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of coursers who support charter school. >> not the president and the mayor of new york. >> this is something -- look, you're right, there are democrats that get split on this, but ultimately a lot of people are focusing on investing in education, infrastructure, all of these things that republicans say we shouldn't be spending this money. democrats want to improve that. >> listen, charter schools, all of those issues, you have a branding issue. i don't think that people believe you when you say you -- let's take an issue like immigration here ease an issue that a majority of americans are saying, 57% of americans say right now, let the people here who are not documented apply a become citizens, yet your party is struggling, stumbling, why is

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People , Democratic Party , Something , Mayor , New York , Lot , President , Education , Infrastructure , Investing , Coursers Who Support Charter School , Things , Mo Ney , The Republicans , Charter Schools , Al L , Listen , Issue , Issues , Immigration , Branding Issue , Party , Americans , Majority , Struggling , Citizens , Stumbling , Saying , 57 ,

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