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Still extends its far east as hong kong thats the case friday but the heart of the heavy rain is going to be in the far south west of china and probably northern vietnam in the next 2 days it doesnt mean hong kong is off the hook so that your wind isnt going to be particularly strong the rains there are about and it moves over through grand bargain to good parts of southern and even the eastern coast of china with the more seasonal rain still in sichuan running up in the headwaters and halfway down the yangtze now the monsoon has been active in the last week or so it remains fairly active is going as far west as sudden pakistan the infill showers could be court substantial i think for the next day or so right up as far as delhi so everything that should have been filling in is now filling in the heavy rain that produced the flooding in the far northeast on the. The stones heavy as it was in the floods are still there but receding the new floods of course are going to be further west where you would expect it to be and then you want to be significant showers seem also. Likely in yemen. Following 2 fatal crashes and. Decided to ground a brand new 7 through 7 max but this wasnt the 1st time you cropped back in 2000. And 2 travel when a basketball court. But is out of the Investigative Unit discolored more to the problem than just smoking batteries. Rewind a broken dream the boeing 787 on aljazeera. Lets update the top stories for you so far 2 attacks on the Security Forces in southern yemen killed dozens of People Police station was attacked in the port city of aden the fighters targeted a military camp used by trained forces also say they fired a missile at a military target in the saudi city of. Rwanda has now reopened its border with the democratic republic of congo after closing it earlier today because of the ongoing crisis on your old girl has become the 3rd patient confirmed to have the virus in the congolese city of goma close to the rwandan border and 1800. 00 people have died since the latest outbreak began a year ago. One other story the iranian president Hassan Rouhani has called the u. S. Decision to impose sanctions on the foreign minister childish especially since to iran recently proposed unconditional talks the u. S. Is accusing the foreign busy minister of promoting what it calls the reckless agenda of irans Supreme Leader. Now as the latest from tehran. Irans president taking center stage at an event in azerbaijan province but his speech was yet again dominated by foreign politics attacking the United States decision to impose sanctions on irans top diplomat foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif on. The shows that they got frustrated and now if they say we want to negotiate well the path for that is with the Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Ministers the head of that ministry that theyre afraid of the ministers interviews this shows that the white house is shaken and it is afraid of the logic of an intelligent deployment zarif is the latest victim of the u. S. Maximum Pressure Campaign on iran its freezing his assets in the u. S. And these approvals to visit United Nations headquarters in new york will no longer be guaranteed. In a tweet he said the u. S. Reason for designating me is that i am irans primary spokesperson around the world it has no effect on me or my family as i have no property or interests outside of iran thank you for considering me such a huge threat to your agenda the western educated diplomats is one of the architects of the 2015 Nuclear Agreement with world powers. But now hes fighting to keep the deal alive following the United States withdrawal from it last year ago u. S. National security adviser john bolton says the foreign minister is no honest broker we consider jobs or if the foreign minister an illegitimate spokesman for iran and iran itself is a government you consider illegitimate do not well exactly it is a state sponsor of terrorism it is the worlds central banker of terrorism biggest financer biggest armor the sentients come at a time of heightened tensions between tehran and washington be it in the waterways of the gulf or in proxy conflicts in the middle east the United States says it doesnt recognize the reefs authority in leading the gauche ations many here see that as ironic given zarif is known to be very close to irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and if anyone has the authority to engage with the west it would be him but washington says it also doesnt want to engage with anyone from irans government the foreign minister is now the latest on a long list of arabian officials under u. S. Sanctions and with each new designation any real hope of resolving the conflict between tehran and washington gets weaker there are such a pari aljazeera to her on. The front runner in the race to become the Democratic Party nominee to challenge donald trump has had a tough night the former Vice President joe biden faced attacks from 9 other president ial hopefuls during the 2nd night of debates john hendren reports now from detroit. The front runner spot was joe bidens to lose any plan to win or go down fighting in debate one comolli harris attacked biden got a boost in the polls. On the way in to debate 2 he asked her to go easy minutes later on question one he has sailed her plan for publicly funded health care the senators had several plans for you cant be president trying with double talk on this plan we are now paying 3 bill a trillion dollars a year for health care in america over the next 10 years its probably going to be 6 trillion dollars we must then inside detroits fox theater came an avalanche of counterattacks on immigration it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasnt on criminal justice because you stood up and use that tough on crime phony rhetoric we got a lot of people liked it but destroyed communities like mine and on Climate Change Washington State governor jay inslee called bidens plan in adequate his disagreement with his response with me it did. When he said. Theres no work in the south this is our last chance in the next presidency we had to move our house on fire