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Never a dull day thank you very much and. Well the other story that were following is police in britain have been given extra time to question a truck driver after the bodies of 39 people were found in his vehicle just east of london on wednesday its been confirmed that they were all chinese citizens the bodies were found in the train or in essex after it had arrived from a port in belgian lawrence lee has the latest now. Well the news of the day that the 39 were chinese has led to media speculation that they could have been weak as from the west of china the leaders of course heavily persecuted by the Chinese State there are weaker refugees already in turkey there are overland routes towards western europe through turkey through comes like bug area and greece and so on the belgian and the british Authorities Say that they notice to spike in attempts of people trafficking from belgian since the french authorities closed down the camps in cali and dunkirk and so it seems the criminal gangs are looking at belgium instead as a route to the u. K. And apparently favoring refrigerated containers to put these people in is absolutely hideous as all that sounds politicians over here are expressing their horror and same keep saying not much more must be done against these criminal gangs while completely ignoring the facts as human rights organizations keep saying these criminal gangs only make a living out of this because the asylum policies across the European Union absolutely terrible and the e. U. Keeps trying to put up fences and stop people coming in the 1st place and thats the reason why its so lucrative for criminal gangs to exploit people in this way just today that they are this happened east of london the bureau pimp element in strasbourg was asked to pass a resolution to make better search and rescue facilities in the mediterranean where over a 1000 people have drowned this year and that resolution was defeated by 2 votes because the center right in the European Parliament allowed itself to the far right to block it and so the European Union says its into human rights while maintaining a policy of trying to stop people coming in and that ultimately is the reason why the criminal gangs are doing so well and people keep dying in this way. Well the International Red cross has warned of an imminent humanitarian catastrophe as an overcrowded migrant camp in bosnia camp on the border with croatia has no Running Water or electricity and no usable toilets 700. 00 refugees and migrants live within the camps 80 leaky tents the red cross has called on the bosnian government to urgently relocate the migrants it says 70 percent of the camps population are suffering from scale bees while others have untreated broken limbs russia has sent a division of its s 400. 00 Missile Defense system to serbia for a military drill will be the 1st time that s 400. 00 together with a pants military missile battery will be participating in military exercises outside of russia serbia says it wants to boost intelligence cooperation with moscow and protect common external interests declared military neutrality in 2006 and join nato as partnership for Peace Program in 2015 the does not seek full membership in the u. S. Led alliance. The European Parliament has awarded its annual sucker of prize for human rights to talk to the economics professor and we go rights advocate is serving a life sentence in china on charges of separatism toti who has been in jail since 2014 is seen as a moderate voice drawing attention to ethnic tensions in jan beijing is facing growing International Criticism for its treatment of the weak as whites groups say more than a 1000000 we guess and other mostly muslim ethnic minorities have been rounded up in term and camps in the province. One of the stories to bring you the remains of the spanish dictator Francisco Franco have been exempt from the state more psyllium franco ruled the country 36 years after a brutal civil war in which an estimated 500000 people lost their lives he has been read buried in a private ceremony alongside his wife in a family crips just north of the capital madrid the government says it hopes the exhumation is a step towards reconciliation as an end to the glorification of the countrys fascist past so again go has more now from the cemetery just north of madrid the remains of Francisco Franco have now been interred next to that of his wife at a cemetery just outside of madrid and now this brings about a kind of symbolic and to the franco era in spain and also the end of spains transition to democracy according to the government here the spanish Prime Minister. Wanted to be done with urgency family of franco however pushed back in a legal case but it went all the way up to the Supremes Court Supreme Court itself ruled unanimously in favor for the exhumation to take place now while this does heal some kind of divide in spain which has been raging for decades there are still politicians who are bickering about the issue conservative and far right politicians say that this will just reignite old tensions to do with this issue however the families of the victims of francos victims maintain that having his body in a morsel at a National Monument funded with public money really was not an appropriate thing to do to try and heal the bitter divide in spain over this issue. And for the sal how about last find out for some minutes from now lets get back to stan and da baron thank you for that stay with us has plenty more ahead on the games hour including could a trite or to an end to a Technology War as the u. S. Tries to contain chinas high tech. And i think liz hall on the outskirts of nairobi in a flower exporting farm find out thats whether deal or no deal flower exporters here in kenya see an opportunity and directions. And in sport the olympic champion who flipped out at but baseballs world series. U. S. Vice president mike pence a shop they criticize chinas record on trade and human rights thats a day ahead