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Absolutely comparable to what happened 5 years ago at the time of the mother of 2 oclock today and this is where france makes a star especially because its a girl about educating french children in french values any new information at this point about the attacker. What we did about the attack is that he was an 18 year old chechen refugee who had been taken in in france after having me refused to sign him in. And that he didnt know the teacher and did not attend the class but he was radicalized. By the number of messages of social me your posts and declarations of a group of various radicalized organization in france who said it was outrageous to shoot the teacher should be suspended and that action should take not precisely what kind of action so we dont know yet whether the radicalization is a good period and then it was sent on this mission or whether it just decided to do his new his all in mosque in france of course is a is a thoroughly Secular Society and yet theres been a rising nonsecular in flux for years as you know outsiders my quickly attribute these attacks to that inevitable tension that exists how do the french explain it in other words do these 2 groups otherwise coexist in relative peace im not sure what you mean by secular big abide by nonsecular because france is a country that for years for centuries was news the eldest daughter of the catholic church. Communities and indian well whats true is that we can muslim immigration the past 50 years and the 1st generations were actually well integrated and what we have seen really coincides. With was a radical islam in the late seventys early eightys etc which the. Pretty. Soon. It was my study. Thank. I believe weve lost sound with elizabeth maintain paris but we do appreciate her joining us maybe well have you on later on in the day elizabeth in paris really appreciate your being with us. Countries across europe are imposing tighter restrictions in the hope of slowing the spread of the krona virus as cases continue to rise france has recorded a new high of 32000 cases in a single day but 37 acted a curfew in major cities requiring all public spaces to be shut by 9 pm but not everyone has welcomed the new rules more chairs for more guests jaffa saloon has his hands full his parisian restaurant liaison a mob is packed and his guests all want to be looked after before the curfew takes effect. We have changed everything we now begin serving dinner at 5 pm. The bartender and servers struggle to keep up with orders jeff as guests have arrived much earlier than usual. Because its a little stressful we have to be hyper efficient in order to have a drink and be home on time. Even though no one looks ready to go home most of the patrons are happy to comply with the new curfew. So really its not such a bad idea considering the high infection rates it doesnt bother me that much. Shortly before 9 pm jafa tells his guests that they have to make their way home and quickly. Then its a race to close on time with jaffa determined to avoid the penalties that come with being open past 9. Percent its frustrating having to keep people out at 8 30 in the evening. Before the shock. Usually were open until 6 in the morning this is. Just after 9 pm the metro is deserted anyone found outside risks being fined over 100. 00 euros the only exception being emergencies and work. Because it is going on for the can i do shift work and i dont finish until 915 so after the curfew begins i have a permit from work. The streets of paris transformed at night as the curfew brings an unusual quiet now to some of the other stories making news around the world. Bolivias president ial election is underway its taking place in the deep divisions infusion of violence the front runner is luis also a key ally of the former president morales their Left Wing Socialist Party is popular with the countrys large indigenous population centrist candidate carlos mesa is also a strong contender. For media and as a barge on have accused each other of breaking the latest ceasefire in the disputed no going region just hours after it came into force the truce agreed to late saturday it was the 2nd attempted armistice in a week hundreds have died in 3 weeks of clashes over the region. A landslide has hit a military barracks in Central Vietnam burying at least 22 soldiers several bodies have been recovered rescuers are searching for those still missing the slide is the latest to hit the region following 2 weeks of heavy rains and storm. Thousands of protesters are again taking to the streets in cities across thailand its the 5th straight day of rallies calling for a new government and constitutional reform in the capital bangkok demonstrators disrupted traffic at victory monument protesters are defying a ban on gatherings despite the arrest of several activists and the shut down of Transit Networks prime minister. Had ignored calls for his regular resignation but a spokesman told the Reuters News Agency hes concerned about the potential for violence and wants to talk. For more on that now im joined by philip sure well journalist for the sunday times philip welcome to d. W. Again paint a picture for us if you will whats the mood in the city today. Sort of the mood is one of defiance amongst these protesters they are turning out several sites across the city they have. And their policy of converging on one particular site really stretching the police by choosing a several sites in in bangkok and they are very angry that angry that so many of their leaders have been arrested theyre angry that the riot police and Water Cannons were sent in on friday night and they are also. Around. That defines in the face of these this government decree that is supposed to find any gathering of full and full people but police have said today that theyre going to look at Video Evidence to prosecute people attending these rallies and theyve also said theyre going to monitor and look at social me your activity even people posting selfies they say they will use that as evidence that you got that illegally under this decree so we have about 30 seconds left i just want to ask you again so again public gatherings are banned the transit systems shut down clearly the government is using almost everything in its arsenal to shut down this unrest in its tracks will protesters