were going to put it out. Had a target on his back it was hit again and again by his critics on a day each time he struck back over the next few days the polls would determine whether those repeated attacks left a lasting mark to win against president democrats will have to win in states like michigan which won in 2016 detroiter mario morrow has some advice come here often work hard to make sure they connect with the voters make sure there is some type of connection with issues talk about. Black issues black folks like everybody else want to talk about those issues that are going to be successful in the future student loan. In his Closing Remarks biden bungled his own fund raising phone number he meant to say tax joe to 30330 instead he said go to joe 303300 help me in this fight the repeated attacks that apparently rattled the leading candidate john hendren aljazeera detroit. To the white house and correspondent kimberly helka so kimberly the day after the night before who won the debate. Well many people say that it was donald trump that won that debate even though he wasnt on the stage because what we saw there is really the democrats eating their own they spent more time jabbing each other than they did really attacking the man in the white house that they hope to replace it was certainly joe biden the front runner that got a lot of the attacks he spent the night kind of deflecting on his record not just as a former Vice President but also as a u. S. Senator when it came to criminal justice Even Health Care but certainly there was the challenge of the democrats and some of those that felt that their campaigns really had a last chance we saw some making Great Strides there especially senator cory booker who many people felt really needed to have a standout performance and many believe that he has but in terms of joe biden as we heard in that report there from john hendren his performance was neither overwhelming nor underwhelming he did have some trouble there not just in that text message fiasco trying to kind of convey how his campaign could get more money he seemed to really have show his generational gap there that wasnt the only moment he also starting off that debate said to comolli harris senator come on harris go easy on me kid once again underscoring that he is the sort of elder statesman a statesman on the stage with certainly isnt going to do anything for him when hes trying to connect with Younger Voters and the reaction from the incumbent in the building behind you today kimberly. Yeah well its clear that he was watching and he was tweeting lets take a look at some of those tweets because it really underscores how he expects to frame this campaign and ultimately the election he wrote donald trump writing from his twitter feed there the people on the stage tonight. Meeting the night before were not those that will either make America Great again or keep America Great our country now is breaking records in almost every category from stock market to military to unemployment we have prosperity and success like never before itll soon be time to choose to keep and build upon that prosperity or success or let it go we are respected again all around the world keep it that way i said i will never let you down i havent we will only grow bigger better and stronger together i found that last bit stronger together pretty interesting someone who covered Hillary Clintons campaign in the last election cycle that was her Campaign Slogan donald trump now going to cincinnati where he is going to try and change the message following the democratic debate try to capture the headlines that he had to share with the democrats can many thanks very much. Is 400 years since african slaves were taken to america the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives led a delegation to go into this week to commemorate the anniversary of a campaign is underway in ghana aimed at attracting attracting African Americans to the continent country lupos with young has the story. A visit to mark 400 years since the start of the Transatlantic Slave Trade gone as parliament to welcome the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives to west africa from where millions of africans were sold into a life of slavery in the americas nancy pelosi described it as a grave evil which modern day United States is reckoning with. Of the all of the 5th anniversary of the 1st person she said. Also in the delegation to the capitol are 12 members of the black caucus democratic congressman Elijah Cummings and congresswoman ill hand all more targeted recently by donald trump. The congressional delegation visited dungeons were slaves were abused in Cape Coast Castle where many of them pass through the socalled door of no return its here where millions of slaves caught their last glimpse of africa before being shipped across the atlantic in chains countless didnt make it when their ship sank. In the age of Digital Marketing ghana is promoting the anniversary with a campaign called the year of return encouraging people of african descent particularly in the u. S. To visit and even settle in ghana the never again we are our hands full of people disappear or technology to walk into africa sees a peoples and sell their questions in the u. S. Candidates are competing to become the Democratic Front runner in next years president ial election disagreements over whether compensation should be paid to the descendants of slaves continue to divide the party 2102500 1000000000 dollars payment of a debt that is oh that is what reparations. Pelosi said the congressional visit was about recognizing the evil of the past while also looking forward to the future hard see a little bit of the yawn aljazeera. Ok lets stay with that story joining us here on aljazeera joining us jane shes the executive director of freedom united a u. S. Based organization focusing on ending Human Trafficking and modern slavery she joins us from london joanna welcome to aljazeera this 400 Year Anniversary i guess in some senses is a bit of a construct because there were people taken to what is now but muta against their will more than 400 years ago to work in the Tobacco Industry so thats a slightly different discussion