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All right. The break news over just the last several minutes. New israeli air strikes in Northern Gaza, and you can see the smoke rising over that part of the region, and now if you are looking at gaza, this is where the air strikes have been taking place, but here, down to The Rafah Crossing in the extreme southern border of gaza and egypt, our cameraman has been seeing the critical aid crossing from egypt into gaza. Six u. N. Fuel trucks entering at that border, and that is a major development. Southern gaza is also where israel has told more than 1 million palestinians to move from Northern Gaza into Southern Gaza, and this is where israel says they will be safer, kate. It is happening as the u. S. Secretary of state tony blinken is back in israel today. He has been in the region traveling all throughout the region for days now, and we are standing by to see if blinken is going to speak to reporters now, and the critical update given the news that we are giving, and this and the sobering update of the hostages by terrorists, and they now believe that 199 people are being held by hamas in gaza. Also, over the weekend, some may have been killed in transit, if you will, during the trip from israel into gaza. Sara sidner is now in haifa, israel. Hoping you are Safe And Sound, and we are Safe And Sound here in israel where we have been watching a huge ship taking away americans from the danger zone into cypress, and i will get to this in a moment, but first to Jeremy Diamond who is tracking the conversations that Antony Blinken is having, the Secretary Of State, here for the second time in a week as israel is preparing for the potential ground war with gaza and as the war is raging on, and what can you tell us, jeremy about plans here, and what Secretary Blinken is doing back here and again, why it is so important for him to show up in this country a second time in such a short amount of time. Well, sara, the give you a sensef how fluid this situation is on the ground, the secretary and even the reporters traveling with the Secretary Of State have not had a clear sense of who he has been meeting with and when, and we did get a readout from the Secretary Of State spokesman that he did meet with the israeli Prime Minister as well as the president s of israel isaac herzog, and in the readouts we dont have a ton of details, but it is clear the Discussion Focus is the release of the hostages in gaza, and of course, the situation regarding the humanitarian aid being able to flow into gaza and having The Americans trapped in gaza to exit southward and into egypt. Over the last several day, a lot of Finger Pointing and conflicting information concerning when and whether that rafa crossing is going to be open, and they have blamed the israelis at times, and at times, and theres been a lot of conflicting information, and u. S. Embassy officials telling those in gaza telling them it is time to open, and we have not seen any evidence that the crossing has indeed opened, and the question is whether at the end of the day as the Secretary Of State has concluded a series of openings and officials whether we are in a place where the humanitarian aid is going to be flowing into gaza and those officials will be going into gaza and egypt. Amid this, we have the israeli Prime Minister inviting President Joe Biden coming into israel, and officials are not confirming whether he is intending to visit israel, but we know he was scheduled to go to colorado, and he canceled the visit and staying in the white house observing what is National Security meetings, and whether it is a prelude to a president ial visit, we do not know, but the situation on the ground is extremely fluid, and we have had sirens nearby in jeru jerusalem, and rockets in israel, and all of this in preparation in israel for a ground incursion. Thank you, Jeremy Diamond for breaking that down for another important meeting of the secretary of the state and many of the leadership here in israel. I do want to mention why i am here and why i am in haifa, and where there are rockets coming over here, but far, far fewer from what is shot over to gaza and that is because hezbollah who is a sworn enemy of israel, and this is because it is far more quiter here in the north, and this is because the United States have been getting so many inquiries from The Americans who cannot get out of israel in the wartime and many of them with children who are concerned about the safety both mentally and physically, and finally the United States was able to charter an enormous ship that left from this port a couple of hours ago, and on it were American Families who had been stuck here for days as the war raged on unable to leave because there are not enough flights, and the flights are sparse, and most of them are completely pack pd leaving israel. So this is one way to try to get hundreds of americans out of israel. They just took this where they are currently on the water on a 10hour travel time to cypress which is where they get off and be able to book their flights back to the United States. We spoke to several families about why they came and many of them living here in israel, and they are american citizens who have chosen to live here in israel and some of them helping the troops on the border of lebanon and taking supplies to do their part for the war effort, but many of them said it is time for us to get our kids to safety and to calm the nerves of the Family Members who have been watching all of this from the United States. We are u. S. Citizens and the u. S. Embassy made it easy for us to have a way, and if for some reason the borders are closed. Okay. All right. So you heard that. She also said, look, we are coming back. And all of them said the same thing, we will be back in israel. We consider this our home. So no matter how long it takes, we will be back here to this country, the