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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140725 23:00:00

they have the legal authority. basically he formed a commission promising you can even look at me. then when he looked at him he said, lookin at me? that s it for special report fair, balanced. streaming into the united states, children. streaming out of washington, the president. senate leader harry reid and speaker john boehner and hundreds more politicians, the entire house and senate are all streaming out. nothing is going to get in the way of their vacation, even the crisis they helped create. they re illegal. they re breaking our laws. hearing complaints about some the conditions in some border patrol states. there s nothing being done at the border. what s going on is absolutely insane for this country. president obama is jetting off to martha s vineyard for two weeks and the house and senate go into recess for five weeks. this crisis, as some call it crisis, we have to view as an
opportunity. stay in washington and insist that it be resolved. we can stop this crisis in one week. harry reid, take up our bill. i invite senator reid and president obama to stop playing billiards and going on vacations. come here and see for yourself. i don t think people would care he was going on vacation if he was doing his job. make a statement to the american people that you give a damn. the only way we re going to make this problem go away is whether the gop takes over the senate. there s no sense of urgency around it. president obama, where are you? our political panel, the washington post wes lowery, washington examiner chief political reporter. byron, it s vacation time. there s a reason that congress has a 13% approval, 78% disapproval rate in the latest fox poll. and the president just went
to 39% in a three-day gallup. i m told by people on capitol hill that both houses are making contingency plans to do something, to stay longer if nothing happens on this border crisis. the house s next day is next thursday, the senate s last day is next friday. we should point out they re all going home to campaign as well as vacation. every single member of the house of representatives is up for reelection. that s more appalling to me. they re all going home to get their jobs back, kiss babies and get their pictures taken while they re kissing babies, meanwhile they haven t done their job, which is the immigration. the reason they have an immigration problem is because they didn t do their jobs. we re about to hit the 100-day mark out from reelection time. you can t blame them for going home i can. i can and i do. i m not convinced it would do much good to keep them around
for the weekend. it would at least show the nation they give a damn, a problem they created. you ve been hearing a lot from them. they ve been talking a lot. i don t want talk. i want product. you keep them around from now till christmas and all we re going to get a is lot of talk. how long have we been talking about immigration and the border and we ve seen nothing. the senate democrats are so far away from the republicans and the house, what would they do even if they stayed? i don t care. i want them working. that s what they get paid for. why are we going to pay them to get their jobs and campaign? we pay them to work. this is a problem they created and they should do it before they take vacation. it would be good to have a real debate with time pressure, when they have a continuing resolution, the government is going to run out of money. as wes said, this is on the issue of changing this 2008 law that s at the center of this
whole border controversy that makes it very difficult to quickly return children who come here illegally from central america, on the issue of changing that, that has become this enormous divide between republicans and democrats. it s a must have for republicans and it s a deal killer for democrats. it would be good to see a big open debate on that. and my thought on that is figure it out. you asked for the votes, you said could you do the job. i m so sorry you have political opposition, i m so sorry people disagree with you but that s your job. all you re doing is legislating by crisis. that s why they need to run out the clock. they said my home is speaker boehner won t leave town without doing something about this and he s leaving town. the president has made his vote, he made his ask. i thought the president was
going to start doing things with his pen. and when he does that, we ll see republicans taking up votes to criticize him for doing things with his pen. some house republicans want him to do this through executive action if only that s because it s fodder for their lawsuit and criticism of him. you can t have this both ways on the right. either you want to take a vote on what the president has asked for and vote it down or you want him to do it on his own pup can t criticize him for doing things on his own and then get upset with him when he doesn t. and you see a standard washington way of doing things rising up in this. the president in his $3.7 billion requests asked for money to fight wildfires. and now democrats have attached extra funding for israel s iron dome defense. these are important issues that have nothing to do with it. the $3.7 billion, where do they come up with these numbers? they pulled it out of a hat.
there s no accountability. the senate wants 2.7, the house wants 1.7 and nobody can tell us where they came one these numbers. panel, have a good weekend. you, too, greta. now to the surge of immigrant children overwhelming the border control. last night we reported on sleep deprivation, inadequate food and water. tonight the border patrol respond to those complaints. good evening, sir. good evening. how are you? i am well. i know you re overwhelmed. what s your response to the complaints? you know, greta, the border patrol facilities are not designed to hold people for more than 10 or 12 house. they ve designed to hold 250
people, we have 1,200, 1,500 people at a time. there s no beds, no hot water. we re stuck with these people. and in the interim basis, they re throwing them in our lap. we re doing the best with what we have. the food, rightfully so, it s terrible. i wouldn t eat it. the food the sleep deprivation, it s a detention center, it s an active process center. we just can t turn off the lights and go to sleep. we work there 24/7. go ahead. i take it that it would be very helpful to you because there s these conditions are tough and you have a very tough job, it would be helpful to you if congress and the president of the united states and the senate majority leader harry reid didn t go on vacation while you struggle with trying to give food to these kids you wouldn t eat yourself and problems with
overcrowding. i take it you would like this solved as fast as possible? yes, ma am. we would like it to be solved quickly, the kid in custody would like it to be solved quickly. if harry reid wants to go on vacation, he should come down here and see what s going on down here. that might be a good idea. it s much better to take a look at something. they re on reading at it in the newspaper at best and i know you guys are really struggling. i guess the biggest problem is this just isn t your job to be essentially sitters. no, ma am. and unfortunately it is a humanitarian crisis but it is creating a national security crisis because so much of our manpower is being diverted away from preventing criminals from coming in, gang members, narcotics coming through the borders and everybody s caught up with the baby-sitting aspect that the real criminals are getting past us.
agent cabrera, thank you very much. i know you all aren t taking extra vacation, you re working overtime, it s overwhelming and difficult and heart wrenching as well and the people who should be handling it are getting out of dodge. thank you, sir. thank you for having me. the border crisis raging right here at home. meanwhile, wars rage between israel and hamas. fox news is covering it all. we re going to take you to the fierce and dangerous war zones. first just yesterday the honduran president went on record right here today. so wendell, how did it go? reporter: after those talks, the president said he s considering allowing limited refugee status, triggered by the crisis of central american children arrive on the
u.s./mexico border. their numbers are down in recent days but as we heard from agent cabrera, they re still taxing housing facilities and swamping the housing courts that a 2008 law requires for them, some communities doesn t want them an immigration hearings take more than a year to schedule, during times they re placed with family or friends and often don t show up for court. granting them refugees in their own countries would keep many from making the dangerous trips during which many are physically or, sexually abused. the central american leaders told mr. obama the u.s. bears some responsibility for the problem because the kids are fleeing crime fueled by america s appetite for illegal drugs and by the illegal sale of guns in their country. the president conceded there is a shared responsibility. meanwhile, republicans, even
some democrats, are skeptical of his $3.7 billion request for funds to address the border problem, republicans aren t convinced he d spend the money the way they want and time is running out, set to take their summer recess at the end of next week. and president obama is heading out of town as well. wendell, thank you. this is a fox news alert. just moments ago israel and hamas agreeing to a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire. after rejecting john kerry as long-term peace plan. now john kerry is scrambling to figure out what to do next. greta, the good news is they have agreed to a cease-fire here in gaza.
it is seen as a positive step. tomorrow morning both israel and hamas have agreed to a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire that will allow for medical supplies and food and gasoline to be brought in here to gaza to the many who are sick and in need here. more than 150,000 people have taken shelter in u.n. facilities across all of gaza. secretary of state john kerry and others were hoping there would be a wider, longer, much bigger cease-fire put in place. kerry was pushing for a seven-day temporary cease-fire. hamas never responded to the framework. israel s security cabinet rejected it outright saying it was too close to a hamas proposal, which was ironic because many thought the terms of the agreement that hamas would have rejected it outright, the big, the long-term cease-fire would have allowed israel to keep israeli troops here in gaza during a seven-day period. that seemed like it was des tend to be rejected by hamas but it
was israel that rejected it. now we re trying to see if there will be a longer extension of this 12-hours. no word just yet but israel s defense minister has warned the izs military may expand the scope of operations here in gaza in the next 24, 48 hours. so there is a potential after this cease-fire, greta, that the fighting could escalate going forward. thank you. and developing now, an investigator stepping over debris, walking over that site where a missile took down a passenger jet killing more than 298 people and after more than a week, that crash site still not secured and russia escalating its military action in ukraine. steve? greta, no real signs of progress in the investigation at that crash scene site. a small number of european crash site experts have been at the scene for several days, special
from the osce, where in the past to days, they have found more human remains at the scene, more body parts. but for the most part, the site is unguarded. there have been talks about bringing in perhaps some armed security, some dutch police, some australian police but eight days in really that s still just talk as far as the return of the remains of the recovered bodies go, 74 more bodies in coffins were brought from eastern ukraine to the netherlands. it s likely that the transport of recovered bodies will finish up tomorrow. still some remains at that crash site. and it s really the fighting that s kept people and experts away from a that site. in a fighting going on between ukrainian government forces and russian-backed rebels but more and more as the fight goes on and the rebels continue to lose ground, the russian military playing a more direct role in the fighting, even shelling from the russian side of the border,
something that has alarmed not just ukrainian officials but u.s. state department and pentagon officials that the russian military increasingly is playing a direct role in this fight. as the rebels lose ground, their headquarters is heretsk, they promise to hold up here and fight it out to the end in what they promise could be another stalingrad. weapons, tanks, shelling systems may help them in their fight. and president obama taking heat for fund-raising. 12 fund-raisers in just three weeks? rnc chair reince priebus joins us. hey, greta. i take it you have something to say about 12 fund-raisers in the past three weeks. can he not multi-task? well, the frustration by the border, you can have a fund-raiser by the border and
get the president there and he can see firsthand what s going on. i don t know what it takes to engage the president. some of this frustration you have and others have, we have at some point we have a speaker that s a republican, if you have a president that would engage, would knock heads together, i just think that this president is unfortunately, he s bizarrely aloof i think to the world around him. you have 300 people nearly that get shot out of the sky, all this conflict around the world, we have our own issues on the border. at some point i think the president has to engage and say maybe we re going to cancel the fund-raiser. maybe we re going to stay here in washington and i m going to march down the halls of congress and try to handle some of this stuff. the word we keep hearing over and over, it looks bad if he
keeps going to fund-raisers. air force i is an office. president bush in 2004 but people would have been fired in bush s administration if a plane went down with almost 300 people on it and instead he went golfing. but he went to a fund-raiser in 2004 when 200 people died on a train in madrid as a result of terrorism. my point is others have done it. is this any different? i think it s different because it s a fixation on the politics, it s a fixation on constantly campaigning. this idea that people are tired of the gridlock. i get it but harry reid s got over 330 bills sitting in his office. it s not like the republicans aren t passing bills. you need somebody to actually take the reins and try to get on top of this stuff so we have a president. why doesn t harry reid put them on the floor? if he doesn t like them, let them get defeated. at least great vote. the problem with senator harry reid is he has a pocket veto. in order for anything to get to
the president, it s got to be agreed to by both the house and the senate but by his inactivity, he stops everything from being considered. you can t even get it to conference. what the president is doing instead, he s doing fund-raisers for the dnc and party committees. he s not going out by mark udall in colorado. they re avoiding the president. the president s numbers are at 39% approval. all he is doing is raising money because that s all he can do. 30 seconds. it it doesn t go unnoticed that you and senator rand paul have gone into an area where we typically don t see republicans, which is the urban league today. i assume this is a new strategy in the republican party? i think we have to show up, earn trust. it s about time that the party reclaims or rightful history of the party of equal opportunity, freedom. that s what our party is. we re the party of equality and
freedom. it s the other party that has a shameful history. you wouldn t know it because we don t talk about it. mr. chairman, nice to see you, sir. thank you, greta. and the nfl, boy, are they in hot water. many are outraged by the slap on the wrist that a player gave his wife for knocking his wife unconscious. a very young driver crashes a jeep into a house and then flees to watch cartoons. and joan rivers is telling people what she thinks about the israel/hamas crisis. it s blistering. you ll hear from joan coming pup. if new jersey were firing rocket noose new york, we would wipe em out. you make a great .
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if we can t offer faster speeds - or save you money - we ll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. the nfl announcing a minimum two-game suspension of pro bowl running back ray rice. he s out two games and a little over a half million dollar. many are comparing it to one player facing a possible season-long ban testing possible for pot. i would think you would get more than a two-game suspension for knocking a woman out. he physically assaulted his wife. video showed him dragging his wife out of an elevator after a prosecutor said he punched her. it sets a tone in america that men can do whatever they want to do. two games. that s the suspension for baltimore ravens running back ray rice following his arrest for knocking his then girl friend, now wife, unconscious.
now outrage over what many call the nfl s slap on the wrist. joining us is women s right reporter gloria allred. gloria, two games suspended. what do you think? greta, it s a disgrace, an outrage, it s a slap in the face at women and how much they matter. it s a sign that the nfl doesn t value women and violence against women. it s ridiculous. this woman was apparently knocked unconscious and apparently then later they made up and then they got married and then they went and saw the commissioner, but the commissioner should know better. and he needs to have a more serious consequence because
unconscious. and it was terrible to see. so i thought for sure that the league would they had a chance here to really make a statement, to come out and do something positive and say that they had zero tolerance for domestic abuse and they gave two games. when you look at the history, even the recent nfl suspensions right here in philadelphia, there are two players that just got four-game suspensions for using p.e.d.s. then you have justin blackmon suspended definitely for drug abuse. this is a slap on the wrist for beating up your wife but do not hurt yourself by using drugs. it s a terrible message.
john harbaugh, the coach, said that the player ray rice is a heck of a guy. he has done everything right since then. well, he has to say that. well, he doesn t have to say that. he has said that and by saying he s a heck of a guy, that s a supportive comment of him. again, it doesn t recognize the violence against the woman. look, she s married to him. at this point she doesn t want to hurt him. this is typical of a battered woman. and right now i think they have to have sense. even the law is not fair because apparently now there was an intervention and he will be able to get himself criminal record expunged from this. that is wrong. the whole culture is not valuing violence against women and putting serious consequences on those who commit it. you know, colleen, it s interesting. i looked to see what the two games were for the suspensions
and the two games are against the bengals and the steelers and the steelers is the big rival for the ravens. when ben roethlisberger shows up at raven stadium, they all chant no means no because he had some problems with some alleged sexual assault. what are they going to yell when they finally get ray rice playing the steelers? i don t know. i don t know either. the whole thing here is you look at what roger goodell wrote to ray rice. he wrote a letter to him. let me read you one sentence. the league is an entity that depends on integrity and the confidence of the public and we simply cannot tolerate conduct that endangers others or reflects negativity in our game. what? two games for that? i mean, i don t know, but i would think that that s pretty negative. right? gloria and colleen, thank you. we ll be watching. we ll see what the chant is when ray rice shows up in pittsburgh. thank you both. and has president obama checked
out? charles krautheimer calling the president vacant. my name is michael, i m 55 years old and i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain was terrible. my feet hurt so bad. it felt like hot pins and needles coming from the inside out of my skin. when i did go see the doctor, and he prescribed lyrica. it helped me. [ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica.
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okay, charles. vacant presidency. why? look, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. you got war in ukraine, war in the middle east, you got isis on
the move in the middle east. you got christians being expelled from parts of iraq and we ve got the crisis on the border. and where is the president? this isn t news. he s in the hampton, he s raising funds, he s playing golf, he s doing photo ops. he s not involved. now, some people are saying he s checked out, he s depressed, he s overwhelmed and he s withdrawing in some way. but that s not completely true because on domestic issues he s very engaged. he says i ll do stuff even without congress. this is about mostly foreign affairs. my theory, which i wrote in this column, is he thinks in the end things like aggression won t pay so the u.s. does not have to be involved. while he certainly isn t interested in chicago or the violence there or detroit falling apart. the extent the border is considered an international problem, it s bleeding over and
it s now a humanitarian matter. he wants to do stuff in immigration and changes in tax laws he s got to work! he s still interested in that. you can t work with congress, part of the reason he s checked out. but the place where he is shockingly passive is ukraine, is iraq, is the border, a lot of these other things. to me what i thinkd this is an ideology that says, for instance, let s take ukraine where he s essentially done nothing. this is the first time a country since the second world war has chomped off a piece of another in europe. this is new and we now have russia firing into ukraine as if it s preparing for an invasion, which just doesn t happen the last seven years. i think he thinks this and he says this, putin is on the long side of history.
he believes history punishes aggression. it can be 50 years or 100 years until it disappears. the point of a president and point of a leader is to make history react to what you want and not to wait for it to unfold. i think he s not interested in the job, he s not doing the job. things are getting terrible and people are now dumping all over him because now it s getting catastrophic. he s not picking up the phone to call senator harry reid and say let s do these things, he s not calling speaker boehner. he has no interest in the job and he is exploding all over him. you are tougher than i am and i commend you for that. i wish he would do his job. i think these are real problems. i travel the nation. these are real problems. i ve traveled the world. we need help. we need leadership. we can agree on this. we need a president. doesn t look like we have one. charles, it s always great to
see you. it s a great book. now to a driver in diapers. you heard right, a 3-year-old boy jumping behind the wheel of a jeep and crashing it into a house. watching cartoons, playing games, having fun with toys, these are things 3-year-olds normally do. but in one small oregon town, a toddler going rogue. 911 emergency. yes, hi, ma am. i ve just seen a little kid in a diaper, he just rolled a jeep across the street and into a house. a kid in a diaper and a real jeep, a full-size jeep? it s a jeep sitting here in the side of the house right now. do you think i need to send an ambulance? i don t know. the little kid jumped out. he can t be more than 2 years old. the crazy story starting at 9:00 in the morning. police seen the toddler unattended in the jeep, issuing
a warning to the relatives. but at 7:30 p.m., the toddler is at it again. he was going across the street pretty good. he jumped the curb and the tires are buried inside of the house. police racing to the scene, only to find the boy watching cartoons at his house. as he hit the house, he got out of the jeep and ran back across the street to home and sat on the couch like nothing happened. the little boy got away unscathed but police cited his relative for failure to supervise a child. if you want to hear more of that 911 call, go to and are we giving up liberty for security? and it s not your typical march on washington. america s hero dogs taking to the capital coming up. d gives you tools and support to get the career you ll love. find more real possibilities at
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security versus liberty.
what does it take to police america? you hear banging and screaming on the door. he s standing over me with an assault rifle. some americans are bad and pushing back against authorities. what are you placing me under arrest for? some are upset the government spies on us. what you do on your cell phone is none of their damn business. i can t understand what rand paul was yelling about. today everyone can spy on everyone. that was pretty cool until it started taking pictures of my wife over there. i could do it if could i just control the drone. the private spies, the police. it s big brother looking at us. policing america. where s the line between security and liberty? and john stossel joins us. good evening, john. what is the line between security and liberty?
well, if somebody s going to kill us, security does become really important i don t presume to know exactly where that line is but the police have crossed it in arming themselves like they re going to war. in what way? tell me more. we used to have a s.w.a.t. raid once in a blue moon, now there are hundreds a day. they get mine resistant vehicles. just in two years we found 4,000 m-16s, 72 grenade launchers. why do local cops need that? and then when they have it, they tend to use it instead of say a ruse like, oh, we re the ups man or, congratulations, you re won a contest, come pick up your money. of course, we re also using a lot of privacy with the drones. you have one. i do. and the one you saw in the clip
i couldn t operate very well. that was a few months ago when i started researching the story. it cost $1,200. this week we bought this thing. it s $60 with a camera and it would allow you to go over your neighbor s yard. i m just not very good with this. but if one would practice, you could spy on your neighbor. where s the line? we have peeping tom rules which say you can look across to your neighbor s house but you can t jump on a step ladder and look over his fence. i ll tell you where the line is for the police. i brought along my trustee copy of the fourth amendment, which says you can t get anything unless you have a warrant. nsa would nab a whole bunch of stuff and they didn t have a warrant. hillary clinton agreed that nobody looks at this stuff, the fourth amendment. is that part of your special at all? we do touch on that. i m impressed you got hillary to
agree with rand. it was a little bit squishy but i think she said we need to look at our laws but she agreed that nsa went way too far, they never got a warrant, they just nabbed stuff. i don t want anyone to miss your special tomorrow night, policing america, at 10:00 p.m., fox news channel, and it going to be again sunday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern. don t miss it. dvr it if you can t make it. it s a great special. thanks, greta. straight ahead, u.s. veterans and their best friends go to washington. find out what these war heros are fighting for next. really. so our business can be on at&t s network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there s unlimited talk and text. we re working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month.
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zones. now u.s. veterans are fighting to bring these vets, these dogs, home. i love this dog more than anything. why? because he s my best friend. a dog, a best friend and a veteran of the war in afghanistan snp. in afghanistan, he was my everything. all i had was him. everyone else was on post and patrol with him when we had free time. i spent every second of every day with him. are more than 2,500 warrior dogs around the world but very few make it back to the united states, instead the military leaves them in the community. if they become a retired military working dog, overseas they re classified as a civilian and not afforded that free military transport home. this doctor pays to bring warrior dogs back. we re going to bring back to congress today to retire all
military working dogs and contract working dogs on u.s. soil. that s why these dogs and their veteran owners are marching on washington. what s your dog s occupation? he s an i.e.d. guard dog. we have another lab and he barks. any idea how many bombs he s found? do they record that? i don t know. i never asked that question. i was just happy he was coming home. but with me exactly, i didn t fine anything. but they stressed in the course when we were going through, because everybody was like, be ready for it. people will ask you this, and in the course they told us it is not about how many you find, and it is about how many you miss. as long as you didn t miss any, you are successful. we didn t miss any. no marines hurt on the missions we went on. jason boss reunited with his
warrior dog, ceecee. sergeant boss and ceecee were at at capital. a group of people separately and we were attached to big divisions in iraq. must have been awful when you had it say good-bye to her. i felt worse for her. she didn t know why i was going. i was hoping that one day i would see her again and it just worked out that i did. and another reunion. james and his dog, ricky, both served in iraq. she was with the u.s. army. she developed canine ptsd from being deployment. we both suffer from issues. her timidness around environments, loud noises, sirens, keep her on edge at any given time. she is a great dog, isn t she? oh, she isn t my pet, she s my partner. go to to find a link to the american humane
society association. let s all go off the record for a minute. what s up with president obama? he seems indifferent to sergeant andrew tam raesy. don t tell me he is busy and doesn t know about him, he knows about him. certainly the president is concerned about all detainees, or americans held against their will in other countries. and while i don t think president obama can big foot mexico to just release him, he can cut deals. he can get mexico to fast track his case. he never mentioned sergeant tamarisi. i hoped it was just an oversight. that can happen. but then is happened again. we broke the news last night, president obama again talking to president of mexico just yesterday and according to the white house s own notes from that call, no mention of sergeant tamarisi. i don t get it. viewers he mailed me, saying fox news wouldn t do anything we
report about. in other words, if fox urges to help this marine, it won t happen. i have no idea if the viewers are remotely right. if they are, that s cold. but i just want our marine out. i don t care who helps or why. i just want him out. that s my off-the-record comment tonight. coming up, joan rivers lets loose on reporters asking her about the israel hamas crisis. you have to hear this, next. we hear they are digging tunnels from new jersey to new york. woooo.
