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Mccabe grilled on capitol hill yesterday over the russia hoax, defending the investigation. But admitting he would not have signed off on the fisa warrant to wiretap carter page again, the very latest coming up. Markets this morning are rallying. A triple digit move this morning with the dow industrials up 190 points, nasdaq up 120 of, s p 500 higher by 25. This after a mixed day on wall street yesterday where Technology Stocks took a hit and cyclical stocks found new life. We will get into it with the dow industrials up 262 yesterday, the nasdaq down 159 at the close and the s p 500 yesterday down about 5 points. Jobs in america, employers are seeing a growth in job openings that rival prepandemic levels. Where are the jobs . We investigate. Plus, insure your bird, Financial Coverage for the centerpiece of the big thanksgiving day meal making a buzz this morning. Mornings with maria is live right now. Maria lets check european markets this morning. We look at a gain there was well. The cac up 29, the dax index higher by 67. Investors remaining optimistic over vaccine hopes amid a new round of lockdowns in europe. In asia overnight, a mixed story. Take a look at the numbers, the best performer there was japan, nikkei average up one and three quarters percent. Now some of the top stories were watching this morning. President trump not backing down as he and his campaign fight for a Fair Election. This remains the position of the campaign. This election is not over. A week after election day, joe biden has been certified as the winner in exactly zero states. Maria meanwhile, joe biden slamming the president for not stepping aside. Well, i just think its an embarrassment, quite frankly. The only thing that how can i say this tactfully. I think it will not help the president s legacy. Maria the Trump Campaign has filed lawsuits in arizona, michigan, nevada and pennsylvania to ensure only legal ballots are counted. We will continue following this story. Last night, pennsylvanias topple ex officer said about 10,000 ballots were received of after election day, a number she said was too small to significantly change joe bidens margin of error and his victory. There are 50,000 ballots left to count in pennsylvania. In michigan, affidavits were released from poll watchers in detroit, alleging observers could not get as close as they wanted to the counting. And republicans taking a one seat lead in the battle for senate control, thom tillis will hold his position as North Carolinas senator after his opponent, cal cunningham, concedes. Till liss said he is incredibly humbled by the victory. Dan sullivan is leading in alaska. Jageorgias races are set for runoffs. Democrats will keep the House Majority but it is smaller. They lost several seats to republicans, 16 races still have not been called in the house. The latest flip is in california after republican Michelle Steele defeated incumbent democrat, harley retta. In california, interestingly. Andrew mccabe says the agency had, quote, many reasons to investigate russian interference in the 2016 election. Mccabe telling the Senate Judiciary committee that the crossfire hurricane probe was launched because the bureau had reason to believe then candidate donald trump was a danger to National Security, highlighting the firing of director james comey as a red flag. Thats not a reason to investigate an incoming president. He of also admitted he would not have signed off on a fisa warrant to surveil carter page if he knew then what he knows now. Did you mislead the fisa court . I signed a package that included numerous factual erro errors. Maria a report last year by the Inspector General concluded that page warrant applications were filled with 17 mistakes, omitted information, exculpatory information and two out of the for fisa warrants were in fact unlawful. Covid hospitalizations in the United States hitting an alltime high on tuesday, to 61,000 people. That tops an april peak of more than 59,000 cases. Many of the cases are out in the midwest. At least 134,000 new infections were also reported. Futures this morning of are rallying, a triple digit gain at the start of trading this morning, up 200 points on the dow, cyclical stocks driving markets as Economic Optimism rises. Those companies that are tied to the economic recovery. The dow staying in the green yesterday, following mondays announcement from pfizer that its vaccine trial showed a 90 effective rate. The dow industrials yesterday were up 262 points. The nasdaq was down 160, s p lower by 5. Joining me right now mark aval of one. Joining the conversation all morning, lee carter, the media forbes media chairman and former republican president ial candidate, steve forbes is with us as well. Wonderful to see you, steve and lee. Thanthank you for being here. Mark, well kick it off with you. With this uncertainty in terms of the election, the Trump Campaign, the Trump Administration pushing to investigate this election, you also have of course uncertainty in terms of the senate races in january. How do you want to invest . Well, i think the base case is that president elect biden will win. That is mot not certain but thas the base case for investment money right now and the Georgia Senate races will at least be a split and alaska as you mentioned will go republican. So that base case has been a tremendous net positive for stocks simply because the split government thesis, the lack of a radical tax plan passing in a blue wave has that risk has passed. So the base case is a positive one for stocks. Thats the primary driver, along with the vaccine news from pfizer. So it is setting up for a favorable late 2020, 2021 for investors. Maria yeah. I mean, look at this Market Driving higher amid the prospects of a divided government. Youve got all eyes on georgia. The states two senate seats are hheaded to a Runoff Election in january. I know thats critical in terms of being a wall to stop some of those progressive policies. Are there areas you would see in a potential Biden Victory that could be areas of growth that you would want to look at, putting the uncertainty aside . Well, theres going to be a couple of stark differences. I think there will be a slight return to globalism. I think that its going to be beneficial for our trading partners, maybe not as much for the American Workers that had benefited but globalism will help countries like china and the emerging markets. We think the government spend, you couple that with the Government Spending for a stimulus plan and you might have the dollar weakening which is going to make International Investing even more beneficial for u. S. Investors. So thats one area. I think green energy and infrastructure is another. One area i might be concerned about are banks with additional regulation. We really dont know how thats going to shake out of, what kind of scrutiny they have. We saw how banks were treated under an obama Biden Administration. I think it would be naive for investors to think happy days are here again and there will be an absence of regulation and oversight and fines and committee hearings. Those would be some of the dynamics were looking at. Maria i think you make a really good point. Let me bring steve forbes in on that point because steve, joe biden can do a lot even if he wont be able to get through those progressive policies in the senate. He could do executive orders on regulations in the Banking Sector as mark mentioned, he could do regulations in the energy sector, right . I mean, thats just executive order of. Not to mention getting us back into the iran deal, the paris climate accord, et cetera. Thats right. The Regulatory Burden i think is going to be enormous, the progressives are going to get a lot of key positions in the epa and elsewhere, so you mentioned energy. There are other manufacturing i think is going to get hit as well. There will belabor law rules coming in. Im wondering, mark, how you think thats going to play out, the growing Regulatory Burden which we saw slowed the economy down under the obama Biden Administration. Its going to be a slow creep. That wouldnt be a day one concern but it is a concern. I think right now the momentum, the momentum is going to drive stocks, whether its a vaccine, stimulus bill, the continued help from the fed, all that is a net positive. But these the Regulatory Burden is its almost invisible. Tax talk will weigh down corporate investment. Even if we dont get a tax bill right away because of a split government, think about the decisions that Business Owners have to make. They make them in multiyear timeframes. So i think that what we have to look at is the good news is an immediate burst of energy from people being locked in and now feeling like it will be safe, at least sometime in 2021. But the impact of a change in policy, whether its in energy or regulation or taxes or even trade, those were the four hallmarks of the Prior Administration and he can take he can change three of those without legislation. The Energy Regulation is an easy one. He can impact trade. And i think that investors should be optimistic but a little weary of the tea leaves and the signs that come out of washington. And healthcare too. Maria we will keep watching that. Yeah, healthcare too, for sure. Mark, thanks for weighing in on all of that. We will see you soon, sir. Thank you very much. We are just getting started. Election battle in focus, former florida secretary of state Katherine Harris is here talking about the president s courtroom fight for every legal vote counted. Next hour well look at the top market stories with the word on wall street to tell you how people on wall street are allocating capital. Then mark penn on Andrew Mccabes testimony yesterday, President Trumps political strategy with votes still being tallied in key states. We now know that President Trump won North Carolina and then hear from the trump legal team, attorney for the president , jenna ellis is here discussing the next step. Plus in the 8 00 a. M. Hour, mohammed elerian is here. Plus, ohio congressman jim jordan this morning on the elections legal battles with the president taking his case right to court. Attorney for Michael Flynn is here, Sidney Powell, on the forging ahead of these legal battles. Dont miss a moment of it. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Being a good father is important to me. So being diagnosed with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. Made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. 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We look ahead to the senate races in january in georgia. Joining me right now is policy analyst, ed mills. Great to have you this morning. Thanks for joining us. Tell me about policy that you see forthcoming from a potential Biden Administration. Yeah. So when i talked to investors, they are continuously all focused on fiscal relief. There is a desire to still have a package before the end of the year, if at all possible. Generally speaking, with mcconnells statement after the election, the essential view there is that the if has been removed. We are now focused on the when and how much. Beyond that, there is a conversation about what executive actions can take place and there is a view in the market that we are most likely to have divided government but there could be a little bit of bumpiness ahead, if these races in georgia end up looking closer than the initial prognostication. Maria yeah, exactly. I totally agree with that. Lets talk healthcare for a moment because youve got the Supreme Court hearing arguments, challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care act on tuesday. Joe biden is calling to protect and expand on obamacare. He said that yesterday in a briefing. Heres joe biden. I want to get your reaction. Watch. I will protect your healthcare like i protect like its my own family. Weve been unfortunately significant consumers of healthcare. That starts by building on the Affordable Care act. With a dramatic expansion of healthcare coverage and bold steps to lower healthcare costs. My Transition Team will soon be starting its work to flush out the details so we can hit the ground running. Maria so what do you think, ed . What does this mean for the healthcare sector . Walk us through this, if in fact you were to see joe biden build on the Affordable Care act. Yeah. So maria, what i view this election was a clearing event that was largely positive for healthcare. Our healthcare policy team, what they were moved most concerned about was 53, 54 seat majority for democrats in the senate because thats when the filibuster would have been at risk, thats where more kind of big changes could have occurred related to healthcare. Yesterday with the Supreme Court, it seems most likely that the court is going to go down a path of not striking down the hold off. Sometimes the arguments can be misleading. You heard Justice Kavanaugh talk about severability. If they eliminate the mandates, thats the only part of the law thats eliminated. When i speak to investors, they say not much is likely to change legislatively orde or judiciousy related to the aca. Thats a positive. Youve seen one of the biggest positive reactions in the stock market this week to healthcare related stocks. We have kind of the news on covid. Overall, its a pretty positive story to tell from an investors perspective because d. C. Will continue to talk about healthcare but major changes to the aca, obamacare, are extremely unlikely at the current time. Maria so youre saying that the policy is good because it wont get through is basically what were saying, that the senate is going to stop it. What about price drug price controls, ed . Is that an issue for earnings, healthcare earnings . Yeah, so maria, what i always look at you know this, is that the street really dislikes uncertainty. And so kind of the outcomes that would have given us great uncertainty is an oral argument that went differently at the Supreme Court or would have seen a different majority in congress. One area of potential bipartisan compromise is on prescription drugs. However, i think people are realistic in the fact that were closely divided here in d. C. In and getting anything done in a divided government should that occur is unlikely. So well have to watch. Maria yep. Ed, great to have you this morning. Thanks very much for walking you through it with us. Ed mills joining us from raymond james. Markets up 230 points. Well be right back. harold twelve hundred strings of lights. betsy quarter mile of tinsel. harold and real snow all the way from switzerland. betsy hmmhm. Gonna be tough to top. betsy well played. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Uyou kneou kenou w khaent wyo youknow nknowul, d woyo, have, d e anwatrr awarr acapptionppppe e , sir,. Scarte cr cage. P diddidi mle misleheadad fisa urco ur i s id a a p aackaackat t clclerser facer f f er gal glynn been os ed fed fying to too t t yo ed toed t f a a you youou arenngsecusecu and min min havebsolutolyut noti in common. I never, ever intentionally midled the fbi misled the fbi. You were fired for lying, were you not . I was fired as the result of a deeply unfair and flawed ig investigation. Maria oh, yes, it continues. Thats a scene from capitol hill yesterday. Lawmakers grilling former fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe on the origins of the russia probe and, lee, he said that if he knew now what he if he knew then what he knew now he would not have reupped the warrants to spy on carter page but in fact he did know then what he knows now, because now we know that the subsource of the dossier was interviewed in january of 2017 and in january 24th, 25th, 26th, for a 40 hour interview, igor deshenko, the subsource, told the fbi it was garbage, it wasnt true, we have no idea if any of these things were true with trump, we made it up having beers in a bar. He could say he wouldnt have done the warrants then if he knew what he knew now, but he knew the same thing then, lee. Your reaction. Its pretty clear that he did. And the way he answered questions, i think as long as people entered into listening to this with somewhat of an open mind, trying to understand what happened, youre going to come to the conclusion there was something wrong here. Ive been looking at polling data in trust in the government right now, its less than 10 of Americans Trust the federal government. That means these institutions that we hold most dear to keep us safe, to keep us protected, to keep us confident that our government is working for us, that is a huge, huge problem. A lot of people want to blame that solely on donald trump. You cant blame it on donald trump alone. Theres a lot of issues we need to unpack and uncover and try to figure out how do we rebuild our trust and our faith in these institutions that are most important to us. Maria ive been saying thats why you really need accountability so that people can understand that things have changed, that theres now honesty in the leadership at the fbi. Steve, how do you see it . Steve there would be Nothing Better in terms of preventing this kind of thing in the future than having some of those people do the perp walk. I dont understand why mccabe hasnt been indicted, comey, for what theyve done. Bener and clapper, especially bener, what they did, the whole Intelligence Community. The fbi conspiring against the campaign of a legitimate candidate and when he wins the election trying to destroy his administration before it gets off to a running start. That is just absolutely goes against the whole grain of American History. I dont understand where are the indictments so this stuff doesnt happen again. Maria yeah, were all waiting on john durham and this investigation. Its interesting to see today the other side, the skeptics of President Trump, say that hes not conceding and he should be congratulating joe biden. Lets take us back four years to the transition period of president obama and President Trump where they spied on the nsa, the incoming nsa, they ambushed general flynn, they spied on the Trump Campaign. Ron johnson, senator ron johnson, steve, told me there were 125 leaks in the first 126 days. Thats hardly a peaceful transition. Steve well, thats right. It also gets even though Hillary Clinton did concede the day after the election, she spent the next four years trying to under mine the legitimacy of trumps victory so there was no presprecedent there of a gracios handoff at all a. I think it was criminal what was done to trump by the Intelligence Community and the fbi and im hoping we get the indictments. I think its important to remember too that maria go ayou head. 30 of americans question the legitimacy of the last election in large part because of those actions that followed even though she did concede, i think that there was a lot of accusations, a lot of undermining that happened and so the question is how you different is the situation thats happening now. Maria poll of ticks is ugly, politics is ugly, thats for sure. Were looking at the election battle in focus this morning. Former florida secretary of state Katherine Harris is here to talk about the president s courtroom fight for every legal vote. Where does that stand. Well get into it. Mowmountain dew fans rejoice, hw to get a little dew in your diet. Its making a buzz this morning. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Well be right back. Only in america. Dreaming in red, white and blue. Only in america. Our Retirement Plan with voya gives us confidence. So we can spend a bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow, do you think you overdid it maybe . Overdid what . Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. 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Ask yoadapting. Innovating. List lsetting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Maria welcome back. Good wednesday morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. It is wednesday, november 11t november 11th. Veterans day. Lets take a look at markets this morning, 6 32 a. M. On the east coast. We have a rally underway, a triple digit move out of the gate, dow up 237, nasdaq up 134 and s p 500 higher by 31. This on top of a mixed day yesterday. Technology stocks took another hit yesterday while cyclical stocks, those tied to an economic recovery, found new light. Dow industrials up 262 points on the day yesterday. The nasdaq was down 159, 160 points, the s p down about 5 points. Check european markets this morning. Investors remain optimistic over the vaccine hopes, despite the new round of lockdowns that have been in place now throughout europe. The fq100 up 41, cac up 28 and dax index in germany up 55 currently. In asia overnight a mixed story there as well. You did have money moving into stocks in japan again, another rally in japan overnight, up 1 and three quarters percent on the nikkei average. Tiktok is asking a court for more time ahead of a spinoff deadline. Cheryl casone with details there. Cheryl. Cheryl that is right, maria. Good morning. Tiktok says its being denied due process and is blaming a lack of communication from the Trump Administration. In a new petition, tiktok says it has been in discussions with the committee on Foreign Investment to address concerns ahead of tomorrows deadline to sell u. S. Assets but the feedback halted a few weeks ago. President trump issued an executive order that tiktok has to be sold to an American Company or it will be banned in this country. The Company Proposed an agreement for it to become a Global Company in the u. S. Alibaba hitting a new sales record, orders topping more than 56 billion during chinas annual singles day. The shopping event usually only 24 hours, but it started running on november 1st. Singles day generates more sales than black friday and cyber monday combined, basically their version of prime day. Alibaba stock saw a 10 plunge after china proposed several regulations. The stock is down almost 2 and a quarter percent. Job openings in the u. S. Inching closer to levels seen before the coronavirus pandemic, took a toll on the labor market. 10. 8 million job openings were posted on online sites across the nation this month. Thats up from 6 million at the low point back in may. Current total, less than 2 below the february average, compared to the 46 gap we saw in the month of may. Finally, this. Talk about an incredible hole in one. John rom hit a nearly impossible shot yesterday while practicing for the masters, this is the 16th hole. He skips the ball over the water, onto the green and wait for it because it rolls over slowly and ill just let the video play out. Youre watching a hole in one, everybody. Incredible, talk about luck. This is a one in a million shots. By the way, it was his 26th birthday. [laughter] maria what a nice birthday present that was. And thankfully for the wind that it just kept moving like that into the hole. I love it. Thank you, cheryl. Cheryl you bet. Maria contesting the Election Results and we are looking at pennsylvania this morning. Pennsylvania says it received 10,000 mailin ballots in the three days following election day. Those ballots now are the subject of a Supreme Court challenge by republicans. Gop lawsuits alleging more widespread voter fraud across the state. President trumps personal attorney rudy guliani outlined a scenario for me on sunday on sunday morning futures on fox news. I think we have enough to change pennsylvania. First lawsuit will be pennsylvania. The second will either be michigan or georgia. And over the course of the week we should get it all pulled together. Those are facts of fraud, not allegations of fraud. Maria joining me right now is the former florida secretary of state during the bush gore 2000 election, Katherine Harris. Its wonderful to have you back here this morning. Thank you so much for being here. What do you think about the timing of this . Because in florida, where you saw the bush gore situation take, what, 36 days or so, initially right after a election day the media declared al gore the winner. It wasnt for 36 days until we learned about the hanging chads, et cetera, that we actually learned that juro George W Bushs the president. Here, youve got multiple states that the Trump Administration, the Trump Campaign are suing. Its not just florida. Youve got pennsylvania, michigan. Whats your take on whether or not theyre going to be able to prove their case, prosecute and be heard in this allotted time before yearend . Thank you for having me, maria. Well, three key points. First of all, exactly after the election occurred we immediately petitioned the florida Supreme Court so they would take jurisdiction since we didnt have a uniform standard or and ask for a statewide recounted since we didnt have authority to do that. They refused. Consequently, al gore cherry picked the counties most democratic to do the votes, so therefore it went to the u. S. Supreme court and they said that it wasnt a uniform standard for voter intent and, therefore, al gore lost the case. Had he let me protect his legal rights versus his political viability, there might have been a different outcome. So now, were facing the same situation but on numerous levels. So the issue is well, think back. We had transparency. Remember the guy with the magnifying glass. Everybody watched as florida counted the votes. They were surrounded by glass, a republican and democrat looked at the disputed ballots and made a decision with a canvassing board there. Youre not seeing that. And thats frightening. Thats why the Trump Campaign is looking at these lawsuits across the board. We have to have confidence in our voting system. Maria katherine, is that going to be enough, the fact that the Trump Campaign is saying that, look, we dont have the observers in place to see whats going on, youre not you allowing us to view this, is that enough to put in enough doubt to say, well, maybe these votes are not on the level . Well, i dont know if that particular one will be enough right now and theyre in the process of discovery. But were the gold standard. We have transparency. We go to oothe other countriesh observers. If other countries were doing this we would find it is a very bad thing. Theyre in discovery. There are 10 of thousan 10,000 e voting in one state. Trump had all the way down the line. So theyre taking a look at that. This is what i would say. Number one, we have 50 states. Not one of them have certified telex. Not one of them have seated electors. When i was secretary of state, i certified the election, we added up the counties and that was the answer. With 50 states never certifying, how can the media be calling the race for joe biden . How can they call him president elect . We dont understand that. Theres no office of president elect. So as the Trump Campaign looks at these different issues, then well have the opportunity to let the process work and thats what we need to do. Maria yes, i agree, let the process work. Let me give you a couple items ive got here. Tens of thousands of pennsylvania ballots were returned earlier than sent. Okay. This is 20,000 absentee ballots in pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another 80,000 have return dates that raise questions. According to researchers analysis of the states voter database. How