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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240612

that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter biden guilty in his federal gun case. what s next for the president s only living son as he awaits sentence thing and what it could mean for the race. then my exclusive interview with john bolton. why he thinks we are not taking the former president s threats seriously enough. plus, pride month under attack. why progress is being lost as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle and we are now 147 days away from the election and today the president son, hunter biden, was convicted on all counts in his federal gun trial. the jury deliberated the three counts for just three hours. president biden says he accepts the outcome of the case and will always be there for his son. here is my colleague ryan nobles with more. reporter: tonight president biden arriving in delaware, hugging his son on the tarmac after hunter biden became the first child of a sitting president found guilty in a criminal trial. no one in this country is above the law. reporter: it took three hours of deliberations for 12 jurors to unanimously determine hunter biden guilty of three felony counts. for lying about his drug use on a federal background check to buy a gun. special counsel david weiss, who oversaw the prosecution, saying this is not a case about hunter s struggles with crack, but his decision to break the law. s choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and then to possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. reporter: inside the courtroom, the president s 54- year-old son did not react as the verdict was read. he left the courthouse holding the hand of the first lady, later releasing a statement saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community then i am disappointed about the outcome. the verdict comes after four days of testimony from people who are or were once close to hunter biden. many testifying about his drug use around the time he filled out the background check saying he was not a drug user. his ex-girlfriend testified she witnessed hunter smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the prosecution also using clips from hunter s own book. i have no plans beyond the moment. reporter: the defense argued hunter biden did not knowingly lie on the form. tonight we spoke to juror number 10, who asked that we conceal his identity. separating the politics from the case a absolutely. for us it was not politically motivated. politics never played into anything that we said in the jury room. reporter: president biden, who said he would not pardon his son, writing, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. with that let s get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel this evening. mike memoli is here. he has covered president biden and his family for more than a decade. susan glasser joins us, staff writer for the new yorker and harry litman, former assistant attorney general. mike, you know this president and his family better than any other reporter out there. how are they all reacting to this? biden has a lot of family expressions and one i have heard him invoke so often is that family is everything. it is the beginning, it is the middle, and it is the end. in the more than decade of covered president biden i have seen them come together to celebrate their greatest triumphs. the election, the inauguration most recently. i have also seen them have to endure some of the most difficult and tragic moments as a family. this is one that yet again has brought the family together. to really take stock of a very difficult moment. really the past week and a half has been so difficult to have to relive through this trial the most difficult moments of their family, starting with the death of beau biden and what it did to hunter biden, leading to the addiction to drugs. as i have been talking to people close to the family tonight i have been struck by a tone of defiance about what comes next. there has been concern about what this might mean politically, but also personally for president biden. he is 21 weeks away from his last election. 16 days away from a consequential debate against donald trump, but the tone i am hearing from people close to the president is that they are so proud of their public service as a family and nothing is going to stop them from achieving the goal that is set out in front of them. they know they have a difficult task ahead. the politics, the legal situation does not get easier from here but they are determined to face this together as a family. harry, you wrote in the l.a. times that the jury decision was right, but the prosecution was wrong. i don t think i know what that means. let me try. department of justice guidelines, stephanie, have ways of handling cases and cases like this in which someone lies on a form but does not do any other crime with a gun or part of a gang or whatever are universally dismissed or not treated with the severity that david weiss treated this one. that is how david weiss first proposed to treat this one about a year ago when the gun charges were going to be the subject of a diversion agreement if hunter biden kept clean for two years. it would go away. so the screaming question, not the jury verdict but the question to charge presents and i don t know what the answer is. what happened to change his view of what was the proper punishment and treatment of hunter biden to take it outside how gop practice would normally treat it. because he is a special counsel no one in the doj supervisory structure which normally would say we don t do that to these cases, here is how we handle these cases. no one was there to say that and i think it is certain for whatever reason that hunter was treated more severely than another defendant with the same facts. you have written that you don t think a game changer could change voters minds about this election so i assume you think this verdict won t have much of an impact. we are getting to the point that you are anticipating me too well. look, if donald trump s conviction and becoming the first convicted felon in american history who was a former president, if that was not a radical change in the election, i don t see the conviction of a private citizen, even one who was the son of a current president to be a game changer in this race. it was that close. there was a minor, incremental shift at best toward biden. it is not entirely clear how this conviction of biden s son will play politically. certainly republicans were immediately questioning this, saying this is really just a distraction and all sorts of instantaneous conspiracy theories. default setting from some of trumps public supporters and defenders. you know, hunter biden is not running for president and that s the bottom line. there is no evidence that years of investigations of him, of dragging his name around, has really affected biden s political standing and i don t anticipate this would, either. hunter biden is not running for president. we should remind our audience he has no role in our government, past, present, and no plans for the future. harry, what could he be looking at as far as sentence goes? the standard guidelines would dictate a sentence between 15 to 21 months, based on the conduct and lack of criminal history. those are just recommendations and my best guess, consistent with what i was saying about how people who don t do anything else other than lie on the form are treated is that he will receive a fair bit less than that from the judge. remember however that there are still the tax charges he has to face and david weiss made it clear that the investigation is ongoing and he may be targeting some of hunter biden s conduct in 2014 or so in china, in business dealings. for this charge i expect him to get a sentence that is a matter of months, not the 15 to 21 that the guidelines would otherwise dictate. even if it is just a few months, hunter biden, unlike most people in his situation has secret service protection. so how does that work? your guess is as good as mine, though we have been thinking about it and we know the secret service prepared a plan when it came up with donald trump. trump would have his own wing and people would be there. there would be a lot of cooperation with local authorities. here it is easier because it is federal authorities, bureau of prisons and secret service. that will be worked out one way or another. i think that is sort of the least of the practical issues that this conviction poses today. michael, you laid it out for us, how close the biden family has. how to finance the president is when it comes to protecting his family, how he talks about the family. around this time last year i interviewed the president. much to his teams chagrin, anger, fury, i asked about hunter and he said my son is an innocent man, my son is a good man. the president is now headed deeper into this campaign into the debate stage. how is he going to handle the questions he is asked, the narrative around hunter now that we have this guilty verdict and a president who does respect the rule of law and decisions made by a jury? just think about the gauntlet that is ahead. i mentioned 16 days from now is the first debate. preparation is critical. the president tomorrow is leaving for an important foreign trip. meeting with other key leaders as well as pope francis. you know how close this president is with that hope. it will be an interesting meeting, but then he comes back and has a little over a week to prepare for that debate. we have never in modern history scenery match between combatants like trump and biden and we know the strategy on the part of the former president is very likely to try to get under president biden skin and use this against him. the biden team looks at 2020 when, yes, hunter biden was a frequent political cudgel that trump tried to use against him and the president s advisers say it did not work then and it actually backfired on donald trump. they are presenting this as do this at your own peril to donald trump, but i think it is a concern to people close to president biden that as important as the debate is and as important as preparation is, will he be able to focus on the task at hand? the answer from those i ve spoken to today is that is not going to be an issue. susan, i m sure you remember this question. former president trump and his friends at fox news said it over and over and over. where is hunter? they said it for days, weeks, months. it seemed like years. yet after today s verdict the trump campaign was basically silent, saying it is just a distraction. what in the world is going on here, susan? well, first of all i guess now that donald trump himself where s the label of convicted felon and has been at the spearhead of the most kind of concerted assault that we have ever seen, i think, by one political party in this country against the very legitimacy of the legal system. it is not exactly a comparison that is favorable where you have democrats on down today saying listen, we respect the rule of law. biden isn t going to issue a pardon for his own son. as painful as this is we think that the jury system works and things like that. the contrast with trump is obviously one that is very unfavorable and i am struck by how quickly trumps allies immediately reverted to conspiracy theories and make- believe. i can t stress that enough. they are still in burnet down mode when it comes to our legal system and that includes, you know, trying to imply that this case is a distraction from the real secret being covered up, the real case that should be brought against hunter biden. whatever the conspiracy theory is, it is part of a purposeful plan to rip down the authority and the legitimacy of the legal system, because of donald trump. because of one man. republicans like to say the current president weaponize is the justice department, but i want to share with democrat jim mcgovern had to say about that very thing. watch this. apparently when a republican is convicted it is weaponization, but when a democrat is convicted, the president s son no less, that is justice. give me a break. hunter biden was found guilty by a jury of his peers, just like donald trump. the divide is stunning and it is a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law and the other doesn t. jim mcgovern bringing a rational thought to a political party. crazy to do these days. michael, there are a lot of apolitical people. it seems like what you laid out with the a clear contrast for voters. is it? it is interesting because what we didn t hear from the president, from those around him tonight, was criticism of a trump appointed judge that presided over this trial or the prosecution from the trump appointed special counsel. there was none of that in the statement before the trial began and today when the try was over, he reiterated his respect for the rule of law and freedom and democracy have been an important part of the president s campaign. that is an example he is showing not just through those words, but the words we saw in another interview last week. the president has the power after this difficult moment, this difficult verdict, to free his son of any potential jail time. he can issue a pardon as soon as the sentence comes down and he has said he will not do that. if ever there was an opportunity for a president to put their finger on the scale of the justice system and given how close he and his family are, it would seem to be in this moment and he said he is not going to do that. thank you all for starting us off on this very serious news evening. when we return this man once worked in the trump administration and a cabinet level position. now one of his biggest critics. john bolton talks the verdicts in both trump and hunter biden s trials. later the biden campaign has an aggressive strategy to brand trump as a felon. how the president s sons verdict could complicate that. the 11th hour, just getting underway on a tuesday night. da. 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i don t think enough people are. when you hear trump saying things like people are saying that retribution can be justified, what he really means is i am saying that retribution can be justified. i think he has a long list of adversaries he wants to go after, but i think the justice department under the trump administration will be in continuing chaos as he tells his political appointee is to go after people whether there are grounds to do it or not and what those lawyers do will tell you a lot about their legal integrity. i think it will put the judiciary under real pressure. you might be on the perceived enemy list. are you concerned at all for your safety? i m concerned about a lot of people that i think he made clear he wants to go after. he tried to suppress my book. he tried to get a criminal investigation started. both of those have been settled and taken out of the picture because they were utterly without merit, but i don t think those technicalities stand in trumps way. he said for example he wants to prosecute the former chairman of the joint chief of staff s for daring to have a conversation with his chinese counterpart in the run-up to january 6, to assure the chinese that they need not worry. trump says that his treason and he reminded people that the death penalty used to apply. i think he is very serious. he may joke about it a little bit, but this will be a retribution presidency and i think the justice department will be where the rubber meets the road. you called the new york verdict a fire bell in the night and you urged your party to nominate somebody else at the convention. do you think that is something that could realistically happen? is there a group behind the scenes potentially working on this? i don t think it is realistic, but i think people ought to have a gut check one more time. for most americans voting for a convicted felon, i think, is going to be a real obstacle. you can say all you want that this was the result of political discrimination against trump. he will be able to raise the selective prosecution argument on appeal. when the case was put in front of 12 regular americans, new yorkers like donald trump used to be, they found him guilty. i think the facts the prosecution presented were clear and that is a problem the party will have and could affect senate candidates, house candidates, gubernatorial candidates. i think if he is elected, electing the first convicted felon as president of the united states will cause real damage to the united states and how we are perceived abroad. given the guilty verdict today for president biden son, hunter biden, what do you say to those republicans who say joe biden weaponized the department of justice and made it his political tool? right and basically shot his son in the process. it is a conspiracy theory. i speak as an alumnus of the department of justice. you could not do in that department what trumps supporters say has been done and not have it leaked to every major media outlet in the country. it is possible to be the victim of selective prosecution and unfairly so and also be guilty. i think certainly that is probably true in trump s case. in hunter biden s case they are not done with him yet. there will be an income tax case and the u.s. attorney, special counsel investigation into hunter continues. so i would like to see what the impact of this case is on the election. it will have an election impact, even though it is not joe biden. it is his son. and see what people think when trump says poor donald trump, the whole world is against him. apparently against hunter biden, too. do you think donald trump is a threat to democracy? we keep hearing that phrase. i want to know if you believe it and if so, practically, tangibly what does it look like? i don t think it is a threat to democracy or our system. i think it will cause enormous damage and a term of confusion and turmoil. but the idea that donald trump is going to overthrow the united states constitution, overthrow the republic as an existential threat to democracy gives him too much credit. i think it is important to state the threat accurately. not to overstate it, not to understate it, but to understand what the nature of the threat is so people who oppose it can combat it more effectively. overdoing it i think gives trump a break and that s a mistake. you said that donald trump doesn t have the brains for dictatorship. even though he said that he would be a dictator on day one. does that make him any less dangerous if he is not that smart but still wants to be a dictator? i think it goes to the point that while donald trump has an infinite span of attention when it comes to the greater glory of donald trump, his attention span on most other issues is about he will to a fruit fly. so that his opponents and even some of his supporters who try and move him away from the most dangerous things that he does will have plenty of room to try to step in. i m not trying to minimize what i see donald trump doing. i think what he was doing at the end of his first term is where it will pick up the day he is inaugurated and it is serious. when you say the republic itself will fall like the roman republic well, really? people think donald trump is equal to julius caesar? give me a break. he may not be, but this time around he won t have the safety guards of you, h.r. mcmaster, the list goes on. are you concerned about the people that are in his current orbit and what they are capable of doing and how they can influence him? yes, i think any administration in a second term does not attract the quality of people it does in the first for the very practical reason that the runway in the second term is shorter. trump will be a lame duck the minute he is sworn in and he has a lot of people around him. basically the people who stayed in the government after january 6 who were second and third rate at best. i think the bigger danger is that trump will insist on staffing a second term on personal loyalty to him above all. he is coming up with his decision for his vice presidential nominee and i think the two questions are, number one, do you think the 2020 election was stolen? and number two, if i told you in a similar situation to do what i told mike pence to do, would you do it? unless the answer to both questions is yes, then that person will not be considered for vice president. i think you will see something similar in all of the key positions. that is a very dangerous circumstance and to the extent the senate republicans included take the confirmation process seriously. if they see people who are more loyal to donald trump than they are to the constitution, that alone is grounds against them. is there a certain person that you see as highly dangerous who you are worried about? i would not want to give any of them academy awards. i think there are bright people including people in the house and senate who have joined this cult of personality and the smarter they are, the more dangerous they are. you are giving us some very serious warnings and things to take seriously, but something i m going to say is not that serious. a write in vote. this election is going to be joe biden or donald trump. in 2020 you wrote in dick cheney. you said you would do it again. are you really giving a clear and honest warning if you are willing to do another right in that won t help anything? look, i bought that argument in 2016 when hillary clinton ran against trump and i voted for trump in 2016. hillary and bill were a year ahead of me in law school and i like to say i ve been burdened with them a lot longer than the rest of the country. after working for trump i could not vote for him, but i did not vote for joe biden in 2020 and won t this year because i don t think he is fit to be president either, for different reasons. when you have two people who don t cross the bar of acceptability, i think it is legitimate to cast a protest vote. a lot of republicans told me a year ago that they would not vote for trump. that they will look at biden and choose what they considered to be the lesser of two evils and i hear other republicans and some democrats say the opposite. it is an unhappy time for america when these are the two people we nominated and it will be a bad four years for america, whichever of them wins. then are these concerns that you have that serious? writing somebody and who won t when is not serious. it s a protest vote. if i didn t vote for anybody this time it would be a protest vote as well. i m not going to vote for someone i think is not qualified, not fit for the office. i m not going to vote for people whose principles i don t agree with. ambassador, think you for joining me today. pleasure to meet you. glad to do it. when we return, how hunter biden s guilty verdict could impact his father s reelection campaign, especially with the first debate two weeks away. when the 11th hour continues. ffects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga you know what s brilliant? 