peripherally aware of the moscow deal in 2016. >> liars. all liars. here's the thing. and i cite someone like emily jane fox who talked about this yesterday and she's right about this. if you know anything and spent time talking to donald trump and being in that world in the past, whether in this campaign or previously. it's just how small it is. and the smallness of it. the claustrophobia of it. how the family in some respects is totally dysfunctional and there are many -- all dysfunctional families are dysfunctional in their own way. the one thing they share is the sense of the tightness of this family around the name and in the physical proximity that they all worked for so long. it's not -- there are just not very many secrets around things that involve money. many secrets among the trumps. not things that involve money that would enrich all of them. so they all knew it was going on. i'm certain. >> the other point and it's important to point this out because it was first explained