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liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. joan rivers is known for saying what she thinks but she may have outdone herself. she is talking about what she really thinks about the israel hamas crisis. what is going on with the palestinians in israel right now. let me just say if new jersey was firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out.
we heard they were digging tunnels from new jersey to new york, we would get rid of jersey. so i don t want to hear any more, oh, we will do a partial palestinians you cannot throw rockets and expect people not to defend themselves. what about the civilian casualty rates? then don t put your [ bleep ] in private homes. i m sorry. don t you dare put weapons caches in private homes. of course we re going to do it. the response normally is where are the civilians supposed to go? i don t care. they started it. you re all insane. they started it. what are you all saying? they started it. the israelis did not throw their hamas business has been going on. what are you supposed to do? how do you resolve it? i have been over there, that s how i know. and i wish the world would know.
and tmz should ashamed of themselves, and cnn should be ashamed of themselves. stop it already. selena gomez tweeted oh selena gomez. oh, yeah, that college grad. all right, thank you. let s see if she can spell palestinian. i ll ask her right now. thanks. have a great day. if you want to see that again or show your friends, go to just a reminder, if you are getting home and tuning in, pick up your dvr remote. you get a serious recording each night. right now go to gretawire and answer this question. who would you most like to spend your summer vacation with. president obama, speaker boehner, harry reid, house minority nancy pelosi or joan rivers? vote at our gretawire poll. that s the poll. and you should really hear that

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140731 23:00:00

that s what separates people that live for a purpose and those that just live a life that doesn t mean anything at the end. the president hit that one on the head. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. nada, let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris in washington. let me display this horrible display by the republicans in the house of representatives. after three weeks at the huma humanitarian crisis on our southern border, it became clear the congress will agree to give the president not a sinkal lincoln headed penny to deal with this crisis, nada, nothing,
no way. nothing for the 57,000 young people now in the hands of the american people. the blame for this lies on the reputation of a weak speaker of the house who was unable to even tie his sure without the daily permission of the tea caucus. a fiery texas senator called ted cruz when killed john boehner s hold on a majority vote. the failure of the president to take an out-front lead to correct the 2008 law against human trafficking passed by president george w. bush who helped owning the gate for the young people to come from central america and for senator harry reid to alleviate the border crisis with the comprehensive bill waiting action in the house. the effort to do a lot, compress their advantage by both sides, ended in the congress about to leave town and doing nothing at all as they pack their bags for a five-week vacation. mission accomplished? you have to be kidding. basking on the afterglow is the
party ring leader, ted cruz, whose sole purpose in politics is to parachute into moments like this and raise hell. emanuel cleaver is a democrat from new jersey, and joan is an editor at large at salon. congressman y have been listening to you lately, and you have a lot to say about it, but i m dumbfounded by the utter incomp tense of our government. coming at this at a crisis mode for three weeks, everyone in america caring about those kids once way or another, and it looks like the congress is going to leave with nothing done. well, they re trying to talk about staying overnight and doing something tomorrow morning, but even that, chris, is absolutely nothing. this is insulting to the people of this country. insulting to people who are in washington because we thought we were here to solve problems. and i m not a name caller, a bomb thrower, but i can tell you, i m sick and tired of what s going on here in congress because there s nothing going
on. and you know, there are people who it seems are coming, have come to washington for the sole purpose of disrupting the government. they are anti-government. and people out in the country are the ones who are going to have to stop this. who wins when ted cruz, the senator from texas, the firebrand of all firebrands, he comes over and meets with a dozen of your republican colleagues. next thing you know, boehner, the supposed speaker, at least the nominal speaker of the house, finds he doesn t have a majority to do anything. what s going on where a senator, there he is walking across the capitol or whatever, and jamming everything up. well you know, in some ways i don t want to hate. it troubles me deeply, to believe that one human being can disrunt the compassion a nation of 300 million people. as a realist, that troubles me deeply, but i know there are people under regular circumstances are good and decent people, but they come around here with people who hate the government, and they re
different. they don t get ulcers, they re carriers. that s what s going on here. we have a lot of carriers of people who come in and get the whole body of politics sick. and we are sick right now. maybe sick unto death. is there a fear in the republican caucus anytime there s a line drawn, for example, are you for suing the president or not, you always have to be on the right side of that, the right-wing side of that? well, i mean, what people won t say, and nancy pelosi, i have to give her a lot of credit. she continues to remind people that was a question that the media dropped on her repeatedly during her speakership, and she always said impeachment is not on the table, no matter how many weapons of mass destruction were not found, that s not impeachment, speaker boehner won t do that. he doesn t want to offend anybody. he won t even say birtherism is wrong. he said, i don t want to tell people how i think.
joan, we have been watching politics a lot, me longer than you. i have never seen such failure and fear. they won t help those kids. they won t give them a nickel. as i one said, not one lincoln-headed penny. it s tragic, chris. the congressman is right. there are some carriers of a real sickness. ted cruz is doing his best to spread it. but bill kristol laid it out this morning in the weekly standard, i have to give him credit. he told the house gop kill this bill because we don t want you to do the heavy lifting of governor, having you back in your districts defending something you did or didn t do. we want to drop this on the president. we want the finger of blame pointing at one man, president obama, and we don t want you to get your hands dirty with compromi compromise, with actually thinking about the complicated set of reasons that this problem wound up at our border. you can t do that. we don t want you implicated in governing. that s when you burn your own field so the enemy won t eat.
it s sabotage dressed up as political genius. so it s not just ted cruz. it s a lot of people, but ted cruz is the symbol, one man out for himself. no principle in this. he wants them to cut the funding for the deferring the deportations. it s not funded by congress. these applications, it s a self-funded program by application fees. they can t even cut the money. what he s trying to do can t even be done. that doesn t matter. what matters is grinding up the gears of government and making people believe we can t do anything as a country. and it s very sad. it s august vacation time. looks like congress is going to leave and not get this done, although there s a last-gasp chance tomorrow. look at this comment by the governor of texas. anger and outrage has already begun to pour in from members of the republican party after the house pulled the border bill. rick perry issued this statement. it s beyond belief congress is abandoning its post while our border crisis continues to
create humanitarian suffering and illegal aliens pose a threat. congress should not go into recess until our job is completed. do you think the republicans are going to scatter back tomorrow, have a quickie and pass it, and will it go anywhere in the senate? will we get anything to the president s desk? i don t it. they don t have the votes right now, so they re going to beat people up all night long and hope to have them tomorrow morning. and even then, it s going to be questionable. and if something comes across, it s going to be watered down from what it is now, trying to accommodate the far right in the republican conference. so when it gets over to senator reid and a more sensible senate, i don t think it s going to go anywhere, which ought to make americans so angry that they began to react to all of these people who come to washington to disrupt the nation. it is sick, and i m sick of it. i hope the people around the country are sick of it and they ll come out and express
their sickness in november. well, let me ask you about this, and i ll go to joan on this, too. you know, back in 1948, i love history like you all do, too. i was thinking, harry truman had a do-nothing congress after world war ii. they did nothing except investigate people for communism. maybe they caught one here or there, but basically, they were wasting time. they used to open with a prayer and close with a probe, as someone once said. wasting time in investigations. darrell issa right across the floor. my question is, do you think the american people are going to vote for nothing, a party that stands for nothing, because that s what the republicans are saying? we ll do nothing. my fear is people don t realize there s only one human being who can bring a measure to the floor in the house of representatives. it s the speaker. i appreciate for the governor of texas is saying. that sounds like something i could have said. the problem is, he needs to instead of saying congress, he ought to say the republicans in congress. and call names, because my fear is that the american public does
not understand the nuances and they may not understand that it is the republicans, not the congress. it s the republicans. well, the border bureau of the house was reworked four times to appease the red hots and it still failed. july 8th, president obama asks congress for $3.7 billion to address the crisis on the border, all the young kids down there. the house does nothing until july 23rd and then it began putting together a $1.5 billion counter offer. three days after that, the package is scaled down to $1 billion. on july 29th rblths it shrunk to $659 million. last night, ted cruz began whipping support against it, so this morning, the speaker anonsed a package to get their support by announcing a plan to block the president s power to halt deportation of certain groups of immigrant children. this afternoon, still without enough support, the speak eer pulled the bill from the floor. joanie tried to appeal, tried to pander to the regard right. it didn t work because as
congressman cleaver just said, they don t want to be at peace. they want to say we don t have our hands on this thing. exactly. if you read that statement that the speaker s office released, chris, where he says the president can take actions on his own without congress, that s what they re suing him for. that s what some want to impeach him for. they re saying he does too much through executive action, and now they re saying he can handle this through executive action. i know some of my friends in the mainstream media want to go on and on about how it s the left and democrats talking about impeachment. certainly, we didn t start it. i don t know we get to finish it either. this is designed to depict our president as a tyrant and dictator who is usurping power and they re now telling him to do it. then next week, they ll tell us they re going to impeach him over it. sorry for misproducing your
name. emanuel sour who was around this place for years. you re far more lively and alive than that gentleman. thank you for joining us very much tonight. and thank you, joan walsh. coming up, tea party types are thrilled with the immigration breakdown. a lot of hand wringing among establishment republicans about how much party this will cause them in november. they re the nada party, standing for nothing. also, the businessman on the stand, bob mcdonnell with his wife. while prosecutored showed notes with jonnie williams and mcdonnell to discuss a loan to mcdonnell. we re seeing a lot of quid pro quo stuff. a democratic congressman talked about how he was duped by the bush administration into voting for the war on iraq. there s some powerful recent history. let me finish with my question for all time. when it comes to our involvement in the iraq war. how did we get talked into it? not me, a lot of people. this is hardball, the place for politics. s already thinking about tomorrow.
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well, the congress is already on track to become the least productive in history. now, everyone s about to head out for five weeks of august vacation. let s compare this congress with congresses in the past. back in 1948, when harry truman famously ran against the do-nothing 80s congress, that group managed to enact 906 public laws. that s the blue bar all the way to the left. compare that to the 112th congress. but so far, this current 113th congress has enacted just 142 bills into law as of today. again, on tract to be the least productive ever and a lot of those bills are just let s make it maple sunday. we ll be right back. when you run a business, you can t settle for slow.
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the main vote that they ve scheduled for today is whether or not they decide to sue me for doing my job. they re mad because i m doing my job. and by the way, i ve told them, i said, i would be happy to do it with you. so the only reason i m doing it on my own is because you don t do anything. but if you want, let s let s work together. you don t do anything. that s my favorite throw away line of his in a long time. as if on cue, congress lived up to the president s words by literally doing nothing in the face of the crisis on the border. how will this play out with the american public and who will they blame? peter king of new york has his finger pointed in one direction, southward, to ted cruz. he told the washington post this morning, before republicans pulled the vote, quote, the obama white house should put ted
cruz on the payroll. we have a chance to pass a good bill, not a perfect bill. boehner is working hard to get to 218 votes and yet there is ted cruz telling us to do nothing. if he wants to come over and run for speaker, that s fine, but otherwise he should stay over there in the senate. i love peter king. sometimes. steve mcmahon is a democratic strategist, and john is a republican strategist. this is set up politically for obvious reasons. john, it looks to me like the president has found a message. a harry truman message, which is i m not running against the right. i m running against nothing. these guys whole strategy is freeze the ball, do nothing until the election is over. turn that into they re a lazy bunch of no-good people not out to help the people. you heard congressman cleaver. and yet the president s approval ratings keep going down. let s get that straight, 41 to 7. we ll find out. i think this is going to be like all midterms, go to be a vote about president obama and his
popularity. i think that s why republicans will do well. i have not given up hope on this border bill. i think they re going to meet tomorrow and pass something. it s going to be hard. where is it going to go? to the senate, and maybe they ll pass it, which they haven t done. let me ask you this, do you think congress deserves re-election based on its performance. forget party for a second. do you think congress which has a 7% approval rater led by republicans in the house, democrats in the senate, do you believe the body of congress has done a good job. i believe the house has done a much better job than the senate and why the senate is going to change control. are we living on the same planet? watching what they did today, john says he thinks the house is doing a better job than the senate, the senate that passed an immigration reform bill. john is normally a level-headed republican. today, he s defending the indefensible. he s generally right what the midterms are, a referendum on the power, unless the boneheads
in the other party step in the way and make a skeptical of things. like in 1998. like in 1998 and today. the president has found a voice and someone to run against. for three weeks, we had pretty good headlines about the american people. some think there s too much illegal immigration, but even within that group, there s a lot of sympathy for the kids because they came over from a horrific situation. not from mexico which has problems but not horrific problems. from places like honduras, like the worst neighborhood in the united states is better than that. people are actually conflicted, but then the republicans come along and say we re not doing nothing. how is that going to sell? nothing, not a nickel. ultinately, i think they are going to pass something tomorrow. i think that s why boehner is pushing hard and why peter king who is going to flip? they re working on it. that s why peter king is so frustrated with ted cruz, who should run for speaker if he wants to be the speaker of house. they re going to get something and then bargain with the
senate. how can one guy who verges on joe mccarthy every week in his talking about people, show up and walk the capitol, i never heard of a senator going to the house and lobbying. stunning, actually. i think that s why more and more house members are getting frustrated with cruz s leading role. isn t there a happy bunch of 30 of them waiting for orders? about 15 to 20. that s what makes it difficult. he comes over there, he brings the cameras. this people generally don t get on cameras. he has them over for pizza. it s like a movie like mr. smith. they re on the take with this guy? well, i think that ultimately, a lot of these members are listening to the views of the american people. and the phone lines for the american people are melting down. that s a problem. i think that for ted cruz and the speaker, they have to get on the same page and find a way to get this done. right now, it looks like the
democrats could lose the senate this fall. how is this going to play? is it going to hurt the republican challenges. this is the best thing in the world for the democrats running for re-election in the house. the republicans trot out and the only thing they can pass is a bill to sue the president, or the only thing they can talk about or not talking about is taking impeachment off the table or not off the table. every time these conversations extend themselves, it s great for the democrats. it s not great about the things we talked about a few months ago. it s things that make even john boehner blush. almost every analyst understands and have predicted that the republicans are going to take over the senate. this has gotten worse for the democrats. let s listen to some of your party members, guys you hang out with. steve stockman tweeted, quote, any border package that doesn t defund barack obama s amnesty is a crap chimichanga. those are his words. figure him out. and erick erickson defended ted
cruz against critics tweeting, house gop twitter fans are behaver toward senator cruz like justin bieber fans after someone has pointed out his lack of talent. that s playing to the younger crowd. what deyou make of that? you have crazy people. the crazy card chasing after the speaker. that s not the person. they have to get other folks who are going to vote for the package and not worldy about the folks who are always going to vote no. is there more crazy people in the republican party? i think it s about the same amount of people. far more. i think actually with social media, people are more able to express their opinions in a crazy way. the tweeting world is filled. this is a story ability gerrymandering and 57% of the republican base thinks the president should be impeached. these guys are trying to navigate the speakership and hold the house with a bunch of crazies who are perfectly willing to take you down, perfectly willing to vote to
impeach the president and perfectly willing to change the entire conversation. let s stop right now, let s be fair. why doesn t the speaker take impeachment off the table? he has, like 30 times. the only one talking about impeachment is you guys. you do it because you want to raise money, and everybody knows it. did you see the fox news sunday show when scalise was asked to take it off the table, and he wouldn t do it. he s the leadership? the leadership. this morning, boehner warned obama not to take these actions. it the president takes these actions, he ll be sealing the deal on his legacy of lawlessness. he ll be violating the solemn oath he made to the american people on the day of his inauguration. and he ll be sacrificing the integrity of our laws on the alter of political opportunism, and i can guarantee you the american people will hold him
accountable. if it talks like a duck. constantly references the president giving up the integrity of his office, breaking this law, breaking the constitution over and over. you don t thick that s a threat? what is that? the politics of this are democrats don t want obama to overreach on immigration either. he s enforcing a law that was passed and promoted by george w. bush. he s decided not to follow the law. that s a real problem for senate democrats. you know that. you think the president is going to issue work permits? i don t know what he s going to do. i think there is an area he would be avoiding, but these are threats that are endemic. speaker of the house boehner talks like the tea party people think. he talks about the president betraying the constitution, betraying the integrity of his office. all the lingo you would use in an impeachment trial. that s right. 57% of the republicans who vote in primaries would like to see congress impeach the president. and he s aware of that, and so
is the tea party. are you in the 57 pest? i have lived through impeachment. it doesn t work politically. it s never going to get through the senate, so don t bother. we have tried impeachment. what we should probably do this lawsuit thing is not a bad alternative. would you do it. impeachment? you don t want to go back and read ken starr s feetnotes. thank you, steve and thank you, john. great to have you on. you were flacking a little bit tonight. up next, one of my colleagues responds to a coleague. you know who she is. this is hardball, the place for politics.
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should go soak my head, i was like, happy thursday, what else is now. then i found out it was shep smith. because i m about to have that bucket of ice water dumped on my head, shep is going to have to make a $50 donation in my name to his favorite charity. that s rachel maddow responding to a challenge from shepherd smith. they re both participating in something called chilling for charity. and the concept is simple. if a person accepted the challenge and allows himself or herself to be drenched in ice water, the challenger must d donate to a charity of his choosing or her choosing. let s take a look at how that played out. ready? couldn t be readier. i hate cold. should we count down? ready? yeah, three, two, one. ahh! ahh! okay. bye. that s her executive
producer, bill wolff. that s teakwork there. anyway, in turn, rachel has now challenged liz cheney. hopefully she ll take that plunge. the library of congress has released correspondent from warren g. harding and his miszerous. as we have seen from what was already publishled, they were decided lee r-rated. jimmy kimmel celebrated with a dramatic reading from a hip-hop artist who has something in common with the former president, his name. here is warren g. reciting the works of warren g. harding. here tonight to read the love letters written by warren g. hardi harding, please welcome warren g. honestly, i hurt with
insatchant longing until i feel there will no longer be any relief until i take a long deaf wild draft on your lips and then bury my face in your pillowing breasts. oh, cary, wouldn t you like to get sopping wet out on superior, not the lake, but the joy of fevered fondling and melting kisses. wow. nothing changes. anyway, finally on monday, we look back at barack obama s keynote address, that 2004 democratic national convention. a lot has changed in the ten years since that speech, and david letterman made that perfectly clear. let s take a look. we have a segment for you. i think this is a valuable comparison. it s called barack obama then, 2004, and now, present day. barack obama then, now.
barack obama then. we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes. all of us defending the united states of america. barack obama now. what are your ideas? see you next time on barack obama then, barack obama now. same barack time, same barack channel. anyway, up next, it wasn t person. it was strictly business. the businessman at the center of the ex-governor bob mcdonnell s trial now going on in virginia said he and the first couple weren t friends. the thing was all about money. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. over 20 million kids everyday in our country
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i m page hopkins. here s what s happening. israel and hamas have agreed to a 72-hour cease-fire. it s set to begin at 8:00 a.m. local time friday. secretary of state john kerry spoke a short time ago and talk about difficult road that led to today s agreement. it is up to the parties, all of them, to take advantage of this moment. there are no guarantees. this is a difficult, complicated issue. years and years in the building, and i think everyone knows it has not been easy to get to this point. meetings are expected to get under way shortly in cairo, the most recent violence has left more than 1,000 citizens dead in gaza. back to hardball.
