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United states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn it is a wolverine kinda night, the crucial president ial Battleground State of michigan is weighing in tonight on the 2024 fight for the white house, sending messages just to both President Job for biden and donald trump. I head of their anticipated rematch in november. If youre just joining us, greetings, im jake tapper and im standing right in the cnn election center. President biden and former President Trump or both michigan primary winners tonight, but thats not the full story of these very significant context. I want you to take a look at the votes in the democratic race. Its a warning sign for President Biden there a protest vote for uncommitted gaining ground now this protest vote pushed by opponents of how President Biden is handling the israel hamas war. Many of them desire a permanent ceasefire and theyre demanding that the United States Government Cut military aid to israel. Lets take a look at these numbers with 19 of the estimated vote in President Joe Biden expectedly has 79. 6 of the vote. Thats a big chunk. 154,000 votes. Hes clearly the winner of the nights contest. He has 125,914 votes more than the number two which is uncommitted with 14. 7 of the vote 28,662 votes in the rear, dean philips, congressman 2. 8 of the vote. But what i want you to understand is that normally in a primary 20,000 people will Vote Uncommitted we only have about 20 of the vote in. Weve already far surpassed that so there is gonna be a Sizeable Protest Vote tonight that the biden team is going to have to contend with and worry about because in november it could come down to just you. Now some votes, remember, trump won michigan with only 10,000 votes in 2016, biden won in 2020, 154,000. So that uncommitted, thats an Important Group of folks. Now, lets look at the republican side. Donald trump has scored another decisive win against nikki haley. This house and closer to the republican president ial nomination with these blockbusters, Super Tuesday contests, just one week away. So trumps dominance is clear, but haley is arguing that mr. Trump is failing to unite the Republican Party. And she continues to peel away much of the republican vote. Lets take a look at that 20 of the estimated vote in donald trump has we expected, is in the lead. He is the projected winner, 66. 5 of the vote. He has 192,009 he had her ten votes. Thats 109,777 votes ahead of nikki haley, who has 28. 6 of the vote. Thats 83,304. But as i noted earlier, it is important to remember than narrow margin of victory in michigan. Joe biden, no, no doubt about it, is going to be targeting these 83,304 people who dont want to vote for donald trump, even though hes clearly going to be their nominee. So lets. Talk about this all with john king, who was standing at the magic wall. And theres a lot going on here, even though for contests where there are two decisive victories i have to say there is a lot going on here. Weve said this throughout the primary so far about former President Trump, but were going to say tonight about President Biden, even as you see their strengths they both candidates have considerable strength. On nights like this, you also see their weaknesses, or at least there are places where they need to do repair slips are showing that 15 , 15 of the vote tonight, you have a democratic incumbent president , 3 voting for congressman phillips. So if you just want to say, i want someone else, you had an opportunity. This is an im mad at you. Its a protest vote the bulk of it, the bulk of that is about the israel Hamas Conflict and the view of Arab Americans, Younger Voters and others, liberals that the president is too quick to side with netanyahu not doing enough for the palestinians. The white house would argue, wait so long time since october 7, pay attention, but heres the president has repair work to do here. Its interesting repair work, you look at 15 in a key Battleground State that tends to pick our president s. So itd be one of the two or three to pick our presence. You say, wheres the problem . I would argue and were still waiting by the way, this is the most important part. How high does the number go . How high is the number of votes and the percentage statewide by the end of the night for uncommitted depends on wayne county and were nowhere in the count 4 of that is quite traditional. What are they doing that now . That is quite traditional. Ive been doing this a long time and wayne county, gary, indiana, i could go on, but well just stick with wayne county right now. Were in michigan. It takes them a long time to count the votes. So were waiting for that, but thats going to have a huge say both in your total number because its the Population Center and its also were dearborn as is detroit its dearborn. Total number and the percentage. But just to make a point here, if you look if you come up here just to look, lets just pick over here kent county, the suburbs, grand rapids in the suburbs around it, uncommitted here getting right now 12 of about 14 . So not saying thats, thats a wound or President Biden has asked hell but then you come here Debbie Dingell was just talking about this Washington County where the university is. Its above 20 . And so the targeted problem for the president is Younger Voters and the Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, people of Middle Eastern descent, 300,000 of them live in the state of michigan. Thats thats where in arberys or no . No. No . And arbors where i just showed you. Yes. This is where arborists yet and arberys here and i was on the University Of Michigan. Ive been on that campus and just its high, the anger, the temper, the frustration is high and you have people there saying a lot of academics to a lot academics, but a lot of young people, a lot of young people who voted for biden in 2020 some of whom say they are voting Uncommitted Tonight as a protest, theyre not donald trump fans. There was one young man we talked about. There is actually from georgia helped the aclu registered voters in 2020 to help joe biden win, who said hes going to Vote Third Party now he has the aisle. Its easy if people at home ago he has socialists leanings his way left. People go, oh, just one kid whatever hes a socialist, but in a competitive flexion, every vote counts, youll people say a lot of democrats say the same thing about trump voters speak of them and disparaging ways. You have one vote, i have one vote. They have one vote about whether the elections are close. Thats what matters. But you do see that thats why this wayne county vote is so important because you do see its 24 now early on. So the president has some healing to do and its very important in the state so close, it will be targeted mostly in the detroit area and on the College Campuses doesnt mean it doesnt exist elsewhere. But thats the biggest part of the problem. And jake, you see the same exact thing on The Other Side, the Haley Campaign, its hard to argue with their points tonight on committed, its getting 15 right now, and were saying Joe Biden Has some work to do. Well, shes getting think 30 and were saying thats an overwhelming win. Both things are true, but both things are true. He has some work to do to again, if you look at the map, wheres the work you come up with some of these rural counties, you just pick one out up here. Donald trumps getting 77 . The rural base of the trump party is still with trump. Then you come down to Macomb County here the blue collar base of the new Trump Republican Party is with donald trump. But then just drive a little bit, leaves slim shady, and come over here to the suburbs and look what happens. Nikki haley gets 30 in the suburbs. Donald trump still has, even as he rolls to the republican nomination still has weaknesses in american suburb. Thats why joe bidens president and just keep in mind, this is who turned out to vote, right . Its the people who turned out to vote. And its pretty clear. Im sure to everybody who voted today, the Donald Trumps going to be the nominee and they still turned out to vote for nikki haley. So in many ways voting for nikki haley, but in others, its a protest vote just as much as uncommitted. So how much of those uncommitted come home and how much a harder to either harder to get home or refused to come home. Its the very same question there. How many of those republicans who will vote for him in november, they just prefer her today. And how many ever saying okay. I cant vote for him. So once shes done, assuming thats silly if it happens unless theres a miracle, where did they go . If theres any good news for joe biden in this, it is some of these people are going to be gettable. Some of these nikki haley people are going to be good for biden. I dont know how many of the uncommitted people are going to be gettable for trump maybe for jill stein, maybe for cornell west, but for trump, i dont know the other thing is that nikki haleys number is much bigger. Lets lets go to dearborn. Now, the center of this protest movement, jeff zeleny is there covering the democrats and the protest for uncommitted the protest vote. Jeff, what are proponents of that protest vote saying about the results tonight as they come in . Jake, we have just stepped outside the event celebrating the success in their view of this uncommitted movement. Here we are in dearborn, of course, the heart of the Arab American and Muslim American population, sharon his john was talking, we are in wayne county, so those are the numbers that are still going to be coming in and that is likely to and it is going to add a significant margin to the uncommitted. But regardless of the final number, organizers here and supporters here, they believe they have already won a measure of success because they believe theyve sent a message loud and clear to President Biden, and indeed they have weve seen his language change in recent months. The question is, what do the voters and the organizers do from here forward, just a short time ago, the House Democratic floor, a leader of the Michigan State house. He said, we are going on to chicago. We are going to the Democratic National convention to protest in the streets this Antiwar Movement is growing. So that is not going to go away. This is something that is going to continue and it will be a soundtrack of this president ial campaign. There is no doubt about that. However, talking to another businessman who was just leaving this event, just a few moments ago, he said he voted uncommitted because he did want to register a protest vote i said, how will you vote in november . He said, i dont know. Once it becomes a choice, he said between President Biden and former president donald trump. He said he desperately wants to keep donald trump out of the white house. So he said that will be a difficult decision to make. I suspect that he sums up the sentiment of many rank and file of voters who voted Uncommitted Today. Of course, the organizers are committed to this cause, but this is something that is going to stay with the white house, stay with the president. Now, uncommitted votes are not necessarily an, a common occurrence. I remember thinking back to the 2012 campaign, barack obama also had some uncommitted on the ranks. The difference here is the substance of why it is committed. It is because of the war. Its because of the president s handling of the war. And that is a burning issue here that is so deeply personal and jake, that is not likely to change anytime soon unless there is a permanent ceasefire. And we all know how difficult that will be. Anti war protesters taking to the streets of chicago for the Democratic National convention. What could, what could go wrong . Jeff zeleny, thanks so much during our conversation now, the national cochair for the bidenharris president ial campaign and former Senior Adviser to President Biden former mayor of new orleans, mitch landrieu. If i used to be somebody, you is now youre saying here with us i get stuck on this panel this has a mouse afflecks from a group that is not happy with joe biden and they are making a point. Yeah. Well, make a point, please. 