perhaps but whats the lesson the big takeaway for the generations still to come the generations of color in america from this 400 year birthday i guess. Thank you peter yes indeed this is an important history that we should all remember but the thing that we should think about today and moving forward is that there is still a legacy the u. S. Constitution has the 13th amendment it was designed to outlaw slavery however shockingly it permits it as a punishment for a crime so that means today legally slavery can still exist and the u. S. As you may know is home to the Worlds Largest prison population thats around 25 percent of prisoners in the u. S. Even though the population of the u. S. Only amount 35 percent of the worlds population were only so to drive to france or is there another part of our reporting were also covering the aspect that maybe somebody should start investigating realistically investigating the idea of reparations how do you decide to put or how do you focus in on the dollar value to being the descendants of slaves. Well the legacy that we still see today is never mind. Yes the legacy exists today and certainly the fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by the criminal Justice System in the u. S. So even before we think of reparations there are simple and important and substantial changes need to be made that leave people of color and those are people in america he may be directly descended from this Transatlantic Slave Trade but also immigration detainees who are being subjected to force labor in detention in prisons and thats something that absolutely must end. And were also talking about the way that certain african countries are putting up a welcoming and inviting people to be sickly up sticks move around the planet move around the globe and settle in africa go to black afrika korps thats easier said than done isnt it because you cant just walk into a country like garner youve got to go in surely as an entrepreneur because you cant translate or transfer your school. Job into what is even if you are a person of color descended from people from that part of africa you cant just go in and start working in what is to you an alien culture. Well certainly one would imagine that those people of color who garner trying to attract would be doing very well in the country that is their home but sadly what of course theres weve come a hell of a heck of a long way in the last. In the recent history theres still a long way to go to and what is the legacy of slavery in the u. S. Today and thats really should be the priority i think for the u. S. Congress and for the u. S. Lawmakers to look at. Addressing at the legacy of historical slavery for the lives of people of color living in the u. S. Is paramount and is she looking at the history of the Transatlantic Slave Trade journal im going to have to stop you there we have run out of time to thank you so much for joining us from london. Ok lets update the top stories for you so far today 2 attacks on Security Forces in southern yemen have killed dozens of people a Police Station was attacked in the city center well you see fighters targeted a military campaign used by amorality trained forces who is also say they fired a missile on the saudi city of. Rwanda has now reopened its border with the d. R. See you after closing it earlier today due to the ongoing crisis one year old child a girl has become the 1st patient confirmed to have the virus in the congolese city of goma close to the rwandan border or than 800. 00 people have died since the latest outbreak began a year ago the iranian president is accusing the u. S. Of childish behavior after put sanctions on foreign minister zarif the u. S. Says he is promoting what it calls the reckless agenda of irans Supreme Leader has more now from tehran. Is there to sanctions come month after donald trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions against the Supreme Leader here and thats all a part of what washington calls its maximum Pressure Campaign and this is going on since you are the United States unilaterally pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal last year now this latest sanctions are seen by many people here as an indication of the fact that the United States doesnt understand how this Group Public Works if the u. S. Thinks that they could negotiate with anyone high almost seen it in the foreign minister they greatly mistaken and it will affect future negotiations the United Nations will investigate attacks on u. N. Supported facilities including hospitals in the north west of syria until you could terrorists and im sure the probe after 2 thirds of the u. N. Security council petitioned for its investigation will look into Syrian Government and russian airstrikes on 14 sites in the province attacks continue in the region in spite of an agreement in september by turkey and russia to make the area a deescalation zone those are your headlines so far today the news continues after the stream darrens here from 15 g. Ill see you from 10 g. Tomorrow. The saudi u. A. E. War on yemen has led to thousands of. Libyans hungry what role has the u. S. Played in the worlds worst humanitarian crisis congress is the entity that has the right to begin and Robert Malley a top advisor on the middle east to president obama talks to aljazeera. I have any ok. Youre in the stream today in hawaii will protests help save a secret summit well look into the controversy over the proposed construction of a 1000000000 dollar telescope at hawaii here and we want to know what do the moment here protest mean to you share your thoughts with us to be a twitter or in our live you tube chat. Meineke here is more than just the tallest mountain in hawaii for some native hawaiians the summit represents the realm of the creator but probusiness groups and scientists interested in boosting hawaiis Tech Industry what monuc here to also house what would be the Largest Telescope in the Northern Hemisphere known as the 13 meta telescope or t. M. T. The project has for years drawn criticism because its proposed location is considered to be one of the most sacred sites for native hawaiians for more than 2 weeks protesters have been blocking construction