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Supporters protest the vote counted as his campaign mounts legal challenges in several states also coming up a Record Number of fresh coronavirus cases before to the u. S. Almost 100000 new infections are registered in a single day as some states warmth theyre running out of intensive care for us. Alone terry martin good to have you with us theres still no winner in the u. S. Election but there are some encouraging signs for democratic challenger joe biden the former Vice President has picked up wins in some closely fought states President Trump meanwhile is facing an increasingly difficult path to win reelection hes launched legal challenges aimed to stop vote counting in several tight races a call echoed by his supporters in arizona. Trump supporters have been gathering to protest the ongoing vote counting there that race is neck and neck though several news outlets have reported joe biden has flipped the battleground state truck has made unfounded allegations of voter fraud and on wednesday accused democrats of trying to steal the election. So heres a look at the results with some closer attention to states that have yet to declare winner our figures show joe biden currently on 264 and President Trump on 214 Electoral College votes that puts joe biden just 6 votes away from the 270 needed to win the presidency. Wisconsin has become the latest state to fall into the biden call amidst 10 electoral votes which trump won in the last election now go to his democratic challenger. That brings us to nevada which has exactly the 6 boats on offer that joe biden needs for the white house he currently has a slim edge in the state in georgia 16 electoral votes are on the table with trump leading the way but his margin has narrowed there in that state the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit now alleging that ineligible late absentee ballots maine have been added to the count in pennsylvania meanwhile well thats the biggest prize still up for grabs 20 electoral votes there the president currently holds a narrow lead but again remaining male ballots are expected to favor the democrats. Well the wire service a. P. Which is our main source for election data here at g. W. That shows biden has taken the state of arizona but other major News Agencies have not yet called that state so theres still a bit of a question mark there and the bottom line for now votes are still being counted but the path for victory for donald trump appears to have narrowed. Get a live update from washington our chief Political Editor make it a cook is standing by there they came up votes are still being counted are things any clearer now than they were 24 hours ago. Well were clearly seeing a tendency that biden is actually at least narrowing the margin where donald trump is ahead in several contested states although it still does remain a nail biter and with Many Networks not having called arizona yet the focus is on georgia and arizona the potential ticket to reach 270. 00 for joe biden that also explains why do biden came out earlier today and said he was confident that he would win on the other hand were seeing at trumps come basically file several lawsuits which a republican legal expert on National Television here has referred to as hail mary lawsuits meaning that when it counted it realizes that its getting very tight this could be a tactic not just to win a suit over an individual but to potentially delay. Results being declared which could then change the whole process unless that lawsuit can be resolved by the time the Electoral College gathers on the 14th of december so theres still a couple of the eagle aces potentially up Donald Trumps leave but behind closed doors you can already hear from republicans that theyre theyre not for it this is clearly something that donald trump wants to push the head with and hes clearly on the defensive here. Yesterday mckayla discussion was very much a midwestern states today the focus is more diffuse were looking at states like georgia whats the situation there. Yes because all of a sudden joe biden looks like he is the 1st one in many years to get a chance to turn george as the democratic way and throughout even this night weve seen that initial margin which was the eating melt away from some 33000 votes ahead to some 23000 and were expecting fresh data to come out of georgia throughout this night at some stage and that could very well seal the presidency for joe biden or it would signal that yes the little trump still has a mathematical pathway to remain president what are we to make of the Truck Campaign claiming voter fraud trawled in the counting process that server is the Voting System in the u. S. Not considered very reliable. Well he certainly has himself stated several times that he doesnt believe in it he said on pennsylvania which has 20 Electoral College votes that he thinks very bad things are happening there i had the chance to actually ask the head of the Election Observer Mission the international Observer Mission here in the United States of her assessment her teams assessment of the elections here and he in his statements he has undermined the no 2 scum in the electoral process that is a fact we have not on record on the challenges that face here in the United States is rebuilding that trust in the system hopefully the work that weve been doing here very fact base will also see in some measure to reassure people that how this election actually was contemptuous and that we did not find systemic. Problem doing. She was stating that donald trump is to blame for many people having their trust in the system undermined and that also is quite clear from the written statement that came out the same time the International Observers gave the electoral system and how