even if that passion he still goes and they ve never had a dog because the thing is they could have somebody visiting and you could lose your fingers now we re told even if there s a dog in the street you do not go down but I ve been on the run for so long you your You ve always got be cautious because you never have a new coming to morrow or round the next corner but I knew where I could actually go into somebody s sports bopping very lucky on just one of the highlights I ll tell you many many years ago I delivered to Buckminster rude in Leicester I don t know if you knew it but it s quite a white druid now many years ago when the invented the wheelie bins the bin name would come down and they would take you been out nude bring it back now I was on the other site stop Buckminster rude that was this little dog that these been men were running in and out shaken the bins Rocklin it but that dog was one to get across the road at me and I shouted across the lady I told you there s something about postman yet they were wheeling bins over this nearly knocking this little dog down but it wanted me there when worried about it soon after the bit so it s usually the best caution is if you see a dog run. You also have an incredible attendance record I believe Tell me about the days you ve had all 5 of the S. Well it s scary now because I think I ll drop that more after seeing this stuff is it out but know what it is and as a see I ve only had I ll be able be 42 years in orcas and I ve only had 5 days off now I think that I don t I m not I don t live in a moth balls and just keep myself very good because when I used to do moderate things I used to train well I still train every single day but I m outta nowhere there s NEVER thing but I think what keeps me going is just I ve got the passion Knology because I eat chocolate I do I don t sort of keep myself well I don t drink or smoke and I ve never drunk or small cannot the strange thing for a Scotsman but the thing is of self never never never had anything special I think just being happy is the lovely thing and it s nice to look back now because when I go into schools and I give talks to children I see the best thing in the world is your health if you can get to my age and sort of still be happy and healthy and look back on a happy and healthy life that does me and does that s me summed up in one word no subsidy true joy and it really is and I believe I said this rush the beginning you ve never failed to deliver a pulse that s right well the lovely thing is as I said to you My job is for ever you do and it really you are working me hard now because the thing is the intimate that they re on school holidays that top and that tell thing well the lovely thing is I ve said all this and sort of like a system we are I was actually my partner because we come in vans was off one week and this will give you an example as we re driving down total in route which is. Next But Minister I m so see an already that your car you ve gone to the radio station so I ve already been to speed at this and the city drop you live at number 37 I ve already said drop this number said Number 22 and the guy school in question does just put it in the Portuguese No and that s fine now at the end of this round we ve delivered maybe 43 packages and this month on guns is junk and I just say something to you we haven t delivered one to the right address the tall one says no but they ve all gone don t worry about it and that is a lovely lovely system because now with parcels I want people to actually get their parcels now just one last little bit as wail on the side many many years ago this is going right back to when Sky 1st came out and you got the Sky card I was delivering on Christmas Eve and it was snowing it was a terrible day and we were out in these days about half past 6 on 4 happened was this man who opened the door and he had 3 small children and he had a red card in the sun and he said listen I ve just missed the driver and it s a special delivery on the trouble is I know what it is it s my Sky card for the children and I sit right don t worry about it you ll get it because his wife had gone to work and there was no way he could get all the way into Campbell street and Lester to collect it so I said Don t worry your kids will Miss Scully I ll go and get it so I walked all the way back in the sky cart and my boss who actually lives on Group B. Rude his staff were more he turned around and said What are you doing back at 12 o clock in the office if a but he s going home assemble this money the sky car he says Joe and good enjoy Christmas I ll make sure to get it well done and not just sums me up at least that s can be the chill they really really is thank you very much indeed for joining me on the program SNOW Well I d just like to see it until all your listeners are. Well it s really really a lovely place and I wish I was the I thought I love their faces to your stories your music joining life late nights Graham telling TIME me B.C. Radio stuff. Thank you. Yes. Well for stuff that can make no body stories music life it s like friends trying to get sayings to post the jam for coming up the program tonight and if you d like to see a picture of a noose on my Facebook page right now which is late night grand Torrington and it s the picture of him not dressed as a post in the room as in the post is his job but as a runner for the Olympic torch when it came to Leicester Of course in 2012 and the pitches on the Facebook page run a lot of people been in touch actually since he s been on the program an email that says John certainly is a great chap been our postman forever we ve been in their house for 43 years this year and he s been with us all the time what a nice bloke all the best from Geoff the semi tired engraver and lots of people of cold ordering Stone says What a lovely man if the world was full of John s What a better place it would be Jamie Darby says Johnny celeriac us and then nail him Paddy we would like to hear from you Neil and Paddy they just laughed on the phone they said What a laugh do we bring you the best guess on trying to.

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This is either due to contractual reasons or temporary technical fault please try again later. B.B.C. News that 10 more Alderson a member of the Royal Air Forces Red Arrows team has been killed in a crash on Anglesey the engine it died when the hawk jet came down near the aria folly base the softer noon the pilot managed to eject and is being treated in hospital the date of them accused of misusing Facebook information for political gain has suspended its chief executive and ordered an independent investigation Cambridge analytical says comments made by Alexander Nix to an undercover reporter do not represent its values the firm has denied any wrongdoing 23 Russian diplomats are arriving back home after being expelled in response to the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salzburg Moscow has ordered the same number of British diplomats to leave Russia Sergei and remain in comas after being poisoned the parents of a 6 year old boy with epilepsy who campaigned for him to be allowed to use cannabis oil to ease his symptoms say they believe they ll be given permission Alfie Dingley and his parents met to reason may today among those supporting Alfie s case is the actor Patrick Stewart is an excerpt from. The longer wider process of the use of medical marijuana in the U.K. I will have to be discussing this case as extreme urgency attached to it and I would hope that the Home Office would come to some conclusion in the Alpha s favor part of the clifftop home in Norfolk has fallen into the beach because of Cliff erosion caused by high winds and strong tides 13 properties in hennes be a now said to be a very high risk of disappearing a regional organizer for the Unite trade union Labor s largest donor has been appointed as the party s general secretary Jenny Formby was selected by the party s ruling National Executive in preference to Christine Blower the former head of the National Union of Teachers the rate of inflation has fallen from 3 percent. A 2.7 last month the drop reduces pressure on the Bank of England to raise interest rates and could ease the financial squeeze on households the T.V. And radio personality Katie Boyle has died at the age of $91.00 as Vincent Dowd reports she was known to millions for her apparent says on the B.B.C. In the 1960 S. And seventy s Katie Boyle was born in Florence to an Italian father and English mother after the 2nd World War She moved to London her drama and elegance soon brought work as a model and she also took a small roles in the films her real fame came on B.B.C. Radio and especially on the small screen she hosted the Euro Vision Song Contest 4 times the last time in Brighton in 1974 the year Abba won and the weather southern and central parts of the U.K. Will see some of the early sunshine tomorrow with cloud and spots of rain later and a top temperature of 9 degrees B.B.C. News It s 3 minutes past 10. Good evening of problems on the M 5 southbound on the exits at road a junction one for West Brom it sheds partially got that road igitur a spell of traffic cunningly backing up on to the M 5 carriage rates all want to watch out for they are of course reserve the road works taking place on the M 5 receiving is Robertson junction one of West Bromwich and junction to it all but it was already their major road works continue with the lane closures in each direction and a speed destruction of fetid mph also in place that is a latest. Graham telling to me even here we are together then for a change day to night is there something you look forward to every year and then later the story of the chippy queen of the age of 100. Using tsunami. Graham talent time on B.B.C. Radio. 3 hours a great song to get through between now one let s begin tonight with Michael Jackson. Once. Was a bit more than just a touch just a little. Night 7 for the mystery still hasn t gone. In a round about one hour from. The top of. So you know it s like. Say. That. They ve. Come. 100. And. She s the fish and chip shop. Bought up 5 children with a very basic living condition working in our own little chip shop where the fry is run and the chips out to be done by. Story after 11 o clock tonight on Lateline prime talking to Do not miss that songs on the show tonight head of 1 o clock all these to come as Anastacio. Every good reason to stay the ranch Elise want to call in tonight with some great music to get 12 as we get into Wednesday it will be the next round of the midnight love songs all out to come up a little later on tonight on the show but 1st some e you look forward to every single year it s the 1st day of spring and I ve always loved this study because it means summer is on the way. And of course British Summer Time begins on Sunday Saturday into Sunday is when we change the clocks the clocks go forward and from here on in life just gets better for me. I get really excited this time of the IRA really really do as you know if you re Regulus It s a program I don t know when does very well it s home now I m excited very very excited and my mom always used to say to me when the clocks change they say Graham you can now go out to play after today yes so you see I ve always been excited about this time of the ALWAYS A says something you get excited about every year family event a trip to a special place seeing someone that you don t often see Go on get in touch right now you can. Text me H one trouble for a start your message with to the late night Graham telling time for me on oath free for 5 for a double O. Double money for B.B.C. Radio Stoke. Nailing Chris I jump when. Parents want to call tonight a friend trying to songs the way very soon those take That s the supreme and nail diamond to play very soon as well A says something that happens only once a year that you really look forward to is it someone you see some way you go I was saying that s I love the 1st eyes spring because it signals that summer he s not far away ha ha so it s a something special you look forward to every single you get to trying them. On a text each one trouble for a start your message with a G.T. There s also my Facebook by each if you want to check it out my show page on Facebook is a late night crime trying to add Vicky has been in touch on Facebook she said on it now look forward to tomorrow the 21st of March which is World Down Syndrome day as my 11 year old has Down s syndrome and it really is an inspiration and testing thanks for that let s go to Reddit Hazel Hello good evening Greg. Thank You Can I just ask you one question yes still go to play to. You know what I do sometimes high school or before I come into the show that we get . Anyway or certain of forward to spring out of all the spring flowers the little take to take the 2 snakes heads and just oh what I know you just feel we re like in we realize that s what you feel like yes you know and also with spring comes Cheltenham the races. I love that and also Easter which he s not this weekend next weekend it s next weekend yet and. I always decorate my fireplace cities how do you how do you decorated well. I ve got some bras come to steaks and they only come I took Christmas and Easter and I so they get cleaned twice a year. And so I put white candles in them yes and tie around the the stem with a yellow burrow. Then in the hall so I ve got some. Artificial canes and I hang China birds on those but it s a lovely really is and then next to that is a big best case with and I fill it with these 2 eggs. And then anyone that comes to my When they they take an egg with Good Friday right all right. Thank you very much a day for sure that s not in the process. Graeme only 3453. 56 B.B.C. New radio stuff. Something that happens only once a year that you really look forward to what they see it and why do you know for me . In a text. Message with. Which he s light Nygren trying to get in touch right now. And forever. Being. With me. Every. Day. Every. Special. That you really look forward to if you listen to this program you will. Toll. On the spring. I am very very excited because for me this is where it all starts to happen now bring it on that s what I think but what about you can touch right now you can email me. Or text 8 want triple 3 star your message with G.T. At Dominick s been in touch on Facebook he said going on holiday you can t be there can you a lot or linen or times has been on the phone I always look forward to my son s birthday I had 2 miscarriages and then he was born he s my only child and although it s now a nice thirty s I love it when it s his birthday that comes around in August the day was that he was born was the happiest day of my life that really is lovely isn t it thank you so much indeed for sharing that lots in the program. Let me get through some more days here this on Facebook has come in from spring equals daffodils chips making daisy chains ice cream in the park plus you can have the bedroom window open at night game because you won t freeze to death assuming there s no more snow. Well. At the moment. Face frames and the happening it s a lie not I m trying to tell you that to play in a few moments time most of the bangles and Marvin Gaye coming out very very soon as well is that you look forward to every year Tony happens once a year but you really look forward to it what is it getting to us right now you can email me. A phone a text a 23 Start your message with cittie Beth has been in touch on email Beth symbol stuff she said Hi Graham I ve lived in the same house that I was born in 48 years we have a blossom tray at the bottom of the garden which I watch every year intensely I know spring has sprung when I see it come to life always makes me feel happy as I know someone isn t far away that s from Beth. He has blossomed or higher. Blossom trees coming into bloom that s lovely isn t it also I one thing I like actually especially when I drive along the you know the motorways and the main roads especially in the rural part of the Midlands seeing those yellow fields it happens around about may times as you know that it s the right seat is never comes through there but beautiful I love that love seeing those yellow fields everywhere and it s got Coventry and iris a low Iris and no grey Oh I did you ever notice how they did it well I struggled but it was nice think. Well so I look forward to it because I have 2 big road again droned train. Wreck the other 8 bookies and they are all colors not the same colors they re all colors and when they come into bloom about the end of my time my garden is. Picture S. And so I look forward to seeing them flower and then I know that the prof doesn t knock them or anything like that it s a real picture to look at or hire locally that God has seen to drop the water in the wintertime and then make it grow during this time now for my Or before and they re very lovely Yeah and then of course hopefully of course by that time we get the lights kind of early summer nights then as well don t we that right now and once a year as well lovely how nice Iris thank you so much indeed for sharing that so I want to hear from you is there something the you look forward to every single year Guenter try now you can email me G T A B.B.C. Talk in a text 803 star your message with G.T.E. . Only still hasn t gone once a night 7 I tell you I work hard who is that I tell you I work hard you need to work harder than you I tell you I work hard so when we get tonight 7 I know you re struggling but I did say right at the beginning of this that s been you can struggle with this it s not because you don t know who he is where you don t know it is keep him top of the right name Yeah but what I m trying to say he s it s not obscure you will know this person is you will know who they are. When somebody on a guess is said Who is it I tell you I work hard so work a bit hard to please tell me who of this is I tell you I work hard tell him it s not the wrong answers that are coming so far Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael bublé Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood limpness and Harrison Ford Lillian Murphy Robert De Niro Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan O Carroll Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum are all wrong who say that I tell you I work hard OK playing up to the news that level of prizes just for fun let s get your answer in by 11 which means you don t want 26 just over 26 minutes to get thrown out we only take the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so please tell me who is this plays I tell you I work hard play a. Double. Play say. This . Stuff. So. forward to hearing to want to talk tonight spak with you on Leno Graham Torrington I m happy to be here as well and want to get your thoughts on something that happens maybe just once a year that you really look forward to from a he Regulus I m not a fan of winter at all so we get to the 1st I spring yes bring it on I love it a really diverse life really starts live for me from now on but what about you maybe something else can touch right now and maybe a time of the year. Sure event The happens get in touch email me G. To B.B.C. Doc how to check a for text 803 star your message with G T my Facebook page is late now Graham Torrington Carol s been in touch on my Facebook tomorrow is our 54th wedding anniversary Graham we were married on the 21st of March on the 1st day of spring wonderful memories of the day every year since a very special day for us I m sure isn t happy anniversary to you as well Carol in Burns been in touch since I was a little girl I ve always looked forward to bonfire nights although I am now in my mid sixty s I still love the magic of standing around the fire with sparklers as soon as the weather changes and it starts to get colder I love it we always go to an organized firework display these days and although it doesn t have the same atmosphere as a small bonfire at home it s still magical thanks for Carol let s get a solid Christopher Hello Christopher Hi How are you or your really require their Christopher yes even the hands free assuming. We got to come back to the few moments Tom really really sorry was just saying this will get back to you and a few moments time. Every single year. A Surprise musical life it s a light Nygren tarring from the Bangles Manic Monday after 11 stories tonight s is about an extraordinary woman who is now 100 years old and I mean. She s the fish and chip shop queen of Birmingham she bought up 5 children with a very basic living condition whilst also working in her little chip shop where the franchise ran on coal and the chips had to be done by hands that s all to me she is story after 11 o clock tonight online I grant Arlington do not miss that William. Street Felice So it s night 7 then still hasn t gone you need to work a bit out of place who. Is this I tell you I work hard who is that I tell you I work hard now you will know who this is when somebody finally gets who writes and can be struggling a bit so c mon even if you re one of the silence Mr voices give me a call tonight who is it I tell you I work hard I tell you it s not the wrong guesses that are coming so far are Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael Bubel a Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood Lim Nielsen Harrison Ford Lillian Murphy Robert De Niro Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan Oh Carol Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum they are all wrong so who do you think it is I tell you I work hard and you need to work a bit harder than don t you are OK playing after news that level no prizes just a funny to get your answer in by 11 You got exactly 15 minutes to get through we only accept the 1st 10 callers through with a different name. So no text no Uma be can call me Tell me is this I tell you I work hard. For. Police. Radios. He says I mean you look forward to every year it s the 1st day of spring and I always have love this day because it means summer is on the way we change the clocks Saturday as well which means we get a pretty summertime Saturday night into Sunday morning so when you get to bed on Saturday to put your clocks forward one hour and then when you get up on Sunday it will be pretty summertime and it mean that will be lighter in the evening very nice very very nice is I mean that happens once the year that you really look photo and touch and e-mail me G.T.O. B.B.C. Doco to education to text a 23 star your message with the G.T. Adrian and Amber. Being in touch Hi Graham my partner myself always look forward to the roar International Air Show a Fairford every OK thanks for that. We got here Stephen Cannick says G.T. The day I was looked forward to was my birthdays November the 5th like everybody else is celebrating with May the best thing that. Best thing is I ve lived another year where yes but the other thing is it s nice to have lived another year but you know what stuck out of my birthdays now believe me I really have. Got here this one has come in G.T. Some in here from dry which looking forward to hearing my favorites. Visitors very soon yes the wonderful cook who will be here very very soon let s go to rugby and Rosie Hello. I am. That fact that. Oh no we re not talking about making a mega guy OK that and how thing is oh I m all right oh yes he sounds like unsteadily that joke you know we can you open the real me I m all nice and. Nice yeah. And then one morning our thing you know Jay Yemeni and again ma am you know they would. Go by so you don t want to bed with you there for a 2nd right it s a. Nice to have you back on your own you know you re not like it was nice you know just lying in the sun all day. Well you know it s it s a tough job but you know somebody has always had oh no I don t know but yes I was thinking about you rather see when I was lying there was that Rosie like yeah oh no no no yeah that s good well yeah you like springtime do you want to bring Graham I know that s true I was a quote I couldn t twig they get me going. Is fantastic Where are they when make a this great just give me and give me a little. At the it s. The at. 6 the and. Wrong with. The. With the. Just checking. These things occasion don t you. Molly Gates is it TOO BUSY think about my baby it s a late night Graeme Torrington thank you for your stories not you know what you ve really cheered me up tonight I m not saying I was miserable today but I had a quite nice Diana came and I was in a kind of mellow mood when I arrived in NY But you know what you ve really really cheered me up and that s what it s all about isn t it I. Write Let s get in touch with small people then who ve contacted the show Richard in office and says all of the 6 Nations rugby every year yes it s just finished this year I have another 12 months to whites to it because although I live in England my father was Welsh and some of my happiest memories from childhood with my dad and my grandad at Cardiff Arms Park belting out the Welsh national anthem in fact when the 6 Nations comes on the telly now I still stand up and backs out the anthem get it good for you that is lovely it really is just get warm more in here as well hi grandma look forward to meeting up with my on his family in the Palestine in order. We go extremely well and that also kind and friendly they also come to England every year that s from and thanks for that and this year just a late night grand tour of the scene right now still the. Same as the rooms are the. Actual. The end. Will be a much cooler. I ve . Watched the surprise of us the cards. Emblem upload it is such a. Big. Player . The. Letter. To a close game. Player . Is to keep coming. Just. Slowly stood lose a. Good should look. Good skill up a good skill up Old to. See. Us. Was such a heinous. He said he would and forever or let Mike Brown Torrance and Alice just get through a couple of those annual things that happen every year that you just really really love has been in touch from Sacramento in California hello California last night that you re listening to us tonight in the middle. Just love my annual Thanksgiving Day turkey hunts with my 6 year old daughter why here in central California we shoot with a camera of course if we re lucky enough to track down wild game and the picture there of you she s beautiful isn t she Thank you for sharing that. That she s come through here pushes buttons as I can see it properly there we go. There we get sort of. Valentine s Day I know it s silly but as a nurse I have to take my turn in working Christmas a balance. With. Wish.

