For months, New Hampshire Democrats have been calling out NHGOP Reps. Dawn Johnson and James Spillane over posting anti-Semitic content on social media. Democrats like House Minority Leader Renny Cushing have demanded the NHGOP leadership remove these members from office. As recently as April 28, NH Democratic chair Ray Buckley was on Twitter decrying the lack of action by GOP House Speaker Sherman Packard.
That's how seriously New Hampshire Democrats take anti-Semitism. When it's from
From their fellow Democrats, that's a different matter.
This week, as Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets at Israel, Democrats took to the floor of the House and to social media to attack Israel for defending itself. The most famous Democrat in America, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, smeared Israel as an "apartheid state," and denounced President Biden's announcement of support for Israel's right of self-defense.