of the latest round of dry talks between the worlds 2 biggest economies but pence also says washington wants a constructive relationship with beijing. No longer will america and its leaders hope that Economic Engagement alone will transform communist chinas authoritarian state into a free and open society that respects private property the rule of law and International Rules of commerce instead is the president s 2017 National Security strategy articulated the United States now recognizes china as a strategic and economic rival. And i can attest firsthand the Strong Majority of the american people. In the city and on the farm are behind President Trumps clear vision of the u. S. China relationship lets get more on this now with our White House Correspondent can believe how concerned the some strong woods they can believe how much of this is maneuvering ahead of these talks to potentially be able to get china to relent. A lot of it is that it was expected that this would be a more dovish speech i wouldnt call it dovish there were certainly some swipes at the chinese leaders and leadership that will certainly infuriate them but it wasnt as far as the present Vice President went last year when he really took a hard to aim at the Chinese Government what we saw here was something more struck in the middle he came down hard on china for in the view of the United States not keeping its word with regard to intellectual property theft but there was definitely a mindfulness in the tone of the speech the mindfulness being that the u. S. Government is trying very hard with these resumption of trade talks to strike some sort of a partial trade deal with china in advance of apec leaders meeting in chile next month so certainly this was an effort to try and work towards that goal but at the same time standing very firm in terms of what the United States believes is necessary in order to strike that deal and that is a level economic Playing Field but also a protection of the ongoing intellectual property theft of american businesses that the u. S. Alleges has allowed china an Enormous Economic advantage and hurt so many americans. Kim believed for years china had run up an enormous trade surplus with the United States you talk about intellectual property it was accused of manipulating its currency now as as this trade war starts to but were seeing chinas economy slow the slowest growth in 30 years i want to get your assessment on where you see the momentum is this in this is there more momentum with the u. S. Is this starts to have an impact on china. There certainly is momentum but at the same time i think what the Vice President was trying to do with this speech was sort of acknowledge the u. S. View in terms of some of the recent concerns that its had in terms of chinese actions it was certainly targeting the economic practices of the chinese leaders and but also the Vice President took aim at the chinese surveillance state the repression of human rights and democracy calling out actions by the chinese leaders in order to repress religious and ethnic minorities in lee muslim we curse also christians inside of china and also there was the concern about the ongoing repression of democracy in the peaceful protesting that is taking place in hong kong so these were some of the other notes that were being sounded by the Vice President he even took aim at some of americas Corporate Leaders in the speech saying that they are kowtow into the Chinese Government in terms of Companies Like nike that have pulled merchandise as a result of the Houston Rockets general manager supporting those peaceful protests in hong kong this of course we know upset the rather the Chinese Government and as a result Vice President mike pence simply point to figure calling some of americas corporations as being hypocrites saying it here in the United States will stand up for social justice but when it happens outside american borders really as corporate profits that are more of the focus and the priority so it was a mixed bag in terms of the speech there was the economics there was the concern about protecting the United States but also there was a pointing of the finger particularly when it came to human rights and the rights of freedom and democracy kimberly thank you can please help joining us live the from washington d. C. Will starting with china and it says it wants to be a world leader in Technology Rights groups the recusing of using its Tech Companies to target its own citizens flaunts louis has war from. From low tech to high tech thats how china is transitioning its Manufacturing Base the government has identified High Tech Industries as important drivers and its to become a global superpower Companies Like these at an expo in beijing ah part of the socalled forced Industrial Revolution some of the technologies here are helping to improve peoples lives you know yeah i have been using this device for almost a year at 1st i was mostly confined to bed but now i can walk a few steps it has changed my life a lot but other technologies and theyre used by Chinese State apparatus have caused concern this Company Develops facial Recognition Technology designed for Public Security it says now once an image of a person is captured it can be mediately put through a database and when theres a match an alarm goes off Rights Groups have criticized chinas use of Surveillance Technology in its campaign to target ethnic weakest and other muslim minorities in syngenta in the northwest wet least a 1000000 people are held in camps earlier this month the u. S. Blacklisted 28 chinese organizations including 8 Tech Companies the move although not directly linked to the current trade war was seen by some entrepreneurs here as a readiness to take aim at chinese tech firms. Is very noble that america wants to contain chinas high tech developments in the pause they all can take knowledges will control by them they took launches the profits but only left alone suddenly were to us chinese now china has made many runs in this be afraid