same thing with the autoworkers. they were bailed out. i'm not sure walmart is on the verge of going out of business, far from it. mr. rosen pointed out just how much money they make. but that is the whole sort of give and take between unions and the private sector, and they have to worry that if they push too hard, maybe the company doesn't go out of business, but it has to lay people off. patti ann: and this is a more interesting twist on this, though, because walmart is not a union shop. ofy of these protesters not them are union members, many of whom were bussed in by the union organizers. >> right, i mean, listen, this is why we're here to provide both sides of the story. the whole notion that a union person can't put together a subject and a predicate and explain, say why they're there is absurd. i've been to union protests. you ask the construction workers 20 years ago, 25 years ago when i was a kid with my dad, they would put more than a subject and a predicate together, let me tell you.