governor, what was it like to sit there listening to jonnie williams on the stand yesterday? well, this is this is a marathon. it s not going to be decided in a day, and we look forward to day after day the truth will come out. welcome back to hardball. today, we re returning to peyton place, if you will. that was bon mcdonnell on his way into the court with the prosecutor s key witness, jonnie williams. be careful with guys like that, jonnie williams continued on the stand. a huge part of today s testimony involved establishing that williams and the former governor and first lady were not close friends, as they had claimed. the reporting on this soap opera have become primarily a burst of tweel tweets. the trial is not on television, and we re getting some of the best from the washington post reporters. they were not my personal friends, williams says of the mcdonnells. i thought it was good for our company. he said of all the gifts he gave
to them. they were also shown videos of mcdonnell telling the convention that williams was an old friend of the governor. and he said, quote, i wasn t going to correct her, on mrs. mcdonnell s claim he was a close friend of the governor. finally, i knew it was wrong of the rolex watch he gave to the governor. i shouldn t have had to buy things to get the help i needed. inrolex watch he bought to the first lady so she could give it to her husband for christmas, was presented as evidence today and passed around by jurors. joining me now is katie glik and carol linnic who broke the story two years ago. i want to start with you at the post. i just think are you allowed to say you re skeptical of both arguments or do you have to say i m just reporting this? reporters are always skeptical, but there s a lot of efdz that raises doubts about the idea that maureen mcdonnell was taking a lot of gifts from this fellow was she was
interested in him romantically. there are a lot of things that raise fundamental questions about whether or not that s true. what about the prosecution argument that they were not friends? that s coming from a guy who the governor thought was his friend? the prosecution has been hammering that home for weeks in terms of some of the prearguments and now in the trial. they re really trying to stress a case that this individual businessman really was pursuing this for out of business concerns and of course, the governor and the defense team are really pushing back. let s generalize this to the country. start to run for office at the local level. to run for state assembly. then you run for state senator and then you work for congress and you may work up to governor or senator. all along the line, you re picking up what we call friends. they re not necessarily a guy you grew up with, a woman that you grew up with. they re people who attach to you because you have these offices. they become your friends because you re in those offices. they re getting acquainted with
a slot, and you re the slot. you begin to take they take you to dinner. you try to honor the rules. you honor the rule says no lunch more than $3500 for lunch or some stupid rule like that. you can t take them to basketball games. they find a way to go on vacation together or to invite them to give a speech and have the perks that go with that. but this is, to me, typical politics. i want to start with you, carol, on this. you accumulate friends. then when they go to court, they throw you under the bus and say we were never friends. i was buying influence and i copped a plea. i m going home. this guy is going to the can. it s true, jonnie williams got a great deal. all this immunity as a result of agreeing to tell prosecutors his side of the story. and what they wanted him to say? yeah, but you can t completely fake all of this. there is a lot of information that backs him up, but clearly, here s one problem with the friend thing you mentioned. when the fbi went to interview maureen the first time, she said
jonnie is a good friend from forever. he and my husband met decades ago. i love the way we pick these pictures sometimes. go ahead. that was a complete fabrication. when the fbi comes calling and asks you questions, you would think she would say they met for the first time in a plane when jonnie wanted access to my husband. you think they re making a pretty good case in court he was after influence, he was paying for it? today was a good day for the government. we ll see what happens. i ll agree with the governor, it s not all one day. your read, katie. do you think the government, the prosecutors are making a good case that this governor was bought? his wife was bought? i would agree with carol that today was a good day for the government. it was a number of revelations coming out. photographic, you know how about the rolex watch being passed around? why do you think the judge would say you have to hold it like a religious article? you have to have this in your hand. it s worth, what, $3,000? i wonder about people wondering
where you can go. you have to go to pretty nice neighborhoods without somebody grabbing it. but the idea of a $3,000 item on your hand. that sort of gave people sort of a clear sense of what money we are talking about. that was only one of the gifts that was talked about today. we have heard, you know, the whole gamut from trips for some of the mcdonald children could it be people who never had their hands on a rolex watch and they knew the jury would never forget. i think the rolex is so critical, too, in today s sort of outlay of evidence, trying to say, look, this governor was on the take. first, they hand it around so you can see what it looks like, because remember the governor s son said, i didn t know it was real. and then they show the picture. you know what worked for me in the prosecution case? you start with this, the alleged or the testified argument that mrs. mcdonnell, the governor s wife, offered to this guy jonnie williams, she would go to every doctor in the state, there must be thousands of them in
virginia, and sit with that doctor and make a case for this guy s products. that s one heck of a commitment. and why would you ever do that except to get something for it? you don t do that for a pal. right, and a lot of scrutiny of their relationship. of course, in this trial, as a whole. that argument. that s not what you say to a guy you sort of like. i mean, if there is this flirtation going on, which could be harmless, of course. a lot of people like each other who don t get involved. that s normal. the idea she would say i m going to every doctor in virginia to help self your stuff, sounds like a deal. that does bolster the prosecution s argument this was not just a friend situation and this had nothing to do with the crush that the defense was bringing up earlier this week. this was a business proposition. as you know, thanks to you guys in washington, it s a huge story. everybody who doesn t live here should know that washington is sort of between virginia and maryland. heavy influenced by maryland. this is a bedroom community. we thought this guy was kind of
dull, mcdonnell? i remember, about six months before it broke open, people were saying, gosh, you have to interview him. he really understands the budget and how to run a state. no one had any idea this was behind the scenes. a sad story. anyway, either way you look at it, if it s a flirtation, whatever it is, a lot of stuff changing hands that shouldn t have. thank you, katie and carol. one of the great reporters still working att the washington post. you guys have grabbed a lot of them. it s said the truth is the first casualty in war. coming up, how the iraq war proved that principle before the first shot was fired. this is hardball, the place for politics.
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well, here s some new polling on a couple competitive races this fall. starting in michigan, according to a new mitchell research pole, gary peters, the democrat, lead republican terry linlinby five points. peters, 43%, lan, 48%. that s probably a must-win for democrats to keep the senate. next from arkansas, a republican challenger, tom cotton has a two-point edge on incumbent democrat mark pryor. cotton, 42%, pryor, 42%, and we ll be right back. %, pryor, 4 we ll be right back. 4%, pryor, we ll be right back. won t have a claim. that s why allstate claim free rewards gives you money back
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we re back. the u.s. invasion of iraq in 2003 and subsequent nine-year occupation has already gone down in history as one of the biggest foreign policy blunders in modern u.s. history. now, 11 years later, in an already war-torn iraq facing sectarian war, we all know that. a development that further emphasizes how disastrous george w. bush s decision to invade iraq was, replacing saddam hussein with chaos that is arguably a far greater threat to u.s. national security. a new book, the iraq lie provides new insight into the bush administration s case for war and the run-up to the invasion in 2003. specifically, he compares the intelligence the bush administration was getting themselves to what they were saying in turn to the american public, what they were selling, revealing the deceptive nature of white house statements like these from back in 2002. there is no doubt that saddam hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
there is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us. each passing day could be the one on which the iraqi regime gives gives anthrax, or vx nerve gas, or some day a nuclear weapon to a terrorist ally. facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof. the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. we agree that the iraqi dictator must not be permitted to threaten america and the world with horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons. atomic weapons. joining me, the author, former u.s. congressman, a democrat, joe hoeffel, how he and many others got duped into voting for the iraq war authorization in 2002. it s great you ve written this book. thank you. this is part of what i consider the long-needed commission on this to find out the truth if there s ever going
to be any reck sill wrags. my first question to you is, the mushroom cloud. the president of the united states, george w. bush, legitimately elected by the american people twice, sold the idea we were facing an existential threat, annihilation under a nuclear war. we were going to get hit with a mushroom cloud. it s going to come because saddam hussein is going to deliver it somehow to the united states on some balsawood plane. first of all, did they ever produce evidence of that ever they had the weapon, the delivery system, the vehicle to send it with? no evidence at all. why did everybody get sold with the idea of the mushroom cloud? it was a selling job by the bush white house. they took classified intelligence they were being given about the status of hussein s weapons of mass destruction. that intelligence was filled with caveats, reservations, uncertainties and they turned around and said in public it s absolute, it s certain, he s got weapons. he wants more. he s about to use them. and none of that was true. why did they spin it so to
pushing us into war if they weren t sure? in other words, they got the raw data, they knew the uncertainties. yet, was this a selling piece? they wanted to two to wgo to wa other reasons, middle east peace, pushing the rejectionist states with israel, was it about oil, was it about george w. being mad because they tried to kill his dad? what was the real motive behind all thisdishonesty? some of all those. i think president bush thought he could establish who told him that? i don t know. he was listening to the intellectuals intellectuals, the one he never listened to in college. when did you first begin to think you made a boo boo, classic blunder in voting for this bill? hillary clinton voted for it, john kerry voted for it, joe biden voted for it. a lot of people i like. ed markey voted for it. when did you decide you got something wrong here? well, i believed i had to vote to disarm saddam hussein,
and i was uncertain about the vote but i thought i had to do it. in the winter of 03, when the international inspectors were reporting to the u.n., they were not finding weapons, getting full access but there were no weapons, i began to realize there was a huge problem. what made you think when you saw that they were you never trust saddam hussein. basically the u.n. people going all over the place, couldn t find anything. what did you think then was driving the administration when they weren t getting any evidence? why were they pushing? i don t know. george wubush is not will to reconsider his decisions. a great president would have called a time out, said, wait a minute, i m basing this war on weapons of mass destruction, if they re not being found, i better hold back. bush, frankly, wasn t a good president. when bush got in there and realized there were no weapons of mass destruction, got in there and took a couple months, then were blaming the white house. the cia was blaming cheney.
the special service of defense with wolfowitz and everybody. what were we doing in iraq after we realized the goal was not going to be there, there was no goal line there, there was no weapons there? why did we stay? well, the country was committed. our troops were being shot at. yeah. the troops are in danger. once you go into once you invade a country, you know, you own it. you know teddy kennedy, the best vote he ever cast was nay. well, it was my worst vote. thank you. read the book. thank you. the iraq lie by joe hoeffel. a great congressman. thank you for coming on. and we ll be right back. since robert taira openedsion king s hhis first bakeryd, in a small hawaiian town.
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let me finish tonight with this insiders account we got tonight from a u.s. congressman, a democrat, who voted for the iraq war. who did it based on the sales pitch from the bush white house. i oppose the iraq war ever since i saw it coming in the days after 9/11, when i got word paul wolfowitz of the defense department was pushing it at that first meet in camp david. i d gotten word that w. had pushed back on that argument then, only to realize that some time later before the end of the year, bush had set us on the course for war. my question for all times is how a president of such limited ability was able to sell this country on a war with a country that had not attacked us. that led the united states of america on a mission to take over a country in the middle east, a country that was only,
not only secular and opposed to islamism, but served back then against iran. what we were thinking? one thing we were led to think and think a lot about a mushroom cloud over our country. a nuclear weapon somehow delivered here on some kind of vehicle, a ghastly scenario we were instructed could well occur if congress and the american people did not make war in iraq. that was the benefit of a war. keeping that mushroom cloud from occurring. as for the cost of the war, well, we were told it was going to be a cakewalk. a slam dunk. a matter of a few weeks dick cheney said with his usual avuncular assurance. go worry, we were told. at a very cheap price, we d also get the bonus we were assured by administration insiders that the war would pay for itself and would get cheap gas afterwards to boot. such a deal. well, someday, while all the people are still with us, we ought to have one of those commissions, truth and reconciliation jobs to settle who pulled off this number and

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officers after attacking a california woman outside a pizza parlor. the monkey will be kept in quarantine for six months to make sure it doesn t have rabies. no word on why a mon key was hanging out at a pizza parlor. thank you for joining us. fox & friends starts now. hello everyone. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead. this morning the latest details from the investigation. meanwhile, remember when our president declared the war in afghanistan over? the bottom line is it s time to turn the page after a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. really? now it looks like the terrorists heard him loud and clearly and attacked the victim, a u.s. army general. what this says about president obama s foreign
policy. straight ahead. in a few hours a man accused of deserting the military will face questions about what happened. but there is a good chance bowe bergdahl may say nothing at all. good morning. mornings are better with friends. happy to have you here. you re watching fox & friends, that s a great way to begin your day. thank you, don king. welcome to the big telecast live from new york city. brian and elisabeth off and in their place once again, just like yesterday, anna and peter. good morning. we re going to be starting our day off with the fittest people on the planet from cross fit. these people are celebrities in their own right. they are going to be racing across our plaza on their hands in a handstand. they are trying to get us in on the action. cross fit not so fit. also we re going to hear prosecute sean hannity in the program hear from sean hannity. he s been in israel. is the cease-fire holding?
the results coming in from primaries in four states. one of them my home state of kansas where the incumbent pat roberts fended off a tea party challenger. joining us from d.c. with the details is peter doocy. the two most prominent republicans in kansas who were in danger of losing their jobs in last night s primaries aren t going anywhere for now. the governor sam brownback easily defeated challenger jennifer winn and three-term incumbent senator pat roberts easily beat the tea party backed dr. milton wolf by more than 19,000 votes, 48% to 41%. roberts is now saying different parts of the party are going to have to come together if the g.o.p. wants to take over the senate. unit i don t see must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama
agenda and send harry reid packing. the roberts victory last night means that this cycle, senate incumbents have now won in kansas, mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas. but with the michigan results in, another house republican has fallen. the tea party backed carry bentivolio lost outnumbering two to one in michigan s 11th house district. pentivolio joins eric cantor. john dingell who is retiring saw his wife debby win the michigan primary for his seat. that is the seat dingell won in a 1955 special election when his father who served that district for two decades died.
i guess they don t have term limits this. peter doocy, live in washington, thank you very much. four minutes after the top of the hour. this morning a u.s. army general murdered, killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. somebody dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at a group of people at a military academy near kabul killing major general harold greene and wounding 15 others. greene is the highest ranking american killed in combat since vietnam, something like that. this morning the president s abandonment of afghanistan coming under fire. pete hegseth is the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, also a veteran of the iraq and afghanistan wars. he joins us live. what do you think? when you lose someone of that stature, of that rank, it affects everybody. you feel like a general is invincible. the training mission is dangerous. it s an insider attack, a
very concerted tactic the taliban has used. when i was in afghanistan from 2011 to 12 there was a big surge in insider attacks. it does two things. it erodes the trust. it creates the headlines you see in the new york times today, is this mission worth it? should we stay? the taliban knows this. we underestimate our enemy time and time again. they want to get at the heart of our will and heart of our commitment. an attack like this does that. does this make the taliban seem like they are chasing us out of afghanistan. pef announced our we ve announced their withdrawal. is this them trying to say it is because of us? sure. this is to create a perception that they are the wave of the future. the americans on the way out. that is what they do at with these members of the afghan military who are targeted to say americans are on the way out. we have the time, the
americans have the wawps. they re they have the watches. you better side with us or your families at risk. you were talking about the demoralization of our troops. now we have a general murdered by the taliban forces. the president didn t speak about that yesterday. what does that say to the troops? reenforces how detached he is from this conflict. the war in afghanistan, the one he called the good war, the one he was going to focus on as opposed to the iraq war, the troops have felt the fact it has been about withdrawal more than success from the beginning. that is what you re seeing in athe taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like americans are on the way out and they are the future. the president of the united states did make comments yesterday, just not about this. he was talking about the africa summit. the white house apparently has briefed the president and now there is going to be an investigation or something like that.
but here is the president just a couple of months ago in may essentially washing his hands of the whole war thing. the bottom line is it s time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. this is a big touchdown for the enemy. that s right. turn the page. we don t get to turn the page if the enemy doesn t. the taliban hasn t turned the page. al qaeda, isis are not turning the page. they are redoubling their efforts because they have identified we are retreating, we don t care, we re not invested in the outcome. you ve got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the countryside. what folks don t understand is if we leave afghanistan we re going to create another environment where the afghan army or afghan government. doesn t mean we stale together but following through on an investment you made is an important thing for the legacy of our troops, the commitment and security of our country. this is a blow to the
advisor-adviseee relationship we ve got going on. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for america, thank you. it looks as if later today there is a good possibility that bowe bergdahl, the guy who went missing while serving back in 2009 over in afghanistan, we know he walked off post, we know his platoon mates say he was a deserter. and nonetheless, that s an image that was released by his attorney yesterday. his attorney says mr. bowe bergdahl is mentally ready to answer questions. it looks like life is pretty good for bowe bergdahl. from this image here to seeing the image of him preemg for preparing for the hearing with his attorney. it looks like he gained weight. they say he s mentally ready. what if he does not speak at all? what if he takes the fifth? is that in his best interest? under the code of military justice there is a greater right to attack the
fifth. they get a better so-called miranda right than civilians do in america. yesterday on the five it was indicated he might do that. let s listen in. i don t see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we re going to see more kind of a lois lerner take the fifth not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn t say anything, he remains on active duty, in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve if he s not convicted. i don t particularly agree with kimberly. she is a great lawyer but on this issue i think there are attorneys taking the position that somehow and he hasn t indicated but engt best tactic but i think the bestactic is he was somehow confused and mentally ill. i think taking kind of a strong approach he said it in print, how do you put someone in jail after he has been jailed for five
years by the taliban? instead of taking this equitable approach that somehow his client is the victim here, so i think that there will be a robust defense and that he will cooperate the best that he possibly can in telling his story, even if it doesn t jibe with the facts that have been exposed back in the early army investigations. you would, peter, expect bowe bergdahl will go ahead and explain it all and they ll discount it to the fog war or something like that? but for his attorney to say, you know, he was being held for five years. that should count as something, that s his sentence. what about that guy is, to many americans, a deserter, a traitor. people died looking for him. these are all true. in speaking about the tactics, i do not believe there will be a fifth amendment defense here. he will not stand on his rights. they will come up with a version of what occurred that is in his best interest and skewed in terms of his own mental
condition at the time it took place and thereafter. this will be an interesting passion play in that sense. this will be a dramatic story that will be heard today. we won t hear it for awhile but they will come up with an interesting story to grab the attention of the army and eventually the white house, because that s the audience. the white house is going to dictate what happens to bowe bergdahl going forward. let s not forget he was held in a cage for some period of time but there were rots of fraternizing with them there were reports of fraternizing with them. other stories making headlines developing overnight, heather nauert joins us for those. i ve got another story about a scare in the air. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on that plane and look at this picture taken by a passenger. there was a fire fighter inside the plane. we don t see these kinds of
pictures often. this flight was headed to brussels from newark, new jersey, when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire. a tragic update on a story we have followed extensively here at fox. the oregon mother who mysteriously vanished while she was running errands two weeks ago has been found as dead. authorities discovered jennifer huston s body near her s.u.v. in a wooded area about 25 miles from her house. we do not suspect foul play at this time and there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. just before the 38-year-old disappeared she withdrew money prt bank, she money prt bank, bought snacks and sleeping pills and filled up her gas tank. she leaves behind her husband and two young sons. today closing arguments begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before that case goes to a
jury, theodore wafer spent two days on the stand and tried to convince a detroit jury that he shot an unarmed teenager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch. listen to this. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up to the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. some are comparing the case to the case of trayvon martin. that was the teenager shot and killed in florida in 2012 by george zimmerman, that happening in detroit. a beautiful home meets an ugly ending. the moment a powerful mudslide destroyed this house is all caught on camera. look at this.
the family heard a noise right before the home was shoved off its foundation. thank goodness for that, because they heard that they were able to escape that house. this happened in the up scale neighborhood in north salt lake, utah. it was a massive 400-foot wide hole now left in that hillside. experts fear more mudslides are on the way and that ground is unstable. those are your headlines. that happening in salt lake. a lot of folks nervous after that. a fox news alert now. trouble at the airports as ebola fears spread around the world. this morning one airline already canceling flights. british airways will no longer fly to the affected african area. dr. marc siegel live at jfk international airport. good morning. good morning. i m here at john f. kennedy international airport terminal 4 where international arrivals and
departures including flights to and from west africa. the centers for disease control prevention has 20 quarantine stations around the country including one here in this terminal. i spoke to dr. steve monroe, who is the deputy director of c.d.c. for emerging infectious diseases and he says the first line of defense is to try to control the outbreak in the country where it started. one of the things we are doing is sending some of our staff to the countries that are affected to help them with their exit screening procedures to try to identify sick people before they get on an airplane and to also identify people by questionnaire who may have had one of these high-risk expoa shiewrs, that is a known exposure to a patient or to their body fluid. the next line of defense is at this airport where the c.d.c. can get a call from a plane and meet the
plane on landing, bring an ambulance and take the patient right to a hospital or they can use these quarantine stations to detain patients. peter, they have a legal right to detain patients if they have a contagious disease that could be deadly like ebola. then c.d.c. will sometimes bring them right into the quarantine station. let s watch dr. steve monroe talk about the initial screen. as a part of that initial screen, they might try to assess where the person came from, what they might have potentially been exposed to and how sick they are. how symptomatic they are when they get off the plane. there are a small number of diseases for which c.d.c. does have authority to order somebody into isolation and prevent them from entering the country. dr. monroe says, by the way, that they can make a risk assessment either by phone or in person and decide that the person didn t come into contact with a disease like ebola. then they let them go and they don t detain them.
guys? dr. segal, the main line of defense is the people at the airport where they take off from or here look at somebody and if they have a fever, then they start to ask some questions. but if they don t have a fever, keep in mind the incubation period can be three weeks, there is a real good possibility somebody with ebola could walk right in and not develop it for another two weeks and then wind up in an e.r. somewhere. that is a very good point and they re doing surveillance in the countries where they re leaving from. they re actually in west africa now trying to figure out who has this problem. it is after you leave the airport you find you have symptoms, then you call the c.d.c., they bring you right back to the quarantine station here. we got e-mails from viewer. kimberly asks is there a way to screen people for the virus before they get on a plane? first of all, you re not going to get it on a plane. you re not going to get it by touching somebody or if
they re sweaty. you re not going to get it that way. but if they have a fever or flu-like symptoms, that is when they are contagious and that is when the c.d.c. has to be notified. 150 times last year the c.d.c. was notified by an airplane while in the air. dr. segal, steve answered this but this viewer linda is asking what is incubation period exactly? how many are coming to the u.s. sick but showing no symptoms yet? the incubation period is 7 to 21 days. this is a very smart period. this could be a problem. i want to emphasize with only 1,500 cases approximately in west africa if you re sick with flu-like symptoms it is extremely unlikely you have ebola unless you were in contact with a patient who had it. great point. dr. marc siegel live out of jfk where they have got a quarantine area, one of 20 airports in the united states. sir, thank you very much. we re going to be in a quarantine area later today, steve.