80 80 . I mean, thats the fourth one that weve been in. Joe biden had a really, really strong night tonight. You cant cut it any other way than that. That is not to say that the uncommitted vote wasnt substantial. The sending a message, the president , as you know, has gotten the message the president has sent the number of Senior Advisers out to michigan to talk about this. This is a very complicated issue. The president continues to make sure that we put american interests first and is working hard as you know on humanitarian aid, working on a ceasefire so that we can actually get the hostages out. And continues to listen to this very difficult pain that communities are going through all across the country, both in the Jewish Community and then muslim and the Palestinian Community as well. That message was, has been delivered. Its going to keep getting delivered in the president s going to continue to listen, but lets just make the point about what happened in michigan tonight. Donald trump got 66 of the vote. Nikki haley got 30, whatever she got, thats a Big Chunk Of Change and joe biden got 80 and uncommitted got 14. So you would much rather be joe biden tonight that donald trump, because at the end of the day, when people focus in on this race, its going to be joe biden in the future versus donald trump in the past. And people are going to really have to make a decision about what direction they want the country to go with the campaign initially sent up some Campaign Advisers and important people in michigan, like the mayor of dearborn said, no, i wanted to hear from the policy people. And then the white house said some policy people. Yeah. Once he going to go when the when is the president going to go . I dont know. Im sure at some time, many of us because they want to be heard and the way to be heard is to actually have all thats one way. Or when the french, when the first, i think when the Campaign Manager, when they said we really want to talk to people and as you know, the next week, they said yeah, it really three senior people and the meeting, although it was tough and it was hard, was it was a heartfelt meeting where the leaders took back to the white house with the thoughts what i was in michigan last week, i was in flint, michigan also was with some photos from the operating engineers. Ive talked to pastors in the Africanamerican Community. Weve to Law Enforcement got a great response, but to be clear, the president hears what it is that the folks in michigan to saying and what the uncommitted team is asking us to think about. And hes putting that into his thought about how to move forward on this very complicated, very difficult paul tissue, which as you know, were really not driving the train on. And it is not something thats going to be easy. You saw the president , i think yesterday getting ice cream. When somebody asked him, well, whats going on with this and he said, look, i expect from my advice is hopefully to have some news on great humanitarian aid. And then of course, hopefully at least attempt for receives fire so they can get the hostages out, which is a critical problem. But the president believes that people ought to voice their opinion. People in michigan to doing that. And of course, people across the country will continue to do that and he will take that into consideration as he moves forward on this very complicated and difficult issue, mr. Mayor, we just brought in this conversation now for a second, if i understand that the election is not until the fall, if the election more today with joe biden lose reelection, i dont think so. What is it about the state of michigan . Do you think it is behaving with its Battleground Status substantially different than some of the other Battleground States is, is it just this you should that were talking about as theres Something Else going on that you think that you and the team and wilmington see in the data that michigan somehow is proving more problematic for joe biden at this time in the campaign than some of the other battle. Well, thats an actual question. Ill leave it up to you guys who could run and gals, i can run the numbers better than i can. Each state is different. New hampshires different, of course, in South Carolina, South Carolina is different from nevada. Nevada is very different from michigan. Michigan is a very diverse state. It does take a very heavy Muslim Population and so because of this particular issue, whether you can compare it to other states or not. I mean, i really dont know. You made a comment just before i think in 2012, just to remind everybody 60 delegates obama lost in michigan and then went on to do really fairly well and they will uncommitted almost in every campaign that approximate, they may be a little bit lower than maybe a little higher. So its not a death sentence. Its a challenge that you have to work through on The Other Side of the aisle, if youre donald trump and nikki haleys clock in and 40 . And then shes clocking in 30 . And in the xy two poles, half of those people are saying, im never voting for trump. Thats a real serious problem. This ones a serious problem that we have to deal with. We have to work through and at the end of the day, the president has to make the case that hes the one that can help provide the Better Future for american. I think joe bidens got the receipts on this i mean, all of you have covered joe bidens presidency. Joe biden created 15 million jobs who have the lowest unemployment rate. We now have 46,000 Infrastructure Projects going on across the country. We have 650 billion of private Sector Investment and weve got the receipts. Youve got a guy, otherwise, it just talks about things that has now talking about oppression, revenge and actually looking backward. And i think when americans look at that choice really clearly and the fairy dust leaves the eyes of all the pundits about how its not going to be biden or its not going to be trump, it is going to be them. But then then, then were going to really kind of get down to brass. What did the accounts though for the fact that biden is underperforming with his coalition with people who brought him to the presidency in 2020, not just muslim voter, American Voters, young voters polls show that hes struggling with hispanic voters. Black voters also, why is the president having such a hard time convincing those votes . You say that because youve been looking at the polls. But when you look at the results from the primaries, he did exceedingly well in every primary that he said clocking in at 85, 99 90 but hes got to win some of these voters back to, well, yeah, and so on. Nikki haleys people are looking for someplace to land too. So its about building coalitions. But at the end of the day, its about a choice about what kind of america you want to live in. And Joe Biden Has, has, has kind of painted a picture of what the future of american you can look like. That includes everybody that actually builds things from the bottomup in the middle out. Donald trump continues to talk about revenge. He continues to talk about giving tax breaks to the richie continues to talk about trying to find a way to find immunity. If you can, for him to order seal Seal Team Six to kill political opponents. That not a freeze everybody in that tracks right away about what were facing and how much worse Donald Trumps going to be, then how bad he was the first time he was in office when we talk about the issue on the table here, which is this uncommitted vote. The president s policies and his support for netanyahu in the middle east. Do you think there is any support for israel . Its important for israel and the manifestation of that is the support for the Prime Minister of israel, which is netanyahu. But its actually interesting that you corrected me because dont you think that the kind of result that the president wants and is pushing for will not happen by his own words with Benjamin Netanyahu is Prime Minister. And if thats the case does netanyahu does President Biden want benny gantz to drop out of the war cabinet and run against him for Prime Minister. Well, im not going to get get ahead of the president on, on any of those things. And im not going to pretend to be jake solomon. You can ask him that when he comes on on on your program i made, i made that point because the president , as you know, has been a big supporter of visual. Israel has a right to exist. Israel has a right to protect itself and the president has historically been there. Thats where he is now. He also has demonstrated, i think in the last month or so about the commitment that he has to make sure that hes pushing as hard as he can on the leaders of visual who by the way, the president does not get to choose. Thats why this is really complicated, because the american president cant say who he wants the Prime Minister of israel to be. You have to work with who is there. But the president has put as you know, publicly, he said, ill put pressure sure. On bibi to do the things that i need him to do in the most humanitarian way as possible. But wars, you, as you know, this war is really hard all of the pictures, all of the deaths on both sides are awful. Its a terrible situation thats very complicated, difficult, and the president will continue to prosecute his case publicly. And of course, as you know privately, very aggressively as his team has been doing, he said that you did spend some time in michigan, including flint what did you hear from the community there . I assume that you spent some time with the Africanamerican Community what did you hear about their concerns . Weve been talking a lot tonight about uncommitted and of course that is about the mideast. But as manu was talking about there other very important. I think there are a lot of late. Theres what americans. Is women what are generally heard in the meeting said hour and is thanks to the president , have finally delivering on promises that have been made and the African American community, the funding for hbcus, of course, when we were in flint, we will actually talking about the president s commitment to make sure that everybody has what else to the water, all all of all of the pipes in flint now have been replaced. Small business to help also making sure that jobs are available. So when we when we talk to local, the local operating engineers, they were thrilled about the Infrastructure Projects that were going on that were creating highpaying jobs. The sheriffs of that particular county said to me, please put me on tv so i can tell the people how much Law Enforcement thanks him for the work that hes doing. This is a campaign. Everybody now has an opportunity to say to the president , what do i need Going Forward . And when people really want at the end of the day, is they want a country that is forwardlooking. They want a country thats inclusive. They want a country that actually gives people from the bottom and the middle up an opportunity, which is what the president has done and listen hes got the receipts, 15 million jobs donald trump lost 2. 5 million jobs. Thats a 17 million jobs weighing thats a big deal. No matter where you count it. And when we tell the people about that, when the choice is really clear, because i have a lot of faith in the american citizens that theres the President Joe Biden is going to get reelected again. All right. Mate andrea, thank you so much for being here. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks, valley, as we get more and more votes in from the state of michigan, were going to get a read on what were learning from tonights results and the prospects for michigan voters to be the ultimate designers of the november fight for the white house. 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Im Lauren Fox On Capitol Hill this is cnn we have key race alert time for you now lets look at the board with 24 of the estimated vote in incumbent President Joe Biden is, of course the winner of the Michigan Democratic party primary, rather 79. 7 of the vote, 184,100 votes. Thats more than 150,000 votes, more than number two, which is uncommitted, which has 14. 5 of the vote and Dean Phillips bringing up the rear with 2. 8 . But as we noted earlier, michigan generally has 20,000 people who Vote Uncommitted, but there is an effort to have a protest vote. People who dont like President Bidens support of Prime Minister netanyahu and israel. They want to cease fire. They want military aid the israel end and they were calling for an uncommitted vote. So on top of the 25,000 that we normally expect, we have an additional now 33,492 total and its only a quarter of the vote in. So that is the significant story of the night. In addition to President Biden pores winning the Democratic Primary, lets go to the republican side now donald trump, of course, weve declared him the winner of the Michigan Republican primary. He is 66. 