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And break their own biden rule which says theyre not supposed to ask the Supreme Court nominees about that. Also tonight, the latest on what democrats are now outraged about as they plan a new complicated line of attack against republicans. The question is this. Instead of being so in the, instead of stomping your feet, steamrolling buffaloing everyone to bet h get your way, how about common sense . Winning the first place with policies people like . More on newly declassified fbi documents showing the fbi was tracking the media and talking about media leaks behind the scenes. This is bigger than realized. Was all this about validating and justifying surveillance on the Trump Campaign by using leaked store race this they were the source of when they could not verify things like Hillary Clintons disinformation with her own shoe leather intelligence . Is this now a bigger story about the medias own role in this trump russia narrative that traveled only one way, in one direction, since 2016. Was the media manipulated . Did they run with stories proven to be off the mark . Were on the story. Top republican senators ron john and Chuck Grassley putting new heat. They are demanding fbi director Christopher Wray stop stonewalling us, give yous trump russia documents under subpoena weve been asking for weeks. Former fbi official Andrew Mccabes Text Messages and emails. Police departments in these cities now bracing for Election Night chaos. Thanks for joining us. Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Melissa okay. Lets get right at it. We welcome back to the show attorney, trump 2020 Advisory Board member harmeet dylan. Always great to have you back on. This is what happened with the Supreme Court nominee hearing. Democrats continuing to try to pull judge barrett out, trying to admit shes hostile to things like obamacare. Trying to get her to talk about personal views. Judge barrett saying nope, not going to do that they know they dont have the votes to block judge barrett. Are they trying to turn this into a referendum on obamacare . They did win on health care in 2018. How did you see this play out today . I dont any of them landed a finger on her. Almost hike she has a superpower , calmly sitting there answering each of the questions and made all of them look silly and worse. From that point it was a failure. The democrats would be not having a hearing at all calling the question and voting. I dont think they convinced anybody with this charade. Melissa democrats are really pretty quick to repeatedly violate the biden ruhle. Biden established that for the Ruth Bader Ginsburg hearings. Listen to judge ginsburg at her own confirmation hearing in 1993. Advise the same thing judge barrett is doing. We saw senator Claire Mccaskill attack judge barrett for that. A judge wants to decide impartially, can offer no forecast, no hints, for that would show not only disregard for the specifics of the particular case, it would display disdain for the entire judicial process. Well she has done a good job playing hide the ball. That is just dumb for her to go that far. It makes it look like her job today is just to be evasive. Elizabeth okay. Was judge barrett being evasive and quote, dumb . That is just such cheap gutter rhetoric but what we have come to expect from Claire Mccaskill, really graceless. The judge did exactly what other judges have done in the same seat and what they should do because what these Democratic Senators either dont understand or deliberately disingenuous about is, cases before the Supreme Court are not a referendum on policy issues like they imagine them to be. Theyre actually a plaintiff and a defendant or multiple of those a set of facts particular procedural posture. What are circumstances of this case. No judge could honestly answer how they could vote on a case they dont know the facts of. Neither would it be appropriate. I hope in the future if democrats are ever in the same position where theyre nominating justices those justices take the same position as Amy Coney Barrett and really everybody has done over the last 30 years. Elizabeth listen to what youre saying in light of this. Democrats were in uproar over judge barrett declining. She wouldnt say if trump can unilaterally delay the election. They got really upset about that. Legal experts, she is not going to dismantle obamacare that case is coming up before the Supreme Court. Congress already voted to keep the law in place in 2017, wipe out penalties if they can pull that off. What do you make of her not talking about the 2020 election case. If it does come before the Supreme Court . Same thing. Like i just said, look at bush versus gore, that case rested on a tick heart set of facts, a particular state law and timing and who is bringing the case. It is a fanciful scenario in the first place and no responsible person would answer that question in the abstract. Even if one were to opine on it a responsible person would need to know what is the state what is the state law what are the circumstances . Was there a Nuclear Attack . What are the circumstances . I think that she again answered it correctly. Democrats have nothing to go on. They dont have the votes. Theyre just projecting however i do think there are better behaved slightly than they were in the kavanaugh hearings. When you look at those two that is shocking statement. Certainly Dianne Feinstein was more polite than she was before judge barrett before her three years ago for confirmation. They seemed to learn lessons from prior disasterous confirmation hearings. Elizabeth is there a concern that the democrats are trying to delegitimatize this process, discredit . Because you have senator Kamala Harris said the nomination hearing was quote, illegitimate. Defying the will of the people. 