doubling down, jesse ventura says all the bad press for suing a navy seal and winning is the widow s fault. maria molina getting hollywood-style treatment. look at this. okay, maria molina, this is your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. i thought it was going to be red. good point, maria. why maria molina is walking the red carpet and her forecast for the new movie. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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good morning everybody. thanks for spending your wednesday with us. on to international headlines. concerns this morning. a new senate report on the c.i.a. s use of interrogation techniques will put agents around the world at risk. as a result, the state department is increasing security at some american embassies around the globe. a russian crime ring pulling one of the largest security breaches, stealing more than one billion user names and passwords from 420,000 websites. 500 million e-mail addresses also compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car
rental businesses and hotels. meanwhile, time to step into the fox light for a new movie that almost seems ripped from the headlines, a town ravaged by twisters and the people who all pull together to make it out alive. take a look. live the life you have imagined. [siren] inside in an orderly fashion. here we go! oh my goodness, the new movie is called into the storm and michael tammero was first in line at the premiere in new york city. this story follows people from all walks of life from teachers to storm chasers trying to survive an onslaught of twisters threatening their hometown. the if you think the effects are totally cool, becaum are real and these actors had to toughen up to play
the part. [screams] it s like staring at fire. i think there is a human instinct captivated by courses of nature. it kinds of pummels you to see what mother nature can throw at you. i play a school teacher who has to go on a journey to find one of his boys in the course of the storm. everything except the twisters themselves were actually occurring. it is a miracle one of us didn t get hurt. you are really blocking things out because you don t want to get hit. it was an experience. it s a lot of real wind, real rain, real debris flying at us. we were wait 90% it doesn t feel like they are intense but they are intense. we had 100 and 140-miles-per-hour wind
machines, we had rain, debris. we felt like we were really in a tornado. every time i got dry, had to go back in there. the water coming down on you, the wind. bring it on. i love it. i m reading scripts differently. i now figure out how many pages i m wet and cold for. at some points the makeup artists would say keep it up kid. you learn something about tornadoes you didn t know going into it? i don t want to be in one. we are the comic relief for the film. would he play one of the storm chasers. when you re in the middle of a tornado you need comic row lef. and you need beer. and whiskey and you need to be dumb as hell. who s harry? who s lloyd? that s a good question. i don t even know. i tell you what i m wearing. who are you wearing?
hugo moss. honey fubu. okay, maria molina, your first time on the red carpet. it suits you, i think. i thought it was going to be red. fabulous. i didn t know how to tie a tie. maria had to help me with that. we were just storm chasing a week ago too. the special effects look amazing. you can tell they ve watched a lot of tornado videos on-line. if you were to face a tornado, you had to pick one person to be by your side steve, brian, or elisabeth who would it be? definitely elisabeth. for the record, i said steve. he has the kansas credibility. all three of you. the video of you storm chasing and the video from
the movie almost synonymous. they did their homework to try to make the movie as real as possible with the special effects, funnels. they used technical terms such as hook echo. i was impressed with that. it is a movie and so there were some scenes that were a little out there. the last movie like this was 1996 twister and the technology has come a long, long way. this movie, by the way, opens up on friday. michael, maria, eminem, thank you. you looked great. cute feathers. thank you, guys. a major update in the search for a missing girl in washington state. why investigators are keeping a close eye on a family member. folks, have you seen this video? a car with a woman trapped inside being swept away but the complete strangers who saved the day are used to
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parents, do you need to quiet your crying baby? you know, as a father of three and peter, you can identify with this. anna, i m sure you ve seen many screaming kids. apparently all we needed all along was to turn on katy perry music. watch. [baby crying] i love it. it s your shot of the morning. this little girl goes from tears to pure happiness,
listening to katy perry dark horse. katy perry tweeted available for baby sitting at $10 an hour and oreos. let s just watch the second she realizes. like clockwork. great video. 26 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a fox news alert right now. jirl israeli tanks maintain defense positions as the cease-fire in the gaza enters its second day. sean hannity on the ground surveying the damage. this is where it hit. it wept through a lot of went through a lot of layers of cement. i picked up this and this is some shrapnel from the bomb that went off. here s the interesting part, though, and help me
through this. as you go into this area, shrapnel here penetrating what is a washer and dryer. shrapnel, this wasn t here until this morning. obviously maximum impact. you can see the broken damage. it is not just this one. if you walk into this area here, these are not small holes. these are big holes. just imagine that s your backyard. and with negotiations set to continue today in cairo, will the 72-hour trows truce hold? sean hannity joins us from jerusalem. sean, what s the latest? reporter: we re at the temple mound and the western wall is over my right shoulder. what we showed you yesterday, that was an attack, we spent most of yesterday at the israeli gaza border. that was one location. that attack, six mortars
that landed in that community literally hit roit where a right where a housing unit was. this is a life they live everyday. we went fo a town and while we were there kids can t play outside. they have to play in an inside playground, four to five bunkers surrounding the whole thing. we saw rockets covered at the police station. we went to the center of the mayor of cyrot and spent a lot of time seeing what life is like on a daily basis. in the last ten years, to give people context of what goes on in those border towns, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that is the untold story of life in israel for the average person. one thing that i did learn today, in fact, we know that negotiations are going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease-fire possibly even longer than it is expected to go on. that s good news. i understand you also at one point you were talking
about how life goes on. you were near a playground. imagine if you re a parent and you want to send your kids outside to play but you don t know if a rocket is going to go off in the playground, what do you do? inside the playground you have young kids, older kids, some as old as 16. they ve got a soccer field, basketball courts, air hockey and ping-pong tables. i spent some time playing with a lot of the kids. they can play outdoors. and i would ask the parents, because i m thinking 10,000 rockets in ten years, not a life i would want to live myself. i asked them why do you stay? the answer was we are not going to be forced out of our home out of terror. i m not sure i would make the same decision but that was the universal answer i got from every parent. interestingly, some of the money that came to build that facility came to estee lauder who heard about the town and the fact that the
kids didn t have a place to play and so made a significant donation for that playground. thank you, sean hannity, live from jerusalem where he is reporting live. the cease-fire is holding. steve, one last thing: where we are at the temple, you re talking about the center of mono theistic religion. you have the arrest you have the armenian quarter, christian quarter. tonight we will bring you through the wall of the gates, the holy selpucher, the place where it is believed jesus was buried rising from the dead, if you re a christian. and a lot of, all these significant religious sites are where we are which brings into context a lot of battle that goes on and
for the heart of jerusalem and whether jerusalem should be the capital of israel. we ll have experts on tonight to talk about it. great point. sean hannity from the holy land. sean, thank you. other stories making headlines. we ve got news at home and police in the pacific northwest need your help to search for a missing-year-old missing 16-year-old girl in washington girl. this as police keep a close eye on her father who was once charged with molesting his stepdaughter. both parents have taken lie detector tests. results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. jenise was last seen saturday night. fresh off his lawsuit from a dead navy seal, jesse ventura going after chris kyle s widow.
chris kyle once wrote in his book that jesse ventura made negative comments about the navy seals. jesse ventura saying he is the victim and going after his wife. i ve been beaten up. the lawsuit didn t come to her. she made a choice to come into it. i think it was done as a tactic for court. this video is simply incredible. a car with a woman trapped ip inside is no match for mother nature. mother nature is no match for some airmen, good samaritans. take a look at this. this happening about 30 miles north of las vegas. members of the u.s. air force whopped to who happened to be nearby ran
into the car to pull an 80-year-old woman out. seconds later the car was carried off. a big congratulations to them. terrific. great heroism and courage. incredible. coming up, a fox news alert. a wife and mother missing for two weeks found dead this morning. the latest details from the investigation. and the red line on syria outraged a singer so much, he put his words into a song.
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[singing] john haber is the song writer. good morning to you. that first line was essentially you put yourself in the shoes of the people over there and they hear obama say you can t cross that red line and what does that mean to them. exactly. i tried to put myself in the situation of a person living there, a regular guy who want to live his life and he s been through a year and a half of devastation with a civil war that pretty much the world is ignoring what s going on and the one sign of hope that is going to have the situation better is taken away after nothing was followed up with the red lines. the song sounds great and the message is important. and what you re doing is you re going to donate some of the proceeds where, from the down loads? all the profits from the
down loads of the song i m going to give to help the kids that are being helped by israeli hospitals. a lot of people don t know that israel has taken in some of the kids that are enemies. i m going to give the money to the hospitals. john, there are so many things you could write songs about. why about the red line in syria? we have an album of 12 songs. are you a real political guy? i m into politics, news, like to read, try to be hip to what s going on in the world. this song, it was such a crazy, to relive the situation there, what was happening. we re going in, we re not going in. it was kind of a train wreck. from the humanitarian they think, how does someone there feel. thank you. if you want to download it look for red line by deck three. a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. we showed you how kids react to finding guns in
their play area yesterday. but is this happening when you send them to a friend s house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors coming up. this pair officially the fittest men and women on earth. next they re sharing their cross fit secrets and putting fox & friends, steve and anna, to the test.
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good morning, everybody. coming up, we have the fittest man and woman in the world. good morning. good morning. congratulations. thank you very much. what is cross fit? oh, man. that s the hardest question ever answered. it s a mix of everything. a mix of running, gymnastics, weightlifting. it works out every part of your body? correct. it s grown from 5,000
affiliate gyms last year to 10,000 this year. it s not just a cult following, it s exploding. you guys are going to demonstrate a couple exercises. what do you have, about 100 pounds on there? i have no idea. this probably weighs from 65 to 75 pounds. all right. let s go. we re going to leave a mark. can i try? do you normally do it on granite like this? show me the best way to do this. spread your feet wide and you want to go sit back and keep your arms bent. there you go. great job. anna, hold on a second. you re doing really well. come on!
very nice. it s cross fit is cross fit okay for somebody over 50? yeah. actually they have a master s level. aid guy from my gym that i own who is 60 plus. got 12th in the world. then i could do anything. one of the wildest things is watching them, they can walk on their hands. can we do like a competition, men versus women? sure. excellent. let s see. you want to go this way? this is the finish line. she s a a gymnast. ready, set, action! yeah, i don t think i m doing that. four years in a row you ve
won this. literally our celebrity a celebrity in your own right. you re switching gear, tell me about how you adopted a baby. me and my wife adopted a baby girl, born july 7. next charm of my life. retired from the individual competition, but still going to compete on the team. you re going to go from the sledge pole to the diaper pole. that s right. congratulations to both of you. thank you very much. thank you. peter, do i look like i m in better shape now? you look fantastic. i m exhausted. thanks so much. coming up, drive-through service guaranteed in 60 seconds or less or your meal is free. which fast food giant is making that promise? a former president defending a mass and jimmy carter is not alone. how can someone defend hamas. charles krauthammer will tell us at the top of the hour. let s see hand stand.
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try one today. good morning. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. so what happened? this morning the latest details from the investigation. and a former president is defending hamas and jimmy carter is not alone. so how could some americans side with terrorists? charles krauthammer will explain that to us. we showed you how kids react to finding guns where they re playing, like this. but is this happening when you send them over to a friend s house? how to have that crucial conversation with your neighbors and your children and we ll tell you how this morning, because mornings are always better with
friends like you. it s time for fox & friends. friends like you, peter johnson, jr. anna, awesome job walking on your hands. i m shaking a little. i could only do one step. exhausted me. cross fit, ladies and gentlemen. we have got a starting right now with election results. while you were sleeping, primaries in four states. one, kansas, incumbent, senator pat roberts fend odd a tea party challenger. now the late breaking details with peter doocy. good morning. reporter: good morning. establishment republicans rolled to easy victories in the first primaries of august. kansas, tea party support failed to give dr. milton wolf the boost that he needed in a challenge to senator pat roberts. he managed to pull in 41% of the gop vote, though.
so now roberts is saying voters need to rally behind one republican to increase their odds of taking over the senate. unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! kansas republican governor sam brownback beat his challenger, jennifer nguyen, 63% to 37%. the roberts results in kansas is the latest victory for senate incumbents this cycle where senators in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on. another house republican lost last night, though. tea party favorite beaten by a businessman who wants to be a congressman. he joins eric cantor and hall as
the only incumbents to lose this cycle. in michigan, the longest serving congressman ever, john dingell, saw the race won by his wife, debbie dingell. she moves on to november with a chance to keep michigan s 12th district seat in the family. back to you in new york. all right. peter doocy live with the postgame show from last night s election results. thanks. other stories making headlines, heather nauert joins us for those. good morning. a real tragedy for the united states and our u.s. military. our country is mourning the loss of a two-star major general, general harold green was murdered in afghanistan. he served 34 years. what a career in the u.s. army. he was killed in an insider attack in afghanistan. he is the highest ranking american officer killed in combat overseas since the vietnam war. someone dressed as an afghan soldier opened fire at the officer training facility, wounding 15 other military
personnel, including eight americans. major green was 55 years old. he leaves behind a wife and two children. sergeant beau bergdahl hours away from facing army investigators. his lawyer says he s mentally ready to answer questions and will be as cooperative as possible. a new picture released by his attorney shows him right here. looks pretty healthy as he prepares to sit down with an army general looking at the circumstances of his 2009 disappearance in afghanistan. fellow soldiers accused him of deserting his post. this questioning comes three months after he was traded for five taliban prisoners. deadly ebola virus is now spreading as new cases are now reported in nigeria. airports are become the first line of defense by stepping up screening. health screenings at that. a flight at new york jfk airport was held after a passenger fell ill. cdc officials quickly ruling out
ebola, thank goodness. other airlines say they are playing it safe. british airways suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. here in the united states, a second infected patient is undergoing experimental treatment in atlanta. the two patients are said to be improving. terrifying moments on a united airlines flight that was packed with 200 passengers on board when a fire breaks out. take a look at this picture. it was taken by a passenger. you see firefighter inside that plane. that flight was headed from brussels from newark, new jersey. the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. no one was hurt and no word on what caused that fire just yet. cameras everywhere. you don t often see a fireman on an airplane. but thank goodness everybody is okay. thank you very much. former president jimmy carter has a long-standing reputation as the most
ineffective foreign policy of any modern presidency until now for many, but we re not going to get into the until now business. jimmy carter and former president of ireland, a woman named mary robinson, have written an op ed in foreign policy magazine and what they re doing is they want the united states to recognize hamas, which is a terrorist organization, to the exclusion of israel, which has been our ally for decades. so jimmy carter says we ve got to recognize the terrorists. yeah. let s read an excerpt for our viewers from this. it says, the united states and e.u. should recognize hamas is not just a military, but also a political force. hamas cannot be wished away nor will it cooperate in its own demise. only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor, one that represents a substantial portion of the palestinian people can the west begin to provide the right incentive for hamas to lay down
its weapons. so peter, legit mazing hamas, the terrorist organization, is this going to embolden them and our other adversaryies? absolutely. yes. you make a good point in asking that question. the legitimacy of a terrorist organization is always in question. so for a former president to say it needs to be legit mazed as a political actor in the world, along with other states, that s a huge, huge issue, especially when we heard sean hannity talking earlier today about 10,000 missiles being hurled into israel over this ten-year period in this area that he was in and now a president saying oh, no, let s recognize hamas. recognized by the u.s. as a terrorist organization. charles krauthammer was on the channel last night trying o explain why some clueless americans feel that way about
hamas. here he is with bill o reilly. i would draw a sharp distinction between the european sympathizers and the american ones. when it comes to europe, i think the overwhelming factor is raw native, deep seated anti-semitism. this is 2,000-year-old anti-semitism. in the united states, it is very different. anti-semitism is not a major factor here. of all the countries that the jews have lived in in 2,000 years, this is the most tolerant, friendly, loving country that the jews have ever known. what i think is the most important factor here is shear, raw, ignorance. they have no idea what hamas is. all that you said, they have no idea, for example, that there is no occupation in gaza. you ll hear them talk about gaza being occupied. the israelis left in 2005. they tore out their settlements. there is not a settler. there is not a soldier, there is
not a jew left in gaza. do any of these people know it? no. are they aware of the fact that hamas charter calls not just for the destruction of israel, but for the killing of jews everywhere in the world? this is an openly genocidal organization. and how can you negotiate with them when they play by their own rules? remember the cease fire we just had last week and the israelis were going into the markets and they re stocking up on supplies, thinking the coast is clear because of the cease fire, and all of a sudden, boom. they re not playing by the rules. sean hannity is on the ground in israel at this hour. he s been talking with residents there and seeing what they re dealing with, exploring an indoor playground/bomb shelter in israel. look at this. in the last ten years, just to give people some context of what goes on in those border towns with gaza, 10,000 rockets in ten years. i think that s the untold story of life in israel for the average person. we do know that negotiations are
going on in egypt at this very hour to extend the cease fire possibly even longer than it s expected to go on. here the architect wanted to have a big merry go round, like the one you see in disney world and big parks because it s nice. but then by the way, i think the merry go round was the very first thing the architect put on paper. but then the ideas came and the ideas had to approve everything and they saw the plans and said sorry, you can not have a merry go round and we said why? this is the nicest thing for a kid with the lights and horses and music. they said there is only one problem. it takes 25 seconds to stop a merry go round. they only have 15 seconds to run for coverment end of story. when the air raid sirens go off, they only have 15 seconds and that s why they have to build indoor playgrounds for the kids. to imagine a child s activity is limited by the time it takes to get to a bomb shelter, that s
staggering and we see anti-semitism is rising around the world. so that s why it s surprising to hear president carter speaking out so forcefully on behalf of hamas being recognized as a legitimate political actor. which he has supported in the past as well. incredible. it s currentsly 7:11 here in new york city. we ve got a fox news alert for you. a wife and mother missing for weeks, that woman, found dead. authorities discovered the body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her house. what happened to jennifer huston? ainsley earhart is here with the latest details on the investigation. thank you. the cause of the death isn t released yet. detectives are still processing the scene, but police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarm
ed. the person who owns that land spotted jennifer s suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house. then he told his wife about seeing a lexus on their land. i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. police found the 38-year-old s body 50 feet away from that green suv. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out 100 bucks from the bank, she filled up her car, bought some snacks and then some sleeping pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and the battery was not dead, according to police. her father and her husband joined us on fox & friends on monday speaking out about their desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. we re just graping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we re all
over it. once or twice we ve jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. the family has now asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and her two boys, ages six and two. back to you, anna. all right. thank you so much. a tragic end to that story. 13 minutes after the hour. in a few hours, closing arguments are set to begin in the so-called porch shooting trial. before the case goes to the jury. theodore waiver tried to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up in her porch last year. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way, as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came out from the side of my house so fast, i raised the gun and shot.
this poor girl. this case raising controversy. some drawing parallels between her and trayvon martin. is that a fair comparison? let s ask our legal experts. good morning. thanks for being with us. good morning. i ll start with you, what are the differences between these two cases? the difference is this defendant was in his home. okay. he wasn t outside or walking around a housing complex. two, this was a teen-ager and it was a woman who was knocking on his door, who was look for help as she had been in a car accident. also what is different in this case is we don t know a this is ha high crime neighborhood. he testified about an incident where there was a car that was hit with a paint ball after the tigers lost a game. that to me is not indicative nor is it consistent with a high crime neighborhood and he was
not a victim of prior break-ins. eric, what we do know is she was screaming, she was drunk. is there a reasonable fear this man may have had for his life because in order to take a life, you have to have fear for your own life? we re not sure he had a reasonable fear. however, the facts are still that it was 4 a.m he stated that he was asleep and he was startled, which any one of us if someone is banging on your door at 4:00 a.m., you would automatically be alarmed if you weren t expecting anyone. so if he conveyed that to the jury that he had a reasonable fear that there were break-ins in the area and a high crime area, he may get a not guilty verdict. was there a 911 call before bullets were fired? there was no call. he didn t pick up a cell phone. he picked up a gun. he knew enough that there was an african-american woman banging on his door at 4:30 in the morning and he shot. he shot and he killed her. how he can convince this jury that he had a reasonable fear that his life was in danger is
beyond me. this is similar to the trayvon martin case to the extent that it s biracial. but this is a man who should not be allowed to pick up a gun and shoot and that s what makes this very different. is this a case, eric, of somebody protecting themselves or someone being trigger happy? well t could be a case of both because this goes to what he believed. there was evidence that there was climbing on the air conditioner and the police did not process the evidence. and he stated and testified that he heard banging on the side, banging on the front door, banging on the side, banging on the front door, which instilled his possible fear, which i can reasonably understand. so you want to speak out individually. we ll have to leave it there cause i want to jump topics to jody arias. on monday it was said she s going to be able to represent herself in the penalty phase of her trial. is this going to be something advantageous for her to be able to speak to the jurors one by
one? based on her prior experience, i don t think this is advantageous for her at all. look, she has a ged, that is not a ged. you need to have lawyering experience to voir dire to question jurors. she doesn t have that experience. i don t know that she ll be able to do this successfully. why put something that fix something that isn t broken? her attorney last time was able to successfully save her life in the last penalty phase. so i would have stuck with my attorney because obviously the jury liked her and as we saw during the murder trial, we weren t necessarily sure whether the jury liked jody arias and found her to be somebody who was worth saving. eric, is she going to just say hey, this was self-defense, as she has before, or is she going to start going cocoa bananas doing head stands like we saw in the video to try to make it seem like she s off her rocker? the guilt phase is over. this is about saving her life at
this point. what she wants to do is connect with the jury. she wants to talk to them and probably try to charm them, which could backfire on her because they will know that she s conniving. they will know that she was found guilty of this and it could backfire. i agree. i think that i m not sure this was ever a death penalty case. but what we know about death penalty cases is that there are appeals after appeals after appeals. for this trial judge to let jody arias represent herself in the penalty phase is inviting an appeal, which means another trial, which means taxpayer dollars paying for this woman s third trial. it s bad decision and if she s convicted for the death penalty, i suspect this will be the reason it s overturned. all right. thanks for your time today. thank you. 18 minutes after the hour. coming up, brand-new information about that double decker bus crash in the heart of times square. we just learned police arrested one of the drivers.
the reason? drugs. and did you know there are 50 new drugs out there to treat cancer in adults? but there is just one, one for children. up next, a mother who is changing that. it hasn t been easy. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan. a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you!
