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Francois fillon gets a prison sentence for ford. Sacred african art is going under the hammer but historians say it should be returned not solved. Im going to go with the sport as Serena Williams coach says holding the u. S. Open seems like a crazy idea given the surge in corona virus cases in the states. Now china is being accused of forcing weaker women into pregnancy checks sterilization or abortion in a bid to slash birth rates an investigation by the Associated Press has found evidence of a 4 Year Campaign and northwestern provinces chinas government denies the allegations saying theyre not based on facts and acts here bryan reports. Google says shell never forget the day chinese authorities told her her food child was illegal she says she was threatened told to pay a fine of more than 2. 00 and a half 1000. 00 should be locked up in an internment camp. Thats why they give shots and remove fetuses forcefully if they say its illegal to make you get an abortion those who didnt obey were sent to the camps now people theyre terrified of giving birth to the Associated Press investigation is based on government statistics documents and interviews with women like gold now who say they knew people jailed for having too many children many received a prison sentence of years even decades government efforts to reduce birth rates and shinji young are both systematic and ruthless were talking the mass forced insertion of intro uterine contraceptive devices were talking threats of internment for those who violate Birth Control policies. Zain says the brutal crackdown is part of government efforts to control the way to get people many of whom a muslim to purge them of their faith and identity. The investigation found the government had spent hundreds of millions of dollars on Birth Control and shin jang province in northwest china birthrights their decreased by 24 percent last year compared with 4 percent nationwide but. They want to eliminate us but they cant kill all of us its not possible because the world is watching so theyre doing it step by step with policies like sterilization imprisonment or separating men and women and making them work as forced laborers china says the camps are for reeducation part of what it calls a struggle against terrorism but Rights Groups accuse beijing of locking up more than a 1000000 people to brainwash and punish them those not detained us spied on. Her neighborhood felt like an open air prison she tells how she was forcibly sterilized along with about 200 other we go women. We lost a part of our body we lost our identity as women we will never be able to have children again some women say theyve been left with long term injuries a reminder of everything theyve lost brian aljazeera well our correspondent katrina here is in beijing for us and she says the population control policy as described in this report. From there is applied to the majority had an ethnic or. Government saying that theyre basically just equalizing the Family Planning policy nationwide prior to 2014 we got families were allowed to have up to 3 children but then that changed and in 2014 they were subject to the same one child policy or that changed 22020162 or 2 child policy nationwide now it is true that hand women have since been subject to the same fines if they have more than 2 children but they are certainly not foreign into any detention camps or subject to any sort of forced abortions or forced sterilizations as weve seen nor is it in this Associated Press report converse lee han women actually around the country have been encouraged to have a 2nd child because of worryingly low birth rates across china now we also know that. People who are members of the week of community have been strongly encourage not to marry other leaders but into the hand majority analysts say that this is another long term policy to dilute the population the weaker population does appear that that would be working you know in 1949 according to official figures 90 percent of the population World Leaders in 2018 only 47 percent were weak as now Chinas Foreign Ministry today on monday responded to this report essentially calling the Associated Press report fake news it has always maintained that its policies and the National Security issue was designed to prevent terrorism and extremism and separatism that there are in response to very violent knife and bomb attacks in recent decades but as we heard just then many human Rights Groups disagree saying that many of these measures are based on race and religion and not only do they say that up to 1000000 people are held in these detention camps which the government by the way calls for occasional Training Centers they say that many of these policies are designed to also erode the muslim week of religion and culture as well as put them under. Very strict almost suffocating levels of surveillance well for more on this we can speak to louise agree that she is the director of global advocacy at the week a human rights project and she joins us now on skype from alexandria in the u. S. State of virginia thank you for being with us louise that some experts are calling this demographic genocide do you agree with the use of that. Its an excellent term and in fact theres no reason to put any adjective in front of genocide like cultural genocide. This prevention of births on a systematic scale among the weavers of the wigger population in china by the Chinese Government it exactly fits the definition of genocide under International Law and the reason i do want to ask you about beijings response here because theyve been insisting this is about even in the rules so to speak allowing minorities in the hunt chinese the same amount of children as katrina was just saying there but the hunt have largely been spared the forced sterilizations and the population control measures and all of this is reflected in their own data so how the chinese still able to make that argument the Chinese Government has been conduct putting out a false narrative about its harsh campaign of repression against the weavers for decades and certainly since the beginning of the concentration camp in late 2016 we should expect no less from the Chinese Government that is attempting to hide everything its doing including by excluding the news media such as yourselves from visiting