Hello everyone i am anita vogel along with guy benson, doctor Nicole Saphier and tom shillue, welcome to the Big Weekend Show. President bidens uncommitted contenders sent to gain steam this week in Washington State voters are expected to send biden a message about his handling of israels war with hamas in tuesdays primary, the uncommitted efforts after primary races in michigan and minnesota already sent a warning to the biden camp, On Tuesday Former President Trump is expected to get enough delegates to officially clench the republican nomination after gaining a handful of delegates in the caucus in American Samoa yesterday. Fox news correspondent Lucas Tomlinson is live at the white house tonight with more. Hello lucas. Michigan over 100,000 people voted for uncommitted and on Super Tuesday minnesota nearly 20 of people voted that way, here is congressman adam schiff who wrapped up the democratic nomination in Southern California on his support for President Biden with his handling of israels war over hamas. What the right policy how do i bring this conflict to an end in a terrorist group with hamas is no longer controlling gaza, how do we get to a two State Solution hes approaching from what is the right thing to do and then figuring out what are the political consequences and how do we deal with them instead of the other way around and i think thats what he should do. This as biden ordered a thousand of american soldiers to go to a temporary. Off the coast of gaza and donald trump is over a thousand elegant unit could be officially wrapping up this week he needs 1215 truck could wrap up the nomination in georgia, hawaii, mississippi and washington, cautionary tale, new abc poll shows trump beating him in a number of issues, the economy, inflation, crime, immigration, commerce woman Priscilla Jaya Pulthe Largeuncommitted vote isd by the Largest Labor union and also one thing to consider in the primary and washington the entire primary is being done by a mail in voting. Anita Lucas Tomlinson at the white house. Thank you. Tonight biden is defending his apparent attack on the Supreme Court during the state of the Union Address. Look. I think i made a wrong decision. I think i read the Constitution Wrong i think i made a mistake in the part that they said remember what they said to suffer the states to decide thats really what was said its not a guarantee principle. And they use the phrase that women can vote and changes as they want i found that insulting the idea that they dont think that they can, women are speaking out they spoke about 2022 and on 2024 and this is whats going to happen i was making clear women speak up, this is going to change and if you give me a congress that is democrat we will change it back to roe v. Wade. Republicans are calling the attack disgusting and outrage outrageous, here is congressman Byron Donalds on sunday morning futures. I found a scolding of the court disgusting. The level say they want to respect the institution except when they dont get their way and when they dont get their way they want to, Supreme Court justices in front of the world that was outrageous there was a reason why the entire Supreme Court was not there, they understood they did not want to be subjected to joe bidens foolishness. That was quite a moment during the state of the Union Address when he spoke directly to the Supreme Court, i want to ask you first, it seemed like the president took the words of the Supreme Court in the roe v. Wade opinion and turned it right back on the Supreme Court during the speech and he said he found it insulting to women but what about other women who vote a different way or different thoughts on abortion is he putting all women into one box and is not insulting. This is not the first time he is generalized large populations the Radio Interview if you dont know if youre voting for me or trump, you are not black this is the equivalent buffer women obviously fear for me your woman because everyone has to be for me. But joe biden has a problem because a recent New York Times poll, the women were split 46 46 All Of A Sudden you have seen trump support among women have gone up in 2016, and 2020 he was 44 joe biden 55 now they are neck and neck and the only reason that the republicans will lose this vote is if they cant get out of their own way, pull up Triple America has spoken americans do not support extremism and it comes to reproductive rights so they have to look closely into ivf and some of the more extreme laws because i could potentially hurt republicans. I want to get you really quick on what you thought about the president defending his attack on the Supreme Court you heard Byron Donalds and he said it was outrageous and disgusting, what do you think. Is using it to motivate his Political Base and agitators in the hard left showing up at the homes of the justice over and over again and biden was a mom on that which was disgraceful. If we go back and play the clip again and i will remind people what the president said in msnbc and interview, if you give me a Democratic Congress we will change it back to roe v. Wade, that is not true. If you look at the bill that the democrats have supported and he himself supported and speaking of radicalism or extremism very extreme in the other direction its a ninemonth abortion on demand so republicans need to be better on substance and rhetoric when it comes to this issue, democrats will try to exploit it, that has to be highlighting the actual position of joe biden and his party as opposed to the one that he is pretending for political reasons. Anita abortion is going to be a big issue in this Election Cycle the other big issue is the border all of the problems a lot of people accusing President Biden of being soft on the border but i want to play a clip of something he said back in 1989, listen to