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City is major spy hub. Markets pointing higher, dow industrials up 52 and the nasdaq up 39 and s p 500 higher by ten minutes. The dow moved 560 points between highs and lows, the Technology Startup set for a big price tag as it readies to go public with offering next week. We have all the numbers coming up. Speaking of tech, amazon unveiled a whole new slew of gadgets to boost gaming experience. Candy craze, more americans are stocking up halloween candy despite no worries of trick or treating this year. Mornings with maria is live right now. Take a look at indices. Things have worsen in the last few moments. Markets in europe poise today see the worst week in june as uk reports rise in coronavirus cases. Mixed story in asia as well,ation markets finishing flat but a mixed story. Japan and korea were up. Hong kong and shanghai were lower. Some of the top stories that we are watching out right now. President trump handing out drug discount cards to seniors as he lays out to America First plan in north carolina. 33 Million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail containing 200 that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs. The cards are incredible. The cards will be mailed out in the upcoming weeks. I will always take care of citizens. Joe biden wont be doing this. This is also part because of tremendous money we will be saving with favored nations and various other things that weve got. Maria wet also signing an executive order which ensures americans with preexisting conditions keep their coverage. Today stops in virginia ickily talking about his plan. Calling on joe biden to release his own candidates. Uphold our constitution. On saturday i would be announcing my nominee to the United States Supreme Court. My opponent refuses to release his list of potential justices because they would be picked by extremists. He loses everything. Maria joe biden mostly off of the radar yesterday calling a lid presumably to prepare for president ial debate in cleveland today Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg will make history as first woman and u. S. Jewish to lie in capitol. Thousands paid their respect for justice while she layed in repose at the Supreme Court. Unrest in louisville, kentucky, while protests remain largely peaceful according to reports, some local businesses and a hospital suffered damage including broken windows, at least 24 people were arrested after the protest was declared unlawful assembly. In Los Angeles Police are investigating reports of a protestor being hit by a car in hollywood. The investigation is ongoing this morning. The new york reporting that john durham looking into the fbis russia probe as requested information on the bureaus handling of the Clinton Foundation investigation. The report suggests that durhams team is looking into whether the Russia Probe Team flouted laws or policies and comparing it to the Clinton Foundation investigation. Its unclear whether they were looking for similar claws in the clinton investigation. A spokesperson for the durham team declined to comment for the times story but we know that peter strzok was overseeing investigations simultaneously. Thats an investigation into Hillary Clintons email use and donald trump potentially colluding with russia. The investigations were treated extremely differently. House democrats preparing a new coronavirus aid package meanwhile. 2. 4 billion bill would include another round of direct payments and aid to airlines, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin saying yesterday hes willing to sit down with democrats and pass a bill during a Heated Exchange with ohio senator brown. Here is Steve Mnuchin yesterday. You simply didnt step up for the workers, 600 a week, 600,000 people in my state lost Unemployment Insurance and you essentially you and senator mcconnell and the president of the United States are simply saying to those 600,000 ohioans, youre on your own. Thats a gross misstatement and exaggeration. If democrats are willing to sit down, im willing to sit down any time for Bipartisan Legislation in the senate. Lets pass something quickly. Maria joining me right now is jon hilsenrath, Senior Writer at the wall street journal, also senior fellow at National Taxpayers union and former strategys mattie doppler and brian brendberg. Thank you for being here. Your thoughts, brian, in terms of a stimulus being spoken about once again, do you think theres actually a time to and execution risk here, do you think we will possibly see a stimulus . Brian the question is Speaker Pelosi really serious about wanting to do something, yes, she brought down the price tag to 2. 4 trillion but thats a huge gap with where Senate Republicans are and you just heard senator brawn talking to secretary mnuchin about want to go get something done. Its definitely not true that helps have failed to put something forward. They have done that and they have done that on paycheck protection. Theyve put forward a number of plans, its a lot smaller than what democrats had proposed but republicans are saying we want to do something, we just want it to be targeted and not this big comprehensive blowout plans that democrats have been talking for months now. We cant afford that and thats not the right thing to do at this point in the recovery. Maria jon hilsenrath, what do you say about all of this, the president signing healthcare orders with a Healthcare Plan in hand at the time of Steven Mnuchin still trying to push forward some kind of a stimulus plan, where are we . Jon by the way, we have video problems, im sorry i cant see you face to face. We have issues and the government has spent so much money this year already. The estimates are that by the end of this month it would have spent 6. 1 trillion. Thats doubled what it spent in 2008 which was a crisis year. Its amazing, but at the same time i wouldnt use the term stimulus. I dont think we are in the point of stimulating the economy. We are still at a point of trying to climb out of a very deep hole. You know, the indicator i look at is the Unemployment Rate. We have an Unemployment Rate of over 8 . I would point out that, you know, last week there was a report put out by the Census Bureau that showed what great shape the u. S. Economy was in at the end of 2019, poverty for blacks fell below 20 threshold for the first time ever, incomes were rising, poverty was falling, inequality was falling, that happens in a world of low unemployment and we are still a very long way from low unemployment. Maria yeah, for sure, mattie, right before covid arrived we were looking at income inequality actually narrowing for the first time in a long time. We were looking at wages moving up for the bottom earners, matti. Mattie thats right, i want to return to the question of democrats and republicans and the conversation that held up covid relief, thats outrageous claim that republicans have done nothing. Just last week Senate Republicans put on the floor a bill that would have moved aid forward and democrats did not move forward in negotiation. We have to give a billion here and a billion there and what we should be talking about what would give support to american businesses and particular as we move into the fall and winter months where the Public Health situation may worsen, what we will do to respond to that . Maria yeah, i think its really youre right in terms of pushback for the democrats for any new stimulus before the election. Dallas Federal Reserve president Robert Kaplin expects growth to grow in 2021 and 75 at end of the year. Hes talking about a 30 growth story in the second half. Jon so we surveyed the journal surveyed economists a couple of weeks ago and their average estimate was a 24 rate for the Third Quarter and, you know, these are really big numbers but to put it in perspective, the economy contracted at a 32 rate in the Second Quarter. It contracted at 5 rate in the first quarter. In order to get back to where we started the year, just to get back, it has to grow 24 rate through the second half of the year, so i mean, we had a major decline and we still have a long way to go to get back and thats why i pointed the Unemployment Rate. If you really want to know where are we, we are over 8 unemployment, we are a long way from the full employment rate which is where all the good things happened in the business cycle. Maria all right, jon, we have a report this morning that we are going to look at later from Cornerstone Macro, nancy lazar will be joining us later. Shes talking about the Digital Economy and we will zero in on how much growth the Digital Economy is contributing to the broader economy with nancy lazar after her digital report and Digital Economy was released recently. Your morningmover novaaxx, 10,000 person study, still plans to test vaccine in phase 3 trial in the u. S. With up to 30,000 people as soon as october. The stock is up 8 . We have much more of that coming up. Stay with us, quick break, weve got a lot here back in a moment. Still your best friend. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. So youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Maria welcome back, 2020 race tightening, new fox news polls in battleground states in president ial election. Joe biden holding a narrow lead in the crucial state of ohio but falling into the margin of error with President Trump. In pennsylvania, biden is holding a wider lead of 7 points but President Trump won that state narrowly back in 2016. A new poll from quinnipiac this morning in texas President Trump holding a 5point lead there in the usual gop state. Joining us black voices for trump and veterans for trump and women for trump cochairman Stacy Washington along with democratic strategist nicole bre nerd schmidt, thank you, ladies, how is the message resinating . Good morning, maria, its resinating. Theres a lot of momentum on the ground. Americans are examining the policies of both candidates and looking for some resolution to what has really been an interesting year with the coronavirus pandemic and then also the economic downturn which is turning into a vshape recovery and so im looking at a lot of americans who are excited to see the president come here and they want to hear what the platinum plan will be about. He will explain that today and talk about his vision for the second term. Maria okay, and and so when youre waiting for that vision, do you think people understand the policies . I guess the question for you both, ladies. Do you think viewers understand specific policies from each candidate . I do, maria, i do. I think americans understand that under President Trump he has the strongest economy in modern history and had the best results for minority groups across the scale. Im talking about the lowest Unemployment Rate for black americans since theyve been tracking those metrics, lowest Unemployment Rates for hispanic americans, everyone was employed and that is what we are expecting President Trump get the second term. Maria nicole, what about you, what is joe bidens policies that you think will resinate with viewers . Well, i think hes been very clear even in fox news polls that were released this morning that not only is joe biden leading overall in these key battleground states but leading with women, hes leading with people of color and leading with the key constituencies that are going to make the difference because people are very clear that when it comes to handling the coronavirus and now we have 200,000 americans who have died more than we had die in the vietnam war over the course of years, and as we see the scotus fight come to light and continue in the next months that women and people of color trust joe biden with these decisions and choices and the plans that he has layed out for what he would do as president more than they trust donald trump. Maria yeah. Well, thats what im trying to get at. You say the plans that he has layed out. What policies specifically do you believe joe biden has that are resinating with america . I think joe biden has layed out that americans need to wealthy americans need to pay their fair share. He has a plan for corporate business to pay taxes that are necessary in order to provide working americans with what they need in these times, these unprecedented times of this coronavirus, and that there is a way maria you think the higher taxes then. I think the taxes on corporate and americans that need to pay their fair share, yeah. Maria im just trying to understand the specific question from you. What specific policy is biden coming out that would resinate with americans . You say they are only going to raise taxes on those people who pay their fair share, you are aware that the top 10 already pay 70 of the taxes . I dont think thats fair to say that that Corporate America is paying their fair share of taxes. Of course, they are. Maria i said top 10 of taxpayers. Joe biden is advocating for the heros act which nancy pelosi and the Democratic Congress has moved forward which is stalling in the senate which provides a lot of relief for working americans which is what youre seeing working americans saying i trust joe biden in how he would handle the virus. Its not simply how its not just the virus but its connected to the economy and that they want to see a bill like the heros act passed. Maria stacy, what about that, what do you want to say of President Trumps handling of the coronavirus . Go ahead. President trump, first of all, we had a president recognize that the virus is coming in from china and shut down travel from there and i think this talking point from the democrats is a cover for the fact that they dont actually have any plans for americans, americans know someone who knows how to create jobs and its not joe biden. No real plans. Maria all right, ladies, Stacy Washington, nicole schmidt, we will be right back. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. i need it so bad dont call it a hobby. Its way more than just a job. This is how we live every single day. Can we go and play . roaring of engines i needed to try needed to fall i needed your love im burning away i need never get old maria welcome back, the primary source of the steele dossier investigated, newly declassified information shows british spy Christopher Steele relied on contacts that had suspicion contacts. Brian, all of this we knew already. Its more information about the steele and subsource, the fbi knew that it was hearsay and they interviewed him, his name is ego danshenko. We didnt know he was going to embellish anything but he did embellish. They used that to get a warrant to spy on Trump Campaign. Brian they didnt bother to tell the fisa court what they knew of the subsource. The more it drips out, the more it should scare everybody in this country that you have the fbi knowing what it knows, behaving the way it did and as im sure we are going to talk about realizing how much trouble they could get in and buying insurance policies to try to cover up for it, maria, its crazy but its important for the information to come up. We should know exactly what the fbi knew when they went to the fisa court and did what they did. Maria yeah, they basically went and spied on the Trump Campaign for no reason, they cooked up this idea that there was a there was collusion going on and they got the whole country going nuts over it and, in fact, it was one big lie made up. I want to say that Sidney Powell is the lawyer for general Michael Flynn. She released another filing yesterday demanding this this case be dropped and in it she released some of the Text Messages between peter strzok and lisa page. While theyre repairing a crossfire hurricane into the investigation into trump and trying to cook up this idea that there was collusion, theyre testing. Thats freedom of information act, there are going to be tough questions asked. Here is another beauty. Ready for this one . The thought that it was a piece comes out and january 20th comes out, inauguration day, new ag may have questions and we all get screwed. These are actually texts between lisa page and peter strzok. Here is another one, how was the o briefing, who is o, obama. I dont know but people are scrambling. Its a mad house. What is wrong with these people . Can you imagine these texts were just released. Mueller came and went no text, Ig Michael Horowitz came out, no texts, we are getting all the texts now. Your reaction. Mattie maria, i would have questioned whether or not voters are paying attention to this. I think they see another fbi scandal, data dump, and think think this is why we elected trump to begin with and we are sick of this nonsense in washington and the president is an outsider and will continue to use the brand and i would say the president has done pointing what career politicians want for americans and what he will deliver in the next administration. Im not sure that this moves the needle at all but it continues to point why President Trump is even in the white house to begin with. Maria yeah, we will talk about that and a lot more when we come right back. Quick break and former acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney is here to speak about announcement and potential stimulus. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Nonvalvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Maria welcome back, good friday morning, im maria bartiromo, and it is friday september 25th, lets look at the markets, 6 32 a. M. On the east coast. Selloff underway once again this friday morning dow industrials are down 147 points, nasdaq lower by 46 and the s p 500 down by 16 and 3 quarters this after all 3 major indices finished in the green. The s p 500 higher by 10 points yesterday on wall street. European markets this morning are mixed. Take a look at the momentum there. We have certainly seen complete reversal here where the ftse 100 is negative by 34, the cac quarante is negative by 77 and the dax index lower by 204 points. Markets there poised to see the worst week since june as the uk reports rise in number of coronavirus cases. A mixed story overnight in asia as youll see fractional moves here but you did have some gains in korea and japan where nikkei average was up 1 half and 1 . Gets to go public next week, Cheryl Casone with those details, cheryl. Cheryl good morning, bankers are telling investors that shares could start trading at 10 each which would value the company at almost 22 billion. The Software Specialists planning to go public for direct listing, thats wednesday, thats the alternative to additional ipo and the private market trading higher, volumewaited average price in august 7 dollars 71 cents, big jump. Settlement against antitrust lawsuit, on top of monetary settlement the group agree today remove two rules, the settlement has to be approved by all 36 Bluecross Blueshield insurers, the group facing antitrust lawsuit allegedly they pushed down payments for medical services. Finally theres this, amazon helping assisting drivers who get pulled over and amazon has new Security Camera for car that is allows drivers to record their police stops, simply say alexa im getting pull over and the cam will Start Recording and notify a Family Member that youve been pulled over and monitors for bumps, breakins, or call for help if youve been in a crash, maria, those are your headlines. Maria i like that, alexa im getting pulled over. Alexa, thank you so much. Replacing ruth bader ginsburg. President trump plans to announce his nominee for the Supreme Court tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Eastern. He will do that from the white house rose garden with Amy Coney Barrett emerging as the front runner, Senate Republicans to stand behind the president s decision and even Richard Blumenthal that democrats stopping decision is limited. Director of white House Management and Budget Office Mick Mulvaney, always a pleasure to see you. One of the reasons that markets sold off the day after Justice Ginsburg passed was because people thought that open seat means the legislative calendar, the legislative agenda gets impacted, nothing gets done, do you believe that, do you believe that an open seat just prolongs stagnation . We are having trouble with Mick Mulvaneys audio, obviously we were trying to speak but we didnt hear him. Brian brendberg, thats when we saw the selloff right after her death, that was what wall street analysts were writing about. Forget about cares 2, forget about having a ninth voice certainly if the election is contested. Thats why the republicans case that they need to replace her makes a lot of sense because you have 4 on 4 right now. You need a ninth voice on the court. Its a important for court to be fully staffed and wall street looks at this and minimum we want washington to be engaged in the business that the constitution gives it to engage in which is why its important to move toward. The president has a right to do it and the senate has a right to move it and not doing is dereliction of duty. The courts are going to be involved one way or another like it or not. Maria yeah, lets talk about the first president ial debate, can you imagine its here already, on tuesday, mattie, this of course, taking place on fox news from 9 00 p. M. On on tuesday moderate bid chris wallace. The Supreme Court and the economy, what is your take what are you expecting, what are you going to be watching closely, mattie and when Mick Mulvaney comes back, we are trying to figure out his audio, we will ask him his thoughts, mattie . I cant wait to see how Many Americans tune in for this debate and this is why voters have been wait to go see, the contrast between the candidates e expressed on their own without any filters or spokes people. I think its incredible debate that the American People need to see and what the president has done when it comes to the Supreme Court will change the way president s campaign on judicial nominations from here on out. Releasing the list of names was a genius move at the beginning of the last campaign and the fact that Biden Campaign hasnt responded i think really demonstrates what a strong move that is. But, of course, on the economy, on the future for america, the Trump Campaign and the bind campaign is going to be a contrast of two futures and i think that that contrast will be stark for american who is are still making out the decision 40 days out from the election. Maria yeah, brian, we have new swing state polls this morning, fox news poll shows former Vice President leading President Trump by 5 points and in quinn quinn poll shows biden leading by 1, while biden is leading in pennsylvania and nevada, the quinnipiac poll shows 5point read in texas. Brian, im trying to focus on policy here. Thats why i was trying to solicit some answers from our earlier guest nicole to try to educate our audience in terms of what specifically what joe bidens policy is, hes running on the idea, im not donald trump, is that going to resinate . Brian i dont think it was an she has consistently down played policy because he knows if he goes there, voters are going to get spooked and nobody thinks that raising taxes will continue to recovery. He will continue to dodge it through the debate and the president should press him again and again. Maria we will talk about this before the debate on tuesday night. Be sure to join me along with neil cavuto live at 8 00 p. M. Tuesday night. Neil will be previewing the first president ial debate. I will join him at 8 00 oclock live on fox business so do join us as we preview one of the major events in this president ial election and that is the first debate. We will take a break, we will get back to Mick Mulvaney when we come back. Theres a bit of a candy craze going on despite worries of no trick or treating because of the coronavirus. The morning buzz coming up as well. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Maria welcome back, President Trump introducing a new healthcare measures yesterday to help americans, executive orders make it u. S. Policy to protect those with preexisting conditions. It bans surprised hospital bills and provides 33 Million Medicare recipients with 200dollar drug discount cards, joining me once again former director of white house and management and budget, sorry, your mic wasnt working earlier. Do you have me now . Great to see you and hear you, maria. Good morning. Maria i know the president wants to come up with some solutions to healthcare, your reaction to 200dollar cards and whether or not this is going to resinate. I think so. Im not sure they got the authority to do this but keep in mind, any executive orders are going to be fairly limited. You need legislation to do big things. If we could have fixed health care alone we would have done in 2007. What youre seeing here is an Important Message from the administration that says, look, this is what we stand for, the executive order about preexisting conditions and all out of our budget proposals protected preexisting conditions, so its a way for the administration to let people know what the Administration Stands for and if you reelect the administration what do you expect in a second term. Its a smart political move and may help some people which is great, but at the end of the day you need legislation to change country. Maria used to help pay up to 200 in description drug cost. This would likely take place next week. 9 00 p. M. On tuesday, moderated by chris wallace, topics range from candidates records to Supreme Court, economy, mick, what are you expecting i was struck by you saying that you think this may be the only president ial debate, is that right, you still feel that way . I do, ive been saying that for a while. Going back the New York Times wrote a piece that encouraged joe biden not to debate or only debate under certain conditions that trump would never agree to and a few weeks after that nancy pelosi came out and said that she didnt think biden should debate at all. Its a very good chance that after this debate unless its a complete meltdown for biden the leftwing press will say the president is lying and abusing the system and encourage biden not to debate anymore. Its only downside. Everybody knows hes not a good debater and knows the president is and we only have downside, you will look