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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170907 00:00:00

and donate some money and get involved, whatever you want to do. we want to thank everybody so much for having us here tonight. tomorrow night paul ryan in washington, tonight, say goodbye, everybody! goodbye! tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. hurricane armand is one of the strongest terms ever measured in the atlantic ocean and now it s making its way through the caribbean. south florida residents have already been ordered to evacuate, governor rick scott a ford it is warming storm is more powerful in 1992 s hurricane andrew that devastated parts of that state. rick reichmuth is our chief meteorologist at fox, he s been tracking irma since the very beginning, he joins us now. what s it looking like? in the bahamas, i also want to show you, take a look at this, tucker. three hurricanes out there. jose out in the atlantic, that
big impacts, or deviations of this will cause a big impacts or less impacts across florida but the best guess at this point is the eastern side of florida certainly having maybe a directed, if not watching the storm go all the way up the shore. very similar to what we saw lester with eric and matthew, maybe making a second landfall somewhere around georgia or south carolina. a lot of oxygen has gone to florida the last of down a couple of days. watching this very closely as well. tucker: can you put this in perspective for us? how big is the storm? so one thing, size of storm, another thing is strength of song. as far as size is probably about a medium-sized hurricane although i think because the pressure is continuing to drop a comment we will probably see it grow in size by the time it gets towards florida. size is one thing, as of right now the strong winds extend out about 50 miles from the center, the hurricane force winds. whether hurricane force winds are isn t a huge area just yet but expect to see that white
mount by the time he gets here. this pressure is very low and as far as the strength of those wins, they are extreme. second strongest winds everywhere in the atlantic basin. you were hearing a lot of people say the strongest ever, that is the open atlantic, that is not including the gulf and caribbean. you put that altogether and it s tight for the second strongest wins, the highest we ve ever seen in the atlantic. tucker: thanks a lot for that. hurricane irma made landfall in the u.s. virgin islands today causing widespread damage. in advance of the storm s arrival of the territory s governor ordered the national guard to prepare for the coming catastrophe by suppressing certain constitutional rights. an executive order issued on tuesday, governor kenneth map and powered the guards seize guns and ammunition from citizens, all to maintain public order after the storm. the order echoes a similar one issued by the mayor of new orleans prior to hurricane katrina. the nra is already threatening legal action over that order.
the governor joins us now. governor, before we get to the question of your order, give us a quick update on the conditions of the virgin islands tonight. hurricane irma did go through the u.s. virgin islands with the most severe wins and catastrophic wins going through the st. thomas, st. john district, islands. we experienced sustained winds of at least 150 miles an hour with the costs in excess of tha that. we ve had damages to our hospital, fighting stations. a good number of homes have lost their roofs. we are doing that assessment. if we are i think about 20-30-mile-an-hour winds as it makes its way out of the virgin islands so we are doing that assessment. you must really say that the federal partners of fema, the dod, the trump administration, president trump and his team have really been a true good
partner and really helping us as we go through this event. tonight we are beginning to mobilize resources into the territory. we will have aircraft landing on the big islands, the airfield has just been cleared to take military aircraft. to position assets. priority in the st. thomas i can st. john district. shelter, nutrition, debris cleanup, hospital e back as we had catastrophic damages in hospital and security. tucker: we are certainly wrong for you, it s a beautiful place. why does confiscating citizens can t make this catastrophe better? let me say, first first of t is just a complete and correct assessment. i did not order or authorize the national guard to seize any weapons from any citizens and i do not have the power by the virgin islands law or by the constitution of the united states to seize weapons from citizens via the military.
this order is a standing order that most generals receive. it says it empowers the general to see his arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, it means the general, if they do not have sufficient weaponry, they would go to anyplace like a store that they could buy that stuff, meaning they have the right he has the authorization to spend government resources and acquired. it s different than the same example of one of the government sees his property. we don t seize property without due compensation for the property owner. tucker: i m a little confused. i m reading the order right here and it says that the general is authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives and incendiary material. that may be required by military forces. it doesn t say anything in her about taking weapons from citizens we have no
authority, i have no authority under the u.s. constitution virgin islands law. you can see in the order it references sections of the virgin islands code. there s no authority in there to seize any property from a citizen, particularly arms or ammunition. our national guard tucker: hold on. i m reading it and it doesn t make any distinction at all between citizens and i don t know walls, noncitizens. that is exactly the point. when you mobilize the national guard the general is authorized to ensure that all of the resources that soldiers require that she has or he has authority to get them. not to go into people s homes and get them but to get them as the government acquires property in the open market. this order, this language, this law is for the mobilization of rollout of national guard units.
again i ve read this order twic twice. you re saying this gives them the authority to take weapons that the government and the current dominant virgin islands already owns from armories? let us assume that some circumstances came up at the national guard it needed some munition that was not with an armory. if that munition was available in any retail store, the national guard, the general would not have to go through the procurement process of the government to purchase it, she could go in there and by that right off the rack because she s doing, or he s doing what is required to retrofit the national guard. this is not about seizing anybody s personal property. tucker: so it s not about disarming the population. because as you know, when hurricane hugo rolled through the virgin islands in the late 80s, there was a lot of chaos and violence and law enforcement in the virgin islands were not able to cope with it and people were getting hurt.
the u.s. constitution, to seize weapons from anyone. nothing in this order gives any authorization to the national guard. or the general to seize weapons from any citizen. tucker: i appreciate that clarification. we are grateful that you told us what it means. thanks, governor. i ve got to get back to my rescue operations. tucker: i bet you do, thanks for joining us tonight. mark stein is the best-selling author and a frequent guest on the show and he joins us now for reaction to all that. i don t know if you saw that segment with the governor, it s hard to know exactly what he was talking about but he seemed to say that under no circumstances with the national guard be seizing anyone s arms. it was a fantastically obfuscate every interview despite your best efforts. it does make the point by the way, if i was a resident of the u.s. virgin islands i would not be altogether reassured by that
performance because i think as we ve seen in the last couple of weeks, the difference between what happened with hurricane harvey and what happened with hurricane katrina is actually the confidence and competence of the local officials there on the ground. i would hope that when he has more pressing aspects of this phenomenon to attend to that he is slightly more clear on what his intention was and the reason for it. tucker: i covered hurricane katrina, i was there right after the storm and the then-mayor of that city, who i think is now in jail, confiscated the guns of citizens in the city and the police melted away the second the levees broke and there was widespread crime, some of it violent and horrible. maybe the lesson is you do need to protect yourself when a catastrophe hits. i think that s absolutely true.
i think in the best circumstances it s what we have seen in texas that it s an alliance between the state and individual citizens doing what they can as with the cajun navy and so forth. that is certainly going to be true when it s out in the caribbean. we all know that if a hurricane hits the caribbean you are better off in the bahamas man in haiti when it hits. were better off in barbados than in cuba. the problem here is that that applies to u.s. jurisdictions, too. i hope the u.s. virgin islands comes close on the texas end of these things than the new orleans end of these things. tucker: i hope so, i was a little confused by the end of you. stay with us if you were coming hillary clinton s book is about to come out. she still blaming everyone else but herself for the defeat. we got new excerpts in the book just leaked today, looks pretty interesting actually.
immigration activists all teaming up to denounce the decision on daca yesterday. what motivates their outrage, we talked to two supporters of daca just ahead to try and find out. each year sarah climbs 58,007 steps. that s the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home. even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl s orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you re killing it. dr. scholl s. born to move. wherwhere we always welcome you, that s texas.exas. where we always find a way, that s texas.
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investigation of the russians. i also think i was the victim of a very broad assumption i was going to win. it is all the storm is about guys over in macedonia who are running these fake news sites. tucker: i was the victim, you can sum it up in that phras phrase. hillary clinton last may laying blame everywhere except for herself for her defeat in 2016. her book length take on that campaign which is called what happened. it s about to come out and she changed her thinking, apparently not. she d take some responsibility for defeat apparently but later falls back on blame, of course, sexism, for unpopularity. what makes me such a lightning rod for fury? i m really asking, i m at a loss. i think it s partly because i m a woman. mark steyn has written many books that do not involve blaming others for his problems. he joins us tonight. do you feel people discriminate you because you are a man? i blame you, tucker.
as far as i can see it you are about the only person that hillary clinton hasn t blamed. i don t know how. this is extraordinary to me. every hurricane from hurricane be to hurricane see including hurricane bernie, hurricane fighting, hurricane macedonia, hurricane sexism, have all just gathered to me continuously for two years. it s extraordinary to me that the democrats have not had a quiet word and say i know that you need a new book but why don t you just to hillary clinton, tips on being a grandmother, hillary clinton cookbook, anything would be better than just revisiting. it must be the only people it s good for, as you say she blamed the macedonian content farmers, and it must be good for macedonian tourism like new zealand after lord of the rings came out. there must be people booking
vacations in macedonia right now saying i ve got to see it it s a pilgrimage for the people who took out the most inevitable presidential candidate in history. if macedonia is fully booked i will go up to burlington, vermont, and see bernie sanders. tucker: she wasn t going to write deep thoughts by hillary clinton, the shortest book ever written. have you noticed how the most entitled people often see themselves as victims? this is someone for whom, who obviously didn t become the nominate on the strength of her own achievements, which were i don t know, what? wrecking libya. i don t understand why she sees herself as put upon it when i think objectively she is just the opposite. i think that s why people did not warm to her, because she was the entitled candidate. she felt like she was owed it for having suffered through being married to bill clinton and being in the white house for
bill clinton. i don t think people were sexist about her and i don t think people anywhere in the developed world i sat through prime minister s questions in the australian parliament a couple years ago when the female prime minister juliet was being hammered by the deputy leader of the opposition, julie bishop, now the foreign minister. they were going at it, hammer and tongs, they were both women who have reached the summit of their respective parties on their own merits. what nobody liked about hillary clinton was that she was not an obvious candidate except in the sense that she felt she was entitled to be the candidate. tucker: thought it was a hereditary deal. i wonder going forward if you see hillary clinton as the standard-bearer for the democratic party ten years from now. is there hillary -isms. does any part of her indoor?
i think the opposite. i think that s where they attack on bernie sanders is not going to work for her. whatever you feel about it, the democrats are trending in a bernie-like direction, that s where the enthusiasm is. i think there s absolutely no doubt in that respect that the party is moving left and hillary has no ideological or philosophical worldview that s going to outlast her candidacy. that was true from the vet. the african pain. she calls him out the bernie, the one whose promising everybody a free pony, whatever you feel about that, bernie sanders is with the democrats are headed and they will barely remember they hillary candidacy. tucker: at the date point, that s exactly right. i want my pony. thank you as always. satellite, tucker! tucker: saddle up, giddy up up! much of the republican establishment all in an uproar
over the presidents suspension of daca. we will talk to to supporters of that program and have brit hume break down the political situation. we will be right back. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,
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is intact, microsoft has already announced it will fight as hard as possible to block the deportation of illegal immigrants hired at the expense of american citizens because of course microsoft is now its own country. what drives all this anger ang? the editor in of reason, the libertarian publication. welcome to you both. catherine, since you are a libertarian, let me ask a philosophical question, do we have an obligation to put the interest of american citizens ahead of the interests of immigrants? no, i don t think so. in particular tucker: american citizens don t give priority? i don t think those things were in conflict. and it s fair to ask the question though. in general if you don t think that american citizens ought to get meaningful priority over aliens. i don t know if this means to say meaningful priority over aliens. american citizens benefit when people come here come over here and raise families here.
it is absolutely the case that these dreamers in particular are going to add to our economy, add to our culture, make america a better place. tucker: none of that is necessarily true. those are massive assumptions that in some cases are true in some cases are false. if you could determine in a specific case if there s one job and you have a choice between someone who came here illegally and someone who was an american citizen, wouldn t automatically go for the american citizen? you could ask similarly do i feel favor protectionist policies. is it more important for the chapter beer. tucker: i vehemently disagree with you i want the viewers to know what your position is on that. there are a ton of unemployed americans. i think we could all agree a lot more of them ought to be working than art. why would we be issuing any work permits to anybody from outside the country until those people have jobs? i think i have more faith in
the american people maybe in folks who think they need a hand up or a special place at the front of the line. i think americans are exceptional. i think we produce exceptional people who can compete with folks that are coming into the country. tucker: they are unemployed right now is what i m saying. i thought liberals were care about that. some folks obviously what is to say we should favor people were unemployed over people who currently have a job. i think that you get to a place when we are trying to create classes of people that when we permit that to happen that ultimately swings away from our favor. tucker: it s really simple. we have a lot of people around the world who want to come here and work in the united states for a bunch of different reasons. we also have a bunch of american citizens who were born here who do not have jobs, were not working. that s bad. why would we get any work permits to people from other countries while we still have americans who aren t working, i don t understand? i think in this case we already done it.