it was wrong throughout these elections including the very high level of transparency. So donald trump really will have to put in some effort to push forward that narrative to undermine confidence here. Thank you very much that was. In washington so americans coping with this uncertainty are reporters what else on the streets washington d. C. To gauge the mood. Today is a very tense day for mary Many Americans and i believe personally as a republican that trump won in a landslide but because of colbert and the ballot that 300000 ballots overnight were found in every city in the swing states for biden. Just another reminder about how divided the country is right now its remarkable that you know almost half of americans think that donald trump is the single worst person to be president. President im just overwhelmed i am so stressed yesterday i was like you know but this morning i broke down and cried because of the possibility that trent might be in office again my mom was saying earlier she feels really misled by the polls. Im not really up to feeling angry at anyone im just feeling sad. So divided us voters there commenting on the unclear how come of tuesdays ballot well. Has been following this election from the very beginning and joins us now peter many feared unrest in the u. S. In the absence of a clear result in this election and especially if the Election Results were to be contested in this all looking that way are we seeing any unrest it well so far i mean in the media wake of the results yesterday it was fairly quiet and you know made a lot of people there hopeful but we are seeing now is the right says start to get a bit tighter. You know were looking at election that really could be decided by a couple 1000 both potentially you know weve seen things heat up in some of the most contested battleground states in michigan we saw approach from protesters crowded lection center in arizona manic Maricopa County where we just got a new batch of results we saw from supporters also out there crowd in that Election Center for you know hours you know or so it was a state that was called. Early on maybe a bit premature. For biden and were really seeing a lot of movement theres still you know its. Tightened dramatically we just got as i said another batch of votes about 60000 of them. Showed trump gaining some ground we still have a couple 100000 votes left so all of this is to say you know a lot theres still a lot of volatility a lot of movement and i wouldnt expect this type of unrest to frankly die down anytime soon until theres a much clearer result Donald Trumps lawyers theyre already starting to file legal challenges in a number of states particularly states where donald trump is not doing very well this could all get very messy couldnt it yeah i mean it absolutely could i mean were looking at lawsuits or potential lawsuits in arizona and michigan in the vote in pennsylvania where were expecting ballots to be counted for at least another day wisconsin where biden is up by less than one percent or less than one point im sorry where trump is now therefore allowed to demand a recount so you know essentially were looking at a situation where even of biden we were to win nevada of georgia pennsylvania which would take him to 306. 00 Electoral College votes which is exactly the same amount of votes trump got in 2016 biden also having a much bigger popular vote lead you know we could still be looking at weeks. At least weeks before we know the official winner what should we be watching out for from this point on with all of these things in motion that youve already mentioned you know how do we orient ourselves moving forward and theres just so much to watch and we also know we not only have a president ial race we also have a congressional races still ongoing where especially the senate races are still very unclear how thats going to go thats going to be crucial for the next. President lets focus on biking lets say that if he wins i think the big question is how decisively does the way will be enough for trump to you know sustain his legal attack or if not then you know how long until the Republican Party for instance starts to speak up and say you know maybe except defeat we did not see a lot of that yesterday when he come out with some of these false statements the question is also how will the Supreme Court react will they accept these legal challenges we know that this Supreme Court is tilted strongly in favor of trump he appointed 3 of the 9 judges justices there. But i think ultimately it really also is not just a question of who is the next president of the century this is a question also of legitimacy you know we are looking at a country that is as deeply divided as its been maybe since the civil war. You know it is crucial that the next president is seen as a legitimate leader and so its going to be very very important that you know people trust the process and that people are little bit patient and as we await the results are coming in thank you very much for the orientation people are for it thanks. Well were now into a 2nd day without a conclusive result in the u. S. Election and it could be a long wait states have until december 8th to deliver the certified results and thats supposed to help guarantee that all votes have indeed been counted that day is called safe harbor day because any state result delivered after that can be challenged well the last time this all came into play was 20 years ago and election that was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court. November 2000 republican president ial candidate george w. Bush seems to win florida but the results are so close that the rules demand a recount the whole election hangs in the balance democratic candidate al gore request a manual recount in certain counties. Recounting