the region and doing their own independent investigations and we said this isnt just about Birth Control though is that what are the policies are you aware of that are being practiced to try to dilute the weaker population as your correspondent noted marriage. Before we were women especially to marry members of another ethnic group the chinese hung majority are strongly encouraged and families are separated one of the major points for having a genocide is when children are separated and take it into the control of custody of another group and as we know. The government has a goal of having at least 500000 children put into state run boarding schools from as young as the age of 2 or 3 for them to be raised by the members of another ethnic group where they cannot speak we were their own language this is a clear intent not only to reduce births overall but to specifically to prevent any weaker children from growing up as weak or as with their own family members its just. Lets talk about this word genocide mean that comes with a responsibility for others to act if it is labeled genocide where is the un on this issue just now we have good news un human rights mechanisms and indeed the Un Security Council where if this were any other country a program of rounding up an ethno religious group into large camps which has not been seen on the scale since world war 2 in fact prompting the very foundation of the un following the horror in europe under world war 2 these bodies have not been able to act due to the government of china and seeing strong diplomatic efforts to stop action but just this week 50 un independent experts who are not un employees but rather independent have come jointly to call for much stronger un action well speaking of action we saw that us all rolled out the week a human rights protection act but i see that john bolton the former National Security advisor his book suggests that President Trump told that he agreed with the policy of putting muslims in internment camps is that the International Leadership thats required for any kind of change or a push for change on this issue. The law is the law this president signed the law which passed the 2 chambers of the Us Legislature by an overwhelming majority in fact almost unanimously unanimously in the senate and with only one dissenting voice in the congress this is now law the president will be imposing magnitsky sanctions for gross Human Rights Violations and certainly other countries can now feel comfortable leading the way the us has been slow to enact this law but now that it is in acted its time for joint action by governments around the world louisa griever there the director of global advocacy at the we get human rights project speaking to us from virginia thank you so much for joining us on aljazeera louisa thank you well speaking of President Trump he is meeting top Congressional Republicans to address reports that russia paid taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan President Trump says the Intelligence Briefings that were 1st revealed by the New York Times never reached him because the agencies didnt think they were credible the white house has not denied that the briefings were prepared House Speaker nancy pelosi accuses trump of siding with russias president Vladimir Putin well lets get more from our White House Correspondent candy health at the kimberly is this briefing that were seeing today is the president trying to do damage control here. Well its no question the White House Press secretary is attempting to do that trying to discredit this for affording calling it as essentially fake news that is based on a name to Anonymous Sources and saying that theres no place for this kind of reporting with it is based on classified information there is concern it appears in the white house that this information has been leaked out of the question now among many members of congress not just democrats but also some Top Republicans is what did the president know when did he know it and will the russian president be held accountable for putting these bounties out on american soldiers in afghanistan if in fact this is alleged as it is alleged if it is found to be true so the u. S. President for his part has denied that he knew this that he was briefed he tweeted on sunday that it was deemed not credible intelligence and thats why he was not of formed but again some members of congress including House Speaker nancy pelosi not buying that argument now demanding a briefing an intra Agency Briefing by both the director of the cia as well as the director of National Intelligence for all members of the house of representatives you can see that there are reports that these alleged bounties did actually result in the deaths of u. S. Troops according to u. S. Military interrogations how verifiable is all of this given that it is from Anonymous Sources. Yeah thats the problem given the fact of this than is intelligence rarely does the American Public ever hear about intelligence the fact that this is been linked certainly raises eyebrows as to why what the motivations are and thats what leads many to to wonder whether or not it is verifiable only the president can answer that only the top intelligence officials can answer that and thats why these briefings are being held and being demanded we also hope as the members of the press to have a briefing as well that will be taking place at 700 g. M. T. Were expect that the White House Press secretary will offer more details but what we do know is that as you alluded to there was the discovery of that raid that took place in afghanistan where a large quantity of crafts was discovered that really tipped off intelligence officials that in fact something may be amiss so these are some of the questions that the white house has to answer so far we have no details and will continue watching that very closely im bringing you all the latest from that briefing they said thank you very much can be held at their our White House Correspondent now iran has issued an arrest warrant for donald trump over the assassination of military command a custom somani trump is one of 36. 