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they can t, stephanie and i think we are already seeing previews of how they will contort themselves and make the reach that, oh no, this hunter biden verdict is unique in and of itself. completely different from what is happening to trump and that is not the reality. i think republicans will still try to say that even though it has been demonstrated that they have nothing to gain here. they tried and failed repeatedly to use hunter biden as a political football and the responses today show that they fully understand that it is nothing for them to win here. i think we were describing trump statement as a distraction. so i don t expect them to stop at that, right? they will keep with the trump lies, but when we look at this broadly we have to keep in mind that that is not going to have an impact in the selection. throughout the afternoon we ve heard it repeated that hunter biden is not running for election, donald trump is. we ve also heard the contrast from president biden who fully says he accepts the jury decision. he respects the justice system, compared to trump saying it is rigged and i think that is a contrast that will be replayed again and again and that will be something that captures voters attention more than the verdict specifically on hunter biden. hunter biden is a one off. menendez s legal bills would disagree. the president has started to use the term, convicted felon, calling trump that over and over. now that his son is in that camp, does it make it harder for him to do that? no, because he is not talking about his son. he s talking about the guy running against him to be the next president of the united states. hunter is not running for anything. hunter is taking care of business and will have another casey will have to deal with, just as donald trump is taking care of his business and will have three or four other cases to deal with. from the president s perspective it is smart politics to call the thing what it is. why would you run away from that? honestly he is a convicted felon. we watched our friends on this network countdown each count, one through 34. i think for the biden team it is an opportunity for them to lean into the politics and this is a political campaign. what candidate in the country, in the world for that matter, would not use this kind of weakness that is self-imposed by his opponent? remember this is all because of what donald trump did. joe biden was not in that hotel room with stormy daniels. donald trump was. the reality of it is, that is the reality. that s the truth. those are the facts and why not talk about it when the moment presents itself? judging when and exactly how each time may be a matter of some decision, but lean into it and call the thing what it is. i want to talk about somebody else that talks about politics today in the presidential race. a republican we don t hear from often, paul ryan, he was on fox news and here is what he said. he said he is a populist and authoritarian narcissist. it is a job that rick myers the kind of character he just does not have. that s pretty strong. that s the way i feel. i agree with that. i don t support biden, either. i think his policies are terrible. a lot of republicans make this argument. we heard john bolton saying basically the same thing on the show. michael, what is your response to that? my response is okay. to a certain extent, to each his own, but at a certain point it has to become about the country. going back to your discussion with john bolton, the reality is this is a big deal. you have an individual who is running for president who says he wants to be a dictator. i don t know. that is not what we do or have done. that is not what we are inclined towards. yet we may have had folks in america who danced with this idea back in the 30s. and in the 1950s with john birch society, but leaders in this country and ultimately the american people said that is not who we are. i am not forsaking the future of my kids and my grandkids to some fool who wants to be a dictator, because i know what history has taught me about dictatorships and that is not who we are. so at a certain point the paul ryan s and john bolton s may sit and go, i can t do that. but what i am asking my fellow republicans to do and center- right voters to do is think about the country for once. think about the bigger issue. think about your kids and the importance of this. there are a lot of things about the biden administration policies i could disagree with all day long, but they are not a threat to my freedom. they are not a threat to my family and my future. i get up every morning and have that fight with the administration. i can t have that fight with thugs from a former dictator knocking on my door. i m at a disadvantage there as an american citizen. so there are some important points to be made about this election. i happen to think that is one of them. i hope paul ryan and others will come around and at the end of the day what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is their business, despite what they may say publicly. i m guessing right now mitch mcconnell is tucked into his bed, nodding and agreeing with everything michael is saying. in public he is going to be welcoming donald trump later this week along with fellow senate republicans. how do you think this will go? these two men have not met in person since 2020. they may loathe each other, but they both love power. they both love authority and that is one reason they will continue to do the public display. i want to go back to something michael said that connected the dots in the way that john bolton couldn t. understanding that threat is important because what bolton could not commit to is that trump is a threat to our democracy. it was jarring to me to hear that interview in a post january 6 reality, in an effort to undermine the 2020 election results reality, where trump still refuses to accept those results and his supporters refused to proactively accept the 2024 results and to claim he is not a threat to democracy. it shows a disconnect that again, it aligns with some of the other republican talking points that are completely not based in reality and outlandish. connecting the dots for the american public is critical and i appreciate that the biden campaign has started their outreach campaign to the never trump republicans and crafting a national narrative that will appeal across partisan lines. because understanding the threats. understanding the components of project 2025 is going to be mobilizing factors in the selection. juanita, michael, i appreciate the two of you being here. great to see you both. when we return, pride under attack. we talk about the growing hostility ahead of pride month with the head of glaad when the 11th hour continues. inu i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. the chances of a plane crash 1 in 11 million. you re not going to finish those salted nuts, right? 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[ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. they say we should stop eating so much meat. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. have you ever considered getting a walk-in tub? well, look no further! safe step s best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you ll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you ll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub. it s time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer s dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it s not dry food. it s not wet food. it s just real food. it s an idea whose time has come. for years, people have celebrated lgbtq pride month. but this year, june is beginning with stories of backlash and hate across the country. in washington state, 14 pride banners slashed. more than 200 stolen from a town center in massachusetts and the colorado republican party posted on x to burn all pride flags this june. i have one question. what in the hell is going on? here to discuss, sarah kate ellis, president and ceo of glaad. what are we seeing here? i think it has been building. what we have seen the past couple of years is this intensity against our community from politician, from right wing politicians. there have been over 500lgbt bills proposed. only 37 have passed at the state level across the country. the damage, though, is done as soon as those bills are proposed. what the politicians do are filling people with rhetoric, misinformation, and lies about our community. and it is fueling hate. just in the past month, we have seen over 30 attacks on our community. this past weekend, we saw three bomb threats. it is a direct line coming from the anti-lgbtq activists and mostly politicians. we also have companies now. now officially saying no to pride, but quietly pulling back support. why is this happening? i m not seeing that as much. i am seeing that headline. i work with over 300 fortune 500 countries and they are actually not pulling back. i think as a result from last year s pride and the bruhaha over bud light and target. what they are doing is integrating pride more into their every day. taking a 365 day approach versus putting all of their eggs in one basket. i am seeing an increase in commitment. i will tell you why that is. 30% of the next generation are lgbtq. 80% of the next generation identify as allies to the community. if you are a consumer business in america, you need to step up your ally ship. they realize that what they are trying to do is do it in really thoughtful ways. how much does misinformation fuel all of this? i have seen why does pride get a month. while others get a day. we have month that s support women, african americans, aapi. disability rights. where does the misinformation come from that almost makes lgbtq a target of things that are not even based in truth? we have a long history of our community being politicized. it has been going on for decades. where it is being fueled now though is through social media. this is a half of trolls that know how to exploit the social media platforms that spread these lies and misinformation. in fact, at glaad, we do an annual report on social media platforms for the safety of our community. and all of them failed. all the major ones failed. a piece of that we are unsafe is that they spread these lies and misinformation. and then it makes it to mainstream media. and it is absolute nonsense. that is why it is our job to tell the truth every night. it is always a pleasure to see you. thank you for joining us. happy pride month. be right back after a quick break. ack after a quick break. at what cost? 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Hunter-biden , Word , Stephanie-ruhle , 11th-hour , 11 , Person , Eyewear , Clothing , Street-fashion , Fashion , Sunglasses , Product

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240612

that is tonight s last ward, the 11th hour starts now. tonight, hunter biden is guilty in the federal gun case. what is next for the president s son as he awaits sentencing? my exclusive interview with trump s former national security advisor. why he thinks we are not taking the former presidents threats seriously enough. why congress is being lost. the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again, we are now 147 days away from the election. today the president s son hunter was convicted on all counts in the federal gun trial. the jury deliberated for three hours. biden excepts the outcome of the case and will always be there for his son. reporter: tonight, president biden arriving in delaware, hugging his son on the tarmac after hunter biden became the first child of a sitting resident found guilty in a criminal trial. it took three hours of deliberations for 12 jurors to determine that hunter biden was guilty of three felony counts, from lying about his drug use in order to purchase a gun. the prosecution saying this was not a case about his struggles with crack but his decisions to break the law. his the choice to lie and purchase a gun. it was these choices that made his conduct dangerous. reporter: inside the courtroom the president s son did not react, he left holding the hand of the first lady later releasing a statement saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced today then i am disappointed by the outcome. it comes after four days of damning testimony. many testifying about his drug use around the time he filled out the background check saying he was not a drug user. his ex-girlfriend testifying he witnessed him smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the defense argued that hunter biden did not knowingly lie on the farm. tonight we spoke with juror number 10. you felt that you and the jurors separating politics from the case was not difficult. correct. for us it is not politically motivated. politics did not play into anything we said in the jury room. president biden said we are not pardoning our son. he said joe and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with love and support. nothing will change that. with that let s get smarter with the help of the leadoff panel this evening. mike is here, he has covered biden and the family for more than a decade. susan a staff writer for the new yorker. mike, you know i am going to you first. you know this president and his family better than any other reporter out there. how are they reacting to this? biden has a lot of family expressions and one of them i hear the most often is family is everything. the beginning, the middle and the end. i have seen them come together to celebrate the biggest triumphs, the election and the inauguration, but i have also seen them come together to endorse some of the most tragic moments as a family. this is one that yet again brought the family together to take stock of a difficult moment. the past week and a half has been difficult, reliving through the trial, the most difficult moments of their family, starting with the death of bo and what it did to hunter leading to the addiction. as i talk with people close to the family, i have been struck by a tone of defiance and a resoluteness about what comes next. there has been concerned about what it means politically but also personally for biden. he is 21 weeks away from his last election, 16 days away from a consequential debate against trump. the tone i am hearing from people close to the president is that they are proud as the public service as a family and nothing will stop them from achieving the goal they set out in front of them. the politics, the legal situation does not get easier from here but they are determined to face it together as a family. you wrote in the la times that the juries decision was right but the prosecutions was wrong. what does that mean? the doj guidelines have ways of handling cases and cases like this in which somebody lies on a farm but does not do any other crime with the gun or is not part of a gang are universally dismissed were treated with the severity that david treated this one and that is how david first proposed to treat this a year ago when the gun charges were going to be the subject of a divergent agreement, if hunter kept clean for two years it would go away. the screening question, not the jury verdict but the decision to charge presents, is what happened since then to change his view of what was the proper punishment and treatment of hunter to take it outside how doj practice would normally treat it and because he was a special counsel, nobody in the supervisory structure which would normally say we do not do that, nobody was there to say that and i think it is certain for whatever reason that hunter was treated more severely than any other defendant with the same facts. susan, you have written you don t think a game changer can change voters minds about this election, i am assuming you do not think this verdict will have much of a impact. we are getting to the point where you are anticipating me well. if trumps conviction and becoming the first convicted felon in american history who is a former president, if that was not a radical change, i do not see the conviction of a private citizen, even one that is the sign of the current president to be a game changer in this race. it is that close. a minor shift at best toward biden. it is not clear how this conviction of his son will play politically. certainly republicans were immediately questioning this, saying this is a distraction, there were all sorts of conspiracy areas, default setting from some of trumps public supporters and defenders. hunter is not running for president and that is the bottom line. there is no evidence that years of investigations of him, dragging his name around, has affected biden s political standing and i do not anticipate this would either. hunter is not running for president, he has no role in the government, past, present or future. what could he look at as far as a sentence goes? the standard guidelines would dictate a sentence between 15-21 months based on the conduct and lack of criminal history. those are just recommendations. my best guess, consistent with others, is that he will receive less than that from the judge. remember there is still the tax charges he has to face and david made it clear today that the investigation is ongoing and he may be targeting some of hunter s conduct in 2014 in china in business dealings but for this charge itself i expect him to get a sentence that is a matter of months, not 15-21 that the guidelines would otherwise dictate. even if it is just a few months, hunter biden has secret service protection, how does that work? your guests is as good as mine. we know the secret service prepared a plan when it came up with trump, trump would have his own wing and people would be there. there would have to be a lot of cooperation with authorities. here it is easier because it is federal authorities. still that will be worked out one way or another. that is the least of the practical issues this conviction poses today. you just laid it out for us how close the biden family is and how defiant the president is when it comes to protecting his family. at this time last year i interviewed the president, much to his teams anger and fury, i asked about hunter and he clearly said my son is innocent and good. the president is heading deeper into this campaign, how will he handle the questions he is asked, the narrative around hunter now that we have a guilty verdict and a president that does respect the rule of law and decisions made by a jury? ink about the gauntlet ahead, 16 days from now is the first debate. tomorrow the president is leaving for a important foreign trip, he will be at the g7 summit meeting with other key leaders as well as pope francis. you know how close this president is with that pope. then he comes back and has a little over a week to prepare for that debate. we have never seen a rematch between combatants like trump and biden and we know the strategy on the part of the former president is to likely try to get under biden s skin and use this against him. the biden team looks back at 2020 when hunter was a frequent political cudgel that tried to be used against him. they say it did not work then and it backfired on trump so they are presenting this as a do this at your own peril to trump but i do think that is a concern for people close to biden, as important as preparation is, will he be able to focus on the task at hand, the answer from those i spoke to earlier today is that will not be a issue. former president trump and his friends at fox news said it over and over, where is hunter. it seemed like years. after today s verdict, the trump campaign was basically silent. saying it is just a distraction. what is going on susan? first of all, i guess now that trump wears the label of convicted felon and been the spearhead of the most concerted assault we have