steamroll over us. >> that's one way to go at it. i think for most of us, the feeling is that this is an opportunity to make the case. people have not been paying attention to this so far about what is going on. they have been paying attention to the ceremonies honoring john mccain, they have been paying attention to the president's tweets. this is a chance for us to really make that case hard at a moment when the american public is looking at this botched process. >> kacie? >> senator, to pick up on joe's point, you call this a banana republic process, that's a pretty serious allegation. would you view his position on the court as illegitimate if he's confirmed? >> well, we need to go through the hearings, but i think that he is a person who could stop all this nonsense in a minute by saying, i'm not going to take the oath of office if i don't go through a legitimate process as a judge. i know he's never tried a case, but he's still been a judge. and he aught to know something about discovery.