country they love as much as the United States. I wanted to talk right now to my colleague and my friend Becky Anderson in tel aviv for us at this hour. Becky, you have been taking a lot of incoming today. Yeah. And you have joined us just after the sirens have been blaring here, and as i understand it from my colleagues in jerusalem, and the Evacuation Signals from this hotel or certainly, the signals from getting into the stairwells and into the shelters once again. Booming through the hotel, and everything is fine now, and the, they told us that we can continue. I think that it speaks to enormity of what is going on here, and hamas has capabilities out of gaza at this point. We are of Course Learning new details and preparations for the next stage of this war, but clearly not privy to exactly what the ids Military Plans are. Let me bring you back up to date for the news this hour, because it is incredibly important and let me explain why as we understand it, six u. N. Fuel trucks have crossed from egypt into Southern Gaza through what is known as the rafah Border Crossing, and anybody who has sort of been keeping up minutebyminute keeping up here knows how important that crossing is. As more than half a Million People reportedly have fled Northern Gaza anticipating the next massive assault potentially by the idf on that part of the enclave, and there are real concerns about supplies, water, electricity, food in Southern Gaza for this enormous evacuation of the people fleeing this conflict. So the idea that the u. N. Is now getting trucks through the border that there has been a lot of diplomacy, andt lof talk of whether it is open, and you know, conflicting reports of Whether Egypt is allowing their side of the border to be open, and whether hamas is keeping guard side closed, and this is from a cnn cameraman where he has been seeing the fuel trucks coming through, and why is fuel so important . Well, there is no water at the moment in Southern Gaza. The israelis have said they will turn it back on after this total siege, but people need fuel to run their generators in order to get the water running again. At present, the people are resorting to brackish water. There is enormous amount of aid on the egypt side including fuel that needs to get in through the Border Crossing for the egyptians, and what they dont want to do is to see a flood of people leaving gaza through that crossing, and that is where the complication has been. Guys. Yeah, it makes them very vulnerable, and the population there, the civilians in gaza just trying to get out, and neither egypt of course and israel are not opening its borders as well, and so there is a real danger for men, women and children, and especially the children in gaza. Thank you so much, becky, for that, and we appreciate all of your reporting and your time there. Kate . Thank you so much. We will get back to you very soon, sara. We are also learning new details of how extensive and meticulously this attack was planned by hamas. And images and pamphlets found in hands of hamas shows that some 2,000 terrorists took part in that saturday morning attack. An Israel National adviser holding a first Briefing Since the war began said he clearly made a mistake when he assessed before the war that hamas was deterred. Now, what role iran has played in the attack still remains unclear. This is the very latest on that from President Biden last night to 60 minutes. I dont want to get into classified information, but to be very blunt with you, there is no clear evidence of that. No evidence that iran is behind any of this. Correct. But iran Supports Hamas and hezbollah, but did they have foreknowledge and help to plan the attack, and there is no evidence of that at this point. Joining us now for more on this is the white house and National Security correspondent of tthe New York Times is jeremy sanger, and that is what the white house is saying, but what does it mean that iran has the fingerprints on this because of the history of hamas, but didnt know anything about the actual attack . It is a really good question, kate. It is hard to answer. Because obviously iran has been supporting hamas and hezbollah and providing them with technology and probably providing them with detailed intelligence, but if they were directly involved in this attack that killed 1,300 or more israelis, it could well be a cause for direct conflict between israel and iran. Because the evidence is not there yet, it is not on the table yet, but there are u. S. Officials i have talked to who are concerned about a couple of iranrelated scenarios. One of them is that if there is an attack in the north from hezbollah that in some way iransupported and we are at the moment where the israelis have been so taken by surprise by the attack nine days ago in the south that they are sort of, you know, on a hair trigger for anything that happened in the north. It could well overreact, and little bit like the way that The Americans were concerned after 9 11 that there would be followon attacks. That is why the warning to iran has been so strong. Irans president spoke out yesterday warning that if there is not an immediate end to the way they described situation in gaza and the services and the resources are not immediately restored into gaza that this crisis risks expanding. That is clearly one of the reasons why the Aircraft Carrier groups that biden moved into eastern med, but how real is that concern among the u. S. Officials that you are talking about with expansion, and is that what iran wants . You know, i dont think they want a direct confrontation with the United States. At every moment where there is a chance for them to have a direct confrontation with the United States, they have not done it. I think about when President Trump arranged for or ordered the assassination of general soleimani back in 2020, and we thought that the iranians would directly retaliate against