I know how deeply personally affected he has been. And i guess i tell you why i am doing this as a means of telling you why senator blumenthal and i are doing this, and i tell it through a prism of a story that just awful, awful series of days following the shootings in sandy hook. Senator blumenthal and i went through the first of what were umpteen wakes and funerals, and we were standing in line at the first wake about to talk to the first set of parents who had lost in this case their young daughter, and i remember being so uncertain about what we were supposed to say to these parents, not just what you were supposed to say to provide some measure of condolence, but we were their elected representatives. We had some additional obligation to show them that we were ready to act, but was it too soon to make that offer . Was it not the right moment to suggest that there was a Public Policy response to the slaughter of their children . It was senator blumenthal that very gently and appro
Torrington residents lined the streets Monday morning for the annual Memorial Day parade, which was held on Main Street with ceremonies at Coe Memorial Park.