10 Million People already voted. Should wait until after the election. Is this a concern that theyre trying to discredit, undercut and delegitimatize the hearing . Well i guess it is certainly a goal by the left but the very words by Justice Ginsburg who they revere revert their position. She said the president is president for four years, not three years. This mythical concept that the president doesnt have to do his job in the last year of the senate, the senate doesnt have to do their job is ridiculous. There are a couple more months ago where the president can make fresh nominations if he wants and the senate has to do the job there as well. Elizabeth you know it is interesting, if judge barrett is seated she would join judge roberts and judge kavanaugh, all three of them worked on the year 2000 election which was decided by as you know 537 votes, giving the election to george w. The media is tearing into the judge barrett hearings with a lot of Opinion Pieces also trying to undercut it. We also have the media playing in. The Washington Post says it is not a confirmation, it is referendum on the legitimacy ever the Supreme Court. Washington post going so far to run an oped about that. Is this about the legitimacy of Supreme Court, this hearing . This is perfect example, your question, inside the beltway thinking is different from the rest of the country. The rest of the country does not view the United States Supreme Court in relevance to everyday life. Neither should they. They shouldnt. It only decides 80 to 100 cases in a good year. Some have to do with fairly arcane issues. It is crazy that the left, ever since roe vs. Wade and other decisions like that, put so much weight on the court because they use it as a way to get what they cant get in other circumstances. Ted cruz at the hearing pointed out 54 liberal majorities established changes in policy that they have not been able to accomplish through the legislative process. That is not the way the court should go either. The final thing we need to note here is that the two democrats running for the top positions in our country are refusing to answer on the record their position about expanding the size of the Supreme Court and therefore who is really delegitimatizing the Supreme Court here . It is not republicans. It is democrats trying to distort it to meet their own goals. Elizabeth senator Chuck Schumer says that the democrats quote, have a constitutional right to do that well dig into that in the next segment. You know that could backfire on democrats because the republicans could pack the court too. So, that issue too. I would like your take on this story. The Supreme Court today handed the president a victory. The Supreme Court today stop ad lawsuit brought by democrats. The Supreme Court shot down a democrat effort to bring back the trump emoluments case. It accused President Trump violating antitrust provisions in the constitution with his business dealings. When you saw the headline is this a victory for trump . This seems like the final nail in the impeachment push . It is a final victory for trump. It is such a shame a farfetched case made it to the Supreme Court and trees were killed in the process. That that particular lar argument is some of the weakest arguments leveled against the president. There are issues regarding the border, regarding immigration, regarding separation of powers issues, this one was completely trump derangement certain dream driven and it has met its appropriate ignominious end. Elizabeth all right. Harmeet dhillon, we always love your insights. Come back soon, okay . Thank you. Elizabeth okay, coming up rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. We have a lot to talk with ronna about. President trump now in complete rally mode. Look at this live shot what is going on in pennsylvania at this hour. This is live picture of the rally there in johnstown. Also this is the story, weve got the president s doctor an any fauci engaged in a public dispute. President trump telling last night rally goers he is up mine, fauci says rallies are covid spreaders. We have more to talk about with ronna mcdaniel. You remember i said it at the beginning the cure cant be worse than the problem itself, the cure cannot be worse. If you dont feel good, stay. Relax stay. If you want to get out there, get i cant believe it. What . That our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost . Hey jill hey kurt movies . Ill get snacks no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our Car Insurance with geico. 