Radio-program , American-aviators , American-male-actors , California-democrats , Actors-from-california , American-composers , Kennedy-center-honorees , African-american-record-producers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , African-american-singer-songwriters , American-male-singers , American-restaurateurs

Transcripts for BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford 20180314 180000

Moscow will give a fitting and symmetry call response to the expulsion of 23 of its diplomats over the spy poisoning case trees are made old M.P. s under cared intelligence officers have a week to leave the u.k. Has been described by Moscow as a hostile act James Sherk from Oxford is an expert in Russia the role Institute of International Affairs he says the u.k. Is now seen by Russia as weak not just because of our failure over the past few years to prosecute some 14 mysterious macabre murders of Russian citizens here but wrecks it as they see it is a colossal diminution of our place in the world meanwhile police and the army have sealed off parts of Gillingham in North Dorset as part of the investigation into the attempted murder of Sergei scribble a wide cordon is in place around a lorry which is thought to have recovered Mr scruples car from Salisbury 20 miles away. A quarter of staff are docs such as hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that s according to a survey of staff at Oxford University Hospitals Trust which has been published today at a public board meeting our report of a Jones was there and he told me more about the survey just to give you an idea the vice chairman of the hospital board of trustees described the answers to this questionnaire as sobering but not surprising there were a number of key questions where the hospitals schools this year were significantly lower than last year more than a 3rd of staff didn t look forward to going to work just 29 percent felt there were enough staff at the hospitals to do their job properly importantly 79 percent of staff felt satisfied with the quality of care they gave to patients that was down from 84 percent last year and as you say only 75 percent would be happy with the standard of care if a friend or relative needed treatment all of this the board said made it clear that staff were feeling the pressure and felt disconnected from leaders in senior managers presumably they didn t just hear the report they must have some plans to improve things what are they going to do Yes Well the vice chair said that staff morale at the hospitals was the biggest single challenge that the transport faced he went on to say that it was their responsibility to do something especially because staff morale can affect other areas of the service that they provide Now as part of their response we know that the trust says it will listen to staff concerns group meetings they calling them listening at groups they want staff to be involved in their plans and they re going to agree on areas to prioritize before looking at any specific actions anything else on the agenda at today s board meeting yes the 1st gender pay gap report was also published it shows the difference in pay between men and women working at the hospitals is higher than the national average the issue was discussed at the meeting in Dame Fiona Caldicott who s chair of the Trust said women needed to be given more encouragement to go for a promotion the majority of our medical consultants are men and that shows a pattern that s consistent across the n.h.s. So I think it shows us we ve got a lot to make sure that we re encouraging women in all our professions and posts to fulfil their potential. Next toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is closing all of its $100.00 shops after going into administration no buyer has been found for the business $3000.00 jobs are expected to be lost by the end of next month Simon Thomas is a partner at more fields advisory they re doing the administration he explained what s going on we re done says at the head office took place earlier today we ll continue to move all the stock out of the distribution center into the different stalls and we ll be following a further sort of range of discounts we introduced to try and get the best recovery possible for the creditors one of the great scientists of his generation that s just one of the many tributes being paid today to to pursue Professor Stephen Hawking the world renowned physicist died this morning at the age of 76 his most famous book a brief history of time has gone to the top of the Amazon bestsellers list plans are underway to create a memorial garden for George Harrison in Henley the town he made his home the Beatles legend moved to the Grade 2 listed Friar Park where his wife still lives in the 1970 s. a Previous campaign to erect a statue to George Harrison was halted following a request from Mrs Harrison Kelly Hinton is the mayor of Henley She says they re looking at a number of possible locations for the garden site there are a number 6 to locations one area that has been discussed as Marius and they called mill meadows which is by the river so it makes a flowing water it s an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty lots of open green space because we want the garden to be not just a memory of George but actually inspired by him we wanted to be very tranquil very zen. Now with a brief roundup of some other national and international news here s nationally Verney school peoples and staff in the United States a holding a series of Catherine walk outs to demand tighter gun safety laws the protests have been led by survivors of the school shooting at Parkland in Florida a month ago the walkouts each lost 17 minutes one for every life lost in the attack I think tank is warning annual tax rises a 40000000000 pounds will be needed if the government wants to balance its books by 2025 the Institute for Fiscal Studies says dismal productivity earnings and g.d.p. Growth have become the new normal and some of the biggest former names in the world of professional dance have been paying tribute to Jim Bowen who s died at the age of 80 he was best known for hosting the t.v. Game show a Bull s-Eye in the 1980 s. And ninety s you really good at darts not useless just checking I can usually manage to hit that the nice green lamp that hangs over the top of the dart board oh lovely it s got a scrape marks on it oh there goes another Anyway other news a new building is causing tensions between 2 Oxford colleges since Hilda s college has been given permission for a new accommodation block despite nearby Christchurch branding the design bulky and inelegant if you care to make a judgment yourself have a look at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Slash Oxford and form your own opinion the designs are on show there. Are other matters what are people talking about this even trending on Twitter tonight the hash tag pie a day I got my hopes up here this might offer a eatable pies but no it s people wishing each other a happy payday because it s March the 14th that makes 3 point one for the value of pi if you don t extrapolate to ridiculous degree by 3 for you you re all right here s the Hollywood actor Tom Hiddleston to explain more. Always keep me oh is this a conference divided by the die. Matter of any circle. It s impossible to know the exact value but pi is approximately 3.14159265358979328462 Yes I had enough of. Tom Hiddleston thank you weather rain arriving with lows of 6 degrees the sunshine and showers forecast for tomorrow. It s 7 minutes past 6 you are up to date or as up to date as you need to be I suggest on payday I think will revert to eating proper pies showing. In the mood for a pie haha Need you ask 3.143 pounds 14 then. Good heavens I thought I said to myself at least to be a little pork pie that were good and nothing took into my nothing was pressed against the studio. Not even a scrape was the traffic situation like well so it was a good news for the a 423 opened in both directions between what field and kings lane Foley occlusion or over to a structure should say but it s been closed since around 3 pm so it s all been recovered but is now reopened as always do keep you updated if you can all 34593 little warm 6 double 6 Now if you want a decent edible pie sometimes a football ground is the place in any recommendations sports man on the best pies to be had yes for a screen Reivers and it s a controversial entry for many Karnit carnivores because it s a vegan pie it s no ward winning beacon Pio is quite skeptical I had my 1st visit to the ground this season and it is amazing really want to be nice I ve been in there twice this season of Eagan Pi I m not sure what the the pilot was it is that they ve won but they are quite proud of it very good other matters arising in sport yes. So much for the pie situations like in Russia where the World Cup we miss some a ton and have confirmed that Harry Cain has damaged ligaments in his ankle but is expected to return to 1st team training in a force or hope he ll be involved in the World Cup and Chelsea face a stiff test in the Champions League tonight for their white trip to Boston if of course we go to the World Cup but that s a whole different set of questioning a whole different ball game a whole different piece of cock solids not your life stories this is c.b.c. Suffer Tainted Love. Queen is to send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge he was 76 he was given just 2 years to live when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at $21.00 but went on to become a towering figure of physics leading scientists have said his work on black holes and a unified theory of the universe will go on to inspire compass generations that s have a word with astrophysicist. Gillian Welcome to the program tell me how you very much how will you remember Professor Stephen Hawking. Well he s not someone I ever met personally or worked with professionally but I think the thing that will stick with me the most is his book a brief history of time it s something I read as a kid and it s one of those books you know some books when you read when you re very young they just stick with you through your life it was one of those for me so I think the the impact he had through the public conception of thinking about space and time will really last of a long time and his legacy in the scientific community. Just he was such an impact and. His resolute Shamir a ways of thinking about black holes and that that s going to stay I mean he I remember a story of someone going to one of his talks an expert in the field going to one of his talk coming out and saying I didn t quite follow the math I ll have to sit down and look at it but I m sure it holds up. You are going to be appearing in Oxford this weekend as part of the Oxford Literary Festival what you re going to be talking about I ve just written a book called Master critical it curious journey through a cosmic family tree thought we talking a bit about that and how it came to be and why it s full of such weird bits on space and outer space and how it all works and what you could do if you could bend it or break it in some unusual way it s one of those things you could never ever stop pondering about as long as there is humanity will be pondering. The skies are such an easy thing to sit back and then get lost in its. Find me I enjoy I doing it at a much more detailed level now I can sit down and. Work but I still enjoy sitting back and. Good to talk to you this evening thank you astrophysicist Dr Julian Scudder appearing in Oxford this weekend to go to be at the Martin school lecture theatre this Saturday at 6 pm It s part of the Oxford Literary Festival. Radio Oxford. It is 615 at home such as traffic control center. Well let s start with some good news for the a 425 Swindon. All lanes are now reopened but even watch Fielden King s lay in bed early overturned lorry has been cleared of looking in which better along that stretch some. $44.00 still tonight as well thanks to Kate for the call the stole the 3 way temporary traffic lights are still stuck on red there so it s that causing a lot of the layers not only on the a 44 but also on the before old tutus you travel up from spells bery as well so where expect them to laze if you re on the a 44 tonight still looking very busy travelling from Bladen as far as along on the a for all mine 5 this is because of the closure of the lower old bridge repair works there so it s extra extra busy through blatant towards a long night the a 40 still struggling along from Cass and about as far as I mentioned 100 toll bridge very very busy 2 this is very very slow as you come across from far more tonight and the a 34 North but again very very patchy and slow all the way up from having the last through the hill and the change City Center looking a little bit better I do expect some delays though along the bottom we rolled from the junction of parks or old park town because a temporary traffic lights there for water works as a result of that of the Woodstock road extra busy time life in both directions a lot of traffic avoiding the Woodstock road live from the architect traffic control. R.i. a Cool travel used for 593 devil 16 devils. Radio Oxford. Travel. News headlines the Kremlin is warning Britain to expect to retaliate after a series or may announce $23.00 Russian diplomats will be expelled over the nerve agent attack in Salzburg a quarter of staff at Oxford as hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there according to a survey of staff published at a public board meeting today and toys r Us stores in Oxford and Banbury is closing all of its $100.00 shops after going into administration we re seeking a comment from Geoffrey the giraffe but so far none whether it s turning increasingly crowded through this evening and overnight rain arriving from the southwest through the air early hours of tomorrow fresh to strong southeast winds overnight minimum temperature 7 Celsius 45 in the other wet and windy to start with breaking up by the afternoon maximum temperature tomorrow of 11 Celsius if you are looking for the sunset this evening I think you ve missed it 7 minutes past 6 but if you back up again at 622 a normal. B.b.c. Radio expert. 18 minutes past 6 the pretenders. The. a sort of nice quickie. Still being brewed in the. Point it was in the Guinness Book of Records for the amount of the small air about the wineskin set world records. B.b.c. Radio. Get involved all throughout. Druggy do when it s past 6 and the best things to see and do in Oxfordshire over the next week have a chat with Hero Brown from the muddy still Atos blog and she started off with the Oxford Literary Festival it s a massive big beast isn t it this literary bent 22nd Oxford Literary Festival kicks off on Saturday packing some real beef actually over 100 events where you can meet the leading authors and public figures and one of my favorites could be children s laureate Lauren Child she s I m actually talking to the story museum. On Saturday and also always talking not at the story museum but around boxing but anyway the list of alumni goes on and on and on well in magnificent settings and then in theatre various colleges and also black holes marquee So yes should be absolutely amazing goes through to the 25th of March. Next on the list Alexander McQueen of the factory Yes not so much Alex on the Queen but one of his illustrators Actually it s a really lovely chance to see Christine McCormick and she s a London College of Fashion trained illustrator she s previously design prints products on the McQueen and I love the gem factory and you know it yes yes indeed yes listen it down it down the bottom event George Street and the new short sleep robots here in summertime in T.V. s lovely I say there s a fantastic little section there and the Cafe and Bar and everything so it s really if you haven t been there it s really really lovely and they said she looked so coming an artist s design is a lovely airy dining room so anyway she s going to be there and more of her works going to be there and anyway for the next couple weeks to Milton Keynes next the comedy duo for each of the Concorde s Yeah I love these guys and the New Zealanders course and I actually were discovered in America when they were 12 years and years to be discovered in New Zealand and it took New York to them to get them to get a fantastic they started last night there s a 3 night gigs going on at Milton Keynes so you can catch them tonight and tomorrow night so we see the best time there s hardly any tickets there so you have to beg and borrow so it s actually business time with these guys and yeah I think they re incredibly funny so if you want to have a good laugh and optional thinkings we re talking weddings next I m promise to another and I suspect you are too but for anybody who isn t wedding. I thought you would be a pleasing to me their. Talk about weddings. On Saturday I mean stater is lovely in its own right and you can go around the grounds going to the ends of the beams and also they ve got one which is that and yes you put a sparkling speculate on my figure I ll say yes to anybody this but it s a case it s a Marquis s on the lawns in front of the house is fully decorated for starting a wedding so it s just an extra thing you would get if you if you pops along this weekend it s a beautiful i think is one of the loveliest houses and it s one that doesn t seem to get quite the publicity that the London palace is. Going to the world. Cup of new eating places opening Yes I m never backwards in coming forward to the town very excited to see there s a really fantastic one in Hendley and it s the copper club which is well established obviously in sunning and in London in various fake locations but this one is a painting it s officially opening on Monday in Bel street in the middle of Henley But this is a soft launch from tonight and going through all weekend it s right next to the cinema where strong Do used to be and then a couple of in and the Westgate o.c. That Westgate is actually fantastic on the top floor with all those big top restaurants and there s Mowgli which is a kind of Indian street view having to eat at home on the street so lots of smash and grab zingy of spice you know the sort of things and then the soul the source which is a farce of a casual offering basically focused loosely around the British should be very popular in London again and it started in 20012011 so he s a pop at restaurant and the hackneyed pie and fish pie and mash up and that it s going great guns it s got is one of the best seafood restaurants in London and it s coming to what extent happy days finally I need your help with this one because because I m you know knocking on a bit and no longer done with the kids so to speak Justin s band coming to the new theater and I understand this is a good thing tell me all about Justin s back and it s a very good thing let me tell you any parent with children under 5 years knows intimately Justin Fletcher who is probably best known as Mr Tom. Tumbling right now is going to but yes exactly but actually he s a he s a much bigger than that now and he does all sorts of all sorts of things and so you might say he s got Justin s band which is coming to the new theater on the 3rd of April so I m mentioning it early because he s absolutely going to sell out and he s really good at live performance he was inventing actually a Christmas for the pan tell you that and his new show is called musically bench and there s lots of singing learning about musical instruments possible requests to play the Chiba he s in all the pictures but this Chivas I don t know is that we absolutely brilliant. For little people so and probably a really good one too busy for a couple of hours can I do a special request not to play the tuba or is that comfortably I m afraid to. Say I got Best of luck to Mr Tumble. Here are rather. Brilliant as ever the drafters on Saturday night at the movies and other fine soulful voice coming in our vinyl revival in the next few minutes if you ve not heard who it is yet this week stay tuned for details. 630 update from Iran well looks like we still got some delays on a 420 if you re Swindon tonight we had confirmation just before 6 o clock that it had all reopened between watch field and kings lane certainly the traffic heading towards Oxford is getting through all right but I ve just had several calls Thanks to all in particular tells me that traffic is still diverting along cut if you are Swindon coming down from Oxford tonight you might be able to update me further on that on the Travel line if you can and let me know if the 820 is in fact Orpen in both directions. A little bit patchy. A 420 from the wall that roundabout traffic lights out all the way out as far as end and heading into still looking for my busy and slowly to usual volume of traffic for this time of a Wednesday for a little bit patchy in places as well and just a reminder to expect some delays if you re only a 40 for tonight at Enstone still delays in all directions going to be $4.00 to $2.00 as well from spells abrade the 3 way temporary traffic lights still stuck on red and expect delays through long Bladen tonight because of the closure of low rolled from going Ridge works there so that s causing delays once again live from the traffic control center. Use. For it travel. News headlines of the U.K. s expelling 23 Russian diplomats who it says are under Clare and intelligence officers as part of a package of measures announced by to reason may after Moscow refused to say how a Soviet era nerve agent was used to attack a former spy in Salzburg those 23 diplomats had been given a week to leave. A quarter of staff at Oxford just hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that is according to a survey of staff at Oxford University Hospitals Trust which was published at a public board meeting today toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is to close all of its shops in the u.k. After the firm s administrators failed to find a buyer $3000.00 people are set to lose their jobs the queen is to send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge aged 76 leaving scientists have said his work on black holes on the unified theory of the universe will inspire countless generations and plans are underway to create a memorial garden for George Harrison in Henley the town he made his home the Beatles legend moved to the Grade 2 listed Friar Park in the 1970 s. . Ross even here with sports headlines Tottenham have confirmed that Harry Kane has damaged ligaments in his ankle but is expected to return to 1st team training in April and had been fears the entry sustained in the win over Bournemouth of the weekend could make him a doubt for this summer s World Cup England s World Cup winner Gordon Banks has told b.b.c. Sport the Spurs striker is vital for England in Russia often needed by a bottle of him and volatile will be just the right for them for the for better because once you got a terrific lot of speed and he goes shooting up the defenders are there draw a line that gives a bit of more room for came to to do what he wants to do which is another big night of action in the Champions League and Chelsea are away at Barcelona hoping to cause an upset which is see them progress to the quarter finals the tie is level at 10 on aggregate ahead of the 2nd leg in Catalonia and the hosts have yet to lose a single league game this season Chelsea boss Antonio contest knowledge is that his side are underdogs but he s not writing off their chances the final result of their the 1st leg given a great advantage but a lot. I did the same time I think we know very well if you loss of your Barcelona and for sure they want to try to bleed their football try to score to try to win the game and we have to try to do our best. In the competition this evening is already underway by immunity took a 5 no aggregate lead to Turkey ahead of their 2nd leg. The Germans lead to one of the 70 minutes in that 2nd game also signed Bradford City house we can in League One and the Continental Cup final will take place at what comes Adams Park tonight between astore and Manchester City women the postponed Oxford Cup semi final between Bambery Knight and Killington has been rescheduled with a new date and a new venue the match was due to be played at Northlake but has been switched to Oxford city s Court place far more on a poor the 4th racing now on Al tour has won the Queen Mother Champion Chase at the Cheltenham Festival Minn was 2nd with God s own 3rd his trainer and he Henderson It s good to watch it do that should already be all about he was electric was it in behind there is probably not doing an awful lot but there was a good base structure cover great very cool right great writing echo and Great Britain s men a Fitzpatrick and her guy Jen care hope of one a 3rd medal at the Winter Paralympics they took silver in the visually impaired giant slalom to now have 5 medals in total towards their pre-game target of 7 your 3 days before the b.c.s. Radio walks though it. Is Green with the forecast thank you Charles through the course of today we ve had many try day with a strong south easterly wind all to prices spells at a high of 12 Celsius tonight rain will move in from the west and could be quite heavy at times during the early hours of the morning and there will be a fresh to strong south easterly wind Temperatures tonight will drop to round 809 Celsius so it s quite a wet and windy start to the day tomorrow through the morning the rain will clear away north and east woods leaving a brighter afternoon with sunny spells and the all. Heavy shower the winds will also ease through the afternoon with a high of 12 Celsius Fridays a cool day with a fresh breeze and heavy thunder showers it s the last of the mild days because over the weekend there will be a very cold easterly wind which will give a significant wind chill there is a chance of wintry showers over the weekend and the Met Office have issued a snow warning for Sunday there may be accumulations of snow which could cause travel disruption for a full 14 day forecast log onto our website bbc dot co dot u.k. Slash Oxford. Snow I know we do not want to hear about snow at the moment thank you very much Yeah right we need the warning but let s try and dodge it if we possibly can. The time is 23 minutes to 7 on the breakfast show in the morning in 12 hours time David prevail we warming up for your Thursday Breakfast Club talking about the pressures on the health service Well you heard there the results of that stuff survey that says basically a whole lot of the staff are saying Oh I wouldn t advise a relative of mine to have treatment here but apart from vats we ve heard a lot in the last couple of months about the pressure on the hospitals at the moment and lot of operations being canceled of course elective surgeries being canceled postponed and so on so the latest on pressures on the n.h.s. Round here and also in the morning both occurred the same shop has been ransacked 3 times in the last couple of months and locals are taking exception and they re going to think about doing something about it in that know my thinking about it they are doing something about it find out exactly what on the breakfast club with David prevent here tomorrow morning from 7 another one to our vinyl revival and the album this week chosen by Daniel Butterfield from the Whitney social social club soul club that I m sure the social to the Whitney soul clubs Daniel has chosen the album it s Hudson s 1970 s. Funk soul masterpiece Hutson to the roots and who was for at least some time the lead singer of the impressions they did in the way of several of these groups like the Drifters and so on they went through a lot of lead singers anyway here s Liriano Hudson solo from what some of. You. On the radio rocks would. Proceed with caution. With this evening s final revival track this is I do I do want to make love to. Terms and conditions apply. You. Well we ll see about that not you very much that was there I had some from a vinyl revival album too which features a picture of the aforementioned stouts and on the back in the most bizarre outfit is an orange hats and a sort of fur waistcoat but then it came out in 1976 and to be honest if I could have worn a fair waist instead of orange hats and 976 I probably would have but I consider myself a bell bottom jeans and patent leather platform shoes. Long Ago and Far Away thanks to field of the Whitney Social Club keep saying social. Who suggested that album this week. Coming gigs on Good Friday March 30th 9 pm at the police and the 2nd of June at the elm tree at 8 o clock. Travel on the way. a little bit slow of you heading toward Swindon tonight halfling those early delays between watch field Kings lame baffling that earlier overturned lorry that scrap Lloyd and I was all been cleared apparently the a 420 had been reopened especially if you re travelling from Swindon towards alter the traffic is certainly getting through Ok but I just get me a couple of calls from people saying that if you re heading towards Wyndham traffic is still diverting down via long cut your mike could be a little update on the Travel line if you can all dots which would be most welcome in a city center not looking too bad as you make your way home along the road and Woodstock rolled easing off now full of those earlier delays Ringworld still busy at least to my passata the city because Cali rising cost along else field way as you travel towards the cut slow run about traffic lights on all the a $40.00 travelling go towards Whitley running a lot better now just looking at our causing them traffic lights couldn t study alone back to expect delays only a. Fiber blade and Long Hammer because of the closure of the lower rolled because of the bridge works along there and also only a $44.00 cylinder $3.00 to $3.00 way temporary traffic lights they are stuck on red so it s causing problems with traffic coming up from Spell debris and also traveling a 44 in both directions live from the traffic control center m r I I am cool with your travel news. 593 devil 16 devils. Radio Oxford. Travel. News headlines the Russian foreign ministry says Moscow will give a fitting and send trickle response to the expulsion of $23.00 of its diplomats over the spy poisoning case a quarter of staff at Oxford has hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that s according to a state survey of stuff published at a public board meeting today and toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is to close all of its 100 shops after going into administration they ve been doing it for a buyer for the business but none has been found whether it is turning increasingly as the unit goes on rain arriving from the south west during the night in the early hours of Thursday and quite windy minimum temperature 7 Celsius 45 in the other tomorrow wet and windy to start with brighter later and a maximum temperature of 11 Celsius after 7 this evening Georgie spends weeks here getting pampered ahead of ladies day finding out from an even evolutionary anthropologist why we choose the clothes we do here what your clothes say about you and chatting to the key champion who keeps halfway up Everest that are a tribute to Jimbo and as well with Georgie Spanswick the other side of 7 this evening. This is Grace. From a couple of years ago Grace with that cover of You Don t Own Me original of 963 Leslie God Incidentally the 963 original was produced by Quincy Jones who is 85 today great great man of popular music production what a skilled turn he has 9 minutes to 7 Stephen Hawking one of the world s most famous theoretical physicists has died 76 years old he was the author of a bestselling book on the origins of the universe and defied predictions that he would die in his early twenty s stag nosed motor neuron disease and when he was about 21 they told him he probably only had a couple of years and here he is finally leaving us at 76 lived a long and successful life the b.b.c. Science reports that Rebecca Morel looks back now at that life a little my name is Stephen The instantly recognisable voice of the cosmologist he became a cultural icon Stephen Hawking brought physics to the mainstream I think I assured . Him that I have. Hair so pretty and I got back back. Back and he was an inspiration to many for accomplishing all of this despite a debilitating disease erratic office success one of the few. Which being disabled just know. It s all in the mind it was at university that Stephen Hawking s talent for science began to shine through he found physics ridiculously easy and didn t have to work that hard Stevens mother Isabel spoke to the b.b.c. In 2002 I think Stephen was a very normal young man he liked parties he liked pretty girls only pretty ones. He. And he did to some extent like work but there were already signs that something wasn t right and while studying for his Ph d. At Cambridge University he was diagnosed with a form of motor neuron disease a degenerative condition that causes progressive weakness a muscle wastage the Astronomer Royal Martin Reese was a postgraduate student with Stephen I remember this young man already walking with difficulty who was embark on his thesis and was told that he may not live to finish his Ph d. But he defied this prognosis and went on to make his biggest theoretical breakthroughs I suppose his greatest single achievement. The one he said he wanted to have inscribed on his gravestone was an equation which linked together 3 previously unconnected areas of physics it linked together the nature of gravity the quantum principle and terms in attics and this is the so-called Hawking radiation. So stable basically be talking about insanity. As Professor Hawking s condition progressed his speech became increasingly slurred and after about 70 Monye of that nearly killed him he lost his capacity to speak entirely he had to use a speech synthesizer which created the voice that became his trademark people describe that section some American but Americans say the Scandinavian or Irish. Or whatever it is everyone can understand around this time to Professor Hawking turned to writing the most successful of his mainstream books was a brief history of time published in 1908 Kitty Ferguson is his biographer the underlying motive for writing that book was to make science and his work understandable to what he calls for in the area people like like you and I there s only one equation in the book and that s the equals mc squared that s home though Professor Hawking s life was type event he divorced his 1st wife and went on to marry one of his nurses he described this marriage as passionate and tempestuous there were even allegations that his 2nd wife physically abused him although he always tonight this Cambridge police are investigating allegations of an assault on Stephen Hawking a disable scientist and author of the best selling book a brief history of time despite his private life occasionally appearing in the media Professor Hawking generally liked fame he told the world was invited on to chat shows and in 2014 was portrayed by Eddie Redmayne in a film about his life he even appeared on The Simpsons. King the world s smartest me. His daughter Lucy spoke about her father s love of the limelight in 2012 another facet my father People don t very rarely highlight is what a showman he is he s a bit of an impresario at heart and he loves a big show a big stage bright lights whether it s him on stage or whether it s watching the spectacle underneath it s Although multi Merissa found his friend s ordinariness extraordinary work was amazing all through his life was the way despite his immense handicaps he remained so psychologically normal not only in being able to continue with his science but also in his interest in kind of thing as his willingness to express robust opinions and his enjoyment in activities quite away from his science Stephen Hawking will be remembered for turning almost unimaginable adversity into something he described at times as an advantage and it was this attitude that made him an inspiration for so many I had fired sample we could sink her return and hope to live there since similar situations have her kids up. Rebecca Morel their home the extraordinary life really extraordinary son of Oxford Professor Stephen Hawking . a 44 year travelling towards Chipping Norton the saving through m. Stone the 3 way temporary traffic lights they are still stuck on red from what I can gather so traffic looking quite slow as you come up from spells bery as well along that stretch the laser to only a 4 or 5 as you travelled through along because of the closure of lower older that s still causing problems on the layers there looking a little better on the speed sensors on a $420.00 if you re Swindon bomb tonight it finally looks like all lanes have reopened there we had had confirmation just under an hour ago that all lanes had reopened but traffic still look quite slow down through a long court but hopefully things back to normal there live from the ultra chair traffic control center. Good evening Mr Ryan you be back in the morning with us to prevent I will indeed dear heart yes sir for most would Mr Cox In fact for 6 am keeping a careful eye on proceedings have a good evening and David prefer brings you the Breakfast Club 7 o clock tomorrow morning with a feature on the latest on the pressures of the n.h.s. Bit of a busy time you may have noticed have a good evening. To. Spread criticism for refusing to explicitly blame Russia. For the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter in Salzburg trees a maze ordered the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats in retaliation accusing President Putin s regime of being culpable for the attack a number of Labor M.P. s have distanced themselves from Mr Corbin and the Prime Minister s told the Commons he s in the minority it was clear from the remarks that were made but there is a consensus across the back benches of this house a way I am truly sorry that the consensus does not go as far as the right honorable gentleman who were Meanwhile a wide cordon is in place around Laurie in June Emma North Dorset the vehicle is thought to have recovered scrip tells call from Seoul s parade the Queen it will send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge age 76 he was given just 2 years to live when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in his early twenty s but went on to become a leading figure in physics these teenagers at the Big Bang science event in Birmingham.

