your classes as the kids in malawi, they're sitting in that same room five days a week, seven hours a day, many of them on dirt floors, some of them on cracked cement floors. and i can tell you having watched them, it becomes physically grueling. what is it like to do it for 45 minutes? >> i absolutely hated it. i couldn't stand it at all. i was complaining the whole time. i stood up and i wanted to leave the room, to be honest with you. and after i watched the video clip that he showed me, i just really seemed sad about it and wanted to do everything i could to help the people in africa and show them how -- just to show them how it feels to sit in a desk and how it's very much appreciated here in the u.s. and it's just a big deal. i was very shocked when i walked into the room and saw that there was no seats, so i was very upset about it also. and i really just wanted to