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Month, will allow congressional leadership of the white house to come to a final budget agreement with legislation including a limited number of technical changes to ensure good governance. It also includes language to continue the Childrens Health Insurance Program through fiscal year 2023. To help Sick Children from lowincome families get better and to ensure they have healthy and happy futures. Additionally this proposal extends several health carerelated tax provisions. Mr. Chairman, a continuing resolution is not the preferred way to reduce to conduct the nations fiscal business but at this point it is absolutely necessary to avoid a costly, destabilizing Government Shutdown. It is my hope that this will be the last continuing resolution the leadership of the house and senate and white house will quickly come to an agreement on top line spending levels and then we can complete our appropriations work for fiscal year 2018 in short order. Its critical we enact all 12 fullyear funding bills to ensure that our armed forces have the resources they need to accomplish their mission. Both at home and abroad. And that our Government Supports and maintains programs that are lives and the livelihoods of all americans. Mr. Chairman, i urge yes on this critical legislation and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from lives and new je reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey since President Trumps draconian budget was released, democrats have warned republicans that a bipartisan budget agreement was needed to adequately invest in American Families and communities. Without a budget agreement, programs as diverse as head start, job training, terrorism prevention grants are in danger of inadequate funding at best. Yet, Republican Leadership and the white house have no appropriation strategy other than endless continuing resolutions. Mr. Speaker, the most powerful country in the world now being completely run by a republican government cant keep the lights on longer than four weeks at a time. How did we get here . If this bill passes, is there any reason to believe we will not be back in the same place next month stumbling from one crisis to another is an irresponsible way to govern. Attempting to avoid a shutdown every month denies federal agencies budget certainty and waste taxpayer dollars. Several of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have lamented the damage that the r. S. Inflicts on our military. I agree with them. Yet, time after time they vote for the exact same strategy they bemoan. I encourage my colleague to take action, hasten agreements on immigration and spending caps that would lead to responsible funding bills that keep americans safe. It is also unconscionable that instead of advancing a solution to this impasse, the president personally reneged on his word and rejected a bipartisan compromise on immigration. Protection of American Teens and young adults from impending deportation to a country they dont know is the key to unlocking a responsible bipartisan spending agreement. How can we expect to ever fund the government responsibly when the president cannot be trusted to keep his word . The majority has failed to address a number of high priority items, like funding to combat the Opioid Epidemic, pension protections, funding for Community Health centers. The continuing resolution lacks an important anomaly requested i will the administration to provide by the administration to provide help the Small Business administration while the disaster supplemental is stalled in the senate. Without this language, the Small Business administration will run out of funds by the end of january and will be unable to continue approving loan applications from puerto rico. My friends, this is not how the appropriations process is supposed to work. Its time to protect young americans, lift budget caps, allow chairman frelinghuysen and all of our Committee Members to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Instead of wasting dollars on time, on further c. R. s, we should instead immediately pass a budget agreement and help dreamers, which would facilitate fullyear funding bills the committee could begin writing today. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. Members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to mr. Diazbalart of florida for three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Diazbalart i rise in strong support of this bill. Look, this short resolution, this continuing resolution will give us time to negotiate a budget and addresses our nations priorities. Lets be very clear. If this does not pass now, go to the senate, pass there, sent to the president for his signature and is signed, the federal government will shut down this week. So we all know, as the chairman said, shortterm c. R. s, thats not something we want to do. Thats not our preference. Again, if this one does not pass now, the federal government will shut down. And this is no time to shortchange our first responders, our military. Respond to e to the threats that face us abroad, this is no time to shut down the federal government. The c. R. Supports ongoing Transportation Safety missions, include air traffic control. Again, we cannot allow to shut down and put all that in jeopardy. It allows us to continue the house to house the most vulnerable families, especially our veterans. This is not the time to let them down by shutting, again, the federal government down. It also funds medical care for millions of children, blocks burdensome Health Insurance taxes and, again, supports missioncritical defense activities. This is not the time to let them all down and shut down the federal government. And finally, mr. Speaker, the shortterm c. R. Will allow us to Work Together to find Common Ground on, again, fullyear 2018 bills that meet our defense and domestic priorities. Something else, mr. Speaker. I want the country to know we also have to deal, have to solve the issue of daca. Both sides, not only have been at fault for in many cases refusing to sit down in good faith to negotiate a solution, this c. R. Gives us some time to make sure we solve that issue. Its not time now for political games and gamesmanship and politics. We need to be able to solve the issue of those young folks. We cant do that if the government is shut down. Its time for leadership, for courage. Lets sit down, work out our differences, help secure the border and provide a solution for these deserving kids. For that reason and for so many others, mr. Speaker, it is essential that we do not allow the federal government to shut down. Voting against this resolution is a vote to shut down the federal government. I believe that will be highly irresponsible, so i urge a strong yes vote. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from maryland, the democratic whip, mr. Hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman i thank the gentlelady for yielding. Mr. Speaker, we are now four months into the fiscal year, and this is our fourth continuing resolution. The gentleman says now is the time to work things out. Every democrat voted to extend the fiscal year by 90 days. Nothing was worked out. Why . Because you spent all your time on a tax bill, giving resources 83 of the resources to the richest people in america. Republicans control all the levers of the legislative process the house, the senate, the white house. They have the votes on their own to keep the government open or choose to shut it down as they did by policy some years ago for 16 days. We dont want to shut down the government. Keeping the government open by passing appropriation bills is the most basic responsibility of any governing majority. This governing majority has not sent a single not one appropriation bill to the president of the United States. Not one. Republicans ought to have gotten this work done in the spring and summer, but they wasted their time trying to repeal the Affordable Care act. Thats all they did. After failing to do so, they asked for more time in september. And we voted, every one of us, to give them that time. They squandered it. They had to do more two more extensions. They squandered that time. Now they want to have another time where they can squander more time. Instead of using the extra time to use the job of governing, they wasted it on passing tax overhaul that added 1. 5 trillion in new deficit spending and raise taxes on the middle class. So here we are again, mr. Speaker. Americans are right to be frustrated by the inability or unwillingness of the Republicanled Congress to do its job and keep the government open. You have 241 votes. Get them. Get them. You have the authority to do it and you have the responsibility to do it. Get the votes. Even some republican lawmakers are openly expressing the frustration with their own leadership. Let me quote representative mark meadows. He hit the nail on the head yesterday when he asked, whats the plan . When are we going to deal with immigration . My previous speaker talked about dealing with it. We havent dealt with it. Put something on the floor. You havent done it. When are we going to deal with spending . This is mark meadows. At what point do you quit kicking the can down on the road . This is republican mark meadows, not me. And passing just another continuing resolution in the hopes things get better in a few weeks. Democrats dont want the government to shut down. May i have one additional minute . We dont have the power to shut it down either. Thats entirely in the hands of the majority. And by the way, on there previous c. R. , 90 of your members voted against it. Did they vote against the military, did they vote against the first responders, did they vote against Education Funding . And we wring our hands about the military funding. You think its any easier to run a nondefense agency with a c. R. . Youre wrong if you think that. They undermine our deposk agencies as well. And i hope domestic agencies as well, and i hope they are equally worried about the impact of doing one shortterm funding bill after another on the domestic side. Americans are frustrated that their congress cant agree on what we agree on. Republicans have previously supported the principles of parity when raising spending caps. That was the paul ryan deal. Hes the speaker. He said, yes, well increase military and domestic the same. That was his deal. Paul ryan, the speaker. Thats all were asking for. Paul ryan, make your deal again. And he wont do it. Instead, he wants to just keeping the can down the road once, twice, thrice, now four times. Yes, we want, as the previous speaker said, all dreamers to stay in this country. We all want to reauthorize the chip program, to prevent nine million children from losing their Health Insurance. I dare you to put it on the floor. It will pass with every vote in this house. No, you want to blackmail us into passing something that we dont like and we dont think is good for the country. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Hoyer one additional minute . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Hoyer we want to address other Urgent Health priorities. You want to pass chip but you do not want to pass the Community Health centers. My colleague, betty mccollum, told us about many chip children will have no place to go. You passed a bill but no place to go. So why dont republicans sit down and Reach Agreement . Mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues across the aisle, dont shut down the government. I implore them, use your majority not to delay but to govern, and i tell them, democrats are still ready to work with you as we have been throughout to sit down and reach bipartisan compromise on our most pressing challenges. E voted to give you 120 days to do that. Now you want some more time. You come to the door and ask for some cake and your neighbor says, come back tomorrow, and you come back tomorrow and you ask the same thing and he says, come back tomorrow and you go back the next day and he says the same thing, come back tomorrow. Thats what the republicans are saying. Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. But there has been no tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Hoyer vote against this c. R. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. Members are reminded to address their statements to the chair. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield a minute to the chairman of the ways and means committee, the gentleman from texas, mr. Brady. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Brady thank you, mr. Speaker. You can tell from the previous speaker how eager our democrat colleagues are to shut down this government. Get the votes to keep this government open because we wont provide them. Get the votes to keep funding our military and security but we wont provide them. Get the votes to provide health care, longterm for our children and families because our democrat colleagues wont provide not one vote. Get the votes to delay the damaging impact of obamacare taxes, the Health Insurance tax, the cadillac tax, medical device, you get those votes, republicans, because we will not give you even one of them. These taxes are so damaging to our families, to our workers and job creators its sending jobs out of america, overseas. Get the votes, republicans, because we claim we support this. We just wont support it with our votes. Its regrettable because these are bipartisan issues, and politics are shutting this government down. I urge my democrat colleagues to stand with republicans on behalf of children, families, and workers, keep this government open. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from ohio, the Ranking Member of the energy and water subcommittee, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Kaptur i thank the Ranking Member of the full committee, congresswoman lowy of new york, for yielding me this time congresswoman lowey of new york, for yielding me this time and let me just say that our side has not been consulted. The republicans have 238 votes. To pass anything here, they had the vast majority. You only need 218 votes. So if you wanted to pass, it you could do it right now. You could have done it a month ago. You could have done it two months ago. You could have done it three months ago. But theres something fundamentally wrong on that side of the aisle and of course you have to deal with the other body where you hold the majority and you cant get it done there either. Now, in football you would call this fumbling the ball. In baseball, youd call it flubbing the ball. And honestly, if you cant consult with our side of the aisle, why would you expect anybody would want to work with you anyway . You treat us like were from, i dont know, born yo. Borneo. Why would you think we would want to vote on something that we cant agree with because of its essential unfairness . I really cant understand why youre putting the republic through all these contortions. You dont have a budget. You know, weve been asking for a budget. And you dont make decisions about departments until you have a budget. Because you might underfund one department or overfund another department. So we want to do this in a very orderly way. But our republican friends appear to hope the government will function with no road map. Are they really asleep behind the wheel of the car . They are sure careening and they might even hate brick wall. If the republicans cannot put together hit a brick wall. If the republicans cannot put together a Framework Agreement for a vote this week, its safe to say they fumbled and flubbed every opportunity they had. Reminds me of the old loony toon character elmer fud. They cant even catch bugs bunny when hes staring them right in the face. They arent making progress. And indeed losing ground. There was hope on september 8 when we voted the first time for a shortterm extension that you could actually Reach Agreement. But here it is. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Kaptur and we still dont have agreement. Might i ask the Ranking Member for an additional period of time . 45 seconds . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Mrs. Lowey 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for an additional 30 seconds. Ms. Kaptur so here we are, january 18, 2018. One day before the risk of another shutdown. And theyre fiddle their fiddling is unprecedented. Dont have a budget framework, cant make decisions, dont consult with our side. Why should we be in a helpful mood . We were always told republicans are stern pass masters. Not only have they failed to pass a budget. Now theyve added 1 trillion more to the deficit and the longterm debt because they wanted to give tax giveaways to all their donors. I urge my colleagues to oppose this sinking effort and demand action for a final full year funding plan. That is what is responsible. That is essential and that is what the American People expect. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. Members are again reminded to address their comments to the chair. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield three minutes to the chairman of the energy and water and Commerce Committee, mr. Walden, from oregon. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Walden thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, im not quite sure what the people of borneo did to deserve the wrath of my colleague from ohio. But perhaps she can explain later to them. But here is the deal. The energy and Commerce Committee did work across the aisle or attempted to, to fully fund the Childrens Health Insurance Program, to fully fund Community Health centers, to fully fund extenders. And at every step of the way, my colleague and friend from the other side of the aisle, asked me to stop and work with them, we tried. We couldnt reach full agreement on the payfors at the time. But we tried and we worked in good faith with each other. 15 democrats on the house floor voted to extend the Childrens Health Insurance Program for a full five years. By the way, that equals the longest extension and the most generous funding to help children and pregnant women thats ever been done for that program. We sent it over to the senate and unfortunately they couldnt find agreement. So we came back and we kept extending it and by the way, the democrat leader of the house, mr. Speaker, ms. Pelosi, said what were doing today, by putting full funding for Childrens Health Insurance Program for the longest extension in the history of the program, a full six years, is, and i quote, sadly, a bowl of doingy doo. Put a cherry on top and call it a chocolate sundayy. Closed quote. Is that what this has devolved to . We have an opportunity today with the help and the leadership of the chairman of the Appropriations Committee to fully fund our states Childrens Health Insurance Program for not five years but a full six years. This is the longest extension in history at the strongest funding level in history. So when you vote no today, as you all apparently are going to do, youre voting to close the government and deny our states, but more importantly the children and pregnant women, access to Childrens Health insurance. The cancellations that go out, the notices, are on your terms. Let me tell what you the childrens hospitals have said to congress. Kids cannot wait. Fund chip now. And i quote, congress has a chance to pass a longterm extension of chip that will provide security for millions of kids. The continuing resolution being considered by congress includes a sixyear extension of chip. Childrens hospitals support a longterm extension of chip and urge congress to take this opportunity to pass chip this week. The time is now to extend funding for this life line millions of children and their families count on every day. Thats childrens hospitals. Cant we put the partisan divide aside and at least fund Childrens Health insurance for children and pregnant women in this country . And keep the government open. That is the question before us today. The question before us today is, do you want to keep the government open and the Services Provided and six years of full funding for Childrens Health insurance and pregnant women . Or will you vote against it . Its as simple as that. The rest is just political rhetoric. So lets fund chip. Lets take care of our families and kids and keep the government open, mr. Chairman. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. Members, once again, are reminded to please address their comments to the chair. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i am very pleased to yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from new jersey, the wellinformed Ranking Member of the committee on energy and commerce, mr. Pallone. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank my colleague from new york. I have the greatest respect for my republican chairman from oregon. But he just forgets completely, as so many speakers on the g. O. P. Side have, that they are in the majority and they have a sigma jort. They can do whatever they they have a significant majority. They can do whatever they want. For him to suggest that somehow he cant bring up a chip bill that also includes all these other Health Programs, he mentioned the Community Health centers, i could also mention all the medicare extenders that are not included in this bill. This bill basically either lets expire or continues to expire so many things that are important for the health of the American People. Not only the Community Health centers, which expire in a few weeks, not only the medicare extenders, which includes the therapy caps for seniors in medicare, the Home Visiting program for seniors, the special Diabetes Program, the Teaching Health sent, the National Health centers, the National Health service corps, all of these things. Also the safety net hospitals. As of january 1, the dish or safety net programs for all these hospitals around the country that have to take care of so many poor people, that funding has expired and theyve actually had to cut the funding. So how do you stand up here and say to me and the American People that somehow you care about these things, you want to deal with these things . You are not dealing with these things. What are you doing here again . Once again youre bringing a bill to the floor that has all kinds of repeal of taxes. I dont even want to get into the deal. These are the taxes that help fund the Affordable Care act. Medical device tax. Theres several of them. All you do here is bring up tax cuts or tax repeals and now youre trying to give the impression, because you have this sixyear reauthorization for chip and have eliminated funding and help for all the these Health Care Programs, that somehow you care. Well, when the kids that get the chip funding cant go to a Community Health center or cant go to a hospital because theyre suffering and dont have the funding, where do they go . We know that chip is a great program. But many of the kids that have the insurance under chip have to go to Community Health centers. And all i hear from my Community Health centers and other Teaching Hospitals is theyre ready to send out the pink slips. They may have to close. Theyre not sure they can help these people. So it is a complete joke to suggest that somehow you care. You have the votes, you can do whatever you want. Youre not doing it. Sure, i also agree that daca, the dreamers, are going to suffer. Because thats not being addressed either. But the main thing i want to stress is, youre not addressing all these other Health Care Programs that are just as important as chip. Just as important. And make the chip program essentially not viable because theyre not being addressed. So please, dont suggest to me that you care. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Pallone the right vote here is to vote against this. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. Members are again reminded to please address your comments to the chair. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield two minutes to the vice chairman of the energy and Commerce Committee, mr. Barton of texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Barton i thank my distinguished chairman from new jersey and ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Barton my good friend, mr. Pallone, from the great state, the garden state of new jersey, just told you all the things that werent in this bill, that he wish were. My distinguished chairman, mr. Walden, just wished whiss tered in my whispered in my ear that we have put everything you talked about in bills, subcommittee and full committee and on the floor and you voted against them every time this year. Every time. Now, where i come from, you vote for whats in the bill, not whats not in the bill. I wished we had a balanced Budget Amendment to the constitution in this bill. I wish we fully funded our military for the rest of the year in this bill. I wish we, by an act of congress, gave texas a m the National Championship in football in this bill. Thats not going to happen. What is in this bill . We fully fund the Childrens Health Insurance Program for every state of the union and the territories for six years. Never been done before. Fully fund Childrens Health insurance for every state and territory in the union for six years. At existing levels, increased and it increases each year for the next six years, its fully paid for, fully offset. And not every democrat, but almost every democrat has voted against that already twice. If they vote against it this evening, theyll vote against it for the third time. Im the macker manager of the republican baseball team. If you miss it three times, normally means youre out. I hope that some of my friends on the Minority Side will tonight vote with us to fund schip and to fund the government for the next month. Im one of the republicans that supports daca. Im on the dreamer act. Im also on the republican alternative. I would love to vote for daca. But the deadline for daca is not until march. The schip programs expired in september. We need to pass this c. R. And send it to the senate. Vote yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. Members once again are reminded to please address their comments to the chair. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from minnesota, the Ranking Member of the interior subcommittee of appropriations, ms. Mccollum. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Mccollum mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to this legislation, which ignores the urgent need of the American People. The federal governments fiscal year started october 1 of last year. But instead of fulfilling a responsibility to fund our government in a too manyly manner, in a timely manner, President Trump and the republicans spent months working to pass their tax scam. Now, because they didnt do their jobs, mr. Speaker, republicans are asking us to vote to kick the can down the road again. This is no way to run a government. The American People deserve immediate action on Critical Issues that matter to our country. We need a budget agreement in order to do that. We need to keep our government open. We need to meet the needs of the communities and the hardworking people. We need to enact responsible reforms that will save struggling pension plans. We need to provide Disaster Relief to our fellow americans who were hit hard by hurricanes and wildfires last year. We need to reauthorize the special Diabetes Program which funds treatment and prevention programs for native americans, and, yes, we need to pass a dream act which protects children from President Trumps cruel termination of daca. The American People overwhelmingly support these actions, these priorities, but you wont find them in this bill. Instead, republicans have turned this c. R. Into a tax bill that has provisions that didnt make it in the original tax plan. While this legislation does finally reauthorize the Childrens Health Insurance Program, it abandons our Community Health centers where parents take their children to get the care that they need. Make no mistake, this bill will cause layoffs at clinics, which means fewer people in my district, throughout minnesota will get the care that they need. Mr. Speaker, the Republican Party has total control in washington, but instead of working for the American People, President Trump and his allies in congress are ignoring them. Minnesotans and americans deserve a better deal than the one that theyre getting from this republican congress. It is time for President Trump and the republicans to end the chaos, to truly work across the aisle to find ways that we can fund this government responsibly and address our national priorities. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to mr. Rogers of kentucky for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. Mr. Rogers mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this bill. Here it is in a nutshell. Chairman frelinghuysen sought to it we passed all 12 of the Appropriations Bills and sent them to the senate where not a single one has been allowed to come to the floor because of democrat senators who profess to keep they want to keep the government going but vote no. And because the democrats in the senate have barred the consideration of any of these bills, here we are. We have no choice if we want to keep the government open but to vote for this bill. Its the only game in town, and those on the other side who profess they want to keep the government going today will vote no. I dont understand that logic. This is the only chance we have to keep the government operating, to be sure that the american taxpayers money is being spent properly and adequately. But for the purpose of keeping our government open. So mr. Speaker, i urge a yes vote on this bill, and lets move on. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, the Ranking Member of the laborh. H. S. Subcommittee, ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Delauro i oppose this continuing resolution. Its staggering that yet again we are punting one of our core obligations as a congress, funding government programs. We should be negotiating spending levels for 2018 for both defense spending and nondefense spending. We should have spent the last few months fulfilling our responsibility as legislators by writing bipartisan bills to Fund Programs that help working families and the middle class and the vulnerable, support evidencebased scientific research, and help working people get the skills they need to find good jobs with good wages. Instead, republicans have continued their irresponsible trend of continuing resolution after continuing resolution. They fail to govern. They create chaos. This bill fails to support Community Health centers, which serve as a primary Health Care Provider for over 27 million people, including disproportionately rural and lowincome populations. In 2016, over 376,000 patients across connecticut received care at the connecticut Community Health center. They cut taxes for Insurance Companies while failing to fund Community Health centers. Is shameful they wont work with democrats to ensure defense and nondefense funding. They put Services Critical to our families and communities at risk. From apprenticeship to education for students with disabilities, childcare, afterschool programs that help working families make ends meet and Financial Aid for students attending college. They include a long an extension for the Childrens Health Insurance Program, but they cut out the medicare extenders and other Health Care Programs. But the fear they should be ashamed of the months of fear and turmoil they have caused to children and their families who will be unable to get help at Community Health care centers. They did try they had time to cram a tax scam through congress before the end of the year. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Delauro dragged their feet for months. Shameful. Let me say the republican majority try to cast a blame for the shutdown on the democrats. Let me remind this body and the American People that nine months ago the president said, our country needs a good shutdown in september to fix this mess. Well, the president may get what he wants and what he desires as a Government Shutdown, but its not because of the democrats. Its because of the republican majority in this house and this administration to move forward on behalf of the American People. Its not the democrats. President trump has called for a shutdown of this government. Yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the chairman of the energy and commerce subcommittee on energy and upton from michigan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Upton thank you, mr. Speaker. Id remind the speaker that the president issued a statement of Administration Policy in support of this bill that keeps the government open, but i also rise in support of the bill of this bill and in strong support of a sixyear longterm funding for the chip program. We all came to congress to fight for our district and particularly our kids. The michigan chip program serves nearly 40,000 kids, and if chip isnt reauthorized, long term its going to be disastrous for our communities which is why they are depending on us which is why it is in this bill. You know, back in 2015, i helped broker the bipartisan, bicameral deal that led us to the last reauthorization of chip. It wasnt easy but we got there by working together, and over the course of the past year, we have been steadfast in our resolve to reauthorize chip. In our committee we worked tirelessly to advance commonsense legislation thats going to extend chip as well as Community Health centers. And last november, we passed a comprehensive bill on the house floor, and later in the year we passed a c. R. That included shortterm funding for chip. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Upton this bill does that. I would urge my colleagues to vote yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from florida, the Ranking Member of the military, construction, Veterans Affairs subcommittee, ms. Wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise in strong opposition to this continuing resolution which is yet again a complete abdication of our responsibilities. Instead of adopting fully funded Appropriations Bills or an omnibus with an actual chance of passing this congress, we are in this unbreakable habit of passing continuing resolutions. The republicans most recent proposal does nothing for the funding for the 1,400 Community Health Centers Across the country or the 25 million americans they serve after they let funding run out in september. According to the National Association of Community Health centers, if congress does not act soon, 28,000 sites could close, 50,000 staff could be laid off, and nine million americans could lose access to care. When did this program, which has always had bipartisan support in this body, become a partisan issue . These abdications are simply immoral. Our republican colleagues say we dont have the money to fund these programs, but somehow they were silent on that issue when they gave a handout to giant corporations that add more than 1. 5 trillion to the deficit. While their donors rested peacefully over the holidays knowing their tax cuts were safe, republicans continued to torment 800,000 hardworking young people by refusing to pass the dream act. 122 dreamers lose their protected status every day, and republicans have not been brave enough to do what is right. These courageous individuals are teaching in our schools, working in our communities and serving in our military. I had the prirching of meeting dreamers in south florida and in the halls i had the privilege of meeting dreamers in south florida and in the halls of this capitol. By any reasonable definition, they are americans. This is their home. It is past time for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to work on a bipartisan spending package that promotes the middle class, protects dreamers and finally assures the American People that their government is working. I simply will not support any spending bill that fails to do so. Make no mistake, republicans control the house, the senate, and the white house. A Government Shutdown will land squarely in their lap. Thank you. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Carter mr. Chairman, i rise today in support of the decision to attach a sixyear extension of the Childrens Health Insurance Program as this is much overdue. Chip, which is known as peach share for kids in georgia, has been a very Successful Program in covering the medical needs in our state. However, this isnt the first time we tried to extend this program that is so vital to children all across our country. We passed legislation out of the energy and Commerce Committee addressing longterm fix in october. We then passed it in the house in november. We funded a shortterm fix in december. Its time our colleagues across the aisle quit holding Childrens Health care hostage. Now is the time to pass this and continue discussions on Community Health centers, graduate medical Education Programs and other extenders. I want to thank chairman walden, chairman burgess and my colleagues on the energy and Commerce Committee for their work and urge my colleagues to pass this and help our nations children and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am very pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pascrell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for one minute. Mr. Pascrell thank you, meesh. This habit of shortterm thank you, mr. Speaker. This habit of shortterm extensions, kicking the can down the road, i heard a few times, is irresponsible and has to stop. We need a longterm funding bill. Democrats have come to the table offered bipartisan solutions. Republicans have dismissed them. Lets put a bill to help the dreamers on the floor. Their incompetence is going to lead to a shutdown. Instead of using nine million kids as a bargaining chip, i bet the majority could pass a permanent Childrens Health extension today. There are nine million children at risk of losing Health Coverage. 200,000 of them in my home state of new jersey. We could save 6 billion. And i cannot believe that this bill has a delay of the medical device tax, mr. Speaker, that was part of the Affordable Care act. That industry agreed to pay that tax. We just did a tax bill for corporations that added over 2 trillion in deficits. Last i checked, medical Device Companies are corporations. What are we doing putting in place a tax law in a budget bill now and a month later the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Pascrell just this week the New York Times ran a piece titled, can your hip replacement kill you . The article names dr. Steven tower who was given an artificial hip with a defect in the device. Send your bill. Doctors had to do second surgery. Found cobalt leaking from the device causing a condition lled metalasis, destroying muscle, tendons, destroying mr. Towers heart and brain as well. Despite his complaint to colleagues and the manufacture, they continued to manufacturer, they continued to market it. How dare the speaker of the daca question why we want in this legislation when he has a bill that 42 million americans use medical devices . There is no federal f. D. A. Test for most of those devices. They got the court. They bribe doctors, and its in your bill, but we could not take care of those 800,000 people. Chairman, we need a the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield two minutes to my colleague from new jersey, mr. Lance. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Lance thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in strong support of this legislative package to fund the government and to authorize the chip program, the longest such authorization for chip ever. Chairman frelinghuysen secured passage for all 12 appropriation bills by the before the beginning of the new fiscal year. It is the democrats in the senate who have refused to permit these bills to come to the floor. No good explanation has been given as to why that occurred. Chairman walden brought through the energy and Commerce Committee a chip reauthorization package that passed this house in november. We must continue to ensure governmental operations such as paying our troops on time and making sure our Homeland Security apparatus is fully operational. The chip portion of this bill is a major accomplishment. Nine million lowincome children depend on chip and the Congressional Budget Office estimates that chip will actually save taxpayer funds in the long run. Lets keep the government open and lets fund chip. I urge a strong bipartisan vote in favor of this legislation. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognize. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from washington, ms. Jayapal. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington is recognized for one minute. Ms. Jayapal thank you. Mr. Chairman, were back again for the third continuing resolution this fiscal year. This makes no sense and it is no way to govern. And let me be clear and repeat what my colleagues have said. Republicans control the house, the senate and the white house. But they just cant seem to pass a real budget. And if republicans want democratic votes, then they need to have our priorities reflected in that budget. Priorities like protecting the american dream. For 1 1 2 million Daca Recipients with the dream act. Thousands of young people who fear deportation because of the cruel termination of the daca program. Priorities like Community Health centers and protecting the Retirement Savings of working families. Priorities like addressing the Opioid Epidemic that ravages our communities. Priorities like infrastructure and education and Real Health Care protections for everyone. So if the republican majority, yes, the majority, schutz down the government because shuts down the government because they wont look to get our democratic priorities addressed, then they will have to answer to communities across the country who are looking for a permanent budget, not something that kicks the can down the road for another few weeks. This is not a real solution. This is not a real solution, mr. Chairman. We will not substitute one familys pain for anothers gain. This is about the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. It is about the soul of our country. And americans deserve a better deal. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from washington yields back. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Olson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Olson i thank my friend from new jersey for allowing me to join this important debate. My friends on the other side are showing why the people, american ople, like root canals, head lice, colonoscopies, more than congress. It brings an act that hurts our youth and poverty. Congressional democrats are going to vote against basic health care for these needy kids. The schip program is their only choice for their health. Nearly half a million young texans, half a million, depend upon schip. It expired september 30 of this year. This bill tonight we vote on will extend schip for six more years. I beg my colleagues, listen to your hearts, to your soul and the voice of these kids who want basic health care. Vote for schip today. Vote for the c. R. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the gentleman from florida, mr. Bill rakes i. The chair mr. Bilirakis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bilirakis thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank chairman walden and chairman burgess for all the hard work theyve put into reauthorizing chip. This is a sixyear reauthorization of the chip program, the longest chip reauthorization congress has ever passed. The house already passed a full chip authorization last year, by the way, we also reauthorized the Community Health centers. Most democrats voted against that. Democrats need to put politics aside and support the bill for the sake of our children. Chip reauthorization will ensure funding for 200,000 children in floridas chip program. In addition, this bill has my legislation that protects chip buyin programs. This allows children who arent eligible for traditional chip to buy into the chip program. It makes sense. Inconsistent guidance from c. M. S. Jeopardized these buyin programs. This bill will provide clarity and protect about 12,000 children in the state of florida who participated in the buyin program. I support this particular bill. Please, lets reauthorize chip for the sake of our children. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman continues to reserve. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, pleased to yield a minute where are we here . The gentleman from texas, mr. Flores. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Flores mr. Chair, i rise in strong support of h. R. 195, which continues funding the government through february 16. Pays our troops and provides for a sixyear extension of the Childrens Health Insurance Program. 36 of the children in my district are covered under chip and im pleased to support this legislation to ensure that they continue to have access to care that has been delayed by obstructionist democrats in this body and over in the senate. While i support passage of this bill, i want to draw attention to the fact that there are other important provisions that have previously passed this house. Yet have fallen by the wayside as members sought a compromise on the final bill. Ill go through knows main. Again, im pleased that were passing a bill that continues funding for the government, pays for our troops and extends funding for the chip program. Mr. Chair, i strongly urge my colleagues, though, not to forget other Important Health initiatives that must be addressed and i hope that they will join me in seeing that these initiatives are again taken up after pass afpblgt bill. Those provisions that need to be considered include two of my bills, one the Youth Empowerment act, which empowers youth to make healthy decision, and secondly, language from the health state flexibility act, also needs to be tnd. I thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield two minutes to the chairwoman of the ethics committee, mrs. Brooks from indiana. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from indiana is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Brooks mrs. Brooks thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this c. R. In part because we need to extend chip, the Childrens Health Insurance Program, for the 104,000 children in indiana who currently rely on the program. We must provide longer term stability to chip and we have the opportunity to do so here today. Chip is crucial for families who would otherwise slip through the cracks. Their income disqualifies them from traditional medicaid but is not high enough to afford family Health Insurance. The chip Program Provides children with comprehensive health and dental services and its helped decrease the rate of uninsured children in indiana to an alltime low of 5 . The families of these 104,000 children in indiana relying on chip and the sixyear reauthorization will grant states the muchneeded certainty in administering chip for American Children across the country and stability for the hoosier families who depend on the program. Furthermore, todays c. R. Includes a twoyear relief from the medical device tax. America tops the world in medical innovation and relief from this tax will further reinforce this leadership. The previous twoyear suspension of this damaging tax has allowed device company, many of which call indiana home, to invest in research and development and invest in highquality, highpaying jobs in medical innovation, all to the benefit of patients who need them the most. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on this c. R. Not only does it provide longterm stability for chip and relief from the medical device tax, but it also provides government funding through february 16 to prevent a shutdown. Like the chairman, i hope this will proit time we need to complete provide the time we need to complete the fiss cal appropriation fiscal appropriation bills. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on the final passage. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york continues to reserve. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the representive from north dakota, mr. Cramer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota is recognized for one minute. Mr. Cramer i thank the gentleman for yielding and i thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Childrens Health Insurance Program provides Health Coverage to lowincome, lowincome children and pregnant women, to have annual income above the Medicaid Eligibility levels but have no Health Insurance. It provides care, in other words, mr. Speaker, for some of the most vulnerable families in our nation. It covers nearly 5,000 children in my home state. In fact, in fiscal year 2016, north dakota received thsdz 19 million in chip funding. I encourage all of my colleagues to now support this Important Program that has historically had bipartisan support. I also want to urge my colleagues to quickly take up funding for Community Health centers, the especially Diabetes Program and other Health Programs that require extension. Community Health Centers in north dakota are already feeling the negative effects of this funding uncertainty. Particularly in hiring and leasing decisions. But, mr. Speaker, we must not vote no on this c. R. Because of whats not in the bill. But we must vote yes because of what is in the bill is critical to the health of our children and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Costello. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Costello thank you, mr. Speaker. We need to keep the government open and we need to keep the government funded and we need to reauthorize the Childrens Health Insurance Program. Now, in the energy and Commerce Committee, we passed chip reauthorized for five years, out of committee in october. We passed it out of the full house in november. We are now back now to authorize it for a full six years. We do not need any additional payfors. This will help 177,000 children in pennsylvania and millions across the country. Chip funding will be exhausted next month in pennsylvania. Right now some states already face a shortfall in their funding as the program has not yet been fully reauthorized for all of calendar year all of fiscal year 2018. It is past time we provide a longterm solution and stability for families who depend on this quality, affordable coverage. Ive heard from so many constituents, ive heard from Many Democrats speaking, urging us to reauthorize chip. Tonight we have a vote to keep the government open and to reauthorize the chip program. The right vote on this bill is a yes vote. Thats the vote i will be taking on behalf of my constituents that country. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, the democratic eader, ms. Pelosi. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for one minute. Ms. Pelosi thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I commend her for her great leadership as our Ranking Member on the Appropriations Committee, or as we say, mr. Frelinghuysen, the almighty powerful Appropriations Committee on which i was proud to serve with you and congresswoman lowey. Im disappointed, though, that the legislation that is brought to the floor today falls so very, very short of our responsibilities to the American People. When it comes to considering this bill, which the republicans are bragging supports chip, its important to review the facts. The facts are the these are thiels. The chip proposal that the are these. The chip proposal that the republicans boast was on the floor in october or this or that was funded by taking money from other childrens programs and thats why it was not to be supported by us. Its also important to remember that the chip reauthorization expired september 30. So here we are with our fourth continuing resolution, our fourth continuing resolution. That means on september 30 we were supposed to not only reauthorize chip, but to pass an omnibus bill to fund the government. Republicans were not able to make the decisions necessary to do that. So we had one extension. Another extension, another extension, this is the fourth. Now for somebody who doesnt know what a c. R. Is, thats our washington lingo, its a continuing resolution. And what it says is that the funding for the country will be continued at the same rate as it was in the previous year. Regardless of the fact that other challenges have emerged. So engaging in those failures to pass an omnibus bill and engage instead in these short term continuing resolutions, this inadequacy does not give certainty to our military. General mattis has told us the military cannot go on these week every two weeks, every month c. R. s. We need to know, we need to have an omnibus that recognizes the full complement of our needs and they are different from last year. It does not fund the fight against opioid addiction. Weve talked about this. We authorized language. We put up some money, but throughout our country there is an Opioid Epidemic that needs to be addressed with funding for it, not just conversation or rhetoric but funding. It does not address some of the crises facing our veterans, whether its their infrastructure, housing, whatever. Theres additional funding thats needed for our veterans over and above whatever it was last year, and this ignores that need. It doesnt it ignores the fact that we have some issues that we have to address regarding pensions. Endangered pensions in our country which have a direct relationship to the economic wellbeing of americas working families. Pensions paid into. Pensions having a shortfall to honor the responsibility. It doesnt protect the dreamers. We could protect the dreamers in all of this, but missing an opportunity. And this takes us right back to the chip. It does not fund Community Health centers that provide primary care for 27 million americans. So these priorities are bipartisan. Nothing i mentioned on this list is anything that does not have bipartisan support in the congress, that has not been openly discussed, bipartisan, transparency, unity, unifying us around these issues. We did not put priorities forward that were partisan but those that had bipartisan strong bipartisan support. So when our colleagues come to the floor and say, oh, were doing chip, chip is a wonderful initiative. This is one of the first pieces of legislation that i passed as speaker of the house and sent to obama. Not high enough value to put in its proper context. So this reauthorization of chip that theyre putting here, this funding for chip, is its not really funding. We wanted 10 years for chip to make it permanent so we dont have to go through this and we move all doubt, we remove any certainty whether this health care will be available for children who need it. 6 aid 10 years, you save billion. 6 billion you save. Six years, 1 billion. Why wouldnt we want to save 6 billion . Nonetheless nonetheless, what my concern is is that they chose to bring a bill to the floor that isolates chip away from the other essentials that are a part of the delivery of that Health Care Service to children. It doesnt it does not reauthorize Community Health centers which provide, as i say, vital care to 26 million americans. It does not address does not extend the medicare extenders so necessary, especially for our seniors. Home visiting care and other initiatives. It does not address the medicaid dish, disproportionate share, challenge that is across america. Ask your friends in Rural America especially about that. Therapy services, diabetes. Teaching Health Centers. Teaching Health Centers for primary care doctors completely out of this bill. Thats why i am so proud of the legislation introduced by congressman mceachin today which has the full complement, and its nothing additional. Its how we have always proceeded with the priority of Childrens Health in a package thats about Family Health and delivery of service. As the president himself tweeted this morning, chip should be part of a longterm solution, not a 30day shortterm extension. We like it 10 years. They have it six years, but it shouldnt be in this bill because this bill is sort of a halfbaked facade to make it look as if we are keeping government open. Were keeping government debilitated by not addressing, coming to agreement on the omnibus that we know that we have to do, that addresses the needs of our military as it recognizes the security provisions in the domestic bill that are about security. Whether its the state department department, Veterans Affairs, antiterrorism activity at the justice department. And the fact that the strength of our country is measured in many ways. Certainly our military, which we are very proud, and the agencies i mentioned, but also in the health, education and wellbeing of the American People. So here we are. What does government do . Government does transportation. How can you, if you are in the Transportation Department make commitments when youre on a short fuse of, was it two weeks in december, now four weeks they want to go forward . Why dont we just settle it . Grow up . Take responsibility . Get this done for the American People . Nobody i know wants a shutdown of government. Well, maybe except for the president who said what did he say . This country needs a good shut our country needs a good shutdown. He said that in may. I think with his experience as president now he probably knows theres no such thing as a good shutdown. We dont want to shut down. By the way, if there is one, this will be the first time there would be a shutdown in recent history that was took place when one party had the white house, had the senate, and had the house of representatives, had full responsibility for managing, for leveraging, for getting the job done to fund our country for another year with certainty. And this has two years provisions what we are negotiating with the republicans. Really, coming to the floor, hiding behind chip to hide the shortcomings and the lack of taking responsibility for our responsibilities to the American People is really a sad thing. And thats why mceachins bill which had the full complement to make chip really work was the way to go. Sadly, i wish we had something that although i object to the process of one shortterm continuing resolution of last year instead of looking to the future for next year, i disapprove of that process. The substance of this legislation makes it totally unacceptable, and i urge a no vote. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california yields back her time. The gentlelady from new Jersey New York reserves her time. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield a minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Walberg. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Walberg thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in full support of this funding extension which includes a vital longterm reauthorization of the state Childrens Health Insurance Program, or chip. This bill provides the longest extension in history of the chip program and provides security for millions of kids and pregnant mothers. Its important to remember the house has already acted responsibly three times to extend chip. In november, this chamber passed the championing health kids act on a bipartisan vote. The bill not only would have extended chip for five years, but it also addressed other important public Health Programs like federally qualified Health Centers. Regretfully, partisanship, political gamesmanship left that bill to languish in the senate. My constituents remain frustrated that the majority of my democratic colleagues in this chamber have voted three times against chip. The delays and posturing are inexcusable. I hope everyone in the house votes to pass this the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Frelinghuysen i am pleased to yield another 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Walberg i hope everyone in the house passes this extension today so we can get to work quickly reauthorizing Community Health centers and other important Public Health priorities. I encourage my colleagues to put aside the political games. Vote aye on the bill. The only correct vote. And then tell the senate to do the right thing as well. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back his time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i am pleased, mr. Speaker, to yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, the Ranking Member of the committee on energy and commerce, mr. Pallone. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I am amazed when i hear my republican colleagues talk about how they brought chip to the floor, they brought Community Health centers to the floor. What they forget to mention is that every time they did that they included payfors in other words, funding measures that would basically sabotage the Affordable Care act. We have seen a concerted effort not only to try to repeal the Affordable Care act, which failed, but then to do Everything Possible to make it more difficult for people to get their Health Insurance. We know that in the tax plan, or tax scam that they passed a few weeks ago that they were so determined to spend all their time on, what did they do . They eliminated the mandate that people have Health Insurance. The c. B. O. Estimates there will be 13 million americans over the next few years that will lose their Health Insurance. When they talked about the chip and those previous in those previous times, what did they do . They put in provisions that cut the funds help for children. They put in a provision if you didnt pay your Health Insurance within 30 days you would lose it. C. B. O. Estimated that Something Like half a million americans would lose their insurance because of that provision. They put in provisions that said that people who got their medicare had to pay more pay more for it. Pay even 100 depending upon their income. They have done Everything Possible to sabotage the health care system, and for them to get up and say, oh, we care about kids, we care about Community Health centers, nothing is further from the truth because everything has been done to sabotage Americas Health care system. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back his time. The gentlelady from new york reserves. Now the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield two minutes to the chairwoman of the republican conference, Cathy Mcmorris rodgers from the great state of washington. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from washington is recognized for two minutes. Mrs. Mcmorris rodgers i thank the gentleman for yielding. Were about to face a very critical deadline in many states, including my home state of washington. Chip funding will run out. More than 60,000 kids in my state count on chip and need certainty. This funding bill reauthorizes chip for six years, the longest extension in the programs history. Now democrats are threatening to hold us up again for a daca deal. Now, to be clear, i want a daca deal, too, and i am disappointed we dont have one yet but theres no reason to punish children across the country. Today, we are voting to prioritize our nations children, and its time for the democrats to join us. I also want to take this opportunity to stress the importance of reauthorizing the Teaching Health Center Graduate medical education program, which expired in september. These centers face a looming deadline of january 31 to decide whether or not to recruit their july, 2018 classes. Without a longterm solution, Centers Across our country cannot make the important decisions that will affect the residents. Dreds of in one, one Teaching Health center in memphis closed earlier this year without a place for them to continue their medical training and reducing Patient Access to care. Although a reauthorizing of the program was not included in this bill, we must get this done as soon as possible. I look forward to working with the chairman and the committee moving forward, and i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this sixyear reauthorization of chip and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back her time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves his time. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Continues to reserve. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, i reserve and have he right to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i yield myself one minute to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Lowey my friends, congress has a response to believe the informs in initiatives to defend the country and grow the economy, instead of continuing down a rudderless path of c. R. After c. R. , we must pass a bipartisan budget agreement prork tect dreamers which will enable the Appropriations Committee to responsibly write fullyear funding bills. I urge a no vote and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. The gentleman has five minutes remaining. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield the balance of my time to the chairman of the energy and Commerce Committee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for the balance of the time. Thank you to my colleague for your hard work and cooperation on this legislation. The choice before us today is very, very simple. Its a choice the American People are watching. The chase is, do you fund the government while you work out the other differences, or do you close the government . Its a binary choice. Its not about all the other things id like in this bill or youd like in the bill. The choice before us today is to keep the government open or close the government. Mr. Walden whether youre a republican or democrat, if you vote new york youre voting not to keep the government open. Its that simple. The other choice before us today is, you want to fund Childrens Health insurance for the millions and millions of children and pregnant women across america. Because that funding, while we have had emergency extensions, literally is about to run out in a matter of days. Run out. Choice tonight for this body and every member here regardless of party is, do you want to fund Childrens Health insurance, for children and for pregnavent women . 122,700 oregonians are on this program. Millions across america and our districts. They dont like the fact that were having this fight. But they know the fact is, its a yes or no vote. Thats why the childrens hospitals have said please, take this deal, fund Childrens Health insurance, take us out of your fight. Because what were voting on tonight is a sixyear, fully funded Childrens Health Insurance Program. A yes vote says youre for it. A no vote says, ill take a pass. Somebody else can carry this program. Im not going to do it. Well, im doing it. Because i support the Childrens Health Insurance Program just as i support the Community Health centers, just as i support the Teaching Hospitals, just as i support the other extenders. By the way, your energy and Commerce Committee, through regular order, provided a path forward for all of those essential health services. And yes, we took the heavy lift to fund them. Now you heard a couple of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle talk about, oh, they took money out of this fund or that fund. The Prevention Fund is funded every year by law. It is up to the appropriators to decide how those funds are spent. Using some of the Prevention Fund to fund Childrens Health insurance and Community Health centers and the other programs seems like a pretty good investment for an otherwise unallocated patch of money. So we used a bit of that. An then you heard them, the scare tactic the democrats always use is medicare. Let me tell you what this specific payfor is. It is one that former president barack obama wanted to use even further than what we did. What we said is if youre making 500,000 a year, were going to sk you to pay 137, roughly, more in your Medicare Part b and d. Thats your share, the government will still subsidize 75 of that its still a good deal. We figure somebody making half a Million Dollars a year could afford a little more so we can pay for Childrens Health insurance for those who need it and Community Health centers for the poor. Thats the payfor you heard about. When we brought the fully funded bill for Childrens Health insurance for two years and save our dish hospital the ones that take care of the poorest among us, 15 