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you can see right there, time for news by the numbers. first, two. that s how many people were attacked by sharks in florida in the last three days. both incidents happening in brief regard county. a 45-year-old woman and nine-year-old boy were attacked but are expected to be okay. next, ten pounds. that s how much weight nba superstar lebron james has shed this season. ten pounds. james taking instagram to show off his skinnier frame. the star saying he s cut out carbs. no bread for him. and 60 seconds. that s how long mcdonald s is promising to take to deliver your drive-through order or it s free. the 60-second promotion is only good at participating south florida mcdonald s. terrific. peter, over to you. thanks. in the past 20 years, the
f.d.a. has approved only one drug, only one for any childhood cancer and the national cancer institute uses 96% of their budget for adult cancer research. so why are children with cancers and diseases being left behind, sometimes and too often to die? joining us now is the mother who tragically lost her own son, jacob, to a rare brain tumor. nancy goodman, who is the founder and executive director of kids versus cancer. thanks for being with us this morning. thank you for having me, peter. you helped change american history and provide an incentive for american companies to develop pediatric cancer drugs and other drugs that will save children. when they do so, they basically get a reward or a voucher from the federal government that they can actually sell thereafter and you provide this incentive. tell us about the act that you helped create and why you did it. thank you, peter. it s called the creating hope
act. i created it because when my son jacob was diagnosed with a pediatric brain cancer, i was shocked and amazed to find out that the drugs he was receiving were 40 years old. and they didn t work. so that s the purpose of the creating hope act, to give companies a reason to develop drugs for kids. so what s happened, nancy, in terms of millions of dollar transaction that came about as a result of one of these pediatric cancer drugs? so last week the first voucher was sold, peter. it was sold for $67.5 million, which is great. it means the program works and the company that sold it, their market cap increased by half a billion dollars and another up with of the two companies that purchased it, their market cap increased by $20 billion upon announcement of the sale. so that means the program works and if companies develop drugs
for kids with cancer and other serious illnesses, they ll be there will be financial gain for those companies. congratulations. let s talk about compassionate use. we focused on josh hardy and his ability finally to get the drug that he needed that could help save his life. you had a hard time getting compassionate use for your own child. what advice would you give to mothers and fathers and family members as they try and save their children that may have a pediatric cancer for which there is no approved drug? it s a terrible problem, peter. i think what we really need to do as a society, one is fix the compassionate use program. there is some structural problems in it. and second, we have to find ways to encourage or acquire companies to offer pediatric trials of new drugs earlier. well, as a pediatric cancer survivor, nancy, i thank you for what you ve done. you ve really created history and provide an incentive for drug manufacturers to help our
youngest and most vulnerable population. nancy goodman, thanks so much for doing what you ve done. thank you, peter. coming up, three huge storms, including two hurricanes threatening beach goers across the country. maria molina with what you need to know. and then we showed you how kids react to finding guns in their play area. is this happening when you send them o a friend s house? do you even know if the parents own a gun? how to approach that crucial and maybe life-saving conversation, coming up on fox & friends. your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle.
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are you hungry? are you thirsty? it s your shot of the morning. today we are celebrating national root beer float day. maria molina is on the plaza with more. good morning. hi. good morning. that s right. it s national root beer float day. a and w restaurants are here on the plaza handing out free root beer floats to anyone that is passing by. you can stop at select stores to pick up your free root beer float. and by the way, they re also going to be raising awareness and donations for the wounded warrior project. so they re also big supporters of our nation s heros. they have been doing this, this is the second year they ve been doing this. last year they raised up to $100,000 in donations for the wound warrior project. so that is just a wonderful thing they re doing and by the way, a and w started in 1919 just as a little stand outside. they were making some floats and it became a huge success eventually and during the return
of the world war 1 when veterans came back, they actually had this as well because they were participating in the parade then with the root beer float. a lot of history with a and w. come on by if you are in manhattan, 48th and 6th, for your free float and stop by your local stores. let s head back inside. that s right. thank you very much. there was root beer first or ice cream first? i think the ice cream first. a lot of first kisses probably. i remember we used to go to the a and w root beer and it was always a happy day when my dad would bring the great big one gallon jug of a and w root beer home. what did you say? that there was probably a lot of fir kisses over root beer. you re probably right. that would result in a lot of root beer float mustaches. go get a free root beer today. meanwhile, brand-new video into fox & friends right now. listen to the moment two double
decker buses crash in the heart of times square two blocks from right here. you can see people running and the traffic light toppling onto the crowd. police have just arrested one of the drivers. channel 5 here in new york s reporter is in times square. what do we know about the driver who has been arrested? reporter: good morning to you guys and good morning, everyone. the driver s name is william delambar, a 50-year-old marne from new jersey, a long-time driver with gray line buses. little is known about his criminal past, if there even is one. police tell us this is a guy who should not have been behind the wheel. he was charged with driving while ability impaired. they tell me he had drugs in his system. not narcotics, but some type of prescription or over the counter medication.
a guy who should have taken the day off and not taken that shift because we know what happened next. you ve probably seen the video by now. you just saw some new video. let s check out the earth cam video of it. two double decker buses crashing into each other at 47th and 7th and taking down a light pole with it. you see on this earth cam video, people start to scurry. the light pole comes down. debris shatters like shrapnel is what people told us when we arrived on scene yesterday. a number of injuries. 14 people injured. three people seriously, including one of the tour bus operators on another bus. apparently she got her head stuck underneath the dashboard. chaotic scene here. certainly there were a lot of tours in the area. anybody who has been to times square in the afternoon knows how busy it can be. a lot of people panicked. and we can also tell you guys we are hearing from police that this was an unusual event in and of itself. but earlier in the day, this area was shut down prior because
there was a bomb scare that occurred in this area. so especially a lot of patrons of the restaurants, people would work around here weren t quite sure what exactly was going on. they had the bomb scare and then they had this bus crash. so it made for a very uneasy tuesday for people who work in this area and people who just want to take in times square. that s the latest from times square, i ll send things back to you in the studio. live there and today is matinee day where they have the matinees on times square and broadway. is driving under the influence of prescription drugs is that on par with a dui? it can turn into a dui. anyone who drives in manhattan knows that the peril is sometimes posed by these bus, they re kind of a pain in the neck. you wonder sometimes who is actually training some of these folks. there is a bunch of different lines out there. a lot of lawsuits, big investigation i predict. big regulation moving ahead against these types of bus lines
to prevent exactly these type of accidents. the double decker buss are so huge, so long, they block entire sections. i rode my bike home yesterday and i couldn t get through. cabs were laying on their horn. great service and great fun, but they can be hazardous sometimes. it s 23 minutes before the top of the hour. and heather nauert joins us with some news. good morning. an update for you on a story that we told you about. a woman in pennsylvania charges not dismissed against the mother who carried her registered gun across state lines. a judge now ruling that she will have to go to trial for being found in possession of this gun during a traffic violation in the state of new jersey. here is what happened. she presented her concealed carry permit for pennsylvania, but that isn t recognized across state lines in new listen. i hope that i didn t know about it. it could happen to anybody. she can now face at least 3 1/2 years in prison.
you got to know the gun laws. the search for a missing six-year-old girl in washington state intensifying by the hour. this as we just learned that police are keeping a close eye on the little girl s father. james wright was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren t calling him a suspect, but both parents have taken lie detector tests. those results have not been made public at this time. two of their other children have been taken from them. she was last seen on saturday night. she s just six years old. san antonio spurs making history by hiring becky hammond as an assistant coach. she s the second woman to work on an nba coaching staff. but the first full-time employee growing up i remember asking my dad, you know, hey, dad, will i ever play in the nba? oh, sweety, no. you ll never be able to play in the nba. but if you re really, really good, maybe you can get a college scholarship. so i m gog have to call him up
and say dad, you never said coaching. she exceeded his dreams. she played in the wnba for 16 years. one man certainly knows how to keep his ducks in a row. oh, my god! they follow him. you can see the guy is able to get his flock into the barn without ruffling any feathers. that happened in russia. that is going viral. trainable. why couldn t we have taught our kids to do that? all right. here. how about this? you can have this. now we get the two straws.
maria molina outside where just a moment ago, root beer float day and now she s got science trivia. i heard you guys talk being whether it was ice cream or the float, how do you make the float? it s ice cream first and then you pour it in. i was right. now time for science trivia. we re looking at today s question related to tornadoes. kind of because of the storm coming out on friday. so the question is, the largest tornado outbreak included how many tornadoes? is it a, 111, b, 155. c 211 or c, 355? this was over a couple of days and the largest tornado outbreak in history. the biggest number, 355 of course. i m going to say the lowest number. i m saying ice cream first. i hear peter saying 355. and you are correct. 355 tornadoes. that s the largest tornado outbreak on record. happened in 2011.
pretty recently in late april. way to go, peter. we want to switch gears now and talk about the weather because we have a lot of activity across the tropics. starting across the eastern pacific ocean, we have two hurricanes and both of these storms are set to continue moving westward and impact hawaii over the next several days. the good news out here is that they are forecast to weaken over the next few days. forecast to impact hawaii, iselle on thursday as a tropical storm and then you have the following storm, hurricane julio, also set to impact hawaii over the weekend. bertha also producing issues along parts of the east coast with rip currents concerns. we do have a number of advisories along coastal areas. right now, maximum sustained winds at 50 miles an hour and moving away from the coast. now back inside. thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. we showed you how children react when they find a gun in their
play area. the question is, does this happen when you send your child over to their friend s house? how to have a crucial conversation with your neighbors about their guns this hour. and hackers have a new way of breaking into your computer using your mouse and you ll never even notice. curt the cyber guy is here with steve next to explain what this is all about as we drink our root beers
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the ready for you alert, only at! computer hackers now have a new way to get into your computer. you won t know it at the time and you can t fix it and it s tied to something you probably use each and every day. here to explain, curt the cyber guy. good morning to you. good morning. this is a terrifying story because i have done exactly what you re saying people should not do. everybody has. that s the big problem. even if you ve never used one of these little things called a usb thumb drive, which i have right here, you still need to be worried about this cause plenty of people are using these devices that have control of your data. and what has happened is two researchers from sr labs has come out, both of them have come out with an idea that usbs in particular, thumb drives or accessories that you plug into a computer, are now able to be
controlled by, say, a malicious attack from a hacker. so let me give you an idea of what that means. for example, right now this device plugs into a number of computers and inside of this device is instructional language called firmware. it says i m a usb drive, i hold this much information and you can talk to me this way. inside that instruction, which is inside the device and not something you can control, you now or someone could put instruction that says, copy all the information off this computer and send it to this other computer. see, that s the bad part. here is the thing, a lot of companies give these out as promotional things. people i can t tell you how many people have given me one of these little gizmos like this and i actually have used one until this morning. we thought that this was actually a safer way to transfer information. of course. you will say, i won t e-mail it, i ll copy it on this and
hand it to you and here you go. the problem is anyone at any time can now put this on this device and you don t know who put what where and you can t detect it. so the problem is now we ve got to look at usbs in a whole new way. and it s a big wake-up call to say stop using freebie handout ones. only use ones which are inside of the packaging that you get from the store. a broader way of thinking of this is think about a usb drive as you would your wallet. you don t loan it to somebody else and if you do loan one of these things to somebody, you simply don t expect it back because all it takes is one transfer and now that could infect your computer that you now plug that into the next time. it s so innocent looking. but i seem to remember it was a little device like this that some spies used to blow up the iranian computers with this virus. it is that and there is cotton mouth is a widely
discussed protocol from the nsa that came out from edward snowden s leak which this would use the same technology to get there. so bottom line here is big wake-up call and in the months and perhaps even years to come, it will take a long time to implement a new way to secure this kind of technology. so no longer safe. no longer the sure bet. don t take a free one. just go to staples and buy a new one. exactly. thank you very much. great advice. that was easy. coming up on fox & friends, this choke hold is the latest tragedy after a suspect resisted arrest. is that a growing trend? are the cops not respected anymore? our next guests say yes and know why. and on this day in 1955, rock around the clock was the number one song.
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activists around the country are lashing out at the new york city police department. they claim police are too brutal, citing the choke hold death of a staten island man. critics say the streets are much
less safe under this new mayor here in new york city, bill de blasio. he s got these plans of course to stop or at least scale back stop and frisk. joining us right now is long-time new york city police department detective, mr. bo deedle. good morning. good morning. you were on the street for a very long time. you talk to cops all the time. from what we ve heard and what we ve seen under this mayor where he says the cops have been too rough, we re going to stop the stop and frisk business, it seems like the guys on the street are demoralized. i talk to cops every day. the cops are so disgusted with what s going on, they don t want to get involved. they don t want to do anything. what we saw on the videotape of what happened and the incident at staten island, dozens of times i use the same kind of head lock to bring someone down. you got a man who is 6 3, 350 pounds, you got cops 5 7, 5 8, you bring them down in a head lock. it s not meaning that you re trying to choke him.
on the other side of the coin is when they use the word homicide, homicide is used by the hands of another. you commit a homicide even when you give a lethal injection. that s homicide that s on the medical record. people now are getting this thing that i want to see an autopsy report where there is a crushed wind pipe. i want to see that because the head lock that s used, i ve used dozens of times and it s used all the time to bring someone down. and if you watch that video, it wasn t a consistent compression on the guy s neck. and this is kind of gets me upset that these cops are being singled out. then when you get a mayor that has a great police commissioner like bratten sit there and take the abuse of al sharpton, i am disgusted. every cop is disgusted. i m going to hire an independent medical examiner to look at that autopsy report. someone s got to step up with this and protect this commissioner and these cops that are out there who are servicing this city. bad enough they took the stop and frisk away, which is ridiculous, which we can use it
in a courteous manner and i ve talked to them before and i vo e police department, including my ex-partner there, ben tucker, about ways of utilizing stop and frisk. listen, something has to be done. things seem to be going out of control. i m a little angry, i m sorry. you re not the only one. coming up, our gun series continues. do you know whether or not your kids are safe when they go to a neighbor s house regarding the neighbor s guns?wh that conversation coming up next creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america.
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hey, everybody. hope you re doing well. today is wednesday, the 6th of august, 2014. i m anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. remember when the president declared the war in afghanistan over? the bottom line is it s time to turn the page on more than a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. it s not over. the terrorists heard him and attacked again. this time killing a top general. what does this say about our president s foreign policy? mean while, an incredible show of team work as a group of strangers pulled together to help a guy stuck between a train and the platform. look at that! how did it turn out?
stick around. our gun series continues. do you know if your kids are going to a house with a gun? do the parents keep it locked up? how to have that conversation this hour, conversation well had because mornings are better with friends. you re watching fox & friends. that s a great way to begin your day. thank you very much. can you imagine you re down on a subway platform and somebody says let s push over the train a little bit. how many people would sign up for that? their adrenaline must have been pumping. you ll find out more about that. but we have breaking news. while you were sleeping, the results came in from practice i marries in four states. one of the states, kansas, where the incumbent, senator pat roberts, fended off a tea party challenger. joining us from washington with all the late-breaking details is peter doocy. peter? reporter: the tea party tried to replace three-term republican senator pat roberts in kansas, but their candidate, dr. milton wolf, came up short.
the split was close enough, 48 to 41, that roberts used his victory speech to plead with the party to come together so they have a better chance to win in november. unity must happen if we are to keep kansas red. it must happen if we are going to defeat the obama agenda and send harry reid packing! reporter: sun flower state governor sam brownback won as well with 63% of the vote to primary challenger jennifer nguyen 37%. the senator roberts victory is the latest successes. his colleagues in mississippi, kentucky, south carolina and texas have also all held on as well. a different story for republicans in the house, though. first it was eric cantor who fell, then ralph hall. now tea party-backed carey
bentafolio defeated by a michigan businessman. elsewhere in michigan, a race to replace john dingell, retiring after the longest congressional career ever has been won by his wife, debbie. now in november, she ll have a chance to take the seat her husband had for 50 years. peter doocy live with the results from washington, d.c i heard on special report last night, the republican running against senator roberts is a first or second cousin of barak obama. amazing. meantime, three minutes after the top of the hour, we turn to heather nauert who has got some terrifying news. yeah. for some passengers on board, but we ve got good news as well. terrifying moments for united airlines flight packed with 200 passengers. a fire breaks out on board the flight. look at this picture here, taken by a passenger. once it finally reached the
ground, inside the plane, you see the firefighters on board that plane. this flight was headed from newark, new jersey to brussels when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in canada. fortunately, no one was hurt. no word yet what caused that fire on the jet. luckily everyone is okay. today closing arguments begin in the porch shooting trial. it goes before the jury later today. theodore waver spent two days on the stand trying to convince a jury he shot an unarmed teen-ager in self-defense when she showed up on his front porch drunk and screaming. i didn t want to be a victim. i opened the door all the way as much as i could. then as soon as i did that, this person came up from the side of my house so fast. i raised the gun and shot this poor girl. some are comparing the case to the trayvon martin case.
remember that one? it was a teen-ager who was shot and killed in florida back in 2012 by george zimmerman. fearing the threat of ebola, british airways now suspending all flights to liberia and sierra leone for one month. airports are becoming the first line of defense against the ebola virus by setting up medical screenings. here in the united states, the second infected american is now undergoing an experimental treatment in atlanta. both nurse nancy writebol and dr. brantley are said to be improving. then you got to look at this video. it s incredible. a car with a woman and her husband trapped inside it, no match for mother nature. but rest easy because mother nature is no match for some good samaritans who also happen to be u.s. airmen. take a look at this. this all unfolding about
30 miles north of las vegas. members of the air force who happened to be nearby ran into the water to pull the 80-year-old woman out of her car. her husband was just rescued moments before. one of those airmen was then nearly swept away himself and he had to be rescued. seconds later, their car was carried off. a lot of flash flood not guilty that area recently. a lot of rain. so a big problem. but everybody is okay. if it was just the car, people might let it go. but if there is somebody inside two people inside, two elderly inside. thank you very much. we had terrible news yesterday. a two-star general, harold green, was murdered at the u.s. military rather the military academy for afghanistan training afghannies to take over their own security. the taliban has already claimed responsibility for the attack, which prompted ed henry yesterday to ask white house press secretary josh earnest, okay, it s the taliban.
they re claiming they killed this guy. how can we say we re making progress over there? here is what josh earnest and ed henry had to say. how can you say progress when an american general was killed today? the progress that i cited is the progress that was made. hard won progress that was made by our men and women in uniform who have been serving for more than 12 years. and there is no doubt that what previously was a base of operations for core al-qaeda no longer exists. this is a huge touchdown for the taliban. yeah. and this insider attack is something that we saw a surge in in 2011 and 2012. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for americans was there at that time and is familiar with this area and he says that this is not spontaneous timing, that this possibly is part of a sleeper cell of the taliban. this is their propaganda of trying to say yes, you may be
announcing a withdrawal and winding down the war, but we are chasing you out. pete hegseth also says that if we say the war is over, that doesn t mean the war is over for our enemy, still think it s raging. listen. the troops have felt the fact that it has been about withdrawal more than success from the very beginning. that s what you re seeing in afghanistan right now. the taliban is exploiting that perception to make it look like the americans are on the way out and they re the future. taliban hasn t turned the page. al-qaeda, isis, are not turning the page. they re redoubling their efforts because they ve identified that we re retreating, that we don t care. we re not invested in the outcome. so you ve got islamists on the march, the taliban really controlling the country side. and the taliban redoubles its efforts in afghanistan, resulting in the death of general green who is last in the long line of those who serve in the military service back to the civil war. a new poll is showing that the president is sinking deeper than ever before. the question that was asked was
in general, do you approve or disapprove or not sure of the job barak obama is doing as president? and 54% of the american people disapprove. 40% approve. and 6% are not sure. that s a new low for the president. then this is the one that s really going to catch your eye in this wall street journal poll. do you think things in this nation are generally headed in the right direction or the wrong track? 71% of you say we are headed on the wrong track. only 22%, one in five, think we are headed in the right direction. and this terrible tragedy yesterday. let us know what you think. also this morning, this is happening, sergeant beau bergdahl, the guy who was swapped for five terrorists, he s formally going to be questioned on desertion charges. his lawyer saying he will be as cooperative as possible. this is a new image of him preparing for his questioning. he appears to look pretty good.
he s gained some weight there. yeah. remember right now he s got a desk job down in san antonio. the big question is, keep in mind, we ve had his platoon mates on this program. they all say he was a deserter. he clearly he left a note. he said, i ve had it. here, i m leaving. so what s going to happen to him? fox news legal analyst kimberly guilfoyle was on with bill o reilly last night and she sees this scenario playing out. i don t see any incentive for sergeant bergdahl to cooperate, participate. i expect we re going to see more of kind of the lois lerner, take the fifth, not give the information because he is the worst witness against himself. if he doesn t say anything, he remains on active duty in good standing, able to get a pension and continue to serve in if he s not convicted. if he s not convicted. i have a different viewpoint on this. you ve got a lawyer who i believe is going to attempt to cop a plea today and tomorrow,
asserting that bowe bergdahl was somewhere between confused and mentally ill when he stepped off that base. his lawyer was someone who has spoken up in the past on behalf of enemy combatants at guantanamo bay. so he s going to get a defense and i believe they will come up with a story to ex cull pate him. his lawyer has always said, he s been in jail with the taliban already for five years and that s an amazing counterpoint that we re talk being this story today on the day that we are mourning the death of general green, perhaps killed at the hands of the taliban, the same leaders that we released to qatar some months ago. that is such an excellent point. peter, the white house, because they did do this controversial swap and released all these bad guy, the white house would love to see this go away, sweep it under the carpet. so could they pressure the pentagon or these attorneys or
whoever decides let s just get rid of this? you re not going to see formal e-mails to that effect. but i believe that the president s beliefs on this particular issue will inform the outcome as to what happens going forward. remember, there was already a determination that he had walked off that base without permission, that he was awol. now they ll be looking at deserter status or not and whether to bring charges. no charges have been brought yet. yeah, you can imagine the president worried about his legacy on this one if one of those five returns and does something terrible and kills innocent americans again as some of them have vowed to do. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. we showed you hidden camera footage of how kids react when they find a firearm. how do you know when they re in the presence of one? do you even know if your neighbor or your child s play date has one? well, do you keep them locked up and do they keep them locked up? this is the latest in our series on children and guns and heather nauert is here with more. good morning. we re looking at this all week
and it s a major, major topic. it s our constitutional right to own a gun, but with that comes a major responsibility, especially when there are children in the home. but what do you do when your child goes o another family s home? do you ever even think o ask them if they own a gun? it s obviously a tough question to ask. but i recently met a mom who regrets not posing that question. this is something that every parent should see. said to me, i don t know how to tell you this and i said what? and he said, nicholas was shot. and i said, what are you talking about? how? when? where? december 22, 2010, 12-year-old nicholas, a 7th grader, who had a flair for art and performing was accidentally shot while spending the night at a friend s house. we were told that they went downstairs to the basement where
nicholas friend showed him old 40-year-old bullets and his friend asked him if he s ever seen a real gun before. he went to his parents bedroom and got the gun out of like a sock drawer, thinking that the gun was unloaded, he pointed at nicholas and pulled the trigger. this is the last heartbeat you re going to hear your child. did you know that the parents were gun owners? i never thought of it. you never thought about that before? had you known, would you have felt differently about having your son play at his house? absolutely. how do you ask that family if they own a weapon and if it s properly secured? you just ask.
