and basically decided to throw my hat in the ring. >> uh-huh. you were one of the guys who made sure that thing didn't blow up. and, you know, hundreds of people, it's been estimated. could have been killed with that. if you were elected to congress, do you want to be involved in terrorism? >> well, i'll tell you, absolutely, i would love to be on the homeland committee, i think representative king from long island would be someone i would love to work with in congress. >> i think he does a good job. >> absolutely. you know, the rnc has kind of labelled me as a liberal, liberal. i'm more moderate and certainly very hawkish on national defense and homeland protection. >> what is your experience in government? have you ever felt like this motivated before to do this? >> well, you know, i grew up in california actually, i was in my high school student senate and my debating partner was the president of our high school so we palled around together. i used the g.i. bill to go to