vehicles from entering the mountains access road at all to stay hawaiis governor david kay announced an extended deadline for telescope construction to start before september 2021 protesters on the mountain called themselves the or protectors they say their current struggle is yet another chapter in a long history of Racial Discrimination and the denial of indigenous rights by the state so with us to talk about these issues and hilo hawaii hello upper show top president of malik here and i know ho. People who pray for the mountain but as a Cultural Organization that advocates for the protection of monaco and honolulu david copper and staff attorney with the native Hawaiian Legal Corp also in honolulu a reporter whos been covering the 30 Meter Telescope story for Honolulu Civil Beat we also reached out to officials in the hawaii government as well as representatives from the 30 Meter Telescope project to join our program and they said they were unavailable to comment at this time so welcome to the rest of us like to bring in our community right away and start with this tweet we got from Christopher Chan who tries to put this all in perspective for those who might be new to this story christopher says the telescope can be built anywhere in the hemisphere with roughly the same media logical conditions why on secret land colonial hubris is whats holding science back not native people were protecting a cultural place and their ancestors so strong words right there kilo are for you what do you see these actions on mt someone called them protests others we call them protections but what do they look like for you. You know this is this is why these version joining all these global networks. You know. They are actually pushing back on the colonial and im going to say corporate. Structure. Pressing humanity. This is what i think it is about its about raising the standard of aloha and couple aloha because that is our cultural way and unleashing the piece. From our from our cultural. Kana you are protesting protecting us money here. Pretty much every day youre not there right now but what do you doing can you explain can you set the scene can you describe what would normally be around and what the anus well you know theres theres global chiari there from all the different islands you know im just a kid weve just been doing it for a really long time so were recognised in that way weve been doing the legal aspects as well on many levels but basically when it comes down to it were all just joining together stain and couple aloha raising the standard of the law for a whole day and the world every people every people Indigenous Peoples and everyones indigenous to somewhere have a gift to give and i think a little has one of our gifts and. Its time for us to unleash that in the world. To a place as a killer has a beautiful way of describing what she is doing but as you as a reporter have to do tonight exactly what do you see what is going on are people dying in front of construction vehicles how are you telling this story for your audience. As a reporter we really need to you know get both sides but i think with what the protectors are doing there on the mountain its a very peaceful demonstration its also very well organized demonstration thats one of the points i want to hit is that there are utilized. Public Relations Company governments would use but. Only when there is a better the. Cost of the project and the state government. Showing. How theyre demonstrating. So on the other side of the debate are people like peter peter here is on twitter he says the 38 Meter Telescope is essential for scientific scientific advancement and discovery its not a resort condos a tourist trap strip mall or anything such as that its a Research Institution with science under siege around the world my home state should stand up to defend it david youve been involved in at least 3 lawsuits surrounding mounted what is at the heart of them and this point from peter is is this one of the issues. Well the heart of all of the legal disputes around the mona came out of really is this idea that native pointing culture and rights appear to be foreign in their homeland and like peter. Views this as a battle of science versus peace but whether you really it is recognizing that the people from hawaii the people who are holy consider this place to be sacred in their beliefs are intitled who held him in a high esteem like science like Everything Else it is not subordinate to be this idea that we need to have science in progress and and really it comes down to holding these beliefs these practice this is being important their Constitutional Rights they should be honored protected and not just considered another road block reconstruction can no i add in oh yeah and i just sat in there because you know this idea that its whole and against. Science is really a canard and it needs to be addressed here because really what this movement is about is raising indigenous voice we are indigenous also more 1st nation people and our our knowledge our wisdom that this millennia old is a sphere of science and what were doing here is actually reaching out to science to say science we need to do better because basically destroying the earth destroying where were living isnt it isnt the way to go about it you know mama care is is. It contains the biodiversity of a viking because while hes endangered species top of the world every species is either where threatened and or danger up there and plants and animals also protecting our waters so saying yes to Development Means were saying no to all of these things so i really want to break that canard because its its really not correct. I want to show you. Yes i think. Media also has a role to play and ive seen in the National Media the narrative is that this is native koran versus science and maybe its a local extent local media also have a part of play in this i think journalists around the world especially and really need to do a better job of telling that story and i think local media has done a better job in National Media breaking that narrative that it isnt just the science this is this is a very complex issue theres a lot of moving parts and is a much more nuanced and