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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180802 18:00:00

you have been watching an extraordinary press briefing, i m brooke baldwin, you re watching cnn. that was a true show of force right before the president begins his ten day summer vacation. you have these different federal intelligence chiefs stand he at the podium warning of russian interference both about past and upcoming u.s. elections. to assure americans that the trump administration is actively confronting those cyber security threats. we have subsequently made the determination to make this a top priority that it doesn t happen again. we re throwing everything at it and we will have and will be discussing that here today. relative to my discussions with the president on whatever issue it is, those i do noted go public with that. i don t think that s the right,
proper thing to do. our focus here today is to tell the american people we acknowledge the threat. it is real. it is continuing. and we re doing everything we can to have a legitimate election that the american people can have trust in. in addition to that it goes beyond the elections, it goes to russia s intent to under mine our democratic values, drive a wedge between our allies and do other nefarious things and we re looking at that also. but today we re here to talk about the elections coming up and what we re doing and assuring the american people the disparity between that message and the message that comes directly from the president and his press secretary is enormous. just remember one day ago the president said his attorney general should end the russia investigation. and didn t at all acknowledge the active interference and today the new york times is reporting the president wants to
try and convince special counsel robert mueller that his own investigation is a witch-hunt. so let s go to katelyn collins our senior white house correspondent to catch some of this. watching that, how extraordinary to have all of those different intel chiefs standing up. seems almost like bizarro world given what we normally hear from that podium with regard to the russian investigation and to hear director coats say russia is trying to interfere, the threat is real stunning. reporter: when the white house brings out these guests at the beginning of the briefing it almost seems as they are filibustering to avoid tough questions that they know are coming from reporters. today quite a show of force with most members of the national security council, most people who regularly attend those meetings coming out to the briefing today, each one taking time to come up to the pod wrum to speak to reporters about the threat they believe is real, is happening, saying democracy is
in the cross-hairs because there s still efforts to affect the election. we got details of the director of the fbi christopher wray say it s more misinformation campaign this fall than attack on election infrastructure. we got details like that from them. the over arching effort is yes bad actors will continue to interfere in our election and they will do everything to stop that. that comes with a very obvious backdrop here of those comments not being echoed by president trump himself and certainly not being echoed as strongly as they just were by the secretary of homeland security, the national security adviser, the president s chief intelligence officer, the director of the fbi and the head of the nsa as they did just there. just last week on friday the president met with his national security council to discussion election interference. a meeting that didn t even latinos over an hour long which raised criticism about whether
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
except for ivanka trump. reporter: except for ivanka trump. i tried to pose that question listen the president s daughter, his own daughter said no, she doesn t think that we re the enemy. and you saw it unfold there i was giving sarah several opportunities to set the record straight and she flat refused. what you can obviously see she s taken a lot what she s experienced very personally. i don t blame her for that. my goodness, she has taken on a lot. but at the same time she also has come up here to this podium on a regular basis and continued to tell the american people, you know, provable falsehoods, lies, and so on and, unfortunately, our job as journalists as you know, brooke, we have to call that stuff out. we have to fact check them. we re fact checkers in real-time with this president because he
tells falsehoods and lies so much. and, it s unfortunate the position that we re all in right now. and i m standing in this briefing room right now. there s no government official here but i ll say that the press is not the enemy of the people. and, you know, i think maybe we should make some bumper stickers. make some buttons, you know maybe we should go out on pennsylvania avenue like these folks who chant cnn sucks and fake news, maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on pennsylvania avenue and chant we re not the enemy of the people because i m tired of this. honestly, brooke, i m tired of this. it is not right. it is not fair. it is not just. it is unamerican to come out here and call the press the enemy of the people and ivanka trump knows that. i don t know why her father doesn t. and i don t know why this press secretary doesn t. i mean she got yelled at at a
