>> he had like a bad mood or something. >> for what? did he tell you? >> no. right before i went to sleep, i heard him crying in his room. >> what was he crying for? do you know? did you approach him about that? >> i knocked on his door, he -- i asked him if, like, "are you okay?" and he said, "yeah, why?" "'cause i heard you crying." and he was like, "no." but his face was red because like, you know when people cry and their faces are red -- >> he didn't tell you why he was crying? >> i didn't know if he was or not -- because he said he is not crying -- >> in any case he was upset - you lived with this guy for so long and you'd know obviously if something was bothering him. >> which is what their friend, chris phillips, thought, too. daniel knew nathan well. in fact, said chris, daniel kept a helpful eye out for a lot people at the school. >> he was very bright, friendly, eager to help anyone out.

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