7 of the vote. Thats 237,243 votes, 136,000 and change change ahead of nikki haley, who has 28. 3 of the vote. Nikki haley with 100,630 votes. And again, as i said before, about the uncommitted vote, that is 100,000 people Republican Voters in michigan who do not want donald trump to be the nominee, where are they going to go in november . That is the conundrum, and that is why we are watching this race with fascination and bated breath. John king, where the votes coming in from, you make a key point, people watching at home, were going to say on the one hit, well, this is a blowout. Sure. Why are they saying theres something to learn here . Well, theres a, theres always something learned, but b, you have to essentially incumbents joe biden for the democrats, donald trump, the former president for the republicans, who have giant strengths and yet significant, important weaknesses worth studying as you go forward for the incumbent president , noted states male andrew was just trying to make the point to 50 okay. You know, itd be a rocket scientist, you could do the math at home. Sure. However, thats an unhappy protest vote against the president because of issues today or the last several months, most of that is because of people who disagree with his conduct, his siding with netanyahu, which is near view over siding with netanyahu in the israelHamas Conflict. There birkins. Theyre Younger Voters, there are more. And so where are they . We still, this is the frustration tonight, but the frustration every election im on detroit, michigan, they council wayne county wayne county account slowly we love baseball. Wayne county count slowly. Those things will never change. Yeah, thats apparently thats the way it goes. You move over here. This is tracing again as i was saying earlier, you tried to wheres your weakness bigger college county. This is washington. Are county is where University Of Michigan and arbor campuses. So the presence the healing, the presence going to have to do if hes gonna get these people back is to get on College Campuses. Number one and talk to young people who also who even before that, theres an Age Disconnect even before that we saw some evidence to president had problems with Younger Voters, and then the other issue is going to be jeff zeleny has been on several times tonight. Hes right here in 94 out of detroit. You get to dearborn it is a thriving wonderful Arab American Community and they are very, very mad at the president. They help elect that they just are, they are very, very mad at a president. They help elect. The question is now Uncommitted Tonight. Where are you in november . And its 24 in wayne county right now, that math is going to go up as we get more votes without a doubt. So you have strength, but a weakness. And if you flip the table, you see the same. Because if were, if again, the Haley Campaign is saying this, im not just repeating them to repeat them. Theres some basis to it. If joe bidens has issues at 15 , well then why doesnt donald trump have issues . When im at 28 and she is correct. And again, you look at where those issues are, which is fascinating to me in blue collar Macomb County. This is again, these people used to be democrats than there was the Big Fight About Reagan Democrats in the 80s and early 90s. There trump republicans now but crea, carried Macomb County. This is the big fight. Will the United Auto Workers endorsement helped joe biden . Can you get the teamsters endorsement . Can he convince blue collar people to come back to him . Well, tonight, the republicans in mcculloch im county michigan are saying were still with him. Right . Thats not a big number. Its still 18 , but then you come over here to the suburbs and it goes to 32. I mean, these people dont live that far from each other, but this is blue color. This is more upscale suburbs. Thats Donald Trumps kryptonite or the american suburbs, without a doubt, as you watch it play out. And yet and yet donald trump is five and run on the table. Yes. Six, no, if you count the Virgin Islands and let me just slide over one second right here for me. And so two weeks from tonight two weeks from tonight, if this continues at the pace that is right now, you see where he is right now. Hes going to get the bulk of the michigan delegates. She may get four or five, depending on that statewide by percentage, there maybe more maybe less. But two weeks from tonight. Were on a path to that. But unless she somehow starts beating him, shes hes undefeated. Unless she somehow turn this tide, which nobody, theres no data to suggest thats about to happen. All the data is to the contrary, two weeks from tonight, even though yes, he has weaknesses hes going to be the republican nominee. So just to go back to the number for one second and i just want to show show that the biden the democratic number here in michigan for one second. And i just wanted people at home to remember this. Okay. So this is 35,046 and maybe some democrats are saying, why are you making such a big deal out . I mean, the number is going to be bigger, willing weve got a quarter of the vote in its 35,000. So theoretically that could be 140,000 maybe im just extrapolating, but its 35,000. Lets just stick with that because thats an actual number. Okay. Lets go to the republican one now, 35,000 uncommitted and for nikki haley, 107,640 and probably a lot of people at home, republicans or democrats, trumps supporters, biden supporters are saying its not really that many people just remember. In 2016, donald trump won michigan with the won by about 10,000 votes. He won by one by about 10,000 votes. And in 2020, joe biden won michigan by about 154 thousand votes. So these small margins can cost the candidates. The state come november anderson. Lets get to kylie atwood covering the nikki Haley Campaign from the salt lake city, utah one of the Super Tuesday states that haley is competing in next week. So 15 states kiley vote a week from today i was. The haley camp planning to take on this key tests. I mean, this is it for them this is it, anderson. Well, this is the most consequential week to date for nikki haleys campaign. And she, herself has raised the stakes incredibly high because when shes asked about the american people, the Republican Party, siding with trump, she often points out that only a few states have voted, but then she points out that after Super Tuesday, there will be more than 20 states and territories that have voted. And so she has put the stakes incredibly high for her campaign. Leading into that week. Now, by Super Tuesday, she will have visited ten states that are going to vote on that day we are in utah, thats one of the state she is going to be visiting here tomorrow and her job is really twofold as shes out on the Campaign Trail this week. First, of course, trying to win over those voters, but then second is trying to raise new Campaign Cash. She had her most successful fundraising month to date in january, but we dont know how much Campaign Cash her campaign currently has in the bag. Its noteworthy that in the 48 hours since the South Carolina primary, even though she lost it, she was able to haul in 2 million in new donations. Thats what a Campaign Official tells me. But also this weekend or sin, we should note that the koch political network, afp, also decided that they are no longer going to be boosting her campaign. Theyre going to be focusing on down ballot candidates instead. So with those two realities, it is important for her when shes headed to these states, shes going to two meet with donors as well to try and get more cash into her Campaign Bank account in order to fuel her campaign if she wants to go past Super Tuesday anderson, kelly, i would think so much even as nikki haley is losing another primary contests, donald trump tonight, she tells her dana bash shes committed to staying in the race at least through the Super Tuesday contests next week youre committing that you are going to be in this race through Super Tuesday im we are in all the Super Tuesday states now. Thats what this is all about, is making sure that we hit every state and led oh, yeah. No. Look, there is a voice out there for you. There is a way out. Yes, we are fighting through it yes. Yes unequivocally, urine through Super Tuesday absolutely. Add. We have a country to save. Absolutely here were the team in new york, so david, you during the break, you were asking the question, what is haleys end game . Yeah. Because you dont you know, shes not talking about delegates anymore. Shes not really suggesting and that shes going to win this contest. You saw the math that john king just put up on the board. But she she said we are offering voters a life raft from what she thinks is going to be disaster in the fall. And it feels like shes sort of setting herself up for the posttrump era, if trump loses in the fall that she is going to be the one who said, i stood up for for principle. I told you that this was going to be we need to take a different direction. The thing is though, when you heard the conversation with dana and we know what nikki haleys stands for. Shes a shes a strong on National Security fiscal conservative. She is the kind of republican that once was the dominant republican in the party. That is not the drift of the Republican Party now, so the question is, is she fighting to lead a party that doesnt want to go . She has provided a life no one has scrapped or just a two thirds of people are in scrambling into the boat. But i would argue, sorry, i would argue the question is less, what is nikki haley going to do next and how was donald trump going to get the 30 to 40 . She has consistently held there are deep substantive differences between nikki haley and donald trump. Shes not an election denier. She supports its aid to ukraine. Weve not talked about this tonight. This is one of the biggest issues happening in our country, but internationally right now and there are republicans who will not be or with republicans if they continue to block this aid package. Shes talking about budgets and deficits. There are p she is making real contrast to donald trump. And even if just say 10 of her supporters can never be with donald trump that is enough to hold him up in a general election. And so are you saying that so what im so explain how this all plays out. Are you saying he should change his position on these issues . Are you saying that he does not have a Winning Coalition right now . Hes running on attacking ivf taylor swift football and wheat. People want to normal Republican Party. This one on third of normal republicans who are grasping for anything else. Many of them will not be what we ever have here. Well, first, i look, i do think youre right that donald trump is demonstrating a lot of weaknesses as he has every time he has run for president the one thing though, is that i do think that weve seen evidence of republicans generally coming home to the Republican Party. Many republicans probably that you know, who dont like donald trump but would not cast a vote for joe biden and cast a vote for trump instead, as the lesser of two evils. So we have to keep in mind that that is still on the table for probably a large swath of that 30 . But as it relates to nikki haley and what shes doing, it does strike me just in listening to her tonight. And listening to her over the last few weeks, she is making a case for herself, not maybe not in this cycle, but maybe in the next one. Shes the last woman standing. Shes putting up 30 , 40 against donald trump and doing so in a way that i think she thinks is leaving herself open to the possibility of being able to run when trump cant be on the ballot again and saying, well, its just time to turn the page, look at what they did the last time because people like ron desantis are not sitting on their hands right now. Theyre preparing for the next go round. And by staying in this race, she really shows that she has the ability to go the longer she stays in, the more votes she gets, the more money she raises, the more name id she gets. This is not bad for her are you able to say million lawyers for im sorry, knew that a point