like those are just spurts. how do we stay connected to our history and how do we make sure our children in the next generations understand what's gone in, going all the way back to the revolution, to making this country and to keeping this country together? >> well it goes back to something mike was saying. it's about memory. you know, the central command at the center of several of the great religious traditions, christianity, do this in remembrance of me, judaism, from the song of moses, remember the days of old, remember the years of many generations, ask thai fathers and they will tell thee, ask the elders and they will show thee. human instinct, thinking about it last week, we lost herman woke, the great novelist who wrote a lot, but "the winds of war" and "war and remembrance" i think i'm right that last line of "war and remembrance," thousands upon thousands of pages into this narrative, he wrote, the beginning of the end