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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20141021 10:00:00

16 years ago, fresh out of college, a 22-year-old intern in the white house, and more than averagely romantic, i fell in love with my boss. in a 22-year-old sort of way. it happens. but my boss was the president of the united states. that probably happens less often. and at that time it was my everything. that, i guess you could say, was e nice part.ubble part for me, the nasty part was that it
became public. public with a vengeance. overnight i went from a completely private figure to a completely public humiliated one. i was patient zero. the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet. good morning. it is tuesday, october 21st. with us on set here in washington we have new york times reporter jeremy peters and columnist for bloomberg view, al hunt along with willie up in new york. so we have a lot of news. tons of political news to get to. but i just we might as well throw you that softball and let you go. what? about monica. i thought it was compelling. i thought it was too.
i think she has a real platform. she s the very first person whose name exploded on the internet and whose life has been defined by one thing, by one thing. and ruined, quite frankly. as a 22-year-old girl. if anyone wants to think something badly about her right now or say something they might want to think about whether any of their daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts would have found themselves perhaps in a similar situation at 22 years old. more importantly if anybody has son or daughter who is at least 22 or 23 you just might want to be quiet. if your son or daughter hasn t done something at least as bad i was asking somebody this earlier and he raised both hands look she was taken advantage of by somebody who preyed upon her and what she has done since then is for the most part keep fairly quiet, move on with her life. now she s moving on a platform
with something extremely serious, cyber bullying. i have two teenagers. i see what s going on out there. it makes look what happened in the white house child s play. al, her life was ruined. she s 22 years old. taken advantage of by her boss. for people who say monica lewinsky should go away you ll fight 15 rounds with your arms behind your back you ll get punched for 15 rounz. she s carried herself with dignity. i just had a 25-year-old daughter so i want to recuse myself. i have a 26 and 23-year-old boy and i m saying we all understand. i mean wouldn t it be horrible to have your children judged by what they did for the rest of their lives at 22. one was dumbest things. it s very unfair. she s entitled to a life. i don t know much about her
since her fame. which something. because a lot of people cashed in. also the issue itself, i know we ll get on to news. teenagers face a very different, you know, composition of life than woe even come close to understanding. everything is out there. everything they do is out there. they don t understand until they ve done it how it flies around on the internet. she does. we ll talk a lot more about this. president obama has cast i had vote in this year s mid-terms. did you see what happened when he cast his vote. while he campaigned did they ask for i.d. designee campaigned for the governor of illinois he has largely stayed away from states where democrats are locked in tough races but may not be helping members of his own party who are trying to distance themselves from the white house. here s what the president said earlier this month and then in an radio interview yesterday with the reverend al sharpton. i m not on the ballot this fall.
michele is pretty happy about that. [ laughter ] but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. every single one of them. a lot of the states that are contested this time are states that i didn t win. and so some of the candidates there, it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the republicans will use that to try to fan republican turnout. the bottom line is these are all folks that vote with me. they have supported my agenda in congress. they are on the right side of minimum wage, they are on the right side of fair pay, they are on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure, they are on the right side of early childhood education. so this isn t about my feelings being hurt. these are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me and
i tell them, i said, you know what, you do what you need to do to win. i will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out. al, it s like the ant that comes after you when you re like 6 or 7 and tries to hug you. come on. i mean he s saying they are with me, they are with me. must drive him crazy. i ve been in georgia and north carolina have you ever seen a president doesn t get it. you re not wanted here right now. we ll talk to you the day after the election. i ve seen a few. i ve been to north carolina and georgia in the last couple of weeks and if a democratic candidate down there talked about minimum wage, pay equity and a number of issues they do fine. if they talk about obama s pay equity or minimum wage they run away from it. how it is looking in georgia? that s fascinating race. you have jimmy carter s grandson.
there will be a runoff in both. december and january i would not be surprised at all if michele nunn finishes ahead of david perdue. willie, we have an awful lot of polls out today. and we can start with u.s. candidate michele nunn that we were just talking about from georgia. she s among democrats who are steering clear of the president. she s in a close race. here s part of her campaign ad that s running in georgia. have you seen this picture? it s the one david perdue has used to try to attack me in this campaign. what he doesn t tell you is that it was taken at an event honoring president bush who i worked for as ceo of his points of light foundation. nunn actually used another ad with the former president s image earlier this year because he s endorsed her republican opponent. she was asked to stop using his
image. democrats in tough battles are stayling alive in the latest poll. alison lundergan grimes who saw money dry up is down just one point in this latest poll to mitch mcconnell. that s the blue grass poll in kentucky. up in new hampshire senator jean shaheen is hanging on to a three-point lead over republican scott brown. public policy polling ppp has senator kay hagan has up three over tom tillis in north carolina. again a tie. a new monmouth poll of kansas shows independent greg orman dead locked with pat roberts there in kansas. that s something. all of these polls, you know, we see a way for the democrats and a way for the republicans and now everybody say the republicans are starting to look good. boy, these polls in new hampshire, in north carolina, in kansas, and my gosh kentucky now. i mean it looks like it looks
like you re having a tightening here and all of those polls, every one of those polls can be seen as very bad news for republicans a month ago. that s right. the way this race has seesawed back and forth from democrats to republicans i won be stupid enough to make any predictions. come on. i think kansas and south dakota are much harder for the democrats than the conventional wisdom would suggest. structurally and demographically there s a reason republicans have carried these states and democrats will privately tell you they are not as bullish about those two states. about kansas? it s pat roberts and you ve been around that long and you re still tied or trailing in polls. it s not out of reach. but it s tough. the way one senator, democratic senator described to it me was 2006 tennessee when harold ford looked like he was up and going to win and he didn t. tennessee is a red state.
he was running against a strong candidate which no one would accuse pat roberts of being. what about kentucky? that blue grass poll has always shown grimes doing ber. there s two near i was the. both sides playing to the vote. republicans think there s momentum with isis and ebola, dysfunctional washington and a small tide. the democrats think this is so close it s going to come down a grand game where they have the edge. and i think up to ten races that we aren t certain who will win. so this could this really could we could wake up the morning after and have the democrats firmly in charge or having a huge republican sweep. or joe we could wake up not knowing at all and having four or five states still uncertain including georgia which has a runoff on january 6th the day after the new senate comes back. that s fascinating. in alaska there are still hundreds of precincts where they count ballots by hand. if orman or pressler win let
the bidding begin. well show this later because we have to move on. we have a guest coming up on another story. the president was voting yesterday. he voting next to this nice lady. and her boyfriend comes up to the president and goes don t touch my girlfriend. orchestrate my gosh. the president had a conversation with thread. we ll show it. to barack obama? yes. wrong democratic president to say that to. so moving on now. my girlfriend. right. exactly. wow. good point. i get it now. the washington post is digging into a government talk about jimmy carter. shows taxpayers she would out $775 million to cover the salaries of thousands of federal workers who were sent home from the job but still collected their paychecks. the report says some of those employees were still being paid more than a year after they were put on administrative leave.
the practice was intended to be used quote in rare circumstances and only when the employee is considered a threat. but records show 57,000 employees were off the job for at least a month over a three year span. not only did they collect their paychecks they built up their pensions and climbed the pay scale ladder while their cases crawled through the bureaucratic process. this sounds like the rubber room in new york city except in this case, three quarters of a billion dollars. every time we have somebody coming on saying oh, they cut $3 billion in ebola research, i mean think about what he can do with three quarters of a billion dollars at the national institutes of health. this is insane. it s an awful lot of money. we ll talk to the washington post reporter in a second. when you look at how wide the reasons are from conflicts to the boss, to breaking lawyers in fact, there s this wide berth of
reasons that are given and that s a big chunk of change. i have conflicts with my boss sometimes. can i sit out and get paid. you often do so it works out well. here with us now the washington post reporter. so 57,000 threats or what examples are workers of these workers being paid on paid administrative leave. are they all problems? i would say it s a mix of some people are exonerated after very lengthy investigations and some eventually are fired or forced to, forced to retire or they get worn down by the process they leave the government. these are people who for some reason are accused of some form of misconduct. sometimes it s an easy thing where there s security clearance is up for renewal and the government finds that they haven t paid a visa bill. well, you know, government
bureaucracies work very slowly so they get sent home. sometimes they are very high level employees who maybe are accused of stealing. sometimes they are whistle blowers as i found in my story with a biologist for the u.s. fish and wildlife service out in oklahoma who raised a fuse when a utility company wanted to lay utility tine in the path of an endangered beetle, and her bosses succumbed to pressure from the company and she kept raising a fuse and she was sent home on administrative leave. oh, my god. that s an expensive beetle. incredible story. that s insane. that is insane, close to a billion dollars. al, i m being a politician. around up 775. it s unbelievable. it really is. terrific story. you don t believe me about the president. no, i don t.
i think you re making this up. dan, do we have the tape of the president voting with this guy. we do. the guy said stay away from my girlfriend. he s barack obama. who would be worried.
willie, i m sorry. first of all, come on mike is pretty smart to do that. i mean but i like mike. i m sorry. the president is the king of cool right there. can t get much better than that. didn t even look up from his voting. how about mike coming in real hot with the president of the united states. my gosh. that s so funny. the girl said the last time he went out in public in d.c. i was excited i thought you were going to be beyonce instead. this is cute. he handled it beautifully. it was magnificent. willie the best part he s looking down and he s voting don t touch my girlfriend and he goes i wasn t planning on it. all right. still ahead on morning joe
i wasn t planning on it. when the garden was eden, actor michael rapaport with a fascinating tribute to the new york knicks. and game of battle ships is playing out in baltic sea. swedens have deployed stealth ships, mine sweepers and helicopters in the search for an alleged russian ship lurking near its capital. what s with sweden? come on. oh, no. tourists running wild in new york s hell kitchen. we ll be right back.
a single ember that escapes from a wilire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home only what happens or evwhen it doesunityr wid
time now to take a look at
the morning papers at 21 past the hour. the new york times fashion, community is mourning the loss of an acclaimed designer this morning. oscar de la renta passed away after complications from cancer. born in the dominican republic, de la renta lived in spain and france before making his way to the united states where he began his own label. known for its glamorous evening gowns, the designer dressed four first ladies, hollywood s top movie stars, television actresses and singers. oscar de la renta was 82 years. what a remarkable life. willie? usa today news out of south africa olympic runner oscar pistorius as been sentenced to five years in prison for the killing of his girlfriend. his legal team expects him to spend 10 months behind bars with the remaining time one house arrest. the washington post , a new study says sodas can take years
off your life. according to research in the american journal of health, sugary drinks can accelerate your body s ageing process. scientists who conducted a study says it happens at a chromosomal level making it hard for cells to regenerate and causing the body to age more rapidly. research shows drinking one 20 ounce soda drink daily is linked to four and a half years of additional ageing and ofeffects similar to smoking. when we were reading this story, i was telling al my poor grandma who died at 93 showed the effects of ageing the last year of her life drinking that sugar shocked tea and al said she might have made it to 94. maybe not sweet tea. that s a pretty shocking study. i m not shocked. i think it s more the chemicals,
isn t it? people that are drinking the fake sugar and everything like that. we called it saccharin back in the 70s. joe, you also point out about churchill. he was an alcoholic. willie. the hollywood reporter lesley jones has been named the newest cast member on saturday night live. currently a writer on the show has made some appear janes since joining snl earlier this year. she was a finalist for the cast position which eventually was offered to another. she will make her debut this saturday when jim carey hosts the big show. from nbc for new york video shows police chasing a runaway carriage horse. this is de blasio s new york. why done he love animals. a spokesperson for the carriage industry says the horse escaped from its stable on
sunday morning, eventually police were able to corner the horse and the handler took it back stibls. animal rights activists say it s further proof carriage rides in the city should come to an end. coming up, eugene robinson says that elizabeth warren has one thing that no other potential 2016 candidate has. he s going to be telling us what that is next. plus the real reason ebola czar ron klain is headed to washington. politico explains next on morning joe .
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you can t control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at joining us now for the must read opinion pages we have pulitzer prize winner eugene robinson. yes that s al. i know you don t recognize him. yeah. exactly. and chief white house correspondent for politico mike allen. al has a bone to pick with you, mike. my life in the morning depends on the playbook and i now only get it i m so sad. you should get on the golden tablet, get an in copy that will
dome your door special delivery. he s the only person energetic to hand deliver it every morning. the first must read to willie because i m going to make sure there s no smirk on your face. okay. willie go. this is actually something we were talking about yesterday. gene writing in the washington post, elizabeth warren makes a powerful case. gene writes in part senator elizabeth warren says she s not running for president. at this rate she may have to. her weekend swing through colorado, minnesota and iowa to rally the faithful displayed something no other potential contender for the 2016 presidential nomination including hick, seems able to deliver a message. she s not running for president apparently because everyone assumes the nomination is clinton s. but everyone was making that same assumption eight years ago and we know what happened. if the choice is between inspiration and inevitability, warren may be forced to change
her plans. no one has a message that s break through. not just a message for a message sake. a message that shakes up the political and financial order. the republican message in this election is my opponent once shook hands with barack obama. right. the democratic message is my opponent is going to, you know, excise your ovaries. exactly. nor, no. it s that bad. elizabeth warren is out there saying substantive stuff about the way our financial system works, in her stump speech which is fairly polished the system is rigged. her entire personal story matches her message. listen, i don t know how deep her message is. i don t know how deep she can go in a lot of issues. i do know, though, al that just having her out there would
actually cause a debate in the democratic party. we saw how bad hillary clinton was on a book tour. i can t imagine how bad she would be in a general election without the challenge throughout the primaries. i was the first one praising her in 2008 saying how incredible she was down the stretch against barack obama. she will get a primary challenge and she needs one. jim webb probably? jim webb is a real possibility. i doubt warren will. what i find fascinating about warren everybody tries to put everything left/right. a lot of these democratic senate candidates are running to the right because obama has moved the country far too left. if you look at mark pryor and other conservative democrats on social security, on medicare, on wall street, they are running to the left of obama. they are much closer to elizabeth warren. which i think is really, really interesting. fascinating. mike you have a scoop for us this morning on the real reason why president obama picked ron klain as the ebola czar.
we were just talking about it before. a lot of us on set here curious why he didn t go for a bigger pick. he has bigger things in mind for ron klain. he s been on the short list every time he s had to look for another senior adviser for another chief of staff, so we re told that the plan is for ron klain to do the ebola job for a few months and then when john podesta, the president s counselor moves on to the hillary campaign there may be space. when he moves on ron klain would move into that position as the president s counselor. some fits all the obama criteria, the comfort food criteria, people they know, people who are good in their system. and he s the no drama pick. ron lane doesn t leak. he doesn t yell. and he can see around corner and people in the west wing know right now they need someone who can do that. jeremy, you think republicans are taking a cheap shot at the president here. why? i wouldn t put it that
strongly. but i do think that if you look at every criticism republicans have made of the way this president has handled ebola has handled isis they have made recommendations, appoint a czar. go in and arm the rebels. once he does that they don t give him credit. what i m saying is i think they need to be careful about how far they go with their attacks before they start looking disingenuous, attacking just for the sake of hammering him. i believe it was a missed opportunity, ron klain. i didn t run out of the house with my hair on fire. i didn t think this is the end, this is the end. i shrugged my shoulders like oh, why did they do that again? why didn t they think big? why didn t they get alan malawi or colin powell. you had another interesting name. david petraeus. ron chain is an extraordinarily talented guy. he would being a great in that
biodesta job. this is a really skilled guy. there are two elements. one a domestic scare which is unjustified. who can reassure people more david petraeus or ron klain. secondly an international cataclysm in west africa. i have a lot of respect for ron klain. that s an interesting argument. in the international aspect of this, one question i keep hearing people ask is how are we going to ensure the safety of the 4,000 or more u.s. personnel, u.s. military personnel going over. i think one thing the president might have tried to do is appoint somebody who could give that assurance, say okay this guy can make sure these guys are protected. who better than petraeus. i agree. would he have done it? i don t know. this is his path to redemption
and for those people who don t like drama in the white house this is not like sending more troops to the afghanistan. he s going to ask for ten c-130s and the white house says we want eight. joe, i think the point we have to make, this is a global crisis and you need someone to deal with the global crisis. we have the doctors. we have the experts. you say there s a funny crisis in america. i don t think it s a phoney crisis. as the days move forward maybe a week from now we re going to see that the crisis dissipates here. americans are going to stop paying attention to it. this is a crisis that even if it s not happening here, this explosion is going on in west africa and it s going to affect the entire world. better keep our eyes on this. you don t want phoney reactions or grandstanding to this real crisis. there s not going to be an epidemic in america.
no. not an epidemic in america but if it becomes it s an example. a pandemic in west africa then the whole world is i think the term of art is screwed. i want to go back to what kent brantley said three or four weeks ago that got me called dr. scarborough for quoting him. oh, my lord. axelrod called me dr. scarborough. kent brantley, who he still doesn t know how he got infected and nurses don t know how they got infected, he said we re fools if we think that an ocean somehow isolates us from what s going on in west africa. we have to aggressively go after this in west africa even if it stops being front page news here. all right. thank you did scarborough. you ve called me much worse. still ahead on morning joe. any way you can get me aboard
dallas. it may not be red october but it s all hands on deck as swedish ships, helicopters and ground troops search for an unidentified underwater vessel near stockholm. is a russian submarine lurking off their waters? then more on monica lewinsky s emotional speech what she meant when she said she was patient zero. more morning joe will be right back. let s share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we re booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live. it s a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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others come to build something faster. something safer. something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it s always about the very thing we do best. what is in the waters off sweden. over the weekend that country s military launched what is officially an intelligence gathering mission. but between the lines there s a fear that a russian sub is lurking deep in their territory waters. joining us now is deputy director for security. why would the russias be
lurking deep off the waters in your country. probably there s a russian sub, and a mini-sub rather than the big conventional ones. there was a naval exercise earlier in the week where swedish, dutch and polish participated. the russia sub nusnuck in there. would you say that the distrust is about the same or less in sweden. it s about the same and increasing. over the last two years or so, sweden has had a pretty hard line on russia especially after the ukraine crisis but also georgia. and sweden s now former foreign minister ran a pretty hard line on this issue. is there what do they think is happening? what is the worry?
what is the concern? why are they launching these military exercises to find whatever this sub is or whatever it is? the worry is it s an incursion on swedish territorial waters and every country must look after and claim its own waters, of course. the larger worry is this is just one point in a larger pattern of an increasingly assertive russia in the northern baltic region. what will they do if they find it. will they scene down death charges. that s what they ve done. in the 1980s they ran a number of submarine exercises and weapons were used against suspected russians, soviet submarines then. you may shoot across the bow or general area to show we know you are here and please leave. that s a possibility. we ve obviously this year, vladimir putin since the olympics has been front page of the papers more than anybody
could have ever expected. do you think we re going to see putin increasingly aggressive across eastern europe? do you think it s going to just to be about the ukraine, or does he have his sites set on something much better. there s a fear he does have his sites set on something bigger. he s unpredictable. he s unpredictable not just because we can figure him out, he doesn t know where he s going. that s the scary part. a lot of it is ad hoc. he s whipped up this nationalistic fervor. very popular. short term whatever he does is a winner for him. long term their economy is a basket case. and it s going to hurt him. i think short term there s a lot of concern. thank you so much for coming in. appreciate it. keep us posted. still ahead on morning joe i fell in love with my boss. in a 22-year-old sort of way.
it happens. but my boss was the president of the united states. why monica lewinsky is speaking out now about her sex scandal with the president of the united states. morning joe will be right back. begins with the cloud. this is titanfall, the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. the most amazing thing about the ford fusion isn t the way it looks. the most amazing thing?
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it feels like a punch in the
gut. as if a stranger walked up to you on the street and punched you hard and sharp in the gut. for me, that was every day in 1998. there was a rotation of worsening name calling and descriptions of me. i would go online, read in a paper, or see on tv people referring to me as tramp , slut, whore, tart, floozy even spy. the new york times called me the portly pepper pot.
i was shattered. that was monica lewinsky yesterday at the forbes 30 under 30 summit, 16 years after her ordeal with president clinton what impact has she had on politics and the press and what impact is she having now as she s speaking out now about cyber bullying. joining me is frances sellers and from new york the former editor-in-chief of parade magazine maggie murphy. frances this is a platform that no one could speak more clearly and with incredible experience and also quite frankly elegance in the face of what s been something completely shaped and owned her life than monica lewinsky. i think she spoke with amazing composure and owning her name. at the beginning of the talk she said she would go out and say i m monica lewinsky and having
to live with that name. it s ry, very hard with what s happened is in then. here she was taking control of the message and the media by going on twitter. very interesting decision. using to talk about now that our teenagers face but i don t think we understand how bad it is out there unless you have them and go online which i have as a parent. we ve known about bullying. we ve raised middle school girls. but there was a time when the bullying stopped at 3:00 and people went home and there was a space in the evening. i think it was very painful. i don t think one can diminish what happened in the old days but it s very different when these kids go home and alone with their computers and see what s going on in their own houses. what s so interesting about this, she was crushed like a bug immediately from the get go. and by women and feminists. which was so shocking. every day of her life has been defined, willie geist, by
what happened then and yet the clintons continue to thrive. maggie murphy and i were just talking about the same thing, maggie with 16 years distance and perspective on this scandal, what do you think when you see monica lewinsky. bill clinton walks in a room, he gets stand ovation, couple hundred thousand dollars for a speech. she to her credit has laid very low for the last ten or 15 years. how do you feel about monica lewinsky today? everyone who watches the speech there s an emotional release to her. she s very charming in the speech. she delivers it really well. she s very honest. the reality is everybody else attached to this was redeemed. clinton was redeemed. hillary clinton went on to an incredibly successful career. maybe even a bigger one. you know, we remember linda tripp thanks to john goodman s profile haver on saturday night life. she s never owned her role in this. that s what she s trying to do now and frame the fact that she was bullied by the media.
that said she s got to do something. you can only deliver that speech once. she s got to figure out what the next step is and what defines her for the rest of her life. in the vanity fair piece she talks about trying to find jobs, trying to reconnect. she went to the london school of business. i think she really now needs to move beyond it. i m not sure about that, maggie. i m not sure i agree with you at all. let s play it out here. don t you think that in this day and age there s nobody who could help people who are victims of cyber bullying or reputation abuse which is what happened to her. she s chosen a course that s very prominent. i don t want to hear the speech again i want to hear more from her as to how she recovered, how she s survived, how she s made it through all these years. there s a notion of resilience. we teach our kids resilience. how can you be resilient.
here s someone showing it took 16 years but she s showing a sense of resilience. don t you want to hear more? i do. she has to now take to it some other place other than, you know, basically i was the person who was bullied in i was the first person, i was patient zero. the is now what? she talks in the vanity fair piece and in this speech about reaching out to tyler clemente s parents, he was the boy that jumped off the george washington bridge. she now trying to figure that out. you got to then put, is it a platform. look, the reality is that this happened today she would get hash tag on twitter, so the question is does she belong on the view. she s got to figure out other than that, i agree with you mika she needs to own it. i do think, though, she s shown an extraordinary amount of grace over the past 20 years.
and it s so funny how i look at this as a 51-year-old guy with a 26-year-old, 23-year-old anybody that has a child what is she 22 or 23. seriously. if anybody has a child or children that hasn t done something like worse or bad please raise your hand. just hold your breath. she covered that very well in the speech. i made a mistake. i had an affair with my boss and my happened to be the president. if anybody else s children get in trouble at 22 or 23, they quietly can recover and then at 24, 25 they are back. the whole world doesn t know about it. but the question my question is the question that maggie asked, so where does she go from
here? does she use this, excellent speech. does she use this platform to aid other victims? yeah that s what she s suggesting. i ll tell you, joe, they don t recover. these days when somebody who is 22, 30 or 47 when they do or say something that causes a stir it doesn t go away and that s her point. she survived it. she was one of the very first to literally have her name whipped around the world, reverberate for years. because it s been caught up with public figures. it happens to all sorts of people. i was thinking about tabloid journalism going back outing to people who aren t used to being public figures, who aren t used to be sitting in front of cameras and how hard it is to cope with that. one thing, al, there s some people when she came up before and said this should go away. i said before that s like telling somebody you go and box for 15 rounds but for eight
rounds you tie your hands behind your back and we ll beat the hell out of you and then after eight rounds go away. she has a right to come out and just come out and talk even though she s not carrying a burning cross. she has a right to come out. there s a lot of people that acted, let s just say with less grace than monica lewinsky. what does this mean going ahead for hillary. she was 22 when this happened. she can live another 60 years. what is she supposed to do, hibernate change her name. the way she did it was so impressive. what she does. she s not going to tabloids. she s not selling her story. she s dealing with a subject that s relevant to what happened to her. absolutely. thank you both for being on. maggie great to see you. coming up at the top of the hour reassuring news for democrats in two key senate races. 14 days away to election day.
what s going on. kentucky plus during these critical times for the obama administration one man faces the tough questions every day, white house press secretary josh earnest will join us on set. do you think he s still talking to me? i hope so. the architect of the gop takeover of the house of representatives is in big trouble down in alabama. we ll have that story when we come back. introducing the kohler touchless toilet. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome!