for ways not to do more than once. Id be surprised that there were 3 and someone should prez the Biden Campaign before tuesday night. Maria well, look, i dont think its inappropriate to say that many people are going to be watching how joe biden presents himself and whether or not he does appear on the ball and ready to go given the gaffes that weve seen. Hes trying to make a referendum on President Trump and his handling of coronavirus, and this is also i think referendum on his capacity and and ability to become the commander in chief, right . Yeah, i think its especially true this year because weve not seen hardly any of joe biden and the folks have not seen as much of the candidates in person as they otherwise would. Keep in mind back when he was a candidate President Trump could do four to five rallies a day and when youre president you cant do because of things like security and joe biden has been as we say in his basement for a long time and i think the voters are entitled to see folks that ask to judge for themselves matters that youve just raised. Yes, i think the Biden Campaign will try to make the rest of the campaign about covid because thats where he polls better than the president and the president rightly so should make it about the economy and recovery by covid. So the debates in an ordinary campaign, they are important but in this campaign they are extraordinarily important. I do think a lot of folks watching tuesday night and watching for the exactly things that you just mentioned. Maria any chance we get another stimulus package before the election . Yes, i still think there is. They have to pass a couple of things before the end of the year. I think theres still a chance you get something small. You saw the level of emotion yesterday in the interview that mnuchin had in front of the senate, there is still a lot of energy that wants something before the before the election, i still think theres a chance for something small. Maria all right, good news there. Mick, great to talk to you, have a good weekend. Mick mulvaney joining us this morning. Coming up more for less, the size of tinny rubbics cube, live on fox business. Give you my world how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Maria welcome back, time for the morning buzz, first up 40 years of fun and frustration, the worlds smallest rubiks cube is on sale. It is small but has a large price tag. This item goes for almost 1900 american dollars. Its on sale in japan with delivery starting in december. Look how small that is, brian, you thought the larger one was hard, are you going to order it . Brian maria, ive been able to solve a rubiks cube. Ive watched kids do it in seconds and my fingers cant fit on that one. 1900 bucks, maria, for the little rubiks cube, i can think of a better way to spend the money personally. Maria next up trick or treat, coronavirus cannot stop candy sales although halloween plan up in the air, candy sales up big time, u. S. Sales are better than 13 than last year. Mattie, you have a little one at home, are you stocking up on candy this year . Can you blame everyone stocking up on candy, go ahead and buy the kingsize candy bars and have yourself your own trick or treating. My 1yearold will not be trick or treating, mostly because shes too small. We are not sure if we will have trick or treating in dc yet but i dont blame anyone going out and getting the candy bars. Maria what about your kids . You have little ones as well. Brian they live for halloween, maria. They are worried that theres not going to be trick or treating in new york city. We were talking about it last night, in fact, you can believe we will be buying candy because the kids are going to rebel if we dont do something they will rebel in my family. [laughter] maria thats true, finally this, how about banning snacks, what what berkeley is doing, first city in the nation to put ban on junk food at Grocery Store checkout, 5 grams of added sugar and 250 milligrams of sodium will no longer be the snacks you see while online, brian, what do you think about that . Are you one of those who impulsively grabs a candy bar on your way out . Brian thats what makes the grocery trip worth it. I hate policies like this, maria, when City Council Members think people cant make choices for themselves and they have to ban it. Let us make our own choices. Maria word on wall street, top investors watching your wallet. All begins next hour, mornings with maria live on fox business. Stay with us. Maria welcome back. Good friday morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. It is friday, september 25th. Your top stories, just before 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. Countdown day to election 2020, 39 days from the november election, President Trump hitting multiple states as joe biden looks to pay respects to ruth bader ginsburg. Weve got new polls this morning and expectations for the first debate this coming tuesday. Brian morganstern is here, joining me later on this hour to discuss the state of the race. Cracking down on china, secretary of state mike pompeo says the chinese consulate in new york city is a major spy hub. Confronting crime, dermot shea is here. Futures are lower, we are expecting a selloff at the start of trading, the dow futures at the low of the morning, down 225 points, nasdaq down 62 and s p 500 lower by 25. This after all the three major indices finished in the green yesterday after a volatile session on renewed hopes of a stimulus plan. Renewed hopes of that deal moving markets late in the session, at the close the dow industrials were up 52 points, the nasdaq up 39, s p 500 up 10 of points. Technology startup goes public next week, set for a big price tag as it readies for a Public Offering in a direct listing. Weve got all the numbers. Backtoschool wreaks havoc, the problems parents are dealing with this morning including rising costs of remote learning. Mornings with maria is live right now. European markets are lower, take a look, fq100 down 45, the dax index lower by 250 points this morning. We have got worries over the agenda and the pandemic weighing on markets once again. Stocks there poised to see the worst week since june as the u. K. Reports a rise in the number of coronavirus cases. Lets check asian markets here, overnight it was a mixed story there. As you will see, we did have winners, the gainers in korea and japan, but pretty much across the board fractional moves overnight in asia. Some of the top stories were watching this morning. President trump promising to hand out 200 drug discount cards to seniors, thats to help pay for their prescription drugs as he lays out his America First health plan in north carolina. Those cards are expected to be mailed out in the next couple of weeks. President trump also signed an executive order ensuring americans with preexisting conditions keep their healthcare coverage. Today, the president will make Campaign Stops in florida, georgia and virginia. The Supreme Court showdown continues, the president teasing his nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. While calling on joe biden to release a list of potential candidates saying that biden would of let extremists hand pick his nominees and thats why biden refuses to release a list. Joe biden was mostly off the radar yesterday, presumably to prepare for tuesdays big president ial debate, it is happening in cleveland. Today, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg will make history again as the first woman and jewish person by the way to lie in state at the u. S. Capitol. Members of congress and her family will attend a ceremony you in the National Statutory hall later this morning. Thousands paid respects to the late justice while she lay in repose at the Supreme Court this week. Unrest continued for a second night in louisville, kentucky following the grand jury decision not to charge officers for the shooting death of breonna taylor. Protests did remain largely peaceful. Some local businesses and a hospital did suffer damage including broken windows. At least 24 people were arrested after the protest was declared an unlawful assembly. In los angeles, people are investigating reports of a protester being hit by a car in hollywood. The investigation is ongoing and well report back once we have details there. The primary source of information in the steele dossier was previously investigated by the fbi for contacts of suspected russian intelligence officials. Investigators in the probe knew all of this. This according to a report released by the attorney general, william barr. The document noted that the source had previously attempted to recruit an influential Foreign Policy advisor connected to president obama offering money for classified information. Yes, its all coming apart. Joining the conversation this morning, Mattie Duppler and Brian Brenberg are here. Great to see you this morning. Brian good morning, great to see you. Mattie good morning. Maria thank you for being here. Time for the word on wall street. Joining me now is joel shulman and keith fitzgerald. House democrats preparing a coronavirus aid package. The bill would include another round of direct payments, enhanced Unemployment Insurance and aid to airlines. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said hes willing to sit down and negotiate a bill. Joel, we kick it off with you. What would more stimulus mean for the markets and the economy, how much is this priced in or not priced in. I think its priced in, 2. 4 trillion on top of the 2 to 3 trillion weve already had, the markets responded in a muted manner. Were seeing many cash flows going overseas. We saw 24 billion going to nonu. S. Equities in the last week alone and were seeing money pouring out. I think theres a lot of nervousness in the marketplace. I think this has been priced in. I dont see the markets responding in a very strong manner one way or another based on this news. I think a lot of other factors are going to drive the markets in the next few weeks. Maria okay. Meanwhile, a lot of interest in ipos, mike murphy. What an ipo slew were seeing. Now we have palentere going public next week, expecting a valuation of nearly 22 billion ahead of going public, mike. Theyre doing a direct listing as opposed to the traditional way to go public. Your reaction to what were seeing in palentere and the sheer interest in ipos these days, mike. I think thats the key point, maria. Palentere has been a unicorn, a 20 billion plus company for going on 10 years now. Whether it succeeds or of doesnt succeed when it comes public next week isnt the real story. The real story as you say is that the markets right now have a huge appetite for private companies. So the companies that we invest in, in the private markets, they can come public, can get liquidity, whether through an ipo, through a spec, through a direct listing, theres a big appetite out there. What youre seeing is a lot of privately Held Companies coming public and investors have a chance to partake in the upside in these companies or not, up to them. But i think the key is, youre giving the founders of these companies the ability to cash in some money, the investors in these companies to cash in some of their profits and then go out of and look for other of companies so they can fund other companies out there that are going to be the next ubers and the next facebooks of the world. The fact that theres this big appetite for private companies right now i think is great for the economy and great for startups across the country. Maria and thats your space, youre investing in private companies, trying to find out where the growth is, mike. Real quick, where are you seeing growth right now in the private space and those companies poised to go public eventually . So, were seeing a lot of growth, maria, in fin tech. If you look at the public markets, although were weve been at or near new highs, recovering from the pandemic, but the big banks havent par takeen in those rallies. Were looking at the fin tech rallies that are disrupting the big banks, changing how youre going to invest, how youre going to spend, how youre going to pay in the future. Thats an area to keep an eye on for the near term. Maria all right. Meanwhile, some pretty good volatility this week, keith. The s p 500 on track for its worst september in nearly a decade, heading for a fourth straight week of losses this week amid concerns around the election and the coronavirus pandemic. Keith, whats your outlook here for the rest of the year in terms of markets and the backdrop, the economy . Well, believe it or not, its still positive. But the question is, what kind of roller coaster do we have to deal with first. This kind of volatility is more normal than people think, all about headline risk and sentiment right now. Numbers are almost irrelevant unless they relate to a poll or of vaccine. My colleagues mentioned two areas of the market that are really compelling and exciting at any price. Maria yeah, this is the end of the quarter, obviously, coming up. We are looking at next week going to see some end of quarter positioning. Whats your take on whether or not we are going to see end of quarter positioning and what will that look like going into the final three months of the year . I think its absolutely normal. This is the time of year where it happens and so i wouldnt be surprised at all to see some big names because Portfolio Managers still have to have them on the list come yearend. Maria all right. We will leave it there. Joel, mike, keith, great to see you gentlemen. Thank you so much for the word on wall street. We have a market down 252 points on the Dow Jones Industrial average. Quick break and more ahead. Coming up congressman Steve Scalise is with me to talk about the new coronavirus proposal. Then Brian Morganstern talking about the latest on 2020 and new polls to tell you about. Plus, next hour, the commissioner of the nypd will join me, dermot shea is here. Lauren vopert joins me to hear from a millennial Restaurant Owner and her sights on congress. Plus, the future of entertainment, what theater chains are thinking now that many big blockbusters have been delayed. And nasa releases its first Economic Impact report, well faulk about the positivity talk about the positivity were seeing from a galaxy far, far away. Youre watching mornings with maria, live on fox business. Thats what my dad does. Good job, michael ok, lindsey now tell the class what your mommy does. My mom has super powers. Its like she can see the future. What . its like she time travels in a rocket ship. Thats cool and then she comes back saying try this or try that. She helps everyone. She helps them feel less worried. Wow mommy, so what is it that you do . Im a financial advisor. She is aig proudly supports all the professionals taking care of our financial futures. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Lease the 2020 es 350 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Experience amazing keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo maria welcome back. Restarting stimulus talks, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and House Speaker nancy pelosi both indicated yesterday that stimulus talks are back, pelosi aides told reporters the House Speaker is aiming for a 2. 4 trillion price tag. Joining me right now is louisiana congressman, House Minority whip, Steve Scalise. Great to see you this morning. Thanks to much for joining me. Always good to be with you, maria. Good morning. Maria yes. Could we see another round of stimulus, do you think, before election day . Well, clearly as you said what Speaker Pelosi has been asking for is too high and frankly in those areas of bailing out states that were failing before covid, those kind of things are not going to happen. Look, weve been looking at some of the things that are still out there. For example, the Paycheck Protection Program which was highly successful at saving jobs and Small Businesses and has over 138 billion still remaining. Congressman shabott from owe ofo has a bill to free that money up. Weve been asking to bring that to the floor. A colleague from washington is pushing. We have a lot of democrats interested in that, where you dont have to reunvent the wheel. You have a program that works, those businesses that need help still, let them go to a second round without adding trillions more to the nations debt. Those are the kind of things we would like to see focused on as well. Maria its interesting that now were hearing that the talks have, you know, been rejuvenated once again. I mean, is this just talk or do you think well actually get something done before election day . Well, what were seeing happening is a lot of democrats in these swing districts, maria, theyre putting pressure on Speaker Pelosi because they saw she got too greedy, demanded things nobody was going to agree to. Our real focus needs to be on safely reopening the economy, safely reopening schools, helping Small Businesses still struggling, not trillions of dollars of things that had nothing to do with covid and frankly thats where pelosi was. If shes going to get to a reasonable place, thats one thing. Even her own members have basically been telling them they went too far, got to greedy. Lets get back to basics, get back to the fundamentals of getting the economy reopened and getting families back to work and holding Small Businesses together through this tough time. Maria President Trump introducing new healthcare measures yesterday to help americans, lets talk about that, making it u. S. Policy to protect those with preexisting conditions, banning surprise hospital bills and providing 33 Million Medicare recipients with a drug discount card, 200 drug discount card. Congressman, tell me about this plan and whether or not this negates an opportunity to do something bigger down the road on healthcare. How do you you see the healthcare policy changing . This has been policy President Trump you talke talkes whole tenure. President trump has been vocal about that, as well as focusing on lowering costs and putting patients back in charge of that relationship where their doctor. Those are things weve seen go away over the last 10 years, costs are higher, people have fewer options. Why dont we work on reversing that. The president s doing what he can through executive action. Clearly, congress is going to have to get back to this, to focus on making sure we can lower costs, put families back in charge, protect people with preexisting conditions and by the way, the surprise medical billing issue, something a lot of our members, including our doctors caucus have put a lot of work into. Its something families shouldnt have to face. You shouldnt have to worry youll get a 20,000 bill. Thats something that congress should have gotten together on, in the house, they never put a real focus on solving that. Im glad the president s taking the lead. Ultimately, congress has to join in on this fight too. We surely will when we take the majority this november. Maria let me bring in Mattie Duppler. Go ahead, mat mattie. Mattie so good to see you. So glad you brought up Congress Acting on healthcare. With your leadership, the passage of the tax cut and jobs act zeroed out the individual mandate. We know those that can least afford the mandate are the ones that can least afford it. What else can congress do to alleviate the burden of healthcare costs for the average american, with the ways theyve tried to reduce the burden by using the tax code to reduce barriers for americans. Do you you see more acts from congress being able to accomplish that . There needs to be more responsible work done from congress. Of course, this goes back to the infamous speech where nancy pelosi said you have to pass the bill to find out whats in it. They rammed that thing through with nobody having read the bill because it was an unconstitutional law they wrote and its increased costs, its limited options for families, made healthcare less affordable for so many people, 10,000 deductibles for people with preexisting conditions is lack of access to care. So we go back and focus on the what weve seen, Health Savings account are successful of putting patients in charge of their health decisions, Price Transparency is important, expanding the ability for Small Businesses to pool together to get buying power of big businesses. Those are things tha that coulde done. Congress hasnt addressed any of of those under Speaker Pelosi. Families are hungry for the kind of bold leadership, get the unelected barr krat brew rown washington out of the way. Maria you said when we take the house in november, are you feeling good about this election . I am. You see so much energy on the ground. I go to a lot of swing districts an when youre out in the real world, im in the d. C. Bubble, what you see is a lot of excitement for donald trump. You dont see any excitement for joe biden. Its just that people that never liked trump in the first place because hes delivering on his promises. They dont like the idea that theyre burning down cities, that youve got democrats on the sidelines or even encouraging those kind of things, that are undermining public safety. And look at what the president s done with this moon shot, with this ability through operation warp speed to get multiple vaccines, not just one. There were three last weeks. A you fe few days ago, Johnson Johnson got at it. Some democrats are trying to undermine Public Confidence in a vaccine. Most people see whats happening out there, its revolutionary. The fact that youve got in less than a year from knowing what this disease to being on the brink of multiple vaccines approved by the fda, the Gold Standard for the world. This is revolutionary, one more sign on how to get the economy safely reopened. Maria good to see you this morning. Thanks so much. Steve scalise. Stay with us. Well be right back. Here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. Weve often wondered what keeps the world running. Is it economics . Is it algorithms . Is it magic . Turns out, its you. Always you. Doing your thing. Dreaming dreams. Building new worlds for humanity to march forward in. Its that simple truth that led us to build our workspace technology. For one thing, and one thing alone. To give you what you need to not only do what you do best but to pull out all the stops to what you can become. Youre made for bigger things. Its made for him a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. Get an insurance quote today. Maria welcome back. A new report from Cornerstone Macro states the Digital Economy is driving the u. S. Economy. The Digital Economy makes up 9 of the gdp but it contributed 32 of gdp growth in the last 14 years. It also found that the Digital Economys average growth rate has nearly tripled that of the overall economy since 2010. Joining me right now is Cornerstone Macros cofounder, chief economist, nancy l almost aza lazar. Thank you for being here. I was struck by this report, its a great report that you have, called the Digital Economy bit by bit is driving the u. S. Economy. Walk us through this, nancy, because i know that the Digital Economy continues to penetrate and you think this ultimately will mean that the economy will grow faster than what many people expect, right . Absolutely. Its well embraced that Technology Drives the stock market. Well, i would say because Technology Drives the economy, it therefore is driving the stock market. You really need to connect the dots and i think there is a little bit of a disconnect. Its obvious its driving retail sales, you see that in ecommerce. Its deeper than that. Take a look at Industrial Production of technology. Were building new Semiconductor Plants in this country which will create more jobs. In addition, overall Capital Spending is now driven by what we call new economy cap ex and thats important. It creates stronger gdp growth. And then theres employment. Technology doesnt destroy employment. It creates jobs. Both directly, tech related employment has grown three times faster than overall employment over the past decade and obviously indirectly. If you do invest in your business, you improve your profitability through productivity and you can hire more people. The analogy i use over and over again is sears versus amazon or walmart versus jc penney. Those Companies Invest if their business and therefore are obviously hiring a lot of people. Maria so the Digital Economy, the components of it include price digital services, ecommerce, software, hardware, the Digital Economy. Thats penetrating even further through covid, right . How have your expectations about the Digital Economy and its impact changed in the last eight months, nancy . Oh, absolutely. I mean, weve been very focused on the Digital Economy and support of growth that its had but no question with covid its pulling forward companies, peoples usage of the Digital Economy and, therefore, i think has helped contribute to the fast turnaround in u. S. Economic activity despite the crisis. And its companies, again, that are adjusting to this new environment by investing in the Digital Economy, from restaurants to factories, to the finance community, again, its pulling forward and increases the odds. This is having a bigger impact on growth sooner than i otherwise would have expected. So gdp growth next year is on track to be something close to 4 , which is almost double the growth rate we saw the prior expansion. The employment backdrop is healing much quicker, again, amazon is hiring people to be sure there are layoffs such as in the airline industry. Theres not a connection between how important the Digital Economy has been to the economy overall and certainly how quickly weve been able to come out of this crisis. And the United States stands apart from the rest of the world. Maria yeah, lets talk about that. Because youve got a chart here showing the number of Technology Companies in the u. S. Versus others and you say Tech Companies per 1,000 world tech listing in 2019, wow, the u. S. Just far and away higher than others. But looking at number two, china. China is number two. But its a distant. Its a distant number two. That said, china is reinvesting in their economy, they are also focused on the Digital Economy because they understand