ali. >> mia, thanks very much. let's go to nbc's philip man that who is at houston's george brown convention center. it's been transformed into a shelter for flood victims. and you've been talking to them, philip, for the last couple of hours. what are you hearing? >> well, in this place is a swelling. there was about 2,900 people two hours ago. that was the last official number we got from the red cross, but you can see over my shoulder there has been an influx within the last hour, hundreds and hundreds have come throughment the capacity is five thousand so i would imagine that they're pretty close to that number. we'll find out pretty soon. but one of those families who just came in within the hour, i want to bring them in, they were rescued by helicopter. ten year old son and two year old cute little daughter here. what was that like? you guys had to -- >> we just waefd them. i mean, we jous got out and there were some people walking from the rescue. i don't even know who was it, but we just waefd them and then