important is that in your view . And also, Kayleigh Mcenany said that the president wants justice and that she pointed last night on hand a hannity that she had 0 pages of sworn affidavits, katherine, proving voter fraud. How much is that going to go into this in terms of how closely the lawyers and perhaps the courts will look at this . Attorney general bill barr you know sent out a memo on monday night, authorizing Justice Department pro prosecutors to investigate specific allegations of voter fraud before Election Results are certified in december. Is all of this, what i just mentioned, part of that investigatory process . Do you expect the doj to find any potential instances of fraud away from the observers that were talking about . Well, this testimony is critical and america will watch. Well let the process work. We let al gore take 36 days. Its been nine days. They wanted more time in al gores case and now they want less. We have to let the process work. Thats crucial. But weve been gaslit. The media told us that trump was going to lose and it invigorated democrats and depressed republicans. That kind of psychological manipulation to tell us that 17 in wisconsin and 12 in michigan, the soccer moms, plus the fact we had russia, russia, russia, which invigorated democrats and depressed republicans. Now were supposed to listen to those pundits tell us there is no evidence . Well let the process work. Clearly, there is evidence and its trumps duty to his to this country and its his right to follow the process and we have to be patient. Maria thats exactly right. Thats the point that ive been making, its very difficult for me to give the other side the benefit of the doubt, knowing what i know after all of the reporting i did in 2016 and the russia hoax was made up by his political enemy, Hillary Clinton. The impeachment trial with no crime stated and of course the most recent wild one is that democratic blue wave coming at us. Katherine, its great to have you well hope you come back as the story develops. Well continue to investigate. Maria, youre amazeing, thank you so much. Maria well take a break. When we come back, predicting bidens foreign policy, what the former Vice President may do on the world stage should he take office. And turkey protection, you can insure your thanksgiving day bird against any accidents. Its making a buzz this morning. And youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. That came from me. Really. My first idea was in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower. Over you. Figuratively speaking. 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I want to start by thanking you for your Incredible Service to this great country on this veterans day. Thank you, maria. Thank you for the service of all of our veterans who fought to establish the country, preserve the union and help stabilize the world in the 19th century and 20 ofth century and certainly what weve done to protect the American People in the 21st century. A tremendous sacrifice and a grateful nation. Thank you. Maria and you all empower the rest of us. Whats your take on the changes at the pon pentagon, how does ts change the agenda . I think people are wringing their hands about this, looking for a conspiracy by the Trump Administration. For the audience to understand, on january 19th, about 70 days from now, if theres a transition to a Biden Administration, every single political appointee in government will leave their office, never to return. In a pentagon, that will certainly take place as well. It will take months to get new political appointees into their positions. The pentagon is the most resilient and most Robust Organization in the United States government. Why is that . Because of the uniform services. The chairman of the joint chiefs and the joint chiefs and all of our combat and commanders around the world, all the commanders that work for all of them remain in place. Theres no political transition for them. So this is an organization that is very stable, even though were going through a Major Political transition. Maria what about joe bidens potential plans, general . Biden told fox news that he has several executive orders ready to sign on day one, should he assume the presidency. Among them, he says hell rejoin the United States into the paris climate accord, reinstate daca. Theres some conversation that perhaps he will get the United States back into the iran deal. What are your thoughts . Well, some of that is largely symbolic in the sense of the w. H. O. And certainly the paris climate accord. To demonstrate to the world that this administration is concerned about multilateralism. Theyre going to participate in organizations even though these organizations are less than perfect. So i think thats what that is about. The nuclear deal i think, first of all, the Biden Administration will likely accept the strategic framework that President Trump and his team established. Big power competition, china the number one threat, russia also a major threat, regional threats in north korea and iran. I think they will buy into that. How they deal with that in terms of their tone will be different. A little bit more conciliatory i suspect toward president xi, not so much interested in trade deals and using tariffs to impose them and probably a little tougher tone dealing with the russians than we currently are using now but when it comes to iran, i think you put your finger on it. If this new administration is going to blunder, it will be over iran. And it will be not recognizing how much has happened since the nuclear deal was first formed in 2015. Irans behavior, taking a windfall of money, taking 15 of billio 150 billion has gotte, thats why we have peace deals in the mist between th middle e. Thats where the biden team if they do a knee jerk reaction and get intak back into that deal il be a blunder. Maria in terms of the peace deals in the middle east, do you think they come to a halt should that happen . I mean, we were all talking about other countries joining united arab emirates, bahrain, and of course sudan now is the latest. Well, those deals would not have taken place without the aggressiveness of the United States and particularly President Trump and wanting them to take place and bringing the parties together. Some of them took well over a year in negotiations. The American People werent privy to that because they wanted these things done in secret and privacy. It depends on the Biden Administrations commitment to establishing a Broad Coalition in the middle east thats wanting to stand up against the iranians. If theyre going to appease the iranians, likely these deals are not going to take place. Remains to be seen. Maria all right. Well be watching that. Its real important. And also want to talk to you next time about the Defense Budget and whether or not you think it will get cut. Great to see you this morning. Thank you. Great talking to you. Maria well be right back. We all have our own journey ahead of us. Our own hopes and dreams. Well pass many milestones. Moments that define you. And drive you. To achieve even more. So, celebrate every one. Because success isnt just about where you want to get to. Its also about how you get there the all new 2021 cadillac escalade. Never stop arriving. 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Its our Veterans Day Weekend special, save up to 700 on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Plus, 0 interest for 24 months and free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends wednesday maria welcome back. Time for the morning buzz. Insuring the bird, whole foods is teaming up with progressive to offer insurance on your thanksgiving turkey. To qualify you need to buy a whole foods brand turkey and if your meal skills go south, you can file a claim online. Lee, do you think youll need the insurance . Lee no. [laughter] and im not the risk of going wrong with your turkey, okay, its 30, 40 o 40 and now youre going to have insurance, go through the hassle to file a claim. If you mess up, buy another turkey. Maria will you do your turkey this year, lee, and have family over . Are you cooking . Thats fabulous. Lee we will be cooking. Im not sure how much family well have over, though. Maria okay. Well, i think youve got your hands full already, right, with an expanded family this past year. How about cooking with the dew, mountain dew is celebrating its 80th anniversary with a book cook. The book will be on sale for a limited Time Starting next week. Its filled with things you can cook that feature the fizzy drink like pancakes or how about soda infused pickles. Steve, you in. Steve yes, id say do it, its going to be dewlicious, the peak of culinary perfection. We have a precedent in our house, my wife uses cocacola for spare ribs. Id say go ahead. Its going to be dewlicious and the peak of perfection. Climb the top, yeah. Maria i love it. Steve perfection. Maria well take a break and then what lame duck session. Well go inside President Trumps strategy. Jenna ellis on the next steps and court fights on voter fraud, where is this going. It all starts next hour right here. Mornings with maria is live on fox business. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Because every day matters. 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Blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant or nursing. Every day matters. And i want more of them. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. Maria welcome back. Good wednesday morning of, everybody. Thank so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. It is wednesday, november 11t november 11th. Happy veterans day, all. Your top stories right now, 7 0. Examining the election, President Trump and his team are forging ahead with lawsuits alleging voter fraud, putting the main focus first on pennsylvania. This as joe Biden Presses on with the transition, with or without the Trump Administration. We are talking about this all morning long this morning. Hear from President Trumps, one of his attorneys, jenna ellis, jim jordan and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell here this morning on that. And then who knew what and when, former fbi Deputy Director, Andrew Mccabe, getting grilled on capitol hill yesterday over the russia probe. He defended the investigation, however, he admitted he would not have signed off on the phi a warrant to wiretap carter page. The latest coming up. The Dow Industries are dow industrials are up in the triple digits. The dow industrials up 190 points, about twothirds of 1 . The nasdaq up 109, s p higher by 26. This after a mixed day on wall street yesterday, Technology Stocks sinking as cyclical stocks found new light. As you see, dow industrials were up 262, the nasdaq was down 160 and s p was lower by 5 points. The future of food delivery, walmarts new team up with gm for selfdriving car deliveries. What you can expect coming up. Then, where the heart is, more americans are staying together for the long haul and its making a buzz this morning. Mornings with maria is live right now. European markets this morning are also higher. Take a look. The fq100 up 43, cac is up 18, dax index higher by 52. European markets continue to see optimism over the vaccine hopes of, despite a new round of lockdowns. In asia overnight it was a mixed story but you definitely had pretty good movers in japan. Nikkei average was up 1 and three quarters percent overnight. Kospi index up one and a third percent. Some of the top stories this morning. President trump is not backing down, as he and his campaign fight for a Fair Election. This remains the position of the campaign. This election is not over. A week after election day, joe biden has been certified as the winner in exactly zero states. Maria meanwhile, joe biden is slamming the president for not stepping aside. Well, i just think its an embarrassment, quite frankly. The only thing that how can i say this tactfully . I think it will not help the president s legacy. Maria the Trump Campaign has filed lawsuits in arizona, in michigan, nevada and pennsylvania to ensure that only legal ballots are counted. We will follow this this morning. Last night, pennsylvanias toppltop election officer said0 ballots were received after election day, a number she said was too small to significantly change joe bidens margin of victory. There are 50,000 ballots still left to count. In michigan the Trump Campaign released a 234page stack of affidavits from poll watchers in detroit, they allege observers could not get as close as they wanted to the counting going on in detroit. Republicans taking a one seat lead in the battle for senate control, meanwhile. Thom tillis holds his position in North Carolina. He will continue his North Carolina senate seat after a his opponent, cal cunningham, concedes. Till liss said he is, quote, incredibly humbled by this victory. Dan sullivan is leading in alaska and georgias two senate races are headed for a runoff set for january 5th which were focused on as well. Former acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe said the agency had, quote, many reasons to investigate russian interference in the 2016 election. Nothing bas about trump show. He said the crossfire hurricane probe was launched because the bureau had reason to believe then candidate donald trump was, quote, a danger to National Security, unquote. He highlighted the firing of director jim comey as a red flag in that vein. However, he also admitted he would not have signed off on any fisa warrant to surveil carter page. Did you mislead the fisa court . I signed a package that included numerous factual errors. Maria yes, the