by hand took a long time a legal battle slowed vote counting down and the state overshot the safe harbor date december 8th this allowed the Bush Campaign to ask the Supreme Court to stop a new statewide recount which it did bush was declared the winner by a margin of just a few 100 votes. Fast forward to this november another election without an immediate result the established law in some states is that counting early and mail in ballots can only start on election day and this year the corona pandemic meant millions of people voted that way counting all these ballots takes guess what a long time. We dont know how long yet but that december 8th safe harbor deadline is starting to become visible on the horizon. President trump has already said he intends to use lawsuits to slow down or stop state counts which could push them past the safe harbor date and make them vulnerable to challenges his 1st comments after polls close. Pointed towards venice he falsely said counting votes after election day was illegal. We were getting ready to win this election frankly we did win this election. Is a major schroeder nation we want the load to be used in a proper manner so will be going to the us Supreme Court his democratic opponent joe biden had been expecting this and tried to take the wind out of trump sails we knew because of the on president early voting a mail in vote was going to take a while were going to have to be patient until the hard work of talent votes is finished if under states miss the safe harbor date while theres still no overall result the u. S. Congress and Supreme Court could get involved bringing back memories of the bitterly divided 2000 contest. Lets get some reaction from europe now brussels spirit she felt xander phenomena is monitoring the force she joins us from brussels and sandra what to europeans make of this u. S. Election limbo. Well brussels the whole europe waiting watching holding its breath and when we get to it when we look at the have solved the e. U. Institutions and nato and most of the e. U. Leaders we have to say there are silence they know whats at stake right now but those politicians who did come and they reacted mostly with this made to president premature declaration of victory to his allegations of fraud most of them saying that they are afraid today that there could be a constitutional crisis in the United States that could have International Implications German Foreign minister heikal mass for example also pointed to the deep pull i was asian in the u. S. And samantha to be able the chairman of the European Peoples Party in the European Parliament said that this polarization is a warning for europe to take this issue seriously Transatlantic Relations have been strained during trumps presidency you yourself covered the white house for quite a good chunk of that do you see any chance of those relations employ moving troll gets a 2nd term if trams gets a 2nd term than we have to say that many people here fear that that would be a disaster of further damage to to the Transatlantic Relations because of what trump did he pulled out of the climate agreement paris climate agreement he pulled out of the run nuclear deal but also because he is someone who does respect disrespect european institutions International Organizations so its really difficult to imagine how the European Union could work with him together to tackle those issues that matter to them how much of a difference would a biden presidency then make for ties between europe and the u. S. What do you think. Well i think that there would be a huge difference they were peons are really hoping that if joe biden gets elected there will be a change of the atmosphere a more a friendlier tone between the europe and the United States they want to see someone in the white house who they can rely on who is predictable who they can sit together and and talk about those issues that i mentioned that are important to those europe and the United States examiner thank you very much that was due out xander phenomena our Brussels Bureau chief. U. S. Is also continuing to make headlines with the corona virus that has registered almost 100000 cases in a 24 hour period thats a new record in the pandemic there infections have been surging across the country but as a percentage of the population the midwest is currently hardest hit in addition to rising cases hospitalizations are also soaring north dakota says it has only 6 pretty intensive care beds in the entire state more than 230000 people have now died in the u. S. After catching the virus. Well for more lets bring in Peter Chin Hong from the university of San Francisco hes a medical educator who specializes in treating Infectious Diseases thanks for being with us could go into the ballot boxes in other words voting in person do you think that could have accelerated infections in the u. S. It certainly could have terry mosse wouldnt mind they did in voting facilities in the United States during the season in fact even if your state has a mosque mandate the federal law didnt film it or didnt mind 8 or enforce mosque going at the sites im also considering that the activities around election time the buses of supporters particularly for President Trump not Wearing Masks theyre in an enclosed space theyre writing up and on these all promote potential super spreading events when talking to events economists from Stanford University of calculator that tens of thousands of people may have in fact been infected with the coronavirus during Donald Trumps big election rallies we just saw some footage from there is that plausible its sydney plausible the exact numbers a little bit hard to state in the Stanford University projections they didnt look at actual contact recent numbers but use projections like states with similar after doing