Radio-program , Members-of-the-order-british-empire , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Local-government-districts-of-south-west-england , Commanders-of-the-order-british-empire , Stephen-hawking , Fellows-of-the-royal-society , Traffic-law , George-harrison , Neurons , Shakespearean-actors , Local-government-in-dorset

Transcripts for BBC Essex BBC Essex 20180305 010000

In the past March this is c b c 5 it s one of our bloggers we welcome local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up or not I m not a part of the main news I m fine line 1st exit polls for Italy s election show no party has an overall majority and in sports a damning report say that Britain s most decorated Olympian used drugs to enhance his performance on the far right now you can hear the all school fan who broke down in tears unable to go back emotions after the game is defeat to Brighton on Sunday . This is b.b.c. 5. As Gina Campbell exit polls suggest Italy is heading for a hung parliament following the country s general election and party appears to have made significant gains the B.B.C. s Karen Genoa is in Rome they suggest the 5 Star Movement will end up with between $29.00 and a half of $32.00 and a half percent of the votes the center left Democratic Party of the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi it is in power at the moment it is all between 20 and 23 percent So Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical need a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed the Oscars are just getting underway in Hollywood the shape of water leads the way with 13 nominations host Jimmy Kimmel is expected to make reference on stage to the me too and time s up campaigns his The American actress Patricia Clarkson something remarkable is happening this I guy says Change thank goodness I think it s a very profound time for all of us and for women in particular in this industry I think is a celebration of us going forward in a new way a powerful with strength with. Honesty with safety the prime minister will set out proposals later to try to tackle the housing shortage 3 of them I will warn developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise and she s expected to say that planning rule should be rewritten to make it harder for local authorities to block housing developments Council say they re not to blame for delays in house building Martin tete is from the Local Government Association what we re seeing at the moment is that 9 out of 10 planning applications are being passed by councils are very committed to building the houses the country needs one of the big issues though is that councils don t actually build houses themselves Council s approved planning applications and at the moment we have several 100000 houses that have been granted planning permission but which yet haven t been Dog other developers thousands of homes around the u.k. Are experiencing problems with their water supplies after pipes burst during a thaw after the freezing weather more from 5 Live Stuart Clarkson Thames Water says up to $12000.00 of its customers are still either without water or it s coming through at a reduced pressure and it s blamed multiple burst mains leaks and a drain reservoir in Hampstead the firm s open a number of bottled water stations across London and it s urging those who do have water to use as little as possible 7 Trent meanwhile has apologized to customers in the rugby area and says it s been dealing with an unprecedented number of leaks tributes have been paid to so Roger Bannister following his death at the age of 88 called him an inspiration while Steve Cram said he d left a massive legacy energy firms won t be able to backdate gas and electricity bills further than 12 months as part of new rules being brought in by the regulator Ofgem says it received 10000 complaints a year about the problem as the 5 Live new sport now with James Gregg according to the Digital Culture Media and Sports select committee the country s most decorated Olympian cyclist said Bradley Wiggins crossed the ethical line by using. Drugs to enhance performance instead of just the medical need we can say his former employees Team Sky strongly refute the claims the M.P. s also say they were shocked at the use of a drug given to him 2014 the f.a. Chief executive Martin Glenn is adamant that Pat is displaying a political symbol by choosing to wear a yellow ribbon the Manchester City manager he wears the ribbon at games is said he s in support of political prisoners in Catalonia has until 6 pm tonight to respond to an f.a. Charge Man City are now 18 points clear they were the top of the Premier League that s after beating champions Chelsea Meanwhile still felt their 4th straight defeat they lost 2 goals to one Brighton but in more pressure on manager and Van Gogh England women s manager Phil Neville says his team heading in the right direction following that 2 will draw against Jimmy in the she believes cup and John Higgins has become the 1st player to win 5 Welsh Open cycles with a 97 victory over Barry Hawkins in Cardiff this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital phone logs smartphones and stop it now to some weather overnight it s down to Misty with snow over the hills of Scotland this spells will develop further south but with a few showers and some patchy mist and frost the best live sports you Israelis are close competition is a Champions League round of 61 she used a nice We ll bring you coverage of Liverpool s us is s.c. Pool and p.s.g. Against Real Madrid as follows kick off at 745 day on Wednesday 5 life sports build up begins at 6 to see the full life commentry of Sussex against Juventus from 745 that Champions League. Is 5. This is 0.005 live on Dawson out in Boyle I m coming up in this to find out in a moment what happened with me to tell you when to vote on Sunday for government numbers 66 in the last 70 years didn t see the reach of Italy s comeback king news. Question everybody wants to know and of course it s also a good night the biggest night in the movie industry we ve got our man Colin Paterson in place in Hollywood the place to be he ll be telling us who won watch and as he tells us we d love to hear from you as well for your opinion on the winners and the writers as they work and also I want you to call in from Phil the phone in this morning from now you can text morning 5058 or e-mail up one night have b.b.c. Dot com dot You Ok the question is this what s the most memorable performance in a movie by an actor or any actor at any time the number to call for a phone in isn t 0808590969308085909693 1st no exit polls in the Italian elections suggest that Silvio Berlusconi s center right coalition has had to win the most seats in the lower house of parliament there but no party has an overall majority and the anti establishment 5 Star Movement is in 2nd place the country s ruling center left Democratic Party stands in 3rd place it will as it has so often before be a coalition that takes power in a moment I ll be finding out if that means a return to power for the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi but 1st let s meet up with eyes and your vote to see in Rome tonight Andrea How s it looking from where you stand will we we see one party take the election or no no it s definitely going to be a hung parliament died by changes in the air we re seeing about 30 percent of those counted and the 5 star anti-establishment party is the largest party in Italy right now and in the lead which is the far right party in Silvio Berlusconi s coalition has pulled ahead of Solar Impulse going he was in that coalition so there s a little earthquake going on there with the 2 most and you re a skeptic most anti established. Party s doing very very well and this is a clear cry for a change from the Italian people whether or not they re going to get it and how fast they may get it is yet to be seen as we see the horse trading begin as we see the talks in the back rooms start to happen as these different parties try to put together the mathematics to make a government possible what kind of a chill you do people need to be wound Well I talk to voters from Turin in the north to Naples in the south they are all concerned about the same thing jobs the economy out of control migration bad policy I m a Gratian and they want to better future for their children so it s really about the economy it s about their concerns are migration and they feel like the establishment neither right nor left has has addressed those very important key issues and that s why they they want to change and we re seeing 5 star getting a lot of votes are the biggest party in Italy that s a big slap or the establishment right and left and I also believe we need from the far right and a immigration party doing very well even out pacing sillier bowlers going at this point so that s a big election within an election you might say very very big cry for change by the Italians this evening this is a clear lurch to the right to the new Does that mean that the country s ruling center left Democratic Party has suffered the most of the damage only badly bruised Center Left has done quite poorly but you know it depends on who decides to form a coalition with who is the 5 star they could form a coalition you know we don t really know it s too early to say how the government might look what we can say is it s going to be weeks of horse trading weeks of uncertainty which is exactly what Italians. We re voting against They want clarity they want action they want to be listened to but unfortunately they re going to be faced with yet a weeks and weeks of sort of negotiations between this various factions since there is no governing majority at this point that bodes ill for a strong government. We ll have yet another weak government as we ve had so many since the war in Italy this won t be much stronger than the previous ones were indeed it looks it looks to me that way what we can say is that there is definitely going to be a more and establish a more euro skeptic voice coming out of Italy because that s the voters went that direction both Five-Star and the league who are ahead in the count right now our voices of being very skeptical of the e.u. Very concerned about migration they re aligned on those topics so I think we re going to see a shift in how Italy and the relationship between Italy and the u.s. We re going to definitely see that the p.d. The governing p.t. I expect will be an earthquake within their own party since they performed so poorly Andrew thank you very much Andrew vogue in Rome listening to Professor Alexander Stille who s a commentator on the telly in politics and the all through of the sack of Rome which has been described as an astute analysis of contemporary time in political culture under his goatee prefers a strong showing for Forza Italia receivers Cody s party and Lee the center right parties what happens if they make it across the 40 percent line then. Well at the moment it doesn t look like they would have in a siege to form a government by themselves and therefore they would need some help. Is also very significant the risk only is party at least according to projections we have put him a few points behind the anti immigration legal matter Fellini and that may be important in terms of who and driving a car so to speak if the center right ends up forming a government there risk only. Reinforces a kind of leader figure or king maker because he has to tend to lead interlocutor between the lead and other forces further toward the center. And he may be seen as a kind of guarantee for others or stability or terrier that government. But there are certain hard to see histories of this eternal victory although it is a kind of return for the from the dad for help so it s a lot better than where he was but in actual fact his own party 40 Charlier more than 10 percent fewer votes had in the last national election in 2013 it s really. Very very significant rises a leg that is pushing his center right coalition into a position of strength the other really important is the seeming. Exceptional shelling of the 5 Star Movement which likely is a protest movement and so this is definitely. A protest vote they were saying today and the parties that are more. Associated with the political establishment are those being punished. Only somewhat last and democratic probably d because a Democratic Party has been governing during the last. 5 years of the support of his career but there was her out in front and Taylor s responsible therefore most of the blame Paris Corney having been our tower for a while. Got a little bit less of a shrapnel. For any system but it does make you much more difficult Berlusconi headed governor doesn t if this election was a rejection of these tablets when he represented stablish might in many ways does of course of course persons also the fact that he legally unable to have a government because of a felony conviction for tax fraud is actually not able to be prime minister what he will certainly be is an important mediator in the garage Asians or is already beginning tomorrow on trying to form a government one of the things that will very interesting will be to see d to the present of the Republic Italy has a somewhat unusual system president probably. Something of a figurehead a little bit like a clean Britain except that he has an important role in terms of inviting a. Listen that person to try to form a government from one of the most interesting things we will see 1st is who has invited try to form a government does he. Decide to foster a movement having more laws in a single party to make a change or form a government or does he turn to those colleagues or me as has the largest coalition to try to form a government. That will be very interesting to see are you surprised about the demographic votes given that a lot of the younger people in into the understand the pessimistic about the future after decades of economic stagnation when the 5 star and establishment talk to you surprise in any way but. Learn. On him because to give you an idea. Back in the. Ninety s for our curlers disagree about whether Italy or the u.k. Had a larger economy Italy appeared to have actually caught up with or even overtaken terms of its g.d.p. . Since that time the last I looked. d for a 5 percent larger so it gives you an idea of how much Italy has fallen back its major European carriers and a whole generation of Italians and such for younger people particular. Something like 5 Italians now reside overseas tell percent of the other country has left the country 2000000 of the last 10 d years or so because they don t see prospects for the. Italy unemployment is still at 11 percent d unemployment in the thirty s and the sense of not having a feature is overwhelming feeling really a generation of Italians they ve lost face any judicial authorities d and of the 5 Star Movement which is the most kind of the system of the parties system a factor Professor thank you Professor legs on the stool there common sense from which I mean politics will throw the book the 2nd rug that s running space the USA Today newspaper for known all school related stuff is counted we have 3 pretty strong stories we re talking about the White House in chaos and how even the president joking about how things are not exactly running smoothly you know with all the staff changes and. Just everything that s going on in the White House the infighting and the. Surprise announcement about tariffs and you know the fact that his son in law can t get a security clearance and there s a lot going on but this isn t the 1st time the White House has been in crisis we ve in the last year we ve seen so many crises is the crises these times this time many was to before. Well they can t everybody who has been interviewed sort of puts it back to the way it was when the president was just 1st going last year and then you know General Kelly came in and as chief of staff and things sort of mellowed out for a while and now things have just kind of gone gone back to the way it was and a lot of people point to the fact that his staff secretary Rob Porter was sort of forced to resign after there were allegations that he had beaten his ex-wives and so he had been somebody who was in a key position to keep things running smoothly and now he s gone and then hope picks the communications director said she s leaving so there s just just a lot of turmoil going on right now of all of those different issues which is the ones you think impacts on the president the most because you d have thought that losing your communications director when he is such an ally Zoe picks is or was his campaign into charm as a whole previously would be a huge blow but then he s got this trade war emerging gold seemingly the preamble to trade war between Europe and the United States in what you say if he can get a security cameras for his son in law then you can he get security clearance from there well right and so we ll have to see who you know who succeeds Topix as communications director remember last time he switched communications director as we had the 10 days of Anthony Scaramucci. Was that was the turmoil in itself so we ll have to see who replaces hope Erickson she has announced exactly when she is leaving so that gives them a little bit of time I think to try to figure that situation down and then the situation with your commissioner and I know it s going to happen there I mean if he can t you know security clearance you know that limits what he can do in the White House and then there s also talk now about h.r. McMaster leaving as the national security adviser so it s just continual You know revolving door and the episode that you want to talk about sees about gun free school zones is this a president that is putting forward this idea is he rejecting it. Well he s the President Trump has been blasting the school saying that they shouldn t be gun free zones that that just makes them a target to these you know these people who want to come in and shoot up a school but he just totally doesn t our story says basically he just totally doesn t understand the concept the reason that these gun free zones were instant you know initiated in the 1st place is because kids were bringing them on to campus with you know gang affiliations and drug deals and this kind of thing and so what they did is they got rid of all again as with the exception of the armed police officer who was the resource officer for the school and because of that gun violence and violence among you know kids had gone way way down so he s kind of missing the whole point of why that that law was 1st in student in the 1st place and what about appearances they get in the point or missing the point what would they do with a proof of his schools the children went to school at gun free zones on I think so I mean they show that kids are much less anxious and worried about going to school if they know that than I have to worry about you know somebody who is having a bad you know some kind of a drug deal or something in the in the school whipping out a weapon so I think kids are happy to have and parents are happy not to have those guns in the schools and everybody understood that you know the police officers who were at the schools they do carry weapons but this idea of arming teachers and letting whoever wants to have a gun on a campus that s that s not something I know many parents are in favor of I can imagine that the irony is not lost in the United States which you can about schools and guns you know the they just seem to be juxtapositions. The chief should never come together seems to be. Beyond the pale. I now I m sure that a lot of people outside the United States look at us and think What on earth are they talking about. You know that s the reality in the shows the incline so you know organizations like the National Rifle Association where they absolutely do not want any infringement upon Gann rights whatsoever so that s you know that s just a big factor over here Karen servant of USA Today let s close now for the 1st time it s a Hollywood where our entertainment goes one calling Pattison is there on the big night for the movie industry good night and you ll be with us throughout the program calling given a subject so who s joining call of the on where is they re on their way to the Vanity Fair party you ve done in the pas you re next without it so you should do it again for us tonight but I d say the seventy s started just as we went on air who has won the 1st Oscar of the night for best supporting actor they cast a great best supporting actor and it has gone as we thought it would to Sam Rockwell for 3 billboards outside Epping Missouri in this film he plays a racist cop called Dixon who saw 6 redemption as the film goes on Sam Rockwell interesting Lee the Bafta during his acceptance speech described himself as a bit of a journeyman probably best known for films such as Moon director but Duncan Jones David Bowie s son Confessions of a Dangerous Mind that was George Clooney directed film and he was also in Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and what a story for him at the start his career he made money by working as an elevator operator and an intern for a private investigator now he is an Oscar winner on stage he Thanks everyone who s ever looked at a billboard So Dr Newman me and all the listeners we got thanks in the 1st acceptance speech. Well this role Dixie Chicks so seriously actually spent time with 2 cops in southern Missouri to try and get into the role he went to crystal meth day and with these cops spoke to burns victims because of what happens to him in the film and that s what the Academy likes and that s what s one of the all star the. Award of the night best supporting actor has gone to Sam Rockwell let s not forget the best of the men in the place to be is really those on Oscar night is Jimmy Kimmel tonight he does a very good rap diverse nation with Justin Timberlake because those who haven t seen his programs he s back presenting and clearly this is a significant year in Hollywood not least because one of the great Hollywood moguls now discredited r.v. Winced Weinstein triggered all the scandal around Hollywood Joe last year oh. Yeah we absolutely we ve just heard his opening monologue it lasted 10 minutes we wondered how we would mention Weinstein with his very 1st joke reference to end of last year s ceremony envelope gave he said this year when you hear your name called Can you just not get up right away give us some minutes. For that one he then said I m going to tell a story of never told before we before the last year s ceremony I was asked if I want to do comedy with the accountants I thought it was a terrible idea I said no it appears the accountants decided to do it without me then he paid tribute to the Oscar saying how Oscars is 90 this year he said of Oscars 90 he s probably home watching Fox News and then he said he started to move into talking about what you were referencing all the sexual harassment he said. The ideal man in Hollywood he keeps his hands where you can see them and he s got no penis I was surprised that word was allowed to be used on primetime American telly I m sure we can use it at this time on on up all night then he did start to talk about Harvey Weinstein he said even the mention of Harvey Weinstein you could hear almost the palpitations in the room and the way he did it was he didn t make a joke about Harvey Weinstein he said Harvey Weinstein was only the 2nd person ever to be expelled from the cademy and he mentioned the 1st Carmen Caribbean who he said was expelled from the academy in 2004 for showing screeners to his friends so he said Harvey Weinstein got exactly the same punishment as a man who lent Seabiscuit on v. H.s. To his neighbor it got a kind of my old laughter he had to tackle the subject he did it in that way and then he did go on to say we need to set an example. So women in the workplace can feel safe and then only have to deal with the with the horrors everywhere else they go and then made jokes about. Touched on the the advancement of women and black characters in the last year he said look at what s happened with with Black Panther and with Wonder Woman We re now in a world where we can have a superhero who s black or a superhero who s a woman he says I remember days where that was not acceptable like March last year and got huge a lot for that and then towards the end of his speech just and this was this is the best bet this is the best he said this is a long ceremony the only one lasted 15 minutes they still thought the opening Oscars were too long so I have a competition tonight and he s done this for real he said shortest speech at the Oscars tonight wins a speedboat a jet ski. A brand new jet ski and they peel back the curtain and there was Dame Helen Mirren draped over the chair ski and he has got a stopwatch and he says he s going to record every speech tonight whoever does the shortest gets the jet ski and also if it s a time Christopher Plummer gets to take it home. And hopefully whoever wins it has got an ocean view of the ocean Villar or whatever it is. I know talking about this is you ve seen the You have been speaking to the journalists who broke the story Ronan Farrow Here s what he said to you you know I m more interested to see how different the country is and this industry is and other industries are in self policing you know is this going to lead to legislation that has a lasting impact are we going to see a different culture around the kinds of professional meetings people take in Hollywood we re starting to see signs of change but there s still a long way to go what has to happen next you know I do think it has to be enshrined in legislation I think certain league. Systems that were deployed to shield Harvey Weinstein need to be really closely questioned things like the nondisclosure agreements that were used basically handcuff women to silence for this long. You know things like the payouts that kept this quiet for as long as they did things like the agree just use a private investigator to intimidate reporters I think that there is a lot that could change to make this better. Good times our movement came as a result of the fall of the ones doing. The. Women to be dressed in black on the red carpet for the Oscars but the No one know they were and they went for a color we heard in the last week that that would be happening they said there was no time to take the movement on and make the point elsewhere we will believe it will be referenced on stage during the ceremony however and then the where examples like Ashley Judd s arriving at the Oscars with Mira Sorvino there were 2 of the voices who started speaking to Ronan Farrow in fact speaking and raising allegations against Harvey Weinstein s of the arrive together as an act of solidarity so people were speaking about it on the red carpet rather than wearing it s going to just tell you we ve got our 1st British when Oscar night the 2nd category has just been announced its achievements in makeup and hair styling and it s gone to the team that turned Gary Oldman into church old Jackie star as one Britain its 1st Oscar of the night and I m delighted to say I managed to speak to Lisa big from the 3 person team at the British nominees party and I started off by asking just to talk through the whole process of how they went about turning Gary Oldman into and Churchill Sometimes we get up at 1 o clock in the morning have a 3 hour make up an hour before that and then data set for 12 hours and then we have an hour of daybreak another hour crap and then we drive time then we do the same thing I can then I say how long is Gary Oldman of the chair that he was at over about just over 3 hours. Every morning yeah every day you know just keep on and go to sleep I may say on Sundays when we take off it looks so look so good at the end of the day we were like oh maybe you could just sleep in this please how long are you spending your makeup last day so I reckon a couple of hours really as long as that yes probably as long as Gary signed the. Make up oh yes I like to like to debate get it right you know. I might be able to speak. I m looking of that word in additional they ll give you translation when I find it by the way calling Thank you for now will come back to Colleen in Hollywood the place to be tonight later on in the program and keep updated with he s just remind you got our 1st British winner of the day and surprised me I suppose it went to the people who turned Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill in the movie the stars in the darkest show was we waged. A columnist for a lot of headlines as Dana Campbell on digital on smartphones and tablets this is b.b.c. 5. Exit polls in Italy suggest the country s general election has produced a hung parliament the antiestablishment 5 Star Movement is projected to be the single largest party but it s expected to have fewer seats than the parties involved in a right wing coalition so Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical need a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed more on this in the sporting a moment thousands of homes are without water off to thawing temperatures caused burst pipes Thames Water says $12000.00 customers in London either have no main supply or are experiencing low pressure the Oscars are taking place in Hollywood the 1st when it was Sam Rockwell whose once Best Supporting Actor for his role in 3 billboards outside every Missouri and as you ve just heard there s been pretty success already as darkest hour won best hair and. Make up the D.C. s for it s own 5 life with the sports I m James Greg Olympic gold medalists a Bradley Wiggins in some amongst those named in a damning new report into doping in sports the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee highlights a number of failings at the top of both cycling and outlets 6 as Adam wild reports this little awaited report points to the use of certain drugs by the cyclists or Bradley Wiggins and his former team Team Sky The purpose of which the report claims was not always to treat medical needs but we improve performance not something both Team Sky and we gains strongly refute and also didn t break anti doping rules they did the report says cross the ethical line the chief executive of the f.a. Martin Glenn say Pep Guardiola should not swear a yellow ribbon because they don t want political symbols in football the man city manager has until 6 o clock tonight to respond to a charge for wearing the ribbon on the touchline which he ses is in support of imprisoned politicians in his native Catalonia with more sports news correspondent Richard Cohen why speaking on the issue for the 1st time Martin Glenn the F.A. s chief executive believes the ribbon is a political symbol saying where do you draw the line should we have someone with a Ukip badge someone with an ISIS badge that s why you have to be pretty tough that local regional national party organizations cannot use football shirts made while on the pitch city be Chelsea one else a pole 18 points clear at the top of the Premier League while still manage Alston vendor has all but written off getting into next season s Champions League via the Premier League his side a 13 points behind 4th place top them following that see one defeat at Brighton very difficult I think nearly impossible because he got too far behind and we need 2 teams to quit ups not want. To do more and I believe we have a different will resist to come to winning again on b.b.c. Sports understands Alan Pardew will. Remain as West Brom manager for another week despite his side falling further behind in their battle to avoid relegation the Baggies lost war nil it was fed yesterday however it s believed the club s owners noted the vast improvement in the team s performance England women had to come from behind twice to draw to wall with Germany in the she believes Cup in New Jersey it was after 2 defensive blunders led to the Germany goals England played the United States in their final match in the tournament early on Thursday morning Britain took that gold medal tally to 2 with the World Indoor Athletics Championships in Birmingham after Andrey palsy when the men 60 metres hurdles his teammate clock claimed bronze in the women s 800 meters and Great Britain s 4 by 400 women s relates were reinstated into the bronze medal position on appeal John Higgins is celebrating a record 5th Welsh Open sneak a title he beat Barry Hawkins 97 in the final just all the men and it has not sunk in yet really Ken in the next couple of days but to one of the tournament if it in I can tell you was. Yes beyond my wildest dreams really so. Yeah. And then golf Phil Mickelson has won the w.d.c. Mexico championship he beat fellow American just in Thomas in a playoff. The best Maestro change of direction. Monday night full from the Premier League it will be a sell her Crystal Palace against Manchester United Keiko 8 pm so nights a night of build up begins a 5 life foolish procession bases your full station 5 lines and 5 nice food extra across the u.k. This is b.b.c. 5 live up all night with Dawson at a buy out. Says no no. No no. No no this is in the us and no move. Made then soon. And you ll be. Every bit of nervousness is. Sound that s music to your hearing. Was. Let s. Let s go over the shares a welcome to the great 5 Live Oscars night film phoning Judy Garland there is no business like show business and just to prove that there really is no business like show business where inviting you to tell us what is the best performance the most memorable performance that you ever seen in a film from any time any performance in any film from any year much the most memorable 008-085-9096 extension 93 is a number to call if you d like to join in this conversation 808-590-9693 calls are free for mobiles and landlines are text is 85 o 58 that s our text number 85058 takes a charge of your standard