ever seen by one political party in this country against the very legitimacy of the legal system, it is not a comparison that is a favorable one. where you have democrats from the president down today that we respect the rule of law and biden will not issue a pardon for his son. as painful as it is, we think the jury system works. so the contrast with trump is obviously one that is unfavorable. i am struck by how quickly trumps allies immediately reverted to conspiracy theories and make-believe. i cannot stress that enough. they are still in burnet down mode. when it comes to the legal system. that includes trying to imply that this case is a distraction from the real secret being covered up, the real case that should be brought against hunter. whatever the conspiracy theory is, it is part of a purposeful and political plan to rip down the authority and legitimacy of the legal system because of donald trump. republicans like to say the current resident weapon ices the justice department but i want to hear what democrat jim mcgovern said about that very thing. when a republican is convicted it is weaponization but when a democrat is convicted, the presidents son no less, that is justice? give me a break. hunter was found guilty by a jury of his peers just like trump come up this is the justice system at work. it is a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law and the other does not. jim mcgovern ringing irrational thought to a political party. crazy to do these days. there is a lot of apolitical people out there. it seems like what he just laid out would be a contrast for voters, is it? it is interesting, but we did not hear from the president or those around him tonight was criticism of a trump appointed judge that resided over the trial or a trump appointed special counsel. there was none of that. the president reiterated for his respect for the rule of law and freedom and democracy are institutions that are important part of the president campaign so that is a example he is showing not just through those words but the words we saw in another interview, the president has the power after this difficult verdict to free his son of potential jail time. he can issue a pardon as soon as the sentence comes down and he has said he will not do that. if there was ever a opportunity for the president to put his finger on the scale of the justice system, it would seem to be this moment and he said he will not do that. thank you all for starting us off on this serious news evening. when we returned, this man wants worked in the trump administration. now he is one of his biggest critics. john dalton talks about the verdicts in both trials. later the biden campaign has a strategy to brand trump as a felon. how the verdict of the presidents son could complicate that. the 11th hour is just getting underway on a tuesday night. da. only purple s gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn t come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. my name s trevor. i ve tried other diets in the past never lasted before too long my cravings came back especially my sugar cravings and i fell off the wagon. release worked fast. my sweet tooth is gone. i m so happy with my progress and now i love myself. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. revenge does take time. sometimes it can be justified. let s be honest. when this election is over, based on what they have done, i would have every right to go after them and it is easy because it is joe biden and you see all of the criminality. i know a lot of republicans that want that retribution. we will see what happens. the former president has been vague but there is no doubt revenge has been top of mind for trump. nbc news noting trump has done five interviews since the verdict and he has talked about possible retribution in all five. john bolton has been warning about this for years. in 2023 he wrote trump only cares about retribution for himself and it will consume much of the second term. thank you for being here. i wanted to talk to you, trump is clearly not shy about saying he will get revenge on his perceived enemies in the second term. are we taking his threats seriously enough? i do not think enough people are. when you hear trump saying things like retribution can be justified, what he means is i am saying retribution can be justified and i think he has a list of adversaries he wants to go after and i think the justice department under his administration will be under chaos as he tells his appointees to go after people whether they have grounds to do it or not. those lawyers will tell you about their legal integrity but it will put the judiciary under a lot of pressure. you may be on that list, are you concerned for your own safety? i am concerned about a lot of people he made it clear he wants to go after. he tried to suppress my book and he tried to get a criminal investigation started and they were both settled because they were without merit. i do not think those technicalities stand in his way. for example he said he wants to prosecute the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff for daring to have a conversation with his chinese counterpart to ensure the chinese state do not need to worry and trump said that is treason and reminded people that death penalty used to apply. i think he is serious. this will be a retribution presidency and the justice department will be where the rubber meets the road. you called the new york verdict the fire bell in the night and you urged your party to nominate somebody else at the convention. do you think that is something that could realistically happen? is there a group working on this? i do not think it is realistic but i do think people should have a gut check one more time at least. for most americans, voting for a convicted felon will be a obstacle. you can say all you want this was a result of political discrimination against trump. he will be able to raise selective prosecution argument on appeal. new yorkers found him guilty because the facts the prosecution presented were clear. that is a problem the party will have an could affect senate candidates and house candidates. i think if he is elected, electing the first convicted felon as president will cause real damage to the u.s. and how we are perceived abroad. given the guilty verdict today for hunter biden, what do you say to those republicans that claimed that biden has weaponized the doj and made hit his political tool? and basically shot his son in the process. it is a conspiracy theory. you could not do in that department what trump supporters say has been done and not have it leaked to every major media outlet in the country. it is possible to be the victim of selective prosecution and also be guilty. i think certainly that is probably true in trump s case and in hunter s case they are not done with him. there will be a income tax case and a special counsel s investigation into hunter. so i would like to see what the impact of this case is on the election. even though it is not joe biden and see what people think when he says for trump, the entire world is against him, apparently against hunter as well. do you think trump is a threat to democracy? i want to know if you believe it and if so, what would it look like? i do not think he is a threat to democracy or our system. i think he will cause enormous damage in a second term and it will be a term of confusion and turmoil but the idea that trump will overthrow the united states constitution or the republic or that he is a threat to democracy gives him too much credit. it is important to state the threat accurately, not overstated or understated. to understand the nature of the threat so people that oppose it can combat it effectively. overdoing it gives trump a break and that is a mistake. you have said trump does not have the brains for dictatorship even though he would say that he would be a dictator on day one. does that make him less dangerous if he is not that smart but still wants to be a dictator? it goes to the point while trump has a infinite span of attention when it comes to the greater glory of trump, his attention span on most other issues are equal to a fruit flies. so his opponents and even some of his supporters that try to move him away from the most dangerous things he does will have plenty of room to try to step in. i am not trying to minimize what i see trump doing. what he was doing at the end of his first term is where it will pick up the day he is inaugurated and it is serious but when you say the republic is self will fall like the roman republic fell, really? people think trump is equal to julius caesar? give me a break. he may not be but this time around he will not have the safety guards of you or mcmaster and the list goes on. are you concerned about the people in his current orbit and what they are capable of doing? yes i think any administration in a second term does not attract the quality of people it does in the first. the runway in the second term is shorter, he will be a lame duck the minute he is sworn in and he has a lot of people around him, the people that stayed in the government after january 6 who are second and third graders at best. trump will assist in staffing a second term on personal loyalty to him above all. he is coming up on his decision for his vp nominee and the two questions on the interview form are do you think the 2020 election was stolen and if i told you in a similar situation to do what i told mike pence to do, would you do it? unless the answers to both questions are yes that person will not be considered. you will see something similar in virtually all key positions. that is a dangerous circumstance. to the extent the republicans in the senate take the process seriously, if they see people were loyal to trump than the constitution, that alone is grounds to vote against them. is there a specific person close to him now that you are worried about? i would not want to give any of them academy awards. i think there are bright people that have joined this cult of personality. the smarter they are, the more dangerous they are. you are giving us serious warnings, something i am going to say is not that serious is a right in vote. this election will be biden or trump, in 2020 you wrote in cheney, you said you would do it again. are you giving a clear and honest warning if you are willing to do another right in that will not help anything? i bought that argument in 2016 when hillary ran against trump and i voted for trump in 2016. hillary and bill were a year ahead of me in law school and i would like to say i have been burdened with them longer than the rest of the country but after working for trump i could not good for him but i did not vote for biden in 2020 and will not this year because i do not think he is fit to be president for different reasons. when you have two people that do not cross the bar of acceptability, i think is legitimate to cast a protest vote. a year ago i heard a lot of republicans say they will not vote for trump but they look at biden and they decide to vote for the lesser of two evils. it is a unhappy time for america when these are the two people we nominated and it will be a bad four years for america no matter who wins. then are these concerns really serious? it is a protest vote, if i did not vote for anybody this time it will be a protest vote as well. i will not vote for somebody that is not qualified or fit for the office. thank you for joining me today. i do appreciate it. when we return, how hunter s guilty verdict could impact his father s reelection campaign especially with the first debate just two weeks away. when the 11th hour continues. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and it is not just any tuesday, it is primary night in five states and we have breaking news on a key senate race that could decide the control of the chamber. in nevada, trump s preferred candidate took the gop primary running against jeff who served as a ambassador to iceland. they will face jackie rosen on election day. republicans see nevada as a pickup opportunity. meanwhile hunter s guilty verdict comes days after trump s and weeks before the first presidential debate. while trump and republican allies seized on the news to attack biden it also undercuts a frequent trump lie where trump says the justice system is rigged against him. that same justice system just convicted president biden s son. let s bring in a political analyst and the former chairman of the republican national committee and former lieutenant governor of maryland. you know him as the cohost of the weekend. how can republicans continue to push this rigged justice system line now? they cannot and we are already seeing previews on how they will make that reach, no, this one verdict is just unique. it is completely different from what is happening to trump and that is not the reality. republicans will still try to say that even though it has been demonstrated they have nothing to gain. they tried to use hunter as a political football and their responses show they understand there is nothing for them to gain here. it was described as a distraction. i do not expect them to stop though. they will keep with the trump lies but when we look at this broadly we have to keep in mind it will not have a impact on the election. we heard it repeated throughout the afternoon that hunter is not running for election. we also heard the contrast and reaction to the case where biden says he accepts the jury decision and respects the justice system. that is something that will capture voters attentions. hunter is a one-up, legal bills would disagree. now that biden s son is in that camp doesn t make it harder for him to call trump a convicted felon over and over? no, he is not talking about his son, he is talking about the guy running against him for the presidency. hunter is taking care of his business and he has another case he has to deal with just as trump is taking care of his business and has 3-4 other cases to deal with. it is smart politics to call the thing what it is. obviously she is a convicted felon. our friends on this network counted each count, 1-34. for the biden team is a opportunity for them to lean into the politics. this is a political campaign. what candidate in the world would not use this kind of weakness that is self-imposed by his opponent? remember this is because of what trump did. biden was not in that hotel room with stormy daniels. trump was. the reality is, that is the truth and those are the facts. why not talk about it when the moment presents itself? judging when and how each time will be a matter of decision but lean into it. somebody else talked about politics today. republican we do not hear from often. paul ryan was on fox news and here is what he said. you said he is a populist and a authoritarian narcissist. it is a job that requires the kind of character he just does not have. that is strong. that is the way i feel. i do not support biden either. i think his policies are terrible. a lot of republicans make this argument. we heard john bolton say the same thing a few moments ago. what is your response to that? my response is, to each his own but at a certain point it has to become about the country. going back to your discussion with bolton, the reality is, this is a big deal. you have a individual that is running for president who says he wants to be a dictator. in the annals of our country that is not what we do or have done. we may have had some folks who danced with this idea back in the 30s and in the 50s but leaders in this country and ultimately the american people said to with that. that is not who we are. i am not forsaking the future of my kids and grandkids to a fool who wants to be a dictator because i know what history has taught me about dictatorships. so at a certain point the paul ryan s and john bolton s may sit there and go i cannot do that but what i am asking my fellow republicans to do is think about the country for once. think about the bigger issue, the future of your kids and the importance of this. there are a lot of things about biden s policies i can disagree with all day long but they are not a threat to my freedom, my family or my future. i can get up and have that fight with the administration, i cannot have that fight with doug s knocking on my door sent by a dictator. there are important points to be made about the selection, i think that is one of them. i hope paul ryan and others will come around. at the end of the day, what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is their business despite what they say publicly. i am guessing right now mitch mcconnell is tucked in his bed nodding and agreeing with everything michael is saying but in public he will be welcoming trump later this week along with fellow senate republicans. how would this go? these two men have not met in person since 2020. they loathed each other but they both love power and authority and that is one reason why they will continue to do the public display. i want to go back to something michael said that connected the dots in a way john bolton could not. understanding the threat is important because bolton could not commit to trump being a threat to our democracy. it was drawing to hear the interview in a post generate six reality. where trump still refuses to accept those results and his supporters refused to accept the results proactively. it shows a disconnect that is aligned with some of the other republican talking points that are not based in reality. connecting the dots for the american public is critical and i appreciate that the biden campaign has started their outreach program to those republicans and crafting a national narrative that will appeal across partisan lines. understanding the threats and all of the components of project 20/25 will be mobilizing factors in the election. i appreciate the two of you for being here. when we return, pride under attack. we talked about the growing hostility during pride month. when the 11th hour continues. i m amanda and i ve struggled my whole life with my weight. i had some health issues which affected my hormones and my metabolism literally just crashed on me. i ve tried everything and starving myself just didn t work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. for years, people celebrated lgbtq pride month but this year, june is beginning with stories of backlash and hate across the country. in washington state 14 pride banners were slashed, more than 14 flags were stolen from the town center and the colorado republican party posted on x to burn all pride flags this june. i have a question, what is going on? here to discuss, the president and ceo of glad. why are we seeing this pushback? i think it has been holding honestly. what we have seen over the past couple of years is a intensity against our community from right-wing politicians. this past year there have been more than 500 anti-lgbtq bills. only 37 have passed at the state level across the country. that damage is done as soon as the bills are proposed. what the politicians do is filling people with rhetoric, misinformation and lies about our community and it is fueling hate. so this year at glad, we track violence and extremism against our community and in the past month we have seen over 30 attacks on our community. this past weekend we saw three bomb threats against drag shows. so it has really amped up and i think it is a direct line from the rhetoric coming from anti- lgbtq activists and politicians. we have companies now, not officially saying no to pride but quietly pulling back their support, why is this happening? i am not seeing that as much, i am seeing the headline but i am not hearing that when i talk to ceos. i work with over 300 fortune 500 companies and they are not pulling back. as a result over last year s pride and the situation over bud light they are integrating pride into the every day, versus pleading all of their eggs into one basket in june. so i am seeing a increase in commitment. i will tell you why that is. they understand the next generation is lgbtq, 30%. 80% of the next generation identify as allies to the community. so if you are a consumer business in america you need to step up your support to the community and they realize that. what they are trying to do is do it in thoughtful ways. thoughtful is the key word here, how much does misinformation fuel all of this? i have seen people say why on earth does pride get a whole month? we have months the support african americans, women s, disability rights, where does the misinformation come from that makes lgbtq a target of things that are not based in truth? we have a long history of our community being politicized. it has been going on for decades. where it is being fueled now is through social media. this is a handful of trolls that know how to exploit the platforms that spread these lies and misinformation. at glad we do a annual report on social media platforms and the safety for our community and all of them failed except for tick-tock and they passed with a d+. if you are a student in school i do not think that would mean much to you. the platforms are unsafe for the community and a piece of that is that they spread lies and misinformation and it makes it to mainstream media. that is absolute nonsense, that is why it is our job to tell the truth every night. thank you for joining us. we will be right back after a quick break. quick break. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don t stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don t take dovato if you re allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. we can secure our world. watch out for offers too good to be true. that s phishing! someone s trying to take advantage of you. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! on that note, i wish you