800,000 kids who only know this country, who have these work authorizations and we are about taking them away. you want to talk about what drives my anger. tucker: where talking about continuing it. no one disputes, it s a tough question. i don t want to oversimplify. tucker: i know that you are a caring person. tucker: i actually care about americans more than i care about illegal aliens. it makes me pro-american and i don t understand why nobody seems to care. the idea that the more immigrants we have, the better off we are. if that s true then why isn t california richer? california is poor than it was 40 years ago when it was totally overwhelmed by immigration. surely you know that the only thing happening in california in the last decades was not immigration. when you think about tucker: because of immigration. it swung the legislature to the left. we are talking about mostly mexicans, right? 80% mexican. where talking about safe 500,000
mexicans, lower rates of incarceration, higher rates of education. they contribute, they are a typical dreamer. tucker: that s not true. that s not true. have to have a high school education to qualify for the program. where talk about daca here. tucker: that s totally false. where talking about the dreamers here. there is an absolute very, very clear situation here in which these people are the kind of immigrants that even people like you who are essentially restriction nests should like. i ve already been assimilated. tucker: some are not individuals. people are nervous because of chain immigration. you let one person and all of those relatives, too. that s a real thing. what s an appropriate level of immigration into this country, how many people should we let in? come crazy but i believe in the american ideal that we are a place for people who are downtrodden, abused can come
tucker: so everybody wants to come? what s the limit? we have systems that are broken, an asylum system. we need to focus on fixing those things. tucker: how many should we let in? it s not a hard question. like how many? we could get to a billion people by the end of the century really easily. if we had a billion people in america america would be unstoppable. that would be amazing. think about driving force think about the economy. tucker: you noticed that our economy has become less impressive over the last 40 years. the main thing that has happened is the mask change due to immigration. you don t see the connection. do you think it s even remotely, possibly true that a bunch of people who came here, brought by their parents, median age six years old cornell 22 years old and have jobs that pay, i don t know, $18 an hour, that s the problem with america? i don t think that s the problem. i think our broader immigration service doesn t serve american
citizens. we are out of time. thank you. planned parenthood even date and weighed in daca because every left-wing organization must express the same views on everything. the president asked why and why statement. here at planned parenthood we firmly believe that every person has the right to live. [laughs] apparently the batteries and planned parenthood s irony detectors failed. brit hume joins us now. i think this actually is its complicated question, what to do with all these people but i don t think there is a complicated debate in process. i see a lot more outrage and screaming and yelling and name-calling. when we have a real debate? first of all, i take your point about planned parenthood talk about everyone having a right to live. tucker: pretty wonderful. pretty hard not to choke on that. beyond that, what strikes me besides the melodrama, if you look at it for longer than just
a few seconds to realize a couple of things. one is, of course, that this dreaded event is not going to happen. if it ever does come another six months, which means congress has time to legislate this if it will. at the president opens a huge trapdoor in the whole thing what he said yesterday that if congress doesn t act he s prepared to revisit the issue. it s pretty clear that he doesn t want to do this. he felt for whatever reason, not least probably the fact that daca s constitutionality is deeply suspect, that he needed to draw a line. it seemed clear to me that if congress does not act that he s not going to do this. he s not going to go forward with it, he will delay. built into what he proposed anyway, the potential for delay in individual cases and so on. my guess tonight is that none of these 800,000 or so will ever be deported. tucker: i would bet my car on that. more broadly, and it s still
early, the president is not turning out to be as tough on immigration of a lot of his critics beard and supporters hoped. that s right. i think you would like to get something for his willingness to go along with the signing of a bill that would make daca legal. maybe he would like to get some wall funding or other measures to toughen up our border enforcement. that sounds like the shape of the kind of compromise that used to be common in washington. tucker: is that even possible now? you think it would be, on paper it looks like it should be. but in this pluralized atmosphere in which we are operating nobody wants to give . he could maybe make a deal with some democrats located on these budgetary matters in the hurricane relief funding and the debt limit, which is a short term real which is being looked at which was just reached today, looked at kind of like an outright win for nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, the
democratic leaders in the two houses. that used to be the kind of thing that went on all the time but in recent years it s been less likely the case. i think it s anybody s guess. i still think that even if they can t make a deal that he will yield on this, that he will not go forward. tucker: a lot of hysteria has been wasted. i think you re right. this is typical of the pattern with the trim coverage. it is the job of journalists to show the american people want this president really is like and all about. straightforward reporting will do the job. journalists seem not content with that. there comments at the washington post and elsewhere that might essentially the same post over and over again reminding us about trumps personal characteristics, even some more going along with him have long recognized. i think the job is basically done and they can t let it alone. tucker: think it would he was like when he voted for him. i haven t not read that paper here and i m never reading it
again. the latest work for the washington post, thank you. get a job, don t use drugs, those are values that used to define america. they are still values to follow, why is a professor being threatened for saying it out loud? plus, and update, an important one on black lives matter and its response to hurricane harvey in houston. an amazing story, stay tuned for that. to most people, i look like most people.
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responsible child-rearing are conducive for the success in modern environment. what is, antisocial habits prevalent among working-class whites, the antiwhite culture of inner-city blacks. those don t work, the authors say. now they are being threatened for saying that. larry alexander joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. thank you for having me, tucker. let me make one correction in the intro. i don t teach at the university of california in san diego, i teach at the university of san diego. tucker: ust! at the law school. we have a law school, they don t. tucker: good for you. okay, professor at the university of san diego. did i mischaracterize the point of your paper? our point was essentially as you represented it.
my fear when we wrote this was the people were just going to shrug and say that is so obvious, he really didn t need to say it, it s just sober now, as you noted that hasn t been the reaction from all corners. tucker: what has the reaction been? interest income at the reaction at university of pennsylvania professor wax teaches has been extraordinary. she was condemned by some of her colleagues not because they took issue with any particular thing that we said in the op-ed, she was just condemned for essentially saying what we said. there were no allegations that anything we said was incorrect. next we went in other words, truth in the academy is no longer a defense, is that the point?
that s true. because what s more important is to signal that you are on the side of the good guys, even if that means denying something that is true. it s a matter of are you in the in group or the outgroup. tucker: if you have academics knowingly denying things they know are true, isn t that the definition of corruption? yes, unfortunately it is. almost every person who took umbrage at what we said in the academy actually practices the very virtues we were asked only in the piece. they teach their kids this. they don t teach their kids the opposite of what we ve prescribed. tucker: that s exactly right. i live in a neighborhood full of liberals who don t get divorced and go to bed at 10:00 p.m., whose kids are obedient.
why do you think this was so offensive and? you are describing the lives if they lead, why would they be outreach? there may be three hypotheses for why some people don t do well in the country. one is they just black and native talent and ability, another is their behavior is not conducive to doing well and the third is that there are structural impediments to their doing well. it s just orthodoxy now in some corners in the academy and outside the academy for that matter that it s the latter that has to be true, it s not the first to tell mike to go. what we are saying is no, that s not the case. tucker: and orthodoxy is always the enemy of toothed tell my truth. we are out of time, i appreciate
your bravery, thanks for doing that and thanks for coming on. you re welcome. tucker: coalition of conservative groups demanding the press stop attending the southern poverty law center is an authoritative, or objective, source for who is a hate group and who is not. we will talk to the head of one of those groups next. asked you these questions? i had never met anybody from the navy that s why i was, like, asking you all kinds of questions. yeah. i honestly didn t know what the marines did. everybody s experience is unique. you got musicians, you have cooks, you have admin people. i just think people should be more open minded. just get to know the person.
yes. they should know this? yeah. the guy was my brother-in-law. that s ridiculous. well, i happen to know some people. do they listen? what? they re amazing listeners. nice. guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you.
footage right here of the march in progress. there is, pretty inspiring. we will keep following this breaking story as it continues. as we told you before on the show and documented pretty conclusively, the southern poverty law center is a progressive active activist group like hundreds of others but for some reason the media have anointed them the national arbiter for what is or what is not a hate group, which is a shame since they are totally fake and dishonest. now 47 conservative leaders and organizations have released a letter calling on the media to stop citing the southern poverty law center and its fake data calling it discredited and defamatory. tony perkins of the president of the family resource council, once the victim of a terrorist attack by the rhetoric. he joins us tonight. thanks for joining us tonight. if i m not misunderstanding that you are attempting to convince media to stop taking this fake group seriously, correct?