message rate or you can e-mail up all night at b.b.c. Dog Kate up all night at b.b.c. Dog u.k. We re live all the way through to 4 30 am with the Oscars calling Pattison is in Tinseltown keeping us updated on all the winners tonight plus of course we have a critic who s old ways with us and us on Oscar night Lisa Johnson Mendell joining us from Los Angeles now Lisa good morning good morning to you here this is such an exciting night it is it is isn t it because this arguably is the night that the Oscars change forever. Well we can only hope well in terms of the fact that the Academy has been expanded now to include so many diverse people who get to vote on movies we definitely will have a diff different type of or a much more inclusive Oscars nominations Yes I m thinking it will be you can tell just from the nominees alone this is the most inclusive year ever and after 90 years I think it s about time we get it right because this is the 90th Annual Academy Awards Ok And obviously where we re talking for now Phil Vardy this warning about great performances there are some incredible ones and some of which are being voted on tonight of course performances by. Of all backgrounds of varieties. What Judy Garland was saying they re seeing in my resonate with lots of people listening to. The show people they smile when they are low is that I will be fried in Sanaa if they do win because mom as. Well you know everyone standard line is it s great just to be nominated and I think a lot of people feel that way there s some very young actors being nominated this year course to make the show I m a is the youngest and in something like 40 years and then Christopher Plummer of course is the oldest actor ever nominated and he s the reigning oldest actor ever to win the Academy Award so yeah it s kind of exciting there s some good things that are going to go into bigger and of course he owes his nomination to somebody whose name would not be mentioned in a favorable light in this year s Oscars doesn t mean. What are we are we talking about Winston Churchill now sick of Kevin Spacey. Own Kevin Spacey Christopher Plummer Ok Oh yes thank you sorry I. Don t know where my place is it s not your fault and you know that you know that it s so interesting because. He. He stepped in at the very last minute for Kevin Spacey everything and got me out of the Award nomination for it how is that did you see that so. Many in the world. Have Brive seen clips and I mean it really is yeah yeah yeah and the thing is he plays that he plays and very despicable character so despicable that you really hate him in this movie and you would ask to be a good actor to get that kind of a body. John Paul Getty is the. Some of us remember when he was still alive remember some of his comments basically when it came to his family in bailing his family or not bailing his family out of all sorts of issues just bear with me we ll get the latest from the from our correspondent there column at Pat s in which we just been which when it s just been announced going we had to win since we last spoke to you thought the best costume design went to Phantom threads the American market bridges Jack went around the Brit was nominated twice in that category for both beauty and the Beast and darkest hour but lost out to Phantom thread and Best Documentary Feature with our 1st shock of the night people thought it was going to be Agnes Fonda who at the age of $89.00 is older than the Oscars faces places was the favorite to win Best Documentary Feature but as it s been beaten by Icarus a documentary that actually includes the voice of p.b.c. Sport correspondent Richard Colm wait it s on Netflix I watched it before it came out and stuck human trait about a guy called Brian Fogle who s a cycling fan and decided to investigate how good could he get at cycling if he. Took the drugs that Lance Armstrong had to and he actually ends up contacting Russia for help with this and as he s dealing with that in real life the story breaks the Dr Gregory Road Schenkel one he s the guy who s helping him and then suddenly the documentary changes direction and he is focusing on Dr Gregory of a change as the government sponsored doping program in Russia unravels It s an extraordinary documentary anyone who s going on Netflix can watch it has to say it features news reports from Richard calm way of the b.b.c. He ll be asleep at the moment he s going to wake up and find out he s in an Oscar winning film as this may someday be waking him up even as we speak now Abu Ghraib. Will catch up with very shortly the. Subsequent categories a film found in this one is about most memorable performances in a movie we ve got Lisa Johnson Mendo with us the film critic in Los Angeles and we have Neil who is in dues Bree. With us as well what s your most memorable performance in a movie. The whole film Midnight Cowboy $969.00. Times just in Hoffman. All stars they are safe so there s a whole new thing Monica saying in the background and also in singing everybody s talking. Just 3 you know Joe John Boy places character Joe. Texas to New York to try to make it as. A start and I m saying to Justin often writes I read. That certain song miss the most unlikely sort of partnership. But that the hopes at the beginning they were dashed. Just a wonderful film that some may see in those like sixty s was sort of somehow I. Spoke of the era really in a New York Minute C.D. s. At that time. I know I know it s such a great movie release and new presses and it could mean however we re going to have to get him to choose one of those great performances you can have her. Lover How do you explain the to go for John Boy I think you know Dustin gets loads of clothes it s over the years but I think. Some boy. He sort of carried it really for me anyway and I love people partnering up I know it was just then but there are just so I mean I think it was the 1st film most 1st sort of major But there s but you know just I think John just just to show you. What your commission. Well I have to say I m on to Destine. They were her that is such a classic film and I think you know a lot of people haven t seen it by now it s you know several you know quite a few decades ago. It s totally It stands up to time and it s definitely worth another watch you know I m with you the new Because I think you re right most people just go for the dusting cards and the rat so character is the more kind of extrovert carrot say in a way it s again that character wise where it s the most kind of it s the carrot to is easy in a way to portray because it s something of a caricature Isn t it something that you know you have to show where is the Jon Voigt carriage is a much more subtle kind yeah maybe a greater performance. Well I think also the fact that Justin has done a lot more so Ming over the years than John flights I mean whether or not I make some strong points on the probably you know you re looking at the sort of numbers I might be 10 it probably a lot more than that but then Dustin it has to say seems to take in terms almost every year money spent 49 years you know it was 969. It s completely amazing and let s hear a little bit from it sorry. Oh yes he said gently he s busy winning any use for his television performances and Ray Donovan it s not quite the same thing but let s have a listen listen listen to what he sounded like 49 years ago Midnight Cowboy John Voight Dustin Hoffman. I hope we re not going to have a lot of trouble about my going down there but I mean what s the whole point is that the only way you know. If you re black it s on. Thinking this is guys running around the beach or something and it s going to splinter like and somebody yells Hey rats you know. What I sound like. Sounds like in there you. Sound like crap and. I recall all the time that. We got all these new people and it was legal. Ok. Dusting go all the lines but actually it takes sometimes more than the lines to to perform most memorably the if that makes any sense. Yes indeed it does some Sometimes the subtle performances are the best. But it doesn t work on radio obviously have not is well but yeah you re right Dustin Hoffman did have a flash or performance yet. But we have to say I guess that Jon Voigt performance was more refined more sad at all but no less intense both those are both a couple of great performances I m so glad that he brought those up yet Neil just out of interest why was the Jon Voight performance so memorable for you. Because he looked so fresh priced and he had so much optimism and he had the optimist against the Senate. Really those are the serious of the parts that play if you just played is at the end and it s when you know I m not doing a spoiler here I think people are for the same I m saying that you know when he dies in his arms on the couch and that s the tears coming out of this or spring it is now just thinking about it you know the little bit at the end we re. Going to might have a better life for themselves in the sunshine because I think that s got race housing wants to because he s got to eat a little bit less and he just started and this is so sad so sad because all the hard beginning you know I mean Joe goes to New York and. Thank you for kicking off the fire this morning no that was an excellent choice Neal in Dewsbury there was for him the most memorable performances John Voight in Midnight Cowboy what a film that was yeah so which is it for you which is the most memorable performance in movies any era any time whatsoever. 59096930 number if you d like to join in the conversation. Lisa is with us says she always is on Oscar night this is Lisa Johnson Mendell who s our critic from Los Angeles in the cemetery some of the other performances that people have been talking about Angela has gone for. 2 to 5 performances and I can understand the 1st one Vivian leaf Are Gone With The Wind Yeah. It will be me exactly exactly I wouldn t go of Vivien Leigh in a Streetcar Named Desire personally was not given me as well as. Oh oh you re breaking up you re breaking up you re breaking up. Hopefully we can you hear me you know we can you break it off for a moment yeah I was saying that it was if you only industry can name desire as well . Now you are breaking I will get you back we ll get you back on the phone line in a moment I would say anyway this is what Salinger says out a favorite performances that Vivien Leigh for governor when and then his prize for Kind Hearts and correlate was it did his price also lose added Simms I m a confusing that it s a brilliant brilliant multi performance but I m sure that is to simulate it in kind Hudson Konitz Well maybe Dennis Ross was in it as well on the subject of c p Rose was an earth a kid a fantastic Batwoman Yeah unforgettable was she she was Catwoman wasn t she was about woman she was Catwoman if a kid as I recall anyway Kind Regards has a parka. And if he had to choose one it was Vivienne Yeah yeah yeah go for that Malcolm you causes has been my favorite acting performance for movies Dennis Hopper from the movie Blue Velvet he was scary and there was no starring the late great Dennis Hopper love he guys shows regards as Malcolm thank you for that. After just watching shrek says Tony Lincoln for the umpteenth time I have to say the donkey is the perfect supporting actor the timing of the acidic retorts is comedy perform perfection just not sure if a cartoon figure qualifies for this so I know why no. Ok. Church Yeah oh so you re back with us i.e. Lisa. Ok Bill from Bromley says my nomination is an equal 1st James Ynys of Eden James in Iraq without cause that was the 1st thought that came to my mind though but I to sort of like distance myself from my personal feelings otherwise I had to declare an interest both performances still Rouse emotions even today 60 years after these films were made Yeah but if you had to choose one surely the performance of James Dean s life was giant wasn t the giant Yeah Ok. That s my thoughts in any case will feel free. My declaring an interest in these things it s all about your choices for great performances in the movies Liam Neeson Schindler s List. Oh I disagree the loss it s all hangs it would to me in the Oscars thank you very much for that appreciate it. Having said that what about. Mel Gibson in Braveheart is counting kill food. The Major tried to take on lies within never take our freedom speech particularly. His in Somerset. To tell me you re in your mid forty s m.l. Was a lot of Abbott thank yous is always interesting to know Christopher Reeve generated a permanent phobia she says of. Yeah yeah Ok. So we got a member of Bafta with us. Well you could say that done you could say I m a member I m actually a member of Bafta and I ve been the doing on the judges of the games panels for a couple of years but I m not as you know quite a member of Bafta So we re in a circle if you like I should show people who you are you had a I am and you re one of I suppose the prettiest those of a porno you call a star and I would I would except you have so little I heard you talking about Kind Hearts and Coronets which is one of my favorite films of all time Dennis Price was the it was Louis of course the years of the neglected member the task going family then takes it on upon himself to murder his wife. Of course and then like this was a disorder that was all of the impediment to save his career again is you know Alice is as we know things are just as well there are moments where he doesn t he does look like a bit like Alice to say I m thinking about the General for instance or maybe not because actually Lady Constance although cos I was the same did do quite a lot of work in the center in Ian s films where he was both brother and sister was known to come up with a character s name and know when you can remember I know this from so I wanted to have the problem would somebody going excuse is an age thing with me what is your view Margaret with you know we would know which is why would she do actually Margaret with noses Colin Firth in The King s Speech are as nice a day as an or some performer Chantelle you that from reduces me to tears I don t know what it is about the kings of late it s just got such a charge when we play some of it just so that we can see how do we really know what I want to go Cliff that would be good for anyone out and then of course new images to tears on radio. But it s this that quality of that sort of brittle performance he gives in Geoffrey Rush as. The Australian speech therapist who s one temporally or escapes me the character s name anyway but you have the problems remembering. Characters I remember the actor never the 2 together I m afraid to say that it s just lovely Helena Bonham Carter does really really well as the Duchess of York who then becomes the queen of course when when when when he took takes the crown off of his brother David in fact no mother yes the Tony Liverpool has joined in the bandwagon kind hearts incarnate So there is prize in it but there s always that a Guinness I thank you for that. Ok what I mean you could you could monkey with both ways I suspect with that one because Dennis Price is the thing it all revolves around an order like prices before we have a Guinness I beg your pardon all of his performances a bicycle these wonderfully they re little character studies they re almost like. The sort of the drawings of trying to back to sell Skaf. Does for just William not guilty well if you think of a good Lisa John Symond obit with us and asked urges. Yes I hear our great great great we got you back. From up all night with us as well he s a member of Bafta. Voting in the film section I don t. Know more impressive than you know I m a member of Charlton s after letting these fans club every kind I mean everybody says Cullum in Edinburgh. Did this work for you to think of this Calum it was his most memorable character and I have to agree here Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles fabulous performance in a film which despite its political incorrectness is a classic Yeah yeah the kid I think is yeah he s awake and business with the whole you know because that s handoffs that he s writing about this I was thinking of that I was thinking it s a great moment has an absolute right to be said Yeah I think she wants to let the other lefties and you know that Lee set your mood oh my gosh somebody great lines from Blazing Saddles How could you ever forget but you re spoilt for choice seemed Blazing Saddles because of course Cleaver little man has the sheriff is also quite a memorable character and then you ve got Mo Brooks himself is one of the great memorable characters in there and what s the Mongo you think is that I was I was thinking of the lady in the. Mirror Mary and I think can yeah yes he says she is girl and here she got there or whatever let s just place the same a very precisely Yeah it s not going to consider you showbusiness in cafe off the stage and I didn t like that one guy was a good line as you see we have to be careful not to confuse performances with great lines Olisa sometimes the lines are so you know that sometimes the lines are so great you think it was a great performance because you know you delivered the law in you know. To brutally or something like that this is the winter of our discontent you remember the line you think you wow such a great performance Roger you just made it was such a great learning. Yes And you know it s a shame though that comedic performances are always short change especially the cademy awards people don t give them the credit they re Do I think well comedy is the hardest thing to do is No I mean the really great comedians become really great tragedians whereas I probably said that wrong. There s the comic genius comic timing is often someone who can deliver some really really good dramatic performance and I was the guy Sam Rockwell I mean that character very billboards and manages to go from so. All the way through to he s got the all screwed tonight for best supporting actor we thought that was the right choice for you. Oh I definitely think so yes when I saw that film my eyes opened wide and I just thought Well Ok Oscar race is finished Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell for sure I was so you think. I got the Oscar for best actor then yes I actually put money on that Ok Ok I m not a betting man but you ve won half your stake already haven t you Sam Rockwell. Lofty him Paul in Dorset says Jack Nicholson a few good men I m a fan of new calls out of all these films he s so believable in a few good men I eat breakfast a few yards from 400 humans trained to kill me. Oh 085.

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Transcripts for BBC Newcastle BBC Newcastle 20180305 030000

Character is quite a challenge. I think you know him he would never get go he would never have mail from. The past March this c.b.c. 5 should go Good morning this is. The main news on 5 Live there s been British success. And in sports a damning report say that Britain s most decorated Olympian used drugs to enhance his performance this is b.b.c. 5. News on 5 Dana Campbell Disney s Coco has won Best Animated Feature Film at the Oscars the awards are being given out overnight in Hollywood Sam Rockwell won Best Supporting Actor for his role in 3 billboards outside ebing Missouri and Allison Janney was named Best Supporting Actress for playing ice skater Tonya Hardings mom in Tonja Here s our entertainment correspondent Colleen Patterson just won 7 primetime Emmys in the past mainly for the West Wing also for mom or c.b.s. Sitcom I would cheer but this was quite a role one of the most evil moments you re ever going to see in cinema history wearing a raccoon coat with a bird on her shoulder and doing and the thing to grab the attention away from her from her daughter but his films darkest hour and Dunkirk of also been among the early when I was in categories for hair and makeup sound and film editing so Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical need a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed exit polls suggest there s no outright winner of Italy s general election the anti-establishment 5 Star Movement is projected to be the single largest party and water Bresson Ellie is a lecturer in European politics at King s College London if you re just going to hire the host our movement the Norton the and the brother sweetly we re really on the extreme right of the policy spectral they are the majority. With a group our former government that s difficult to say but certainly a majority of Italians have voted for European or at least euro skeptic partners charities will meet the government today to discuss plans to establish a new independent watchdog for the sector the conference has been organized to try to restore trust in aid agencies following the sexual exploitation scandal people in parts of southeast England are being asked to avoid all but essential use of water Thames Water says supplies are running low after lots of pipes burst following the freezing weather Rosie Seeley from south London has been out without water for more than 24 hours it s frustrating for us but also those care homes nearby who are out of water I ve seen on Twitter people have been sort of voluntary and to live. In today s more vulnerable it just seems like there isn t an end in sight at the moment we just want some information on when we might get some more sit back to reason may well set out proposals later aimed at tackling the housing shortage the prime minister will warn developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise Council say they re not to blame for delays in building houses Martin tete is from the Local Government Association Council who already approved 9 out of 10 planning applications for housing we are very committed to working with the go but deliver the elss the country needs Well one of the big problems is the council don t actually build houses themselves we approve the permission it s up to the developers to actually build the house energy firms will be able to back date gas and electricity bills further than 12 months as part of new rules being brought in by the regulator off Jim says it receives 10000 complaints year about the problems now with James Craig according to the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee the country s most decorated Olympian cyclists said Bradley Wiggins crossed the ethical line by using drugs to enhance performance instead of just the medical need we can say his former employers Team Sky strongly refute that. Lines the M.P. s also say they were shocked at the use of a drug given to fire and 2014 the f.a. Chief executive Martin Glenn is adamant that Pat Guardiola is displaying a political symbol by choosing to wear a yellow ribbon the Manchester City manager who wears the ribbon at games is said he s in support of political prisoners in Catalonia has until 6 pm tonight to respond to an f.a. Charge Man City are now 18 points clear they were the top of the Premier League that s after beating champions Chelsea Meanwhile still felt their 4th straight defeat their last 2 goals to one Brighton putting more pressure on manager and Van Gogh England women s manager Phil Neville say his team heading in the right direction following that all draw against Jimmy in the she believes cup and John Higgins has become the 1st player to win 5 Welsh Open cycles with a 97 victory over Barry Hawkins in Cardiff this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital online the smartphone and tablet on the Web The rain sleet and snow will move into the North East of England and Scotland will affect some western parts of the u.k. Patchy mist and fog is expected from any to do in your base in response of around 7100 guys to 6 organize an impromptu cold around the office 160 in the making of the team. And every step counts in the nation s 1000000000 steps challenge get the school relief get stepping up and start raising money today find out more at the b.b.c. Don t you Kate really you re listening to $5.00 lives Oscar special entertainment correspondent coming Patterson at the Oscars will bring you news of any winners and important winners from the Academy Awards in Los Angeles and out in Los Angeles. Regular correspondent Lisa Johnson manned up here to talk about your choices for great performances in the movies as well. Tried film phone and what s the great performer. Memorable performance in a movie for you 080-859-0969 extension 3 still got time to join in. Yeah hang on a 2nd will come to call in patches and in Los Angeles right now what s happening there I bring you news of a 2nd British Oscar victory. Visual effects has gone to Blade Runner and the team includes the Brits polearm bards who works for double negative a British companies known for such films as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and tranny does the visual effects if you ve seen Blade Runner This is a film which really really relied on special effects they created these amazing environments all those miniatures they put a digital Sean Young s head on a body double and this team also includes John Nelson who won for Gladiator So there we have it s our 2nd British Oscar of the knights because we d make up and hairstyling our own with Lucy civic and David winning for darkest hour turning Churchill Gary Oldman into Churchill and no we ve won one for visual effects. Other wards have just been announced recently film editing has gone to Dunkirk that is 3 awards for dung Kirk so far it is cleaning up in what they call the below the line categories and also we didn t mention Best Foreign Language What a result for chilly chilly has won its 1st ever Oscar for a fantastic woman. Down the playing trans woman who s a singer and a waitress and after a night celebrating her birthday have partner dies and it s all about the aftermath that follows in fact. It was actually on stage presenting an Oscar as well as the cademy wanting to show diversity. The transactor from Chile up there and now that film she stars in a fantastic woman is one Best Foreign Language Film We are 13 awards into the Oscars 11 to go to British ones so Chile gets in awards the nothing for Nigeria. You know. How one there must have been a Nigerian Osco and there s a good us actually do you know Nigerian also winners in this not only would I have you know it s one of the biggest film industries in the world so it would have been surprising if it had been I m just saying now you never know if you ve never seen if you ve never seen a Nollywood film what s the one to start with a good question I ll tell you next year Ok. Well Nigeria where oh well baby cause I like baby Cause baby I thought that s a good bye baby cause there you have it as best I can to see when I remember that Jimmy Kimmel in the moment by the way is walking through the audience throwing popcorn absolutely everywhere. We go into the neighboring Center he s got into a neighboring cinema where they were launching the Oscars and taken some of the stars with them so this is members of the public getting getting to meet him that s a nice touch isn t that was nice touch always brought some of the stars through as well as ever they did this last year with one of the the bus tours of Hollywood stopping off yeah I says it brought the people on the bus tour inside so that s this is this years ago I think it must be a cinema just down the street and. Chinese the Chinese government theater the one with all the hand prints NASA is watching the Oscars so I was absolutely. Right but a camel is running around giving out food to the people watching and they re going up salute the crazy you know what I remember from a Chinese group is that the smallest handprint was one of those oh really sort of old time movie stars a woman who is like a tiny little girl who I am for it was you know him and you know Lisa. He said John Symond do you know who I m talking about outside the Chinese. Room and I think you might be you might be thinking it might be a cow bear when they said everybody got right when they were ready to hear that was it Mary Pickford think you know it needs Hi Lou hands. Can t believe it is that little Joe I don t know why he gets a sorry sorry calling. Because he s been one lovely bit of movie history they ve been replaying at this Oscars as in 1000 been trying to bring back some names in the past we ve had even Marie songs been on stage and they also brought on at the age of 86 written Moran know who won Best Supporting Actress in 1962 for playing Anita in West Side Story when she came on stage and said I m wearing the same guy I wore that night like my Osca There she is wearing it all those years later I was. Asked this is a great wind blown away that it still thinks there will. Be good for good for it will catch it relates appreciate it thanks very much straight on Paul in Barry s putting Barry s with us into your most memorable Oh yeah I ll go for that I ll go for that which is your most memorable performance in the movies I mean thank you actually change our function just slows. A lot when I chose was. Large silly and interesting. Races Yeah it was war propaganda you know that. I didn t know it was made in inside it was made after the war. Because it was I think it was made about 1940 and it was to rally the troops in and 945 is later than I don t know Steffi during the will is deaf and during the war. For I m being told my 4444 generated some. Leader when I did some stage performances with Shakespeare says so they didn t I wasn t really. I don t know about. Things nobody was serious try to invoke some sort of you know. But the guys who were just about to go over and detail Thank You can really work I don t know when when when we would have one from able to film Yeah but the movie is I mean the film is based upon Shakespeare is sort of. Sense of trying to rally the troops on behalf of Elizabeth the 1st in any case isn t it because it s not necessarily historical fact. The way what better way to rouse the troops is a cry god every England God s whatever it was George Yes enjoys I was one thank you thank you thank you for going to import one What was it memorable the wisest member Bill well. I like kind of Shakespearean down in the old school isn t it really. And I don t understand the whole mess will be looked upon in the same way these days as it was spent. On by bombastic but I know. It is. Just the way it should be done I mean it s quite. An astounding piece of writing and I like the way that the sums crafted as well he did the direction that. It starts off in the globe. Gradually works away from a necessity to reality and you get some iconic moments of cinema history but. To me this one. You get most of old English does as well like in the film you ve got. Newton playing Crystal. And they play he plays it in the same way that he played. You know the pirates. Long John Silver s did me yeah but he was fantastic eye to the. Actual action and I like the way that he has accomplished things especially in the music is in the music William open is. And so nice music was just as the back of the skull touches soft lips and. Going off to war pistol and his 2 friends. And the death of fall stuff when you ve got the woman is just so on a boy s dime body. And you ve got the battle scene where the French nice. Moan down by the English longbowmen. You know this is really good some of there are there are parts of it that get a bit. Well actually in this part of it is quite silly to name the space where it translates into it s a French you know you re there is some French in the play. Has been Johnson told us Shakespeare was a very good Greek and only slightly better in Latin so I could imagine his French was the best there s not a lot of great acts in the. Old English actors like Mike s Adrian and. Jan and. Even Sammy losses John Laurie John Lawrence and. The 7 this is over again in Pennsylvania. Has. As Harry the 5th. And comes. Tiptoe when this day is named. The name of crispy and. He that. Day. On the feast his neighbor. Crispy. Then when he. Showed his scars and. I had on Crispin. Men forget that all shall be forgotten but he remembered the advantages what feats he did that day then shall our names from his mouth as household words how did the King. Live control but souls but I got the end else knowing cops freshmen him but he s still a good man teach and Crispin. Go by this to the. Fact we end it shall be remembered. We ve few we happy few. Today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother some peace and gentlemen in England now I believe it think themselves it even if you. Didn t cheat why do you speak to that but. I don t seem to be. Nobody does it like old Larry Livia. Remember it because it has to be I am big and pentameter good as. Memorable for you. Well I hear I actually like to tell a brother. Thank you Lady No You know actually it is here I do think I did good but interesting me and by the way Paul phase of her book interestingly enough what pull says you have to think about that 1st before you get to Kenneth Branagh because or other performances of every the 5th are based on that. But that Laurence Olivier caught on film they are both so there and slightly I know he does is slightly differently but essentially it s based upon that surely it is in particular with the passion about sin Crispin s Day then and rising to the crescendo where we re which is not apparent necessarily from the tags I think it s based on that you know much of you can separate the 2. Well I think for Laurence Olivier s it is a very very theatrical Yeah. I feel a period where it is more cinematic if you will remember he updated it with gee you know like boys my horses my kingdom for a horse what is it you got car no no no that s Richard the 3rd Miles Miles marking them from. The same German. Slightly different. Back to them Ok Just just just just bear with me just bear with me some more developments in Hollywood because the only purpose is there for us because a British win is this time Conan this is one that means a lot