it will improve productivity and long run growth. They understand that quite frankly i think than a lot of of conventional folks do here in the United States, that we are by far the leader and as our Strategy Team highlighted thats one of the reasons why our market has indeed outperformed because we have such huge penetration. All im trying to do is to get people to recognize that this is also a big driver of growth and its underappreciated for the health of the economy, its creating the strength and jobs that its now creating for the u. S. And we stand thats one of the reasons the recovery is likely to be stronger than other of parts of the world and also the job cycle is healing so quickly. Maria real quick, what are your expectations second half of the year, nancy, in terms of Economic Growth . For the Third Quarter, 27, 30 for gdp. You will see a slowdown, something around 5 in the fourth quarter. Might be a little less if we do or dont get a cares act but theres so much focus on the consumer which could be softer in the Third Quarter, maybe, not as much focus with whats going on with housing and also Capital Spending driven by technology is just really strong as we ended the Third Quarter based on a lot of regional pmi data that weve seen and that could help support growth. So im really focused on a healthy u. S. Consumer but more importantly focused on the strength of the economy from manufacturing, Capital Spending, technology and housing, and whats so cool about that is those sectors have huge job multipliers which come back and help support the consumer, so a pretty good economic backdrop right now, even if we dont get another fiscal stimulus package. Maria all right, nancy, great report. Thanks so much. Great information from you. Nancy lazar. Stay with us, coming up, White House Deputy Communications Director Brian Morgenstern is here to talk about new polls and the race to the white house. Thats all right here, coming up next. Needles. Essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, theres a pill that may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjectionâ„¢. Maria welcome back. Good friday morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. It is friday, september 25. Lets take a look at markets this morning, you 7 33 a. M. On the east coast. We have selling underway, futures indicating a selloff at the start of trading with the dow industrials down 216 points, not at the lows but close to it. Nasdaq down 47, s p lower by 22. This after all three major indices finished in the green yesterday. It was a volatile session. Renewed hopes of a stimulus deal moved markets late in the day. That set the dow industrials up 52 points, the nasdaq up 39, s p 500 about 10 points at 4 00 on wall street. European markets are in the red this morning, stocks there poised to see the worst week since june of this year as the u. K. Reports a rise in the number of coronavirus cases. Fq100 down 31, cac down 83, and then dax index right now down 223. Mixed story in asia as well, fractional moves pretty much across the board as you can see there. Senator Dianne Feinsteins Investment Banking husband used his influence to help an underqualified student get into the university of california berkley we now know. Cheryl casone with details there. Cheryl richard blum was named in complex to the admissions audit released earlier this week, found that 64 students with ties to major donors, university leaders, other people of influence were given preference over more qualified applicants. Blum was referred to as a University Regent in the audit, sent a letter to the chancellor after a student was placed on the ways list wait list. The student was admitted. Marriott in danger of losing 122 properties after falling behind on payments amid the covid19 pandemic. Service Properties Trust is threatening to rebrand the properties which span 36 states, unless the hotel chain pays an 11 million advance to cover the shortfall. They reported a 72 year over year drop in revenue for the april to june quarter and the stock is down more than half a iners the premarket today. And finally, beginning october 15th United Airlines is going to offer a covidtesting program for passengers traveling from San Francisco to hawaii in part because of the alow he what states aloha states strict quarantine rules but the plan is to expand this quickly. Were going to do this in other hubs, other locations, as the International Markets start to open of up. I believe this is something that will be critical for us to have before people board planes. Cheryl you will have two option ofs, an abbott labs rapid test at the airport, that result comes in 15 minutes or a home test kit which you have to order 10 of days before your flight and submit 72 hours before your flight. Taking a look at united in the premarket, the stock is actually down more than three quarters of a percent, maria and those are your headlines. Maria all right, cheryl, thank you so much. We are looking at an election coming at us fast, a tight race in key battleground states. The latest fox news polls show joe biden holds a narrow lead over President Trump in the crucial state of owe of yow and a wider ohio and a wider lead of 7 points in pennsylvania. A new poll of gives President Trump the edge in texas among likely voters. Joining me right now is White House Deputy Communications Director brian more of began mo. The president up by 5 points in texas, lagging in other states. How you are you feeling about the race, whats your take . Thank you for having me. Its great to be with you. Im in the fortunate position of getting to travel around the country frequently with the president and i see the enthusiasm on the ground. I see people lined up for miles and miles to greet the president whenever he visits these states. So the polls that show him lagging just dont comport with the reality that we see, with the enthusiasm of voters and of course theres other polls that show hes doing much better in those states. So i know that the president is going to continue to visit with the American People. Hes going to continue to tout his accomplishments, continue to chart his path forward and were going to continue to see thousands an tens of thousands of people greet him all across the country. By the way, its not just republicans, its independents, its democrats, people who are not typically engaged in the political pros of hes. Some of the polls may not reflect reality. What were seeing is the president has the backing of the American People. Maria well, look, even if he were to win, we wont know it perhaps on Election Night and we dont he know about this ballot controversy, right . There could be cheating going on. So what about that . The Justice Department announced yesterday a handful of military ballots cast for President Trump were found discarded in a dumpster in pennsylvania, brian. The president reacted yesterday to this. Watch this. We have to be very careful with the ballots. I understand eight ballots in a waste paper basket in some location, they found it was reported in one of the newspapers that they found a lot of ballots in a river. Want to make sure the election is honest. Im not sure that it can be. Maria well, this is extraordinary, brian. What is he going to do about it, that youre finding ballots in a trash can. Its unbelievable. Were glad the Justice Department is paying attention to this, were glad that local authorities are looking into this. And maria, its really important that the president remains a strong voice in favor of a free and fair election, that its one person, one vote. And a lot of the Mainstream Media and the democrats are trying to kind of pave over this and you know, pay no attention to what we can plainly see with our very eyes, that there are issues here in add administering the election. We want to make sure that ballots can be verified, that it is a citizen, that is a voter that is in fact able to vote, that their address is in fact accurate, that dead people and that people that moved are not getting ballots, that ballots are not thrown away. The president will continue his drum beat, that elections while theyre at the state and local level, the federal government can make sure with their investigative authorities and work with local authorities to make sure the election is fair. Thats what the president is advocating for and the hysteria on the other side is really ignoring the reality. Maria yeah. But brian, do you feel that you have the tools in place to be able to push back at any bad behavior in terms of these ballots . Do you think you will be that the administration is going to be able to counter this . Look, sunlight is the best disinfectant, maria. Its a good question. The president of course has been making sure that volunteers and election workers are vigilant. He has been tweeting a lot about that, making sure that people can sign up because we want to make sure that any issues are brought to light an resolved in a fair and transparent manner, its going to be critically important for the health of our democracy and we are very focused on that. Maria absolutely. All right, lets talk about this coronavirus aid package, House Democrats are preparing a new package now. This is a 2. 4 billion bill which would include another round of direct payments, enhanced Unemployment Insurance and aid to airlines. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said yesterday he is willing to sit down with democrats and pass the bill. Where do we stand on this, brian . Are you expecting anything by the election . I mean, maria, hope springs eternal, doesnt it. We know some of the issues that need to be resolved here. The economy is recovering quite well. The great larry kudlow has clearly articulated some of the promising data on housing, on autos, and were seeing employment numbers come around. Were seeing were expecting really great gdp numbers. Theres room for improvement, of course. Money for schools to reopen, money for ppp to keep the employees of Small Businesses connected to their job, money for enhanced Unemployment Insurance for people displaced through no fault of their own, money for the airline industry. As you know, its a very strategically important industry with a huge workforce. We want to show support for them. We are hopeful. The republicans have come to the table with reasonable proposals. The democrats tend to keep coming back to very large packages that dont necessarily address these fundamental issues. But we remain hopeful that they will and remain ready to negligence other of yates if and when that happens negotiate if and when that happens. Maria well leave it there. Brian, great to see you. Thanks so much. We appreciate your time. Brian morgenstern joining us this morning. Coming up, the big business of space, nasas first Economic Impact report is out showing positivity in a galaxy far, far away. Were going to check it out. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Wild thing, you make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Since your ancestors served in if you riworld war two. Geico motorcycle. Many of their stories remain untold. Find and honor the veterans in your family. Their stories live on at ancestry. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. Proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinsons. Dont take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. Nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementiarelated psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinsons disease. Nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. Tell your doctor about any changes in medicines youre taking. The most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. We spoke up and it made all the difference. Ask your parkinsons specialist about nuplazid. Maria welcome back. Nasa and the u. S. Economy, the space agency unveiling its first ever Economic Impact report in a first on fox business interview, nasa generated more than 64. 