ig said the Inspector General report last year concluded the page warrant applications were filled with 17 mistakes and omitted information and two out of the four wiretaps were unlawful. Apple announced the release of its new mac book air and pro. They will not feature intel chips for the first time. They will be equipped with the tech giants custom m1 chip. Take a look at apple shares this morning. And as you know, technology is trading up this morning but has been trading down recently. Apple shares up about 1 right now. Time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money this week. Joining me right now is dan yele hughes, Keith Fitzgerald and chief equity market strategist, phil orlando. Thank you so much for being here. Phil, i want to look at the state of the consumer. The dow industrials seeing gains this morning, up 201 points following optimism over pfizers vaccine news. Also, we heard from the cfo of American Express yesterday, he spoke at the bank of america Investor Conference and he said sees growth in nontravel entertainment spending, spending by Small Businesses is still strongest, he said. And Consulting Accounting firms are still not traveling. The cfo telling the Conference Attendees that card holders are stockpiling points and miles do you know the pandemic and theres growth in nontravel and entertainment spending. Whats your take on what we heard fromamex cfo yesterday and the state of the consumer. I think the state of the consumer is quite strong. Youre right, in terms of where we are with the virus, people arent traveling just yet. Thats why the Pfizer Vaccine news earlier this week was such a gamechanger. We expect moderna this a similar position which means well have two vaccines i think approved by the end of the year. As we roll through lets say the first half of next year, and we get Critical Mass on people getting vaccinated, then were going to start to see Economic Activity returning to normal including travel, restaurants, hotels, things of that nature. And that will continue to facilitate improvement on consumer spending. So were actually pretty excited about where the economys going over the course of calendar 21. Maria thats interesting. Were headed into the holidays and this is the most important part of the year for retail and youre feeling pretty good about things. Thats a good backdrop for the stock market, i guess. Right . Well, stock market is up 13 over the course of the last seven trading days, in part because we didnt get the blue wave in the election and because we got some much better than expected vaccine news earlier than we thought we were going to get it. So all of thats good. Gdp in the Third Quarter was very strong. The october jobs report we saw last friday was very strong. So all the Economic Indicators would suggest that this powerful rebound that weve seen off of the april trough from the pandemic is going to continue into calendar 21. Maria yeah, you make a good point. Markets up 13 in a handful of sessions. We want to look at that. Oh, theres that. The valuation part of of the story, keith. Lets look at the tech sector because tech stocks have been taking a hit. The dow industrials have been outperforming following the vaccine news. In asia, tech stocks took a pretty big tumble overnight. Regulators in china are pushing forward an antitrust regulatory program. China Technology Stocks were under pressure. Keith, a lot of people on wall street calling this the rotation trade, out of tech into cyclical. How do you see it . I you see it more not so much as rotation as a barbelling. Weve had tech leading the way. Thats at huge risk of breaking down significantly, catching people by surprise. 2021 could be one for the record books if you get back into the value stocks, back into Big Companies that lead the way in a hot economy. Were certainly setting up for that with the market right now. The news out of china is totally underestimated in the west. That is perhaps some of the most significant moves weve seen against big Chinese Tech Companies in a decade, maybe more. Maria i think thats a really important point and youre also seeing some activeists who were on the front lines of freedom in hong kong being forced to step down right now. China is getting more aggressive. Lets talk corporate earnings, danny. Youve got partnerships making news, just this week we heard about partnerships between peloton and beyonce, that actually moved pelotons stock. Target and ulta beauty, pizza hut, beyond meat. How are these Companies Taking advantage of these partnerships . Is this going to be material to earnings . That remains to be seen, maria. We dont know how earnings are going to be affected. But the stocks certainly are affected. Growth companies are continuing to innovate and many of these companies are getting a big boost on the news. Peloton, which has been up 270 yeartodate, had another 4 yesterday after announcing a deal with beyonce who is not a public company. Shes going to be curating some content with the Fitness Company Going Forward but you could see that has moved the needle on that stock. Target and ulta, there will be ulta Stores Within target, that bumped ultas stock in a big way. That stock had languished this year. And youll see more Autonomous Cars delivering things for people and scottsdale is the city that walmart has chosen for this initial forray. Beyond meat and pizza hut makes a lot of sense. Rich month and alibaba, theyre getting companies into chinas luxury market in a different way. So i think that weve got to remain seeded with respect to the partnerships and it will be very interesting Going Forward and lets see what happens with the earnings. Maria so its funny, you made the point of tina, there is no alternative to stocks with your comment, that peloton stock is up, what did you say, 270 yeartodate . Thats right. It was off significantly because of the home trade was off. Got a bump yesterday. Maria whats my return . Whats my return if i go into bonds, yeartodate . Im getting 270 return if i own peloton stock. What was my return if i was in fixed income yeartodate . Probably around 1 , maybe if youre lucky. Maria all right. Well, there you go. The tina trade is alive and well. Great to see everybody this morning. Thank you, danny, keith and phil. Always a pleasure. Have a wonderful day, everybody. Much more ahead this morning. Coming up next, we are getting into it. Former Senior Advisor to the clintons, mark penn, on andy mccabes testimony yesterday, President Trumps political strategy with votes being tallied in key states. Hear from the trump legal team, the attorney for President Trump, jenna ellis, on the team talking about their next steps. Next hour, mo mohammed elerian will talk markets, the economy and how pfizers vaccine news could affect stimulus. And jim jordan is here on the elections legal battle and the president taking his case right to court. The attorney for retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn joins me, Sidney Powell, on the trump team forging ahead with legal battles. Joining me all morning long is lee carter and steve forbes. A lot to talk about with the panel this morning. Well get right back to them when we come back. Mornings with maria is live on fox business. We are all responsible for the work that went into that fisa app. If you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application in june of 2017 against carter page . No, sir. Maria that was former acting fbi director, Andrew Mccabe, yesterday 5d mitting that he admitting he would not have signed off on a warn to surveil carter page. The ig report said two out of four wiretaps were unlawful. Likely all four of them were unlawful. Mccabe claimed the crossfire hurricane probe was launched because the bureau had reason to believe then candidate donald trump was a danger to National Security. Joining me now is mark penn. Its always a pleasure to talk with you. Love having you. What is your take on what we saw yesterday . I dont think he gave any reason for donald trump being a threat or a danger as he said to National Security. But that was his reason, i guess, for launching an investigation into a sitting president. What do you think . Well, i thought he was bobbing and weaving instead of accepting responsibility for what he did. It was his obligation not to just sign that fisa warrant, but to verify the information. Thats the whole system, given his rank and who he was. And i think he knew then exactly what he knows now. It was known what the source of the dossier was. It was known how it was paid for. It was known that the subsource disavowed the contents of the document. I thought it was ridiculous. Maria yeah. So did i, mark. You know how i feel about this. So i guess i mean, you know, in my book, chapter two, i said i called chapter two the coup that failed. Maybe it didnt fail. Maybe theyll actually get away with this, mark. Should biden be the president , as much of the media is telling us, then does this all go away . Well, they tied the country up for three years, the false story. They involved the fbi, the cia, Foreign Intelligence Services investigated the president and his family, launched a 45 million investigation, then subsequently held impeachment. I would say, yes, maria. They did get away with that. They didnt unseat him but they did disrupt the country for years. Maria wow. Thats pretty extraordinary, dont you think . Do you aagree with me, its the biggest political scandal in our lifetime . Yes, ive never seen anything like it. I was suspicious as you know from the beginning. Anybody who just read the dossier could tell that that document wasnt worth anything and it was full of planted information. It wasnt easy to spot all of the signs here that this was just an attempt to investigate, unsettle and unseat the administration by people deep within that and then the idea that firing the head of the fbi is a cause to investigate is nothing but admission of deep state retaliation. Maria well, i think that there are real implications if it goes away, mark. I really do. And i think that the public knows what we know, theyre on to it and they do not trust the fbi. The leadership of the fbi, most of the fbi i think does a tremendous job but certainly the leadership had an agenda. Lets move on to today. The Trump Campaign filing lawsuits in michigan, pennsylvania and nevada over what they say is voter fraud. Last night pension vein yas pennsylvanias toppl top elecn officer said 10,000 ballots were received after election day. There are about 50,000 ballots left to count. In michigan, the Trump Campaign released a stack of after a dates from poll watchers affidavits from poll watchers in detroit, alleging poll watchers couldnt get as close as they wanted to the counting. Knowing what i know they did in 2016, its hard to give them the benefit of the doubt because we know what theyre capable of in terms of wanting to take down donald trump. You just listed it. Russia collusion, impeachment trial, et cetera, et cetera. They may be cheating here. We want to know, we want the courts to decide and look at this and have a full investigation. Well, i dont think theres any question that the president is going to get within a short period of time a fair shot at the court system but the burden of proof is on the president and the president s team to prove substantial fraud against an administrative system. Look, i think more likely than not the democrats played the mailin system and the president made a mistake discouraging people from getting their mailin ballots. So far, they presented some evidence, as they said, not enough evidence to turn the election around. I think theyre going to be given a fair shot here to find evidence. However, it is certainly an uphill and fairly unlikely battle to be honest. I mean, i think the president could make it if he wants. Maria yep. Yep. All right. Well, were going to talk with two of his team members, his legal members coming up, jenna ellis and Sidney Powell. Mark, its great to see you this morning. We want to keep talking about this. Please come back soon, sir. A reminder to pick up my new book, called the cost, trump, china, and american revival. Stay with us. Well be right back. For over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. On the sleep number numbers 360 smart bed. Ale and well make your first months payment. You can adjust your comfort on both sides, your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Its our Veterans Day Weekend special, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now 1,799, plus, 0 interest for 24 months and free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends wednesday. Maria welcome back. Well, americans are questioning polls, a new oped in the wall street journal this morning titled good grief, the pollsters got it wrong, takes a look at the accuracy of polls ahead of last weeks president ial election. Some of the inaccuracies, a Washington Post abc poll giving biden a 17 point lead over the president in wisconsin, one week before election day. Biden is ahead in wisconsin by less than a percent right now. A New York Times battleground state poll released two days before election day gave biden a six point lead in arizona where he now leads by less than half a percent. Again, votes are still being counted. Another New York Times poll gave biden the edge in florida before election day. President trump is ahead in the Sunshine State by more than 3 points. So what happened . Lee, youre a pollster. Your reaction to what has taken place here and of course we cant forget what happened in 2016 either, again, the polls were wildly off. Lee they were wildly off. And i think its