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President trump they say im immune. I feel so powerful. I will walk into that audience, i will walk in there and kiss everyone in that audience. I will kiss the guys and beautiful woman. I will give you a big fat kiss. Elizabeth that got many in the media very upset. Is the president really immune . Watch him dancing to the village peoples ymca. He is also promising to get the drugs that it he took for covid19 to americans as fast as he can. There is the president dancing last night in florida. With me now is rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. That is the debate. Is he immune . The white house doctor said, good to see you by the way, ronna. Thanks so much for joining us again. We know the white house doctor said the president tested negative on the virus on consecutive days. The media is in uproar saying he is not immune. Can you give us an update . The president is doing well, feeling great on the mend. Media taking everything he says too literal. Were glad to see the president doing very well. Elizabeth here is the president. Lets listen. [inaudible]. President trump johnstown, pennsylvania, very big crowd. I think amy is doing incredibly well. Thank you. I will see you in johnstown. Elizabeth okay. He is happy with his nominee, judge barrett. Lets get back into this, ronna. We know that Harvard University did a study saying if you have severe covid19 you do have antibodies you are immune. There is that debate he is still infectious. We hear this from dr. Anthony fauci. Let me back up. Dr. Fauci didnt say that he said the rallies spread the virus. Pulling reporters from the campaign trail because youre not following covid safety guidelines. Can you take this on . Theyre outside. Doing temperature checks and masks. Media up arms with peaceful gatherings with the election around the corner but silent on all protests around the country. People are making their own decisions as to their own health. Theyre doing the things they need to. Of course all the rallies are outside. Elizabeth ronna, i want to switch gears, your uncle senator mitt romney said today he is fed up with quote the vial and vituperative way american politics have become. He is placing blame largely on the president. What do you say to what your uncle said . I agree. Im sick of the vial politics put toward this is president. It is disgusting. Nancy pelosi ripping up the state of the union, the investigation, the impeachment hoax we had to deal with, what a waste of the American Peoples time as they refused to accept the results of the 2016 election. Democrats have been shameful from day one of President Trumps nomination. So i think, he is right to call that out and i think the president has withstood more than any other president and thank goodness he keeps fighting for the American People against the d. C. Swamp. Elizabeth but, your uncle, your uncle mitt romney is blaming the president for that, what do you say . I disagree. I think he should call out democrats. Call out the democrats. What they have done from day one, not my president. Avoiding the inauguration. Boycotting it. The impeachment. Spying on his campaign. To nancy pelosi ripping up the state of the union. It has been vitriol from day one. They have never accepted the willed of the American People. Only President Trump could withstand what he has had to put up with. You know what . Look what they did to brett kavanaugh. This is a Democrat Party with character assassination destroying our country. President trump is putting up against it and he needs to be reelected so we can stop the vitriol once and for all. President sounded off on a range of issues, saying democrats are quote, addicted to power. They want to punish the middle class. They will replace the American Dream with a socialist nightmare. His supporters say, listen he is living up to every expectation we had of him. His actions are speaking louder than his words. We had joe biden say the majority of americans who say they are better off today probably should not vote for joe biden. Joe biden also making a mistake. He is saying he is running for the senate. Your take on joe biden here . Joe biden will raise taxes. He will put regulations back on the American People and embrace the green new deal. He is talking about packing the Supreme Court and getting rid of the filibuster. He is running on absolute power. This is a path to socialism. The American People should wake up and Pay Attention to the power grab that the democrats are running on. Elizabeth are you worried the hill magazine say 10 races in trouble. The Cook Political Report but georgia, texas, nebraska in the democrat spot. Are you worried about the hill magazine . We want to keep the senate and presidency. That is farfetched. Alabama is in place for us. John james is great candidate in michigan. We have other seats that we can pick up. We have to keep control of the senate. Democrats are running on a power grab. Elizabeth ronna, thanks for taking on all the topics. Thanks for having me. Stay right there, back after the break, congressman guy reschenthaler. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Anywhere convenience. Everyday security. Bankers here to help. For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Aso the national eye instituteon did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula only found in preservision. If it were my vision, id ask my doctor about preservision. Its the most studied eye vitamin brand. If it were my vision, id look into preservision. 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He said it is in our constitutional right to do things like pack the Supreme Court that is what senator schummer is saying. Thanks for having me. Just call me guy. The democrats are going crazy. Here is why. The only way they can pass the far left radical agenda is not through the legislative process. They know they need the Supreme Court. They consider the Supreme Court as super legislative body. That is inappropriate f they pack the court, ad more justices to add to their political agenda. That is the only way they get their far left agenda to pass. Theyre setting up to do that if they take back the senate and if they, and if joe biden wins this election. There is a lot on the line, liz. Elizabeth you know, so, so theyre stomping their feet, steamrolling, buffaloing everyone to get their way instead of the common sense way about winning in the first place with policies that people like. I mean, if schumer is saying that now, everything will be quote on the table. The democrats control the white house and the senate, the democrat gameplan is to pack the courts, to clear the way for the green new deal, governmentrun health care, big tax hikes. Eliminate the filibuster so they pass whatever they want with a simple majority. Add four more democrat seats, 10 more Electoral College votes, making washington, d. C. And puerto rico states, that is the gameplan. That is why there is so much on the line f they bring in puerto rico and d. C. , youre looking at possible four extra senators. Packing the courts is dangerous. Getting rid of the filibuster is also dangerous this is not normal. Yet the democrats turn around say it is the president who is not abiding by norms. President trump is acting 100 by the constitution by Going Forward with this with this confirmation process. It is the democrats that are acting abnormal. It is the democrats showing disrespect, disdain, disregard for our constitution, for our separation of powers and for the norms weve had in our government for decades now. Elizabeth you know, weve been tracking this. This plan was put out there by hard left groups back in the spring. Weve been tracking this, this push by hard left groups and now the democrats are taking it on. You know what is interesting, congressman . You have to watch the way theyre talking about it. Theyre giving new definitions to packing the court. Theyre calling it depoliticizing the court. Theyre talking about it. Elizabeth warren is talk about that. Even the Associated Press had to clarify their own story we were wrong to call it depoliticizing. It is packing the court. Go ahead, guys. Liz, it is orwellian. If you own the language, you own the narrative. That is what the democrats are doing. Everybody knows that Court Packing is a term of art. It means that youre adding justices to the Supreme Court to add a political agenda. That is what it always meant since the days of of the dr. The democrat ares changing the definition, trying to set up packing the courts when republican fill a vacancies, that is somehow Court Packing. Again it is very orwellian. Theyre setting up packing the court in 2021. So much is at stake in this election, liz. Elizabeth okay. Congressman guy reschenthaler, thanks so much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Okay now well dig into fbi documents. Just ahead general Michael Flynns Attorney Sidney Powell on newly declassified fbi documents showing this is a much bigger story than realized. Just how the fbi was tracking and ewing the media via leaks to justify their own wiretaps to do surveillance on the Trump Campaign when they could not verify on their own trumps russia disinformation with their own shoe leather intelligence. Instead it is about a bigger story, about manipulating the media, in a narrative that traveled only one way, one direction against trump. Manipulated stories later proven to be way off the mark. That story next. President trump for years they have been trying to get us out but well take care of it all after the election we caught them cold. We caught them cold. Bad people. Crooked hillary. [shouting] by the way, obama and biden knew everything that was happening, okay . [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing. At your lexus dealer. For 36 months. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Because every day matters. 