but i think, you know, it's a combination of the ignorance and arrogance as i see it. >> all right. john dean, thanks as always for your time. >> thank you. >> joining me now, matthew miller, former aide to attorney general eric holder and justice department spokesperson and clint watts. matthew, let me start with you. something you said earlier today. you said one thing i learned at doj about comey, he leaves a protective paper trail whenever he deems something inappropriate happened. stay tuned. what did you mean by that? >> there was this kind of remarkable incident that started in 2005 when the bush administration was debating whether to approve torture or not, waterboarding and other torture techniques. and jim comey had a meeting with the attorney general and he, along with others, approved those techniques but apparently told the attorney general that he thought it was a bad idea to actually use them and it would end up being embarrassing to the country and the administration. after that, he went back to his office and wrote an e-mail to his chief of staff, which, you