conduct operations against said meddling. talk to me about that. yes. you speak that language. yes, i do speak that language. you know the good news is when it comes to domestically within the united states the fbi s counter intelligence mandate allows them to not only investigate foreign intelligence but do undercover. to disrupt, expose or find out what these intelligence services are doing. and they can do that within the united states with the approval of the attorney general. they don t need the president s approval to do that. whereas, for example, to do operations abroad, the cia, the nsa, they need approval from the president of the united states and their hands are a little tied right now because the president is unwilling to even acknowledge this problem let alone find a strategy to counter it looking outwards. this was good news from director
wray for us at home. good news for him and about time we heard from all of these people and the numbers that we did. max what did you make of what we saw? i was thinking back to a headline that was posted just last night on the washington post where it says as mid-term elections approach a growing concern the nation is not protected from russian interference. obviously this press conference was designed to counter that impression and to deal with the lingering fallout from the humiliation in helsinki where donald trump did not stand up to vladimir putin and clearly this is a bit of political theater i would i guess on the new white house communications director to send a signal no we re on top of this, we got it, we re mobilized. but the reality is, sort of. there s no question that those individual agencies that were represented there are doing the best they can. i don t question the professionalism or dedication that kris wray or the other people up on that stage. but the fact that you had those
allegations represented makes clear what you need is coordination. there has to be very close integration of those efforts and it has to take place in the white house. does anybody think donald trump is actually making this a top priority when he himself says it s a hoax to claim that the russians attacked us or denies that the russia attacks are continuing. that s the part so confounding. that you have this president i mean just even the word adversary, we were noting, using, hearing a word adversary when jim sciutto referenced to russians versus, again, what we saw on that stage in helsinki when clearly the president of the united states seemed to be siding with putin over this country s intelligence agencies. this is another example of how you basically have two different foreign policies in the united states. you have the foreign policy of the trump administration and then you have the foreign policy of president trump himself and
ultimately, you know, not to coin a phrase here but trump trumps his administration. what the president says and does is ultimately more important than people underneath him are doing even though they are trying to do a great job they are not getting a consistent message out because the president is at odds with his own government. brooke, on that point, before those intelligence chiefs went to the podium, both john bolton and sarah huckabee sanders said in their words that the president has been very clear, he s made it very clear how election, preventing election interference is his priority. the fact is he s not been clear, right, because as you said, brooke, he s been all over the place. a couple of weeks ago he stood next to the russian president and said not certain russia was behind it. the contrast with his senior most intelligence officials there is very clear, and by the test, if the u.s. has been sufficiently clear to russia and
other adversaries about election interference and raised the cost to a point where it, you know, it was sufficient, then the election interference wouldn t be continuing today as it is. that s really the key test here. i speak to numerous intelligence officials and republicans and democrats, frankly who say the costs have not been raised enough for russia to stop this and the proof is in the pudding. if they are continuing that kind of interference today it seems whatever the policy is to this point and the previous administration it s failing. noted. also, from it was from director coats, that when he was asked specifically about the 2016 meddling and comparing it to what s happening to the mid-terms in november, which is more intense. he said it s not the kind of robust campaign from 2016. we haven t seen that kind of robust effort from them so far in 2018. will that assuage concerns of
americans heading to the polls hearing that? when director wray spoke he mentioned this isn t just about the election. this is a long term strategy to essentially erode the social trust that we as americans have in each other. sowing discord. making us fight against each other. making us lose faith in our institutions and the system. and this is where it ties back to what acosta said, which is that, you know, there are certain pillars that bind us together regardless where we are on the political spectrum. freedom of the press being one of them. liberty. tolerance. all of these fundamental values. and when you have messaging coming out from the white house that it s fake news, enemy of the people, that is actually aligned with putin s goals to erode some of these fundamental values. it s working. he said i m tired that s a part of the game. make you so tired you give up.