china will always take the u. S. Accuses china of coercing american firms that do business here to transfer technology to chinese partners and interim trate deal reached between the 2 sides. This month includes an agreement that china do more to protect American Intellectual property but the details have yet to be ironed out and if no deal is reached we may yet see tariffs with no end in sight for the us china trade war florence. Beijing lets discuss this more now with joel rubin whos president of the Washington Strategy group who was formerly u. S. Dip in the assistant secretary of state under president obama and he joins us from washington d. C. Nice to have you with us of course on a very critical of the obama years he said that obama did not push back enough against china china continue to rip off intellectual property manipulate its currency and run up big trade surpluses when mike pence is that china is a strategic and economic rival isnt he right. But its great to be with you. Yes china certainly is a competitor of the United States and a rival in many respects but President Trump when he criticizes president obamas strategy he fails to mention that we actually had built up a coalition of countries through the Trans Pacific Pacific Partnership agreement that c. P. P. That was going to actually advance our ability to engage china and ensure the concerns about intellectual property and other trade issues can be dealt with from a position of strength. Position of strength is this precisely what President Trump saying that hes doing now hes positioning the us from a position of strength he has put the tariffs implies it is having an impact chinas economy is slowing and there might be momentum towards sealing this deal now that china is feeling the impact of. Well a position of strength that is harming us in this in the process at the same time our heartland our midwest farm farm sector farming sector as well as industrial sectors are really getting hit hard by this trade war and that doesnt necessarily mean that even if theres a deal down the road were not going to have significant wreckage here at home so its a negative position of strength yes but its not one that is is seen here domestically as really advancing our own domestic economy and thats the big concern and thats why when referring to c. P. P. We had the ability to incrementally strengthen our hand in the region and then go from a position of the high ground right now President Trump is taking shots at china but its no guarantee its going to help our economy or get him to where he wants to go you will business was diplomacy you served as assistant secretary of state in the Obama Administration i want to get your thoughts on the diplomacy of that this is this is the modern world now this is the big the big relationship that defines the next century the biggest power in the world the United States the biggest rival to the United States china when you sit down to negotiate these strong men you need to show restraint to the Chinese People dont trump who has taken so on or on around questions of tried how do you bright through that and build the diplomacy to get a deal that that doesnt continue to have an impact not just in chinas economy but also the Global Economy. Yeah i was in china for several weeks about half a year ago and it is an economy it is a country that we as you just frame cannot avoid and the United States right now were heading in this trajectory of competition heading into dangerous territory as well and we need to diplomatically respect the chinese we need to deal with them as they are and we need to understand that threats and tariffs alone are not going to do the trick a part of it is is frankly is getting into the chinese economy with the way we have been and opening it up and ensuring that our companies are engaged in doing business so im very concerned by Vice President hence his statements criticizing the n. B. A. Rather than backing them up as an example we shouldnt be undermining our businesses in our companies we should be saying more of this into china this is whats going to change the political culture there the Chinese People they want to be part of the Global Economy they have a government that is led by a strong man and were going to have to recognize that all these Different Levels within Chinese Society were going to have to engage if were going to really affect the change we need you know a lot more we could have discussed around this but toms against us joel rubin thank you so much for giving us your time from seattle thank you for us politicians of all of the life of the logic cummings and a servant of the capitol hill the life democratic congressman is the 1st africanamerican politician to receive a Memorial Service in the National Statuary Hall Cummings had become a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trumps presidency he grew up during the Civil Rights Era and become a strong voice for africanamericans in washington cummings died last week of the age of 65 a funeral will be held in his hometown baltimore on friday. Still ahead on the road allegations of a crew of people voiced their anger after a disputed election. And attack on Internet Freedom in Palestine Court rules a ban on some websites might be unconstitutional. But in sport tiger woods makes a spectacular turn to action. Hello that temperatures have been coming down steadily across areas of the middle east but at the same time the cloud has been coming in steadily as has the rain showers and look at this quite a bundle of the thunderstorm trials than these and of the med so not surprisingly some showers and thunderstorms across into beirut this view looking at exactly that those dark clouds overhead more of the same on friday and those rain showers working their way through syria into iraq across into these Western Areas of iran becoming really quite widespread itll bring some cooler air in as well so 16 celsius in taiwan look at that 29 degrees in baghdad and there is the charms of those showers