if you're not ordering online, a lot of people will think twice about getting out there. >> the stores have been begging people to come into the stores, into their doors. do you think this will have a bad impact on what is already a tepid retail season? >> i think this will have zero impact, to be honest with you. i think the shoppers go out and shop regardless. this is a country where 25% of the people out there don't even have anti-virus on their laptops. they use the same darn password for every application and website they get into. that is probably their birthday or their dog's name or something. people talk a god game. oh, my gosh, i'm concerned, i hope somebody sues. after that they get in the car and drive to target to buy christmas gifts. this will have zero impact. maybe target will claim it has an impact if their sales and revenues don't meet expectations. i don't think it will make a difference. >> are you going to shop at