Davidson County Planning and Zoning director will retire Jan. 1
The Dispatch
For a man who loves history as much as Davidson County Planning and Zoning Director Guy Cornman, it's fascinating to listen to him spin tales of his family's history and see how it all circles back to him, Davidson County, community planning and a pandemic.
He'll dot the last "i" and cross the last "t" in his career's history on Dec. 31 when he retires from his position as the county's planning and zoning director and begins living the plans he has mapped out for retirement.
The Fayetteville native rolled into Lexington at age 4 in 1959 when his father was hired as the plant manager at the former Edgewood Casuals, a shirt manufacturer. This wasn't the first time his family had walked the ground of Davidson County or had a hand in the planning of the county's future. That began with his maternal grandfather, Karl Sloan.