to me it s the silent child has won Best Short Film I ve been following this story since last December 2 Hollyoaks actors are now Oscar winners Rachel Shenton and Chris over to ring the Channel 4 soap opera last decade Rachel Shenton father had chemotherapy one profoundly deaf when she was just 12 years old she died 2 years later she learned sign language as a tribute to him so when she grew up she was always said she became a qualified sign language interpreter and her boyfriend Chris who used to be in Hollyoaks said listen you should write a film about this you care about this so much and she wrote the short film The silent child and the message of the film is that 78 percent of profoundly deaf children have to go to school with absolutely no supports the star of the film is Maisie slyness She s 6 years old she is from Swindon and she is profoundly deaf and they have taken her I was to go and taken her to the Oscars I ve been following them around in Hollywood and I took them up to the Hollywood sign and we had them on the 5 Live program there in their limousine with they said it wasn t a limousine it was just a taxi on the way to the Oscars or a joyful story this is a 6 year old only deaf girl from Swindon. Has no starred in an Oscar winning film you can forget you can have all your big Oscar moments you re going to crying in stage but this is one of these really heartwarming stories Darton that Rachel Shenton Chris Overton Oscar winners and a 6 year old girl as from Swindon is in the audience tonight. At the Dolby Theater at the Oscars and there she is starred in an Oscar winning film. And I have followed all your reports on her and the film as well thank you from. There will go to later and Lisa just I m sure you ve heard about this child and we were all here . L 5 Live really hoping they would do well and it s done well it s won an Oscar it can get better than that can it. No And you know that was that was like Eric Abetz sure yeah it was that was just an amazing talent was so moving I m really quite tell it was. A motion of you know Jeff you ve got to with acid need to it Wells Q Which is the most memorable performance in movies for you good morning Jonathan Good morning Lisa for me it s good morning we re going back in time now a nice Mr Mr Trump s favorite film Citizen Kane Oh yes picture telling Oh. Yeah now the thing about this film to my mind is that not only is the film itself very memorable for all sorts of ways but it s the political intrigue that surrounded it it would have gotten Oscar not here I can t remember the film The did get it but it would have got the Oscar that because of the that the film was so closely based on on the life of William Randolph Hearst that he was able to exert political pressure on our kayo to to to to basically don t grade the film so that it did not get that Oscar and thought that was the top thought was the the the crux of it and for me that the 2 characters obviously Welles but but Joseph Kaufman who played soccer. Those Toland Yeah. The newspaper editor a long with Cain on the seeing where after the election Will Cain of the last election and they meet together and and. Toland has gone out and got drunk and they meet in these fancy being there where they have a knot confrontation between all of them and the lying in some of the lines Everitt Sloan s line for example when he s been interviewed when they re trying to find out what what this they have they re searching for this rose Bernanke they want to know what Rose Yes and at the end of it. Sloan comes out with are got nothing but time old age is the only disease where you don t look forward to the kill I thought that was a wonderful line in the other wonderful line in that a very short I think it would be fun to run a newspaper. I think that was a. Wonderful line. And another thing that many people may not know was that the original my trade print was deliberately burnt in the early fifties but most of the later was a 2nd print that had been discovered and it s thanks to this that we were able to enjoy the film today. And Dorothy coming most rollerskating is 1st wife in the music lessons scene is memorable when the teacher in despair over the appalling quality Her voice comes out with a line of Mr Cain all be off and start what will people think Wells comes back with a member of the line lot I tell them to say Yes yes I m on a couple of years papers I m somewhat of an expert on what people think and it s none of those but Mr Cain Oh can I persuade you your current. Line it s it s such a wonderful film and it s so well put together. And at least obviously you know the food very well have you got any questions gov good a burning question asked of cool a gale about this do you have any questions about cause he s going for the choice of Joseph Corson in the road Jedidiah Lila driver yes then the it what you know you d think that most people would go fools to Wells or has had as Charles was to carry in his being the most memorable character do you have a question for Guinness will. I m wondering about that Richard you remember Agnes Morehead Yeah I remember her role is that us wonderful absolutely wonderful and you know it was obvious the way things were going to know Agnes Morehead always got mixed up with her and who was the singer know to always he come coming goal post was the 1st wife and she said it was supposed to be the daughter of the president was in jail the niece of the s.s. And yes you know I did States but no it was it was out in a small head then was the that s right that the small head was was was the 1st wife wasn t she and it was dollars The company will marry Cain this that s right the so-called opera singer. Yes yes. Yeah there were there were some strong female performances in that you know but there was such and such a wonderful film and I watched it again recently and it still holds up. Till recently really interesting film to me it is really one of the great think it would be fun to run a newspaper. And you know. I m still you know in way as well as his character also well plays his characters more bombastic I think was a word the caller earlier used where is Joseph Cotton s character is perhaps a little bit under play yes but he was the corruption of power Wells personified out so well didn t he in not film but if the supporting actor which you could argue judge of course and was. Has to under play his role and yet he s more memorable than the lead actor he s much more bombastic than you think well he s a brilliant actor. Actor even sanatorium where you know can you get me a couple of cigars they d be speed Yes I think if i keep me alive it was. Because it s like Amadeus in that respect that they re speaking to him after the fact you know and he s in the Senate Sorabjee member Salieri in I m a day is the speaking to him I don t doubt my don t forget about $977.00 for myself . Don t worry. The day is for me I have a day this is still available at the national affairs if you can get to London I think is still uncertain if he hasn t come to the end of its run and we thank you very much I appreciate that good one Richard innocence is with us as well good morning Richard morning Don good morning later and. Ranged. From performance one thing just came into my head it s over stick with that one and that was Perry Swank. 1000000 Dollar Baby. And the cinema Oh moon just like it is a short real life if you know what I mean he forgot you were watching a film it s not you looking through a window. And it really blew me away I thought you know I m going to be a kind of watch film but box it is so tough so film I m sorry star Axel to see what the end of that film would have made him that was so emotional and it wasn t full of this kind of say well on a film and Lisa you re obviously very emotional when Richard made generis ground so I think did a $1000000.00 baby. Yeah well you know that s it s it s such a wonderful film but it s one that doesn t get singled out a lot you know I think people you know think back and great and of course if you can Hilary Swank with an Academy Award for her performance. You know she will be surprised. I haven t even seen the film I think you can see is it conveys with a. He was in it as well as the Pokes Yes he s a fine a grizzled old it refines and he really didn t sign a. As yet she did win a patent she did win for that role she did win the Oscar for men. A lot of good performances in that Margo Martindale to my goodness she was she was amazing in that we sigh Anthony Mackie for that was that was one of his 1st films so many good performances and of course Morgan Freeman. He s always find there was a reality that was he s a voice of God is a really. Was machine going to cruise right. Yes Yes But what s interesting is is Clint Eastwood is notorious for not working with his directors very much any of these actors very much he just lets them go he lets them do their thing he s famous for like Woody Allen just sort of casting the right people and then letting him go for it so it s it s very interesting that there were so many memorable performances in it I think that s a testimony to the skill of the actors it is a good to not. Let you do the thing. Well it depends a lot depends on the casting. Is his latest film that would hit $1517.00 Paris. What about the terrorist on the train with that the u.s. Servicemen overpowered and. That was a big mistake not helping the actors on that one of course because they it in your professional actors so yeah you get your you know your people. It all depends on the actors that s for sure it depends on the casting because. Cate Blanchett has won the Academy Awards So what do you know until. You know if it s a great actor they don t need much direction yeah in Hong Kong has given Robin new chin a 2nd mention vagina he says most memorable character or at least greatest performance because he built the most who carries her from my youth through 3 many decades Roman needs him as well if you have to ask has he said pieces of value pieces or. I do not know x. Met x. Marks the spot Long John Silver a. Rubbing And is your right shoulder long johns so far no I ve actually could possibly do it like Robert Newton. Is. The Godfather says John The Godfather one is gone for ever that old Martin Sheen in Apocalypse one. Clips and now sorry I said what the. Call is go for this to see him but in green for danger or how about Alan Ladd and Shane or John Wayne in the searches Ned between deliverance Thanks for all the great Oscar shows you can thank you Jake because go fancy Perkins is psycho and or John Hurt as the Elephant Man which is more memorable for you Lisa. Perkins is psycho join her for men. Oh well all I have to say I think I think the better performance is John Hurt an elephant man but. No one could ever forget Anthony Perkins I think. Possibly more memorable. Became a cultural phenomenon I m glad you made the distinction between better memorable that s what we re looking for tonight memorable performances feel free to join is your most memorable 808-590-9693 pick of give us a call but 1st just got the latest 5 headlines his debut Campbell home digital online smartphone and tablet this is b.b.c. 5 live as we ve just been hearing Hollywood stars Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton have won the Best Live Action Short Film Oscar for the silent child Disney s Coco won Best Animated Feature Film some Rockwell and Allison Janney won the Supporting Actor and Actress awards M.P. s have accused said Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky of crossing an ethical line in the way they used drugs a Commons committee says drugs were used within anti doping rules to enhance the performance of cyclists rather than solely for medical reasons more in sport in a moment exit polls in Italy s general election suggest a hung parliament the anti-establishment 5 Star Movement looks likely to be the largest single party reason I will set out proposals later aimed at tackling the housing shortage the prime minister will warn developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise. For its own 5 life Olympic gold medalists a Bradley Wiggins and some O Farrell amongst those named in a damning new report into doping in sports the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee highlights a number of failings at the top of both cycling and outlets 6 as Adam wild reports the slow awaited report points to the use of certain drugs in the cyclists a Bradley Wiggins and his former team Team Sky The purpose of which the report claims was not always. To treat medical needs but we improve performance not something both Team Sky and we gains strongly refute and also didn t break anti doping rules they did the report says cross the ethical Lloyd the chief executive of the f.s.a. . Pep Guardiola should not swear a yellow ribbon because they don t want political symbols in football the man city manager has until 6 o clock tonight to respond to a charge for wearing the ribbon on the touchline which he ses is in support of imprisoned politicians in his native Catalonia with more sports news correspondent Richard Cohen why speaking on the issue for the 1st time Martin Glenn the F.A. s chief executive believes the ribbon is a political symbol saying where do you draw the line should we have someone with a Ukip bodge someone with an ISIS badge that s why you have to be pretty tough that local regional national party organizations cannot use football shirts Meanwhile on the pitch city be Chelsea one nil to pull 18 points clear at the top of the Premier League while still manage also invent as all but written off getting into next season s Champions League via the Premier League his side a 13 points behind 4th place top them following that see one defeat at Brighton very difficult I think nearly impossible because you got to fall behind and you need 2 teams to quit ups not want. To do more and I believe you have different were reasons to come to winning again b.b.c. Sports understands Alan Pardew will remain as West Brom manager for another week despite his side falling further behind in their battle to avoid relegation the Baggies last warning what Fed yesterday however it s believed the club s owners noted the vast improvement in the team s performance England women had to come from behind twice to draw to war with Germany in the she believes Cup in New Jersey it was after 2 defensive blunders led to the Germany goals England play the United States in their final match in the tournament early on Thursday morning Britain took the gold medal tally to 2 with the World Indoor Athletics Championships in Birmingham after and. When the men 60 metres hurdles his teammates clock claim bronze in the women s 800 meters Great Britain s 4 by 400 women s relate seem were reinstated into the bronze medal position on appeal John Higgins is celebrating a record 5th Welsh Open sneaker title he beat Barry Hawkins 97 in the final just all the men and it s not sunk in yet Ken in the next couple of days but to one of the tournament said Iran can tables. Yes beyond my wildest dreams really so. Yeah. And then golf Phil Mickelson has won the w.d.c. Mexico championship he beat fellow American just in Thomas in a playoff the best Mysore change American. Monday night from the Premier League it will be at Selhurst Crystal Palace against Manchester United Keiko 8 pm so nights in the build up begins in 5 life schools through Saturday this is your local stations 99 and 5 extra 1st for news and the best law school this is b.b.c. 5. 8. Patterson in Tinseltown at the Oscars because there s been more British retreat. Not a British one but James Ivory of mentions Ivory who people often think is British but he s actually American you know he s the guy who directed a room with a view I would send the railing the day English. And I ve always thought he was British as well he s American Even so he s British He s at the age of 89 he has just won his 1st Oscar for call me by your name it s for the 1st screenplay since I . First Oscar and the amazing thing Doc He is older than the Oscars he was born in 1928 the 1st Oscars were held in May 929 we have someone who is older than the Oscars has won at the 90th people know him for his relationship with his male merchant who is his professional and romantic partner lasted 44 years until he died in 2005 but yeah those films room with a few words and Helena Bonham Carter always seem to be in the mall they were the ones that people associate with them but no on stage we have a moment Dalton we have Jordan Peele winning Best Original Screenplay for get out I ve been talking on 5 Live has there s been a momentum for this film in the last few weeks this black horror movie that cost 4 and a half 1000000 pounds and to a quarter of a $1000000000.00 around the planet it s not your normal Oscar winning film it has just won Best Original Screenplay every Best Picture has won a screenwriting award since the artist back in 2011 because it was a silent film so it didn t win it every year since to where it is almost like the semifinals the adapted and original screenplays adaptors going to call me by your name look at the nose film that we re seeing James Ivory adapted it s a love story set in Italy 2 guys falling in love over and over a summer beautiful film and now we have best original screenplay going to get out it has a real shot of winning Best Picture at the Oscars we re going to find out about $430.00 people. Still thinking is going to shake the water but that is a big big moment for get out and if it does one best picture I will come back and say that was the moment when we started to realize it had a real chance Jordan Peele 39 years old the black American comedian who came through mad t.v. . Comedy Central Key and Peele with his comedy sketch show spent 8 years writing this film he s he says the Get Out is a sort homage to the likes of Rosemary s Baby The Shining he paid tribute to the film Silence Of The Lambs one of his favorite films he says Nightmare on Elm Street for not the 1st 3 Nightmare on Elm Street 4 is his favorite film and he wanted to write a black horror film because he said when he was growing up that you were as he said used to always think of the comedy sketch where he says if you re black and you re going to be one of the 1st people to exactly what he said he wanted to change that so he made a black movie and I don t it has a real in the real chance. In the Eddie Murphy movie says look this explains to me why when white people go. Why do they stay in the because if it was a bright they d be a voice say. They would get their way we have got a clip from get out. There for how. I m going to. Research apparently. It is man. That s what it s like. Yes you like Jordan peels description off the film he describes get out as Guess Who s Coming to Dinner meets The Stepford Wives makes Rosemary s Baby Meets the help. Ok we get it and thanks for that call it will come and see you later on as well is that even those who don t know get out had a different ending but then when they tested it with audiences the audiences didn t like the ending so they changed the ending but I m not going to do with the ending is because at the end of the day it would ruin the end of the film for you and only Iran. Colleen did tell us a genuine British when the Oscars silent child and this is the movie the colonies been following be filmmakers around not just the filmmakers one of the stars as well. As 6 year old Maisie sly the young actress who s in the film and Rachel Shenton who wrote and starred in the film which has just won an Oscar for live action short film has an interview well it s very difficult. To dream you know it really is. No lucky to have. The biggest stage in the world and Chris I ve had lucky enough to follow your story since last year when it 1st became apparent you might have a chance of being nominated but for people who don t know just explain what the silent child is all about it s. About a deaf child born into a hearing. Struggle to communicate with a social worker comes into the story and teaches at a Gift of Communication and Chris it s got a star who is 6 years old profoundly deaf and from Swindon just called Maisie sly sticks plane how much of a star this young girl as she s one of the most credible people on that and she s so brilliant and she s getting right by me in the car on the right they are very very emotional you know if you. Represent if you know many children across the world we re headed right now and. You re in the limo on your way to the Oscars right now. Limbo. You know because we ve got to get up on the ground always. Keep us the phone over to Rachel and know she s with you says Rachel said I willing to be a road all the best Chris this is a regular guy oh this is Rachel senses and starts in the silence child and Rachel this is such an important story to you briefly explain the family background which made you want to write the spill. My God and leave the last 2 years of his life profoundly deaf and might have been very close my eyes that night and I thought. That was in the family and I m like is the impulse and then find language in them I ve been involved in the deaf means you have a sense that this is very personal. You could get out there on the stage collect the all scar I take it you would do some sign language if you were up there oh my goodness well I have you know I think because I promised my I would say I ve got you know I ve got no choice yeah. I love the idea of you Christian Mazie an account driving through l.a. On your way to the Oscars just describe your outfits and what Maisie went for the and what if you ve gone for Rachael I m wearing a dress by Suzanne Malveaux she s very kindly made to me. Maybe has a little just tight little 7. As well in fact you know obviously all of us by hacking how she brought a cuddly toy to the Oscars. No he hasn t but he does have lots of that when I m back. At least when you re on the red carpet how much fun you re going to have on it was as Maisie going to be happy to do interviews on there how she s feeling. We don t know at the moment she s promised a cucumber and she says you know she s not the person I do but I guess we ll see I get it I have a favorite among some of the we all. If you could can you very quickly just sign to Maisie ask her how she s feeling and tell us what she says back. Ok Well we just have in that. This is amazing the fact that I m really excited. Yeah that was racial Shenton he wrote and starred in the film we also heard in the beginning of the interview with Colleen Kris Overton who is the director of assigning child which has won an Oscar for live action short film so let s continue our phone in Lisa Johnson Mendo is in Los Angeles a film critic who is with us the question I ask you is about your most memorable performances in a movie which is it which is most memorable that quite a few here these have had Billy Wells going for Bruce Willis in Die Hard maybe not so surprising and marking County Down has gone for and I m surprised nobody else has merged this before Robert Deniro Chavis Bickle in Taxi Driver. Is it is most memorable of many memorable roles would you say. I think so I think so I think I ve been looking in the mirror and saying You re talking maybe you re talking that maybe yeah. Yeah yeah but then nobody will forget that but then so many great roles earlier in his career and lately oh my gosh. Indeed somebody was but he just made some good choices. For Jackie Brown was a pretty good choice but yeah meat and I ll say the word carefully fork is was. Not the best choice in his career but still. You may not know this for pizza sellers in a very quick he said she British film about trade unionism cool I m all right Jack you know that one. You know like yellow but I love Peter Sellers in so many especially in me this is Graham in Manchester this is gone for I just remember one scene I m alright Jack because he s the union leader he s a trade union leader and I think there s one scene where either he or some other trade union member is sitting you know in a gentlemen s lavatory reading a newspaper because you know they shirking for work as was the prejudice against union workers in those days. Oh yeah there s some controversy here some support for you Lisa against me Dorothy who says her love says Kenneth Brown is Henry the 5th was the best rendering of it very different. So I ll keep my own counsel on that one and. In other words all shut up peach Oh Chile Lawrence of Arabia again other people have gone for that but not for the 1st time we heard tonight some is going to be true to Lawrence of Arabia Martin in London is going for Again this is one of those under played performances and yet it resonates so much and I wonder whether it s peach road saw in those glistening blue eyes. With the backdrop of a desolate desert or is it the actual performers it doesn t. You know I think it s what he does with those listening to a life I mean you know granted he has the he has gorgeous eyes but I when I think of that performance that s what I think of I think if you can convey sparkle or sorrow just with your eyes you know you could watch that film with no sound and you would still pretty much know what was going on I think that s an amazing talent a change in Ridgewood is going for Joel Grey is the I m seeing cabaret does a movie Goliaths definitely Oh and that was it that was a performance ahead of its time to that was really phenomenal Arisia in Glasgow s go for Harry Dean Stanton and anything he s done. Oh what a great actor he is he s put a character actor though but boy he s amazing he did other one of those actors that plays he plays bad characters very good. Point to the Birmingham is going for one of the performances I knew she thought of the muscle. This is over the top. And we pull says My most memorable performance has to be Daniel Day Lewis said There Will Be Blood It s a tour de force acting Masa cos it is no wonder he won the 2nd best actor Oscar award for. Hold on one second our hero forces hold on Lisa because Gone are the bridges we ve had the Oscars gone in as a Brit this time Dalton And it s one of the greats of British cinema has won Best Cinematography at the 14th attempt Roger Deakins from torquey is one of the greats of pretty cinema never won an Oscar he was 1st nominated 23 years ago for the Shawshank Redemption and tonight he s got his redemption he s done all those conned Brothers movies over the years he did the likes of Fargo No Country for Old Man and True Grit but tonight he is one for Blade Runner 2049 a film is doing very well in what we call the below the line categories so that is happy news Roger Deakins British cinema great has finally finally finally won an Oscar at the 14th attempt as a good card and thank you very much Lisa so I cut you off in your prime you talk about how you prefer. Oh yes but I don t mind talking about Roger Deakins that s a. Yes that s a well deserved a word you know and great writer was I think it s been a underrated up to this point he really did a phenomenal job he s he s one of my favorites and I m a Tiger 1st and I m so glad to see him finally when. I have him by the way that he can t just film you know he is every one of these films seems to me when fresh he doesn t depend on the same old same all he has his She s very crisp he s very clean he s very. Like I said every time it s new and fresh something different something unexpected always are was so memorable I mean you could you could really watch it Roger did pretty much tell what it. He s got a distinct is a technique and I and I m just so thrilled to see him women so stroll to see that movie what it was one of my top 5 films of the year and that wouldn t really predict that it would win very much but it has done very very well. This is true Barrett sees baking in tolls breeze as you mentioned overacting earlier when talking about my favorite film signers of the Lambs surely the greatest performances are by the late great Alan Rickman in Die Hard and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with a record Oh I love Alan Rickman I so miss him and he s been good but he s good and everything I mean it s like the Harry Dean Stanton coverage anything radically anything he s done you know so great in the Harry Potter film. Oh just somebody somebody wonderful performances. Love Actually. Try to figure out what it is that they re all good at Isabel Elana show you ve got a great before was a joke about having Yeah which is it well you got to go for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Up at the top of the waterfall and trying to get away from the mind of the fight cast and Dave Paul Newman was trying to get Robert Redford to jump and able to jump. And for good reason for good reason a stunt plane to get close friends. Without a Cause Yeah exactly I really enjoyed that. I was so out of the cheap performances as broadcasted the side was good is Buzz pull Newman and Robert Redford which of the 2 performances for you is the most memorable. Both of them kind of split them up. Put off one another when the fully and and and know that back to that cell list but I bet they fed with sitting in their room we think that he s got old friends that I and I tell you that and it tell us it out they get the local school teacher and it was. On his go pay for the local school teacher he needed to pull that gun play. I just barely enjoyed that film I didn t know what I was going to see we had to queue to get in to see that and at least my voice but that the top of the cliff but wouldn t have felt Desir a clip from it next time I say let s go someplace like the movie let s go someplace like the lady next time. Ready no joke. Like hell we will. Be Ok for Steven if we don t get squished you ll never fall you know would you make a joke like that you didn t have to I have to and I m not going to that we ve got to otherwise we re dead. There s go back down same way they come. Just once or shot the solo. We ve got to get away from a high I want to fight. Chillis maybe want to die do you. Write. Jump 1st. Then you jump so I said Well I m with you I try. Could still go. You know a moment ago is about I was also. Telling me which of those is a better performance I think that Isabel was right when she said you can split the 2 of is one of those great Hollywood s pairings Redford and pull Newman obviously they continued in the staying after as they try get them to do more movies and so on and yet I m going to ask you to choose one of those 2 Lisa even though Isabel could split the difference there between them in terms of which is the more memorable performance was that that of Butch Cassidy as in pulled you moon or was it that of the Sundance Kid as in Robert Redford Well that s a pretty easy choice for me surprisingly and I have to give it to Paul Newman because Robert Redford you know. That was that was one of his 1st big roles and I think he hadn t quite developed the acting chops yet but of course we loved him because he was so devastatingly handsome I mean it was it was hard to take your eye sockets. On the slouch. I think I have to yeah I have to give it to appalled him and I think it was the worst These are the actors in this case they were both so fun to watch and a great team a great period of course it paired up in several movies after that but you know got to give it to Paul Newman Isabelle. Already Cass think both humanism was gorgeous blue eyes. To create ads for the folks like you and less good to go but it s like for like cats and. Fair enough algae for me and thank you for nickel is a name for you guys my pleasure How about Tom couldn t even believe the liars a past performance cafe in Glasgow s govt has a perv combination of comedy and pathos he such a mesmerizing actor is to. Paul Newman nominated Paul Newman in Color of Money captivated says Marchini Lee and I suppose I was one of these later performances wasn t it Lisa Yes Yes Oh he has somebody good legs to you and gets I think I just love him in Cool Hand Luke Oh yeah it was gas came back sometime as a brilliant movie if that isn t. Isn t kind of money this sort of sequel to cool. Is very cool I don t even think you d think it was David says does he get carried Oldman Indeed Leon Jim member that Leon which was about the. The hit man was in it outstanding alongside Nestle Portman and Jean Reno. When I was going to remember that film was such a great film and people do. Yeah yeah yeah and that I m glad that comes to mind yeah I haven t thought about that film and you know Sylvester Stallone in Rambo. Memorable performance in fact you could you could each of I don t think Silver says tonight is basically a great actor I ll confess that but each of his great roles are memorable You know it can be rocky rocky is memorable may not be brilliant acting I wouldn t give you an Oscar but it s memorable Rambo is iconic whether both iconic can t directly you know can t carry on a show about re preserving. Rocky as he did last year whatever it was as an older person but it is memorable Still it wasn t oh right yeah so you know there was that was pretty well done as he learned to write then. I mean he could and it was characters. I remember seeing him in the Lords of Flatbush before all this rocky stuff and he was good in that it was about him. Jack Nicholson One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest says Jewett intro bridge funny believe a poor endearing yet unpleasant character go point Tony Curtis is Some Like It Hot we heard from some to really go for Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot about Tony Curtis. I m going to have to think you know I know but I m going after you to choose well. I think yeah clearly. I would scope for Jack Lemmon even though I interviewed Tony Curtis towards the end result and use a perfect gentleman as you d appreciate as you d expect to any case have no Gibson in brave. Is one of. Our listeners have gone for more about your most memorable performances in movies after the latest headlines.