in part. we re putting me on notice that if you re going to take them on, liberal activist organization that acts as a pitfall for the left. no offense to pitfalls out ther there, they are endangering the lives of people by putting up this information from the southern law center which has no basis in fact. tucker: to call someone i hate group is to lump them in with nazis and crazy people and violent people, truly scary people. that s what they did for the first two decades of their hate list. two years into the obama administration when it was open season on christian organizations that were opposing obama administration, that s when they started adding christian groups to their list and they started popping up in 2010 when president obama unleashed his hostility towards religion and the secretary of state hillary clinton was taking the same agenda overseas. tucker: you would think that any normal reporter, the matter how liberal, looking
through the list of hate groups, so-called hate groups, some of them are clearly hateful and crazy and then they get to the family research council and say i may not agree with our agenda but they are not a hate group. why does nobody at, say cnn the washington post, think this is overreached. it s not a hate group, it s a christian group. it s acquired thinking. there s a bigger agenda behind this. the former spokesman for the southern poverty law center, mark, he made very clear, he said we don t have any objective criteria here. this is not based on criminality or violence. we are trying to wreck the groups, we are trying to destroy the groups. this is, again the last pitbull going after those who oppose the agenda. the media needs to be put on record knowing that that s what s behind the splc. tucker: it s just so dishonest. it s like treating media matters
like a legitimate media analysis group, which the press also did until they were called on it repeatedly. have you had any response from media organizations to your letter? not really. the conservative groups, conservative media that understands what the splc is up to, yes, they are publishing it. others not so much. here s the thing, tucker. they now know they have no excuse when there s another attack like we saw against republicans, the congressman or the attack on the frc five years ago, the media has become complacent in this violence was inspired by the southern law center. i hate that garbage. tony, thank you so much. if you want to have a good time go watch the goonies, but a start from that movie, martha plimpton says abortion in seattle can be a great time too. she actually said that. we will show you the very latest
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don t get mad (bell mnemonic) get e trade and get invested tucker: the goonies is a light family movie made in the simpler times before politics affects us liberally in every american light. one actress in the movie was martha plimpton. she is now grown up. she was in a pro-abortion rally in seattle. yes, they do exist. at the rally, plimpton said this. i had my first abortion at the seattle planned parenthood. yay! notice i said first. i said first and i don t want seattle, i don t want you guys to feel insecure. it was my best one. [laughter] tucker: a lot of things you could say about that. it s gross and disturbing distt

Rick-reichmuth , State , Parts , Powerful , Chief-meteorologist , Fox , Hurricane-andrew , 1992 , Tucker , Hurricanes , Us- , Atlantic-ocean

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240612

the fight to be the world s most valuable company heats up, after apple announces new ai tools on its devices. and as smartphones get smarter can you survive without one? we put a group of teenagers to the test. hello and welcome to business today. apple shares have surged to a record high, after it unveiled new ai tools. the tech giant is now valued at $3.18 trillion just behind microsoft, which remains the world s most valuable company. from new york, erin delmore has the details. have been waiting for months to see how investors who embrace ai see how investors who embrace al to see how investors who embrace alto big market gains. on monday, they got their answer a partnership with openai and some ai generated images and emojis. but even though the news came on monday, it wasn t until tuesday that the market rewarded apple s efforts. on monday, apple shares actually opened down around 2%. but on tuesday, shares ended the day up tuesday, shares ended the day up 5% to around $203 per share. that s a new record high for apple besting the previous high we saw in december. see, those new ai tools are only available on newer models of apple products, like the iphone 15pro, the 1a series and older won t do it. neither will the base model iphone 15. and ipads and base model iphone15. and ipads and macs will need to have apple s m1 chip or newer. investors are betting that consumers will upgrade their devices to take advantage of the new tools, which would lead to more sales for apple. staying with al investments. shares in oracle havejumped by as much as 11 percent after it announced cloud deals with google and openai. it comes despite the software giant s fourth quarter results falling short of expectations. oracle is trying to catch up with cloud giants like microsoft who are seeing rapid growth as a result of tie ups with openai. elon musk has withdrawn a lawsuit against the maker of chatgpt, open ai. the case accused ceo sam altman of abandoning the start up s original mission of developing artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity, and not for profit. no reason was given for the request to dismiss. policymakers at the us central bank are in session to decide on the cost of borrowing. the fed is expected to hold interest rates steady. inflation data is also due and the question is if it could that sway the fed s rate cut decision. david chao, global market strategist at invesco says asian countries are in a good position to deal with any decision. well, we ve seen some deappreciatiating pressures in places like japan with their currency, given the interest rate deferential. and certainly, all centre banks are waiting for the fed to cut rates. but at the same time, i think that asian economies are much better this time around with their external buffers that can with some of the pressure. but certainly, rates are too high in asia in places like korea and thailand. and they should have been cut already. if it wasn t for the fed. ~ ., ., ., fed. we are counting down to the us presidential fed. we are counting down to the us presidential electionsl the us presidential elections and i wanted to get your thoughts on this as well. how do you think, given the political scenario there how do you think that the politics are likely to play out on the economics going forward? well, from a markets economics going forward? well, from a markets perspective, - from a markets perspective, we ve done regression analysis, and there is no rhyme or reason in terms of if a democrat president or republican president or republican president is in the white house, and what that means for asian markets. asian markets have largely shrugged this off. so let me just say that, heading into the presidential election, there could be a few jitters with asian markets. but we think that it is mostly a near term phenomena. certainly, president trump has previously said that he s going to increase tariffs against places like china, and also other places in and around the world that would certainly not be conducive to trade. whereas president biden has shown that he s more strategic when it comes to trading partners. so i think that it is something that we re keeping a close eye on, but we re not worried from a long term perspective and in terms of the impact that it will have on asian markets. india will continue to be the world s fastest growing large economy, according to the world bank. the world s most populous nation is in the midst of a slowdown but is forecast to grow by 6.6% this year. the world bank says indonesia and vietnam are also likely to be bright spots among major economies in asia. singapore airlines has sent compensation offers to passengers on a flight last month that ran into severe turbulence. dozens of passengers were injured and one person died. passengers with minor injuries have been offered $10,000 while those with serious injuries have been told their needs can be discussed. so, how common is this? i put that question to ellis taylor from consultancy cirium. it is an unusual circumstance. and i guess, to give singapore airlines their credit they ve been very proactive and putting out very generous compensation there. it is one of these things where if you are in a major incident, that there is set compensation that s there. but what we re seeing is that with a lot of these larger airlines, they will top up on what are the set amounts in this. and in this case, singapore airlines has had form when there s been accidents to give pay outs also and above the limits. so it could be something that we ll start to see a bit more on. we something that we ll start to see a bit more on. see a bit more on. we are hearing see a bit more on. we are hearing that see a bit more on. we are hearing that turbulence i see a bit more on. we are hearing that turbulence is | hearing that turbulence is going to be more common going forward given climate change and other aspects. does this set a precedent? we know that sing apore has singapore airlines has deeper pockets. but what about other airlines? can they do the same? it but what about other airlines? can they do the same?- can they do the same? it will come down can they do the same? it will come down to can they do the same? it will come down to when - can they do the same? it will come down to when other - come down to when other airlines give more generous payments for an accident, it really does raise the bench mark and become something that globally, the industry works towards. so i think that we will see these payments become a little bit more normalised and a bit more generous compared to what you may have thought of before. but really, it will depepped on how isolated these incidents are. the opposite may also happen if severe turbulence happens more often that airlines may look to reduce the paints just because it becomes a little bit more part of what s involved in travelling. how long can you last without your smartphone? a few hours? a day? well, the bbc s kristian johnson followed a group of british teenagers to see how they cope without their smartphones for five whole days. it s fair to say some teenagers are pretty glued to their phones. ok, guys, point of no return. thank you. but this group of students are doing the unthinkable, locking them away for almost a week. you said your goodbye. yes. no tik tok. no snapchat. no whatsapp. so, guys, these are your new mobile phone instead that we re using these for the next five days. the only way of communicating texts and calls. i want to nokia. so this is weird, i don t like it. they re going to have to learn a whole new set of skills for the next week to be able to adapt and continue their life as close to what it used to be. but with that mobile phone underpinning most of their activities, it s going to be a real challenge. it s like having a comfort item for how it s like having a comfort item for how many years. and it just goes for how many years. and it just goes it s for how many years. and it just goes. it s really stressful. not goes. it s really stressful. not knowing what s going on in a group not knowing what s going on in a group chat, not knowing what s going on in a group chat, what not knowing what s going on in a group chat, what am - not knowing what s going on in a group chat, what am i- not knowing what s going on inl a group chat, what am i missing out on? a group chat, what am i missing out on? , . , a group chat, what am i missing outon? , ., , , ., ., ., out on? usually before i go to bed, i out on? usually before i go to bed. i watch out on? usually before i go to bed, i watch it out on? usually before i go to bed, i watch it for out on? usually before i go to bed, i watch it for an - out on? usually before i go to bed, i watch it for an hour. i bed, i watch it for an hour. but sips then, i ve gone straight to sleep and it s weird. it feels much better. will s time home is a tram first and then a bus. in terms ofthe first and then a bus. in terms of the smartphone, - first and then a bus. in terms of the smartphone, it - first and then a bus. in terms of the smartphone, it makes| first and then a bus. in terms. of the smartphone, it makes it more difficult because i can t see the timetable or when it says that it is delayed, i can at least ring my dad and ask for a lift. you know.- for a lift. you know. will s mum, alison, for a lift. you know. will s mum, alison, admits- for a lift. you know. will s mum, alison, admits not| for a lift. you know. will s - mum, alison, admits not being able to use family tracking apps like life 360 is a hindrance but she s noticed big changes in her sonjust three days into the detox. it’s days into the detox. it s actually days into the detox. it s actually quite days into the detox. it s actually quite nice - days into the detox. it s actually quite nice seeing you without the headphones. we don t see you that much normally. don t see you that much normally- don t see you that much normally.- and - don t see you that much normally.- and i - don t see you that much normally. 1140. and i think that normally. no. and i think that it hasiust normally. no. and i think that it hasjust become the norm. it has just become the norm. whereas social interaction does require you to put these things away and engage a little bit more. . away and engage a little bit more.- five away and engage a little bit more.- five days - away and engage a little bit| more.- five days later, more. yeah. five days later, it s the end more. yeah. five days later, it s the end of more. yeah. five days later, it s the end of term - more. yeah. five days later, it s the end of term and - more. yeah. five days later, j it s the end of term and time to get the smartphones back. is that yours? maybe to get the smartphones back. is that yours? maybe i ll to get the smartphones back. is that yours? maybe i ll put - to get the smartphones back. is that yours? maybe i ll put my i that yours? maybe i ll put my -hone that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away in that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away in the that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away in the car- that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away in the car and - that yours? maybe i ll put my phone away in the car and pm phone away in the car and i ll put my phone away in the car and i ll put my phone away when i m around put my phone away when i m around my friends. but in general, around my friends. but in general, like going on tiktok and everything i m so still going and everything i m so still going to and everything i m so still going to do that. like if anything, i m going to do it more anything, i m going to do it more now. | anything, i m going to do it more nova more now. i think it s been re more now. i think it s been pretty difficult more now. i think it s been pretty difficult without - more now. i think it s been pretty difficult without a i pretty difficult without a smartphone pretty difficult without a smartphone but - pretty difficult without a smartphone but i ve - pretty difficult without a - smartphone but i ve managed to -et smartphone but i ve managed to get it smartphone but i ve managed to get it through smartphone but i ve managed to get it through it smartphone but i ve managed to get it through it all smartphone but i ve managed to get it through it all right. - get it through it all right. i ll try get it through it all right. i ll try to get it through it all right. i ll try to use get it through it all right. i ll try to use less - get it through it all right. i ll try to use less of- get it through it all right. i i ll try to use less of tiktok. my screen i ll try to use less of tiktok. my screen time i ll try to use less of tiktok. my screen time is i ll try to use less of tiktok. my screen time is high - i ll try to use less of tiktok. my screen time is high on . i ll try to use less of tiktok. i my screen time is high on that. judging my screen time is high on that. judging by my screen time is high on that. judging by the my screen time is high on that. judging by the initial judging by the initial reaction, perhaps the students aren t quite ready to give up their smartphones entirely but their smartphones entirely but the detox might start to slowly change their habits. gamestop has raised around $2.14 billion from a share sale programme. retail investors have turbo charged the stock after influencer roaring kitty, also known as keith gill, talked up the shares following his highly anticipated return to youtube. shares in the so called meme stock are up by around 5%. joey jaws chestnut has been told he cannot take part in america s premiere hot dog contest. it comes after the competitive eating star struck a sponsorship deal with vegan brand impossible foods. chestnut has been removed from next month s nathan s hot dog eating contest in new york. nathan s and impossible are direct competitors in the hot dog space. and that s it for this edition of business today. thanks for watching. just because we ve got a disability doesn t for me, trust is about presence, about fostering relationships around the world. we re not chasing stories, we re we re not chasing stories, we re already there. it s we re not chasing stories, we re already there. it s about atience we re already there. it s about patience - we re already there. it s about patience - not we re already there. it s about patience - not rushing - we re already there. it s about patience - not rushing to - we re already there. it s about patience - not rushing to be . patience not rushing to be the patience not rushing to be the first, patience not rushing to be the first, but patience not rushing to be the first, but striving - patience not rushing to be the first, but striving to - patience not rushing to be the first, but striving to get| the first, but striving to get it right the first, but striving to get it riuht. ., ., it right. to get to the truth. precision- it right. to get to the truth. precision. knowledge. - it right. to get to the truth. | precision. knowledge. facts. wadina precision. knowledge. facts. wading through precision. knowledge. facts. wading through endless - precision. knowledge. facts. i wading through endless waves precision. knowledge. facts. - wading through endless waves of disinformation. we wading through endless waves of disinformation. disinformation. we can t ust ask the questions. disinformation. we can t ust ask the questions. we h disinformation. we can tjust ask the questions. we have l disinformation. we can tjust. ask the questions. we have to auestion ask the questions. we have to question the ask the questions. we have to question the answers. - question the answers. debate. debate. debate. irate question the answers. debate. debate. debate. we have to create a debate. debate. debate. we have to create a space debate. debate. debate. we have to create a space for debate. debate. debate. we have to create a space for opposing - to create a space for opposing voices to create a space for opposing voices to to create a space for opposing voices to he to create a space for opposing voices to be heard. to create a space for opposing voices to be heard. find- voices to be heard. and challenged. voices to be heard. and challenged. we - voices to be heard. and challenged. we fight i voices to be heard. and i challenged. we fight every day- to challenged. we fight every day. to earn challenged. we fight every day. .. to earn your- challenged. we fight every day. to earn your trust. l challenged. we fight every i day. to earn your trust. and we never day. to earn your trust. and we never take day. to earn your trust. and we never take it day. to earn your trust. and we never take it for day. to earn your trust. and we never take it for granted. l we never take it for granted. we capture we never take it for granted. we capture the we never take it for granted. we capture the story. - we never take it for granted. we capture the story. fact. we capture the story. fact check the story. irate we capture the story. fact check the story. we capture the story. fact check the story. we break the sto . check the story. we break the story- we check the story. we break the story. we explore check the story. we break the story. we explore the - check the story. we break the story. we explore the story. | check the story. we break the l story. we explore the story. so ou can story. we explore the story. so you can trust story. we explore the story. so you can trust us story. we explore the story. so you can trust us to story. we explore the story. so you can trust us to tell - story. we explore the story. so you can trust us to tell it. - hello and welcome to sportsday. i m marc edwards. raising the bar. italy s olympic champion gianmarco tamberi thrills home fans by taking highjump gold at the european athletics championships. erik staying hag, the dutchman, will remain as manager of manchester united following a post season review and still in with a chance. pakistan beat canada as they live to fight another day at the t20 world cup.

