hard drives seize from his home and office which are being poured through to determine what might be subject to president trump's attorney/client privilege with michael cohen. here's the stat us. more than 250 items are subject to the privilege according to lawyers for trump and cohen. but more than 1 million files from three of cohen's cell phones three of them contain no privileged information and will be turned over to the government. there is still a trove of data to sort through including those shredded files. legal analyst nick akerman there eli nos tal join me now. let's start with you, elly, on the significance of the evidentiary hearing today. >> yeah, so it struck me as you that they are going to the mattresses by putting together shredded documents like they didn't do that for enron. so they're going for it with him on that. a second thing that they said and this is really -- this has been a conservative talking point all day. the judge set a timeline and