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

destruction of evidence, and it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022, when he turned stuff over to the archives. they told him, hey, there s classified documents in this stuff. they knew he had them over the course of the next year, talking to his lawyers telling him, turn them over. and the fbi kept funding stuff in what you are turning over. it will ultimately not change anything, but quite possibly with the way judge cannon handles things, it could drag it out just a little bit more. just a little bit more. we are now at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case, the grand jury and bob dikeman came down on june 8th, 2023. anyone s guess if we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you, sir, for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show for this evening. now, it is time for the last word , with jonathan k part. lawrence o donnell come in for jonathan. i would love to see if we get the classified documents case, but who knows? she take, with the number not on the cake, and eat it depending or not, if it happens. if it is sheet cake, let s just eat it, anyway. have a good show. thank you. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, of three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors in president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter, and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. she didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. he didn t attack the judge, the prosecutors, or the jury. no, all the while, an irresponsible reaction to the hunter biden verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felonies to misdirect from other crimes, big-league crimes, unnamed, unspecified, imagined, biden crimes that are much bigger and better than all of the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. x trump adviser, steve miller, posted, the hunter biden verdict is proof that doj is the democrat protection racket. he called the verdict a distraction from the real crimes. one right-wing commentator things hunter biden was prosecuted as cover for the trump prosecution? i don t know if this is fair, you go after donald trump and you go after hunter biden. okay, in republicans defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser, and now 34 times convicted felon for president. in a new op-ed, attorney general merrick garland denounced the attacks on the the justice department. they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today, the doj sent a letter to jim jordan to confirm that there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. the department has no control over the district attorney, just as the district attorney has no control over the department. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th, the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan d.a.s office said, it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation, baseless claims, and conspiracy theories following the jury s return of a full count felony conviction in people be trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, former acting solicitor general of the united states, who has argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law and msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast courtside with neil cocktail. neil, thank you much as always for being here. so, now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some carrie matheson red yarn over a corkboard stuff. eight you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. i mean, jonathan, the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. i m i mean, for years, these conservatives have been pulling about a politicized justice department and so on. what happened today, this justice department convicted the president s own son, his only living son. i mean, imagine what that would take. imagine you are the attorney general and the president gave you that job, jonathan, one of the most important jobs in the country, in the world, and you have the power as every attorney general does, as merrick garland does, to end the prosecution with the stroke of a pen and you didn t do it. garland didn t do it. that is what the rule of law is all about, and similarly, the constitution gives the power to the president to pull the plug on any in the constitution, that is article two. so, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that is the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden whining about a trump judge even though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump, rather you heard the president say, he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that, but presidential. even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son, that is how much respect he has for the system. so, neal, we saw this with judge merchan, and it seems to be merrick garland s way, too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these over the top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionately to the trump be an all out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op-ed today in the washington post basically saying, look, what the department does is just apply the rule of law, we do so fairly and impartially. that is the justice department that i saw, jonathan, when i worked there in two different administrations. it is why people respect this country so much. this morning, i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries, and what did they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this, that even the president s own son can be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm, because this president, as almost every president in our history does, respects the constitution and respects the rule of law, unlike some of these republicans, like stephen miller, who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when manhattan d.a. alvin bragg testifies before jim jordan subcommittee? do you think you made the right decision? i expect to see a big nothing. i expect to see all sorts of innuendo, akin to the kind of innuendo we are hearing today about how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son even though it was overseen by trump appointed national council and adjudicated by trump judge i am sure we will hear craig cray like that, but there will be no fax, because as the justice department even said today, literally, there was no communication between the prosecutor, matthew, angelo, the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories, and the justice department, zero, none. so, have the hearing. by all means, of course, that is part of congress responsibilities and oversight. , it would be nice to have some facts in those hearings. yeah, it would be nice to have some. i am not expecting any, though. neal, neal katyal, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. so, here s how you know can pick the convicted felon, trump, knows it can get much, much, much worse for him. you have a deranged individual named jack smith, he is a deranged, john dumb guy, he is a dumb son of a convicted felon, trump, indicted by special prosecutor jack smith on multiple criminal charges for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election, also praised that january 6th writers that attacked the capital calling them warriors. those january 6th warriors, they were warriors, but more than anything else, they were victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election, that is all they were doing. while trump was landing in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad, featuring three american veterans slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives a [ bleep ]. i registered, i served in the united states marine corps point my name is ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. my name is matthew mclaughlin. i was a navy pilot for eight years. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield, but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility, and when i see his predecessor, donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans, who doesn t see it important to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. is a draft dodger, simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon, a mandatory requirement before his sentencing on july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth, a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. but, let s be clear, they are all ghosts, and they are trying to take this back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. well, i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking diversity, equity, and inclusion. if you can believe it, banning books about black experiences, trying to erase and rewrite history. or, this is not just about the past, this is about our present and our future. it is whether or not that future is the future for all of us, not just some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former democratic leader of the house of representatives, james clyburn of north carolina, he is a co-chair of the biden- harris campaign, congressman clyburn, always good to see you, welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act, and lowering drug prices, but listen to how the events host, comedian roy wood junior, talked about that achievement. we have legislation now for cheaper prescription drugs because of this administration. insulin is down to $35, if you are a senior. and i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before, but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs. so, we appreciate that $35 right there. [ laughter ] congressman clyburn, i love the relate ability roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but it is telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well, thank you very much for having me, jonathan. absolutely. we have got to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequaled, even cannot be imagined by a lot of people who have thought about these kinds of things as we went into the last election. this administration, with this rescue plan, has brought young children out of poverty with this infrastructure bill. it has put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. it is chips and signs act, it is packed act, it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done, joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me, well, he isn t talking loud enough. he isn t showing the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance, not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what we will leave for our children and grandchildren, to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud, you can misrepresent, you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i grew up in the prostitute and i used to listen to my dad s sermons. one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that make them, not their words. and if you get caught up on the words, and don t pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but, if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president, this administration, biden and harris. well, let s talk about so, more deeds, congressman clyburn. today, the biden administration announced that medical get that can no longer be considered in credit scores and president biden has made debt elimination one of his major pitches on the campaign, but new polling shows that voters are split on student loan forgiveness. three out of 10 approve and four out of 10 disapprove. how concerned are you about the polling numbers we see on the screen there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear, we are talking about eliminating this compound it is interest and all of the things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have got a constituent not a black constituent, but still a constituent in north charleston who wrote to the president and copied to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years, she has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest, and paying for it for more than 20 years and still owed money. so, when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest, not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney saying that this is a bad deal, how can this be a bad deal? the principal is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there about people who are making money when the original principal was paid back a long time ago. so, that is what is going on here. so, nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. it is a compounded interest that people are electing and that is putting people in the poorhouse, as we say down south. congressman, let me get you on one more thing before we have to go in a couple of minutes. let s talk about comments that entertainer, $.50, meanwhile on capitol hill last week. listen to this. what do you think appears as significant to african-american men this election? i see them identify with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman clyburn, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they ve got rico charges? [ laughter ] look, he should ve been with me last saturday night at the south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in their, male or female, for donald trump. he should have been with me at greater target memorial miami church on sunday morning, 100% for joe biden. not a single person there for donald trump. i don t know where $.50 is hanging out, but i hang out with naacp. i hang out with the black community, black faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people aren t worried about rico statutes, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin, when it comes to their healthcare. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broadband deployment. that is what they are getting from this president and they are thinking whatever it is, what they will talk about in rico statutes. the rico statutes down in georgia, that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violating the rico statutes? come on, 50 cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. [ laughter ] congressman james clyburn, always great to see you. thanks for coming to the last word . thank you very much for having me. [ laughter ] all right. $.50. we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who is in celebrating justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation in seeing pride flags from her house. and that is not the only reason we should be worried about what is on those secret recordings. that is next. at is next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. summer. it s the hungriest time of year for kids across america. kids whose hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. whether it s working the crazy hours so you can have enough money for food or, you know, just giving up things for your personal self, and it s just yeah, gotta feed your kids. far too many kids are missing the meals they need this summer. that s why i m here now asking you to join me in helping end child hunger in america for just $0.63 a day. that s only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to power kids through their days. they re growing at this age, and they need the best diet they can have. so please, call now or go online to right now give $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. and when you use your credit card, you ll get this special team t-shirt to show that you re helping kids build a brighter future for themselves and for the world. we want to ensure that all of our kids have healthy meals every day, and many of our parents and many of our communities are still suffering. it s very difficult to, you know, have a good family setting when we are worrying about having enough food for your family. you can help kids get healthy meals this summer and all year long. please join me in supporting no kid hungry today. for just $0.63 a day, only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to kids across america and in your local community. thank you for giving. thank you for giving. thank you! families are struggling to make ends meet. these are hard times. so please call now or go online to give. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their homes that are associated with the stop the steel movement and carried by writers at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife, martha and alito are revealing more about flying flags. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flags next month and he is like, please don t put up a flag. and i said, i want to do it because i am referring to you. but, when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week i will be changing the flags. they will be all kind, this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word vergona, which means shame in italian. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq+ community during pride month. people, like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags she is fine. and for what it is worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha-ann s in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but, this is martha-ann alito. she is not just any random person, she is married to a supreme court justice, for life. one of the most powerful people in the country, who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v wade. that laid the foundation for another right-wing justice with a right-wing wife, clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq+ community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that reaffirmed the rights of same-sex, including same-sex marriage. so, martha-ann alito longs for the day when samuel alito is free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. kelly, thank you for coming back to the last word . your reaction to what we heard from mrs. alito? shocking, and also not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags, it is a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a simple to talk about how they want to erase us from public life, to push us back into the closet. and when i think about what today represents, not only is it pride month, but tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting, were 49 members of our communities lives were stolen forever. this type of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real-world outcomes. so, anyone that is listening to her, anyone who is watching what she says should be very, very concerned. not only about her words, but what it means in terms of the actions of the people that are listening to her. this new audio from justice alito tonight, listen. i just wanted to ask you, why do you think the supreme court is so is being so attacked and being so targeted by the media these days? well, i think it s a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. that s that s the beginning and the end of it. kelly, does the sound often is, given the two abortion cases and two january 6th cases yet to be decided this term? to me, it sounds hypocritical. i mean, i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. those lines! right! now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this, who is espousing these beliefs that are concerning for someone who is on the highest court of the land. so, i do think anyone who is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but, i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq+ person, a woman, or someone who is non-binary, we don t have the luxury of letting our concern and fear put us into a state of paralysis. we have to understand that this is why it is more critical than ever that we get out and vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. you know, trump is out there giving comfort to antiabortion groups, promising to defend life, while republicans are not voting to protect conception. today, a federal judge struck down a florida ban on transgender care for minors. these all sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. i mean, we have to remember that when roe v wade was overturned, justice clarence thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next court should revisit lawrence, they should revisit griswold, these are cases that fundamentally asserted our basic rights as lgbtq+ people in this country, and our right to contraception. so, anytime they say that these things aren t on the table, that these rights aren t at risk, look at what they are doing. we should all, again, be very concerned with what we are seeing, but also take it as a call to action, because at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count, and there is something we can do right now about how this course has gotten so far disconnected from this actual mission and our democracy. you know, as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night, but that is not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full on attack on hard-fought, hard won freedoms and rights, including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate, the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history, and the freedom that unlocks all others the freedom to vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november? what is at stake is more samuel alito, or marco tonya brown jackson? exactly. what i saw from kamala harris right now, that is leadership. and at the end of the day when we think about this election that is coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is about two fundamentally different visions for our country, two fundamentally different visions for our future, and our children. when you talk to people regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, a lot of our fears are the same, worry that your kids will have a better life than you do today, worries about inflation, making sure schools are good, and welcoming, and safe. but, i want to make sure that whoever we elect, the solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v wade, to all that they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights, not even the last 10 years or last 40 years, but the last 100. we have got to do something about it, for the sake of all of our communities, and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. coming up, it is election night in nevada. it is a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris, and a must win seat for democrats if they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jacky rosen joins us next. ins us next. