the northwestern u.s. and canada. he with his fiancee schash cousin casslyn welch in another photo. this is new one of her and her dog. she is expected of helping mccluskey break out along with two other inmates. police are on the lookout for this car, a gold 1997 nissan sentra with arizona plates and the numbers are there on your screen 620-pfv. eric: some new tests ordered on the well damaged. more oil testing before bp can resume work on relief well. bp estimates that about 1,000 barrels of oil have become trapped in the damaged well by last week s static kill procedure that basically killed all that oil. finally, bp is filling the top of that well with mud and cement. the results of the new test something expected later tomorrow or by tuesday. they say about
it nothing on the content of the letter. thatst for sharing your perspective today. thank you. we are watching developments out of the gulf where admiral thad allen could announce at any minute whether last month s static kill procedure work sod well that the relievle well will not be needed, all that next on andrea mitchell reports, stay with us. could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that s why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that s interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you.
and fully programmable hearing aid, loaded with today s most advanced hearing technologies, including our new sophisticated noise reduction system. this amazing new invisible hearing aid is custom made, allows you to talk comfortably on the phone, sounds natural. - the quality of sound is excellent, and yet they re, you know, the size of a thumbtack. announcer: to learn more, call: today. any minute now, admiral thad allen is expected to announce where weather broken as well sealed for good. officials are analyzing data to see if last month s static kill procedure had the unexpected effect of plugging the well. let s bring in anne thompson, nbc s chief environmental affairs correspondent who is live for us in venice, louisiana. this could be the beginning of the end, could be the end. would that mean that they would
bottom of the hour now. let s take a quick look at what s driving this friday the 13th. officials now say the relief well being drilled in the gulf may not actually be necessary to permanently plug that well. at 1:45 this afternoon, admiral thad allen is expected to announce whether last month s so-called static kill procedure had the unexpected effect of sealing that broken well for good. later this morning, president obama will sign as 600 million border security bill into launch the bill ramps up law enforcement and equipment on the mexican border. and as the opening bell rings on wall street today, more evidence the recovery is slowing. a new report shows that with the exception of autos and gas, retail sales broadly declined this month. it looks like the market could be headed for a fourth straight down day. we will keep our eye on that. that good news in europe, we
got some new information for you from bp. been following the static kill, right, deep down, in the gulf of mexico. here s what bp is saying that it actually started pumping the cement into the busting oil well in t in the gulf. this is the second phase in that static kill procedure. most of the scientists are saying, 74% of the oil that flowed out of the well is gone, but people who live next to the gulf coast, talk thome, they re skeptical. cnn s jim acosta reports from new orleans. reporter: brooke, down here on the gulf coast, it s a question who do you trust, the officials who say the oil that is appearing or the local residents who still say it s ashore. yes, the people in louisiana have seen the latest video.