case, and showing it immediately allowed us to finish the investigation and to ensure this doesn't happen again. >> in all, the family walks out with more than $2,000 worth of jewelry. but detective fleming says that isn't the real crime "caught on camera." >> the biggest crime here is what happened to those children, the way that this went down. a $2,000 theft really isn't that much. but when you add a child into the mix, boy, that's unbelievable. >> finally, a video of a crime that asks just how low can you go? police say an 18-year-old waiting outside a dallas bus station is pickpocketed during a seizure. it's all caught on tape by nearby security cameras. just moments earlier andrew bow, dressed in army fatigues, digs into his pocket to give money to a homeless man. minutes later he finds himself in desperate need of medical attention as his body convulses on the ground. another homeless man walks up. but instead of helping him, he