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welcome back to morning joe. what are they doing? trying to fix it up.
what are they doing? what are they doing? getting a face lift. spending a lot of money. a little work never hurt anybody. the funny thing is they started it after the civil war but nobody has worked for about 150 years. okay. we got the washington post, by the way for not doing any work. editor and publisher of talking points memo josh marshal joins us as well. hey, josh. josh, i don t really, you know, i m not a nice guy, nobody has ever accused me of being a nice guy on air. but your poll tracker, man, somebody showed me poll tracker about a week or two ago. so that s why i say something. i won t say the other guy s name that i used to hawk things on a show at this time period. it s herbal. stop it. herbal house cleaner.
but poll tracker that s amazing. the app, it just lays all the polls out. we ll be showing a lot of polls. i notice and you can really pick this up day-by-day, i started noticing a couple of days ago a tightening trend on your poll tracker where democrats are starting to tighten up some of these race, man. this is a crazy mid-term election, isn t it? it s really volatile, and i think you were saying when you were very nice to say a few kind words about poll tracker last week that, you know, there was a move on the republican side and now justin last, like you said three or four days a lot of the democrats are sort of closing these margins. it s back and forth and then on top of that you keep having these races pop up that no one thought were even contested like kansas and south dakota and stuff like that. so, yeah. it s a really strange season where things seem to be getting
less predictable the closer we get in. it really is. let s take a look what we have. michele nunn is among the democrats steering clear of president obama with two weeks to go until election today. here s part of her campaign ad running in georgia. have you seen this picture? it s the one david perdue has used to try to attack me in this campaign. what he doesn t tell you is that it was taken at an event honoring president bush who i worked for as ceo of his points of light foundation. nunn used another ad with the former president s image earlier this year and because he s endorsed her republican opponent the bush team asked her to stop saying she s repeatedly disregarded his wishes. democrats in tough battles are staying alive. alison lundergan grimes who saw money dry up is down just one point to republican senator mitch mcconnell. we ll take these one by one. really quickly because al you
said something last hour i m not aware of. al you said that this poll has been kinder to grimes? it has been. so do you think this is an outlier. i m not sure. all the other polls i ve seen and i m sure josh will show mitch with a six or event-point advanta advantage. this race is tough. there s going to be a tough race to the end. are your skeptical of that one-point margin? i m skeptical at the end of the day she will win this race. i would say al is largely right. a lot of those other polls, though, are what are generally seen as lower quality polls. there s a few out in the last couple of days that have shown him at 50 and her in the mid-40s. having said that, this is definitely the most favorable poll for her but it s a blue grass poll, it s put together by survey usa. so, you know, there s a little
of each. i would say there s at that reason why the national democrats pulled out of this race, but, you know, legitimate poll one-point back it s hard to say it s over. i would say in nate silver s reign of pollsters, survey usa does quite well. it s very interesting. a lot of people say this poll like for instance i heard people for three election cycles oh, that s an automated poll. i would take ppp s record over the past three election cycles over survey usa. mitch mcconnell, that race is still going on. up in new hampshire, senator jean shaheen is hanging on to a three point lead over republican scott brown according to a suffolk poll president 49-46. what do you think about that? i ve always thought that
shaheen would pull this out. and she consistently has this three point edge, two-point edge, i think she s going to make it through. there s a huge gender gap in that race. the biggest in the country. scott brown turns a lot of women off rubs them off in the wrong way. he comes off to cocky and arrogant. before we came on you were talking about how the gender gap has largely disappeared for a lot of democrats who are really underperforming among women. it s not nearly as sizable and advantageous as it once was. colorado is a prime example of that. mark udall is on the defensive about making his race so much about birth control and reproductive rights. he used to have a double digit gender gap. now that shrunk to about nine points. and cory gardner his republican opponent has a 20 point lead
with men. there s evidence some of this of course the denver post mocked him. it s republicans. and the denver post. and the denver post actually endorsing cory gardner because he s overplayed his hand. about gender gap, i believe that that one point mitch mcconnell edge in that blue grass poll is from women and in fact he s a point ahead with women and tied. speaking of women, bloomberg has a really fascinating story out this morning that the republicans, talking about candidates and outside groups are really disproportionately targeting women democratic candidates with anti-terror ads. isis and ebola. two dozen ads have run against kay hagan and alison lundergan grimes of anti-terrorists. only 200 against bruce braley
and mark pryor. are your going to be weak on terror. speak of women and public policy polling, which i talked about before, they have senator kay hagan up three points over tom tillis in north carolina. with kasie hunt down there. josh, this is just one of those races, again, there may be huge republican wave and republicans may pick up eight, nine who knows. this is just one of those races where kay hagan has stubborn ll one, two, three, four points ahead. remember we had gallup polls where mitt romney was up by 11 points. another media poll came out in ohio and damn it mitt romney can t get within four of ohio. if he can t get within four of ohio i m saying this three weeks out this is going to be tough. i see the same thing in north carolina. there s so much money spent in
this race and yet kay hagan still two, three, four points ahead in most polls. as we ve gotten more polls in the last couple of weeks, there s been one poll that showed until lus ahead, maybe one tied. you look at them all and as you said it s not a big lead but really consistent. as you say, if it does turn out which i don t expect to be really kind of a blow-out and you have, you know, republicans winning, you know, eight, nine seats it s because someone like kay hagan goes down. but the polls just don t show. that would be a big surprise. you know what, that margin is more impressive than it looks because there s a libertarian candidate a pizza delivery guy who is getting five and six percent. the undecided is really josh correct me if i m wrong the undecided is only 5%. really small. i m always skeptical when people in manhattan or new york where i ve lived for the
majority of my life now, but when people in manhattan and new york go oh, this candidate will lose because a legislature went too far to the right and they are way to conservative, i will say in this race, having a state senator that was in north carolina when north carolina went very conservative, i m talking about the assembly, went very, very conservative after 2010, did a lot of things that moved further right than a purple state like north carolina, i do think that is a real drag on him and i do think that is making a lot of moderate republicans, a lot of conservative democrats who always vote republican in presidential elections going, you know what? that legislature, that governor went too far right. i don t know if i want him. the african-american vote too to a much greater extent. it s not just the lurc thompb
the right the legislature has looked extremely dysfunctional. it s come down to a question in that race who do the voters dislike. remember congress this dysfunctional congress. so, you got, you know, you got to really, really active and experienced democratic ground game in north carolina. so the question s-mika, what s the matter with kansas? i can t figure it out. one poll shows roberts down by ten. most of them show it s dead locked. monmouth poll of kansas shows independent greg orman dead locked with incumbent republican pat roberts. there you go 46-46. josh, the question is are you going to have kansas at the end of the day go out, do what kansasians do and vote republican or is this something where the independent can really pull off the big upset? until a week or so ago, roberts couldn t get up above the 30s, really, right?
even when it was down a two person race. as much as kansas is so republican, you know, how do you make up 15 points in a couple of week. yet he does seem the last couple of polls seems he s tied it. at the end of the day, it s a republican state, very nationalized campaign. whether the democrats like it or not it s very focused on senate control. i m shocked two weeks ago i didn t think it was possible, frankly. now it seems like it s doable for roberts. again such a republican state. you feel like that kind of muscle memory will come back at the last minute. yeah. it s funny you say that. i love that phrase, that political muscle memory because that s what i always tell candidates all the time, every time a new republican candidate comes. i m going to run and get 75% of the african-american vote because i m different than every other white republican voter.
i hear it all the time. i say and i say, there s a muscle memory. there s a branding problem. you got it, brother. but kansas, though, there s a muscle memory and also for pat roberts. you know i just saw pat roberts, so funny you talk about the charisma. somebody was asking for a wool subsidy and insulted pat roberts and pat roberts said the gentleman and the sheep he rode into washington, d.c. on can take that argument straight back to wherever. and i just kind of chuckled. he s very understated, he s very soft spoken but i just wonder at the end of the day if they don t go, okay we scared good old pat maybe he can at least get a condo in dodge city. you know what i m saying?
it s that muscle memory that josh is talking about. it s not like this guy is a jerk. he s sort of grumpy, sort of quiet sort of? he s very midwest, though. he s not the type of guy that people are going go with pitch forks to the polls and say we got to get pat roberts out that son of a bitch. republicans brought their a-game too. they fired the former campaign staff. they have their top people running this. that s one more structural problem that democrats have in this race. josh marshal thank you so much. great to have you on the show. great having you. are we going talk about the president s evolution. it s so good. we will. the president has evolved. he s evolved so fast, in fact i have vertigo because in 2008 he said marriage was between a man and a woman and then in 2012 he finally moved to where i was and said it should be a state issue. but now he s saying it s a
constitutionally god given right and i think it s so good when people he just did. all right. isn t that fascinating? and he did it all in what two election cycles. i feel everything he has to say fascinating. you re so smart you re like a doctor. all right. still ahead new york style basketball when the knicks were actually fun to watch. actor and director joins us later this hour with his new project espn played this 3030 film. is there a link between traumatic head injuries and domestic violence. what a new study could mean for the nfl. plus, being paid to be punished, why thousands of federal workers are still on the clock despite being told to stay away from their jobs. we ll be right back.
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okay. time now to take a look at the morning papers. the new york daily news a study out of boston university says there may be a link between brain injuries and domestic violence. scientists found legs on the an terrifio temporal lobe of many retired football players, the brain responsible for self-control and emotion. damage to that area may cause concussion victims to lose control and have a shorter fuse. doctors say that many players who develop the brain disease cte become more assaulting, overreactive. look at the helmet. this is a fix. this is a fix that can to be done. you talk to rugby players.
yeah, how do you guys do that? doesn t it barb your head in. they go no, we don t use our heads as weapons. chuck i ve seen high school teams now that players will actually have like rubber on the outside of their helmets. they can make helmets, they are thinking about making helmets the problem is the concussion, the injury happens when the brain hits the skull. so there s a limit to what you can do with the helmet. there s a radical argument that says no helmets might mean fewer concussions. because you don t go with the head. i know it s a weird i totally agree. that s rugby argument. that s the rugby argument. no helmets who lead to fewer concussions. because people would change the way they play. or at a minimum no facemasks. they got to try something radical because this is going to get worse not better. parents are going to say, you
know what? i had this conversation with so many parents. how we grew up. i grew up on football. i started playing football when i was 5. it s the most important team building thing i ever learned as a kid. football. it s weird. you can t describe it because it s the one sport where if you don t do your job, ten other people it s an incredible team builder. by the way, i ve been knocking the nfl, i ve been talking about football. chuck, seriously, i coached it for a couple of years in florida. and i need to be careful about what i m saying here. i m going say it. i remember in 11th grade when it was 101 degrees and the humidity of 98 and we were doing two a days and the coaches back then were crazy as hell works get a little bit of water, some kids actually died in northwest florida about one a year would die. i remember at one point going if i can get through this, i find
it hard to believe that anything i ever do will be more physically grueling. you know here i am 30 years later, nothing has come close to that. and you built this team i m talking about you know, you built this camaraderie and football is a character building in this. i don t want it to go away. but it s not worth it. f equals ma. bigger, they are faster, the collisions are it s all coming together. when i said that i knew i wasn t going to go off to war, obviously. no. but i m just saying for those of us who know we re going to stay stateside there s few things you can do in high school that brings bring you together. mika is going kill us.
but the changing of the game into a passing game has made it where it s sped up the game where it was dully three yards and a cloud of dust it was safer. this is a good conversation. i thought you were going tell the story no. no. i won tell the story. that was my shining moment. i got to say, i was good as a high school coach. i kept it together. man when i was a little league coach. your son. and my son. you what s worse coaching your son being a sideline dad and second guessing. i might have done that with my kids. joey will tell you that when i coached him i did the opposite because i always hated the dads that would, you know, put their sons out there. their son was the quarterback or the pitcher. magically that halls happened. it worked the opposite. i was so tough on swroey at one point his friends came up to me and go
please don t tell the story. i won t say what i said to them. they said coach scarborough you can be a little nicer to your son. joey, i would be tough to him. we would get in the car he would look straight ahead and we drive off and he says i understand why you re doing it but believe me, dad, nobody thinks you re showing me favoritism. it went the other way. it s better the other way. good for them. alabama state house speaker has been arrested on 23 counts of felony corruption. the grand jury indictment accuses the republican of using his office to benefit his own business and soliciting help from some of the state s biggest names including the former governor. he was one of the republican architects of the 2010 election cycle ousting democrats from control of the state house for the first time in more than 130 years. he called the investigation a witch-hunt. first time, chuck, that
republicans have been in alabama, controlled alabama. same thing has happened in south carolina. is there a one party state where you don t have problems like this? we have a one party state that dominates everything, somebody profits off of that. there s something about the more competitive the state is less corruption there is. i can show you my phone sheen you the indicted felons in my contact list. voters are inured to this. what i heard from steve israel and he said what s not working against michael grimm the republican from staten island is people just don t, they shrug when they hear it. it s so common in new york politics. politicians is michael grimm going to win yes. incredible. that s a fight between mob families.
whoa! i don t know. i don t know what happens on staten island. what you guys do on staten island is cool with me. i don t want to know. i m kidding. okay. it s what s described to me just like this personal war between two warring families that it really has nothing to do with politics. we disassociate ourselves with anything chuck todd says. mobster or not mobster, i don t know. wow! this is a guy that has a reporter right? this is the guy, this guy that said this is a real problem. voters have built in this they just assume all politicians are a little bit corrupt. that s the problem right now. there s they are all a little bit corrupt. and the question is which one of
them gets enough of the job done. have you ever had the tomato sauce? yes. obviously good. michael cordeleone says hello. president obama has another change of heart on the issue of same sex marriage. the president says he believes the constitution allows gays and lesbian couples to be married. now of course when he first ran for president in 2008 then senator barack obama believed marriage should be between a man and a woman before his first run for president. saying i am not in favor of gay marriage. wait a second. six months before the 2012 presidential election president obama announced he was in favor of same sex marriage but believed it should be worked out on the local level. then came joe biden. josh said he was for it. they get really angry. the white house got really angry. joe biden was ostracized.
now it s a constitutionally protect the heavens opened up and sunshine shined through and now barack obama is a true believer. that s fascinating. when you talk to gay activists who work with the white house one of the complaints you hear most often is the president does not seem to have many gay friends. course we know having gay friends and relatives is one of the things that most quickly changes your mind on these issues. how does he not have any gay friends? i mean he does seem by all dots be a very insular person. surrounded himself with the same group of people for a very long time. i don t think it included many gay people. the element of the president might be listening to the federal judiciary which seems to be fairly unanimous on this point, actually, federal judges believe listening to what the supreme court said earlier in fact there is a constitutional
right. he s probably who he s hanging out with. chuck, we ve been showing some polls, the races. how do you see things breaking out? north carolina is still tight. kentucky, the blue grass poll, do you believe the blue grass poll? is it a one point race? they have been consistently the best poll for grimes. every other poll has had it a little wider, mcconnell lead. they are out there on a limb. eat they are right and everybody else is wrong on this on that front. so we ll see. this feels this entire election cycle feels more like 06 than 10. remember in 06 the results felt like a wave but every race was close. virginia was close. montana was close. these were close races. mccaskill won. but it was close. these were close races. all of these races, 2010 were blow-outs in some form or another particularly on the house front. republicans could win their seven, eight, nine and win a
bunch of 51-49s. that s what this feels like, a very closely fought individual campaign. do you see any trends. very slowly moving towards the republicans. the question is democrats much more prepared than 2010. it s a category 3 hurricane. and they ve got a bunch of protections built in. and that s sort of like will their seawall hold. chuck todd, thank you very much. all right, chuck. i think you made another ad, just saying. stop. still ahead. i ll never come on the show again. we love it. will this woman, a libertarian candidate in georgia derail democratic hopes of keeping the senate? plus, one recent headline says that big labor is bailing on democrats, the president of the afl-cio might disagree and he joins us next.
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here with us now the president of the afl-cio richard trumka. always good to see you. you have been all over the place. like a grateful dead tour. you should have a t-shirt with the cities you ve been to.
let s start i would think for a lot of your members, for them, wisconsin is ground zero still. you got a close governor s race up there with scott walker. do you think you win that race? i do. it s not been tough for us to get volunteers in wisconsin. because this guy is not only just anti-worker governor in wisconsin he is like the poster child for that across the country. we re working hard there. we have a lot of people out on phone banks and we re getting a great response and i think ultimately all of these races, by the way are close but we win that one. i said in 2010 i think it was i predicted harry reid would win because the unions were so strong in nevada and they had a ground game. what is one race you ll suspect we ll say that the morning after in a tight race where unions will make a big difference other than wisconsin and scott walker lose there s. what s another race michigan, maine, both of
those. we heard in michigan that governor snider is doing better than expected. do you think you can win in michigan? i do. our ground game is picking up. the last couple of weeks we ve seen a swing in that direction. more volunteers. better response at the doors. better response on the phones. so i think all of these races maine as well? tell bus the candidates. all of these race, by the way will come down to turn out and i think our ground game and our ability to turn out voters will make the difference. hats more important to the member of a union for you. winning a governor s race or winning a senator s race. it all depends. they are both important to us. that s why this time we focused on about 13 states, 14 states with senators, governors and on down the ballot, the state legislature. the mess in d.c. where you can t get anything done because of mitch mcconnell s obstruction style politic, we re looking at
states. i would say harry reid, you say mitch mcconnell. agree to disagree. what about florida. and charlie crist, rick scott, how do you see that? that race is dead even and, again, it will come down to turn out. again, i m sort of optimistic about that one. i think we end up winning because i think it s a, you know cyst is a good candidate. he works hard. been good for workers. plus he s got the fan. richard trumka thank you so much. great to have you on the show. happy travels. good luck to you. have you back after the election. and you can say you were right, you were wrong. i like toby held accountable. we would never do that. still ahead knicks fans are longing for the days of willis reed after 41 years without an nba title. we ll take a look back to when madison square garden was an
eden with actor, director michael rapaport. but first online we got a compassion deficit, an empathy crisis and something tells me that matters a lot more to most of us. why monica lewinsky is calling for a cultural revolution. andrea mitchell joins us next. sheila! you see this ball control?
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years has felt, i always come back to that word. shame. my own personal shame. shame that befell my family and shame that befell my country. our country. frankly, i came close to disintegrating. no, it s not too strong a word. i wish it were. but it isn t. today i think of myself has someone who, who the hell knows how survived. but having survived myself, what i want to do now is help other victims of the shame game survive too. i want to put my suffering to good use and give purpose to my past. so that was monica lewinsky. you said that was incredible off camera. i really think it is. let me tell you something.
to show you exactly why what she s talking about is so important and so completely relevant to, especially, young people today, gene you got i m sitting there and moments after we talked about this show earlier i got, you know, a text from somebody trolling saying the thing that happened to monica lewinsky should happen to all home wreckers. there s this anger out there against her for 22-year-old girl. by the way, you say 22-year-old girl. if you got a 26-year-old and 23-year-old boy, you got i have a 31. i have a 24-year-old. there s no doubt by the way my son now at 26, you know what?
youthful indiscretion thing he s passing that by. a 22-year-old girl. any parent our age would say girl. 22-year-old girl that s swept up something in that by the most powerful guy of the united states, taken advantage of in a way that nobody should be taken advantage of and in that situation, to get through that and then andrea to stand up like that, i don t know. i m pretty darn i m pretty darn impressed. to think what she has been through evolved and now to come out publicly. of course the timing politically awkward to say the least for the clintons. bill clinton is right now the most popular democratic surrogate on the campaign, bar none. polling where candidates want him to be. the demand for him right now. and he is for him this had completely faded away in terms
of the political and the public perception and now she s out there with a new campaign and one as you point out that is badly needed in this country. absolutely. she has a unique voice. this need for sympathy and sense of empathy on the internet where it doesn t exist, what you just said, andrea, it highlights exactly what she s talking about. bill clinton is the most popular man on earth. you could argue in the scenario that they were they were in the house he was responsible and she s paying the price. still being ridiculed. still being bullied on the internet. still coming out quite frankly with elow consequence and discipline and a little bit of restraint even. a lot of people who have handled this differently, perhaps cashed in differently. yet she s got something to share in terms of being able to help people survive something that is gutty. jeremy. i wonder how hillary clinton
responds to this. there s no doubt she will be asked about it. they to a very good job of keeping her away from impromptu interactions with the press where these things can come up. she will be asked. does anybody here have any idea how she responds. i think she ignores it. it s likely she won t be asked about it any time soon because she s not very much exposed to interviews. she s always in fairly controlled situations. so i think the clintons ignore it and say that s the past, that s what she did in living history in her book. that s where most americans are anyway. most americans do see this as the past. this is more of a personal thing for monica lewinsky. for those of us who lived and worked through that whole episode, i think, we ll never forget the name monica lewinsky. and i think it s interesting and good that we now have a moment to kind of reflect on how crazy
that was and the impact it had on the individuals involved. i was just thinking, just very quickly she opened her talk in philadelphia to these millennials by saying, my name is monica lewinsky. then she paused and she said something to the effect of and people have been asking me why i didn t change that name. and someone to me last night why didn t she change her name? why should she change her name? that s her identity. i m sorry. why wouldn t bill clinton change his name? because he s i m just saying, if you re going to ask that of the by the way, that s not a jab at bill clinton, that s a jab at everybody writing nasty texts and tweets to gene or asking that question why wouldn t you ask bill clinton to change his name. why would you ask a 22-year-old intern to change her name. i don t get this. i still quite don t get this.
i think her platform is much needed. it s fascinating. why didn t she change her name. we ll be right back. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! he s a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can t control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at just had an announcement from the press row that willis just received 200 cc of cortisone. i had my camera in the training room. i took pictures of him getting a
shot. he had a needle about that long that went up into his muscle. we re about three minutes away from the introduction of the starting lineups and you figure he s not playing. he s not out there. about two minutes later, out cops the captain. turn around and here s willis coming out. from oh my god. here comes willis. here he comes right now. 6 10 . the most valuable player of the nba. the place erupted. 19,500 plus. i mean, i can still hear it. that was part of the new espn 30 for 30 documentary when the garden was eden. here with us now, the narrator and director of this great film, michael rappaport. i m a knicks fan like you. i grew up in jersey. it s been 41 years since they won a title. can you believe it s been that
long? i can t believe it. it was crazy. when patrick ewing came it was 20 years. now it s 41 years. it s tough. it s tough. but we ll get it. we ll get it soon. i just don t want to get to a situation like the cubs or the red sox where it s like, i just don t want to be i don t want to die without seeing them win a title. this is new york. this is a basketball city. people talk about it being the mecca of basketball. even though it s been 41 years. it really goes back to this team aulg these teams. why were they so special? the characters. the personalities. the fact that they won in new york, it changed basketball. before those knicks won the nba was dominated by the boston celtics and the only people that cared about that were people in boston. god bless their souls. but when the knicks won in new york in front of the madison avenue madmen and with the drama
of willis reid and the personalities and the bill bradley and the frazier, the nba, the players became stars, unlike the league had ever seen before, and that s a fact. and that was the beginning of it becoming an entertainment league. before that it was like a mom and pop league. it was like a niche sort of. they didn t sell out. the knicks would get kicked out of the garden when the circus came to town. is that right? yeah. the circus sold more tickets than the new york knicks. that s what it was. as you point out in the film, it s such an interesting mix of guys. yeah. you have pearl, you have clyde. this huge personality at the time. then you have guys like phil jackson, a role player. dave, same thing. and here comes bill bradley, who takes two years after college to become a road scholar before he goes to the nba. he was the original great white hope. it was like a beatle coming to the knicks. his first game, people were
cheering in the layup line. people were cheering hen he tied his shoes. the anticipation and expectations were overwhelming. a good looking, ivy league white guy. he of course found his way. he s beloved. the characters and the personalities. i mean, bill bradley, at the time he was playing for the knicks. he wrote an article saying some day this guy might run for president, and he did. and we have to talk about the moment when he came into this segment. we didn t know if he was going to come out. that moment has become shorthanded culture for playing hurt or six. n nice willis reid. why was that so special? it was an iconic moment in sports are and an iconic new york moment. it s been duplicated in films. the moment has been shown in commercials that have nothing to do with sforts. it s like a rocky moment.
you couldn t hascripted it. he won the mvp. he scored four points in the game. the drama there was so real. it s one of the most iconic moments in sports. it s been told over and over. like i still i watched that scene in the editing room 400 times. i still get goose bumps watching it and i ve seen it so much. but it s a special moment. it s very genuine. he s a genuine, toic, old school tough guy, willis reid, but a swede guy. it was a real pleasure to get to talk to all of those guys. must have been a thrill. real quick, phil jackson is now back with the team. are we going to break this cycle pretty soon? the phil jackson can t get us to where we need to get to. i m going to become a new orleans pelicans fan. i think phil is going to lead the knicks with us where we need
to be. i think he s competitive. he didn t need to take the job for money. his legacy is intact no matter what happens. we have to be patient. but i think we re going to improve. more patient, mike. i don t know how much i got. i know, i know. i can t believe i told you to this be patient. congratulations. the film is incredible. it premiers tonight on espn, 9:00 eastern. it is fantastic. thanks for having me. i appreciate it. still ahead, mr. president, don t touch my girlfriend. not something you expect to hear in the voting booth. the president s cold response to one bold voter in chicago. straight ahead. [ male announcer ] you re watching one of the biggest financial services companies in the country at work.