of no return. So im agreeing with abby. She really has nothing to lose, but let us not forget, she has weaknesses to me. She couldnt even when her own state and were also making an assumption that even when mr. Trump is not running for president , hes still going to hold enormous sway over the party. And there is a disconnect between the Republican Party that nikki haley is talking about and the Republican Party that is. And my last point, she denied, you know, shes the candidate that denied what the civil war, while the civil war started. And a lot of people are not going forget that, especially the African American community. So its not i just ms donald j. Trump that has deficiency. She does, too. But the point about what type of Republican Party will lose continue to be. I believe that former president donald j. Trump is going to have sway over as party for many, many decades there are a couple of points i wanted to make. The first is that this is why when we juxtapose the racist tonight, i believe that joe bidens having much stronger night and donald trump, i mean, we have that 33, 30 34,000 voters that are uncommitted and the Biden White House has to be extremely careful not to just discard that. They need to listen to the emotions of those voters, hear them out and understand what their anger is from thats first but sorry. Go ahead. No. But the other thing that is very important is that donald trump has his grip on the Republican Party. This is Donald Trumps Republican Party. Nobody can duplicate that, not even nikki haley. What is she going to do to maintain any relevance over the next . Even spend money in michigan and she spent years because theyre not voting for her. They voted against him, correct . Its thatll matter in a general this time id have to respectfully disagree with my friend bakari is going to bode well for me im getting your, your, your followers back audience from us agreeing earlier, theres a big enthusiasm gap. If you look right now, theres 26, 20 27 of the vote in between the democratic turnout, the republican turnout, the republican turnout is right now far trouncing the democratic turnout. And thats the percentage of the total vote that were waiting to come in. Itll be interesting to see what comes in from wayne county. Yes, i get that. But President Trumps number at the moment is actually more than all of the Democratic Party primary voters together. So i would say that President Trump when looking at the amount of people who are coming out to vote for him tonight would be very encouraged by the amount of votes standard she is getting compared to all the democrats who have shown up its a really the important point here i just i just wanted to say what this underscores is, how much each candidate is relying on the other candidate to organize the vote that they dont have right now to come home in november. So recorder or the michigan vote is in. Were keeping an eye on the total for the uncommitted vote on the Democratic Side Up next to kyiv advocated that protest campaign. Joins us, discuss the message being sent to the president tonight. Lot more ahead. Well be right Frank Sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob didnt want to make those guys he was to vegas. 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The two mostdisliked politicians in america, trump and biden. Both are consumed by chaos negativity, and grievances of the past. The better choice for a better america. Nikki haley i have a different style and approach ill, fix our economy, close our border, and strengthen the cause of freedom. We need a new generation of conservative leadership to get it done. Im nikki haley and i approve this message power etrade, awardwinning trading app makes trading easier with its customizable options chain, easy to use tools and pay for trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. Etrade, from Morgan Stanley power, etrade, easy to use tools make complex trading less complicated. Custom scans help you find new trading opportunities. While an Earnings Tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. Etrade from Morgan Stanley. Dont just get fit, get hardcore fit. Dina, she had 31 pounds and got ripped. 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I want to thank every michigander who made their voice heard today, exercising the right to vote and participating in our democracy is what makes america great. The president says four years ago was michigan ciphers coalition that came together to reject Donald Trumps maga, extremism and sent me in camila to the white house. And because of michiganders, weve been able to work handinhand with government governor whitmer. And the incredible Democratic Leaders in michigans congressional delegation to deliver enormous progress. He goes on to talk about how despite all of this progress, theres a lot of work to be done and says that donald trump is threatening to drag us even further into the past as he pursues revenge and retribution. So clearly there is this quick allusion to the uncommitted effort and the fact that voters went out and spoke their minds. But that quick pivot to the general election, which is really what weve seen the Biden Campaign do over the last many weeks the white house and the president is certainly concerned and very much knows that this tonight, what we saw in michigan very much represents the anger and the frustration that so many people are feeling across the country, particularly as the israelhamas war is dragging on. And i do think that this is why we have seen such a significant shift in rhetoric from the president in the recent days including yesterday when we heard him talking openly about wanting to see a ceasefire. These are all issues at the white house is grappling with and hoping that things can get better as the war changes to a different part and a different state age in the fighting. And of course, they understand the important constituencies that are at play in michigan and theyre saying that it is not a monolithic state and they know that it is not a single issue stayed, and certainly that there are a number of different kinds of constituencies that they are fighting hard to hopefully win over come november all right. Mj lee, thanks so much. Lets go to john king now. John, you have some new information about the uncommitted vote . Yes. A couple of important new ways to look at this jake, including the first votes from dearborn, where you saw jeff zeleny at the dinner where they were organizing the big protests. Obviously, that is ground zero for the Muslim American population in michigan, forgive me, i just dont pull up this blackboard here. First the. First i wanted to show you wayne county, dearborn is right here to the west of detroit. These are the wayne county results has been frustrating. Wayne county always count slow or theyre only a 4 of the estimated vote. We know that none of this that youre seeing President Biden at 71 uncommitted at 24 this does not include any votes from dearborn, but cnn has obtained from the city some of their voc council. Let me pull up this blackboard here and ill write them in for you. Forgive me for turning my back, but im lefthanded. Let me move this over here. Im gonna put this here. These are the unofficial results from the city of dearborn, but city letterhead, this is what joe biden received. Again, forgive me, 1,100 and 41 votes Dean Phillips 54 votes an uncommitted make sure i get this right. 3,703 votes. So thats a wow, if you look at it this way, this is 23 and this is 75 . And so this is just the city of dearborn, but that is where the biggest pocket of the Muslim American, the Arab American population. This is a place President Biden carried bigtime in 2020 this is key to his chances of defeating donald trump but michigan, again, now, 75 to 23 in the city of dearborn. Were waiting to get even more results from wayne county. But this just tells you again, its going to raise the total number without a doubt, let me turn this off. Thats uncommitted. Yes, im committed to 75 , 23 for President Biden, which is going to raise number one, those 3,700 votes are not reflected in the 2000 there from wayne county. So its going to raise the numbers in wayne county to begin with, and its going to obviously raise the percentage in wayne county when you see the lopsided percentage of this right there. So you see in the city we were looking at most closely for how mad, how mad are people at the president. Thats a very significant number out of dearborn. Thats one way to look out. I just want to also come back and look at it this way. So were looking at the state of michigan. There are about 300,000 people who live in the state who family roots tie back to the middle east region, 200,000 Muslim Americans live in the city of michigan so lets take this and look through a demographic lens of the michigan Muslim Population. Let me move this up so you can see it a little better. The darker the yellow are the orange, the more brown here. Thats thats dearborn. Thats wayne county. And deborah, the darker the color, the higher the percentage of Muslim Americans, right . So remember that, remember where you see the growth in the country . Thats centration of the Muslim Population. And so now were going to say where are the votes for uncommitted that we have so far . Where are they coming from . So were going to bring this in and lay it over it right here. The larger the circle the higher the vote for uncommitted in that area. Remember, you see those big circles. Where are they . Theyre over wayne county, there are over dearborn, theyre over those other surrounding suburbs right around detroit, where you have the largest Muslim American population. So yes, uncommitted is getting votes everywhere. But the big concentration tells you jake the president s big problem. Muslim americans who were critical absolutely critical to his big margin in michigan in 2020 are telling the president tonight that they are mad. Indeed, john king, thanks so much joining us now is a key supporter of the protest vote for uncommitted in tonights primary former democratic congressman, andy levin of michigan, congressman. Thanks so much. Joining us. Uh, youre one of the leading voices who urged democrats to Vote Uncommitted. Today, to send a message to President Biden to support a ceasefire and to end military aid to israel. Did this protest achieve what you hoped it would, right now, were at let me look at the board here. Youre about to hit 40 thousand votes for uncommitted with just only a 31 of the overall estimated vote in. So youre headed to big numbers. Did this achieve what you want . It . I mean, this is historic jake. It looks like there will be over 100,000 uncommitted voters in michigan. Joe biden won michigan by 154,000 votes in 2020 and this is not in the president ial contest. This is in a primary where there was no drama and no uncertainty, right . We know joe biden is going to be our nominee. So its very, very significant outcome. I dont take any joy in it. I hasten to say my idea of this was not that i was going to go out and get people who were otherwise going to come out and vote for the president to Vote Uncommitted my worry was that this, this primary would happen and the president wouldnt get the message about how mad people are. So i was saying to all those Arab American and other muslim and African American and young and all these other voters who are so mad at the present isnt it about gaza . Dont stay home, dont stay home, go out and shake your fist go to the ballot box and tell the president youre mad. Otherwise he wont know. And i think that message is being effectively communicated tonight. Congressman, its dana bash. I want to ask about something that the Democratic Floor leader of the Michigan House said and that is that this movement is onto chicago, meaning the democratic convention, which is going to happen this summer is that a sign that you dont think that the president is going to be responsive to what you just described as unprecedented tonight in michigan no, i mean, we will have uncommitted delegates from michigan because of this big vote. But dana, my goal here personally was to get through to the president s campaign that there is no political solution to this problem i dont see how we can win the white house. Again without winning michigan and i dont think we can win michigan unless the president changes