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. rising costs. selective coverage. for countless americans, the complex specialty care they need has always felt. just out of reach. at evernorth, we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in home nursing at no additional cost. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i m free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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well, i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. i can also tell you that my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i, myself, lived there for the last 50 years, just about. so, we are in the community all the time, we are listening, we are responding. i can tell you, i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee, and when i talk to our latin chamber of congress, we talked to all of our latino small businesses, so many entrepreneurs, we want to be sure that they have all the tools they need to keep their small business and thrive. we talk about affordable healthcare, it is really, really important that we talk about education, our environment, we are connecting with our latino voters every day on the issues that matter to them. kitchen table issues, the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late longtime nevada senator, harry reid, built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? well, what senator reid did is really build a coordinated campaign. so, what that means for the nevada state democratic party, all of the candidates, the incumbents and candidates who are running, we work together to be sure we knock on doors, we do our field program, we are talking about the issues, we coordinate. that is really what is the magic. being sure that we are communicating, working together, bringing people together, because nevada families really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters, like delivering for our seniors. i can tell you for our veterans, we passed the pact act in northern nevada in reno, we will have that va hospital, they are searching for that 50 acre site now. it will be a game changer for the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is our seniors, our veterans, our students, our tours economy, we are listening, and we are delivering. senator jacky rosen of nevada, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast, and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin, and particularly with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that is next. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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the fundamentals favored biden, and according to 538, biden currently has a better chance of winning pennsylvania and all of the blue wall states of michigan, minnesota, and wisconsin. my newest favorite, the washington post has a new report about president biden s success so far in wisconsin, where republicans will officially renominate a convicted felon donald trump after a national convention next month. particularly, with white, noncollege voters who make up the trump base. the post reports wisconsin democrats attribute part of biden s relative strength with white voters without degrees to a real progressive tradition that has faded but not disappeared and part of it to tenacious organizing, including in rural areas where many of those voters live. biden s campaign is investing in an unprecedented field operation in wisconsin with 47 coordinated campaign offices across the state, more offices than biden has in any other battleground state, and far more than republicans have in wisconsin, staffed by more than 100 full-time campaign workers. even ousted republican governor scott walker admitted to the post, the organization is on the side of the left, so joining us now, ben worker, wisconsin democratic republican chair, and sandy wendy, the greene county democratic party chair. thank you for coming to the last word . you worked tirelessly to defeat the scott walker gop machine in wisconsin, but it must still feel good to have walker praise the democratic organization. it does feel good. it is the result of a huge amount of work by thousands of people in the most rural parts of our state. in suburbs, big towns, small towns, and cities. our motto is we work statewide and year-round. we don t take anyone for granted and we don t write anyone off. that is what it takes to win in a state like wisconsin. you can see the result in the numbers and it is an exciting moment. if we win wisconsin we win the white house. sandy, tell us about the green county voters you are reaching out to. is this 2020 biden voters who might be going software a true undecided voter? what issues do they care about? i think the issues they care about are the real, kitchen table issues that a lot of us have been talking about. affordable care, healthcare. women s reproductive rights. voting rights. saving our democracy. good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues, that is what we are hearing about. what do you say back to them when you hear about kitchen table economic issues? we talked to them about some of the issues president biden and kamala harris have already put forward. unemployment, the jobs that have been created. money that has come into greene county for various things such as our ymca in our county seat, in the city of munro. we have received funding for that. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about donald trump, if anything? that they really don t want to have him back in office. simple as that. simple as that. so, ben, how do voters how voters get their information has changed, much more in social media or add then newspaper editorials, which breaks my heart as an opinion writer. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is that there is no silver bullet. you might get something on the evening news that reaches some voters. some voters are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up in the grocery store. we have to really be everywhere. social media platforms. on any screen. billboards, yard signs, door to door organizing, phone calls, text messages. show up at parades. show up at county fairs. we try to build a surroundsound environment so people here from trusted messengers and we assume that just because you say something similar doesn t mean everyone has heard it. on you have to say it over and over and that is what it will take. we have to cut through the noise. trump is trying to confuse people. he s trying to throw people off. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom. to make their own decisions about their own body. living in a democracy and who is fighting for them, fighting special interests and bringing down costs. trump promising wealthy voters whatever they want. that contrast does resonate with people, but you have to go where the voters are and not expect them to come to you. you have been nodding in agreement. my last question to you is if president biden were to come to greene county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i guess just to be honest with him and what he plans to do with the voters. listening to them, the most important thing, listening to the voters and what their issues are and being able to address those. i know if president biden were to come to greene county, they would be ecstatic. i can t tell time, so we actually have about 90 seconds l left. same weston to you. what would you say to team biden? what would you say they need to work on or watch out for? we love president biden w coming to our state because he does listen to people and they move toward him. we also have local candidates. 97 out of 99 assembly districts covered with local candidates. we are organizing everywhere. our website, if anyone wants to help us organize, volunteer, chip in. i love what president biden does which is really dig into what he is doing and wants to do. he announced a $3.3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon, and stars with a golden shovel and never did anything. that contrast early lands for people wondering what job they will be working over the next 10 years. when president biden does something it clicks. we love the president s visit, we hope they keep coming and we think we can draw a real contrast with trump who talks big, delivers nothing and tries to ward it all for himself instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed president biden and vice president harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very time very much for coming to the e last word. we will be right back. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you re 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter bide

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physicians mutual hi, marla signs at the white house and this is cnn it s wednesday, june 12th, right now on cnn, this one already about his guilty verdict drama in the desert. a maga republican in nevada snubbed by donald trump. now he s trying to fight back police in atlanta chasing a hijacked plus through rush hour traffic before making a deadly discovery on boards is pretty wild and senate democrats asking republicans to join them as they prepare for a vote on protecting ivf all, right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house homes wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. and kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us for the first time in american history. the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. a jury in delaware finding hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges as members of the biden family, including first lady jill biden sat in court to hear it, read his father, president biden was not in court, but afterward, he headed straight to delaware to be with hunter, the president, released this statement, quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, that message does stand in contrast with how republicans greeted the verdict that was recently handed down against former president donald trump. how did they take in the hunter verdict let s watch every case is different and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case in the trump trial. so i think the american people are smart enough to know that these are two separate cases. there are two tiers of justice but first in this case, this is existing law in the case of trump they ve made up something brand new that nobody s been prosecuted before okay. let s bring in our panel, brandy hardness managing partner at harden and pinckney plc. it s only kind of young s is white house reporter for the wall street journal. we have former white house communications director kate betting field with us and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott s presidential campaign welcome to all of you. thank you for being here. kate good. i actually would like to start with you in terms of mean, look, this is obviously extraordinarily difficult for the biden family politically. when you look at them, whether republicans are saying there, i mean, had he been acquitted? i think you would have had a quite different storm from them. so i mean, maybe it s political break as hard as it is maybe tough just because i think it is so hard on the president, his family, but i absolutely agree this is not going to be a huge political winner for the republicans for couple of reasons. first of all, we ve actually seen them try to make a hunter biden line of attack that sticks to joe biden for five years now. i m trying to to make it central to the 2020 campaign. it didn t work and i ll tell you, we saw on the biden campaign in 2020, not only did it not work, it actually wound up highlighting some of the things that people most love and connect to about joe biden, his love for his family as humanity. so this just hasn t been a winning line of attack for them. and then also if you look at the reaction republicans had yesterday, it was all over the board to say the least. i mean, i think they recognize that the center of this conversation is really one about addiction. and that s a hard thing to seem like you re on the attack over. there s also the gun politics here. i mean, this is sort of a weird, unnatural place. it s for republicans to be arguing for less strict gun laws essentially. so no, i do not think there s gonna be a political winner for the republican by any stretch. i mean, i think matt, i m reading from the wall street journal. they write about the guilty verdict and they say the guilty verdict is likely to minimize any political impact and acquittal bio biden, hometown jury would have fed donald trump s narrative of unequal justice, especially since the justice department tried to let hunter off with a slap on the wrist plea deal. yeah. i mean, i don t think there s going to move votes. one way or the other. i mean, look at the end of the de is 50-year-old man are so he s responsible for his actions and you re lying on a federal form like that is something that is apparently great easily prosecutor able like it s it s fairly, fairly open and shut and so look, i don t think this is gonna move votes one way or another. i mean you remember, i remember 2020 debate. i think when that became an issue, i wonder if it s become an issue this time. i think it s unlikely. i think if they try the convicted felon line and that could be easier. or torque but yeah i don t really think at the end of the day this is going to move votes one way or another. and he s responsible for his actions. and we had another case coming down the pike it with tax charges in a few months. well, and also not the candidate. right. i mean, that s the other key difference here response to donald trump being a convicted felon is like, well, your son is a convicted. okay. well that s been kind of the whole, the whole game all the way along, right? so on and when you look at the impeachment proceedings against president biden, that really fizzled what they were trying to do was muddy the waters and make it and this is why they use the phrase biden crime, family, right? they re trying to tag the president with something that may be associated with the sum, but we haven t seen them actually come up with anything. right. without evidence. right? right. right at this point, i think i think what you saw yesterday in terms of the reactions from some republicans was some reaching, right? as well as an inconsistent overall message on how to react to this. you add some once again going to unfounded sort of conspiracy theories almost not mentioning the trial yesterday, not mentioning this result, but trying to indicate that there are other charges again, without without evidence, you had other republicans that seem to be saying that once again, trying to frame the justice system still as launching a witch hunt against, against trump, which again, just this would seem to muddy to undermine that argument when you have a justice department that did just deliver a guilty verdict to the president s son here. so at this point, you re not seeing really a consistent response from the gop on how to react to something that is really complicated. i mean, just a couple of days he s ago, you also saw the former president talk about the issue that was clouding this trial, which is that of addiction, one that i think many republicans and democrats know, many americans throughout the country are dealing with or know somebody who is, who is struggling with that issue. so it s not an easy one to tackle here. brandy i mean, one thing that we ve gotten in this case is that we ve actually started to hear from some of the jurors. yes. i m talking about this and this, of course something that when we have talked, obviously the former president s trial has become so political, but the jury itself, right? when you ask republicans like, hey, like, this was a jury if normal people, yes, they ll say, well, they re from manhattan, but you don t get the same kinds of attacks on the jury. and now we have jurors here in this case arguing that, hey, like our decision was not political, let s watch a little bit of that. if anybody was in that courtroom or the jury around, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind i can t speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up pretty interesting texture there. yes, there is no better perspective than that from a juror. and so to hear from a juror that there was nothing in their minds that had to do with the political nature of the fact that it was president biden son, i think says a lot. i think jury systems work and i think to have our jury is talk about like, look, everybody knows is joe biden son, but at the end of the day, we re just looking at whether or not he lied on a form and whether or not he s guilty. and i think that says a lot about how intact our jury system is, because obviously there s a lot of noise surrounding the fact that it s the president s son so we re also learning about what he s going to potentially use on appeal. and the lawyers have indicated that they might try to use a supreme court ruling that actually came down in favor of conservative gun rights advocates. the president has criticized it to try to appeal this conviction is that something that you to see being potentially effective for him? so i don t think it s necessarily effective. one of the things is that when you have an appeal, you have all kinds of different things that you can argue. and i think you d never know it depends on who s on the court of appeals, who s actually hearing the appeal to determine whether or not it will actually be successful. i don t know under these circumstances whether this will actually work, but i do think it s a good avenue to try to appeal the conviction. all right. brandi, thank you very much. john shade. it coming up next here. he fuller house speaker paul ryan rebuking donald trump publicly. again, ahead will have the backlash to the former republican leaders comments plus the senate preparing a vote on ivf protections democrats trying to urge republicans to join them and a bus hijacked in atlanta, leading to a wild police chase during rush hour. it is one of the five things you have to see this morning cnn this morning is brought to you by vip guard and vip guard high truly if you. have generalized myasthenia gravis picture would life could look like with viv guard high to low, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds for one thing could mean more time for you this 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we are personal limits of what pro wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamite good night at eight on tbs what am i gonna do when i voted for president? i m going to write some interim republican and who s in office? i haven t selected the person yet. i hate the fact that i feel i got it right in a republican like i did the last time in 2020, i voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was going to be a different kind of person and office that was former house speaker paul ryan telling fox news he will not vote for the presumptive republican nominee in november. ryan, again, framing trump is unfit for office and pointing to his record to drive home that point he s cost a lot of seats. i could probably spend some time with the numbers he causes senate twice. he causes the house because he is nominated. he is pushing through the primaries, people who cannot win general elections, but who pledged fealty. that s not a good way to build and grow a party all matt gorman paul ryan. look, he s come under fire from the left for not being aggressive enough during the time that trump was president. but he has actually maintain this this? line in his refusal to vote for donald trump that some republicans like mitch mcconnell is not doing that what is going on here with him? and what does it tell you about the state of the party today? i think it s easier for ryan to do. he s not an office and he s he s kind of has a nice kinda private-sector job. god bless him. it s easier to have that when mcconnell s still in office, who knows me going to run again? probably not. we ll