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Great to have you back on. Okay, when you saw this newly declassified fbi 94page spreadsheet, did you see what we saw, that it shows the fbi was trying to validate and justify its own wiretaps, surveillance of the Trump Campaign by tracking what the media was saying but it could not independently corroborate the steele dossier . So they were using the media, leaks to the media, media stories, youtube videos, speeches instead of their own independent shoe leather intelligence to try to corroborate the steele dossier and they couldnt do it . So why were think leaking to the media the steele dossier that the cia called internet rumor . The cia told hem them it was internet rumor. What were they doing . It was their own information laundering. It was a wrapup smear. They created all was a big lie. They had to keep cycling it, to perpetrate it, to get the American People say it was true to warrant the special counsel investigation, the impeachment process, all of it. It was the biggest criminal conspiracy, wellfunded, wellorganized, carefully crafted to perpetrate a massive fraud on the American People, to try to destroy donald trump and general flynn and whoever else they needed to in the process to accomplish their objective. Elizabeth you know what is so weird is the problem with Christopher Steele was leaking to the media too. The fbi and other government officials were leaking stories about trump to the media at the same time. And at the same time Christopher Steele is working with peter strzok and james comeys team with his does way that was filled with disinformation that had, that is what the dojig said, it was information from a russian spy. They didnt get further beyond just talking to that russian spy. They talked to Christopher Steele it seems. What do you think . Christopher steele was being paid by a Russian Oligarch at the same time he was being paid by the fbi and of course the dnc and obamas pac and Hillary Clinton were all paying perkins coie to pay fusion gps to pay Christopher Steele and nellie ohr, lets not forget nellie ohr who was doing Russian Research early on, was fluent in russian and got her ham Radio License all of sudden when she joined fusion gps. All these people knew exactly what they were doing. They were creating a false narrative there was russian collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia was illegal when all the time it was the Clinton Campaign that had done everything illegal. Elizabeth what was nellie ohr doing with a ham Radio License . I wish we knew the answer to that but it was quite mysterious. Those communications are not tracked by nsa. We also need to remember how wellfunded all this was. Elizabeth i hear what youre saying. You know, remember, fusion gps, we were reporting on this. You and i talked about it, how Christopher Steele was sitting down with cnn, Washington Post, New York Times, yahoo news with this disinformation that was financed by democrats, not telling the media about this. Then they run with stories and the fbi uses, you know, stories that Christopher Steele leaked to justify wiretaps. It is just also circular. The other news coming in, sidney, when we looked at it, the cody shearer memo is popping up in the fbi spreadsheet. Can you talk a little bit about the cody shearer memo . Yes. It is another piece of disinformation, essentially like the steele dossier bah it was created by cody shearer and im sure Sidney Blumenthals fingerprints are all over this too. Theyre both long time clinton henchmen while do and say whatever to promote her power. They created these lies to go along with the steele dossier. Fed them to the fbi, fed them not media. Dont forget dan jones, Diane Feinsteins chief of staff, funded immediately overnight with 50 million from major democratic donors for the express purpose of continuing the russia hoax narrative after the election. And they all knew it was a lie. Elizabeth so, yeah, you know, there is so many different angles to this. The cody shearer memo, he was a friend of the clintons and somehow his memo which also alleged basically a trump sex tape, a state Department Official hands it to Christopher Steele and then hands it to the fbi and the fbi starts investigating too. That is in the spreadsheet. Your final word . They were sending thumb drives of information from the state department directly to the fbi, from fusion gps to the fbi, through perkins coie, one of their lawyers gave it to james baker. All of it was a massive circle of disinformation that they created deliberately and criminally knowing it was false to perpetrate this massive hoax. Elizabeth sidney powell, it is great to have you on. Come back soon, okay . Thanks, liz. Elizabeth okay. Sure. Up next were going to stay on this story. The former National Security council chief of staff, he is fred fleitz. He is going to join us on that and also this story. Top republican senators ron johnson and Chuck Grassley now really putting new heat on fbi director Christopher Wray saying, Christopher Wray, stop stonewalling us. Give us fbi trump russia docs under subpoena for weeks now including former official Andrew Mccabes Text Messages and his emails. What is that all about . Well dig into it next. President trump they were spying on our, our campaign, our campaign, not my campaign. Four years they have been trying to get it out. Well take care of it all of at election. We caught them diane retired and opened that pottery studio. How did you come up with all these backstories . I got help from a pro. 