Smartphones , World , Ai-tools , Company , Apple , Group , Devices , Fight , One , Person , Hair , Cheek

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240612

live from london, this is bbc news. joe biden s son, hunter, is found guilty of lying about his drug use to buy a gun. hamas says it wants a complete halt to war in response to us backed peace plans. scottish political leaders clash over the cost of living and independence in a bbc debate. and, how long could you last without your smartphone? we meet the teens going cold turkey for five whole days. hello. i m sally bundock. the son of the us president joe biden is facing up to 25 years in jail after being found guilty of lying about his drug use in order to purchase a firearm. a federaljury found hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges brought against him forfailing to disclose his drug use when buying a gun in 2018. it s the first criminal prosecution of the child of a sitting us president. hunter biden s lawyers say they are disappointed by the verdict and will pursue legal challenges. president biden said he would respect the result, and said he and his wife, jill, were proud of hunter for overcoming his drug addiction. let us go live now to to our northern american correspondent david willis on this. david, another historic moment? trier? another historic moment? very much so and another historic moment? very much so and when another historic moment? very much so and when it another historic moment? very much so and when it comes - another historic moment? - much so and when it comes to the november ballot, people voting in the us presidential election, they will have the choice between a convicted felon or the father of one! such the unprecedented times we are facing in the united states. hunter biden, found guilty as you said of those three felony gun charges and faces up to 25 years in jail. it s highly unlikely that he will receive a stiffjail sentence, possibly community service or probation and a short period in tail, if any at all. injail. his father has gone on the record saying he would not be using his powers of presidential pardon to get his son out of the. his son out of the. very difficult his son out of the. very difficult trial his son out of the. very difficult trial for- his son out of the. very difficult trial for all, - his son out of the. very| difficult trial for all, lots of explicit details about his addiction, and what it led to, and his impact on loved ones and his impact on loved ones and not least the president and the first lady, jill biden, in court with him at the time? very much so. strong support from his family throughout this week long trial and indeed president biden issued a statement today, saying i am the president but i am also a dad, adding that he loves his son and is proud of the man he has become, and is today. jill biden missed the sentencing, sorry, the verdict, because she could not get to court in time. so rapidly did thejury could not get to court in time. so rapidly did the jury get to their verdict so quickly, after three hours of deliberation over the course of two days but there is a feeling now that this, if anything, there is a feeling now that this, ifanything, undermines donald trump s assertion that the criminaljustice system in this country is, as he has put it repeatedly, skewed against him and seeking to undermine his bid for the presidency. you may remember less than two weeks ago, donald trump was found guilty of making illegal hush money payments to the porn star stormy daniels. he is yet to be sentenced. but he has repeatedly asserted that this has been or part of an attempt by the biden administration to weaponised the criminaljustice weaponised the criminal justice system weaponised the criminaljustice system against him but now we have the president s own son facing the possibility ofjail and even some republicans are starting to believe that that argument really no longer hold much water. let s speak to lauryn gouldin, a professor of law at syracuse university who has been watching this case unfold. good to have you on the programme. what do you think will happen next? we have sentencing in a few months time, what do you think a judge will decide on this? time, what do you think a udge will decide on this? will decide on this? thank you for having will decide on this? thank you for having me. will decide on this? thank you for having me. i will decide on this? thank you for having me. i agree, - will decide on this? thank you for having me. i agree, i - will decide on this? thank you for having me. i agree, i think the sentencing guidelines for these offences are much lower than some of the sentences that have been suggested in some of the reporting. the formal calculation of a sentencing guidelines recommendation would be 15-21 guidelines recommendation would be 15 21 months, seven for incarceration, but there would be many reasons a judge may go down word and possibly give no jail time at all. hunter biden does not have a criminal record. no one was hurt in this offence. he only possessed the ghana for two weeks, that there may be a lot of factors the judge would take into consideration possessed the gun. as we heard from david, a difficult time for the family. it is also an extraordinary year because it is an election year because it is an election yearin year because it is an election year in the united states and we have had donald trump convicted in court, just a few weeks ago, now hunter biden. how does this play out in november, do you think? hard to know whether november, do you think? hard to know whether these november, do you think? hard to know whether these are - know whether these are convictions that the voters are really going to be focused on. the news today about the conviction did not seem to trigger much celebration by republicans. i think in part because the politics around this particular conviction are a bit complicated for republicans. hunter biden was convicted of a gun offence and most republicans advocate for fewer gun restrictions and many republicans advocate for this particular statute to be deemed unconstitutional, so there is a whole side of legal questions playing out here. obviously, this case is taking a toll on the biden family and certainly affecting how they navigate the election process, but i don t know to what extent voters were really care about the underlying charges is. voters ma not underlying charges is. voters may not care underlying charges is. voters may not care that underlying charges is. voters may not care that much - underlying charges is. voters may not care that much as i underlying charges is. voters. may not care that much as you said, and they also in this particular case may be sympathetic, but he does face, hunter biden, another trial in california in september on charges of failing to pay $1.1; million in income taxes. less sympathy, would you say, when it comes to that kind of trial and charges? i it comes to that kind of trial and charges? and charges? i think those charues and charges? i think those charges may and charges? i think those charges may pose - and charges? i think those charges may pose a - and charges? i think thosej charges may pose a bigger political problem. the concerns about financial improprieties may be more of a political issue. , ., ~ , ., issue. interesting. thank you for our issue. interesting. thank you for your time. the outlook remains uncertain after hamas submitted its formal response to the latest ceasefire plan to end the war in gaza, outlined by president biden. while a hamas statement said it was ready to deal positively with efforts to reach an agreement, israeli media is quoting an anonymous israeli official who said the hamas response amounted to a rejection. with me now is bbc arabic s said shehata. what can you tell us? hamas osition what can you tell us? hamas position did what can you tell us? hamas position did not what can you tell us? hamas position did not change - what can you tell us? hamas position did not change since j position did not change since the start of negotiation. the main two sticking points, for withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and a permanent ceasefire. and those two points are in the planet president biden? they are but hamas is requesting a commitment from israel and a guarantee from the united states. because benjamin netanyahu gave contradicting neta nyahu gave contradicting signals netanyahu gave contradicting signals where at one stage mr blinken said he affirmed benjamin netanyahu israel s benjamin neta nyahu israel s commitment benjamin netanyahu israel s commitment to the plan after mr blinken met with benjamin netanyahu. at the same time he said repeatedly that before eliminating hamas, any talk of a ceasefire would be a nonstarter, so there is, especially with the pressure of the firelight. far right. the two members of the cabinets are against a deal with hamas because it would allow hamas to rebuild its forces and control gaza again. rebuild its forces and control gaza again- rebuild its forces and control gaza aaain. , ., i. ., gaza again. given what you have ust said gaza again. given what you have just said and gaza again. given what you have just said and we gaza again. given what you have just said and we must gaza again. given what you have just said and we must bear - gaza again. given what you have just said and we must bear in . just said and we must bear in mind that benny gantz has resigned from the israeli war cabinet as well and that has changed the make up within benjamin netanyahu s government, what may happen. we have antony blinken, the us secretary of state, pushing very hard, in the meeting again for an eighth time to broker the ceasefire deal. your thoughts? it the ceasefire deal. your thoughts? the ceasefire deal. your thou~hts? ., , , ., thoughts? it doesn t seem or make any thoughts? it doesn t seem or make any change thoughts? it doesn t seem or make any change because . thoughts? it doesn t seem or i make any change because eight visits, meeting all of the past, present from america and other forces but still benjamin netanyahu is reluctant to accept any of that because if it will happen, it would be a coalition of the government would collapse, there would be elections and he doesn t want to do that. even with some optimism that hamas will welcome the plan, the sticking point is still the full withdrawal and permanent ceasefire. as far as benjamin netanyahu is in power, it is hard to imagine that they will accept the two sticking points from hamas. the green party will launch its election manifesto in brighton & hove today, promising a £50 billion pound a year investment into the nhs and social care. it ll be paid for by a tax on higher earners and the wealthy. our political correspondent hannah miller has the details. as the green party tried to get noticed, they are promising a game changing transformation of the country, pledging to men what they called broken britain ijy what they called broken britain by increasing taxes on higher earners and the wealthy. the promises include an annual i% wealth tax on individuals with assets above £10 million, rising to 2% for those who assets amount to over a billion. they also say they will increase national insurance payments for those earning over £50,000 and introduce a home improvement programme to cut energy costs and make homes warmer. the green party know that their leaders are highly unlikely to become the next prime minister but what they are hoping for is to get enough mps to have influence over whoever does win the election. the conservatives used them manifesto launch to promise a 2p cut in national insurance over the next three years, among their ways of saving money is cut to the welfare bill of £12 billion a year and as for labour? there manifesto will be published tomorrow but today they are focusing on potholes in england, putting forward an extra £61; million annually to fix a million more every year. in this week of manifesto launches, there are promises and pledges aplenty, as the parties hope to capture your attention, and of course, your vote! hannah miller, bbc news. the leaders of scotland s five main political parties have clashed in a special debate programme on a range of issues, from how to tackle the cost of living crisis, to the problems faced by the nhs, as well as scottish independence. our scotland editor james cook was watching. 60 minutes, five party leaders, one general election that could change the country. and three big topics. first, the economy. what worries me about what lies ahead is that there is the threat of more spending cuts. anas is not being straight with us. i am being straight with you. there is going to be £18 billion of public spending cuts and we have had enough austerity from the tories. we don t want it imposed on us by any incoming labour government. let me be straight with you, john, let me be straight with the public as well, we will raise revenue and we will raise revenue by a windfall tax on the oil and gas giants which would raise £10 billion, a measure that you oppose. read my lips, no austerity under labour. i have seen poverty, - i ve never seen anything like this, this is the worst cost of livingl crisis since the end of rationing. - the liberal democrats immediately - would reverse the two child cap on benefits. if we look at the covid pandemic and the war in ukraine, there has been a massive shock to not only our domestic economy but economies across the globe and the government at the uk level have tried to provide some universal support and some targeted support. it is disingenuous of douglas ross to pretend that times are hard. times are not hard for the super wealthy. they have made out been like bandits since covid, their wealth has doubled and tripled. the second topic, the nhs. my mother, who is 93, waited six hours for an ambulance, another two hours outside the hospital before she was admitted. is our nhs broken? the nhs is run from edinburgh but the scottish government s budget is determined in part at westminster. that austerity, that cutting taxes for the wealthy, it means you have to cut to the bone and cut again and again. and that took us to the third topic. independence. on the economy, on poverty, on health, on public services, they are all crying out for ministerial attention, that has been starved because of the constitutional debate that has gripped our politics for so long. i don t support independence, i don t support a referendum, but i can understand why so many people across scotland are looking for an escape route from a tory government they thought we could not get rid of or from a labour party that they thought could not win. people are really struggling i in scotland today because of the effects of 14. years of austerity and because of brexit, - and the cost of living crisis, all of those are a product of- decisions taken at westminster. tory decisions. they are all a product of decisions - taken in westminster. it is not the nhs we have been discussing today, it is not the education system, it is not carers, it is going to be independence above everything else, and scotland will suffer as a result of that. audience and politicians all had plenty to say tonight. on lithjuly, it is your turn. james cook, bbc news, glasgow. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. heavy rainfall has prevented flights from taking off from spain s third biggest airport because of flooding on its runways. eyewitnesses at palma de mallorca airport said it was chaos, with passengers running for cover from the water pouring through the roof. all flights were grounded. our reporter chi chi izundu has more. heavy rain, heavy flooding, a storm caused nearly nine centimetres of rain to fall in less than an hour in palma, majorca. this is spain s third biggest airport. passengers were not able to enter or leave the terminal building and officials activated an emergency plan and temporarily rerouted flights to other airports because of the impossibility of operating safely. i impossibility of operating safel . ., impossibility of operating safel. ., ., ., safely. i got the notification that my flight safely. i got the notification that my flight was - safely. i got the notification l that my flight was cancelled. it should have been this evening and now we re checking for other options that to germany tonight. it for other options that to germany tonight.