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16 years ago fresh out of college, a 22-year-old intern in the white house, and more than averagely romantic, i fell in love with my boss. in a 22-year-old sort of way. it happened. but my boss was the president of the united states. that probably happens less often, and at that time, it was my everything. that, i guess you could say, was
the golden bubble part for me. the nice part, the nasty part was that it became public. public with a vengeance. overnight i went from being a completely private figure, to a publicly humiliated one. i was patient zero. the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet. good morning. it is tuesday, october 21st. with us onset in washington, we have new york times reporter jeremy peters and columnist for bloomberg, al hunt, along with willie up in new york and joe and me here in washington. we have a ton of political news to get to. it s heating up. but, you know, we may as well
throw you the softball and let you go. what? monica. i thought it was really compelling. i thought it was, too. i thought she had a real platform. she s the first person whose name exploded on the internet and life has been defined by one thing. by one thing, and ruined quite frankly. as a 22-year-old girl. if anyone wants to think something badly or say something, they may want to think fi any of their daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, would have found themselves perhaps in a similar situation at 22 years old. if anybody has a son or daughter at least 22 or 23, you may want to be quiet. if they have not done something at least as bad i was asking somebody this earlier. and he raised both hands and said she was taken advantage of by somebody who preyed upon her. and what she has done since then
is for the most part keep fairly quiet, move on with her life, and now she s making a platform on something extremely serious, cyber bullying. i have two teenagers. i see what goes on throughout. it makes what happened in the white house like child s play. her life was ruined. sheefs 22 years old. she was taken advantage of by her boss. for people who say she should go away. well, you re going to fight for 15 rounds with your arms behind your back. you don t just go away. i think she s carried herself with dignity. itch a just turned 25-year-old daughter so i want to recuse myself from the situation. and i have a 26 and 23-year-old boy. i m saying, we all understand. i mean. wouldn t it be horrible to have your children judged by whey they did for the rest of their
lives at 22. it s very unfair. she s entitled to a life. i she, you re right. i don t know much about her since her fame or anything. which is something. a lot of people cash in in many ways. also the issue itself. i know we ll get to news. but tarnls face a very different, you know, composition of life than we would come close to understanding. everything they do is out there. they don t understand until they ve done it how it flies around on the internet. she does. we re going to talk more about this. let s go to news. president obama has cast his vote in this year s midterm. well, he campaigned it s hysterical. he campaigned for governor of illinois. he largely stays away from states where democrats are locked in tough races. he may not be helping meps of his own party trying to distance hems from the white house.
here s what the president said earlier this month and then in a radio interview yesterday. i m not on the ballot this fall. michelle is pretty happy about that. but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. every simg l one of them. a lot of the states that are contested this time are states that i didn t win. and so some of the candidates there, you know, it is difficult for them to have many e in the state because the republicans will use that to try to fan rk turnout. the bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me, they have supported my agenda in congress. they are on the right side of minimum wage. they re on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure. they re on the right side of early childhood education.
sop this isn t about my feelings being hurt. these are folk who is are strong supporters and allies of me. and i tell them, you do what you need to win. i will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out. it s like the aunt that comes after you and tries to hug you, and the kids push him away. come on. give me. he s saying they re with me, they re with me. they re with me. i ve been in georgia and north carolina. isn t that crazy? you ever see the president doesn t get it? you re not wanted here right now. we ll talk to you day after election. i ve seen a if you have. i ve been in north carolina and georgia and if a democratic candidate is talking about minimum wage, pay ek kwity, a number of issues, they do fine. if they talk about obama s pay equity or minimum wage, they run
away from it. how is it looking in georgia? you have jimmy carter s grandson. i think a runoff in both races. and e will not yes. december and january. i will not be surprised if michelle nunn finishes ahead of purdue. and willie, we have a an awful lot of polls out today. and we can start with u.s. candidate michelle nu in, n we were just talking about in georgia. she s among democrats steering clear of the president, but she s in a close race. but here s part of her campaign ad running in georgia. zblf have you seen this picture? it s the one david perdue has used to try to attack me in this campaign. what he doesn t tell you is it was taken at an event honoring president bush, who i worked for as ceo of his points of light foundation. nunn used another ad with the former president s image because he s endorsed her republican
opponent, h.w. bush s camp asked her team to stop using his image, saying she s repeatedly disregarded his wish. democrats in tough battles are staying alive in the latest wave of polls. alis alison grimes is down in the blue gross poll in kentucky. that s a statistic call tie according to the one poll. up in new hampshire, jeanne shaheen is staying on top. kay hagan is up three over republican tom tillis in north carolina. that s a statistic call tie. and a new poll from kansas shows infeint gred orman is deadlocked with incumbent republican pat roberts in kansas. you guys. all of these polls. away for the democrats. away for the republicans. now everyone is saying the
republicans are looking good. boy, these polls. in new hampshire, north carolina, kentucky now. it looked like you re having a tightening here. every one of those polls will be seen as bad news for republicans a month ago. that s exactly right. and the way this race has seesawed back and forth, i m not going to be stupid enough to make my predictions about what happens on election night. can you believe it? i will say i think kansas and south dakota are much harder for the democrats thean conventional wisdom will suggest. why is that? there s a reason the republicans carry these states for long and democrats will tell you they re not as bullish. about kansas? about kansas. but if you re roberts and bng around that long and still tied or trailing in polls? it s not out of reach. but it s tough. the way one democratic senator
described it to me was 2006 in tennessee when ford looked like he up with up and he didn t. he was running against a strong candidate, those. what about kentucky? that bluegrass poll always shows grimes doing better than other polls. i think there s two narratives. the republicans think there s momentum with isis and ebola. and there s going to be a small tie. not a big one. the democrats think it s so close it s going to come to ap ground game where they have the edge. there are up to ten races we are not certain who will win. this really could. . we could wake up the morning after and have the democrats firmly in charge or having a huge republican sweep. or we could wake up not knowing at all and having at least four or five states still uncertain. including georgia, which has a runoff on january 6th. the day after the the new senate
comes back. in alaska, dl are still hundreds of precincts where they count ballots by hand. and if orman or presler should win, let the bidding begin. so we ll show this later because we need to move on. we have a guest coming up on another story. the president was voting yesterday. m and he was voting next to this nice lady. and her boyfriend comes up to the president and goes, don t touch my girlfriend. gosh. what are you talking about? and the president had a conversation with the lady about it. that was barack obama? yes. exactly. that s the wrong democratic president said to say that too. that s don t touch my boyfriend? exactly. i get it now. washington post i wasn t talking about jimmy carter. taxpayers shelled out $775 million to kor the salaries of thousands of federal workers
sent home from a job but still collecting paychecks. some of the employees were still being paid more than a year after they were put on administrative leave. the practice was intended to be used in rare circumstances. and only when the employee is considered a threat. but records show 57,000 employees were off the job for at least a month over a three-year span. ch not only did they collect paychecks, but they climbeded the pay scale ladder while their cases crawled through the bureaucratic process. this sounds like the rubber rooms in new york city. except in this case, three quarters of a billion dollars. every time we have somebody coming on saying, oh, they cut $3 million in ebola research, i mean, think about what he can do with three quarters of a billion dollars at the national institutes of health. it s an awful lot of money. but when you look at how wide
the reasons are. from conflicts with a boss to breaking laws. there s a wide birth of reasons that are given. that s a big chunk of change. i have conflicts with my boss. can i sit out and get paid? you often do. here us us now, washington post reporter 57,000 threats? what are examples of these workers being on paid administrative lives? are they all problems? i would say it s a mix of some people are exonerated after lengthy investigations. some are eventually fired or forced to retire or they get so worn down by the process, that they leave the government. but these are people who for some reason are accused of some form of misconduct. times it s an easy thing where
security clearance is up for renewal and the government finds they haven t paid a visa bill. well, you know, government bureaucracies work very slowly. so they get sent home. sometimes they re high-level employees accused of stealing. sometimes they re whistle blowers. as i found in my story for a biologist with the fish and child life service in oklahoma who raised a fus when a you the illty company wanted to lay utility line in the path of an endangered beatle. and her bosses succumbed to punish from the company. and she kept raising a fuss, and she was sent home. oh my goshed. incredible story, lisa? that s insane. that is insane. close to a billion dollars. i m being a politician here. i round up.
but isn t that that s unbelievable. it really is. it s a terrific story. still don t believe me about the president? i think we have it. do we have the tape of the president voting with this guy and his girlfriend. stay away from my girlfriend? he s barack obama. who would be worried. there s an example of a brother just embarrassing you for no reason. just for no reason whatsoever. and now you ll be going back home and talking to your friends about that. what s his name? mike. frabl mike. i was just fortified. fortunately the president was nice about it. so it was already.
thank you so much. mike seems like a decent guy. i m sorry. first of all. come on. mike is pretty smart to do that. i mean. just because we re here talking about it. but i m sorry. the president is the king of cool right there, baby. gl didn t even look up from his voting. he handled that really well. how about mike? coming in real hot with the president of the united states. last time he went out in public in d.c., oh, i was exciteded. i thought you were going to be beyonce instead. this is cute. that is funny. he did handle it beautifully. it was magnificent. and the best part, he s looking down and voting, don t
touch my girlfriend. he goes, i wasn t planning on it. still ahead on morning joe. the morning after the election we ll be looking to georgia to find out who controls the senate. and will a third party candidate affect it all? and josh b earnest joins us in set on washington. but first bill karins with a check on the forecast. our favorite. let s get that right. good morning, everyone. a nor easter is coming. it s not to scary. some only bring rain and a little bit of wind. and new england, especially tonight in maine, and then tomorrow will be the real deal. from new york northward. so travel is okay now. it s cloudy. a lot of showers are out there. cape cod will get hit with rain. the real deal will be tomorrow with the storm system. and forecast forecast the forecast, we shouldn t see anything too bad. we will watch heavier rains developing. today we couldn t see a shower or storm in d.c.
they ll be widespread out there. we re not going to see a ton of rain now the northwest. we re watching rain, showers and we call this like a rain train. this is the jet stream coming straight into the pacific. that will lead to a lot of heavy rain in oregon and washington state. four to eight inches in the mown tass. the totals are pretty high. two to four inches possible. so as far as the forecast goes for your tuesday. dallas is beautiful. kansas city looks great, too. a world series starts tonight. you couldn t ask for a better forecast. san francisco should be fine, too. we leave you with a beautiful shot in washington, d.c. sun is shining. a gloomier forecast form. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. woman: this is not exactly what i expected.
captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. captain: here s a review, it s worse in person.
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here with us now. white house press secretary josh earnest on the set. you look so sweet and nice. how is the job? the job is fun. it is an honor. don t lie. i m not lying. i don t have the podium in front of me. it s fine. it is a genuine thrill. it really is. it doesn t mean it s easy. but it s a good time. so what dgd i m not
interviewing you for the job he already has it. what bgt do you have that prepares you for that? how does somebody deal with having the press shoot questions at them nonstop? some people obviously great. curry. obviously great. some others, not so good. what skill sets? i think some of it is temperament. and not getting angry when someone asks you an unfair question is part of it. unfair question? imagine that. it happens rarely. you have to be prepared when it happens. not taking it personally. the other thing is this, when they show the clip on your show. you never show the clip of somebody asking the question. you show the answer. understanding that s is the dynamic in place is part of the job. if you can walk in and keep your cool and understand that is what will happen.
let s ask some unfair questions. let s do it. politico has an idea as to why ron klain was appointed ebola czar or whatever. why was he chosen? and the criticism he is receiving, he s too political. he s a strategist. he s an insider. and he certainly doesn t have emergency response experience. a lot of people are piling on, especially republicans, that he may not be the right choice for the job. the fact of the matter is, the response has been much broader than just medicine. this is not a million response. this is a wlol government approach we re dealing with here. so we have a lot of doctors and scientists and medical experts we can deploy to deal with the problem. right now at the nebraska medical center in omaha and emery in atlanta. we have doctors treating boesht la patients. their doing that successfully. some have recovered.
they re doing that without expose cig kangt risks to the president. what happened the cdc? we read that the president was angry with the response and angry with the cdc. what happened? how did the world health organization? how did the texas homt, how did everybody get it so wrong? well, there was shosht comings in the response. there was not enough instruction clearly communicated with the health care workers. i sad in a couple of meetings. the president was asking very direct, pointed questions to members of his team. and he still has confidence with the head of the cdc? the does. and if you look at the response, just last night the cdc has strengthened guidance to share with health care workers to make sure more hospitals and medical facilities are ready to treat an ebola patient. at least to isolate them and treat them.
my unfair question is about isis. and it s no secret that the president was reluctant, especially to get involved in the syrian civil war. there we are. has the president accepteded that this is where we have to be? is he still reluctant to try to determine the outcome in zir what? if he s not, how does he hope to accomplish anything in syria? he s determined to make sure isis is not operating in a safe haven in syria. that s the core national security interest that we have na that region of the world. and that s something that the the president is determined to do. so who runs syria is not a core interest? it s a different interest. it s different than making sure this extreme it organization that is reaming havoc in the middle east. that has attacked our interests in the middle east and may have designs on attacking the homeland, that s something we
need to take care of. other extremist groups are operating in syria that do have designs. we have taken strikes against them. but we have learned the lesson if you allow extremist organizations or other individuals trying to do harm to the united states to establish a safe haven,that poses a national security alarm. josh, during the summer the president was fairly open with the press. maybe that had something to do with the new communications team at the white house. i m not sure. fairly regular press conferences. he hadn t really, since he got burned, when he said there s no strategy in syria. my colleague at the new york times white house says since september 5th has he given a full on q&a with reporters. when will we see him again? i will an tils pate the president will typically do q&a educations when he s traveling. the president was just in the oval office on thursday where he did a meeting to talk about the ebola response. he took a question from the pool
who asked him about appointing a czar. one question is standard? no, it s an example of the president having a regular interchange. he was on the radio with al sharpon the. why don t we go through? and one of the things he said is he s talking about democrats. he said these are folks who supported my agenda in congress. they re on the right side of minimum wage. they re on the right side of early childhood education. but he says they re with him. and yet, a lot of peoplery that the president could hurt the democrats in the midterms. g again, the question goes back to the first point here. the question the reverend asked him, a lot of listeners are supporters of yours. why should they take they re support from you and transfer that to other candidates. the president said he s looking for partners in congress who are
supportive. who make sure that women get equal pay for work. we re investing in early childhood education. we re investing in a infrastructure that s good for the economy in the short term and good for the policy in the long term. they don t support them because the president supports them. they support them because they re the right thing to do. the president is pleased to have partners in congress working with him to make progress. here s the other thing, the democrats are going to be counting on hispanics l, african-americans, young people. young women in particular to turn out mid elections. the president got them to turn out in 2008 and 2012. wait. wait. what did the white house learn from 2010 that it s going to apply to 2014 so you get more of a turnout in 14? it s up to the individual candidates. we re not dictating what the
president no, but as far as the ground operation, the get out the vote operation that you were so good in 08 and 12. in 2012 we applied a lot of from 2012. a lot of people have written about facebook and the efforts we did to engage voters that way. all the matly we re trying to share the lessons learned with campaigns. giving them access to people strongly supportive of our campaign in 08 and 2012. and they will benefit from that. what changes have there been at the white house following lapses of security that we saw weeks ago? is the door locked now? no, sa i mean, seriously? what has changed? well, that is one of the reforms the secret service pus in place right away.
you know, we re pleased to have in place a new acting director of the secret service. there s an ongoing review being run by my colleagues just across the street here who are looking at what broader changes need to be put in place to ensure the security of the white house. we expect that report in a couple of weeks. they have set up an independent panel for the internal review that they re doing to make sure they re taking a good hard look at what sort of measures need to be put in place. they will also consider whether or not there are broader reviews and they ll have input on who the next director of the secret service will be. you know me. i do. i m a simple country lawyer. i don t understand a lot of things. you were doing so well. so in 2008 the president said marge is between a man and a woman.
oh. this guy is evolving faster than a republican-appointed u.s. supreme court justice streaking to the far left. in 2008 the president says marriage is between a man and a woman. in 2012 he says it should be left to the states, which is my position, but now the president is evolved. now he says it s a constitutionally protected right under the equal protection clause. this guy actually taught constitutional law at the university of chicago. shouldn t he have figured that out like 20 years ago instead of right now? what is the president s position, and how can you e vo that much over eight years if this is your line of work? well, the thing is, joe. i think that the president s views on this issue are not different than views a lot of people across the country felt. people came in with hard, preconceived notions about what they felt like the definition of
marriage should be. and over the years the president has been challenged. what has caused the evolution? society. culture. and talking to friends of hiss or members of his staff who talk about their experience. as individual who is have gay friends or they are gay themselves. but the equal protection clause has been there for some time. i m going to interject as i did earlier that there are a lot of federal judges across the the country who have had the same evolution. and in fact. their evolution is in part based on the recent supreme court ruling that was was not intended to be a broad constitutional ruling. but is unanimously seen as such. i must say i m stunned that
it s unanimous. they read that decision. they believe justice kennedy said here it is. t zblch thank you for coming by. come to d.c. more often. i make no faces. that was really bad. both of you. anyhow. thank you so much. thanks for coming in. it s really nice to see you. still ahead the walter white action figure comes with a gun, and a toy bag of crystal meth? one mom doesn t want toys r us to sell them? what does walter white have to say? more morning joe coming up. transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you re thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process.
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joining us at the table the editor in chief of roll call. they re taking a closer look at the georgia senate race and why they could spoil things for michelle nunn. why would a libertarian take from a democrat instead of a republican? well, this is a state that is not a strong, strong, strong republican state anymore. mitt romney won by 53% of the vote in 2012. in 2008 the obama campaign was spending money to target there.
it s changing nations. but this could have enough democratic changes that you see a shift. michelle nunn s campaign is trying to get per past 50%. so they re taking advantage of sunday voting. talking to black voters at churches. registering black voters. this is a margin of error race. waiting so much to for control. interestingly, rand paul has been going out to tap out the libertarian support for her. i m asking what role outsourcing has been playing in this campaign? obviously, that seems to have damaged purdue, the allegations he has outsourced this business. he said he was proud of the way he began his business, which included outsourcing. it s dollar to 2012 with the way
they went off mitt romney and his talk about the way he runs his businesses. they re using the same playbook with a million dollars worth of ads. it is damaging. thomas roberts in new york has a question. thomas? good morning. i wanted to ask you, though, when it comes to michelle nunn and the talk of how you re saying she is trying to get out there and register more people, especially black voters at churches, nunn can t get away from president obama fast enough and is trying to align herself by showing pictures with george h. w. bush. the former president is not happy about that. how the uz that contradiction match up as we lead up to election day? well, she did unlike alison lundergan grimes, she did acknowledge she voted for him. they are walking a fine line. they want to attract and ignite young voters.
she s also got her father campaigning for her. michelle obama has been campaigning for her. so she s less of running for obama. so is the feeling if she doesn t get to 50% that it s probable republicans. if the senate is on the line, everybody is paying to attention to this, it s not that expensive to advertise in georgia. you ll have a flood of money. thank you so much. we could be waiting for georgia. we could be waiting for louisiana. what other states? oh, god. waiting for alaska. coming up, everything you need to know about the day on wall street. business before the bell is next. everything? everything. and the story behind the walter white action figure. okay, toy crystal meth. you don t do that. no. not at toys r us.
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maybe not. i don t get this. toys r us sells a walter white action figure. that s the guy from breaking bad. comes with a gun, which i m against selling toy guns. but they do. a duffel bag full of cash. okay. toy bag full of crystal meth? no. that s a bridge too far. are you kidding me? one florida mom is trying to get the store to stop selling the toy. her petition has nearly 6,000 if anything natures. toys r us released a statement saying the product packaging knows the items are intended for ages 15 and up. that doesn t make me feel better. so you want a 15-year-old with crystal meth? are you kidding me? why don t we have this toy vile that kids sell? come on! toy weed! let s have toy weed. are they idiots?
what s wrong with them? exactly. i love it. censorship in almost all forms. this should not happen. bryan cranston wrote this. a florida mom petitions against toys r us action figures. i m so mad. i m burning my florida mom action figure. in protest. time for business before the bell. with cnbc s brian sullivan. so brian, with all of these negative stories about apple l and the iphone 6 and it bends and pulls out your hair. you can t hear it. it s all ground noise. the signal is apple had a massive earnings corner. tell us about it.
the only negative, ipad sells yesterday. fewer people realize they needed tablet. m unconfirmed reports. i have not confirmed the report and doubt that i will. apple had a huge quarter. mika promised i would go through everything in 30 seconds. the european central bank may do an easing program to help rescue stagnant economies. nobody is buying electric ford. they are cutting the price of the electric ford focus. the ceo of a huge oil company, killed last night. his plane taking off in moscow, hit a snowplow, guys, crossing the runway, and he was killed when the plane went down, and the snowplow operator has been confirmed to be completely intoxicated and was not supposed to be on the runway. oh my god. who was intoxicated? the pilot. no, no.
the guy on the snowplow. the runway vehicle. the snowplow operator was completely intoxicated. oh my gosh. that is a horrible story. okay, better news. joe scarborough action figures are on sale with a complete line of sweaters. that and little burgers. by the way, what 15-year-old is playing with action figures. no thanks. do i want the iphone 6? no thanks. please buy me action figures. not happy. toy crystal burger. uhh. um. hold on. introducing the all-new volkswagen golf. plenty of room for whatever life throws at you.
when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at all around the world the dedicated people of united airlines are there to support you. that s got your back friendly.
here i am. rock you like a hurricane. fiber one now makes cookies.
find them in the cookie aisle.
a meeting in australia. 12 countries and talks on the transpacific partnership. it s a free trade geamt to connect the u.s. and south america, north carolina america and asia to go up against china s economic power. it s a big issue that could impact trade. joining us now, president and ceo, auggie, very good to have you on the show. a number that jumps out as we compete against china, and this has a lot of companies competing against china here. we ve heard for years that the industry has collapsed.
and yet, i see here, we export $24 billion in 2013. an all-time record. and we always talk about bringing manufacturing jobs back to america. so i want to get you on here. textile and apparel exports. we re now exporting at record highs. absolutely. thanks for having me. we re a real success story, in our opinion. we export $24 billion a year. we re the third largest in the world. but i heard all the plants were shutting down in the carolinas and all the plants were shutting down in the u.s. we re pleased that reports of our death have been reemployed 500,000 americans. we produce $70 billion in output a year, as mentioned, we are the third largest export in the world. we received $2 billion in new
investment to build new factories in the yeets. that s great news. we re always hearing jobs left america. we re talking about the textile industry going on. there s a fight in congress involving this. right. with most things again, when both parties agree this is something we should do. somehow it s in congress. can you tell us the hope for getting this through? yeah, it s interesting. you have preelection rhetoric. and after the election, we have reality for a short window. about three or four weeks they ll try to get down to business and take care of a few things. where trade fits on the broader agenda, because there are many unresolved issues in congress. who knows? . both parties and the white house
are serious to clear away for this agreement to be final. 12k3w4r is there going to be an agreement that the united states and japan are at lager heads as usual over agriculture exports. and that doesn t seem to be getting better. if you don t have u.s. with japan, you done get it. absolutely. this would encase $28 trillion in global economy. but it also comes down to other issues. japan and agriculture at the top of the list. thank you so much. good luck. thank you. and that does it for us. the daily rundown after a quick break.
hi, i m meteorologist bill karins. rain is moving through new england and here to stay. we are going to watch showers turn to heavy rain today. ch also the pacific northwest will be rainy on this tuesday. and south florida needs a little bit of rain. many other areas of the country looking for great weather. the northeast is not one of them. tuesday s light rain will turn to heavy rain on wednesday. apology accepted. i m watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome!
