washington, that maybe we can get something done on it. those who have obstructed. notice how none of the politicians ever show up at any of these free health care clinics. none of them have an answer for what to do with these folks other than to obstruct, get in the way and protect the insurance industry. david, by the way, this is the backyard of the insurance industry here in connecticut. and this is a state that has 11% of its population uninsured and this city, hartford, is the sixth poorest city of its size in america. so a lot of stories coming out of this convention center today. >> ed, the stories are heartbreaking when you hear about the people who don't have insurance, inspiring when you here stories about the people volunteering. what has been their take on the ups and downs of what they are hearing from washington in the last couple of weeks on this issue? >> well, the one couple that i just referred to, rick and peg mcgee, she's a clinical psychologist, both of them are retired. they have been so moved by the

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Something ,Way ,Answer ,Washington ,Folks ,None ,Politicians ,Health Care Clinics ,Notice ,Estate ,City ,David Schuster ,Population ,Hartford ,Size ,Insurance Industry ,Connecticut ,Backyard ,11 ,People ,Lot ,Stories ,America ,Ed Schultz ,Volunteering ,Convention Center Today ,Dont Have Insurance ,Issue ,Peg Mcgee ,Psychologist ,Ups ,Downs ,Both ,Brick ,One ,

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