- for other options that to germany tonight. it has been cancelled. germany tonight. it has been cancelled, apparently, - germany tonight. it has been cancelled, apparently, and il cancelled, apparently, and i was cancelled, apparently, and i was going on a business trip, so let s was going on a business trip, so let s see. was going on a business trip, so let s see- so let s see. last year, some 31 million so let s see. last year, some 31 million people so let s see. last year, some 31 million people pull - so let s see. last year, some | 31 million people pull through this airport s doors and now with flights resuming, approaching cleanup can begin. chi chi izundu, bbc news. let s get some of the day s other news now. firefighters are battling wildfires in brazil s pantanaal, the world s largest tropical wetla nd. 32,000 hectares, home to jaguars, giant anteaters and giant river otters, have already been destroyed. low levels of rainfall and high winds has intensified the fires, which climate scientists warn are happening out of its usual season. the world health organisation says 2.7 million people die every year in europe because of alcohol, tobacco and ultra processed foods. experts say powerful industries are driving ill health and premature death because they interfere in government policies and efforts to cut cases of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. an invasive species of mosquito has been found in 13 countries in the eu, including france, spain and greece, with experts saying their discovery is linked to a rise in dengue fever in europe. the european centre for disease prevention and control says that climate change is creating favourable conditions for the tiger mosquito to spread. it s also warning that international travel will increase the risk of more european outbreaks. authorities in hong kong have cancelled the passports of six democracy activists who fled to britain. it s the first time the power has been used under a tightened security law passed earlier this year. a hong kong government spokesperson accused the campaigners of continuing to blatantly engage in activities that endangered national security. police in the chinese territory have warned that anyone who gives them funds could face a lengthyjail sentence. now, how long do you think you could last without your smartphone? a few hours? a day? maybe two at a push? well, we ve followed a group of teenagers to see how they cope without their smartphones for five whole days. it s all part of the bbc s teen 2a day and it comes as a new online survey of 2,000 young people conducted for the bbc suggests three quarters of teenagers wouldn t swap their smartphone for a brick phone. but that s exactly what we asked 10 students to do at a college in salford, in the north west of england. our reporter kristianjohnson was there to follow how they got on. on friday i received a47 notifications. it s fair to say some teenagers are pretty glued to their phones. ok, guys, point of no return. thank you. but this group of students are doing the unthinkable, locking them away for almost a week. you said your goodbye? yes. no tik tok. no snapchat. no whatsapp. so, guys, these are your new mobile phone instead they will be using these for the next five days. the only way of communicating texts and calls. i want a nokia. so this is why i don t like it. they re going to have to learn a whole new set of skills for the next week to be able to adapt and continue their life as close to what it used to be. but with that mobile phone underpinning most of their activities, it s going to be a real challenge. so in the mornings, usually i search up the train times. oh yeah i need to leave in 5 minutes. oh yeah. i ve got a little bit of time before i need to leave. but with like without a phone, i ve got no way to know when the next time will be. not being involved in group chats means it s harderfor ruby to meet up with friends. i feel like with the nokia, i m kind of missing out a bit more on social interaction. like we always go bowling or stuff, so we ve not organised anything so far. so i m 52 hours into the detox. i m fine. 0k. i don t think it s difficult or anything. two days into the journey, and while ruby is coping well, charlie has already given into temptation. it s definitely hard when you don t have it. it s like having like a comfort item how many of years? and itjust goes. it was really stressful. some others are struggling too. not knowing what s going on, like a group chat. itjust makes me like, what am i missing out on? but most are focusing on the positives. my feeling i m actually learn and stuff and engage more noticing stuff around me, which i probably should be doing anyways, but i m just too addicted to my phone. usually before i go to bed, i usuallyjust watch like disney+ for like an hour and then just drift off. but since then i ve just gone straight to sleep and it s weird. i feel much better the more i time goes on, but it becomes a lot easier. to think of things to do because you re not going to like, oh, no message. will s journey home takes over an hour. a tram first, then a bus. so in terms of not having a smartphone, it makes it more difficult because i can t check the timetable. and when they say it s been delayed or something, i could at least ring my dad and ask for a lift, you know? will s mum, allison, admits not being able to use family tracking apps like life360 is a hindrance. but she s noticed big changes in her son just three days into the detox. actually, quite nice seeing you without headphones. don t see you that much normally. no. i think it sjust become the norm. whereas actual social interaction does require you to put these things away and engage a little bit more. five days later, it s the end of term and time to get those smartphones back. maybe i ll put my phone away in the car and i ll put my phone away, like when i m around my friends. but in general, like, going on to tik tok everything, i m still going to do that. like, ifanything, i m going to do it more now. i think it s been pretty difficult without a smartphone, but i ve managed to get through it all right. i ll try and use less tiktok, that s for sure. i know my screen time is quite high on that. judging by their initial reaction, perhaps the students aren t quite ready to give up their smartphones entirely, but the detox might start to slowly change their habits. christian johnson, bbc news. what a brave corresponded! separation anxiety! and finally this half hour, officials in kosovo s capital pristina are offering $50 a month to people who adopt a stray dog. at least 4000 dogs are believed to live on the city s streets, often creating problems for residents, including dog attacks. the mayor of pristina is spending more than $300,000 on efforts to catch, sterilise and immunise the street dogs ahead of their adoption. stay with us here on bbc news. we have business news coming up next. hello there. foremost a disappointing start to the week, gusts of wind coming from the north and in excess of 30 miles an hour at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures. a slightly different story further south and west. look at anglesey, beautiful afternoon! lots of sunshine and temperatures peaking at 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way from the west so west will be best through the course of tuesday! still likely to be a few showers but hopefully fewer and further in between. most frequent showers will be across eastern scotland and eastern england. sunny spells and scattered showers in the afternoon, impacting the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees but with a little more shelter and sunshine, 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland, hopefully some will either through the afternoon but you can see these temperatures still struggling, 10- 15 temperatures still struggling, 10 15 degrees at the very best. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, the ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers so wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it, more rain to come but it will be a pretty chilly start to wednesday morning, single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots but hopefully the showers should be a little bit fewer and further between animal favoured spots for the showers to east of the pennines and more sunshine to the west. temperatures generally similar values to what we have seen all week, 10 18 degrees are high. the wind direction or changes in moving to thursday and unfortunately towards the end of the week this low pressure will take mebwmawmwmmh over this low pressure will take over and we was see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy but the wind direction will play its part a little, a southwesterly wind means we will see temperatures climbing a degree also. do not expect anything too significant because we have the cloud and the rain around. not out of the question that across eastern we could see highs of up to 20 celsius. take care. facing a flood of cheap chinese cars, europe s expected to raise tariffs on electric vehicles today. apple investors push its value up to record highs following its foray into the world of ai. we ll look ahead to the uk s latest economic data as april s gdp data is released. will it spur a bank of england rate cut? plus, supplies are squeezed for the makers of orange juice with prices going up due to extreme weather and disease. welcome to business today. we start in europe, where china is accused of drawing upon surplus capacity to dump electric vehicles

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240611

hello and welcome. this is business today. after months of speculation, apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive tim cook has called the next big step . the tech giant is to boost its siri voice assistant and operating systems with openai s chatgpt as it seeks to catch up in the ai race. it s part of a new personalised ai system called apple intelligence. here s our north america business correspondent erin delmore. the hardest abereaviation in tech these days is easily ai. now, apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at the world development conference on monday. chief among them a partnership with the artificial intelligence juggernaut, intelligencejuggernaut, openai. that will allow apple to integrate the start up s cutting edge chat bot, chatgpt, into its including a superpowered siri. apple s signature voice assistant will be available with chatgpt features for free later this year. other new additions include ai generated images and emojis and help with toning improvements. this is apple s big stand in integrating the ai features that have captured users attentions and company s big bucks. wall street has spent the year rewarding firms that have not onlyjumped on but rewarded it, like nvidia. last week, it overtook apple itself to become the second most valuable company in the world by market capitalisation. microsoft, which has its own long standing partnership with openai remains the most powerful. lets get the view of carolina milanesi president and principal analyst at creative strategies. what did you make of the big reveal? i what did you make of the big reveal? ~ ., , ., , reveal? i think what people were surprised reveal? i think what people were surprised about - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is - reveal? i think what people were surprised about is thei were surprised about is the fact that apple intelligence is actually home grown. so that is not what chatgpt is powering. so that is something that apple has created on its own merit, with its own technology, its own silicon and its cloud, to keep everything personal and private. where chatgpt comes in, it becomes a bit more like a table stakes of general queries that we have been accustomed to do and play with, which chatgpt and other services, is on its own chat bot. so if you like, you were talking about it becoming smarter. apple is making siri smarter. apple is making siri smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. 50. smarter and chatgpt makes siri more knowledgeable. more knowledgeable. so, the oint more knowledgeable. so, the point you more knowledgeable. so, the point you made more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about - more knowledgeable. so, the point you made about apple | point you made about apple intelligence, it is its own software chips, etc, etc. yes. do ou software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people - software chips, etc, etc. yes. do you think that people willl do you think that people will therefore, think that it is more superior? it is more secure and safer in some way? i think that they re certainly going to believe that privacy is at the core of what apple wants to deliver, and is more personal. there s no question that consumers across different countries trust the brand of apple. apple doesn t monetise from consumer s data. it monetises through hardware, so it is in their interest to bring hardware back. so the di phone for example. and we ve seen that apple intelligence will be available only on the latest devices that are running either an m1 on mac and ipad, or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. or on the iphone, the iphone pro and pro max. how does this com are pro and pro max. how does this compare to pro and pro max. how does this compare to what pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft - pro and pro max. how does this compare to what microsoft or i compare to what microsoft or google are offering? i mean, apple has been seen to be behind? does this now bring it up behind? does this now bring it up to speed? is it now possibly going to move ahead? your thoughts? i going to move ahead? your thoughts? thoughts? i think it s a very different thoughts? i think it s a very different business - thoughts? i think it s a very different business model. l thoughts? i think it s a very - different business model. both google and microsoft are in the cloud business, so they are in the large language model business, and they are monetising from services like co pilots and duet. for apple, everything is free because they monetise from the hardware. so it s hard to make a comparison. there is no question that being more personal will drive more engagement from a user perspective. engagement from a user perspective- engagement from a user perspective. 0k. well, it s aood perspective. 0k. well, it s good to perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your perspective. 0k. well, it s good to get your take. - perspective. 