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developing news overnight. olympian oscar pistorius sentenced to five years for killing his girlfriend. we ll go live to south africa for the latest from the courthouse. plus, the great chuck todd is here for a midterm exam, including a debate he s moderating in new hampshire and rolling out a road trip for surprising senate fights in kentucky, kansas and more. also less than 24 hours after monica lewinsky steps into the spotlight aga

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20130824 23:30:00

axelrod: tonight, state of emergency. a monster wildfire ragin ragingn california could threaten san francisco s power and water supplies. teresa garcia is on the scene. 50 years after martin luther king shared his dream, thousands of people retrace his steps. jeff pegues is on the washington mall. i m not prepared to sit down and give up. axelrod: president obama weighs military options against syria, even as the regime denies responsibility for chemical attacks. holly williams has the latest. and school s out, but this bus has been bringing meals to hungry children all summer. don dahler takes us on a lunch break. they help you be healthy. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news.
axelrod: good evening. i m jim axelrod. we begin tonight in california where firefighters are battling a massive wildfire in and around yosemite national park. it s threatening the power and water supply some 150 miles to the west in san francisco. governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency as 2600 firefighters battled the nearly 200 square mile fire. right now, just 5% of the fire is under control. as teresa garcia reports, the flames are moving toward a reservoir that supplies most of san francisco s water and has already shut down two of the city s hydroelect power plants. reporter: the fastest growing wildfire in the nation is now raging i raging in partsf yosemite national park. at nearly 200 square miles, the massive fire is swallowing everything in its path, threatening more than 4500 homes, buildings, and campsites and burning more than 125,000
acres. it s scary. you just don t want to see your house go up. we have so many memories until last year. the fire is moving to the north. reporter: tonight, officials in san francisco are monitoring the situation closely. the fire is threatening some of san francisco s vital utilities. the city owns power lines just outside the fire zone, and 85% of its water comes from the resvorabout four miles from the inferno. the city is fearing ash contamination to the water supply, so on friday it announced it s prepared to tap backup reservoirs. michael carlin is with the public utilities commission. the biggest message is the water is safe. we have emergency procedures for it. we know what to do. and we feel very confident that we can provide the water to each and every one of our customers. reporter: the rim fire is burning in several different directions and proving hard to contain. fire officials say the thick smoke, dry brush, and steep, rugged terrain has made it difficult to carve out control lines. it s drier than lumber you
buy bay tay lumberyard. reporter: air tankers and helicopters are battling the fighter s forward progress. three miles from the front lines, toulomne city residents are under voluntary evacuation orders. nick and carl kautzer have already packed up their belongings and their carpentry tools. now all they can do is wait. maybe another day and a half. i m just guessing. i don t know how fast it s moving. reporter: firefighters say the blaze has moved up to 5% containment, and, jim, they are using a tactic called indirect attack, which they are hoping creates control lines away from the fire s edge. axelrod: teresa garcia, thank you. also tonight, the desert southwest is under threat this, from tropical storm eva. for the latest we turn to meteorologist david bernard from our miami station wfor. david, we re talking about
flooding here. which states? jim, that is going to be the biggest threat. california, arizona, nevada, utah that is the prime target for the heavy rain over the next 48 hours. the storm right now is located a couple of hundred miles west of cabo san lucas, off the tip of the baja peninsula, but it s moving to the north-northwest. now the storm is going to weaken and will no longer be a tropical storm, but all of this moisture, the green, is streaming across mexico into the southwest and that is setting the stage for flooding. look at all the flood advisories in effect for tonight, including phoenix, las vegas, and all of the mountainous areas east of los angeles and san diego, already even some flood warnings are in effect and rainfall potential going into monday night, widespread 1-2 inches in the green but really significant are the patches of yellow in some of the mountainous areas indicating we could see two, three, maybe locally more rain than that. when you start talking about rain totals of two to three
inches in the desert southwest that has the potential for major flash floodings and mudslides and they will be on high alert for the next 48 hours. axelrod: thousands of people gathered in the nation s capital today to mark the 50th anniversary of the march on washington, and one of the most important speeches in american history. there was no official count of the size of the crowd, but it stretched from the lincoln memorial, down the length of the mall s reflecting pool and beyond. as jeff pegues reports, the day was filled with speech about race in america and one man s dream. reporter: today, the national mall looked a lot like it did 50 years ago as a new generation joins civil rights icons. we cannot go back. we ve come too far. reporter: and the everyday heroes of a nation s painful struggle for justice and equality for all. clifford lee was here in 1963. i was inspired then. i m still inspired by that speech. i have a dream that one day
this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed. reporter: king s i have a dream speech inspired a movement and tens of thousands of people have come from across the nation to honor his vision. congressman john lewis says that vision includes everyone. it doesn t matter whether we re black or white, latino, asian, american, or native american, it doesn t matter whether we are straight or gay. we are one people. reporter: many came on buses, leaving home in the early morning hours to retrace the steps of this historic march. we re here to pay homage to that moment in time, but also to carry that forward. reporter: edith lee payne walked as a 12-year-old. here she is that august day, barely tall enough to see through the crowds. i m honored to be here standing for those that were here before and aren t here today. reporter: but this is not
just a commemoration. it s a call to action. martin luther king iii told the crowd he believes his father s dream has not yet been realized. far too frequently, the color of one s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest, and to even murder with no regard for the content of one s character. reporter: half a century later, while many here are celebrating progress, 81-year-old clifford lee says the march continues. we haven t come far enough. we ve still got a long ways to go. reporter: today was the march. wednesday is the anniversary of dr. king s i have a dream speech. president barack obama will be here to deliver a speech of his own. looking out at the washington monument, just as dr. king did 50 years ago. jim. axelrod: jeff, thank you. and later in the broadcast, we will look back at the freedom singers and the power of music in the civil rights movement. president obama met with his
national security team for three hours at the white house today to consider the next steps in syria in the wake of the regime s suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians. defense secretary chuck hagel, who took part from asia, says no decision has been made but said the president is considering all military options. the international aid group doctors without borders said today more than 3,000 people were hospitalized in syria wednesday with what it calls neurotoxic symptoms. 355 of them died. as holly williams reportes, both sides in the conflict are ausing each other of using chemical weapons. a caution some of the images in this piece are disturbing. reporter: well aware of the power of video in this conflict, syrian state tv broadcast images today of what the government claims are chemical agents discovered by their soldiers in tunnels used by rebel forces in damascus. the regime says this is evidence
it s the syrian option using chemical weapons, not them. we can t be sure what s inside these small plastic drums. the government s claims follow international demands that the syrian regime allow united nations weapons inspects to visit the scene of wednesday s attack. this morning, the u.n. s high representative for disarmament angela kane arrived in damascus, upping the pressure. meanwhile, devastating new video emerged today from right after the alleged chemical strike. we can t independently verify them, but they show people gasping for breath, foaming at the nose and mouth, and suffering from convulsions. all symptoms typical of a chemical attack. in a crowded make shift morgue, a father is shown embracing his two young daughters. both of them dead. wake up, my sweetheart, he cried.
for god s sake, what did i do. this seems to show a family who never made to the hospital, discovered dead in their own home but with no obvious injuries. it s all consistent with the use of a nerve agent. but that can t be proven until the u.n. weapons inspectors are allowed in to test soil and tissue samples. until then, the outside world is left searching for answers about what really happened and weighing what to do in response. holly williams, cbs news, london. axelrod: turning now to the sexual harassment scandal in san diego s city hall, bob filner, the mayor of america s eighth largest city has finally agreed to resign from office after 18 women accused him of inappropriate behavior. but as carter evans tells us, he did not go quietly, defiant to the end. reporter: this is the headline many san diegans were waiting for. after six weeks of scandal, mayor bob filner s resignation
came with a public apology. the city should not have been put through this. and my own personal failures were responsible. reporter: 18 women have accused fillener of sexual misconduct and at first, he seemed contrite. all the women that i offended, i had no intention to be offensive. reporter: but he remained defensive. i have never sexually harassed everyone. he is basically in denial, didn t want to admit to anything, and said he didn t commit sexual harassment. then what are you apologying for the first time. reporter: retired san diego police officer rocky ventittelli volunteered in the effort to recall fillener. he gathered 1500 signatures in just five days. the mayor dismissed the movement as a media-driven frenzy. rumors become allegations. allegations become facts.
facts become evidence. of sexual harassment. i think that s typical of anybody who is unethical and commits any type of crime blame somebody else. it s not me, it s you. reporter: ventittelli believes it was the crass-roots recall effort that ultimately succeeded. if fillener didn t leave on his own, he would be thrown out. i think he was scared of us, yup. there s no doubt. the power of the people spoke. reporter: and the message was clear. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. axelrod: and later, it s a panda. the national zoo celebrate the birth of a new cub. linda ronstadt explains why she will sing no more. and an old school bus hits the road to deliver lunch to hungry kids. for sensitive skin, there s fusion progl our ms are thinner than a surgeon s scalpel for our gentlest shave.
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axelrod: one out of four american children depends on government programs for food. in certain part of the country, the need is much greater than others, especially at this time of year. don dahler now takes us to one. reporter: it s lunchtime in rural tennessee. come on, sweetie! reporter: and the kids have been waiting. come on, hon. reporter: some come with parents. others come alone. once on aboard, anyone under 18 eats for free. delicious! reporter: during the summer month, four of these lunch express buses wind through the northeastern part of the state bringing balanced meals to about 200 low-income kids, including nine-year-old gary yelton. they mostly give you fruit, vegetables. reporter: and second grader jasmein church. they help you be healthy. reporter: in this part of appalacha, about two out of five
children don t always know where the next meal is coming from. many depend on the free school lunch program, but with classes out, and limited transportation, summer can be the hungriest time of year. and so at that point we said we ve got to do something and we ve got to be able to take meals to them. reporter: rhonda chafin, executive director of second harvest food bank, says they had to go mobile. rural hunger is real. it s real in other rural areas of the united states. and food banks are struggling to get food to children and families in rural areas. reporter: since 2007, chaffin says the food bank has seen demand increase by 56%. ready? reporter: hazel lane brings neighborhood kids, including hers, to the bus every week day. with everything the way it is, a free lunch for them saves money for ever parent. reporter: christina silas: i like it because they re always hungry, always hungry. i mean, always. reporter: with most people
in the trailer park on food stamps and many of its residents unemployed, lane says the lunch express is a blessing for the children at her stop and every stop along its route. everyone needs to help these kids. these are our children, and no chyle have ever have to be hungry. reporter: don dahler, cbs news, new york. axelrod: and we have some sad news to share tonight about a pop music icon. you re no good, newer no good, baby, you re no good axelrod: linda ronstadt can no longer sing. she s telling aarp magazine that parkinson s disease has robbed her of her ability to produce even a single note. the 11-time grammy winner was diagnosed with the disease eight months ago. linda ronstadt is 67 years old. it s not a real baby but it s getting a lot of attention. the latest on a newborn panda at
the national zoo next. every day we re working to be an even better company -
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charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. hope you saved some for me. mhmm! you and the kids. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. axelrod: three people are dead and two wounded in a shooting today in lake butler, florida, just west of jacksonville. the first victim was wounded at a trucking company where the gunman used to work. authorities say the gunman then
killed the company owner and a worker at the owner s farm before shooting and killing himself. the gunman ha identified as the step-grandfather of nfl running back j.c. spiller. bull run has a special meaning in virginia where the battle of bull run was the first major land battle of the civil war, but this was bull run in virginia today at a drag racing strip in dinwiddie, south of richmond. hundreds of runners doing their best to stay a step ahead of the bulls. no injuries reported. and so far, so good for the infant panda born at the washington zoo yesterday. the unnamed baby looks good, according to zookeepers. they tried to give the cub its first physical exam today, but mom, mei xiang, wouldn t let them get close. they will try again tomorrow. and they threw a big birthday party in western pennsylvania today. plenty of ice cream. no cake. that s because they were marking the 109th birthday of the
banana split. the party was in latrobe, pennsylvania, where the banana split was created in 1904. ahead on the cbs evening news, the songs of protest that helped move a nation. keep your eyes on the prize question of blood flow. a r ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours.
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with more voices from the civil rights movement, which is marking the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous speeches in american history on the mall in washington. but as jan crawford tells us, it wasn t always the spoken word that rallythe troops. reporter: they endured beatings, fire hoses and arrests. regular people who came together and changed a nation. and through it all, there was song. the songs we were singing actually echoed where we were. reporter: historian bernice johnson reagon was a leader of change, a protestener her home state of georgia, before joining the freedom singers which toured the country in 1963. they were up on stage for the march on washington. thes regon on the left.
regon says the music was also a battle cry. demonstrators were armed with song, peaceful, yet still forceful and defiant. even an old children s sunday school song became a protest. most people say it s a sad song. i m going to let is tshine is really a charging, lightning song. reporter: regon says she didn t appreciate the song s power until she sang it in jail with other protesters after a mass arrest following a demonstration. behind bars, she said, singing was crucial. most of the time, we sang. sometimes there would be a prayer, but singing was the constant. reporter: the music had a familiar sound, spiritual, sung during slavery, but the words sometimes changed to fit the movement.
we shall overcome the theme song for the movement, originally was i will overcome. singing, regon says, was as elemental as eating or breathing. because we re sing people. and that s in the culture. it is that essential to your strength and your sanity. we shall overcome reporter: jan crawford, cbs news, washington. axelrod: that is the cbs evening news for tonight. i m jim axelrod in new york. for all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us. and good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ,, goodnight.
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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20131201 23:30:00

od. . on this sunday night, deadly derailment. the harrowing moments after a commuter train jumps the tracks in new york city, killing four people, injuring dozens. the big question, was it going too fast? some passengers say yes. ready or not. the new claim that it has net deadline and its goal of improving the health care website. plus, why the cost of your health plan is going way up. tragic turn for the actor best known for his stirring roles in the fast and furious films. paul walker is dead tonight after a car crash in southern california. and the people s pope. eight months in office. how he is making it easier for
people to show their faith. there are already some indications of what may have caused the commuter train to fly off the rails, killing four people. the metro north train was headed to new york s grand central station but derailed in the bronx. about a dozen miles short of its destination. flinging some passengers from the cars they were riding in and leaving others dazed and injured. in all, more than 60 people were injured. 11 critically. tonight, investigators are already beginning to focus on the train s speed. we have full coverage of the crash and its travel impact, starting with tom costello who was just above the scene. reporter: good evening. that s the train behind me. you can sigh four of the cars are on their side there. the big question tonight, how fast it was train going as it
came around this bend? 100 people were on board at the time. they have broken bones, head lacerations, some head trauma. meanwhile both the conductor and the engineer are in the hospital. the ntsb is now in charge of this investigation, trying to determine how did that happen? early sunday morning, a massive emergency response in new york. a twisted and broken metro north train on its side after crashing to a sudden violent stop. passengers said it all happened in a blink. we were going fast. as it hit the curve, it was flying. there was screaming and people crying out to god and asking for their families. reporter: the train left poughkeepsie, new york, at 5:54 bound for grand central station in manhattan. at approximately 7:20 a.m., less than 20 minutes from its final destination, it went off the tracks in the bronx alongside the hudson river. seven cars pushed by a locomotive derailed.
dan cohen s apartment is right above the crash. he took these first images. it sounded like a plane crash that kept going on and on. that buckling sound of the train s cars hitting each other and going. on it lasted about ten seconds. reporter: arriving firefighters found three victims had been thrown from the cars. we had evidence of people under a couple of cars. we actually used airbags to lift the car. reporter: in all, four dead, 63 injured. already the governor has said early evidence suggests the train may have been traveling much too fast. coming into the station, they make a 90-degree turn. in this case the passenger cars went straight off the tracks and straight toward the river. since speed was a factor, the question is why? we don t know what the train s speed was. we will learn that from the vehicle event recorders. and incidentally, we have recovered the event recorder off the cab car.
reporter: there has been trouble near this section of track before. in july, a freight train derailed near the same curve. last month the ntsb raised concerns about track maintenance on metro north lines. investigators will look at whether the crew was paying attention. recent fatal accidents of both california and spain were tied to speed and distracted train operators who were texting. they will take a. to test of the crew immediately following the accident. and they ll look into their rest periods for the previous 72 hours. fatigue is a critical issue in transportation. there is no reason why people coming home from a holiday should be dead. no reason for it. reporter: back live and looking over this train crash scene, the engineer has reportedly said that he tried to apply the brakes just before the crash but apparently, he says, the brakes didn t work. we re told this engineer has quite a bit of experience with mta. they have to come to a dramatic
slowdown here. it goes from 70 miles an hour to 30 as you come around this bend. did the brakes not work? did he not hit the brakes? those are questions central to this investigation. they ve already managed to pull the black box out of the train. that will be a key piece of evidence in this investigation. back to you. tom costello leading us in this investigation. for more, katie is at st. barnabas hospital. reporter: officials say the accident left four dead and 63 injured. we re here where some of the victim were taken including a man who may end up paralyzed from all this. fortunately, despite the harrowing image us just saw, most of the passengers only had minor injuries. dennis o neal was in one of the first few cars that careened off the tracks and slid to the river. the chairs came out. the woman was hitting me and a
couple people were hurt very badly right in front of me. the woman in front of me was bleeding from her head pretty bad. reporter: remarkably he only suffered minor bumps and bruises. the same for sheryl who was more visibly shaken than anything else. as we were going over, i look at my two friends, i screamed. my friends were going over. reporter: authorities say four people lost their lives. three of whom were ejected from their seats and thrown out of broken wind owes. the most horrible thing. i saw a dead body. they covered with it the white sheet and then the, it is breath taking. reporter: the injured were taken to four area hospitals. lisa s cousin was one of them. that s when everything happened very, very quickly. hit her on the side of the head. i saw the woman in front of her go through other window. her glass broke. she hung on to the side rails
like a monkey while the train was flipping and the rocks were coming in will. reporter: first responders rushed to triage the victims. 11 suffered critical injuries. we had several people that were either trapped under cars or partially under cars. we had a list of cars using airbags. we did a little cutting to get better access to some of the folks underneath the cars as well as in the car. reporter: two of the critical were taken hear to st. barnabas. a level one trauma center in the bronx. dr. earnest is the senior physician tanning. we re all very upset for everybody in this accident. especially those people who have lost their lives and that should be the paramount thing. we should all keep them in our prayers. reporter: many of the injuries they re seeing are broken bones, especially clavicle brakes which are consistent with being thrown around. and the officers only had minor injuries. the youngest victim is a 14-year-old boy. he was only bruised and was discharged earlier today.
thank you. today s accident occurred as a lot of americans began making their way home from the long holiday weekend. for more on its impact and the back to work travel picture, we re joined by kristin dahlgren. reporter: good evening. this is one of the busiest travel days of the year. some 14 million americans traveling today. many of them by train. this is metro north hudson river line. it goes down the hudson river into grand central station. up to 50,000 people per day take this line. it was shut down all day today. it will continue to be suspended tomorrow when so many people make that commute back. there will be another lines available but the governor said, sperkt this to be a very difficult commute them won t be able to reopen the tracks and get to repairing them until the ntsb investigation is completed. so it could be a tough commute for quite some time here. one thing to note. is that amtrak travels down the
hudson river. those are on separate tracks. we saw those trains resuming their service. people traveling between new york and albany, not expected to be affected. thank you. now the death toll stands at eight in scotland two days after a police helicopter crashed on to the roof of a crowded pub. no word on the cause. it happened in glasgow, scottland s biggest city. reporter: work has been going on at the crash site all day. the helicopter is taking them away for examination. investigators are trying to piece together how this happened. a close-knit community is shocked. one survivor coming straight from the hospital. there was a man on the news. he was right next to me. he was one of the dead.
reporter: prayers have been said across glasgow today. now people want answers. the central question, how did a police chopper fall from the sky in a busy city center killing at least eight people? so far nothing specific from police. the helicopter was returning to glasgow from an operation that it had been deployed upon. reporter: police say there is a possibility there are more bodies trapped under the wreckage. she fear her brother may be one of them. i jut can t believe it is happening. reporter: the waiting must be terrible. reporter: authorities are still working around the clock. very, very confined. it is dark and dirty. reporter: here at the scene, the line is growing as the community comes to terms with what has been lost. experts say uncovering the cause
of this accident may take many months. lester? in tieland, a violent new face after a week of anti-government demonstrations. throughout the day police fought off mobs of protesters trying to battle their way into the government s headquarters and other offices. their goal is to end the influence of a billionaire former prime minister whose sister is the current leader. at least three people were reported killed and more than 100 injured this weekend. in just a minute, a forceful response by the police when hundreds of supporters of the ousted president morsi moved into the square. they came from cairo. on thursday the police killed a student during a protest themselves called for the reversal of the military coup that removed morsi from power. his trial by the way on charges of inciting the murder of civilians resumes next month. if you ask the obama administration, the government s new health care website is vastly improved from the way it
began two months ago. the administration made that claim early this morning hours after its self-imposed deadline for fixing the site. kristen welker has more. reporter: the website can support 50,000 users at one time now. some tech experts say it isn t running smoothly enough to meet the april goal of having 7 million people enrolled including young people whose premium payments are violent to the program. ignoring the white house announcement, republicans argued if the website isn t functioning at 100%, it is proof the president and his health care law are failing. getting the webb back on track is critical for the president rebounding from his lowest approval ratings and restoring credibility with the american people. anecdot anecdotally, several consumers have said it is functioning more
smoothly but it is impossible to know what that means because the administration won t release actual enrollment figures for another two weeks. when nbc nightly news continues, what is behind the sticker shock for many employees about to renew their company health coverage. and many see him as a superstar of the vatican. and wrapped around to the front. i couldn t play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight. when i had shingles the music stopped. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one,
i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone s recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what s in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
what s in your wallet? medicare open enrollment.gain. time to compare plans and costs. you don t have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now s the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare this is the time of year when roughly 75 million americans get their health insurance through big company and find out how much it will cost them next year. for some there is sticker shock. experts say a part of the affordable care act is causing some employers with generous health plans to reduce benefits.
but there are other causes as well. here s nbc senior investigative correspondent, lisa myers. reporter: andrea and her family count themselves among the fortunate. she works for a big company which for years has provided good health insurance at an affordable price until this year. what was it like when you opened your notice this year? it was pretty dumbfounding. i had to read it twice. i thought it was a misprint. reporter: for andrea, her husband and son patrick, premium there s jump from $313 a month to $575. an 80% increase. plus, a new wrinkle. an add $250 a month charge for her husband since he could get insurance through his own job. absolutely no way we could swing this additional cost. neither one of russ getting pay increases or even cost of living increases. reporter: her company blame the change on rising health care
costs and health care reform. including a new $63 per person fee that helps subsidize premiums for those getting insurance on obama care exchanges. experts tell us the new health care law is getting blamed for some things for which it is not responsible. experts say any added costs for big companies are not nearly enough to justify double digit premium increases that some workers are seeing. we estimate that the impact has been modest. roughly 1% to 2% increase above what employers would have paid. reporter: one expert says any premium increase of 10% is almost certainly a company shifting costs to employees. the new charges for spouses, they have nothing to do with the law according to a survey, 16% of company now either charge extra or deny coverage for spouses who can get coverage elsewhere. as for an dree, a even though the experts say otherwise, she blame the law as well as her
company. i am part of that percentage who was told you will be able to keep your coverage but that s not what happened. reporter: she has the option of switching her husband to her husband s company less expensive plan. but would prefer to have kept the insurance she had. lisa myers, nbc news, alexandria, virginia. when we come back here tonight, the remarkable play that will be long remembered. honestly, i wanted a phone with a better camera. my boyfriend has a lot of can t-miss moments. i checked out the windows phones
and saw the lumia 1020 has 41 megapixels. so i can zoom way in even after i take the picture. and i can adjust the shot before i take it so i get it exactly how i want. so, i went with a windows phone. maybe i just see things other people don t. honestly i wanna see you be brave i wanna see you be brave this is a map of the pressure points on my feet. i have flat feet. i learned where the stress was at the dr.scholl s foot mapping center. then i got my number, which matched the custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support. find a walmart with a foot mapping center at i m a believer.
in case you missed it last night, they ll be talking about this game and its play for years to come. alabama with just a second left, the kick is no good. auburn defensive back chris davis is there to pick it up and make the return to catch it and
make the return. what a return it was. davis goes the distance and then some 109 yards, winning it for auburn. touchdown, auburn! and dashing alabama s dreams for a third straight national title. paul walker loved cars and speed. the actor found a perfect role on the popular fast and furious films. so there was some irony with the tragic news that he died this weekend at a car crash in southern california. we get more from nbc s reporter. reporter: it was fast and furious, the high octane racing movie franchise that launched paul walk entire worldwide fame. then in a tragic twist, it was a fiery crash in valencia, california, that marked the end of his life. the vehicle hit a tree and a light pole. from my understanding, burst into flames. reporter: walker s publicist confirmed what is posted on his facebook page. that the 40-year-old actor was a
passenger in the red porsche that was driven by his friend. speed may have been a factor. today the crash scene became a memorial for fans. we found out, it was just devastating news. reporter: walker who has a teenage daughter, had just attend ad charity event for his own disaster relief organization, reach out worldwide. he and his co-stars recently urged fans to help victims of the philippines typhoon. there are people without homes, people without food, people without water. reporter: walker s on camera career started at age 2. i think you re just about the keenest girl in the whole school. reporter: he later started in movies like pleasantville and into the blue. but the blockbuster fast and furious franchise changed everything. when it took off, he was very thankful to become a part of this and it sort of elevated him to a different level. reporter: the co-star posted a picture with walk order instagram writing, brother, i will miss you very much. i am absolutely speechless.
a sentiment shared by waves of fans now remembering walker for his action-packed role and heart for charity. one more note from the entertainment world this week, about a tv station in bismarck, north dakota, that decided to bring in a guest co-anchor. it is a sure sign the holiday season is here. santa claus gets spotted coming to town. yes, it was him. will ferrell playing ron burgundy. the latest visit to a real life tv station as he promotes his new film, anchor man ii. life ill tating art in north dakota with little help from the marketing department. up next, the broad appeal of a new pope. how it is bringing some catholics back home. cash back card from capital one. it s not the limit the cash i earn every month card. it s not the i only earn decent rewards at the gas station card. it s the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle,
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this is the beginning of advent when many christians prepare for the season of christmas. it is bringing added excitement for many catholics as they get set for the new energy and spirit of pope francis. we get the story from rome. reporter: sunday in st. peters square. the count down to christmas has begun but to the thousands of pilgrims, the biggest present came today, just seeing pope francis. this is my last day here. i m going out with a blessing from the pope.
