information about -- information that was gathered through surveillance or transcripts of presidential phone calls and in ways that is extraordinary that we wouldn't see in a normal washington environment with a normal president and a normal give or take of politics. it seems to be part of the froth we're in right now. and i think one of the things people who do national security for a living are concerned about at some point beyond donald trump when normalcy returns to washington will the norms have been destroyed in terms of what gets put out in the public routinely and what does not. >> carrie in your view how does that what happened today how could that back fire. >> the issue is first of all one of the things most concerning of what the attorney general said is he immediately raised the issue in the press conference of going after the records of reporters. and potentially opening up the guidelines that were just revised in 2015 that said the approval of obtaining records from reporters would have to be approved just by the attorney general and really that should