course on gaza. Theres no surrogates. He can send. Theres no wonderful advertising. He can do. I mean, what . Great surrogate. We have our own governor. Thats not the problem. The problem is that he has to actually change course. We need a permanent ceasefire now. We need to stop letting Benjamin Netanyahu set the boundaries of the possible. This is a person who has never been for palestinian selfdefense termination in his life im a jew who cares a lot about selfdetermination from my people, dana. But the only way were going to have a secure and peaceful homeland for my people is to also realize the political and human rights of the palestinian people. Netanyahu wont help that happen. Okay. Weve got a president who was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for so long, whos known all the leaders of israel and paulsen for so long, he needs to now lead a peacemaking effort. That can change the way voters here feel about him. Theres nothing he can say. Its got to be about what he does. Thank you. Thank you. Former congressman andy levin. Appreciate your time tonight. Thank you john, are your thoughts look, you can feel his passion. You can tell hes sincere. I really do think that theres a really good chance that this is not a flashing a pan but this is the high watermark of this uncommitted thing thats a lot of talk on twitter. We saw someone on the other panel talking about how they want to take this model to other states. The problem with that is that the michigan ballot has this uncommitted line. Weve been talking about that all night long if you start to chain, youre going to do this on Super Tuesday, youre going to have to ask people to write in something, right . Because its not something that checkoff and none of those states as much as theres a groundswell, but this stuff is going to match the arab and Muslim Community turnout we just saw in dearborn. So its going to turn it into a talking 0. 0. Thats just that ethnic group that Identity Politics group, because the number will trend down right afterwards. But as it relates to what the congressman was saying about the importance of michigan 15 electoral thats fair. And what that matters. Thats why were so focused on tonight. And i think the same question we asked about the haley vote in South Carolina. And tonight is the question we ask here. So whats license now . 40,000 votes for uncommitted. Lets say its hundred thousand. What slice of that comes home to the democrats in november and what stays resistant to biden because of this issue, we dont have the answer to that right now, but the answer to that is going to determine how much trouble hes in in michigan in the fall . Yeah. And as was the leader of the house progressives just told me tonight said that this issue handling of gaza, the world gaza is breaking apart the coalition thats what she said. All right, thanks to everyone here. Our Primary Coverage in michigan continues next the greatest stage they talk about lifetime regrow, the champions tbs at Fisher Investments. We may look like other money managers, but were different. You cant be that different we are we have a team of specialists, not only in investing, but also in financial and Estate Planning and more, your clients rely on you for all that . Yes. And as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first, but you still saw commissionbased products . Lets write know. 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But both are showing real weaknesses with voters that they will need come november for joe biden, are voters just mad about his handling of the war in gaza, or are they mad enough to stay home when it matters most . Well for donald trump, you can ask the very same question. Abby, will republicans coalesce around his campaign in november or will the third of the party who keep voting for someone not named donald trump defect to the incumbent. Abby. Lets go straight to harry enten at the magic wall for the latest from michigan. So harry, what . We seeing so far, where are we are in this process . About 41 in right now as we hit 11 00. Yeah, a little bit of a slow count here, but look donald trump way up on nikki haley, 67 , nikki haleys 28 . You can see the map here. Its all donald trump read. Of course there are some areas where donald trump what is struggling a bit more. Lets go all the way down. Lets see if i can hit it. There we go. This is where ann arbor, the University Of Michigan is well educated area. You can see here a much closer race, 52 of the vote to 43 of the vote, about 86 of the vote in. But look how few votes there are, relatively speaking, only about 23,000. And if you were to zoom now, lets say well go, well go up to the northern peninsula, right . Lets go up here. Lets go up here to chippewa county. Look at this. You see a much wider margin, 78 , 18 . We can go over here to mackinac county, again, 73 to 22 . So a very clear win for donald trump, but harry, i mean, i want to just underscore what you just said there. What you were just showing was sort of xor county. This is a part of michigan the suburbs of detroit, suburbs of lansing, suburbs of grand rapids. Suburban voters. Thats where hes going to struggle the most. Thats exactly right. Lets why dont we go to kent county, right . Gerald ford, kent county, again, 26 of the vote and donald trump, again doing more poorly there with 56 of the vote to nikki haleys 36 of all. One other thing i just want to point on the republican side, abby, is, you know, weve had a bunch of contests so far. A michigan right now. Were seeing trump doing very, very well. Hes doing better there than he did in South Carolina. And hes doing better there then certainly he did in New Hampshire where and they got 54 of votes. So this is Donald Trumps best night of the campaign so far with nikki haley also on the ballot in a state. And harry, what about the democrats . Whats happening on the democratic side . Weve been looking very closely at this uncommitted vote. Where is this number headed . Yeah, 41,000 at this 0. 41014 now, i will note that barack obama, when he was back on the ballot in 2012, he uncommitted in the michigan primary was 11 . So this is doing slightly better than that, but not overwhelmingly better. Lets go back down here. Lets go back down to ann arbor. Write this is a place where with 53 of the Vote Uncommitted, its doing significantly better, 21 of the vote. And you know so you go back to 2020. This was a place where joe biden really struggled. Bernie sanders got 45 of the vote, and that primary, despite the fact that he only got 36 of the vote statewide. So the fact that its doing better in those welleducated, liberal areas, but its not necessarily doing significantly better outside. And you go to, lets say, again, the northern part of the state, what do we see here . We see 14 for uncommitted and a less liberal area. We see it again, a Peter Iron County 11 . So its really doing basically the same across the state. Were not seeing that big uncommitted vote at. You might expect, if liberals were really upset about gaza, this just seems to be light and 43 thousand is more than the uncommitted candidates are Campaign Said that they would get a democratic source. I talked to you tonight said it could be well over 100,000. That would be enough to send a message to joe biden and the state that he won by 150,020 20. He didnt want it by less than three percentage points. But again, i will point out joe biden getting 80 of the vote. While if you look on the republican side, Donald Trumps getting just set 67 of vote. So is that intro sort of hinted at both candidates have their own weaknesses. Absolutely. I mean, this is a pretty big chunk of the republican electorate right now, sending a message to knock donald trump, harry enten. Thank you very much, laura. Thank you. I want to bring in they Campaign Manager now of the movement behind tonights uncommitted vote listen to michigan. Layla elabed, who is also michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib, sister. Im so glad that you are here with us to night. First of all, i wonder what your reaction to tonights turnout is and did you send the message . You were hoping to send to President Biden i mean, we are just, overwhelmed by the fact that we were able to triple our margin of victory of the original 10,000 votes that we were hoping to leverage to send a clear and strong message. Did you, President Joe Biden, his administration, and the Democratic Party that we needed a permanent ceasefire now to save as many palestinian lives as possible in a leyla President Biden, as you know, in recent days, he said that israels response in gaza has been quoting him over the top. He said just yesterday that hes hoping for a ceasefire by the end of this weekend what more do you need to hear from him specifically to go from Uncommitted To committed to voting for him or the concern that all of this is lip service during an Election Year . Yeah, we need more than just nice words and hope. We need a permanent ceasefire right now. Us at different times, what the New York Times you had mentioned this and you said the very bare minimum that biden needs to do to get the vote is to completely overhaul americas relationship with israel. Demand a permanent end to hostilities and end American Military aid to israel his as long as its war in gaza drags on. Do you think that he would likely try to meet those expectations or are there some concessions electorally that you would see . I think if joe biden wants to avoid alienating his core base and his core constituency. He will listen to the uncommitted vote now and realize that he is going to be at risk come november for handing essentially handing the white house over to trump. And hes going to be happy to be accountable to that we went today, we voted michiganders use their ballot box as a humanitarian vote, as a protest vote to demand that our government and our president call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, an end the military funding of our american taxpayer dollars commit a genocide in 2024 helped me follow this thread in terms of what would be the next frontier lets assume that he does not meet the expectations as youve laid out or what youve just described does that mean that the supporters of your particular uncommitted movement is going to, are they going to stay home . Will they vote for donald trump . Well what i can say is this is that the uncommitted voters are not going to be voting in a monolith they are going to have to vote their conscience there are going to be groups voters within this movement that already feel deeply portrayed by biden and his administration for the fact that Muslim Americans and every americans have been directly affected by israels aggression and collective punishment of palestinians. And not only that, as democrats, we feel betrayed because why are we risking arch democracy to align ourselves with someone Like Netanyahu and his rightwing government the idea and you are correct to describe the absence of a monolith when youre talking about any voting bloc of people often will look to it. Ill be curious to see what ultimately will be the decision of those voters voting their conscience, voting what they what i want to mention that President Biden just released a statement thanking michigan, but did not mention the uncommitted whats your response . I think that that is negligence on behalf of the president to once again, ellie mae, the voices of his core constituency, largely who put him in support, who put him in the white house in 2020 because this community largely supported biden based on the promises that he made during his Campaign Trail. And we know that trump is not a friend to our community and we know that he is not a friend to the antiwar proceeds fire community. But right now, we are appealing to joe biden as our president to act now now, before he risks losing his core constituency, come november. But i want to focus on that. What does that mean to lose the core constituencies that mean that although you just said that your constituents, he knows that donald trump is not a friend the causes that you describe. Does that mean that the couch is now the third party . Today that means that we are we need to save as many palestinian, israeli lives as possible. And that this is a humanitarian vote. This is beyond politics we, this is within the Ceasefire Movement and