the American Forces in the middle east, and they did not do so. I dont think they have any hesitation of seeing is hezbollah do that and open up a second front. I think that is the big risk area for the United States here. Those Aircraft Carrier groups that you described have been positioned in such a way that their missiles could directly reach the hezbollah operations in lebanon and so forth, and so, thats the nature of the concern, and there is no area where the u. S. Could enter the conflict sending troops, but i could imagine several scenarios in which they could lend the firepower of the Aircraft Carrier groups. That significant in and of itself. And correctly working out. And the words that are use sod are important, and up until now, and going forward. The way that President Biden has started to talk about this whole thing that what happened to israel is akin to the holocaust, and he has been comparing hamas to isis, and the choice to speak of it in that way. I heard dan senor talk about once they lay down markers like that, you have to be prepared for the tough road ahead. What are you hearing from the folks that maybe biden is trying to prepare people for in talk about it this way . Well, it is two ways. And talking about it in comparison the holocaust, and Secretary Blinkens father was a survivor of the holocaust, and made comparisons at several points along the way, and they have said it is the greatest loss of life for israel, and in a single incident since the holocaust. Of course, israels formation was all built out of never having another holocaust again, and to the end of Secretary Blinken, and President Biden saying that they should not seek to occupy the gaza, and that is to say that before you go in, you better think of how you would get out and how the gaza would be governed in the absence of the hamas, and this is a hard problem that i dont think that israelis have the time or the bandwidth to go deal with now, but it will be coming upon it if they are successful, and the second thing is that Secretary Blinken is going to say how you do this is important, because he knows the narrative is going the change as soon as we see imags of Palestinian Civilians being bombed in the invasion, and that going to happen. Yes. David, it is good to see you. Thank you. John . All right. These two u. S. Aircraft carrier groups soon in mediterranean, and what exactly are they going to be doing, and how are they going to be used. And the breaking news again that six u. N. Fuel trucks have now crossed from egypt into gaza at The Rafah Crossing. What is significance of that, and how might that impact what is going to be the impending Ground Invasion of israel into gaza. The live coverage continues right after this. Theres a dire warning now from Palestinian Authority and to be clear that the Palestinian Authority is internationally recognized as the government of the Palestinian People in the west bank but in gaza, it is hamas that rules. But the Palestinian Authority now speak out saying that gaza is on the brink of a real famine. More than half a Million People in the region are displaced now after israeli air strikes and officials are saying that no aid is coming to them. Just this morning cnn witnessed six u. N. Fuel trucks that have been able to cross into gaza from egypt. C nshg Cnn Sal Ma Al Adiz is there, and what can you tell us as there are people gathering at the border . Sara, after a complete siege, the human Rights Groups are saying that the enclave could run out of food and soon run out of water and the basic and the medical supplies and all of the chaos and the carnage and the dead are piling up, and the latest death toll is 2,800 people kill and a quarter of them are children according to the Palestinian Health officials, and i have graphic footage to show you, and i do want to warn the viewers about it, sara, but it is beginning to illustrate what is happening on the ground. What you will see here is images of mass graves. One big mass grave to take all of the dead, and again, 2800 killed so far in a week of the offensive, and people are fleeing south so quickly they dont have time or a chance to identify the bodies of those dead, and again, as you mentioned, all of this is only the beginning as those troop, and the hundreds of thousands of them, the israeli troops are amassing on the border preparing for the potential ground incursion. That is, selma, just turning your stomach thinking about the number of families that it is going to affect. You have been doing an excellent job of looking inside of gaza, because we are not inside of gaza, and we do have some cnn employees giving us the information there, and appreciate all of the work that you have been giving us throughout the week. John. The u. S. S. Four General Group is in the mediterranean, and the parameters of what these u. S. Forces are doing. Well, that is going to depend upon a number of factors, john. Good morning to you. The basic idea is that they will project the American Force wherever they are directed to do so. So what does that mean concretely . It could mean anything from helping with the humanitarian operations all of the way to ensuring that no other power gets involved in the conflict between hamas and israel. So that would involve flying Combat Patrols for example off of the israeli and gaza coast. It could involve taking a look and seeing what kinds of intelligence activities are going on in the lebanonisraelgaza area. And some sofof that is part of missions that the aircraft groups could do, and they are very much part of the power Projection Group that the u. S. Has at its disposal. Over the weekend, colonel, that the president said he would advise no one to occupy the area, and israel is moving south here, but if they were not going to occupy the north here, what would the Israeli Forces do there . So, this could mean a temporary move into the area, and if it is done in