that simple lets get a real example of that nuance. For example. You know you could say its neat appliance versus science but its not needed forms versus science a lot of the native lions on the mountain on monaco are opposed to science a lot are opposed to t. M. T. Given some of them say they could be moved to spain in the Canary Islands a lot of them are scientists themselves theres also cultural issues that play issues of heritage this for a lot of the protesters on monaco this is just the latest event in the long line of unfortunate events that started with the overthrow of the Foreign Government the way the United States came in its all these things. Coleading and says what what t. M. C. Has become a symbol for which is. You know so many of you approach and i hope the dream as. It plays is so interesting that you mention that and kilo i also mention that because we got a comment from someone via video who talks about having to choose being forced to choose because of the way this narrative has has come out in media this is a roar a ph d. Student in honolulu and here is her take on it i am not involved in direct action on monica but in. Watching concern it happen through reading challenging the dehumanizing narrative resistance to t. M. T. Action. Reflects. The winds that are antiscience. Which is how its been pretty treated. Until recently in the community and i have deep concerns over this framing because its affected not only me and my peers to students who worked with and forced people to feel as if they have to take sides. When it comes to taking sides kyllo you must understand this struggle because you yourself are a telescope systems specialist youre there consulting talk to us about that dichotomy having to be forced to take sides. I understand this and i do i really appreciate roys not all her philosophy here and for her to express that struggle the thing is like i said its a canard this idea that. I mean basically the racism in it is for them when the they call this in court they call this backward looking extremists now those are hot bed words and the irony is is that astronomy itself is based on. Looking back in time right looking back towards the origin of the universe when you look back and then and actually astronomy has the issue to prove that it has modern relevancy because some of the things were looking out there are say 200000000 years. Light years away that means it happened to whatever event were looking at now all the like took 200000000 light years to get i mean years to get to us so thats kind of the dichotomy were actually looking at but shes correct in assessing that were having to defend not only our cultural rights which should be protected not only by the United States constitution even though we challenge u. S. Occupation here but us. Constitutional provisions as well stay provisions that we know was speaking about these are premises you know supreme rights that that should be honored dave jenkins well yeah. Thats lost in this narrative is this is an incredibly large man structure it is going to be the tallest on the island and built in a place which both legally and culturally has traditionally been held to to be the most important to have the least amount of the element of disturbance so you know people are up in this ok this is science versus culture i mean this is about protecting a place that is in credibly secret is you know under the law is a place that should have very little disturbance you know if were seen just massive structure that can have incredible effects on the environment and the landscape there and that often gets swept under the rug when were talking about ok this is about science versus native points thats not what this is about at all. David this idea of the land being incredibly sacred i dont think we can underline this enough because this is the key to why would you build not just one giant telescope but multiple telescopes that are already there so this is obviously a different way of thinking for native hawaiians in the way that the government are thinking or the university of hawaii are thinking how can you work out that that clash that cultural clash that that understanding as to what this mountain represents and whether there should be even a single telescope there that i dont another one that is being proposed to be built that. Well i think it does go back to the native point and right thing culture being viewed as more and i think if this was a of normal western burial site or a church that. I think a lot of people would be able to wrap their minds around it and say ok we understand but it seems like almost a across the board reluctant to accept. What i would say a large amount of needlepoint people believe to be true and believed to be secret important and theyre just being looked at as well we dont believe you and that seems to be what underlines a lot of legal cases here where we have lawsuits to just say hey native points have a right to be involved in the Court Process and to be involved in the Development Permit in the projects and there are there is a history of cases like that that have been brought because media winds are not given voice when it comes to important decisions that affect white lies i want to say its something that comes in the United Nations from my brights office of the High Commission going to put up their response to ask this was the statement i sent to tell them we were doing this show this is like they sent this huge a but they obviously were very concerned about what was happening and how why this sentence junk target me fire lighting the rights of native hawaiians and then name the science cannot be justified in any way that goes even further the un special rapporteur to on the rights of Indigenous Peoples because these actions i leave the building all the time to the building of t. M. To a monarchy here as discriminatory and racist thats a un rappa tool but how do you how why dont people who live in hawaii how are they saying that they seeing this as racism. I think native points here thats one of the things that theyre looking at is it could be as i said another event in a string of cultural oppression but i think project leaders in the stay in the way theyre justifying it is with the possible Economic Impact of the post that could bring out that number 1400000000. 