we use our ballot box as a protest vote in order to save as many lives as possible and to end this unchecked and unconditional funding that the United States provided provides to israel to commit genocide using american taxpayer dollars the signal and the message thats being sent to President Biden. I do wonder if knowing that he has not mentioned the constituency of uncommitted, whether the message has been received but what about donald trump, who obviously is also looking at this, wondering if this will inert to his benefit at this point in time. Although the policy is donald trump that he has professed and articulated, are those an improvement to what the Biden Administration is doing now . Like i said, i cant answer to every voter who voted Uncommitted Today. But what i can say is we use the primary as a way to tell joe biden in his administration what we needed right now. Were not focused right now. Whats going to happen in november, but what we do know is that voters are going to vote their conscience. And i dont know if voters will be able to pull their support behind a president that is complicit in genocide as far as trump, i really, you know, i cant answer to every uncommitted voter, but i do know is that we dont expect our voters in michigan to stay at home. We do expect and we encourage our, our voters to come out and vote. And there are plenty important races that are going to be taking place in november besides the president ial election. Very true. Thank you so much. Clearly, the Voter Turnout has been there and a message has been sent. What will come next . Thank you so much, layla elabed, Abby Fascinating interview, laura, thank you. Lets turn to the panel here in new york. Weve got republican strategist Alice Stewart for white house senior policy adviser, ashley allison, former senior White House Communications aide, Jamal Simmons and National Political reporter for the New York Times, astead herndon, ashley, message sent perhaps message received because it seems like tonight, the story that you just heard, theyre being told from the Ceasefire Campaign is being told over and over again. That is the conversation they have wanted one i think its great that people are engaging in this primary and in this democracy. I think the most important thing is if you go out and vote in a primary, you care about whats happening in this country and that in a whole is a good thing. I think that the Biden Campaign will need to assess, but its not just the campaign and sit administration because theyre the ones actually dictating the policy here. I think that they should really consider coming out. Now, biden said a couple of days ago that he thinks is his buyer could come towards the end of the week if that doesnt happen, they might want to consider coming out in full force and actually saying it is time for a ceasefire. And that is not just saying it is time for a ceasefire for israel, it is time on both sides. This is not your time, hamas to to rally your troops to go and attack israel again, hamas and israel, you need a cease fire and we need to get the hostages back. I think that after that in this moment right now, i would urge the campaign not to lead with the alternative was donald trump. That is not resonating with people they know what the alternative that they werent aware what the alternative is. Their community was the first some of the first people to be attacked by donald trump. I talked to one of the uncommitted voters earlier and he said to me, or she said to me we voted for donald trump because we want it something different. And now we are telling joe biden, we want him to be different. And if he isnt, we will make us decision about who we vote. Mean they voted for joe biden. I was giving me they voted for joe biden because they want it done right. So heres heres my question. I mean, ashley makes the observation she thinks maybe were getting close to a time where joe biden needs to endorse a ceasefire would that be enough for arab muslim voters in michigan based on your reporting . I mean, not a singularly, and i think thats partially because the political damage, as we see tonight, has been laid over a set of months. These are folks who are have been consistently calling for the president to be more vocal on this issue. As you to lead or to even acknowledge the consistency of the criticism. And they have chosen not to do those things. I think that if, even if there were to be a ceasefire, you still see lingering kind of a holdover feelings. I think feed into a larger perception of biden as out of touch with the base. Now that is expressed here among them there, but Muslim Community thats expressed among young people in a different way doesnt surprise among black voters in a different way, but its a larger feeling of a disconnect between but between administration and base by two thing, the political question is connected to the Policy Question here, right . Like they were using the system to make a statement about what the Biden Campaign is doing right now in terms of its Support Connection to israel. And i think the the biggest critical political factor here is what do they need next on the policy front . And if there is a messaging question, can they find themselves responding to the expression of pain that these folks are consistently telling them theres a separate way as an aside from endorsing a ceasefire that they can speak to these communities and they havent chosen to do that so far. Yeah, look, this is this is the crux of the question. I mean, as somebody who worked in the white house, when you hear what a leyla elabed just said, which was not just a ceasefire. They want the end of us aid to israel. That would be the equivalent of a light category five hurricane hitting us Foreign Policy ill byd isnt even possible for biden to deliver on that . I dont think anybody in the white house is thinking about changing our entire relationship with israel, right . Israels democracy in the middle east. So weve got allies. People are looking at the United States to see if we stand by. Our allies are signals to china and russia. This is a very complex conversation i think whats interesting about the votes tonight is im watching this a couple of things. One, you see what these boats are coming from Washington County, which is basically ann arbor, which is University Of Michigan. Im seeing a lot of very highly Information Voters who are there. You see dearborn, dearborn heights. Im from michigan. Dearborn. Dearborn heights. Lot of arab Arab American, palestinian in American Voters who are, it looks like that number is like way overwhelming and that makes a lot of sense, right . Thats where it should come from. Now, whats not happening is i was on the phone with some of my low information voter relatives in the last 24 hours. And i said, how do you feel about being uncommitted . Uncommitted to what . So there are African Americans who are in the city of detroit which are a big chunk of the biden vote, who arent there, but will be much more concerning to me because this is a little bit of a low risk protest because the Democratic Primary you know, youre not actually voting for donald trump. If you vote for uncommitted, its a different question when you get to the fall what would have been more concerning is that these voters voted for Dean Phillips. Now, if these voters have voted for Dean Phillips, there will be a fire alarm inside the white house right now and everybody who will be out of that building and theyd be out in the Campaign Making this thing happen. And then look, ill let you jump in definitely. But donald trump right now is battling back nikki haley you know, by 2030 points, joe biden is still winning by a very comfortable margin and to jamals point, Dean Phillips, the guy whos actually running against him cant get beyond 5 . But thats not going to change. And jamal saying this is a lowrisk protests, it is. Look, i think this is not exactly a profile encouraged when youre encouraging people to go out and Vote Uncommitted. And i primary. Now if they really wanted to send the message to joe biden, they would take this all the way through november her and say that were going to do a protest. Voters sit on the couch in november. Theyre not going to do that. And she mentioned that in our conversation with laura. But if they were to carry this through november, this would be a huge concern for joe biden. Look, those numbers were seeing right now, 46,000 michigan people voted uncommitted. That thats the Significance Bucket Number in 2020 election. Joe biden beat donald trump by around 150,000 in 2016, Hillary Clinton lost to donald trump by around 10,000, 10,000 votes could sway the difference if these uncommitted voters keep this passion going through to november, it could be a huge warning sign in a big problem for joe biden. Im not certain theyre going to do so, but we heard also from Debbie Dingell, congresswoman from michigan earlier. She has been sounding the alarm to this administration for quite some time. We have to address the situation the Arab Muslim Community in michigan is crying out for this. And the younger community in michigan is doing so as well. And if he is going to really address this situation, he needs to do something much more serious than throwing out up possibility of a ceasefire in an ice cream shop. It must be much more organized and it has to include a ceasefire and releasing the hostages. I mean, what happens on the ground is incredibly consequential. Worth noting though Debbie Dingell has been sounding the alarm even both for this, so it could be issues compounded on one another. Everyone stick around for us. Laura really so fascinating to think about the risk and the lowrisk or not, were going to discuss the results on the republican side. Next though and why donald trump. Well, hes also showing some vulnerabilities plus a showdown really is brewing over the issue that Many Democrats think is actually going to define this election as a Senate Democrat is going to dare republicans to vote and some ivf bill and of course, well rfk junior play a kind of a spoiler this year. 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Or was iowa and New Hampshire then it felt like for ever to get the South Carolina and then the michigan. But i will tell you that were about to go on steroids. Were about to hit the highway i95 my goodness, gracious. Cumulative delegates a lot. All right. Saw on the republican side, just 6 by next tuesday, just seven days from now, its going to be upwards to near a majority, 50 by march 12, 14 days from now, two weeks, its going to be a clear majority, 56 , and 21 days from now, look at this were going to be upwards of 71 of all delegates allotted. I will note that tonight in michigan, in fact, were not allotting any of the delegates because michigan decided to do something a little bit weird on the gop cyber, theyre also going to have a state convention this weekend where most of the delegates will be allotted, but next tuesday, were going to have a ton of delegates be a lot of and heres something to keep in mind thats key, abby, most of the gop contests after tonight are either going to be winnertakeall with winter gets all of the delegates, or its going to win or winner take most with a winnable get most, if not all of the delegates. So a lot of delegates will be allotted very quickly to the winners of these upcoming primaries. Yeah. I mean, its basically a snowball ill effect that could be happening here. So when it comes to donald trump and how quickly he can get to the nomination, what does it look like . Yeah. So, you know, as we pointed out, winter winner take most, a lot of contexts. Lets go to Super Tuesday are two big prizes, california and texas. Look at the polling here. Donald trump dominating california look at this a 40 point lead. He get all the delegates out there way more than 100 delegates. How about in texas . Winner take most 80 of the vote to just 19 for nikki haley. So the two biggest prizes on Super Tuesday, looking very good for donald trump. And this is part of something that were seeing in the calendar Going Forward. Because tonight in michigan, you know, nikki haleys getting about a little less than a third of the vote. That aint likely to happen. A lot of states Going Forward, because take a look at the choice for gop nominee nationally, Quinnipiac University of recent poll. Look