of itself is the way to keep the american people safe without looking at all the things that have happened since then. >> does it strike you there's a contradiction to the way the president talks about the rule of law when it's people like rob porter accuse confidential domestic violence by two i different women and talks about there's no due process for him and knob attorney/client privilege. he's a real bleeding heart liberal public defender minded person when he talks about due process and people in his inner circle and when he talks about drug dealers he says we should execute them and deport all the immigrants. how do you make sense of those two different ways the president talks about law and order. >> believes in situational law and order. there is no way that i think you can resolve the tension that you have you just described. he is not a believer in the rule of law. he wants to make sure that those people who he likes, the people who support him are treated in