so that s it. just as she said, you just ask. and though it can be an awkward conversation, it s one that s practical and necessary. for 75 to 80% of families with guns in the home, first and second graders know where that gun is kept. so it really is unrealistic to think that the kids don t know what s going on. because of that awareness, experts say lay the groundwork with your kids early and often. you need to start the conversation early, from kindergarten on and it needs to be the rules. when approaching parents keeping it conversational works best. there needs to be no emotion about it. it s just one of the questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a swimming pool? do you have a gun? if a family takes offense, offer to move the play date. studies have shown people with guns aren t offended by asking the question. in fact, it s almost offered a lot of times. it s a matter of you feeling safe. the reality is it could take just once for something to happen to your child. you need to make that decision that s going to keep your child
safe. such a bright light. it is really, really important to know if the people where you re sending your child for a play date are gun owners and how they re stored. we re not trying to take, you know, the guns away from gun owners. there is nothing wrong with asking so you could make an educated choice. nicholas was such a beautiful little boy. the couple are now working to pass what s called nicholas bill in new york state. it would require the safe storage of guns with a locking device to prevent children from getting their hands on them and using them. the bill is now before the new york senate. there is that other angle to consider, something that gun rights advocates talk about a lot, trigger locks, and whether or not they threaten homeowners security and that is an angle that we re going to look at tomorrow because a lot of people
express concern that if you have a trigger lock on your gun or if you have it stored in a safe, that it would take too long to respond to a home intruder. we ll look at just how long that might take tomorrow. great advice that it should be one of those questions, do you have allergies? do you have a pet? do you have a pool? do you have a gun? put it out there, just conversationally. it s something that i m a parent of two young children. we often send our kids on play dates. have you ever asked that? i have never asked. but it s such a good question because you want your kids to be safe and we know how curious kids are. sure. most gun owners are absolutely responsible and my friends who have guns in their homes, they have the gun safes. they ve got the vaults. it s all locked up. it doesn t hurt to ask. we re not saying don t own guns, but you have to be responsible about it and then ask questions. i know it s a thoughtful, thoughtful report that you ve done. my own experience in my own family, a lot of police officers and that was always the concern that my uncles had when people were coming over for a party. i remember this as an older teen-ager, they were so vigilant to make sure their off-duty
weapons were put away where nobody could get them. it s important. thanks for doing this. thanks for mentioning that. meanwhile, straight ahead, it s happened again. billions of internet passwords stolen. only this time it s worse. there is a chance that you are a victim and we ve got the details straight ahead. then this is amazing. a navy veteran loses his hand in a horrific accident but gets his grip back for 20 bucks at the home depot. you ll meet him and see his breakthrough invention when we come back. he invented that? he did it. searching with devotion for a snack that isn t lame but this.
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22 minutes after the top of the hour. brand-new video into fox & friends. listen to the moment that two double decker tour buses crashed right here in the heart of times square.
you can see right there, people running and the traffic light toppled onto the crowd action screen left. and police just arrested one of the bus drivers. wnyw reporter is in times square with the very latest. we understand that the guy who was driving this bus shouldn t have been driving at all. reporter: that s exactly what police told me this morning. good morning, steve and everyone. they say this guy should have taken the day off. he should have not been behind the wheel of the car. new york police charged him with driving while ability impaired. they say he had some type of drug in his system. they tell me it s not narcotics. but perhaps a prescription medication or some type of over-the-counter medication. is it a sleep aid? is it something else that could have really impaired his ability? we don t know. we do know from talking to some of the people who work for grayline bus that he was working the night shift coming in at noon and expected to work through the night. if you come here to times square today, you ll see that there is little remnants of the accident that occurred at 3:30 yesterday
afternoon. it happened on the corner of 47th and 7th. the light pole is back up, but boy, it came down with a vengeance yesterday. look at this earth cam video. you can see as those buses collide, people start to run. they hear the explosion of the buses hitting and then they start to scatter as they see the light pole come down, spraying debris. there were a ton of tourists. 14 people were hurt. three seriously, including apparently one tour operator that was on one of the other buses. her head got wedged underneath the dashboard. steve, we re waiting to hear more from nypd about this man. if there is any sort of criminal past and also when he ll be in court today. that s the latest from times square this morning. i ll send things back to you in the studio. live in times square, thank you very much. anna, over to you and peter. amazing story. navy veteran involved in a horrific accident that cost him the use of his hand, he sawed
off four of his fingers, three had to be amputated. only one was able to be saved. this morning not only does howard have a smile on his face, he s got a solid grip to boot. that s because he created his own prosthetic hand after a trip to home depot. good morning, howard. good morning. you say you ve gotten your self-esteem back because of this $20 that you spent at the home depot. how does it work? well, when i cut my fingers off, i had to go to home depot and i met a friend named casey barrett and he s the one that designed these my hand for me and we just needed to get a glove and some string, some fishing line, some glue and that s how we put our firsthand together. what can you do with the hand, howard? show us that hand and what can
you do with that incredible hand that you made on a 3d machine? wow. that is tremendous. i can pick up some water bottles now, which i couldn t do before without my fingers. i can even play some cards with my friends now cause i can hold the cards. i can see the magic hyped your eyes. you seem really happy with all this. obviously you re able to keep costs down at 20 bucks, making these prosthetic potentially accessible to a lot more people. are you working to get this thing on the market? no, we re not working to get it on the market. what we want to do is the wreck f foundation has joined me and we want to give it away. we want to give it away to veterans who have lost their hands and their fingers and
anybody else that needs help cause prosthetics are very expensive. this is an incredible thing. one of the things that you can rebuild your own hand, what a feeling of power. you should be so proud of yourself. it gives hope to a lot of other americans. we re so happy to have you on this morning. thank you. and it wasn t me that built it. like i said, a friend of mine came to me after i chopped my fingers off and he s the engineer of our group and he s the one that printed all these fingers for me. you guys certainly make a good team with the help of a 3d printer. thanks for your service, too. thank you. thank you very much. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up, it s the most incredible video you will see all day. hundreds of people, complete strangers, pull together to help save a man stuck in the tracks. details next. then she s used to flying f
16s for a living. so what happens when our own leah gabriel flies cross-country with our own jon scott? next, we ll show you your eyes. even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that s really good. excellent, delicious. and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy!
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time for your shot of the morning. the most incredible video you re going to see all day. a transit rider in australia gets stuck when his leg slips between the train and the platform. watch the gap, they tell you. he didn t apparently. hundreds of people, complete strangers, all pulled together to help. they all pushed on the word. everybody got off the train and
pushing to shift the weight off onto the one side. it was enough to free the guy s leg. the man seemingly dazed but unhurt, was able to walk away. ladies and gentlemen, that is team work from perth, australia. it s a wonder that doesn t happen more often. that gap is about this big and people are on their cell phone. it does happen. major subways in the united states, they have air bags that emergency service brings and they inflate it and it will separate the car from the platform. usually the outcome is a lot worse, amputations, death and like that. so that s wonderful, people jump in to help. a wife and mother missing for weeks found dead. authorities discovered her body yesterday near her suv in a remote wooded area 25 miles from her home. so what happened to jennifer houston? ainsley earhart is here with details. incredibly sad story. we ve been following this for
weeks. it is sad this morning to report that she is no longer with us. but the cause of death still not released yet. detectives are still processing on the scene. police say it does not look like there was a crash or anyone else involved. we do not suspect foul play at this time. there is nothing to suggest that the public should be alarmed. the person who owns the land spotted jennifer houston s suv on his private property about an eighth of a mile from his house and told his wife about seeing that lexus on their land. i said, what color is it? he said green. i said, dark green? and i knew right then. police found the 38-year-old s body 50 feet away from that suv there. she was wearing the same clothes that she had on when she vanished on july 24. the mother of two disappeared that day while she was running errands. she took out $100 from the bank. she filled up her car with gasoline and bought some snacks and then bought some sleeping
pills at a local drugstore. minutes later, her cell phone was turned off and police say the battery was not dead. her father and her husband joined us on fox & friends on monday speaking out about that desperate search and they were clearly exhausted. we re just grasping at straws. any time we hear about a sighting or something, we re all over it. once or twice we ve jumped in the car and ran somewhere we thought a vehicle was seen at. the family has asked for privacy in order to grieve and to process their loss. jennifer leaves behind her husband and their two little boys, age six and two. back to you guys. tragic end to that story. thanks for the update. what a terrible story. i wond for they found a note. don t know. awful. we turn now to heather nauert who has got the search for somebody else. yeah. police in the pacific northwest need your help searching for a missing six-year-old girl. this as we just learned that
police are also keeping a close eye on her father, james wright. he was once charged with molesting his eight-year-old stepdaughter. that charge was later dropped. police aren t calling him a suspect at this time. the girl was last seen saturday night, six years old. they came to this country illegally multiple times and now they re charged with shooting a u.s. border patrol agent dead. the two men had both been arrested and deported from our country multiple times. that u.s. border patrol agent was shot and killed in front of his wife and his family while he was fishing. this father was shot, but is expected to survive. the two suspects who confessed to that shooting were trying to rob the family when he fought back. it is one of the largest security breaches ever. a russian crime ring stole more than 1 billion user names and passwords from 420,000 different
web sites. 500 million e-mail addresses have also been compromised. some of the victims include the auto industry, car rental businesses and also hotels. keep a close eye on your personal information. if you need to quiet your baby as a loft us moms do, try the power of katy perry. look at this. she s quite a dancer, too. it worked! that little girl goes from tears to pure happiness. this after seeing the katy perry video, katy perry actually tweeted about it. available for baby-sitting at $10 an hour and poor oreos. nice sense of humor. those are your headlines. gosh, i wish i knew that. thank you very much. a new dance. she can do the mouth, too.
that is adorable. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. time for some weather and get this, maria molina, it sounds like a lot of people who are going to hawaii right now for their vacation picked a bad week to go. yeah. i can t really feel i still feel jealous. i would still like to be in hawaii, even if there are storms headed that way. i do have some good news and that is that the storms are forecast to weaken. they are hurricanes, headed westward. and one of them could potentially move north of the islands. so that would be good news. we would be spared from some of the impact from these storms. we do have two storm systems. over the next several days, they are going to continue to move westward and iselle will be the first storm to potentially impact the hawaiian islands. that s coming up as we head into thursday and then you have julio. this one has maximum sustained winds iselle at 90 miles an hour. julio has been a little weaker,
but forecast to continue to intensify and then eventually weaken before hitting the island, that s coming up over the weekend. we also have bertha, that storm moving away from parts of the east coast. rip current concerns are continuing along coastal areas of the northeast. of course, that s a big issue for anyone that s headed out towards the beaches there. there you have tropical storm bertha, max winds at 50 miles an hour. let s head back inside. thank you very much. meanwhile, do you recognize her? we rely on her reporting skills and military analysis as well. but leah gabriel hasn t stopped flying since her days as a pilot of an f-18 in the u.s. navy. but when she came to new york city and joined us here at fox, she left her plane in california and i guess, were you running up a bill at the airport? you had to move it? i wanted it here so i could fly it and i set out on this journey after july 4th weekend. so i decided to call my trip freedom tour. and i knew i would offer some
incredible views that you don t normally get to see and i wanted to share those. take a look at some of the sights that you don t get to see when you fly across country in an airliner at 40,000 feet. this is what i used to fly for the u.s. navy. f-18, two engines, top speed, 1200 miles per hour at a price tag of about $30 million. now that i m no longer landing on aircraft carriers and the navy is no longer buying my fuel, this is what i fly. a cessna 172. one engine, four seats, top speed, about 120 miles per hour. cost? about what most americans spend o a new car. put it somewhere where you can have access to it. reporter: a fellow veteran began fixing up my plane when i left san diego to join fox news. now it s time to fly her to my new home in new york, a coast to coast adventure.
to me, flying is the ultimate freedom, to go where i want, when i want, one of the greatest gifts of our land of the free. my copilot is photo journalist for the trip, fox news anchor jon scott. how does it feel to be crossing this air space at 110 knots? i feel like i m in a helicopter. i did a lot of flying here. especially flight training. this is bomb ranges where i dropped practice bombs. we have a little diversion. we have a little bit of a diversion. thunderstorms offer their own kind of beauty. awesome power, enough to take down even an f-18. so we give them plenty of room. our first stop, an airport on the edge of one of america s greatest natural wonders, the grand canyon. we re treated to a bird s eye
view. getting ready to take off, day two of this adventure. just a few minutes after takeoff, we re flying over the surface of mars. at least that s how the painted desert appears from 2,000 feet above it. the chart here, the storm over there to the right. with more thunderstorms ahead, we decide to land earlier than intended. gallop, new mexico, to fill our tank and check the weather. we re back on the road, we re following interstate 40. this will take us into albuquerque, new mexico. to my left are the sandia mountsens. once we clear this mountain range, we can start heading northeast to new york city. as you can see, the train changed quite a bit. like this flat land. that is to amarillo. sunset not guilty the next ten minutes.
it s a little hazy. we won t see the gorgeous texas sunset. we ll be up bright and early tomorrow morning and see the sun rise here in texas. one of the greatest parts of the trip were some of the wonderful people that we met along the way, including some people who watch fox news every day. tomorrow you ll get to meet some of them and also get to see what it looks like to fly right into new york city, right over the statue of liberty at night and at eye level from the sky scrapers. you had a pretty good camera guy. i had a great camera guy/copilot, jon scott. hopefully we ll be able to get him in here tomorrow morning so he can talk a little bit about the experience. breath taking stuff. great stuff. thank you very much. knocking our socks off. coming up, hysteria about ebola. is it warranted? are americans in danger because we re treating victims? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk to answer viewer questions (vo) get ready!
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this is a fox news alert. that s video of the moment hamas fires rockets near a hotel in a gaza residential district and now we re nearly 20 hours into a 72-hour cease fire in gaza.
john huddy is live in jerusalem with the very latest. john? reporter: yeah, when i was in gaza, we saw a couple of, not a couple, we saw a lot of rocket launches and also missile strikes very close to our location, by the way. as you mentioned, the cease fire continues. over 20 hours into it now and the cease fire is holding at this point. the question is what s going to happen after the 72-hour mark is up? that said, take a look. supplies started arriving, various countries donating these supplies, arriving into tel aviv yesterday and today as well as they re now flowing into gaza. much needed supplies that have been in short supply and have run out over the course of the now more than four weeks or the four weeks of fighting. we re talking about food, water, various items like that, and people were lining up pretty much all day trying to get those items, trying to get those basic essentials.
that said, troops are returning home as well as we saw yesterday. on the border after being pulled out of gaza, started going back to their families, girlfriends, wives. this as we re waiting for more information about the cease fire, the egyptian-brokered cease fire agreement that s been going on. israeli delegation there is, palestinian, hamas, islamist jihad as well. so again, the cease fire is holding, but we re waiting to see what happens after that 72-hour mark. john huddy live in israel, thank you. meanwhile, coming up on this wednesday, is the hysteria about ebola warranted? are americans in danger because we are treating victims here in the u.s.? dr. mark siegle is here live from jfk airport where they ve got a quarantine area to answer viewer questions. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer for a look at what s coming up at the top of the hour. polling numbers show the danger many americans see about their own future. numbers are stunning. herman cain analyzes the
election results from last night. what they tell us about november, especially on the senate side. jimmy carter argues america must make peace with hamas. rudy guiliani reacts on that. water skiing on your hands. got to hurt. we ve got the video. see you in ten minutes . captain obvious: tell your grandmother with the loyalty program, she ll earn free nights. so they re not the same, because they re different. woman: jimmy s not my grandson, captain obvious. woman: man: he s my lover. no. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim.
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good morning. a fox news alet. major airline british airways canceling flights to africa because of ebola. in is raise new concerns. joining us live from jfk airport where they have a quarantine area to answer viewer questions, fox news medical a team, dr. mark siegle. good morning to you again. let s go to the first one. roxanne is asking this, why are they allowing anyone to fly or travel into or out of those countries right now where that is raging? peter, that s very good question. i spoke to a passenger coming from one of those countries who was very frightened. i think that the answer to that is that the numbers are so low that the chances of somebody coming in with ebola with only 1500 odd cases in west africa, extremely low. but really there is a lot of fear and they put out any advisory saying anyone with flu-like symptoms, how to
isolate them in the hospital. it s a mixed message. great britain is looking at it differently. and we have another tweet from one of many patriots saying this: for those with flu-like symptoms, how would they know if they had come in contact with ebola? look, the chances are really, really, really slim. i mean, ebola is not floating around west africa. if you have to be literally taking care of a patient, it s not an airborne virus. you would have to be in touch with the secretions of this virus. so i think the fear is really getting rampant here where people thinking i m in west africa, i got the flu. but you know what? the chances are extremely low. to answer the question directly, though, unfortunately, ebola initially just has regular fatigue, fever, and muscle aches. so it can look like any other flu over the first few days. all right. great advice. dr. siegle, thank you very much and thank you for joining us this morning from jfk airport. thanks. it s tense here. i would imagine. tense all over the place.
people are worried about it. we re going to continue live from new york city in about two) minutes you re that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids-well, all of em. not even a smile? huh. maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast. for almost everyone! even 10 miles away. they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain.
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peter johnson, jr. a delight. thank you. join us for the after the show show. we ll see you tomorrow. so long, everybody. bill: the report saying 300 people are being held are now free. back here in the u.s., people here are feeling anxious and pessimistic. those are two of the words being used to describe how americans feel about our country s

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140520 09:00:00

weapons for any price because that was his self defense. he needed those firearms for his own sense of security. he never for any price would he have sold those guns. he doesn t have the profiler of someone who needs to sell their weapons. his first court date is next wednesday. they have shown a commitment to veterans. but new reports show the president knew about the problems years ago and did nothing. peter doocy is live in washington with what the white house is saying now. now the white house is saying president obama learned about the spefkt stories of the schedules at va hospital. at the same time many americans did when they started popping up on the news. still, though e-the press secretary jay carney says the president has worked toward improving care for veterans for years. candidate obama, then senator
obama identified problems within the va and committed himself to be elected to making sure we enhance the budgets that we provided to the veterans affairs department so we could better serve our veterans. and what you are seeing since he took office is just that. one whistleblower in west virginia says they hodelayed appointments for veterans. some waiting killed themselves. they are putting some of the blame on the side of the veteran s affairs department. the veterans system is so large you have a layer of workers, doctors, nurses, technicians caring for people and you have this bureaucracy, administrative people. it is big. so the doctors are not only trying to work, but you have to manipulate through this maze, this behemoth bure rock ski.
see chlt / /- bureaucracy. they will continue to provide documents on a need only basis. thank you, peter. that brings us to our look at who is talking. it is time for the president to step up and hold them accountable. it is a huge problem. don t try to blame it on bush or republicans in congress. she is the ceo of the country. they report to him. he ought to have the same kind of interest in this than he did the obamacare web site and obamacare law in general. shake these people up. now what does he say through his chief of staff? i am madder than hell about this as if he just stumbled upon this problem the way he stumbles upon
everything in the administration from the i rk s scandal to the disastrous launch of the obamacare web site. it the spotlight on a few b race i s s. the governor leads the polls for a tight race. if nobody gets the majority there it will take a run off to decide who will face democrat michelle nun the father of sam nun in the fall. mitch mcconnell leads the polls against newcomer bev vens. he gave a speech at a cock fighting rally. oregon and idaho also posting primaries today. abu hamza alma iii convicted of all 11 terrorism charges
against him. he shows no reaction in court as the verdict was read. the jury in new york city found him guilty of recruiting for al qaeda, helping kidnappers during a 1998 hostage taking in yemen and setting up a terrorist attack in 1999. new for you overnight we have these tensions mounting in china over unprecedenteunprecedented. china summoning the u.s. ambassador to complain. five chinese military officials are accused of stealing information like product designs and confidential legal strategies to give chinese companies the advantage costing jobs in the u.s. the victims six pittsburgh based companies. the charges they are made up. experts say the chances of a trial are almost. they used it for the search
of a missing jet. they want the images released. they want the entire world to join in on the search for the plane. officials have not said when data. passengers on board an allegiant air flight forced to evacuate after the pilot reported smelling spoke in the cabin. th the passengers noticed commotion. the airline service, the pilot says abort, abort, and the doors opened up. emergency flags were deployed and passengers slid down the tarmac. the smell came from the plane s electrical system. now to an extreme weather alert. take a look back at some incredible time lapse video.
storm chairses right in front of them. this happened near claritin wyoming. it is the longest lasting thunderstorm. that brings us to maria molina in the weather center. it looks like a spaceship. this is what can happen when the thunderstorms start to form and rotate. there s a chance to see more of that activity. it is a slight chance but as far west as parts of colorado and western parts of kansas and the grass with a slight chance for large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. tomorrow the risk continues across parts of the ohio valley, indiana, illinois and also yet again across portions of the plains states. have a way to get the warnings especially this afternoon and this evening. we have the plans in place.