0k. well, it s i good to get your take. thank you for your time. well lets stay on the theme of ai the ceo of morgan stanley, ted pick, has said the use of ai could companies financial advisers between 10 and 15 hours a week. he told a conference it s potentially really game changing . lets explore this with will walker arnott, director of private clients at charles stanley. good morning to you. good morning- good morning to you. good morning. so, good morning to you. good morning. so, can good morning to you. good morning. so, can you - good morning to you. good morning. so, can you see l good morning to you. good - morning. so, can you see this? would that morning. so, can you see this? would that be morning. so, can you see this? would that be the morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, - morning. so, can you see this? would that be the case, for- would that be the case, for example, in your line of work? you could save 10 15 hours a week if ai you could save 10 15 hours a week if al was really implemented where you are? we re actually own bid an american company called raymond james, and they really see the role of ai as not replacing human roles but augmenting and increasing productivity. so the first thing rolled out is access to co pilot, which is a microsoft product which helps us to review long documents and analyse them very quickly. but also, we have some preparatory called opportunities, which is released by raymond james, which when we get in, in the morning, we ll review portfolios and prompt us to react. and finally in the back office, we can improve productivityjust office, we can improve productivity just through things like when we re processing documentation. so i think that it will save time and will be a game changer in the wealth management arena. now, let s talk about apple from the market perspective. shares actually went down after this big launch, as it were. and yet, the snp500 closing at a record high. five of the so called magnificent seven stocks doing well yesterday. why was apple not riding the wave of this reveal of the ai plans? i wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., wave of this reveal of the ai lans? ~ ., , ., , plans? i think to be honest, it had a very plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong plans? i think to be honest, it had a very strong recovery - plans? i think to be honest, it. had a very strong recovery over the last three months. if you go back to the turn of the year, there was a lot of concerns around the company surrounding chinese demand and the like. and the share price has since had a strong sense of due won earnings has rallied hard. so a little bit of profit taking after the announcements, but you re quite right, the big technology companies are really supporting growth in us market, and that s really down to the strong earnings we saw in the recent results season.- recent results season. now, it s a busy recent results season. now, it s a busy week recent results season. now, it s a busy week for - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you - recent results season. now, it s a busy week for you and | it s a busy week for you and others watching financial markets. we have the federal reserve meeting starting today. of course, they wrap that up on wednesday. lots of thoughts of where they re headed. oil prices spiked on monday as well. brent crude still above $81 a barrel. and then us inflation numbers out this week as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., as well. it s going to be busy, isn t it? . , ., , isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week- isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, busy week. and you re - isn t it? yeah, it s a busy, i busy week. and you re quite right all surprises did spring up a bit yesterday. but over the year, they ve been pretty flat. we re about to enter the driving season in the us, which traditionally means there s a lot more demand for oil. but i think the fact that president biden will not want to see oil prices rising ahead of an election means that he s going to continue to release his strategic reserves and keep a cap on that. so i think that the oil price will remain range bound. and looking for, yes, we have inflation data from us. we also have the federal reserve where markets are still expecting interest rates to go up expecting interest rates to go up one or two times possibly this year, which seems about right. this year, which seems about riuht. ,, right. all right, goodness me! thanks for right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. - right. all right, goodness me! thanks for talking to us. have j thanks for talking to us. have a good day. we ll see you again, soon. here in the uk, we will get the latestjobs data in around 90 minutes time as pressure mounts on the bank of england to join other major banks in cutting interest rates. but economists expect to see wage growth of around 6% in the three months to april an acceleration which could leave a rate cut less likely over fears of the labour market fuelling inflation. toby fowlston is chief executive of the recruitment company robert walters group. good to have you on bbc news again, tony. so tell us what you re expecting? what will we learn about uk jobs market today? learn about uk “obs market toda ? ,., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? , ., ., ., learn about uk “obs market toda ? ., , today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t today? good morning, sally. well, it wouldn t surprise - today? good morning, sally. | well, it wouldn t surprise me to see perhaps a small drop in terms of the number of vacancies, orat terms of the number of vacancies, or at best, terms of the number of vacancies, orat best, it perhaps staying flat. vacancies, or at best, it perhaps staying flat. and from our perhaps staying flat. and from your point perhaps staying flat. and from your point of perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as - perhaps staying flat. and from your point of view, as a - your point of view, as a recruitment company, what are the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we the trends at the moment? well, we re seeing. so we operate . we re seeing. so we operate in the professional services space. we ve sort of gone from what was deemed the great resignation coming out of covid in 2021 and 2022, and then we moved into the boomerang people realised that they needed to work and went back to employers now we ve sort of entered this phrase being coined as the big stay . and it really comes down to just a lack of confidence. a lack of confidence on clients, obviously cost of hiring, and also a particular lack of confidence with candidates, who are obviously seeing what s going on in the world and they are choosing, albeit anecdotally, looking to move the actual physical movement of people. we rejust the actual physical movement of people. we re just not seeing that happening as it was previously. that happening as it was previously- that happening as it was reviousl . , ., ., previously. does that mean we re in previously. does that mean we re in an previously. does that mean we re in an unhealthy - previously. does that mean i we re in an unhealthy position in the ukjobs market? because also, of course, the number that the government is looking at quite closely all the time is the so called economically inactive those who are not in work that could well be in work for various reasons? for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase - for various reasons? yeah. so we ve seen an increase in - we ve seen an increase in long term sickness in the workplace. i think we re up to 2.8 million in february 2024 were the numbers. down to various reasons long covid, nhs delays, interest in people working from home and not set “p working from home and not set up properly in term of equipment. so that has increased. so we re also seeing a lack of confidence with candidates who. .. a lack of confidence with candidates who. and let s not forget, they went into the job market in 2021 and 2022. salaries were at a premium. we had inflation. that inflation got to inflection point of around 10%ment and then we started to see that clients couldn t keep up that rate of inflation in terms of real pay. so today what we ve got is low unemployment, candidates sat on relatively high salary premiums in the professional services space. why would they move at the moment? so we need confidence to come back. we need to start seeing enter prize businesses hiring and we need to see some stability in the marketplace. the marketplace. and, of course. the marketplace. and, of course, all the marketplace. and, of course, all the the marketplace. and, of course, all the political. course, all the political parties are talking about this, aren t they? how uk economy will be given a boost post election. we ve got the conservative manifesto coming out today. are you hopeful that whatever the outcome of the election, it will mean policies in place that will help to boost uk economy? in place that will help to boost uk econom ? . ., boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics boost uk economy? yeah, i mean, i ll leave the politics to i ll leave the politics to politicians. but from a working perspective, firstly we need stability. we need a decision. then we need a government that s going to start looking at how we can encourage workers back in. so examples of that would be greater learning and education. we know there s going to have to be a huge reskilling of the workforce with the increase in al. and actually, we re looking at perhaps half of the professional working force having to reskill by 2030. i think things around how we can support employees as well in terms of cost of living right now are going to be really important. now are going to be really important- now are going to be really imortant. . ., important. thanks, toby. good to net important. thanks, toby. good to get your important. thanks, toby. good to get your take. staying in the uk the lack of affordable housing is a big issue and with an election imminent this problem is getting a lot of attention. the uk has the highest housing costs in the english speaking world with typically more than a quarter of disposable income spent on housing. so what are the wider issues in the housing sector across the uk and why aren t enough homes being built? here s our economics editor faisal islam. as the cost of living squeeze from energy and food costs starts to settle, there is no such luck with housing. mortgage and rental costs are still rising the latter by record amounts. this is a long term issue basic supply and demand as you can see at this new housing development in warwickshire. many of these new homes are going forjust over £300,000. that s bang on the average house price in this country. and we can see how that s changed over the past three decades or so no surprise to see that line going up and up. what has changed has been the relationship with affordability. back in the late 90s, five years worth of annual average income was more than the average house price. now, it s crossed over, the gap is massive and looks very difficult to bridge. it s all about house building. successive governments over years, over decades, have made big promises on house building, often not met. this is what s happened for england, over the past ten years, broken down per three month quarter. a similar pattern across the united kingdom. the conservatives made a promise in 2017, a manifesto commitment in 2019, to meet a target of 300,000 homes per year by the mid 2020s, so that s about 75,000 a quarter. it s only even nearly met in a single quarter, and that s because of a rush on green targets, then it falls quite sharply in the second half of last year. now, the government argues it has met a separate, lower target of a million new homes in the past parliament, but we don t have the full figures for that yet. the labour party say it will continue that target for the next five years if it wins 1.5 million new homes over that five year period. the financial crisis, the pandemic, rising interest rates and inflation all can be blamed, but mass house building has only historically been done when government funds it, and the parties seem to agree there isn t the money. in the 60s, local authorities were building a lot of social housing, and that has died down in the 90s, and without this push, we can never get enough new builds. and then there s planning. yes, 50, planning permission has therefore been refused. up and down the country, in lengthy councillors meetings just like these, now recorded on council websites. applause. ..there are the familiar sight and sound of new homes not being built, planning permission refused repeatedly. the two main parties do differ here. labour says it s willing to build on specific areas of the green belt that are not so green they call the grey belt. ultimately, both for buying and renting, supply not responding to demand means higher housing costs, the most enduring aspect of the cost of living crisis. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. singapore airlines has set aside more than a million dollars in compensation for the injured passengers of a flight which suffered severe turbulence last month while flying from london to singapore. the flight diverted to bangkok. at the time passengers recounted scenes of absolute terror and one british passenger died from a suspected heart attack during the incident. live now to nick marsh in our asia business hub. tell us more about the offer. what does it mean to the passengers? what does it mean to the ”asseners? ,, ., ~ , passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 - passengers? sing apore airlines have off offered $10,000 to - have off offered $10,000 to each passenger who received minor injuries. i ve reached out to singapore airlines and asked firstly, what does minor mean and how many passengers are we talking about? they haven t responded as of yet. i ll keep you updated when they do. but we do know that more than a hundred people were treated in hospital after that flight diverted to bangkok following that turbulence. so we re talking about at least a hundred people entitled to this $10,000. for people who sustained more severe injuries, they ve been offered an initial advance payment of $25,000 us. and that s actually subject to negotiation depending on how bad your injuries were. in terms of the actual flight, sally, i ll remind people watching what happened. it was a flight from london to singapore. it hit really bad turbulence over myanmar. the plane dropped 178 feet more than 50 metres in less than five seconds. when through all kinds of g force changes. people said it was an absolutely terrifying experience. one man, obviously, sadly died. and bad news for singapore airlines who had been doing really well financially up doing really well financially up to then. now they ll have to she“ up to then. now they ll have to shell out all of the compensation money. 