be able to continue to organize. They they they currently are theyre using our social media they use to encrypted channels that bangkok is full of motorbike taxes that getting around that way the governments attempts to so close down the public transport system is probably just and of a change average funchal koreans who are not part of the protests its certainly not managing to stop the actual protestors thank you thats a fillip sure well in bangkok much appreciated. The u. S. President ial election is just over 2 weeks away and candidates are making their final pitches to voters on saturday President Donald Trump made back to back appearances a Campaign Rallies in michigan and wisconsin his rival joe biden warned that the campaign was still too close to call despite holding a large lead in many polls. The trump show back in town in wisconsin he didnt wear a mask neither did many of his supporters trump gave a rambling speech including memories of his time in the hospital ill with coven 19 got better fast i got better fast i can now jump into the audience and give you all a big cheers the women was the kiss those big powerful men down there i wont love it but office. Had a separate rally in michigan he called for the states democratic governor to lift coronavirus restrictions you got to get your governor to open up your state was the end jet in school so the get used to this all it was supposed to have to be all right out of the trump is trailing Democrat Joe Biden and most National Surveys as well as in many key battleground states had a Voter Mobilization a vent in michigan biden slammed the trumpet ministration for allegedly tipping off financial executives about the pandemic before the public knew anything but here is really dirty according to New York Times today this restraint she gave wall Street Investors a heads up about it didnt tell us what gave wall Street Investors a heads up their American People he said nothing. Also on saturday thousands of protesters most of them women marched on washington and other cities denouncing President Trump and his choice of a conservative Supreme Court seat. Defending champions by munich thrashed newly promoted bielefeld on saturday there when moves the bavarians up to the 2nd in the table. Robert levin skied back leading the by in line and involved right from the Start Playing in thomas minutes of brians open around 8 minutes. I never dusty was soon on the scoresheet himself making it difficult look easy and complete control the post 2nd wasnt quite as applicants. But they all count the visitors 3 no off on the stroke of half time. Grabs his 2nd feed off of the restarts. And the richie joe on pulled one back from the lookout by and had a man sent off pouncey flick side easily held on for the full one victory thanks to 2 of the most familiar faces. Youre watching news from berlin up next port life how to succeed in football without much money theres more news in 45 minutes. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. Trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime were you judge it by the allied forces. They were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. I dont now im on the lam going through dont panic youre usually right here. Our 2 part series the 3rd right the dog starts nov 12th on d w. Thank. You success in football today is about money right shakes all the guards big investors they rule the game the more you spend the more successful you are. Well actually not always man city and pay as you have not won the Champions League despite their rich owners from the gulf there are other models that produce inspiring football fairy tales without good zillions of euros being invested in a t. V. I dont look at 3 different story showing how you can succeed despite not having the fattest thank you. In spain a team whose relationship with the fans had cooled off for years turned back into a source of local pride. Then provincial germany local sponsors are financing a small club that is knocking on the bundesliga store. And in italy a former yoyo side is fearlessly storming city yeah and even the Champions League. First stop spain. This is going to have a population 232000. Madrid barcelona valencia all these spanish football powerhouses from much bigger cities are far away a. Little bit more about whats owned by an italian family from 2006 to 2016. The pubs those who also run and watch for it in england and in italy under their rule get another did come back to the league after having fallen as low as the spanish 4th division before the poles those mandalas to shuttle players between their family on clubs but not a plot 191 players in seoul 285 in those years. Thats enough material for a dozen of identification of the 0 success on the pitch not just to get out of. It i mean. You know if youre not yet. But then a transformation began that leko not up to the Europa League in 2020 for the 1st time in its history and that was the 3rd lowest budget in the league. Not as wage bill is 35000000 euros while atlantic owes is 34802641 barcelonas 671000000 what has happened well lets be real of course there was a new investor wants to put those walked out chinese sports businessmen jiang took over as owner and president but remember what i said in the beginning money cant necessarily buy you love or titles and so the 1st year of chinese rule in going out i let the club back to the 2nd division. The one that. Were going to go see on the nato. Even though. You know. The man in power from the far east set down and thought things through. Executive power was given to people who. We reformed the club like general manager unfunny often on this month to reveal. The new year. I was. Going to have a little bit of joy. And only a little it would be a little then yes and. I read are undergoing a young coach was appointed who is married to a local woman had lived in gone out as a student and previously only worked for much smaller teams. They are what are you know. By the any western media and the fact that i am a wonderful. Martinez and his humble team got promoted to a league on 2019 and in his 2nd year i cannot martinez became spains youngest ever top flight coach not just at you know tobar 21000 going out i became the leader leaders for the 1st time in 46 years. The new identity was fortunate a club whose fans previously felt alienated