out here we have elevated fire danger in place. red flag warnings in effect. those temperatures right now very warm across the center of the country. take a look at the 70s kansas city down to dallas. those highs will reach the 80s in chicago and minneapolis. let s head over to you. sn the that interesting, chicago thhad hoech cold weathe and now in the 80s. thanks maria. new outrage brewing over the new 9-11 museum s gift shop. family members of victims have souvenir sales. they honor the heros and remember the victims from the september 11th terror attacks with deeply moving exhibits. a few feet away the gift shop sells hats, coffee mugs, hood des and t-shirts. 8 percent of the items were made in the u.s. they have to make money to make the museum run but this has
gone a little boifrt board it is tacky and it s an international disgrace. proceed from the shop goes from developing and sustaining the museum. california krohn running in the belmont stakes. the horse arrives in new york for the run for the preet ste ps steeg gus triple crown. they ruled the strips are a okay. if he wins the belmont he would be the first horse to sweep all three races since 1978. donald sterling one step closer to losing the los angeles clippers. the nba has begun the process of terminating his ownership. he has been encuaccused of enga in con kt at thduct that damage continues to damage the team.
the hearing is set for june 3rdrd. led zeppelin s stairway to heaven. it is one of the biggest rock songs in history. now a band who once toured with zeppelin is accusing the legendary group is accusing them from stealing the opening rift from them. here is the beginning of spirit song called tour. now listen to stairway to heaven. spl require plans sue as they come up with a new version. star being questioned by police after his wife is shot to
death in their home. the new information breaking overnight tonight. children confessing their sin. parents now shaming their kids with pictures like this. ñ
welcome back. where is the beef. you may want to throw it out. they are
mom with a new baby. a tiny breast-feeding infant i hoped would be a exception to the rule. the trade said there is no exceptions. a florida high school decides to sell premium seats to the ceremony and they don t stop there. kelly wright is here now with controversy. this whole thing is stup tid p stupid. here s a reason they are upset. every senior is required to pay
$20 to participate in the graduation ceremony. now the school is charging $200 for premium seating for family members. that price will get you an entire bench near the end zone of the school s stadium. the site of the ceremony all rows have been sold out. others have to settle for first come first serve seating. some say the school s fee is discriminatory and unfair. discriminatory economically, socioeconom socioeconomically. $200 is a lot of money. is my child more important than yours? what is the real deal? it is ridiculous. it is sad you wouldn t be able to bring all of your family members with you. they sent a letter explaining why the student fee was imposed the one for $20. the cost of the event rises each
year and with current budget restraints we are not longer able to cover all of the expenses of the program. that may be the case parents in the past have been able to get to the stadium on time and find any seat on a first come first serve basis. it will be interesting to see what people have to say about this one. time now to brew on this. it is the new time-out and it is called kid shaming. parents getting revenge on rebellious kids by posting pictures on-line of their children holding up signs confessing bad behavior. like look think oat this one. i like to sleek thriek the loud during the quietest parts of church. i ve been stealing mom s
energy drinks. we will post them on we will share them later in the show. flooding is one of the deadliest disasters in the world. how can you survive being swept away if it happens to you? maria molina will show us how to get out alive. are you sick of lathering up? now you can drink up. the sunscreen being served up for you to swallow. oueserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care.
flooding is one of the most dead list disasters in the world. getting swept away only takes a few second. there are specially trained teams to keep you from getting swept away. good morning heather and
ainsley. good to see you in person. with water rescues any time there s a potential for flooding they are standing by ready to jump in. i found out how. it is one of the most frustrating feelings being swept away by a flood. it can happen to any one anywhere. you don t have to be in a river just 6 inches of water is all it takes to be carried away. flooding and water and flood rescue is in the united states people are swept away in vehicles or flash flood because they didn t see the warnings. the maryland fire department led by rescue 3 instructor mike berna is what gets people out alive. there is concern for flooding. here on the news we are
preparing. it is all predictable for us. with water rescue teams our experts in everything from towing someone to shore with a rope to swimming after a victim. we performed the rescue because the person was too cold or hypothermic to accept a bag. using helicopters. doesn t matter how they rescue somebody dealing with moving water is never easy. for rescuers it always goes back to the basics. lay on your back and go. if i am being pushed into an obstruction i can use my feet to push or. you want to go to the right you are going to have the back of your head that way on a 45 degree angle in line with your body. if you want to come to the left
keep back stroking. for victims following these tips could be deadly. you are being swept away the human brain says i want it all to stop. they put their feet down when you do that you become entr entrapped. in theory grabbing on to a nearby tree or rock seems like a good idea but in reality it is dangerous. many victims will grab and o. because the water is so powerful and relentless she will only be able to hang on for a little bit before she is swept away again. the first priority is to get to shore. the first thing you want to do is get out of that environment in i means you have of swimming get out. make sure to always see the warnings when they issued for information go to k fox and friends first. turn around don t drown.
the time is 26 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up big storms like sandy could soon cost communities millions of dollars. it has nothing to do with damage. the reason the insurance companies could be taking your home town to court. this day back in 1873 levi strouss and jacob davis received the patent for blue jeans. in 2007 the simpson s 400th episode aired. captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here s a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
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it is tuesday may 20th. a naked man on the attack. watch as he leaps right through a woman s son roof. that terrified woman now speaking out. that will get your attention. they trade on miss teen usa. thousands of other people around the world are targeted by the same hackers. what you can do to protect yourself. forget lathering up when you head to the beach. the unscreen you can swallow to protect your skin from the sun. fox & friends first begins right now. here she comes she is a man
eater. little hall and oats waking you up this morning with the american flag. right here on 6th avenue. welcome back to fox and friends first . i am ainsley earhardt. i am heather childers. appreciate it as always. half past the top of the hour. we begin with va scandal. they have shown a commitment to veterans. new reports show the president has problems with the va years ago and did nothing. this as the va starts turning over the paperwork. what s the latest in this case. there may be some va foot dragging on this. they say they are going to have a congressional subpoena for documents pertaining to the delegation of mismanagement. the documents come close to some of the things they heard with va whistleblowers the administration is in real trouble especially if you look at the things that the former va
doctors have said ladies and gentlemening some vess trans died because of mismanagement. the veteran system is so large that you have a layer of nurses technicians caring for people and you have bureaucracy administrative people. it is big. the doctors are not only trying to work you have to manipulate through this maze, this bow heem et bureaucracy. the white house says president obama is very angry about all of this. despite this revelation from the washington times and the fact that the obama transition team was warned before they took office the patient data was suspect they say he just learned about this allegation. you say there is bureaucracy give me the specific allegations
out of phoenix. i will double check if that is not the case. statement we are learning more about the scope of this problem. they have a map showing all of the incidents of the alleged mismanagement on the part of the va. it is extensive. doug luzader live in washington. what a liar. that s what one family member of the 40 veterans who died waiting for treatment ask the phoenix va is calling president obama. a 71-year-old navy serviceman thomas green died battling bladder cancer. sean hannity asked them what they had to say to the president. if he called me tonight i would say you are a liar i don t trust you. if it was up to me i would fire
him. i believe he is a part of it as well. he gave us nothing, nothing, all he wants to do is go on the mission and still continue to let the veterans die including my pop, and i don t like you very much mr. president. they re anger they echo what many families of veterans across the country are feeling. calls for the white house and president obama to help free the american marine in a mexican prison. sergeant andrew tomeresi who served two tours in afghanistan has been locked up over an apparent mistake. he made a wrong turn and the accident drove him to mexico with tree u.s. registered firearms. his mother got into the prison to see her son face to face. fox news was there when she came out of the prison and she had this message for the president. i told him about the white petition because that s the only hope i have that the white house with acknowledge
that andrew is in prison. his commander-in-chief is president obama. so i p haven t heard from president obama, but america, if you could please sign the white house d petition i will get a response from the white house about andrew s fight for freedom. the petition has 23,000 signatures. that brings us to the look who s talking. it is clear he is suffering. secretary of state john kerry needs to take action. it is time this administration gets this you think i don t man back on some kind of treatment. the sergeant may be the only person the obama administration has ever kept from entering the united states from mexico if the state department is telling the truth and he is heading to mexico on wednesday he has already screwed up a foreign policy in iran, egypt, syria and
ukraine. this is his chance to get it right. here s the instructions, john, bring the boy home. the marine s first court case in mexico is next wednesday. breaking overnight switching gears michael jake the star of the tv sheer res the shield is detained by police following the shooting death of his wife. he called police himself saying he shot his wife. he is being questioned by authorities but has not yet been arrested. police say the couple s children were inside the house at the time of the shooting. this is a bizarre story. the state police is out of texas a naked man through a sun roof and attempted kidnapping. it is all caught on camera. he jumped into these people s car. could you hear the terrified victim? she was screaming as the naked
man punches and coax her. she crashed into a utility poll the police were able to arrest that man. the women now traumatized. it is like a nightmare every time i close my eyes. the suspect nicholas dial has not yet been charged. he s getting medical treatment. they are in the country illegally so should illegal immigrants be allowed to serve in the military? the pentagon looking at expanding application tools by letting some illegals enlist. urban leading the charge for illegals who have taken advantage of the president s nondeportation order. only open to citizens legal citizen residents or current green card holders. oo maria molina is out of the flood waters and back in the
studio. what can people expect? we have a storm system moving eastward. a little area further west across parts of colorado and nebraska. there s a small chance we could see storms forming this afternoon and during the evening hours. by wednesday that is more expansive across parts of western virginia, the state of west virginia and yet again across parts of the plains. a way to get the warnings today and tomorrow. there is a fire danger across parts of the southwest and warnings in effect. the temperatures right now are very mild. in the 70s in the city of dallas. what we are expecting this afternoon in minneapolis upper 707s and millddle 80s in chicag
and upper 80s and also in the city of dallas. want to switch gears a little bit and show you this photograph which looks like an upside down smile and upside down rainbow. this is called a scircumvented ark. that s the technical name for it. this bounces off ice crystals. typically this occurred and we wouldn t be able to see it because it is so high up in the atmosphere because it would be blocked by the clouds. there is a photo of it upside down smile for you. a rain bow drops from the sky. you would hope so. looks so pretty this morning. that is amazing. get ready for climate change or get sued. a major insurance company suing municipal government in the chicago area saying they knew the risk poseed by climate change. should have been better prepared for massive flooding in
april 2013. the damage was in the millions. it is the first of its kind suit. it could indicate a strategy by insurers for the pa iout. could the days of slathering on the sunscreen every few hours be over? they have the world s first drinkable sunscreen. carbonized h20 claims their drinkable sun block can provide protection up to spg 30. it has water molecules on your skin which cancels out 90 percent of the uva rays. they have not evaluated the claims yet. one three ounce bottle of the lick withed sunscreen sells for 30 bucks. what does it taste like? look at that a florida man walking along the sand when he
spotted a rare sight. that is an african elephant. they started shooting videos. it was all for a lavish beach park nearby. they issued a permit to allow the elephant at the party. quite a sight an made for one great selfie right there. look at that. mcdonalds customers not loving the new changeover. calling all wannabe pol lit cos looking for you to take on frank under wood in a very timely role. you ready? i m j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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say it with me everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind. what s in your wallet?
the fbi taking down a cyber criminal organization which allowed hackers to steel private information from nearly half of a million computers worldwide. lori rothman is here with what you need to know. good morning, lori. good morning to you. 90 people from 19 different companies are in custody this morning for hacking into the computers of 700,000 people around the world including ms. teen usa. they announce sweeping arrests to explain hackers use cheap mal wear to hijack computers. in the case of miss teen usa take control of her web cam to take nude pictures and try to ex
tort her. simple tips to protect yourself from criminals. make sure your anti virus software is high quality and up to date. avoid pass words and go with pass phrases instead they are easier to remember, too. invest in a removable hard drive and back up your files once a week. saves you a lot of cash. oo you can get tacos and burritos. just don t bring your gun. asked customers not to go to a restaurant. they took a gun into a dallas chipotle. caused a lot of anxiety for customers. mcdonald introducing a new mascot for happy meals. some people not too happy about it. the fast food chain calling this guy happy. the it is a healthy balanced meal for the kids.
after posting this picture on twitter people responded to things like this. wants to go back to the drawing board. i think i am going to have nightmares. it is the meal that eats juice. burger king is dropping the habit. it is a tropical paradise, but you are not alone. miss america really knows how to showcase her smile. it turns out it could be money in the bank. what you could learn from the beauty queen about getting ahead at work. but first let s check in with brian kilmeade to see what s coming up on fox & friends. how is it going ladies. you wear a crown at work you will be treated more special
than the others. we will take that into account. i will think about it for tomorrow s wardrobe. let me show you what s on our show. laura ingram isser hasn t. dr. van carson is here he joins us on the kirby couch. he may or may not run for the president s seat he never wanted to but might have to. more than 10,000 toddlers on adhd drugs. is this safe for kids? and did any one ask them. a warning for parents. a california mayor tells bullying victims to grow a pair. he joins us. plus the commencement speaker with the inspirational message you have to hear. all coming up on fox & friends. please kr[ñwatch. life with crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis
is a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can t hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you re not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition.
nine minutes till the top of the hour. we go to thailand there.
army there declaring martial law, the streets now filled with armed soldiers. the army claiming the move to preserve law and order following six months of political unrest. they insist that a cue is not under that a coup is not underway. the move one day after type land s acting prime minister insisted he will not resign. nuclear waste apparently is leaking into the ground in new mexico posing a, quote, substantial threat to public health. the cause of the leak? organic kitty litter. officials say a waste was caused by a chemical reaction between kitty liter used to soak up waste and radioactive debris, contaminating 22 workers. data, pirates of the caribbean. if you ve ever been to the bahamas, the n.s.a. could have recorded your phone
calls and stored them for a month and the bahamian government didn t know about it. according to edward snowden it is part of program to locate international terrorists and drug smugglers. students from harvard launching proton mails which has requirements similar to e-mail platforms used by edward snowden. it hides your information when an e-mail is being sent from one in box to another. do you have what it takes to tangle with a man like house of cards frank underwood? for those of us climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy. there is but one move. hunt or be hunted. if so, there is an open casting call for the show s upcoming third season. one of the top roles? director of the n.s.a. the baltimore-based casting agency looking for men and
women aged 45 to 55. he s no angel. one baseball fan going to extremes to catch a foul ball. and parents sharing their baby s bad behavior on the web. is it all in good fun or just plain mean? just plain mean? your comments up next. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ?
have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it.
two minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here s what s happening today. nearly two million pounds of meat recall. beef that is.
after 11 people in four states get sick with e. coli. the meat was sent to restaurants in ohio, michigan, missouri and massachusetts. it s primary tuesday in six states. voters heading to the polls in georgia, pennsylvania, arkansas, and oregon. a california man arriving in new york today to prepare for his triple crown. time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first the good. small tweets of your smile can help you land a big promotion according to a body language expert from oxford and keeping your eyebrows level while smiling make you look powerful while lowering your head a bit makes you seductive. a yacht capsizes as it is being delivered to its owner. the ugly, a woman crushed by an angels fan trying to
catch a foul ball. she catches her shoulder in pain while the fan high five s those around him. kid shaming, the latest trend hitting the internet. parents getting revenge on their kids by having them hold up a sign for their rebellious behavior. parents think it is cute but way over the top. ashley say as long as they are fun and innocent, they are hilarious. dean says too far. i learned in the military, praise in public, reprimand in private. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate, as always. we will see you tomorrow. we will. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, may 20. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. happening now, he played a cop on the hit show the shield, but this morning he is the one in cuffs. the show s star arrested
after his wife was found shot dead. this developing story and details straight ahead. veterans across the country left to die while waiting for care they were promised but how did the president of the united states, commander in chief, find out about the scandal? i believe that we learned about this through the reports. i will double check if that s not the case. but that s when we learned about them. oh, he saw it on tv? if it wasn t for the press, what would he know is going on in his

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140723 23:00:00

thank you, panel. as always, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight from concord, new hampshire, that s it for this special report, fair, balanced, and unafraid. no online show tonight. greta goes on the record right now. developing now, ukraine out of control. more missiles shooting down planes, this time fighter jets. so were they fired by the same attacker who s took down flight 17? at this hour president obama is on the west coast busy on his fundraising trip. meanwhile, back at home in washington, d.c., senator john mccain is calling the obama administration cowardly. he will go on the record in just moments. fox news steve harrigan live in ukraine with the very latest. steve? greta, two more planes shot down in eastern ukraine today. this time both military planes. they were f-2 fighters. soviet era made by the ukrainian government flying low within the crash site. near the border with russia.
likely flying low in support of infantry. ukraine is mapping an offensive now against the rebels. they were probably hit with shoulder mounted rockets. not the sophisticated antiaircraft missiles that were used to bring down that civilian malaysian liner but really a sign of just how dangerous the skies in ukraine are. and just how dangerous that site remains with this hot war going on. a number of international experts still haven t been able to reach the scene and begin the work. different turn it of events for some the victims after days in body bags and on broken down trains, a real turn for the better as far as respect and dignity goes for 40 victims who have made it to the netherlands. they were put on private hearses and given a sign of respect from the dutch nation. the identification project will begin now. the rest of the bodies will arrive in nethers lie the end of the week. days to week to make identification using d.n.a. analysis of teeth and hair before those bodies are
repatrioted. greta, back to you. steve, as it calmed down at all or i mean obviously if they shot down two fighter planes not shot down on the air but what about on the ground. on the ground, the rebels are actually losing territory. they retreated from the outskirts of this city where i am now, moving into the city center and kicking out university students and taking over their dorm story tropical storm dormitories. keep in i understand moo, both sides have heavy armor and rockets. this is a city of a million people. so donesk could be in a real fight. thank you. john mccain with razor sharp words for the administration calling it cowardly in the handling of the ukraine crisis. nice to see you sir. thank you, greta. cowardly why. cowardly not to give these people weapons for which to defend themselves. i m not positive that this wouldn t have happened but i think if the ukrainians had been giving what they were
begging for rather than mres, i m not making this up. they finally decided to give them mres but they didn t want to fly them this. leased german trucks to truck them in. i m not making that up. we see these weapons pouring across the border from russia into eastern ukraine. we won t give them any defensive weapons. they may have been able to succeed in moving those, quote: rebels as they are called out of ukraine and maybe this wouldn t have happened. what s the backup of president obama? why wouldn t he want to do that? what i was told, they didn t want to provoke vladimir putin. the misreading of vladimir putin is the most amazing thing to me that it is just boggles the mind. and when i say it s cowardly. i think it s cowardly not to help people who are begging to for our help to eject people who are ininvestigating their invading their country.
taking crimea. literally invading their country. these people that are in the country are, some of them are, quote: russian-speaking ukrainians but a hell of a lot of them are just russians who have come in at the behest of vladimir putin to create unrest. if you continue to have that part of ukraine in turmoil, their economy cannot recover. that s where the major industry is. how do you stop putin at this point? oh, i think slap sanctions, sector sanctions on. send the weapons to these people, move reinvigorate our missile systems. and check republic and poland. move nato troops into at least temporarily into areas that are more surrounding this area of the world where there is such unrest. and condemn our so-called european friends. do you really think that the
french are going to revoke the sale of those two helicopter carriers hot russians who have openly said they could have gotten the georgia operation done in 45 minutes with those carriers. the europeans are not going to do anything until they are energy independent, senator hole green, barrasso and i put together a proposal that within three years we could get natural gas from fargo, north that coat to europe and that will change the whole scenario. until they are energy independent, the europeans aren t going to do a damn thing. well, even with his own party, he has people objecting, senator feinstein objecting to him and his fundraiser. at least that s the way i read this. this is senator feinstein. i m not going to tell the president what to do. but i think the world would very much respect his increased attention on this matter. and i think there ought to be increased attention.