00 that will come from the market pasco but we with any construction project you never know what kind of actual you can have an impact it will actually create local jobs and how much dollars it will actually bring into the local economy thats thats things reporters here are trying to figure out and thats something that were going to have to wait and see on how actually what was that information readily available because this is this is a land thats used by university of hawaii its in the public demand and i write in song that someone can just find that information and can i say speak to that war mongering. I just im sorry im sorry i just want to say correct something which is actually held in trust by the state for the benefit of native hawaiians and the general public its former its crowned and what they call ceded lands and the one thing i wanted to mention about the United Nations aspect is that they dont have the clear and informed consent of the Indigenous People to like. And the colonial activity that theyre busy bringing forward is something that is the United Nations in the World Community is trying to eliminate thats why its not lawful to maintain that colonial stance and what were facing now is a colonial Corporate Structure that is attacking mother earth and trying to dominate that and were pushing back along with the many global movements around the world. I want to picking up on what youre saying there i want to share this comment from a neighborhood organizer and hawaii who talks about what this means and why its so important how to listen to it aika we have a core philosophy called all i know and it translates as love of land of the country and its what kept us going through the overthrow 983 how to stop the bombing. And on the mountain. Its help us to build a new community around. With free healthcare and Free Education free child here in abundance of food and i think its because people all throughout our community and internationally recognized that omaha i know is the alternative turn into the capitalism in the forces which are destroying our earth we need to protect all these places which we believe are secret and i really believe that applies to ever. So david you heard his viewpoint on why this is sacred but i want to show you this this from someone watching live on you tube jason who says that t. M. T. Has been settled in court now the police are not doing their job protesting is great and fine but they are defying the law they meaning the protesters or protectors david where are we right now is this common accurate. In a sense but i think it also shows a failure to understand whats really going on its one thing news say that a project has a permit state issued after it for development but is that really what should have been the will of the people and very clearly it is not is it the best we need to treat and manage these very important and sacred trust lands which he will have his correct not by law he should be preserved and protected for the benefit of native hawaiians and the public and so if you know just be a one body and the government decided to allow for this desecration of state lands this is not mean that beautiful lines of people who feel passionately otherwise should just be relegated to standing on the side of the road waving signs that well while this secret place its great that that is not there just because a Government Agency gave a rubber stamp to this project guess i want to get inside if i if i may i want to show our audience something that im sure youve seen but they may not have seen this is an editorial by some of the top executives at t. And take and they write this editorial in july the 28th is written by the executive director and set the tone scientists and ill say the t. M. T. V. P flakes dunaway should take a basic 3 very important people something really jumped out at me set it says right down at the bottom whether or not t. M. T. Is built in hawaii when no plane closure to wait that to me sounds like we are not going anywhere we dont care what you protest we are sticking around what are you going to do next. Well let me let me just point this out t. N. T. One of our cases is the failure to for t. M. T. To put up the bar on the financial bond which is required from the 1977 moment here im going to ask you to keep this simple for us who are just following this as an International Audience so just tell us how that if you what are you going to do next. Well what were going to do is maintain our position nonviolence couple oha and we are going to continue to stand to protect our sacred mountain. T. M. T. He really is lacking all of the a lot of the requirements that they need to actually come through they dont have enough money to construct at this time right thats a huge issue they also dont have extended least technically if they were allowed to build when they got done after 10 years they would only have 7 years on their lease for the land so their risk and were challenging that and theres a lot of challenges has challenges as well and yeah were going to continue to stand and were going to continue to move along. Id like to add its like halal has spain and. To address the enqueue statement the rakli which i hear as hey were just one telescope is. Just one issue well thats how things progress in history it was one secret site into the intent it was the bombing of coal a lot of it is bombing of various areas throughout by the military there are many secrets sites that have been bulldozed and built upon there are in need of point burial sites that have been dug up and desecrated and we have this telescope and you can take one instance and say ok this is just happening in one place at one time but its that collective a fact and really the dehumanizing effect that all of these actions have on the native point people so i think it is unfair to say hey we understand what youre going through but were not it part of this and and i think right now they are the flank ship of it it represents the struggle that Indigenous People have to go through. Throughout history and at all times ray and blase just time