a way that we think it could happen, they would go in and take out hamas, and they would hopefully free the hostages, and of course, all of these things are somewhat idealized scenarios and the planners are looking at this. Whenever you get into the combat situation, all of those plans dont quite go out of the window, but they are certainly modified the way in which the enemy or the adversary reacts, so in this case, a tough slog through a difficult urban terrain that we have discussed before, the narrow alleyways, and intense areas with lots of tun tunnels and small areas to be Lookout Posts and tough terrain. And so what President Biden is telling them, do what you need to do, and them get out. It might be easier said than done, but it is good advice based on some of the other things that have happened in israels past and frankly in americas past. Getting in is sometimes easier than getting out. I want to talk about what is happening along the israellebanon border. Israel has said that people within two kilometers of this border, 28 villages, they should evacuate, and by the way, we can put sara sidner, and i can tell you where she is, haifa, which is not far from the border, and telling people to move, and what does that signify . Israel is worried about what hezbollah is doing, and it is the party of god as it is known in arabic is iranian proxy. They are basically testing israel a little bit right now, and they seem to be firing the rounds sympathetic with hamas into northern israel, and so that the volume of the Artillery Fire and the rocket fire from Southern Lebanon has increased in the last few hours. What the israeli authorities are doing, john, they are telling the people to move out of that border zone, because right now, it is more dangerous than it usually is. So, for protective purposes, they are moving people out of there, and hoping it will subside, because that is what they have to worry about when it is coming to the possible twofront war. Thank you for the explanation, and important to explain that hezbollah who is operating in lebanon is not hamas who operates in gaza, but hezbollah is much more powerful than hamas. Thank you for that explain nation. Kate . Rockets continue to fly from hamas into israel. Hamas has launched thousands of rockets since the start of this. Israel, leaving israel to lean hard on the Iron Dome System to protect civilian, and up next a closer look at the critical piece of israels national defense. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Its true. Plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Its happening. This is really hard to look at. We are looking at brandnew drone video that has just come into cnn and it is showing you the enormous and almost unfathomable destruction in gaza city from moments ago. That destruction is far and wide in gaza city. You can see buildings that have been pulverized and some of them just have what is going to be the tops blown off. Some of them have crumbled, and you are looking at the scenes, and you know that israelis have been saying that they are targeting hamas areas, and targeting places where hamas may be hiding weapons and hiding missiles and hiding some other kind of infrastructure and some other kind of fighters from the militant part of the group. But we also know, and we have seen that civilians including children, babies have also been killed, and so you are looking at the destruction, and it is really in parts of gaza city bombed beyond recognition in what is one of the most populated, and densely populated places on the planet, and we know that at this very moment in time, there is a humanitarian crisis going on there, because food and water and fuel is very low, but we have now heard that there are trucks with fuel coming in from egypt, and coming in from the rafah border, and still, looking at the destruction, you can see why there is enormous fear for the civilians in gaza just trying to get away from the vestiges of war. Joining me daniel shea, a navy s. E. A. L. And working for civilians in iraq. And now, thank you for taking time out, and talk us through this, and talk about the hostages as a former navy s. E. A. L. With the experience that you have, and the strategic operations in how to get something done, and can you give us a sense of what you think about the militarys potential Ground Offensive in gaza . We know that right now, there is a huge number, and hundreds of thousands of troops on the border, and tanks are on that border, and they say they are ready to go when they get the word. Yeah, it is going to be an urban assault the likes that, you know, we have seen in last 20 years and only places like fallujah i and ii and ramadi when they overtook it after isis had taken it over. It is a doortodoor battle, and again, as you stated, gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world, and literally on every corner there are going to be challenges. It is going to be a very chaotic, and reminiscent of world war ii, and what happened in europe in world war ii. Wow, that is a really stark, stark thing to say. We are looking at the destruction, too, and i dont know if you can see the destruction, but this is just from air strikes, and this is nothing to do with the ground war that is being prepared. But how would this operation be carried out effectively, and we are being told over and over again that the only goal is to rid the world of hamas once and for all, but they are saying they are also going to try to protect civilian life and this is intertwined in this place, and how do you go about carrying this out effectively . Well, there is no quote easy answer to this, because the civilian population is intermissioned among the hamas fighters and they have done it intentionally, and hamas has tried to put stop gaps from the north to the south, because they have lost the upperhand in the worlds eyes for the terror and destruction that they