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drive, a 11100 kilometrejourney of ukraine, you are what, a 20 hour drive, a 11100 kilometre journey to the donbas region, to luhansk where the donbas region, to luhansk where the fighting is intensifying. before we start with a question. how is life in lviv? how fearful are people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? 0k, people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? ok, i people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? 0k, iam people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? ok, i am sorry, people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? 0k, iam sorry, i people? hello? andriy, can you hear me? ok, i am sorry, i think we have a few communication problems with andriy, we will show some pictures from lviv in a moment, once we get the connection back. let us go to the connection back. let us go to the first question really, think from the recent french elections crines tyne, —— christine, this will be one for you, emmanuel macron the re—elected president has been trying to negotiate and broker some sort of peace with ukraine, unsuccessfully along with the rest of the world so far. let us take this question from

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Ukraine , Question , A 11100 Kilometre Journey , Fighting , Life , To Donbas , Region , Luhansk , Lviv , 11100 , 20 , People , Andriy Moskalenko , 0k , Us , Pictures , Connection , France , Communication Problems , Andriy , Elections , Iam , World , Emmanuel Macron , Brest , Crines Tyne , Peace , Sort , One ,

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