now still feeling pretty humid across much of the Arabian Peninsula temp is not too bad but as i say the humidity levels are still fairly high 34 in doha on friday and that cloud from the north that is sinking south was not really going to bring any rain but it could make it feel even more humid and then through saturday quite a bit of cloud just bubbling up there on the south coast of yemen meanwhile we have for calls into capetown the cloud is this trading by history mean by and that will bring the temperatures down at the same time 18 degrees in capetown but a warm day on friday in durban 3332 in johannesburg and we could see want to scout the thunderstorms you up there with your high 33. A survivor of the genocide there are people who beg me to kill the person when theyre suffering new but it didnt have the power to do it hes dedicated his life to searching the woods for bones of the victims of the srebrenica massacre. And here is the old. You know hope of finally laying the past to rest and giving peace to the victims families. I could just find a finger i could bury him bone hunta on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks if. Young people get. The call to the police with details coverage was meant to be a chance for people from different walks of life to political affiliations to Work Together to shake their futures together from around the world not many people buy physical news type of thing all of these from take you represent the much older. Youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder about top stories this hour lebanons president michel aoun has vowed to fight state corruption he also says hes open to constructive dialogue with protesters but hundreds of thousands of people across the country are calling on the government to resign. British Prime Minister baraks johnson is calling for employees to approve a snap election in december his breaks a deal was blocked in parliament this week after m. P. s refused to back the governments plans to russia through. U. S. Vice president mike pence was given a policy speech where his shop he criticized chinas record and tried. And human rights thats a day ahead of the latest round of trade talks between the worlds 2 largest economies. And entire town has been evacuated in california as a huge wildfire threatens arms the fire in Sonoma County north of San Francisco rapidly increased in size of a not hundreds of thousands of residents of being hit by blackouts after concern power lines could set fire believe years leader has declared victory in president ial elections thats despite opposition allegations that vote counting was delayed to manipulate the results there have been violent protests and a general strike Election Officials most of the votes have been counted but the final numbers of not being released main rival says he does not have enough votes to avoid a 2nd round the organization of american states is expressing concerns about the vote and is calling for a runoff chiles president has announced an electricity price freeze and plans to raise pensions he tries to end a week of violent protests across the country these are live pictures coming to you from santiago santiago and at least 18 people have been killed since the government demonstrations began the u. N. Human rights chief former chilean president Michelle Bachelet has announced a special mission to investigate alleged human rights abuses this guy and this president Sebastian Pinera tried to appease demonstrators with further concessions but. Today i want to see good news with my countryman today we signed into into congress a bill that stabilizes the price of electricity tricity rose on average of 9. 2 percent a few days ago we want to cancel this price rise which affected almost 7000000. 00 children households. Has more now from santiago. Its a much calmer day on the streets of the chilean capital not the same sort of scene that weve seen over the course of the past few days with violence on the street clashes with police however it is still early there are pockets of tension that remain in the city there are Peaceful Protesters there once again gathering at last a value and iconic part of the city where the main staging area really for these demonstrations even though there has been unrest in other cities of today as well still it still remains to be seen whether or not the apology and the promises made by the chilean president will be enough to calm the hearts and minds of people whove been out on the streets protesting the biggest concern at the moment has been amateur video that surface of police and military. With what amounts to what many are calling human rights abuses this caught the attention of the united of the United Nations its caught the attention of International Human Rights Groups and internationally human rights lawyer showed us video of demonstrators being pulled from their homes people being pulled from buildings after the after the sun has set when the curfew is taking a fact and this for many amounts as a human rights abuses so that crackdown the heavy handed crackdown by police and armed forces is one of the main reasons people are so angry and one of the main reasons people continue to take to the street to the streets in peaceful protests. There from santiago while the un special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions says both the u. N. And saudi arabia have failed to act on the killing of journalists. Found saudi arabia was responsible for the orchestrated killing of his show when she presented their report to the Human Rights Council in june but she says since then not enough has been done. This was finally acknowledged last month by the crown prince of saudi arabia and bite him directly i regret that to date the o. Biggish and of non repetition has not been recalled nice and implemented and needs are as credible b. D. T. Been initiated i also regretted that news of the kingdom of saudi arabia nor the United Nations Decision Making bodies ive taken the necessary steps to criminally