really important to understand that polling is really just presenting data that you can tell a story with. Its not just a straight line. It isnt just about the one question, who are you going to vote for. Theres a number of factors we should have been looking at all along. We talk about that on this show. We needed to look at voter enthusiasm, the issues that were most important to voters, we need to look at who people thought was going to win. Many people were undecided or unexcited about their vote. Those are the people that could peel off and change their mind in the last minute and we saw you this, we saw between 5 and 7 of people were undecided in those key swing states and the voter analysis by fox you saw many of those people broke for donald trump. Especially in pennsylvania where he spent a lot of time and energy. I think it came down to those peeling off of votes. There was so much argument and so many people who said it is impossible at this stage in the game to be undecided. I had so many debates about this in the weeks leading up to the election. But i think it really did come down to those folks who werent sure what they were going to do, for really good reasons. There were big unanswered questions. And i think the polling this time we didnt have the same kind of information that you need to understand. What issues are most important to the voters. I think the democrats wildly underestimated how important the economy was to voters. Thats not what joe biden talked about. Thats not something he addressed. Its something that donald trump ran on. I think that really gave him the edge. Obviously, it 3450eug9 not have might not have been enough for him to win but he did better than expected as did the house and senate republicans. Maria its extraordinary that such an important topic, the economy was missed like that, though, right, lee . It seems obvious to me. It doesnt make any sense. When you look at the polling the week before the election and gallup, they had 94 of americans said the economy was really important to them, covid was only 70 something percent. It was a big difference. It was hugely important. Despite the fact that people said its really important to get covid under control, people wanted to know how will they do that and keep the economy growing and thriving so we can have our jobs, our future and opportunities. And ultimately, i think that maria what do you think go ahead, steve. Steve one of the things pollsters should do when they make their polling results known is what percent of the voters they polled were republicans, what percent were independents, and democrats. The modeling always often underestimated republican turnout and the other thing is likely voters versus registered voters. Likely voters give you a much better feel for what might happen than just going out with registered voters. So you had republicans having 24, 25 polling in these models when we know the turnout was 33 , even 35 . So just basic things like that. And asking a few questions, you can feel if a person is really committed to a candidate or uncertain. That should be put out there too, that this thing is not solid, that there are a lot of voters who might stay in liquid condition who might shift as lee pointed out. Lee i think you make a really good point. Maria ream quick on you real quick on you both. Go ahead, lee. Lee i was just going to reinforce that point about how they weight the polls, what they will call weighting, is sample the polls according to census. Registered republicans, independents and democrats, thats not necessarily reflective of how we are right now. Its a very different year. I think that had a big impact and ultimately ended up favoring trump in the polls or should have favored trump. I think it judg underestimated. Maria my question was when people see biden is up 17 points in wisconsin, or of whatever, oh, biden is up in michigan, does that dictate peoples behavior . Do they say well, look, i was going to vote for trump biden is up 17 points, my vote wont matter. Oh, my vote wont matter, i might as well go with the flow and vote the way everyone else is voting. Does that dictate peoples behavior . Lee thats a fair question. In 2016, it certainly did not. Everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win and yet donald trump did. In this election, its a different calculus. You think about how do you vote in a pandemic. Are you going to stay home if your think your vote doesnt matter. A lot of republicans in new york sit there and say do i need to go and vote, does my vote matter. Im not so sure. But when you have really inflated numbers i think there are people who question it but im just not so sure when you have an enthusiastic base like donald trump in 2016, if thats going to hold them back. Maybe it would. Maybe people arent sure. Maria all right. Quick break and then were going inside President Trumps strategy. We are talking with one of the attorneys for the president , jenna ellis is here to talk about the Trump Campaigns next steps as they force fairness and all legal votes counted. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Look limu someone out there needs help customizing their Car Insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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The dow industrials at the close up 262 points, nasdaq was down another 160 points at the close yesterday, one and a third percent as the rotation out of high valued stocks continues. The s p 500 down 5 points at the close. European markets this morning are also rallying, good firm tone this morning even as investors know about the new round of lockdowns. Theyre remaining optimistic over the vaccine hopes and the fq100 is up 59, cac up 27, dax index up 67. In asia a mixed story. Best performer overnight was japan, nikkei average higher by one and three quarters percent. Now this, United Airlines making a big return to new york city after a five year absence. Cheryl casone with details right now. Cheryl. Cheryl that is right, maria. The airline says the pandemic provided an opportunity for it to fulfill the ambition to return to jfk. The federal Aviation Administration granted united temporary use of slots that are going unused right now. Theyll have daily flights from San Francisco to and los angeles. Take a look at the stock in the premarket as the country tries to get back. The stock is up a quarter percent. You may want to check your ring doorbell but not for intruders or package thieves. Amazon branded device is recalling 350,000 of the Second Generation video doorbells after 23 of them caught fire and caused property damage. They could possibly catch fire if the wrong screws are used in the installation process. These video doorbells were sold between june and october of this year. And the future of food delivery, your walmart orders may be dropped off by a fleet of electric powered driverless cars, theres a new Pilot Program with General Motors subsidiary cruise. Part of walmarts goal of reaching zero emissions by 2040. Take a look at wall star walmarn the stock market. Gm is up about two and a quarter percent, maria. Those are your headlines. Back to you. Maria thank you so much. Those stocks higher along with the rest of the market. Combating election fraud, the Trump Campaign filing a lawsuit in michigan yesterday, the suit includes 234 pages of affidavits from witnesses accusing Election Officials of counting ineligible ballots, counting batches multiple times, counting late ballots and predating them. They are documenting illegal interference and intimidation of lawful republican election challengers, all this is in the lawsuit in michigan and similar things in a lawsuit in pennsylvania. Joining me right now is one of the attorneys for President Trump, she is a constitutional attorney, jenna ellis. Jenna, great to have you this morning. Thanks very much for being here. Great to join you. Maria i want to ask about timing first. Give us the sense of these lawsuits in a moment. But to you believe youre going to have enough time between now and the end of the year when the state Election Officials are supposed to certify the races . Is this enough time to hear all of these cases, to prosecute, be heard . Youre talking about multiple states, jenna. Right. And this is the difference between of course the contention in 2000 where you had a few counties and you had multiple actions, but really just dealing with one state in florida. Here we have six states in play. This is going to be up to the courts to make sure to hear these cases expeditiously but thats why the lawsuits that we filed in pennsylvania and michigan so far are so critically important, maria. What were asking in these cases is for the court to intervene and have an injunction that stops the states from certifying the results until we can be heard on the merits. Its incredibly important that the states dont certify false results. Maria so tell me about the case. Because ive gottens of thousands of pennsylvania ballots were returned earlier than sent as one issue here. Which im reading in one report. I want to look at pennsylvania in particular, jenna. The keystone state is the first lawsuit you dropped. It says it received 10,000 mailin ballots in the three days following election day. Those ballots now the subject of a u. S. Supreme Court Challenge by republicans, gop lawsuits allege more widespread voter fraud across the commonwealth and Rudy Giuliani outlined the scenario to me on sunday morning futures but tell me what the case is when you look at pennsylvania specifically, jenna. Pennsylvania of course is a disaster. And so right now we do have a great ruling from Justice Alito from the Supreme Court that said for these delayed and late ballots, for those that came in after the deadline, those have to be segregated so we can be sure to preserve that issue. We need to know how many ballots specifically were coming in after the deadline. The important thing here is that the pen pennsylvania legislaturs not acted. The executive branch of the Election Officials as well as the governor of pennsylvania are trying to have the late ballots count after the deadline and that is against pennsylvania law. All were asking is that these late ballots do not be counted because that is unconstitutional. Its dilution of valid, legitimate, legal votes and we want every legal vote to count. So that is pending before the Supreme Court. That is one challenge. And then of course Everything Else going on in pennsylvania with all of the affidavits we have, with all of the reports of other widespread fraud and inconsistencies and other illegal activity, as well as all of these other irregularities. Its incredibly important that we maintain legitimacy in our Election Results and that the American People have confidence that the results that are ultimately certified in the states show the genuine winner. Thats the free and Fair Election system in america. And thats the goal of what team trump is doing, that every legal vote counts and we make sure to protect Election Integrity. Its shocking, maria, that the democrats and especially joe biden are calling him president elect when no states have certified and when there are these really incredible allegations that we have sworn affidavits and that we want to get to the bottom of. It should be incumbent on the democrats to say yes, we agree. Every legal vote should count. We dont want illegal activity to go on. We dont want election fraud. So we agree, we want to make sure that every legal vote counts. Theyre not saying that. If they were fully transparent, then what do they have to hide . If theyre so confident joe biden is winning, what do have have to hide. Maria will you have enough evidence of irregular ballots that could actually overturn the results in pennsylvania . Do you believe you have enough fraud, quote, unquote, to overturn this . And then does this come down to an issue of whats legal . What if somebody says well, i was told that because of covid i could come in on november 5th and i could vote then or i was told that things would be counted until three days after, so i thought that was legal even though i didnt make it by 8 00 on election day. Yeah, well of course ignorance of the law is no excuse. Weve heard that. So thats why there have been theres been so much awareness around how you can legally cast your vote and how you can participate in this election and so its a matter of making sure that every legal vote counts. And part of the reason, maria, that we want to have meaningful access to be able to look at these ballots is so that we see how much is this does the fraud spread. And how many ballots are we talking about. And the fact that pennsylvania and also michigan are not allowing team trump and gop representatives to actually go in and look at the ballots and have these counts and see what exactly were dealing with, thats part of the issue here as well and thats also what we filed for is for meaningful access so we can see is this outcome determine native. We think thats likely. Thats why its so incredibly important that we have these suits that the Judicial Branch will intervene and theyll make sure to not certify the results until we know exactly whats going on here and every american should be behind that and should be behind President Trump. Maria jenna, we only have a couple seconds here. When do you expect this process to be done . When will we know whether or not there was significant fraud, systemic . Well, that depends on when were granted meaningful access. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I know every american wants this done expeditiously. Hopefully within the next two weeks. Well see. Maria good to see you this morning. Thanks very much. We of course will be watching. Jenna ellis. Well be right back. I knew about the tremors. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. Proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinsons. Dont take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. Nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementiarelated psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinsons disease. 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Honestly, we went there oh, oh look at that look at that. Maria welcome back. Covid hospitalizations in the United States hitting an alltime high tuesday this week to 61,000 people hospitalized. That tops an april peak of more than 59,000. Many of those cases are out in the midwest. At least 134,000 new cases infections were also reported, thats the seventh straight day of record cases. Joining me right now is Johns Hopkins school of Public Health professor, fox news medical contributor, dr. Marty mccarry. Thank you for being here. Whats your reaction to this . Well, maria, were taking a lot of infection into the fall and if you look at whats happening in the coldest parts of the country, that is the pattern. The great lakes region, illinois, certain states, the coldest, its probably a preview of what we can expect and right now the hospitals in wisconsin, in some cases are stopping testing so they can just focus on taking care of patients. Thats the case at aurora hospital. Were getting a lot better at preserving life and reducing mortality but were taking a lot of infection into the fall. Maria what an incredible moment that we are all dealing with. Theres a new study, doctor, that finds one in five covid19 patients develop Mental Illness within 90 days, the most Common Mental Health problems among recovered patients were found to be anxiety, depression, insomnia. What can you tell us. One of the biggest Public Health problems in the United States that very have not been talking about that we need to talk about even precovid has been loneliness. This study looks at 62,000 individuals with covid and found that they were twice as likely to get a new diagnosis of a psychiatric medical condition. Most upon commonly depression, anxiety, and insomnia. One reason may be the uncertainty that one has when you get the infection. But another reason may be that the infection may have some impact on your Central Nervous system. We know that for example 10 of people who are sick with covid have some lingering symptoms, the socalled longhaulers and most of the time those are neurological symptoms, numbness, weakness, or some persistent headache, for example. Maria do you think were still going to be dealing with this in one years time, november 2021 . Well, maria, ive long said that april will most likely be the month of mass vaccination. Ive said that for several months now and actually dr. Fauci this morning for the first time said the same thing, that most americans will likely be immune by the end of april. If you look at the rates of infection now, according to the Johns Hopkins tracker, 10 million americans have had a confirmed case. We know were probably confirming one in five to one in 10 cases. That means 50 to 100 million people, may have had exposure and have antibodies. You add the immune tri with the immunity with the virus and vaccine we could hit the herd immunity levels by march and april. Maria well be watching that. Thank you for the information. Quick break and a then covids intimacy impact, the pandemics positive effect on marriage is making a buzz this morning. Wait until you hear this. Youre watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Maria time for the morning buzz. First up, thank a veteran today, companies are offering deals and discounts today to honor and support our countrys veterans. And wawa is offering a free coffee. Wendys will give you a free breakfast. You can find places for kiss counts on haircuts, car washes and flu shots. Steve, thank you for your service in the National Guard. Im pleased to also thank my family, were a gold star family since my fathers brother died in burma in world war ii. My father served in the korean war and my grandfather and uncle served in world war i and world war ii. I send them a big shoutout. Steve, i shout out to you as well for your service in the National Guard many thank you, sir. Steve thank you. These things are wonderful. What a contrast to the early 1970s during the vietnam war when veterans were spat upon and hated by a segment of the american population. These things are all the good. I have a soninlaw who fought in the first iraq war, the screaming eagles. My father was severely wounded in world war ii. So the vets absolutely, these things are meaningful, getting that kind of recognition and, again, very, very vivid and rightful contrast to the way the vietnam vets were treated in the late 60s and early 1970s. Maria youre right. Youre right. Thank you for saying that. And dear pasquale bartiromo, rest in peace. He was blown up in burma. Very sad story. We want to move on. Divorce rates are at 50 year low. For every 1,000 marriages in the last year, 14. 9 ended in divorce even though the pandemic put on hold many marriages. 58 of couples say the pandemic have brought them closer together. Yes, were together at home, locked up, its been good for marriage. Lee im surprised at this data. I think we should be skeptical of polls and look into some of the methodology and the questions that were asked, although i think people are really committed to making it work right now. They have no choice. Were in it together. And so i think people are finding ways, creative ways to make things work. What im going to be most interested to see is what happens if the doctor that was just on is correct, next april when everybody feels like they can go about their business again. Maria and get married again, right . Because the marriages, people are getting married but theyre saving the parties for another time. Lee car techs i want to thank you car techs i want to thank you for being here. I know youre going at this time. But please come back soon. Well see you next week. Thank thanks so much. Maria still ahead, investigating potential wrongdoing at the ballot box. Ohio congressman jim jordan is here ahead of the election legal battles with President Trump taking his case right to the court. It all starts next hour. Mornings with maria is live on fox business. Shares etfs are but with advanced modeling. To fill portfolio gaps and target specific goals. Strengthening client confidence in you. Before investing consider the Funds Investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Go to flexshares. Com for a prospectus containing this information. Read it carefully. Maria welcome back. Good wednesday morning. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. Wednesday, november 11, happy veterans day top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, examining the election President Trump his team forging ahead with lawsuits, aelg voter fraud putting main focus on pennsylvania, michigan, this as joe Biden Presses on with a transition, with or without the Trump Administration we are discussing all morning long this morning, get the very latest from ohio congressman jim jordan coming up former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell on President Trumps investigation who knew what we former fbi Deputy Director mccabe grilled on capitol hill yesterday defending investigation admitting he would not have signed off on fisa warrant to wiretap carter page again, the latest coming up markets rallying highs of the morning right now futures indicating a gain 208 points on dow industrials, the nasdaq up 145, s p 500 higher, by 29 points the bond market closed today in honor of veterans day a mixed day on wall street yesterday Technology Stocks sinking cyclical stocks found light rotation underway in equities dow industrials up 262 points, nasdaq down 159, s p lower by 5, allianz chief economic adviser mohamed al areian arians. Look at firmer tone ft 100 up 57 cac quarante up you 31, dax up 58, lots of optimism over vaccine hopes despite round of lockdowns in europe in asia overnight mixed story take a look best was japan, weve seen, the nikkei average up substantially recently up 1 3 4 overnight top stories this morning, President Trump, not backing down, as he and campaign, fight for a Fair Election. This remains the position of the campaign. This election is not over, a week after election day joe biden, has been certified, as the winner, in exactly zero states. Maria meanwhile, joe biden is slamming the president for not stepping aside. Well, um i just think it is an embarrassment, quite frankly. The only thing that how can i say this, i think it will not help the president s legacy. Trump campaign filed lawsuits so far in arizona, michigan, nevada and pennsylvania to ensure only legal ballots were counted for this election last night pennsylvania top election officer said 10,000 ballots were received after election day, she said that is a number that is too small to significantly change joe bidens margin of victory there are still 50,000 ballots there, left to count, michigan Trump Campaign released 234 page stack of after the from poll watchers in detroit allege observers could not get close as they wanted to countings republicans one seat lead in battle for Senate Thom Tillis won Holding Position as North Carolina senator after opponent cunningham con cede he had he is incredibly humbled by victory republican dan sullivan leading in alaska georgia two senate races hundredoff election january 5, democrats looking for seat house marginal despite lock of several to republicans, 16 races have not been called so far the latest flip however is california,after republican michelle steel defeated democrat regaining a house seat lost in the california house race. Former fbi director mccabe said fbi had many reasons to investigate interference, telling the Judiciary Committee crossfire hurricane probe was launched because bureau had reason to believe, then candidate donald trump, was quote a danger to National Security. And he highlighted the firing of director jim comey as a reason red flag for them, however admitted he would not have signed off on fisa warrant to surcarter page. I signed a document that a kind numerous factual errors. 17 according to Inspector General concluded the page washington applications were filled with 17 mistakes omitted information two of the four wiretaps were unlawful. Covid hospitalizations United States alltime high, yesterday. To 61,000 people, being that is peak more than 5,000 many cases are out in midwest at least 14,000 inspections reported 7th straight day of record cases. Of covid19. Investigating potential wrongdoing at ballot box Trump Campaign pushing despite the Election Results lawsuits in pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, nevada, the keystone state he pennsylvania received 10,000 mailin ballots in three days following election he day, those ballots now subject of u. S. Supreme Court Challenge by republicans,joining me right now former speaker of the house Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrich, here with me all morning this morning steve forbes joining the conversation fox news contribute joe concha thank you for joining us newt great to have you this morning let get your take on say it of affairs that is your reaction to where we are here are in terms of the Election Results . Well, look, i think the the media, has fried to rush to judgment not a single state certified anyone in the country, there are at least five or six states that have lawsuits, probably end up in Supreme Court, we keep finding more and more examples of fraud. So i would be a little cautious my only position is there is a constitutional process. It involves voters counting the vote, if necessary, recounting the vote ultimately going to court the necessary beyond that the state legislature and then, the Electoral College getting to washington, all those steps are ahead of us, and i think it is absurd, that people like Hillary Clinton and others, said bid oxygen never have concede back when atraded he might loss giving biden instruction never concede, one week when middle of a constitutional process, we ought ought to be a little patient there is a lot of evidenced very fishy things went on my collectively end up changing Election Results. Incredible episodes of different situations whether it be dead people voting, or you know some ballots, tens of thousands didnt the have President Trump on ballot, or you know ballots being dropped in the middle of the night. Do you think it is just episodic . Or do you think there is something more to this . We dont know yet right we are waiting on evidence. If you back all the way out look at is it statistical base of this biden didnt do very well everywhere except where he is stealing it go to cleveland, st. Louis, noushg dont have huge numbers. They are areh very specific places they went a all out, Fulton County georgia Clayton County georgia, dekalb would be three detroit philadelphia pittsburgh all places have a trajection philadelphia a long tradition of corruption threatened in presidency one philadelphia race a few years ago so corrupt the judge literally threw out democratic installed his republican opponent changing the balance of power in the Pennsylvania Senate these things are not new what has happened they have all occurred in parallel, and they effectuate the presidency, that brings legislativelevel of attention they are not used to having talking to Sidney Powell