all the actings we have here. it's going to take a while. we can start talking while people see here. these aren't small agencies either. this competency question. >> the president doesn't mind it, though, chuck. he thinks -- and based on my reporting, the president truly believes he has more flexibility when he has more all these acting positions in place. he has a new acting position, obviously, with the labor secretary, who just stepped down two days ago. when i talk to folks in and around the white house, it's not necessarily homeland security. it's not necessarily dhs. it's the defense department still without a permanent defense secretary. that's a concern for the president's allies, for people who support him in and around washington. >> and really thumbing the nose at the constitution. these people are supposed to be confirmed. that are leading these agencies. that's the way our founding fathers wrote the constitution. i'm so sick of some in your party, carlos, waving the constitution when a democrat is in office and completely ignoring the constitution when a republican is in office. >> and it's important to remember that even when there was not this long list of actings, even in the earliest