00 people that its identified as being involved and generous drone strike that killed sort of money near Baghdad Airport iran now once interpol to issue a wanted notice requesting its members detained those on that list the u. S. Says sum of money was planning to attack its diplomats and military across the middle east our assessment is that interpol does not intervene and issue red notices that are based on political nature and this is a political nature this has nothing to do with National Security International Peace or promoting stability and so we see it for what it is its a d propaganda stunt that no one takes seriously and makes the iranians look foolish. Well there is plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including 2 ferries collide in bangladesh we have the latest on the sounds from the survivor. And where in quran cheeta here claiming responsibility for the gun attack at pakistans largest Stock Exchange. Just days before formula one returns to action u. S. Hamiltons team unveils a new look for their cars to back the back drives now to campaign. For the u. S. Is trying to get a handle on corona virus infections after it decided to lift restrictions a quarter of the people infected wild wild in the United States which is the west hit country with a shot increase in infections recorded in southern and western states the Health Secretary is warning that time is running out to curb the spread how to callahan reports the coronavirus is marching through america Houston Texas hospitals are quickly running out of intensive care in florida arizona and texas mobile testing sites are being overrun with people waiting for hours many turned away Health Experts warned this would happen in many of these states mostly republican governors move to reopen businesses stressing the importance of the hope of the economy now critics say the Public Health system and a growing number of people are paying the price well the trouble Administration Says there is no connection. All 50 states are opening up again to one degree or another states like florida and like texas actually began to open up in in early may for the better part of 6 weeks john we did not see any Significant Movement but if you look at this tracker showing which states meet the governments criteria to reopen only 4 are safe the ones in red are seen large spikes in cases and now at least one member of the administration is sounding the alarm window is closing we have to act and people as individuals have to act responsibly we need to social distance we need to wear fit our face coverings if were in settings where we cant social distance particularly in these hot zones but in many of these states were cases are on the rise there is no mandatory order to wear masks in public and in many ways this is become a partisan issue well the Vice President attended an event sunday where the crowd seemed to mostly wear masks the president has not done the same and my understanding that the centers for Disease Control has recommended the use of mass but not demand required it because they dont want to send the president and that the president should be example you know real men wear masks for the president s part his focus at least on twitter was elsewhere we tweeted this video to supporters you only white power. He appears to have deleted it before leaving the white house once again his weekend spent golfing by some estimates the number of cases that have been reported each day has more than doubled over the last 2 weeks and given the way this virus spreads that means the number is likely to jump dramatically in the days and weeks ahead political Haim Al Jazeera maryland now former french Prime Minister francois fionn has been given a 5 Year Prison Sentence for fraud of course in paris found him guilty of misusing public funds and embezzlement for setting up fake jobs for his wife and their children she received more than a 1000000. 00 and has also been convicted as an accomplice but our correspondent talks about that joins me now live from paris thats actually this is quite a fall from grace was this verdict expected. What prosecutors in this case of actually asked the courts to give or feel at this sentence they recommended that sentence and it seems that judges agreed 5 years for frosts one of the all 3 suspended 3 suspended years for his wife penelope for complicity frost often are found guilty of misusing tax payers money in this dates back to the 19. 00 eighties and nineties when theo was an m. P. He employed his wife penelope as his Parliamentary Assistant the problem is the court found that there was no evidence that she ever did any work now feel has always maintained that he was the victim of a Political Smear Campaign he said that his wife penelope never went to the Parliament Building but in fact helped him at home and thats why there was so few traces of her work but nevertheless it seems the judges decided that that just wasnt simply enough of an explanation and how significant is this decision and also from graham who has ordered the review of this case. Yes or person mark or alter the review of the investigation into this case and this comes of the claims by the magistrate that was in charge of the investigation at the time and 2017 this is was in the middle of the french president ial Campaign Fear was riding high in that campaign the front runner he was expected to win the scandal actually brought that ambition to an end the magistrate has come out recently saying that she was under some pressure to fast track this case so of course that raised questions as to whether or not thered been political pressure from some of the also bowmans all magistrates to try and make feel in a way for out of the president ial race and that is why president has ordered this investigation to show the judicial system he says is fully transparent but its a hugely significant case not only because it ended the career of one of frances most famous politicians but also for french people because for that there is a huge street tradition of corruption nepotism in politics in france for so often many people in france feel that politicians simply abuse their privileges and get away with it if you like that they never actually held accountable for what they do so in a way this trial was very closely watched by many and the fact the feel was found guilty will be highly significant natasha there our correspondent for us in paris thank you very much natasha. Voters in local elections in france have punished president emmanuel centrist party green candidates in major cities enjoyed a series of victories and