unbelievable. reporter: saturday night, this parish in new york city was also packed with faithful. some call it the francis effect. pope francis is bringing back a whole new crowd of catholics. he is bringing hope to the women of the church and to those left behind. families have come back. but also, a lot of single people have come back. reporter: in the united states, a recent poll found that 79% of catholics and 58% of the general public rated him favorably. they find him very warm, down to earth. young and old alike seem to cotton to this guy. reporter: to many, a real catholic super hero. even featured in a book. it was published in this booklet, an easy to read guide of his bold vision of the future. this is pope francis manifesto. in the book, he talks about
capitalism and decentralizing power away from the vatican. what it would do is return to an original motto of the church where the pope with all the other bishops around the world, govern the church together. if he can do that, it would be the biggest change in a thousand years. reporter: ad vent sunday marks the way for christ s nativity. with a pope like francis, catholics the world over are celebrating the rebirth of the catholic church as a whole. nbc news, rome. that s nbc nightly news for this sun. stay tuned for football night in america following the new york giants and washington. i m lester holt reporting from new york for all of us here at nbc news. goonlt.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140429 10:00:00

your partner. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate it today. if you re in any of those storm-ridden areas, certainly be careful. you re in our thoughts and prayers. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, aprilç 29. aoeup elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a second wave of deadly tornadoes ripping through the south. the worst could be yet to come. maria molina is live from mississippi. terrible. meanwhile secretary of state john kerry making outrageous comments about one of our biggest allies. israel. [inaudible]ç appartite state. he said apartheid state.
should john kerry resign? we re going to report. you decide. one u.s. senator is calling for an end. this morning the nba will decide what they are going to do with clippers owner donald sterling. actually this afternoon. the boycott has begun. is that right or wrong? mornings, by the way, according to everyone i asked, including steve and elisabeth, are better with friends. hi. this is jimmie j.j. walker. let the good times roll, brother, on fox & friends. the show is dynamite. by the way he says he only said it one time in the show and it ends up being his catch phrase. ç dynamite! later on good times they would turn on each other. they don t really like each other? i m not familiar with that part of the story. thank you for joining us today.
we ve got a very, very busy day. it s just like monday all over again because of the weather. thanks for being with us this morning. an extreme weather alert. a second wave of killer storms taking aim in the south. we ve got to get out! let s go! at least 11 deaths reported across !51ñ mississippi, tennessee this morning. homes ripped to shreds leaving countless people homeless. the account of the devastation is staggering. maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. maria, tell us what you see there. reporter: good to hear from you. 11 people were killed overnight in alabama, tennessee and mississippi. that brings the total from the past two days of this multiday severe weather outbreak to 28. 28 people killed by these killer storms. here in tupelo, the damage is extensive.
as you can see behind me, what used to be a gas station almost unrecognizable. just a pile of rubble and twisted metal. across tupelo we ve seen car windows smashed, a lot of power lines down. we ve also seen roofs torn off buildings. when weç arrived last night at about 11 p.m. we could smell the strong smell of a gas leak. we spoke to the mayor about that. take a listen. the gas lines are the major concern of the storm damage that has released natural gas lines through the neighborhood. crews have been working nonstop all night long. they have made progress. i don t know that they re 100% completed but they re making progress. the governor of mississippi, phil bryant, arrives at 9 a plt to survey the damage. otherç areas hit hard across mississippi is louisville,
mississippi. look at the incredible video storm chasers captured of that tornado. a big tornado! right there. there it is! athens, alabama, roofs torn off buildings there. today the storm system continues to move eastward and we have a risk for severe weather stretching across parts of the southeast up into the midwest. this is a very widespread area and the national weather service issuing a moderate risk again today. we could see more tornadoes that stay on the ground for a longer paoefrd period of time.ç violent storms right here in mississippi and alabama for the second day in a row here. this is the third day of our multiday severe weather outbreak. please stay safe out there. let s head over to you in new york. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi, where
she reported 11 killed overnight in twisters. we continue to focus on what s happening with the weather, and that s the continuing story. we re going to have a next chapter in the saga revolving around the los angeles clippers and their owner and the 81-year-old s controversial comments that leads one to believe that he has a problem with theç african-american race. we also know as we mentioned yesterday, not only is there this one-hour tape out there, there could be a hundred separate tapes of donald sterling, the owner of the clippers, talk nag way which will make him look according to reports even worse than the tapes released already by tmz sports. today at 2:00 eastern time it will be announced. what shall happen to the owner of the clippers after those remarks. people all across the country are waiting. and afterwards they ll take action, whether it s the players deciding not to play or sponsors deciding not to take part.
whether it s the fans deciding to stay home. the clippers have 57 wins. most successful season. ever, going into the playoffs with a tie right now, set to play again. decisionç about to made. who is the enemy? the racist comments by their owner as proven by the tapes allegedly out there. everyone s sponsors are backing out. state farm, virgin america said they are supporting the team but not. car max out, doesn t align with their values in terms of what they heard. this is what metaworld peace had to say. you can go into somebody s pockets, you can do all those types of things but in reality do those things hurt? hate versus hate, did it ever help in america? no. iç say he needs to go get help. let him be, go get help and become unracist. he needs help according to the former ron artest
known as metta world peace. yesterday we were talking about if it is his voice on those tapes he would be in trouble. apparently attorneys for the nba went over to the girlfriend s attorney s office yesterday, listened to the 15 minutes that have been released so far out of that first hour and said pretty much, yes, that s him. however, the big question is how hard are they going to come down on him? mark cuban, who knows a thing or two about owning a team, said this. there s no excuse for anybody to support racism. there is no place for it in our league. but, you know, it s a very, very, very slippery slope. you know, ifç it s about racism and we re ready to kick people out of the league, okay. then what about homophobia? what about somebody who doesn t like a particular religion? what about somebody who s antisemitic.
let us know what you think about that. is it a slippery slope or a path to more acceptance? speaking of a slippery slope our secretary of disaster i mean secretary of state, john kerry, really angered a lot of people when he said behind closed doors to a room fullç of influential world leaders, he said israel is at risk of becoming an apartheid state. we ve got a little clip of it. it s kind of hard to hear but that s what he said. listen. i heard [inaudible] apartheid states [inaudible] a state that destroys he said those remarks and it began to resonate written by the press in israel. now the word has gotten out. you ll hear his reaction. when there was backlash he
pointed to the partisan reaction to his comments. how do you explain this tweet from barbara boxer, who is a democrat? israel is the only democracy in the middle east and anyç linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. this backlash is bipartisan. aligning with the time when they spent the weekend and a day remembering the holocaust, it seemed to jab a knife into the heart of those in israel. this is rush limbaugh. who again are the anti seplites? not these guys. these are the tolerant oées, the democrats, john kerry, the leftists. a dangerously absurd thing to be saying. the people that think something like that is
going to inspire and fuel and give impetus to? you re talking about painting a target. supposedly israel is our ally. it doesn t look like that from sitting here anymore. it certainly doesn t look like israel is our ally with this bunch. let s get this straight. there would be a piece process continuing if hamas and the palestinian authority didn t combine, and hamas s sole reason for existence is to wipe out israel. they re not talking about recognizing that country. not one person would be criticizing this administration, i don t think, in a time in the middle east where egypt is about to explode again, syria hasç 170,000 dead. there was no call to jam down the throats of both sides this peace agreement that he dreamed up. john kerry stepped in, if he had a do-over he probably wouldn t say it again because barack obama himself in the past has said apart not apply to israel. he did in 2008, i
believe. ten minutes after the top of the hour. we ve got a busy day news wise as well. exhibit a. a lot going on. anyone here afraid to fly? if you are, you may not want to watch this story. new overnight, could you imagine looking out your rá yeah, some sparks flying and some flames from this small plane that had just taken off from an airport in australia with 97 people on board. airport officials say it was an engine fire that started shortly after takeoff. the pilot immediately turned that plane around and was able to land it safely. fortunately no one was hurt. the cause of that fire under investigation. the search is on for a father and his two young children who are missing in a national park, and the search is growing more desperate by the hour. j.r. kimbler son and his
son and daughter went missing while they were on a hike. they were last heard from on saturday. kimbler texted a friend the main concern is they do not have food or water. wishing them the best. the terror mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center also set his sights on london. fattad who is testifying in another trial said khalid sheikh muhammad pulled out an almanac and krofd out crossed out the twin towersç and started looking for another target. there is a blimp that broke free during a hockey tournament in new brunswick, canada. pilots flying in the area
were warned to keep an eye out for it as it can reach about 5,000 feet. now authorities say they have lost track of that blimp. those are your headlines. it s hard to miss. it s a blimp. we have over two and a half hours left to go. straight ahead, media matters, that group has been trying to take down fox news. i don t think it s been successful. it has always been for big labor so why is it against their own workers joining a union? imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a total stranger screaming at your sweetç baby. another baby monitor hacked. [ female announcer ] it s simple physics. a body at rest tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms.
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despite its long history of supporting unions, media matters, that liberal activist group that declared war on fox news, doesn t want their own employees to unionize. this is aç petition they the seiu sent to media matters. it is reported now that the watchdog group is hiring big powerful attorneys. joining us to weigh in is the professor of international politics and american government at the citadel, also a fox news contributor, mallory factor. good morning to you. i don t get it. you look at their website, they re so prounion. yet you say now that the people of media matters who work there, the worker bees, they want to unionize, media matters says we can t do that. media matters, when it comes to their own employees they want to reward their best employees
and deal directly with their employees. they know if they have a union in between their employers will lack freedom and they re no( going to be able to reward employees who are doing well. let s put hypocrisy aside. we should congratulate them for the first time doing the right thing. media matters? media matters. they re standing up for workers rights. i don t know if they re going to do that in the future but now they are. they are standing up for workers rights by saying we don t want to unionize this place. when you look at media matters, considering all the money they have gotten, for instance from seiu, in 2012 they took $100,000 from them.ç in 2009 they took $50,000 for a total of $150,000 we know of. they re such big supporters of them. look at other unions that have sent money media matters way, $140,000 from that big union, then $35,000 and $400,000 from
the teachers union, the n.e.a. on paper they look very pro-union. yet, their chance to unionize, no. they have been sticking up for the unions. they have been attacking fox news and any other outlet they consider conservative. they have been going after anybody fighting for workers rights. whenever we do a segment here on fox news that they have a problem with, they oftentimes distort things and take sound bites out of context. that s just how they operate. you know, curiously, they haven t done anythingç about how sharyl atkisson, how she claims media matters helped her produce stories for cbs. yet, they are a partisan attack dog. they are did he definitely a- they are definitely a partisan attack dog except
when it comes to their own employees. let s congratulate them for doing the right thing this time. they are standing up for their own workers rights and their own organization. to show howç seriously they don t want a union in their shop, they hired a big powerful attorney firm to make sure it doesn t happen. his book is number four on the new york times bestseller list. it is called big tent. mallory factor, thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. don t even think about having a fiesta. one college banning them because fiestas are racist. have the p.c. police gone too far? like a scene out of a movie, a wild ride caught on camera, but that is no stunt man. that is the carjacker. woman: this is not exactly what i expected.
man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie s list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie s list. angie s list reviews you can trust.

quick headlines. terrifying moments for passengers on an amtrak train when two cars jumped the tracks in montana. 117 passengers were on board at the time. at least one person hurt. investigators are still looking at what caused the crash. you ve got hacked. aol investigating a security breach that put personal information of users at risk. this includes e-mail addresses, passwords and security questions. just about everything. no financial data was affectedç but they are telling users to change any passwords. elisabeth? thanks, brian. the p.c. police are at it again. a party benefitting research had to be canceled because one student found the fiesta theme offensive saying, quote, as a mexican
born first generation woman of color it was sadly unsurprising that this party was seen as a casual venture for such privileged institutions such as darthmouth. there are various ideologies regarding cinco demayo events. end of quote. our next guest wrote a response. the editor and chief of darthmouth review, thanks for being with us, nick. important to write your piece? the mood on campus was such that a lot of frustration, even anger over the way in which this was handled. a lot of comments on the initial report about the way in which this was handled were negative and very critical the way the administration pursued this. so i felt the need as someone at the review to write a more cohesive response. are you saying the
student body perceived this as what? what is the general feeling on campus? theç general sense from my standpoint was one of outrage. people were horrified that the reactions from the administration was such that the sensitivity of one group was able to outweigh what was a charitable event put on by the vast majority of the student body. most people on the campus, as far as i can tell, are very much in agreement with the opinions we express in the paper. the student who put forward the complaint said this was for business. you say it was for charity? it most certainly was. this is the third year in a row that the fraternity and sore sorryty put this on together. this is a charitable opportunity which has gone awry. what is your fear with this move? our concern is that the
rule of law on darthmouth campus seems toç be eroding slowly. it seems the group with the ripest sense of self-esteem gets a free pass when it comes to these issues on campus. there is no longer a sense of bringing people to the table, discussing problems. it is always if you re offended, if you re the most sensitive, you prevail. there is a lot of frustration sensing from that climate and cultural drift in weeks and months. have you spoken with hernandez? i have not personally no. do you hope to? is that on your list, the two of you get together? it is.ç darthmouth emphasizes dialogue and discussion and it would great for everyone to have an open discussion about this rather than an orwellian conversation. that conversation could happen, is something we re hoping to have happen and something i hope my article inspires. great. something i love about your
generation. thanks for being with us today on fox & friends. keep us posted on that. my pleasure, thank you. we ll hope for the best there. students at rutgers university determined to stop condoleezza rice from speaking at their graduation. imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a total stranger screaming at your baby. another baby monitor hacked. how does that keepç happening? first happy birthday to michelle pfeiffer. she s 66 years old today.

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unfortunately another extreme weather alert for you. deadly tornadoes slamming across the south, and this storm chaser had a very close call with one of them. take a look at this. oh god! please make it pass! please make it pass! wow. amazing. he did make it out okay, but the storm system went on to kill 11 people in alabama, mississippi and tennessee. maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. maria, what are you seeing there? we re seeing such heartbreak and devastation. reporter:ç absolutely,
heartbreak and devastation and now the death toll rising to a total of 28 people killed by a multiday severe weather outbreak. when we arrived here in tupelo, mississippi, last night we could smell the strong smell of a gas leak as well. we spoke to the mayor about 30 minutes ago about that. he said crews have been working all night and making progress on repairing those lines. they have a very difficult task ahead of them due to how extensive the damage is here. behind me you can see what used to be a gas station reduced to a pile of twisted metal and rubble. across the city of tupelo we ve also seen carç windows shattered, cars tossed, roofs blown off buildings and power lines down. one survivor in tupelo who was driving to work when the tornado hit described how powerful the wind was. take a listen. everything was flying. the roofs, metal, woods,
everything was like wide. reporter: people are starting to dig through the rubble in tupelo that was once their home. in pearl, mississippi, another hard-hit area by these storms, mobile homes were tossed and destroyed. in kimberly, alabama, a firehouse was blown apart by strong winds. the storm system is a very slow mover. we expect more strong storms today stretching from parts of mississippi includingç right here in tupelo, mississippi, and that stretches farther north into the midwest. the storm prediction center issued a moderate risk. this is an issue for the third day in a row from the storm system that includes parts of mississippi and alabama. those are areas that could see some of those long track tornadoes, meaning tornadoes that stay on the ground for a long period of time. we have all the conditions ripe for severe weather. very humid air mass here. we have very warm temperatures ahead of the storm and a lot of wind sheer. that means these
thunderstorms that fire up later this afternoon into this evening could start to rotate and unfortunately produce mosu tornadoes. again, anywhere from parts of the southeast up into the midwest. please when the warnings get issued, seek shelter. do that fast. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi. they have had days advance notice. keep in mind, they knew this was going to be moving through that area last night and yet 11 people were in the wrong place unfortunately when the tornadoes came through their areas last night. it looks like it could be another rough one today. like maria says, keep an eye on your phone because you can get emergency alerts on your phone. or stay near your television. heather nauert is standing right by the couch with other news. the feds are starting to look for new contractors to run obamacare s website. could a small business run better than a big government contractor? the administration begins aç
wide-ranging search for companies to run the on-line exchange program. the feds say they are particularly interested in hiring small businesses owned by women or disabled veterans. of course this would be a stark contrast to c.g.i. federal, that s the company blamed for the botched obamacare rollout. a new contractor would take over when the current contract expires next year. we ll keep you posted. dozens of students at rutgers university occupy the president s office and are protesting the school s decision to invite condoleezza rice to speak at graduation.ç rutgers is paying her $35,000 for the appearance but some say they are outraged because of her role in the iraq war. so far the university says rice is still invited. you may remember this. two years ago the school paid $32,000 for snooki to offer students these choice words: study hard but party harder. a crazy carjacker
caught on video trying to break into a new york city cab as it speeds down the highway. the man clinging on for dear life. finally at a red light he hopped off where he stole another car. the suspect has since been arrested. nice police work there. hackers here s a scary story every new parent wants to hear. hackers can pretty much hear and see just about everything you do by hacking into your child s babyç monitor. this happened to an ohio family. they say they heard the voice of a screaming man who woke them up in the middle of the night. they heard this on the baby monitor that was controlled through their stpafr. through their smart phone. i heard a voice start skraoepg screaming at my daughter. wake up, baby, wake up baby. just screaming at her. you kind of do feel violated in a way. when the man started
screaming swear words, the manç unplugged the monitor. again, story every new parent wants to hear because video baby monitors that are remotely controlled are so popular right now. talking about popular, let s go to brian. thank you very much, heather. the exact opposite thing was in the prompter. let me tell you what s going on in sports. with donald sterling dominating the nba headlines it is easy to forget we re in the middle of the playoffs and a great first round. atlanta hawks squared off against indiana pacers. hawks win 107-97. atlanta on the cusp, up three games to 2. dallas mavericks taking on the spurs. in the spurs, tony parkers, game winning 3. spurs tie up that three games a piece.ç miami heat four games to none. wouldn t have happened if
michael jordan played instead of owned. lebron james 31 points in the victory. what s the quickest tapout you ve seen in the m.m.a.? try this. it s over. right before it began, the crowd understandablyç upset. callister said he tapped out, the quickest in history. two softball players at florida southern college helped an opposing player around the bases after she tripped and blew out her knee. the injured player s home run may not have counted if she did not round the bases. luckily good sportsmanship
prevailed. elisabeth is against this. she said that is not the way you do things in sports. on the radio between nine and noon, jennifer griffin, all live nine to noon on fox news radio. you ve never done that in softball? i needed to be carried around. i needed all the help i could get. you were carrying the team. 20 minutes before the top of theç hour. going, going, gone. a ceiling collapses inside of a mall. look at that. luckily nobody was below. how does that happen? we re going to tell what you we know. our next guest says president obama abandoned the middle class. can the republican party bring them back?
jeff. hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin , lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin mad havoc! now s the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it s what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it s only 50 calories? need a lift? could ve had a v8. in t juice aisle. i wasn t sure what to expect at the meetings. but i really love going. i do! it reminds me we don t have to do this alone. it s so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. the meetings keep me focused and motivated. and i have a newfound determination that i m really proud of. [ female announcer ] jump-start your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. hurry. and if you join by may 3rd, get a month free. try meetings, do it online, or both. weight watchers. because it works.

say it ain t so. in headlines, free carry-on bags appear to be a thing of the past. frontier airlines will now charge passengers an extra fee to put carry-on bags in the overhead bin. frontier says in exchange for the new fees they re going to be lowering their base fare by an average of 12%. but the overhead bin fee could range from 20 to 50 smackers. not so good. the ceiling collapsing inside a mall in poland, the mall appears to be closed at the time and nobody was around as the roof comes crashing down. look at that right there. investigators believe it fell because of the deteriorating structure. i think they got that part right. brian? has the republican party lost touch with america s working class?
and how did it happen, if so? former pennsylvania senator and former presidential candidate rick santorum said yes. he wrote a book called blue collar conservatives, recommitting to an america that works. he gave the g.o.p. a wakeup calling urging the party to reconnect with middle-class america. joining us now is senator rick santorum. why is this the right message for you now? if you look at what would happen in the last few elections, we are losing elections because middle-income americans feel like republicans don t care about them. so they re not turning out to vote. an estimated six million folks who were going to vote for obama, squarely in the middle of america income wise stayed home instead of voting for republicans because we re talking about tax cuts for high income individuals, balancing the budget and cutting government programs, all of which are things that i support. but what if you re in middle income america? where are you talking about me? no one is talking about the
70% of america that don t graduate from college, folks looking for jobs. we need to have an agenda for them. this book lays out an agenda, policies of how we can make lives for average americans better. how much is the perception we give people that decide not to go to college or not to finish college and go learn a skill or trade a bad feeling in our society? that s the otherç thing. we should celebrate all work. the obama administration through obamacare and a bunch of other welfare programs subsidizes people for not working or discouraging people in obamacare s case from working. we need to say work is a positive thing no matter what work you do. the earned income credit is one thing i talk about in the book but there are lots of suggestions of policies that can move us in the right direction of rewarding work, encouraging people no matter what the work is, that it is a positive thing for them. republicans who end up being labeled as a party of white rich guys will not be successful and it is not accurate? i
the last convention. i spoke on tuesday night and they had placards saying we built that. one after another remember when obama said you didn t build that? we had one after another come out, small business person saying i built this. but we didn t have workers come out and say i m here because this person standing next to me did build a great job, great employment place for me to work and employer put their arm around the person and say we re a great team. or i worked 9 to 5 for you who put up the capital. we need to be unified. the other side, they re going to divide all the time. we need to unify. senator, you had almost no momentum going in your pickup truck, traveling around. no one took you serious. then you came up on the scene, you almost took the nomination. you have the foundation to run for president again. you re aheadç of where you were four years ago. what are the chances of you getting back in this this? we have patriot voices,
700 leaders signed up, almost 400 chapters, about 150,000 people we communicate with daily. we ve got a strong organization out there. they re excited for this message. the reason we did as well as we did is because we did talk about this message of lower-income folks and middle america having opportunities to rise. you have a lot of santorums to feed. you became a movke mogul? we re excited we re going to be launching a new initiative this week to do a first run of our movies through the churches instead of going directly to theaters, we re going to run because our movies are faith based, our theaters are going to be churches instead of the movie theaters off the cuff. the big question is will you sell raisinets? the churches would have to sell them. we are not going to be the
raisinets the idea of putting chocolate around our raisinets. rick santorum, congratulations. the blue collar conservatives: recommitting to an america that works. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. she refused to answerç questions surrounding the i.r.s. tea party scandal. now lois lerner s attorney wants another chance to address the house. we ll tell you why. the clippers owner, comments he made in private now made public. what if this happens to you?