the. Joe biden, me, i would settle for a world in which i could worry about the same kinds of things that might parents worried about it which only had to worry about the grades my children got in school rather than the drugs they are being exposed to. Which only had to worry about the prices that my wife had to pay their supermarket instead that she might get mugged by a junkie in the parking lot as she loads her groceries into the car in which tonight i could call my mom just to wish her Pleasant Dreams not for the purpose of Making She Safe in her own home. Thats the kind of world i want thats the world you deserve. And theres no reason we cant have it. That was in senator biden given the democratic response to a speech by george h. W. Bush when he was president he was talking about drugs that was bidens response but he is quite a different take today. I want to come to you on this topic. First i want to play a clip from a wellknown comedian who poked some fun at biden on this issue. Lets take a listen to this. I started with biden because the border is crazy for the border so i did biden three years ago it was at a press conference, mr. President you have any idea how you handle the crisis of the border in music first of all lets get our facts straight there is no crisis at the border come on, he goes how do you know sir he says because it says so on the piece of paper he says on the paper right there. Recently Everyone Wants to close the border everyone is screaming all close the border harder than everyones close the border they dont close borders, the press is like get your facts straight, on close do some pushups all close the border like nobodys ever closed in the Border Patrol in the border cant believe its not better. Thats a good ending. That is dana carvey he does a funny biden and you are comedian as well you do a deadpan biden, do audience. You start with the squid and it follows from their i know what he was doing this is how you do biden you start rambling and youll find something if you ramble long enough i like him working for his audience he is trying to make his cohost laugh, that is great, biden it is interesting he is not even real, look at him from the 70s, that was the 80s the Democratic Party was a Different Party this guy has been talking for decades and decades hes doesnt even nobodys saying and it doesnt matter because its never been consistent hes done whatever hes going to get elected and he doesnt believe in anything he doesnt believe in the separation of powers we saw the speech that he is threatening the justice of the Supreme Court in he said were going to turn it back, you cannot turn it back to roe it was a judicial decision this is legislation and they said were get attorney back to the legislatures and if you want to call the entry create legislation that makes abortion legal you go ahead and do that and then he says will turn it back to roe he did not know what the decision was. Anita here quite a difference of opinion back in 1989 like you said. Moving on a pack tower is still coming up on the Big Weekend Show, it is dark money for dark brandon as a Wall Street Power coupled picks up the tab for biden while millennials and gen z are worried about money, layaway is going from niche to normal. Plus this. Simmered down i want to thank Commissioner Kavanaugh and Chief Hodgins for the recognition. Anita going after new York Firefighters for the rally welcome for newarks attorney general. Also. My purposes getting my nails done, going shopping, treating myself. Child free by choices stirring up a big we can show debate, stay with us, we will talk about it get help reaching your goals with j. P. Morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobileĀ® app. Use it to set and track your goals, big and small. And see how changes you make today. Could help put them within reach. From your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way. Wealth plan can help get you there. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Huh. How long have you been tracking our cars value with carvana . Just, like, 7 months. Should we sell it . We hold. Hold. Silver vans are going for more right now, should we. Hold. Our low mileage is paying off. You think we should. Hold. Depreciation is really heating up you think. Hoooold hooold hooold. Hold we just dipped 2. 5 hooooooold now im on it. Im, on it. Already sold to carvana. Go to carvana and track your cars value today. Nicole welcome back to the Big Weekend Show as former President Trump meets the family of georgia and Nursing Student murdered when she went for a jog on the ugi campus republican senators are outraged President Biden apologized for her accused killer and not to lakins family for calling her by the wrong name. Fox news Correspondent Nana since carpino is in atlanta tonight. A former president has repeatedly talk about laken riley and is blamed President Biden for her death. Trent privately met with rileys grieving family before his georgia valley. I met her beautiful mother and family backstage, sister, friends, her roommate, they said she was the best and then the unthinkable happened, 16 days ago laken went out for a morning job she was in great shape she wanted to keep herself that way and she never came back. She never came back. Heres a photo of rileys family with the former president in rome georgia you can see rileys Mother Hugging Trump and her father wearing and make America Great again hat, rightly suspected killer 26yearold jose ibarra is in athens jail without bond he faces charges for her murder including Malice Murder and out aggravated assault, President Biden called him illegal during his state of the Union Address any double down on the next day and later apologized. An undocumented person, i should not abuse the legal its undocumented im going to treat any of these