3 billion in total economic output during fiscal year 2019. It supported more than 300,000 jobs nationwide and generated an estimated 7 billion in federal, state and local taxes throughout the United States. Joining me right now is nasa administrator jim brightenstein. Thank you for being here. We were talking about the Digital Economy and Technology Driving the economy with nancy lazar from Cornerstone Macro. Youre talking about nasa and the impact to the economy. Its also technology related, right . Can you tell us about the report . Absolutely. The report is about direct economic output, which of course you just highlighted those numbers which are fantastic. What is not in the report is all of the advancements that come from nasa that get commercialized over decades. For example, right now were talking via satellite. And of course people are watching this on direct tv and dish network and internet broad band from space. And then from there, we think about not Just Communications but navigation, how we produce food, how we produce energy, how we predict weather, how we do Disaster Relief and National Security and of course President Trump is as focused as any president in history on americas space agenda and thats not just exploration, its also National Security and defense. I used to say that President Trump is more supportive of space than any president since john f. Kennedy. But i will also tell you, john f. Kennedy didnt create the space force. So, look, americas space economy and americas space agenda is really on fire right now and thats in large part because of President Trump and in fact bipartisan support in the house and in the senate. Maria i love it. And i love the idea that its going to be impactful for the broader economy. Nasa has big plans for 2024, the space agency saying that in four years it plans to land the first woman ever on the moon and the first man since 1972 through its artemus program, which calls for 28 billion in funding through 2025 for phase one. Tell us about it, jim, and the impact. Yes. So the Economic Impact from that program alone is over 60,000 jobs in 2019. And of course, the agenda to get to the moon, thats ramping up right now and so if we look into the future, by 2021, those numbers are going to double these are not low paying jobs. These are high tech jobs, these are highly qualified people. These are the kind of things that also inspire the next generation to go into the stem fields, to make sure that america remains preeminent in technology. I mean, if you just walk around nasa today, you ask people why do they work at the agency, they will tell you about how inspired they were when Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon and we did five Moon Missions after that were inspiring the nation for american greatness to go out decades into the future and it really is starting right now with americas and i will say President Trumps moon to mars program. Without him, this would not be happening. Maria all right. Did you see a lot of interest from women wanting to of become the first woman on the moon . Ill tell you, my 12yearold daughter is first among them. So the answer is absolutely yes and were seeing that inspiration all across the country. Maria i love it. All right, jim, thanks very much. Great stuff. Well of course be watching. Coming up, nice shirt, not. Find out which major star is in a legal battle with the doobyie brothers, its making a buzz this morning. Its all coming up. Stay with us. Without love. Where would you be now. Here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. Maria welcome back. At Home Learning leading to an increase in spending for parents this year. Laurelauren simonetti has all te details. Its incredible that at home of learning is more expensive. Lauren yeah. Because theres so much stuff you didnt know that you needed, maria. Happy friday. Its officially backtoschool, home school, hybrid school, whatever it is in your family. The reality for parents is that kids need space. Getting not just desk space but also then super comfy chairs and maybe theyre able to zoom the class or connect to a much bigger screen where they can hang out on a sofa and a couple kids in a pod together can hang out at one persons house doing a class together. Lauren some requests are extravagant. Like this family splurged on can you you see that chair . Its an office chair from Herman Miller and also flexible desks from room and board, those are stores you would order from for a luck luxurious office, so thet them up in a bullpen configuration, so three kids spending hours a day on this furniture. They needed comfort. They needed that. Then an online home decorator says most families budget a couple thousand dollars to transition rooms from this one, the before picture on the left, the after picture on the right. Theres options for all budgets. Thats why people are finding inspiration on pinterest. Search interest in home classroom setup, 58 times more than last year. We have some expert recommendations for a do it yourself approach if you didnt have thousands of dollars to spend. You always want to consider storage as well as durability, you want to budget for a work area where the kids can do school but also a play area as well. And insert color where you can. Keep in mind, these costs do add up and they add up fast. Families already spending an average 400 on technology, then you have an internet bill, that can cost up to 100 a month. The basics are also very important before you add the frills. Even just eating three meals a day at home and all of the snacks constantly, even Something Like that adds up, maria. Maria especially when you have other of kids at your home, when you want to do the h three peop. Lauren with the pod. Maria its an important story, thank you for breaking it down for us there with all of these costs. Brian, youve got kids at home. Your thoughts on this . Have you felt these costs . Brian im sort of laughing at this story, maria. I can tell you none of the brenberg children are sitting in Herman Miller chairs doing their home of work. [ laughter ] brian weve got 10 square feet for three kids, theyre stacked on top of each other of. Were in manhattan. Youre just going to have to get by with very little space, kids. Theyve been okay about it. Theyve been okay. Maria its true. Time for the morning buzz, a legal battle for one caddie shack store, a lawyer for the doobie brothers seeking money from bill murray after he allegedly used the groups song, listen to the music, when advertising for his line of golf attire. Its 50 of dollars polo shirt. The groups lawyer said we would almost be okay with it if the shirt werent so damn ugly. Mattie its got everything, the guy who signed the best rock band owl al of all time, queen. Yeah, the golf stuff is ugly. Isnt that part of the whole shtick here . I think its important that we have production for international property. Its a funny story. Well see where it goes. Maria i dont think its that ugly, by the way. Were going to come back and weve got a lot right here. Stay with us. Elity. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. Get your slice today. Makes it beautiful. Stateoftheart Technology Makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2020 nx 300 for 339 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Good friday moefrpg thanks for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. Friday, september 25th top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast were on countdown to election day mode 2020, just 39 days left until november election, President Trump hitting multiple states today as joe biden looks to pay respects to ruth bader ginsburg. Weve got new fox news polls expectations for the first debate that happening this tuesday night, disrupting politics i will speak with lauren, gun toting millennial congressional candidate gaining National Attention 8 30, cracking down on china secretary of state mike pompeo says chinese consulate in new york city a major spy hub confronting time in americass largest city nypd commissioner here talking about rising violence in have new york city more members of the force retire markets lower spike in coronavirus cases slamming european markets impacting unfortunately wills markets take a look, dow industrials right now down 141 points nasdaq just turned positive, up actually 3 1 4 points s p 500 negative down 12 and 3 4 after three majoring in these cases finished in green yesterday after volatility session renewed homes to stimulus helped boost markets finishing off dow industrials up 52 nasdaq up 39 s p higher by 9 points, that is 4 00 on wall street. Palantir valuation Technology Startup going public next week big price tag readies for direct lifting next week the future of entertainment, major blockbuster releases delayed, pandemic has changing movie industry is it forever . Mornings with maria is live right now. Maria european markets meanwhile, pointing lower take a look ft 100 down 13 cook contact down 66 dax lower by 1278, stocks there poised to see worst week since june, as uk reports a record rise in have coronavirus cases, in europe. It was a mixed story in asia overnight fractional movers pretty much across the board, as you will see the winners korea, japan. Now top stories we are watching this morning, President Trump, hand ofing out drug discount cards to seniors, to help pay for prescriptions, as he lays out his first his America First plan in north carolina. 33 million being medicare benches will soon receive a card in the mail containing, 200 dollars, that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs nobody has seen this before these cards are incredible the cards mailed out in coming weeks i will always take care of our wonderful senior citizens, joe biden wont be doing this. [applause]. This is also partially because of the tremendous money that were going to be saving with the favored nation vanish other things that weve done. President trump signing executive director ensures americans with preexisting conditions Keep Health Care coverage will make Campaign Stops, in florida, georgia, virginia. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court showdown continues, the president teasing nominee replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg calling on joe biden to release a list of potential candidates, watch. We call our land, as you uphold our constitution as written on saturday i will be announcing, my nominee to the United States Supreme Court. [cheering and applause] my opponent refuses to release his list of potential justices, because they will be handpicked by extremists if puts extremists into that position losses everything. Maria could joe biden was mostly off radar yesterday calling a lid early in the among presumably to prepare for tuesdays president ial debate, in cleveland. This, today Supreme Court justice rooukt ruth makes history first woman jewishperson to lie in state at u. S. Capitol members attend a statutory in National Statuary hall this morning thousands paid respects to want late justice while she lay in repose at Supreme Court. This week. And unrest continued a success not a in a row to louisville, kentucky following grand jury decision not to charge officers for the shooting death of breonna taylor, protests remained largely amaze according to reports some local businesses in a hospital did suffer damage including broken windows at least 24 people arrested after protest declared unlawfully assembly. In Los Angeles Police investigating reports of protester being hit by a are a in hollywood the investigation ongoing. The New York Times reporting jun durham federal prosecutor looking intoub russia probe has requested information on the bureau handling of the Clinton Foundation reports the tell a is looking into whether Russia Probe Team he floutdz laws policies when investigating trump not so comparing to Clinton Foundation investigation. Of the unclear whether they were looking for similar flaws but we know, that the the same people were running both investigations, investigation into donald trump answered potential collusion as well as investigation into wrongdoing by having a unsecure server that then secretary of state clinton was using spokesperson for durham declined comment on this story this morning. Joining the conversation all morning this morning, great to have you guys this morning. Thank you so much for being here. You bet good to see you. Good to be here, maria. And to you we want to drill down on unrest across the country report chinese spy hub in new york city, the secretary mike pompeo saying chinese consulate earlier this week after nypd officer pit in federal custody for allegedly acting as agent for to Chinese Communist party there is a major spy ring in new york, at the chinese consulate in new york city, 33yearold officer was accused of by prosecutors of providing intelligence on tibetans, in new york city in exchange for money at least two years improving consulate being a access to officials and events. Joining me dermot shay thanks very much for joining us. Thanks. Great to be here. Before we get to the violence in our cities what you are seeing in new york, amidst retirement andr andress secretary of state pompeo is questioning, and saying that this is a spy ring in a consulate the chinese consulate in new york city obviously, we have that arrest one of your officers what can you tell us . Maria obviously, a betrayal can have trust at highest level against everything that the men and women of this Police Department and this great city stand for. I think it should be a wakeup call really for for people across the city, you know that this could happen, and to be on the lookout for things like this, but i can tell you nypd internal favors a Intelligence Bureau fbi Eastern District good nice is that you know we were on this for sometime, working together collaboratively to make sure, he was brought to justice before any more maharm could be done of a employed by u. S. Army reserve Civil Affairs specialist, a secret level security clearance lied to obtain that security clearance, this is unbelievable we know that the Chinese Communist party has been able to infill traut many our institutions, we have seen a string of indictments this year, everybody from the head of the Chemistry Department the