0k, compensation money. ok, thank you for the latest. the oil giant, bp, has tightened its rules on workplace relationships after its former boss was dismissed for failing to disclose details about his personal relationships with colleagues. senior managers must now report any intimate relationships that have taken place with colleagues in the last three years. with more, here s david waddell. bp s chief executive was sacked in december, accused of certificate yours misconduct serious misconduct. he lost his jobs along with millions of pounds of share allowances and bonuses. in december, the firm accused its former boss of providing inaccurate assurances as part of 2022 investigation. they said he knowingly misled the board. at the time, mr luney said he was disappointed with the way the situation had been handled. this week, bp said it had updated its conflict of interest policy after looking at comparable organisations and good industry practice. previously, employees were only required to disclose and record family or intimate relationships at work if they felt there could be a conflict of interest. but this policy goes much wider. about 4,500 managers have been asked to submit any reports in the next three months whether or not they feel they represent a conflict of interest. the company said the changes reflect the influ especially that leaders have, and any failure of compliance could lead to disciplinary action. the chartered institute of personnel and development said that any relationships between managers and employees would be a clear conflict of interest, and should be reported as they could create risks around confidentiality and fairness. now will you be popping out for a run after this programme? maybe you are on the treadmill now. this week in the uk, it is bike week, and many use one of a number of fitness apps to track progress against goals when they re doing such activities. so the fitness world has delivered a number of devices and apps to allow users to take part in a growing community. strava is one of them. it currently has 120 million users around the world. joining me now is the company s ceo michael martin. i assume that you are a strava user. i i assume that you are a strava user. ., ., i assume that you are a strava user. . ., , ., user. i am, i have been for the last seven user. i am, i have been for the last seven years user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is - user. i am, i have been for the last seven years what is that? l last seven years what is that? running, hiking, cycling? soi primarily go on runs, often with my dog, as well as walks, swims and cycling. swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week- swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in - swims and cycling. ok, this week is bike week in uk. i swims and cycling. ok, this i week is bike week in uk. the whole point of is to encourage people on to their bikes, to change their transport option from maybe going in a car to cycling. that kind of thing, increasing health, wellbeing. do you see. do you notice a difference during the weeks in strava. do you see a surge of activity? strava. do you see a surge of activi ? ~ ., ., ., activity? we do, although those surues activity? we do, although those surges during activity? we do, although those surges during weeks activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like - activity? we do, although those surges during weeks like this i surges during weeks like this are actually relatively minor versus the overall trends in growth on cycling overall. specifically in the uk and also specifically to commute. ok. specifically to commute. 0k, and ust specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk specifically to commute. 0k, and just talk us specifically to commute. ok, and just talk us through how artificial intelligence is changing what you offer? i presume you re going to be moving in that direction? absolutely. one of the things that we announced recently is our first products using ai. i ve worked with artificial intelligence and machine learning for almost a decade now. i ve never been particularly interested in the novelty of the technology, but i ve been amazed by its ability to solve real problems. and combining artificial intelligence with the world s. .. intelligence with the world s. with the data from the world s largest active community, i believe is going to unlock new types of motivation and get more people on their bikes more frequently. so, it s a win win from your perspective. there are those who say that there are cheats on strava. this is something i ve been hearing, in the sense that you ve got your leaderboards and it can be quite competitive in terms of who s the fastest on a particular route, etc. how do you counter that? how do you make sure that someone is genuine in terms of the data that they re putting in? that s a problem that they re putting in? that s a problem that that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava - that they re putting in? that s a problem that strava has - a problem that strava has frankly had for quite a while. it s one of the most requested fixes that the community has asked for. and given my background in tech, it s actually a perfect example of a problem that al is suited to solve. before it was very, very difficult to actually discern with great precision and accuracy what was a false record versus somebody who was just doing better than everybody else. but that is tailor made for artificial intelligence, and that was one of the other announcements that we made recently. that s the second way that we re going to be deploying ai second way that we re going to be deploying al to help people on strava. ., . , be deploying al to help people on strava- on strava. how many of your users are on strava. how many of your users are free on strava. how many of your users are free users? - on strava. how many of your users are free users? and i on strava. how many of your i users are free users? and how many are on paying you a subscription? what s the percentage? brute subscription? what s the percentage? subscription? what s the ”ercentae? ~ ., ,. percentage? we don t disclose that. but percentage? we don t disclose that- but i percentage? we don t disclose that. but | will percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that - percentage? we don t disclose that. but i will say that we ve i that. but i will say that we ve been seeing growth, both in terms of the free usage, but also growth in terms of our subscriber base and we re really excited. that growth has continued following the pandemic. and it s actually accelerated within the last year. accelerated within the last ear. , ., ., year. and i understand that ou re year. and i understand that you re moving year. and i understand that you re moving to year. and i understand that you re moving to try - year. and i understand that you re moving to try to - you re moving to try to encourage more women to use so what s the plan from that point of view? ~ , ,., , ., of view? absolutely. the women are under pen of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms - of view? absolutely. the women are under pen rated in terms of. are under pen rated in terms of their activity in sport overall. and i believe that strava has a true opportunity here to actually make sport more inclusive, specifically for herself. so we ve announced a number of features intended to help with some of the challenges that she has, specifically things that would allow women to feel more safe as they go for a run or for a ride. give them more control of the information that they share. and i think that s going to be great for them. we re seeing the early data right now. just this year in the uk, for the last six months, we re seeing womenjoin strava for the last six months, we re seeing women join strava at twice the rate of last year. but then i think that those tools and those capabilities will also broadly applicable to others in the flat for as well. 0k, others in the flat for as well. ok, interesting on the platform as well. ok, interesting. thank you for joining us on the programme. thank you. thank you. thankyou. thank ou. ., thank you. so whatever you re u . thank you. so whatever you re u- to thank you. so whatever you re up to today. thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe thank you. so whatever you re up to today, maybe you re - thank you. so whatever you re i up to today, maybe you re going on your bike or going for a run enjoy. thank you for your company. i ll see you soon. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. good morning welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent, our headlines today. a promise to cut another two pence from national insurance as the conservatives launch their general election manifesto. labour say the prime minister is desperate good morning from taunton in somerset, one of the new constituencies in this election. we have been talking to voters about what matters to them most and whether they have decided where they will be putting their cross on the 4th ofjuly. former rugby union player ed slater pays tribute to rob burrow and says thank you for supporting people with motor neurone disease. in sport, scotland are already there. now, after a royal send off england are, too. gareth southgate s squad arrive at their euros base in germany with the tournament starting on friday. good morning. we are seeing some sunshine today but generally there will be a lot of cloud, some showers. showers especially in eastern areas and it

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240611

hello, i m sally bundock. a very warm welcome to the programme. the united states is making a major push to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today. our north america correspondent, nada tawfik, has been following the developments from new york and sent this update. what we heard from the united states was that this was the best possible way to secure a durable end to the war, saying that it really is a deal that was israel s initiative, it outlined three phases that they said would eventually, you know, lead to the complete withdrawal of israeli forces, the release of all hostages, in exchange for palestinian prisoners, major reconstruction of gaza, eventually. but, i think, from different members, you heard different positions. you know, while the united states says this resolution passing means that the international community is united, and that this will help put pressure on hamas to accept the deal, you know, algeria said they still had some reservations about the text, but supported it, because they felt it wanted to give diplomacy a chance, wanted to give a glimmer of hope to palestinians. but from russia and china, a lot more scepticism. you know, russia said it didn t want to block this resolution, because the arab group of nations supported it, but it questioned whether israel had really accepted the deal, as the resolution states, and they pointed to a number of statements by israeli officials, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they will continue the war until hamas is defeated. china, as well, questioned if, you know, parties will actually implement these three phases of presidentjoe biden s proposed deal, and china noting that the other security council resolutions that have been passed weren t implemented, including a permanent ceasefire, including getting more aid in at scale into gaza, questioning, you know, whether this will have a tangible impact on the ground. so i think it remains to be seen if this resolution will, in fact, be different than the other ones. the vote came as the us secretary of state antony blinken is visiting the middle east. it s the eighth time he s been to the region since the october 7th attacks. mr blinken is fiercely advocating for the ceasefire deal proposed by president biden ten days ago. he met the egyptian president abdel fattah al sisi on monday and will holds talks in jerusalem with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later. let s speak to president of the middle east policy council, ambassador gina abercrombie winstanley. good to have you on the programme. first of all, your reaction to the un security council vote to go ahead with president biden s plan, your thoughts on that. president biden s plan, your thoughts on that. thoughts on that. well, i believe it thoughts on that. well, i believe it was thoughts on that. well, i believe it was a - thoughts on that. well, i believe it was a very - thoughts on that. well, i - believe it was a very positive step forward for the un security council to come through with a really strong support for the resolution. just one state of staining is really important. we have seen a response from hamas to that vote. again, a positive response, and i believe this is a very effective way for the united states and partners in the region to put in the building blocks of pressure on both hamas and israel to get to this ceasefire. the both hamas and israel to get to this ceasefire. this ceasefire. the question is, well this ceasefire. the question is. well they this ceasefire. the question is, well they get this ceasefire. the question is, well they get there? - this ceasefire. the question i is, well they get there? there is, well they get there? there is, as you say, a positive response from hamas, which is encouraging. israel is well is said to be on board and yet there are concerns about the pressures on benjamin netanyahu within his own party? yes. pressures on benjamin netanyahu within his own party? within his own party? yes, i mean, within his own party? yes, i mean. the within his own party? yes, i mean, the departure - within his own party? yes, i mean, the departure of- within his own party? yes, i. mean, the departure of benny gantz means those to the right of the prime minister are in a different position. nonetheless, the leader of the opposition said he would provide a safety net for the prime minister to take this very positive step for the israeli people so the prime minister does have the ability to reach, and take the ceasefire deal which of course originated from israel. the challenge on both sides is his desire to stay in power would lead him to stick with the members of his coalition to the right of him. s decide to stay in power might also lead them not to give a definitive yes and sign on the dotted line. but the president is very clear about the benefits of the ceasefire and it gives important things to both sides that are needed now. my colleague that are needed now. my colleague pointed out that other resolutions have passed the un security council but when it comes to the implementation, it has not happened. what does it take? if both sides agree to president biden s plan, what will it take to see through its implementation do you believe? it is going to take the focus and energy, particularly from the region, but from the international community. we have been here before with conflicts around the world and throughout history and so we know how difficult it can be, but the ceasefire proposal lays out very clear steps and lays out very clear steps and lays out very clear benefits if they take steps and the hope is, in getting this ceasefire, getting this calm into the gaza strip, both sides will reap the benefits of that of getting hostages released, of getting palestinian prisoners returned and have the ability to start rebuilding in the gaza strip, hopefully quiet the northern border as well. you cannot forget there is a lot of tit for tat going on with hezbollah and we have tens of thousands of israelis displaced from their homes, it is not just into the gaza strip, and having the ability to reach the ceasefire will likely give some relief to that part of the conflict as well.