all the genes and very similar communities where these rallies didnt occur compare those sites and then thats how you get tens of thousands of excess cases its definitely plausible people are not writing mass in these rallies theyre huddled close together as shouting screaming theres a lot of emotions and these are the states where theres a lot of coronavirus happening right now c o pretest probability of getting an infection in these communities is actually higher now no winner has been declared yet in this election but if biden does become president what if anything do you think will change in how the federal government in the us deals with the penned up like. Well i think im afraid terry that the cat is already out of the bag into most of the rapid rise and acceleration infections right now in the wintertime if biden wins he wouldnt be in office until january and again by then who knows how many more hundreds of thousands of infections wed have in the United States i think the 1st thing that biden would probably do however is hes talked about having a National Mosque mandate and definitely well wait for a National Strategy those 2 very simple things for a country havent really been what weve seen in the last few months the United States every state was fending for itself except that states wouldnt be able to close themselves off the borders are porous and you know virus can go from one area to the other depending on you know regardless of what was in force in one state. Thank you very much for talking with us i was peter chin home medical educator from the university sent for cisco. Say hello to smother developments in the pandemic germany has likewise set a new record for new infections in the country almost 20000 positive cases were registered in the last 24 hours in england a 2nd nationwide law has come into effect tougher restrictions on social contacts are in place and all nonessential businesses will be closed for the next 4 weeks and denmark is set to call over 15000000 of the countrys farmed maine thats after a mutated corona virus from the animals infected at least 12 people. Sports now and in Champions League soccer are be like sick of benj their defeat in last seasons semi final by beating paris sunshine who had 2 players sent off leipsic came from a goal down to win 21 and move level on points with Manchester United at the top of their group thats after the english side slipped to an embarrassing 21. 00 defeat in istanbul elsewhere elling holland scored twice as dortmund eased a victory against bruce to go top of their group and there was a comfortable win for italian champions you ventus against therons of hungary well an italian man is finally putting his feet up after winning the worlds longest certified road race dubbed the everest of ultra running under a mark completed the 3100 mile event in 43. 00 days he became the fastest 1st time runner in the races history averaging an incredible 72 miles per day one 118. 00 marathons you know its Little Wonder the transcendence race has so few participants and even fewer finishes. Founded in 1997 by indian meditation master sri chinmoy and race is designed as its title suggests to test competitors mental strength as well as their physical fitness so many times in the race your mind teamsters gold. Coast somehow. Have this inner power to find a way through i guess thats thats thats the race is probably hold for me you know the fact that you know everybodys vote because this limited power you know that we can talk and. I usually run in new york the race took place this year in the austrian city of so because of the coronavirus pandemic begin at 6 in the morning and can continue until midnight when the track closes they can take breaks wherever they want any 5 started this year. And italian and graham say was the best of the bunch after beginning on the 13th of september he crossed the finishing line 43 days and 9 pairs of shoes later. This is g. W. News from berlin just a reminder of our top story vote counting continues in the u. S. Election democratic candidate joe biden says he is confident of taking the white house projections show biden just 6 Electoral College votes away from the 270 needed to win. Youre watching news coming up next conflict this week were interviewing zimbabwes foreign minister thanks for watching. Good. To. Ensure the conflict Zone Research hello my guest this week is involved with minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to see both you so much. As a former army chief he was also the face of the military coup that propels amnon babatz of power will zimbabwe ever be able to see change a political and economic reform. Conflict so for. September 1903 israelis and palestinians signed the oslo accords. In the middle east seemed possible. New videos and private documents tell the story of the tough negotiations behind the scenes forming a reached and the bitter collapse of the occurrence i am. The oslo diaries. In 45 minutes on d w. Each obsession for spectacular pictures. Its the passion for nature. Its their complete devotion that makes them the best one to apply for total for 6 more. Years of being. Confrontational and story. Of 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our planet. For planet storks november 6th g. W. The we believe that we are keen on corruption protocol but even fears of your rebuttal to the highest levels of government why not just investigate. Further. We have both the ted painful decisions to let decide the economy more than 2 years ago zimbabwe and its long time grueling xantia party appeared to be turning a corner when amberson and none got what took office and promised a break from nearly 4 decades of Robert Mugabes brutal authoritarian rule and economic mismanagement

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