get to compromise. >> i don't know that they checked those boxes. i saw it as more pageantry than anything else. i thought it was ironic that chuck schumer kept saying let's go negotiate, let's go negotiate and trump kept speaking and they kept interrupting and exposing him. i don't know why he let that keep going on. what kind of deal would he be willing to make? he seems to feel he's got a knuckle up on the wall. i thought we'd gotten past this, mexico's not going to pay for it. they're building lots of walls and structures down there just on the border, down by tijuana, where everything is going on. they need lots of different things. we are not a wall away from a better reality. but why make it so singular as an effort? >> i think it has to do with the political campaign to come. donald trump's kept a lot of promises on a number of front, where they're about to keep more