- conflict as well. 0k. ambassador - conflict as well. 0k. ambassador gina i ambassador gina abercrombie winstanley, president of the middle east policy council, thank you for talking to us on the bbc news. my talking to us on the bbc news. my privilege. here, the conservatives will be publishing their election manifesto later. they re promising a further cut in national insurance contributions. rishi sunak will argue that another conservative government would enable working people to keep more of the money they earn. meanwhile in an interview on monday evening, mr sunak said it has been a tough few years but the election was about the future and the country had turned a corner. correspondent hannah miller reports. hoping for a warm welcome as rishi sunak prepares to set up his party s plans for another five years in government. on the eve of his manifesto launched last night, the prime minister hinted at tax cuts to come. ~ ., minister hinted at tax cuts to come. ~ . ., ., , ., come. we will have a manifesto that builds come. we will have a manifesto that builds on come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all the come. we will have a manifesto that builds on all the things - that builds on all the things that builds on all the things that you ve just got free, that we have an us on this campaign, that yes, continues to cut people s tax because i believe in a country where people s had work is reported. work is reported. after cutting national insurance work is reported. after cutting national insurance last - work is reported. after cutting | national insurance last autumn and in the spring, the manifesto will promise to cut it a further 2p for employees. it would also pledge that the state pension will not be taxed and make permanent and existing cut to stamp duty for first time buyers, as well as promising that parents will only have to start paying back child benefit when the household income reaches £120,000. the manifesto will also contain pledges to raise defence spending, reform the welfare system and double down on plans to send asylum seekers to rwanda. labour says it amounts to a desperate wish list from what they call a desperate prime minister. after 14 ears desperate prime minister. after 14 years of desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the tories, - desperate prime minister. after 14 years of the tories, the - 14 years of the tories, the money is not there so nope matter what promise rishi sunak max, he will not be able to deliver on any of them because it cannot explain whether money is coming from. the it cannot explain whether money is coming from. is coming from. the prime minister is coming from. the prime minister is is coming from. the prime minister is a is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is - is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a - is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a day i is coming from. the prime minister is a bit is a day toj minister is a bit is a day to when notjust attention but votes as well as to turn his party s votes as well as to turn his pa rty s forges votes as well as to turn his party s forges around after a rocky few days. hannah miller, bbc news. in france, political parties are scrambling to get ready, after president macron called surprise parliamentary elections across the country, several years before he needed to. he made the move after his ruling alliance was roundly defeated in sunday s european elections, with france s far right national rally securing an overwhelming victory for seats in the european parliament. our europe correspondent nick beake reports. emmanuel macron visited the site of one of the worst nazi massacres in france, perpetrated 80 years ago today. he s been drawing on the past to highlight what he claims is the current threat confronting the country from the far right. in the face of his opponents success this weekend, the president has taken an almighty gamble in calling a snap election. 40 miles outside paris, this is coulommiers, the land of cheesemaking, where support for macron has crumbled. the members of the monday club said they hadn t veered to the right. but then we met 31 year old mum of three, noemi, a worker in an elderly care home, who says she s desperate for something new. translation: what frightens people could actually do them j good, so we should try the national front, because france is getting worse. i m scared to leave my house and the public transport is not safe. whatever the result of these snap parliamentary elections, emmanuel macron is set to stay on as president for another three years, but a national rally victory could have a huge impact here and in many parts of france. it would also be hugely symbolic, too, because injust six weeks time, the country will host the olympic games and by then, france could have its first far right government since the second world war. this is the 28 year old who could be france s prime minister in a month. through his social media, jordan bardella has been winning young supporters in particular, focusing on the cost of living, softening the image of a party once condemned as unelectable, and working alongside marine le pen. she hopes to replace macron as president in 2027. so can national rally translate their victory at the european elections to the national vote? so they have some kind of, say, a political virginity people say, we do not know what they will do if they come to power but nevertheless, let s give them a try, and if we are not happy, we will have election next time and we ll get rid of them. it s not clear what the president s thinking is, but his legacy will be defined in the coming weeks. nick beake, bbc news, outside paris. let s get some of the day s other news now. the president of malawi, lazarus chakwera, says he s ordered the search and rescue operation for his vice president, saulos chilima, to continue until the plane carrying him and nine others is found. the military aircraft is thought to have come down in bad weather on monday morning. singapore airlines says it has sent out offers of compensation to all the passengers on one of its flights which was hit by severe turbulence three weeks ago. a 73 year old british man died on the london to singapore flight and many passengers were injured. the main channel for shipping to the us port of baltimore has been fully restored, nearly 3 months after it was closed because of a collapsed bridge. us army engineers and salvage crews have been working to remove tens of thousands of tonnes of debris since a giant container ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge in march. apple has unveiled new plans to integrate artificial intelligence into its products. apple intelligence will not be an app or a product in its own right, but will instead be embedded across many apps, to assist with activities such as writing messages and supplying travel directions. we will have a lot more on that in business today. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. the next session of the ukraine recovery conference, takes place later in the german capital, berlin. it s the third recovery conference, but the first time it s been held in an eu member state. there have already been some tensions ahead of the meeting, with the resignation of the director of the state agency for restoring ukraine. for some clarity on this, timothy ash, an associate fellow at chatham house spoke to the bbc earlier. it is the third set of these conferences are driven by the fact that during the second gulf war in a row, the west forgot about recovery construction. this time around, with the ukraine war, there has been a lot of focus on what happens when the was and and ukraine s recovery and reconstruction and is about the money in the end. winning a war is very expensive. about $1 billion a year to keep ukrainian in the war. the cost to ukraine around $500 billion in damage. it could be around $1 trillion for the total reconstruction. who is going to pay on that? these conferences will have some looking at that. and also about how the money is going to be manage and co ordinated. momentum behind the idea of using assets because the numbers are so huge. $100 billion a yearjust to simply keep ukraine on the wall. to win it, 50 billion and the recovery reconstruction $1 trillion. western taxpayers properly do not want to pay for populism was very strong in the eu elections recently. in western bank accounts, russian taxpayer money, a big campaign to make sure that money is used first to pay for winning the war so that you crank it the weapons to defend itself but also from the recovery reconstruction, that has to be a key focus of the g7 summit. the us, uk, and canada using for that money to be used. lobbying from their europeans to make sure that does not happen. they are less at about it. if the money does not come, ukraine could lose the war. a jury in the us state of delaware has begun deliberating in the trial of president biden s son, hunter, on gun charges. hunter biden has told the bbc he believes his federal gun case now before a jury went well. our correspondent carl nasman spoke to mr biden as he left the court. good evening, mr biden. have a comment for bbc news? no. i m positive. how do you think it well? i positive. how do you think it well? ~ positive. how do you think it| well? we well? i think it went well. we will be keeping well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an eye - well? i think it went well. we will be keeping an eye on - well? i think it went well. we | will be keeping an eye on that case. hunter biden is accused of is accused of lying about his drug use on a federal form while buying a weapon in 2018, and of illegally possessing a firearm while he was allegedly a drug user. carl nasman sent this update from the courthouse. the jury will return to this courthouse behind me here in delaware on tuesday morning to continue its deliberations to weigh the evidence and testimony that they ve heard in this trial over the past week or so. much of that has been very detailed and sometimes difficult to listen to. the prosecution has laid out its case that hunter biden was addicted to crack cocaine, that he was using the drug on or around the time that he purchased that revolver on october 2018. and that he then lied about that on a federal form. of course, all of this evidence the text messages, the pictures, video, even some audio snippets from hunter biden s memoir has played out notjust for the jury, but also for the biden family itself. many members of that family were again in court today sitting just behind hunter biden in a show of support. among them was the first lady herself, jill biden. this is already an historic case, an historic trial. but a conviction here would also be historic. hunter biden would become the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal courthouse. that would carry a maximum penalty of about 25 years. it s unlikely he would serve that amount of time the discretion would be up to the judge but, of course, it s in the hands of the jury now. they will continue those deliberations on day two here on tuesday. do elephants call each other names just like us? a new study into wild african savannah elephants suggests that they do. researchers from cornell university used al to analyse noises made by elephants and found that they used different names to call out for each other. let s speak to mickey pardo, a behavioural ecologist and postdoctoral associate who led this study. welcome to the programme. thank you for having me. i wanted to correct one thing, i was actually at colorado state university when i did this study so it was a joint study of colorado state university, save the elephants and elephant voices. ., save the elephants and elephant voices. . . ., voices. i m glad we clarified that was voices. i m glad we clarified that was did voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you find - voices. i m glad we clarified that was did you find out? l that was did you find out? found that we identify, using a machine wording model, who and elephant cult was addressed to just based on the sound copies of the call itself that we found when we played those calls back to the elephants, that would respond more strongly to occult initially addressed to them than to a coal addressed to somebody else. that meant not only do the calls have some properties in them that identify the intended recipient, like a name, but the elephants can perceive this and they can tell if a call was made for them just by hearing that call. 50 just by hearing that call. so it is ust just by hearing that call. so it isjust how they just by hearing that call. so it is just how they talk to one another, which is fascinating? absolutely. another, which is fascinating? absolutely- absolutely. what else did you discover? absolutely. what else did you discover? other absolutely. what else did you discover? other elements - absolutely. what else did you discover? other elements ofl absolutely. what else did you i discover? other elements of the communication, for example touch? we are looking into that as well or was itjust verbal communication? taste as well or was it ust verbal communication?- as well or was it ust verbal communication? we were only lookin: communication? we were only looking at communication? we were only looking at verbal communication? we were only looking at verbal or communication? we were only looking at verbal or acoustic i looking at verbal or acoustic communication. we know that elephants also communicate by touch, by smell, by site and even by vibrations that they calls create through the ground but for this particular study we were only looking at vocal communication. communication. you are not tempted communication. you are not tempted to communication. you are not tempted to go communication. you are not tempted to go to communication. you are not tempted to go to a trip - communication. you are not tempted to go to a trip to i tempted to go to a trip to africa just to verify your research? africa just to verify your research? ~ , , ., ., ., research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i spent research? we did spend a lot of time in africa. i spent 14 - time in africa. i spent 14 months following elephants around in kenya. around in kenya. what a stunning around in kenya. what a stunning job. around in kenya. what a stunning job. are - around in kenya. what a stunning job. are you i around in kenya. what a i stunning job. are you living the gene? stunning job. are you living the gene? absolutely. it i stunning job. are you living the gene? absolutely. it is| the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely fascinating. i the gene? absolutely. it is absolutely fascinating. l absolutely fascinating. living the dream. thank you for joining us. the tennis legend roger federer has attended a screening of his upcoming documentary, at the tribeca festival, in new york. the film which is called, federer 12 final days, follows the 20 time grand slam winner during the last 12 days of his career before his retirement. he said it was originallyjust meant to be for his family and friends but developed into the documentary. the film has its premiere in london on thursday. well, i think that is the beauty of this film as well, it shows you can be brutal rivals, tough competitors but then you can come out and get along and have so much respect for one another. it is a good message to the well, to the kids, all the competitors like juniors who take life so serious that when it comes to their matches, the aircraft and when they see that me and wrap nadal, yelling novak djokovic get along. coming up ahead on business today, do you use that fitness app today, do you use that fitness app strava because if you do that i do not but the people i spoke to who are using it a really enthusiastic and keen on the whole they are pretty positive about that. i have the chief executive of strava on this programme. we are also looking at apple, is it you have been hearing, apple is getting on board with openai and basically bringing chatgpt to iphones in its ai overhaul. apple has been seen to be behind end of this race. i will behind end of this race. i will be getting an expert view about this latest announcements and the rest of the business news next. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. apple finally bites into ai or apple intelligence as it calls it teaming up with open al to make siri smarter. the uk has the highest housing costs in the english speaking world. we look at the challenges for those wanting to own a home and those trying to build them. singapore airlines sets aside over a million dollars to compensate injured passengers on this flight described as absolutely terrifying . and are you a strava user? it is one of the worlds most popular fitness apps. i ll be grilling its chief executive live on this programme. hello and welcome. this is business today. after months of speculation, apple has revealed its plans for artificial intelligence in a move that chief executive tim cook has called the next big step . the tech giant is to boost its siri voice assistant and operating systems with openai s chatgpt as it seeks to catch up in the ai race. it s part of a new personalised ai system called apple intelligence. here s our north america business correspondent erin delmore. the hardest abereaviation in tech these days is easily ai. now, apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at the world development conference on monday. chief among them

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