max i want to hear from you on that as well. you heard my conversation with jim sciutto. was it a conversation the back and forth between sarah huckabee sanders and jim. jim was saying can you stand up there and say, now, press is not the enemy of the people which is what we ve heard over and over from this president. we ve just heard that ivanka trump has said no they are not. only now. i would love to hear you weigh in on that. she nailed it when she talked about how this is really serving putin s interest because as dan coats said there s a pervasive message campaign designed to divide and weaken americans and guess what? donald trump is the most important player in that pervasive campaign whether consciously or unconsciously that s exactly what he s doing. he s dividing americans and weakening our institutions. he s attacking every pillar of our society that can stand as a check and balance upon his misbehavior starting with the press and that very ugly display that jim acosta was subject to
at that trump rally which seemed something like a regime from the 1930s. also trump, for example, on a daily basis attacks the integrity of the department of justice, attacks the integrity of the fbi. keep in mind, brooke, the official white house designation for the robert mueller investigation a lawful duly appointed investigation set up by department of justice is a witch hadn t. not just president trump, sarah huckabee sanders, they all call it a witch-hunt. that s scandalous. that really serves putin s interest in hiepding his machination and undermining the integrity of our institutions. a telling moment is when john bolton said we all know what the president s priority is. what we all know that s not the president s priority. the president s priority is actually to protect himself from political harm and he doesn t care how many institutions he
takes down with him, how much he divides america, how much division and hatred he sows. it s all about protect donald trump not about protecting the country the way the intelligence chiefs standing up there are trying to do. i want everyone to stand which. we ll take a quick break. we ll have much more on this huge breaking news. here we are months from the mid-term elections and hearing these intel chiefs standing up there saying russia is trying to interfere, the threat is real. i m brooke baldwin and this is cnn. including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it s more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and six is greater than one. flonase sensimist.
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senior advisers, president putin said the first issue that president trump raised was election meddling. i guess the question is, at the press conference, the president didn t highlight any of the maligned activities that you have and that his advisers have. and so should americans believe that he s listening to your advice or that he s going his own way when he s having meetings like he had with the president of russia? the president made it abundantly clear to everybody who has responsibility in this area that he cares deeply about it and he expects them to do their jobs to the fullest of their ability and he supports them fully. we re back. you ve been listening at the top of the show we took stunning white house press conference where you had these intel chiefs all standing up there and essentially saying that this is, they say, this is a priority of
this president to stop this russian interference in the elections, not just from what we experienced in 2016 but into the mid-terms this november, and saying quote the threat is real. so, tim we haven t heard from you yet and you were making the point we were chaptering during commercials russians have been attacking for a while, but to quote, to quote director coats they stepped up their game big time in 2016. we have to keep in mind that a large part of the russian effort is a disinformation campaign. this is not just simply the actions of russian intelligence officers in our country, it s also an attempt to shape our national dialogue. so, it s very important that the white house not forget that it s not enough to make sure that machines are secure and that we have good counter cyber capabilities. we also must not be sending a signal from the white house that is doing the russian work for the russians.
because if the white house isn t careful, the president is going to be a mouthpiece for russian disinformation. we ll leave his motives to mueller and others. but the fact of the matter is the themes the president emphasizes every day serve to help those countries that would like to divide us and to weaken us and weaken our commitment to international allies. that s why this is a bigger deal than simply a cyber problem. this is a question of keeping our democracy safe from those who would divide us. it was just yesterday that the president, you know, tweeted that his own attorney general should end this witch-hunt, this russian investigation. just yesterday. what did you think of what we just saw? i mean, it s kind of amazing to hear on one hand them say this is a priority of the president to look at what s happening with respect to the next election when at the same
time he s consistently and repeatedly undermining the investigation into these very same actions that happened in 2016. if you want to look to the type of things that could happen with respect to the next election all you have to do is to look at the documents that the counsel s office has filed. you can look at the type of kriemgs we can expect to see with the new election and types of operations that the fbi would be doing in advance of this election to try to stay on top of these crimes. again, the fbi listening to director wray, quote we have open investigations of foreign influence nexus spanning field offices across the country. tell me exactly what that means. that means that they are monitoring there are three goals in the counter intelligence operation which is to identify who the actors are, monitor what they are doing and do what s called neutralizing their activity. neutralizing can to be done in a number of ways. you can flip human sources, get