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But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com. Elizabeth joining me now is fred fleitz, a former National Security council chief of staff. Fred, great to have you back on. This newly declassified fbi 94spreadsheet about how the fbi was tracking media reports talking about a lot of leaks to the media too, what was your reaction when you first saw that story . Liz, it is great to be here. We remember in december 2019 Justice Department Inspector General horowitz strongly condemned the fbi for not telling the fisa court about all the short comings of the steele dossier when the fbi used steele dossier to get fisa warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. There were short comings in the steele dossier. This 94page spreadsheet tells us so much about the shortcomings. The fbi didnt bother to confirm most of the allegations. Some were confirmed with press reports. Some were confirmed from reports by a clinton crony, i forgotten his name. You told his name to sidney powell. Some were confirmed by sputnik reports, a Russian Press service. To say the fbi had shortcomings from the fiz fisa court. Elizabeth ron johnson, lindsey graham, sending a letter to the fbi director Christopher Wray, stop stonewalling. Mccabe got in trouble for misleading with government officials, investigating about his own media leaks to places like wall street journal to justify fbi prones into things like the clinton foundation. What do you think the senators want with Andrew Mccabes messages here . Senators want all the information concerning the russia collusion hoax. President trump said release them. At issue are 80 Text Messages from mccabe. The Justice Department says you can look at them when you come into a reading room. They wont release them. They only released 16 or 17 messages. These messages will detail mccabes involvement in the steele dossier and spying on the Trump Campaign and other illegal or unethical actions to weaponize the fbi to destroy trumps candidacy. Elizabeth in other words they werent following the evidence as it led them to the conclusion, they were trying to fit a theory, trying to, it was a theory in search of a crime. They were going one way, instead of acting like traditional fbi agents, just following the evidence wherever it leads. One of the Text Messages we see three weeks, excuse me, three days before the fbi launched the trumprussia probe it, came from lisa page to Andrew Mccabe saying did you see the story in the blogs i call law fare . Is trump a russian agent . It is saying trump is basically operating at the behest of the kremlin. Theyre using early on, talking about newspaper stories, not their own intelligence. Talking about reporters work, not using their own work. Theyre citing, we saw that with the Mueller Probe using ap, Associated Press reporters to do their legwork for them which they then used to get search warrants. So this is heavily involved network, nexus between these investigators and what d. C. Media and new york media were doing. They were looking for evidence to meet the crime which theyre not supposed to do. And i think if we look at these Text Messages we will find out how much mccabe really knew about how fraudulent the steele dossier was but he ignored the problems with the dossier because he was determined to get trump. Elizabeth okay. Lets stay on the declassified docs about the leaks in that spreadsheet. You see, we already know that james comey admitted to leaking stories to the New York Times and even hired his friend Andrew Richmond to be an off the books contractor as the fbi gave him access to fbi and nsa databases and leaked information to richmond and passed it along to places like the law fare blog. Others at fbi were looking too. Fbi investigator peter strzok and lisa page in Text Messages talking about the leaked stories about the clinton investigation, trump russia, the Mueller Probe, talking about journalists at politico and at the Washington Post and the journal. We see reporters calling in to the fbi saying were ready to talk about in full our stories with you. Were going to go from top to bottom what were about to report the next day. So this is a real problem with the, with the independence of the media not being separate from what the fbi was doing. It is, it seems like they were in line with what the fbi was about, and that was going after trump and not doing the factchecking and the shoe leather work and not being skeptical and not saying to the fbi do you have it right . Where are the goods . Where is the evidence . Instead of verifying the steele dossier with intelligence, the fbi verified it with press reports and other information that was not intelligence. It was an incredible corruption of the intelligence process. Elizabeth it is really stunning. Well stay on the story as we have been. Fred fleitz, you will come back. Good to see you. Thank you so much. Good to be here. Elizabeth retired i. C. E. Acting director tom homan on this story. City Police Officers including the nypd are bracing for chaos after the limu emu doug you know limu, after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. So youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. 