the far right National Rally won its 1st major city in the south voter turnout was a record low due to the current pandemic concerns. Health records in india have reported the biggest single day increase in corona virus infections there several states are reimposing full or partial lockdowns with nearly 20000 new cases more than half a 1000000 indians have been infected some states say they will increase testing was the u. K. Gets ready to relax more coronavirus restrictions one in english that he may be prevented from doing that there are concerns about the number of infections in leicester after a recent surge there john how is that. There are certain numbers coming out here in leicester that indicate that something is going on although the data is still a bit woolly its not entirely clear what or how severe it may be certainly there has been a massive uptick in testing in leicester theres a Testing Center over there through the trees behind me and what that has revealed is that in a 2 week period up to june the 23rd some 900 almost 100 new cases were detected and thats pretty high given the population count here it led to Boris Johnson the Prime Minister talking about lesters being an area of particular concern it was much talk over the weekend about it possibly becoming the 1st part of the u. K. To go into full localised lockdown to deal with a local outbreak part of the Prime Ministers socalled whack a mole strategy to deal with local outbreaks as and when and where they occur and particularly as the rest of the country is ready to shake off much of its remaining lockdown restrictions on june july the 4th with the reopening of the hospitality sector now meetings are ongoing as we speak it appears rather that what theyre talking about is having less to remain within its current set of restrictions for a further 2 weeks beyond july the 4th in part to gather more data about the nature of this outbreak where it may be centralized and so on and how best to deal with it while telling the population in the repeat guidance to keep washing their hands to maintain social distance to keep contact outside the home to a minimum its a sort of guidance that people in this country been very used to hearing over the last few months but as the government has taken its finger more and more off the pressure button in recent weeks lifting the lockdown it is guidance that quite a lot of people seem to have forgotten. Now the u. S. Supreme court has struck down louisiana law that placed restrictions on doctors who perform abortions is the courts 1st ruling on abortion since President Trump appointed 2 conservative justices well for more on this lets cross live now to mike hanna hes in washington d. C. Mike can you talk us through what this means for doctors and women in louisiana. Well it has a massive impact on how to centrally the louisiana law made ensure that doctors would have to have visiting rights to a local hospital in effect what it meant is that all the clinics that were helping women would have to shut down in effect it would then undercut the decades long right of women to choose which is entrenched in u. S. Constitutional law so this has basically thrown that out of court it has preserved the basis of womans right to choose within law now that a number of significant matters about this firstly that the swing vote it was a 54 decision was made by the chief Justice John Roberts now very significantly 4 years ago there was a virtually identical case before the Supreme Court roberts voted in favor of the case in other words that the physician should have visited rights he reversed his decision in this case giving that 54 majority for one very important reason that he believed he had to follow the precedent of a decision taken by the court before what this means is that in the future when you have got such a department divided case the chief justice is going to go with precedent very significant another very important point to emerge is that the louisiana lawyers argued that the clinic who brought the case had no 3rd Party Standing in other words they were arguing that its the woman whos affected the individual who has to bring the case now this would have a nice of the impact on legislation in the years ahead but the court declined to rule on that which means that it accepts the fact that clinics can bring a case on behalf of individuals these are very significant moves within a deeply divided Supreme Court and i guess who is saying this case is also the courts 1st on abortion sense president made his appointments and we have seen several judgments in recent weeks that have gone against the white house and potentially conservative preferences. Indeed yes but each of cases where there has been division such as the decker case from about 10 days ago each of these cases is a 54. 00 decision they are depending on the position adopted by the chief justice himself regarded as a conservative but he has made very clear that he is going to be following precedent on these matters now the precedent has been established by courts that were not as right wing if one could put it as this one lets take this louisiana case for example as i mentioned there was a texas case 4 years ago that ruled on this basically there was no necessity for this case to come again before the court but it came before the court because Brett Kavanaugh one of those newly appointed trump judges insisted that the court would have to cure the same matter again now this is an indication what youre going to be seeing in the Supreme Court is a string of poor decisions as long as the chief justice continues to put his hand on that scale of justice in the favor of the less conservative members of the court that may not happen on every single occasion certainly it is something that we are going to be watching very closely because one must remember that these decisions affect individual lives in a massive way just as the louisiana case or impact on the lives of women not only in louisiana but in states across the country absolutely mike hanna there for us in washington d. C. Thank you very much mark. Well still ahead for you on out of there killing debates why protesters are out on indias streets and defying lockdown instructions. And of course joe will be here with all the f. A. Cup quarter final action including an evening when finland have to fizzle. Out of the