them to be double agents for you. or particularly to tim s point with disinformation, the way to neutralize it is to make it transparent. how you mean? that means if you re being bombarded by propaganda, the way that we as a free society, we re not going to shut down the outlets there are first amendment barriers to it. what we do is say hey you need to know the source of this information. this is what wray said is working with tech companies to expose where certain things are coming from russian actors. the indictment against the social media about the social media campaign is to let americans know you are being targeted with propaganda and it is up to us partly to be critical, to process information using critical thinking skills which seem to be, i think, in shorter supply these days. i hear you. and transparency is always a good thing but we were making the point telephone point is to
sow this discord and what we re hearing from this white house coming back to you has been happening. this is actually a real problem, and i cut my teeth studying the cold war and a little bit about world war ii. we were on the same page. we as a country were on the same page. there was a disagreement. left and right disagreed the extent to which the russians were a threat. americans did not disagree that the soviets were a threat nor did they want to assist the soviets in competing with us globally. we re not on the same page. the white house every day muddies the water. publicly. it s great to see the fbi director stand up there, the national security adviser stand up there, mr. coats stand up there, that s great. the bureaucracies are doing their job but the white house speaks for us. and the message that goes out from that white house every day just helps the russians assist
in tearing us apart. i hope this won t continue. i think at some point someone in the white house has to realize that unless they really want to help russia, they might want to dial back the rhetoric because at this point they are assisting a foreign country s disinformation campaign. i ll let that last spot float out there. thank you so much for that conversation. coming up here a new offer from robert mueller to president trump, talk to me in person and i won t ask you as many questions about obstruction of justice. and the battle over paul manafort s expensive wardrobe. why prosecutors want to show these images of expensive jackets and why the judge so far is saying no.
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violations. a landscaper is testifying how manafort spent half a million dollars at his hampton s mansion over the course of five years. his grounds featuring a waterfall and red and white flower bed in the shape of an m. manafort s long time bookkeeper taking the stand testifying a number 14 times in a row here the bookkeeper saying she never heard any mention of manafort s 14 different shell company bank accounts. a brief moment of levity the judge noticing his binder of documents got swapped with one of mueller s prosecutor s binders. now judge ellis had a sneak peek at their strategy. the judge said he didn t need to see the bind terrify strategy was clear him to. just who is this no nonsense judge unafraid to speak so
bluntly in this courtroom. with me now with a lot of insight, defense attorney william cummings who practiced in his district for 54 years. binghampton cummings welcome to you, and help us understand help us understand who this judge is. it s my understanding you re saying this is vintage ellis. what does that mean. not vintage ellis, also typical of the judges in that courthouse going way back 50 years to orrin lewis, they used to call him roaring orrin lewis. he was a terror to some lawyers in that courthouse. the tradition has been there for a long time. all the district judges in that courthouse are very active participants in a trial. you know, a lot of people don t understand that the federal district judges have a way more latitude in commenting on
proceedings as they go through than a state court judge has. this is not unusual. the important thing about judge ellis he wants the record to be clear and the record is something that goes up to the court of appeals, and making certain that a question, for example, that a lawyer asks is that a compound question he corrects that because in answer to a compound question is ambiguous. so that kind of thing is important to make sure the served clarified before it goes on the record. but judge ellis has been doing this ever since he got to alexandria. this is his m. o. we heard the line from him yesterday. prosecutors really want to show these fancy clothes and his whole lifestyle that manafort seemed to take on and his line in the courtroom mr. manafort is not on trial for having a lavish lifestyle. i m curious if you have an anecdote to share that sums up
judge ellis? well, i have an anecdote which is interesting because we had a jury trial not too long ago, several different lawyers, multiple defendants and judge ellis in commenting to the defense counsel about something that one of them had said got red in the face. of course his facial coloring won t show up on the record. and so i sit up and said to the judge i want to make sure the record shows you re red in the face. and he says, how do you know that? how can you tell that. i said because i m wearing glasses. and the judge took that very well and calmed down. took it with the respect that was given. the point is that if the record shows that the judge is, in fact, demonstrating a kind of a personal feeling that s not going to be shown on the written record it could affect a bias
issue on the court of appeals. got it. they are hoping, prosecutors may rest their case as early as next week. this is snappy. it s moving through. bill cummings, thank you so much for shedding a little light on this judge. appreciate you. thank you. and for wearing your glasses. just ahead here, championship winning football coach urban meyer forced to take paid administrative leave as ohio state university investigates abuse allegations against me year s now fired assistant coach zach smith. next hear from smith s ex-wife as she describes this alleged abuse and why she thinks urban meyer knew about it and did nothing. crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab.