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you can pay the bill, too. but don t worry about that right now. okay. how do i look? thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. it s the world. you go to israel, the blacks are treated like dogs. do you have to treat them like that too? the white jews, there s
white jews and blacks. do you understand? are the white jews less than the white jews? 150%. what are your rights when it comes to something you say in private as that was? here to weigh in, fox news legal senior judicial analyst andrew napolitano. judge, what do you think? it is a very complex case. we start with a couple of basics. this was recorded in his home, in theç privacy of his own home. this was done in california. california requires bilateral consent. not only the person recording, but the person speaking. it was an illegal recording, couldn t be used in a court of law against him. that is one side of this. the other side of this is when he bought the l.a. clippers he signed the standard nba owners agreement which requires that he comport his private behavior consistent with the best interest of the team and the nba. so this behavior, although it s extremely private and although the recording was
illegally done, is hardly in the best interest of the nba or the clippers. and so he can be punished for it in a way that the government couldn t punish us, the nba can punish him. i think the punishment will be severe because the outcry has been severe. how about how they got the tapes? does that matter? if he doesn t know he wasç taped, would that matter? that would matter in a court of law if these tapes would become part of litigation. if he were to sue the person who taped him, whoever it was, i don t think that matters to the nba. the nba s agreement is secret. i tried to see it. they won t let me. but i have a general idea of what s on it from seeing similar agreements with other professional entities that don t keep them secret. more developing on that. the supreme court set to side on whether or not a cell phone can be takenç upon stopping somebody.
searching without a warrant. whenever i m with brian i say brian keep your cell phone with you and the battery with you because i want president obama and the n.s.a. to hear everything we have to say. kidding about that. these guys were drug dealers and the police took their cell phones and accessed them, got in, got the pin number or the password and extracted all kinds of information. on the basis of that information prosecuted them for another charge for which they were arrested. the other charge is serious. murder. convicted of murder. now the supreme court has to decide, when the police stop you for jaywalking or bank robbery and you have a cell phone on you can they take it without a warrant? you ve got to explain to a judge why you think there is evidence of a crime in there. you can t go on a fishing expedition. what if it is time
sensitive? the police would know if it s time sensitive because here they were search for whatever they managed to find. thanks, judge. still ahead, secretary of state john kerry warning israel that they could become an apartheid state. his comments are spas[ing bipartisan outrage. should he resign? we report. we report. you decide. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18
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amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
good morning. it s tuesday, april 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we starts with a fox news alerts. more deadly tornadoes slamming the south again. oh, god! please, make it pass. please make it pass. the worst still yet to come. we are live on the ground. today the nba will decide what they are going to do with donald sterling. but the sponsors made their decision. the boycott has begun. and they shake pom poms and dance to music to support a teaches should cheerleading be a sport?
this age-old debate that raged on in our control room for years may have been put to rest. we ll explain that straight ahead. thank you for joining us on this tuesday morning cause mornings are better with friends. we re boys 2 men, you re watching fox & friends. we have people in the control room, one producer thinks it is a sport. the other person thinks that s laughable. it s. that s a great debate. they shall remain nameless. unless we decide to name them. good luck on that. first things, we got to get serious. for the last 48 hours, we ve been covering the extreme weather down south and the midwest. it s impacting a loft you watching right now. a second round slammed the south last night, leaving at least 11 people dead this morning. big, big tornado right there!
there it is! this as we see incredible new images of devastation. this showing a woman in mississippi hugging her dog after she found it alive near her destroyed home. maria molina has been live on the ground. she s in mississippi. what are you seeing is there? this is so heart breaking. it is so heart break. the sun is starting to rise and we re starting to gets some of the first glimpse of the damage here. it s so extensive and heart break. storm chasers captured the tornado on video and had a very close call with it. oh, god. please, make it pass. please, make it pass. that tornado hit here in
tupelo leaving behind extensive damage as you can see. what used to be a gas station reduce to a pile of rubble and twisted metal. we have seen flipped cars, buildings severely damaged, if not completely destroyed. and there are survivors who were work at the time that the tornado hit and had the roof blown off their building. ripped the roof off the buildings over there. we all jumped in the pit. glass flying all around in the pit. to see trees twisted like it is now, i ve never seen anything like that. the governor of mississippi is visiting the area today. other areas hit athens, alabama of the another hard hit state. very severe damage there with homes torn apart. the threat today including yet again alabama and mississippi. the storm prediction center
issued a moderate risk there, meaning we could see more of at least violent storms that could produce tornadoes that stay on the ground and cause this teach damage. there is a very widespread area that could see these strong to severe storms today stretching from parts of southeast up into the midwest. have a we to get those warnings today. a tornado warning means there could be a tornado on the ground. and when those are issued, that s when you need to seek shelter. thank you very much. leetle talk about the storm in the nba. sounds like later today in a press conference here in new york city, the nba is going to say what they want to do to donald sterling. apparently yesterday a couple of nba attorneys did authenticate it is his voice on the 15-minutes of the tape that has been released. so all across america, people are talk about is that really is that something i should lose a team for? should he be fined? what are they going to do? meta world peace said the guy
has a problem, but he needs help. watch. i mean, you can go in somebody s pockets. you can do all those teach things, but? reality, do those things help? hate versus hate doesn t help. i say he foods to get help. let him get help and become unracist. when he was ron artest, he had that problem and we discussed it live, running into the stands, protecting and beating up on a few fans. he s calmed down a bit. on top of that, one of the things he he won a world kilpatrick with the lakers, he thanked the psychiatrist. sponsors around waiting, car max, mercedes benz have said we re out as long as he is big. the players themselves, jerseys inside out as we saw.
the coach rivers is saying, he s not sure if he s coming back. he wouldn t even take a call from donald sterling yesterday. he said no, we re going to let the players do their thing. many wondering if he will lose the team. will sterling maintain ownership? mark cuben said this could be a slippery slope. there is no excuse for anybody to support racism, there is no place for it in our league. but it s a very, very, very slimmery slope. if it s about racism and we re ready to kick people out of the league, okay, then what about homophobia? what about somebody who doesn t like a particular religion? what about somebody who is anti-semitic? mark jackson, the coach of the warriors, says he thinks fans should stay home. maybe he s looking out for his warriors. rivers says north texas we need your sore. perhaps wear your jersey inside out if you support that.
meanwhile, he didn t know that he would be widely quoted, but he is our secretary of state. he was at an event behind closed doors with a bunch of world leaders and he used apartheid state, that expression, to describe israel and now the world is horrified fort most part action excepts john kerry who said this. when people think of apartheid, they think of apartheid, black versus white thing. he s suggesting unless they come up with a peace agreements between israel and the palestinians, they ll have that problem. there has been an outpouring of anger toward these stupid comments that mr. kerry made. eric cantor said that the
word routinely being dismissed as owe penssive and inaccurate offensive and inaccurate. senator year said we can t have politics rage over this. senator boxer tweeted this. israel is the only democracy in the middle east and any linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. he tried to claire guy when he realized there was a fire storm of the did he it in way which i found odd. he lashed out against partisan political attacks again him, but acknowledged his comments last week to a closed international forum could have been misinterpreted. if that was my apology, my mom would say try again. if he s talk about partisan attack, clearly, to barbara boxer. right. clearly conservative. or maybe thele fact that a number of conservatives said
those kind of comments, he s got to go. sad lyrics it is my belief that secretary kerry has proven himself unsuitable for the position he holds and therefore, before any further harm is done to our national security interest and to our critical aligns with the nation of israel, that john kerry should offer president obama his resignation and the president should accept it. i think is a resigning type statement. this is an injury to an ally that will echo because it will be repeated and people will say, i m not saying this. it s the secretary of state of the united states. it is untrue. it s truly something that the man at the very least, an immediate apology. yeah. he needs to go back to saying
brilliant things that climate change is causing problems. for the most part, it s been relatively quiet in the area. let us know what you think about those comments and is it enough to cause secretary year to resign? ten minutes after the hour, and heather joins us for overnight developments. good morning. could you imagine this? look out your airplane window and then seeing fire spewing from the engine? look at this. steve, you re right. that s not good. that plane had taken off from the airport in australia with 97 people on board. it start in the engine shortly after takeoff. the file immediately turned that plane around and land safely. no one was hurt. but the cause of that fire is under investigation. the search for a father and
his two young missing children in a 27,000 aircraft national park is now growing more desperate. he and his ten-year-old son and six-year-old daughter, you can see them there, went missing in a south carolina park just days ago while they were on a hike east of columbia. they were last heard from on saturday when he texted a friend saying they were lost. the main concern from rescuers now is that he and his children don t have any food or water. the terrain they re searching is described as difficult, with a loft downed trees and swampy water. wishing them the very best. we ll keep you posted. this swimmer gets an escort from dolphins. adam walker was a record-break open water swim, in the middle of a swim often the coast new zealand when a pod of dolphins appeared. ten joined him for an hour of his it s a-hour journey. some people thought that the dolphins were scaring off a
shark. he said his swimming with the dolphins was a dream come view for him. those are your headlines: what would you rather have, a dolphin or mermaid? it sounds like the choice is dolphins or sharks. so true. be kind of fun. thank you very much. if you have a better mermaid movie, let us know. it looked perfectly reasonable. you started look hard. i really did. instead of christian mingle, a loft people should go diving. there go. brian, you re fired. coming up, what is causing islamic extremism? if you ask nbc it s president bush. it s his fault, along with tony blair. isn t the legacy of your leadership and that of president bush in part responsible for the
reality today? really, david gregory? ten people caused extremeism. john yu joins us next. plan on going to a wedding or two this summer? staggering amount it cost just to be a guest i m rdy, and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i ve helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenline is pron to help peop quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after opping chantix. ifou notice any of these, stop chaix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental-health problems, which could get worse whe taking chantix. don t ke chantix if youe d
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what s causing islamic extremism? if you ask nbc, it s president bush and tony blair. isn t the legacy of your leadership and that of president bush in part responsible for the reality today? did the west fail to deal with the extremism you talk about today appropriately in afghanistan in a sustainable
way. will make a huge era when we end up thinking somehow it s our actions that have caused this. in afghanistan and iraq, you can agree or disagree with either decision. we removed brutal dictatorships, allowed the people a chance to elect their government. that s why they re to blame. is that a valid question or just ridiculous? let s ask the former deputies assistance u.s. attorney general under george w. bush, john yu, he just wrote a book the causes of war called points of adark. your response to david gregory s question which assumes that the last eight your eight years were responsible for this. that s a terrible mistake. it s like saying firefighters are responsible for fire or during the cold war, it was our faults and not the soviets faults. if you look at 9-11, the worst thing that could have happened for us and the best thing for slamsic extremists is that they controlled afghanistan.
in the bush administration, we put an end to that. we overthrough the taliban regime and started on a campaign to try the al-qaeda terrorist network. i worry this administration has let its foot off the gas pedal in the war on terrorism and actually allowing al-qaeda to rebound. so think about this, somalia, after that tragedy, nothing. after beirut, we ve done nothing. after the cole, we did nothing. we fine low take action and it was a question, not a statement, butylene people outs there agree with it. now the bush administration s war morning could bring us to a caused this. no one even has a chance to look or google it, you would find out that s not the case. before 9-11, there were no aggressive american policies, as you pointed out, responding to all these terrorist attacks. we took a hit, we took a hit, we took a hit. we didn t respond forcefully. and what happened? we were attacked on 9-11 just down the island from here. the us us didn t cause those attacks. those happened despite american
policy. i think now as pointed out, what s going on is that we are withdrawing from iraq and afghanistanment we re allowing extremists to get back into power and restore the networks we spent so much time destroying. now the president says i d rather hit isn ts and doubles then go out and try for a homerun and make a mistake and i m para phrasing. i m worried putin and next in crimea invading ukraine, with place like china declaring air defense soon which include parts of japan, that this president, he may think he s hitting singles and doubles, but i worry he s watching called third strikes go by. is there a manhood problem as this president is perceived in the middle east? i don t know if it s manhood, but this president is turning out to pursue a very passive policy. what worries me is that american withdrawal from the world is going to have terrible costs on
the world and on the united states. and that this effort to pull the united states back from its role as securing regional and international security is going to harm the world that the united states built for the last 650 60 years. thanks so much. thanks. ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up, she forgot she had a pocketknife in her purse when she witness to school. now she s expelled, zero tolerance gone too far? and texting, tweeting, instagramming. parents don t understand their teens social media lifement our next guest does and she s here to help you learn about what they are saying. hash tag. [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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now, ladies and gentlemen, time for news by the numbers. first, 30%. that s how many breast cancer survivors are out of work four years after treatment, according to a study. researchers say the long-term effects need to be considered when look at treatment option. next, 600 bucks. that s how much you re going to spend on a wedding by just being a guest. a new survey found wedding spending is up by 75% in the last two years. the 600 bucks includes travel, as well as clothes, accessories and probably cocktails. finally, three years. that s how long william and kate have been married. the royals are celebrating their third anniversary today. the palace is keeping quiet on what the two love birds have planned. they usually opt for something low key. all right. congratulations. that s very nice. whether it s tweeting at the dinner table, snapping selfies or tuning out family time to finish game with words with
friends, teen-agers spend more time than ever on social media. you know it. what exactly are they doing there? what should parents be doing? what don t they understand and get? here with some insight is author dana boyd. thank you for joining us today. a lot of parents, when you see at least numbers, 94% of the teens are on facebook. 26% are on twitter. 11% of them are on instagram. so when you know that the vast majority of them are on-line, parents think, i got to northern this. i monitor this. you say? i say back off and the reason i say become off is that what young people are trying to find is a police of their own. over 30 years, we ve done tremendous disservice to young people s freedom. today s teen-agers have no right to roam of the the whole culture of get on your bike and be home by dark is gone. you re not just saying there, you spent years, about eight years studying teen-agers spending time with them.
but i guess the concern as a mom, i want to let my kid go anywhere anymore, it s not that world. why wouldn t i check in and monitor their freedom? i don t see it as though i m infringing on their personal space. i need to know they re safe. parts of it is you want to help your child transition to adulthood and that can be rocky. so what that process looks like is to slowly give them freedom and back off when they vital new some particular wait a minute way. it s a process. with colleges, jobs, people are look at their behavior on-line. what do you say? that s true. part of it is helping your child think creditly about what they re going to encounters. in the work force, at college, et cetera. but let them be making the decisions. that s part of it. they need to learn to make decision because whether they re out of your household, they don t have you to turn to. so don t punish them or critique them, understand what s going on? it s a process.
sometimes you ll is to critique and punish. that s so the overbearing approach to all of it, then you don t have them learning what they have to to become an independence adult. there was an article that we discussed and found yesterday saying that teens can t decipher between reality and what s going on on-line. you say? i find that so confusion. the best i could find is that the folks were look at cyber bullying. young people don t distinguish between siren bullying and bullying. they think of bullying wholisticcally, whether it s their friends or on-line. i think it s a serious issue. i think we need to concern ourselves with it. but it doesn t mean they can t tell virtual reality from reality. i go by you are what you tweet. that s when i say. thank you. thank you. coming up, hello, texas. governor rick perry s pitch to come to the lone star state is work with a major auto company of the he s going to tell you. and we re going to tell you who
is headed south. they shake pom poms and dance to music all to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? this age-old debate may have just been put to rest. o i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air.
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if you re just wake up, we ve got another extreme weather alert. as the sun comes up across the southeast, we re seeing all devastation left behind last night by dozens of tornadoes across our south land. that s right. at least 11 people dead in three states. alabama, mississippi, and tennessee. maria molina knows that very well. she s on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. i see you moved your location slightly. what are you seeing? the damage here is so extensive, very severe. behind me we have what appears to have been a strip mall. the roof has been blown off. is there is a lot of debris inside what s left of that structure. we ve also seen piece of furniture. there is a couch that s just outs in the parking lot. there is pieces of debris that s let serring the roadways and also the parking lot. power lines, some of them are down and the ones not here in
the area that we re standing in are just dangling. we ve also seen car windshields that have been shattered and also basically just a lot of damage out here. some buildings are unrecognizable. they re just a pile debris. they have allowed traffic to allow people to get to where they need to go. something lard to convey through video or images is the smell of gas over the past 30 minutes, it has increased in intensity here in tupelo, mississippi. we did smell it last night when we arrived and did speak to the mayor about that. take a listen. the gas lines are the major concern of the storm damage. atmos energy through some of the neighborhoods, those crews have been working nonstop all night long. they ve made progress. i don t know that they re 100% completed. but they re making progress.
and tupelo, mississippi is just one area hit hard by the severe weather yesterday and in the overnight hours. in pearl, mississippi, we ve also seen video of mobile homes that were destroyed and severely damaged out there. we have reports as well of severe damage in parts of tennessee and also across alabama. the storm system continues on the move and the storm proceed diction center has issued a moderate risk yet. we ve had that already for three days in a row, including parts of mississippi, kellogg right here if including here in tupelo and parts of alabama. preparing into the midwest. this has been a rotten week weather wise. peculiar i can t, thank you very much. let s talk business now and let s talk interstate business. score another one for governor perry. no kidding. he s been on this program. he was with us about a year ago talking about how he s encouraging businesses to head down to texas. texas is open for business.
you know who got the message? toyota. for 50 years they have had their national headquarters in torrence, california. they ve just announced that they re moving to plano, texas, which i have been shopping in plano in the last couple of months. it s a great my daughter lives in the dallas area it s a great town. they re going to move their 4,000 employees and a lot of people are going, okay. what took you so long? right. toyota financial also moving that arm to the area as well. just north of dallas. as well, since july of 2012, 60 companies moved to texas. rick perry talked with us about why this is so important to companies and why they are coming to texas. the fact is there is economic policies in those states that are this is two things. it s about going out and recruiting businesses, telling the great story about texas, our light tax burden, regulatory climate fair and predictable.
legal climate that doesn t allow for oversuing, a very skilled work force. those are the four things that businessmen and women really look for. it s about tax and also a windy day, i digress. toyota has been in los angeles area since 1957. and again, it was a big revenue stream for them. california, which needs that tax revenue, keeps upping taxes. they don t get it. sooner or later, successful companies will decide, we re being extorted. we re going do leavement what are they going to do? continue to up taxes? more companies are going to leave. right. they hit texas where it s friendly for them and all the 4,000 employees and jobs that will be work there. that high speed rail thing is not going to save the state of california. and the message is texas is open for business and now once upon a teen-ager the big three used to be located in california. nissan moved to tennessee. we got other break news with heather. good morning. we have serious break news
coming out of georgia this morning. as workers were showing up at what appears to have been a fed-ex ground facility in georgia, there are reports of a shooting in this area in kennesaw, georgia. we re hearing at least six people have been hurt. officials are saying that the injuries so far range from minor to serious and that shooter, as we understand, is still on the loose. dozens of cops and emergency workers are on the scene right now. fed-ex just releasing this statement saying, quote, fed-ex is aware of the situation. our primary concern is the safety and walt our team members, first responders and others affected. we will keep you updated on there story as it develops throughout the morning coming out of georgia a short while ago. in north texas the woman known as mama damato has been laid to rest. the mother of form new york senator and fox news contributor
damato campaigned for her son of the he credits her with having helped him win the 1980 election. listen to this. she was the heart and soul of our family like many mothers. she was special. she challenged us. she was there for us. she sacrificed and she had god gave her a great life. she was a force in her own right. i have nothing but wonderful memories of her. my mom is 98. they became great friends and had this bond of two wonderful mothers whose sons had gotten involved in trying to help make people s lives better. a lovely tribute to her. she was 99 years old. what a life. let s go out to the midwest now where a minnesota high school students has now been expelled from school for having a pocket knife in her purse. 17-year-old alyssa says it was a
mistake and that she s really a good girl. school officials say there is zero tolerance policy left them no choice but to kick her out of school for a year. a she says an administrator found the knife during a random drug search. a dog had mistaken her perfume for something more dangerous. what dow think of that? they shake their pom poms and dance to music to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? cute. new york educators say yes, it should be a sport. the board of regents is expected to vote today. 34 states and the district of columbia already consider it a sport. the move would require coaches to be properly trained and for schools to follow common safety standards. seems like a good idea. that stuff is tough. they changed from gymnastics, from cheering to a few moves, maybe pyramid, to wild tricks
and stunts. it s half gymnastics, half cheerleading. most schools are cut out gymnastics. interesting. brian an advocate. what do you think? is cheerleading a sport? e-mail us. our floor director says no, it is not a sport. what? do you know how heavy those pom poms are? e-mail us, we re going to include your comments. in golf, no defense. not a sport. he has a consistents argument there. if john will stop heckling, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. look for a job? stick around. cheryl casone wants to help you land one. the top five companies hiring right now. plus, it s america s favorite original high school musical making a comeback. details on that next
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protect the renewable fuel standard. quick headlines. entertainment version. just weeks after david letterman announced his retirement, craig ferguson has announced he is leaving his show. called the late late show. he claims he has been planning the departure for months. blake shelten and adam levine may trade good natured jabs on the voice, but he may have gone too far. he tweeted out what may have been levine s personal phone number. we tried calling issues but the voice mail is full. a new live tv musical on the block. you re the one that i want fox announcing greece is the a grease next year.
they have not announced who will play danny and sandy. steve? you think he could fit in that outfit? meanwhile, sometimes when look for a job, there is no other option but to move. that s what one state is banking on as it hosts a gigantic job fair dedicated to hiring people in michigan. cheryl casone from the fox business network is here with information on? and other companies. this is your biggest one. michigan is look, with the pure michigan dream job summit for 70,000 jobs. they re having a tough time getsing qualified candidates to relocate to michigan. what we saw was this exodus from michigan. this is not a company. it s actually a summit of many, many companies. all the auto makers will be there, chrysler, ford, general motors amway, ge, whirlpool, these are big companies that pay decents salaries.
if you re in michigan a good salary can take awe long way right now. house something so cheap there. april 30. i wanted to bring this to your attention. engineering, marketing, i.t. and design. at ford field in detroit. they re expecting thousands for this. but if you re willing to go to michigan, there is opportunity is there and a lot of these companies some of these jobs are $100,000 salaries attached to them. fantastic. adt, the people who make sure you re okay in your house, they re look for people. the security company who looks like have to start monitoring baby monitors. residences, small businesses, adt need salespeople, customer care, operation position, which is like installers. they ve also got jobs in their corporate headquarters. mostly colorado, ten continue, texas, new york, florida. 63500 jobs. heather was talk about the baby monitoring. home security is blockbuster business right now. we want to look at everything. baby cam. the whole works.
everything. adt is hiring. also molina health care, nothing to do with maria. they re look for 300 people in cincinnati. yeah. hiring again. this is jobs in ohio. they basically started out servicing in california. they had a clinic where they were servicing low income individuals. knew they re work with the government under medicaid and medicare. it got 300 jobs open right now. they ve got a huge flu office in springville, ohio. greater sin sun. they need nurses, case managers. people that are social workers. they are across the country. they ve got about 2.1 million. fran net has different opportunities. this is interesting. we did a loft franchise companies on the show. so a we got a fair coming up. they connect people with the right franchise for you. they re hoping to place 700 people into new businesses. senior care, you would know that. electronics repair is another
big moving franchise. like the geek squad. how many times do you drop your ipad or iphone on a daily basis? a lot. i m not trying to call out. but that is what they do for a business. i like that one. kind of different. yeah, it is. and finally, i love the chicken and biscuits, bojangles is look for people. known for breakfast, this is all good. 3,000 jobs for this year. they re planning to open almost 50 new locations, they need managers, area directors. the directors, iffy got food service experience, you can make $55,000 and up for this job. they give scholarships out. if you re salary, you get full time, 401(k), which is everything. and even some of the assistants directors can make 37 or 38 grand per year. they serve breakfast all day. sounds delicious. i can never get enough fried chicken. once again, if you like more information, particularly the 70,000 jobs up in michigan, go
to good job. ready for breakfast? bring me something. we re hitting a commercial. i could use some chicken. coming up, it s money saver on three wheels. the new cars that cost less than 7 grand and they re made right here in america. elisabeth, look at that. she s behind the wheel. look good. meanwhile, on this date back in 1966, good loving, number within song across this great land of ours chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
(vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses.

with the national average for gas prices at 3.69, how would you like to drive a car that you can get more than 80 miles per gallon? wow. what kind of hybrid is that? what if i told you the car only has three wheels. it promise to do just that, promising us is the founder, paul helio. congratulations. thanks. you say the tandem seating is responsible for the great gas mileage. at highway fuel, most fuel goes to moving air. let s take a walk around it. it s going to be a long walk. this is it. it s the width of two people. look at this. open up the trunk. you. one in the fronts and one in the back. you have also partnered with pep boys. tell us about that. that s correct. so pep boys has agreed to be our authorized service provider. so we have 800 authorized
service locations day one. how much would this cost? $1,600. and you say people make these kind of cars, but this is an and car, you should have this in addition? right. one of the reasons small cars have not made it in america, we buy big cars for a reason. and so you don t have do get rid of your suv. you can have this and your suv. what are we, saudi arabia? you can ride in the front. i m getting here. so she s right behind me. she ll take the back seat. i ll take the front seat. are we there yet? wow. okay. i can take the bike lane and still ride next to a schwinn. it s classified as a motorcycle? right. it has three air bags, power locks. we re building it in shreveport, louisiana. true will truly an american pro.
this is a great concept. it will be a reality for so many. i m going to use this seatbelt and we re going to test the air bag. look out! i only have three wheels! oh, my gosh. this is not a way to get revenge. that s the last we saw of them. that is cool. very nice. like more information about that car? go to our web site. coming up, what did john kerry say that has people calling for him to resign? laura ingraham weighs in on this coming up. then he was so excited to receive his diploma, but there college grad fell a little short.
what happened next? we ll play the rest of the tape straight ahead on this fox friends fox & friends .