for one more comment i want to bring this then from kurt kurt on twitter who says mona here protesters got this wrong there is plenty of room for compromise i even build t. M. T. Which is needed not just for exploration but safety from Space Objects and tear down one of the other to facilitate that with the people youve been talking to will tearing down some of the other telescopes be enough to stop this action oh the doctors there at monaco made it very clear that they dont intend to move there will not get worse. Even if you care about all scopes. If the project wants it up there theyre going to try to get it up there and you still have a lot more work. Would it really change the situation plays thank you so much david thank you carlo us thank you so much as well explaining why theyve been protests going on for so long about not a key here and a giant telescope that is trying to be built there but not quite yet as of the time we have look i will see you next time and so much. Of the visually impaired could be cured without access to treatment. Where there was a will there was a way. Strong a toss mitchell covering over 77 countries. How many of these patients these scenes today everybody. Provides free treatment for over 1000000 patients and yet to cure revisited aljazeera bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as favorite i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 20132014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison ysaye versus conventional cigarette which one do you think has helped my opinion i think theyre both dangerous take no one else is in. The wilderness of cambodia is under threat. For profit by an illegal timber trade one a one east investigates the plunder of cambodias forests. 100. This is al jazeera. Follow on down in jordan this is the aljazeera news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Dozens of killed in 2 attacks in the yemeni port city of 800. 00 fighters claim another attack on saudi arabia. Rwanda reopens its border with the democratic republic of congo despite fears of a poll also. Taking aim at joe biden a tough time for the former us Vice President of the democrats debate. And the 1st african slaves stepped on american soil 400 years years ago now comes an invite from ghana for descendants to return. To the fighters in yemen have claimed 2 major attacks on Saudi Coalition forces it comes just weeks after the u. A. E. Started drawing down its military presence in yemen but the biggest attack happened at a military base used by iraqi trained forces in the port city of aden at least 36 people are confirmed dead but earlier in the city there was a coordinated bomb attack on a Police Station during morning roll call least 13 people were killed there no group has yet claimed responsibility for that attack but who the fighters also announced a further attack saying they had fired a long range missile across the Saudi Arabian border at a military facility in fact well. Joins me now from santa hes a pro who feed journalist and political commentator so why would these troops targeted in aden do you think and whats the thinking behind the tactic given that most of the fighting is in the north of the country. I mean this i think it came with targeted the so called the security built which was flown by United Arab Emirates Troop Movement in base that was targeted a they were getting ready to be sent to some to the battlefield so those troops are kindly the hand or the tool of the United Arab Emirates and it doesnt matter like if the fight is somewhere else this latest attack is kind of a message that. Would be backed forces going to come under attack and that they are a legitimate target because they are working with the saudi about forces of the world to attack on. Saudi arabia that they have targeted actually a military base or they havent said exactly what type of military base but this is all another message to saudi arabia that all their oil fields and main Oil Infrastructure in east of the country is under that and many ballastic myside and as you say the targeted this military camp and. This is the furthest distance a rocket has reach so whats it telling us about how the who things are improving their Ballistic Missile systems. When unsubtle of though the talker controller we all know that the yemeni army have just stockpile of Ballistic Missile according to some outside media it could we could could be between 400 to 600 ballastic missiles some of them midrange or longer range and all their money out of me keep actually upgraded and build in and make a new missile which the missile today that they have targeted their. Base in aden is made and a missile which they say is a new one as well in the new longer and missile. Base there and i think this show clearly that the Coalition War in yemen has actually failed to stop yemeni army from. Their weapons and as well it seems to be that now saudi arabia even though it has all the support of the United States United Kingdom they have all this type of new. Missile but still they failed to do to shut down any of the new missile that lands or drones at lunch by yemeni army committee. And given the circulation and violence in the ongoing fighting do you still believe theres a chance for a political settlement in yemen or is it now too late to. There is no actually be settlement yet we have seen that. The Stockholm Agreement is still being obstructed by the saudi backed forces in the data and we remember that the yemeni army and divorces has withdrawn from the 3 ports under the supervision of the United Nation i cannot even call this skill a shame because they keep target in every corner in yemen they keep their blockade which mainly affected many civilians so this attack. As well on a demand is that it can attack the person of your money out of means on our side it will continue on that are new type of weapons on of the world today they have as well warrant all Companies Working in saudi arabia to stay away from the strategic. Areas in saudi arabia on a military base now actually the war has turned against saudi arabia i just remember the beginning of the war so it was in total control of yemen airspace now many army actually kind of control