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You know he would never want to hear mail from. The past March this c.b.c. 5 or 6 years ago Good morning this is. The main news on 5 Live there s been British success. And in sports a damning report say that Britain s most decorated Olympian used drugs to enhance his performance this is b.b.c. 5. News on 5 Dana Campbell Disney s Coco has won Best Animated Feature Film at the Oscars the awards are being given out overnight in Hollywood Sam Rockwell won Best Supporting Actor for his role in 3 billboards outside ebing Missouri and Allison Janney was named Best Supporting Actress for playing ice skater Tonya Harding mom in Tonja Here s our entertainment correspondent Collin Patterson just won 7 primetime Emmys in the past mainly for the West Wing also for mom or c.b.s. Sitcom I would cheer but this was quite a role one of the most evil moments you re ever going to see in cinema history wearing a raccoon coat with a bird on our shoulder and doing anything to grab the attention away from our from our daughter but his films darkest hour and Dunkirk have also been among the early when is in categories for hair and makeup sound and film editing so Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical needs a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed exit polls suggest there s no outright winner of Italy s general election the anti establishment 5 Star Movement is projected to be the single largest party and water Bresson Ellie is a lecturer in European politics at King s College London if you re just going to hire the host our movement the north and the and the rather sweetly we re really on the extreme right of the policy spectral they are the majority will be a group at home a government that s difficult to say but certainly a majority everything. And yes I voted for European or at least euro skeptic partners charities will meet the government today to discuss plans to establish a new independent watchdog for the sector the conference has been organized to try to restore trust in aid agencies following the sexual exploitation scandal people in parts of southeast England are being asked to avoid all but essential use of water Thames Water says supplies are running low after lots of pipes burst following the freezing weather Rosie Sealy from south London has been out without water for more than 24 hours it s frustrating for us but also there s cat homes nearby who are out of water I ve seen on Twitter people have been sort of voluntary and. Today s more vulnerable it just seems like there isn t an end in sight at the moment we just want some information on when we might get some more. To reason may well set out proposals later aimed at tackling the housing shortage the prime minister will warn developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise Council say they re not to blame for delays in building houses Martin tete is from the Local Government Association Council who already approved 9 out of 10 planning applications for housing we are very committed to working with the government to deliver the houses the country needs but one of the big problems is the council don t actually build houses themselves we approve the permission it s up to the developers to actually build the house energy firms will be able to backdate gas and electricity bills further than 12 months as part of new rules being brought in by the regulator off Jim says it receives 10000 complaints year about the problems now with James Craig according to the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee the country s most decorated Olympian cyclists said Bradley Wiggins crossed the ethical line by using drugs to enhance performance instead of just for medical need we can say his former employers Team Sky strongly refute the claims the M.P. s also say they were shocked at the use of a drug given to Farah in 2014. The f.a. Chief executive Martin Glenn is adamant that Pat is displaying a political symbol by choosing to wear a yellow ribbon the Manchester City manager who wears the ribbon again the set is in support of political prisoners in Catalonia he has until 6 pm tonight to respond to an f.a. Charge Man City are now 18 points clear they were the top of the Premier League that s after beating champions Chelsea Meanwhile still felt their 4th straight defeat their last 2 goals to one Brighton but in more pressure on manager. England women s manager Phil Neville say his team heading in the right direction following that all draw against Jimmy in the she believes cup and John Higgins has become the 1st player to win 5 Welsh Open cycles with a 97 victory over Barry Hawkins in Cardiff this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital on the smartphone and tablet the rain sleet and snow will move into the North East of England and Scotland will affect some western parts of the u.k. Patchy mist and fog is expected from any to do in your base in response of around 7100 guys to 6 organize an impromptu cold around the office 160 in the making of the team. And every step counts in the nation s 1000000000 steps challenge get the Sport Relief get stepping up and start raising money today find out more at the b.b.c. Don t you Kate really you re listening to 5 lives Oscar Special got our entertainment correspondent coming Patterson at the Oscars will bring you news of any winners and important winners from the Academy Awards in Los Angeles and out in Los Angeles we got our own regular correspondent Lisa Johnson manned up here to talk about your choices for great performances in the movies as we have been asking you for tonight s film phone what s the great performance What s the most memorable performance in a movie for you 08085990. 3 still got time to join in. Yeah hang on a 2nd will come to call in patches and in Los Angeles right now what s happening then I bring you news of a 2nd British Oscar victory. Visual effects has gone to Blade Runner and the team includes the Brits polearm bards who works for double negative a British companies known for such films as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and tranny does the visual effects if you ve seen Blade Runner This is a film which really really relied on special effects they created these amazing environments all those miniatures they put a digital Sean Young s head on a body double and this team also includes John Nelson who won for Gladiator So there we have it our 2nd British Oscar of the knights because we make up and hairstyling our own with Lucy civic and David winning for darkest hour turning Churchill Gary Oldman into Churchill and we ve won one for visual effects. Other wards have just been announced recently film editing has gone to Dunkirk that is 3 awards for dung Kirk so far it is cleaning up in what they call the below the line categories and also we didn t mention Best Foreign Language What a result for chilly chilly has won its 1st ever Oscar for a fantastic woman. Down the playing trans woman who s a singer and a waitress and after a night celebrating her birthday have partner dies and it s all about the aftermath that follows in fact. It was actually on stage presenting an Oscars Well the cademy wanted to show diversity. The transactor from Chile up there and now that film she stars in a fantastic woman is one Best Foreign Language Film We are 13 awards into the Oscars 11 to go to British ones in awards the nothing for Nigeria. Know. How one there must have been in Nigeria there s a. Actually do you know I think your it also winners in this not only would I have you know it s one of the biggest film industries in the world so it would have been surprising if it had been I m just saying now you never know if you ve never seen if you ve never seen a Nollywood film what s the one to start with good question I ll tell you next year Ok. Cheerio Oh well baby cause I like baby Cause baby best goodbye baby cause there you have it as best I can to see when I remember. To be careful in the moment by the way is walking through the audience throwing popcorn absolutely everywhere. We go into the neighboring Center he s got into a neighboring cinema where they were launching the Oscars and taken some of the stars with them so this is members of the public getting getting to meet him that s a nice touch isn t that was nice touch I always brought some of the stars through as well I never did this last year was one of the the bus tours of Hollywood stopping off yeah I says it brought the people on the bus tour inside so that s this is this years ago I think it must be a cinema just down the streets and. Chinese the Chinese government theater the one with all the hand prints NASA is watching the Oscars so I was absolutely. Obvious what but Cavil is he is running around giving out food to the people watching and they re going out salute the crazy you know what I remember from the Chinese. Is that the smallest handprint was one of those oh really sort of old time movie stars a woman who is like a tiny little girl who I am for it was you know him and you know Lisa. He said John Symond do you know who I m talking about outside the Chinese. Room and I think you might be you might be thinking it might be a cold beer when they said everybody got right when they were ready to hear that was it Mary Pickford think you know it needs Hi Lou has a company that is that little Joe I don t know why he gets around here sorry sorry calling. I was because he s been one lovely bit of movie history they ve been replaying at this Oscars in 1000 Oscars and been trying to bring back some names from the past without even Marie songs been on stage and they also brought on at the age of 86 written Moran Oh who won Best Supporting Actress in 1962 for playing Anita in West Side Story when she came on stage and said I m wearing the same ball gown I wore that night like my Oscar There she is wearing it all those years later love. This is a great winning blow in a way that it still think. Would be good for good for. Thanks very much great on Pauline berries you know putting berries with your most memorable Oh yeah I ll go for that I ll go for that which is your most memorable performance in the movies I mean thank you actually since our function just slows. A lot when I chose was. Last seen leaving and. 28 hour races Yeah it was war propaganda you know that. I didn t know it was made in inside it was made after the war. Because it was I think it was made about 940 and it was to rally the troops in and to 945 is a place and I don t know Steffi during the world is different during the war. 44 I m being told my 4444 journey did some. Lead on the edge and some stage performances were Shakespeare just so they didn t I wasn t really I was . It was apparent. I don t know about. Things nobody was serious try to invoke some sort of you know. But the guys who were just about to go over and detail Thank You can really work I don t know when we would have one from able to film Yeah but the movie is I mean the film is based upon Shakespeare is. Of. Sense of trying to rally the troops on behalf of Elizabeth the 1st in any case isn t it because it s not necessarily historical fact. The way what better way to rouse the troops is a cry God every single. God s whatever it was George yes it shows I was one thank you thank you thank you for going to improve on the what was it memorable There was is a member Bow Wow. I like kind of Shakespearean down in the old school isn t it really. And I don t understand the whole mess will be looked upon in the same way these days it was. Started on by bombastic but I. Think that s the way it should be done I mean it s quite. An astounding piece of writing and I like the way that the sums crafted as well he did the direction that . It starts off in the globe. And gradually works away from a necessity to reality and you get some iconic moments of cinema history. To me this one. You get most of old English does as well like in the film you ve got. Newton playing pistol. And they play he plays it in the same way that he played. You know the pirates. Long John Silver s did me yeah but he was fantastic eye to the. Actual action and I like the way that it has accomplished things especially in the music is in the music William open is. Money music which just. Called I think it s called just slips and. Going off to war still in these 2 friends. And the death of fall stuff when you ve got the woman had just just shown above his dying body and. Then you ve got the battle scene with the French nicely. Done by the English longbowmen. You know it s a really good film but there are there are parts of it that get a bit. Well actually this person is of course silly to name just place where it translates into it s a French you know there is some French in the play. Has been Johnson told us Shakespeare was a very good Greek only slightly better than last and so I can imagine his French was the best and there s also a lot of great action and then the. Old English actors like Mike s Adrian and. Jan and. John Laurie John Lawrence and. You know. Under 70 and over again and paying 77 has. Become known eventually as Harry the 5th he that. Comes home tiptoe when this day is named and the name of crispy. He that. Feast his name. Crispy. Then. That shows. I had on Crispin. Get all shall be forgotten but he remembered the advantage is what feats he did that day. Then shall our names from his mouth as household words the king. Live control but souls but again got down flowing top Spanish. The good man teach and. From this day. We shall be remembered. We ve few we happy. With me be my brother. Some peace and gentlemen anything good about it just think that. Would. Be speech. Yeah nobody quite does it like old Larry Livia that she writes show I am big pinch ammeter Lisa a year and she ll remember it because it has to be I am big and pentameter good as it were memorable for you. Well I yeah I actually like it I d rather have very. Likely to know humanity in here or do you think I do but interesting me and by the way Paul phase of her book interestingly enough though what pull says you have to think about that 1st before you get to Kenneth Branagh because or other performances of every the 5th are based on that. But that Laurence Olivier caught on film they are both so there and slightly I know rarely does is slightly differently but essentially it s based upon that surely it is in particular with a passion about sin Crispin s Day then and rising to the crescendo will which is not apparent necessarily from the tags I think it s based on that you know. You can separate the 2. Well I think for Laurence Olivier s it is very very theatrical Yeah. I feel they can it where it is more cinematic if you will remember he updated it with gee you know like boys my boys it s my kingdom for a horse what is she got a car oh no no that s Richard the 3rd Miles Miles marking them from. The same German. Slightly different. Back to them Ok Just just just just bear with me just bear with me Lisa because it goes more developments in Hollywood. For us because a British witness this time Conan this is one that means a lot to me Dalton it s the silent child has won Best Short Film I ve been following this story since last December 2 Hollyoaks actors are now Oscar winners Rachel Shenton and Chris over to ring the Channel 4 soap opera last decade Rachel Shenton father had chemotherapy one profoundly deaf when she was just 12 years old she died 2 years later she learned sign language as a tribute to him so when she grew up she was always said she became a qualified sign language interpreter and her boyfriend Chris who used to be in Hollyoaks said listen you should write a film about this you care about this so much and she wrote the short film The silent child and the message of the film is that 78 percent of profoundly deaf children have to go to school with absolutely no supports the star of the film is Maisie slyness She s 6 years old she is from Swindon and she is profoundly deaf and they have taken her I was to go and taken her to the Oscars I ve been following them around in Hollywood and I took them up to the Hollywood sign and we had them on the 5 Live program there in their limousine with they said it wasn t a limousine it was just a taxi on the way to the Oscars or a joyful story this is a 6 year old only deaf girl from Swindon. Has no starred in an Oscar winning film you can forget you can have all your big Oscar moments you re going to crying in stage but this is one of these really heartwarming stories Doughton that Rachel Shenton Chris Overton Oscar winners and a 6 year old girl as from Swindon is in the audience tonight. At the Dolby Theater at the Oscars and there she is starred in an Oscar winning film. And I have followed all your reports on her and the film as well thank you from. There will go to later and Lisa just I m sure you ve heard about this child and we were all here . L 5 Live really hoping they would do well and so well it s won an Oscar it can go better than that again it. Oh no and you know that was that was like for that short yeah it was that was just an amazing talent was so moving and I m really quite tell it was. A motion of you know Jeff you ve got to with acid need to it Wells Q Which is the most memorable performance in movies for you good morning Jonathan Good morning Lisa for me it s good morning we re going back in time now a nice Mr Mr Trump s favorite film Citizen Kane Oh yes picture telling Oh. Yeah now the thing about this film to my mind is that not only is the film itself very memorable from all sorts of ways but it s the political intrigue that surrounded it it would have gotten Oscar not here I can t remember the film The did get it but it would have got the Oscar that because of the that the film was so closely based on on the life of William Randolph Hearst that he was able to exert political pressure on r k o 2 to did to to basically don t grade the film so that it did not get that Oscar thought that was the top thought was the the the crux of it and for me that the 2 characters obviously Welles but but Joseph Kaufman who played soccer. Those Toland Yeah. The newspaper editor will long with Kane and the seeing where after the election Will Cain of the last election and they meet together and and. Toland has gone out and got drunk and they meet in these fancy in there where they have a knot confrontation between all of them and the lying in some of the lines Everett Sloan s line for example when he s been interviewed when they re trying to find out what what this they have they re searching for this rose Bernanke they want to know what Rose Bird Yes Yes And at the end of it. Sloan comes out with are got nothing but time old age is the only disease where you don t look forward to the kill I thought that was a wonderful line in the other wonderful line and a very short I think it would be fun to run a newspaper. I think that was a. Wonderful line. And another thing that many people may not know was that the original my trade print was deliberately burnt in the early fifties but most of the later was a 2nd print that had been discovered and it s thanks to this that we are able to enjoy the film today. And tell us the coming most rollerskating is 1st wife in the music lessons scene is memorable when the teacher in despair over the appalling quality Her voice comes out with a line of Mr Cain all the often start what will people think Wells comes back with a member of the line well title and say Yes yes I want to use paper so I m somewhat of an expert on what people think and it s none of those but Mr Cain Oh can I persuade you your current. Line it s it s such a wonderful film and it s so well put together. And at least obviously you know the food very well have you got any questions gov good a burning question asked of cool a gale about this do you have any questions about cause he s going for the choice of Joseph Corson in the road Jedidiah Lila drive a nail and yes then the it what you know you d think most people would go fools do wells or has had as Charles 1st occasion as being the most memorable character do you have a question for Guinness will. I m wondering about Richard do you remember Agnes Morehead Yeah I remember her role in that as wonderful absolutely wonderful and you know it was obvious the way things were going to know Agnes Morehead always got mixed up with her and who was the singer No it s always a come coming goal was that was the 1st wife wasn t she so it was supposed to be the daughter of the president was in jail the niece of the s.s. Yes You know I did States but no it was it was a small head then was the that s why Dr Smallhead was was was the 1st wife wasn t she and it was dollars The company will marry Kate this that s right the so-called opera singer. Yes yes. Yes there were if there were some strong female performances in that like you would that was such a such a wonderful film editor I watched it again recently and it still holds not only does it have to tell me some really RINGBACK interesting film to see it has really great I think it would be fun to run a newspaper. And the whole you know. Oh I m still you know be in a way as ways to assume well his cards Ozwald plays his cards as more bombastic Kathy was it would call early yes Where is Joseph Cotten as. Babson little bit on the play yes but it was the corruption of Pono Wells Pacelli find out so well didn t he and not film but if if if the supporting act which you could argue just because it was. Has to play his role and yet he s more memorable than the leader he s much will bombast then you think well he s a brilliant actor. Even the sanatorium where you know can you get me a couple of cigars they d be speed Yes I think if i keep me alive it was. Because it s like Amadeus in that respect they speaking to him after the fact that he s in the Senate Sorabjee member Salieri in Nam a day is this speaking to him I don t doubt my don t forget about 977 for myself. Don t worry. The day is for me I have a day this is still available at the National Theatre if you can get to London I think is still under the sun if it hasn t come to the end of its run and we thank you very much appreciate that a good one Richard Innes is with us as well good morning Richard good morning don t go in later in a single energy range than. Film performance one thing just came into my head of a stick with that one and that was when Perry Swank 1000000 dollar by. The cinema are all. Just this short real life if you know him and he forgot you were watching a film it s like you re looking through a window. Really blew me away I thought you know I m going to watch some box and it s tough so he ll not say the star excell but see what the end of that film make and I m that was so emotional and that was an awful I was going to say well. Lisa you obviously you re very measurable when rigid budgetary is ground so I think in a 1000000 Dollar Baby. Well you know that s if it s such a wonderful film but it s when it doesn t get singled out a lot and you know I think people you know I think that I had a great question didn t tell me frankly that Academy Awards Simon. Be surprised. Ali was in the film she didn t I did say is it true these were the day. He was seen as a supposed. Grizzled old it may find her new level hidden in China. As she did with the palace you did win for that role she did win the Oscar for it was lot of good performances in that Margo Martindale to my goodness she was she was amazing in that we saw Anthony Mackie for that was that was one of his 1st films so many good performances and of course Morgan Freeman. They always find there was you know that was he s a voice of God is a really. Good good crew is real. Yes Yes But what s interesting is is that Clint Eastwood is notorious for not working with his directors very much any of his actors very much he just lets them go he lets them do their thing he famous for like Woody Allen just sort of casting the right people and then letting him go for it so it s it s very interesting that there were so many memorable performances in it I think that s a testimony to the skill of the actors it is a good to not. Just you know let you to do this thing. Well it s it depends a lot depends on the casting. Is his latest film that would hit $1517.00 to Paris. What about the terrorist on the on the train with that the u.s. Servicemen overpowered and. That was a big mistake not helping the actors on that one of course because they it in your professional actors so you know you get your you know your people. It all depends on the actors that s for sure it depends on the casting because. Cate Blanchett has won the Academy Awards for Woody Allen film. You know if it s a great actor they don t need much direction yeah even in Hong Kong has given Robert new chin a 2nd mention vagina he says most memorable character or at least greatest performance because he built the mood to character from my youth through 3 many decades Roman needs him as well if you have to ask has he said pieces valued pieces or. I do not know x. Met x. Marks the spot Long John Silver a. Rubbing And is your actual long johns so far no I ve actually could possibly do it like Robert Newton. Is. The Godfather says John The Godfather one is gone for ever that old Martin Sheen in Apocalypse one. Lives and now sorry I said what the. Call is go for Alice to see him but in green for danger or how about Alan Ladd. Or John Wayne in the searches Ned between deliverance Thanks for all the great Oscar shows you can thank you Jake because go fantasy Perkins is psycho and or John Hurt as the Elephant Man which is more memorable for you Lisa. Perkins is psycho join her out of her man. Oh well I have to say I think I think the better performance is John Hurt an elephant man but I think. That we could ever forget Anthony Perkins I think. Possibly more memorable. Became a cultural phenomenon I m glad you made the distinction between better memorable that s what we re looking for tonight memorable performances feel free to join is your most memorable 808-590-9693 pick of give us a call but 1st just got the latest 5 headlines here s David Campbell from digital online smartphones and tablets this is b.b.c. 5 live as we ve just been hearing Hollywood stars Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton have won the Best Live Action Short Film Oscar for the silent child Disney s Coco won Best Animated Feature Film some Rockwell and Allison Janney won the Supporting Actor and Actress awards M.P. s have accused said Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky of crossing an ethical line in the way they used drugs a Commons committee says drugs were used within anti doping rules to enhance the performance of cyclists rather than solely for medical reasons more in sport in a moment exit polls in Italy s general election suggest a hung parliament the anti establishment 5 Star Movement looks likely to be the largest single party reason I will set out proposals later aimed at tackling the housing shortage the prime minister will warn developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise. For its own 5 life Olympic gold medalists a Bradley Wiggins and some are amongst those named in a damning new reporting today hoping in sports the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee highlights a number of failings at the top of both cycling and outlets 6 as Adam Wilde reports the slow awaited report points to the use of certain drugs in the cyclists a Bradley Wiggins and his former team Team Sky The purpose of which the report claims was not always. To treat medical needs but we improve performance not something both Team Sky and we gains strongly refute and also didn t break anti doping rules they did the report says cross the ethical Lloyd the chief executive of the f.a. Single and say Pep Guardiola should not swear a yellow ribbon because they don t want political symbols in football the man city manager has until 6 o clock tonight to respond to a charge for wearing the ribbon on the touchline which he ses is in support of imprisoned politicians in his native Catalonia with more sports news correspondent Richard Cohen why speaking on the issue for the 1st time Martin Glenn the F.A. s chief executive believes the ribbon is a political symbol saying where do you draw the line should we have someone with a Ukip bodge someone with an ISIS badge that s why you have to be pretty tough that local regional national party organizations cannot use football shirts Meanwhile on the pitch city be Chelsea one nil to pull 18 points clear at the top of the Premier League while still manage also invent as all but written off getting into next season s Champions League via the Premier League his side a 13 points behind 4th place top them following that see one defeat at Brighton very difficult I think nearly impossible because you got to fall behind and you need 2 teams to quit ups not want. To do more and I believe you have a different will resist to come to winning again on b.b.c. Sports understands Alan Pardew will remain as West Brom manager for another week despite his side falling further behind in their battle to avoid relegation the Baggies last warning what Fed yesterday however it s believed the club s owners noted the vast improvement in the team s performance England women had to come from behind twice to draw to war with Germany in the she believes Cup in New Jersey it was after 2 defensive blunders led to the Germany goals England play the United States in their final match in its autumn and early on Thursday morning Britain took the gold medal tally to 2 with the World Indoor Athletics Championships in Birmingham after and. When the men 60 metres hurdles his teammates clock claim bronze in the women s 800 meters Great Britain s 4 by 400 women s relate seem were reinstated into the bronze medal position on appeal John Higgins is celebrating a record 5th Welsh Open sneaker title he beat Barry Hawkins 97 in the final just all the men and it s not sunk in yet really can in the next couple of days but to one of the tournaments Ok fit in ranking tables. Yes beyond my wildest dreams really so. Yeah. And then golf Phil Mickelson has won the w.d.c. Mexico championship he beat fellow American just in Thomas in a playoff the best my small change of direction. Monday night from the Premier League will be at Selhurst Crystal Palace against Manchester United kickoff 8 pm so nights in the build up begins in 5 life schools from 7 this is your local stations and 5 extra It s the 1st for news and the best live school this is b.b.c. 5 Live. Right. Across one of the Patterson in Tinseltown of the Oscars because it s been more British Rigby s understand. Not a British one but James Ivory of marriage and Ivory who people often think is British but he s actually American you know he s the guy who directed a room with a view and they re mainly the day English. And I ve always thought he was British as well he s American Even so he s British He s at the age of 89 he has just won his 1st Oscar for call me by your name it s for the 1st screenplay since I heard the 1st Oscar and the amazing thing Doc He is older than the Oscars he was born in 1928 the 1st Oscars were held in May 1929 we have someone who is older than the Oscars has won at the 90th people know him for his relationship with his male merchant who is his professional and romantic partner lasted 44 years until he died in 2005 but yeah those films room with a few words and Helena Bonham Carter always seem to be in the mall they were the ones that people associate with them but no on stage we have a moment Dalton we have Jordan Peele winning Best Original Screenplay for get out I ve been talking on 5 Live has there s been a momentum for this film in the last few weeks this black horror movie that cost $4.00 and a half 1000000 pounds and to a quarter of a $1000000000.00 around the planet it s not your normal Oscar winning film it has just won Best Original Screenplay every Best Picture has won a screenwriting award since the artist back in 2011 because it was a silent film so it didn t win it every year since to where it is almost like the semifinals the adapted and original screenplays adaptors going to call me by your name look at the nose film that we re seeing James Ivory adapted it s a love story set in Italy 2 guys falling in love over and over a summer beautiful film and now we have best original screenplay going to get out it has a real shot of winning Best Picture at the Oscars we re going to find out about $430.00 people. Still thinking is going to shake the water but that is a big big moment for get out and if it does one best picture I will come back and say that was the moment when we started to realize it had a real chance Jordan Peele 39 years old the black American comedian who came through mad t.v. . Comedy Central Key and Peele with his comedy sketch show spent 8 years writing this film he s he says the Get Out is a sort homage to the likes of Rosemary s Baby The Shining he paid tribute to the film Silence Of The Lambs one of his favorite films he says Nightmare on Elm Street for not the 1st 3 Nightmare on Elm Street 4 is his favorite film and he wanted to write a black horror film because he said when he was growing up that you were as he said used to always think of the comedy sketch where he says if you re black you know you re going to be one of the 1st people to. And he said he wanted to change that so he made a black movie and I don t it has a real in the real challenge. In the Eddie Murphy movie says look this explains to me why when white people go. Why do they stay in the because if it was a bright they d be a voice say. And they would get their way we have got a clip from get out. There for. Research apparently. That s what it s like. Yes you like Jordan peels description off the film he describes get out as Guess Who s Coming to Dinner