brought to israel last week, and they want to turn it around and especially with the body count on the civilian side. Nobody cares about the body of the soldier side and the fighters feel the same way, but when the civilians are wrapped up in this, that is when the World Opinion changes, and that is the challenge for the Israeli Forces going in, and literally block to block, there are going to be taking down the buildings that have hamas fighters, but largely civilians still in the mix, so there is no easy way to do this, and it is a nightmare of just epic proportions. And then, you know, even considering the Hostage Operations as well. Even more challenging in an environment like gaza. I did want to ask you about the Hostage Negotiations or the lack thereof. There are now according to the Israeli Defense forces, there are now 199 hostages, and that number has gone up from what they thought was between 100 and 150 hostages and with that many people taken hostages and we are talking about children, and talking about grandparents and people who may have medical issues or people who are injured but still alive and taken by gaza, sorry, hamas in gaza, into gaza, and hamas has a huge extensive Tunnel Network that is underground as well. How on gods earth do you get to anyone at this point in time when, you know, right now, it is closed off to everyone, but israel is looking at going in on the ground. I can tell you in 20 years of Tracking Kidnapping Incidents around the world from the besalan school, and kidnappings in iraq, there is nothing like the challenge in gaza. It is as you said, the Tunnel System that we dont even know if they have been mapped out. Some of that intelligence is available to the Israeli Intelligence support that will be sharing with the u. S. Operational forces on the ground, but there is just no harder environment with density of the population, and the fact that by virtue in iraq, we owned the air space and land space, and we could operate in the middle of the night and move around and the big key thing for Hostage Rescue is a quote, stealthy insertion, because yo have to assume that the hostages are surrounded by armed and guntoting gunmen, and they want to continue the mission. The odds are not good for the hostages, but the same scenario for isis in syria, and we did launch rescue missions, and those that are on earth are certainly assembled in the region, and if anyone can get them out, it is u. S. Special Operation Forces in conjunction with the idf and the Intelligence Services in israel will be bringing to bear. Yeah, i know that we have real surprise yesterday when we found out that the u. S. Has not ruled out sending in troops on the ground to get out particularly american hostages who are stuck there in gaza somewhere, but at this point in time, yeah, as you said, this is going to be Something Like we have never seen before if and when that Ground Offensive happens. Daniel oshea, thank you so much for that analysis on how this Ground Offensive might look, and how theres any possibility that these families will have the hostages to ever see their loved ones again. I appreciate your time. Kate. Another major story we are tracking right now, the republicans in the house are set to vote again on the potential of trying to get a new speaker. The vote is scheduled for tomorrow, and one republican is telling cnn now that they believe around 40 republicans are still a no vote, and fighting it out on the house floor, and will that change the map for jim jordan, and we have a critical voice in this conversation next. This is breaking news just into cnn. The Israeli Parliament known as the knesset had to briefly evacuate after the sirens sounded in jerusalem, and the sirens warning of incoming rocket fire to the holy city of jerusalem, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been speaking there in the last few hours and the lawmakers were asked to leave the floor to a nearby corridor and they remained there for several minutes until an allclear was given. We have seen it happen and experienced it ourselves over and over and over again, and the cnn journalists on the ground reported hearing the sirens there in jerusalem followed by several loud thuds in jerusalem and tel aviv, and the loud thuds are the iron dome knocking out the missiles. Now, we have also had our first video in of the six u. N. Fuel trucks. This is significant. They were able to cross from egypt into gaza via the rafah Border Crossing. The cnn producer on the ground witnessed it firsthand. There has been tons of chaos at that Border Crossing, because thousands upon thousands of Palestinian Civilians and foreign nationals are trying to leave gaza, because they had been warned that they must get out of half of gaza and especially gaza city. I am going to send it over the kate, but these are extraordinary pictures right now coming n because The Rafah Crossing, and it is closed and difficult and we cant get over, but now they can at least get the fuel trucks in, and the question is how long before they let the palestinians and foreign nationals out at that same border. Kate . That is exactly right, but this is an image to remember, because it is the first that we are seeing of the fuel trucks heading in. We will get back to sara shortly. And we are tracking this big headline and story in the United States here, and it has been two full weeks of the House Of Representatives essentially at a standstill, and frozen and paralyzed as it does not have a speaker. This week begins with another round of uncertainsercertainty and jim jordan is now pushing for a house floor tomorrow. He is hoping to battle it out in public now and fight to win over the speakership and rather than keeping it Behind Closed Doors as they have done up to this point, and he is facing an Uphill Battle. One senior republican told c nsncnn there are roughly 40 no votes, and if there is a full vote, he can