the latest government figures show that in the past 2a hours , 1a deaths were reported — and 10,321 new infections were recorded. that means an average of 9109 new cases per day in the last week. nearly 219,000 people received a first dose of the vaccine in the latest 2a hour period, 42.6 million people have now had their firstjab, that's 81 percent of uk adults. nearly 189,000 people have had their second dose of the vaccine in the latest 2a hour period. more than 31 million people have now had both doses —that�*s 59 % of uk adults i've been speaking to professor adam finn of thejoint committee on vaccination and immunisation, about the latest rise in infections and how it compares to previous waves. so, i certainly believe it's the third wave. we're seeing the number of cases going up quite consistently now and the beginnings of a rise