people with disrespect. You regret using outward. Yes. Biden is facing backlash from a lot of the gop. Talk about disgusting, joe biden is more worried about using the word in illegal or undocumented, the word he should use as murder. When you hear President Biden apologized for calling illegal alien that murdered laken riley illegal you shouldve used undocumented you show what their attitude is toward the open border policy, they want an open border, Pete Buttigieg is defending the president borders policy, saying republicans were preventing change. With an opportunity to get the bill and pass the border which everybody agrees and you have this intervention to prevent congress from acting it makes you wonder whether Congressional Republicans who would rather have a problem get worse so they can attack the president over then reach across the aisle and work with the president to do something about it. The Laken Riley Act passed to the house last week it would require ice to detain undocumented immigrants for lowlevel crimes, the pass in the senate is unclear, back to you. Thank you madison. Also tonight dark money is pouring in for dark brandon. Im get a be fine with your jokes but im not sure about dark brandon. [cheering] a Wall Street Power couple is reportedly one of the top donors to a Dark Money Group boosting biden, will biden make them pay their fair share . Way to make the Tax Quote Fair is to make the corporation wealthy to begin their fair share is time to raise corporate minimum tax to 21 so every Big Corporation finally begins to pay their fair share. Gen z and millennials pay their fair share in bidens economy they are buying now and pay later for daily essentials, and factor doing a lot more you see these prices have gone up for contact lenses, purchasing and using this method that are gone at 455 from last year while lighter fluid, laptop parts, snoring and sleep apnea surpassed 300 . A lot to unpack, im going to start with you guy, the messaging of dark brandon i not chuckle every time i see that, what is interesting is a Nonprofit Group back by these two owners, they gave joe bidens campaign sevenpoint to million dollars, theres no other group than people give more is George Soros Open Society policy center, heres my question the nonprofit doesnt have to say where the donations came from is it just the money coming from the owners of the nonprofit or are there other people where is the transference he. There is not because its dark money theyre giving it to a super pack because theres no rules wild west and if youre donating to the campaigns were Political Parties there is limits but there is a workaround that is ironically by the left is dark money when they themselves are the biggest beneficiary and practitioner of dark Money Politics in america, it reminds me of all the way back in 2008 with barack obama campaignfinance man and then he realized i totally out raise and crush john mccain and he did this Hostage Video abandoned in the principal because it was it is political interest to do so the democrats today are the big money in Politics Party they really only objective republican and conservative money in politics and they dominate the money game by using these types of formulas that they pretend to oppose when in fact they benefit enormously from them. Again we dont know where the money comes from but biden the mother things referred him say many times you hear from a lot from the democrats, you keep taxing the rich and thats how we will continue to pay everything and he recently said we need to make the tax code fair and corporations and he calls it the billionaire tax. That is the democratic Talking Points and another getting one listens to the nonsensitive new one believes that joe biden is a friend of the little guy, people are out there realizing everything is expensive they cannot buy gas or goods and services that youre talking about so they put it on credit cards, that will hurt joe biden and i dont think you can do anything to change in perception. In the old days you would take the dark money and you would buy all the advertising and crafting image, they cannot do that, what theyre going to do the dark money is use it to collect votes for the three months before election day, that is the way they win elections now, the old change peoples minds and peoples minds are pretty much made up. They want to get bags full of books and thats why early voting is so important to george soros. Nicole very good early voting thats what they do better in its victim of the election, what do you think about the spending habits that gen z and millennials, i think its really interesting i find today the Younger Generation gen z are very costconscious about these things. I know many of them and i see them they make spreadsheets, how much can you spend on rent on mortgage on healthcare on Retirement Savings in the last thing can they afford to have children, we will talk about this later in the show but a lot are saying 300,000 according to some surveys to raise one child, that is out now for them. Nicole i would say those of the people not still living with their parents because a lot cannot afford to move out. Some of new york citys bravest may be in trouble for sticking it to the partisan prosecutor who is determined to take down trum no. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. Welcome back to th the Big Weekend Show the behindthescenes look at a new effort to keep the subway rider safe. Fox news Correspondent Cb Cotton as at the big apple with the moment when cops came facetoface with suspected criminals. This was an exclusive and is a eyeopening the nypd says officers conducting bag checks at the busiest Subway Stations are not only confiscating weapons, they are cracking down on new Criminal Theft rings operating in the city. We arrested the migrants multiple times, professional migrant cruise, this shows the tremendous ability of our transit cops and nypd and the ability to recognize people. These men were wanted by the Police Suspected of pickpocketing our cameras capture the suspect taken into custody and they took the iphones off the men and one of them started pinging as the suspects were booked into a holding facility. You heard the owners trying to locate their phone and how important it is to make these arrests quickly to prevent them from victimizing and praying on other writers, a lot of people think its innocence its only a phone peoples lives are in these phones. As for Violent Crime committed against writers in Transit Workers they tell me 38 people were arrested last year for assaulting Transit Workers, the same people make up 1100 arrests. We will turn from new york finest to new york bravest, the fdny is turning up the heat on pro trump firefighters who booed new York Attorney general Letitia James during the Promotion Ceremony last week. Come on we are in house of god, simmer down, thank you, thank you for getting it out of your system. Kavanaugh and Chief Hodgins for that recognition. The Department Brass not happy with that, the New York Post dictated email from the chief of the department. I recommend a common need in the firefighters who were booing, forward, been told by the commissioner to be better for them if they come forward and we dont have to hunt them down. Its interesting terminology i know that caught your attention. Tom my advice to the firefighters, do not come forward, do not do their job for them make them go through the videotape. They used to tell us in grade school, the Vice Principal said if you come forward if its good to go better. Theyre never easier when you fess up be still got in trouble. They should have to hunt them down and the union should come to their defense, the Firefighters Union was pretty wimpy. If you need any help, call us. They didnt speak out against this, the union should support the rank and file, Alan Dershowitz came up and said this is free speech so the union should stand up for these guys and say what he going to charge them with, what role did they break they have not cited a rule that they broke. Guy lets do some dual intakes, retiree from fdny speaking to the New York Post and heres what he had to say to the paper. It was a political stuff for the city to have the ag there in the first place when it backfired they sent their fascist pitfalls after guys for exercising their First Amendment rights most were off duty and nonuniform but a spokesperson for the Department Said this, nobody is hunting anyone down, were looking into those that clearly broke Department Regulations and has nothing to do with politics is about professionalism at an event held in the house of worship. I guess on one side you have the department saying its not about taking one side or another republican, democrat, trump, james comer whatever to toms point i think they want to hear the exact regulation. What i think is interesting to some degree about politics it was a puzzling choice for the fdny to invite Letitia James to speak at this event because shes become a political figure lets be honest, she has become polarizing because she made a very open that she has a vendetta and wants to bring down trump. To toms point quoting Alan Dershowitz there could be a First Amendment freespeech issue if nothing also chilling affect for people to express their opinion. Just to pick up on what and needed was saying Letitia James was on an neutral arbiter she is a hardcore partisan she is hyper political by choice through decisions that she has made recently and then here she shows up at an event for reasons that are confusing to some people and you people that were unhappy about what shes been doing in her political capacity, this should not be that surprising that there was a reaction like this. I agree, however, i dont think people should boost someone who is speaking at a podium at an event and i think its a little immature and i think you can write letters of this improvement and you can vote certain ways but we are adults and i dont think that you should boot people and chant them with her trying to give a speech because it wasnt one of her political events where she speaking about the things that she wants to do, i know its a not the popular opinion but i dont think it was the right behavior but i dont think they should be punished and hunted down i believe its under their First Amendment they did not follow but at the end of the day doing think that they should have been booing, i do not. More booing. I think some booing as they walked out but then the chanting to try to drown her out might be a little bit more objectionable lets see where this goes if the department follows through meanwhile coming up playing both sides, President Biden with the proposed tiktok band that has been introduced in Congress Even though he and his campaign are on the platform trying to reach young voters, we will discuss all of that straight ahead were here with Chris Counahan of our local leaffilter. So chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. With leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. And we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. Its a permanent solution. Youll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. Thats amazing, chris. Tell me about the process. Simple and easy. Just give us a call, set up an appointment. 