somalis weeping and thats a northerly breeze that comes out of iraq as the gulf bring some dust with it asked for clouds well you cant see very much the southern afghanistan there ought to be some building right in the coast in a salala the edge effects of the monsoon after the fish just coming in dust is caught in the schimmel which is now weakening ship how is anywhere from iraq down through the gulf now at the moment with the breeze just about existence it bring its size but it dies away altogether so thats going to be settling dust in the environment and look at the house temperature down to 36 no prevailing breeze except off the water there will be humid time when countries around the gulf get down below 40 this time of year is usually he would stick it on present not so through most of north africa is mostly dry and dusty of course and the picture here the significant one has been the big showers that come through in clumps and heres one in chad so be on its way west through nigeria you see flooding recently in guyana in sierra leone because of these showers and there are more to come as you can see this rain belt is normally draw at this time the year there is some stormy stuff occasionally just been some go into the western gulf and that breezy weather is for the eastern gulf on its way to mozambique. If you were in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships when myth was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and going to run the world well the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china to want to josie you know. Its very difficult as a chef or restaurant or to buy shrimp with the confidence that what youre serving is going to be good seafood by nature is a high risk money sometimes trip is raised using production drugs like you know products that are not approved for use in the u. S. The f. D. A. Simply isnt testing enough on the imported market to really find all of these violent of friends if you take no one else does either. Hello again and lets remind you about top stories this hour china is being accused of forcing the weaker minority to lower their birth rates an investigation by the Associated Press says hundreds of thousands of women are forced to undergo pregnancy checks sterilization and abortion. The u. S. President is meeting top Congressional Republicans to address reports that russia paid taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan President Trump says the Intelligence Briefings 1st revealed by the New York Times never reached him. And former french Prime Minister has been given a 5 Year Prison Sentence for fraud he was found guilty of misusing public funds and embezzlement by setting up fake jobs for his wife and their children. Rescue teams and bangladesh are searching for dozens who are still missing after 2 ferries collided on a river near the capital and one of the boats with more than 100 passengers aboard and sank rescue workers have so far recovered the bodies of 3 people our correspondent tundra choudhry is near the scene of the accident near dhaka. Right behind me is where the rescue operation is going on theres a concentration of both a lot of people and i spoke to the left and commander off the coast guard he told me until and unless the salvage the boat they will know the exact lee number of people dead so far we know that reported by the coast guard is 30 people. Bodies have been recovered its an ongoing operation and its probably continue to build evening even at nightfall to boat one larger one carrying passenger and smaller one. Collided in the morning around 930 local time the bigger boat scraped any kind of damage or nobody was injured but the smaller boat sank and thats where the tragedy took place we do know this sort of incident happens in bangladesh quite often this by the government promises of that theyll crack down on they is but so far we have seen that the owners of the boat carry over loaded a lot of passengers even during Stormy Weather is that on a bike by a lot of the medication rules this is a 6000 inland waterways as you can see this is one of the busiest inland riverport its called shoulder got a lot of passengers aboard goes to and from other part of the country and these 23 civilians have been killed in afghanistan after rockets fell on a Cattle Market in southern Helmand Province and all happened near the town of sung and children are among the dead the government is blaming the taliban. A gun and grenade attack at the crash a Stock Exchange in pakistan has killed 9 people including security guards and all 4 attackers separatist fighters called the blotch Liberation Army responsibility sakharov has the latest. Gun battle at the end shes of pakistans Stock Exchange in karachi Security Forces fired back at attackers he detonates a grenade as they tried to storm in to for a killed before being able to reach the Main Building was the that is what killed or the men get the other the other but it was killed at the center gate and the. Gate of destruction building so the Law Enforcement agency has the polish and the rangers played a very very vital role in combating this attack and. Destruction the financial help of the pakistan was clear. Despite the gun battle outside brokers huddled together inside and trading continued they did try to influence the market with a negative impact but Nothing Happened we are confident and nothing is going to happen in the future as the separatists baluchi aberrational ameobi away armed group has claimed responsibility for the attack ethnic baluch groups have to use food for independence from pakistan and accuse its as well as china rick splitting baluchistan as resources 2 years ago to be a attack the chinese consulate in karachi pakistan the u. S. And u. K. Have only said it a terrorist group. A Major General in pakistans Paramilitary Force into the indian interference. Details with you after the investigation but i can say this straight away that this terrorist attack is not possible without the support of a strong Intelligence Agency and at the top of the list as indias foreign intelligence. With dozens of hand grenades and ammunition found at the scene heavily armed Security Forces believe they stopped the attackers from inflicting more damage in pakistans knowledge you still keeps change it seem of government Forensic Experts who started collecting evidence