at this 80 of the vote for donald trump, just 17 for nikki haley, Marquette University law school poll. Look here, 73 none of the vote for donald trump, just 15 for nikki haley. So california and texas next tuesday, very large leads for donald trump. Its part of a larger pattern where were seeing very large leads for donald trump nationally. Hes gonna get a lot of delegates Going Forward at this polling. Plus harry to play devils advocate. It seems like donald trump has been underperforming his polling and a lot of these states. So if youre nikki haley, youre probably looking at that and hoping that thats what maybe so. But donald trump would really have to underperform his calling for nikki haley anywhere near where she needs to go go forward. Thats right. All right. Harry enten. Thank you very much. Laura. Point taken. Abby thank you so much to talk about the republican primary now, and i want to bring in my fabulous panel weve got cnn contributor a lulu garcianavarro, bloomberg political and policy columnist, niamalika henderson, cnn political commentator karen finney, and republican strategist shermichael singleton. I am dying to hear what each of you has to say about this because what were seeing tonight, yet another race and yes its trump was successful. But to abbys point, i mean, he could have been more definitive in his win. Lula me ask you about this because he was expected to win. Nikki haley is saying, look, i already told you Super Tuesday is where im going. Shes vowing to stay in the race she is going to stay in the race. I have long said i am not exactly clear who is her constituency in the Republican Party. I mean, this is the thing, this is a republican primary and weve seen her be very strong with independence. Weve seen her be very strong with people who identify within the Republican Party as moderates or liberals. I dont know exactly who they are, but apparently they are people who supported nikki haley. And yet and yet here we are. And you see that polling and you see that she has no path Going Forward. And so all the speculation is, what if something happens to donald trump, what if the legal issues come over and throw him out of the race . The problem along with that is im not convinced that nikki haley is the person that theyre going to turn to. And so at this point, she is someone that the never trumpers really like. But you know, how many election cycles do we have to go through where we kind of build up the never trumpers only to see them really fail. I mean, youre right in nevada, didnt she lose to none . One of the candidates . None of the above can of the above. I think in talking to trump to biden voters, which were key part of bidens victory in 2020. Those are the haley voters, right . There. Never trumpers or once trumpers and now more like buying it and i think nikki haley, you as whats going to happen to nothing is going to happen to donald trump, right . That hes likely going to be the nominee is something happening to donald trump right now . Right. Is she weakening him in this contest . Shes sort of gotten some momentum, i think in terms of her message, you see some of that she was on cnn or earlier this morning . Morning talking about him as the chaos candidate, saying hes too old, saying he cant when she sounds like a democrat, right . I just i dont want one thing. I just want to say one thing which is what weve seen with nikki haley, is that actually shes pulling worse among republicans the longer this goes on. Problem for her. Shes been saying that for. A while now now and people just are not buying it. She has not won the state. She has so far behind in the delegate count. She has so few delegates. She wont even have any power at the Gop Convention to make anything like she cant even try to negotiate for something. I think its wrong, but i think the nikki haley effect xi is a container for republicans who do not like trump and possibly will vote for joe biden thats a great platform in the container. Thats not, that are not not going to bring up. Yeah. Go ahead. Finish your thought. I think thats the point, is that people are maybe i mean, i have a cousin then who lives in South Carolina. Hes a democrat. He voted for nikki haley just because he thought it would be fun and i sort of said, what did you think you accomplish with that . But okay. I dont see momentum. Shes polling at 27. 2 . This is terribly bad. You look at a quarter of Republican Voters that have voted for nikki haley, that never trumpers. You look at the last its president ial election 2020, about half of those quote, unquote, never trumpers actually voted for donald trump. I am not convinced that a plethora of them will all of a sudden vote for biden now some will vote for biden, but i think thats more like around 15 quantitatively speaking so with that said nikki haley, she has not in my opinion convince Republican Voters as shes the alternative. And lets just Say Something magically happens to donald trump tomorrow. You still have 60 of Republican Voters who are saying we dont want nikki haley, were not going to vote for nikki haley. Well, tonight, she actually ended a state might want to play for a second and what she had to say hey because she says it looked down and trump is not bringing people in. Hes pushing them out. Listen ever since donald trump became president , theyve lost the governors mansion. Theyve lost the state house. Theyve lost the state senate. It is a problem hes now bringing people into the party. Hes pushing people out of the party shes talking about michigan yes. The party. But heres heres the problem that she has with that message. Again, people arent buying it. The Republican Party made that devils bargain back in 20 hes 16 because remember previously they did the big autopsy and they were going to be more friendly to women. And then were going to be more friendly to minorities and try to be trying to broaden their coalition and then with trump, they kind of said, oh, okay, we were not going to do that for a while. Well just stick with a narrowing. So theyve already made that burden people into the party. I mean, trump brought a lot of people into the vote count, went up in 2020 at the time. I mean, they didnt let me let me hear me. But this is this is the but this is the this is the kind of conundrum of donald trump, which is he brings people and he has shifted the party, the base it looks completely different than it did in 2016. But at the other hand, you have a lot of people that hes repelled, like suburban women who are huge part of the Democratic Coalition at this point. And i think the pinto, like its, thats why were seeing this on a knifes edge the whole time. But i think the people who are supporting thank her. I agree with shermichael. They will be more likely to vote for joe biden because shes reminding them that youre not going to be for trump. And if youre not virtra and heres the reality though thats how we wanted 2020 that would happen to hold on. You have to put together a coalition of African American voters, young voters you know, never trumpers, moderates, independents. The base thats how theyre going to have to put together the coalition 22 comes out and says, i support donald trump. Im endorsing donald trump. Im gonna go and campaign for donald trying i believe thats going to happen. It doesnt matter. Because ive talked to some of these voters who will Republican Voters whose identity now is locked into been a never trumper. They cant stand his character. They kids ever since. That is not a small amount of peep thats a big deal, but i but im looking at that. Im looking at a battleground straight state strategy for the former president. Im looking at georgia. Im looking at nevada. Im looking at wisconsin. Im looking at arizona. These are all states at the former president lost by 33,000 votes. Some 12,000 votes bear barely difference. Im not really concerned about michigan. Joe biden can win michigan. Donald trump can lose michigan when those four states and stuff so return back to the white house is so this idea that nikki haley is somehow pulling in 30 . Im not convinced of that, but he says five to 10 because its going to be an election and let me ask the question though, because i literally you made the point there beginning about the big whatifs and wavy. Shes hanging on talking about nikki haley hanging on because of the whatifs . I mean, the whatifs includes some federal indictment. They include some state prosecutions at the very least. Right. So the one is an issue. So would this be a politically naive moved to say either a, im hanging in there for that reason to give me as she says, a non soviet choice style of an election or is it possible that shes not thinking about 20 28 as a republican, shes thinking about right now, no labels. I mean, this is the huge speculation that somehow shes going to make this no labels push. I dont believe it. I havent heard anything that suggests it. She is a committed republican. Weve seen a lot lot of people floated as the no labels candidate and that group has not really shown itself to have a lot of legs. Find ourselves that the no labels candidate will in effect elect donald trump. Thats right. Full stop. If you look at their math, it does not add up. I agree with that. I do. I think this is it for nikki haley in terms of her National Political career. This is it that theres no chance for her in 2028, even if something legally were to happen to donald trump, im not convinced that a plethora of his voters was suddenly go to nikkihaley, i think ron desantis would have a better chance i get in the majority of trumps voters that nikki haley, well, as use it as that famous line in dumb and dumber. See you they, and i gotta to shake everyones thick around up next what goods are racing to promised voters that they will protect ivf . As democrats just hours from now will force them to prove it. And later, why the trump teams star witness failed to deliver the damning testimony that they wanted they want to disqualify fani willis in georgia. Did they meet their burden to show that her actions would lead to an unfair trial for me, the defendants to be a ahead why her las vegas thats what i want to do. Its unlikely anywhere else in the world. Vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn welcome to the lobsterfest is your party ready . 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They can help you get started with your idea called now 807100020 all right, a showdown is set for tomorrow as democratic senator Tammy Duckworth will dare or republican colleagues to unanimously passed her legislation that would protect access to fertility treatments like ivf. This of course, after the Alabama Supreme Court decision that frozen embryos are children, a ruling that has the gop and full on damage control. Duck realization is actually expected to fail by the way, in the house, republican congresswoman nancy mace is unveiling a nonbinding resolution to express support for ivf babies reportedly trying to build consensus for her own ivf related legislation. Weve got harry enten, hes back with us at the magic wall with more on what voters are really thinking about this important issue. Harry, how do americans feel all about that . Yeah, i mean, look, laura, the fact is theres actually very little polling on it because i dont think a lot of pollsters thought to ask this question before the Supreme Court ruling from alabama came down. But you know, this is all tied together with abortion rights ivf and abortion rights. Obviously after the overturning of roe v. Wade, which sort of paved the way that alabama, Alabama Supreme Court ruling. Look, we have had seven ballot measures on abortion rights since july 2022 when roe v. Wade was overturned, look at this look at this on every single one of those ballot measures, the proabortion sites ride one vermont 77 , a very blue state. But look at kentucky not so much of a blue state, 52 . And obviously in ohio back last november 57 of that vote one. Now, we do have a little bit of polling on ivf okay. Americans who believe the procedure is morally wrong. Abortion, despite the fact that abortion does very well in those ballot measures, 49 of americans said that abortion was morally wrong in the last poll that we had an ivf back in 2013, look at ivf though, just 12 of americans believed that iv yeah fertilization is wrong. So the fact is ivf much more popular than abortion, which has proven to be quite popular in a lot of ballot measures, laura. So how might this all play obvious, looking forward to the 2024 election . Because again, yet another unexpected issue that the candidates are having to grapple with based on a court ruling . Yeah. Anything that is related to abortion rights as some the ground that donald trump would be much more interested talking about the economy, because trust biden or trump more on the economy, trump as a 20 point lead, look at abortion, bidens lead is eight points. A much better playing ground for him. Of course, the real question is how important will this be in voters minds on that Midterm Election back in 2022 . 