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Investigation into the incident, the federal probe in into the door probe into details whether boeing complied with the settlement following the 737 max crashes in 2018 and 2019. But we needs to cooperate in every respect in the faa has given them 90 days to show a conference a plan on how theyre going to turn the quality issues around. In a letter to the Commerce Committee boeing acknowledged after looking extensively they cannot find documentation on work done in the factory around the door the blown off during the Alaska Airlines flight, their Working Hypothesis that the documents were not created when the door plug was opened even though boeing requires the records, it was a rough week for boeing last week in engine burst into flames during the united flight from houston to fort myers florida the crew was able to make a safe Emergency Landing attire flew off heading to japan from San Francisco on thursday that flight was diverted to lax where he made a safe landing fortunately no injuries were reported in both incidents. This week the house is expected to vote on a tiktok band and President Biden is saying hell sign a bill to ban it, why isnt he on it. Chiefs or niners, two great quarterbacks but if i didnt say if i was eagles. Name or halftime show. Jason kelsey or travis kelce. Mama kelsey she makes great chocolate chip cookies. Bidens Election Campaign joined tiktok before Congress Introduced the bill and former President Trump opposing a ban on tiktok posting untrue social. If you get rid of tiktok, facebook and zuckerberg will double the business that is an interesting take, what is with this . Donald trump, china, tough on china why is he going soft on tiktok i know pro for growth is lobbying for them. I find it interesting that anyone on the political right because weve been talking about the threat of the ccp for a long time why any of us would be saying lets let this go because we know bytedance is the Parent Company of tiktok and that is the ccp Strings Attached entity as all the major corporations based over there and we know theres an ability to infuse with algorithm, propaganda onto the screens of so many Young Americans thats a major concern that i have a tiktok and then the data security, the espionage as well so the fact that you had a Bipartisan Group of legislatures and Congress Come together and say ten republicans ten democrats introduced this bill is not necessarily a bandit gives tiktok the opportunity to be divested and bytedance to divest and sever ties and they continue to operate in the u. S. But not if they still have ownership over in china that is the choice that tiktok is being offered in this bill and passed a wider committee 50 0 is seems like a widely supported and common sense steps to take given this is an adversary using this as a tool to spy and influence American Culture the way that it can be quite dangerous. We may be on the verge of the demise of tiktok people get sick of these men we see the teen vogue headlight will biden State Of The Union and did not address concerns of young voters and i think we have another quote from the article of President Biden wants to win the white house again he and his advisors start acting on the demands of young people and he needs to show leadership in fundamental change, take a real stand and show was the voice of young people being heard and taken seriously in young people are starting to get rid of tiktok theyre getting sick of it if you bandit you might make it cool and thats only keeping people interested. Thats always a problem people want what they cant ha have, i dont use tiktok i dont want the Chinese Government having my information so i just said im not going to do it, a lot of my friends have tiktok and theres pretty cool information and some post that i might want to read but i cant open it but but the guys. Think its interesting to see what happens in congress 50 0 vote, biden has a Campaign Commercial hes got to do something about the first. Doctor nicole this is not a partisan issue you President Biden who says he will bandit and rightwingers Club For Growth and i think we have Vivek Ramaswamy defending tiktok and now we have President Trump. You Vivek Ramaswamy and President Trump who are very savvy Business Minds and their obviously correct if you completely banned tiktok in the United States and over a monopoly to meta facebook, and instagram will be very seen how they silence people in the lasting that we want to is the one company monopolizing all of this and i like the idea of cutting the ties of the ccp with tiktok and then could it still existed the United States, yes but we have to make sure the National Security is intact but theres a huge elephant in the room, talking about social media as it pertains to our health as a society. Its completely destroying our use and young adults were over utilizing of high amounts of depression and anxiety, Suicidal Ideation it is terrible for us we have to figure out what were doing with it. Guy its not just china, coming up. The first picture of Princess Kate since her surgery is released and then hold, hours later, the Controversy Brewing tonight, no parenting problems for this woman as she flaunts her child free by Choice Lifestyle says she, on social media. My purpose is getting my nails done, going shopping, treating myself. Coming up tomorrow morning on fox friends, Benjamin Netanyahu response to President Biden come to jesus hot mic moment, dvr the show if you cannot wake up in time to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. All. Anita welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. A new controversy is brewing for the royal family, Kensington Palace released the first picture Princess Kate since her surgery two months ago. Hours later the photo was removed by the Associated Press claiming the photo appeared to be manipulative. This is very interesting, the photo came out this morning it was a lovely photo with Princess Kate and her three children, william was not in the photo because i believe we understand that he took the photo and that he got removed saying it was doctor, you saw it, what do you think