good morning. it s tuesday, april 29. i m steve doocyment we start with a fox news alerts. a second wave of deadly tornadoes slamming the south. get out. let s go! a new warning this morning. this may be just the beginning. maria molina is live from tupelo, mississippi. outrage after secretary of state john kerry s slur about one of our biggest allies. the country of israel.
should john kerry resign? laura ingraham weighs in on that. and it s one of the most iconic rides in america, but if liberal mayor of our city bill de blasio gets his way, these beautiful horse and carriages will be replaced by a electric cars. brian and elisabeth, where have you been? we re kick off the third hour right now on fox & friends . hello,. thank you very much. how are you? live from new york city, these are the iconic horse-drawn carriages. believe it or not, the mayor of new york city, bill deblass oh, wants do get rid of at least and replace them with electric cars. it s true. where have you been? in new york city, we had to go around the block.
the left doesn t help. a loft people were staring at us. i bet. single file. this is one of the big stories in america today. if they could strong arm horses out of central park, what s next? they could stop lunch. i know. we re going to larry from paul and steve. they ve been driving at least carriages for years, coming up in a bit. but first, brian, come on did you know. how about let the girl? you re in her way. i m just trying out different types of transportation today. thank you. just like in the little orange car, go straight. okay. meanwhile, we ve got a live shot with laura ingraham coming up. but right now heather joins us with the news. good morning. got serious news. coming out of georgia, at least six people are hurt after a gunman opened fire at a fed-ex
facilities in kennesaw, georgia. we understand that the shooter is still on the loose. this happened around 5:45 a.m. eastern time near cobb county airports, just northwest of atlanta. officials say the injuries as of now range from serious to minor. right now we understand that there are dozens of police on the scene and they are hunting for an active shooter right now. fed-ex, a short while ago issues released this statement, saying issues quote, fed-ex is aware of the situation. our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our team members. first responders and others affected. we ll keep you updated on there story as it develops. as of now, six people have been shot so far and someone is still on the loose, a shooter on the loose. another fox news alert. a second wave of killer storms taking aim at the south.
let s go! look at that. the death toll after two days of tornadoes, rising to at least 28 people. you can see the homes ripped to shreds, leaving countless people homeless today. the extent of the devastation is staggering. the family from arkansas hit by a twister for the second time in three years. the family is okay, but their home completely destroyed. the roof is gone, the windows are blown out. the only thing that wasn t touched we hear this time and time again was the cross on the fronts door of their home. we know god was with us. god was taking care of us and he s still with us. indeed. more tornadoes and severe storms are expected through the south again today. we ll keep you posted on that. also new overnight, could you imagine look out your airplane window and seeing a fire spewing from the engine? look at this.
pretty scary. that plane had just taken often from the airport in australia with 97 people on board. airport officials say that the fire started in that engine shortly after takeoff. the pilot immediately turned that plane around and was able to land safely. no one was hurt. the cause of that fire is under investigation. a college graduate in michigan tries to celebrate getting his diploma, but he fails pretty miserably. take a look. tried to do a back flip, but ouch. he was a university from davenport graduate. he fell a little short right there. he landed face down in a large crowd of family and friends. cheerleading is a sport. that s for sure. his ego was hurt, but he wasn t hurt too badly. those are your headlines. i don t think that guy could
actually make the cheerleading squad. a for efforts. just a fist pump next time. get an air horn. or stick the landing. laura ingraham joins us right now from our nation s capitol. how did you like our open to this hour of the program on the carriage? i m going to get to that. i think he s exempli tying what the job market looks like. fall right on your head. as you graduate. but you guys, next time could you please ride into the actual studio while connected to your ifb? okay? that would make it a you got to get the silksen for the kentucky derby. you need to be on a real racehorse. i love the horse and carriage. de blasio, take that. he took a lot of in a. a lot of those campaign funds. yeah, he s against them. of course. horse with no name. there you go. we re glad you re with us. now we want to hear what you
think of john kerry, the disaster that is right now. we heard warning that israel could be apartheid state if they don t enter peace talks. should he resign? he s kind of apologized. he s done the walk back. as soon as it came out of my mouth, i regretted make the comments. we have to remember this comments doesn t exist in a vacuum. especially at the beginning of the administration. there was a loft concern from jewish americans and awful us to support israel that the president really wasn t as i think continuing the relationship with israel as it had been continued and conducted for years. so there was a loft concern, a lot of push back on the settlements, et cetera. so there was a lot of concern early on. so this kind of confirms what a lot of us believe about the president s approach to israel and the middle east peace. it s always israel s fault.
and to say that apartheid he said he misspoke. i don t want to make too much of it. but the word is very charged. like the word holocaust. apartheid means economic and social and political disenfranchisement and discrimination institutionalized discrimination. this is our only ally that s a real democracy in the middle east. he knows that. he s going to have to do is he going to resign. he s not going to resign, i don t believe, over one comment. i think the policies are the real problem. and i don t think to brand israel an apartheid state has been very helpful, but he s going to be cleaning this up for some time. i think you re right, because people in his own party are steamed. boxer. yes. senator barbara boxer was on the twitter machine. she says israel is the only democracy in the middle east and any linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. bad politics. yeah. plus, jewish leaders are fuming.
yeah. again. the left rushes to demonize people who are either republican or conservatives who misspeak. i don t want to do what they do. i m more concerned about the fact that we have a foreign policy that is essentially nonexistents today. we ve accomplished nothing really in terms of foreign policy. america is weaker. everybody knows it. china is only the move. russia is on the move. and the middle east, all these dreams that we had of an arab spring turned out to crush religious minorities, crush christians, still have the textbooks in muslim countries that say jews are pigs and are defiling the world. so that s all continuing under the obama administration. so we re weaker and that s my real concern. one comment, it s a stupid and horrible comment, but the policies are the problem.
i think it s so true because you can t debate a policy if there is no one to debate. we ve taken our hands off the wheel. what do you think, mom? right. that goes right to hillary, too. let s talk about domestic politics and a woman that a lot of people are saying is a liberal s liberal. the senator out of massachusetts, senator elizabeth warren. her book has become a best seller because she s taken on the rich, on the capitalism. she says it s rigged. she says it and said it also on the daley show. that s what s fundamentally changed. it s tough out there. it really is a rigged game and it s set up now over and over. it s probably always been. well, snot not like this. it s set up over and over that the rich get richer and the powerful get more powerful. they ve got all the advantages of concentrated money and concentrated power. wait a minute. she lives in a mansion. she was paid $350,000 to teach one class at harvard. and i believe she s worth north
of $10 million. she s a 1%er. yeah. nothing is ever rigged at harvard, right? nothing rigged. it s so easy for a conservative professor to make their way at harvard or conservative students for that matter. they re never discriminated you know something? warren is for the whole equal pay mess. women, equal pay, 70 cents per dollar. she s all for policies attend up hurting the middle class. she s against the keystone pipeline. she believes that the minimum wage should be $22. that s what she said would be equitable. that would be fair in the currents market. so she talks good game and i think a lot of people do believe that money is concentrated in fewer hands today. that s true. fewer banks as well. no doubt about that. there is a populist pitch to be made, but her ideas actually run counter to helping the middle class. she s also for immigration
amnesty, which i think, you know my position on this, it will hurt the middle class, hurt black american, hurt single mothers because it will depress wages in the united states to legalize millions upon millions of people who are already here. so i understand the moral case for that. i get it. but it s not going to help the middle class. that s farce. so she s got to change her policies to have any credibility on boo hoa the middle class. speak of stupid. we re going to move the party over to dartmouth college. you know it well. they can t use the word fiesta because it s racist. one of the students filed a complaints there. the editor of the dartmouth review was here with us and this is what he had to say. people were horrified that the reaction from the administration was such that the sensitivity of one group outweighed what was a charitable
events put o on by the students body. our concern that the rule of law on dartmouth campus seems to be eroding slowly. the group with the ripest self-esteem gets a pass on these issues. there is no sense of bringing people to the table. it s always if you re offended, the most sensitive, you prevail. you say? i was editor of the dartmouth review a while ago. i was the first woman of the editor review. look, now one person, one young woman said she was offended by the word fiesta and the fact that they served, i don t know, mexican-themed food, that was so offensive to her that she i guess she wrote a letter, made her views known and the fraternity president and the sorority president, oh, of course we re going to cancel. so there is a couple of things going on here. one person can be offended and
shut down a charity event. okay? that tells you all you need to know about free speech, free thought, and frankly, a great charity work at dartmouth college of the there is no meaning to the word liberal education if that is the basis for canceling a wonderful event that s been going on for three years. it s my alma mater. i love dartmouth, but the president set this up a couple weeks ago. the president of dartmouth allowed all these kids to take over his office and then a couple of days later, he s like, well, whatever it is you want, we ll basically give in to your views. yeah. that s where we are. thank you for joining us this morning and straightening us out. see you next week. coming up, can the nba team donald sterling s team, that is, can they take that team away from him and can someone go to jail? peter johnson, jr. with the questions you re asking and answers that may surprise you. and like a scene straight out of a movie, a wild ride caught on camera. that s no stunts man of the it s
a carjacker. stop him. stop him. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it s progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was. i just couldn t handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes.
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just hours from now, the nba set to make its first official announcement about the los angeles clippers owner, donald sterling and his status after the shocking remarks to his girlfriend when it hit the internet. do you know that you have a whole team that s black, that plays for you. do i know? i support them. i ve given entertainment food and clothes and cars and house. who gives it to them? does someone else give it to them? do i know that i have who makes the game? do i make the game or do they make the game?
is there 30 owners, that joining us now, peter johnson, jr. good morning. he said, let me just answer everybody s questions cause we keep asking in the halls. we ve gotten hundreds of questions here. here is one, can the commissioner actually confiscate the clippers, take them from the sterling family and sell it to somebody else? there is something called due process in this country. under the league rules, usually if there are financial problems or improprieties or the is insolvency, it could happen of the i don t believe it will happen. i believe we ll see a fine of the we ll see a penalties. some form of suspension today with regard to his activity. of course, he could always decide to appeal that. yes. is donald sterling actually accused of a crime? that s really important. he s not accused of a crime. but he s been treated in some quarters as if he did commit a
crime because the statements are so against what we sedan for in this country. but he s not accused of a crime. there is no violation of state or federal law. he s not subject to this points that we re aware of, to any kind of federal or state inquiry, civilly or criminally in termination of his conduct. could i as a player sue him? could i say, i m offended by what you did? that s going to happen. we re going to see a flurry of racial discrimination claims against him and perhaps against other owners. is the tape legal? the tape, if it was made in the state of california and there wasn t the permission of both parties, is illegal. if those facts are true and the person who made it, if the person did not have the permission of all parties on that tape, could be prosecuted in the state of california. it s a two-party consents state, meaning all parties must consents to such a taping. you know what i get from
this? it s over, there is the fine this is going to be an election year issue on top of t. we can talk more about that later. this is a huge issue in america. thanks, peter. coming up straight ahead, students at rutgers university determined to stop condoleeza rice from speak at their graduation. their plan will have you outraged, i am sure. plus, steve is on his high horse again. that s right, brian. if the liberal mayor of new york city has his way, these guys and these horse out of work, replaced by an electric car? that story coming up.
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thanks for being with us. type for quick headlines for you. you ve got hacked. aol announcing it s investigating a security breach that put the personal information of a significant amount of users at risk. this includes e-mail addresses, contact information, passwords and security questions. no financial data was affected, but aol telling users to change their passwords. and this crazy carjacker is caught on video trying to break into a new york city cab as it speeds down the highway. look at this. the man clung on for dear life, kick be at the windows and doors to get in. finally a red light occurred, he hopped off where he stole another camp the suspect has since been arrested. steve? thank you. it is an iconic american ride here in new york city. but if the liberal mayor has his way, horse and carriages may soon be gone. so how far will he go to get rid
of them? it might be too far. new reports now say the f.b.i. is investigating the group behind the ban for extortion against de blasio addressic opponents. allegedly they told christine quinn if she didn t support the ban, they d make sure she never got elected. and then they spent a lot of money in anti-quinn ads. so how would shady politics affect the agenda of the horses and the carriage drivers? let s talk to them now. we ve got steven malone and his horse up fronts is tyson and paul mcdade and his horse behind us, here amid the streets of new york city. good morning to beth of you. good morning. first of all, let s get started. this is the first time you ve ever been in the back seat of a cab, right? yes, it is. the last time with two men. and during your years, how many people have guiltien engaged in the back of your cab? over the years, hundreds and hundreds of people. thousands. thousands? thousand. this is one of those iconic new york things, when you come
to new york city, you got to go to central park. mayor de blasio has been funded in part by an anti-carriage crowd. why? it s our belief they all want real estate involved on the lower west side of many times where two of our stables reside. it s currentsly in the hudson yards project. and it s very valuable real estate and we re here to say to the american public that they re not for sale. sure. paul, the other side, the antes carriage people say it s lousy on the horse. they don t like doing it. let s replace them with $175,000 electric cars. makes no sense. people are coming for the horse and carriage rides. central park and other groups worked for years and years to rid the park of carriage. people are coming for the horse and carriage ride. that s what they want too see n sure. central park wouldn t allow them to start w. steven, tell us
about your personal story, biography of you driving a cab. i started since i was a kid. my dad start here action he came from ireland in 1964, started shoeing horses for one of the local stables and my mom and dad eloped leer from ireland, got married on 13 carriages. he started driving a carriage bus the guy had an extra carriage of the they gave my dad to earn extra pay. that impacted your family for generations. so if de blasio gets his way after taking that campaign money and gets rid of the cabs, the horse drawn carriages what, will it do to you? as a 44-year-old man, i don t know what to do. i m in the prime years my life, but this is all i ve ever done. i was bred to drive it. yeah. we ve been reading about this story in new york city. it s a big local story. it sounds like dirty politics. one guy took a bunch of money
from one outfit. in the past, he was for the carriages, before he was against them. he had carriage rides before himself and his wife have been in the carriages. really? yep. and this is actually only really happened in the last couple of years that he s taken this position, since a big bagger, new york class. he s the money man. eats guy with the money. he s the guy with the real estate. he s the guy that wants real estate and wants these two stables specifically at the hudson yards. so he s a big player in this. different people fall in behind him. it looks like dirty politics. well, yeah, definitely. it doesn t smell right, you know what i mean? i understand it completely. all of a sudden we re going okay and then got a flu mayor, boom a new mayor, bottom. it changed out of nowhere. if you would like to help these carriage drivers and horse go to thank you very much. thank you very much. we ve been sitting here for
the last five minutes, we re lucky the horse didn t take off. there is nobody keepings from keeping us from going on. we ve asked him to stay kwai kwai quiet. coming up, she had a pocket knife in her purse when she went to school. now she s been expelled, has zero tolerance gone too far. they shake pom poms and dance to music, all to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? this debate may have been put to rest here in new york state. that story and so much more, live from the streets of new york city [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need. ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it s covered by most health plans. an extreme weather alert. another deadly round of twisters barreling through the south. the death toll rising to 28 people after two days of tornadoes. our own maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. another day of death and destruction, unfortunately. yeah, that s right. more tornadoes impacts another series of states over the overnight hours and earlier in
the afternoon hours yesterday. we know that tornadoes touched down in places like mississippi, alabama, and also across the state of tennessee. here the damage is extensive. behind me we have what used to be a strip mall with the roof blown offment there is debris inside of it. we ve seen furniture outside of park lots, metsal scrappings on park lots as well, thrown around. and cars tossed and flipped and windows shattered as well. and also car wind shields shattered. we did speak to someone who survived a tornado. he was in his car when the tornado hit and that car was pushed to the side. his wife and children were at the restaurant and they had to hide and ride out the tornado inside in the cooler. he survived and they are all fine. but their business severely damaged. other survivors who rode out the storm when the tornado hit here in tupelo, take a look.
ripped the roof off the building over there. we all jumped in the pit. glass flying all around down in the pit. to see trees twisted and snapped like what they are now it s nothing i ve ever seen in my life and nothing i want to see again. we ve also seen images of trucks and cars overturned and just again, the debris extensive out here. something that s hard to convey over video or images is the smell of gas. that s also been a big concern here in this city and we spoke to the mayor about that who said that crews have been working long hours overnight and have been make progress on that. other areas that were impacted hard by tornadoes, louisville, mississippi. that county, three people were killed, extensive damage there as well. the threat for more severe weather extending from parts of the southeast up into parts of the midwest. there is a moderate risk issued by the storm prediction center, including parts of eastern
mississippi. also parts alabama and that means that the tornadoes that stay on the ground and cause this type of damage are possible yet again today. let s head over to new york. all right. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi, where another 11 dead overnight in the states of boston alabama, mississippi. heather nauert is standing by with break news. this time i have good news. we ve had a loft tough news this morning. listen to this, we ve been talking about the story all morning long. a father and his two young children who went miss not guilty a south carolina national park have been found. they are all safe and have been taken to a local hospital for observation. the three of them went missingia hike in an enormous national forest there. a friend says he knew they were in trouble after receiving a text message saying they were lost. no word on how they got disoriented, but they are okay this morning. we re glad to tell you.
self-proclaimed 9-11 mastermind had his sights set on london. testifying in a trial said khalid sheikh mohammed was planning to strike. after 9-11, mohammed pulled out an almanac of the world s tallest building and crossed out the twin towers and started going through the book for new targets. sick. overnight dozens of students at rutgers university, they occupied the president s office protesting the school s decision to invite condoleeza rice to speak at graduation. rutgers is paying her $35,000 for her appearance. but some say that they are outraged because her role in the iraq war. so far the university says that rice is still invited, but you may remember this one two years ago, the school paid 312 grand to snooki to offer students these choice words. study hard, but party hard.
okay. looks like a very interesting story coming out of new orleans. a flamboyant new orleans socialite, her dying wish is to appear at her own wake, so she did. 83-year-old mickey easterling died april 14 and she went out in style with a final farewell cocktail party. she had left strucks to be propped up in a chair dress in her finest floral dress and bright pink boa with a glass champagne in one hand and cigarette in. no her daughter said it was really nice way to say the party is over. okay. party is overment let s take down that picture. brian, let s head over to you for sports. okay. nice message. i d be alive if i didn t have that cigarette in my corpse. now clippers owner sterile something feeling the full court press. hours from north texas the nba
will decide about 12:00 o clock eastern time, to deal with him. commissioner ademeanor silver s first big task is expected to give a presser. it s unclear what punishment it could be. but many are expecting the league to come did you know hard. he faces fines, suspensions, and could even forced to give up his team. i sense it might go to the rest his family and he ll be tossed. check this out, two softball players helped an opposing player around the bases after she tripped and blew out heroine the injured player s homerun may not have counted if she didn t go around the base. good sportsmanship prevailed. it goes to show you that it s a team sport. it took a village. right. for her to score once injured. i love that story. by the way, coming up in 20 minutes, mark levolitch will be
our guest. i got to talk about something else. cheerleading, i ve never done it. many have. now the big debate, should it be a sport? right. 34 states so far have acknowledged it is, including the district of columbia, recognized it as a sport. new york set to decide on that today. board of rejudgments is going to say yes or no. it s not a sport. they re going to say yes, it is, because apparently state officials have already recommended it. this has set off, in the history of our station issue for years we have done battle behind the scenes, is it or is it not a sport? dean cain, who is definitely a support of this program we d in on whether or not it s a sport and he said this definitely should happen asap. look at that. support for cheerleading being a sport. this is due to the evolution of the sport and the difficulty of it. the old-fashioned
cheerleading was give me an a, give me a c. there is no i in team. what were you spelling? i m not sure. it was a team that never won. but those are just people who showed up and do cheers. but cheerleading is misnamed based on what they re doing today. here is the definition of a sport and tell me if it fits this. sport, an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. right. you got a dwelled medal for stick ago landing. they re tossing people up, the injuries are severe. they have to train long hours to do what they do. i say yes if should be a sport. so that is the definition. what do you think? norris has written in on facebook. last time i checked, they don t have sporting events at sporting event. that s good one. good point. general gee on facebook says there is a huge difference
between side line cheering at game and a competitive cheer team. i agree with that. my 17-year-old daughter is a competitive cheerleader who anyone who says is not a sport has never watched. i would say this, the problem is the name. there is cheerleading, which is look, we re winning. we re really winning. and there is the competition that you see on espn and fox sports 1. that s why you should rename it. it should be synchronized acrobatics. there is cheerleading on the side, but synchronized ac about thetics. i wouldn t say synchronized because then everybody has to dot same thing. but they have to do it in a we of you know what? name the sport. joe, your daughter does cheerleading. she does. it s a competition cheer. so you believe it is a sport? it is a sport. okay. my daughter is catching the girls who are flipping in the
air. these girls, they work very hard. they get concussion, sprained fingers, ages, the whole nine of the i saw a girl do a flip and get a face plant and get a broken nose. what would be a good flame name? it s competitive cheer. they work very hard. it is a sport. in spite of the what you re saying in the control room, it s sport. joel, how much time before the hard break? about 40 seconds. we should read this. coming up next, according to joel, actors have a new way to see and hear everything you do. by hack into baby monitors. it happened to one mom and she s here live with a warning every parents needs to hear. that s right. take a grape from a monkey and he ll go ba fellow in as. bananas. you ll be talk being this video
all day long. lesson there.
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quick headlines now. minnesota high school is expelled for a year for having a pocket knife in her purse. 17-year-old alyssa says it was a mistake issues but school officials say they have a zero tolerance policy. it was found during a random drug search. a texas news anchor monkeys around with a monkey on live tv and instantly regrets it. oh, take that. wow. the great day houston host says it was her fault because she
teased the monkey with a grip. so the monkey will not be put down. we have a fox news alert. gunman opens fire at a fed-ex facility in georgia, injuring at least six people at this hour. the gunman is still on the loose. waja reporter mike is live with the very latest. mark? reporter: that s right. just a few seconds ago, right before we came on, we were told by police here that the gunman has now been found dead of a self inflicted gunshot wound. so that person is no longer on the loose and is dead. at this point we ve got at least six people who were injured at this fed-ex facility in kennesaw, georgia. it s about ten or so miles northwest of atlanta. it s obviously a suburb in cobb county, one of our major counties here. it was just before 6:00 o clock this morning when this gunman went into the fed-ex facility located near the cobb county
municipal airport and opened fire. six people injured. at least one critically wounded. cobb county police were spending hours trying to find this guy. but within the last couple of minutes, we ve just been told that he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. that s the latest from kennesaw, georgia. thank you very much. ten minutes before the hour. coming up, hackers have a new way to see and hear everything you do by hacking into baby monitors. if happened to one mom and she s here live with a warning every parents who has got one of those needs to hear. but first, we re going too check in with martha mccallum for what s coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. these monster tornadoes and utter devastation in the heartland and now tupelo. we ll bring you the latest and go live to the scene and also the v.a. hospital disgrace. we are now learning more about
how some our inflation s heros are being treated. and some very rough numbers today for the white house. what they may mean for the coming election. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting.
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baby monitors are supposed to give parents an extra layer of security. but one ohio couple recently made a horrifying discovery when they found out a hark using the monitor s camera to watch their baby inside that baby s own room. sharing their shock story is heather, along with her sweet baby, emma. good morning. emma, you are so cute! let me tell you, you hear this
story. it sounds horrific. can you describe to us what happened? you hear this man s voice coming from emma s room. what happens then? it was terrifying. i immediately woke up and i looked at the monitor, which is on my cell phone. i looked down and i saw the camera panning around her room. so realized that someone was controlling the camera and look in her room. i woke my husband up and he ran in there immediately and when he walked in, the camera panned up and looked straight at him and start screaming expletives at him and it was terrifying. he unplugged it from the wall at that point to disconnect the camera and then we just had to console emma, who was terrified. it s just so fightsenning to think some creep can have access to your little girl. the irony is that you have this to protect her. she s so sweet, you want to do
that. did you know it it had happened before? that would be my worry that, this wasn t the first time. i don t know. and if this man hadn t spoke and yelled at my daughter action i would not have known that he was even watching. so we don t know if it happened before. that mix me crazy to think that someone could have watched me in her room for several months before. and i no way of knowing. such a violation. have you used the monitor since then? yeah. we disconnected it for a few weeks and did some research on it. we have since rehooked it up and we ve added some security to it. so it should be safe now and secure. we do still use it. i think it s good tool. but just wants to make sure everyone knows to make sure it s locked down. it s so creepy to think this happened of the such a violation. emma is so sweet. what can parents do?
security wise what, are the changes you played to make it more safe? well, we took the default password off and locked down our rueter at our home of the we made the passwords different, we change it periodically and keep a close eye on it. we wish you well. thanks for bringing us those tips. bye, baby emma. thank you. someone nice is watching you right here. yeah. you re bring your suggestions in for renaming cheerleading and they re all going to be read coming up. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing,
and that s epic, bro, we ve forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. so start your day off good with a coffee that s good cup after cup. maxwell house. good to the last drop woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room.