well, he was out in california, she ought to be glad of that. but, look. out in california, you know what he said at a fundraiser today. he was talking, he said i would love nothing more than a loyal and rationale opposition. basically saying the g.o.p. is not loyal and rationale. the self-pity that he continues to exhibit is really kind of sad, really. you know, i can t work with them and all. when is the last time he really called leaders of both parties together over at the white house, say, for a dinner, a social event, you know, that reagan was best at, clinton did, bush did. why isn t he? i cannot explain it except to say that he does not have this desire to have social interface with people and sit down and try to work things out. right now, we he have got ukraine. we have got the border. israel? we have got israel. we have got iraq. we have got more problems, more crises than i have ever
seen both foreign and domestic. i said i have never seen more turmoil. everybody says i m talking about turmoil in the world. i have never seen more. you might want to hear my off-the-record at the end of the show tonight. i know you have got a busy schedule. you might want to hear what i have to say about that nice to he so you, sir. thank you. news tonight that a month ago ukraine had asked the u.s. and nato jamming to block very painful question could that radar jamming equipment had we delivered it, could it have prevented the downing of flight 17, the daily beast eli lake broke that story. nice to see you, eli. what did ukraine ask from us and nato and when. specifically asked for electronic warfare technology. the idea would be radar technology and jamming out date and russians can defeat it. if you can somehow jam the
radar then you deny the admissibility of adversary to aim. at the time they asked nato for radar jamming, would it have been possible or likely or probable to be able to get that equipment to ukraine so in time it might have prevented this crash? no. this wasn t asked for some kind of technology given the time frame nobody says it would have been able to get there to prevent that crash. they were asking for it we have to understand is last month when the united states publicly disclosed that they did see these systems from russia coming into ukraine. and that was a point at which this was absolute. is this just simply a back off of the obama administration to want to get their hands into the ukraine separatist movement problem? there has always been an intelligence issue because the ukrainian military in particular was extremely
close to the russians until february. there is a concern very sensitive equipment given to the ukrainians could be reverse engineered by the russians. fascinating article by the daily beast that you broke. thank you, eli. thank you. not just ukraine. try our borders. disturbing new information about immigration crisis. new research showing that children under 12 years old are are the fastest growing group of minors crossing our border compared to pew research compared to last year, 117% increase in the number of children 12 and younger caught at the border. 117% increase. and the l.a. times molly hen see joins us. nice to he so you, molly. hi, greta. thanks for having me. molly, why the huge jump, the 117%? why do people think that s jumping so high? well, and that 117% represents children who are being caught crossing the border unaccompanied. without their parents. this is a variety of reasons i talk to some of the
children as well as parents who came with children. we have seen a tripling in the number of those kids who have been caught with their parents crossing. you hear people say that they heard about these permissos that he they would be given permission to statement you hear about people talking about economic conditions, poverty, violence, threats from gangs, extortion also coming for medical help. well what sort of provoked the permissos all of a sudden becoming so prevalent that you hear so much about it. why? it s give to say. the people i talked to i pressed them. i was down in the border a couple of weeks ago, i went out with border patrol and out with them apprehending people. i would ask them did you hear about these per missos i heard on the news or my friends wasn t exactly clear how they were finding out. continue to come into the country. in terms of what is their condition when he they arrive, the ones you saw? well, i was able to go in
with border patrol to one of the stations in brownsville, texas, where the children are housed and we saw the children. we weren t able to speak it them or interview them but they have added a lot to accommodate the children. they have added showers. they have volunteers and fema staff who come and take them out for recreation outside. the border patrol agents who i spoke with said look, we are not trained to work with children. these facilities were not designed to be housing them. so then they do turn them over within 17 hours to run longer term shelters. the facilities here on the border have been overwhelmed. in recent weeks they have seen a little bit of a drop of the number of children who have been apprehended. not clear whether that is going to continue, whether it s sustainable. molly, thank you. thank you. it s not just the border states. thousands of immigrant children moving on right through the border states to states across america and many governors don t know how they will pay for them. now, several governors
demanding president obama take action. gary herbert joins us. good evening, sir. good evening to you, greta, great to be with you. governor, you and several other governors have written a letter to the president of the united states. what did you write the president and what do you want? well, i think we re exhibiting frustration about the immigration problem. particularly with 57,000 undocumented children being at our southern border. as we have asked about that, we are finding out that not only are they there, but they are being placed with relatives and sponsors who are also undocumented. further just exacerbating the problem. is this, i mean, do you have any real problem now or are you predict that you are going to have a problem later you? are not a border state but you are a big state. i mean, are these just sort of like you are worried about what s to come? that is certainly part of it and it s not just about utah. it s about america. we are not a border state but a lot of undocumented
immigrants filter up to utah. we have about 100,000 we estimate now in the state of utah. there has been kind of a diminishment of that because of the recession. enough to that the economy is starting to turn around, you see this surge is taking place. why we are sending parents and young people on the bordered in the hope of getting inside america really is puzzling in many ways and certainly not a very good healthy immigration policy for america. you have had any sort of interaction or response. i realize you just sent the letter to the president. any response from the obama administration so at least you are considering or willing to work with you or do they ignore you? well, i don t think they have ignored us. secretary burwells with sensitive to questions being asked on both sids of the aisle but particularly sponsors that they don t ask the question whether they are documented or not. the estimates are that nearly half of them aren t. so we have a problem there
that she at least is aware of. the question is really what do we do? i think for governors, we are frustrated that nothing is really happening in washington, d.c. there is a dearth of leadership. the president won t even go down to the border to look and see firsthand what s taking place. he needs to come up with a plan of first securing the border. i think that s something everybody agrees with why can we not at least take that first step of securing the border and deincentivizing people from coming across the border. you talk about the young people, and that s a significant rise of what 117% of these young people that are coming to our borders, most of them unaccompanied with adults. but, adults are still coming, also. they are the largest numbers still. if there is no plan, why do you not feel ignored you? said a minute ago you don t feel ignored. i would think i would feel ignored if i thought this was a big problem coming down the road and i alerted of them to it and got basically no plan. well, when i say ignored,
we had the meeting thatment proked the letter just a week ago. i m going to give them at least some grace period to respond to the letter. again, i think the secretary of health and her response, she is happy to do something that s very difficult. she accident create policy on the border. that s the congress and that s the president. so, from the standpoint of nothing is being done, we are kicking the can down the road, i guess you are right, we are being ignored. frankly the governors are tired of it we have tried to do some things in our states. we have been told very directly by the courts this is a federal issue. okay. we ll back off. but we expect the federal government to do something. and, again, the president has got to lead. he has a 3.7 billion-dollar program out there. senator reid and the senate democrats have a 2.7 billion-dollar proposal. there they are only a billion apart. i know in washington, d.c. that s a rounding error. that s real money to the city of utah and taxpayers. they have got to show leadership and bring people
together, particularly we all to secure the border. i don t understand why that can t be d governor, thank yo. thank you. and this week, the presidents of guatemala, el salvador and honduras will meet with president obama here in washington at the white house. joining us, guatemalaen foreign minister fernando, nice to he see you sir. nice to see you as well. welcome to the united states. thank you very much. why are children leaving your country for the u.s.a.? well, i think what happened the last three years is that the criminal found a way of fooling families. central america that they could get some kind of legal establishment and they provide a service and because of the number of cases you have your judicial system now, migration, some of them have stayed longer, and so, started to say to the families, you see, we told you, you know, they are staying in the u.s. legally and they were fooled because of that and that s why so
many children have come now. what s sort of unusual though is guatemala, mexico, to the united states. and just this month, the president of guatemala and the president of mexico signed an agreement to make it sort of an easier transit through mexico, right? no, no. that s not correct. okay. the agreement is the agreement has two parts, right? one is that along the border that we share, 80-kilometers within mexico and also within guatemala, there would be some kind of a there is a lot of trade and we activity. beyond that point, 80-kilometers within mexico, control starts to get stricter and stricter. until they reach more or less 3300 south of mexico convocation city. mexico city. mexico has said very clearly they don t want migrants from central america to move to northern mexico and they
will collaborate. are they actually stopping them at the southern mexican border? the idea is that with this system created, everybody in guatemala will be having a card. there will be issued free by the government. which allows them to go into mexico? within those 80-kilometers. that s why it looks like it s easier to get into mexico. let me ask you another question. the children being deported back to guatemala. are you able to absorb them? by all means, no problem with that. you want your children back? no problem with that. what do you want when the president meets with your president meets with our president at the white house this week, what is it that will help your country so that we don t k. at least try to put a lid on this problem for both countries. two major issues. one is the issue of coordinated action international criminal networks. i think that is important so we can have all of this international networks under control in the u.s. and
mexico and in central america. they work along the three territories and the second thing that is very important is long-term investment in social and economic opportunities most children are left because there is not enough secondary education. guatemala. if we send them back to you or deport them back which is what is happening you can t even put them in schools? no. so you have got an absorption problem if they come back to you? not really. because, just give you a figure. okay. more or less 25,000 children coming in the last three years from guatemala. okay? we have every year 400,000 newborn children in guatemala. 400,000. children below the age of 18, 6.5 million. so 25,000 is not an enormous number that he we cannot absorb. mr. foreign minister thank you for joining us, i hope we can work this out because it s serious for
both countries, thank you. thank you. horror writer steven king blasting the party and christians. what did he just write that s sparking so much qulowt rage. michael moore of hollywooda? hypocrite? you have to find out what we just found out. i m doubly impressed! phillips digestive health. a daily probiotic. nothing s missed with tenatwist don t miss a beat. nothing s missed with tenatwist oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. nothing s missed with tenatwist when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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power and washington, d.c. political correspondent byron york. rick? he is tearing up the twitter account? yeah. using religion and typically you use religion when you use it as weep. you don t use it proactively. use it against someone else to say, you look at their beliefs and say this is something that runs contra. that is always problematic, because for a long time and for most of american history, the presumption has been that someone s individual religious beliefs that s their own beliefs, that s their own business to. ascribe politics to it is asking for trouble. i suspect suspect, kirsten, i don t know about allot about steven king he would do a lot about this argument if he were down at the border handing out sandwiches or something. i have done a the love reporting on this story i can tell you pretty much everybody i have talked to who has been handling these children are from christian organizations. i mean, you it is the christian organizations that are taking them in. it s the u.s. the council of catholic bishops. it s catholic charities. it s evangelical
organizations. almost these are christians taking care of these kids. horror writers. what they write on twitter is horror. they are unaware of how integral these christian organizations really are to our social services to this country and how much they really do pick up the slack in a crisis. i actually think michael moore later another segment. but, boy, byron, like is he trying to compete with michael moore for hypocrite of the night. unless he is down on the border contributing a lot of money i don t know about for these kids. it s not a religious issue. the government has a right to set its immigration policy to enforce immigration policy. i will say though in this particular debate about the unaccompanied minors coming over the border. we have seen at love religious references. if you listen to nancy pelosi, the house minority leader she has said on a number of times she has cited the conference of catholic bishops to suggest that most of the children should be given homes in the united states and should not
be returned to their home country. there has been a lot of religious references. shouldn t steven king then be pointing his keyboard more at nancy pelosi and not at the christians who might be down at the border or even like the tea party which is not a religious issue? i mean, wouldn t he be better suited to do that? well, certainly not anybody. handing out sandwiches. certainly not anybody who is actually taking action to help had the people coming over. is she doing anything? take leader pelosi, is she doing anything? a lot of people are talking about it in washington. there are so many talkers, everybody has an opinion. you got steven king who has an opinion who are the good guys, the bad, anybody doing anything, rick? she is pushing immigration reform. how? fundraiser. clearly she would like to seat immigration reform bill, that s the democratic prescription for a the lotted of this. i don t think it s fair to expect every lawmaker to be handing out sandwiches. i used that as a reference. the people who have the power to do something, have the authority to do something they are not doing it they are not up on capitol hill pounding out
some bill. she is out at a fundraiser in california. i m not expecting her to hand out sandwiches, but. it is remarkable 8 days before this congressional recess everybody agrees this is a big pressing national issue. no sense of urgency around it everyone is throwing up their hands too far apart have to come back after labor day. real possibility. nothing will get done before the recess. they should be engaged and maybe every single one of them doesn t need to be down on the border. it s such a huge issue. i think president obama should have gone to the border when he was down there. i think if they are going to talk about it, they should go down and see it firsthand and everybody see what s going on. i don t think they have to go to the border. at least back home in their offices writing legislation and talking to each other. anyway, panel, thank you. the irs scandal just got weirder, it has to do with lois lerner s emails. hear what the irs commissioner just said. that s next.
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big news from today s irs hearing. irs commissioner john koskinen confirming that investigators have found backup tapes in the lois lerner lost email probe. backup tape may, in fact, exist. i have no information as to whether there is anything usable on those tapes. why didn t you tell us you had the irs had destroyed emails that belonged to lois lerner. they were not destroyed as a conscious effort by the irs. if the folks like lois lerner and others would have spent more time working on the backlog and less time targeting groups, maybe morale would be better and maybe their backlog would be lesser.
not one piece of data could be covered. doesn t surprise you the american people just have a hard time believing that does it. there was no secret that we were hiding. right after the oversight hearing the irs commissioner talking directly to us on the record. my commitment is i want people to be comfortable that the irs is simply the tax administrator. we are not a political organization. we are not politically motivated when they hear from us, it has only to do with tax matters it has nothing to do with their background, their organization, their political beliefs. at this point, beginning it run out of documents to produce but we will continue to produce them as quickly as we can in response to the committee s request. all the information i have is that the tapes from backup tapes from three years ago were recycled and don t exist. i do know the inspector general came out in this hearing and earlier materials released by this committee has looked at some tapes and is reviewing them. to the extent that there? i information on them, that would be terrific. if they need outside help, i
would never oppose that again, as i say, it s our interest, my sense is, we produce 67,000 lois lerner emails, the vast majority of them aren t very interesting. we have got 24,000 that she sent during this period to other people. and so my sense is that it would be very good to know how many other emails there were. at this point there is no indication that they would be really exciting, but it would be much better for everybody to know that. representative jim jordan joins us. good evening, sir. good to be with you. if this weren t so serious i would be flippant and say who is on first. now the commissioner says he doesn t know he didn t know the backup tapes existed and now he doesn t know if there is anything on them. what does he know and where is this information? yeah. great question. because every time we interview someone else, we find out some new fact that contradicts what mr. koskinen has said under sworn testimony, under oath sworn testimony in front of the can i. let me ask you this, is he lying or uninformed or confused or what? today he indicated that he didn t even talk to his
chief counsel. his chief counsel knew in mid february that lois lerner s computer hard drive was unrecoverable. they didn t tell us untilsser i don t. four months. uninformed, incompetent in thinks job or deceitful. it s hard to say. what are you leaning towards. i think he isn t being square with us. that s a plight polite way of being deceitful. i asked him. why didn t you tell us in april when you said you did know. why did you wait all the way to june 13th? my theory is. this judicial watch does a foia request, they get email from the justice department. they forward the justice department. they get email that shows he was talking with lois lerner in 2013. woe bring in mr. pill gear in. right before the inspector general s report went published, this is may
of 2013 before. right before? actually days before. the email was two days before she went public. so we bring him, in we find out he not only talked to her then but in 2010. about what in 2010? about targeting? yes. about the whole citizens united case about the whole subject matter. we subpoenaed justice and we want all correspondence between justice and lois lerner. we get those emails. we then ask the irs why do we have to get this from justice? why didn t you provide them? here is the key fact. look at the time line. as a prosecutor did you that as well. that was june 9th when we sent that letter to the irs. june 13th is when they disclosed to the world, hey, we lost lois lerner s emails and they have been destroyed and they are unrecoverable. so you knew in february june 13th. why june 1st? because we sent a letter on june 9th saying we got email from the justice department that we didn t get from you. the justice department in 2010 before the inspector general s report if they are talking to lois lerner about targeting, the plot thickens very much. i mean, were they actually
talking about targeting them? it s worse than that, greta. the irs sent 1.1 million pages about c-4 organizations. 21 disks of information. a small portion of that contained taxpayer protected information. 6103. stuff you can t about donors. they sent out the fbi. that was in the fbi s possession for four years. this coordination and collaboration went clear back to 2010. once we had those emails and confronted the irs on it, suddenly four days later they tell the world oh, you know what? we lost lois lerner s emails. what is commissioner koskinen s goal though? he if you think he he is deceitful. he has every motive to do the opposite. tom cain one of the lawyers responsible for document in. up to 20. 80 people involved in the irs targeted. 82 identified. up to 20 may in fact have had computer crashes.
what s the odds of one fourth of the beam who are under part of the investigation having a computer crash? but that s what tom cain, the lawyer, the professional lawyer in charge of document production said to our staff last thursday. plot thickens, thank you, sir. thank you. and is the world just going to look the other way while christians get slaughtered by isis? just because they are christians? and they just wouldn t convert to islam. ambassador john bolton is here next. plus, michael moore wants more and more and more. yes, the same film maker who calls capitalism evil. is moore a hypocrite. greg gutfeld the star of so many shows here on fox news that i can t talk about them all is here to talk about that coming up. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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this is a a fox news alert. faa is extending the banned no u.s. airlines can fly to and from tel aviv. the faa says it continues to assess the danger of rocket attacks hamas at or near the
israeli airport. despite the ban on commercial flights. secretary of state john kerry on air force plane flying into tel aviv today. secretary kerry pushing for a cease-fire during a whirlwind of meetings he met with benjamin netanyahu. palestinian authority president mahmoud ahmadinejad and ban ki-moon. but, in southern gaza, no end in sight for the fighting. fierce battles still raging between israeli troops and hamas. and now to the terror in iraq. isis forcing thousands of christians to convert to islam, leave the country, pay a fine, or die by the sword. today on capitol hill, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle slamming the obama administration for failing to act quickly to stop isis. and former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. genk, sir. you know, it s just unthinkable. isn t it? i mean, it s like how do we get to the point where we have christians being threatened with essentially genocide? well, i think the obama white house simply was not paying attention to what was going on. i mean, we don t know exactly what they were being
briefed on, but there was little doubt that for months and months, radicals were infiltrating the syrian opposition and, indeed, dominating large parts of it and a the notion that at some point they would link up with the disaffected sunnis in iraq against the al maliki regime, whether they had hard intelligence on it or not was a perfectly obvious possibility. and, yet, because of the disinterest in what was going on in iraq, they simply turned their eyes away. is this going to put a spotlight, this horrible crisis put a spotlight on the bigger picture? this persecution of christians is not just in iraq. you have got it in sudan. you have got it in nigeria and a lot of african countries. in paris now we have jewish shop owners being terrorized as a result of the conflict in israel. i mean, this is this is a terrible situation that s going on around the world. well, this is really a clash of civilizations when you have radical islam, in effect, going after
christianity and judaism where the clash occurs. and i don t think we should blink at it. i think this is a reality. and something we have to deal with it s not to say that that s what all muslims think or all christians think. but it s very clear that those who profess the radical islamist ideology intend to suppress the other religion. there is a part of me that never wants to be alarmist but part of me that studied history. we he have seen what happens when religious groups get persecuted. what are we going to it do? is there anything to do to try to protect these people, to try to stop this? well, let me just say, i think there is a fundamental problem at the front end, and that is in europe and in parts of the united states, including the current occupant of the white house, i don t think there is an understanding of what happens with religious if a that if a that theism, everything is seen as economic problem. if only these people weren t poor people would be okay. religion cuts across that and that s what we are
seeing. specifically in syria, and iraq, i think it s clear the united states has got to be able to go after the isis threat without doing one of two other things. one, strengthening iran s hand in what s left of iraq, or, two, attacking sunnies who are actually not part of the isis problem. it s hard to separate them. but i think we need a will the more targeted response going after isis leaders. that would be the steps i would take right now. all right. and, of course, thrown into the mix you have got the american in prison in iran who is a christian. i mean, i could go on and on and on the list it is a big list. anyway, thank you ambassador. thank you. michael moore calling capitalism evil. is he referring to his lake front mansion or giant new york city condo. hollywood hypocrisy next. there s a gap out there. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.
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why is it always the poor have to suffer the misery? why isn t it ever bernie madoff up on the roof screaming for help or the head of city bank or the hedge fund guys at goldman sachs. i need you is t. sit here and say i m in the 1%. because it s important. i can t because i m not. you are there. no, i m not. i m not. you you are not in the 1%. of course i m not. how can i be in the 1%. pause you make billions. 90% of the income i want to give you away. 9 5% of your wealth and then you will do that. i will work for any legislation that doubles my taxes and yours. we have a system that enriches the few at the expense of the many. , capitalism is an evil and you cannot regulate evil. capitalism is evil? really? film maker michael moore seeming to enjoy the capitalism allowed him to get very rich and allowing him to buy nine holmes.
moore s divorce settlement exposing hypocrisy. co-host of the five and host of the red eye and host of the network. he is always on the air. that s true. greg, nice to he so you. michael moore, oh o, brother. what do you think? i hate to kick a man when he is down or round but is he $50 million, 9 homes. one of the homes is 10,000 square feet. he is richer than the chocolate pound cake that he eats on his toilet. and it exists. all this shows is the hypocrisy of a leftist. aist doesn t believe in being poor. he just doesn t want his opponents to be rich are. so it s okay if you are leftist and rich. but if you are a republican, if you are a conservative, that s evil. so, the it s about you can t have a proper share of the pie. he wants all of the pie. you know the thing that
disturbs me is i did poverty work for so long. and, you know, i have never been poor. i never want to be poor. and my heart bleeds for the poor, for people who are poor and struggle. but the problem is that what michael moore does is he makes people wrong for being successful. exactly. he makes it like he demonizes it. we wouldn t be talking about it tonight if he wasn t such a hypocrite. i don t begrudge his wealth at all. he goes around telling everybody else who has been successful and b puts his throat foot on the throat of people who are successful. is he trying to hold them back with his talk. i want him to be rich. i want everybody to be rich. that s a capitalist. is he against capitalism unless he is the capitalist. you know when he said he wasn t part of the 1%. dana perino pointed out he is not lying. is he part of the .001% at 50 million. is he really good oat making
documentaries about corruption and hypocrisy and fraud why doesn t he do a documented tri on himself? you know. i think it s profoundly disappointing and, you know, i wish that, you know, i wish that he i wish he liked success. i wish he appreciated his own success. i wish he encouraged everybody else who bothered to be successful. it s because he ascribes good and evil to value. if that money came from somewhere else, it s bad money. but if he makes his money exposing, you know, conservative hypocrisy or the evil of guns, then that s good money. his wealth is good but your wealth if you work at fox news, for example. your wealth must be evil. he says it s different. the money is different. all right. well you don t have to quote dana perino on this show, by the way. i heard her say that tonight. i watch the five all the
time, too. i didn t want to steal her joke or great point. i actually was going to steal it of course when you gave her credit for it, i couldn t very well do it. i would look pretty petty. greg, thank you. thank you. coming up, i m going to take you off-the-record. things are really a mess and something very important is missing big time. i m going to tell you what i m going to tell you what it is and then you can decide. od flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use od flow. helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take alis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may causan unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache.
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if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything.
let s all go off-the-record for just a minute. sometimes putting things in very simple terms makes the point. remember grade school or even high school when the teacher would leave the room for about three seconds there would be calm to make sure the teacher wasn t coming right back and then all hell would break loose. food fight kids would yell, throw stuff, food, spit balls, you name it of course, the bullies would take over and there would be total chaos. that s what happens when the teacher, the leader vanishes. all hell breaks loose. well, we got that now.
only the classroom is the world stage and this is dead serious. the teacher, president obama, has left the proverbial classroom. think about it. president of the united states, when they are doing their job are the leaders of the free world. their influence, stabilizing, effective, powerful and calming. it s called leadership. and now chaos. every place you look. ukraine, israel, vawk, and even our own border and even our allies are now rolling their eyes at us. leadership matters. mr. president, where are you? and that s my off-the-record comment tonight. thank you for being with us. we will see you again tomorrow night right here at 7 p.m. eastern. paul ryan will join us and he will unveil his new plan right here. plus, we will talk with the president of honduras about the border crisis. all tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m.: do you think michael moore is a a hypocrite or just misunderstood? vote in our gretawire poll. if you are tuning in before bill o reilly pick up remote

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