about this. I saw people talking about on social media, my friends are texting about it, whats been going on shes been out of the spotlight since she had the medical procedure which were not sure what that was about and when someone when theres a vacuum of information than the speculation and conjecture begins. It seems like they decided to put out a photo to put it to rest but then photojournalist looked at it and seems this is off and manipulated so they deleted it, then i could to publish it which is good if you will controversy even more. It interesting the palestinian pullback it was the ep in the new services. So much speculation around the surgery that the princess had shes been out of the spotlight for two months recovering, what could take two months to recover from with all due respect to the princess. Her last public outing was princess day she went to mass. I dont know and they said inpatient for two weeks for Abdominal Surgery, thats it extended amount of time to be inpatient for Abdominal Surgery even including a total hysterectomy youre not impatient that long. I do wish there was more transparency on what is going on with some of the details, she is a public figure and you hope that the royal family would give us more information so we didnt have all the speculation but at the end of the day i want to respect your privacy and i hope shes doing well and enjoying the time home with her kids outside of the public duty and hopefully that will clear up this picture and get in on doctored pictures soon. Anita what do you think about the picture being removed, doesnt say anything to you. Nicole i think we all doctor pictures all the time these days its hard to get a non edited picture of any. Maybe the little one was doing this, he tends to do that i dont really know im not too hot on the picture being removed i think they were putting something out to quiet people. If they doctored it because she looks unwell or something, obviously this will continue to fuel the conspiracy theories, i wish they would be a little bit more transparent. Anita we wish Princess Kate the best in any way. Stick around, the big four is next. Well be right back. Meet the jennifers. Jen x. Jen y. And jen z. Each planning their future through the chase mobile app. Jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j. P. Morgan wealth plan. Lets go whiskers. Jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. You only turn 30 once. And jen z . Her credits golden. Hello new apartment. Three jens getting ahead with chase. Solutions that grow with you. One bank for now. For later. For life. Chase. Make more of whats yours. This is carvana. And this is how you can sell us your car. Visit carvana, answer a few questions. Well give you a real offer. Then set A Time For Us to pick it up and pay you on the spot. Sell your car the easy way with carvana. Welcome back to the big we can show for it is time for the big four, our picks for the big stories everyone will be talking about this week and i am oing. Choice not to have kids. I am child free by choice. Everyone always says what is your purpose if you dont have kids what is your purpose . My purpose is getting my nails done. Going shopping, treating myself and being sober, traveling, i dont know, taking a naps have you ever taken a nap . Its the funniest thing ever so nice i enjoye enjoy naps a lot. So dont say i dont have purpose because i dont have kids. How dare you. I wouldnt say she doesnt have purpose i also like to get my nails done. Im in the exact opposite i love being a mom which is why i have a new Book Love Mom coming out available for preorder now because having children i think is one of the greatest gifts you possibly possibly can have. I was crafty. Well done. [laughter] youvyou definitely have a purp. Are created by the failed willy wonka experience in glascow that went viral last month, release and apology on facebook saying a part of what to extend my sincerest apologies to each and every one of you who is looking for to this event. I understand the disappointment or frustration this has caused and for that i am truly sorry. This kite really was not like willy wonka. Willie would never apologize he would say good day sir and they were lucky to walk away with a gob stopper. Great question or request good day sir precooked do not apologize. The advertising and what they put out were totally different. They will get over because he knew. Mighmy tv was shrunken down andt in a pocketbook these kids got off easy. Heres might almo my almost tare March Madness might Northwestern Wildcats punch their ticket last night at home blowup victory over minnesota and congrats to booboo and company go cats. I need that . Looks like its in an yesterdays show guy loves his sports. [laughter] alright, this week we will likely find out the fate of Fulton County d. A. Fani willis and her lover, special prosecutor nathan wade who were charged with overseeing the trump election interference case. Today Georgia Democratic liberal senator Raphael Warnock avoided questions about the case, listen. Do you still feel panic willis is the best person to bring this case forward . I know there are those who are trying to put their finger on the scale here. This is what im going to do im going to watch the american judicial process play out. Donald trump deserves a hearing before a jury of his peers. In this case its voters from georgia. And i know there are folks on the other side of the aisle unfortunately were trying to lean in your put the finger on the scale. I am not going to pile on. This week we will learn from judge mcafee if for any willis can still oversee this case but well see what happens there. That is going to do for us folks. We will see it next weekend look s right now. Have a good night. It

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