democrats voted with us. I think two or three republicans voted no, we sent that bill to the senate. We did our job in this house. In a bipartisan way. Now we need to do that job again. Because the senate has an act, couldnt get enough democrats there to support the proposal in the senate. So were back here. But the choice is a clear one. Shut down the government, dont fund chip, keep the government open, fund chip. Thats the choice before us tonight. The choice that we need to make. Now, weve heard all kinds of rhetoric on this floor and out in the public about, you know, this is somehow a cherry on top of dog doodoo, sorry to use those words but theyre the ones the gentlelady from San Francisco used in the press, i find it offensive, its unnecessary, doesnt help bring us together. When you vote no, you vote to shut the government down and you vote against Childrens Health insurance. This bill fully funds Childrens Health insurance for six years and theres no argument about the payfors now because there arent any here. If your argument for voting no was the payfar payfors thats some of the house debate from yesterday, the house passing the c. R. , the continuing resolution, to fund the federal government past midnight tonight. The vote yesterday in the house 230197. Now all the action in the capitol has moved other to the senate. A couple of senators coming to the floor to speak, expecting a possible vote on cloture, which would end the debate, close the dedebate in the senate. We have not seen that yet tonight. We did hear earlier from one of the leaders that said theyd be trying to bring the cloture vote to the floor this afternoon that has not yet happened, 6 37 p. M. Ian time. Were going to take your phone you think. Us what democrat, 20274888920. Republican, 2027488921, and all other, 202748892 2. Join us here on cspan. Ou can finish watching the senate on cspan 2. We have a countdown clock here, the Government Shutdown starts less than six hours from now. Another clock showing inside the capitol, washingtons hottest club is the ohio clock corridor. We see a lot of speakers who come to the ohio clock when theyre making remarks to the reporters there. A glimpse inside the capitol tonight. Government funding expiring at midnight tonight. A number of lawmakers, Chuck Schumer, minority leader, in the senate met with President Trump earlier today he came out of the meeting, wasnt looking like he was having any kind of agreement but things are moving very quickly. Were going to take your calls again as ive said but the most recent word weve had if the white house and from the Trump Administration was from mick mulvaney, budget director. Take a look at what he had to say the last couple of hours. Do you think well have it by monday . I hate to walk and talk. Because of the nature of the if the Senate Changes anything, it has to go back to the house. The senate can deal with it before midnight and the house could deal wit before midnight. Its more likely if the senate makes any changes it would take the house a while to get everybody back to deal with it. Will it be taken care of before monday . I think thats a good chance. Do you have any more information . Hes not leaving until this is fixed. Is anything shorter than a fourweek extension possible . Why would the democrat who was said, well never vote for anything what doesnt have daca in it, thats just not how is it different to 2013 . Its very different. Host hearing from mick mulvaney. As he mentioned they are house has recessed, theyve gaveled out, a number of their leaders have told members to stay around town if possible in case the senate does take action and makes any changes to what the house passed last night. The house would have to come back then an work on any kind of measure at that point. Were going to take your calls now. First up, cleveland, ohio, joshua on the line. Republican. Joshua, government funding, expiring at midnight. What are your thoughts . Caller i think its sad that the democrats are care more about the daca than they care about americans who, you know, need help and all that. D its a pretty for the democrats to say the shutdown they complained in 2013 we smut dun. Now theyre doing it. Now everybody thinks because theyre doing it, its some kind of good thing theyre doing. I think its wrong. I dont think daca should not be in a spending bill. It should be in a separate bill. Thank you. Host thanks for your call, joshua. Hoyte on the line from georgia, independents and others. Youve got the floor. Caller im ashamed of those democrats the way theyre acting like little children. The bible speaks of this, at the end of time, theyll act like little children. If they had a mind of their own theyd go against Chuck Schumer and do their own voting. But im ashamed anybody has to be told how to vote. We got all these things, send these people up there to do for them but they dont they do for Chuck Schumer and thats totally, totally wrong. And this daca thing, it would come up before march, i do believe. Then they could take care of it then. They need to take care of the people thats in this country my grandson just got back from afghanistan they need to take care of our soldiers first. Our sick and disabled first. And anybody else second. Host hoyte, thanks for the call. Rich, calling from rochester, new york, democrat line, what are your thoughts . Caller im actually disappointed with Chuck Schumer because again i actually have to agree with my republican americans here but we cant tie deals together anymore. We need to keep them separate and keep the fwoth open. Host rich, thanks for your call. Spring valley, california. Someone on the west coast calling in, linda on the line for independents and others. Lynn dark go ahead. Caller i want to say ive been watching the senate in session and its just a travesty whats happening. They forgot that theyre there to represent all americans, not democratic party, Republican Party but come together and do whats right for all americans. And you know, i dont know how to get the message across to them. Thats my point. Host thanks for call, linda. Take a look here at cleveland. Com pointing out what would close in a Government Shutdown, heard some comments the president intends to handle this a little differently, possibly from the obama administration. Cleveland. Com kind of goes down a list, post offices would be open. Mail delivery continues. Social security checks for existing benefits issued but processing new ap by hi cases may be delay. National parks that require staffing could close but visitors could access memorials and open air parks where staffing wasnt required, thats different from the shutdown in 2013, a number of people in the d. C. Virginiamaryland area saw a lot of parks, beak trails, cordoned off at that time. Oakland, oregon, sharon son the line, republican, sharon, government a government funding happening in about five hour, what are your thoughts . Caller well, i think they need to stop bickering and the democratic side needs to stop holding this hostage. As a Government Shutdown. I think we need to think about our children and the chip program and get that funded and i think that, you know, we can all come together. I think everybody is kind of somewhat on the same page. But its just a lot of egos, i think, thats going on. Theyre not listening to the American People. Theyre making their own agenda. And they are like children in a playground. You know. If we dont get this, were not going to give you that. And you know, thats not what thises thats not what this is all about. Host heres a tweet, shutdown eve is much different than shutdown eve in 2013. The speaker of the house then, boehner and the majority leader, harry reid, went back and forth publicly as the house g. O. P. Sent over that continuing resolution that the Senate Democrats rejected. Today, silence in the halls of the capitol as both sides talk privately with the bhoust and their respective caucuses. So a little bit of what weve been hearing, that youve been seeing as well. Phone lines open, democrats, republicans, all others. Give us a call. Let us know what you think about the government funding expiring at midnight tonight. Weve got ralph on the line, poughkeepsie, new york, emocrat. Caller id like to tell you, my parents came here from italy. They had to work to get ahead. And im a democrat. Ill never vote far democrat again. Ill only vote for republicans. What theyre doing to me is sickening. My parents had to earn everything. They want to give everything to everybody today. And the shutdown, theyre shutting the government down because of people who are here illegal and it shouldnt even be here. I think thats terrible. You know one thing i want to say is my partner in business told me he never saw a poor politician. These politicians they make so much money and theyre really not for us. Theyre for themselves. Theyre for each party. They dont care whats going on. In fact they bicker like kids instead of grownups. Thats the way i feel. Host rob, thanks for the call. Calling from california, sharon on the line for independents and others. Sharon. Caller hi, im just calling to say that the American People need to have a government that works for them, not acting like children. I keep hearing this acting like children, and i think that they just need to grow up and act like adults and maybe President Trump needs to have more of the news conferences like he did where the media is there watch these people do what theyre doing. And saying what theyre saying. So i think that he needs to just invite them in a big room and let them talk and let the media see it so they can show it to the American People. He is the president of the United States. Host thanks for your call. Take a look at a couple of tweets here. Ne from manu ra h is ev, who will be voting and who is not expected to vote for the continuingres. With donnelly and minnesotason voting yes, three other red state democrats re in different spots. Heitkamp hasnt said what shed do, nor has mccaskill. And an update, senator heitkamp will support, though she says her vote is not an endorsement for a bill that kicks the can down the road another few weeks. That continuing resolution, in question and what the senate will possibly be voting on tonight. Awaiting action in the senate. For a cloture vote and possible final vote that could happen tonight or sometime over the weekend. We just dont know. That would be funding the federal government through the middle of february and extending the Childrens Health Insurance Program for six years. Occurties son the line, round rock, texas, democrat. Hi, curtis. Caller hi. Host what are your thoughts. Caller i think that they should all just go home and not vote and let donald trump suck it up and be a man and we can all watch him blow up and that would be fun. Host all right. Caller theres no future with a president like him. Host ok. Republican line, calling from tennessee. Joseph. Go ahead, youve got the floor. Caller good evening, how are you doing today . Host very good, how about you . Caller ive been watching this basically all day. A couple of point the daca bill and the dream act, back around 2001 and durbin has been trying to hostage the government funding for defense ever since then. Why isnt anybody speaking about this . Number two, the daca people are on a rotating basis. Basically, every two years they have to renew, theyre going to lose about 1,000 a day starting march 5, its not going to wipe them all out at one time. Why not just extend it a few weeks or whatever on the daca thing and move forward until they come up with a compromise . Thank you. Host thanks for your call, joseph from tennessee. Take a look at this tweet, steve scalise, cnn poll, most americans say avoiding a shutdown is more important than passing a bill to maintain a program that allows people brought to the u. S. Illegally as children to stay. It shows 56 are in favor of avoiding a shutdown. 