about this congressman jim jordan President Trump, Political Action Committee Days after joe biden declared winner pact save merck could retain influence over gop should he leave office your reaction in terms of President Trumps legacy among the republican party. Well, look, i think the president first of all, is still tar and away the most popular person in the party there is a poll out says 70 of republicans believe election was illegal illegitimate a whuj base of people believe he would have been elected president if the election has honest dominant in party as long as he wants to grover clive landed lost came back one president , one, defeated came back bid oxygen be very concerned that trumps ability to stand up for america, compared to biden vaishz weird advisories one of whom wants to give vaccine away everywhere else in the world before we give it to americans, i think there will be a lot of stuff in the Biden Administration if there is a Biden Administration, that will give trump lots of talking points i think raelz will still have norms crowds. Well, interesting, because when you look at thess impact on the gop put through all priorities tax cuts, deregulation, what he has done for israel, naming 250 federal judges three Supreme Court judges appointments most consequential president weve seen the priorities of gop, and it was led by President Trump, i want to ask i about the house, whether or not Speaker Pelosi, is going to remain speaker here is Kevin Mccarthy on sunday morning futures with me, this sunday listen to this newt. Let me ask you about nancy pelosi she has sent a letter out to members, asking for their support, she wants to get reelected as speaker of the house what does that mean for you . And will she stay as speaker in your view . Well, only know in january because to become speaker you have to have votes on the floor when she went for that vote two years ago were there 15 democrats voted against her 10 of those democrats will be coming to congress those she would not be speaker of the house wont have 118, because of the gains of republicans. Maria what do you think about that newt do you think she is going to be speaker what about the infighting with aoc and more progressive arm of the party . You know, i think, nancy pelosi is trying to ride two different tigers, a left wing tiger wants to do a series of things average americans think is crazy the smaller but very frightened moderate tyinger that knows if it goes into 2022 and Biden Administration is radical pelosi is radical they will probably all get wiped out. We have a history here. Bill clinton gets elected two years later you are the we took house for the first time in 40 years, obama gets elected, and john boehner leads 63 vote pickup, two years later. So any democrat who is smart is going to look at this if you have imanuel Senior Adviser to biden says give away our vaccine to the rest of the world before we give it to americans also says, people over 75 shouldnt get unusual medical care because they already lived a full life how can you ave that guy on the covid task force, when the primarily people are being dying are over 75 . This stuff is all going to add up very quickly, they are out of basement. I was looking at that, zeke imanuel statement why i hope to die at 75 best to die at 75 newt good to see you going to foum on that vaccine, news, in terms of giving it away, to others, we will see you soon thank you Newt Gingrich well be right back backing at market with mohamed al area arian right after this. I dont think so. What do you think, peanut . Nope honey, do you think we overdid it . Overdid what . See . We dont think so, son. Technically, grandparents cant overdo it. Its impossible. 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I think it is a seasons i believe move for the long term let me explain why, what weve now, is a a brighter shining light the end of a long unsettling tunnel that is a covid tunnel i think the vaccine clearly shows that there is a destination the destination within weeks, and with we get to the destination the go back to work go back to normal life will have support of higher revenues higher profits, the key issue is navigating, what rotation makes sense investors should make sure that they are investing in companies than survive that is a really important a qualification here. Lets go through some of the events that will affect markets toward yearend mom what you believe will be most important, of course, we do have joe biden, readying for a transition, but we also have the Trump Administration, with these lawsuits, wanting election clarity. There is a deadline for the states to rochl election disputes december 8th we should expect certification on elections at that point are there any other things, that you want to look at, toward year end i know Georgia Senate races january 5 should also be a catalyst there are any other cat lists we should be aware of that you think will be important to money and economy. Yes, the Federal Reserve, maria as important, as political issues are for the country, the markets has shrugged aside politics, of the last five months weve had very different narratives all of which have been used to justify, we had figures, President Trump ahead going to win election, that is more tax cuts more deregulation, then the race got close we had divided government good keep washington out of way then talk of a blue wave blue wave good stimulus is going to be distant then we had close elections, so we got again, divided government is good, weve had all narratives the maushth launched every single of those narratives even though contrary to each other, and that tells you there is another thing pushing up higher over and over again, that is Federal Reserve policy. The predictable provision of liquid by Federal Reserve what is the market rally cares about keep riwhat the fed does in december because market is expecting the fed to do more. All right, quick before you go Mohamed Europe versus United States more lockdowns in europe the market rally your thoughts on the economy here versus europe. I think we will do better over the long term than europe we will face a did i few months because of whats hospitalization record level we havent got on the round this latest outbreak second wave, so that is going to be an issue, but i think over the long term u. S. Has much more much more dynamic entrepreneurial economy. All right we leave it there mohamed a a pleasure to see you. Thanks very much mohamed elerian, joining us this morning, coming up fighting for the Federal Reserve, looming capitol hill battle over Key Central Bank appointees getting into it you are watching mornings with maria live on fox business. Hope it doesnt cost too much. I hope my insurance pays for it. Can you tell me how much this will be . [cashier] 67. Sorry. Wait, have you heard about goodrx . Goodrx finds free coupons to help you save up to 80 on your prescriptions. Wow, i had no idea. [announcer] goodrx, stop paying too much for your prescriptions. Maria welcome back, two important Federal Reserve board seats remain open could lead to battle on catch hill President Trump has unemployed Julie Shelton christopher, for positions those positions but needed to be confirmed by senate if not a done deal soon could create a battle between senator Mitch Mcconnell and joe biden if he takes the white house, and impacts future of financial regulation, and markets, steve what where do you stand on this. I think getting shelton on Federal Reserve should be tough priority, she will bring fed something badly needed that is asking right questions, the fed believes prosperity caused inflation she will question that, paying interest on reserves will question ask basic questions, great economist said way to get truth asking right questions she would ask them not a conventional economist that is what they dont like they want somebody in their groove she provides fresh air wont be able o to change policy but can really question them about their basic assumptions which have often been so wrong. Maria really what you constant poking in any holes James Freeman feels the same as do you joe concha your thoughts on this the way media has been handling any changes, or questions, leading up to getting that certification, in this election. That is the thing right i am glad you are getting this story attention maria i it zefshgs deserves action you are probably having closest, division between democrats controlling the House Republicans since 1958 in terms of the gap senate in balance in georgia with seats, that are up for runoff january 5th, so the presidency is very important, yes, but the house the senate and posts on Federal Reserve are types of things that impact americans directly, Federal Reserve obviously, Interest Rates a big thing in terms of what we Pay Attention to, at home in terms of our credit cards, in terms of home equity loans in my case my wife and i about to refinance our mortgage i got a Big Education on that last couple weeks, money that we will save is palpable yeah good that were covering this we fee of the too much on big stuff this is just as important as well maria. Maria for sure, we are going to focus on one of the big stories that is probing potential wrongdoing at the ballot box we will take a break when we come back i will talk with ohio congressman jordan attorney general for retired attorney general Michael Flynn Sidney Powell working with trump team, key battleground states coming up back in a moment. This week mornings with maria tomorrow president ial election hurtling toward with a Court Resolution Chris Bedford lays out the battle ahead friday wrap up with word on wall street experts insight where to allocate your capital all right here on mornings with maria. 6. I am maria bartiromo, it is wednesday, november 11 happy he veterans day thank you to all our veterans out you the there keeping us safe an hour away from the opening bell 8 30 a. M. On the east coast check out markets here, there is a rally underway when near highs dow industrials up 20 points nasdaq up 141 s p 500 higher by 29, bond market closed for veterans day european markets certainly firmer this morning as well investors across the board remaining optimistic over vaccine hopes despite a new round of lockdowns in europe ft 100 up 56, cac quarante up 27, dax up 65, in asia overnight, more 34ikd story japan continues to do welaunee to me up 1 3 4 Election Integrity is in focus, lawsuits from Trump Campaign, in the working right now, following allegations of widespread voter fraud pennsylvania says it received he 10,000 mailin ballots three days following election day, those ballots are the subject of u. S. Supreme Court Challenge, by the republicans,gop lawsuits allege more widespread voter fraud across the commonwealth across the country joining me right now on phone ohio congressman house judiciary member oversite Reform Committee Ranking Member jim jordan congressman great to have you this morning thanks very much for joining us, assess the situation terms of where we are right now i know waiting on evidence going to talk with Sidney Powell coming up wading on evidence from trump team to tell us where specifically, this voter fraud is, where how should we be booking at this congressman. First you got to look at big picture someone would have said prior to election the republicans going to keep senate, republicans going to pick up several seats in the house, donald trump is going to get nine million votes than in 2016. But going to lose to a guy campaigned from some said, no, no way that can happen that is the reason 72 million americans knowing something doesnt smell right why state of pennsylvania some people allowed to cure ballots others were werent why in state of pence some allowed free canvassing others didnt in temporarys satellite offices could vote in some coins other coins didnt imagine when counties did these things irregularities people coming forward with concerns we are saying lets investigate this is about intersect American Election system investigating frankly why wont joe biden Democrats Join us in making sure we have Fair Elections . You would think everybody just wants a fair and free election, that is the foundation of our free economy. Yes maria so congressman do you think there is enough time to get this done when you look back to 2000 recount gore versus bush, and that was a contested election that was only one state, florida looking at different counties but one state. Here youve got several states michigan, youve got pennsylvania, arizona, nevada, do you think they are going to have enough time to prosecute sure, look the constitution clear about this we have until december 14 Electoral College seats lets go through figure it outlets, maria, this is the first time in American History we have tried this experiment live ballots just sent out to everyone, we have a works for our office Judiciary Committee staffer got ballot mailed to her four other ballots came to her apartment for people who did not live there, that is the situation, we found ourselves in this election so many areas, figure this out so if big problems sure seems there are it doesnt happen again that is all were asking, clear the law says Electoral College doesnt meet dill december 14 go through process not certify no state certified results not certify until we have audit examine the a a exactly what happened. One thing i keep saying congressman is the fact that we know, what the president s critics are cable of after knowing what took place in 2016 i have a hard time giving skeptics benefit of the doubt knowing willing to go through all sorts of stuff to take him down including weaponizing