only lose four votes. Congressman from Arkansas Steve wo womack, and you supported Steve Scalise who is now out, and will you support jim jordan and where are you on this . Well, f s, first of all, katt me say that someone who has commanded troops in sinai and multi forces, and im familiar with rafah crossing, and it is good to know that fuel trucks are going through that terminal, but our hearts break for that area of the world and i want the people watching around the world that it has our attention. But back to the original question thank you, congressman. You will know how i vote when i vote, but i have serious issues about where we stand right now as a conference. Because it seems that the goalposts are continuing to move. The other day when Steve Scalise won and became the designee of the republican conference and his opponent jim jordan who is now the designee said that he would support in his Concession Speech that he would support scalise if he can get 217 in conference before going to the floor. Now, all of the sudden, it is looking like if you are short of 217, it is okay now to go to the floor, since he is the designee, so i am not sure where all hoff is the where all of this is coming down, but it is selfinflict and we have allowed a small percentage of people in the conference to dictate a potential outcome here, and that is not the way that this system is designed to work and nor should it work. My understanding is that there is a chance that we will be vote on this at noon tomorrow, and if that is the case, then, we will know what the vote count is at that time with certainty, and then mr. Jordan is going to know whether or not he has to either have the votes or at least know by roll call who he needs to go work on to shore up the 217, but it is going to require 217, because you wont get any support from the democrats. A couple of things on, that congressman, and to the point that you are making of how you got here. One republican told my Hill Colleagues the following we cant reward this behavior, and talking about the hardliners who ousted kevin mccarthy, and then would not support scalise, and just like you were talking about, and this member said that we cant let a small group be dictators. Do you think that does that drive your decisionmaking, and is that part of the decisionmaking here . Well, it in the calculus of any member who might be predisposed of voting against jim jordan, because the people who are promoting jim jordan for the most part are the people who presided is over the ouster of kevin mccarthy, so it is interesting to see the bedfellows here. We are going to need at least a Conference Meeting where maybe a roll call could take place, and, you know, to have that number. On friday when we left it was 55, and remember that, in Affirmation Vote after jim jordan became the designee, he was still, you know, he didnt have enough votes. Super short. He was way short. Now, i dont know if the 40 number is right. But it is probably less than that, because ifa few have chand their mind, but he has an Uphill Battle if we go tomorrow. And one thing that punch bowl is reporting that some republicans and including some on the appropriations committee, your committee, they are going to vote against jordan no matter what. Do you count yourself in that group . Well know when i vote how i vote, and i will make my intentions known with all of the people that are important in this decisionmaking process to include mr. Jordan, but there are concerns from the appropriations committee. After all, two weeks ago, mr. Jordan voted against the continuing resolution on the very day that the funding was about to lapse, and he in essence voted for a Government Shutdown and that is concerning of a number of approach yays or the a appropriators, and i knw that i am the chairman of the subcommittee and we are concerned about the top line numbers that we are forced write to that we know and most Everybody Knows are not going to become law, because they have to be balanced out with what the recommendations are in the senate. You have to get to 60 votes before you can have a full year of appropriation, and i have said all along given the divisions of the politic, and the country is divided and the congress is divided, but given the division, it is difficult for either party to be able to impose its will on the other. That means it is are you willing to work with the democrats . I work with the democrats everyday. I talk to them. I mean, the governing majority . If it comes to that, and it will be a conference decision, and the conference will have to decide at some point in time how urgent it is for us to get this government functioning again, and with what is going on in israel, we are getting closer and closer to that point, but it is apparent that nobody, and i have said it publicly, nobody in america can get 217 right now out of the republican conference. If that is becoming apparent to everybody, then at some point in time, we have to work across the aisle to figure out what is it going to take to get a speaker elect and get the ball rolling in congress once again. Absolutely. Congressman, thank you for coming on. Really appreciate it. Kate, good to be with you, you bet. Thank you. Coming up, israel is gathering troops and equipment, and amassing at the border with gaza as it is gearing up for the next stages of the war with hamas to take out hamas. We are with the israeli reservists training for the possible ground incursion. Wlet take you there next. Half a Million People have fled to Southern Gaza according to the Palestinian Authority after israel warned that civilians were able to be safe in the northern part of israel where 1. 1 Million People live. Israel warned the civilians to leave the north as it is preparing for what it is calling the next stage of the war on hamas. That could include a ground war

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