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Tom, what walls your reaction to the story heard the Police Commissioner of the new York City Police department saying to all uniformed Police Officers get ready to deploy, there could be protests before and after the election as early as october 25th . What was your take . My take he is on his game. Nypd has one of the most sophisticated Intelligence Divisions of any Law Enforcement agencies in this country. They built it after 9 11 because they didnt want to solely count on national intelligence. They have a joint terrorist task force a intelligence platform. The Intelligence Division is hearing chatter through different listening post platforms or scraping social media and hearing something that brings them concern. Theyre doing their job. Theyre planning well in advance and they should. Hopefully the mayor will let them do their job if people break the law, burning looting, soughting people. Hopefully the mayor will let the pd do their job because they can shut this down. Elizabeth nypd commissioner determine determine not shea, calling it is one of the mow contested elections in the modern era. He saying the election may not be decided for weeks. Is that why he is deploying . We may not know the election results. I do believe there will be percentage voter fraud with the mailin ballots. It will be contested. Hillary clinton already told joe biden do not accept defeat at no cost. Do not accept defeat. I think till with be a issue. The left has already shown what theyre going to do even before the elections in portland, seattle and chicago and new york. Protests turning violent, tearing down statues, looting. I dont think it takes an Intelligence Analyst or specialist to see that will happen 10 times over again if President Trump wins reelection. They will not accept the results of that election. They didnt accept, liz, they didnt accept the results of the first election in 2016. This is a much more contested election. I hear what youre saying. You know, people are talking about the 1968, what happened in 1968 when nixon won. There were protests before that. There was street action. Civil Rights Action back then. Nixon won on a law and order message. President reagan picked that up, and so did trump for their own messaging. This country has been here before. What is concerning about the story armed extremists may stop or interfere with vote counting extremists on both the right and the left this is not what this country is about. Were not a country run by any leftwing or rightwing militia. Are they really going to try to stop vote counting . I dont think so. I would be shocked if that actually happened. Say this, the American People cannot be bullied one way or the other, whether antifa, black lives matter or White Supremacists. The American People have the right to vote for the person they think will be their president. I happen to think President Trump will need another four years. He kept every promise he has made. Im a border expert, immigration expert. He has done more to address the border or illegal immigration i worked for since ronald reagan. The people need to vote whether by mail or in person. Dont be intimidated by threats from antifa or blm, White Supremacists saying well be armed at polling places. Get out there to vote. That is our right. I hope every american takes advantage of it. Elizabeth you know, in texas Law Enforcement in texas, theyre talking about austin, el paso, san antonio, planning for potential unrest. These are not, you know, when you are talking about san antonio seeing unrest, you know what i mean, tom . This is really unusual right there. Look i will say this you know, last time i testified up in congress i made a statement i never seen such hatred for Law Enforcement in my life. I was specifically talking about i. C. E. And the Border Patrol but i doesnt know about all Law Enforcement. Speaker of the house calling the Border Agents stormtroopers. Aoc saying theyre making them drink out of toilets. Riots in the streets. They lead by example. They need to look in the mirror why this occurring across the country. Elizabeth tom, thank you so much for joining us. Tom homan there thank you for watching. Im liz beth mcdonald. Youve been watching evening edit. Thanks for joining us. Joining tomorrow night. Hope you have a good evening. Its a collection most any girl would die for. Its almost too much barbie for a girl. A houseful of dolls from all over the world. You couldnt even walk into the room. There were thousands. So what makes this inheritance so strange . [ clockwork music playing ] say hello to the heir. Mother, why me being a boy, why was it dolls . She had a dying wish. Please dont throw these dolls away. Find a home for them. And thats what i want to do. But does the man have a plan . They call me the doll boy. [ laughs ] hows that working out for you . I thought, you can call me whatever you want. Ive got a pretty

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