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you have plenty. that s right. cheer nastica or cheer battic. i had one, synchronized acrobatics. see you tomorrow. another day, another round of deadly tornadoes tearing through the south. thousands running for cover as the massive funnel clouds form right before their eyes. it is so enormous and so cloud and right in front of your face. it looks like a storm chaser on that funnel cloud. a storm of destruction level in its

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140430 23:00:00

report, fair beings balanced and unafraid. greta goes on the record right now and special report starts in five seconds. i m greta van susteren, and, yes, this is on the record. and up first the smoking gun. a declassified email exposing a direct link between the white house and the controversial benghazi talking points. and now other news organizations joining fox and demanding answers. it just seems that there is a political calculation that was being made in these emails. tried very hard this morning to distance the white house from the ambassador s remarks on the sunday shows. is there a suggestion she got confused. you knew full well that these sunday show appearances were going to be dominated by the attack on benghazi. relied on points about the benghazi attack that were produced by the cia. it did not come from the cia. now we see a document that
comes from the white house not the cia attributing the protest to the video. the fact that there were protests around the region, threatening our embassies, it was entirely appropriate to have question and answer document prepared for the video it was based on what we knew at the time. why were you holding back this information? why was the email not turned over to the congress? why was it not released when you released all the other emalsz? this is directly relevant? why did you hold it back? this document was not about benghazi. it was a prep for sunday shows. it wasn t her only prep, john. you said at the podium last year that the white house and the state department only changed one word. we now know, obviously we know for some time that is not true. can you correct the record on that. when it comes to correcting records, you know, we can get into that. i am happy to recite and for as long as you like. okay. we just saw it but what was it like inside that very tense briefing room today.
fox senior white house correspondent wendell goler joins us. wendell, it seems very tense on the outside. what was it like inside that room? well, greta, not very tense for me because by the time jay carney called on me, all the questions about pñ benghazi had been asked though i m not really sure how many of them were answered. carney says the email that judicial watch pried out of the white house showed then u.s. ambassador susan rice being briefed by deputy national security advisor about u.s. protests and a u.s. protest in cairo, cartoom and elsewhere in the world based on anti-islam movie made in this country. heated exchanges between john carney and jim accosta when carney was asked why rice responded to questions about the attack on the u.s. consulate in b9&ctkzi with talking points aimed at the broader arab region as she did when she attended all
the sunday news shows. carney said rice didn t mix up her talking points though. the director of the cia at the time has said that their initial analysis of the attack on the consulate had nothing to do with the anti-islam movie and simplest explanation for what carney had to say is that he may have been trying to protect then ambassador rice. though administration critics say that rice was trying to protect the president s claim that al guide was on the run. remember, all this happened about two months before the presidential election, greta. in fact, wendell, the reporters when they walked away from today s briefing, did they sense that they got answers out of the administration or did they feel like carney was basically doing some sort of two step and not answering? as i said, i m not sure how many of these questions were answered. i m sure that these questions will be asked again. it is somewhat gratifying that it s not just fox asking these questions. all the networks are asking them now. but i m not sure jay carney
has answered them to the satisfaction of the reporters, all the reporters in the room, greta. wendell, thank you. and, at best, the white house is handling benghazi has been a huge disaster. at worse? a coverup. as bad as it is did press secretary jay carney today just make it worse. co-host of the five and former press secretary for president george w. bush, she joins us. good evening, deign. that hi. thanks for having me. dana, how did jay carney handle this today? how do you look at this? well, here s one of the ways that i look at going into the briefing room is that if you re walking down the ramp and into the briefing room and think i have got this handled. you maybe should turn around and go back in the office and get yourself together again. because there is always just one more thing that is going to be asked about. and condescending tones, i think, back fire in the briefing room. i think today what they were looking for in the white house press corps was asking for some candidness, something that would be sincere and refreshing. i don t think that they got
that. i have always approached the communications world and especially the amazing role of press secretary as one of just tremendous, enormous responsibility. and 50% of what you do as press secretary is defend and advocate for the president. but there is another part of the job, that s the other auto% which is to protect the role of the press to make sure that they are getting the answers that they are asking for. let me ask you, this ben rhodes email that is dated friday september 14th which people are now talking about and, you know, in which it says things that well, it says that what the purpose of the whole briefing for ambassador rice is supposed to be. tell me this. does this likely and i realize you weren t there does this email likely go above ben rhodes? i cannot imagine a scenario where you would have a deputy communications director of a white house of
the national security council give a cabinet level officer administration official susan rice information to use on a sunday show not just one sunday show but five of them that would not have gone further. and, in fact, greta, we know that it went further. how do we know that? because the email is copied to all of the higher ups. ben rhodes was doing his job. i don t for one second think he dreamed this out of the air. there was either specific policy or political direction that said we wanted to make sure that the goal is that we focus onen this being an internet video causing the protest and that it s not a problem of broader foreign policy. i do not believe. which i should add in direct contradiction to what mike more morell, acting director of the cia said a month ago in a hearing which we are now hearing about 19 months later after there have been many opportunities for the white house to release this information and to provide these emails. it took a lawsuit. i think that the american people would have understood
if the white house had said yes, of course, we were trying to protect the president. even if they had just said, this you know, after the election said well, maybe we shouldn t have tried to do that we were trying to help the president. i actually think that people probably would have forgiven them. they insisted that they had nothing to do pushing the video from the white house. we now know that is not true. i do not think it will wash for jay carney to try to suggest that the email labeled benghazi was not about benghazi when he they were prepping her for questions about benghazi. if they believe that, then the white house press corps has lost all credibility. but they haven t. i mean, you saw that briefing today. they haven t focused on this solely, but when you have something like this come forward, after it was redacted, remember, this goes to the white house council s office. it s a document email. white house council approves redacting. that basically means blacking it out so you can t read it they give that. defense lawyers say hiding. they were hiding it they give that to the committee on capitol hill. they ridicule and make found
of the committee for months saying ha ha you can t find anything that links us to the video. why couldn t we? because somebody thought it was a good idea to he redact that i think unacceptable. who in the white house council s office approves that. to use my word hiding it. i think a lot of things are classified to hide things. anyway, that s just me. bye-bye. okay. let s go off-the-record and good for abc s jonathan karl. he was so aggressively questioning jay carney today about benghazi. why were you holding back this information? why was this email not turned over to the congress? why was it not release when you hady-:í released all the other emails? this is directly relevant? why did you hold it back? no matter how much president obama and his staff insists benghazi is a phony scandal, we want and deserve all the answers. for starters, who made up that silly video story calls for benghazi and why? until right now, most of the media have been giving the
white house a pass, even the a.p. who is supposed to be the gold standard in journalism. here is the example. a.p. report matt lee sent an email two days after benghazi to then state department spokesperson that read in part: the utter b.s. being spread around on fox is really unbelievable. i think you know or should know i m not a fan of any particular administration or policy and i m not shy about calling out inconsistencies but this is shocking. our aggressive reporting may shock lee. what shocks me the people had bed with the white house. not just the white house playing hide-and-seek or many in the media cozying up to them. it s also capitol hill. where is the aggressive investigation there? there appears to be more to washington than whether president obama wears mom jeans than the death of four americans at benghazi. that s my off-the-record comments tonight. if you have a story you think i should off-the-record go to joining us now is the panel. rick, first to you, your colleague secured the press skewered press secretary jay cancery. he pointed out t. out. the appearance is going to be about benghazi. to suggest the talking points were about something broad or something different and the strong suggestion that i think you can t come away from the emails without coming to the conclusion that the white house had an incentive, white house aides had an incentive and an interest in pushing an idea that this was not a policy failure, that this was a spontaneous protest, that s the key. you know what s so tragic about that? we re not talking about property damage. while they are playing politics, this is not property damage. this is actually four dead americans. this email really stands out. the first and most explicit mention of not a reflection of policy or failure. looking back on, this we now know they were turning it
down request for security. catherine herridge classified cable she reported classified cable dated august 16th which when they were warned about al qaeda in benghazi. that s what catherine herridge reported. then we have the question of what happened that night and why. all these forces we have. in between though september ath or 6th. president obama is at the convention saying that al qaeda is on the run. now we get to september 11th. okay. so it occurs we have the events of that night for which all of our forces in nato and all of our forces in europe nobody could get fast enough to launch a rescue mission for guys that were there. i understand that one. but go ahead. the explanation. on this channel, being systematically mislead. we understand there is confusion and changing situation. but as we look at that email progress. the explanation gets less and less accurate which is a really bizarre thing. actually though they start trying to step all over anyone who is trying to investigate. they excluded fox news to the state department briefing from the media and
the cia because we kept pushing it, bob. it s not a phony scandal it s dangerous for the administration to do that four americans dead. one brought to justice. the real problem too is getting the information. transparency has been an issue we talked about on the show with the administration. why does it have to take judicial watch to file a lawsuit on this one. the white house knows many media companies can t afford the lawsuit that judicial watch and got this memo from. it s terrible to think that all the efforts to short of shut this down. i know capitol hill they could have been a lot more aggressive on this had a select committee. capitol hill is perfectly able to speaker boehner select committee and do something. four dead americans. this is not just a couple billions. definitely jurisdictional issues. committee chairman wanted to protect their turf. how? yeah. boehner could have fixed that one. speaker boehner could have. one committee select with a lot he could still do it now. there has been a lot of theories in republican circles how far to push the politics. politics, four dead
people that s the problem in the city. 100%. the other point that has to be made here why did it take so long to get this email? they were hiding it. i don t think there is another conclusion to come to. at the same time, they say this wasn t a benghazi talking point but also to produce it. that is patently ridiculous jay carney said. rally around the president and protect him. folks in the press but clearly the democrats on capitol hill. you would think that as much as they may personally like susan rice or may personally like hillary clinton. they may like the president of the united states, ultimately accountability, what happened four dead people. forget the fancy words accountability. four dead americans. ultimately get answers to that and all this other stuff goes by the wayside. old news, get over it waste of time. well, if we are still learning new things it s not a waste of time now is it. no it isn t. panel, thank you. this is a fox news alert. gusty winds dangerously fanning the flames of a
waging wildfire in southern california. more than 1,000 homes and several hundred schools evacuated in an area east of losr the latest we go live to phil showman. what s going on there? well, still no containment on this wildfire. record high temperatures and very dry conditions have led to high fire danger throughout southern california for the the past here in the community of rancho kook among go. cucamonga. a number of schools evacuated. all this happened when school was just beginning this morning. fortunately there was a massive response on the ground and so far no structures have been burned. no injuries that we know of. we re told that one house, a garage of one hours just got slightly singed by some flames but because of those winds, the helicopters and the fixed wing aircraft that usually deploy against these brush fires, these wildfires
were not able to it fly. so that made the efforts on the ground all the more urgent and so far the winds seem to have been dying down over the past couple of hours in the immediate sense of danger has passed. still no containment on this fire. reporting live in rancho cucamonga i m phil schuman, greta? before you go, strong winds, that could pick up real fast? yeah. that s the problem. the worse of the winds seems to have been behind us. however, the temperatures are still going to be high over the next couple of days approaching 100 degrees so it doesn t take much to set up one of these brush fires we have set it up over and over again. phil, thank you. up next, former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld goes on the record. also fireballs and thick black smoke and now people running for their lives. we will show you what is causing this terrifying scene coming up.
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republican lawmakers saying president obama is not doing enough to stop russian president putin. senators taking on not only president obama but president putin. they introduced new measures, toughen saxes and increase u.s. support for the armed forces of our allies on rush slps border. donald rumsfeld joins us. good evening, sir. good evening, greta. how serious is what is going on in crimea, ukraine, russia? it s very serious because it is a pattern, this is russia is an authoritarian state. putin is going to push as far as he can until he sees that the cost is too high and the resistance too great and there is too much to lose. and to the extent that we continue a pattern of words
incrementalism as opposed to stiffer sanctions and in my view lethal and nonlethal assistance to countries that he is pushing against. i suspect what we will see is not just ukraine but down the road you can see him doing similar things as he did in the republic of georgia. he can be doing it in other central asian countries. should the sanctions that have been imposed. should they be imposed on putin. the saxes are imposed around him not on him personally. he is a very wealthy man, right? i assume that he has never shown me his bank book. he hasn t shown me either. have you ever met him? oh sure, my goodness, yes. what s he like? you get in a meeting with putin, and he is kind of a throw back to the old soviet bureau. he talks for 30 or 40 minutes without stopping. and his guests sit there and listen. it s a were pa. i have seen it back in the soviet days and he it s
ofb!ofñ kind, a meeting with him do you trust him at all? he breaks his treaties, he is doing things he says he wouldn t do. no. this is a state that he wants to expand. is he difficult for his neighbors. is he difficult in terms it of abiding by his treaties. you know, russia is not a great super power. nuclear weapons, yes. missiles, yes. but, i mean, they have trouble with health. they have trouble with with pollution. they have trouble with a large prison population. their adult males are declining in expected life expectancy. and except for energy, they are not a great super power. they have a lot of energy, germany, angela merkel one of her big problems is that her country really likes the energy coming out of russia. that s true. it s up to the united states and the west. we have plenty of energy resources. all we have to do is start using them intelligently.
and reduce the dependency of western europe on russian gas. see, i see it as even a larger issue in that, you know, while all the focus is on ukraine and what he is doing there is that last year when president obama drew the red line with syria and that back fired and he sort of outsourced and ling the chemical weapons in syria to putin, putin then was supposedly going to help us. now we hear that there is chlorine gas used about a month ago against civilians. it sounds like either we are foolish or there has been some double dealing or whatever. i see that sort of inroads in syria and a bigger problem for israel and sort of expanding in the region. that s what i see is even a larger issue. it s even bigger thansrki that in my view. the problem is you you know you can if you go back through franklin roosevelt and harry truman and hour and kennedy and johnson and president after president. the united states has
tended, not perfectly, but tended to be a good friend to our friends and allies and reliable. we have tended to be a caution for our enemies and opponents who are working against our values. we have lost that. this administration is a has broken from a long tradition of administrations of both political parties. and the weakness that s being manifested. the fact that our credit has been downgrade, the fact that we can t manage our economic affairs and we are modeling the u.s. economy on europe is sending a signal out to the world that the united states is not going to be there in the a, 10 years ahead. and the behavior of this administration, in my view, is creating a vacuum that s being filled by people who don t have our values. you you know, i think it s hard to have much diplomatic muscle with a country like china when we
own is so much money, they have got their foot on our neck. you don t think so? no. i think we have to be realistic about china. china has a terrible disparity of economic circumstance from the coast inland. they still have a lot. i hate being in debt with them. i think that weakens us. well, that s our behavior. we are acting like juveniles. we are modeling ourself after europe, which is a failed model. i mean, the idea that we can t manage our economic affairs responsibly is inexcusable. what do you make of secretary kerry who want do over on apartheid comment. he wants a do over and the president said wrong. i feel bad for him. he shouldn t have said something he shouldn t have said and he has retracted it. he shouldn t have said. the problem is it comes on top of an administration s relationship with israel that is there have been a series of potholes in the relationship and difficulties. and we have not recognized
that that country is a democracy in that part of the world. that it is a country surrounded by countries that don t wish it well. and that we need to have a strong, healthy trusted relationship with them. but, i felt badly for the secretary. mr. secretary, it s always nice to see you, sir. thank you very much. you have to hear this to believe it charles rangle saying the tea party does not believe the union won the civil war. hear what else he said. and then hear from what allen west has to stay. a safe terrifying explosion caught on camera. latest is coming up. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approvedo treat ed and symptoms obph,
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democratic representative charles rangle saying the tea party does not believe the union won the civil war. some parts of the united states of america, they
don t believe that the union won. as they never saw that many union uniforms, i have never seen so many confederate flags that represent groups that are proud of the fact that they call themselves the tea party. they are from that part of the country that the state own slaves. former congressman allen west joins us. good evening, sir. good evening, greta, how are you? good. do you interpret what the congressman rangle said is that it is all tea party members or just a few sort of stray members or maybe rogue members? how do you interpret what he said? first of all his comments reflect a gentleman stuck on stupid. i was recently out in colorado. i posted a picture on my
facebook page of the rockie mountain black tea party. that should totally discredit any of the comments that charlie rangel has made. then you also have a representative benny thompson who was on the new nation of islam radio show and he called supreme court justice clarence thomas an uncle tom. what you have, greta, are these members of the congressional black caucus who have to create this strawman or this deception because they are really not dealing with the interests and the issues that are facing their constituencies. when you think about charlie rangel, he should be speaking out about mayor bill de blasio who is trying to dismantle it the charter school program in new york city. the academy right there in harlem. not talking about the 12% unemployment rate. not talking about the g.d.p. growth which obviously means that there is definitely not economic growth within our inner city and urban environments. this is politics as usual. why do they do that? because everybody goes into politics whether you agree
with a person. i realize some politics an awful long time and lose that thought, but, i mean, why are they doing that? it s it s very simple. because you have a constituency that is trapped on a liberal/progressive plantation of the 21 st century. they want to make sure that they continuee they want to to demonize and castigate constitutional. irrespective of color or race or gender or any of those divisive factors that the liberals like to use because they are afraid of losing control and losing power. you know, every single group i have ever seen, both sides of the political spectrum in the middle and even nonpolitical groups, there is always a few rogue people. they always, you know, a few for lack of a better word to not destroy it for everybody else, what i find troubling is sort of when you sort of seize upon the rogue person, the nut, the one who is trying to destroy and try to tarnish an entire group that might have a completely different thought or
perspective or goal. that s what bothers me. and it should bother us all. i have spoken at countless amount of conservative grass roots events, tea party events and i have never seen a confederate flag there what i believe is that do you have people come and they infiltrate so that they can can create that one single moment that optic that people like a charlie rangel or others on the left can use to say that these people are racist or what you have when that s not the case. all about issues and better opportunities and the promise and restoration of the measure dream. and i forgot, that is one other category besize sort of the rogue person, you have those who deliberately come in to infiltrate and create an impression about a whole group, you know, obviously, you know, trying to do some shenanigans to hurt people. anyway, congressman, nice to talk to you. thank you, sir. always a pleasure. thank you, greta. an attack coming from the right and the left. the target president obama s leadership and our political panel is back next, plus caught on camera, sinkhole
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maureen dowd written obama does i will say it it crudely. manhood problem. manhood is getting out of hand. manhood, mom jeans and the way he gets off of airplanes. maureen, you are two years too late. this is the stuff you should have ferreted out in 2007 and 2008. it s no big deal to figure this out six years in to this mess. not only on the right but the left too. rick klein, jim garety and bob cusack. rick, i think the manhood stuff, i think that s mean, it s critical. i don t like that one. it s too much.
can you climb into someone s head around that and say what it means on the world stapling. do i think there is a broader issue. you mentioned president s supporters new poll out by harvard university just this week looks at millennials people in their 20 s. broad disillusionment with broad some measures more disillusionment since any time since 2011. obama era. real phenomena we see inside of the party. inside places that would be the president s base and frustrations coming forward. all male panel to assess the manhood issue of the administration. you hear what we women say in the green room but guys. someone doesn t like the manliness use effectiveness. does that mean women aren t effective. if i want something done right, i call a woman. if there is no sign that the administration policy is deterring putin. syria remains a mess. this administration is haunted by syria. with the bold red line pledge and then nothing really happening. the economy stinks.
we saw the .01 g.d.p. growth number. look at president obama s poll numbers. dragging him down lately. new perform about pessimism about the economy. new rollout from the house committee that says only a 7% of the people who bought through the federal exchange have paid their premiums april 15th. not due until may but tick tock. that is the house republican committee. messes on every single front. bob? there is a question of whether he is tough enough. and certainly i think since the bin laden raid, certainly was a huge victory for this white house, there has been those questions. he hasn t been able to get his way with congress. there is multiple reasons for that has he been effective? and jim i think raises a good point. if you are not effective, there is a reason why he is the low 40s approval ratings both domestic and foreign policy. how does he get his groove back? you respect the right and republicans to do it. the the washington post editorial board which leans
left just skewed him calling obama half measures give putin little to fear slow and excruciating. sanctions fall short. telling mr. putin as well as other potential aggressors little to fear from the united states. they are skewering him. there has been a the lo of unrest with the president whether it s nsa on the left. even some of the irs stuff. just a big government stuff on the right doesn t work. but this stooping hurts him with the left. that s why his numbers are there and also, his relationship with democrats in congress cannot good at all. and now he is on his way out, basically. you know, we are going to hear a lame duck especially if they lose control of the senate. all right, pal. we have another issue. last week as republican congressman vance mcallister playing kissy faces a a staff caught on his own camera. other side of the aisle, divorce dealings getting pretty narsy. allen grayson now seeking annulment because he says his wife is a big biggest.
claiming his wife already had a husband when he married her. aleta grayson of defamation. wrongly accused him of battering her at their home last month. rick? well, well, well. that s the washington post. divorce is an ugly one. congressman grayson is a guy with sharp ends and rubbed a lot of folks from washington the wrong way. this is particularly ugly divorce. there is nothing good about. this. well, pushing match a month ago, right? yes. calling the police. little domestic violence episode. this is a strange set of circumstances to find out about a previous marriage after you were already married for i think 2 a years. how does he not know about it. if you think you are having trouble with your spouse, at least your spouse hasn t dropped this bomb on you, by the way i was married a little bit earlier. allen may grayson is a puppet for the liberals. most repulsive person on capitol hill and this story makes me feel bad for him.
till of a hun. i don t feel sorry for any of these guys. get elected. this is what they do? well, mcallister, too where for a while he thought he could survive. radel also thought that now we have the michael grimm situation and headache for republican leaders. just story after story makes congress look really bad. a little self-respect. walk down the hall. he says he walks down the hall everyone snickers and grayson walks down the hall there is the one. like 70 grade. leadership approaches this in ways. less patience for standing by your guys thee days. not quite vicious cutting people off think are liabilities. they have gotten better i think in the sense of accountability in saying this is not someone we want to associate ourselves and our caucus. stand by grim? not entirely.
i think they should take him and throw him off that. the republican campaign committee has indicated they are not going to support him. they are trying to distance themselves to some degree because he can t get off the ballot. of course you have got grayson divorce and mcallister kissing the staff. grimm has indictment and presumed innocent. it may be worse but añ%ñd least you know for some reason at least not caught on camera, right? he is not calling the police on his wife, right? at least there is stuff against those guys. remember, speaker boehner says congress is indicative of the country there are some dumb people at least he didn t say the media anyway, panel, thank you. and president obama issuing a threat to republicans. senator marco rubio is here to respond next.

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good evening, sir. good evening, greta. well, that s not all the president said about republicans. he blasted you for spending all your time repealing the affordable care act. obamacare, and he also says he spending time seeking cuts for the wealthy. what do you say? i think he is right about one thing. that is we should be on the side of people that are struggling to make a living. the problem is while his idea my poll well initially, it doesn t actually help people who are trying to get ahead. here is the fundamental fact in the real world. if you own a business that can t really raise prices and you have workers and now you have to pay them more federally mandated you have to find that money somewhere. for some people that means they will lose their job or hours at work. that s just a fact. not me saying it, the congressional budget office has told us that i can t support anything that would actually cost people jobs. especially given this economy. i do believe workers need to make more money. i don t think the way do you that is through the minimum wage. but 10.10 be a hour is not something we should aspire to for people. we should aspire to 200, $30
an hour. the way to do that is to create the changes to our laws make america a more afrackive place continue to vest and innovate. and also helping people to acquire the skills they need for the better paying jobs of a new economy. goes a little deeper though. he says you are spending all your time repealing obamacare and that focusing on cuts for the wealthy. he doesn t talk but trying to help out those who are struggling. he talks about you trying to help the wealthy. again, this goes back to the same rhetoric of class warfare that they always rely on. the truth is he has been president for six years. the very people he claiming wanting it to help are worse off than they have ever been. record numbers of people on food stamps. record numbers of people dependent on government. those are the facts. so now, desperate to try to create a counter narrative. their argument is that the only way some people can be better off is if we make other people worse off. the good news is that in america we have free enterprise and free enterprise means everyone can be better off without making anyone worse off. that s what has made us
different from the rest of the world. i wish we had a president that actually believed that. you have a new bill introduce having to do with stepping up the pressure on russia. are you dissatisfied with what the president is doing? yeah, i am. here is why. vladimir putin has made a decision. he want to restore russia and what he thinks would be a great power. and the way to do that is to be able to invade and intimidate their neighbors and their immediate abroad. he has calculated that the benefits of doing what he is doing now first with crimea and now in eastern ukraine that the benefits outweigh the costs. we have to change that calculation. and that s what these sanctions are all about. is imposing costs-to-defectors to the russian economy and individuals russian economy including vladimir putin so they can finally determine that the price they re pay something too high. all right. if it doesn t go your way, with the increased sanctions but if we stay with what the president has done, what do you expect will happen? i think what i expect to happen is what s already happening. russia is using agents in
eastern ukraine to destabilize the government there to take over government buildings and entire cities. all in anticipation of what s going to be a fraudulent vote that potentially could ask as well to be separate from ukraine and become part of russia. this is the direction they re headed. same strategy used in crimea. that s what they re employing now because they calculated the costs are not high enough to stop doing it. how is that a security issue for us? it s actually an economic issue for us. we cannot allow any country in the world to be afraid tone gauge us commercially as ukraine tried to do in engaging the west. they are afraid of a more powerful neighbor. the 21st century we have to be able to sell our products and services to any market in the world without being intimidated by a powerful neighbor. if we allow this to stand undeterred it will set an example not just for russia but for china, for iran, for north carolina north korea other countries intimidate neighbors tell them if you closer, it s a
direct threat to our economy. senator, nice to see you. thank you, sir. thank you, greta. okay, everyone, here is what is being being hash reasonable doubt out right now. 20 years after rocker bain s death. kurt cobain s scores handwritten note by police. police releasing the note found in cobain s wallet after the suicide. in that note he writes do you kurt cobain take courtney michelle love to be your lawful shredded wife and t. gets worse but can t say it on tv. house majority leader eric cantor getting in on the action. he tweeted today is national honesty day. #benghazi. ouch. everyone wants to buy the l.a. clippers. that story is trending right now. oprah winfrey the next owner of the nba team. oprah in talks with media
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bill o reilly is next. first get ready to speed read your way through the news. train derailment spends thick black smoke into the virginia.
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go to and answer this question. is the white house delegate all about benghazi or is the white house hiding something? up next, the o reilly factor but go to gretawire and vote in our poll. see you tomorrow night. 7 p.m. the o reilly factor is on. tonight. this is a classic coverup of a coverup. and that is a serious offense. why isn t the national media covering the explosive benghazi memo release yesterday? we ll tell you what the memo says and why the press fears it. the creepy part is that, yeah, when you get taped in your own house, and then that goes out to the world. the creepy part is when you demean the entire black race. but some people still don t get that tonight, we ll talk it over with kareem abdul jabbar. also coming up, miller on basketball racism and watters goes to harlem to find out what the fo

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