52 of voters said that abortion was extremely important to their vote. Now its down to just 42 . And a recent cnn poll back in november of 2023. So i think the question is, laura, does these rulings like those coming out of alabama on ivf changed that and make important to go up, democrats would surely welcome that laura i mean, harry enten. Thank you, abby. Of course, you interviewed congressman matt gaetz about this issue and part, and he talked about the risk of having the conflation between abortion and ivf notable because hes a very conservative republican. Who he said that donald trump follow the next day and the rest is history. Republicans distancing themselves now from this ivf ruling. Laura, back with my panel here in new york, ashley that question that harry just post at the end, there is the abortion issue that ivf issue. Is this a waning issue or is it something that democrats can continue to keep alive . Oh, its definitely something that democrats can keep alive through the 2024 election because women still have lost this constitutional right to have bodily autonomy. And until it is either codified through congress or it wont be able to work its way probably up to the court to reinstate roe. Its an issue that we can campaign on many states in this election are considering ballot measures around abortion and i love the fact that there is a bill coming up to onto the floor of the senate to see if republicans will support it because just this week, the rnc put out a memo telling their candidates to support ivf. So you can talk the talk, you can put it in a memo. Now but heres the reality. Look, republicans and conservative republicans are prolife. Thats why weve advocated for years to overturn roe v. Wade and put this in the hands of people at the state level and look, youre you havent found republicans coming out against ivf in fact, donald trump and gaetz and others have said they support this. But in terms of duck force legislation that shes planning to put forth, republicans are not going to be in support of this. They think this should be handled again at the statelevel, just like abortion. Debate will come forth in washington tomorrow, talking about federal protections for ivf, which democrats will support and republicans saying, look, we support ivf. We understand there are many couples, many families that cannot conceive a child without this, and they support this. But this needs to be handled at the state level and look, this is, this is list, dont you think theres mixed messages being sent here . I mean, you have all these candidates pretty much everybody is whos running for the presidency, including donald trump, supports a national ban at some point not to mention theyre totally fine with the Supreme Court ruling for the entire country banning abortion. It and they have a national ban. It. Lindsey graham right after roe introduced a national ban, contradictory to the point you just made, saying that they would put it in and theyre not saying the quiet part out loud. Theyre hoping that donald trump could win so that they can implement their entire, but they understand the political consequences of the fact that road itll be wade has been overturned and trump has even mentioned that much to the chagrin of prolife activists across the country, because as harry mentioned, every time abortion has been on the ballot at the state level, the proabortion movement has one and republicans recognize that. And we also recognize that this is an issue, again, that should be handled at the state level, and they also under understand that joe biden and democrats would much rather be talking about the abortion issue than the economy, than the border, than National Security, then crime in the streets. These are issues that he is underwater on against donald trump, and they would much rather be talking about abortion again from a political standpoint, it makes sense because it works for democrats, said to you think that the Biden Administration has actually effectively used abortion as a powerful of an issue as it is to their benefit. I think they have tried, they have certainly deployed the kind of messaging gone and theyve deployed the Vice President on the issue, but i really dont think it comes down to them because the stakes of this are so visceral that when it is on the ballot in the state level, when there is a contrast between the candidates, we have seen voters react to that almost every single time. And so if youre the Biden Campaign, you are certainly at a better advantage when this election is about anything other than the person at the top. And you know that abortion is the most potent issue on this. I think republicans have put themselves in a pickle of their own prolife wing that has captured specifically the legal arm of the Republican Party and really driven the party on this issue is out of step with where majority of americans are. We continue to see that pop up in state after state after state. And so when you have the reason that senator duckworth can do this on this on the senate floor. The reason why this continues to be something that gives democrats hope for november is because republicans, ive kind of havent even decided where they want to go Going Forward to your point, they are embracing a national ban on and there and theyre wing of evangelicals forces that on two candidates, donald trump is in a pickle, even though he sounds much different than Mike Huckabee or ted cruz kind of like whackamole to because they never know when one of the judges that they put on a state court or whatever is going to rule in a way that is going to put abortion back on the front pages absolutely republican judges want to get rid of ivf. The republican judges tried to get rid of your right to abortion. We had a senate vote on contraception. That report well, because wouldnt vote for some republicans and has been before theyre just wrong on the sexual gender politics of this era. And it is going to bite them in the, but again, in 2024. And same way did in 2022, you ask that the administration was using this effectively . I will tell you i was in the administration during the midterms, the 2022, the Vice President and it stays talked about this three or four days a week. We traveled the country. She was very out front on it as she helps set the tone for every other democrat about how to talk about it. And democrats basically one or tied that election when they were supposed to get some more dems and arizona referendums in florida for november drive people even without when i was talking to as the mifepristone case, thats coming gap in the Supreme Court in june, going into convention season, going into president ial debates, where people are going to have to say, do you want contraception, do you want the availability to the Abortion Pill . Because most women who have to experience an abortion use mifepristone out of our bedrooms. Guy my Doctors Office hi, guys. I totally my mind meld over here, you know, when i when i interviewed the democratic governors last week, they talked about that actively putting these issues on the ballot and actively making judges an issue on the ballot in their states. And at the local level, weve got to leave it there for this conversation for a moment, but stick around for us. Coming up. President biden, delivering a stark warning to israel, moderate its operations and gaza or risk losing Additional International support. Well speak with a congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman schultz about this coming up i am not guilty. I am resigning Administration Officials destroyed my cover. Politics. 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The big question is tonight, turn out a symptom of a much larger problem for democrats more broadly, joining me now congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultz of florida. Thank you so much for joining me this after this evening is late in the evening at this point in time thank you. Congresswoman democrats have now 59,000 plus reasons and counting, i would add to figure out how to keep this protest vote from having people stay home in november. Has the message of this protest been received . Well, i think its important to note a couple of critical elements of the turnout here today. The michigan secretary of state, for example, is predicting that therell be about 1 million democrats voting today at when all is said and done and the fact that that many people in a primary that is essentially uncontested turned out shows the enthusiasm and the determinations that Michigan Democrats want to reelect joe biden, particularly based on in the number of the things that you were talking about in the last interview. I mean, michigan voters very clearly and resoundingly are prochoice. Want to make sure that reproductive freedom is maintained. Its support are supportive of joe biden, particularly manufacturing jobs hes created. His record is remarkable and i think that that will show in the november election. The other thing thats important to note, laura, is that if you look at president obamas 2012 reelection results uncommitted, were were in double digits and about five or six states. So joe biden is actually doing quite a bit better here than then, even when president obama had uncommitted results in his, in his march two reelection in 2012 certainly uncommitted as a concept is not novel and it was a factor for trump. It was a factor for obama to factor for incumbent presence, as you see right now. But there is a needle that has to be threaded because as i was speaking to one of our guests about the why behind the uncommitted she spoke of it as being a humanitarian protests, not so much but politics and the longer. So its really hard to overstate at one point of how important michigan is to bidens reelection, but also the question, how does he support israel and keep the coalition that he needs to win in a state like michigan well i mean, i think its really important to remind people that october 7 you had the worst attack and the most murders of jews in the world since the holocaust. And the 1,200 plus jews were slaughtered by a terrorist organization, hamas. 240 were taken hostage to 134 of those are still held hostage. And this could end today. If hamas does exactly what they should do, which is released the hostages and its also important to know that the palestinians in gaza are also victims of hamas. This is a tragedy, an epic tragedy that has been perpetrated on the pip people of gaza. And the people of israel by a terrorist organization, hamas laser therapy certainly the idea of addressing the death toll and what is being experienced. Those who remain as hostages and those who were confined to the area is part of what is behind the protests and humanitarian discussions that really has to be tackled in terms of what goes next and what happens next. I do want to point out to you that there is some new reporting by our cnn Global Affairs analyst, barak ravid he is reporting tonight that the Biden Administration is giving israel until midmarch, which is two weeks away, really, to commit in writing to abide by International Law while using u. S. Made weapons. And heres the consequences. They dont if they dont, those weapons will the transfer is will then be paused. I wondering, should the us consider pausing military aid if this reporting is true . Laura, its important to note that that that instruction that guidance is part of the memorandum that the Administration Just released its memorandum 20 and i mean, it is already us law at that we expect that our international partners, particularly those that get us assistance, abide

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