in areas in saudi arabia and they can target any area they want to and i want to just that it could be the same distant for many ballastic missile tonight United Arab Emirates and i believe as well this as well another must unite out of a man it is not about they going to withdraw from yemen it should be on the ground floor with Yemeni Army Spokesperson ive said many times before. Thank you so much for talking to aljazeera. Where well have more analysis in a moment the 1st 70 deca has this report. It started as a military parade. It ended in this the result of what he said was a missile striking age in the seat of the saudi backed government the campus a base for amorality trained and supported units among those killed the senior military Commander Brigadier general monied seen here earlier in the week wearing the red bray but it wasnt the only message the hooty sent on thursday they also said theyd fired a long range missile at the port city of demand in saudi arabia hundreds of kilometers away a 1st in this saudi led 4 year long war 2 brazen attacks with a very clear message they are layers you know true to this military action by her and i think that one of the 1st thing that they want you to do is that moments in common with the new reason actually were during ramadan i think they wanted to show the saudi when they are losing support and that and allies there who are the all quite capable of actually hitting them and he didnt quite where they fell them with calls to go where the fell but they had a stronghold in the saudi led war was launched to remove the iranian backed 2 things from yemen or to weaken them at least there seems to be no end in sight no political achievements on either side saudis ally the u. A. E. Is pulling back its presence and even held a rare meeting with an iranian delegation on tuesday to discuss issues in the strait of hormuz its a political stalemate in a conflict this killed thousands of civilians left tens of thousands of children starving and crippled what was already one of the worlds poorest countries Stephanie Decker aljazeera joining me now on set is mushrooms where is the director of the gold studies center at Qatar University measured how much of these latest attacks just underlining how rapidly the who sees are developing their military technology and their tactics because at the moment the who these seem pretty emboldened. There is no doubt what happened today and the previous months it shows that the fragility of the security situation in yemen it shows that what socalled nonstate actor who theon particular was able to attack different places even outside yemen and the target in saudi arabia in particular this also tells us that you know the empowerment of who theory by different players in the region was beneficial to all who feel as you know enabling them to be more flexible on how and when they can target their own or socalled enemies and thats the reason what we saw today in aden and lets just stay with that attack on aden because i mean could this be seen perhaps a consequence of the u. A. E. Drawing down some of its troops in the area and that would have left local troops vulnerable there its really related its hard to ignore the fact that this was a draw from the south of yemen its been done without any kind of coordination with the legitimate government led by. The and its not also called the meeting with any even with so does as is been said so far so this kind of for the draw basically left the Political Security vacuum in the south of yemen and basically also left a Division Within the forces in them because we know that there are a minute left around 90000 troops trained by the united by the earth but they are divided as well ok so weve got the who thing is ramping up their capability if youve got the u. A. E. Doing a partial drawdown of their troops as a prelude to possible peace talks political talks whereas its only if saudi arabia then i think so these they are they are in the city facing a real challenge in yemen 1st of all you know they are now they have to manage the situation south of yemen their borders are actually under severe attacks their own internal security is also threatened by the how these i think so this is not. The situation now and they are facing a political pressure internationally because they are attacking different places and civilians are killed as well so they are really under severe situation and i think this is a soon to continue and in weeks and months just to just a final just a final point to you when theres always been talk of yemen fragmenting and now we have this fighting in the north fighting in the south has the past of fragmentation reached a Tipping Point now and is it just a matter of time before the country fragments i think yemen is has been a fragmented this is done by different players to divide them and based on the very base rule divide and rule and this is likely to continue as long as there is no International Efforts and there is also no coordination with the Central Government was basically now based in riyadh not only in not not know that in other matters or thanks indeed for us. Lets also to come here in the news hour including attacks on hospitals in syria now the u. N. Chief says hell investigate. And in sport the canadian teenager making a big impact against last seasons Champions League finals. Now rwanda has reopened its border with the democratic republic of congo after briefly closing it because of the bone a crisis a one Year Old Girl is the latest victim in the congolese city of goma thats close to the rwandan border where the outbreak in the d r c has killed more than 1100 people in the past year catherine sort of reports from the kenyan capital nairobi. This is the clinic in goma where the man sought help before he died he fell sick days after returning home from an infected area where he was working in a mining area the clinic is now closed some clinicians have been vaccinated and Health Workers are trying to trace people the victim made contact with more than a 1000000 people leaving this city on the border with rwanda. We did not know what was happening we just saw people looking

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