the architecture of u. S. Government take you back to crossfire hurricane the russia hoax, yesterday, Senate Lawmakers grilled former deputy fbi director Andrew Mccabe on origins you russia probe listen to this got to get the your reaction. If you knew then what you know now you would have signed a warrant application in june of 2017 against carter page. No, sir. Did you the fisa court uh i signed a package, that included numerous factual errors. General floridian prosecuted for lying to fbi you lied to fbi arent being prosecuted. General flynns situation and mine have absolutely nothing in common. I never, ever intentionally misled the fbi. You part of the fired were you not. I was fired as a result of deeply unfair flawedig deeply flawed ig investigation what is your take on this . To a andy mccabe for years told us there was collusion we now know there was never a proper predicate for launching this in the first place when ric grenell finally got transcripts released in said i never saw evidence of any coordination, in Trump Campaign on russia they launched this investigation, without any proper predicate andy Mccabe Jim Comey James peter strzok running this from getgo moved from field office ran this out of the fbi headquarters, now for mccabe to say he didnt mislead anyone is ridiculous the big difference they set out to get Michael Flynn never forget january 5, 2017 meeting oval office with obama with biden with comey, where they plotted strategy got Michael Flynn knew they had to cover up what they were doing they has had no proper predicate the way to cover it up could not get the guy former headed of Defense Intelligence o could not get him be National Security adviser to President Trump had to plan, a few weeks later what they did to president , Michael Flynn ridiculous so wrong we pushed so hard to get to the bottom of this. Maria so long potentially criminal, waiting on john durham a criminal investigation doing a criminal investigation means there could be criminality what will happen to investigations, the russia investigation we know massive corruption or even hunter biden scandal we node taking money for deals he did if joe biden does come out victorious as media has told us will these investigations go away . As to i think the attorney general of the United States knows how elevately important this is to get answers to those investigations to make sure the American People to me exactly what happened, and if in in fact they can prove criminal wrongdoing i like you maria think there was they have to come forward as well, i still think President Trump has a chance to win, that is what we are pursuing what audits cone if he doesnt those investigations need to be completed and information and if prosecution indictments even look you talked to earlier about the victories that we are seeing in house the speaker, nancy pelosi, formally announcing her bid to get reelected i spoke with House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy on sunday morning futures about this listen to what he said about nancy pelosi, holding on to her speakership, watch. Let me ask you about nancy pelosi, she has sent a letter out to members, asking for their support, she wants to get reelected as speaker of the house, what does that mean for you . And will she stay as speaker in your view. Well only know in january because to become speaker you have to have 118 votes on the floor when she went up for that vote two years ago there were 15 democrats who voted against her 10 of those democrats will be coming to congress. Those vote begins or not speaker of the house wont have 118, because of the gains of the republicans. Maria how does this play out congressman . Well, i dont know, short answer but the one thing the house if democrats have all this infighting that is not always bad means less time on attacking freedom we will see i know there is lots of discord within their conference, and by comparison in our conference, we are united been united behind kevins leadership behind President Trumps leadership i think you will see us stay united push for values the American People care about if more they keep footing less time to twak First Amendment Second Amendment liberties that is not always back. We are seeing citizenship on twitter social media what are you doing about. It introduced legislation to completely overhaul section, 230 two months ago right legislation the truth is i dont think nadler, Speaker Pelosi really want to do the right thing because they sievert like the fact that big tech, conservatives out to get conservatives we will keep pushing on that this is why we have off to republicans controlling government that we can do tiebd kind of things that protects First Amendment ib liberate from cancel cans mob out there. We will be watching thank you, sir. Thanks take care. Jim jordan joining us and to you quick break the battle heads to courteous attorney general for retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn Sidney Powell next how trump team is forged ahead with legal battle you are watching mornings with maria live on fox business. children laughing music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. 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Maria welcome back combating election fraud, the Trump Campaign filing a sprawling lawsuit in michigan last night, the suit includes 234 pages worth of affidavits from witnesses excusing election, officials miscounting illegal interference indigenousr intimidation, they received 10,000 mailin ballots in three days following election day the subject of u. S. Supreme Court Challenge by republicans, gop lawsuits alleging more voter fraud across the commonwealth, President Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani outlined that scenario to me on sunday morning futures, watch. I think we have enough to change pennsylvania, first lawsuit will be pennsylvania, the second in michigan or georgia over the course of the week should get it all pulled together, those are facts, of fraud. Not allegations of fraud. Maria radio joining me right now to break down Trump Campaign efforts Lieutenant General Michael Flynn attorney former federal prosecutor author of conviction machine Sidney Powell let me offer my best wishes to general flynn, he is a decorated lieutenant and we want to thank him for his service to our great country on this veterans day, hope you pass that on, tell us where the Trump Campaign lawsuit stands today sidney. Well, there are suits filed in michigan, and pennsylvania. They evidence significant irregularities in the voting process fake ballots being brought in on pal ats after voting closed people testifying, to having seen, any sort of things from people writing harris bidenharris things on the side of a bus to balloting laying on the sidewalk. To ballots being put in the trash can always trump ballots went in the trash cans. Just stunning maria, then we haves statistical evidence that we havent even brought out yet that is my next next venture to explain the statisticalal amom lease show it was physically impossible for this election to come out the way it did mathematically impossible for all people positive love science to math is dispositive. Want to tell me more right now or waiting to discuss that . Well it is a little bit complicated to explain, but we have evidence of the same number of ballots being injected same number of votes injected into the wisconsin system and into michigan system. Three different times. I think they were two specific injections the same numbers, in michigan pch and then in milwaukee it happened three times. So are you going to have enough time sidney, to hear these are you going to have enough time he to prosecute these cases . And get heard during this limited period before year end . Is it well needless to say time is of the absolute essence, but we only have to prove these claims by a preponderance of the evidence frankly given the fact the ballot itself is evidence the burden should be on party seeking to introduce the ballots in their favor to prove if chain of custody was maintained. On top of that we have multiple states who did not follow the law, established by their legislature which is a whole separate issue essentially what Justice Alito focused on when he issued his order regarding pennsylvania ballot had to be separated from night of the election. And there is no way they are going to be able to be counted because they werent in compliance with the law of the legislature. We have four states that have dooef yaitdz from what the legislature told them to do they all have to be thrown out not matter of securing them. They cant be considered at all. Attorney general bill barr sent a memo monday night,authorizing Justice Department prosecutors to investigate specific allegations of voter fraud before Election Results are certified, that certification coming in december. Look. Your youve got experience as federal prosecutor, do you think that the doj is going to find instances of fraud will it be enough in your view to over turn what the media says is the result of this election . Well if they dont they are engaging in willful blindness because there are evidence and testimony from any number of witnesses that lost count of how many they have more pour in every day i would encourage every american operate shaw irregularity such as thumb drive are entered into voting machine during tally tally suddenly changing the massive pallets of ballots coming in the backdoor middle of night not properly handled at all just cranked out i think hundreds of ballots filled out in same ink obviously, manufactured there is a ton of evidence, that hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be disregarded and they are all for biden. Hundreds of thousands of ballots, before you go sidney i want to ask you about swear being used was it the Dominion Software we talked on sunday, and we discussed the potential of Nancy Pelosis family having interest in that at a software company, to dominion what can you tell us. Severe still investigating all of that, connecting the dots. There is a substantial problem with the dominion system because texas even refused three different times to dont and use those systems because they have inherent defects one of our theories is those defects were built in for a reason there is Chinese Software other components within those systems. And, of course, china has i mean china has the greatest interest in the world, are in disrupting this election, i think it is entirely possible that nsa, dia Defense Intelligence agencies general flynn used to head should be conducting their own investigation for National Security reasons. Because i think there is a high likelihood it is china for the benefit of joe biden, that did this election riging. All right. We will leave it there, i know youve got a lot to investigate, and we will talk with you throughout, thank you so much Sidney Powell, for joining me this morning well be right back. Stay with us. teen mom. It happened again. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Maria welcome back we heard from hoe congressman jordan former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell did you having Trump Campaign elects to probe election flooults lawsuits challenging them powell staying it was statistically impossible for the election to go the way it is now hundreds of thousands of ballots for joe biden may be thrown out as a result of this investigation. Will the very serious charges coming from Sidney Powell there, joe, and amid this investigation, your reaction. Well, we are letting the process play out jim jordan made a very good point Electoral College hasnt voted, and we just have to let this investigation go forward without assuming one thing or the other. If there is evidence, it will be presented and then we will judge it from there. I also found it very interesting Sidney Powell interview as far as we bring a back to media again as far as general flynn is concerned to see what happened to the former heads of intelligence agencies in terms of what they are doing, for work now, former fbi director jim comey, two books showtime series growing media tour to go along with books the former Deputy Director mccabe contrast from cnn, former head dni James Clapper also a account from cnn, former counterintelligence director john brennan getting a contract from msnbc, and lisa page former fbi lawyer working now for msnbc, in other words, the heads of all agencies so apolitical when they did jobs in government, have jumped over to you partisan networks to give opinions solely to creative the president how do we possibly believe were they doing jobs he honestly when we hear what they say now in terms of going against completely one side and not the other maria. Of the. Maria and the media, and the hollywood folks are ready and willing to help their bud in government obvious as i said final comment. A National Scandal what happened in 16 and 17 unfolding now eventually facts will come out thanks to you maria some others. They are not going to hide the truth forever. We will take a break when we come back more mornings with maria live on fox business, right after this. Stuart maria, i could not hear what you said but i wish you very good morning on this veterans day. Welcome to the show on this wednesday november 11, veterans day and we honor those who served. On this special day, look at this, stock prices going up again. The dow jones up 11 just this a month. Key political developments, tom tillis has one in North Carolina meeting the republicans are likely to keep control of the senate meaning div

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