see, but i think that is the kinda be different there. and look, i think the parties changing last ten years. i mean, we were just came upon the ten-year anniversary of eric cantor losing a primary back in 2014, and from that data, this day, who would have kinda thought i will say i respect what paul ryan is saying. he has obviously first-hand experience working with him as speaker of the house. i also don t think it s going to change very many mines and this is kind of what the other thing i talk a lot about and the kinds of democrats, but i ll just say in the context of the setting, people price in the fact that trump s has all this bad stuff. trump does this, trump says that that s fine. now we re going to talk a lot about abortion later in the show. and i think that might be the more salient issue if you re a democrat to push rather than look at what trump said now, but i respect what he s saying and i think you re right. this is the former vice presidential nominee from what, 12 years ago, but paul ryan s increasingly the minority of the party. i fight. i mean, anytime we mentioned this as an island, write a small island isolated on anytime we mentioned sort of these signs of descent, i think it s also worth mentioning the reason why it s news in a way is because it s, it s becoming increasingly rare to hear a republican kinda come out and criticized trump, love that magnitude. i mean, right, i mean, he s not let s point. i mean, he s not an office right to me, it s like such an indictment of the republican party rigueur as it stands right now, you have people for whom speaking up and saying donald trump is not fit to be present, united states might impact their electoral chances. that is, a position they should still take if that s what they believe, but they don t. and that tells you a lot hi about where the republican party, let s look at how one elected office holder, congressman troy nehls, talked about paul ryan with my colleague or my cnn colleague up on the hill yesterday. watch paul ryan, you re a piece of garbage. you re a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan and say he s not vote for donald trump. that s the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don t go spout in your mouth. often saying you re a conservative your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i m grow up a little bit a piece of garbage. it s also like this message. i m just like fealty to the great leader rather than like making an argument that welcomes a lot of different voices and into your party, it s such a bizarre electoral strategy. i understand. you know, trump won in 2016 and since then, essentially republicans have said only donald trump is the way we can win despite the fact as paul ryan pointed out, despite the fact that they ve actually not won an election sense. and yet the message you get from republicans is like how, first of all, piece of garbage just course it s language but also it s like how dare he criticized the great leader. it s just a bizarre, i don t know. it s just a bizarre mindset. i will say this. i think troy s have bit of an outlier in a few respects because he was same guy, didn t you also came to the courthouse and like sedimentary, he knows when he has to say to get on tv. and so he knew the say something saying like this, we actually get them time on tv. so i think he might be an outlier in this. i think if you asked almost anybody in the conference, they would not agree with that. but he knows what he has to do to get on tv. but i think you re right. in some respects, look, it s easier when when paul ryan it s out of offices in office, i know trump is coming down to dc today to have kind of a meeting and looking is the leader of the party. i will say this we a primary, right? like we had and he had a one-on-one race with nikki haley. he did. and he one and i think that is it makes it a lot easier for republicans. it s not like 2016 where there s this clown car at the end where people were siphoning off votes. so i think it s easier for trump to take the mantle if he goes down there today and say, look, you had a primary i won fair and square, like we come together. well, this is the other key. i mean, paul ryan also says that he s he s not saying he s going to vote for joe biden he s criticizing trump, but he s not saying he s going to vote for joe biden. and when i hear his comments, basically expressing disappointment with both candidates, i also wonder you were talking about the primary. what that means for other voters that may share similar views as paul ryan s, such as maybe some of the haley voters, other members of the republican party are voters that are disappointed with both of these candidates. what will they do in november? and it makes you think about that when you hear those comments. okay. i think think of paul ryan, it s a nikki haley voter, didn t vote for trump, 20, didn t vote for, i can vote for trump in 24, didn t 16? where do they go? right? yeah. no, it s a really interesting way to think about it. all right, come up next here. kevin mccarthy s revenge tour, falling short as congresswoman nancy mace wins her republican primary plus rights activists giving king charles a portrait, the wallace and gromit treatments. okay and they may seem worlds apart. but this k-pop group has at least one thing 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police say 17 people, including the driver, were on board during this one of the passengers died after being shot on the bus very scary objects hurled once again at british right-wing leader nigel faraj, who was campaigning from a bus on tuesday man in the red hoodie was eventually caught and charged. last week, a woman three milkshake at faraj plus council well, then you ve gotta be happy or comedian george lopez taking heat after cursing at the crowd and walking off stage this past weekend. the california casino, where it happens says everyone will get their money back an animal rights group vandalizing king controls is portrait in a london gallery, his head covered with a sign reading no cheese grommet look at all this cruelty on rspca farms charles recently became a royal patron of the non-profit and is reportedly a big fan of the wallace and gromit cartoon series. threes as mi, if you don t know it, you should check it out. and a california homeowner or finding a bear squatting and his crawl space, as in living there. the animal had been enjoying their trash and occasionally they re yard for weeks. how would you like that as a house guest no. thank you all right ahead here. how republicans plan to block a vote by senate democrats to protect reproductive rights plus, can a tic tac sensation prepare propel president biden? victory in november. that s a lot to ask of one person, but we ll dig into it king crabs, they are the pinnacle fishing right now, every minute counts we need to get as much out of each pod is when can i get every intention of catching this crab and quicker, let anyone else if. you have, chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse sega because they re places you d like to be for seekers can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection it shouldn t in low blood sugar. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the 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price worth celebrating its one more way, aspen dental is in your corner? z is central all right. welcome back. later this week, the senate will be voting on legislation to try to ensure nationwide access to ivf treatments it s a democratic efforts not only in trying federal protections for reproductive care, but also highlight republican resistance ahead of the november election. the vote comes as the country is approaching the two-year anniversary of the downfall of roe versus wade and made way for controversial alabama ruling that through the question, the legality of increasingly used fertility treatments. majority leader chuck schumer calling on his republican colleagues to pass this ivf bill protecting ivf should be one of the easiest votes the senate has taken all year the vast majority of senators should agree that strengthened and treatments that help people start a family is a good thing. but no way shape or form is protecting ivf a show vote. it s a show us who you are vote all right, joining me now, are new york times reporters. elizabeth is and lisa layer. they are the authors of the new book, the fall of roe and the rise of a new america. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being here and we ll let kate and matt ask some questions as well, because this obviously is a conversation that the country he is now having with itself what how is the nation going to look in the wake of the fall of roe? and we are learning every day, the new implications that come out of it talk a little bit about how you came to write this because you really, i think set out to answer the question how was it that row fell at what did you learn in the course of reporting this that helps us understand what s going on now. sure we thought it was really important to create a narrative of just what even happened especially over the last ten years because there hadn t really been one, right? this is an issue that s pretty polemical well, and instead of just looking at that side of it, we needed to know what are the facts because he can t understand where we re going. and i were talking about ivf all kinds of issues that we had not talked about really publicly. it campaigns before mean when was the last time anyone talked about icf as a presidential issue or never? when, we were talking about your embryos on the conversation. but as long time, you can t understand the stakes about where we re going until you understand the pieces of where we ve come from. so our book, the fall of roe really takes a look at all the things that maybe people missed about how we ended up, where we are yeah, it really is the first narrative of how rho fell. it s we we did a lot of deep reporting on both sides of this fight, talk to people who really just opened up about sort of the legal and political strategy in the anti-abortion movement. and also how the abortion rights movement fail to see and some cases stop what was going on as much as they could and so it s really encompassing of the legal strategy and the political strategy of documenting this, this really like historic period and time. and i do think it s scrambled our politics massively. i can t think of an issue that scrambled or politics so quickly and so dramatically as the end of roe. and so to understand these new politics and really in some ways to understand this election cycle where abortion has emerged as this determinative issue in a way that it really hadn t been at the presidential level. you have to understand how we got to this point yeah, fascinating. and of course, we got to this point in no small part because of samuel alito is a justice who has come under increasing criticism at here. and we actually heard him on tape. this was a liberal activist who recorded him. i, at a dinner where he talked about. and again, this was someone at a party who s approaching him with her view and he says he agrees. but the word godliness comes up and i think it really ties into this conversation. let s just watch a little reminder here. i suppose that and then we ll talk people in. this country, we re leaving that keep fighting to return our country a place the bottling names. i agree with so elizabeth, i mean, you really focus in on the connection between religion and our politics when you hear that, i mean, how does it tie in with what lisa does every day? which number well, it s not a phrase you d normally hear in legal disgust, like legal decisions, godliness, returning the idea returns turn america to a place of godliness but we re seeing more and more in american public life, like basically you name, name the area where this merging of conservative christianity and, and the future, like what the certain segment of mostly right-wing of a gel calls and catholics want for the future of the country. it s a movement that prioritizes this opposing abortion often same-sex marriage, all kinds of these big hot-button cultural issues. and you hear echoes of this. all the way in the highest court, right. with samuel alito, it s why we re hearing references to the flags being flown at his home or appeal to heaven, which is another conservative christian. sort of, well, actually banner based really about what kind of country they want yeah. i mean, i think part of what our book shows that there the fall of roe was accomplished by this web of conservative activists and lawyers and, churches and other and politicians, of course, republic we can politicians who are all pulling together. there s no one mastermind. but they were pulling together in a way that took generations and part of that effort was working conservative justices up through the courts and particularly to the supreme court and then they made their sort of guidance. they made their ideal political deal with donald trump helped get them election, elected. donald trump got three justices on the court, which was pretty unprecedented and they got these justices who had come up in their movement and we re willing to strike. it s such a landmark legal precedent i m curious. did you did you find especially in the wake of the immediate political backlash that i think it s fair to say republicans are feeling after the fall of roe, as you re talking to republicans, do you do hear them charting a course forward that is about leaning further into this. do you feel that you did you hear them? recalibrating? i m just curious, sort of. well, what what what the, the political folks you were talking to, what they feel like the prognosis it s so interesting because it wasn t just that democrats didn t believe row could actually fall and abortion, even some abortion rights activists and believe row could actually fall, report many republicans didn t believe row could actually fall. so the policy that was made as we show in the book in what we call the row era was built with this understanding that a lot of these things were political positioning, or even if they republicans believe they wanted to enter abortion, they didn t actually think these policies would necessarily be put in place, then real fell and the country was plunged into the series of unprecedented debates. and all of a sudden, these politicians on both sides had to talk about things like ivf had. i think i ve heard the word missing it s kerogen uterus. use more in political discourse over the past few years. i don t think i ever heard that in all my years. all our years covering campaigns, casey ray, now everyone is plunged into this world where abortion rights are not, this abstract concept on the national level, like we re living in this real reality of like how sick does a woman have to be to get a medical exemption? what s sick enough, like what what are these things actually mean? and that s forced as you re sort of saying, a scrambling of these politics. i would ask, i m telling him i would agree with you. first of all i found in a lot of respects our sayyed it was oh, here, we have this kind of thing. it s coming like it really wasn t like for a lot of folks at very tangible thing and very, very close. and i get to that point what is one? kind of either event or decision that kinda led that we might have missed to it than that 510 years span prior that you think like this was kind of where it was set a little bit on the glide path, was the justices wasn t something more minute? yeah. and i m not saying republicans were not sincere in their desire to end abortion. i think they were. i just think nobody really thought through what it actually would mean in real life, tangible impact. it s interesting because our book starts in 2012 and right after the reelection of barack obama, and we started that point because it s really the lowest point for the anti-abortion movement. and if you remember what the country was, it s the moment when conservative christians stopping a majority in american public life. it s the moment when obama is reelected, when democrats feel ascendant, when they have this abortion rights majority on the supreme court. and i think that moment that republican autopsy, which i m sure we all remember republic, i covered that can t be he i said x each other on the plane for very many, many days, we weeks where republicans, the republican party really said we think abortions a loser. it s a loser of an issue for us. and that moment i think is overlooked because that s the moment when the anti-abortion movement let s start to claw back and they really sort of these activists, i think dug deep and figured out a new strategy. and their strategy was, we re not shying away from this word, leaning into it more. and we think are voters and our politicians will support us. and they were right in some ways, it would be really easy to just find one moment, right? if there was just one thing we all understood, then i can unlock this mystery. but this part of the major success of the anti-abortion movement was their ability not to create one plan, but dozens, hundreds of plans, right? it was this idea but they will leave no stone unturned. they would felt every crack and eventually they would build a collective, a collective body of work that would inevitably lead to the overturning of roe yeah. i think your book also kind of outlines how while these groups were able to do that and had the passion, the dedication to do this for years and years. that was missing from people, from the movement that supported abortion rights. oh, a dead. yeah, absolutely. okay. lisa lara elizabeth is thank you both so much for being here. again, the book is the fall of roe and the rise of a new america highly recommend it s fascinating raid. all right, coming up next here, the emotional toll. hunter biden s federal conviction is having on the president and his family plus joey chestnut. remember him removed from the nathan s hot dog eating contest. why organizers? i m not reading this. they want me to say he was tossed out on his blood s, i guess i 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terrorist groups, victims pamela smart remember her taking full responsibility for her husband s murder for the first time after 34 years in prison. smarts says members of a writing group that she joined encouraged her to seek out spaces. she didn t want to be in in those spaces. is where i found myself responsible for something i desperately didn t want to be responsible for my husband s murder smart was a 22-year-old high school media coordinator when she began in affair for the 15-year-old boy, who later fatally shot for husband and this the top dog is out at this year s nathan s hot dog eating contest is 16 times champion. joey chestnut was disqualified for striking an endorsement deal with plant-based food company impossible foods. that violates major league eating regulations apparently matt gorman, this is kind of sad. end in an era 16 time champion to the offered secure go be actually watch matt, nina toad, stony could be the next champion. this doing the best events of the year. one guy, the guy in the gray the straw hat george grey is an electric host. it noon every july 4th by dad and i have a t-shirt. i love it every single year. an amazing you all you all should know out there in the break, i asked everyone, hey, who wants it s like what the hot dog guy mega again. i had the teacher where it every year it s fantastic because you live four, sorry, i m sure still well, we ll bring you back after it happens. all right let s turn now to this it s no secret how i feel about trump s conviction so ethically and morally, i have to be consistent and say that in light of this verdict, i don t believe hunter biden should be president hunter biden now, awaiting sentencing after his felony gun conviction yesterday, a federal jury in delaware found the president s son guilty on all three counts. two for lying about his drug use on a federal background check or third, for possessing a gun while addicted to or using illegal drugs. the president embracing his newly convicted sound on a tarmac in wilmington shortly after the verdict, biden releasing this statement, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. he got it also, as i said last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. and of course, this is the first time in american history the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. matt kate s on our back with us. we re also joined now by national political reporter for axios alex trypsin, who has been covering this trial day in and day out. welcome. alex, you ve been i think in your hotel may over our viewers may be familiar with your hotel room and wilmington. so we re happy to have you here. look, this has been for the biden family just the cliche would be airing dirty laundry. right. but he is the president of the united states the events of this period of time and hunter biden s life and in the family s life from credibly difficult. now, he faces prison time, probably unlikely hill. he ll get it for this particular case. but it s all out there in the public. i mean, take us inside the room and kind of what it was like to watch this family go through this. yeah, absolutely. it s it s simultaneously a family tragedy, but also sort of a love story too. in which you in the room, the jury barely, barely deliberated