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smith. smith was served a civil protection order last mon prohibiting him from going within 50 feet of his ex-wife courtney smith. listen to how courtney smith describes the 2015 alleged domestic violence incident. he came home, he came to my home. he wasn t happy. he got into an argument. he decided he wanted to take my son. it wasn t his night. his parenting night. and i, obviously, fought back not physically but no you re not going take him, it s my night. there needs to be boundsryes. and when i stood up to him he didn t like it and took me and shoved me up against the wall with his hands around my neck. something very often. my daughter was clinging to my
leg and he, obviously, registered with him what he was doing so he took my son and left and i called the police. courtney smith also says that she told coach meyer s wife shelly about this alleged abuse. very sympathic. supportive. caring. you know, why didn t you do something about this before was her first question? i explained to her just as i did to you, it s scary. you know, people who are being abused just don t pick up and leave right away. it takes a long time and a lot of courage. they manipulate you. the abuser. they make you feel like it s your fault. and they demean you. and they put you down to the point that you have no self-esteem. and you re scared. and there s a reason why they do that. you know, shelly, she was going to tell urban.
i said fine. you know, you should tell urban. he can t have somebody like this coaching young men. he s supposed to be a mentor for young men. i gave him so many chances. and if he s doing this to somebody he s supposedly loved, and in front of some of the incidents were in front of our children, like that s just that takes it to a whole other level. that s not somebody that it personally as a mother would want coaching my son. or, you know, i wouldn t put anybody, my children in the hands of anybody like that. her ex-husband s attorney released this statement. zach smith wants to be as transparent and honest as possible but it is not going to be done today through the media. it will only be after he and his ex-wife are sworn in to testify. once he gets his chance to tell his side of events, don t be surprised when it is corroborated by every police who
respond ms. smith s calls. coach meyer was asked about what happened allegedly in 2015. i got a text late last night that something happened in 2015, and there was nothing. once again, i don t know who creates a story like that. this one was press pause and something our team was you press pause get your mind right. press pause again get information. get your mind right to gather energy and step up to do the right thing. that s the position that i hold. college football reporter brett mcmurphy who broke this entire story is with me. so thank you so much. brett, i know you ve been working so hard on this and i know a lot of people are focused on coach meyer s future but i
want to start by focusing on courtney smith and the alleged abuse she says she endured. can you just talk to me about what she says happened to her, which it s my understanding from reading your reporting it goes way back to when she was pregnant with their first child in 2009? yeah. actually that s when i started pursuing this story. i heard there was an incident with zach smith back in 2009 when he was a graduate assistant at the university of florida coaching under urban meyer. i got the information from the gainesville police department. he was arrested for aggravated assault of a pregnant female like you said, his wife was eight to ten weeks pregnant. ironically the assault occurred on their one year anniversary. after that i started looking into zach smith s past in ohio. i did public record request. i uncovered a domestic a protection order civil order which basically is a five year restraining order. that was issued friday which was
two days before big ten media days. at that point urban meyer said he had no knowledge of what happened in 2015. eventually i was able to track downcourt any smith. she agreed to talk to me. i spent three days in columbus and i went through everything, all the evidence, text messages, photos she had. i saw all the police reports. it was very disturbing. all these domestic violence issues, but let me say, zach smith was never convicted. people can ask police why that happened but it was very disturbing. it is disturbing when you look at the pictures and you hear, you read the text exchanges. kristen when you watch the interview that you conducted reading brett s reporting, what he s saying, obviously what he found is correct. so he s never been, zach smith has never been convicted. going back to that aggravated battery on a pregnant woman, victim charge, there were friends at the time of zach smith who came to courtney and