at the scene and searched a cone used by the gunman so to hold it. On later on monday the u. N. Security council will hold a virtual session on the grand ethiopian renaissance dam now the project has been the source of an increasingly bitter dispute about access to a volume of the niles waters especially during times of drought if europeans Foreign Ministry has doubled down on its commitment to start filling that reservoir in july and whether or not they can all which india. When we constructed the dam we didnt ask for permission filling the dam and operating it will be done according to the plan and we will not wait for the approval of any party to do it the position of ethiopia is clear our country respects International Law and we will not harm anyone our position is consistent and we have nothing to do with whatever is said by the parties it would be useful if we reach an understanding before filling the dam but if this is not possible the process will take place now the rising cost of petrol and diesel in india has sparked protests in many cities prices at the pumps of increased almost daily for the past 3 weeks despite low oil prices the government says its raised fuel taxes to offset the economic crisis caused by the current a virus lockdown Elizabeth Prochnow reports from new delhi. A horse powered protest against the rising price a few members of indias Main Opposition Congress party rallied in the capital are you right now crude oil prices are low globally the government is indulging in profiteering and in this time of pandemic when people dont have money or employment or business these people are being burdened with high fuel prices. But the restrictions on gathering still in force to stop the spread of the Coronavirus Police officers quickly dragged protesters away the kicking and screaming because of the near daily rise in fuel prices over the past 3 weeks was similar protests were held around the country in the cities of bengal. And lucky now against the highest fuel prices in nearly 2 years india already had some of the highest fuel taxes in the world but with this is increases drivers are paying around 260 percent tax on petrol and diesel critics say the government should pass on the benefits of Lower Oil Prices rather than raising taxes to keep prices high. The president of one of delhis biggest taxi union says most of the states 200000 drivers havent worked for most of this year he says hi a taxi fares are another deterrent to customers afraid of venturing out during the pandemic. Even before the pandemic in january work was hard to come by as International Tourists would stop visiting india then we were in lockdown for nearly 3 months now restrictions are being eased but since diesel prices have risen so much people are not taking taxis. Higher transportation costs also means food is more expensive ill give you another 1. 00 it has hard a major impact the increase of 0. 15 per liter of diesel has led to one truck of produce costing us 30100 dollars but it was before that 0. 15 makes a big difference fruit and vegetables are more expensive there are fewer trucks coming. The government says it needs. To raise taxes to generate revenue because of the economic crisis after one of the worlds strictest lockdown. The Congress Party plans to ask president to reverse the fuel price rises as protesters accuse the government of making many lives even harder at the worst of times elizabeth pradhan aljazeera you delhi. Senators in the u. S. State of mississippi have voted to replace the state flag the last in the nation to display the confederate battle emblem the bill now goes to republican governor ted raised to be signed into law now many see the design as racist because of its links to slavery in the south. Or reports. A contentious flag that symbolized americas past connection with slavery soon to be gone. Lawmakers in mississippi voted overwhelmingly to remove the state flag 126 years after it was adopted the last of its kind in the us to carry this symbol of the Confederate States that fought and lost the civil war to maintain slavery in america if you want to be on the right side of the free market and im proud that im personally fair share today and im sure the credibility of individuals who came on shot it appears that same. For many they can betteridge flag symbolizes hate my parents and grandparents experience much terrorism and tyranny under that flag not as a younger mississippian a millennial it represents the darker days of our state when our State Government and various others used it as a symbol of supremacy. Others argue getting rid of the flag is another attempt to wipe out americas history they dont change if you take the money back take. Place. For George Washington. In 2001 mississippi voters decided by a 2 to one margin to keep the flag is the official state emblem but times have changed. With the death of george floyd in may sparking nationwide civil rights protests highlighting racial inequalities a renewed call to change the flag this time it was successful. But a new flag is just a 1st step in achieving Racial Justice argue more is needed in a state where 31 percent of blacks live in poverty compared to 12 percent of whites the flag of the symbol. It will lead to traveled and i think daily and most africanamericans in this state so that is a plus if. We have to see that. There are punitive only right now we have to get rid of those policies so that we can have. A 9 Person Commission will oversee a new state flag design voters will approve or reject it on the ballot in november gabriel sandow. 2 of the worlds biggest auction houses are coming under fire for their sale of african artifacts to igbos statues from nigeria are among dozens of items on offer at christies in paris theyre valued at more than 200 80000. 00 but several nigerian artist or in say the pieces shouldnt be sold the tall alleging that they were looted during the biafran civil war in the 1960 s. Which christies denies and subbies in new york is also holding several sales from tuesday and creating this bronze statue from a bottle and thought to be worth up to 4000000. 