at all. it was like three hours and they came back with a guilty verdict. it was so short that actually much of the family wasn t even there for the actual reading of the guilty verdict, who is just jimmy biden, the president s brother? and his wife, jill biden was not they re valid. biden was not there. she hurried and basically right after the guilty verdict had been red basically the first lady came up and went straight to the goodness holding room and then went to hunter and then obviously exited with him holding his hand. hunter biden when he heard the verdict he basically didn t move. he was like just this still portrait and then right afterward, he just nodded his head three times. it s okay. let s move forward. he hugged his lawyers. yes. it s wife. and then just said, let s get on with it. the next thing and there s plenty of next things to go beyond. appeals are definitely going to come potentially on second amendment grounds. you also have another trial that honestly as messy as this one was, this one. the next one might be messier because when you re dealing with a tax case, you re dealing with everything with spending money on yeah. there s a lot there. it keep any field. i mean, you when you were working in the white house, had to grapple with a lot of this as it was unfolding in real time. and one of the things i think i hadn t quite realized was the level of guilt that the president seems to feel around what hunter was going through then it obviously coincide with a time when he was deciding that he was going to run for president of the united states. can you take us inside that a little bit? yeah so yes, there is an amount of guilt that president biden feels you obviously know who s that if he were not president, if you were not front and center in our political conversation, hunter probably would not be dealing with these legal challenges but it s also important to understand about that period of time when president biden was deciding whether or not to run in 2019, that hunter really encouraged him to run and hunter didn t want to be a reason that he didn t run for president. so there was a lot of alex called it a love story. there s there was a lot of mutual love there between the two of them. both of them looking out for each other personally and wanting the other wanting to do what was right for the other so there s a lot of complicated feelings there, but at its core, a lot of love and a lot of respect it is also incredibly difficult and challenging for the president as it is for. i mean, i think any american who has a family member who struggled with addiction, it is a constant cloud that can hang over you. and obviously the president is enormously proud of how far hunter has come and how his thought to get to where he is today and protecting and preserving that progress that hunter s made is really important to the biden family and we know today in his story as well that the president does still fully believed that hunter can continue on this on his word to refer recovery. but at the same time, given all the events going on, he is concerned about what the future holds for his son as well i think that it s interesting that also you re seeing and that s evidenced also and just the movement of the president yesterday, you saw him change his scheduled to go to wilmington. you saw those images as well of him stepping off the plane, immediately embracing his son. i was in delaware last weekend and thought it was interesting that i mean, every public appearance you saw him basically attached to a hunter biden, whether they were going to church together or cycling together as well. you ve seen him really continue can you to embrace the sun? and i think that will continue as well as the language we saw from present biden statement when describing this case, when reacting to a you re going to see him continue to affirm his love for his son and continued to express empathy similar to that moment that we saw on the debate in 20 hey, 20, when trump was attacking, was going after hunter biden and the present had one of his more memorable moments where he really stood there and said, look, i stand by my son and i do love them. yeah. oh, sorry. no, no no. heading down that, the president s greatest fears, hunter relapsing and anyone knows it s been through banners and addiction. the biggest trigger for relapse is shame, which is why you have hunter always or sorry, joe biden always saying, i m proud of my son. i m proud of my son and trying to show that i m not embarrassed by you yeah. what i was going to say was they mean when you re the president there are cameras for your ever every movement, but if they didn t want a picture of joe biden embracing hunter biden yesterday. they could have avoided it, right? like they did that on purpose yeah. one sometimes when i think sometimes like joe biden doesn t even really care about the optics. i mean, i don t think having a hunter biden at some of these state dinners alongside merrick garland is like the best political optics, but joe biden doesn t care. yes, he is talking he has always going to put hunter s for hunter first. he s always going to put his family first and yes, there are times when it s optics me down. i love my son and the most important thing to me as being a father, i guess it s why kinda considering everything who said here, i am candidly skeptical of win or lose there s another, there s not a pardon in the future, forgetting every you re not alone. there are people, there, people close to the president that you didn t know. he has said this. he said this, you know, obviously very publicly there s some people around them that think he could change his mind. yeah. i mean, i think what do we have that the interview with david mirror where president biden said that he s not going to, pardon his son all right. we don t have that, but i mean there is the looming question of this, alex and in this other trial as well. i mean, if he gets off on prison time in this, which many of our legal experts have said, look like he s a first-time offender it s unlikely that this gun thing could lead even though there s a potential for 25 years, it s likely not to hit that. however, we re talking to a lawyer earlier on this program who said one of the things they could consider if there s a guilty verdict in the next case is that there will also then have been this prior conviction which makes it much more likely. i find it very hard to believe that that joe biden, the man if he has the power to get his son out of prison, doesn t do it will end as kate was just saying, you know, joe biden feels responsible for some of this because you have to remember when joe biden declared for president hunter biden is still not in recovery yet, like joe biden announces april of 2019, has his first rally on may in may of 20, 1,900 byte does not get sober until june of 19, 2019, and the thing is if you re running for president and this vicious political environment with his son that has a crack code cocaine crack cocaine addiction, you know that this is going to probably hurt his life potentially and it really has. so that s why i think that s why i think people, as you as you noted and simulated people close to the president, thank he might ultimately change his mind because he feels good. also, you referred to the abc news interview. he did say that he would not pardon his son. there is still the follow-up question of commey of commutation as well. there s multiple forms of clemency. could there be a sentence? since shortened or, or any sort of relief that way that i would imagine that that question at some points the president will face a look. i will say he he loves his son unquestioningly. he also loves his country and he also thinks that it is dangerous that we are in a moment where the rule of law is under attack, where a judicial system is under attack. so i would say don t, don t underestimate how significant it is to him that a president needs to send a message that the justice system works, that he will not inappropriately put his thumb on the scale. so i think let s see how things play out, but i would say as somebody who knows joe biden very well, i would take him at his word that he believes that but not sending a signal that he is going to interfere in the way the justice system plays out here is important and genuine, and it puts the hypocrisy of these republicans on display. absolutely accept to say absolute ipod pros, the way that they re handling this hunter thing, they re basically saying, well, it s totally not the same. i m sorry. i you mean republican politicians are looking at, you know, when, when we ve asked them and they ve responded to this, they re the speaker of the house for example, said, every case is different. the evidence was overwhelming in the hunter case, but that s it s not the case in the trump trial. yeah. i mean, look, i think at the end of the day, waiting and if you re republican politician into a hunter stuff is not going to win you any votes. let the flood the process play out. but i am very keen can you see i do think if there s a pardon, i think that could change things. all right thank you guys for that conversation. i will leave you with this get them bts army is celebrating the region turn of one of their own this morning, bts member jin has completed his mandatory military service in south korea. but k-pop star was seen leaving base today after 18 months in uniform he is far i will say, from the big first big pop star to spend time serving his country jaylen. jailhouse rock or elvis presley reported to the army after he was drafted in 19 58, the king was a soldier until the spring and 1961, earned his discharge from the army reserve in 1964 and then there was this i came

It , Visions-for-america-s-future-the-cnn , White-house , Marla-signs , Physicians-mutual-hi , Wednesday-june-12th , Person , Couch , Furniture , Sofa-bed , Room , Chair

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240612

you can make that case. here s the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it s not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven t gotten them and they got it wrong in case. todd: fox & friends begins right now. they could use you. steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it s 5:00 in dallas and this is the fox & friends for wednesday, june 12th, 2024. you saw it on our air live yesterday. hunter biden convicted on all three federal gun charges. you may have missed this unless you were watching another channel. this has to be, as a parent, the worst nightmare come true. most people see this and feel sympathy. this trial was so personal and so painful. ainsley: and 8 suspected terrorists with ties to isis are arrested and a nationwide sting operation and it won t come as a surprise. they crossed the border illegally. lawrence: that s the top issue for folks from my home state of texas. seeing brian there to get the pulse of the people. brian? brian: thank you very much. i am brian kilmeade and it is lawrence jones sitting in my seat. more on that later. i m at. lawrence: you are in my state. brian: really thinking, lawrence, you can t interrupt a cold open it s against the law. ainsley: he has to defend himself. brian: and now you are doing it, ainsley? steve: let me do it for you, brian. [laughter] lawrence: did he say get dressed? ainsley: get dressed. and mornings are better with friends, brian. [laughter] steve: okay, more with brian in a minute but, first, a fox news alert. president biden is about to take off for italy in just about an hour from now for the annual g-7 summit in italy. lawrence: here at home concerns of terror threats crossing our southern border are becoming a reality as sources say 8 suspects with possible ties to isis are arrested after being released into the country. ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us now with the latest. lucas lucas good morning, guys not only did they enter illegally through the southern border they apparently received, quote, full vetting according to our own bill melugin, suspects are from tajikistan the land locked country infantry in central arab borders afghanistan to the south and china to the east. recall the same suspects on that concert hall killed 45 people. those people were also from tajikistan. said in a statement to fox fbi says the individuals are detained in ice custody pending removal proceedings as the fbi and dhs recently described public and private bulletins heightened environment. dhs continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, identify and disrupt potential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in los angeles and across the country in new york and philadelphia as well in recent days according to the new york post who broke the story, quote: part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one of the now arrested individuals was talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i m afraid something like that might happen again or worse fbi director christopher wray warned lawmakers back in april what he described as threat coordinated attack after the moscow massacre those suspects were from tajikistan like the suspects here. ainsley: i know they weren t flagged when they walked across the border when they came across the border. they were let. in once they were here, what led them to realize these guys were terrorists? lucas: it appears there was wiretaps. ainsley: what made them go to that point? what made them wiretapped? lucas: americans being surveilled. apparently picked up. also somebody could have called in a potential threat for these guys and people were warned. this is the problem americans have been worried that something like this might be happening for years now. as millions of unvetted and illegal immigrants cross the southern border. lawrence: so luke s, the question is the president released his executive action last week and banning some countries and all of that did they know about this before they released that executive action or did this come afterwards? lucas: these guys have been on the radar now for a few weeks, lawrence. safe to say, before. steve: indeed. luke s, thank you very much. and keep in mind, he just mentioned christopher wray, the director of the fbi was in front of congress in april. and he was talking about a potential coordinated attack after what happened in that concert hall. our joint task force keeping an eye on everybody. i bet a dollar to doughnuts something popped up on one of the people were surveil surveilling. oh they are in the united states. joint task force alerted ice they swept them up in new york, philly and washington, d.c. lawrence: brian, the fbi director has been talking about these lights flickering all over the board. he said that he is concerned brian they thought their executive orders they think their executive orders are going to do it. so far no discernible difference between prior and current with the executive orders. got to worry about all the stans, these guys are coming from outlaw provinces moscow and don t have love loss for us. it s really got to be cancer. if you are christopher wray. you know the danger but it doesn t seem to be relayed to the people in charge and the border patrol seems flat out overwhelmed. i also thought it s interesting, too, that we re seeing the flood of immigrants come through san diego now, california, but they knocked it down 72% in texas at the cost of $11 billion with operation lone star. texas is doing it themselves because the federal government is not. steve: that s right. great point, brian. that s one of the reasons you are down in texas. meanwhile, border patrol, ainsley to your point, border patrol let them in. these people, because they presented id but apparently those particular names didn t click on the data base. and border patrol says we know people slip through all the time but we simply don t have enough time to fully vet them. if there is 300 people waiting in line. it s kinds of like how long is this going to take? okay, go. lawrence: just a revolving door right now. this is what happens when you have zero strategy and zero enforcement. they want to be out here going after these guys. they want to be going after the drug traffickers. they have been forced to baby-sitted. they didn t sign up to be cops to be babysitters. ainsley: here is what is scary. the borders are open. millions have come across. this just 8 men that were caught. just 8. lawrence: that we know. ainsley: how many here that we don t know about that are planning attacks here. hats off to the people did recognize. this had the wiretaps. but this administration, this is a crisis from washington. this is joe biden s crisis. he has left the door open. now he is trying to do something about it because he realizes democrats and republicans are concerned about this. not just republicans anymore. and we re close to an election. steve: thank you very much, law enforcement. ainsley, speaking of joe biden. ainsley: right now, president biden is in delaware after traveling to see his son after his convince on fall gun charges, hunter biden now awaits sentence iting as his attorney vows to exauction all legal options. lawrence: brooke singman is here with the latest. the jury found the first son guilty on all counts for lying about his drug use while buying a gun. sentencing date has yet to be scheduled. hunter is now facing a hefty fine of $750,000 in a maximum of 25 years in prison. although he is unlikely to do any prison time here since is he a first time offender. special counsel david wise who brought the charges against him spoke after the verdict. listen. this case was not just about addiction. this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throws of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. president biden is seen here hugging hunter in delaware after the verdict. the president spoke yesterday about gun safety after his son s firearm conviction but did not mention hunter s case. watch this. asses second amendment. never been a time you could own anything you want. never. you couldn t own a cannon during the civil war. [laughter] no, i m serious. think about it. how much have you heard this phrase? the blood of liberty. [laughter] give me a break. one of the jurors speaking out about the trial. listen. biden was on trial and he was just like anybody else. nobody is above the law. yeah. no matter how are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. it may not have been a political decision by the jury, but it will likely have political ramifications. former senior adviser to president barack obama david axelrod saying, quote: i don t think voters are going to hold biden accountable for his son s addiction or his son s misbehavior, but i think the real question is the toll it takes on him and his family. this is another heavy brick on the load. the first son is also facing another federal trial, which is expected to begin in september. over allegedly failing to pay over a million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and hunter biden has pleaded not guilty. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. the cover of the new york post. first felon faces up to 25 years after historic verdict. and i heard on one of the other channels that apparently, you know, the jury got the case a couple days ago at 3:30 in the afternoon. they deliberated for about an hour. lawrence: they were 50/50. steve: it was split 6-6. a couple hours into the second day they were like, okay. he broke the law. and here s the thing. we knew he had broken the law because he signed that thing. and we know he put that x there. so it s one of those things where if he were not convicted on this, what does it take to get arrested and convicted in delaware? lawrence: when you look at the other channels and look at their conch of it, there is this reaction to compare what happened here and the justice system what happened to trump. and they say this is the legal system doing what it does this. is the right thing. but, i think they skipped the important step, this wasn t going go to trial at first, this was not there was unprecedented deal, and if they weren t shamed, both the prosecution as well as the defense with this deal, then we wouldn t have been here. now, you take that versus donald trump where you have unprecedented prosecution. not unprecedented deal. and i think there is a clear difference judicial system shouldn t be shamed. i get that everybody has someone, probably. i know i have family members that have struggled with addiction. steve: yep all of our family members should be treated the same it. looks like hunter biden is finally being held accountable like most americans would have ainsley. and, brian, we will bring you into this, too. the trump campaign said this is just a distraction from the real crimes, the real crimes are the biden family which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, raush and ukraine. what we learned in this court case the laptop really was hunter biden s. we knew that before. this is additional verification of that. which means we were lied to by those 51 intel individuals that signed that letter back before the election and joe biden. who lied to us about it. anbc, and cnn and npr who lied about it. social media individuals or social media platforms that were censoring this story so it didn t get out before the election. it s not just about addiction and lying on a government form. this goes beyond that the cover-ups. the money that the biden family possibly made from all of this. before the election. and burying a story so that you didn t know about it. you, the public, the voter didn t know about it before the election, brian. brian: yeah. a couple of things. number one out of everything on that laptop it s absolutely insane the one thing they get is the gun charge. on unsavory behavior that s witnessed there they all told us we are crazy for believing and definitely effected the 2020 election. also i think it s important this guy kevin morris who is funding all his legal defenses out of money. how do i know that s not hype. his daughter raised to hunter biden you are taking advantage of my dad who is writing checks for you. yeah. his dad is the president of the united states. he can t write the checks. but some obscure producer who made money early on and a sitcom nobody watches could empty his account for a guy who can t get off crack and obviously loves hookers. other thing is, the big story is coming up in the fall is going to be the tax case. and what about the made for tv moment, i m sorry, my heart does not go out to joe biden who has to go back to his house and stand in front of his driveway and hug his son who got convicted of a buying a gun and having haley biden throw it out while, by the way an hour before he was telling us the need for gun control. who booked that gig for him the day his son is actually. lawrence: that was so dumb. brian: actually convicted of a gun violation. the dumbest thing ever but smart to have the hug in the driveway so msnbc has something to talk about. and they want to say it s no dual path to justice and trump got convict and he got convicted. it s totally different. this guy actually scripted his conviction seven years ago. they made up charges on donald trump and didn t even tell us the charges until they handed it over to the jury. and when you come up and speak about a jury decision and don t like it, that s called an american free move to do. you are not being anti-american by criticizing a jury decision. is everyone happy with the way the o.j. decision came out. are you anti-american by saying o.j. pretty much got away with murder? no, i don t think so. so, yesterday really bothered me he comes off as a sympathetic figure where everything he has done is his own personal behavior. lawrence: speaking of that, brian, this is the media s reaction to that watch. this has to be as a parent the worst nightmare come true. joey and joe biden have been role models for parents of addicted children. you are seeing sort of such a sad day on personal level, but you are seeing such an uplifting day in terms of sort of heroic action in terms of what it means to live a principle. republicans have really struggled to make this line of attack stick because most people see this and feel sympathy. it is not an unfair verdict. they followed the law. but it s a sad verdict. this trial was so personal and so painful for the biden family. the details in this case, sarah, as you well know are really ugly and they are really sad. brian: we don t have audio here but just know, guys, that msnbc and cnn says it s a very sad day for the biden family which is true but it s all self-inflict and we will see how you guys feel about it. we are in cubey s in dallas. get the pulls of the people. what is your name? marlow. brian: what is your opinion on the hunter biden decision. one, you mentioned sympathy. i m wholly in agreement with you. if he had been doing crack cocaine or had an addiction for decades before his brother died, why would i feel sympathy? it had nothing to do with his brother dying. as far as the verdict, it s appropriate, he probably won t get jail time but he should get three felonies? what about one month each. other people go to jail for committing that crime. brian: because you guys are very aware of gun laws, especially in texas, right? right, absolutely. brian: what did you order, sir? well, the breakfast croissant. brian: is that croissant underneath those layers of eggs and ham. brian: oh my goodness need a plunger to open up his aorta later. what s your name. bob burns. bob burns fans, ladies and gentlemen. weighs convicted on three separate counts. shows you that justice is indeed equal because same thing happened to trump. what s your reaction? well, i bet you everybody in this room knows somebody or their family member has been addicted to something in their life. and all i heard yesterday on the other networks was real sympathy towards towards hunter. no sympathy from our family. you get what you make your choices and you deal with your consequences. brian: also, what about the arrogance of showing up on the congressional steps and having a mini press conference and storming into a hearing he said he wasn t going to be at. he was grand standing prior to this. and he has got another case staring at him and sentencing somewhere in between. this is not the top priority of people here in dallas. do you know what is? immigration, border security, political corruption and inflation. [cheers and applause] brian: we will talk about all of that back to you guys on the couch. we are here at kuby s getting a pulse of the people. steve: that is a great place. my daughter went to school across the street. deli counter. they have the best chicken salad in dallas i feel. ainsley: i love good chicken salad, too. that s a southern thing, isn t it? delicious. turning now to some of your headlines, a crazed man hijacks a bus and leads police on a wild pursuit through atlanta yesterday. look at that the suspect allegedly holding a gun to the driver of that bus head during the pursuit and one of the 17 hostages was shot and killed. atlanta s mayor placing the blame on the availability of guns. too many guns on our streets. too many guns in our homes. too many guns in our schools, buses, et cetera. crime is down overall. violent crime is down. this day is not indicative of all of the days of the city of atlanta. this is a day we will never forget. ainsley: the suspect, who is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests, was eventually taken into custody after police disabled the bus. 19 priors? it s the guns, right. 60 survivors of the sandy hook elementary school shooting will be graduating from high school in newton, connecticut, new town connecticut, today. back in 2012 when they were first grade. 20 of their classmates and sex educators were killed by deranged gunman one spoke out about their state of mind. since kindergarten, graduate. we can t forget about a whole chunk of our class missing. so going into graduation we all have very mixed emotions. ainsley: bless their hearts. double that they were in first grade. the school shooting victims will be honored during today s ceremony. very nice. nypd officers arresting a brooklyn man accusing him of smashing several religious statues outside of the catholic church. they say he took a hammer to the statues of mother teresa and the catholic pope on monday. then he broke the church s doors and damaged two glass bus shelters. he is facing a series of charges. but no word if he will be charged with a hate crime. to some primary results now. south carolina congressman or congresswoman nancy mace defeating both of her challengers in the congressional republican runoff. in nevada, trump-backed army veteran sam brown winning his primary race to challenge incumbent democratic senator jacky rosen. brown joined us yesterday. nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk. and people are looking for some hope. i know the power and the importance of hope when all seems lost. as it was my own soldiers who came to my rescue in 2008 when i was wounded delivering hope to me by saying sir, i ve got you. ainsley: and in maine former nascar driver austin theriault wins his primary rails. and in north dakota kelly armstrong take over for doug burgum as the republican candidate in the state s gubernatorial election in november. also, in north dakota, voters deciding to impose a maximum age limit on members of congress from their state at 81 years old. and check out this wild drone footage of a hammerhead shark lurking in the waters off of st. petersburg, florida. steve: don t fall in. ainsley: paddle borders kept their cool as a group hunt the harr pin fish. scramble to get back on the shore. the owner of the company that rents those boards thankfully hammer medicines generally steer clear of people and attacks are very uncommon. those are your headlines. lawrence: i love when they say that it s uncommon. steve: it just takes one. lawrence: we want to be the one they experiment with. steve: the weather down there very warm and that leads us to this. lawrence: fox weather alert. miami beach and other parts of florida seeing major flooding. ainsley: sunshine state is going to get even more rain this week as a tropical disturbance through the region. steve: check in with the senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. i heard some spots in florida could get two feet of rain. janice: this is 9011. hurricane season is here. don t think this going to get a name but it is going to move out across the florida peninsula and in towards the atlantic. and the bottom line is it doesn t take a named storm to cause a lot of problems. heavy rain in the forecast for several days for parts of central and south florida. and we could see an additional foot or more of rain that s going to cause tremendous flooding in some of these areas. look at the fort myers area and naples area that s 8 to 12 right there and they already received in some cases close to a foot of rain there is the rain still to come 8 to 12 aren t the fort myers areas. that s going to be the story we are following as well as the heat fox for all of your latest details. over to the couch. steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. straight ahead on the program the liberal activists who recorded justifiable alito and his wife and chief justice roberts speaks out why she did. it nothing illegal in d.c. about recording people. please tell me how we are going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. it s kubota orange days, shop the year s biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn t know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we ve been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! oh no. running low? 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( ) your pain shouldn t be minimized or forgotten. ( ) when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. 3, 2, 1. joey is already in his rhythm. his d.n.a. is a blueprint for modern [cheers and applause] go, joey. we re almost there. [cheers] joey, joey. steve: oh joey, joey. we have loved him for decades now, perhaps, his reign as the greatest of all time competitive eater. lawrence: we still love him. he just has to get it together. steve: is done he won t be competing on the fourth of july. he signed a contract with a competitor. signed a contract with impossible foods. the lead maker of the meatless meat products like the impossible burger. the hot dogs he signed with are made from plants. lawrence: this is what they are saying in the statement to the major league eating. we are devastated to learn that joey chestnut has chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant based hot dogs rather than competing in the 2024 nathan famous fourth of july hot dog eating contest. janice: this is tragic. i was a judge, an esteemed judge a couple years ago. one of the greatest moments of my life, really. ainsley: top of the resume. steve: i m going to put that on your wikipedia page. janice: it s a huge event. without him are thousands of people going to come to coney island? i don t think so. but i think it hurts joey chestnut more. lawrence: do you? janice: yes, absolutely. if you remember a couple decades ago. co-barbie. nathan s hog dog eating contest made him the person he was. he decided not to sign a contract. whatever happened to him? we never heard from him again. ainsley: in 2021 joey ate 76 dogs and the buns, just to compare it. i read that another guy was eating about 49 hot dogs. so number two guy is probably thrilled by. this now he has a shot. janice: right. honors lawrence real quickly this is what joey is saying on x. this is the decision nathan and the major league eating are making. it will deprive the great fans of the holiday usual joy. janice: who can blame them. lawrence: rest assured you will see me eat again soon. stay hungry. i don t think if you are in a contest of eating it should be plant based at all. janice: that s another topic all together. ainsley: making more money. steve: still a hot dog not made the traditional nathan s way. ultimately the headline is he will not be a weaner. [laughter] steve: i not relish saying that. janice: you have been waiting. steve: i have been playing ketchup. ainsley: if joey decides. janice: make it more popular. lawrence: maybe brian can get to the bottom of this. steve: is he a guy who likes to be frank. [laughter] lawrence: that was really good. brian: if we have to blow a commercial. any news at all on it interrupt my interview. we need to spend more time on it if we could. let me tell you about what is going on now. this is going to be big. it s one of the most replayed moment in sports history. you have all seen it not even sports. buzzer beating dunk. jim gets a winning college championship to win the 1983 ncaa, nc state had cinderella year. now they are suing 10 members of that team claim co-conspirator have systematically and intentionally misappropriated the cardiac parks publicity rights including their names and likenesses. this just the beginning, guys. now joining to us discuss this and so much more is a dallas favorite. he still lives here after winning three super bowl championships for the dallas cowboys. he is now the ufl president, ceo darryl moose johnson. round of applause, guys. here at kuby s restaurant. so you are oshould the # 3 team be paid. they are in their 50 s and 60 s. first group. we had undefeated college football game 1987, doug flutie moments. so many iconic moments in sports how many more people are going to step forward now. brian: this is ruining college sports. i feel bad nobody was paid back then and education was a wash. you give me an education just go play sports. billions are in there. we are going to be playing football players and basketball players back to 2016. what s going to be left of the college sports that we know? i think it may go away. we were fortunate to grow up in a time where college sports was on par with professional sports. and i don t think we are going to see that moment again. i think it becomes professional sports now. it s going to be basketball and football. the future of the smaller sports is what i m concerned about and the impact title # had. because they never matched it with football there was no women s football on the college campuses. why do you try to match scholarships offered when you can t find a way to keep football out of that equation. brian: everyone is getting paid. who hasn t been paid will be paid soon. as would you know you made the transition from nfl p pro bowler to executive. you merge the usl and xfl on the precipice of the championship game. going to be in st. louis. it s going to be 5:00. fox will cover it. on the game joel klatt and kurt men fee. this matchup with birmingham and san antonio. great first season. the merger came together late in the process. we navigated that the football has been outstanding and shame on us if we didn t pull that off. we went from 18 teams or 16 teams down to 8 teams so the talent level has been great, depth in the offensive line. great quarterback play. great ratings, anxious for this game. the only loss birmingham has had all season long has been to san antonio brahmas in week 9. rematch 18-9. everybody come out and join us st. louis. brian: i love that the merger worked and i think some type of relationship with the nfl is inevitable. between 27 and 30 players already invite ford tryouts with the nfl. i think that s important, also,ment fact is skip holtz against wade phillips. two famous names, famous coaches, famous football families. darrell, the bigger question is, are your cowboys ever going to get back to the super bowl again? [laughter] , the last time they were in it, you were playing in it. [ applause ] i think the community has been so excited to see the stars and the mavericks have that success. everybody is ready for dallas. it s been almost 30 years now. hopefully that s their turn this fall. we will see what happens. yeah, i just don t know why we can t get over that hump. every season. we play well throughout the regular season but then we fall short in the playoffs. brian: mavericks down 0-2. are they going to come back and win this thing against the celtics? nba championship. darryl is going to go do a boot camp workout. darryl, thank you so much. welcome great to see. welcome to dallas. brian: guys, more from kuby s in just a moment. fox & friends continues, texas and new york. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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chase, make more of what s yours. ainsley: new york congresswoman elise stefanik hosting ear epac rising stars reception yesterday where she endorsed female g.o.p. congressional candidates from all across our country. joining us now are those candidates. we have lori buckout from north carolina. nancy dull strum from alaska who is also the lt. governor there mayra flores from texas and caroline dobson from north carolina. good morning, ladies. good morning. i will start with you myra. you are running again, tell me why. because i love south texas. it s my home. it s my community. and, you know, the democrat part has just taking for granted the hispanic community. it s very important that would invest in the. the republican party has no future if we don t continue invest not guilty hispanic community. south texas is home and where i was raised and where i m raising my children. i want to make sure we have the right representation in washington. unfortunately we don t have that representation in washington right now. this is why i m running again to take back texas district 34. ainsley: lori, why is it important to have women serving in congress? you know, i m a combat veteran. grew up in the shenandoah valley. and, you know, like most women, i have an experience that far exceeds just who i am as a woman. so, i think that we need fresh voices in congress overall right now. we definitely need some change. my district has been represented by democrats 141 years. we don t just need women but rim bring fresh voices and change and really want to represent their people. nancy, how about you? why are you running and why is it important to elect republicans now to congress and females. this election is going to be consequential. in alaska specifically we have been hit so hard by the things this administration has done. president biden has issued over 60 executive orders that are basically trying to shut our state down. we are oil and gas and mining state minerals that the entire country needs. not just for production but national security. if we don t have those things in our country and we have to rely on other countries we have got to have a change in d.c. we have got to have president trump back in office. we need to get the course reversed that we are on. you know, i went to the yuma border several weeks ago and i witnessed with my own two eyes the officers who were there how demoralizing for them to have to act as a baby-sitter and social worker for these people coming across the border illegally our country has no security with open borders. we have none. it effects us even here clear up to alaska. the fentanyl coming into this country is making its way up here. last year, unfortunately, alaska had the highest rate of per capita of overdose fentanyl deaths in the entire country, totally unacceptable. i m not going to stand for it. i m going to washington, i m going to fight for our state. and for our country care lien, i know you are representing alabama. it s important for you to win your race and to her point there were 8 suspected terrorists that were just arrested. they are on the terrorist list talking about making bombs. they are here in the u.s. and came through our border. no. it s it s incredibly terrifying and that s why i m running to fight for alabama families to fight for american families and that s why it s so important to elect republican women because we understand the struggles that american families are going through. we ll understand the way that biden s reckless border policy has jeopardized our security and we re in a position to fight for and represent american families and try to get our country back on track. i don t know how you do it i know being a working mom. i m here in new york. for y all you have to travel to d.c. often. thank you so much for doing this for country. god bless. more fox & friends coming up. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. it s waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it s all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they ve been in leadership positions. they re willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they re not looking for a handout. they re looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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