34 with continuing the daca program. A little further down, look at some numbers that were put out by a tweeter named paris. Democrats have a choice to make, chip, the Childrens Health Insurance Program, 8. 9 million recipients, expiring today, or daca, 69 ,000 recipients, expiring march, 2018. Garrett on the line, louisville gary on the line, louisville, kentucky. Caller how are you doing, maam . Host very good. What do you think, government funding expiring a couple of hours away . Caller i got something to say about all that, you know. Aint nothing but storing trouble. People aint looking a at the real life. People just looking at it because they got money, they can take care of they family. Theyre not liking at people who dont have no money, who cant do their job, they got to, you know, survive for themselves, some people have to they got money on top of money, they dont care about no poor people. The people who get in my shoes, who have to provide for they family, people going to start breaking peoples stuff because they aint going to have no disability or nothing to take care of they family. Host thanks for your call. Yonkers, new york, santiago on the democrats line. Caller i just have republicans are so i dont get it. They speak to people, every time we talk about daca and we talk about its always they or them. Those are people. Those are people. Not they or them. Thats one issue. And if you understand the breakdown of chip, im in the health care industry. So i understand the breakdown. When they say theyre funding the chip program, do people understand theyre not Funding Community hospitals . Theyre not funding all these things that chip needs . So i have a question for all these republicans that they are putting in chip, can you ask them, where are those chips kids going to go . If there is no Community Hospital no, place for the kids to go, theyre funding chip but are they funding the places they go to . Thats not part of the chip bargain. If youre a republican and you really understand whats happening, you should know that fist of all daca is not a they or them. Those are people. If you understand chip, you have to understand that they have to fully fund the chip program, plus the Community Hospitals, as well as Everything Else theyre not funding. So you can have chip funding but where are those kids going to go . Where are those families going to go . Please, republicans, please, if youre in the other category, stop thinking, stop listening to these republicans, and open up your mind, open up your heart and understand where people are in this situation. So im a proud democrat, im from new york state, and if youre a democrat and youre saying now youre going to vote republican or youre going to vote this or that, you dont understand the situation. Host sorry to cut you off, santiago. Got your point. A tweet from chad, the o. M. B. Director, we heard from him earlier, mick mulvaney, talking about a possible shutdown saying, i think theres a good chance it gets fixed before the government opens on monday. We heard from a senator on the floor earlier, take a look at what his comments were. Today we face a deadline to fund the government, its the most basic duty of congress to fund our government. I was elected by the people of indiana to work every day on behalf of hoosiers to do my job as a United States senator. Keeping the government running is our job. I will vote to keep the government open. I hope that republicans and democrats will join together to reach an agreement and avoid a shutdown. We still have that opportunity to prevent the shutdown. I stand ready to work with anyone. I share the frustration of many hoosiers and americans. Weve been down this road before but congress does not need to follow that path. Again. As a potential shutdown loom the president s open yode Public Health Emergency Declaration son the verge of expiring. And according to reports today, the administration is planning to cut the office of national rug control policy by 95 . Let me say that again. The president s opioid Public Health Emergency Declaration is on the verge of expiring. And according to reports today, the administration is planning to cut the office of National Drug control policy. By 95 . Omdcp coordinates federal efforts to combat opioid abuse and heroin use as well as Drug Trafficking in indiana, and across the country. In addition, omdcp administers the high intensity Drug Trafficking area, ihda program, which supports and enhances cooperation between federal, state and local Law Enforcement agencies to combat Drug Trafficking. Its a program that effectively brings together critical Law Enforcement partners in indiana and reported cuts to omdcp could upend the Good Progress thats being made. As we work on the opioid crisis, we should invest in tools for the hoosier Law Enforcement and other communities to combat Drug Trafficking. This is a crisis. Its not time for the government to take critical tools for hoosier communities off the table. We should be doubling down on effective efforts. We must confront the Opioid Epidemic with all possible tools available and everyone working together to address this Public Health emergency. I yield back. Host some comments from the floor of the Senate Earlier today. The house voted on this continuing resolution, c. R. , to fund the government through february 16. They voted on that yesterday. And now just waiting awaiting action in the senate. Votes to move forward with that continuing resolution depending on what lawmakers are deciding behind closed doors. Senate appropriations Ranking Member a tweet here out from c. Q. Now, senator leahy, i think theyre going to try to get a vote around 10 00 p. M. But im not sure what its going to be. Were taking your phone call, let us know what you think about the government funding expiring at midnight tonight. Obey is calling from morristown, new jersey. Hey, tobey. Caller i dont understand they just passed this tax law. The people that need this tax, my w2 just came in, the people that need this tax money wont be able to file because the i. R. S. Is going to be affected by this shutdown. I cant believe after they brought this bill a bipartisan bill, according to Donald Trumps best that he bragged and boasted about for three or four day, saying you bring it across my desk, ill sign it. Then he starts making these racist remarks and he doesnt sign the bill. And i mean after all that hes bragging and boasting about, this tax bill, the tax bill, i passed the best thing ever, now we went be able to file our taxes because the i. R. S. Will be shut down because of this host thanks for your call, tobey. Alex in sparks, nevada, on the line for independents and others. Hi. Caller hi. Basically i was calling with a really simple point that in the house of representatives, there are 238 republicans, to 193 democrats. And in the senate there are 51 republicans to 49 democrats. As well as a republican president. So the republicans have the votes to pass whatever they want. And theyre just blaming the democrats. But i am glad for the democrats actually standing up for something, you know. Host all right, thanks for calling. Sometimes, as they pointed out they need that 60vote threshold which has been a problem in terms of trying to get all of the members on their side and a number of republicans saying they will not be voting for this continuing resolution. They dont want to keep passing these short term funding bills. Lets see what betty has to say, dunkirk, maryland, hi, betty. Caller as a senior citizen, i have been listening to this for two days. I cannot believe our country has we have put these people in to work for us and none of them can get along and to have dick durbin stand there today and all he talked about was doing work for the immigrants. What about the american citizens who need this pay . Not the immigrants need it. Dont talk about immigration right now. You have to worry about the americans who are going to be laid off. Theyre the ones who are going to loser that pay. I am so tired of hearing everything about immigrants. If they dont if they want to come here, fine. Let them come here, let them learn our language, let them abide by our laws. So when are we going to have people Strong Enough on capitol hill who are honest, that can be honest to the American People instead of going through day. We go through and a lot of this hold of his saying they want some kind of a , theon immigration deferred action for childhood miners program that they have not managed to come together on that, republicans and democrats. Lets see if we can get one last call in here. Tony, barboursville, virginia. Go ahead. Thank you for taking my call. I have been listening to the debate for several days come and i think there is some fundamental things that are being missed. 60 is the truth is needed, and we have to be smart enough that this requires bipartisanship. Art for silicon unfortunately, it seems like there is a lot of arguing, but we are failing to do the responsibility, which congress is defined to do, the budget. The continuing resolution is complicated because it impacts a lot of people. We have so much riding on the fact that our government must stay open. I know the majority of people who listen to this show were probably notur directly affected by Government Shutdown, but for those who are, it is an extremely emotional side of it, but it has a Significant Impact that has to be understood. That stress is applied to many different members of our country who work for our government. I saw a few Different Senate theers talk about importance of getting a full budget side. I think as an american, we should be in support of that. We are continuing our coverage of the senate. Just saw Mitch Mcconnell come to the floor, so a little bit of action going on here. He came on for a moment. Lets see if we can hear anything that is going on and just watching some of the coverage on cspan of the senate floor. Lets listen in. Call. The presiding officer the clerk ll call the roll. The clerk will call the roll. Quorum call the floor of the senate here. Away mcconnell has moved from the floor and waiting for the senate to take some kind of action, possible vote on cloture to limit debate so they can move forward on a vote on the continuing resolution that would fund the government for another month. Now down to less than five hours before the government shuts down. A number of Administration Officials saying they could come to an agreement over the weekend and avoid any real major action in terms of a shutdown because the government, post offices are closed over the weekend anyway. We will keep bringing you updates from the senate floor, and we will take a look back here at some of the Senate Debate from earlier today and probably grab a few more of your phone calls later on tonight. Re here to talk a little bit about Immigration Reform and maybe a little bit about the looming Government Shutdown. I want to start with the Government Shutdown because its

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