00 theres been growing pressure for artifacts to be returned to their countries of origin and the issue has also been highlighted by a recent backlog smash a protest and check ok a goto is a professor an African American diaspora history and he says the truth about these artifacts needs to be told and negotiations begun to see them returned to nigeria. They are important part of nigeria is art and Cultural Heritage. And as we all know nations and societies value the. Examples of the great art and cultures of their ancestors of previous generations and so to have the. Set of objects that were stolen from eastern nigeria during the civil war. In 67 to 72 have them up for sale when we should be discussing the terms for their return because they were stolen because they were illegally taking out of nigeria thats the reason i started to call for the tradition but especially for now for not going ahead with the sale of these objects there are immediate things that can be done which has already begun and that includes asking public collections of these objects to recognize the true provenance because right now in the museums that happened for instance theres no mention of the fact that they came out of is then they judge in the war and so the immediate thing that needs to happen is to recognise the true histories of these objects that are in western collections and then the next stage would be to enter into negotiations with the people who have them the private and public collections that have them about the average town and that would take the guise of gentlemanly if you will a civil negotiation it might include Court Proceedings because there exportation from names you know where illegal at the time that they were taking its not realistic to think that everything. All african our Cultural Heritage outside of the continent can be returned but at least theyre out what i call low hanging fruit in other words objects that have well documented histories and out of great cultural and artistic significance we should start with those now kazakhstan is considering reimposing a lockdown following a sharp rise in chrono virus infections there just in the past month government ministers are drafting new measures to curb the spread they include doubling the number of available hospital beds and deploying labs for widespread testing. Well in chile thousands of foreign fruit pickers are in limbo because their savings are gone and borders remain closed many of them from bolivia which doesnt have full diplomatic ties because of a long running territorial dispute with its neighbor in the 3rd past a vast areas on people stranded by this pandemic latin america at anniston human reports from santiago. Some have traveled thousands of kilometers from southern chile to get to this school in santiago to date a refuge for stranded bolivians here theyre given a mattress and blankets and assigned a classroom where they join the others. Mostly Seasonal Workers who come to chile each year to pick fruit from october to march when summer ends but now its winter its raining and cold and like the rest of the governments family hasnt been able to leave home and that only in bolivia close the borders and declared a quarantine they didnt let buses or anyone cross not even. Put 3 months they camped outside of their plans a letter asking for help but just like thousands of the cuban colombian and peruvian migrants stranded in chile theyve had to depend on charity now that their savings are gone. We have mattresses food and a roof over our heads but no thanks to the bolivian government its abandon us thats what hurts the most modern i mean we were working in southern chile but they declare lockdowns there too so we had to come here we dont know when we can go home. 3 women have given birth while waiting to return to bolivia. 4 others are pregnant the 300 people here have been told the following dinner no one else will be able to enter after that the plan is to put this whole school under quarantine so that everybody whos in here coming guaranteed to be called would free after 14 days then they will be taken. By bus to the border with bolivia but at this point there is absolutely no guarantee that authorities there well open the borders to allow these people to go back home. In the last month theyve in fact allowed 2000 bolivians who undergone certified quarantines to reenter but with the number of coronavirus cases in chile now one of the worlds highest many countries are understandably less eager to speed up repatriations all this while the number of people stranded here grows but. There is a permanent flow of people were only just beginning to see the economic effects of this pandemic almight was in temporary workers. For many who wait isnt the worst part its the feeling of being trapped and the fear of not knowing if the virus might take their lives or dose of family members back in bolivia before they can make it home to see newman aljazeera santiago. And then the next part of this very special series will be speaking to cuban like trapped in mexico who are helping to care for other travels thats on tuesday on aljazeera. Well still ahead for you. A top 10 tennis player is in trouble after partying when he was supposed to be isolating so i will have all the details and sports. Its now time for sports in history thank you well lets start with Serena Williams tennis coach who says holding the u. S. Open this year seems like a crazy idea given the surge of coronavirus cases in the states the tournament is set to start a new york at the end of august with no fans allowed several players including world number one of at djokovic and roughened doubt have expressed doubts about playing this year when wooden which should have started today has already been cancelled and the french open postponed more than 125000 people have died of coronavirus and states more than any other country and serene as coach Patrick Murray totally says theres a good chance the tolan will not go ahead whats happening at the moment in the us with the number of cases of covered 19 going higher and higher every day. I dont think how that can happen ive i mean from outside it looks a bit crazy to try to make it happen and i dont know if the last minute the governor of new york will decide to cancel it because of course health 1st the politics people they dont want to they want to do want to put people at risk and theyre going to be the ones who are going to be blamed if something happened so i think its completely possible then that 2 weeks before we decide that i mean. Considering the situation this is not reasonable to bring