here so they can become little american citizens. which is exactly the phrase she used this week on the stage in texas. the other problem she says is tourism babies. we have women from middle eastern countries, she says, even china who come over here, overstay their visas and have their babies here and take their babies home with the nefarious again, her word nefarious purpose of turning them into little terrorists who then will come back to the u.s. and do us harm. she conclude by telling jack it's part of an organized terrorist element and could cost us lives. ms. riddle seems to have a completely different recollection of her conversation with jack gray. >> and then right at the end of the conversation he said do you know anything about these tourism babies. and i said, well, yeah -- >> terrorism babies? tourism babies. terror babies was not my term. that was their term. they made up, i guess, before we went on the air. but he said do you know anything about these tourism babies,