harvard, to now weve got nypd officer. Do you worry there are other officers embedded in the nypd that are working for ccp Chinese Communist party . I think this is something that everyone should be aware of not just in the nypd, but really, any business should be aware of. This is a real threat, something obviously, that as i said i cant get into the sfefbs of the case but something we take extremely seriously, and, you know, to not be worried about that i wouldnt be doing my job maria. O and, of course, we know that the have Chinese Communist party is trying to, you know own other countries, and go into other countries, theyve gone into india taken territory, and killed 20 indian soldiers tibet a major issue, and they are trying to have people on the grounds in new york, back where the tibetans live what they are doing just absolutely incredible, so this investigation is ongoing commissioner . It is. It is an Ongoing Investigation again i cant thank enough bill, the fbi members Eastern District, for close collaboration with us, and, you know, again, we would certainly love that it had never happened the important thing here is from my viewpoint it was identified we worked closely with federal partners, and, you know, the investigation will go on from here. Maria let me ask you about violence in nations cities shoots homicides spiking in cities across the country want to look at new york city with mort off 39 shooting up better than one hundred percent 20 what o do you attribute this long surge. A long interview maria a lot of factors that play here level issues that took place, covid place a well on impact in court system you look at resources, this is a lot of factors the most important thing is we have the greatest men and women in this Police Department i believe it on police side detective side singularly focused on getting our arms around this, we are beginning to trend downwards, still way too high maria so we are far from by any stretch of the imagination saying that this is a success we have a lot of work to do, we are working incredibly closely with federal partners as well as the district attorneys in new york a message gang members drug dealering carrying illegal firearms in new york city need to be prosecuted face harshest consequences exactly will where all our focus is. Part of the issue is the defund the Police Movement what was the impact of that . After new York City Council cut one billion dollars in spending Police Department this summer new Academy Classes cut causing higher attrition more officers retired new offers entered force give the impact commissioners from your standpoint, on of playing on of playing as a result of Defund Police will movement. Had a Significant Impact crime follows certain patterns trends certainly up ticks in violence in the summer this time last year last couple as we are we accomplished in new york city, the lowest incars raugs of any marriage city and lowest shooting homicides numbers major crime we had ever seen in recent memory last year couldnt have been more proud then crazy time that happened this year certainly, and leading to a defunding it is really hurt, it hurt unfortunately, the people in high crime areas that unfortunately more often tend to be people of color most this defunding movement, at a time when we know that crime generally takes upward trajectory in the summer has been a double whammy where you have now, increased attrition, the attrition growing, down about 2100 from peak head count what it was a short time ago, on top of that you have significant challenges on the overtime, 60 cut in overtime going to damage any industry certainly hitting us. We are focused we will get arms around it were going to need some help whether resources, also legislative changes because it just we cant be refer toing same people as you know over and over, it is just not a good way to run a business. Maria well commissioner how important was cash bail being eliminated and closing down Rikers Island, three years ago literally i was on this program, because my source told me, that they want to close Rikers Island make up pop up prisons elsewhere that didnt have same capacity as rikers i reported on the airat that time three years ago said this is going to lead to increased crime, what has been the impact, of cash bail, being being removed as well as the the closing of Rikers Island. Have you hit it on the headed to be honest, when you look at step back from this removal of the politics from it, i said this last year. Very similar. And i dont like to get into bail issue now you get into people dig into sides, ultimately this is these laws were crafted with an agenda many times, by advocates and the ultimately agenda here is to decars rate you can argue a worthwhile agenda it has to be done right responsibly certainly has to be done, with the people that know most about crime, that is law enforcement. And when you take a already low incarceration scenario in new york city, are again last year lowest incarcerated major city in the United States cut population in a year 40 to 50 , without a network to support, really i mean you are putting people out, what is support . And you know that is what were trying to wrap our arms around right now. Commissioner tough thank you so much for your work. Well be right back. And remember the moment that things, for one strange time in our lives, got very quiet. Some lost work and invented new ways to get by. Others were busier than ever, and found strength they never knew they had. We sheltered with the people who matter most, sometimes finding how far apart wed drifted. We worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet. And over takeout. And we found a voice one the noise out there had kept quiet. When the world starts spinning again, lets remember this time where none of us felt secure, and fight for a future where everyone can. Because when the world seems like its standing still. Thats the perfect time for us to change it. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. Proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinsons. Dont take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. Nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementiarelated psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinsons disease. Nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. Tell your doctor about any changes in medicines youre taking. The most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. We spoke up and it made all the difference. Ask your parkinsons specialist about nuplazid. Coronavirus impacting Housing Market booming as consumers continue to flee major cities for the suburbs, home sales surging in august levels not seen in 14 years opposite of space other commercial Real Estate Properties taking a huge hit, as covid shut down encourage work from home only shopping joining me Peoples Corporation push to chairman ceo don peebles, how do you see things . Well i think that one, you hit on very important issue, that the crime increase, increase in murders is having a devastating impact on quality of life, and perpetuating effect of having more new yorkers leave new york city not come back, fleeing to suburbs, i believe that itself is one of the biggest threats to the commercial Real Estate Industry in new york city, then you add that to the overall politics the political environment of new york city, which i think has a contributed to this massive increase in crime, and you have an environment that is so antibusiness, that companies are going to be looking for alternatives. They are, many new york city have been fleeing since pandemic began in march, don how much longer can new york city survive, at this rate how do you see this playing out . Well i think what is going to happen people have gotten comfortable with remote working, also, people are looking for quality of life, and they dont see that anymore in new york city. And as a result of that, companies are going to be more flexible about where they locate in terms of attracting and retaining employees, but i will say many in the Real Estate Industry Banking Industry new york city are giving it a try they are trying to bring workers back to work, but coming back to work to a city that is essentially closed, i mean, the many of the elements of make new york city exciting place that it is are no longer present right now i think that we are going to see a devastating impact, on retail, for example, a big driver of activity for new york city, and i think i think of retail brickandmortar retail is dead essentially in new york city especially in manhattan. Retail dead in manhattan . Yes. I think you fundamentally brickandmortar retail is dead there will be survivors some types of he Consumer Services but resteal resteal as we know it is gone brought by technology and perpetuating by antiBusiness Environment and excessively high costs of doing business in new york city, and the pandemic, if you add those things together, most of the retail big chunk i believe more than half will not come back. And consumers on top of that, i say that it will be spaces reused just like amazon bought old lord taylor major leaguing on 5th avenue but imagine lord taylor closed building sold for repurpose i think we will see much more of that. Great to get insights good to see you. Thank you we will be watching, thank you. Well be right back. Here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. Lookentertainmentour experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Maria covid fiscal confusion School Districts across the country adapting to pandemic leading some to put forward schedules students are rotating between online and inperson classes to maintain social distancing kwuconfusing for parents showing up on wrong day not sure where to put them are you seeing any. I am hearing about it seeing it schedules are so difficult some cases your kids going every other day or every third day or every third week beyond keeping track of that parents have to figure out how to do the rest, going to work, and bring kid in wrong day go back get them the question is do we need to do all of this . Have do schools really need that level of complicated precaution or can we get tunes back in the classroom with rigmarole. Mattie . I mean i cant blame parents, myself what indicate is sometimes only answer the day that ends in do not do not y. If school can figure out five days a week everyone is better off including kids. All right. We are going to take a break Economic Data on the other side of this durable goods orders for the month of august stay with us we will see if it moves markets going into it dow industrials down 140 nasdaq up 10 points back in a minute. Riders love the open road. So to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. Welcome back. Good friday morning. Thanks for joining us. Im maria bartiromo, it is friday, september 25, we are standing by for august durable goods report you 24 could be a market mover durable goods, to designed to last 6 to 8 months dow industrials down 132 points nasdaq up, 4 points s p 500 is down 11 1 2, the numbers, momentarily hitting the tape the month of august for durable goods, we will see what they say extransportation as well numbers are expected to show a gain to Cheryl Casone with numbers. Cheryl we are getting a gain here right now, again so looking at durable goods estimate for a jump 1. 5 , we are seeing jump of 4 august durable goods big ticket items take out transportation gain. 4 estimate for 1. 2 from this is a miss, for both now what is interesting core capital goods the orders for core goods business spending this came in with a really good beat this came in 1. 8 , we are only expecting a half percent jump, on that, so again, that is actually a little that is number i was looking for really that came in beat 1. 