The Stepford Wives makes Rosemary s Baby Meets the help. Ok we get it and thanks for that call it will come and see you later on as well is that even those who don t know get out had a different ending but then when they tested it with audiences the audiences didn t like the ending so they changed the ending but I m not going to say well the ending is because at the end of the day it would ruin the end of the film for you and only Iran. Did tennis a genuine British when the Oscars silent child and this is the movie the colonies been following be filmmakers around not just the filmmakers one of the stars as well. As 6 year old Maisie sly the young actress who s in the film and Rachel Shenton who wrote in starred in the film which is just won an Oscar for live action short film has an interview a very difficult. You know really is. No look at. The biggest stage in the world and Chris I ve had lucky enough to follow your story since last year when it 1st became apparent you might have a chance of being nominated but for people who don t know just explain what the silent child is all about it s. About a deaf child born into a hearing. Struggle to communicate with a social worker comes into the story and teaches at a Gift of Communication and Chris it s got a star who is 6 years old profoundly deaf and from Swindon just called Maisie sly sticks playing how much of a star this young girl as she s one of the most credible people other than she s so brilliant and she s getting right by me in the car on the right they are very very emotional you know if you. Represent if you know many children across the world we re headed right now and. You re in the limo on your way to the Oscars right now. Limbo. You know because we ve got to get up on the ground. For the past the phone over to Rachel and know she s with you says Rachel Sinai willing to erode all the past Chris this is a regular load this is Rachel senses and starts in the silence child and Rachel this is such an important story to you briefly explain the family background which made you want to write the spill. My God and the last 2 years of his life profoundly that might have been very close my eyes that night and I saw your defect that was in the family and then like it s an impulse and then find language and then I ve been involved in the just means you have a sense that this is very personal. You could get out there on the stage collect the Oscar I take it you do some sign language if you re up there oh my goodness well I have to I think because a promise made I would say I ve got you know I ve got no choice yet. I love the idea of you Chris and Maisie and account driving through l.a. On your way to the Oscars just describe your outfits and what Maisie went for the and what if you ve gone for Rachael I m wearing a dress by Suzanne Malveaux and she s very kindly made from a wicked wonderful. Maybe has a little just tight little 7. As well in fact you know the best in all of us if I have to how she brought a cuddly toy to the Oscars. No he hasn t but he does have lots of that s going to come back. Ok only when you re on the red carpet how much fun you re going to have on it was as Maisie going to be happy to do interviews on there how she s feeling. We don t know at the moment she s promised a cucumber and she says you know she s not the person I do but I guess we ll see I get it I have a favorite among some of the we all. If you could can you very quickly just sign to Maisie ask her how she s feeling and tell us what she says back. Now I was just having that. This is amazing the fact that I m really excited. Yeah that was Rachel Shenton he wrote and starred in the film we also heard in the beginning of the interview with Colleen Chris Overton who is the director of assigning child which has won an Oscar for live action short film so let s continue our phone in Lisa Johnson Mendo is in Los Angeles a film critic who is with us the question I ask you is about your most memorable performances in a movie which is it which is most memorable about quite a few here these have had Billy Wells going for Bruce Willis in Die Hard maybe not so surprising and marking County Down has gone for and I m surprised nobody else has merged this before Robert Deniro Chavis Bickle in Taxi Driver. Is it is most memorable of many memorable roles would you say. I think so I think so I think they were looking in the mirror and saying You re talking you tell a king that maybe yeah. Yeah yeah but then nobody will forget that but then he did so many great roles earlier in his career and lately oh my gosh. Indeed somebody was but he made some good choices. For Jackie Brown was a pretty good choice but yeah meet and I ll say the word carefully Fockers was. Not the best choice in his career but still. You may not know this for Peter Sellers in a very crude essentially British film about trade unionism cool I m all right Jack you know that one. You know like yellow but I love Peter Sellers and so many especially in me are this is Graham in Manchester this is gone for I just remember one scene and I m alright Jack because he s the union leader he s a trade union leader and I think there s one scene where either he or some other trade union member is sitting you know in a gentlemen s lavatory reading a newspaper because you know they shirking for work as was the prejudice against union workers in those days. Oh yeah there s some controversy here some support for you Lisa against me Dorothy who says her love says Kenneth Brown is Henry the 5th was the best rendering of it very different. So I ll keep my own counsel on that one and. In other words all shut up peach Oh Chile Lawrence of Arabia again other people have gone for that but not for the 1st time we ve heard tonight some is going to be true to Lawrence of Arabia Martin in London is going for Again this is one of those under played performances and yet it resonates so much and I wonder whether it s peach Road School in those listening blue eyes. With the backdrop of the desolate desert or is it the actual performers it doesn t . You know I think it s what he does with those listening to life I mean you know granted he has the he has gorgeous eyes but I when I think of that to forment that s what I think of I think if you can convey sparkle or sorrow just with your eyes you know you could watch that film with no sound and you would still pretty much know what was going on I think that s an amazing talent a change in Richmond s going for Joel Grey them seeing cabaret does a movie Goliaths definitely Oh and that was it that was a performance ahead of its time to that was really phenomenal Arisia in Glasgow s go for Harry Dean Stanton and anything he s done. Oh what a great actor he is he s sort of a character actor though but boy he s amazing he s another one of those actors that plays he plays bad characters very good. Point to the Birmingham is going for one of the performances I knew she thought of the muscle. This is over the top. And we pull says My most memorable performance has to be Daniel Day Lewis said There Will Be Blood It s a tour de force acting Masa cos it is no wonder he won the 2nd best actor Oscar award for. Hold on one second for here that forces hold on Lisa because Gone are the bridges we ve had the Oscars gone in is a Brit this time Dalton And it s one of the greats of British cinema has won Best Cinematography at the 14th attempt Roger Deakins from torquey is one of the greats of pretty cinema never won an Oscar he was 1st nominated 23 years ago for the Shawshank Redemption and tonight he s got his redemption he s done all those conned Brothers movies over the years he did the likes of Fargo No Country for Old Man and True Grit but tonight he is one for Blade Runner 2049 the film is doing very well in what we call the below categories so that is happy news Roger Deakins British cinema great has finally finally finally won an Oscar at the 14th attempt as a goodbye cut in thank you very much Lisa so I cut you off in your prime you talk about how you prefer. Oh yes but I don t mind talking about Roger Deakins that s a. Yes that s a well deserved a word you know and great writer was I think it s been an underrated up to this point he really did a phenomenal job he s he s one of my favorites and I m a Tiger 1st and I m so glad to see him finally when. I have him by the way that he can t just film you know he is every one of these films seems to me when fresh he doesn t depend on the same old same all he has his She s very crisp he s very clean he s very. Like I said every time it s new and fresh something different something unexpected always are was so memorable I mean you could you could really watch it Roger tickets from pretty much tell what it. He s got a distinct is a technique and I and I m just so thrilled to see him women so stroll to see that movie what it was one of my top 5 films of the year and that wouldn t really predict that it would be very much but it has done very very well. This is true Barrett sees baking in tolls breeze as you mentioned overacting earlier when talking about my favorite film signers of the Lambs surely the greatest overacted performances are by the late great Alan Rickman in Die Hard and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with a record Oh I love Alan Rickman I so miss him and he s been good but he s good and everything I mean it s like the Harry Dean Stanton coverage anything radically anything he s done you know so great in the Harry Potter film. Oh just somebody somebody wonderful performances. Love Actually. Try to figure out what it is that they re all getting Isabel in let me show you you ve got a great performer has a joke about having Yeah which is it well you got to go for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Up at the top of the book The Fall and trying to get away from the mind of the fight cast and days Paul Newman was trying to get Robert Redford to jump and even just. For a good reason for good reason a stunt plane to get close friends. Without a Cause Yeah exactly I really enjoyed that. So out of the cheap performances as broadcasted the sound was good is Buzz pull Newman and Robert Redford which of the 2 performances for you is the most memorable. Buddhism kind of split them up. Put off one another when the fully and and and know that back to that cell list but I bet they fed with sitting in their room we think that he s got old friends that I and I tell you that and they tell us it out they get the local school teacher and it was. On his go for a little local school teacher he need us to pull that gun play. I just barely enjoyed that film I didn t know what I was going to see we had to queue to get in to see that I live my life but that the top of the cliff but would you feel despair a clip from it next time I say let s go someplace like the movie let s go someplace like maybe next time. Ready no. Like hell we will. Be Ok for Stephen if we don t get squished never do you know would you make a jump like that you didn t have to after and I m not going to that we ve got to otherwise we re dead. There s go back down same way they come. Just once or shut the cellar. We ve got to get away from a high I want to fight. Chillis maybe want to die to you. Right. I ll jump 1st. Then you jump so I said What s the matter with you I try to swim. Could still go. You know a moment ago is about I was also. Telling me which of those is a better performance I think that Isabel was right when she said you can split the 2 of is one of those great Hollywood s pairings Redford and pull You mean obviously they continued in the staying after as they try to get them to do more movies and so on and yet I m going to ask you to choose one of those to lease a even though it is about could split the difference there between them in terms of which is the more memorable performance was that that of Butch Cassidy as in pulled you moon or was it that of the Sundance Kid as in Robert Redford Well that s a pretty easy choice for me surprisingly and I had to give it to Paul Newman because Robert Redford you know and that was that was one of his 1st big wolves and I think he hadn t quite developed the acting chops yet but of course we loved him because he was so devastatingly handsome I mean it was it was hard to take your eye sockets. On the slouch. I think I have to yeah I have to give it to you just called him and I think it was the worst These are the actors in this case they were both so fun to watch and a great team a great period of course it paired up in several movies after that but you know I got to give it to Paul Newman Isabelle. Already casting both human has and we scored just brutalize. But for the folks like you and let s go to go back there it s like for like I d like you. Fair enough Audi for me and thank you for the cause of our name for you guys my pleasure How about Tom couldn t even believe the liars a past performance cathing Glasgow s go for has appeared combination of comedy and pathos he such a mesmerizing actor is to. Paul Newman normally put Newman in Color of Money captivated says Marchini Lee and I suppose that was one of these later performances wasn t it Lisa Yes Yes Oh he has somebody good legs to you and gets I think I just love him in Cool Hand Luke Oh yeah it was gas came back sometime as a brilliant movie if that isn t. Isn t kind of money this sort of sequel to coup. Is very cool I don t even think you d think it was David says Gary Oldman Indeed Leon Jim member that Leon which was about the. The hit man was in it outstanding alongside Leslie Portman and Jean Reno. When I was going to do you remember film was such a great people. Yeah yeah yeah and that I m glad that comes to mind yeah I haven t thought about that film and you know Sylvester Stallone in Rambo. Memorable performance in fact you could you could each of I don t think Silver says tonight is basically a great actor I ll confess that but each of his great roles are memorable You know it can be rocky rocky is memorable may not be brilliant acting I wouldn t give you an Oscar but it s memorable Rambo is iconic whether both iconic can t really. Can t carry on a show about re preserving. Rocky as he did last year whatever it was as an older person but it is memorable Still it wasn t oh right yeah so he was it was pretty well done as he learned to write then. I mean he could and it was characters. I remember seeing him in the Lords of Flatbush before all this rocky stuff and he was good in that it was about him. Jack Nicholson One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest says Jewett intro bridge funny believe a poor endearing yet and unpleasant character go point Tony Curtis is Some Like It Hot we heard from some to only go for Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot about 10 you could say one. Thing I m going to have to think you know I know but I m going after you to choose one. Jacqueline it. Actually created I would scope for Jack Lemmon even though I interviewed Tony Curtis towards the end result and use a perfect gentleman as you to preach. To any case Mel Gibson in brave. Is one of. Our listeners have gone for about your most member.

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Transcripts for BBC Radio Nottingham BBC Radio Nottingham 20180305 010000

In the past March this a c b c 5 here s one of our bloggers we welcome local radio stations from across the b.b.c. This is up or not I m Dalton antivirals the main news on 5 life 1st exit polls for Italy s election show no party has an overall majority and in sports a damning report say that Britain s most decorated Olympian used drugs to enhance his performance on the farm website right now you can hear the Arsenal fan who broke down in tears unable to go back to emotions after the game is defeat to Brighton on Sunday. This is b.b.c. 5. Live as Gina Campbell exit polls suggest Italy is heading for a hung parliament following the country s general election and party appears to have made significant gains the B.B.C. s Karen Genoa is in Rome they suggest the 5 Star Movement will end up with between $29.00 and a half of $32.00 and a half percent of the votes the center left Democratic Party of the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi it is in power at the moment it is all between 20 and 23 percent So Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical need a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed the Oscars are just getting underway in Hollywood the shape of water leads the way with 13 nominations host Jimmy Kimmel is expected to make reference on stage to the me too and time s up campaigns his The American actress Patricia Clarkson something remarkable is happening this ick ice has changed thank goodness I think it s a very profound time for all of us and for women in particular in this industry I think is a celebration of us going forward in a new way a powerful with strength with honesty with. Safety prime minister will set out proposals later to try to tackle the housing shortage 3 of the male born developers not to sit on land and watch its value rise and she s expected to say that planning rule should be rewritten to make it harder for local authorities to block housing developments Council say they re not to blame for delays in house building Martin tete is from the Local Government Association what we re seeing at the moment is that 9 out of 10 planning applications are being passed by councils are very committed to building the houses the country needs one of the big issues though is that councils don t actually build houses themselves Council s approved planning applications and at the moment we have several 100000 houses that have been granted planning permission but when she didn t have a mean dog other developers thousands of homes around the u.k. Are experiencing problems with their water supplies after pipes burst during a thaw after the freezing weather more from 5 life Stuart Clarkson Thames Water says up 212000 of its customers are still either without water or it s coming through at a reduced pressure and explained multiple bursts mains leaks and a drain reservoir in Hampstead the firm s open a number of bottled water stations across London and it s urging those who do have water to use as little as possible 7 Trent meanwhile has apologized to customers in the rugby area and says it s been dealing with an unprecedented number of leaks tributes have been paid to so Roger Bannister following his death at the age of 88 called him an inspiration while Steve Cram said he d left a massive legacy and edgy firms won t be able to backdate gas and electricity bills further than 12 months as part of new rules being brought in by the regulator Ofgem says it received $10000.00 complaints a year about the problem as the 5 Live new sport now with James Gregg according to the Digital Culture Media and Sports select committee the country s most decorated Olympian cyclists said Bradley Wiggins crossed the ethical line by using drugs to enhance performance. Instead of just the medical need we can say his former employees Team Sky strongly refute the claims the M.P. s also say they were shocked at the use of a drug given to him 2014 the f.a. Chief executive Martin Glenn is adamant that Pat is displaying a political symbol by choosing to wear a yellow ribbon the Manchester City manager he wears the ribbon at games is said is in support of political prisoners in Catalonia he has until 6 pm tonight to respond to an f.a. Charge Man City are now 18 points clear they were the top of the Premier League that s after beating champions Chelsea Meanwhile still felt that 4th straight defeat their last 2 goals to one brights and putting more pressure on manager and Van Gogh England women s manager Phil Neville says his team heading in the right direction following that 2 will draw against Jimmy in the she believes cup and John Higgins has become the 1st player to win 5 Welsh Open cycles with a 97 victory over Barry Hawkins in Cardiff this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital phone logs smart phone and stop that now to some weather overnight it s down to Misty with snow over the hills of Scotland this spells will develop further south but with a few showers and some patchy mist and for most the best life sports Hewitt facilities are close competition is a Champions League round of 61 cheese day nights we ll bring you coverage of Liverpool s us is f.c. Pool and p.s.g. Against Real Madrid as follows kick off at 745 day on Wednesday July sports build up begins at 6 to see the full life commentry of Sussex against Juventus from 745 that Champions League. Is fine. This is 0.0050 Now they boil on coming up in to find out in a moment what happened with me tell you when 2 votes on Sunday for government number 66 in the last 70 years didn t see the reach of Italy s comeback king music question never really works. And of course it s Oscar night the biggest night in the movie industry we ve got our man Colin Paterson in place in Hollywood the place to be he ll be telling us who won watch and as he tells us we d love to hear from you as well for your opinion on the winners and the writers as it works and also I want you to call in from Phil the phone in this morning is so from now you can text morning 5058 or e-mail up one night have b.b.c. Dot com. Ok the question is this what s the most memorable performance in a movie by an actor or any actor at any time the number to call for a phone in isn t 0808590969308085909693 1st no exit polls in the Italian elections suggest that Silvio Berlusconi s center right coalition has had to win the most seats in the lower house of parliament there but no party has an overall majority and the anti establishment 5 Star Movement is in 2nd place the country s ruling center left Democratic Party stands in 3rd place it will as it has so often before be a coalition that takes power in a moment I ll be finding out if that means a return to power for the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi but 1st let s meet up with eyes and your vote to see in Rome tonight Andrea How s it looking from where you stand will we we see one party take the election or no no it s definitely going to be a hung parliament died by changes in the air we re seeing about 30 percent of those counted and the 5 star anti-establishment party is the largest party in Italy right now and in the lead which is the far right party in Silvio Berlusconi s coalition has pulled ahead of so we are voters going he was in that coalition so there s a little earthquake going on there with the 2 most and you re a skeptic most anti-establishment parties doing. Very very well and this is a clear cry for a change from the Italian people whether or not they re going to get it and how fast they may get it is yet to be seen as we see the horse trading begin as we see the talks in the back rooms start to happen as these different parties try to put together the mathematics to make a government possible what kind of a chill you do people need to be wound Well I talk to voters from Turin in the north to Naples in the south they are all concerned about the same thing jobs the economy out of control migration bad policy I m a Gratian and they want to better future for their children so it s really about the economy it s about their concerns are migration and they feel like the establishment neither right nor left has has addressed those very important key issues and that s why they they want to change and we re seeing Five-Star getting a lot of votes out of the biggest party in Italy that s a big slap or the establishment right and left and I also believe we need from the far right and a immigration party doing very well even alkie pacing Cellier bowlers going at this point so that s a big election within an election you might say very very big cry for change by the Italians this evening this is a clear lurch to the right to the new Does that mean that the country s ruling center left Democratic Party has suffered the most of the damage only badly bruised Center Left has done quite poorly but you know it depends on who decides to form a coalition with who is the 5 star they could form a coalition you know we don t really know it s too early to say how the government might look what we can say is it s going to be weeks of horse trading weeks of uncertainty which is exactly what Italians where we re voting again. They want clarity they want action they want to be listened to but unfortunately they re going to be faced with yet a weeks and weeks of sort of negotiations between this various factions since there is no governing majority at this point that bodes ill for a strong government. We ll have yet another weak government as we ve had so many since the war in Italy this won t be much stronger than the previous ones were indeed it looks it looks to me that way what we can say is that there is definitely going to be a more and establish a more euro skeptic. Voice coming out of Italy because that s the voters went that direction both the 5 Star and the lead who are ahead in the count right now our voices of being very skeptical of the e.u. Very concerned about migration they re aligned on those topics so I think we re going to see a shift in how Italy and the relationship between Italy and the u.s. We re going to definitely see that the p.d. To go running p.t. I expect will be an earthquake within their own party since they performed so poorly Andrew thank you very much Andrew vogue in Rome listening to Professor Alexander Stille who s a commentator I m Italian politics and the author of the sack of Rome which has been described as an astute analysis of contemporary time in political culture under. Professor a strong showing for Forza Italia receivers Cody s party and Lee the center right parties what happens if they make it across the 40 percent line then. Well at the moment it doesn t look like they would have a lot of seats to form a government by themselves and therefore they would need some help. Is also very significant risk Oni s party at least agree projections we have put him a few points behind the anti immigration legal matter Fellini and that may be important in terms of who and driving a car so to speak if the center right ends up forming a government there risk only. Reinforces the kind of the mediator figure or king maker because he has to tend to lead interlocutor between the lead and other forces further toward the center. And he may be seen as a kind of guarantee her other stability or carrier that government. But there are hard to see his results as a total victory although it is a kind of return for the from the dad for him so it s a lot better than where he was but in actual fact his own party 40 tell us more than 10 percent fewer votes had in the last national election in 2013 it s really. Very very significant rise of a leg that is pushing his center right coalition into a position of strength the other really important is the seeming. Exceptional shelling of the 5 Star Movement which likely is a protest movement and so this is definitely. A protest vote they were saying today and the parties that are more. Associated with the political establishment are those being punished. Only somewhat last and democratic probably because a Democratic Party has been governing during the last. 5 years of the support of Scully but there was her out in front and there was responsible therefore was to blame Paris Corney having been our talent for a while. Got a little bit less of a shrapnel. System vote but it does make you budge more difficult Berlusconi headed governor doesn t if this election was a rejection of these tablets when he represented stablished would in many ways does of course of course persons also the fact that he legally unable to have a government because of a felony conviction for tax fraud is actually not able to be prime minister what he will certainly be is an important mediator and the garage Asians are is already beginning to mull on trying to form a government one of the things it was very interesting will be to see d who the president of the Republic Italy has a somewhat unusual system the President is something of a figurehead a little bit like a queen Britain except that he has an important role in terms of inviting a. Listen that person to try to form a government or one of the most interesting things we will see 1st is who has invited try to form a government does he. Decide that the 5 Star Movement having more votes in a single party should make a change to form a government or does he turn to d those colors and has the largest coalition to try to form a government incidentally as well that will be very interesting to see are you surprised about the demographic votes given that a lot of the younger people into the understand the pessimistic about the future after decades of economic stagnation when the 5 star and establishment talk to you surprise in any way bother to. Learn. On him because to give you an idea. For a Carlist disagreed d about whether Italy or the u.k. d had a larger economy Italy appeared to have actually caught up with or even overtaken in terms of its g.d.p. . Since that time the last our last. 25 percent larger than Italy so it gives you an idea of how much Italy has fallen back its major European carriers and a whole generation of Italians and such for younger people particular. Something like 5 Italians now reside overseas in the area 10 percent of the country as well as the country 2000000 of the last 10 years or so because I don t see prospects for the. Italy in fullest at 11 percent unemployment in the thirty s and the sense of not having a feature. Is overwhelming feeling really a generation of Italians they ve lost faith in the traditional parties and of the 5 Star Movement which is the most kind of the d system of the parties system a factor Professor thank you Professor lives on the stool there common sense from which I mean politics will throw the book the 2nd rug that s for the space the USA Today newspaper for known all school related stuff is counted as a bird we have 3 pretty strong stories we re talking about the White House in chaos and how even the president joking about how things are not exactly running smoothly you know with all the staff changes and. Just everything that s going on in the White House the infighting and the. Surprise announcement about tariffs and you know the fact that his son in law can t get a security clearance and there s a lot going on but this isn t the 1st time the White House has been in crisis we ve in the last year we ve seen so many cries seize is the crises these times this time many was before. Well they can t everybody who s been interviewed sort of puts it back to the way it was when the president was just 1st going last year and then you know General Kelly came in and as chief of staff and things sort of mellowed out for a while and now things have just kind of gone back gone back to the way it was and a lot of people point to the fact that his staff secretary Rob Porter was sort of forced to resign after there were allegations that he had beaten his ex-wives and so he had been somebody who was in a key position to keep things running smoothly and now he s gone and then hope picks the communications director said she s leaving so there s just there s a lot of turmoil going on right now with all of those different issues which is the ones you think the impact on the president the most because you d have thought that losing your communications director when he is such an ally Zoe picks is or was his campaign into Trump as a whole previously would be a huge blow but then he s got this trade war emerging gold seemingly the preamble to trade war between Europe and the United States in what you say if he can get security cameras for his son in law then you can he get a security clearance from there well right and so we ll have to see who you know who succeeds Topix as communications director remember last time he switched communication as directors we had the 10 days of Anthony Scaramucci. Was that was the turmoil in itself so we ll have to see who replaces hope Erickson she hasn t announced exactly when she s leaving so that gives them a little bit of time I think to try to figure that situation down and then the situation with your commissioner and I know it s going to happen there I mean if he can t you know security clearance you know that limits what he can do in the White House and then there s also talk now about h.r. McMaster leaving as the national security adviser so it s just a continual You know revolving door and the episode that you want to talk about sees about gun free school. Is this a president that is putting forward this idea or was he rejecting it. Well he s the President Trump has been blasting the school saying that they shouldn t be gun free zones that that just makes them a target to these you know these people who want to come in and shoot up a school but he just totally doesn t our story says basically he just totally doesn t understand the concept the reason that these gun free zones were instant you know initiated in the 1st place is because kids were bringing them on to campus with you know gang affiliations and drug deals and this kind of thing and so what they did is they got rid of all again as with the exception of the armed police officer who was the resource officer for the school and because of that gun violence and violence among you know kids had gone way way down so he s kind of missing the whole point of why that that law was 1st in student in the 1st place and what about appearances they get in the point or missing the point what would they do with a proof of his schools the children went to school at gun free zones on I think so I mean they show that kids are much less anxious and worried about going to school if they know that and I have no worry about you know