in dallas, vinson's neighborhood on edge. police knocking on 300 doors before sunrise to tell neighbors of the ebola patient living among them. juan casada had an officer on his doorstep at 6:00 a.m. >> when i read here the likelihood of contracting ebola is extremely low, it kind of concerns me because it's -- right now it's knocking on my door. >> reporter: those 75 health care workers who treated duncan still being monitored. the dallas mayor warning more ebola cases could emerge. >> it may get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. >> reporter: high anxiety among some of those doctors and nurses. an associated press review of duncan's medical records revealing he had been in the hospital for two days before people treating him started wearing hazmat suits. a national nurses union says several nurses are complaining of serious safety lapses. that it took several hours to put duncan in isolation. that their protective clothing left skin exposed. and that potentially infectious waste was piling up. the hospital vowing to respond