8 there you go the numbers back to you. All right. The market has not moved on this weakerthanexpected number august durable goods up 4 10 of a percent versus estimate one and a half percent grain Brian Brenberg reaction even durables extransportation up. Doesnt surprise me a slowing here if you look at numbers the past three months, they have been incredibly good way beyond what anyone was expecting, largely making up the losses from the pandemic, so i expect to see politicize of moderation probably more than i expected i dont think a warning stay on i dont see the market taking it as warning sign there is a lot of noise in numbers trend over past several months has been pretty good. What matters going into the fall now is how businesses start to think about the future, what kind of Business Environment will they get in a lot is going to depend on politics maria, so i think that number is go going to be dependent how election starts to look like it is going to shake out. Maria are mattie . Yeah this follows the trendline weve seen over summer enormous resiliency in the American Workforce and american consumers, of course, closer to fall support xhooerz runs out, public and health fund that enthusiasm is going to wane a little bit will depend a little bit whether we see negotiations continue forward from congress reef for consumers in stimulative as brian appointing out what is going to happen that will drive confidence in consumer spending. Let me bring in lauren taking unorthodox o route to congress owner of shooters grille gun teamed straent thrown hat into political ring in native colorado running for congress defeated incumbent opponent, joining me colorado congressional candidate Lauren Boebert thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me on a pleasure. What response have you seen from voters tell us what youve learned speaking with voters in colorado. I am traveling 29 counties in my districts in colorado each and every day, voters are excited, they are excited that we finally have a fighter, who is going to represent issues matter in colorado back in d. C. Want more colorado in d. C. Less in d. C. In colorado the voters want a fighter strong message stand up to what matters most. That is exactly what i have proved that i will do, i am not afraid to lay it on line for what i know to be right last year took on a president ial candidate he threatened Second Amendment rights drove to beto orourke president ial rally said you are not taking our gins i didnt see anyone else doing it i didnt see anyone else standing for i saw a lot of people giving it away if i speak up for what i know is right i can that is exactly what were doing connecting with the voters, with people here in this district, is to as effectively bring issues back to d. C. , about get things come publishered for colorado how do you think it impacted the restaurant industry. Terrible for Restaurant Owners, here in colorado, our governor was acting like a king with executive orders, and he shut down Small Business Big Box Stores able to remain open with commerce freely walking through with my restaurant, shooters grille reopened against his over reaching tyrannical orders i followed cdc guidelines we opened responsibly i needed to make payroll because of my action i never missed a payroll didnt have to go to one employee say sorry i cant pay you for the hours that you have worked here. And i even had come in, commend my action i pushed back on government, we were able to open much sooner than we would have the city came in built patios request outside our restaurant what government is supposed to look like working with people to find sensible solutions. Maria well do you have any concerns about potential new lockdowns if we see covid19 cases spike . Is this one of the things on your platform . There theres always a concern for government trying to take more control of the people. It is time people rise up remind government where power comings from did he arrived from we, the people we give consent to be governed there are things we are not putting up with anymore let us exercise he personal responsibility, and make a decision, and our own lives, of what we can do to responsibly keep businesses open lives going, this was a very, very dramatic for so many Business Owners not only werent receiving paychecks able to pay employees didnt have purpose anymore a lot of people making decisions able to wake up every morning, and fulfill the duty sworn to do so many left at home without purpose very dangerous place to be, so i i am terrified of another shutdown, i really hope that we avoid that, allow us to use personal re responsibility and avoid that Brian Brenberg jump . Is it lauren you are looking for a seat in congress right now very willing to go down the road of Green New Deal policy if they had a president that would pass it if you make it to congress what is your message to your colleagues what do you want to do to push back, against that tide were seeing among so many elected representatives right now. Right now i am up against a far less job killing socialist dpar left job killing socialist in favor of Green New Deal, being bankrupt our country we have a President Administration headed make America Energy independent we can be energy dominant energy is a huge issue to people will who live here good highpaying jobs, that help support families and Small Businesses, we built schools, fire departments, hospitals, because of the revenue we get from our energy industry, and we have soft socialists on left, moving toward renewables not the solution right now not the answer not energyindependent with only renewables especially outsourcing to china africa we know often use child slavery labor, i believe very disingenuous when democrats talk to us about co2 not that i know explorer nuclear use america resources create american jobs we have the worlds cleanest coal in colorado, our clean liquid natural gas can be sold across the world out of tyrannical communist leaders we can free other countries, we have jordan pipeline my opponent should be disqualified from this race for want to go representative people in colorados Third District because of stance on energy refuses to work the pipeline Trump Administration has helped push and this will open up International Markets. Maria lauren i think this message is resonating with independents as well we will watch your race thank you very much for being here we look forward to watching you, thrive, in colorado future of entertainment theatre chains thinking now that many big blockbusters have been delayed celebratinging spanish heritage month you are watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Next week mornings with maria monday white house takes aim at socalled anarchist cities Rudy Giuliani on why new york tuesday former pennsylvania governor rendell former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on ground game in two crucial 2020 swing states wednesday jim comey takes a stand on capitol hill brad win strup on fireworks coming up thursday is economy single biggest factor in who wins white house moodys chief economist joins me the most important jobs report of the year covered from all angles. On mornings with maria. Maria welcome back, due spotify strieb ago deal for many of these thereof based on podcasts, move underscoring hungrier for intellectual property, and spotify growing ambitious to become major supplier of programming joining me wbaiit radio achieve film critic thanks for being here blockbusters delayed, sort of a new normal what is your take . Well, on spotify i think everything old is new again, i mean radio existed before you know, tv, and once radio was king, so to me podcast is radio an intellectual property, a radio drama before a big movie podcasts tv shows movies a natural move to me. Big blockbusters black widow wonder woman 1984 west side story delayed due to coronavirus theatres are still closed, what do you see happening here with these big blockbusters, that probably will gain a lot of interest . Well, i think that big blockbusters how we determine going to change i think in immediate future as you have seen pushback major things people arent really feeling they can go into the theatre yet not so much necessarily how the they are being is has policy but will everybody come in follow same policy will everybody have same sensibility i think hollywood is kind of categorized as market weve got used to sitting at home, and watching movies, beginning of the year Second Quarter of this year, large screens large tvs sold out everywhere that means everybody was settling in for the long haul now, if you got used to sitting at home i mean going to movies is blockbusters eventually get people to come back near a future i think more what happens with video games, because, the same amount of money that takes a month or two months, even a film like black panther huge blockbuster months worldwide in resets a video game make that money in a weekend, that is where i think film are headed. And walt disney live action remake mulan reflected on subscription took in 3 1 2 Million Dollars on Labor Day Weekend is this streaming the way to go or do you think maybe this is where we are going to see real money spent. I think that is where the money is going to be spent short term, i think eventually people are going to want to get back to their theatre i think that is going to take time, i think, broadway is best barometer to see when people are really, really ready to packing theatres of course the plague covid all will factor in are people ready to do everything it takes to go to movie, pack kids buy popcorn wait on line parking driving all of that, versus, well, you know we can spend 20, 30 bucks in sit at home. Maria all right mike great to have you this morning. Thank you so much, who we will see returning to normal in the removes see you soon the senior fbi investigator for the general Michael Flynn case did interview with department of justice just released 302 i have it here in front of me wait till you see what he said. In terms of the general Michael Flynn case, weve got all details when we woman he right back then celebrating hispanic heritage month all right here right after this. Just what i need when i need it here . Nah. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. So youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Maria welcome back celebrating National Hispanic heritage month one individual epitomizing the american dream. Dr. Franklin spent 25 years as nasa astronaut and at 70 still committed to space exploreation. Trying to make transportation in space go fast. The doctor is founder of a rocket positive pullion company dedicated to Development Advanced plasma rocket. Can you explain laymans neermz imagine a mission to mars in a matter of maybe two months, instead of the better part of a year, that takes today to get to mars. New rocket engine ready to fly within three years he says, for the 70yearold a culmination of illustrious career as nasas first hispanic american astronaut. Moment of liftoff on first flight was something that i will never forget it is a tremendous ride. Born in costa rica came to United States with 50 dollars dm his pocket he learned english went to get ph. D at mit in 1980 became astronaut. One of only two astronauts to have flown on seven Space Shuttle missions. Wake up with places second astronaut to log more than 1,000 hours in space. In 20 he 12 he was inducted into hall of fame. Most thankful to this great nation that in 1968 opened the doors for me, for american dream. American hero Franklin Diaz paved the pay inspired 11 other are latino astronauts. Thanks are much we will take a break ebb blockbuster documents released on the fbi, the investigation into did russia probe and the investigation into general Michael Flynn, wait till you see what they say we will be reporting on it right after this on mornings with maria live on fox business. On your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Aso the national eye instituteon did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula only found in preservision. If it were my vision, id ask my doctor about preservision. Its the most studied eye vitamin brand. 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Maria welcome back, more breaking news this morning and more blockbuster have been released involving fbi, in this particular 302 that im holding, an fbi agent who played a lead role in investigating Michael Flynn told the Justice Department that there was never any evidence of wrongdoing by flynn or russia collision by the president , despite this, the probe was kept open by special counsel robert mueller. What we have from William Barnett interview with the Justice Department today is that we have the details of this interview which took place earlier this month, a bombshell claimed that the fbi superiors under jim comey and mueller team had an incredible biased in pursuit of taking down trump. They were scrambling to find information to support the claims that general flynn violated the logan act and they were scrambling to find information to support the claims of President Trump colluded with russia. The Text Messages have been released as part of Sidney Powells filing which he made yesterday, Sidney Powell is a lawyer that is representing general flynn and in that fili filing, all of the Text Messages between peter strzok and lisa page have been released and they say things like this, a mad scramble to find information to support what people are saying, jesus why do we do this to ourselves. Another when i tweeted out yesterday says man we are going to get real questions here if in fact we get a foia request, we are going to have serious questions about this investigation. More evidence that this case was based on lies. We will keep following this and of course all the latest on sunday morning features, great to have you both here this morning, thank you so much. Have a great weekend everybody. Stuart varney take it away. Stuart good writing morning to you maria and good morning, everyone. Speaker pelosi wants that impeachment and democrats pushing the new stimulus plan in the present has a jammed packed schedule and biden does not. We will cover all of this but something that is truly outrageous. Look at this, a couple enjoying dinner outside a restaurant in florida, and demonstration marches past, a few people wake away at a couples table. A really

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