from their team for years this was done also by hiring regional talent that the general managers line was you know we were going to. See. Whats next were going to is this model sustainable some doubts remain in september 2020 the president changed overnight and tell you the new man is also chinese and a Business Partner of the previous one of the work on the ground will be influenced by this remains to be seen. Next stop germany. This picturesque castle overlooks the city of hiding behind population 50000. Football has shaken up this provincial town for an obvious. Reason. It put it on the map since 2007 the club has fought its way up from the vision 5 to division 2. And at the end of the 292020 season they were just one step away from the bundesliga playing a really good playoff against former german champions for him. Was wage bill it was a meager 15000000 euros that season only half of league competitor hamburg left behind a league higher ones which bill is 205 and by and 356000000 euros. Are light years away from that. You will see all simply sponge on it in for. Its toes and apart from 2 bigger local companies the local baker and the pharmacist also have their share in sponsoring hide my im a concept that grew over time and the numbers for 13 years now the club has at the same coach function that hes even hired and im born no current professional team in germany can beat that continuity is keen not seen least need in this medium lift up to stilton some im. Thinking norman disquiet is almost exclusively relying on german players one of the few foreigners just constantine cash from a hes from neighbor country austria hiding him share of foreigner is a 6. 67 percent thats only every 15 player in the bonus league or the average is 55. 7 percent in the 2nd bonus league its still 26. 5 percent but heidi im lacking stars and big money is compensated through team spirit which has surprised bigger names. Almost beat the german record champions in the cup match in 2019 with the score not quite reflecting the financial situation of both clubs and this is cause a gate had been winning team for women. The thinking is this spirit was not enough to make it to the bomb this again while hiding time fans had to watch the relegation games from their gardens to to corona their team to bremen but only on away goals the club has proven its here to stay. And Charles Simon already got the car for the bundesliga tried to make it to the Champions League one day they might even have to travel here. Italy 120000 inhabitants. This city hosts one of europes most exciting football teams at the moment. They score and score. 98 santiago in 292020. Look at what some International Top clubs have done in their respective leagues that same season. A club more than 110 years old has always been connected to their local identity. But since the late eightys when atlanta last played internationally the team had been a yo yo side for 2 decades. So how come they managed to get as far as the Champions League quarter finals in 2020 while having only the 13 tie as wage project in the city around 30000000 euros while league arrivals you venters have an estimated 150000000. Decade ago when this man became president again see who would already be in the cup in the ninetys he also is a former player seen here in 197475. With a low for. Which he always confessed that you would still like you know. Why are we waiting for him to be back. After his footballing career. He became a successful businessman one that never forgot his roots and has been in the city are for 10 years now again Financial Stability and became what it is today kasey invested enough to lantus prolific Youth Academy bought the local stadium which in italy is exceptional or even gave 3 jerseys and a bottle of locally produced baby milk to every newborn in town. Some new took over as the coach in 2016 and was not exactly successful in the beginning. When arrived the 1st you know the 1st. People was like this is queens this guy could be the. I guess the late. One just put on the field like all these Young Players like. Remember you know this lady would you like oh my god i hope we dont get like 5 or 6. And they played beautiful atlanta finished the season 4 and qualified for the Europa League and had only just begun. To have to hold the whole place. And i greedy didnt get equal or totally crazy my goal if i won if i feel that im a senior on the scene all in the shooting shit or even. Meet you have the. Best video. That stabbed me. In 2019 this fearless approach scent of a long talk to the Champions League for the 1st time in its history. Collective was glued together not just by success on the pitch but also through the corona cross better game was one of the pandemics epicenters in march 20214500 people died in only one month old. Do. And then if they didnt try to escape as many of the players at the inn say oh yeah the state you had to leave many face to face you know i feel even walk on that community. When football restarted at the lanka last of Champions League quarter final against pay as a team with financial possibilities far beyond goes back to more hands but doesnt that prove that money rules all well as no regardless of the last minute defeat against. Became one of europes football powerhouses while you cannot a has been promoted to new heights in spain and even europe rebuilding a local identity and hide behind small town fairy tale is far from over our setbacks maybe even likely to make these teams Even Stronger in the future its team spirit hard work continues effort and courage but sometimes matter more. Tempting to overcome boundaries. Changing the world with dad. No words required. But full body in. Your. Heart 21. On g. W. Just like living on an island. In danger can almost. Count on. The rapidly growing population is encouraging more and more i came to. Visit in arizona conflict. The amount of biodiversity. In 60 minutes. What secrets lie behind us was. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. T. W. World heritage 360 get me out now. Theres a shared space of inspiration indelibly rich someone in any of your left contracts pirate. Treasure that dance for us good well thats a cadillac maginot f l no good on people really can cost my bigger more strong. To shit amp sound better if i look more

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