investigate the chain of command behind the large scale parish and that led to the executor of mr casualty or saudi arabias deputy ambassador to the u. N. Has defended riyadhs actions he says callum hours accusation isnt based on evidence and that she has an unfair bias against saudi arabia but there was if there were more lima well you can buy a whole new one it is an unfortunate and a painful crime that should not be overlooked and whose perpetrators should not be dealt with lightly the kingdom is taking the necessary measures to bring those responsible to justice the Public Prosecutor has referred 11 people to court and his charge them now include 5 people against whom the prosecutors asked for the severest punishment trials have started several months ago when the indian administered kashmir has held its 1st vote since new delhi revoked it semi autonomous status in august the elections are for local councils but both Political Parties boycotted the vote victoria in the reports. Indian Security Forces leaving nothing to chance his vote is a drive to cast their ballots at this polling station in srinagar in indian administered kashmir its the 1st election since Prime Minister neuron remade the abolish the regions autonomy and imposed a security knock down 3 months ago. Im voting for kashmir and for my Political Party because its my right to vote im also voting to strengthen my party datas are electing 300 Council Leaders but most Political Parties including indias Main Opposition Congress voting separatist leaders had described the election as an illegitimate exercise under military occupation the candidate such as samantha that refused to be intimidated felt that tact is the but the dollar amount is bigger than the threat because when you develop a nation thousands of lives are sacrificing the nation so i am one im among the doors i think for me development is the. Turnout is expected to be low in at least 25. 00 councils candidates representing made east hindu nationalist b j p have run unopposed many kashmiri see the election as a cynical attempt to create a political elite loyal to the major government this election dont mean anything for the people of kashmir because people of kashmir at the moment are in a state of shock they have lost their state towards they have lost it was the solution they have lost their flag and i would say they have in fact lost their identity for the people who are without an agent to be are being subjected to a kind of a sham exercise the Indian Government says Council Leaders will represent local communities better than corrupt state officials victoria gates and the aljazeera. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis nationalist party b j p projected toughness on National Security with its actions in kashmir in Regional Election campaigns for 2 states the b j p due to merge in the lead performed worse than polls predicted with many voters concerned by an economic slowdown. Has more from new delhi several political pundits and news channels had said that the party which is a Hindu Nationalist Party governing board the center and these 2 states is going to sweep the elections that has not happened they won the election them are astra but they have not won the elections in how they are now even though the party including the Prime Minister is already claiming victory or theyve got the maximum number of seats but they havent got the right number of seats the majority of seats which essentially allows them to form a government thats not to say that they wont form a government they still maybe find the right allies but this word essentially of the people goes on to say that every election cannot be won just on National Issues if you look at the campaigning off the incumbent party the Hindu Nationalist Party the b. G. P. In the state it was all about how the Indian Government stripped indian atmosphere just made up its autonomy a National Issue but not the local issues such as the agreed in crisis or unemployment is an agricultural state which means that most people are either farmers or their professions are linked to farming but as the size of the Land Holdings reducing the use that the new generation looking for jobs so clearly a part of the population an effort for the b. To b. Was not answering and not responding to these local issues and that is one of the major reasons analysts say that it hasnt got the numbers it was hoping it would get so in short the b. G. P. The international sparty mistal form of government in the state if they find the right allies bought these numbers go on to say that there is no wave off this party as was predicted after the general election so theyre not going win every election is just on National Issues. Well in guinea thousands of people have taken part in the largest protest yet against president dies attempts to seek a 3rd term at least 9 people have died since the rallies began in recent weeks on tuesday 12 protest leaders be jailed for up to a year after some of the most violent rallies in cannot agree where police opened fire on demonstrators as they ransacked military posts and its. Our 1st aim is to demand alpha conde renounce his plan for a 3rd mandate the 2nd is to demand the release of our comrades Abdurahman Sino and his colleagues as well as those others who were arrested and sentenced during a protest on the 14th 15th and 16th of october. The u. K. Imports 3000000000. 00 worth of flowers every year in the house of these come from the netherlands but kenya is a close 2nd as britain continues preparations to leave the European Union demand for freshly cut kenyan roses is booming nicholas hike reports from the rocky the english rose is a delicate creature explains elizabeth kamandi the general manager of messiah flowers for the plant to bloom and grow with strength it requires not just attention but devotion these would need special attention because theyre headed to the United Kingdom an english rose to the king and because

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