actually wanted her to drop the charge, correct? yeah. brooke, there were a few different people that did it. she referred to one person as urban meyer s attorney that came to talk to her and she said he impressed upon her what would happen. she was supporting the family at the time because he was a graduate assistant. can you imagine what this would do to your family. it was zach smith s family according to courtney who drove down his mother and grandfather who was former ohio state head coach earl bruce they drove down from ohio to florida to talk to her right after this incident happened. she had still, was still deciding whether or not to press charges. she told me she waited eight days. they talked to her and she said she felt pressured. the prevailing sentiment from everyone who talked to her this is the first time it s happened, this is probably the last don t
you think he deserves a second chance. so brett, the question is who knew what and why did no one seem to do anything sooner. you got your hand on these text exchanges between courtney and coach urban meyers wife shelly. let me read one of shelly s response. i m with you. a lot of women stay hoping it will get better. i don t blame you. just want you to be safe. do you have a restraining order. he scares me. so tell me more, brett, about these text exchanges between these two women and any other coaching staff wives, coaching staff would have been aware? well, that s why i was in columbus for three days. courtney showed me the text messages. she has hundreds of text messages. it s incredible the responses back and forth. courtney said and you can tell in the tone of the text messages all of the wives were very supportive, very sympathic of courtney. but ultimately no one would do
anything about it. obviously, their husbands knew. obviously shelly me year knew about it. you mentioned the text exchange i put specifically on my facebook page. she had phone conversations with shelly meyer. shelly meyer said she had to tell urban meyer. courtney said then please tell urban meyer. ultimately nothing happened. zach remained on the staff. she told me why she decided to come forward she left zach in 2015, officially separated in november, divorce was granted in 2016. she taught the ambiguous and harassment would shop when she left him. it did not it escalated. when did urban meyer then know about this and why didn t he do anything at the time? do you have an answer to that? i don t know specifically when he knew about it. i know the text messages were from 2015. he was investigated for domestic violence on october 25th,
october 26th of 2015. also another charge on november 9th. it was in that period. also zach smith s attorney contacted courtney s attorney in early november and asked him how bad it is. her attorney said it s bad. i m very confident in that time frame and based on the text messages i saw, urban was first aware of these domestic violence allegations sometime in the month of november 2015. wow. and kristen, what did courtney say about the fact that she had reached out to these other wives, specifically the head coach s wife? did she want her to say something and what was her response to nothing being done? yeah. you know, the one thing that i really took away from talking with her about this she told me those coaches wives were like her family at ohio state and i echo what brett said she told me they were all very supportive and you can see in the text messages shelly was very
supportive. she said she reached out after they were separated and after she left because like she told brett, she thought things were going stop and she really wanted to make shelly meyer and other coaches wives aware this was still going on. i don t know exactly what she wanted to happen but she knew by telling them that certain people were going to get involved whereas in the past i don t think she was ready to tell people about it while she was in the marriage. she told me that she was really disappointed that no one had come forward and done anything about it. she used the word enabling the abuser. thank you both so much. thank you. and you can watch out of the interview with courtney smith. coming up next a shove force at the white house. intel chiefs warning that russia is right now trying to attack the u.s. mid-term elections. they were also grilled on why
the message from the president is so different. stay with me. california phones offers free specialized phones. like cordless phones,

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Curyung Tribal Council to gather community input for changing a creek's derogatory name

Last spring, months before the federal government began steps to change those names, three elementary students wanted to rename a Dillingham creek that uses that slur, as well as a road that bears the creek’s name.

Sea-gull-flat , Alaska , United-states , Grassy-island , Bristol-bay , Svoger-slough , Telephone-point , Bradford-point , Aleknagik , Mount-mckinley , Cape-horn , Nushagak-river

Curyung Tribal Council to gather community input for changing a creek's derogatory name

Last spring, months before the federal government began steps to change those names, three elementary students wanted to rename a Dillingham creek that uses that slur, as well as a road that bears the creek’s name.

Sea-gull-flat , Alaska , United-states , Grassy-island , Bristol-bay , Svoger-slough , Telephone-point , Bradford-point , Aleknagik , Mount-mckinley , Cape-horn , Nushagak-river