people from all over the world there. We have to apologizing to fans for putting himself and the public at risk by playing in the ill fated tennis talk while number 7 of has courted controversy again he promised to self isolate off to 4 of the players in the Charity Event tested positive for corona virus but this is the german same policy in the beach ball in the south of france vera if he is also known as such a has been criticised by fellow player nick curious so wake up and say the same or more controversial things out being. Stuck out for me was seeing. Sashes vera again and again and again. They how selfish can you be. Theres hamilton will drive an all black call this season as the formula one champion takes a stand against racism the World Champions Team the sadies is traditionally priced in silva but following weeks of hamiltons vocal backing of the black clubs matic campaign they decide to make the change how wilson will open the defense of his title in austria this sunday as the delayed f one season finally gets underway west Indies Cricket is where the black lives matter logo during the test series in england captain jason holder said the team wants to show solidarity and help raise awareness of the 3 tests begin in southampton on july the 8th behind closed doors in a bonus to broader work has to be done to tackle discrimination in cricket new things forward i think the c b will do a lot of work and helped a lot of work. Place really not were not just talking. Into the cricket team the playing team i think is every aspects of. The game that we love. Coaching administration journalism a physio every every pathway and trying to sort of create opportunities in the west most european leagues try to finish their seasons after current virus suspension some cubs are also finding time to dip into the transfer market boston has brazilian midfielder arthur has agreed to a 5 year deal worth 81000000. 00 to move t. V. And to us as part of the deal in phase marilyn can it will head in the other direction. Defending f. A. Cup champions Manchester City have cruised into this years semi finals after a comfortable when of a new castle united but also wins for arsenal and chelsea on sunday as david stokes reports. Manchester city completely dominated the 1st half against newcastle who only completed 15 passes in the 1st 25 minutes still it took 37 minutes for city to break through jesus was found in the box the Kevin De Bruyne a school the penalty. New castle did improve after the break and should have equalised what gael somehow missed an open goal and that mistake seemed worse just a minute later when rakim stirling put the game to bed. To no city he may have lost the premier league crown to little pull this week but could still in the season with 3 trophies theyve already won the league cup theyre still competing in the Champions League and now into the semifinals of the f. A. Cup theyll be up against arsenal whove won the cup 13 times more than any other team the gunners went ahead again Sheffield United midway through the 1st half with a penalty Alexander Lakas that was brought down in the box and pep 8 did the rest. Sheffield are actually a place higher than arsenal in the premier league and created more chances after the break they goalkeeper dean henderson nearly equalized with a wind assisted go kick but it bounced just over to the relief of his opposite number asshole did concede to a long throw though failing to clear the ball and David Mcgoldrick levelled things up with 3 minutes left it seems certain to head for extra time. But arsenal went to the other end and grabbed a victory substitute daniel cut by us firing home the winner in the 91st minute. She won the final score arsenal on track for f. A. Cup number 14. After that it was leicester up against chelsea in sundays 2nd match leicester were the strongest side in the 1st half but didnt take their chances and they were made to regret it. Chelsea were a different side after the break and ross barkley popped up off the bench to school the games only goal. So franklin pogues team had to wembley well theyll play Manchester United you know it should be no rich on saturday each of the shares cup quarter finals all played behind closed doors one by the away team is the 1st time thats happened since 1987 theyve stokes aljazeera. 6 time super bowl champions the new England Patriots have been fined over a 1000000. 00 and had a draft pick taken away thats after that t. V. Crew filmed on the sidelines of a browns bengals game without permission but the news from the pats is that they signed free agent quarterback cam newton he was the 2015 n. F. L. Most valuable player eaton is expected to fill the hole left by star Quarterback Tom Brady who spent 20 seasons in new england winning 6 super bowls all right that is a is for for now it is back to the south thanks i want stay well thats it for me in a stance he has had for this news out the dont go away ill be back in just a couple of minutes with more of the days 4th stay with us. The latest news as it breaks this crowd of hundreds of people didnt come with invitations came to pay their respects to george floyd we detailed coverage the government needs to vallance the needs of the economy with the trace of the virus returning. From around the world organized crime is now beginning to try to play the role of robbing and like by giving away food to win over the royalty of people in desperate need. Of a Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. In a 2 part series. On g. s you know observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that shape lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean continues with good morning gruesome you know on how to 0. Dont you see. Were. Forced about control and threats of detention china is accused of trying to curb the we know population. And again i missed all the detail and this is out of there alive from our well headquarters here and also coming up donald trump is musing top Congressional Republicans as he struggles to explain reports that russia paid taliban fighters to kill u. S. Soldiers. A fake job for his wife and the misuse of public money former french Prime Minister francois feel gets a prison sentence for 40. Plus hungry and trying to stay warm Seasonal Workers stuck in chile as winter bites and

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