somebody who is having a bad you know some kind of a drug deal or something in the in the school whipping out a weapon so I think kids are happy to have and parents are happy not to have those guns in the schools and everybody understood that you know that the police officers who are at the school as they do carry weapons but this idea of arming teachers and letting whoever wants to have a gun on a campus that s that s not something I know many parents are in favor of I can imagine that the irony is not lost in the United States which you can about schools and guns you know the they just seem to be juxtapositions. The chief should never come together seems to be. Beyond the pale. I now I m sure that a lot of people outside the United States look at us and think What on earth are they talking about. You know that s the reality in the show the incline so you know organizations like the National Rifle Association where they absolutely do not want any infringement upon Gann rights whatsoever so that s you know that s just a big factor and we re here Karen servant of USA Today says crossed over the 1st time it s a Hollywood where our entertainment correspondent calling Pattison is there on the big night for the movie industry good night and you ll be with us throughout the program calling given the subject so who s joining comedy and where is there on their way to the Vanity Fair party you ve done in the pas your next without it so you should do it again for us tonight but it said there s so many stars he just as we went on air who has won the 1st Oscar of the night for best supporting actor they cast a great best supporting actor and it has gone as we thought it would to Sam Rockwell for 3 billboards outside Epping Missouri in this film he plays a racist cop called Dixon who saw 6 redemption as the film goes on Sam Rockwell interesting Lee the Bafta during his acceptance speech described himself as a bit of a journeyman probably best known for films such as Moon direct but Duncan Jones David Bowie son Confessions of a Dangerous Mind that was a George Clooney directed film and he was also in Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and what a story for him and to start his career he made money by working as an elevator operator and an intern for a private investigator now he is an Oscar winner on stage he thanked everyone who s ever looked at a billboard So Dr Newman me and all the listeners we got Thanks on the 1st acceptance speech. Well and this role of Dixie Chicks so seriously actually spent time with 2 cops in southern Missouri to try and get into the role he went to crystal meth day and with these cops spoke to burns victims because of what happens to him in the film and that s what the Academy likes and that s what s one of the all star the. 1st award of the night best supporting actor has gone to Sam Rockwell let s not forget the best of the men in the place to be is really those on Oscar night is Jimmy Kimmel tonight he does a very good rap diverse nation with Justin Timberlake because those who haven t seen his programs he s back presenting and clearly this is a significant year in Hollywood not least because one of the great Hollywood moguls now discredited r.v. Winced Weinstein triggered all the scandal around Hollywood Joe last year also. Yeah we absolutely we ve just heard his opening monologue it lasted 10 minutes we wondered how we would mention Weinstein with his very 1st joke reference to end of last year s ceremony envelope gave he said this year when you hear your name called Can you just not get up right away give us a minute. For that one he then said I m going to tell a story I ve never told before a week before the last year s ceremony I was asked if I want to do comedy with the accountants I thought it was a terrible idea I said no it appears the accountants decided to do it without me then he paid tribute to the Oscars saying how Oscars is 90 this year he said of Oscars 90 he s probably home watching Fox News and then he said he started to move into talking about what you were referencing all the sexual harassment he said. The ideal man in Hollywood he keeps his hands where you can see them and he s got no penis I was surprised that word was allowed to be used on primetime American telly I m sure we can use it at this time on on up all night then he did start to talk about Harvey Weinstein he said even the mention of Harvey Weinstein you could hear almost the palpitations in the room and the way he did it was he didn t make a joke about Harvey Weinstein he said Harvey Weinstein was only the 2nd person ever to be expelled from the cademy and he mentioned the 1st Carmen Caribbean who he said was expelled from the academy in 2004 for showing screeners to his friends so he said Harvey Weinstein got exactly the same punishment as a man who lent Seabiscuit on v. H.s. To his neighbor it got a kind of my old laughter he had to tackle the subject he did it in that way and then he did go on to say we need to set an example. So women in the workplace can feel safe and then only have to deal with the with the horrors everywhere else they go and then make jokes about. Touched on the the advancement of women and black characters in the last year he said look at what s happened with with Black Panther and with Wonder Woman where no in a world where we can have a superhero who s black or a superhero who s a woman he says I remember days where that was not acceptable like March last year and got a huge laugh for that and then towards the end of his speech just and this was this is the best bet this is the best he said this is a long ceremony the only one lasted 15 minutes they still thought the opening Oscars were too long so I have a competition tonight and he s done this for real he said shortest speech at the Oscars tonight wins a speedboat a jet ski. A brand new jet ski and they peel back the curtain and there was Dame Helen Mirren draped over the chair ski and he has got a stopwatch and he says he s going to record every speech tonight whoever does the shortest gets the jet ski and also if it s a tie Christopher Plummer gets to take it home. And hopefully whoever wins is got an ocean view of the ocean Villa or whatever it is. Monica Anyway I know talking about this is you ve seen the You have been speaking to the journalists who broke the story Ronan Farrow Here s what he said to you you know I m more interested to see how different the country is and this industry is and other industries are in South policing you know is this going to lead to legislation that has a lasting impact are we going to see a different culture around the kinds of professional meetings people take in Hollywood we re starting to see signs of change but there s still a long way to go what has to happen next you know I do think it has to be enshrined in legislation I think certain league. Systems that were deployed to shield Harvey Weinstein need to be really closely questioned things like the nondisclosure agreements that were used to basically handcuff women to silence for this long. You know things like the payouts that kept this quiet for as long as they did things like the region is use of private investigators to intimidate reporters I think that there is a lot that could change to make this better. Times are as a result of the fall of the Everyone s doing. The. Women to be dressed in black on the red carpet for the Oscars but there s no one. They went for a color we heard in the last week that that would be happening they said there was no time to take the movement on and make the point elsewhere we will believe it will be referenced on stage during the ceremony however and then the where examples like Ashley Judd s arriving at the Oscars with Mira Sorvino there were 2 of the voices who started speaking to Ronan Farrow in fact speaking and raising allegations against Harvey Weinstein s of the arrive together as an act of solidarity so people were speaking about it on the red carpet rather than wearing it s going to just tell you we ve got our 1st British when Oscar night the 2nd category has just been announced its achievements in makeup and hair styling and it s gone to the team that turned Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill dark a star has won Britain its 1st Oscar of the night and I m delighted to say I managed to speak to Lucy separate from the 3 person team at the British nominees party and I started off by asking just to talk through the whole process of how they went about turning Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill Sometimes we get up at 1 o clock in the morning have a 3 hour make up an hour before that and then data set for 12 hours and then we have an hour of daybreak another hour crap and then we drive home then we do the same thing again and I say how long is Gary Oldman of the chair that he was that after about just over 3 hours. Every morning yeah every day you know just keep on and go to sleep and maybe you will some days when we take off it looks to look so good again today like oh maybe you could just sleep in the us please how long you spend in your make up last day so I reckon a couple of hours is really as long as that yes probably as long as Gary sat in the chair to make up the lights a light to debate get it right you know it of age yes. I might be able to speak. I m looking of that word in additional they ll give you translation when I find it by the way call in fact you for now will come back to Colleen in Hollywood the place to be tonight later on in the program and keep updated with he s won just remind you got our 1st British winner of the day and surprised me I suppose it went to the people who turned Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill in the movie the stars in the darkest show was we waged. A columnist for a lot of headlines as Dana Campbell from digital on smartphones and tablets this is b.b.c. 5. Exit polls in Italy suggest the country s general election has produced a hung parliament the anti establishment 5 Star Movement is projected to be the single largest party but it s expected to have fewer seats than the parties involved in a right wing coalition so Bradley Wiggins and Team Sky say they strongly refute claims that drugs were used to enhance performance not just for medical need a report by M.P. s says an ethical line was crossed more on this in the sporting a moment thousands of homes are without water after thawing temperatures caused burst pipes Thames Water says $12000.00 customers in London either have no main supply or are experiencing low pressure the Oscars are taking place in Hollywood the 1st when it was Sam Rockwell whose once Best Supporting Actor for his role in 3 billboards outside every Missouri and as you ve just heard there s been pretty success already as darkest hour won best hair and. Make up the b.c.s. For it s own 5 live with the sports I m James Gregg Olympic gold medalists a Bradley Wiggins in some amongst those named in a damning new report into doping in sports the Digital Culture Media and Sport select committee highlights a number of failings at the top of both cycling and athletics as Adam Wilde reports this little awaited report points to the use of certain drugs in the cyclists or Bradley Wiggins and his former team Team Sky The purpose of which the report claims was not always to treat medical needs but we improve performance not something both Team Sky and we gains strongly refute and also didn t break anti doping rules they did the report says cross the ethical line the chief executive of the f.a. Martin Glenn say Pep Guardiola should not swear a yellow ribbon because they don t want political symbols in football the man city manager has until 6 o clock tonight to respond to a charge for wearing the ribbon on the touchline which he ses is in support of imprisoned politicians in his native Catalonia with more sports news correspondent Richard Cohen why speaking on the issue for the 1st time Martin Glenn the F.A. s chief executive believes the ribbon is a political symbol saying where do you draw the line should we have someone with a Ukip badge someone with an ISIS badge that s why you have to be pretty tough that local regional national party organizations cannot use football shirts made while on the pitch city be Chelsea one nil to pull 18 points clear at the top of the Premier League while still managing Alston vendor has all but written off getting into next season s Champions League via the Premier League his side a 13 points behind 4th place top them following that see one defeat at Brighton very difficult I think impossible because you ve got to fall behind and you need to change to quit ups not want. To do more. Different were easiest to come to when you re going on b.b.c. Sports understands Alan Pardew will. Remain as West Brom manager for another week despite his side following further behind in their battle to avoid relegation the Baggies lost war nil it was fed yesterday however it s believed the club s owners noted the vast improvement in the team s performance England women had to come from behind twice to draw to will with Germany in the she believes Cup in New Jersey it was after 2 defensive blunders led to the Germany goals England play the United States in their final match in its autumn and early on Thursday morning Britain took that gold medal tally to 2 with the World Indoor Athletics Championships in Birmingham after Andrey palsy win the men s 60 metres hurdles his teammate all skin clogged claim bronze in the women s 800 mates has been Great Britain s 4 by 400 women s relate seem were reinstated into the bronze medal position on appeal John Higgins is celebrating a record 5th Welsh Open sneaker title he beat Barry Hawkins 97 in the final just all the men then it has not sunk in yet really is no saying can in the next couple of days but to do one of the tournament fit in I can tell you. Yes beyond my wildest dreams really so. Yeah. I think all Phil Mickelson has won the w.d.c. Mexico championship he beat fellow American Justin Thomas in a playoff. The best my school teacher friend. Monday night from the Premier League will be at Selhurst Park the Crystal Palace against Manchester United kick off 8 pm so nights and the build up begins a 5 lifeforce from set it this is your local station 5 lines and 5 extra seats across the u.k. This is b.b.c. 5 live up all night with us and the by at. His watch the news was showing business. Oh it is mind now all right. Made out and soon you ll be. Every bit of nervousness is gonna. Sound that s music to your hear really look you give them serious money. Was. My point. Was. Let s. See I was. There as a guy with a Welcome to the great 5 Live Oscars night film phoning Judy got in there is no business like show business and just to prove that there really is no business like show business where inviting you to tell is what is the. The best performance the most memorable performance that you ve ever seen in a film from any time any performance in any film from any year much the most memorable 008-085-9096 extension 93 is the number to call if you d like to join in this conversation 808-590-9693 calls are free for mobiles and landlines our text is 85058 that s our text number 85058 text charge your standard message rate or you can e-mail up all night at b.b.c. Dog Kate up all night at b.b.c. Dog u.k. We re live or all the way through to $430.00 here with the Oscars calling Pattison is in Tinseltown keeping us updated on all the winners tonight plus of course we have our critic who s always with us and us on Oscar night Lisa Johnson and delve joining us from Los Angeles now Lisa good morning good morning to you know this is such an exciting night it is it is isn t it because this arguably is the night that the Oscars change forever. Well we can only hope well in terms of the fact that the Academy has been expanded now to include so many diverse people who get to vote on movies we definitely will have a diff different type of or a much more inclusive Oscars nominations Yes I m thinking it will be you can tell just from the nominees alone this is the most inclusive year ever and after 90 years I think it s about time we get it right because this is the 90 year annual Academy Awards. Ok And obviously where we re talking for now Phil Vardy this warning about great performances there are some incredible ones and some of which are being voted on tonight of course performances by. Of all backgrounds of varieties. What Judy Garland was saying sing in my resonate with lots of people listening to. The show people they smile when they are low is that how they ll be feeding to not love if they do win but smile. Well you know everyone standard line is it s great just to be nominated and I think a lot of people feel that way there s some very young actors being nominated this year course to make the show may is the youngest and in something like 40 years and then Christopher Plummer of course is the oldest actor ever nominated and he s the reigning oldest actor ever to win the Academy Award so yeah it s kind of exciting there s some good things that are going to go it s a bit and of course he owes his nomination to somebody whose name would not be mentioned in a favorable light in this year s Oscars doesn t mean. What are we are we talking about Winston Churchill now sick of Kevin Spacey. Own Kevin Spacey Christopher Plummer Ok Oh yes thank you sorry I. Don t know where my place is full and you know that means you know that it s so interesting because. He. He stepped in at the very last minute for Kevin Spacey everything and got me out of the Award nomination for it how is that did you see that so. Many in the world. Have Brive seen clips and I mean it really is yeah yeah yeah and the thing is he plays that he plays and very despicable character so despicable that you really hate him in this movie and you would ask to be a good actor to get that kind of out of the. John Paul Getty he is the character the plays and yet some of us remember when he was still alive remember some of his comments basically when it came to his family in bailing his family or not bailing his family out of all sorts of issues just bear with me we ll get the latest from the from our correspondent there column at Pat s in which we just been which one has just been announced going we had to win since we last spoke to you thought the best costume design went to Phantom threads the American market bridges Jack went around the Brit was nominated twice in that category for both beauty and the Beast and darkest hour but lost out to Phantom thread and Best Documentary Feature with our 1st shock of the night people thought it was going to be Agnes Fonda who at the age of $89.00 is older than the Oscars faces places was the favorite to win Best Documentary Feature but as it s been beaten by Icarus a documentary that actually includes the voice of p.b.c. Sport correspondent Richard Colm wait it s on Netflix I watched it before it came out and stuck human trait about a guy called Brian Fogle who s a cycling fan and decided to investigate how good could he get at cycling if he. Took the drugs that Lance Armstrong had to and he actually ends up contacting Russia for help with this and as he s dealing with that in real life the story breaks the Dr Gregory Road Schenkel one he s the guy who s helping him and then suddenly the documentary changes direction and he is focusing on Dr Gregory of a change as the government sponsored doping program in Russia unravels It s an extraordinary documentary anyone who s going on Netflix can watch it has to say it features news reports from Richard calm way of the b.b.c. He ll be asleep at the moment he s going to wake up and find out he s in an Oscar winning film as this may someday be waking him up even as we speak now Abu Ghraib. Will catch up with very shortly the latest When is in the subsequent categories a film found in this one is about most memorable performances in a movie we ve done some and done with us the film critic in Los Angeles and we have Neil who is in dues Bre us you with us as well what s your most memorable performance in a movie. Of the whole film Midnight Cowboy $960.00. 8 times just in Hoffman. All stars they are safe so there s a whole new thing America saying in the background and also in singing everybody s talking. Just you know jungle of places character Joe. Texas to New York to try to make it as. A start and I m saying to Justin often writes I read. That certain song miss the most unlikely sort of partnership and that the hopes at the beginning they were dashed. Just a wonderful film that from a in those like sixty s was sort of somehow I. Spoke of the era really in a New York Minute C.D. s. At that time. I know I know it s such a great movie release and new presses and it could mean however we re going to have to get him to choose one of those great performances you can have. How do you explain the to go for John Boy I think you know Dustin gets loads of clothes it s over the years but I think. Some boy. He sort of carried it really for me anyway and I love people partnering up I know it was just then but there are just so I mean I think it was the 1st film most 1st sort of major. But you know just I think John just just to show you. What I have to say I m on to Destine. They were her that is such a classic film and I think you know a lot of people haven t seen it by now it s you know several you know quite a few decades ago. It s totally It stands up to time and it s definitely worth another watch you know I m with you than Neal because I think you re right most people just go for the dusting cards and the rat so character is the more kind of extrovert carrot say in a way it s again that. It s the most kind of it s the carrot to is easy in a way to portray because it s something of a caricature Isn t it something that you know you have to show where is the Jon Voight counts as a much more subtle kind yeah maybe a greater performance Well I think also the fact that Justin has done a lot more over the years than Jon Voight some in. Some strong voice unlike probably you know looking at the sort of numbers I might be 10 probably a lot more than that but then Dustin appears seems to take in terms of most every year money spent 49 years you know it was 1969. It s completely amazing Let s hear a little bit from it so I sort of. Oh yes he said John Boy he s busy winning any case for his television performances and Ray Donovan and it s not quite the same thing but hey let s have a listen listen listen to what he sounded like for you know years ago Midnight Cowboy John Voight Dustin Hoffman. I hope we re not going to have a lot of trouble about my going down there but I mean like what the whole point is that the only way you know. If you re black it s all. Thinking this is guy running or the beach or sun he s going to school or the like and somebody yells a rat s you know. What I sound like feel. Like and there you. Are like what happened in the. Recall alternative that. We got to all these people and it was legal. Ok. You know you see dusting go all the lines but I d surely take sometimes more than the lines to to perform most memorably be if that makes any sense Lisa Yeah indeed it does some Sometimes a subtle performances are the best. And but it doesn t work on radio obviously have not is well but yeah you re right Dustin Hoffman did have a flash your performance yet but we have to say I guess that Jon Voight performance was more refined more subtle but no less intense both those are both a couple of great performances I m so glad that he brought those up yet Neil just out of interest why was the Jon Voigt performance so memorable for you. Well I thought he looked so fresh faced and he had so much optimism you know he had the optimist against the Senate. Really those are the same sort of parts that cliff you just played at the end and it s when you know I m not doing a spoiler here I think people are for the same I m saying it but you know when he dies and his arms on the coach and the Spits he is coming out of this or us bringing him to tears now just thinking about it you know the little bit at the end when. You know that going to make a better life for themselves in the sunshine because I think that s got a cozy wants to because he s got to whatever it was and he just started and this is so sad so sad because all the hard beginning you know I mean Joe goes to New York and. Yeah. Anyway thank you for kicking off the funny this morning no that was an excellent choice Neal induced breathing West Georgia for him the most memorable performance was John Voight in Midnight Cowboy what a film that was yet so which is it for you which is the most memorable performance in movies any era any time whatsoever only 808590969 Three s a number if you want to join in the conversation Lisa is with us as she always is on Oscar night this is the same John cement Oh he s our critic from Los Angeles in the cemetery so many of the performances appealed have been talked about Angela has gone for. $2.00 to $5.00 performances and I can understand the 1st one Vivian leaf of Gone With The Wind Yeah. It would be exactly exactly I would have gone. In a Streetcar Named Desire personally was not given these were. Oh oh you re breaking up you re breaking up you re breaking up. Hopefully we can hear me yeah we can you re breaking up for a moment yeah I was saying that it was if you only industry coming desire is. Now you are breaking I will get you back I ll get you back on the phone line in a moment I would say anyway this is what he says out a favorite performances that vividly for governor when and then his prize for Kind Hearts and correlate was it did his price always lose at least Simms I m a confusing that it s a brilliant brilliant multi performance but I m sure that it s to Sim s when it initially kind Hudson Konitz Well maybe Dennis Ross was in it as well on the subject of c.p. Rose was an earth a kid a fantastic Batwoman Yeah unforgettable was she she was Cat Woman was and she was a bat woman she was Cat Woman If a kid as I recall anyway Kind Regards has a parka. And if he had to choose one it was Vivienne Yeah yeah yeah go for that now coming you causes has been my favorite actor performance from movies Dennis Hopper from the movie Blue Velvet he was scary and there was no starring the late great Dennis Hopper No he guys shows regards as Malcolm thank you for that. After just watching shrek says Tony Lincoln for the umpteenth time I have to say the donkey is the perfect supporting actor the timing of the acidic retorts is comedy perform perfection just not sure if a cartoon figure qualifies for this so I know why not. Ok. Church Yeah oh so you re back with us i.e. Lisa. Ok Bill from Bromley says my nomination is an equal 1st James Ynys of Eden James in Iraq without cause that was the 1st thought that came to my mind though but I to sort of like distance myself from my personal feelings otherwise I had to declare an interest both performances still Rouse emotions even today 60 years after these films were made Yeah but if you had to choose one surely the performance of James Dean s life was giant wasn t the giant Yeah Ok. That s my thoughts in any case will feel free. My declaring an interest in these things it s all about your choices for great performances in the movies Liam Neeson Schindler s List. Oh I disagree the loss it s all hangs it would to me in the Oscars thank you very much for that appreciate it. Having said that what about. Mel Gibson in Braveheart is counting kill food. The Major tried to take our lives with a never take our freedom speech particularly Emma who s in Somerset. To tell me you re in your mid forty s m.l. Was a loss of habitat always interesting to know that Christopher Reeve generated a permanent phobia she says of. Yeah yeah Ok. So we got a member of Bafta with us. Where you could say that done you could say I m a member I m actually a member of Bafta and I ve been the doing on the judges of the games panels for a couple of years but I m not as you know quite a member of Bafta So we re in a circle if you like I should tell people your you had a and you re one of I suppose the prettiest those of a porno you call a star and I would I would except you have so little you know I heard you talking about Kind Hearts and Coronets which is one of my favorite films of all time Dennis Price was the it was Louis of course the years of the neglected member the task going family then takes it on upon himself to murder his wife. Of course and then like this was a disorder that was all of the impediment to save his career as a kid is you know Alice is as we know things are just as well there are moments where he doesn t he does look like a bit like Alice to say I m thinking about the General for instance or maybe not because actually Lady Constance although cos I was the same did do quite a lot of work in the center in Ian s films where he was both brother and sister was no because I character s name and know when you can remember I know this from so I wanted to have the problem would somebody have good excuse is an age thing with me what is your view Margaret with you know we would know which is. Actually Margaret with noses Colin Firth in The King s Speech are as nice a day as an or some performer Chantelle you that from reduces me to tears I don t know what it is about the kings of late it s just got such a charge when we play some of it just so that we can see how do we really know what I really got a clue that would be good for anyone I don t know because we were images to tears on radio. But it s this that quality of that sort of brittle performance he gives in Geoffrey Rush as. The Australian speech therapist who s one temporally or escapes me the character s name in the way that you have the problems remembering. Characters I remember the actor never the 2 together I m afraid to say that it s just lovely Helena Bonham Carter does really really well as the Duchess of York who then becomes the queen of course when when when what he took takes the crown off of his brother David in fact its own mother yes the Tony Liverpool has joined in the bandwagon a kind hearts incarnate So there is prize in it but there s always that again is I thank you for that. Ok what I mean you could you could not do it both ways I suspect with that one is Dennis Price is the thing it all revolves around in order Alec prices before we have a Guinness I beg your pardon all of his performances a bicycle these wonderfully they re little character studies they re almost like. The sort of the drawings of trying them to back to sell scarf. Does for just William not guilty well what you think of the good Lisa John Symond though both of us were asked urges. Yes I hear our great great great got you back. From up all night with us as well he s a member of Bafta. Voting in the film section I don t. Says yeah I m more impressive than you know I m a member of Charlton s after letting his fans club anyway Color me in Edinburgh and says Callum in Edinburgh. Did this work for you to think this Calum merely was his most memorable character and I have to agree here Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles fabulous performance in a film which despite its political incorrectness is a classic Yeah yeah the kid I think is yeah he s awake and business with the whole you know because that s handles that is what we have on the show with this I was thinking of that is a great moment has an absolute right to be said yeah that she wants to let the other less things and you know that Lee set your mood oh my gosh somebody great lines from Blazing Saddles How could you ever forget but you re spoilt for choice Blazing Saddles because of course Cleaver little you know as the sheriff is also quite a memorable character and that you ve got no Brooks himself is one of the great memorable characters in there and what s the Mongo you think is that I was and I was thinking of the lady in the. Mirror Mary and I think can yeah yes he says she is girl and here she got there or whatever just plays the same a very precisely Yeah it s not going to show business. By e.j. I didn t like that one guy was a good line as you see we have to be careful not to confuse performances with great lines Olisa sometimes the lines are so here that sometimes the lines are so great that you think it was a great performance because you know you delivered the law I mean you know. To brutally or something like that this is the winter of our discontent you remember the line you think you wow such a great performance Roger you just made it was such a great learning. Yes And you know it s a shame though that comedic performances are are we shortchange especially the cademy awards people don t given the credit they do I think a comedy is the hardest thing to do is No I mean the really great comedians become really great tragedians whereas I probably said that wrong Don there s the comic genius comic timing is often someone who can deliver some really really good dramatic performance and I was the guy Sam Rockwell I mean that character very billboards and manages to go from so witless all the way through to he s got the also good tonight for best supporting actor we thought that was the right choice for you. Oh I definitely think so yes when I saw that film my eyes opened wide and I just thought Well Ok Oscar race is finished Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell for sure I was so you think from some of the Oscar for best actor then yes I actually put money on that Ok Ok I m not a betting man but you ve won half your stake already haven t you Sam Rockwell. Lofty even pull in Dorset says Jack Nicholson a few good men I m a fan of new cool out of all these films he s so believable in a few good men I eat breakfast a few yards from 400 humans trained to kill me. Oh oh.

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